The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, August 08, 1894, Image 3

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    The Somerset Herald
itr:,tUuE R. mTU-.MiUir.
v f.IiNK-I'AV,.
Accost 8, lt.
Ma-ocal iiistni
menu at Snyder's drug
"sritiKir lime in all 01.011 drains about
v.Hir pp-iui-.
v,, tl..- ' f!rine-"h Harrow, for
.."l.vJam-"- H..l.l. Himi.
Tv'fcirm.-r-hav ha.1 fine weather for
liavii'-l l.-irvestiii.
Y -a ''u.v m ,,f DrivillS
s five umr i
li,-rk r.iity fanners have ln ad
1 1 v scientist to ventilate their hams
I'rr vent them from being ruck by
lt,)V1maut ' first-las- inusi-
jll,m..n.-.)t at a moA-nte ..rice. Oo
t.,v.l. i- -lr"K Rl"re-
inKlf .laut "( wheat will often pro
, 3,n ..v-ls in one anMoii ; a aunrtiiw-
' Vi'i ; iiy': tA"u'-
,.!aiii. ". l.f'.'.
"Mus',-il triiiBed iustru-
Bl"rt,ttf uyder-anif -lore.
. , n visitet an Indiana store.
k and stated that a lady, four
. . , i.
Isst wif
, I-fore, l.a.l Hloicii a aci...
,r.,i. the ton ke. r. The lady i now
,.-,,1 Mil he desired that they ask the
.'.r.k"-l-r' forgiveness for her. It was
,, rL rn. ,'"k' mi t"ltl,,n Bt
Kra'nklin .'..He, Athens, O., ,H-r
.,-k. raialoguefn.
..i.... i. I.licved to 1 the largest wi!-
n this eountry xtands on the
inrir.-iiiulerenre, I " 4,1 K"
,il:llm1.r..f its spreading l.raiichea la i
4 unit' sale of tine furniture at Hev
liuX an -- Kranklin St., ltegiua Aug.
!.U. Parlor suif at aUmt half once.
V suit fr a divoree Wfore a Newark
(i ) Judge deveh nasi the fat that the
V..piaiiiaiit, the wife, aought divorc
ih.u the ground that the erring husnd
l,Ll n-t " ,,, r "IVt'"
v'riab! v addressed her as "You re.l-head-,,
thing" The Judge mer.ifully allow
ed the s, .anti.rti.
trer'sHair Vigor is eleanly, agr-MHU-neti.-ial,
and safe. It ia the n..t
il.-nnt and the most tsM.noiuieal of toilet
preparations. Hy if "e ladies ean pro
'iu.v an alMindant gn.wth of hair, .-ausing
ii t natural in eolor, lustre, and
t.xtur-. iflsputtwork in plowing
ii.'.re i-pts ia'.ly in region where U-a-sts
nr. fi. "r wanting. It las lsi'n done
r ... i.;..l. tlw.
-fully in a numis-T i i-aw as o
rim-lit. A new method is plowing
:.i i The exidoxive is divideil
i minute gr.imil.-s and scattered. It
p':..s up t!ie earth very thoroughly. Thw
i-n Australian iiive-.lion.
Ifv.aiwant theKwt Jarm wagon on
.loii-t fail to get a Kramer or
smdeluker fn'iii
Suuerset, Pa.
The issibility of using the water as a
i,i,-lh.lof telej.hoiiie communication is
i, U ing deveIop-d, mud it is almost a
certainty th:U Isfore long moving ships
i s.r will 1 able to communicate with
one another, though they are outsidethe
range f vision, and that a warning of the
approach of ic ls rgs dereli.-ts or other
slnps aill Is-given by cleetri.-al appara
til- attached to vossels.
Have v.mi seen lh-vlin's Krussels t'ar-
im is at in o ut- per yard, in any pattern?
T H.-et urtuins lower than ioblsr's price.
Prices guaranteed on any article, and
Si Franklin SL, Johnstown, 1 a.
There are five applicants for the Johns
t.. u i-tolli.-e a.- follows : Herman Ilau
nier. h. had a bnrther in the army ;
Frank llnerle- who is a stn-in-law of a
..l.c.-r- 1 I. Wslruff. who is a son of
soldier; FX T. M.Neelis, who was a
iH-uHM-rutic lueuils-r of the Legislature,
and Coiiiiciliiutn (ireetie.
Mr. Isaar Jones, of thia place, has ac
eepted the agency of the Klmira Ilsling
To., New York. This is one of tue Urg.-st
and U-st ri.iine eomitaiiies in existence.
W r. Jones w ill U- at all times prepared to
r.-nair or naiut metal rslinc. or to furnish
new roiling of the famous t'limax'
l.rud, the oldest and ls-t rooting in the
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,
ill so-iou in Philadelphia, last VI-
i-day handed down iLs d--ision in
ra-e that has attracted considerable at
tention thr.Mig'ertit the Stale, It is that
of Andrew lu!lield against the schxl
ii-tri.-t of Williamsjiort. The lUtTd of
Control of that city refused admission to
tin-public sch.s.I of Mr. Ilutticld's wn.
a h.e father refusisl to eruiit his va
Filiation as orti'T by Couticils. The kiwer
Court had upheld the Hoard. The Su
preme C.sirt alliruis the ds-isKnf the
lower Court. The Court Indils thai the
regulation was a reasonable one, and one
hoil v ithiu the disTetioii of the Board.
As a hair droiug and lor the preven-
tiou of, Ayer's Hair Vigor haa
no opial ill merit and efficiency. It era
dicates dandruff, keeps the walp moist,
clean, and healthy, aud give vitality and
i'l..r to weak, fadi-d. and gray luiir. The
in -l sipular of toilet artick's.
It is w ell known that wc-uieu attain an
extra.. nlinarv age more oftencr than
lie u. One of the li'4 k;lebrto4 felitalt
centenarians was tint ('ouutsa iHMiiond,
te lied Us years, and died ill the reign
of Jauns I. a the result of an accident.
Tin-extraordinary woman, was at the
age of loi years, so active aud lively that
!ie Used to take her part iu dances with
) .iiiig p .plr. At the age of M" years she
traNrltsi from Uristol to Ioudon, no small
iiii.iertaking iu tbe days. Kven this
iii-uiice, houexer, is surpass.-! by the
ease ,f a French woman liamol Marie
Prion, u ho died at St. Cdomle at the age
if 1 years.
Turnips may lie numi at any time now
before tiie lath of August, aud in fivora en Jui.His ntake a good crxip. They
slioulj Is- sown on very well-prepared
grisiud, and if sow n just after a rain they
will come up and make rapid grow I It.
1 he Ilea lieetle is very destructive nie
years, aud the only remedy seems to now
thciu pretty thick, thinning them out
later u l,eu the insects have disaijearSLl.
ii small patches in gardens soot is aome-
tiinc- eiliiwchHis in driving theiu off.
fiiriiip- make their grow th after the cool
night coiiK-t, and shiHlld tie allowed t
reuiain iu the gnaiud until after the hard
fr.i-u hae apHtared. n uiauy farms
tin- ri4 i never grow n, but there are
few farm- on w hich it might not h- grow n
w uu fair pn.lit.
Patrick Flyun, a well kiKian liruuu
iiuuiufacturer, residing nr MarrHKUt-
v lile, Maryland, vouchea for a novel wav
of gi-tting rid of the destructive Kuglish
arros, w hn-h had ln aixmstomed to
devisjr his broom corn seed, and destroy
"is tehc rf Imrley, w hich grow no lux
iiriantly on his farm along the Patape-
1uiik. He jjaj K,. iuf.mued that the
1-csJs had a strong pro-iisity for alcohol k
"e-, so he procured a gallon of w hisk
ey. in w hich he soaked a peck of w heat.
He sutu red the w heat aUwit in the tit-Id
w here the birds w ere in the habit of feed
big ami soou huudrtsjs of them were ea
gerly feasting on the favored Hwd. Iu
hort time the arrows U-gan to sliow
'gim of hilarity by jumping aud lighting,
and in a few minutes sn-s had tumbled
oter on the ground in a drunken aluix-r.
Mr. Klyuuaaya that be and a ueighlsir
picked up over a hundred tardsand took
l'tue a number sufficient to make pot -pie
for dinner. While aouie of the Inrds
uld renver, if undisturlted, most of
mem would !e kill.-d outright from the
Herts of the strotnr lkiuid. Il did ixit
however, allow many of them the chance
r-gaiuing cwnaelouaneaa.
, brt V l-.!.kt.iirii farm, in Ifc.negal
;' Westmoreland county. It grew
.,. riding U' I'l'i" the ground
.ae.t. Thetr.s? measure Mfeet
tree I
Jack Frost paid a visit to the region
round alsut Somerset Saturday night.
Work on the water works is at a Ktand-
atil! owing to the inability of the pipe
makers to furnish the mains as required.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Kndsley, of Johns-
tow u, were visiting with their many
.Somerset friends Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Sprout, of Pittsburg, is vis
iting at the home of her father, John II.
Weimer, in the west ward.
Regular M-rviivM will le held in the
resiiytcrian t'hurch next Sabbath,
Aug. 12th, morning and evening,
conducted! by the pastor.
The ladiuH of the Presbyterian church
will hold a lawn fete at the residence of
Mr. Geo. H. Love, on Thursday evening.
The public is invited to 1 present.
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Blymyer, of
Philadelphia, are K'left of the latter's
Bister, Mrs. W. II. I'latu Mr. Blyuiyer
was a former promiueut hardware dealer
in Somerset.
A large force of laborers are naid to lie
at work on the IVmisvlvania Midland
liailroad at Suowden'a Jap, the point
a here the road enawea the Allegheny
mountain from lledford to Somerset
MisHMabln McKinlev is entertaining
her friend Miss Jordan of New York
City. Miss Jordan' father is proprie
tor of the Klberon Hotel at Utng llranch,
X. J., one of the principal hotels of that
famous resort.
Tlie Markleton Hotel and Sanitarium
is tilled with summer guiwts. There are
few, if any, more delightful mountain re
treat ft tr invalids and those seeking qui
et and rest to 1 found in the United
Silas Snvder. a native of this couuty
and a former resident of Somerset, died
recently at his home in Minneapolis,
Minn. He was a brother of Samuel Sny
der, of this place, and John II. Snyder,
of Stoyeatow iu
I ton Cennre K. Ilaer. wife and two
daughters, of Heading, Pa are guests at
the home of M rs. Ilaer' a father, John O.
Kimmel, Ki. Monday Mr. Ilaer
panied a party of gentlemen on a visit to
the I.islie MiueM.
Miss Sally and John C IhtvLs, of Johns
town, are giients of Capt. Win. II. Mil
ler's family in Queinationiiig township.
Mr. Davbs who is a student at law, ex
pects to spend the ensuing two years at
the Aim Harbor, Mich., Iw ScIhmiL
Cashier Harvev M. Uerkley. of the
First National Hank, has purchased the
la-i nt the three lots fronting on Patriot
street, of the Park Hotel property, anti
w ill ercs-t a handsome resulcn-e in me
near future- None of the lots fiw iug on
South street have Iku sold.
Thrw. head of rsittle, the property of
William H. Miller, w ho reside on the
Hedford pike, one and one-half miles
east of KoxlHirv. were killed by a 1II oi
lightning during last Wednesday night's
sionn. The eattle had sought shelter
from the storm under a tree, when it wan
shattered by the electric curront.
Our friends, the ProhibitiouisU, at their
cuinty convention, held at Meyersdale,
last Wednesday, nominated the follow
ing ticket: Congress, tSeorge lbs king;
Senator, Ievi Lichliter; Assembly, Ama-
niah Idir and Win. liustiii; Jury Com
missioner, C. 1). Spangler, Pisr House
)ire-tor, J allies S. May; County I liair-
luan, Hev. Will. Ibupt.
.. if f ;ll..r ,f Itolion Fit-
i.. . ... . ... -
. . . I .. V . ',' W .FM.I.itl'lL llMS 1 M 'II
uri ' ..v.. ... , - , .. -
appointed Assistant Inspector-at-Ijirge
of the 37th distri.-t of Pa.. i. A. li. The
district includes all of the Posts in Som-
ersi-t county. Capt. Miller's coiiirailes
ill be pleased Ut learn of his
uieiit, as he is a thorough and loyal tlrand
Army man ana a gisxi ieuw Krui t.j .
The Johnstow n Ihiiiv llmtl'l auspend-
ed public-ation with its issue of Saturday
evening, w hen the follow ing annouui-e-
nient was printed:
-In consjueui of the nnaneial le-
pression and inability to collect outsianu
ing aciMUiiU, the publication of the llrr
ald will Is? teiujiorarily BiisK-udel, to lie
resumed w hen the times justify such a
John Miller, a young farmer who lives
a! ut one mile north or stoyestown,
whileeuttingoata w ith a scythe Thursday,
sliptsl, bringing his leg in coiitai-t w ith
the blade, inflicting an ugly, laeeraled
wound of several inches in legth. The
blade s-verel several arteri-s and it is
feared the voug man w ill W permanently Dr. Oardncr dressl the
wound w hich required several stit'-ncs.
Among other guests at the Somerset
11. six' are Mr. ami Mrs. Allen Ware, of
WilkinslKirg, Pa. The latler is an inva
lid and w ill spend several weeks in this
place enjoying mir invigorating climate.
Mr. Ware is engaged in the Iwiilders' sup
ple laisiness. He ia a native of Alle
gheny township, thi c:Hinty, and will
visit his old stamping ground u-fore re
turning home.
Rev's. C. H. MatelL, of the Central
Chun-h. McKeesiKrt. and John A. Mar
quis of the Westminster Church, Ureciis-
lairg. Pa.. prea hed last Sablmth in the
Somerset Preabyteri.ui Church. They are
here on a brief vacation and are enjoying
their Slav among the mountains of Som
erset. The sermons were eloquent ami
were heard bv large congregations. Rotu
pastor ami pisplu will ! glad to have
them Imek ajfaiu.
The ditTereuoiw between the miners
and oiK-ralors of the Hsversville el
mines have leeii auiicably and satifai-t
rily adjustinl and all the men, exec ptmg
a few old-time ki kers w ho have lieen
disi-hargeJ, are working steadily again.
The terms uimju w hich the miners have
gone to work are cents a gross ton in
the Ashland Coal company mine No.
and Si cents a gross ton, w ith 2 cents a
vard in nuuuii iu luiue Xj. U w hich
equal 1 cents.
Several of our citixens w ith others from
Somerset and I'nioiitown have senird
an option on live hundred ncris of coal
laud near the LUlie mines and may ojhmi
iu the near future. The coal is of a very
fair quality and only needs push enough
to place it on the market to go as well as
Cicarlicld coal. The north anil middle of
the cou ity at last is getting into the
sw im. and as there are immense Isslies
ofoad, ofg.ssi coal, there, that region
w ill ssii Ik- in the era of development.
The surviving mcuilrs of the Fifty-
fourth Ib-gimcnt w ere so greatly pleased
with the address of J. ti. gle, F.sq., de
livered at the reunion of the regiment at
this place last year, that they have asked
him to reicat ii at the reunion of the reg-
imeut to e held at Hra.ld.s k on Scptcui
U-r fcAh. One of the aurvivors states
that Mr. Ogle' address was the most ac
c irate, oMiiprehensive aud complete his
tory of the regiment ever prepared. Mr,
Ogle has uot aa yet de-idsl w hether he
w ill awpt the invitation or not. AVy-
e,nV t 'Mmfm'l.
Messrs. Heniianus IWr and tleorge W
Harrison, left very unexisU-dly Sunday
evening or Ikicnson, Stsjth Dakota,
w here they will spend a month assisting
"Iianny" Ziiiimerman in the "rouud up"
of cattle on hi ranch near that place.
When Mr. Zimmerman left for his west
ern ranch several months ago he promis
ed these young gcullcmcti to notify theiu
w hen the "Hinching" season was ripe and
they agreed to Is? in readiuw to pack their
grips at a moments' uotictt and start for
Iiakota, It ia not improlaible that tm-y
will conclude to visit California w here
Mr. Haer'a two brothers reside lefire
returning home.
Aa Early Morning Fir.
Hctwecn four and live o'chx-k ycnter
ilny morning the reaideiuw of Harrison
Iierkey, in the iu)rth-weitern part of
town wan burned to the ground. Mr.
Iierkey had kindled a fire iu the kitchen
stove a few minutes ls fore and had gone
Pi the barn to fted his atock whin he
saw that the roof of his In Mine was in
flamcM. Hushing back to the house he
arousisj the member of his family aud
with their assistance managed to remove
most of the household furniture front the
burning building.
The house, w hich w as built of brick
with a frame addition, was entirely con
sumed. The origin of the fire is not posi
tively known, but waacaused either from
a defective Hue or by sparks falling upon
the dry roof.
The bunted building was one of the
land marks of Somerset. It was erected
in lsi2 X'T Ho Forward, F.sq., then a
pnu-ticitig attorney at the local lr, now
a resident of Cincinnati, Ohio. The ori
ginal building had a tower and was erect
ed after the old Kuglish style of architect
ure. M r. Forward sold it to the hue Capt.
Harry Ilaer, w ho resided in it for several
years. The projsrty was subsequently
owned by Samuel Smith, John 41. Kim
mel, Ksq., Hon. fien. F. Haer, of Heading,
and by several other parties, Ix-foreMr.
Iierkey purcliascd it.
Eeqoired aa Expert t Open.
For the past live or six days the securi
ties and U k of Parker A Parker have
!ecn s awurely secured that even the
member of the lirin have not beeiiHr
nii'.ted to gaze tiMu them. Iist Thurs
day night after the Issiks and cash had
Us n plaol away in the large safe in the
nr of their store' the senior inemluT of
the I'm n turned the combination ls-k and
retired to rest, feeling that noue except
those w ho knew the secret combination
sHi!d ever gain entrance to it. Imagine
his sun'rise next morning when the lock
refused to respond w hen turned to the
proper figures on the dial. After work
ing with the "plagued machine" for sev
eral hours tiie Messrs. Parker concluded
to send to the city for an expert to come
and admit them to their valuables. The
exert arrived last evening and the safe
w ill likely la? opened this morning.
Hammered tie Wrong Haa.
w'es. H iker, of Allegheny township,
was knocked down and severely leaten
in front of the Mansion House livery
stable last Monday night by three per
sons whom he did not recognize," says
the Herlin Iirortl. "It was about nine
o'cl.:-k when the lieating was done. Mr.
Haker w as sitting on a IkmicIi, not exect-
ug any troulile. llie men came aiong
and as they approached him one of them
exclaimed "here is the son of a h "
and struck him alsive the eye with an
old shoe, knocking him off the licnch.
The uteu lusgan kk-king him, lait fled as
soon as his cries ls?gau to attrai-t atten
tion. Mr. Haker can imagine of no one
having sufficient grudge against hint to
treat him iu this way and thinks the at
tackers were looking for some other party
and pitched into him by mistake. Jerry
Haker, a brother who was in town with
Wcs., started to take him home lait found
him hurt t Iwdly to stand the entire
journey, and took him into tin house of
Solomon Hrant, a farmer on the way, and
sent for a d1or. It was afterward dis
covered that two of Wes'a rilM were
Eock-jFOd Waallopt Conflaenoe.
CoiillnciK-e cniNKed bats with the home
team Unlay, ami were defeated by a score
of 'Jl to ii iu one of the most remarkable
and exciting games of the season, lhs-k-
wissl went to pieces in the second inning
and Confluence also crumbled in the
fifth. The Kitting of both teams was
terrific, McCiillnugu and Frantz Uomg
the heavv work for the visitors while
Haker, Proviiw, Holt.hour and Will did
like wrvM-e f..r Hs-kwood, but every
player hit the ball. The umpiring was
hardlv up to the standard and considera
ble w rangling re-ultud. Taken altogeth
er it was a rather spasmodic exposition of
the national game. Follow ing is the sail
storv in detail:
lt.skw.sst. I S ft 0 12 5 2 1 24
Confluence, 1 10 0 2 2 13 0 J
-in.i.ii.f. n- Vim-1 ni:is. It.s'kwsK .H. tNin-
Hite...-.?. left .hi M .cli: liase in t..iUs.
r.mmieiits- li. Ips-kw-ssi 4: sinielc out. '.hi
mtenis'S, H's-kw.ssi .': stolen lmcs, Conmi-cms-X
K.s kw.xsl II; i hit. Mil 'nllmisrh,
Ortilt, V a lent Inc. T:iniiel,ill, Miller. Will. Kny.
d. r Jis-. Ilkcri lloliicluiiiraiiii Kosle; lme
Im, i'rovlii-: Time of same i: I iiipircs,
liau'kaiid Vauu; atlsnleis;atsut
Two 7tal Ascideati.
The east-loiind "rtyor" run dow n and
killed the nine-year-old soil of Thomas
Knight, of Confluence, Friday morning.
Master Knight was amusing himself by
running around a passenger coach stand
ing on the si. ling In front of the station at
that place, and un one of his trips run on
the main track in front of the swift mov
ing train, which had ismie up unoWrv
ed. The lad's Jsnly was frightfully
mangled, and life had fled before it was
picked up.
There were many heavy hearts in Rs-k- last Tuesday w hen it lseame gen
erally known that a little three-year-old
child ofMr. and Mrs. Henry HuUoll had
Us'ii fatally burncL The youngster was
plaviug alsmt the yard w hen it picket!
up a match aud i.iauagod to ignite it and
set lire to its clothing liefore Itcmgoltserv
.-I When the frightful discovery was
made and the burning clothing had la-en
torn from the little one's Issly it w as seen
that the child's flesh was cooked. Medical
attention failed to bring relief to the
little sufferer, but death came to its relief
Thursday evening. Mr. Hutwll isa sp-
ular section foreman on the B. A O. H. H.
Te Be Married To-Say.
Allen Walker Hillegass and Misslirace
M. lirubaker w ill be united iu marriage
M.biis.lav eveniinr. August 112. at x
u'eka-k. M iss Hruliaker has Iks'U a clerk
at Steuger's for two years and has many
friends in the Hty. The couple will, alter
their marriage, ls at hme in licrlin, Pa. iM-mfCfit,
Carione Cat at Lav.
Htsx-ntly in Franklin, Pa., Terrence
CI u ne was arrested m the charge of noli
pavuient of taxes and taken to the fuun
ty jail to linger for an indefinite period.
The story of this case is interesting and
presents one of the queer phases injus
tice. Terrence has been a delitor for
scliool taxes to the amount of 1. He
had had no work for nearly a year and
found it imistssible to live, supsrt his
family, and get the aforesaid 1 ahead.
The tax txdlector finally gave Terrence
until 10 o'clis-k Thursilay to make the
raise, which he failed to do, and was, as
stated alstve. arrestcl. By arresting him
the constable gets 1. The sheriff also
gels cvnts fi.r his commitment to jail.
The county then goes iu and pays
cents a day for his keeping for a peri. si
w hich will prolwiily lie :i days, and may
Is? longer. At the end of 30 days, the law
to get the $1 scliool tax, has paid out flX
.VI, aud then d.iesu't get the $1.
Waat Flag Say Obeenred.
The Penny lvania society of the Sons of
the Revolution has issued a circular in
which is expressed the boKS thai every
mem Iter of the wsriety will display the
national flag on June 14th, and that with
the view of having the day so olnerved
throughout the county, th. secretary le
directed to transmit copies of the request
to the president of the I'nited States,, the
governors of the States and Territories,
the superintendents of public schools,
and the variisis patriotic organizations in
Pennsylvania, the press aasociaUoii, the
general society and state societies of the
Sons of the Hevolntksa, and the nieuils rs
of this soekiy.
Heart SiaeaM XclisTei ia SO atimaWt.
lr. Agucw'a Cure or the Heart gives
perfect relief in all cases of Organ ie or
Sympathetic Heart I'isease iu 30 minutes,
and speedily effects a cure. It is a lcer
less remedy (or Palpitation, Slstrtness of
Rreath, Snnshering Spella, Pain in Left
Side and all symptoms of Diseased
Heart, me dose convinces. Hold by
Geo. W. BeRfbrO.
Major John Knable, a prominent citi
ien ant! for a long term of yearn one of
the leading business men of this county,
died at 2 o'clock Sunday morning, at his
home on Main street, surrounded by all
the inemls?rs of his family, in the eighty
first year of his age. The Major had been
iu declining health for several years past,
and, when three weeks ago dropsy devel
oped, his friends saw that death had
stamped his seal upon his brow and pa
tiently aw ailed the en.L
Major Knable was born February 0,
If 14, at Burnt Cabins, Bedford (now Ful
ton ) county. While he was still a lad hi
father, Leonard Knable, removed toSom
er county and locate! at New Centre
ville, on the Mud Pike, w here he engag
ed in the hotel business. On July 3,
140, John was married to Miss Mary
Youukin, aud they celebrated the 54th
anniversary of this happy event just one
week before his death.
In 1M2 Mr. Knable Insight the interest
of Simon Cehhart in a mercantile firm
at tiebhartslsirg. In ls"d he sold this in
terest to his partner and removed to Som
erset, where he .Itecxme a business asso
ciate of the late Michael A. Sanner, hav
ing purchased the interest of Cyrus Hen
ford in the general store of Sanner t
Bcnford. Hedissdof this Interest to
the late John PalKm in l.-Mi, w lieu he re
moved to Pittsburg and entered into a
partnership with Capt. John H. Boytsand
WiiuOgdcn, iu the queensware Isisiness.
Three years later, in lmW, he sold out his
interests in Pittslajrg and returned to
Somerset, and during the next two years
conducted a railroad supply store at Vr
sina. In lsTl he purchased the interest
of M. A. Sanner in the firm of Sanner A
Patlon and continued this partnership
until after the great tire ot l7i, w hen he
retired, and Iscame a partner in the Som
erset Ftsjndry Company, w hich was dis
solve.! by the fire of H. Iu IfCS he
purchased the interest of the late W. B.
Frease ivi the mercantile linn of A. J.
Caselieer Co., and remained in this part
nership until after the death of Mr. Case
bycr in lvt w hen he retired from lsisi
licsH s3rnianently.
Inhrslong business career and resl
deutwin this place. Major Knable won
and retained the confidence and resjtect of
all of our people. Ho had Isx-n a life long
inemlsr of the Reformed Church and the
funeral w hich took place yesterday morn
ing was conducted by his pastor, Hev.
Hiram King.
The deceased is survived by his wife
and two sons John P., tf Pittslsirg,
Walter W., mail agent on the Somerset
A Cambria H. R., and by three daughters.
Mrs. Lew is C. ColU.rn and Miss Martha,
f Somerset, and Mrs. tieorgc Hoblitzell,
of Hyudmnn.
John rxBEKT.
One of Somerset township's leading
and iimst highly respected citizens passetl
away iu the death of Joliu (Jiiuilsjrt, who
expirtsl at his home near Will's Church
shortly after noon Saturday, in theseven-ty-ftsirth
year of his age. Mr. Humbert
was an unusually vigorous man and had
only been sick for a few days prior to his
death, anil then his sickness was
not of a character as arouse the appre
hensions of hi family and friends. He
was in Somerset attending to business
only a few days lfore his death and on
Friday visited his luirn and watched the
men store away the harvest. Saturday
he ate a hearty dinner and ssin after fin
ishing the meal walked into the yard.
No one saw him during the next two
hours ami his long alsence excited suspi
cion. After a snort searen ne was niuii.i
iu an out-building, cold in death. He. had
been dead for proliably an hour ls'fore
his Issly was found, lie is survived by
his widow and four children, viz: Mrs.
Benjamin Beam, of Jeffersoii township;
Mrs. Jacob Beam and Mrs. William of Somerset township, and Jona
than, w lio made his home with his father.
mrs. km ma workman.
Mrs. Kmma Workman, daughter of
Ihmiel Adams, of S.mierset township.
diet! at the home of her brother, W. A.
Adams, in Johnstown, on Friday, from
typhoid fever. The remains were re
moved to her father's home, Saturday,
and were interred in the Samuel's Church
Cemetery, near Iivansville, Sunday.
The deceased hud gone from her home
tltr Frostburg, Md., to Johnstown, ou
July 4th, for the puritoso of paying a vis-
It to the home of her brother, after which
she purjsisc.1 visiting w ith her parents.
She was lsint June d, lfiit, am! was lwp
tixed by Hev. John Toinlins.ui on Juno
ii, liil. When a young girl she united
with Samuel's Lutheran Church and had
ever si ins) Issm a faithful member.
After her marriage on I)otsmlsT 2.7,
l-e), to Mr. Sample Chosns's Workman,
of Keyser, W. Va.. she moved with her
husliaiid to netir Frostlmrg, Md., where
they lived on a farm.
To this union three children were Is.m,
two of whom linve already passed to their
eternal rest. Her buslxuid, w ho had a
weak constitution, died about twelve
months ago from consumption. Imring
her married life she was responsible for
all the affairs on the farm, on account of
her liuslwnd's sickness, w hich taxed her strength. Her mental suffering,
after ls-iug deprived of nearly her entire
family, was aluxatt past description. A
letter which she recently w rote to her
relative in Johnstown tells of her great
sorrow. After recovering from a sitcll of
sickness, she writes : "My trouble is al
most unbearable ; it seems so sat! that I
cannot keep any of my family, and no
one but (J. k1 knows the struggle I am
Mrs. Workman was of a very kind,
sympathetic and affc-tionate dl-xsitiou.
She expired quietly and jicatvfully.
She is survived by her little eighteen-
months-old daughter, Viola; also by her
parents, w ho are now eighty years old,
and five brothers and two sisters.
Miss sfsAX 1'ir.K.
Miss Susan Pile, aged scvenl v-iive
years, died Wednesday, August 1st., at
her home a little cottage on Mr. John
Frksiliue's farm near Sipesville. She
was a sister of Mr. David Pile, of this
Is trough.
Ievi Hoffman, a former resident of this
county, and latterly of Humls.Id, Cedar
itunty, Iowa, died iu Chicago on July
UtiA, age. I seventy years. He was Intra
in Somerset county in 124, and in IVsJ
was married to Isals-lle Here
moved to California iu lil and after
spending two years in that state removed
to Iowa, where he resided up until the
time of his death. Ftsir or five weeks
prior to his death he visited Chicago for
thepurpofcc of undergoing an operation
for the removal of cancer. He w itlist.ssl
the oHration, I Hit other diseases soon de-
vcIokx! and terminated in his death.
The deceased's two sisters Mrs. Herman
I'liibergerand Mrs. Hugh Wyant,of Jen-
ner township, are still living.
R. A. Snyder's Aui-tion Clearance Sale,
while a success, did not exhaust the fine.
valuable st.s k, and you can find some
really wonderful bargains there now.
Everything is going fast, esecially those
delightful capes and jackets. Come and
bring your produce. Terms cash or
trade. The goods are sold hs ktw to be
sold any other way.
Teachers Elected.
At a meeting of the Milford township
school board, held Saturday, the follow
ing teachers w era elected for the ensuing
school year: F.iL Frease, Albert Schrock,
D. II. Clinstone, Cordie Shultr, Maud
Boucher, Isaiah Wilt, FJuier Miller, and
William Put man.
The following named teachers have
ltfen elected by the school hoard of Broth
ersvallcy township: Boss J. Ilillegas, P.
V. Miller, A. B. Colter, B. K. Hay, Nora
Critchfield. W. II. Cols?r. K. M. Knepper,
John II. Hentz. J. M. Miller, John W.
Forney. E. C Gloss, and Lizzie Mengca.
Oa Deck This Week.
A large line of Fishing Tackle now on
sale at J as. II. Uouiekbadc
Xiddleereek Items.
Wilson Whipkey has completed his
new barn and feels a much prouder man
Mofcc Barron has his new barn com
pleted. It adils greatly to the proH'rty'
The sttaU yieltl is likely to lie light, as
the potato bug, Itoth old and new, g'tt iu
his work effectually.
The farmers generally have large fields
of buckwheat grow ing and the prospects
Sir a large crop are indeed flattering at
this writing.
People are through haying anil ready
for the outs crop. Threshing the w heat
already stored is now going the rtHinds.
The w heat yield is a very unsatisfactory
one, averaging from 2 to 14 bushels per
acre. The cause I icing late frosts.
The little son of Samuel Dickey, who
met with a frightful accident several
weeks ago, is doing remarkably well.
All signs point favorably toward his final
am! complete recovery. The w hole com
munity, old and young, are interested in
the boy am! are glad for all favorable
On August 1st a daring robbery was
committed at the residence of Jacob
Hechler it Bros.
The men w ere out in the field in the af
ternoon and the w omen had just gone out
to dig a few new potatiM forsups:r. All
doors in the were cl.ed but not
l.s k.sL On the return of the women the
d.strs were all open and the premises
show ed that a stranger had ls.-n there.
On examination it was found that the
thief had gone up stairs into a private
nsim and broke the ks-k to a desk which
contained some money and valuables.
The thief secured a new revolver anil
plenty of amuuitioii and some money,
not exceeding Fortunately the
rascal did n.4 get the laUance of the mon
ey. It seems it was the tustom to place the
paHT money in a lmok IsHween the
leaves to keep it straight. The thief
handled a ltook containing over 5lUA
I sit did not discover it in his haste.
The country is overrun with these
orthless iteople. It seems to your cor
respondent that such persons who have
the audacity to enter a man a private
rooms iu o-n day light aud dtwtroy
property and steal, deserves to be shot
down without mercy. The ceremonial
art of the performance could very w ell
takes lock seat, Neighlstrs cleau up
ymir rusty flints and prejtare to rid the
neighborlKSKl of this class of intruders.
fine Cattle for Sale.
Pierce Miller, tho proniineiit Stoyes-
town stock dealer, has returned home
from southern Ohio aud brought two car-
lornls of very fine cows with him. Among
them are five head of fine Aldemeys and
two full-bkssled Pole Angus heifers (two
years old). All of the alstve will Isj of
fered at private sale. Apply to Mr. Miller
at Stoyestow u.
Sprue town Items.
Jas. Ithr. son of Pierson Lohr. was
badly crushed while unloading timlH-r
one day last week.
Josiah Specht's new roller mill Is com
pleted. It is fitted with all modern con
veniences. He expects to have it in op
eration this week.
Win. L. Hininger's new residence is
approaching completion. He is also
building an addition to his stable.
The United Brethren will hold bush
mectim; at this itlace. commencing Wed-
newlay evening, August Mill, and contin
uing over one Sunday at least. Services
every evening, conducted by Rev. Buf-
fiugtou. Sunday services at 10 A. M. and
2 P. M. The grounds are J-mile north of
Stoyestown station. Trains will prolia
bly stop at the gnmnds. X
Her Featarei.
One of the prominent features of the
Cindervlla Han go is the extra largo and
high ovtm, w lih insures perfect linking
and rttasting. Sold ant! guaranteed by
Small-Pex Reported Along the Fayette and
Somerset County Line.
It is reported hero that a tramp aligh
ed from a H. A o. train near Bidwell a
few days ago, and going to a Cirm house
told an awful tale alsmt how he had fall
en from a passing freight train ami was
dly Injured. The farmer'a family be
lieved his story, and taking him into
their home kept him for several days.
when they discovered that they had a
very sick mnii on their haiuls. A physi
cian w as summoned, when It was discov
ered that tho tramp was suffering from
small-pox. Sln.t! then it Is reported that
the disease lias spread into this county.
The resrt has created quite a stir along
the F'ayette and Somerset county line.
Mr. E. II. Hoed is operating tho etud
minis, at the head of the I'rsina A North
Fork H. H. full blast and a great deal of
coal is being taken out. The miners are
making from $H to f k.V) jter day.
The refreshing showers last week were
wcltMiiied bv all. X.
India aa HorauL
The Indiana State Normal School of
Pennsylvania will oten Tucsilay, Sept.
4th, 14. l.'Va) feet alstve the the sea.
(ms1 teachers. Spacious Isiildings. Ele
vator ttr girls. New Ikivs' dormitory
w ith Bennett and Peek system of ventila
tion. New Model i?l acres of
Iteautiful c:nnpus. Fine athletic field.
Largest attemlance last term. Only five
dollars a week for the term. State aid to
timelier. For catalogue address.
D. J. Waller, Jr.
A Pleasant Surprise.
Our vacation of fttur weeks ended on
the 1st of August. One of our friends
met us at Rts-kwood and took us home
lo dinner, another had pr0tared supter
for us; this we regarded as the greatest
kindness a people could Itostow, but iu
the evening cuiuo the climax, when a
large hnnils-r of our friends called on us,
bringing with them lota of good things.
not only for breakfast but for days to
(tome. Such kindness as the people of
New Centrevillo charge have shown their
pastor aud wife can not lie repai.l, lsit an
earnest effort will l made to reward it
in art, through the more zealous lalstrs
of the pastor.
A. It. Miller,
(ilade, Pau, Aug. , 'W.
Aa Vahorm Child aad a Will.
From tlie Philadelphia Prvss.
Mr. H. C. McMurtie, through the Isy tl
InfrHifHcer of July 27th, calls attention
to the fact that the birth of a cliild after
the making of a will which d.s?s not in
clude a specific provision for that child
acts as a revoeatkin of the wilL This is
the plain letter of the law, but heads of
families are not generally aware of it, and
Mr. McMurtrie, citing his own experi
ence, aays that "uot one client in ten will
believe us w hen we tell them this is the
law." A provision for the children, gen
erally putting them all on au equality.
does not sustain a will niade ls'fore oue
of the children was lom, nor is a grant
to the mother sir life, remainder to the
children, a provision for a child born sul
sequcntly to the making of the will This
is a rale of law whk-h has serious incoit
veniences. There ia virtue in its intend
ed protection to after-lstrn children, lsit it
should lie content if, under the natural
opera t kin of the will, such children are
put on an equality with the rest. The
law at present, as it is fixed by judicial
const ructkm, imperils many wills and is
unreasonable. It ought to tie brought by
legislation into closer accord with com
mou sense.
Binder Twine
for rash in 50-ft Iwlea. We sell Sisal
Twine for 7 cents and Manilla Ibr 8 cents
per Bt. New twine just received and
Franklin College, New Athens, O., ia
thortaigh, and the cheapest we know of;
fits a year. Catalogue free.
Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Rcjjort
I i Xl V J Mil J 1 1
Absolute tv pure
The 16th Annual Exhibition of the Fayette
County Agricultural Auociatton.
The 17th Annual Exhibition of the
Fayette County Agricultural Assis-iation,
will be held on their beautiful fair
grounds, at I'nioiitown, Pa on August
11, 2, and 4, 14. iood races, excel
lent music, large exhibits and a good
time are guaranteed. Come oue. Come
alL Excursion rates tin all trains and on
all railroads. Admission, adults Si and
children it cents. For premium list or
further information address the Secreta
ry, Wm. W. Parshall,
I'nioutow u, Pa.
Craad Eneampment ef the Knighta of Py
thias of the World.
The biennial encampment of the Su
preme lodge ami grand encamp uient ftf
the Knights of Pythias of the world will
be held at tbe National Capital August
'JTth to Sejit Jllu
For this occasion the Baltimore A Ohio
Railroad Co. will sell r-sind trip tickets
at reduced rates from all jstints on its
lines cast of the Ohio River, August 2:S1
to "jsth inclusive, valid for return trip
until SeptcmU-riith: a further extenskm
of time to Septcmls-r 1.1th can lss secured
provided the ticket is deposited with the
joint agent at Washington, D. C, on or
ls-fore September Kh.
The rate from Philadelphia w ill be; PitLslsirg $.; CuinlM'rlaiid W.5.1;
and eorressndiiigly low rates from all
other stations.
You pay Ibr sclssil-lss.ks; lsit the licst
seliool-lsMtk Uir your children isytsir tlai
ly par. Well printed, carefully and in
telligently editetl, of instructive contents,
first and fullest with the news and Isstt in
presenting It, the Pittsburg li.ipdck fills
the bill.
White Lead as a Frotervative.
From tlie Kuglish Meehanlr.
The ailvantages of using genuine while
lead for painting surfaces, especially iron
work, have lss.-n known Ibr years, but an
stance mentioned by Sir v illiam Arrol
will serve to impress the fact on themem
, - i i .t...
ory. Some years ago ne purctuiscit um
materials of old Hammersmith Bridge
for the punsise of using a portion iu
erecting a temporary plant at one of his
large undertakings. The iron work had
been in position sixty-two years, and
many of the parts ow ing to inaccessibili
ty, had not liccii painted since they were
ilacetl in position. Finding them in so
remarkable a suite of preservation Sir
William Arrol had some of the taint an
nalyzcd, when it was found to lss the gen
uine white lead.
Brace the Nerrei.
Sedatives and opiates won't do it. These
nervines do make the nerves strong.
and failing to do this fall short of pntdu.-
ing the essential of their quietude vigor.
And w hile in extreme cases an. I these
only of nervous irritation such drugs
may Is? advisable, their frequent use is
highly prejudicial to the delicate organism
UMin w hich they act, and iu order to
renew their quieting effect increased and
dangerous doses eventually la-come neces
sary. Hostetter's Stomach Hitters is all
efficient sulwlituto for such pernicious
drugs. It quiets the nerves by bracing,
toning, strengthening them. The con
nection lKtweuii weakness of the nervous
system and that of tho organs of digestion
is a strong and sympathetic link. The
Bitters, by tiiiirting a healthful impulse
to the digestive ami assimilating func
tions, promotes throughout the whole
system a vigor iu which the nerves come
in for a large share. I se tlie Bitters in
malaria, constipation, bilious and kidney
1 fave some fine hats left w hich can la?
lsmght Tor half value. Now is the time
to make your choice.
HiM-kwissl, Pa.
A .ls.ti.nroii! counterfeit of the $10
legal tender notes neries- of !, is iu
Ktdnced Sates via PenoiylTania Railroad
for Mount Gretna farmer' Meimpmem.
From Auipist JUli to i"li, inclusive, the
tw viva ii tit K.-olnia.l t'oiiiiKinv will
sell, for the U.vo oct-Asion, round trip
tickeU to Mount iretua and return nt ntr
of our ftrr or the rt. trip, from princi
pal stations Itetwceii Ivu I.iU'rty an.l
Br n Mawr, on the .Northern eninu
I!:iilway north of and including I.uther-
ville. and on the rhila.lclphm an.l
ILtilroad livision. Th- ticketa will In
valid Sir return passase until Aukui4
iltli. Inclusive.
A Koit Attraetive Summer Oatiag- j tne
Fenuf jWaua aailroaa A ior amoa(
tne Lakei tad Itlaads ef tat JrU.
Tku r.,.nv ,iiiiMwtln9 the I'ennsvlvanla
tho North haa Just
returned Uouw, tleUahttsl not only with
the eenernl attr.itlveu of the trip, but
the adiuiraUe manner in w hich it was
conducted. Tho seeon.l party w now
forming, and will ko out under like con
ditions ou Amrust 1-ith, rching home on
return trip Septemlier I.L The party will
I..-,. Pl.lln.l..lihla In "lieclnl I'ullman
parlor rs over the picturtwiiie route of
the Pennsylvania to vatKins .
thene to N'iaifara Kails, the Thousand
IslamK the lUpitls orthe St. I.awreiie',
Montreul, Au Sable fh:sm, Ijke fham-
)il:lin and Ueorire, Saratoga, an.l, litM.y, a
leliBhtful trip down the romantic Hud-
i.ln lime is allowed at each point for
night-seeing, and all the traveling is done
hy daylight. It would I a difficult mat
ter to plan a trip of greater diversity of
interest and attraction, ana lor watse
luxe suinnier vacation is limited there
u. m luitinir is.innar.ililo to it. The round-
trip rate, iucluding all uwary expen-
aes. from New lork, 1'liUatleipnia, New
ark, Trenton, Baltimore, an.l Washing-
ton, is Tickets will also Is- solit
from ttther stations at proportionate rates.
Tourist Agent and Chaperon will conduct
the party.
For tickets, descriptive itincranc. ana
reservation of s-aU on the train, addruss
Tourist Agent, Pennsylvania Itailroad
inipiiny, Itroatl Street Station, Phila-.-Iphia.
For this tails sowing I will furnish Ms-
solved Pure S. C. lUme at HJ per ton
Pbosohatea at lis and fJ up to $ ht
ton for tine gntund Itone ilt-al. I-t me
have your orders early.
A. C. Iavis
Somerset, Pa.
Kide Bieyele.
Coluiiil.ia, Heading Flyers, and Fash
iona, tatth latliea" aud gentlemen' wheela
ottened this week at James B. Ilolder
bauni'a Hardware Store.
i Poller rw, IntemutrHed with ImnkH
tan-v In lianvtl couttiy, Md- Julia enter,
Inierummeil with Frank Hiliier. nmr J.stes
Mills, WesiiiHtn-faind rounly, l'a Washlnc
tiHl Werner, of tiarrett cooitly. Mi), tlx- eltli
Urcn of William Werner, dis-'d.. rhtr nantea
and nsit.lcarcB an unknown, also the chil
dren of Mtin.h Trcstl.r. a d'sasisl ttauxhler,
(liiar nanini and re.lil.iirw are unknown.
alMt tlie chll.ln n of a deceualld daUKhler, Imr
vinta Heliilaitixh. via: MistsKtrl. Inleniwniisl
witlt Jnniesi'aiiints.ll, ltintlv, 1"H-. and
Mar HeiniaiuKlt l!vin al 1.4- M.stt, Fayette
county, ta- also Kliaa W enter, who removed
tu one IS lite western slstn.
You are hrn.r mrtirted loappeurat an tlr
itltans' Court to hr hel.l at Sma rtrt, uo Moa
anv. the'.'4lh dar .of Septemls-r next, to ae.
rent tar refuse to "take the real mtate of John
M. Werner, dee'd- at the appraisrni valua
tkm. or nlMiw cavose why the aautr atstutil not
8lterltr Offlt: t EDWARD HJtVKR,
All, a, ISM. J Muerill.
Bv virtue of an onler of sale lued cut of
the t'ourt irf 'omnion Pints .l sionierset coun
ty. Pa., and to ni? .llrwted. I will expose to
puhllc sslr ou Tract No. i, hrrrlnaAer dv
HcriUsi, ou
Thursday, September 6th, '94,
At I o'clock P. M.,
the following d.-wrihrd real estate:
No. I. A Irnctof land situate In Prrxher.
vitllev tow-iisi.ip. s..ii.ers.-i ctHiniy. st
J.Aoiik lull. Is. Surah Uerkley. Mieltud Bow
nuiii. Henry Hay, 1'ei. r Kserat.d oi Iters, sm
LiioiiK I K acres nnmir less, having lliercm
erected a twvsIory frauie
Dwelling House,
bank ham, and "rflwr sHtuilJin)r. Is-inc lite
homeslesd of William It. Kner. Tins (i.ri.l is
weil wuli'ivd. has a rtssl on-lutnl, also stuesr
ramp, a Is hi I .L" acre uf luiilsr, and bautucr
well cultivated.
No. 1 Sittiateasaftrvsai.l. adi'tinins No. I
above, lands of Alex H. rsii. J. J. H.s.liurll.
J.HMlhsit Her. IVier Hser and others, tsst
tslnins II. acres iistre or less, hat uig a two
story frame
Dwelling House,
stl.le and o4)t otitlHiildiijjr. thentn rns-tisl.
Tlc fitrm has alstut suacr.. cliwivd, HI acres
In IsSlont and balance well limls-rcl.
Ten percent, of ill? iUH-hi.v n ttuy U h
pit id In rwh hi tiny h MtU. ail ttn- iMltanr
f onMhtnl n c iarfcrr h nntlrniati4ii f
tltt ml-; Mivthtnl tii nix itt.Mitti, aud mi
thtnt In ihu yt-ur fnm rtmrtrtiuilion . Mil.
I-frrHU pttvntt-iilM to kx-nr inl4n-i fnnn m
tlriiin!ifn ti Hnltiidto !runi by Uxid
mid uMiiCiiK1' upon lite pr-im.
John k. sott.
AriKitfrnor Wm IK IUm-t Aiuliunirr, hu wife.
No4k U ht-tvltjr in thul all p-n
ht-nm Il-r IimiihI cuilly tivsinaiintc on tn
lainU of th utid-rii;!MH In Stutd- lwii)ii
hr lh purpo-o Ithlm;, huiitintc or Urry
int. wttl be pnuttni to the ftill exlnl of
tli biw.
A. IasniUrl, Jtih Mrtirvir.
JmiUi A. Millrr, H.l. W. M-.nK"r.
ldivid 'utl, iSitu'l Nil .rvor,
WaAhliiifloa i'uU-r.
Just now the labor world seems
to be in a state of ebullition.
In these irrepressible conflicts be
tween Brawn aud Bullion the former
is not always successfuL There is
one strike, however, that can be
participated in by both, ani both
Employer and employee, rich
and poor, arc alike benefitted by
striking out for our place and get
ting their share of the BARGAIN'S
a hiclt weareeonstitiitly ottering in all limst
and Dow pkirtit ubtrly in SUM MIR UNDER
When it Comes
! Giving You What You Want,
Right In It
Jonas L. Baer,
The Hustler.'
James B.
Fine CARTS for
Fine Bujrsies for middle
Fine Carriages
Fine Phaetons for the Old Folks.
A T Q a 'arn ''"e '" agons
LOvJ and Spring Wagons.
The largest and best
James B.
Is None Too Good When You Buy
It is Ju-st a Important to Secure
A it is To Hare Conulence in
Yiu are always sure of tettiii(? the
AU of the Best ami Moat Approvetl Trusme Kept in Stock.
SntUtfttction Gmtrauteetl.
Somerset, -
Mv stock of seasonable Drc3
Goodd id Urge and cheap.
Consisting in Part of :
40-inch Lawns, figured and j
White and ttiliiretl tlimitie.
riaiii & fijrurett I'lyi-, very I'n-tt.v.
All grutlesi of Drcsti (iiiigliani.4, at
low riees.
Crinkltsl (iiiiifhams.
Wtatl and Cotton I'halliew, from 5-
Amen. -nil ami French Sattine!, all
I'laiii striiteil ami laiu aiiisk.
" " " " India Lawim
A Lirve line of yard wide Caiiihric.
rerca!- in many difii!.
HaiitLsoiiie I'rineeTss I hicks.
lUitislies in many style.
A Great Variety of White, Cream,
Kcru ami lilaek Lace for
All widths and stjles of braides
for Dress Trimming.
All colors Moire Silk, Changeable
Silk, Surah Silk, etc, for trim
ming and waists.
A complete line of Series, Henri
ettas and fancy Wool aad Silk
Dress Goods.
Cheap Wool Dress Goods in great
Baby Dresses and Baby Coats, long
and short
Baby Caps and Hats to salt all.
, All kinds of goods for Children's
Lace Curtains from 50c a pair up.
Scrim from 5 to 10c.
A large assortment of Ladies'
Misses' and Children's Under
wear. Beautiful Table Spread., cheap
handsome ties in Silk and Cot
ton. Silk Gloves and Mits in great variety-
The best line of CORSETS to be
Hundreds of articles iu Notions,
and Trimmiugs that cannot be found
elsewhere. The best line of FAST
colored Stockings, either in BUck
or Colors.
Summer Opening
Millinery Goods.
The largest, most strlif h and cheap
est." Don't forjjrt that with tlie extrwue low
priivM offered, you havt a chaniv to get
m irt of the flu) uu, that we are now
giving to our cu-stt-nicrH.
Mrs. A. E. UHL.
for Young Men.
- aged aud business men
for the Family.
selection ever shown.
way down.
Call and see them.
the rhynicut Vrtxrribea
frvhet nKtliciiie rilFC'Kn,TI N
- - la.
Vahath Real Estate!
In plM of an unWr tf th- 4rilutn
4'irtirt M in-nl tttum v. lu.. I oitt-r at
luMir mii i th bl n-Mmt tf K. P. Kiutf.
ilrt-M.. iii MiMttiv-k Wtwihip, r"iner. I
ctKinly, statv f riiiiviiiU4, hi
Saturday, August 11th, 1894,
at h- o U s p. in- ttw fllH-iri! nul etute:
(. I. A tnin trtw-t tf land ittutl in
MMU-n-k mini r.ptr Turk-vt,Mi Ihwih
huH, uilMriiiiif fcint- f M. It. Kmjc, fiiiui. I
r. K i lift, A. KiutiiO i ., t at tMiuniiiijc
ittMHil tnf hiiiilrvl ami twfiity-iie arn-
iiiomH- U. In-line thr 1miii- tnu-t t the dt-VH--d.
living lltivtu fft tnl a
Dwelling House,
hunk Inni anil trfher titiilni!liii!: ttlsmt w
lU-rvii rltwrvtl HH.I ill fnol ruitivalloil, with Jt
tftHHl frtiil tm-ltuni ttini sugar camp imi tlie
ltvtiii; tlie lain! is iinilt-r-lttnl ttllli V'smI Hi.- Mil. I I'Kr nuts ilmHili It: lite turui
ix writ witlcrtsl an.) nu t ly kicuitsl.
N.. i A rcrlatiil piece of litml nl)llilli'
tmci Sol I. Sbihu.I P. Kinir. nl Witt. It.
Kins, tsutlaiiilii twit ncrv mii.I cikIiI p.-r.-ht-.
mid Is UMnl III tsMiitcctioit with hiHite Atrtti.
Nit. A certain tract iA lan.l sitimte In
I'lijicr TurlLe ih4 tt.wit?.liii. Milj.iiiinic Tlittnt-
W illiams, Mis KI112. .I.i .li Kiiik It.
kin. Allen r Midi. y mlit-rs, ci.uiiaiii
292 ACRES,
nitre or l.s, luiin tliensm envttsl
Dwelling House,
nl f.mi iwiik lam, mill mlicr buililinirs;
ittMHit .Mie humlrtsl ttertsi, will x.mmI t.r
clutnl m the n-iiiimTfc It Is well watered ami in 11 xnn1 neichlMrlMsHl. Iieititr mImhiI
Mr. a 11. 1 iu.-lia!l miln Intlit klliKW'tsl. I. line
sltMte quttrry epeuetl miti tsiul tut Hie irelul-
N. . A certain tract t laml siliiuU- In
l'lir TurkevftaK tttwn..liip. Aljiiiiii lanils
t A. Kintal) " -. Intel N.t. I. .-s. k. Mrtiler. 111 Peek ttli.l ullienK cuulaiiilnx ttlawtl
Nit. x A vein ttf .iiiitsitiine tf tmc huntlrtsl
anil llftv pen-In-, In-Iiiit Hie miiiic HiiioIoiic
r.Mlv. ej v .H. I'. klllK et al.. ttt V. f. king I'V
dl the illi ilay tf Man-It, A. it.. Is. ..
10 pfrrtMil. of i-un tui?" m-my to . jtUt
whi'ii Ihr pnjit-rt i mUt. A h ii ttt I
ivfiuiin ihi trut S. 1. witlnua i!it-n-rl, ntt
pcivut-i ut ih lt-.ith ttf IfiUinuti K mif t r-r-kni.
.M-irn i Jt'tm Kins. l-r'i. Th- hutwm-v
irf ilw un-h:ifH. inoiit-y i puiJ on Uritvrry
uf (1tU.
JoKu II. Kantn- r N. rrf. May T. Mrt, C I.
tc oJuiiury Mwty timvrit Ur
J. A. Iirky. I iw U-iK-rtl tf -n-iiitonc
And ivow.Mh June Ihi, hi mliiii ut i'f
frnh Kuin-I. aiuni-' Ur lit A- mm--,
Uu- i 'tntrt nnut John o. Kiniit, u
ditor, Ut upai llie x(pliouM, II any
mul aim lo ivptNTl itiMnluiton rt th
fuutlH in ttt tutnU ut fh Ai)iiM-e Ut aiitl
aiiwuK liHwr lvalty rititl-l Uwrwo.
Kxtnwt frfHii Uw mlnut
t'. rtirtU U.t ltii Jutw; .
i,- FnH tMHMtar .
In purti4tiit of th aUivf tiniiibMHMt 1 1
Auditor will aitt-ti-i. Mt Ut oltW la rMn-n-t
UtnMili. 4u Wf-iufHtMY, July -h, IH, at
whu h tniiil p-rii lutvinic rluiiim nr rv-
3mrv-d to r-t'iit Unm to Uw Aulltr or m
rUirrvti intu Hmiijf tu fcr a bn of tf
Maul IuhU Im ivwfl r.
A u.l i tor.
Iu n4-btl of rhrt-t-na Kinl'l, bf- of
4in-nvillr townniup, m-itH I.,
Tw umlcniietil havtntc appointvnl
auditor y tlM-i ourt to pu upiwi !!
Inn, find Uu t'tn, litnluf- I Ik- fund In
haml t J. M. Wnfit. xtutor of 4 hntna
lU-iiitHitl. um-M., at'i:-tributr Uw fiutd an
litr innii rvil rwUilt hy pnn-rlinic in piifii
liiHt iu (Im tul of tmUt hnlia Hrlithohl.
lVd.. to an-l uiutMiif thoM- kijnlly tititl-d
thtr-co un-lr Ik Ui ill ami lVMtaiurfil of
itati'i I'brU'ika rU mloil. a- wrll m unh-r Itu
ntMtat btw, hwvhy clTt tMnhv trial Imt
will it at Uu oltl.T in tl- bortHJicn rt Hn-r-m-U
ra mi W.-!im-U. AujruM A. I.
f. al 1 oVloj-fc t. M , lor Ilw piirvtM' of di
rlutrjcins th duti- Hfcr'il whm iii
m h rail irllit tm-ivU'd -analund iftht-y
trtr n-r. f - r larri fPMii Mtrtu i
oatiiije iu tltr diM(nh4jtlHi in thin rfatr.
JAMr L. k'l -H.
rtat-of 1iarU-.". -inrflth. late of V y'-r-Ual
tnairH. s.hiM nmnty, ra dr'd.
ItUTH t-taHU'Btttry on ttw ahovr 7ttat
havmar n rntn-i to llw uiMU-nntfnI ly
tlM prM-r authority, ihImt in Irivlty yiva to
all urfMMiM iiid-htit U mm id rU.t U nuilt
iiiiuwliaUr Mtviit ami lhMr havinif rlaim
tfaiiit IIm mtttu to fivm-i.l tot-fit uuiy au-th-titKnUii
fcr wtlU-ttM-tit. M r niay. AnifU-4
lTtii. 1MH. al thr laHtM- of Harv-y L. nittlhl
iu 4ynnlaUr borMiifh.
J. K..Srotl. AUK MUXtlL,
Atlonwy. Kxur.
rlal ot Prtcr Korer. laic ot lioentahotilii
Tuwiutltip. ticv'tl.
LctU-n tclMitteiitanr t the altw etat
ha vi it Im-ii vraititsl lit Hit- un-lersixned l.y
llt- pn-rauliHrny, nmu-r- la hrni.y l-ti
It ail p-nwjtis ui4l,lel It sai.l estate lu tiutke
lltlliiotlalar uattucul, aiMi Haw Itavtiia ciaiuta
avalltst lite wjim l.t present Ihcm uuly att-IlientM-aUsI
traettlt-fnent. uu sialunhtT. A.
i'na, briwra H u'rlta-k a. m. aittl t
u't-kjrk p. m, at laU- ivanlcaee ut dcrautnl la