The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, September 12, 1894, Image 3

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    The Somerset Herald,
.s ') 12, 11.
Whsa tie Crop Lid By.
Til.r,.-S a l.rU.-lu. r world
ti J a ''.''r
Kh. ili.-cn..V Li'.d :
p, . uii -' '" '" ,,,;rh'
-ll.1 lilDC. I,,n "''"' Cl" ""
,1,,'n-'- :!' !'s:',' ,n ,,lc ,--ve
IvV. -n ti,. r..r- U.1J y:
T.,. P-.-a l.ricJit'rw.rll
wil.I il-v lly.
l:it l.y.
u h.-ii )lif !, li"-' ''";
Ttl,. hii.l romp ' r-' tI,e K,,ld
Thr h:',l'ilv ln ,,H'',-ve
Ml ! 'rii:ht 'fJ dmvs " ,he rye
' u ,.iuli. rnt'liJ ,iv!
A thm!t Cu4UHliu.
Vn.i.--1 i!wtrum-"t at Snyder's drug
'i v Murray, the famous gramma
f rirlv Vnn'rioan days, wa lrn in
r';"Vi, linB. aU,,t 12 ",i,es
','"!. of liarriHirc, 1- "i" -
,.lli- '" spring-trth Harrows for
Vl.v J:iint 11- Hol.ieri.aum.
,'rv I'anitfiiayan gentleman Lsijoiind
Wi'-. "every 1:,,V to 1,"" 1,0 isintro
'J' "l .m KosUT lay. in Ku.a, kiss-
ZlH r.-"" ,he from the
. M ,. peasant the Kastor kiss
Vrt.-'naJip-l t!.r..iilxt the Einp're.
' M i-''-1 lll,I'r',s f,,r strinBl
at Snyd.-rVdruzKre,
ivf.Te ,MW iroU u,,u'nsil!' Krc-,c
. p"u fill witli cold water and lieat
T'.it.-r gradually to the Willing point
t""r, it 1 -lowly. To temiKT earth-
, rut vess'1 in a tarBer kettleof
,,,1,1 wat.-r. l.oat slowly to the boiling and t'l slowly.
Y.m -in a srt of single Driving
Harne for rive dollars at
n,.roj an item from the Alkntown,
?L i,, i x rat. that makes queer reading
in 1.,-aiity. where the apple erop ia
frili' n-: "'" l" the l'lenlitudeof ap
in iuo Minions of the county large
!'..iititie are suffered to go to rot in the
m, you want to buy a first- lass musi
rjI itK.ruiiK iit at a moderate price? Vo
.Sny.l. rV drug store.
T' M,i..k v atmosphere whieh has iKn
luii":"t: 'v'r this 4e,'tion "f "untry is
ft .n,t !'V many toletho effect of for-e-t'iir.-'
" 'ir a"'1 remote. The smoky
'l .,i .-..ntiiuJ to this section alone
It !-M. ii.N ar far west as Michigan and
..ii'tlic ftr. at lak- is so thick as to souie
tiiiio in.l'cK' navigation.
fl.nraiK sale of tine furniture at Pev-li-N
stand Franklin SL, liegins Aug.
ii. I'arl .r su it.-s at al mt half prii-e,
Pr.f. Little, the KyeSiHH-ialist, will 1
:,t the S'.nicrsit House, Sept. (21221.
i and have him examine your eyes
lr, ,.. i, lass. furnished if required. Sat
J.l..,ti.ui giianiiitiwl. tV.nrtueuce Sept.
-: at lr. Tannehill's orth-e.
Tin- 4"-;li star will not V a.lded to the
niticuul Hag U-fore next IndciH-ndem
,','iy The Fourth of July is the only day
r-nwhich stirry additions -an be ma.le to
t'ic Hag. The prol ability is that there
iii 1h' at lc;ist three star added by the
F."inliof July, The a.lmission of
l uh will d.mHless 1n by the
a.imissi. n of New Mexi.-o and iklahoma.
Have voa seen levl:irs nniww
p, ts at : - i ix-r yar.l, in any pattern?
ia.-e rurtains lower than joblier's pri.-es,
Pri.i-s guarantee.1 on any article, H and
KJ Franklin St., Johnstown, Pa.
The tallow ing letters remaining in the
j.-torti.-e at Somerset will 1 sent to the
i, ait Ix lter office if n4 railed for within
ten days from this date, Sept. 10, 1S4:
Avery, K. ; t'olette. Sr. ; Vnmu Klyra;
llimifhreys. Ir. K.; Hogg. Kau, M. ;
l.vU-'iis. Muk. K.; Mckean, Hugh; Mil
ler. Win. Mrs.; Miller, Ida; Weston, T.
W.; I'yle, Alverda; Sesimons Harriet;
T!i.iuas. Kdward ; Wo! font, Jere, T.
If you want the lest farm wagon on
wh.vls don't fail U get a Kramer or
Studeliaker fnmi
Somerset, I'a.
On Monday night a party of fifty eoup
l.s went to the home of Mr. Abram Itum
K.v.luer, near S.-.dp Ix-veL for the pur
p M.f surprising hint, but he hapi iied
V. liear early in the evening of their com
iu;: and left the plw-e w ith his family.
Wh.ii the party arrived everything
around the premises w as under lock and
key. and they returned I t their various
b un.- with their presents, whieh they to give to Mr. ltumgardner.
I am agent for the it. Feed and Ensil-c-
cutter, w hii-h I w ill run against any
utter built. Any one wanting a first
cla.s f.vd .utter can get it from inc.
J. M. Fikk.
ltiiis r.
John II. Kiuiniel, of Stoyestown, a
m-iiiWrof the firm of Kimmel A Ihiley,
lu. n.iura.'ttd with the Pennsylvania
Midland lUilnwd V.iiqany, which re
vMly pun-liased the Walker timl-er tnu-t,
for tiie rutting and deli vering of alxmt
fue million feet of timl-er to the I'om
pany's mills. The tim!er nsisu of
white and yellow pine, oak, hemlock, and
hard le. They expect to legin oper
ation in the near future.
Mr. Isaac Jones, of this? place, has ae-e-vte"!
the agency of the Klmira Hooting
'o New York. This is one of the largest
and U-st nx.ting companies in existeiiee.
Mr. J..mi will be at all times prepared to
r.-pair or j.aiiil metal rooting, or to furnish
new r.i:ng ..f the famous "Cliniax
i'taii.L the ol l.-st and U'st rooting in the
It i the pretty Christian buend that
tin aj-n (juivers with shame lKHiuse
from its w.m1 tiiecrxMS was made. tb-s-'ners
..f nature have dis.iovere.1, liow-vt-r.
that the quivering of aspen leaves is
Uf to slK. fa.-t that the leafstalk is flat oil
th? sH,-s and s.j thiu alxmt the middle
that the slightest breath of wind sets all
the j.-aves a-wagging horizontally. A
tir.j'e leaf piiieke.1 tll" and taken by the
ndoflhi- !tf stalk la-tween the thumb
fid the forefinger admirably illustrates
tiie pe.ulLarity of the asjteu. Vr lri
Yu can liny a ni.-e fall "ap f.r half
l-ri' at Ii. A. Snyder's, K t. kw.xsl, Pa.
P'Kt. r. the wesither prophet, sjivs Sep-t-.ii!-r
ill 1m- a very warm mouth, ith
' killing fnts exei-pt in the extreme
1 'rih. where light fnwts may o-nir froiu
n itln.f August hi thp far northwest to
S-l'teiii'ter :trd in the far northeast. lur
l"i the l.t days of ScptcmlHT and the
lt and 2nd f -t tls-r fro-ttx will do some
taiuag.- in the extr':iie northern portions
'f the I'nitel SlaU-s. StemlT will
istl. s ,jry momh, as an average over
Tinted sui,-, a,i fjmadx Ia-ally
W rainfall w ill increase in many of the
li-Kitb distri., and d.s-rease w here rains
len pleiitiftlL
Tlien-are very fine articles in notions
dress trimming that you can't g. at
R. A. Snyder, K.jrkwooi. Pa. He ill
ly a.-tiiiij,Jajt. a customer and or
d t any ar.i.-ie you want.
An ex.-liiuj.,. Kayu'it rs a fa-t tliat eggs
tUt lmve U-cn rot.ketl lxilel three
ni' l.-ss, can Is? relxiileii the next
u orning. and w ill only lie fresii, ltut
'ft and palatable as those cooked but
!. After an egg has Ixen heated and
"l-lytm c.tuld c.H.k it till doomsday
d it would Dit gi hard. Some profKT-
ui a the hardening jr.cs.s utitT
i once LeaUL if only U ttie ift
,,!S jxtiiit S.Mne will turn up their patri
r n n.-y at the idea of -B anning over"
Uit they w ill find thetu even better
than arn,ed over meat.
New fall e,L, cotuing jn. vjH
"Uow y.H, nd apest line of
"'derwear and Dotioua of all kinds ever
w0 in n.n kwoo Pll yyal , the
next week, R. .V. Syvuta.
ForoiMHigh's cirrus is billed to show in
this jtla.-e un Tuesday, Oiober 2L
Webster J.j.kI ami Angus Iiuther, two
bright Somerset Luis, left List week for
Ccttywlmrg, where thoy w ill enteralioys'
Uts-kwixHl and Jennertown have ar
ranged for a game of base liall to lie play
ed on the Somerset grounds Saturday af
ternoon. Master John t'ollxrn, only son of I-w -
C. CollHtrn, Esq., has gone to Indiana,
Pa., where he is entered n a student in
the State Normal School.
Miss Bessie, youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. "Hob" Walter, of Wellington,
Kansas, is a at the home of her Bis
ter, Mrs. Robert IL Itolieru.
A renewal pension certificate ha been
issued to Hezekiah Crissey, of Uarrett,
and an increase of pension has been
granted Samuel Stuff!, of Jenncr X
Kx-C'ountT Treasurer tieonreJ. Black.
of Meyeradale, has charge of the county
nnanees dunng the temporary altseiice of
Treasurer Pugh at the i rand Army Kn-
I'l.s-tric light is said t- Is? in sight for
Kockwood A company Las ln organ
ized with this obje.1 in view. The com
pany projsjse to operate their dynamos
by water iower.
Miss Tillie, thetwenty-yi-ar-old daught
er of Mr. and Mrs. Henry I.. Kline, no
tice of whoso critical illness was made
l:Lst week, diel Welneslay night from
typhoid fever, at her homo in Jenncr
township. is under obligations to
Mr. (ten. Phillippi, of Hastings, Minn.,
for copies of Minneapolis paters contain
ing graphic accounts of the disastrous
forest fires in that Suite,
Ir. John M. Harnett, of the Markleton
Sanitarium, occupied the pulpit in the
Presbyterian Church, Sunday morning
and evening, the regular pastor, Kit, T.
J. Bristow, preaching in the Sanitarium
Mr. tloorge W. Iwry, of Downey, and
Miss Ktlie M. Miller, of Boone, were
uuited in marriage by Itev. J. H. Kucp
perofthe Brethren Church, Bt'rlin, on
Wednesday, Septemljer 5, ls!,l, at the
home of the bride.
Fanner Jeorgc Tayman tells us that
prosects are roscy for a large summer
hotel on his hill top, just west of town. A
syndicate of Pittsburg gentleman have
taken the matter in charge, and, if their
present plans succeed, the hotel will lie
erected in time for next season's trade.
By posters printed at this office Mr.
Harry C. Beerits offers his large lot of
farm stock and farming implements to
public sale. The sale will take place on
his farm one and one-half miles north
east of Somerset, on Thursday, Septem-l-r
3th. Sale will commence at 9 A. M.
Captain Henry F. Picking, I. S. N.,
who with his wife and son. Lad been
guests at the home of the Captain's sis
ters or. Patriot street, for the list ten
weeks, left yesterday morning for Narra
gansett Pier, where they will remain for a
week or ten days lxsfore returning to their
home in Baltimoie.
At the regular morning servh-c next
Sabliath, Sept. lUlh, at the Presbyterian
Church, the pastor will preach from the
text, "A ;od Soldier of Jesus Christ."
Topic- "S.iinLship and Soldiership," in
counei-tion with the recent encampment
of the ii. A. IL, at Pittsburg. Preaching
iirthe evening at the usual hour.
AH of the Philadelphia and Pittsburg
daily p:iiers contained flattering mention
of A. J. Coll mm, J r's., speech nominat
ing Major Kverett Warren, of Seranton,
for President of the Pennsylvania League
of Republi.-an Clulw in the league Con
vention at Harrishurg last week. In f:i-t,
young "Ajax's" sjieech was the gem of
the convention.
Kditor Linton, of the e.wr, left
Monday night for Harrishurg, w here he
will assist his Itcmocraiic brethren to nom
inate candidates forCongressmcn-at I-arge
to till vacaneic on the Democratic State
ticket. He w ill go from Harriburg to
Brad.hx k where he has an engagement to
deliver an address at the re-union of the
survivors of the 54th Itegiment,
The Bluliaughs, husband and wife,
have lieen released from the Westmore
land county jail on ltail, which is equiva
lent to saying that they will only le in
dicted for second di-gree murder for the
killing of J.iseph'Ankeny last Sunday a
week. A. L. i. Hay, Ksq., counsel for the
Bluliaughs was present at the hal-as cor
pus hearing held in ireeiisburg, Monday.
Josiah Zerf.iBs, one of the liest known
veterans of Somerset tq)vnship, recently
returne.1 from West Va where he attend
ed a re-union of the Union soldiers of that
State, at Allbriglitsville. Henumlwrs the
re-union as one of the memorable days in
his life, and is very complimentary of the
singing of a Miss Castle, w ho treated the
veterans to an exhibition of her vocal
Friday afternoon alxHit 1 o'clock the
barn belonging to Josiah Keim, of Jcn
uer township, was burned to the ground
The lire was started by a flash of light
ning which struck the roof. The h rses
and harness were taken out but the other
contents, consisting of a Lirgj am Kint of
farm product and implements, w ere de
stroyed. The I-., which was quite
heavy, is n it known. The teirn was in
sured to the amount of ? W in the Farm
ers' Mutual Fire Association of S mierset
There wi!l li a partial eclipse of the
iii'nmi next Friday, Septemln-r Htli,
which w ill lie visible in these part. The
moon will enter the earth's shadow on
Friday night at H:i' o'clock; the middle
of the eclqtse w ill Is? at lli'i o'clock, and
the iii.xui will leave the earlh's shad.iw
tw euty-one minutes after midnighL The
magnitude of the el lipse w ill 'e a trifle
lss tliau one-f iiirth of the moon's diam
eter on the northern limb. The point of
the first contact w ith the shadow w ill lie
the north point of thr? m ns Tun').
Councilman Wesley W. D-avi. who
went t Pittsb.irg Moinlay morning
w ith IL P. Cummins Post J. A. It., was
aco.iupaniel by his age.l tn ttli.T. Mrs.
Davi c.une to Somerset with her huslwnd
the late Daniel K. Da. is fr m Middle
lwn. Da ipUin v:in:y, iu re thin half a
century a K sim-J w !ua she hi n rt s x-n
her only siter, wh has Ikhu a resident
of the State of Illinois for aim t an equal
nuiuU-rof year. The venerable sisters
arrange l;o m el this week in Pittsburg.
. m
Friday a party of six gentlemen, com
posing the town oam il of I.atrolie, drove
over th m ijntaiu fro:n Lig oilier to Som
erset and put up at the "West End" Ho
tel. The object f their visit wa to in
flHKt Somerset's new w ater plant and af
ter this had Uvu done thoroughly, and
they had witnesseJ the exhibition w ith
the hose, referred to elsewhere, tln-y ex
pressed themselves as lieing iierfertly sat
isfied that Mir pumi can furnish the
pressure cUimerl for them. 1-itrol.e cn-U-mplates
iiitr.Klucin a system of water
works aiiuilar b 'Hir.
Mr. and Mrs. William Riffle, of near
Kansas Citv, arrive.1 in town Monday
evening and are ia.pP'2 l ,ho w
Knd I loud. They were resideiiU of Som
erset thirtv rears agN when Mr. Riftle
was in !irtiiership with Mr. Washington
Mt-gahan. Mr. KifHe was a iiiemtar of
the :J4Ui Regiment and say that when he
returned at the W of the war he wa so
anxious to reach home that he walked
from Johnstown to Somerset, accompan
ied by t.eorge Holderl-wm. who was
member of the same Regi'- I"'"
pnl to Gettysburg tht week, leaving
Mm. Riille here for a shwt visit with her
many friends.
Anothsr Emxssfl Test. Water Bate.
Although the final teit of tho now near
ly complcteil water works has not yet
lieen made the preliminary ti'sl lat weeU
was so satisfactory that householder ore
uutking a rush to have connection made
between the mains and their homes. We
are iuforuKMl that ouiieil have not yet
detiiiitely up.ui a scale of tolls.
but charges w ill lKalKtut as follows: For
tapping main and conducting water to
eurlt, L(i; first famvt in lions.-, f"i.n;
each additional faucet, 1.0 1. This pl.ui-s
w ater w ithin rea-h of all, and we predict
that if the volume of water produced by
the w ells is suliicienl, and we have no
reasou for iH'lieving that it will not lie,
to meet the demands that will be m ido
upon it, there w ill lie few homes in town
at the close of another twelve month., un
provided with water from the public
Saturday an H her test of the new plant's
ability to throw a siren in of water from
a two-inch norxle was made w ith the re
sult that a steady stream was thrown in
to the 1'!1 tower on the Court House,
This it i claimed by those having a
know ledge of hydraulics, was itetter than
was to lie expected with a pressure of on
ly J His. from the lx tilers. Some anxiety
is expressed to see to w hat height water
ran I thrown by natural pressure from
the reservoir unaided by steam pressure.
It is confidently asserted that natural
pressure w ill throw a steady stream on
to the roof of the Court House, which, by
the way, is built on the highest site iu
The Karoo nt Win Froxa Confluence.
A one-sided but interesting game of
ball Is-twccn Somerset and Confluence
was played on the home grounds Satur
day afternoon. Both teams were strength
ened by foreign players Somerset by
several of R.tekw.xxl's heavy hitters and
Confluence by players from Ohio I'yle
and McKeesporL During the fourth in
ning Dr. Coursin, of MeKeesjiort, catcher
for Confluence, was struck on the left
shoulder by a f. xi 1 tip. His arm dropped
instantly to his side. Without uttering a
word the gritty young physician walked
to the Imix and held a moment's whisper
ed consultation with the pitcher, when
he announced to the large crowd present
that his collar !ne had been broken by
the force of the lialL Dr. Car-other tend
ered his servi.-es and bandaged the in
jured part. Somerset agreed to let Prov-
i:iS of K'M-kwood, go into the Ikjx for
Confluence, when the game was c nitiim
ed. The Somerset bys played with un
usual brilliancy, having but few error8
marked up against them, and batting
Provins for several home run and nu
merous three-baggers. Score S to : in
favor of Somerset.
School House Burned. Alleged Work of
One of the public school buildings
."Ilodgers") iu Ogle township, was total
ly dest roved by fi re on Monday night of
List week. Tiie fire is alleged to have
been of incendiary origin and resulted
from the fight over the question of teach
ers' salaries lx'twccn the patron of the
The tax payers of Ogle township Lave
Ihvii at loggerheads for some time past
over this question and only r.'ii-ntly the
Isiiirdof directors by a majority vol? de
cided in favor of reducing teachers' wa
ges 1 per month. The minority jtortioii
of the Ixiard allege that Ogle township is
the richest school district in the county
and can liest afford to pay g-md salaries
or wages commensurate w ith the abili
ty of the teachers employed.
It is unfortunate that the sclnx.l building
should have ltecn lmrned at this time as
it will permit either party to the contro
versy to make objectionable insinuations,
when in all probability Ixtth sides are en
tirely innocent.
Fire Coap&ny Organized.
The first fire company to lie organized
in Somerset in many, many years or
since the days when the municipality
lmasted of tw o hand engines w as effected
Saturday evening, when a request was
made niton town council to furnish a
proper equipment. The organizatian is
comjwxed of some of the hustling young
men of the Last Knd It i announced
that a second lompany w ill be organized
in the West Knd during the present
week. Now that the means are at hand
with which to battle the Ixtys are determ
ined to lie prcpaj-ed to give the Fire King
a rattling light. Town Council should
not delay in erecting a proper building
for housing a h.xik and ladder truck and
h'se reels; and w hile they are alxmt it,
they should make the building large
enough to furnish aeeoinni'xl ttion for
the meetings of the fire companies.
Additional Jnron.
The following named persons in addi
tion to the list published two weeks ago,
have lieen drawn to serve a jurors at the
ensuing term of regular t-.mrt, commenc
ing Monday, Scptemler 24ili:
Addison C. N. Jeffries,
Brothersvallcy Betij. ;. Bittner, Mor
gan Dickey.
Jellers.iu John Kimmel.
LiiK-olu Kli Ogline,
Mcycrsdale W. J. Lint.
ijucmahoning K. K, OM-r, Irvin Berk
ey. Win. K. K.slgers.
Summit Henry Schrock.
Somerset Charles Frank.
Stonycreek Win. Weigle.
The additional panel was drawn in or
der to secure an yer and Terminer jury
to try the Dvire infanticide
Pasted a Flattering Elimination.
Tu Ihr If-'HoraUr thr Jmfyrt the S-rcral
i.rts tU tiif OMnttf it Snri1, Stuff j
We, the undersigned, the committee du
lv amioinled bv the Court for the purpose
of attending to the preliminary examina
tion of persons desirous of entering upon
ihe of the law. hereby certify that
on Tuesday, the 4th day of Septemlier,
A. D. I SI, w-e concluded the examination
of Carl B. S.iott, of the Ixtrough of Som
erset, in all the branches of a thorough
Kuglish education, and in the clement
of the Latin language, and although Mr.
Scott is lait seventwu year of age, we
find hint well qualified to enter upon the
study of the profession of the law. Iu
w it lies w hereof we have hereunto sub
scribed our names the day and year afore
said Aakos C. HoLBtRT, I!. L. Baku,
I- C. Coi-borx,- J. I. Pi-oii,
Valkxtixk Hay,
Committee of Preliminary Examination
of Students of Law.
The alxive is a copy of the report of the
committee filed in the office of the Clerk
of the Courts and refers to the eldest son
of Mr. and Mrs John lw Scott. Young
Mr. Sott has Ixseil spending his vacation
in his father's office, but will, noon leave
fir tJettysburg, w here he will re-enter Upon completing the college
course he w ill enter his father's office as
a student at law, ami, after finishing the
miuired course of study and reading.
w ill come up for final examination, when.
we predict he will pass a flattering an
exam inatiou as he did at the hand of the
geiitleuien who lassed upon hi qualifi
cation last week.
Two Bridges Swept Away.
The north of the county suffered a very
heavy rain fall Friday night. A cloud
I tuna is said U have wcurred at Bens
creek U-twecn II and l o'clock that
night. The creek rose a f ot in a few
minutes and people living in the valley
made preparation to move out f their
homes. The water u!ided very sud
denly, however, and ended their fear.
Some time during the night two wooden
bridg. were swept away in Jenner town
ship, cutting off travel IxHwecn that sec
tion and Johnstown via the usual routes.
More or less damage was done to fences
and ti miter
Binder Twine
for cash in jrt-B tales. We sell Sisal
Tw ine lor 7 cents and Manilla far 8 cent
per B. New twine just received and
guaranteed '
J. D. Hicks Nomtnitd.
The Republican conferees of the Tw eu
tie'.'u congressional district com;wised of
the counties of Bedford, Pdair, Cambriu
and Somerset met at the Logan House,
Alt'joti, Thursday evening, for the pur-
j jkish of naming tha party's candidate for
congrv'i on tne ticket. Tue delegates
were a follows:
Bedford S. Mardnll William, S. L.
Buck, S. R. Imgenecker.
S.iiiierset '.jjorgo R. Scall, Captain W.
H. Sanner, J. C. Iowry.
Cambria Thomas Munroe, J. j. Lloyd,
I), ii. Meyer.
Blair icirge M. Patterson, Charles H.
Morse, D. F. Sunderland.
The conference was organized by the
election of Captain W. II. Sanner as pres
ident and Tliomas H. Muuroe and S. L.
Buck as soj-retaries.
At once when the organization wa af
fected nomination were iu order and the
name of Hon. Josiah D. Hicks was the
only line presented. He was declared the
unanimous choice of the party.
The nomination papers were at once
filled out and signed
Veterans Leave.
As early as six o'clock Monday morn
ing a score of veteran had assembled in
front of Printing House Row, in which
tirand Army headquarter are lm-ated
Additional squad appeared until half
pa! seven w hen the crowd nuiiilieredover
Ion bine eoates all carrying curled lauiel
canes A fev minutes later the Somerset
Cornet Band arrived w hen the comrades
fell in liehind and marched to an inspir
ing tune to the station, whcrethrcesjieciul
ears were in waiting to convey them to
Pittsburg and the Annual I'ucampmeiit.
Not less than ooO iieople had congregated
at the station to w itness the departure of
the veterans When the sjteciul pulled
into the station w ith four well filled ears
one of them occupied by comrades of
Rculieii Ferner Post (i. A. R., of Stoves
town, there was a great rush to get on
Ixrnrd One veteran carrying the famous
"Frosty Sons of Thunder" ltannerattniet
ed general attention. All were eager to
lie off and all were confident of having a
delightful time fraternizing with their
comrades in arm and rehearsing camp
fire stories. Besides the veteran who
left Monday morning perhaps twenty-five
additional comrades started from Somer
set for Pittsburg Sunday afternoon. It i
estimated that l.) jtcople from this town
in addition to the veterans aresieuding
the w eek iu Pittsburg enjoying the festivi
ties incident tothe National KncampmeiiL
Lutheran Conference.
The following program will lie oliserv
ed at the Somerset county Lutheran con
ference beginning Monday, Oct, N:
Monday, p. in., sermon by the sec
retary, the Rev. ii. W. Christ ; Tuesday,
X: in a. in., devotional services, Rev. J. J.
Welch ; V-.iM a. in., organization and busi
ness ; 9: 45 a. m., "Home Religion ;" sssay,
Rev. M. L. Young, Ph. D. ; address, Rev.
J. L. Buck ; bk'PI a. ui., sermon on bap
tism, P. Bergstresser, D. D. ; 3:JU p. m.,
"TheOllices of the Holy lihost" essay.
Rev. H. M. Petroa; axldrcsses, Rev. H. C.
Salem and Rev. D. B. I.aa ; 't:! p. m..
"Church Mesnliership," It Character;
essay, Rev. D. Stullt ; addrtws Kev. C. F.
Itcphart; "Its Duties," css:iy, Rev. B. B.
Collins ; address Kev. A. B. Miller; 3:45
p. m., business ; ": p. in., sermon. Rev.
S. J. Taylor.
Wednesday, :"' a. m., devotional st-
vi.-e, i. W. W. Aiiiie!" ; !i a. m., btisiuss;
ftrm a. m., "Justification ;" essay, Rev. ).
H. liruver; a-Llress, Rev. J. J. Welch;
lOr'Sia. in., sermon. Rev. W. A. Shipinan;
i p. m "The Church Memlier," as relat
etl to the pastor, essay, Rev. K. S. John
ston ; as related to the services in general,
essay. Rev. F. S,. Shultx ; as relate I to the
church paiier, essay. Rev. !. W. W.
Amiek; general discussion; 3: p.m..
business meeting; ":') p. m., sei'iiou.
Rev. J. S. Harkey.
Pastor and delegates who arrive at
lil5p. m. and at 3:) p. ui o-t H, ld,
will lie met at Ilooversville, the nearest
suit i.n, and lie conveyed to the church.
No arrangements have lieen made for
coiivevaiHt to conference from other than
the above mentioned trains.
It is requested that all pastor who ex-
pe.-t to go by private conveyance will
please inform the pastor at Hoovcrsvillc.
Bobbed FostoSces.
Thomas Burnett and John B. Sorls-r
w ere arrested Mondav bv United Suite
Deputy Marshall liarlier, on charge of
robbing pistolliee. Seal It, Shelly, al
leged to Is-long to the same outfit, was
arrested List Thuisday on the same
In Septemlier, ls'i'5, the imstoflice at
Mostoller's Station wa broken into and
r .blxsl. A letter containing 5, a quanti
ty of iKistage stamjis ami a small sum of
money wa stolen. A few night later
the jt.ictotli.-o at Buck stow n wa also en
lere.1 and robUsL The iiston"ice insj.ei.-t-
ors went to work on the case, obtaining
information uufllcientr to warrant making
the informations against the accused
Shelly wa arrested in Allegheny city
last Thursday, but was released on (Hun)
bail. His arrest was kept quiet. Burnett
was found w orking on his father's farm
near Buckstown, and Sorlicr was caught
in the roundhouse at Concmniigh, where
he was employe.! by the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company. Burnett was taken
to Johnstown. His lather accompanied
him to that pi ce, w here he entered Ixted
in the sum of 1mi Ibr his son's appeai--
ance nt Pittslairg next Monday for a
hearing. Sorln-r ctaild not furnish lmil
and was taken to Pittsburg Monday
night. Officers had chased Shelly over
the west, and it i said that after he wa
arrested he gave hi confederates away.
The Bating Beeord Broken.
RoliertJ., C. J. Hamlin's wonderful
pacer, achieved imperial honor at Fort
Wayne, InL, on Aug. .11, dethroning
Nancy Hank and smashing her H
record 1 le wa sent against hi record ot
1:011 and finished the mile in itt'-i, the
greatest rourd In the history of light
harness racing and one that crowns him
king of the turf. The quarter wa reach
ed in ."in, the half passing iu 1:011 and
three quarters in U-S.
A still greater suprise was in store for
Thursday at IndianaHtlis, when the Ft.
Wayue record was broken, a mile lieing
covered in irtUj.
It was in the second of three beats the
average time for which was iu'lj, making
them the fastest three heat ever pa.-ed,
or trotted either.
The race was a match with Jon Patcbeu
for a purse of c-V".
Wheat as a Sabititnte for Cora.
Investigation by the Chicago Trade
Bulletin with regard to the feeding of
wheat to livestock confirms report from
other s.turo-s that there is a very general
use of the cereal for this purjiose. From
all the States from New York and Penn
sylvania westward to Colorado and from
several Southern States replies have lieen
received to the inquiries of the Trade
Bulletin, Mime of w hieh say that the con
sumption of wheal for animal food will
amount to from 5 to J per ceuL, and a
few anticipate the ue of as much a 5u
per cent., in displacement of the other
grain. If these estimate have not lieen
exaggerated the effect must ultimately be
felt in a measure of relief to the abnormal
prke depression in the wheat market.
The rehtjively greater value of wheat
when fed to stock is indicated by the re
port of a Western bog feeder to the presi
dent of the Commercial Kxchange. The
result of his experiments in wheat feed
ing iu the last few weeks has lieen a gain
in weight of bogs equivalent to ft! cents
per bushelfor wheat which is not worth
over 54 cent in the Chi. -ago market after
the payment of freight and other expenses
of shipment from the farm.
Be wise, and examine the Cinderella
Range, It has more point tliat excel
than any other range on the market, and
is sold guaranteed to bake and roast,
S.dd by J. B. Holderbaum.
Highest of a'J ia Leavening Tower. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
Watering Horses.
The good horseman, says a writer, will
water his horse before feeding him, espe
cially in the morning. French breeders
always water their horses lie fore feeding,
and in all the large stables of horses in
this country that practice is followed
Yet many horsemen and farmers never
think of the advantage and necessity of
it. If the horse could talk, or if man
could understand him, he would ask for
a drink the first thing every morning,
and you would lie surprised how eager
be is to get it, whether the weather is
cold or hot I wonder how many farm
ers ever think of watering their horses
liefore fee, ling them in tho morning, or
how much they lose by not doing it.
The horse comes from work at night,
get a drink, then i fed mostly on dry
grain, eats hay part of the night, and in
the morning another dry feed, and by
this time is very dry himself, so when
he reaches water he fills hi stomach so
full that undigested fx id is forced out
of the stomach, and is a damage rather
than a Ifiictit to the horse. Now try
watering one horse liefore f.-eding in the
morning thus slaking his thirst, and at
the same time washing the stomach
ready to receive the morning feed, w hen,
lieing properly moistened with saliva, it
will remain until thoroughly digested,
Your horse can do more work on less
feed, and will lie healthy much longer;
liesides, humanity demand this thought
ful care.
The Land of Promise
Is the mighty West, the land that "tickled
with a Ikmo laughs a harvest ;" the Kl
Iioradoof the miner; the goal of the
agricultural emigrant. While it teems
with all the elements of wealth and
prosperity, some of the fairest and most
fruitful tort ions of it War a harvest of
malaria reaped in it fullness by those
iiiiprotctcd by a medicinal safeguard
No one seeking or dwelling in a malarial
locality is safe from the scourge without
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Kmigrants
liear this in mind. Commercial travelers
sojourning in malarial regions should
carry a lxittle of tho Bitters in the tra
ditional gripsai-k. Against the effects of
exiosure, mental or bodily overwork,
damp and unw holesome food or water,
it is an infallible defense. Constipation,
rheumatism, biliousness dyspepsia,
nervousness and loss of strength are all
remedied by this genial restorative.
Georgia and tne Mob.
Rev. Benjamin F. tiaston wa shot in
the forhead at lievereux, Oa., by an
armed mob, which attacked him while
he wa addressing a crowd of colored
men, urging them to go to Africa. Six
other negroes were seriously injured.
Alxmt a year ago, Oaston, who is a col
ored preacher of some ability, w ho has
lieen engaged in tho work of getting
up a scheme of transporting negroes to
Africa, was taken on a requisition from
New York to Oexirgia, to !. tried for
swindling. He wasaequitted. Six months
ago he made his appearaiu-e at Devereux,
iu Hancock county, where he has ltecn
holding midnight meetings among those
of bis race. The effort to remove the
lalxir out of the country so antagonized
the whites that violence has lieen feared
for several weeks.
Heart Disease BelieTed in 30 Minntes.
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart give
jtcrfo-t relief in all cases of Organic or
Sympathetic Heart Disease in .'SO minutes,
and speedily effects a cure. It is a iicor-
iss remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of
Breath, Smothering Siells Pain in Left
Side and all symptoms of a Diseased
Heart. One dose convince. Sold by
tleo. W. Benford
Allegheny Township Teachers.
At a meeting of the Board of School
Directors of Allegheny tow nship, held nt
tiie house of Allien P. Hillcgas ou Satur
day last, the following named teachers
were elc-ted fir the ensuing school yean
Cross Roads Ldith Coleman.
ML ion. Miss Stihrie,
Snhrie, Mr. WolfliojK
Felton, Mildred Bills
Hillegas Kliuor Fike.
Mountain, F. A. Bittner.
Pin. Nora Kmrleka.
Wemer, W. II. Ault. J
Iiiiirrund. Floren.-e i iavnor. I
School open Mombiy, OctolsT 1st.
Powell's Shorthand
Diliert Building, Johnstow
n. Pa., is con
Steiiographcr. en iu Short
ofthe Type
L Write for
ducted by a practh-al
Thorough instruction giv
hand and the exicrt use
writer. Lesson by mai
terms and first lesson free,
crate, instruction thorough.
Prices iii.mI-
C. R
Hatband Items.
tieorge F. Aiiman has gone to Dayton,
Mr. M. H. Fike and Miss Shultz, of
Summit township, were guests of W. S.
Welter and family last week.
All of the veterans from this section left
Monday morning for Pittslairg.
A p.iiiiona meeting wilt lie held in the
Orange Hall on Saturday, Sept. 'ii.
The Husband school will open on Mon
day, 21th, under the care of II. H.
It is currently reported that Samuel S.
Miller will abandon farming this fall
w hen he w ill remove to Somerset.
For this fall sow ing I will furnish Dis
solved Pure S. C. Bone at ?!! per ton.
Ph.isphates at $1 and 3) up to $x iter
toll f;r fine ground Bone Meal. Let me
have your orders early.
A. C. Davis
Somerset, Pa
Japanese Spies Beheaded,
The two alleged Japanese spies who
were surrendered to tho Chinese authori
ties by the United States Consul, at
Shanghai, under whose protection they
were, have lieen promptly tried and lie
headed In consequence of this summa
ry action, all the Japanese remaining in
Shanghai, alxmt 7is, have decided to
leave the city at wire.
let ails of the course of the war in the
Fast are brought by the steamship Belgie.
One story is told of the remarkable cun
ning of the Chinese iu an engagement on
the Korean lxirder. A small detachment
of Chinese were sent to attack a strong
fon-e of Japanese. The latter almost an
nihilated the Chinese, those left retreating
and luring the Japanese on to an under
ground mine.
When the exultant Jaianese rushed
forw ard with vh-toriou cries, the mine
wa fired, and alxtut ." Japanese were
blown into the air. The entire Chinese
forces then attacked the remainder and
cut them dow n.
Time or Temper.
No time or temper asted w hen you
use the Cinderella Range, Iu I-J-ge and
high oven insures icrfct lk;og and
roasting. Sold by.
Jamks B. HolherkaI'm,
Somerset, I'a.
Musical IastrmmeaU.
Violins, Mandolins Guitar. Banjos
and other st ringed instruments at Snyder's
drug store.
Lawn Mowers.
A handsome line and cheap. For sale
by Jas B. HoLiiKKBAm.
Brethren Conference.
The National Conference of the Breth
crn church at Ashland, Ohio, List week
was largely attended, alxmt odd delegates
and visitors l-eing present. Rev. J. II.
Knepper, of Berlin, wa elected modera
tor. Rev, McFadeii and Mumau, well
known among our people on account of
having served as pastors here, were lead
ing spirits at the convention. A report
showed that the publishing house was in
a good financial condition and that there
was a surplus in the treasury. The
publishing intercuts are to lx? consolidated
and conducted at Ashland Ohio, thus
depriving Meyeradale of the tract pub
lishing business. Rev. A. D. liuagy is
still retained as' editor of the tract and
will fransfer his Mst of duty to Ashland.
The National Organization of the King's
Children, young as yet in years a re
ported as having 4 societies and a mem
bership of nearly 3OH0 and to lie not in
debt hut w ith a surplus in the treasury.
Besides lieing elc-ted Moderator Rev.
KnepiHT received the additional honor of
being appointed a member of the National
Standing Committee. Merlin .'ro,-tl.
Bide a Bicycle.
Columbia, Reading Flyers and Fash
ions both ladies' and gentlemen's wheel
oitcned this week at James B. Holder
ban m's Hardware Store.
The Origin of the C. A. B.
A curious fact is that while the Grand
Army is mostly made up of enlisted men,
the Idea of the society originated with
two staff olficcrs, neither of w hom had
ever held command rank. The first gen
eral suggestion of it w as made by Chap
lain W. J. Rutledge to his tent mate,
Surgeon II. F. Stephenson, of the Four
teenth Illinois infantry, while on lieneral
Sherman's expedition to Mcxiidian. Dr.
Stephenson, after the cl.ise of the war,
planned the organization, drew up a rit
ual, and as "Commander of liepartment
of Illinois" signed the charter of Post 1 at
De-atiir. He is rei-ognizcd a the found
er of the sx-iety. That first st formed
in April, consisted of only a dozen
memlier; but the idea spread like w ild
firc. By July '11, follow ing, there were
3! Hist in Illinois, and a department
convention wa held Several weeks
earlier Wisiisiii had U-gun to found
Ists Iowa followed, and in NovciiiIkt
the first of the national encampments wa
held From the West the society spread
to tho Kast ; and when Dr. Stephenson
died, in 1S7I, it was already a iiowerful
organization. AVm- York Nun.
Readers of the Hkrai.D should for
get that J. N. Snyder, the druggist, can
fit their eyes.
New Prices for 1894.
Painted Barb Wire per lti, - 2 cts.
Rissell Chilled Plows, - - j it)
No. 4i 0 (
Syracuse " - i; on
Jule " " - (iUi
Cull and see the latest improvement in
Lever Spring T.xtth Harrows.
Jamks B. Hoi.hkrb ai m,
Somerset, Pa.
& Good,
! Somerset,
Look out for their ad.ertiaemcnt
next week.
Afford It!
That reply was om permissable,
lnit in tt so now. Because, though
times have not changed.
I selling the finest and all kinds of
tieiitteuteM'n f'nrnixhiinj so very
cheap now (always sells Issuer and
right-up-to-date fixture f..r less
money than purchasable elsew here,)
You Can
Afford It:
And, gentlemen, there i no excuse
for any other apiearance than a
neat, tasty, comfortable one, toA
nmtill Htliy, w ith such a store in
town. The values we are giving in
all lines are appreciated. The
got! must go liefore they Ixacome
unseasonable. Don't you want to
secure some of the Inirgains? Well,
then, don't wait bio long.
We have facts to fit our announcement.
Jonas L. Baer,
The Hustler."
Should every one. If in ami of a pare Mini
uutut for incdijjautl put-poxes go to 1st Feder
al nt.T RecauM- he will And th largest Mock
to xelert from at lowest prices. Tb Rye
Whiskies are ail from the largest and best
known dislillerie and aolct at the following
prices: 2-year-old at tlSO per gallon: J-y.wrsjJd
4-year-old at -JjO; 6-year-old at SL-iu;
-yeaisuld at H-V 10 and 13-year-old at VjjO;
St. Helena, OtliMirnis, oldest and best selected
wines 10 brands dry and xwret, at 51 JO per
irallon; Rhine wine. Imp. Hlicrry, Maderia,
Iort and (ottruws at ktweitt figure. No extra
chaise tor pack injj. (.all or send for price list
188, Federal St., Allegheny.
Wiifki--s. Tin- 1 1on. Jacoh II. I.o;k-NK-
K Kit, 1' J ii. l:e of t he severn I ( on ri
of i ' Pleits of tin- Meveral fSHiJiIi.-M.snii-
j fklsillK Itie ililll Jliiiiciiil IMstri.'l, ami Jlllee
oi ine t oitrTs o. i jyr nii.i terminer n ml l.en
erai J.-ill It.-' very, for tiie trtnl of all enpltj.1
mid otti. rit4i.l.r in i!m s;ii. li.:rlet, aiel
J'. J. liouNKk sii.l No tn Itii-sKi tri, K-'..
JuiliriKof the I mirlK of 'oiimmn i'l.-us mi I
Justl'-i-s of Ihe t'.njrts of liver Mini Teniiini-r
nn. I (ieii.-n.l Jui! lK-li very for the lrt.l of a I
-:iit-.l Mini .ilhet- ml -n.l'er in the .'ounty of
Som-rset, Itsvc ih. lr pre-eft. and to
me direriml. for ln.l lliii: u I'.mrt of 'oiiimiu
1' mi I iteneRil (ju:irt-r is.'ssloiui of tha
I'.-ae-and .-:wr.iI Jail liellvery, .el t'ourt
of Hyerumi Terminer at, un
Monday, Sept. 24th, 1894.
Notick I heretiy Kiven t. all the Jutl-
in me i-rtiee, ine onioer auu l onsuiijie
I within tho said county vt Somerset, tb-it thr
I tf then and there In Iheir proper rH wilt
I thelrrolis, re.-ur.s1liituiltiiii!t,exuiinuti4jiis
mi.u .micr rciueiii Tinnier. 10 ao inose ining
which to their oiriee and In that behalf ap
pertain to be done, and also they who will
prosecute atrnlnat the prisoner that are or
lu.Il be in the jail of Homerset County, to be
then and there to pruatcuie agaluat them a
kliall be luL
Estate of Willium I. Anstiwd. lute oft'ou.s
uuiuich township, U.r'd.
letter ot administration IiktIiiij hetHi rrunt
cl ly Ihe tna r ntillt.trily, l.i the undersign
ed, noliee i hen-tty given lo ail persons in
debted lo sniil estHtc l.i nuike iiimi.ol.'.le iv
iiieiit, and thow liaTiiij; cIhIiiu. asrulimt mud
rstiile will present Iheiu duly
for jji-ttleiiient, .Mi Thursday. ijet.wT llili,
14, at lal" residence of det-eused in C'oiie
inaugli township.
Estate of Mary Rhode. ut.of n town
ship, Somerset county, I"a dee d,
letters of tiiiiiiilt rut ion havinjx been (rant
ed by the proper authority, lo Ihe undersign
ed, not ice Is lu reltv ictveii to all pi-rmmn In,
d.-ltted to Kiid estule lo umkr liiiiiiisliate pny
liient, and thiwe lutvini; cliitin sirainst said
eslate will present lliein duly autlieiitl.-aied
for M tl lenient. ISauirduy, iNi. Kill. A. t.,
1!M, at Ihe residence of Ihe Administrator in
aid township.
Fred. M". Bii'serker. Administcator.
EsUite of John U. fjuuilirrt, dravwd.
letters of adniiiiistrali.Hi haviiiK been jrnint
cl by the proper authority, to the undersijjtt.
ed, noliee is hereby riven to alt p. li
debled t.J Maid estate to utake lliinieduito pa V
neiiL, and tliiMe liavina; rlHims airainst said
estate will pn-selit litem duly aiillteiiltculed
lor wllleiiH-nt, on Saiiuniuy, I k-t, :lth, IKH. at
the late residence of d.i-'d In SoiiH-rset town
ship. J.iHX II. lil'MBERT.
Jonathan .i miskkt,
Estate of Hum uet ruble, late of Conemauxh
t.jwnship, Somerset county, dee d,
le tters testamentary on the alxive estate
liaviiiz Ims'Ii jrnmted lo the uitil. lt-;iie.i l.y
Ihe prtiier authority, notice is h.rvby given to
ail iersoiiH indeltieU to said estate to make
immediate puyiti.'nl, and lii.ise having ebiiuis
against the same to prc-tit lliein iluly au-theiiti.-:it-d
lor settlement, on Saiunlay, S. -pt.
i'd, 1KM, nl tiie late residence of dee'd., in t'on-eliiau-li
Orphans' Court Sale
Valuable Real Estate!
Ileal estate situate atsHit one-half mile from
By virtue of an order of Court to me Usue.1.
I will expose to public side on the premises,
in U,iicuiauhiiig township, Somerset county,
l'a un
Saturday, Sept. 15th next,
A valuable farm of tiie estate of Emanuel
lobr. dee'd.. adjoining lands of Lincoln A.
Meyer. Ilir.iui J. Meyers, Aiiuonali Iilir,
Iiu.e Ankeny. A. Waiker and otlwrs, eon
luitiins one hundnsl and sixty-live tuiarn,
.if whii-li alstut lo acre is el.unsl and itij
pnived. and 11 aeres in meadow, itaving there
on erected a large
Dwelling : House,
hunk burn and other outbuildings. There is
on the premises a large orchard. The farm is
underlaid with valuable coal, limestone and
tin-clay, of msy aeeesii In the S. Jc 1 It It
and w ill lie sold milij.s-l to a mineral riu'ht of
s.-veuty-seven acres by the decedent soid to
Wtu, Keim.
cash iu connniuition if sal.t ( in one
ycun and in two years with InUT.-sl. to be
secured on the premises bv judgment ts.nd.
WM. P. HiHiVElt.
Administrator of Emanuel Ithr.
Estate of Josiah Alwine, late of Conemautrh
t.iwnsliip, Soinersel tsjuntr. Pa., d.-c"d.
I-tt.-r t.stainntarr on the above estate
having ltecn granted to Ihe undersigned, by
the proter uuthont v, noti.v is hen-by given to
all persous t.J said estate lomake im
utcdiate iciyiiieiil and' liaving claims
iigHinst the Mine will pnsa-nt them duly au
llM iitieattsl tor settlement on Krt.fciy, Sept.
ilst. im at n-sideiH-v of Eieeutor ill t' me
ntation township.
Valuable Rtal Estate!
Pursuant to an nntVrof thrphiiiiH 4'ourt
of SmT-t cimnty. I'a., Um-iv will h wti Mt
mli- jalf on Uh prvmimt, ntr t'oleiiutu'it
Laliim, ?siikeoct cuiity, l'u. un
Thursday, Sept. 20th, 1894,
at I o'clock P. M.,
the following deserihed ri-al e-tat-, late of
Noah Shatter, d.-e'd to wit;
Nit. 1. A certain tract of land or tirm situ
ate in tu,-malHiing toi nslnii, Sttiu-rs,
tsttmty, I'a.. ailjoining lands of Jaistb spioig.
ler. Adam Hanihart, . P. sluiver. W lulam
ILiush estate, and tract No. 2, CMiUtinilig
alt.Mil ICt acres and " ien-he, of m liieh lit
acres are and alut Isaeren iu timlier.
A birge eight room
Dwelling House,
with basement, large bank burn and other
buildings ou the premises, all iu good coiull-
lion. Also an on-lianl of elimee Iruii.
No. i A tr.wt land situate in the t.twn
ship aforesaid, udjoining tract No. I. William
ii.iush estate, litsitve s'etiiUiugh. Jacob 7.iui
meriiian. J r.. anil J.bth iiolir. nrtitainiiig
a'Miut K! acres and I'JI s n-lM-s. of which alt.HU
t acres arv cleare.1 and alt. Hit i't acres iu good
white unk tiuiis r. A new eiglit room
new medium sized buru and other buildin
Ml the pn-mescK.
Tlice Iii nits arv in a high state of rultiva
tio:i, and conveniently bunted to ih-Ihmhs.
chun-nesaiid 1-ailr.M.Ls, and will lie ofteivd
for sale separately or as a a'hole. toul and
fireclay rersTveri.
10 perj-eiit. .Mi .lay of sal.-: haumce of niis
Itiird on eonrintiatum .M stile and delivery of
deed: oiMtliird April 1, lsi, and .Mif-third
April 1. lsiT, witli.Hit inu-rest. Pokm-sskmi
to be given April 1, !'.
Executor of Noah Siialler, d.r'd.
Harry L. Sipe, Aucti.Mi-r.
Valuable Real Estate.
By virtue of an nnlerof sale Issued out of
theVourt of t'ouiUMMi Pl.wsof SoiiM-rs,-t tsiun
ty. Pa., and to me directed. 1 will ex pose to
public sale, .Mi the preniise, on
Thursday, Sept. 13th, 1894,
AT 1 0'CI.X'K 1. U
all the following descrilted real estate, late the
property of Jeremiah swartx:
A tract of kind situate in Qucmahotiina
township, Saimerset eiMinty. Pa., adjoining
lands of lieorse Maun r. Ja.stb Kuunti, K. 1.
lioyer and otiiers, conLainiitg
14:7 ACRES
and allowance, of which ahiMit llo aensi are
cleans! and in a good slate of cuitivatuMi.
The entire tract is underlaid with a vein of
K.sal nul; llierv is also an iiM-xhausiibie
uuantil v of liiiM-sl.Mie. easy .if under
Iving a port i mi of lite InieL Tiie bnu in well
waU-red, with a g.aal wbard tf fruit trees,
liaving til.reou erxxt.-d a one and one-ha If
story frame
and other outbuilding.
Thl farm I a very desirable iie in every
respect, being situate In one of the rH h. t
agrtcuituntl seeti.Mlsof Ihe county. In a
ciiiinmnitv, oMivetiiciil to mbools aud
rbnrehe;"it Is.Mily l' mile from the B.M--outh
of Stovestown, and only 4 if a mike
frtMii tlleS. A C. R. K. stal ion at SpruceUiw o ;
It is lite former bo lues lead of iMinel Berkey,
Ten perceiiL of tiie purchase money to he
paid on the dar of aale and the baiaiM-e of
Mie-tiiird on or before the ctnnnnatHto of ihe
ale; une-thini In six BHMilhs and me-tbird
In m vmr from IbeoKiOnuatHMi .a Ineaabr;
deferral paynM-nla to bear interest fns.t eoo
rirnuttlou of ale and to lie crurvd by Judf-HM-nl
bund on the prwiilsr.
Aiirner of Jeremiah saajti.
CKO. R. SCVIX, Altoniey.
James B.
Fine CARTS for Bachelors.
Fine BUGGIES for Young Men.
Fine Buprgies for middle
Fine Carriages for the Family.
Fine Phaetons for the Old Folks.
a large
and Spring
The largest and best
James B.
Is None Too Good When You Buy
It L Just a InnHirtaiit to &ure
At it i To Have Confidence in the 1'hyaicUtn. Who rrttcribea
You are always sure of getting the frw-htt iueliviiit PRfX-'RIPTIONS
Carefully C'onijKKiinltxL
All of the lieat and Mot Approved Trusses Kept in- Stock,
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Somerset, - Pa.
New Fan Goods are now
coming in at low prices.
Mrs. A. E. UHL
- aged and business men
line of Road Wagons
selection ever shown.
way down.
Call and see them.
This space reserved