The Somerset Heiald. KI'WAKD f-t'l'I-U KJi;-.r nn'1 Vnnmotor. WKI'Xfl'AV - Ju!y 4, I'M. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. Election, Tuesday. Nov. 13th. STATE- l-W iii.niir i:t!iic-l H. II.iKttiit. -' l.ietitrnaut lii-vi-rour Wxlu-r I.voiu For .Mi1it..r Hi-m-nil Aiikm H. Myliu. Yr S.fjrMry of Int-niu! A ft'.iirs Jam V. I-atui. For 'ntrrt-.Miiii-al-Ijr!rr lialu.s-ha -V-iruw an J i;urjr F. Hull". COUNTY. Statu Skxate: N. IS. Oit' hiiiM, Jcnm-r Tnwm.liip. Ktji.j.--t to the Ii.fisi.rn tif Hv Hi t-IHT. A-KRi.: is-tri-l IVmf-T Wm. H.-iiry Mill Ji-r iniati Maim-r. iic!ti:il)inins; Twp, St. .vc-?a 11 lir.nili. Jruv l'iijmi!wiNKa: Samuel J. Kmi-er, Miifonl Tnwn-liip. l'non )ii:kT'i: AVi!li:i!ii I'u'.l, MiiforJ Township. Thk hay crop f last year wm worth ti-77i).vi7i This Itviiij: a Ik-iiiK-r.Uie yt-ar, f:iniit-r- iy it will U- away off. Within' a few d:ivs "the rtniaiWof I lie Wiln 1'iSl will U- turned over to it- nutativt- father hv the Seiiato. Hu- nior -.-ty mi al!-!iijt t rv-inv life liy jralvani.-!ii w ill U- atteuipU.iL. Thk frw-mls of the pr- iit Adminis tration are )xeitiitir that it ha saved a larjre amount of money sinee it i-aiui' into iiwer. The old soldiers w ill tentimonv to this. The reduction of the aliKMint raid -iirio!iers is theirin- -ijial Mivinj: thus far Ifi-clt-il. A KKW davs mihv Senator Hill, of New York, who is nothing if not iViiioerat :tlt!if.!i:li not tarr.-d with the Cleveland sti.-k n.ade the predie- tion that if the iiwime t;iX "U-eaine law the IVmoerut- will lis.- X.-w York, New Jt r v and Coniieciicat. The rv-iiate paid no luvl to the warning, anil there is little douot that the law will lie i-iiacted. Wiiolli the goils d i-trov tliev fir- make mad. It is -la:iiu-d for Mr. r-iiifrcrly, ati with truth, that he is the pioneer o free trade in this State, and all reader- f his journal, the 1'liHfuh 'jiiia J; unl, know that in season and out o treason it has liecll the r--verill', eon jiislellt :..;.'. K-a'e of that u:i-Anieric-.ili 1 M-trine. With a retro-eetive planet a! the eliforeed itllt lu-.-alid tiuicjiu-lit misery that within the last vear has lieen lriht iiioii rnri-ylvania liy this frv trade Natiillal Administration what t-a;ie workiniriiiaii wili vote for the Di iiiix ratie nominee for I tovernor w hose chief merit in the eyes of hi tarty i- that he i.- an ultra and consist !it free trader? Not one man in a hundred thousand is in an v wav interested in 1'uliiiian or the i'ullmaii foiiiiar.y, or the Pull nun tars, ami vet liei-atlse rulhnan and a few hundred of his men eanno' - atrrec on a oasis 01 wai;es me wiioie Im-iiie-.- ititen-ts of the country ma lie -tufTer aud the inmxvut lie Iiiini-iicd. Io men in their U Kii.-e for one instant .-mitm--- that the country will lout .-uiimit to this meth l ot settini'T u rrn-vanv 7 If every jrrievaini-, real or imainarv, is to I M'ttletl hy a compulsory suspension o: husines throughout t!ie land, is it noi lain that inoli rule will inevitahly su jilant law and chais w ill cine ajrain WkLI., the IVlu.H-r.itie State Coll vent ion met in HarrMmrir on Wclner- .i i .... i. . . i --i ia oi iai nH'k, nuiiiiiiaiea a ucki" reviou-iy seltl liy IS llarrit and adjouriKl. It was the sliekel running inaelnue that ever was ween. Noloxiy wanted a nomination and -Mr. Jiarruy nan a iree ikiu ne cIiom' his victims, and the "!nV without in jnnur ratitied his choice. Some men are horn to .-reatiu-ss; others have rreatiie, thru-t up n them. Harrity is one of the lucky fi Hows that was lrn, and the candidates went through the thru-tin? 'rtK-t-ss. YN lien tnev awoke t their fame one' of them tra:t:ht way declined, while the others are still dava-d with the ct'uliremv of t u ir newly di.-covcred availahility. Im-riml- 's:!r. (l-ad uiut lurii-d locly. Mi;)it :ia hirte to kt'p Ihe wild afa)'." 4)K strike tri-ads fast U)sn the htvls rf another. The fli-h attemit of the nki1 milters to tie up all the industries of the coiiutry, which, of course, ended in a nii-crahle failure, is now -mececd-f .1 hy an ctl'ort of some disratilicd em ployes to tie up all the railroads in the ouiitry and consequently laralyze Ic.isiiH-w of every kiinL This atu-mit, like its predei-isor, must nuvt a simi lar fate. The country is not yet ready to surrender all its vast atid complicat ed iutere-U into tiie kivpin tf a few shallow p.tted deiu isrorai-s wli h ive oUaiiied control of certain organiza tions formed by workingtiien for tiii-ir own protection. Protection of their own iiitcr-sLs is ne tiling ; the destruc tion of the interest.- of all others is quite a different matter. I"oK more tliau thirteen week tiie Senate has necii cnirajred in the La-k of framing a new taritf hill. I),k- that lotdy of revered t-taUs-meii exie-t the House to su it to the usurpation (1f it.s rights? ItLsa flagrant evasion of the Constitution which provides tliat "all hills for raising revenue shall orig inate in the House," to claim that the hill, as it is now ready to lassthe S-u-aie, is the Wilson hill, ortliatthis thinif of sl.rvsls and patches, trade and tlieker, oritrinaUsl in the House? We pine that the "strict constructionist.-" from thi? South, w ho now dominate the House, will have a few words to say Ix-fore they axscnt to the Senate's n-urp;ttion of the power to originate a lill for raisiiiK revenue. Calling an ass a horse will not make it a horse. Ol'R synitathy goes out to Col. Si n pertey. HLs devotion to Kirty L- Id-au-tiful, lut his discretion is child-like. There Ls to salvation for the disorgan ized, Weak-kneed and paltering iK lilxs racy f Pennsylvania. Ily x-nnitting himself to be made a scape-gout t -ar-ry the sins and iui'juitjes of his Jrty, lie makes a U-le if heroic sacrifice-. No one knows better than liimself the utter hopelci-snci-s of his rav for Gov ernor, and none knows better the faithlessness- of the politicians u U 1 seemingly unit-d Ustn him as their randidate. The mere fact that the nomination went adiegging and was ... . ' - . v'js not bis nieriis Isif . .. ii,,sitv I ..... ' .' I in-u causist uie resutl. .m wortuy I ever, mill 1 the railwavs and their c:n geBtlcinaa tdiotild not bare U-en offer.-d 1 ployes and tbe public, neither of w h.u ... . . ;.. ape.i.-e me uim-k i mswi o.- .. ha-s wn ked ihe Jk nj.rt-rattC an in Vmisvlvania ; then-fore we hinevrtly synijiathize w ith Colonel Sinjrerlcy. Tit E iKtn.K-ratj had halcyon and ociferou- time at their State Conven tion last week. There were no eamli- lates trutT'''"sr for lioininatiotis no hopes of a siies.sful cami-ain, anl no ii versify of sentiment, l.-ause rj.iils were not m sijrht. roroii-e iianuonj reigned and ntjt a knife left its sheath. Tiie previoa-ly fclected candnSatc then formally nominate!, r-Iu-ti"it. anving and endorsiuii every thing iu ight N-ariii.U the laU l of Ik-mocraey and deiiouncinKand tlamn injr Mi Kinh-yisni and all its fruit, past, present and to conic, were voeif- roiisly aloi.tsl, and the j;n-at ami jrio- ri.His and harmonious Democratic con vention came to an end. It would W a waste of time and of words to lxiiit out the inconsistencies and al-unlitie of the Jtlatfonn, no one aiuieijmtiiiL' onsWency and honesty from such a sounx-. Suffnv it to siy that a Democratic ticket has Urn nom inated and plard ujon a free trade platfonii, that it w ill I' supported in a halMicurted way h.V the place hunters and the purhlind w ho ewtdiow any- tliiii; ami everj-thinjf lxtirinir the Dcin-M-ntie laU-1, and that it wiil f."' dow u in history as the w orst w hipjied ami utterly routed ticket that was ever of fered to the .eople of Pennsylvania for siipjiort. Tlit Eailroad Boycott. From tlic X. Y. Tribune. TUo strike Ix-cun with only a brief warning tiy einpioyeji oi me i niiiinui mipanv at Chieaifi has swiftly involvisl a score of railroads and tens of thousands of operatives, and paralyzed tratlit1 throughout the wt-stern half of the conti nent. At present no punitive inua-ations of the result are diseerniMe. The rail road companies re acting in unison un der a strong pledge of mutual snpiKTt, hut the lalx.r leaders are inspiritol hy tlu-ir Mnlden snmss, and the Ixiyeotl may extend still further lx-fore it Ix-Rius to Hut though the strikers are probably confident of vi-tory, as tliey ho often have leen hitherto in the first staire f confusion and distress produced by their concerted a.-iion, it is iinpos.-illo to l-clicve that they will win in the end, for the simple reason tht they deserve to ltwe. Thev have instMiiUnciusly forfeited the siipisirt of intelligent public opinion, witliout which their cause is hoK:less, and the odds against them will grow heavier from day to day. A we hae already ixiinted out, this is utterlv irrational. If tiie cm- i!ovs, who withdrew from the service of the Pullman Company had in reality Ihx-ii the victims of obvious and odious oppression, the attempt of the American lUiilwav I'mon U redress tlieir wrongs by stopping the transxrtntion of freight and passengers would still 1m:- a sensi-l and abominable outrage. up.m all nut a fragment of the xipulation thus foree.l for no fault whatsoever to endure serious ie and inconvenience. But, as the -ase stands, it is sheer id'ax y to imagine that the millions who are thus atl'ronted and abused will sympathize and co-opcrati' .uith those at w h'ise hands tliey sutler. Mr. Pullman has made a statement oi fai-ts which h-aves the men who voluntar ily quit work in the shop-, of his coinpa ii v without an excuse for their bitterness of f.vling, and which must bring upon the leader of the railroad lxiycott the in dignant condemnation of every unpreju diced citi-iu Mr. Pullman kept his works open and nearly doubled the fon-c at" work in tin ui at the In-ginning of the lat hard winter hv making contracts hich left only a slight margin of poss: l.le profit at the lcst and m many -.ises involved certain loss. But the nu n were ordered bv their leader to insist that their wages must lx? restonsl to the stand ard of prosperous times, and when Mr. Pullman clearly explained the situation ami the impossibility of meeting th wishes foil r-lift Its f them struck. The shops could not lx- kept iu operation with only a fraction of the hands at work, and Mr. Pullman clo-cd them, doubthsss it ti an admixture of regret ami of relief that so great a burden of responsibility ha lxvn lifted from his shoulders. Then followed a fantastic demand that arbitrators should Is cinjxiwered to de termine how heavy a loss the Pui'.iua; ouipanv could staint, auu when it was n-jci-ted in stepped lx-lis, promoter ant head of the American Kailway I'uion eager to show his pou er and achieve lit, torict y, autl i-viiuuiaudetl tin- transporta' t ion ecu panics to stop hauling Pullman cars on tenuity of a tie-up on every line refusing to tilx-y. The railriad managers declined to ackii'tu hslge llelts' authority a-i they were liound to do bv every mn ccii'ahlc etttisi-lei-atitii tf honor and th!:g.t;ioii to the public, and the brutal inliicti'tii of 1m and iiustiiveiiicnee upon the American ptsiple lx-gan fortliwitlu We say with del ilx-rat ion that it wouh not Is-a more wanton and prepo-tcpius exerei-e of the power tf organir ition i a general railroad strike wen- e i Ihh i !- the crew of a fishing-smack were dissatisfied with their rations. It iiui v tx- :t.-ksl liow it is possible. these statements are true, that tens of thousanils of indastrious, iM-aeeable men can feci so keen a m-iisc of wr.mgasn incur lianisliiit themsa-lves and iuiiiet great injary m millions more. The ails weristhat they share no such f-.-eling Again, as numlxjrless times lx-fore, they uiin-oectingly permit themselves to le- coiue tiie instmiiieuts and tiie victims of M-l:isii, cr.iel and insolent Ica.lcrs, who tlirivo on their lssic4 and discredit, ain: gmtity a d'!usta'.e iKissKin for power at th-.' co.itiu r.i expitii.-. If th? glory that lie! is c tvuts ruins fanijors shiititers and merchants, eaus-s incalculable injury t tuf li'iic traveling pulnie and peculiar distress t j delicate women and children, wipe j out tbe savings of industry and eventually starves tl) imm-'diattt ag -utit of his aiultitioii, ho much th worse fur all thf, but s- luui U the lUrf..r Belts, From insutt'erahle tyranny lik this tl, honest workingiiien of the I'liilcd Stat-- w ill aooiie r or later free theiuselves. Th present Utymttt otight to be the ln-ginning of the eii'l. Tie Fallmxa Boycott. From the PUIUdrlpliia Time. We are 11,4 y.t at the end of the striks season. The great cxul strike has la-en praetii-ally ended by a compromise which could hardly lx? called a victory for th striken-, and it has lxen immediately ftl lowd by a sympathetic strike against all railways running out of Chicago which use Pullman cars in any capacity. Wheth er President Delw, of the American Kail, way Union, intends to or ran call out tlm men on all roads hauling the Pullman coaches remains to Is; seen. For the present, fifteen or twenty Western roads are tied up and the end of the strike is not in sight. The assigned reason for the strike is a disagreement alxsit wages Ixtwecii the Pullman Company and its employes at Pullman. The men who have lieen called out liave no dispute w ith their employers alxsit wage or anything else. They have simply Ixsi-n ordered to quit work it their employers persist in hauling Pullman cars. The theory uxm which the strike leaders are proceeding is that if they can prevent the use of Pullman cars they can force the Pullman Company to pay its employ. the wage demanded. Iu other words, th Hallway Union, which lias no tw-UM with aay othor tx.uipany, proposes tliaf vry railway wmtpany shall esxise th qurrl of the Pullniaq enipiuyoa. Thai th I'ujlinan boycott will prov Hoiuelhiug of an intonvkiiitiiKXiaiid mUU serious loss upon the Pullman C'oiiipany . . . mrmj is not d.t!itjtL The chief sufferers, bow Up a.- a naTiliee ill a Mtlll aitcjii 1! .. I .. (....'. are parties to the real iswie at all. Thi fe.tture of the ca-e makes the nut-stw of the strike very problematical, as itsetfert will lie in alienate public sympathy from the strikers and unite lth the railways and the public against thLs method of net tling other people's quarrels. If a labor organization may sttp the w heels of in d'Jstry and romiiK-n-e tocuuix-l an agree ment lx-tween an employing eor)n-ation and its employes It may logically do the same thing wh'-n a UK-rt-hant lias a wage li-pute ith his clerks or a farmer w ith his hired men. This principle reduced to pratiee would simply paralyae all industry and remand humanity to a Mate of lrtarism. and Us-ause of lUU it seeins proltable that the American Kail way Union has adopt ed a course that will insure the defeat of the Pullman strike, no matter how just the claim of the Pullman employes. As suming that thf y are entitled In the ad vance in wages they are asking. President lMs has proltably adopted the one (xsi ble course which will prevent them from securing their just demands. To Keynote. The National Republican Ix-aguc Con- ventitm, which met in lK.-nver, last week, makes the follow ing declaration of prin ciples: The representative of the National Ijeagne of Republican Clulw of the Unit- el Slates in convention assembled at the Kijiital of the Centennial State lxw their hcjuls in sorrow and humiliation at the spcctaele of iiu-:ipa-ity hich the Beiuo- eratie party tn-simts to xur country. mn'" depl-ire the calamities which the giving of xiwer to the present administration has bntught upon our people. We congratulate the American people that this administration was compelled bv nuhlic oninion to abandon its un- American Hawaiian xilicy. In contrast with the shameful record of the Denio- cratic tarty we exult over the record of glory w hich the Kepubliean party has made. Its achievements and its triumphs. extending over thirty years, establish it as the most masterful, enlightened and prudent organization that has ever exist- 1. In the face of present disaster to our country, it is with increase! solemnity that we once more renew our allegiamte to the Kepubliean party anil proclaim its cardinal principles. We liclieve in a free ballot and a fair count, and we demand such legislation as will ensure to every citizen the right to cast one free 1 "allot in any election and to have that ballot hon- tsillv -ounted as cast. It is a noteworthy fact that the Democracy in Congress, eon sistcut in nothing else, w as unanimous on the repeal of the Federal ehM-tion laws. thus openly confessing tiie party of fraud. We dit-lare our lx-!ief in tho d-x-triue of protection to American latmr, American inihtstri.-s and American homes. We also lutlicve in h.ic!i reciprocal tra.le with na tions as will increase the markets for the pr.xlucts 1(f our farmers, Cietories, forx--ts and mines without increasing the coiump- tilioii, which tends to lesseu wages ami ii -grade our lalnr. We deiiouni-e the proposed victims ami uelrui-tive legtsla- loii known as the n lull, ami ear- nesily appe:d to Kepubliean United Suites Senators to oppose its passage by all hon orable means. We Ix-lieve in the usa of gold and silver as money metals, main tained on a perfect parity and intercon- vertibilitv. We du uot lx-lieve that there will Ik- a permanent return of pmsperity to tnir country until the full use and high est position of silver shall lx? restored. and we favor such legislation as will bring alxait this result. The Kepubliean tarty is the consistent friend of the soldiers and sailors of the Union. The promises and pledges of the Democratic party to the defenders of th Ki-puhlic ix-fore election were false and fraudulent, and have Ixx-n shamefully disregarded since elect ion. We condemn, unsparingly, the treatment now aivorded the helpless, maimed and crippled de fenders of the flag, and to the widows and orphans of our dead patriots as unfair and cruelly unjust. We are nuwt hcarti ly in favor of the prompt admission int the Union of the Territories of Utah, New Mexico, Ariz ma and Oklahoma, and we condemn the policy of the Demo cratic administration in excluding and dcpring them of their rights. We de mand that new safeguards bj inc irjKirat ed iu our immigration and naturalization laws, to prevent unworthy immigrants from landing on our shores and from ob taining citizenship. We again commend to the favorable consideration of the K 'puljli-aii chilis of the United Status as a matter of educa' Hon the question of granting su If rage to women. We congratulate the women of Colorado ami Wyoming on their posses sion of the elective franchise, and we cor dially invite their co-oHi'ratiou in the work of rescuing the country from IVm o -rat ic and Populist ic misrule. Aa&rchist's Tragio End. Paris, June 2s. The tragic suicide of an Anarchist at Montpclier has thrown more light on the fiendish plot which le t 1 Camot's assassination. Santo, the assassin, stopted at Mont pclieron his way to Lyons to commit his crime. IH-tcctives last evening went to the house of a man named l.ranier. Klip pose 1 to Is; a xtssible accouipliiv of San to. iranier was heard to remark on Sun day afternoon: By this time Camot must have ret-cived his quietus." As the President was not stahlx-d until late the same evening, it was concluded that iranier knew au attempt was to ls? made on the life of the President. When the hi! ice Iturst in the dixtr Jrauier's ho.ise and sninni me 1 him t surrender, the Anarchist was seated at a table eating his supper. lie sprang to his feet and fir a moment stsl motionless with surprise. HKKMII tWKl.Kll IUM-KI.K IX A TKICE. Then with surprising swiftness and l fore the detectives emld secure htm, the Anarchist ticked up a long sharp knife plunged it into his alxloiuen, and w ith few swilt turns of lim wrist diseuib iwlcd himself, falling to the lloor, where hi ex pi red aiuiik-t instantly. A Search of Granier's lodgings disclos ed a quantity of anarchistic literature. w ith d-KHiuents which c.mnei-t Santo with "iranier and others iu th? cia-spira M hich resulted in tip? np-irder of Presi dunt Camot- Ialxtriu, m ho was arrested 011 Monday, hut Mnfesed that Santo dined with hiiu 011 Saturday, whea the assassin confided to him the object of his trip to Lyons. rhevr:i"e was undertaken solely to avenge the executions of Kavachol, Vail Jam and Henry, all of wh.uu, before d y Ji), arj nou uce. 1 tiat their deaths would lie avnge.t. rnis w as l.xikod upon as mere anarcbistiu hliistorin at tha time the thrt.'4'..s wt-re uttarfe.J. THK MCBliKK lL.ISiBa 1$ l,3MD.'). It is a-uartut tliit th? mirdurofM was plannud in L.tnd n on the evening of February 8. the day after tha ex3t"4tioil of Vaillant in Paris. It is said tha: circulars ciunselling tha assassina tiuij were found aiaonig pajKirs acizod at the Autonoinie Club, in that city. Santo is closely continod iu th" prison at Lyons, and constantly watched to pm vent suicide. He is det-rilxtd asa dull, uuedii.-atc 1 yaang fellow. Di prison be sleeps well and eats heartily, diHsj nit smoke and appears indiifcrent as to his Site. It is resirte i that ha once said : "It is a pity I was condemned in Italy. If I had n boon afraid ti) undergo a sentence in the quarrie-t of Sicily the Pope and King Humbert would hive been blows into the air lonj Bixtly clergy ! Beastiy King !" SanUiwill Ik? tried on July 25, at Ly oils, but the charge against him will be parricide insteail of murder, in accord ance with the penaj code. He will be fe eorted ti the scartold in his shirt, bare fistUHl, and with his head covered by a black veil, and an offii-er of the law will ddress the people beftire the guillotine dm it work. Lavs Karwtn. A handsome line and cheap. For sale hy J-V. B. lblLPEFBAl X. Boy Caased Ai a Tax. Ph.enixvili.k, Pa, July L A small !oy playing the part of tho fox in an ex citing chase on the Cetlar Hollow hills narrowly es--aps Ix-ing torn to pie-s by (ieorge Fulmer" pack of hounds. The dogs had not enjoyed aTtin frr m-eeks and Mr. Fulmer decided to give them a little exercise. Taking a ling ftom the box in hich he ke1ts several foxes, and which tbe Reynards leit upon, he gave it to hu fUmlo. He told the Ul to drag the heavily-scented bag aeruHS the hills. and he would turn loose the hounds. Tho boy had a lung Mart aud had disappeared hevond the brow of a distant knoll when Fitlmer released the eager dogs. Ar.tund they circletl until one of them struck the trail, and thc-n away they dashed in pur suit of the !tgus fox. Instantly a great fir seized the hunter. It dawned upon hitn that if the hounds overtook the lad they would tear him to pieces. Withtsat longer hesitating, he mshed to the stable, bridled a horse and gall-i ed in pursuit of the laying hi Hinds. They had a pxxl start, and Fulmer knew thai the hoy's life dccnded upon w heth er the hounds or the horseman reache! hiin first. In no real fox chase did the veteran hunter ever ride more furiously. It was a long, hard gallop, ltut he had told the Uty where to drag the lg, and by a short cut reached him ahead of the bounds. The dogs were cle upon him and run ning madly. Fulmer seized the aston ished ly and lifted him upon the horse beyond the reach of the hounds, which he could even then hardly prevent from tearing young liambo to pices. Crossing tfl Atlantis I'sually involves sea sickness. When the wave play pitch and t-ss with ym. strong indeed must lx? the Htomach that can stand it without revolting. Tourists, commercial travelers, yachtsmen, marin ers, all testify that Hochstettcr's Stomach Bitters is the ls?st remedy for the nausea experienced in rough weather on the wa ter. Nervous and weak travelers by hind often sutler from something akin to this, ami find in the bitters its surest remedy. No disorder of the stoniache, liver or Ixtw els is so oliKiiuate that it may not Is? over come by this prompt and thorough reme dy. Kqtially etlii-aciisis is it St chills ami fever, kidney and rheumatic trouble ami nervousness. Immigrants Pi the fron tier should provide themselves with this line medicinal safeguard against the ef-fs-ts and vicissitudes of climate, liardship, exposure and fatigue. Democratic State Homiaatioa. F.ditor William M. Singerly, of the Philadelphia Itrronl, was nominated for governor by the Democratic State con vention. The nomination was by a- clamatioii. John S. Killings, of was named for Lieutenant fJovcnair. The other candidate nominated were: Audi tor (ieiieraL David F. Magis;, of Little Britain, Lancaster county ; Secretary of Internal All'airs, fieneral W. W. fJreeii- laud, ami Congrosmen-at-Iirgc, cx Jndge Josc(th C. Itueher, of Ia? isburg and II. Sloan, of Indiana. P.m-her says he will not accept. The platform adopted nttribntt-s the do- rangeiiiaut ttf bilsines, the ilisturliances Ix'twet-u lalxirand capital an J the redais- tittu of wages which lately upset the coun try, to the Mckinley law. To relieve the stringencies caused by that incisure a Democratic president and Congress were elected. These are entitled to the spxtrt of patriotic citizens regardless of party. Then follows a long arraignment of the Republican party, for ills real ami imag inary, (ievemor Pattlson'sadniinistration Is commended ; scr-t ixilitieal organiza tions are rouiully denounced. In conclu sion the platform states, the death of President Carnot is to I m greatly deploreiL Anan liy ami assassination are .iiidemn ed and the endeavor to perH-tuate Dem ocratic (irinciples in foreign Ian is highly coiiiiuc-udisL A Conductor's Bavenge. Ku-itwoNn, Va., June . CoL Henry C. Parsons, owner of the Natural P.ritlge property, was shot and killed this morn ing, at 7 o'cl.xk. at tiladys Inn, Clifton Forge, by Captain F. A. tioixhuan, a con duetor on the ChcsaH-ak and tihio Rail- roinL This morning Colom-I Parsons aud Captain (iixxlman met in the lobby of the inn. tiixxlman walked up to Parsons and asked him if he was the antlmr of certain anoiiyuioiis letters w ritten to Chesapeak and Ohio officials making complaint against himself. Parsons promptly re plies! that he was, and Captain iioodman drew his revolver ami lxigan tiring. Five chamlsirs of his revolver were emptied, and four bullets took effect. tniolwil entvrisl just under the right collar lxme, one oil right and one on left side of the alxloiuen, and 0110 on the left side of the head at the union of frontal and porictal lxmes. He lived one hour and fifteen minutes after having leen shot, but never sxtke. A Conspiracy Charge. Mortimer II. Hockley, president; Fred crick Bait, manager, and James T. An ders, in, foreman, of the Penn Steel Cast ing and Machine Company, of Chester, were given a hearing Is-fore United States Commissioner Bell, charged with conspi racy to defraud the government by the Kulftititutioii of old castings which had Ix-cii proved defective as fresh ones, after erasing the old stamp mark and making a stamp in imitation of the inspector's stamp, aud giving the specimen, which is sent to Washington, an additional treat nient after the in.sp.stor had stamped it, so that this specimen would represent a Ix-ttcr quality than th.tse which are treat ed by the test. The castings are used in mounting guns on United States war shiis. Lieut. Chamlx-rs, government in-spts-tor, tcstitisl that the company used spurious imitation of his stamp on cast ings. Lieut, ttihlxms, stationed at the Washington navy yanl, testified thai a lot of castings received from the compa ny six toi-carriage- and two pivot staiuis. which had ls-en previously rejected, were again sent to Washington, with new numbers, and with the old nnmlK-rs part ly olililemteiL I he defendants were re quired to furnish fl,it liail each for a further hearing. Striker Disarm Deputies. Dknvkh, tsj., July 2. Fifty United States deputies were surrounded and dis armed to-day by the strikers at TriuidaiL I tie deputies were held as prisoners. United Slates Marshal Israel has acquain ted Attorney (ieiieral Olney with the sit uation and requested the aid of Federal troojis. Two delayed Atchison trains with Pull iijai) cars arrived during the day. So far as Colorado roads are coiicuriiu.l the lxiy vott aud striku will fai, and the trouble at I -a Junta, Tnuida) aqd southward will proliably be cnduil by ;-niorrow" uight. TJncle Sara Knit Protect Mailt. Is 111 s AP01.IS Ind., July 1. Nine ar rests wero Iliad" at Iiantitititi, Ind., to day, and the prisoners brought to Indian iq tolis. Four of them are charged with conspiracy to retard the mails, and re leased 011 lou reeitgnizanis? lionds. The others were charge! with interfereuca w ith mails, and released on Ixmds otpSdl Kxrcit at Terre Haute and Brazil there are no eases of detention of trains in In diana to-day. Governor Matthews said t i-nig'it that it was the duty of tho i iovcrnmeut to furnish troops to pmtect the mail trains, and that he would not hesitate to call ujxin the Secretary of War for them, if needed. At fifteen cents per week, the Pittslsirg IHnpittrk, one of the best newsiapers in the United States, is the cheapest article in existence. It is worth more than fif teen rents per week to have the eye pleas ed by a clear, well-printed paper, 111 bll-h-lug all not a part of the new only, ai.d in alj respoots the best printed. ALL ROADS TIED UP. Troops Will Be Xeceiaary to Open TrayeL The strike situation at Chk-igo Is alarm ing. Nearly every road leading into the city has lsssu tied up. The strikers cer tainly have things their own way ami they even went so far as to stop all mail trains. Attorney General Olney says the mails must go througli, so deputy mar-dials are lx-ing appointed ami troops w ill lussl to njx n the road-. A conilict w ith the strikers can hardly Is; averted much longer. Provision have Ixven disabled in price in Chicago within 24 hisirs, Ixjsiuessnien have lst-ouie alarmed at the situation, anil bread riots are f-arcd. All the union men in Chicagi of all trades, have promised tn leave their em tdovment w ithin 4S hours if the strike Ls not settled. This would throw out about lot), KW men. A CHAOTIC FIOIIT WITH LAIhlR. Chicaoo, 111., June 31 Confusion and chaos, w ith a liaekground of lawless spir it, represents the strike situation here to night. As a natural result, the tie-up is more complete than at any time since the war lx-gan. Men perfettly willing to w ork are under a reign of terror ami open acts of violence have served to render suhurtsin servii-e unsafe, and to surround all train movements with additional dangers. Dii-tator Dclw talks tcas!, while his men are derailing trains, smashing win dows, spiking and locking sw itches, and even stoning trainmen and passengers. So lutd has the situation lxx-ome that crews of new men at work yesterday along the lineof the Pan Handle and St. Paul joint tracks, out of the Union depot. failed to aptear to-dny. During the night they had lxs-n driven from their posts by intimidation and feared to return aud lace the danger. rxci.K saji ix oosTKxrr. Vncle Sam has Ix-en required to take a vigorous hand to protect his mails from detention and is not meeting with mark ed success. Marshal Arnold is enrolling deputies right and left under orders from Attorney olney. Sheriff iillxrt is throwing crowds of municipal deputies into the field. Isit thu strikers still treat the majestic mail train with insolence. Six tostal trains are in chancery at Hammond, Ind., in tho hsndsof a power ful mob, and th gr -i' ?-t difficulty is ex nori.'iHssI in moving all mails. In this emergency Arnold's deputies are like a snow lull against (iibralter. He has not one-tenth enough to cover tho richl. Ti- night there is talk of calling out the Sec on.l Regiment of militia to disK-rse the strikers and open things r.p. It Ium got beyond the point w here the Government is merely interested in tnv tis-ting the n-vls under its com ml. Its entire vistal servii-c is threatened on every one of the crippled inails, and Ar nold meaus to open war with all (tossihle sK-?il in the Government's belialC STItlKK SPKKAHS I.1KK WIl.ltKIRG. The strike has spread to-tlay with sUirt ling rapidity. Not only switchmen, but firemen and even engineers, ill one in stance, have gone out. Switches have Ix-en spiked, others left lockisl, and everything conceivable done to cripple the roads. ROADS WHO. BATTLK FOR I.IKE. The n-ad.s stand firm as a rock agmnl the enemy. "The General Managers' Assis-iation w ill not say that Delis has played his last trump," said Manager Kgan, of the asso ciation, to-night. "He may have a wlsde armful of trumps to play, but we are pre pared to make it as intcnsiting as xwsible for the sinkers. The general .011 to my mind has not changed fir the better. It may grow worse, but that will ins: change our attitude. Dictator Delis is jubilant and defiant He scys that when he get through with the fight there w ill not lx; enough nu n left iu Chicago to sweep ks streets. PRICKS IK PKOVISIOXS UO CP. Prices of all provisions have gtine sky high. Packing Ikiuscm are to dose, lx- caiise supplies are cut off. Fruits in nil told quantities are rotting on the side tracks, while-Water street, the great fruit centre, hxtks like a grave yank Coal Is running short, and lucre are no supplies in sight, for freight tratlic practically hand and fixtt. The strike may involve all the lalxir or ganization in thecitv, w hich would make George M. Pullman the central figure l the most tremendous lalxir agitation of the country. !" F.ngene V. Del is and George W. How ard inav lx? familiar in later years as the leaders of the laKiring classes in the fieri est battle ever waged Is'tween capital and lalxir. , ALL LABOR CXIONS MAY STRIKK. The Pullman Ixivcott and the union of S7 railriKitl managers in a defensive al liaru-c against what liad apKaretl a mush room trg:inizalion originated by profi- sional agitators, marks the lx-gtuning o! a comlmt w hich cannot Ciil to mark the lx-giiining of a new era lxtth xilitically and liuancially. Defeat bv cither side means diiith to the interests involve;!. This much and more w;is demonstrated to-lay, w hen, in the heat of passion, spurred on by speech cs calculated to amuse the utm4 cntliu siasm among lalxiring men, ami many trade and lalxir unions of this city and Slate, through their representatives, voted to sustain the Kailway Union in its light against the Pullman Coiiiimnv and the raiimads. While not acting together in purjioM the unions were all planned 1 x Tore the meeting to join in supporting the railnsid men iu their struggle. At a later meet ingof thecciitral division of the united laixtr unions a committee was appointed to wait uhhi the otlieials of the Kailway U 11 ion and tttfer tho united strength of every trade and lalior organization of the ciiy. The tender was made at headquart ers this afternoon, and it was pledged that every union man in the city would go out immediately, if the officers of the Railway Union deemed it necessary. A OIOANTIO STRIKK PROPOSITIOX. The projtosiliou made and accepted was that in case the trouble between the union and the railroads was not settled within the next day or two, every union man in the city of Chicago, from the highest to the lowest, would Is? called out in sympathy with the railroad men. At the lowest estimate this will mean a strike among the lalxir unions alone of over lot) if ) nieiL. . Added to this will In? the many thou sands who w ill be thrown out of employ ment by the forced shut-down of al in dustries affected by lalxir agitation. Grandmothers as Bicyclers. Inihana, Pa., June 30. Descendants to the number of 17D to-day met to cele brate the !r!d birthday anniversary of Mrs. Margaret PJotser. The aged woman was the recipient of many gifts, ltut the one she prizes most highly is a safety tyclu. Sh has issued the following challenge; "I. Margaret Plolsor, lx-ing in sounil heal tit, memory and understanding, hereby challenge any w oman of my age Ui ride a race for a prize Bible, tho one losing to present I he lsxik to tbe w Inner." Two women in town are eligible for the contest, Mrs. Hansom and Mrs. IVnighis, the mother of Clerk of CtHiiiWls Samuel A. Douglas. If the contest eoiiun off it w ill be on September L Troops Go Karehing Home. PrjcxsrTAWNKT, Pa June DO The State tnxtps have been recalled by order of tJovernor Pattison. Alxmt 5 mem bers of the two regiments departed this morning. It is expected by Monthly all the soldiers will Lave disappeared from this las-ality. A number of the miners returned to work to-day, and no more trouble is fears ' ed iu this section. !fwi Items. William J. MeCoriniek. of Aluxma, for tbe killing of Joseph B.-rt ler ill a dis pute over tho ownership of a.gtass of lx.-er, was sentenced Ui six years in the penitentiary. During a recent storm iioju- Cotfcyville, Miss., two farmers were struck by light ning and instantly kilhiL The chtth.w were burned from their Ixxii.-s and tiie ll.-sh oxiketl on their ixtn.-s. William riiikert-m. who was on trial at Spring Valley, ILL. on Tutslay, for assaulting Anna, last t-rnUy lqsl out of an ok-ii w indow, but was quickly overtaken hy alxait " frieiiila of the girl and If-al-n to de-tth. Reulx-n Warlman die.1 Saturday in the Ihvpital at Bcihlehisii, Pa as the result of lieing struck by lightning. Iat Sun day w hile he w as plow ing in a held at Laury's Station, Carlxm C.mnty. he w as struck down and terribly Istrued. Ktxjtht-ru Minnesota and Kasteru S.ith Dakota w ere visited Wedncslay night by a series of terrific whet-torm, which so Ctr as know n, causeil the death of 10 per sons and injury to more than .'ill others. four of whom wil diet Gre:tt damage w as done t. buildings and crops. The Louisiana Legislature has w ithout opposition voted an apimpriation for the construction of a bust or statue of Thorny Lafoii, the negro (liiilauthnipist, w lm died a few mouths ago. It is asserted that this is the first statute ever cns-tol to a netrro in the Sisith. I-ifou. w ho was XO years ol I wh'-n ho die L left a fortune of f ioi.ovl, nearly all of it to charity. The Harrislmrg I-gislative Record, that useless publication of the priH-eedings of the Senate and HisLse, Is to lie no more. Ths fortunate condition is not the pnxluet f the last siissioii, but comes alxiut through failure to open bids on th first Moml iv in June of every fourth year, as required by the act of ISTt, and the ex piration of the puhlfsher's i'ilitra"t leaves him without authority in the premise. This brings the Record to the en.L Judge lOwing at Waynesbiirg FrMay handed down his decision on the motion for a new trial for John Kisminger, eon victed 6ir the munler of Huckster Samuel MiSL'oy. The motion was refused, and the seiiteiiee of dtralh proniHinosl. niingta-said liothing, exo pt that he was inn.xs-nt. Heisaiaiut il years of age. He says ho w ill never Is? executed, and lias had as many as 1- false keys taken from his person. Public opinion sup ports the verdict and the decision of the court. Ill compliance with a resolution Friday the secretary of agriculture sent a state ment to the senate which saj-s that the visible supply of w hiwt 011 July 1 will be alxiut .Vi.non.oi) lsixhcls, iu addition to which there w ill Is- approximately 8,t,- iiii bushels available w heat sbx-ks tin the Pacific sast, and an undeterminable quantity that goes by tiie name of invisi ble supply. Ho gives tho acreage o winter wheat for the present year at i. Hi,17J, and of spring w heat at H'lOvi, and the (iroli.ible (inxhictitjii iu bushels at 4H,!s.s,!c7. A uew Pn-ddent if France, M. Casi mir-Perier, was 011 Wislm-stLiy chs-ted to suiss-ed the av-assiicUed Carnot. The fiiends of peaiv and g.xxl government in r niin-e uave taken nrage. No other result of tin; liallot at tiie Palace of Versailles would have restored confidence in the hearts of lovers of law and order. The suni-ssor of tint martyr Carnot is statesman ami a patriot. Ho is out spoken against the S-x-ialisLs ami Arj- arehUts, and for this reason his elc-tioii w ill cause rejoicing among the nations of Kurope, WiUStrr-fgle Ho Kara. Pi'NXsrTAWXKY, P.v., June '. The great strike in the Central Pennsylvania bituminous district and the Cumlx-rland distrhs? adjoining, has broken. Most of the miners in tho two districts were work ing to-day, those in this district at the Columbus compromise rate, and th-ise iu the ('iiuilierlatid disiri.-t at 4-1 cents jer gnss ton, or w h:U they ha I beon getting la-foro the strike. Th? B.ll, L"w is A Yates miners at Revnolds ille and Du B ils, who went to work yesterday m iru ing and struck again last nigth. to fores' the R x-hcster A PitLs'mrg C.un-ianv to rts-.ignize the miners union, considered their action this m imiug and re:ur!i I t work. The mines at Waist. in and Adrian will lie operated to-morrow bv a few men. The company has xx-ted indices that the depressed condition of the coal trade will 11 justifv a resumption in full, and that onlv such men as are nis-disl will lx-cm ployed. Half of the troops hive ordered h line. They will leave here in the morn ing. The remainder will stay here ami take part in a fourth of July denionstra tion, and will then go home. The strike has U-en on fir just nine wee 'is. In that time -i.omi.0iai ton of coal wouid have lx-en mined at a cost to the oierattirs and as pay to the miners of il.-Ji),iN.i. The miners return to work du ler the same conditions that existed when they struck. The milters of the Berwind-White Company will continue at work under the protection of the arm eil guards. She Wat Bound to Harry. Paistsvh.i.k, Ky., June 27. Helen Witten, the pretty daughter of William Wittcu, a prominent farmer, living four miles north of here, resorted to unusual means in order to elope w ith one she lov ed. For some mouths Henrv M. Wilcox has lx-en an ardent admirer to Miss Wit ten, but the family disostragisl his at tent ions, ami txik every precaution to prevent an elopement, even locking up the girl's clothing. In order to get away last night the girl chloroformed her fath er, mother and entire family of six. When they, recover from their stupor the parents found the girl nnd all her clothing gone. It isTpresunied Wilcox and Miss Witten elosl to ihio. New Price for 1891. Painted Barb Wire per ft, - 2 cts. Bisscll Chilled Plows, - - j (HI Xo. 40 " - 6 00 Syracuse " - - 6 no Gule " " - 6 Ui Call and see the latest improvement iu Lever Spring Txith Harmws. JAMKS B. HoLItKItBAt'X, Stuiierset, Pa. Xo matter how hard the times the one thing you cannot afford to go withimt is all the news. If you want all the news yi hi get it iu the PitLslmrg IUxjmtrk. The Iiiixtirfi publishes all not a part only. Wholesale Exeentiost. The coming month w ill Is? a nieinora bie and iinprisxtlenteil one in Xorth Car- olinia Air the carrying into execution of death sentences. In the county of Mont: gomery eight men will be hanged within eighteen days. On M on. lay next twq hangings w il) take platsa in that county; on July I tlh, four other men w ill pay tha penalty of their crimes by death on the scaffold, ami on July iith, two others Will be executed on the same gallows. All of tlu-te criminals have Is-en cony it-Jed of murilor. Iq Franklin county twq murderers w il( 1st hanged on July ltth, and in August several tifher exetnitions will take place in that Statu, including; one negro murderer and two others con vietcd of criminal assault. WHY? Should every tsie. If in net-J of a pure stim ulant fur l.uslii lnal purpoxex, go to Is. Feder al !.? Hernuse be will Cud the largest alix k l .-ltet from at losrwi prices. The Kye Whistles are all front tbe htnrrat and bott kiMiwn distilleries ami sold at tbe Killowln prices; 2-Tcar-oltl at tlM l-r gallon: 3-ycur-old ul tiil; 4-yrarsild al tiM; -y ear-old at f:L,"); X-ycar-olJ xt W Ti, 10 and 12-yeur-nid al XVO. St- Helena. I 'a life tenia, oldest and bext aeltcted wines, 10 brands dry and sweet, at f lJjO per gallon; Khiae wine, imp. Sherry, Maderta, Port aud ( istuac, at lowett Ibrurp. No extra rharg? ft s- packing. Call or arnd (or prk-e list A. ANDR1ESSZN 1st, Federal ht., Allegheny. Tebpbonc oH. a c "SI 5" 3" O 3 o 3 3 5. 0) CD O 5' o o c CD O o o c tt D 3 Q. o o 3 o o 3 o c a o 3 o O o c 3 13 m m era mmm (0 o o 3 CD CO a a o h! C3 i 3 to MrsALUhl. Mv stock of .seasonal ilc Press Goods is Ijrge an J cheap. Consisting in Part of : 40-inch Irish Lawns, figiirtsl anil strix.sL AVhite and iolors dimities. Plain Jt fiirurtsl t'r,-jx-s, very pretty All grailcs of Dress (iinirhams, at low prices. CrinkUsl (ii:i-;haiiis. AVool tuitl CotUiri t'liallics, from oc up. Aiiicrican and Fr'iich Hiittim-s, all (frmk-s. I'lulii striiHil ami plain Nainsooks. " " " " India Lawns. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF DOTTED SWISS, FOR DRESSES A- DRAPERY. A lartre line of yard wide Camhrics. lVririles ill many lci";ns. Haiitlsoiue rriiicc-s 1 lucks, lhitistk-s ui many st les. A Great Variety of UltUe, Cream , Ecru aiul liliuk Lace for Trimming. All widths and fdvles of braides for Dress Trimming;. All colors Moire Silk, Changeable Silk, Surah Silk, etc , for trim ming and waists. A complete line of Serges, Henri ettas and fanev ool and Suk Iress Goods. Cltcap Wool Dress Goods in great variety. Baby Dresses and D dby Coats, long and short. Baby Caps and Hats to ?uit all. All kinds of goods for Children's Dresses. Lace Curtains from i0c. a pair np. Scritn from 5 to 10c. A large assortment of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Under wear. Beautiful Table Spread?, cheap handsorpe tjes jn S;Ik and Cot ton. Silk Gloycs and Mits jn great vari ety. The best line of CORSETS to be found. Hundreds of articles in Notions, and Triinniiugs that cannot be found elsewhere. The best line of FAST colored Stocking, either in I Hack or Colors. Summer Opening or Millinery Goods, The largest, most stylish and cheap est Don't forget that with the extreme low prices oftervd, you have a chance to jr-t a part of the f 100 00, that we are now giving to our customer-. Mrs. A. E. UHL. (SUGAR" MAKERS SUPPLIES WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF Syrup Cans Sap Buckets, g Spjuts, Gathering Bucket Sugar Pans, Etc., at rock i palasllv..MasBaiiaTaBBBBBsaBBTaasssarsBSsBBB--i v torn prices for cash. WE HANDLE THE BEST Maple :P. A. Main Cros Street, - FURNITURE. TRUE ECONOMY L IKS in Itiivinjr iT'-nI thin tlotnl a certain haril wall of facts ami nihilities, ntul inr:i;:il promise-. I, honest Furniture can h- lionht. Uh you gvt No U-x- lM!j:i!! a fart - YOU KNOAV OUR LINE.- It con.-it.s of hirli anil low pralc Furniture, Spring, Mjttreses and Refr-'j tor, at riUC'KS h Milt the times. C. H. COFFROTH, 606 Main Somerset, Great Inducements, Goods reduced in price in every lice. Dry Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Lace Curhin. Ladies' Coats, Sec. Xow is the time to buy to save money and get something good. -vJAMES CLINTON STREET. U Tiie IV at frhnea for Ike Ix-ttsi Munry. S.;uc MS5, . ; sCL V ';- Trie ICTIm -r-T!. "--JsJS sf ry DEALERS who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods. Tiy ftnrd tm wil ml m k-M proHt. ud brliv jam rmm Montr hy baylnf mdt jovt ktotmmtr of thm daiicr adTaniM-it belvw. lalaktziie (ih npo apiiliaaluB. J. D. MILLER cfc SOX, Rockwood, Fa. IB, &c IB. Quality, Style - and Price. Tlm-o,Hldfr.iUun whk'h miwt bo uf nton Ui:n onlitinry iui-nt lo our cuMoitu r, or MAIL ORDER BUSINESS Hinounti njf as it dMn to hitiM.rvtts of 11mi (iii? wnmially. Ni-w Kr'ii-h Style 4hvk Suttin:- ; ilitl-f-iit olir.rfr I- iii'lit-s vritlt. 80' l Jart. Sw ;miilt :nl Covert Suiting u j iih-Im- 75CU Ut 20 P " yrL Ttn-w an iut wiiisle lf nut fnmi Utrv r-Mi.-Mri iiit-uli ( lint- !tyli-U ic"k1- ornxtHnt n-iit-wul of iifw-t. m.r-i Hlyit-h 1 i-m 4thm1 .ilk- ami suiinur KiwM vmi rluii. ( l-uv.iiTf "l (-i.r-lit-' tin t thi -it-n- thn(iieiiHit tin- n-nttrv n-um uul nUuv-l LESS PBICt. Mmst 'N-tf:nt aMtTtim-iit of N'v-it T;i(T. tai ami l:nli;i Sillt t'v. vwr sir n TV, V, l -1 .S. ImmmI q.uitity itriit.-l Inlia SHU Navy :md lhuk en u iitt nil whiu jn iluiir-- 25 3 5-1 a y:tnl. WSH GOOf trA--ITMlsT !(trciu iIj--U wilhmit pur.ill 1. Ijnrti KUiX Suiiii-K ;K Iim (9i wlli 40'tjl yanL FiiK.' .;iUl--a 1Hh it) im h. ttt.lf IS- 30"t. Kill-irm y Haml-Spuii !ii. k S;iuini!x .--.ft lini-h IMmiii av ttnl I'lnkam! lilue itnp-! r win u .to .lu lu w uU- r'in Knurh mr;i.Ii--i lvauttftil in niioraml filfi-H.zn? .C im h viilf KrvnWi JiuNKit-f ran!ic-) jSimx! priii.iiitr :tl im iu-! witle 2Kf!- i- Ii4 iVt, i!n Tiphyr iiDrzluiius cmk1 oiittrs rut tl--iu .k iiK-!rt- wuit- 12 f 2't a yard. t'iri.ivti TnH'k Suiting in p.uin oln aal trwt tlicur-faii.t - li- wiii Wril OUR M. O DftT. r f-mil.-. IIIus-trut-.t -uUiifti aiul ht 1i-t yiKi ll n Icirn Hie way rt-iiniiral buying ml we'll Kt yHir jumiiMgt. Boggs & Buhl, ALLEGHENY, PA. WANTED SALESMEN riV: W '"" IURSEStSTOCH .! seed pot- TOES. llOKKAL iiLAKV uiOH HU is! pai.T' -cki. frrm.Uftit sal Mia HisiTluNS to !! m-n. !!-. I tolix- rau bi bt-Ktanan. fcOU -IVE TtKttlTfKV jutu If ilftarvtl Wrilc U oice fur terms U THE HAWKS NURSERY CO,, Rochester, N. Y, "uiv Krtphr IH-Mute. lnipy. lirav.-l. Xr-Viiuaih-w. llan, I'riiuiry r 'ljvr di-nks.. kiHiwn i.y iitvl Uni;uii frt-limr: iiuu-iimi tf tii- klthu y-s wnikt-tiK ami mmi the bii.Ht. Niitl tuilt-M. mn-- ii n-liiovi-d jtijo -34 n n. t hnvi-lit-Altu. f-urvsl uvr-r Ue vo4i uirt 1 l;ri:tirA Iii-tn sihI Iintty. Jjrx. I. L." i Mukr, H.'llil-ln-iit. IV. l.uii tKbt-r niiuilar U-tiimiul-Try il- Cure euanuiUvti. Cann' Kidney Cure Co , 720 Venango St. Philadrlphia, Pa. SWJ Ly (ill rvlittble DntyyUtn. TMPOaTAST TO ADTTtKTISEKflL Tba erfm of tho country pnpeta U foand in Bemingtoa'a County Seat LuU. Shrewd AiiTerdsen -ftrH thenuelrca of thM-t lists, eopjr of Trhich can be lad of Jiemisgtoa 3ro, of Sr Tork FSuntxtrg. - - - - Evaporator on the W -ket at less than half the pr "asked for some others. It "pay you to get our prices be!0!, buying. SCHELLY SOMERSET,?, 6o( thinp mssl not I- lu-li trit-l. T)ltr tiriircM, however, ti::it stamls l t,-.n , Then - tiR - ccrt. - iin jiris-s U-low lu, ii Those lIIlt'l- arc ours. If ym j, Cross Street, Pa QUINN,C -JOHNSTOWN P W. L. DOUGLAS i-S3 SHECE - nkles,otlom Watcmroof. Best Shoe tnid at the -ria S4 and S3.SO Dress Sho. -. ui. ui !. ( oiui iron o Lo GvlS3.50 Police Shoe. 3 Solai. h- i akui biu rvct maue. , . S2.50. nnd 2 Shoe?. L-rttallrd at Lh pnee BOYS 82 & SI.75 School Shoes rJT4 Anuonoi nSRiicc. LADIES' $3, $2.50 $2,$!.75 H-t ItODEOlx. Myli.b, I'rrfwt . k lltmuantl sri-tin-alilt-.KrM ; - V ln li" rW. All slih-j. .791. ltulinU, Kltora. No. IxitlAim. KrocLlu. : -,. 115. 15 $18. Fifteen Dollars has a power to draw, if correctly invested, which beats a lottery. For Fifteen Pa lars you can draw a nice Cliaim' Suite no Hank tickets. Every Fifteen Dollars deposited ?ots one Suite SURE. It's like getting dol lar for dollar. You have seen or heard of oar 1 1 6 Suite. What you saw or heard of in that Suite you can fiad ia this and more, you save a dollar too, which is an item to mot of us. One thin sure, if you buy one of these $15 Suites yon get a relialle article from a reliable firm. The Suite will "stand by" you and we u stand bv " the Suite. HENDERSON FURNITURE CO., JOHNSTOWN. PA. Promoted rieasc note tjiis in your Mcp.f'"1 dum Dock, STENGER. THE DRY GOODS MAN, JN' JOHNSTOWN. Will stay at hu old stand, but the 0. lias lieen changed from 227 to 515. We Shall Continue Our Old lYTntfn . Fst values market IV 1 U I WJ ,can affor j for money. JOII STKXCalvlt,