AN ORIGINAL PCEI. I knn l";-, Pl" "t'vero Who Is a lKm ; hut IVvlnm our UiuRuajre i qu'vr. So larking In ronsistonry. Ho rannot hind himself to It, Hut write as writine ihouM le writ. With his permission I auhmit K.mie Kiiiii-W of his IKirtr-: I. THK KABUIT. So sliy nl pull1 t "' niien. So shrinking and w timorous! Ttimi fcnowest well if thou art vn Tliy chance of life i ( II. THE LIOX. Thou quiet heart within thy raf Thou captive curiosity ! Rut, li ! within thy heart is rage, Iterenge, and furiosity, in. TH" rT. Calmly tliou purrest. tmooziue there; Iost tliou feel aught of gratitude Kor thy pood home mid kiudly care And health and strength and latitude' Kmma A. "ilr, in tk-tol-erSt. Niehola. THAT LOW CREATURE. "Don't tich ineor sj-ak to mo," saiil Nina Wilbur, a hr U-trotlu-d liiislnl, Ashton Crstifr, mio up the stoiwof the hi- veranda of the Farm ers' IUst. ")h, I mean it. I m not one who doe not know when ehe has Uvii in miIuhI." "Nina, you lo not know anything yet," sail Ashtoii. "When I have told you" "Told ine?" said Nina. "Well, I wareely need telling. You invite me to the races and when we are almost there leave me here alone until they are over." "I left you to save a life," said Ash ton. "The pirl was not thrown out," wild Nina. "It was well enough for you to Mop the horse and earry her in when she pretended to faint, hut to send me a note telling me to stop where I was until you came for me, and stay all this while why, as I said, it is an offense Iwyoiid forgiveness. "Oh, I'velieen nearly wild with mor tifieaiion, and that good old lady igno rant, of course, Iriit so sympHthetie how she has pitied lne !" "Von don't seem the sort to In used to, miss," she said. You don't know men folks yet, my clear," she said. "when you are my age, you will to your eost. That gall that was run away with is one of the sort that come to the ravs in crowds. She came too tjuick enough om-e she got tilings the way she liked 'em, and he's lnvn with hi-rotithc grand stand all this time while you've Keen cooling your heels here, my dear.' " "P.Ieswcd old lady," said Ashton, "and you accept her views." Nina was visiting an aunt, and at the door of this lady's residence lie paused, assisted her to alight and drove away with a very i!ite how, never once looking liack, as she saw plainly. 15y tiiis time she, being a woman, was nearly mad to hear from his lijis what had hapicncd to listen to some story which might give her a chance to forgive him. At liest, it was very wrong of him very unkind, hut if he had only con- the truth, and pleaded and offer ed excuses, at least she would have liecn a hie to play a dignified part. Now she felt that she hud neither spoken nor hehaved as a lady should no, not kindly, as one should even to a friend. She should have listened to him lie fore she burrt out into tlitit tirade, and 6he entered her uut' ..-ol. kiu-Ii a face that the MViYuattor. Where is MITT Craig ? Why didn't heroine in ? I've a lowly tea ready. Wy, Nina I Ulieve you have quarreled with him." And then Nina hurst into tears and was rirced to tell her stry her ver sion of it, of course. "We were very near the race course," Khe said, "when a carriage dashed jiast us the geutlemaii was thrown, and the lady was in danger. Ashtoii made Me alight and go into a little country hotel ly the roadside then dashed on, and somehow, I cannot tell how, stop- led the horses. "The girl was not thrown, and I saw Ashtoii take her in his arms and carry her up the stejis of an elegant hotel, not far away. "Later he sent me a note, telling me not to come over on any account, hut to stay where I was until he came for me. 1 le came after the races were fiver, and made neither explanation nor ajmlogy." "Why, that seems iinjiossihle, Nina," paid her aunt, "What did you say ?" "Well, I was not very amiahle," said Nina, "Init you could not exjiectthatr' "He should have explained," she said. Nina went to her room in tears, and renolvcd to return Ashton's rinjr fin the morrow, which she did, with a scorn ful note ; ami then she told her aunt she would go home at once. 1'oor Nina. As her journey fiver, she walked up the garden path, how heavy was her heart ! Now that there was no going liack she felt that she could forgive him al- ni xt anything. And just as shorn un to this there was a sudden rush of sis ters down the path, a kissing and em hracing and cries of : t m, die's ever so much U-tter ! Then is not the least reason to In- anxious. We knew you'd come at onec. Hut, fh, how pale you are ! And don't you ; feel proud of Ahtop ?" Nina simply stared at them. "She doesn't know," cried the young est sister. "Ma made Ashton promise not to tell her until this morning," said the ldest- "Hut what did he sav to make vou come?" said the third sister. iou know Cousin Itodney came to take ma to the races with him," said the elder sister. "And he didn't understand the hors es," said the middle sister. "It was a Hew 'cam. "And they ran away." "Oh, good heavens! Was that moth er Was Itodiiey driving her?" jiaut-t-J Nina. "How nohle!-He never told he k -jit his promise," said the elder sister. And ma fainted away, and the doc tor thought her dead." "When Ashum brought her home we all shrieked," said the youngest. 'I5ut she is juite well now only we Make her lie down, you know and she'll he so glad you are uot frighteii fd." But just then, whom did they see entering the gate hut Ashton Craig! And when poor Nina turned her tear ful eves toward him and held out her hands, it was impossible for him not to melt outright ; and the sisters knew that the liest thing to lie done was to leave the two together, which they did. And shortly after, the two kuelt lie side the mother' couch, and on Nina's linger shone once more her engagement ring. All those men who have acquired a fortune and kepi it, owe more to econ 0:11 v than to shrewdness. Mrs. A. E. MIL. PEOPLE EXPECT cheap goods this fall and I have them to distribute to my customers at the very Lowest Prices. A Large Stock - - of Thin and Nobby Dress Goods of the Latest Styles, at prices that will please. A Large Assortment of Cloths plain and fancy at low prices. Low priced Press Goods in large varieties. FLANNELS, FLANNELETTES. CANTON FLANNELS, SHIRTINGS, ETC., To please and suit all. Table Linens, Towels, Muslins, Sheetings, Ginghani3, all cheap. Handsome Press Trimmings in Silks, Satins, Gimps and Braides. A Complete Assortment of hand some raps and lioods lor Children. Gloves, Stockings, and Underwear for Ladies and Children. A full stock in everything. ALL CHEAP . A. E. DHL. PARKER & PARKER. OUR NEW FALL id WINTER STOCK Which has been selected with pjie cial reference to the trade of this locality, will probably f urprisc all who see it by the extensive variety it offers in every line of goods which we carry. It includes the pick of the market in fresh FALL and WINTER STYLES, and not less astonishing than the goods will be the Astonishing ' Low Prices put on them ; astonishing because in the history of buying and selling we know of nothing to compare in genuine cheapness with this elegant stock of goods. We therefore propose to inaugurate THE RAREST BARGAIN : SEASON we have ever presided over. You must see these goods, whether you buy or not, and it will give U3 great pleasure to have everybody examine and price these bargains so that they may be convinced of our ability to make prices on be-t quality goods the like of which is unprecedented. PARKER & PARKER. IBS It Cures Disease. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Rem edy ha lieen wonderfully successful in curing persons suffering from inflam mation of the kidneys, catarrh of the bladder, enlargement of the prostate gland, and in fact, ever)- ailment of a urinary nature, has yielded to tins great medicine. "I have always had a presentiment said Miss l'ahsay, "that J should die young." "Uut vou did'nt have to, did you, dear?" replied Miss Artless, stroking her pale brown hair tenderly. Simple Questions Simply Auswered. Why do jieople very often allow a Cold to run fin ? Itecause they think it will wear away. Why dies the Cough that at first caused no alarm lieeome deep seated and chronic? llecause the proper remedy was not used. The way to break up any Cough fir Cold, no matter if other medicines failed to lienefit yttti, is to try Tan-Tina, the great remedy for Coughs, Cold and Consumption, 25 and 50 cents at I J. W. lleiiford's Drug Store. After the "Wedding was Over. I could not help overhearing them, lieeause I was walking behind the in teresting young coupte as they came down the gang plank. He said: HMd, isn't it, my dear, that we should have seen Jack and Fanny off when they sailed liefore? You can't for get it. You came in town for the day. Don't you renienilier? And after the ship sailed we went to Delmoiiieo's for luncheon?" "Why, so we did, Dob," said the young wife, and then with apiiarent innocence, added: "That was before we were married." She seemed to lie qutte innocent of sarcasm, and so was ItoU Kvideiitly the little ''luncheon at Dclmonieo's," was a delightful reminiscence of court ship. Why do not more husliands still play the role of lover? Two Valuable Friends. 1. A physician can not always lie had. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains Dmises and l.urns fiecur often and sometimes when lesist cxjieeted. Keep handy the friend of many households and the destroyer of all juiin, the fa mous lied Flag il, 'S cents. 2. Many a precious life could lie saved that is lieing racked to death with that terrible cough. Secure a good night's rest by investing 'St cents for a Untie of rail-Tina, the great rcin- c ly for coughs, colds uitd consumption, IJottlcs of l'an-1 Ilia sold tit (J. . Uell- ford's drug store. Odd Moments. Said a discouraged woman. "If you had ever tried to work by snatches, you will know how hard it is to get anything done that way." "I've had to do a great deal of work and study just that way by snatches," rescinded the fit her, quickly 'I had to learn to systeinie my odds and ends of time. So I know it can lie done." These "sld minutes," which we all lose in our days, count up amazingly. Fifteen minutes multiplied by four make an hour. And so inanv t imes a day we let slip fifteen minutes! The Discovery Saved His Life. . .Mr tf,. WlU'."citc, Ilpu'KViWJVa-Vv Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with l.ti Cripie and tried all the physicians for miles alxitit, but of no avail and was given up and told I couh not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my storelscnt fora Uittle and U-gan its use and from the first d.ise began Ut get lietter, and after using three Uittlcs was up ami aUnit again, It is worth its weight Jn tfold. We won't keep store fir hoiie wititotit it." (Jet a free trial at J. N. Snyder's Drug Store. An Idea. He Has your father liern vaccinat ed yet? She No. He's going to lie to-morrow. He Tell him to have it done on the fot. A". Y. Sun. Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all form of Head ache Klcctric Hitters has proved to lie the very liest. It effects a iMTiiialiciit cure uiid the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yicjd to its intluetice. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a Isittle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constitution Klcctric I Jitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowJs, and few cast long resist the use of this medi cine. Try it once. Iirge liotth only Fifty cents at J. N. Snyder's Drug Store. Big- Day's Work. Mamma Well, Willie, what did you learn at tfuniay sc'hhiI tfitlay? Willie That I must sell five tickets for our pic nle next Week, give 'JT rents to buy the teacher a present and that Noah built the ark. Vttyiir, Bueklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, rhapiicd hands, chilblains, corns and tdl skin eruptions, ami isi tively run piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction tir money refunded. Price i cents jhtIiox. For sale by J.N. Sny dcr, Somerset, Pa., fir at U. W. Ural lier's, ISerlin, I'a. When Visiting the Invalid. There is a certain responsibility aliout visiting the sick which even the invalid's "U-st friend" may not realize. No one should lie allowed within the tl.sirof the sickroom who has not a bright, cheerful and yet quiet manner, and under almost any circumstances a half bur call is long enough. Sit where tliP invalid can see you without being obliged to move into an uncom fortable position. D.m't siicak of depressing subjects and lie sure what you do say Ls of read interest to the hearer. If p'issible tell the invalid some thing which will he pleasant for her :o think over afu-nvards. lie very jwife ful of what you say of Jjer npp.-a ranee. Above all thing refrain fjonj telling her she is not looking well to-day. It will worry her more than a well jierson can realize. It is pleasant when calling Ujsin a sick friend to bring with j-ou a few flowers fir a dish of some homemade daintv. Law govern man. and reason the law. Purify your Mood, tone up the systt iu , an 1 regulate the digtive organs by t iking Hood's Sarsajiarilla. Sold by ! all druggets. Tlie President of the International Ty pographical I'nion, tlio foity-'-iH-ond an nual convention of wli:. ll was held last week in Ixmisville, nave in his report some valuable information aliout the ex tent to which comjHsiii machines luive been introdiufd and have displaced hand labor at the case, lie suitl that the nwist (curate information obtainable pla-es the numlier of these machines now in use at not less than'l,4.V) and that they have deprived 3,."iOi inciidicni of the union of employment. The union has not antag onized the introduction of type-setting machines, but has "with some reluctance, mavlie, readily formulated s-nles and en tered into agreements suitable to the changed conditions." Hut "it would 13 a foolish evasion of irrefutable facts to deny or close our eyes to the inevitable truth that machines for a time are placing us at a decided disadvantage in dealing with our employers. The reort will suggest the introduction of a shorter working day as. fine of the means that may be resorted to for liiinimi.inx the effect of the change. All the daily Kng- ish papers in Pittsburg now use ma chine, with the exception of the 7i'.ipt-A and it, too, it is said, will put them in aliotit New Year's. Just hear that nsister crow said Tom my. Anybody'd think he'd laid an err. Well, I guess he call he proud of his wife, put in Willie. The Best The liest husliiind is the fine who real izes that his wife is an individual. The liest wife is she w ho has spirit and common sense, as well as affection. The liest father is throne who makes chumstif his children. The Ix-st child feels for its parents neither time nor awe, and is able to re spect them without trying to do so. The liest home is that one where love is not crowded out either by poverty, riches or selfishness. The liesi religion is that of a good man, no matter by what name you call it. X. V. Ut 'urdrr. "The Agricultural Department," says the Washington 7W, "has received from one of its representatives in fr.itrope a letter showing a satisfactory increase in the use of American corn in (ieriuany. He savs the prejudices formerly existing against maize as fodder f'r horses and cattle is daily growing h, and while there has Lk-cii no progress made to induce the Jermans to eat uiaixe bread, the work to induce feeders to utilize it In place of other fodder sulistitutes has lfcii finite successful." A Grand Feature Of Hood's Sarsaparilla is that while it purities the Mood and sends it co;irs- in-r through the veins p.ili of richness and health, it also imparls new life and vigor to every function ol the lsidy. Hence the expression so often heard: "Hood's Sarsaparilla made a new pt r- son of lite." It overcomes that tired feeling so common now. Hood's PilU sir-' purely vegetable, iierfrrUy harmless, always reliable and beneficial. XHERE is but one way in the world to be sure of having the best paint, and that is to use only a well-estauiisnea brand of strictly pure white lead, pure linseed oil, and pure colors. The following brands are stand ard, " Old Dutch" process, and are always absolutely Strictly rure White Lead "Armstrong & McKelvy," " Beymer-Bauman," " Davis JtamTjers," Tahnertock," If -ou want colored paint, tint; any of the above strictly pure leads with National Jcad Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, These colors are sold kt omrpound CAES, eacl) can being su&i kiit to lint $ huiiJ of titriruV Pure White Lead the desired iudc ; tlury are hi no tmsc ready-mixed paints, but a combiiutit.ii of rm&Ttly pure colon In the baoJiuH iurm to tint Strktly Ture White Lead. Sttsd us a postal card and get car book oo paiuts awl cuUirtard, free. . NATIONAL LEAD CO., New Yoik. Pittitniry Branch. German National ifcwk Building, Pittsburg. Here's the Idea Of the Non-pull-out Bow The great w.tlch saver. Pares the watch fioia tiiiees and fills cannot be pulled off the case costs nothing extra. The bow hn a proore cn each end. A collar run down inside the rtDdior iftroi! and ht into the grooves, fir m! y locking the bow to the pendant, so that it cnnot be pulled cr twitted off. Can only he had with cases stamped uu!iihistra:e mark. Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases are now lilted with tliis great bow (ring). They look and wear like solid gold cues. C04 only aliout half as much, and are guaranteed for twenty years. Sold only through watel) dealer R-Tn?m!rr the name 1 Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA, Xotliinir On Earth Will HEM 4 X.I3C3S Sheridan's Condition Fowder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy; Prevent all Disease. Goorf for Mailt inff llrmt. It if aholiitrly pure. IlurMy eirtKvnt rtt. In qna t:lr f(MC tMitb of a rrtit a day. No ttto-r e-fiHjiiti aa ttntnjr. hlik'tlr a itHilirin. "line Urcv rMHiavd Hie fl: Mid NI Niore to tirvvMt tlnuft." mvi oni- i-ti-tttmr. Il yuu rtn'l get it aend 10 u. Ask lirf. Saaiple tir rt ia vlamiia. Iltepark. 1. Largv 1 1 4 lb. ran. bv mail, fl Si auin ran. 9 cptvaa prrrmKL Sample o"(.rrf The Uref I'unliry Pirrfnt frre. ftanikIVHi;irv onr rear (pnov am- I aiul laJtr caa 01 L a. JollNao.V d. CO . a Ciuloai Uuuat M, boatou, ban COPYFUGHTS. TAW f OBTAIN A PATENT 9 Tor a rnrnnt aruwf an bortewt oiMnion. writ to kll A i V f ( ! bae had nearlrtiriy yrara expenenee la th patent bMnw. Coaimonti-a tlunaal.-tvtlTconfl.wmial. A Handbook of In. format ion eoncrnlnc Pa tenia ami coat to tain tbetn sent tre. A lv a eatalofiM ol arr rfan tcal and acienttnc twnka aant free. Patents taken tnnmch Munn k Co. rseerra aneaal notice la the fv-irnlillc America n. ami tbus ar broncht widely before the public nitu oot eost to the hiTentne. This filendil paper, tavued week J t. elecantir itlost rated. ua by far lha targeM eirmlatioQ of inr acientine work In too world. &.Y a Tear. amrle otptra sent fre. BuiMlne Edittoo, monltalr. I'-1.;) a rear. 6insl tVjp'ra. ii eenta. Ktt number enntains beau tiful ktates. In eotora, and photographs of new bowe. with plana, enablinr buiiders to show tua lateot deaiim and secure onntrarts. Address fllUS k CO, M.w Vouli, at BcvAbWXf SUGAS mskehs supplies. WE "CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF - - - - Syrup Cans Sap Buckets, Sap "Spouts, Gathering Buckets ""Sueur Pans, Etc., at rock bot tom prices for cash. WE HANDLE THE BEST P. A. Main Cross Street, 6- FURNITURE. 6o6- TRUE ECONOIY L KS in luiviiitf tliiniP. !1 thiiijnt mt-1 not W Utah prifl. Thore's a tvrtaiiriiHiii wall of fnctatiml lipm-s, howt-vt r, that stainl Iftwff ii Inw M ..I I:.... I 'I'l...r.. e iriii- Ih'Uiu' W I. It'll IU I lllllllll1tlllll MKailHSl iiiiin. KiknI, h.iiii-st Furiiiluivcaa l-Im.ii-IiI. less you irt't it-sit. o tlx- untieing a una. -YOU jaSTOW It t-onsist-s of hi'h ami hiw gratle Furniture, Springs, Mattresse and Refrigera tors, at PRICES C. H. C0FFR0TH 606 Main Somerset, S0MERS, BRO. & Established hi 1376. Commission Merchants, No. 61 1 Liberty Street Great Inducements. Goods reduced in price in every line. Dry Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains, Ladies' Coats, Ac. Now is the time to buy to save money and get something good. MAMES CLINTON STREET. so mouth auratur liecIi(v Ktlillhl n prt "f "" W't'Tn tniv-iity ?i T?" TiEm"""' iAL.,.rS." kT-i.1 V r:.ill-ll f....1.l.k,l M...I .'l...rt-l.a,.l Sj-Ii.h.1 ill ilu-niumrv. sitiit.-iiixir lMth M-xi-s.-iifiiiitlitl ut any linn-. '1 lie lut-t fulultiKUr ana Jotinuil .illi.iinni-' full lnt.rm:itliii x-iit trv t-iiiny . Ii. KtiWAX. Sti-n-lury. 24, rt'iits mill liioextni JOHN STENGER, IB. &c B. Plaids : : They're f:usliiiii:ililo as entire tlresses or in coiitliiimtinll with phtin j."mK I'niversiiHy iKvoiniiiK to iiiism-s anil t liil.lrcn, an.l very few women Imt th:it esm wear tliein none lint eail wear se-K-ctions from thi larjte :tnl varittl lot Myle4 to suit every one. ALL. WOOL cut: r i or i'laihs. A tloMMi or more dilTeri nt Ktyles etilor iiiiIur-s eual to many of khmIm at tiiree times the jiriee '! im hes wiile, 25 cenfs a yard. FIXK, ALIWOOL SI 11 ISO PLAIHS, In silk Umrettc elTeet in newest lrtwn, iiliie anil jrcen sha-bx xe-iall.VHiiit-ei for CliiWren's Iiresst-s ami Cloaks ltfitiuate value Sl.tW a yartl .VI inetiea wide, to tf GO ctnt. Fine, All- Wvl Serge I'laMs, Silk and tlool flaUls, And other liinU-eliiKs Pluiil Mult ri.ils, (, TV, f l.ou, I.S5 l) ly-i'i, that for Bttntilnu worth, lieauty ami style, ean't Im matt-hud at iritia, NEW CAMEL'S II A lit Sl'lTJXGS, .Solid eoloritl grounds fls-ktl in lmr 1111 hi i zing eolom-red on green, in:ti;i'ii ta 011 Muck, xilver prey on brown, olive oil wine, ete., imported this season, to sell ut $1.00 a yard. Imjioi'ter reekoned withtmt his host Sold to tin at our own tiruis, ami now this fortunate ileal is offered to you tl iiu-hex witle at 0 ceuf.t a yanh xi:ir, ALL-WOOL DIIESS GOODS, Iteiiiiiing at 2-V, advaneo in easy priec Mejis ;kir, X; v, W; t Finest Im ported Novelties ti $i."i, and ill u'e you greatest range for sebftioii in lxitli variety and style as well as priee. Write our Mail Order for full line of Maniples also send address for new Kail anl Winter Catalogue, now ready. Boggs & Buhl, ALLEGHENY, PA. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE for WOMEN. PITTSBURG. PA. Twenty-fifth annual wsnion l-sin Si t.-ni-lT Uili. lKiitUn Inuuiiltil and lit-uitlilul. Suis-riir otMirtiiiittln ottftvtl In every dt purini.nL AddriTS I Miss R. JENNIE OE VORE, Pres. Maple Evaporator on the Mar ket at less than half the price "asked for some others. It will "pay you to get our prices belore buying. SCHELLY 3- SOMERSET, PA .- - Th.i 1'JtH KS an- tKirn. Ifyou ikwj OUR LTISTE.- to suit the times. Cross Street, Pa. PITTSBURGH, PA. Invite the inquiries of Buyers end Shipper of VEGETABLES. CO. Fruits, Nuts, Produce QUINN.v JOHNSTOWN P mtiiiva. I.KVI I.rilii:.. I'll. I. Prim-iial run capes. We aro now 81101111? a fine new line of Fur Capes in 27, 30 & 34 Inches ELECTRIC SEAL, WOOL SEAL. Plain and Trimmed Monkey and Canty CAPES, 41 rr:H Lower Tlian Yob Wiji find Iklwcei Sf w Vork and Chiaaro. Otir ri"iMiii art MVe luy ftir wU, we pny no tur titlifr exiH'iis nre nl i-atrMVutruni imisif tn lt) puiil for by our rtiMoiiit'ni). Johnstown, Pa. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! Illi; KKDCCTHiX IX : : Shoes! : : Shaver & Good, SrcCKSSORS TO THOMAS BARNETT, will for the next 30 days sell part of tlieir stock at Away Down Prices. They have just received a nice new line of Mens' Pre-3 Shoes, Heavy Shoe?, etc., also a nice lire of Ladiei' Shoes in Square Opera and I'liilat'eJ thia Tip ili.-sea' Youths and Chil drenV, All marked as CHEAP as the CHEAPEST. Call and get - -- - a Bargain SHATER I GOOD'S, 706 MAIN CROSS ST., Somerset, - Pa. DO YOU WANT SECURITY IN INVESTMENT? If so. Join the Ami-rii-an Syndicate, of Cliieav X'K HU wlww eon -rvutlve lit y lutseiiablett tiit-m toaveniKe rr the llrt aix uionllis 01 l--f 01 p- rii-nl, uld aa followa: J iniiarv Iilrt s-ret K-lriiarj-ai mt et t.n-li. l ier ft Anrtl !' s-r et May 3) jier ft Jtin an per et July Ji M-r 01 AukukI a) per cl is-ptetiilier, li per fithera an n-eHvine th-e divldenda, why not you? slutn-s Sin eaeh. Mununl of Infor iinttloii free mi upplltiition. trive iia a call. Iilvideiid t'litvka 1'aalied tiy the Amerieaa Syndimle ilininelii. m-i-kirH to Cruik-.- liank Ofc. K4K)!ilTv IVnn buiitling, Fltu burg, I'a. THE PEOPLE'S STORE. In Dress Goods W can unheitt;ng!y declare that for ellractive Stylii Good tt Attractively Low Pr"" re not and cannot be equaled. Style nd values that m II pay yu to f omo mile to see, or send for samples. There' a wonderful lot of all-wool Novelty v. 1- i.. ..I...!,,, unit WH-1 l-llcet. you would auy In -f.lUnd," but they OC. are liuiao - A Kpli'lltllO 0" ' ,v' - - - - - In all colora-broken plaid, Hllk efte-t!. Irid. rent tw-iK rhevlotH, ctr. A practical- OQ . 11 ll. t u vt..t I .ILK'.. J l,j,l-,-lf ! ly rnieFa " - ... . .. 1,1.,,-k iwriii.-" Milt,-,. , ... -i i . In nil-winter Ht-nr-. thai mil iii inch)- wide. Mini your choice Cil. of any color at - Jvw An aliiKwt llmlthna Hcl.i-ttofi of Iniliort"! .lib u,,,l m-.mJ iiiAi-ltl,. MtriiM-M. Heck. -llk liiKt aiivthliii; vou miicht nuiiie, 7flrt and It' here".. -I 3 Vull ineliiv wide, atrictlv all-wool t'overt Cloth In l-itlillen-nt nutde atiaile. A re- QC ally iiuirvcliKi value at the price... JJ - t !.... ,.r Hiii. Vn-neh Mild tler- III! wimii; ;$1.15 to tt incnc wine; mru iir" uttion - Boys' Clothing. All Motla-rn 'Im rvallxe the value of economy will Itnd thl tin- tore to buy KikmI hom-Mt harU-weaiiiiK clothing for boy. Hoy' two-pl.-re cloth ult In hanl-wearins eaxlnct cloth; doulle-lrealel nal 1 CfJ kucc panta; aizca I to U year .JI.OV Hoys' two-pii-ee wool cloth suit not quite all wool, but very nearly double l.n-aMi-d ctsit; all sizes. bee these suits J gg Hoy flue two-pii-cc uil. in strictly all-wtsd cheviots and mixtures, short sints. tloubi. Iinitsted ttit; a spleiitliil schisd QQ tine lot of r"i lianl-weariiiK knecntit for Is.ys' sclusil wear, nit sizi-s fnuii I years OC. anil upward, at only ..- S!.es frtini I ti M Venn in lsy' fine all-wsl cloth knee isinl. Will stand a lot of AQr rouifh usage tine assorted lot of twys' hats and ra that we will sell as lonB as they last at the OC. absurd priee of t-Jt Blankets Hindquarters for the faiiMMis nll-wis.l Ihhiic uiadcciMiiitry tiLinkets fJ.Tia siir MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT Will attend to vour wants if you can't come tutherity. iSal isttict iou nssuntl. Try it. Campbell & Smith, (Stieresstirs to Campbell A I'lek.) 81, 83, 85, 87. & 89 Fiftli Avenne, PITTSBURG. CONDENSED TIME TABLES. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Somerset and Cambria Branch SoHTIl WAKTl. Johnstown Mail Kxnrei. Rs-k woisl a. ni siiiier-t 1:lu. simi'uii llouv t-rsvilie xik, Juhntou n i:lu. Johiistown Mail Kxpn-ss. Ki kwissl llW a. in.. Soiuersi-t Mtiyestown ll:.iij, ilisjv rrsvillt- liot, Johuslowu li.Vi p. 111. Johnstown .Vi'commtslatiou. Kiskwissl il p. in.. siiiM-rM't t:iO NtuyetoH u i S , lluov entvillcti:M, Johliatott u ".a Daily. Sol'THWAkU. Mail. Johnstown ;:k)n. in., Hisivcrsville 7:11. fr.tuyeslowu il. uii.'n-t . IliM-kulsKl Eipri-s. Johnstown 2:11) p. in., Ilonvcrsvllle 3:11, MiovestoM u 3r i, ."smu-rsct 3:-s lis k Wish! i.l't. Suniliiy fiiily. .Iiloitown S:Mi), S.nn-r t libi! I EN XSYLVAX I A It A I Ll JO A 1 . laSTCRN STANDARD TIMf. COSIF.SSK St-HKIK LE. Trains arrive and depart from the station at johiitttowon a toiiows: WRiTWAKD Southwestern Kx press SS a. t, W estern V.xpn-ss !;. Johnstown AnsnniiiiMlalioil ti i" t AiTisiiumiMlatlou Pacific Kx press 1;.'4 M Wav lassa-lit!er 3: C " Mail .Klti Johnstown AM-umniulatloii ki a ni. r ust l4uc , . VM p. lit. CAST W ABU. Keystone Kxprs........ . 5:1. a. nu Sen-shore Kxpn-ss ....... 5rft " AltiMiua Asimino(tallull S-J-I " Main Line Kxpn-sa litj.'i I my Kxi r-ss 1I:1H " AltiMiua At-coiiiiuiHlation rj.HU p. in. Mail express -t.i 1 Jolilistown Accoiuiuodaliou ti:Vi I'tilladelphia Kxpress 7:1 Kast Line lirai Kor rati-s, map. Ac, go to Ticket' Airent or aililress lli.s.. r- Watt. 1. A. W . i., 110 Mrth Avenue, 1'ittsliutv. I'a. S. M. I'n v.t. J. R. W issl. Ueu'l Malmer. in-u'l I'aas. Agt. DREXEL'S IMPROVED EMULSION OF PURE NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL WITH CHEMICALLY PURE HYP0PH0SPHITES OF LIME AND SODA FOB CONSUMPTION. BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, - COLDS. ASTHMA. SCROFULA. - SKIM OISCASC3. NCRVOUS DISCASCS, - DISCASCS OP CHILDREN. - WHOOPING COUCH. ANACMIA, - r Trnnii, a - CCNCRAL. DCSIITV, CTO (TO. Thi valuable preparation cure by Its autritlve and alteraUTe power. It o a true emu!$ioa. nuf a hme soap, is easily diarsted. qmckiy assimilafrd, aad shows its wonderful actioa oa btoad. ttu and verve bf a naost avarked uauraecaica$ iioia be fitst dose. Preial'i EmnUioa of Cod Ut. Oil is csperlally (crvKeaolc Cue anarmi, pefnousaeaa, tor scrolulA aod scrohilous swellinsa, glaadular eolarrrmcn t. aod the wastioc diseases of ckudbood. Kor dvs peplic aad aervous coadioons, Iras of flesh, 4is (utbed sleep and aight sweats, it is a perfect curs. Drcxtl's Emaliica of Cod Liver Oil is the eery best remedy to ue bad far coughs, col .1. bronchitis, croup, laryngitis, sore aad bleeding throat, hoarse, deaa, tickling ia throat, soreness of cisest aod all other Irntated. inflamed anil duteascd conditions oi the throat, iuD; aad chest. Lars bottlss, 50 eciU per botUs. Bold )j irxggista reaerally, or seat t aay adiiau on rs osift of 50 osata. SOLE PROPRIETORS, Winkelmann I Brown Drug Co. BALTIMORE. MO. O. S. A 190 DOL1-ARS PER MONTH In Your Own Locality made easily ami honorably, without capi tal, tltir'uix yotir upare hours. Any nan, woman, lmy , or pirl cau do the work hand ily, without txpericure. Talking un uefessary. Nothin.? like It for inoncy uiakinj: ever offered liefore. Our workers alw.-tTH pro.ser. No time wasted in learuiiii; the tusiness. We teach yoa in m niht how to succeed from the first hour. You ran make s trial without ex )ieiise to yourself. We start you, furnish, everything nettled to carry ou the busi ness successfully, and guarantee you against failure if you but follow our simple, plain instruction. Header, if you are in need of ready money, and want to know all aliout the best paying buslines before the public, send us your adilre, and we will mail you a docu ment giving you all the particulars. TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta. Maine. THE BEST Is None Too Good When You B MED IC fXKS. . It U Ju.t as Jinjiortaiit t S-un- . FRESH, PURE DRUGS, Aa it I To Itire Confifence in the Flnjnl, im fl ,,, AT SNYDER'S You are always mm- of jrt-ttintf the "ar'fiiMy TRUSSES FITTE D, All of the Jie.ot ami Mont Approved True Kept Sa t is f net ion C un ra n tretl. OPTICAL GOODS. GLASSES FITTED TO SUIT THE EYES- CALL AND HAVE Y- ' SIGHT TESTED. JOHN N. SNYDER, Somerset, - - - h New York Weekly Tribune Somerset Herald ONE YEAR. TWO DOLLARS. Address all orders Louther's Drug Store Main Street, Somerset, Pa. This Model Drug Store is Rapidly Eeccnfcg afe Favorite with People in Search of FRESH AHD PURE DRUGS. Medicines, Iye Stuffs, Sponges, Trim Supporters, Perfumes, rc. THE IX K To a .IVHS Pl:KiJAL ATTENTION to THE riiUHirXMXC fF LonOier's PrescriptionslFamily Receij: CREAT CASE B.IN TAKES To f-E ONLY ri:U AND Pt I;E AKTK t l. SPECTACLES, EYE-GLASSES, And a Full Line of Optical Goods always on hand. From r. large assortment all can be suited. THE FINEST BBAHDS OF CIGABS Always on hand. It i always a pleasure to display our $ to intending purchasers, whether they buy from U3 or elsewhere. J. 1Y!. LOUTHER M. D. MAIN STREET .... SOMERSET. Fj Somerset Lumber "Tak I AM rACTl KKK AND I'KALEK AND WhoLI.IALC AND IU TAil t it V Lumber and Building Materials. Hard and Soft "Woods Oak, Poplar, Shllnc. lValmit, Yellow Pine. Flooring. Cberrj-. fthlugleii, loors, I-alh. lThlte lMne IlIintN, A goiu-nil linonf all trails of LuiiiImt anl slM-k. Alius rsm furnish nnythiiit; in Me prouiptnt-x. mh Ii a.' E L I A S C OBlce and Tard Opposite S. & C. R. IT WILL PAY YOU T Bl'Y Ytil U memorial Work WM.F. SHAFFER, SOMEllKT, PENN'A. Munutii tun rof anil IKmlcr in (jsatrrn Work FurntslKtl on Sliort Xti-e, MILE ill ma Als Agent nr the WH1TK HKoXZK Persons In nwi f Monunu-nt Work ft 11. 1 it t tlieir liktenM to eitil at mr where a iirouer aliou ins will tK- uiven t -S;ti!!. iet ion giiiiruiiteetl ill every nix-, I'rieea very low. I invite -pvuil ait. 11I1.1 inv WMta Bronze, Or Pure Zino Monument Intnxlueiil hy Iiev. W. A. King, n a 1I.1 1.1.-.I iiiiroveineiil iu the point of M:il, n:il uii1 I'oiiNlnietioii. ami w hleli ii ih-stimil to Ik- Hie Miulur Monument t,,r our t-iiaiiKiuhle t li uiute. tiivv us a eull. WM. F. SHAFFER, IIKKlTHXS. for using Catarrh Cream Balm. mlv a imrtlele o; the liallii well ii Int the iKWIiiU Afl.r a iiiomein tlr.iwatrong hntith IhrHish the now. I se thn-e tune u iliivoilter mini n' lernni, ami tM-lon reti.iiu. '.lva('rvnm Rilm oiiens uml i-U-.iii--- the N:lfln lissnifi-s HAY-FEVER VIIuvh l"nin uml In Hi illation, II.nN theSon-, rnt.i-t tlie mem from I'olll.H, IUstores the Senses of tnsle ami smell. The llalm is tiiekly ahsorheil ami trives relief al onn. l"riee i) nius at Druu-stists or hy mail. ELY IlltiiTHERH, 51 Wurren Street, x. Y. I M PORTA ST TO ADVEHTItR5 The cream of the country puwra it fbnnl In miagtun'i County Seat Lhu. Shrew 4 OTertL.'trs avail tuemnolves of thee lists, a Copy of which ota be had of Kcmiinwn Brus of Xow York X rittsburs. 'WftYER fi) uy Them. fr-sln--t ii,. - l I: r - !::'r., . 'iiiiaiiinlil. AND- to The IIerjld. . Toilet Articles, Sasli. Mar KaiK Ilal listers. Cliroinab eel l'oisl, l.U. Hiiililini; riai ami Kia.fim: k. f: tlu- lino of uur Lumil-! tonnl r w r.-.iik..-" linu-kfts iM-:zn wurk, ti', U X X INGHAM, R. Stati, MiMlEIT-' 4v At , - hr&4 SOESTiS-iS 13 C'ZJCIL:-' MONUMENTAL BR0: f.-v GOOD LIOUORS! : and Cheap Lij. Hy falling at tin- lMi;',,u ' ' : St.Tl-, i Xe.809 Ma.a St., and 106 , eJollllstOAVll, ail iu is f ih- i h;et"f iB;' kt-t v.nx U-lia.1. To my M t-rs this U a v-ll-kii'l tV. ; all otlun tiiiviii. in 1"' ; siv-n. m.n-t forvi t tiiat i haiul t!i' trnttt.M variety "i L'i ritfs. P. s. FISH YOU CAN FINDsj a 4la in mrsaea-.H at H. A as kit aathor. Air' Li Mil C WA ; Beautiful Ikrj .c'1' in Designs. p, tl' JS- shop ff. ? ' hen!. tC H.. mw.uki m aJ'"'