I The Somerset Herald ,;K.ii;.iK R. S l l.U KJitor. pSK-l'AY ..Junr?:. i-s'i. iii-truim-iH" ut Snytler'it tlrng (.-,..-.'. ',. i,v J:'"' s'rir.s-t''ili Harrow Pr li. I..l.l'.'rlr.iimu sti- k a knife uiiiler tin- f'llie kill"' mines mil t-ien m-.i ., .1 i :., ::lia w -l stlll'll. U" Ilillll is jptiiir me. - - mT uIiktIi llriv-lllir Y. ssf..r liM-il' -liars Hi l:l'l.e- Jam ks I!. H.'l.l'Kr.B.u V s. ,.ilMrU;Ktlif I'iH-litirg JKxixtich with ,.,;., r i.:ueri- lli-nry . . uT nevels. ' . J iVT lJ" " " ' W -,..r. -iun.l .-ii't.v. KriJay, mid WS ' -ru.-k Vail '"' 5l,e 1,r'aJ Wilh " l,al lias run:"'--- iiiH-.ii-i'-ms ami may v, -..1. r .f it.o Ha u.ii -.hmiM n fr ,',',! . Siivder, tile druggist, can ii ihfir i-v's. Will.-tr.l sucues!- a ,-',rMiau tli.-al'-r no -s.ii.lii.-t.il in .,v tliat rriitfi mi- al'.'- nW .lverlise 'i i n I'"'"""1 "' " ''''"" e;rl.srtihH-uk.-ii whW fer ofany ,,;; fr...iit!stau' Hint w.HiW hrmga l,.iiii I" '"'r '""'k- , , l,tl-iuriiir, 111." iih4 fiuiiieiil ..hvs.eia.n ,.rt-r.U' Avers Sar-i-trilla. i, is iti- in sl l..'rfiil iMinl.ination . J. -.al lc iiln r.iti- v-r .iriTt-i t the sj ritijr ami family m.sli. iiie, j'"',M.v H freely u-4 .y -U ' :.k-.' ,...rj-t I.itl'ier, su'iil lti.ve.irs. m- lturii- '.'., ileutli n J.liiil""" Kri.iay afl.-r-..Hi. S.nif.Hli'-r U..vm rau-jlit nil fn-m a l.-A in I lit-1 -mul.r-ii In.n '.-iiiliaii.v'-il. i'.. i-niilisi it ami threw il int.. the Stony l rei"k." '' .n tl'' wirCif caus'it lirt. i,J y.iuiis: liltfr a hemmed in and r,aiJ li liitlU. Ma-i.a! sin.li ' MriiiK.il instru-m-'-iiW t Siiyd. r's dr.iu' t'ir.-. rlraraiiivsiih-wf furniture at IW?v ,;. sii and Franklin St.. la-jriiiK Aug. .n. ' I'arlorsiiil.-s at a!x.ut half j.ri.x i;.-.t priutinu'. 1"""' I,!I"T, fulliwt ro ...i all topi.-si" tlio 1-iltsl.urg Many IlIairiMiinty w h.M.l lir.-...rs aro ,l, .n-iv in fav.r of o-tal,lishiiiS a o.uii tv hih x -li""J li'" " would untile Ik-t.,-u the -ity r lr.iieli hitl't wlil .., i ti,.- normal h ..1. The I'.iair .i.uii-iv- liool .lir.--loiV union, at its nut-tint: i:i Aii-.'w-l. n. iv take aitioii on this matter i:liai- of iiitln.-ni in state le-isla-.; ,., ,IU,lyhHrg .S!'iu.lm-l. 1; von want the 1 '!rl11 aoii on wh -.-Is .lou t fail l pi a Kramer or -i'.idi-l-aker fr.oin J AS. 1!. lo!.IKltnAt .M. inu rsut, J'a. V cold en ci;l.'i' klll.l stlf"Ur City, Indiana t-oimty. Hiliiday. M h'iu ;i!i.-iii.tin,'to.-arry oil" a hen w illt a If'"! !.! .hiekenK. The hen uas tied whh a xiroiis: "rd whieh the .-a:-ie ttmldu't t.r. ak. Failing ill this atteiiipt, it pereh- I it. lf on a trpe m-artiv to sei.s-t another vi.-iiiu. when a man named Jn-kard i-hot il. It ui.-Hsnred six f.-et tu iil.-h'. frnm tip to tip of wings. K. A. Snyder. lt.N k.i. I'U-, has (; n --i!k uiiili--il:is f.T I..idi.-' . Vt-s for I. idies" S'f V. sl for I" V l-e. W hite at ail prli es. Made up wrait-rs for Finest line of liddren's -np and l)vii- ii. -;-. and the U-t asirliieiit of -fl i of Jaly hats in the ortiiity. Till! div iu'wsi.-ifr i the lft of all ..nail iiivesiin.-n:s. The 1'iiisl.urg .' tills the hilL A si-ii-ntilie writer says that ninlit is the lime uhieli nature utiliz.-s for the growth of plantM and aniuials: children too. grow tit r- rapidly during the night. In the i lyiiuit-the syff in in kept husy dispos-in-.' of !lu- waste eoiiMtiUf lit ut ttetivity. l ut hili- atsht-p the system is fre to ex t -it 1 its ojH-ralioiis ls voiid the nicro re-i!a-iiig of worn-out parti.-les, lu-iitf the npid growtlu This is why invalids need so iiiurli rt-t and sht-p. When the tilood 1 loadisl with inipuii-tii-s. tin- wiiole systi-in lx-isiiin-s dixrd-r-. !. This i-onditioii of things t-auiiot long without sirioiis ti-sulls. In xueli i-a a Jiowerful alterative is iiiHshsl. u. Il as Ayer'a Sarsaparillx Jt nrvi-r laii-. and has no i-jml. Ail aiuusiiig iueiJvui is td of a lonil pri-ai-lii-r whoaloin time owm-da par Mi of wui'-li he was very fond. When going ibr rounds of his cireu it Sunday iii .niing ho took ittocli.ir. h with him. ami si-t the iage tMiitaiiiing the parrot np.ui the pulpit hy bis side. Shortly after Hi.- pr.-a. h.-r haj otf.-re. prayer, you i-an imagine the surprise of the audienee and lii.- preaeher h.-u the parmt was sis-u to atreti-b out his l.-g. as if he was just wak ing from a good night's rest, u ben all of a sudden it gate three Hops of its wings and eri.-dout at the top of its vole: "I've g the cramp-, as sure as b 1. Run for lr. Johnson." Have you seen Devlin" lSrussels Car-p.-!-i at .Vi rents per yard, in any pattern? 1. i.-e i 'urtains low er than joldier'ii prict-M. 1'riii- guaranteed on any article, mi and s. Franklin St.. Johnstown. I'a. Ji i y.iii want to lmy a t'.rst --ia.- musi cal instrument at a moderate prh-e? U to Snyder's drug store. Thinking be was calling for help just to fil them, several youths, in.iuding his hr.iili.-r. si mI I iy nnd ts-iw Frank Stout lr . n in a quarry hole Friday night at '! i I'.-i lit. near Norristoti il. I'a, The y ung m.ii were l.aihing and Frank, who i- '.iM it .i swim plunged into the water. Using a 1. .ard as g tl.Kit. r. He warn ejill e.l t..r b.-'p. I ...ii be others did not goto b;s assistant. Mr. Ia;t.- J.mes "f this p!ait, lias ai- e. -pt.-d the ugciicy of the Klmira H.siling N.w York. This is one of the largest au.l U-st n.ting inimpaiiiisi in exislenit. M r. Jon s w ill l. at ail times prepared to r ,i.iir or paint metal rooting, or to furnish !!.- rooting of the famous "v'liiHaA"' I. rand. il. oldest and lsst nsitiug in the market. lilair e .ui.ty farmers are greatly excited nv.r I...- .lis,, .very of oil m their lan.ls. I.a'g.-., lau'.itics of n4roleuiit were first f" an.! t.. in-stored on A. I'.. II ick'a farm, n.-ar I'uii.itsvi!le, and a pmsjMsting l-'iroftne adjoining lands showed that t'aey ,-rc similarly tillitl with crude oil. In.- ilis-MMry caused a Iiusiness 'in f.r Duncaiisville, and l'illslmrg .--nd Joluistow n capitalists have leased f. nus iu Ali.-ghciiy and Frttsloiti Uiw n-bi)- f,,r U.ring operatills. ntii culture is more protital.le ti the fariiu-r now than liLs other t-nps. Drown ltr. t o ihp moKt t-xteitsive nursTj 1 us.- iii tiie 1". s., have a varaHejr in this lion. Write them at n.x-liester, N. Y. '"' tb.-ir terms. ' ' Ibc liurltlo (Unr ln-lieves that liorns I ainte.1 with advertisements d.-ler many. Jm rs..i,, fn)Ill lHiVig n, ihloring pnij.cr- I. v. "No i,uin f B,KH u.tte." it says, "ear-, to have a su hurl .an h.mic the icw '"'in w lih-h Ls Imunditl on all nid.stw itb feuiiinU-ni that he is mortal, and that im-in-.rtaiiiy i oijjy to . wt-urisl through II. e ageiu-y f Kilu.n'a lUiiuscs or Mudd'a Vustard I'last4 rs..r Skineiu'a Salves, tw l-atth-r's l ong!, cure. The fa-mer may ';l indilKrent wheiher he has neighbor or u.. tsji j,u j ,4 Jikt.-! to lie iiidilTcr am to the depreciation in the value of his tinn. uj tbat (ami fc, ay worth must bii-b U in the ui.t desi.-al.le nelghlsir h'sL Oii.s- prot lo a farmer thai paint ing bis l.uil.l,ngs w ilb paleut medic-ine adtertisciiienu eh.i-ns his rtHrty and be won't lose iudcU time iu getting ridofthetu." Violins, Mandolins, (iuiurs, Datij.w arid.HberntriiigiHl instruuieuLsat Snyder's drug store. Yof cauuol afford to do w ithout thelieM nw-Mit-r. I.iU at the PitUuurg . f 'flt. It merits display themselves. Siiiator t'titehfield is attending the raniHTs' Institute in (.'aml.ria tsHtnij his w eek. Seventy-five gmsts found the SoiiK-r!et II. ms.. a ph-jisjtnt r.reat from Sunday' lilisteriug sun. Mi-ssrx. A. lain Uidinger, of this lsr ough, and llernnui D. King, of Kingwood. have Its-n graiitcl ini-rcnsc of ponsioiu MisH Kiiima IlileniHii, daughler of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. lliieniaii, is visiting rela tives mi, 1 fricu. Is in t'ontliiemv and Ad dison. Mr. Frank . ChorjM.nning, of I5cHin, has removed his family to Cleartiel.l, Ta., w h.-re he has se.nr. il employment iu a toy failory. lion. (iuo. F. liacr, if Heading, has IsH-n ch.en I'roident tf Franklin and Marshall College, Itncaster, to Mntttsl the late Hoiu John i "cssna, of Dolford. Mr. Alex Mus.-r, of I'.n.thersvalloy township, last wrt-k raisisl the frame work of a lorn '.x lit f.t-L A large crowd altin.l.sl the raising and enjoyed Mr. Musscr'a hospitality. The regular services will U- heltl iu the l'rcsliytoriari Church next SaUmth uiorn ing am! evening. The pastor, Hev. T. J. liristow , w ill irea-h at the usual hours. Sahlmth wh.sil at !:'! A. M. The late annual Imnkard intftiug at Meyersdale apisiintisl W. D. Stover mid w ife, of (int-ii. -nolle, inissionarii-s; to Cal intta, India. This is anew step fortius important lusly of Christians. Mrs. S. I". Trent and son Kdmund are guests at the rusi.leiu-e of F.J. Kisiser, Ks.j. M r. Trent ai-companicd them from I'ittsiHirg to Soiiicrsi-t, Friday, mid re lurueil to the city Mondav uRi-rthioii. A (siiiiuioiiw eal lirigade miiiilsring a' ut twenty men, eighteen of whom are Herman and two Swei, i-.missl at It.M-kwissl Suuday night. They claim ed to lie on their w ay to Washington. Mr. P. A. Schell ha Ist-n In I'ittslmrg and Wlnt ling the past wit-k l.siking af ter l.usliiess Interts-ts. He htts lst'n a ar.hsl the eoiitnti-t for furnishing and setting the Isiilers for the water works. Mrs. Adolph Helmi-n, of I'.i-aver City, Ncli., and Mrs. II. II. Anderson, of North Knid. iklahoma, tw in daughters of Mr. and Mrs.tiliver Knepper. are visiting nt the home of their parents in this plait. An etforl is Ix'iiig made on the part of some of the property owners, whose resi- ileni-cs fa.f on i-ist Main street, to have a sewer constructed to extend from the pul- lic square to the creek at the fisit of the hill. Mrs. Imisa Ficiitner, w ife of the wcll known Coiitlneiuf physiciim, lr. H. A. Ficiitner, diisl at .'t::i o'chs-k Saturday iiiorning, aged sixty-live years. The lr. has the sympathy of his host of friends in his lK-reavenieiiL Mr. F J. Friedlinu, of Somerset town ship, li:ts returned home after a two year". vUil in tl western statist. He ex pect to return to the "wild and wooley" country after spending iwoor three weeks with the home folks. In the great iiiternatioiial sl."t at May (.n.n, tieniiaiiy, last vvk. Mr. tins, .iiu iiieriuait. champion sharp shooter of New York, earrie.1 a "4 ay ' I'lies. It is c!ai 1 that .imiiierui.tii is a native of sjtoyostown. this county. Dr. AHmrt P. liruliaker. and w if of Phil.idi Jphia. Ir. U.S. N'ewliu, w ifo and daughters, of 1 . ICi.t-sport, and M r. an.) Mrs. Kdwin S. HVul.aki-r, of New Hriuht ou. I'a., arrivisl in tow n lust evening and w ill spend U W ek or tw o at the Urulmker residence. - Mrs. Maggie liner and children, tf Heaver City, Ne!.. are visiting relativtsi and fiicnds in Sonu:rsi.-t and Stoyestow n. Ier husliaud lf, M iliiain I(.i..-r who w .is formerly cngag.sl In tits iiiiT.sinlije hiisini-ss ill stoyestow n, w ill join h r in alsui a month. It is said a small ily is making its.ippcar amt' in the grow ing w heat, in i-oiintli-s-s numU-rs. threatening destrti. ti..n to lliut cereal, w hii li until now has promisisl st U Mint i In I a crop in this section. The hope Is that the w heal is t.s nearly ma lure.1 for the insect to do its worst. till Satur.lay Kspiire Noah CaselatT dmve to th home of -Mr. Waller I'.ittner. ju S.iiners-t low itship, w lp.ru Ip- pcrforui sd the cereiiiony whi. I; united in iiuin riage Mr. Williaui W. Pilu and Miss Maggiu May Pile. The liridu and groom are Itoth residents of S-uiicrsel township. Mr. John Coleman, the well-known young miller at Coleman's Jumiahoii iug townslji., and Miss Nora Iitils-rt, of Iamls-rtsviJle, wero uuiliid iu mar riage at the home of the hridu's parent Mr. and Mrs. David I-amls-rl al a o'clock Wednesday eveaing. hy Hev. A. I.-tn, pastor of the Hootersville i Itargc of the Lutheran I'hun h. Km Kleni.Hl, of Jenner tow nship, is again U-hind tbi lstraof the coiuity jail, having lieeii isiiumiltisl Monday hy Jus tice Ran. -It. He Is charged with litlifiiy and w ith rtst-lviug stolen g.I. Two other parties were arrested at the same time and on thti saiii" chary. -s, hut Were r.-lcaseil upon lhe:r giving ImiJ t..r t!,eir uppearance a! eoiiil. The meiiiU.rsof S iiip.rsi.t Comu-il l!'y al Arcanum held their annual lioiejuot Satur.lay evening in Pisel's parlors in the First National Hank hull -I'mtf. I'tt- ious to the liaiiipiet an open meeting was held in the hslge r.ntu al which an Hx.i'lleiit pr.igr.iium... usisting of vocal and inslruuieiital iniisie hy s.me .-four most aesii!piishi-i lil performers, was rendered. Komo luis.-rttiiit eiitensl a ll.'ld t.n the fann of Mr. Jonathan Miller, of Drothcrs, vailew tow tiship. a few days ag. and cut the tongue of a young st.fr aUnil tivo inches rnnu the tip until it was nwtrly sevensl from the re-it of the organ. The animal had to he kiihsl to relieve Its suf ferings. Mr. Miller w ill pay $10 for in formation leading lo the arrest and con viction of the guilty party. I.:is WVl'.i-'-l iy nigat ihievet too'i olT the I.s-k t Mr. Jj--)h I. Ka ttfiii-in's gran ary", and got away wild nine or ten hams on the same nig'ut, p:iriie attempttsl to enter the chicken up of Aug ist Kaylor, al Davidsville. 1-ast wis-k there were al so stolen fr..:n the grauary of Hiram Hotfmau three or four hams and from Charlet S;i.iiigler's g.-auary the only ham he had left. All of the- thefts took place ill Con. in. nigh tow iiship. Whcii David Duninyre, of I. in. -..In low itship. visited his pasture field Monday lis. ruing he found that his thr.-e horses had all Issli killed hy a lsilt of lightning during the heavy storm that passed over thai sxs-tioii of country the night Is-fort!. The luslics of the hors, were lying in ih? open field and were a'siut one hundred yards dist ant from the ncarc.-t tree. There w as imthing to indi rale that any of the trtsst in the neighlsr h.sl had Ist'ii struck hy lightning. A weh-ome visitor in Ijtvansville al this lime Ls Miss Kate Manges w ho is the guest of her frii.nd. Miss' I.i.le Tay maii. Misa Maiitfui is ll.o pri:!! dauul.t. ertif Itcv. K. Manges a tlirnicr sipuiar pastor of the I-avaiisville I.utl(i-nin Chun-lu now pastor of 4 cluir.-h in Fd ton, York tsmuly. Pa. Kliortiy after iho fainily removed from I jvansvllle to ict tyslKirg she was stricken w ith a lr.uigtj disrase that Imfflod the skill of 1mm4 phy sicians Her life iu despairtsl .f and a last resort she was removed to a h-ispl-taJ in Ph!ludi!phlti, where I bo .iirgtsma found thai lu order to MV her lift- it would 1-e necessary to amputate her right arm at the t-houlder. She has n tirely rettivered fr.tu the effect of the ojie ration. John II. I'M, and W. II. Hupp.1 Esijs., Kfl Monday evening for Harrisliurg, w here the latter will serve a delegate in the 1 s uns ralio Suu t Vuiveiuion, w hich inoeLs to-day, having ls-en aulwti- tiittslliy ;eiiernl Coffnnh. Mr. Kupiel w ill also attend the State Convention of Pennsylvania Lutherans which assem hlcd in that city Monday. Mr. I'hl, after w itiu-ssing the proo-vdings of the State Convention will visit Washington and Baltimore to look after imnrtaut legal business Samuel Tayman, tf Allegheny tow n ship, Irtls Iks-u an awful autfenr fi-m IjIoikI poisoning, the disease lieing tmns mitl.Hl hy a traveling dentist whoextrai-t-eil a l.sith for him w ith an instruiiient that had htt-n used iis.n the inmilhs of ail eliLsstM and eltaracter of iKoplt-. Tho fli-sb 011 one side of his jaw is lsidly de cnye.1 and sloughed olTand his body isaf t'icted w ith lxtils Iu meilii-iiie ait well as iu other things it is !est to patronize home industry and leave the traveling faki-s alone. lt-rl,n .'-ri-J. A few days ago a very distressing ac cident occurred to a girl, aged alsiut eleven years a daughter of Mrs Jemima Kimmel, residing one-lutlf mile south of Stoyestown. Mrs Kiuiuiel was in the yard milking a somewhat vicious cow, w hile her two little girls were nearhy. A dog came into the yard, when the cow gave instant chase. ThedogUsik refuge Is hind the child, and. in its efforts to gore tin-dog, the cow struck the child in the gr.-in with one of its horns, tearing a ter ril'legash, and iullicting internal injuries The iiijiiri-st w ere at first stipisssl to Is; fatal, hut at this writing the attending physician considers the child out of danger. D.-tween hi and II o'chs-k Salurilay niglit the dwelling Ihkiso of Mr. Keiils-n Kntippi theold Philip Weighley property ) a ft w liunilred risls north ol Husiuiiid jsst otliif, was entirely desin.yed hy fire. Mr. Kuuppaiid his family were at Hus Uiud at the time attending a festival. Some one discoveri-d the smoke and I'.ames issuing from the house and raised an alarm w hen nearly a!i of the ptsiple at the fi-stival h:istcnid to the jst-iie. The fire was confined to the npM-r part of the liuilding when tli--y rcaclusl il and lli. y w ere enaliled to save nearly all of the household effects The house was woiih Tii or and wss insured for The lire origiiuttttl froui a lu-fis-tive rlue. Among oriu-r esteemed Sunday vi.-i!i-r 111 Soinersel was Mr. F. i. l"iirkcr, who iKt-upiisi a r.-sMiusilili! p..ili.si with the 1 ainl.ii.i Iron Company in Johnstown. Mr. Parker spends its many Sun-lays :w he can spare from work dining th. stnu iiu r months w ith his mother's family in this plaee. In seaki'ig of the hard times he said to a Hkuai.p representative that he was unalile to foresee any indi.-ali.-iis of permanent resumption of l.usiness at the great works with w hich he is con- ms-tisL At present the Cam hria worksare shut down in nearly all departments o iug to a lack of coke, but even with an unlimited supply of fuel on hand work is only spasmodic, just enough ls-ing done to supply orders Dr. J. . Dcacliy, wifu and tlaugh r, of ( '11 nil.. 1 land, M.I., are the giK-sls of Mrs Deaehy's sister Mrs K. H. Parker on I'nioii stns t. The Dr. is a native of Sal- isiiury. and is one of tlie inst smt-cssful prat titioiiers of denial surgery in the oiuntry. His mini has lt-'i so till s cnpitH) ij-irin-j Up- past ten or tift.s-n years looking alter his ever increasing pnl.tiec tiat his health has su.'i'cred from lack of attiiuliou. "I just e-includi.d to rau away from niy practita! fiir a f-jw days" It" to a III i!M.i r.-iMirter. 'nnd I will siH-nd thi.ni in tramping tiver the hills of old Sonic-"'' al"l lisl'ing. I ani always iMintilittud by a trip to Soin.-rsoi und 1 wj ruHirn Iji.iue in ten days a new mar. physiniilv.'' Captain Henry F. Picking. I'. S. N.. acr coinpMiiiod by liis w ife, son and nephew, arrived Friday evening from liajumore and u II) uoialil Ml the U'iii of tlpi form er's sisters on Patriot terrace r an indef inite K-risl, or until the Captain nst-ives orders fn.in the Naval Department as signing l.ini to duty. The Captain has Us noli waiting orders ever sin.t- he was relieved from inmuiniid of the V. S. S. Charleston, in the harisir of Kio, some two or three mouths ago. Hue of the dis tinguishing lieautics of naval life is that iheoili.vrs have no idea when where Ihey w ill Is- assignisl to duty. It may lie in W'ashint-in ijr it njay Is: in Mad. gas uar, Tlpi Caplajn unjoys ll;e 07.0111 of his native !p'iiu am 1 will not mutiny if al low e! to remain hre until aftur tliu pris enl w arm wave blows over. A largo font' of lulsirurs are eiiploj-cd on the Pennsylvania Midland Itailn.ad at Snow den's t Jap, the jsiint w lp-re tip jo:id cr-Kssi-s the AUceheny nioiiiitain and from I'-sifon! to Soiiicrsc? county. A thorou-,1, -:t liZy ft ui dei p ijllil wvt-ni', hundrcil yards long is rejjuinsl al that place ill order Jo obviate the digging of a tunnel. Several steam shovels w ill Is- at w ork in the cut It-fore the close of the present w eek. The capitalists backing the railroad cn-It-rpriso havu Iheir a-ieuts q.-tively en gaged .ti-illing leases if t'Ki lnp ts iiltljis isitliity, and lu n nuuils-r of Instan.fs they iiave ls.ught farms in fit-, tinly last week tht"y lautght outright a tr.u-t of l Jlu acts fioit) W. S. Walker, of Shade tovvuship. We are informed duit they lire jiaying the hightM iilsI prices fr.ro.ni! iiiul iiiiiit-r.il rights mu iipcar to have U!iliniieil nieyns Monday evniilug Mr. Jiutib P. Weliner was exhibiting a In-autinil ra-tie-snake skin to a cn-u d of admiring spectators on the public s piare. Mr. Weiiner had h spatchitl the ow ner oftl-o skin only an hour or two It-fore on the " mud pike," ju he neig!lrli.ssl of Ala Scv itts', iu ljritlersval!ey township. W eiiner and a tiiiiipanioii wt.re driving loisurvly along the pnHi.i r.Kid w h:-n their 1-orse. c.nie to an ahriipt nUnd atiil und all efforts to urge him forward wore unavailing. They sin iletei-tel the cause of the horse's re fusing to pr.Mv.-d when they discovert;! a huge rattler strutclsud aenws the highw ay fast asitt-p only a lew f.et ahiaj. Wci nier hurritsliy left the buggy and socuring a club killed the reptilo. A lit latent later he h id his knife out au-1 s mil h id the skin of Mr. Snake in his p .-ki)L Tu.( snake was four fo t three- in.-U ' l.n and sporttsl eight "buttons" on the end of his tail. Mr. Weiiner will Invo the hide, which is a l.tautiful black and yellow, tanne.L whin he will sell it to a incinlsr of the pts-uliar class of jK- ijile w ho fan ev rattle snake in.tk ties Oovcrnor Paitisoii does not prop. us- that the ordering iHit of tns.ps shall end the mailer in the Jefferson county region. Friday night he w rote a letter to Sheriff tJourh-y, in w hieh he said: "I sincerely hope th it order and tranquility may scui It rest ired in your eounty. Permit me to suggest that prompt measures lie taken for the arrest, prosecution and e mviition of all those w h have Ikh-ii engaged iu viola tion of the law." Helms also written to District Attorney Met'racken, at Hrook ville, after speaking' of the onlering out of troo-rsas follows: "In this connection let me suggest to yMi, as the representa tive of the ComiuoiiW Ktlth, the nteessity of iinpressiisg uMn the people of ymir ciMinty the fitct tlat tipun and aggressive vU.iutioii of the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth -an:iot 13 practhttl w ill impunity. The courts of the Coininou wealth arc open for the coiivi.-ti.ni uf t-very otfundcr imd, tie moral intlnenoe w hich the tsmrts are suppomxl to exert w ill have littlo, if iud.s-.l any, efftxt upon the minds of the people if notoriou vio lators of the law are allow to go unpun ished. The arrest, trial and convh-tiou of a eiviatin, w ho, in the heat of passion, commit an aasnult an-t Itattory np.in li neighbor, bm-Miiosaliurlostpio when open 11. Kor Ions and willful dent ni.tt iou of life and prierty I alloweil to g) unprie cutLsl and un.)iiuUhe.L" COWAllDLV ASSAL'IX A BSTJTAL NEGEO ATTACKS A GEEEXVILLE FARMER. Pbineas Werner Xaterk Hi Lonely Home. Wnen He was Set Upon and Beaten By an Unknown Bobber. Phinc-n Werner is the name of a 1-ache-lor, agitlulsiut "si summers, w ho formally Years has live.1 all alone in a hut built in the mountains of tir.-ctiville townshi Phineas has always !-ii iinprrssisl with the idea that women art not good institn lions to have alsiut the house and prefers to live in his ow n iss-uliar way, w ith nothing to disturb his solitary life but tho forces of nature. 'ne afternoon almut ten days ago (or lo lie precise, Friday one week ng-) a col ored man came up to where Werner was at work in a field his-ing potatoes ami en gaged him in eonvcrsiition. Strangers are unfits-nciil visitors at the tiuchelor's lonely alssle and he pituiiptly inviteil his sable colored visitor to sit down on the fence and leil him the "news" Uy and by the eoloyd geiillcinau got to firing inti-rrog-.Uorie at Pliiiica-s. II asked partimihtrly iu regard to the finan cial status of all of his neigh'.s.rs audits to how they earned llicir money and hat they did w ith it. Now.it has lst-n a inatl-r of eoiumon rc.rt for years past in that setioi of the tsiunty that Phineas Werner is "well off." and that he alwavs i-irrii-s ."ii or -i tnieuletl in a la-ll w hieh he w ears around his Usly. So, w hen the dark -lined slraii ger got to inquiring alsi! money iiiatleis. Phineiis ci'tnmeiiitsl to grow suspicions as t-i the oltjis-t of his giiists visit. He oliscrvtsl tli:.t he i-arrisl a slout hiekory club in his hand mid w as a man of extra ordinary strength. Filially the visitor asked to Is- directed to the house of tine of the nearest m-igh-lmi-s Win. Kliugaiiian. Werner w atched ihu dusky figure until it disnp- ared from viow and then he returuisl lo Ins-tug his s.t::tiH-s He did not t-ax his labors in the potato patdi until til-out H'Vi o'cl.s k, w hell it Ut-ame ls) dark for him 10 s.t the stalks Then he hung up his hoe and entered thedisirof his forlorn house, lie hud only rossitl tlie threshold when he was dealt a savage blow 011 the head. The fopt- of tho blovr staggered loin but he did not fall to the Ihsir. Again nnd again blow were raiui-d upon his head by a club in tlm hands of a strong man. At hist Werner grappled with the invaderand iu the st niggle w hich li-llowtal both iiien fell to the floor and roll I out of ll.o do.", and not. ijntil then did he dise iv-. r Ilia! his iissaihint was the inlorvd man w ho hud viited him ii fen hours it-fore. F.lood was streaming from the gaping wounds that had Is-en laid open on Werner's lend by the club iu the hands of the brutal ne gro. He realized that it was a life ami death stnigg'.c, and gnispi.-ig his awMiilKiit around the waist lie held on with all of his strength. The colored man's arms w ere free und he coiiliuutsl louse his club 011 Werner's laxly with nil the force the close, fpiarters would permit. Finally- Werner almost Minded v. Kit the bbtid that was streaming dot 11 over his face, broke away from his assailant, and startiti to run down the r.Ktd towards the house of the nearest iicighltor McKeiizie -hricking "murder T' at the t -p of his voiif. Ihei-olored finite loiioweil mm. hut Werner proved too swift for his pur suer and made e.ssl l;is escape to AIcKeii- ;c's where his wounds wen-washed and tiitl up. Two large, deep g.tslii-s on his le-ad and imnilmr of lija. k a.ii'1 i.lu. w elts on his slioiildurs und luxly show i-d the font of the black man's blows Noth ing has since lss-n heard of the woul.!-!-robls-r. It is ls-licved tiiat he was merely the lieiidish agent of tw o or thrit- parlies living along the railr.iad wli i urn ac- uainlisl with Werner's solitary in-inner of liv ing and w ho had heiird th.- rumor in regard t" liis carryins' large sums of money almut his porsoii and had hi- e.ir.'.ing!j. daiiiieil t-i i'o'.i l;iiit. Werner dcitii-s that he had more than a few dol lars in liLs houe. It is p ossible ihal sev eral arrests will result, but up to this lime the iiiiiucs of the suspected partii s have not st-n made public. It seems that after the negt-o lett Wern er's home he traveled in an easterly di rection, towards the honscof Win. Kling ainan, until he had pa-sscd out of sight of Werner. Then he took to the woslsand follow i-l a rotindalsmt path to an out building iu the rear of Werner's house and us s.siii as 11 favoral-li. opport-inity ffertsl he stole into the house, where In laid concealed until Ids victiin enti re !. W hen W eruer was seen Siiii.'t::y he still had lis wouii Is l.;ii.la..laud tvniuphiiiiil of fit-ling morn or less sort from theef fit -is of the IsMiliug he l;ad ns-cived. As an t-videiieti of t'i lonely and dreary life Werner lends 3 geiilleinaii w ho passed his I. .usi- some tiii( o t.-.ls n, that lie fnunij liii rtiii ling a paper then more than a mouth old. A I-id'i Frig'atfal Injuriei. u Monday, l.sth iusl., a farm hand ii.-imcd tuit-r, eniplovcd bysauiucl Dick ey, of Mid, Ihtcrit-k township, found his employer's son, Prost-ui Iii.-key, a hul twelve years of age, lying unconscious jn a iKLsturt !icd ip-iir lis Jjoini, li.sl w as (ri. k!ing frsjiu a nuiulH-r of ugly tmtt in his hea'L tjnocr i:irrie.l the lad to tl)e house w here Dr. Moortt, of Ncy iA-xington. wa suiimioned to dress; Jds wounds The Dr. learned flpon examina tion thai the young man's skull had lst-u badly fractured, a sis-;ioi of lio-ie having l-ei-oitie detached froii the skull and ri veil ill towards tlm b:Lsi of the lu.iiii. Jt was t'ts-lilmj thai the only hope of miv- lng ihesiitriri r's life depended upon tiie nsiiilt of a surgical operation and Dr. t.ardiicr. of Nov Cciitreville, was called iu to assist in M-rforiuing it. After hav ing laid in a iiiit-se state for over two hours the lad revived. He was at 011. v. put under the intluemv of an amcstheiie. when a c in inn of 1-ono iiie.isi;ring 1P jilcl-i-s that wits pr.vssii against l!u bntiii w:is sn.t-cssfully removed. Several u'.li' r w .muds of a Jesst serious charai-t. r were found on the lad's head, one of the Worst lieing an Ugiy g.tslj eat iu the fore head by a sharp stone, which w as after wanls found in the field covered with 11.hL At last aitviunts the liy was rust ing easy and unless inll.-tiu.itiou yet sets in the chances are in favor of his recov ery. The lad has not leen able to tell just how he received his wounds He had gone to the field to look after a favorite eolt, which he claim.tl as his property, but w hether he had mounted the colt and was thrown from its back, or whether he was kicked by the animal while he w;.s lulling it is unknown. Hottest Day in Kine Yeiri. Saturday and San lay were the two hottest days cxpvricmvl iu this phut hiring the iKtst nine years F.arly ris-rs on S:ilurdav 111 truing were surprise! iioii Iisikiugat tii.-ir th.-riiiometers lo find thai ih m-Ti ury marktsl "2 at six oVl.tck, and at lu o'chs-k it had reached Mil From that time on the m.r.nry kept craw ling higher and higher until at ."t.ai in the afternoon it reache.1 H!l Iegres the hottest day recorded in this phut; since June IvCi. It was hot. KveryUsIy you met on the street said . The mcr.tiry dropped altmt twenty degrees lt-fore led lime and people -xjKrieiieeil no difficulty in wooing sleep on mwant of tho heat. Sunday morning the theremometcr gave evidence that it was aNnit to eclipse all previous rei-ords for it marked ill d--griss at noon. A heavy show er of rain :t.t-.ii-pailiu.1 liy dtuifiiUlng piuls of thunder nmj vivid IlashLis tif lightning had the tilTiat of sond ing the uiennry down " de-gret-s in less than an hour at fou r o'clock in the aftcru.vm. The liig'uest point reach ed Monday and Tuesd iy was fti tlcant-s, hut ti-. air Wits more tipprossivu than oil the two prtttslint days wh-m the mercu ry mounted much higher. On Deck TbU Wek, A largf- line of Fiahiug Taeklo now on sale at J AS Ik IIoI.tiKKB.vr.tf. Lawyer F. J. Konsei'i tins till. Monday moriiiii': F. ,F. K'-i r, the proiiiiiient attorney, left his home in this place and dmi e north int-i Shade tow 11 shiji, where he had some i:iimrt:mt mat ters connected with the Pet lisyhimia Midland Itailrouil, of which ci.rjs'niti.-n ho is a director, to look after. Al-mt iksiii he whs overtaken l.j a siorm, and alight -iug from the vehicle h- put ii-tin-curtains in order to prot.t t hiui-u-lf from the rain. Ilain fell in torrent for perhaps an hour, after w hich the skies lst-ame com pantlively .char, only a few bl.uk cloud.s drifting over the ho,-i.'it!..n-v and then olwuring the lays ol tin; sun. Mr. K.stser drew up iu front of (he farm houe of John 1$. I'mls-rger, ui-sir laetiladu ii!irch, mid in.iiired in ' regard to the roods. Coiitinuiiig on his way, he had only pnstt-di d nls-tit two huiulntl yards and w as pa-wing under a lai-ge hs-usl tree when his eyes were blindisl by a bright glare and his cars were picnttl by an aw ful crash, Is.tU ist-nrring siiiiuit.UK-ously. Mr. K-s-ser fell back in his buggy uncon scious and when he ri v ived a uiomeiit or tw o later his horse w as on its knees at the side of the r-d and struggling to regain its fit-L The horse reared and plunged and some iiiiiiulis flaps d Is-S.r- the tcr rilied animal eotihl Ik .aci:ii'd. When Mr. Kooser l.sikid back he saw that the hs-iist tr.t-had lst-n 1 ntirely strijipeti of its verdure and limi-s and the trunk was biidly shaiten-il. Seveni! haii.lsfu! of lo eust s)iliiiters Ihnl had Isvii throw 11 into the vehicle by thesh.s k w ere found tie -re after M r. Kooser rcturiii-d Iiihuc iu the evening. Mr. K.v-ser was very much prostrated by the sins k and had not en tirely re sivere.1 fun u its etbs is yesterday morning. Few persons have had more fortunate esc:! ss from inst.'.nt dealh. Mr. Kooser says that the most remarkable thing ttinntftttl witn th is-i-iirrence is that he olrscrved but one ilash of light ning and one peal of thunder that day. The storm he encountered in the morning w as entirely devoid of U'th lightning and thunder. He was only u!oiit six lift from the tree w hen il wits shattere.1. Binder Ti ie for cash in .Vi-It. Uilis We sell Sisal Tw ine for 7 it-uts and Manilla f-r S cents per V'. New twin. just received and guarantitsl. Jahks Ik Hot i-Ki:n vt w. Trench Siggeri Strike. Ni-arly all of the sixty or seventy lalr ers tjinploycj at digging trenches for tlie water pipes went tint on a strike at mvui Friday. They had Is-en reit iving sixty it-ills per rod, eighteen iueliis w ide and four feet ihp. They demanded 1 per r.l or J"l.i"i per day. The ise.itra.ior refusisl to i-.ik-.-ie Ui" di-ni.u: 1 and miisciUci:i ly none of lie- stiikers have riturned t- work. With a single t-vit-ption nil of the "1 Luns" brought here are among the strikers. The lalmrcrs claim that they are unable lo make a living for theniseKi and fam ilies al the wagit paid, inasmuch :ls tin average workman only rc,-eives nlmt s cents per day. They aver that the con tractor receives SiT'i jcr rod for making the excavation, (talking the pipes ami li!U ing in the tnnche and that he ejin afford to pay them better wages. Nearly all fthe joim lai in rs w ho were promised ' a summer work ui god wages' are disgusted w ilh the wages paid and declare that they w ill not do a stroke of work until a belter rate is obtained. Mm workman dug four rods of trench ls-iw it n sun up and sun down mm day last wit-k, but hi- went out w ith th s-rik-eis-, and says tiiar l,e w il: remain out uiilil his fe!i-iw win kiii'-u are w iliing to rissutne work. Twenty trench diggers arrivisl hereon the evening train Monday. Yesterday nioniing nil of the strikers r- turned to work. 1 1 is n -ported that the ct.nl ric-tor agreed to pay 71 iv-nts p- r r "I fur trench ing. Heart Biieue Bolievei tn S3 Mlnatei. Dr. Agnevt's Cure for tho He-irt gives j.erfis-t relief in all eases of Organic or Sympathl-He He:lrt Dise.ise ill '! tllinilt.-s. and sissslily clV-fts a cure, liis :i pi-r-le icini'dv for Painit.it ion. Sli etn -ss of lirc.ith. Siiioth. ring Spell Pain in I. eft Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart. Hue ilos co!iv!ii.ts S dd by toil. W. lieniord. The Situalion in tie Xeycrjla'.e Begisn. Not a pick is ltiiig stru. k iii tlm ri--i.n. The .sit'ii'tion is w.-r-.i now th in at any tinu. during th- strike. At a misting held at tiie "lied l'.ri lg " T.l-sd iy tic men decided to wait forth- n-siilt oftli. Mtoona con'e.rcnci. to is h..l.( on Mo:id iy Sih iii-t. It is not )ik !y that the opera tors in ibis region will pay over thirty in-nts fir mining, mi long asi iisirgis, I 'rick pays but forty cuts. That ling the else the outlook for resumption lu rethis suin- nicr is liad as i( ta:t l. treat snff'ering will ineitablv rsu!t and we ask our i.ple to prepare tot.reveiit or alliviutc it. Al a inc. 'ling compisi-d of alsiut (icl-eg.iti-. representing the Central Pennsyl vania mining district he! 1 at A!'..-:ia. M lay, a resolution was adopted to al low all operators w ho w id pay the com promise price, (o milts net, to resume; this to inehplo all oon.ss.sio;is sii.-h as cheekwayut.-ii. the Iin-n to deal where they see fit, and no di-cr: mi nation to ls ma. le against any who have taken p. rt in tlie strike. "WASTED AT ONCE ! A first -ehus gill to do g--iier.il house -work in a family of H. Wap-s, t) per wis-k. Tv usi iMine wi'il riss.niiueiidi-d. A'! !rsa P.O. llox j!-, Somerset, Pa. A Snug Fortune. William Me.V.lams Sr of ilr.id-l.M-k, has j.ist g itteii an award of iMinu-i from the I'nit.tl S:atis governiiicnt, for which he has fought for years. Previous, lo luring the Civil War he was a cia oper ator, and sen! large ff.-cis to l .uor river jsirts. Iu l-i( he a large aiiio.'iit of itsil mo.rtt iu New Orleans. Tlu- Fe.i eral unity ls-ing out of fuel, lis genera's cuiiist-iti-d all the isv.l for u" on gun lsti!t and men of war. At the cl'iso of the war MeAdauis brought suit to re.tiver th- value of the (vial. The c.tso dnggisl along 110111 cmrt to Coiigrtss until its ending in the Su preme Court last Tuisday, wh-:i the award was given. McVdauis, with his toil, is now a c.!i'.ra.tor in llrad l.s-k. Mr. MeAd uiis is a brother of Mr. John MeA.lams, the owner of the well-known pavement stone. ptarry south ef this pla t. I Ie was lsirn and grew to manii !' es tate on the farm ltpori w hieh his brother isiiitinues to resile. He left Somerset shortly before the outbretk of the civil war to engage in the coal business in the Moiiongahela Valley, and sini-.- th:u hxs lieeii only an (s-iional visit r In this phi.-e. Kotice to Contractor!. At a regular meet ing hell by the Town Council of I'.enson lmrougli, on the Till day of May, ls:H, and approved by the llurgess, an enactment was passed by the same to build a lockup in 1V.-iis.iii lxir ttugli, Somerset county, Pa ilimeiisioiis UxU and 10 fit t high, with shingle nif. Sealeil proposals w ill lo re.viv.sl at the olrii-e of the Burgess iu said lmr iugh, un til July .", 1S3H, at six o'clm-k P. M., f-r the building of said lockup. Sptviiica tions t-jtn It seen at the SitTetary's ofl'u-e in said lsimugh. ATTKs-i; W. H. C-.Vs.sl.Krt, Kore Kauffinaii, Iturgi-ss Stu-it-larv. At tiftiie n tmts ur w.fk. the Pittslirg Ihjtn'rh, one of the l-st newspapers in the I'niled States, is th ch.itjs-t article in existence. It is worili more titan Uf-ttt-n tfiits jM-r w it k t havu thecye plv.ts itl by aclear, w ell-print-l p.tM.-r, publish ing all not a part of the news only, and in all respects the lcst printed. Bide Bicycle. (iluin?il.l. H.-stding F'lyrs and Fiish Ioim. Imlh ladies' and giitlemeu's w heels opened this week at Jamess Ik Holder- Iki jiu's Hardware Store. Ilighc.t ofal! in Leavening Fow..r. Lnlost U.S. Gov't Ri j-oit IWSM, Poster ASSOLIDTEEV PURE rrnel ia t-s SiufKin-i. Almut I t'i -lo, k 't Jeii-l'v 1 n 11, t-.vo m. ii Andrew ! nbaiigli an I AI011.1 ltrots 11 of John .tow 11, w h 1 w ere fishing iu theStoiiyerivk river, mar Kring'sSta tioii, this county, found the lifclcs Issly of Walter Wcinr, ag-. twenty-two years si 11 of Mr. and Mrs. WiHiain Wes ner. of .I'.Mii;. . 11. I iug in the water. The Imily was i.iketi from the river and the party who found it notified a Johns town undertaker, w ho r-m cd it to that uity. in Tuesday allem-ton Walter and thrie of his chums Ward K-smtz and J-iscph and Ihtvid II. l"e--c, went up the Stonv cr.fk on a fishing cptsl:ton. Aifording to the story of one of the parti cm they s.iaraied s.m after ihey arrived at Kring's Station, and nothing had Iss-u heard or sitn of Walter by his compan ion tint il Thursday evening, w hen they w ere informed of his death. His chums returned home 011 a freight tr.iiu and say they thought he had left for home In fore Ihem. When the Im-lv was found die water is but eighteen inches ibr;. On the left side of tlie head tle-re is a it:t, w hieh aj pears as tho-.i-h made with a l imit in strument. It is though: tin- unfortunate man w as overcome by a sunstroke and tell into the river. may i;k vi ui-Ki:. The Johnstown ll,,-.ti Saturday says: Acting under the adv ice ol" frieml-, William We-ner, father of tiie young man w h-si remains were found at Ingie rideon Thursday, and whose death is surrounded by mysiery. Friday evening isiusentisl 10 a iNist-morteui examination and a coroner's iiiiti-si. C-iroiu-r Martin was sni-iewii.it doitbtt'u'i as to w h-'thcr he or the i-ori-in r of Somer set county should hoid the iiu-uct, as the biily w as found in Somerset co,.nly; but his attorney said th:-.t it -li-l not interfere wiiii his acting on tiie ca-c, wiiich he p: ifi'ded to do. A jury was ein:iaiie!i"I :;ud an autop sy was ln.-.d". Mirt of th-.se w iio are familiar with the fads in the ease il.'.-lare tiiat they 1 lieve the young man was iom rdere.l. There is :il.s..l..i;eiy no truth in the stat." 111. -ui mad--by tip' ol her p:.pers ih it the Itody teas f .und in eight. s :i in. Inst of w a ter. The pariii-s w iio discovered the ri -mains positively state tiiat ih. re wits not a drop of writ T under his head, which was found with fait- down, and tli:-t it would have heel impossible- for liim lo drown where his Imly was foiiml. A gentleman w iio w .is. we'd a.-iplaiutcd W ith tie-deecased. and w h i h:tipeuid to be at Inglcsi.le on Ticiis-iay, said that in pas.se I inir w here W- s'ier was fishing about lu o'clock: that a rotigU-lo-'ting lil.i'l w ho was :isidi-t::,i!' uiid-r th- iu-llin-n t of ii.i'.,.r wa- eii'te.ivoriMg to pick a ;-.!: 1 rot. b it t lint Wis;ir, who was al ways of a very i ii- t '!;sp. virion, t i'c 110 n-'tiif of l.o-i. I Tin-opinion jo.-, ad -;ii t this '.b unkeu 1 ni'.u may h ive gone o ti.r in t. rment ng We-lier, ::Ti. 111 iy k'io-,v more ulmnt the! manner of ;lc young ni'i" death than wtiiild 1-e g.K.d for him to 1--M. I'udcr- tuker 1 lendei-s-ui is of opinion that Wes ner had not Is eii d.-td over two or three hours I-cf .rc his Usly was found, s.i tint tic party la.st s . u in his company probably the iiit-'Xhiit.-d in. in rcferr.tl to may hue In-cii responsible for his d' alii. The iNironei's jury, after vie-.t ing the isuly last t-vi-iiing. a Ij iarn.-d until 1 W.-lu.'sday r.fteriioi-u next at Lawyer Willi. mis' 1. !!i e, wdieti, it is exptftitl, im s.ri'i:il i-lcii--e v. ill is od'.-red. Tea.-'acrs Wisud. Wanted o-ie Piineipai id nine Assist a-h- l"r tin- M- Vels I (li. Public S.'hu.ls. T.rii! begins in--t Monday in SenteniU r an I i.ntioii.s ei-ht months. AH appiicith-us urns; U- in by July ish. l-l. Ik l!. M-OftW. Dr. S, s, ii..n, Pr.idciit. S.s rt tarv. Y.ui pay Pi;-s,-li.ti!-iv.ks: but the Ix-t s,.h.,-l-,.o.ik Pir y.ir children isy.iiird li ly paper. We;! prii.'tisl, ear--fully ami in-i"!l;g-,nily idil.vl, of i:i.:; u:-tiv.. ismtoiits, tirst and full-st v ith til- news nnd U-t in liresejiiing it, th- PiUihur-i .-i!V'i ti'.ls tiiu bill. A Patriotic Appe il. Kisilll tile I 'ollt LI.'II 'C I-..-iio. 1 4th of July ill Contlu-'i- -. What t-.r- yo.i uoing to do als.nt it .' All t!u ofh-r tic. ii- ar .iii'.-l us are going : lo c; lebrate the day. and ie; lis get a move j on, Al.huiuh --ui-It 1 id are going away,; tin re are other Intuits and lin y tsiil 's-j h 1 1, and tin-111 lin y raised iu a liniments j u.'iiec. The Ilas Il-iil Club could hold il ; Fisti al. iiiul w c t-uld iiave Iiien and Ip'V t r.iit-s, s.iek and tub, idso a grt-iistsl si- to i-liinb. Last bi t hot least, we have the steam "Merry go round." and the Pr. priei r is ready to i-uitributc a mtieli as any c'ui.e;i in tiie plait f.r tlie itlebat tioii. TI1-11 dose w ith tin wo) ksal night, w hich won! I bi-gr-.in t. We unit h.ivi- a itlebratioll. sz-iii-asstjal zscAsraisr c. DUPABTJIESr Ci" PESSA. A. B. ! Get:7our, Pa Jaua 30ti to July 6th. l-VH tlil. (ts!..ii the IL .V . it. II. Co. will sell roiind flip cc i!sioi ti -ki ts for alt trairn from ui! li-k-i s; -tioii on its lines in th' State of Pennsylvania from June S'.h ti July L ii. vab I fr return trip until July '-'.h in 1 isi . .-. :it on. far. for the round trip. A 3aann;r YiDV-ioa Sagjiliaa. J.i!v 17:!iiiid Au" 1st .itst are the dates le -l -d for as- i iesof pel -.in illy-.in.lu-t- ed tows 1 1 tii" N irtii under th- au-pi- cs j of t!i- Pennsylvania- It lilr-md Company. Watkins tilen, Niagara Falls. Tiio-.isi-.:rl Islands, Montreal, Ai S.ibie Cii arm, Lak.-s Ch niiplain and (Jeorg . Saratoga. au l the Highlands of the llu Isoii are among the many attractive plac es to U- vi-it" I. This seeii..:i is 11:1 Uestionaidy the liii'si suiiiiii-r to.iriiig ground in Fistem I'nite 1 .States, and ab 1:111 Is in tile most interesting au l charming of s.f ncrv. A rate of 7.'yi applies fr nit Pittsburg. Sfi.tn from H 11 risii irg. an 1 isirr.-sp.m-l- ir.gly low r.us from . t ii.r p ints Tii . rates im-lad -1 1 1 ry item of n.-eessary ex pense during the entire time of fmrttf 11 days spent ofi the trips and is remarka bly low (tmsidcring th" large territory c ivered and the luxurious cut. rtaiii'icnt allorded at the ditr-rcnl pliutts For detailisl iuform:itioii addn--s Tour ist Agent. Philadelphia or apply to Tints l-L Watt, Passenger .Agent, Pennsylvania Hatlro.nl Company, 110 Fifth Avenue. Pittsburg. Suti.ticil Report of I.ut'iier.in San laysS. h I Convention, h-l-lut PinoHill. Pa.. June VZ II, Isol: N.fc of sclioi.ts n-ir-siirtl aul fct,rtsl, -K T...-liiers!!!.U"jr!.T..U."" :ts! .-.l. liars ll'l Av.Taae l.-ii.i.iii.x- J.i'l No. of l.-ss.ui l-itti-. us d . :is - 11 st a,", All-sllls. t.r'. -lhTs u-sO ;'OI bill!.-1 net llsi I -V. Tolitl aliHulili ol isnurit-uiloiis . s-.f. .it K.iJ s missions lihi l - for siipplmt lii.v It ullicr purj.-is.'S .".Ti ss I-irisit Si-litftl. R.T;tn ... iii'l nviT...' atu-ii'tiii-s'. Ileiliu C-i co'irn'mii-ios. ,.is..f,s.r ft7 TI iuis-ii tsir.T.-i'jutoii, iK-rliii... Ui- ? The Ixtnuer was ag-rin award-.! to th;; S- iilp Itivtl S.-h l. Il ha I the highet lr wist, of atteii-Ianee -S.IJ. Also paid the highest aiii Mint per capita to inis sions rJl.tii l".u these two fails the banner is awarded aunualiy. ri:te.--i.H-5r!J. l- i-.ai lie 1s t! . :i: V, ai. iu:on. Julie bridi. s arc many lit this 1 t-mui'ini-fy, but none of lilt 01 aie happier or were wcdd--l imd'-r more nuspi- i' ms l iis-um-slaier.s than tinr surnHiiiding !ic it rt iiH.ny that uti. lisl Mary Charlotte Sli.s field and l(eire ll-ris Parker, llh of tint place, lasc Tui-s-lay morning at nine o'clock. The w sding was iflcbrate-! at the home of the bride, -J .south Thomas street, K: v. lir. Iturie, 01V1. -kiting. Only a few friends w ere present to w itif-ss the it-re-niony. T-i the strains of Mendelsohn's wislding march, playol by Mis I.iie Schoiield, a sister of the bride, the nrty entcrt-d the parlor. Fiis i-iuie Nan Schoiield, a sister of the bride, as flower girl, then Ferdinand and F.iuily Parkr, bn .ther and sister of thegris.m, and lin.-.l-ly Mr. Parker with his intended bride, on r-.-;i. hing an iinim nsc Umk of tlowci-s a! the end of the pari.-r the party turned and st. ssi facing the minister, w ho made them man and w ife by Ihesiniple, though iiupressiv e ceremony of the Presbyteri an church. After the congraiiil.il ions an elalsirate w edding brcikfast w :i served in I he din ing n. 111 and then the bride and groom depart. si for a two week's tour in Somer set i-oiiiity, tlie iioliic of the jiitNim. tie rg. lcs parki r is a pass, nger is.n ilu -I'-ron the lle'ilcf-iule Central i-.-ilroad and on-' of the 111 t popular young men ill tow n. He came here w ilh the Collins men w hell they w ere building the I'.utla lo Pun n-ad and has icmnimsl ever simt. He is a young man who enjoys the re spect of nil w h know him and has the h.inty is.rigritulations of a niultltude of friends The bride is the oldest daughter of Hon. J.-'tiies S.-hoti. Id, pr.scnt Asscinblyinan fr-uii this ciunty, and is a yont.g won. .111 i-f cxcei'lional iiiiiniplishmeiits. Sin- is a graduate of tiie llelh t. i.le Hig i se!i...l, is a tal. nted musician and Is .-t of all kilou s w ell tin domesvie iltitics ihal will devolve upon h- r. The couple had intended g"ing to housc'-o-cping here, but a I'luini' iu the running of Mr. Parker's Irain will int-es-sitate iheir living at tate ( 'ollcgi. K.skw.sid expifi a big time on the Ith. t'-t v. iiat yoit n.ssl in tine-, and pi. ;se re:ii-:n!'.'r tiiat you save money 011 every pur- has.- you make at 1:. a. svviiku's. Kiskwood. Pa. Tiir: ItlisT newspaper is sil.vaysthe Ciii: AI'KST. Tiiat tiie Pittsburg '-yi'-i is tiie lss.t newspaiit-r tw.s'ii New Y'oi'k and t hieago, c er ln-dy know s. .I3-Sr3IfIi-'a BY T"3E 32 A. Pcpiiar ?.i-Tirian to Atlantis City. On Thursday, July ."ilh. the 1'. litiinore A" -l.io i'adr-.ad w ill inaugurate the scrii-s of p ipular excursions for tlie suiuiiier to Atiantic City from Pitlsi urg. Wlnt iin..', Park. rsiiurg. and all iiiterm.sii.-ite s;a ti.n s t-i Washington Junction, Md. This annoiin-i'ii"i:t w ill Is- w ele.itn.si l.y tlnai-san.l-iof rt-si-lenl of Wl.-rii SI iryland. Wester. 1 Pi-!'.iisyl.i:.:a. West Virginia and lUistern oliio, who may desire to il ail themselves of ih- ch -stp rales and superior tntin ser. bt- of th- l. A' 1. K. P. f.-r a trip to tin- s- ash .re. I"..r th-- ex--ur-sion 0:1 July "till th- same low rat.s. and jncx.-e'l.il train servi.-t which have itru'it- t!i--se i ian'.s to the sea so (v. ;.;ilar in p:f-t summers will be in effect. Many iniiirov einents have lst-n lu ide at A'.l.m-t:-- City, w hich w ill add tu it gcfii-ral popularity and strengthen its claim as the m.r-t attractive resort ..11 the Atlantic C.n-t. 'i'i.'kets will Is- valid f-r return jourut y fif twelve days from d iv of sal.., aji I will t f- u.hnI .-ri all regular trains on return ! jouriiev they w ill It-gid to st -; off at Washington, thus Mtlor ling an opportu nity t' Set' l'-il!gTes il scssio'1, t visit tie icim-nuis public ltiiil lins, w hi-h are op-ii 1 1 v i.,it us f-H- of charge, and to ia'u-a trip .1 . n lln Potomac to Mt, Vt-r-11. ui, the miu'i of th.- immortal Washing ton, a-t wi il a-: 1 visit oiiuv ii.i -s ..f ii!-t.-.-si in and m-tr W:is!iingt..i. t.r.tVK 'o;i;i.:lst:;i, li-iio Pvt.- 'onipi.-ii.'.. It i'ki-sMt .iotlli-totl 11 Stin.-.s-l M. . r-d..I llyi:-uiail 1 'a.ii'H-ruui.t timi: viuk Kr .. -"Ha. 111. H-I". p. in. -.a ...I MM ' It il " 1 l ...1 r-JS - l.'.- l. a. In. i o .A.'. -T " I.'. .) -a o. il IU. it. .11: ..I-': : I-. :iu I'uliman Pin .-r Cars are attached lo the n.o. niiig tr.iiti and Pu liiiian Sleeping I "ars to the night train. Corr.-sjiouding'.y low r...t.t from oth- r stiitions For in. -re di'taded im'-rm .ti ui apply to li'Airvsl Ik J; 1. agent. For rain or sliiu,', thwt- line, neat 11m brcliii iit IL A. Snyder's K.-kw.l, Pa. Hubiul Itcnii. .liss Ida Well. r. of Miitord. . laughter -f the late I', s. Wcli.-r, is visiting her friends iu this vicinity. Children's Day w ill Is olcrve 1 in the Wcllt-r Church next Sunday. An intcr-c-ting program has lss-n arrang.-d tor tin is-'-ision. S.imm ! llis.'si y and w ife. of .T.duistow 11, w ...re tlie g.i.sts-ii' their friends h -re sev eral days last h k. Tin 1". lie ISiiud i-.ime to Husband last S .tur lay e vening and favored oer jss.pi,. w ith sonic gs.i music. The Iio s are al Wlivs w ei.-ome V is;t rs her-. Tie World Tir aebmit for tie Pi?e ef History. The "iksik of the I'.uiid. rs." one of the most .otisiicai. 1 iii;-.g:iiti'-eiit pul.ii.-iitior.s r-v er is-;. I'd i - 11. -.v ls-ing i'lb-,-.sl Iy th. Pittsburg '...,- to it r.-.id. ix. It is I .. -voir I ,;:.--ti'ii tin- gi-u'.i-st oii'- r ever maiie by a n a j.iipcr. Sis the '. itu-h f. r lull i"if oniiiilion. You Should Dress I It don't pjy to wear soiled or torn Linen or poor Neckties or a poorllat la fact it don't pay to dress shabbily. Yoar stylo of dresn will show your success in business, WE can't make you a Success, but we can help you, Wear our Ilats, Ties, Shirts, Underwear, Gloves, etc. The valu-ja that run all through our cartfulh selected stock arc es pecially favoral'Ie to the buier ju-t now, and ijuk-k purcliaes will be the means of saving you a comfort able sn ui. JONAS L. B AIR, THE HUSTbER. James B. Holderbaum. Fine CARTS for Bachelors. Fine BUGGIES for Youn Men. SEAT WILL ADMIT YOUR BEST GIRL AND HO BOOM TO SFAKE. Fine Buiriries for midtllc 00 Fine Carriages for the Family. Fine Phaetons for the Old Folks. A T 0f n large line of Road Waj 1 lOW a nil Spring Wagon?. The larirest ami best PRICES James B. Holderbaum. the "best " Is None Too Good When You Buy It is Just hs nihr!:tiit ti Stfiiiv FRESH, PURE DRUGS, .l it i.i To lime Confidence in the l'ijUiin If ho rreserin- Them. AT SNYDER'S Y.ni :trt :il.v:iys stin ff -ft-ttiiii! tin l'i'islust initlififii-M I'KFX ITIONS 'art'fully 'iu jni.Ui. TRUSSES FITTED. All of the l'.cul ami Most Approved Trutue Kept in Stock. Satisfaction Guaranteed. OPTICAL GOODS. GLASSES FITTED TO SUIT THE EYES. CALL AND HAVE Y0U3 SIGHT TESTED. JOHN N. SNYDER, Somerset, - Pa. Orphans' Court Sale nt-- VahaUs Esal Estate! t virt;t if Htt unlrr f s;il issu.it! Hit if t!i- iri-lmu. tMin iU Sim in' ritni v, m.. :iii t tt tn.- (tini'il, I i!l MilV-r at jmiKIh- itiv nt tn-Mirs Mnu' in thr tmnHjli Sn--r- l, :it 1 o'- Uji'k V. .Ml Saturday, July 7th, 1894, tn.' fullon'ms d'-n!M-.l tru-t uf !nl, lut1 t It -rotate -jf I't U r V. itikt-r, l-r'tU wit : tn t f binl -i?iwt- In r.m-k ltmnhip. -,(iTft nrtiiii v. atlj'Hiiiu l:nK f Jom 1. Uiict r. J'HiMtlma s.-iirH k. ii r i nt fc-rit-M ;nt Arritirtin l-n, n tit:i inin? ! H iiiMlntl an-I r-iily-4M rv i il i ami -r-n;-iuu' :imI ;i)IiWiii--. lutviti tu n-j;i -ni:ttl u ti-:o Tnnm. -1 DWELLING HOUSE, Ni-w l-ciuk Kim ami n-s--sjtrT tui iii in- ; u!t . Liiitl i vi'i't atntii: s---n iT- a-ri i t-mttr; 1 Wt 2-ri-l r-iuir.i- h th itn-int"- : -. 1 w.it. r;it Hi- iMHi-M t I in iH-nriy i-v-ry i a'xMii lwi luii- imrtu il Um'k-w.-sliMi riu'l Ir ving n s..t'r-I. TSHLS: T ii Tn :it. tf jmn has' moi-y tn on tl.tv of -jt tii- n-hiainiit-r ! nr-thinl al tn:iriiu4!iii ( tU i.ut-iliirti in ! y-Mr ami th- r. tiuiintu- tlitiil m two your Tti.-nnf-ti-r u irli in;cnt M' l rn-I iyiiini! frm ttMirinna:iMM nt lh f. rr-l wyiii. nu to t Mir.'l iy Umisl ami initrtx:ii;f tii,n im-liitM.;. IlKNUY II. TA1IU .VIiiiini--tratr. Notice. In llu- niitti-r tf I n" r-:aft f K. Kin, itinw-t-il to .(, l--it. Nuri.v i ii'-n-i.y k.x- ii llat tii.- 'wirt ha- i iit- nl a ilf:n- th.it th- I'tttiI pr -iii.i(-1 1 hi of 1 ii m-ath ciui JH-t I Knix I Lit- If-. t iiuhI- ut. an. I tiui! 1m- i- r-i ui r-l. il iiv r it-'ht r (ntxi fr him. t ntiin' ! th s.ii")t 'otirt. o-i tr l for tii liti M'UitUiy f s.--tfiiU-r. l mitiMart'iO' -vth-nv of hir t-ontii:ti:tiM-tk u in-: uMirn'W inlmiiiitPat;ii iiinmi hii Mat- Will lt if lrrl. j voiit Mn.i.Kii. I 'lTk f lb-1 1; iiuinV 'urt. UMIMSTKATOK S NOTICK. !'.:.' of Joftatiiaii Mart, bit -f Suthaiii- tmi itou tilun, !N)iin-iM'l '.oiinty, Ta., tU-v l. j I 4-;t-r of 1 1 nt --trjitit.il 1l-i 1 1 r Ut-n iranf- -I hv !ii- n.'wr authority , t Ho uni-rii:ii- J 1 1 "l i I i-.-n l uiin load .rxMi,s in- j tl M.-! h -i I i-!it. i- liuiUi-iMtiii. li:t.' pa- im-iit, nii'l Hiim haviaii t-iaitiis ;iir.i:ut ' .--at.-wi:i i."11 11'" auiy amlw ittu-atcu j t.r M t;n :i'iit. JAt'i'K H. M AKT. Alniin;.-traur. E ;KrrTHiis NOT I I'M K-tiitc of Srirtih Kinj. Uit1 f Mi'hil.Tn-te tttWIlr-lilJ', Nf)l ll '4Hllt, ht ''1. Itr t--lam--titaiy n tin 1mv-- rtati iia i lit! Ut-u ifrant-! I" Hit i(ih rln--'l h tn- .ri rauthonty, iiih-- i ii-n -hy siv-n to - riti in.h-t-t-l t- il -tal to limit iiiiiH' .jii!-- t iif nt. an-I thM having riatm th- nam I jin-wiit th-tn auly no itti'u!' at! f-r st. Tt.'.'io-'iit. m xiTir-l;i, Jtoy .Vh, y4, nt tH ituis.-of tn t-tlor iii tswiut lot ll-ttl. MNTHMKKY J. KIN-;. . It. -ott,Af( Kxrutor. K . x va vvt 1 1 : s n ( r i v i a it r !-:atm-:iT;i r" oil t hi -!iiti' f Iini' l II. 11 iuj-r, Uit 'f r-Nitil torouh. iit th . iuu!y ?f '-ii-n rt l. haunc n cntntf-l to i h- (iinh-ritfiifi. iitii- h-n ry i t ail ft. r-'tni inh ''t t "winl 't i iiiitli in:-liii-t .tt I'lVhulii anl liv- iia im- -iui:fiH :.-:il.it tht- iia- vt-ll r--nl th' iu luiy u-ti-i'tit :-: -I hir -n-lf i-in-nt :iT 1 if s.it- n-i-th-in-t- -.if i-vL, ij t ruLiv. Ji!v '5K l"-l. KM M A 11 A I iit.lU K -iitnx. j lu.AL Nrri( n John II. katiT t Nk S llay T. l-X 1. tt V'ilniiuirv ai-niiM tit Kr J. A. lu-rUy. i tl ln-m-ht f -n-.tr. A imI iHiW. ttt h -I u v Wil. m ii4ti hi of t ikf fnt!i A KiiptfL aM.iriM y hr "1m !--, Tin tairt aiunt J-'Min ktniim-t, K-(., nu tilo, t Hi- u;:i thi rs.- ptawi-, if any la ti!-l. aiiti al-ai to n -jt ilt-."rihuHou oi' lh' f-iii'l- in th liano- of Ih- A-:n.t- to aul moti thoM- U-KMlly nititU-U lbA-r-to. Ssimeraet Ctx4iy, w ' Kxknift front tit lotijiitt- nm-d this- r!i Ju!n M. -slLVL J ' 1'- JVUK, V lnittHtKart-. In iHin-iUtia-1 ti tin- aUvr -i.Minii.-MMj th Amtuor will aiTt-ml, at hw titi- in StiJ r- t l..r..r.h, At V iliMla. July li. Wl. at w tiirh tiiat- at! j-rpMMi- hat tn. rtaitii arv n iiiril ti prvTM-iit th iu lu 1 1 Aaiitr or t iti-t-ttrn-'l iriMtri -iiimii lu for m n-liaxv of thj aiij iu:itl Jm r-afl r. J. it. KIMMKU Au.litor. A UDITOK'S XOTICE. In 1(4-K tii t. In f lu t irjhjan' 44M;rt tf -t sMi f-t 'otinty, John Nair, iix-4-asi-l. ) liriiiii iaum- Thf u;idT,iifn-J havinie hn app-MtiUl Atiit!r hy id t'ourt, l up hi t in ex- r-t lou flid to tii' lln.1 a-tv-otliil of IIh ad-i:.!tii-tnilr in "aid U-. flnl tl' C with antinltui; iiiak a liird.ntnm 4 trV fuml iri the lutuh f iltt dminhf ratirs to and aitHHi-f tmiMi-h-jalty mititk-'l tht-rtk, a nd -o-rtair tin widow' dwt-r, I 1 ht-rvt.y fivtr noittt- tiiat 1 wnl mi at my fnrr- in It- bor mi!u of tii--r---i. I'.. 4 mi KrKlay. July (Mh. ls4. al IU A. M., U fK-rti-rni tit ilul- mii ai.tint;nrtit, at wfawu tmiealJ trMjiu iutrr- i ntU-u tuay aiuni- I Au4it-ur. - aired ami business men o irons selection ever shown. wav down. Gall and see them. A11 ITOl;S NOTICE riHinid Miilt-r to Jom. II. MilU r, A.iifniv. 1 No. T. Tho unf-rvt;ri('l luivin )-n ali-iiiit l Auititr to mailt ih- tinil in Hi- iutmli f th iiH.ttfiHv t ainl ainoii-j th It-ualiv i iitit lo-i i h-n-to, intr yivt-n iiotH-v tlul lit will atti-ml tottMhif it- .! miI nMiiit mi it at hi-irit-- in siiHrst, t';t..oit ritiay. July in 14 wtw-ii anil wlit-n' all -urt:-! inW'n-M".! oiii ul-tt-iHl if tlit-y (tmik uniM-r. JoilN H. Mil, Au.titt.r. l'1,ITOU's NOTICE. Th' uml-r.itiiMtl havinrj ilnlv itpfHiint il Amtttority t lw i 'imrt f 'otomoii I'tt-u, o .NuiM-rvt tHiniy. I'a., to distntMit th fund in tin tiatni- ih tH-ritt nrtniu fniin llf ti- of itif rt-ul ttat 4f AUno mimI J. I. Martnuiii. tami :iitiiMif tho-- t-v.tll imtlitl im r-to, -r ty tv- iMti-t tluit h al ttiiil : th "iuiif of hi ; omi nt if i-tkt I'liun lay. Jum JSlli, It-, at U o'r!i-ic . M.. of siuiit Ly, at hi-fli - iti ili Im f.Kiifli of .hii. erMt, w la-ii ami ii- rc all (M-rMi- iiiU-rt-Mt-tl mil att ml. t.Kn. IL Mfl.U Auditor A UUITOr.'S NOTICE Th- ii'Tl.r-.itrmil havintf fwH-n tluly p(-..itif-tti Aii-!il-r t tht i ' mi rt of I'oiiiimMt lu-n of s.in-rM-t itiiiy. I'a., to iimk ititriftMiion of tti' tutiK in ttif haii.t of John IC. s-if. A-U-m-- of . ?. Korii-y. t ami hihhii-; thot saliy t iitithil ttM-r'to, hrt'hy jtUn itoH- that li- U ill at'iil lo tliv tldfii- kf iiiiil u ).i4Miil im'fit. hi Thui-V4(ay, Jtint J' It. W4. at I o'l'lon k 1. -M. of Mii-I -lay, ut In- ol ?': nt the tr-oro-tii-flh i.r -Ntiiifrs, t, l'a.f t:-n uu wtirt all jj-rsn-t -ali att-'ii-l. i.Ki. It. wrij, Autlitor. A I M I N ! ST ! ; A Ti Ui'S N oT! r K I K-l:iti of fliiiry navuian. ih-M., la to of j l.rot lK-pviiU y IowiimIi: i, t I'tl-j-r t-?taiiHii!:iry on t a.Mvf -t:iT j K-vnnr Ut-n i: rati i I u tin- nniTitfn.--l t,v tiw nMTtt!ifhrity, mKM- it 1m r-t icivmio ; ail 'M r-ton kiMnwin ttifiiiM vn hut M-i t f:ini Miai- i4 iiuiK- iinrii-tjmti aynant ana th' ha vlitt' riairn aunitiot IIh utim- to pr-M-nt tra in tluly aiif h utu-it-sl r ti h-nuiit on Situnliiv. Jnlv lltii, 14, at th h.m.- of mt-'o. .h. h. yliS'r., AiliuiiiKirMlor. A" -KiXKK'S NOTICK. NolU i h. n-hy xivt n that Jonathan Smif r and wift. of lo-!lown lrnii;h, Hotm't-i nHii!y. I'a.. h:t rtial- a voluntary a-ii;ii-ii4 nt tn io-all fhfir i-i:iff. r.-a!. t'-r'---ial ami in. x t. in tnif lr ih Ik in-dt f tht r twr i tfi -t.u.1 Johaflian inrii. H ji rsHM ha v it ix -laiMi!s iiirum-l th-' Mttil Jonathuil Snmh mil r-4-iii liu in to tht mi.ltriiM. t-ily atith iit!nt-l. n .s.aur.1,.. Jul. ih at thf n-i"l n-f f th- Jututi uaik mifh, hi th- -"Miriwih of ( .tou it, la., aii't a. I -rn omsr: ail J.umltliilt .inillt. t;i iitan.. iiiiiiu ti'HU' it-ui i J"HN 11. Zi.HUr.KIAN, Aiirii-v. A S.-IUXKKS NUTH K. NtiKi- K lin hy ?ivin that -In-tut a';!krr. of : ft U tMu; l ."I nt not. iy J-ii of au ,, tan Aii-nni-Mit. -:tt-l th- i (h .lay of Man U l.'l. :-i.'ii'it l Malilt.n K. Wntk.-r, in trut for in ti-n ni of im -rtMitor ! aut Juiu-4 W aik r, all tht c-iiiif, ril anl p-nHtal. th- -.li't JiixIum Walkt-r. Hint !! mid Matiiou il. V nlKr lia in-; it-t th-- uht lrul, llu I iKirt of omiaiMt r'!-a- f niHr't v4iuty lid. n I l-'th ibiy l Ma. 1jtv, npoiMia ti' uii'h rs.ii:m-'i n . -. inv ifor-.i-i in pla,--tirttl (-:: if itif yii'h'.i IC. a Ik. r n-ntti-!. AM p-r-'u tnih-iMMl to itl Jii-iu uikr Mill iiiakt iiiiintt'iat' imyiiMio ami ilioiMst l.avtn; la iim an.! th-u-jtiiilm will pr. i,, tlx- f-yiua. witli'Mit tl-!av t iii-at -.iit-( t, John it. f ri, .V-vMj-m-r i1 Ju-tu-4 Vu!kt-r. A Not mi t hrtiv rt v-n t ha t Mn h!Mi U. W 'tikt-r. and liw wift-. Alttnma, of ih uw n iii i Niinmil, h tt .-J tf Hniiiarv A-.! ii-im-tit. datf-l It-l- l'Tn it-iy tf Atril, IMH. tut e a-swurMtJ to.tj'i K. i-tl. of lur lMrairti ot -ii-rs- i, I'a., in tri.i i-ur tn In n tit ol ti rt-ttr ih "Mi! Mahaui IL U ;tk--r, all tn. tat-. rit I and f-MWt:il, Tit-- uiid L U. W alk- r. AU --rrti, Hi. h't-t t -4.id Maklou 1 1. U atk-r ui iiukf iinnif-liat t$ to ui lo tiw-stid A-v-t-xiu!, ani thr hav in -Uoin.-o d--uutud vtii i,r- ut ttu-ittii wiiiH4!t d. lay. J4li ft. Ntirr, A-v-ijm- of Mi hi on ft. Waik.c. A SSUiNKE'S NOT I CM Noti h.-n-hy ivfii that S4otiton U-flHU-bt-ivfr and wif. t'Ak U k twiishio. 4ii--rs t -unty, hv mattf Voiuiiiary A -iffmiH-nt u in f u' th-ir rinu rwl, i r-i-oiutl anl mi-f, w stni.--l for I b- iM-ra-rtt t tin -r--4titori f auid aMinM ll-rHhl-rjiT. all Mrti iiavmic -a:m aicain.i ah id Iihmi H iht- r.-r m ill r iit tii-tu dnlv a Ur tn nli-at"d. and ail pt-rotif ownic wml Miu iiion ll' fxiitu D r w;i umiu' uiiiiM-littU' vi nif nt t J.hn li. St'-uit, .Vuui-ti-. AltiM-iMj. hrauUvuir, Md. c lOl'KT Vlli K IAMATION. WuKKKt-s Tht- I'oikortM Jali- '- Mirt f n i nt ii 11-m .Stiiw r t tiMiftty. Ta.. luivt- M-tt r-d tlutl a t- w,i ur .ii;i4inoi K Mirt 4f i 4MKIIM.M1 l'..-a-s ol Viwrur r--i am! rvluiii.-' l ourt. Ur Uw trial irf ni themn. tiiall -x la-id al ?ai-r-t, mi Monday, July 9th, 1894. t'umuieurineal Wi.VI.-k A. M. t wid dy N..r. Ih(-iiw-. I. K.!wnl fl.Ter. Hitk Jsfwnlf ii .-.miersel sjmjiiI.. lir-'-y lt- m lnNl!iMt-ttti rtivinif mti- l Mil juru. wit-ui'-.i.'. .uMimoiiil. imJ luttll fwrti-. in mune lu lie I ben una tnrtv tned, to bv UM altroiltUH-w at Mild t'uun. Hbt-rttT. jffl.v. ) jaA"ARl Hi mjVT.H. Juntf M, 'H. i Klxcatt. o