mm mmml mmmmmmmmmmmm """""V- The Somerset Herald. -s. TO wri..t.ii.v J !--- REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. Election, Tuesday, Nov. 13th. STATE- I'.ir ...n rn-.r Ifcmii-1 H. I lii.-tiiit. For I.i.-iiu-i.ant ;.iv-ni..r Wait.-r I.yon. J"..r Amlii'tr .-ntml Aiii.- H. Myliu. l"..r S.--relai-y of Iutrii;i! At'.iir lami" V. Imii. Fit i:rrvsKinan-a-Fjir(r 'ialu-ha A. lir.m ati'l I 'nxirgc K. Iliilf. COUNTY. Staik N. II. 'ri; b:i i'l, JfiiiK r T n-liip. Sultj-i-t t Ok- I.i-isi.n f liu- l'l-iru-l uuf.T-i-ik-'. A-kmiiI-v: Win. H.-nry Miil- r. tj:i'-inalniiig TVi. J.-p-niiali Maiir.-r, St..v.-sJ,,wn iiniuli. JlKV Cim Mi-ioNKIU S;niu.l J. lin w r, Miil'onl Tin iisliip. I'iviI! Ihiiutii: Willi.-.iii Hull, Milf..r.l TWiisliip. Tin: IV.-i.l.-nt still lia ' ('m:.rrsv on )iis hainlr." If hi- i-an't ir-t tin- for.-. Luri.-.' j.rvtty s.m tin- flrm-li will lrivi- liim i.ut f I In- While Hoiisf. '!!! a.i, a-rr.iiii;r t latf 1m-:iI n-iinis, -!aim.-t 1i:ivi- a Jitii:itim of l.TiKl.mKi iuliaiiiUiMts. Ni Yrk will jiroiKiMy It !iuiiiiI a 'fairomut," c'aiiii inir. a- she tlm-s, l' uHiiiiiiU r the vin.iy i-ily I v at lea-it half a tnilli.ui. To -LAY tin; iMii'KTiilli; Stall' Con vt iil ion wiil invt at Harrislmrfr, :iinl not a iiiL'lf -:inliil;ile as yet lia-i i-liiel lii i-astor int tiie riiiii. Tin unusual -teeiai !e i-presj-ntcil of 'oflii-r x.-.-LiiiL' tlie man." ami tlie -i:iLrlit for, taking to tlie m is. A rroK.KV- ;i.m:k vi. IIknski., ulio ha- li n ni'-nt j nii-il a a suila'ole ean iliilaie fi r ( ;ovcr:;or, iiiiii.nilii-.-- that he is not a eaixli'htTe for any oitiee in tin jr; ft of the Ietii fraey. As lhe Deiuoi--raey of I'l iinsvlvania dm- not Ii:ijh-ii to have any olliees wiiiiin their cift, .Mr. lleiis-l il.K-s not niake lnu.-li of a Kierifiee hv his reflliMll. Tiik j-T.-jit eoal ,-trike is virtually IlI.kI ami the miners, haviior 'ot nearly t u iiii'ii.-ii of li!:ir in v ae, have co:'eliii!e.l to p.i to work. The only men Jio have nia-le money are the r. ;i. rators aii'i il.-.-tli-r-a ho li:-jielK-il t haw lartre stoeks o,i l;anl alnl t ,ie j.aiit oilieials who jot up the strike. 1 nieenient of the loss in v:i-j!i-s sustain.-' hy the luineis, the rail roails alul the manufai tui'ilii: estahli-h- liients eoiiiK lliil to rliH' for want of fin!, siill'.Tiil to the extent of many luillioiis. "ul ;n.KKs., Cliainnaii of the Hi pal ! it-u:i State t 'oinni:tti', iiirur-'s out that 'St of the :l r-iinsylvaiii:t 'oiniivsolliell to l-eleetcil this fall will lie lit iiuhlieaiis. The live reliiainin;; ilislriets are not ,y any means eoneole.l Jo the lleliHMTats, l.llt it is firalite.l that they have a lirlil inr ehamv in them. If, liowever, PnI, str.HliT le-- nlilieaii- are lioininat.-il in the 'J'liir l (MeAhi rV) Ii.-trii-t alnl in the Nine teenth ( lie!uh-over'. i they i-an lie elei teil. This Woiil.l reluee the eratie r. Iresentatii-s from the State to three. The jollities of Pennsylvania art very one--iiliil this year. The Ivino erats have i-i--ion of nearly all the oihiis., hut noiii- of them are se kinjr reiioniiiiatioiis, or are l ih iu in to the front, hojiim; to U- s. lei-ttsl. Tilere is no inti-rest ft It, either iii or out of the party, a t.i the result of their inmin convention. Neei-ssity reijuin-s that lliev sh.iil jro through tie motions of nominating a State tieket, anl there all inters4 i-inls. The only iieslio!i iuvolveil in the jiroaehiti eamKii-rii is :is to the size of the llejiuhliean ma jority. Pennsylvania is a llejiiihliean Stale :ml has never sWitvimI from her devo tion to llepuhlieau jrineijil-s. It was Uvaiise of an uufortiiuate nomination inl a con.seijueiit split in the parly that the iHinoenits seeurisl iiosstss-iou of the State Administration four years ii;:o. That iliviiou has tlisaiieareil a:nl the Kej.uoliean-. of the State are .-ilay more i !oely iiiiitetl ami ln-tUT than they have Urn for ma ny years ; tin y have a capital State tieket eonijKise.1 of ahle ami popular men who Were uouiiuati-l without tlie iihts-t frii-tioii; the platform of tin party is an-eptahle and lietil Ho ile fellee, ali.l the re-'.llt of lie- eleetio;i for (:ii.rr.-s-!ii in-at-!are in Fehruary last Man. Is as a tinker Uiantou the highway, Kiiiitin to assured sueee-s. The llepulliean of Penusyl vauia are tanilii; shoulder to shoulder, i-a-er for the fray, and their organization is ( wlay the only eompuet one in the t'ommoimi-altJi. All eyes are turned towards the Keystone Stat' and h--r 1 .. ..l e .... i . ... ii (iui. oralis are prepared 10 -Mo ttiein- wlva- proud" in NoveiuU-r iit-xt. T' 1 ...... inr.i are Having a i.ii-iiot imiit in Smtii t'aroliua It-twtvn the two IK-m---ratie faetions, a:id jud'inj: from n l.irtn of the K-rsoiial ahu-s- indulged in, throat-euttiiir will o.n ooiiiineuiv. Tlie prizi- lK-injt etiuteiidisl for U the I'liit ! Stal-Se!iatol-hip. t Jeiier.ll liutler, the .re-snt Senator, reprw'iit.s the Cleveland element, ami (inventor Till man, who is hitterly hostile to tlie President and his euekoo follower, is the ealididate of l!ie kiekers. I he eandiilati-s sK-ak alterii;iiely from the same platform, and thev minee no wonls w lu-n referriii) toeaeh other. Tiliuiait is viciously denuncia tory of Cleveland, anda few ilayi:ice at a intHtiii referre.1 to him as "that old lrof Uxf in the AVhito House who hail violated t-vcry iltsle of the lteinoeratic platform." At nnvtiiiK held at Camden on Friday last, Tillman, s-akini; of the var lie had restondtit to an attack made tifxtii him hv hitler, at Ijnicas lT. said : " W hen I ptt to Iancaster I off hi. iiliirt and liftiil tlie hide and put KHiie salt slid Jiepper Under it. Uutler' charge that f am a liar and a thief and a coward do.-, no ff.xxl." Further al.nisr he i hared that JJut ler aii the frii-tnl of the corjioratSons, and that Mr. CIevelau-1 would rather liulh-r ill the Si-nate thau ti liave tiim (Iteii Tillman ) : thcri?. "If I p. there," he aid, " I jiromise tlutt I w ill use a pitchfork in hLs old fat rilx." In his reply Ilutler Kiid : 44 If no other fUKtil had Ut-n dtino hy his lamliastinj; of Tillman," hv sail, "it had at least tau v'lt him a h-sson in iUtx-ti-y. When Governor Tillman made the proposi tion to illstntiw puhlie issues, ho wi!- li iiiil v in. t him more th:tn half-way, hut at the first opportunity Tillman had indulj.'"! in a line of t-jn-akinz w hi' h r.-Iucel the v iiiip-.u.n to lhe line of a dov'-fi:ht, almost." f;.lieral P.utlerlh-n spike of the idle talk alut !issiiiaiiiii; Tillman, and walking up ti hiiu w it h out.-t retch'-I amis, Kiid : " I'll iroard him myself, and in Hcavi n' name I-t him stop that p.-nny k:" 'f leiitaj.''V-nonsi-iise al.Hit hLs l-iiiit killisl. He has I'layisl that i-ard for the time and I pr-.mi-i' 1 11 ruarl him "II the time if he'll jtlst n'lit talWillir almllt l-in-' kill.-.!." it im ml Rutler then tilk.-d alut the Ihirliiirton matter, and said it was a ridiculous il( a on the Governor's part to s ak of U-iiijr in I:irli!i ton s.i that he liiiLiht U- killt-I. Tiiere was some at ten ipt at this joii:t l.y Tillman's friend.- to interrupt li'.it-h-r's sjH-,i 'n, hut the S-na!or s;iid to the i-hainiiail of the IiiietiiifT that nii-ii mii-t shut their mouths; that tin-re were not inU):h inell in the country to intimiiL-ite him. General lUitlcrsai.l that he had heard of this liowlim; down husines-s that had so ilis-.Tacul the State in recent years, and he noticed that w hen a man Mistered Tilhnan's 1-si-k his fri.-nds 1 :an to how 1 him down. He did not propose So in- ilowu. lie it rcmemhcrnl that the "p-ntle-mei'' iiiduijriti!! in tin-se little ament-ti.-s of lt-liato an- i-:niiiiir and r prisi-n-mtive men of tin- Smtii Carolina I miwracy, and of cotir-e they pitch the tone of their s-call.-d l''l'ateon a plane suited to the taste and comprehension of their partisan auditors. It is a dirty i' fii-'ht, and w e allude to it only for the purpose of showimr the tone and character of the " Sotithi-rn chivalry'' now in the saddle and iinitmlliii the National Governm.-nt under the char actiristic adiuiiii.-lratioii of Grover ( 'levt land. Broiled Chicken inJ Btrikei. Fnini tin- Clii.-.-i-o Iua-r i i:!ii. ;.-.rt'e Mi-l'.ride is a walking deleptte, or it may lie that lie ImLLs a plan- of liit'li- r degree in the orjfauizat-on of lalmr; hat is to the jmrose is tl.nt lie a.-tnl as Imder of n-rtain wa.--:!n)ers w lio were on strike against tin- proprietont of the Wasliintoii mil!-, in I-iw ren.i'. Ma. Tin- -trike came to a close soim-n iial, and uii lm mum- one of tin- sli ik.-r.-. wle-nwife and children were ssifi'erin v. hile he lay idle. !'lhoulit him '.f iiisii tuting iiepiiry as to how things wit w ith ' ieorc-' Mi liricle w hile the "jKir, i low ii-tr.Khlen workmen" w op' living on half rations and tiylitiim " the Moated le gions, of capital" under the leadership of the aior.-s.nd i iittii'. The 'huinhle operative" did not : aliotit his work in any indir.i-t tnuie-r. hut in open iiiii'tiii, and at the close of.i f r id haranui-hy ion !e aforesaid for ".'intiiiiiaiK-e of the lijjht until death or i.-tory is r.-sn-hul" theafi-rt-siid "humhle operative" did priioii!id ii-rtain ijiiis tioiis to t in.: ye, in maiiniT and form as follows, to w it : llo-.v iiiin li money have you drawn from tin strike fund.-? Are the new and sly Ksh clothes that you are now w itirint; pai l for out of the strike funds? How ng have you Isimi oii-upyinsj rtsiuis in a lir-l-nite iiot.-l ? Have you had l.n.iled sprint; chicken to eat every day ? Is it Hue that you were three months Is-liind w ith your house rent ls iore the strike ls-tMii, and have you paid up your arrcarai;is sin. v the strike In-jui ? hiil you spend 7 in one sa!ou, trealint; tiie strikers aud eniinirat;iiii; th.-iu to prolonged r.s.istan.1 ? If so, w In re !i l you t." t tie- fT? Iki yni I'Vt-r lily i-iir.irs at l.-s tiian a 'thr.-e-f-ir-a-piai ler rate?" llow many stiiki-s have y..u en'i li.i r. il ? !uriiij; the i; hj I year of W! ill w hi -h tin-re were few -trik.-s, and in w hi. h every man who waiitnl t. work "Mild tin. I work to do, how long did you work? Jti.l on w o: k a-ni'i'-h as one-third of the time ? Really, now, did you not loaf two thirds of the time ? hid not your wile work and support yon while you w .-re loatiuu ? hid you not cany h r dinner to the mill every day and then return to your h uie or to sonic saloon aii-.l tiiere me I; t.ite or orate i!miii the " oppression of iaUir ?" To the-i- very direct lo-ire M.'!I:id.- returned very unsatisfactory aiisw i-rs, w here-.iH.n the " huniole oK-ra-tie" that '"this nice; in;; do de clare the strike otf at the Washington tiiills," w hi.-Ii w a-canii-.I without a dis seiilint; voice. If I o.iry:e noik- K- i-atin;; spring chii ken, siu ikiug thr.v-loi-;t-.iiiai1ei-cigars, spending 7 per day in saloons, wearinj; new and ch-jpint .-lotiii-s, and U.ardint; :it a lip-t-class h-e t. l, it is at tin- iiKt of another set of iImjm-s. Heii'-cfonh the w .i.--e:inn rs at W:ish':!;moii iniils, l-.w ri'in-e. Ma-.-., w ill s.-ttie tin ir dltli -ultii-s iili .-it his val la-i.h- I.ul ej.eiisi e aid. It is .jaite licit lo-ore is .pii.-tly i'.aliiig and plauuini; a lit u campaign against the "capifalistif tyrants" wlrii-his wife is working in a mill, ( ieorjje earryiin; meals to li.-r at intervals of his meditation- on tin- "wrongs of lalnr." It acre Will were all men on stri.;- t- ri ll.-.-; llji itl tin- "s..ft!le-s of tin-;l" that lalur anit.itors enjoy in linns of a lver-;ty :-.!id up ei their wiHintr.i to Work i:i time- of pro-perity.' is h-il one of tunny w ho crow fat th delusion of hon.-it lucu. A Asti-Earrit7 Hi apiHiinliueu! -f W. h. I'.i'iT. of Clearfield, s Assistant I'llited Slatlsi Trea-ur.-r at Philadelphia was a g.-uuiur siit-ris. last wi k, and it would went t- indie-ate liiat the l'reid.-nt Is trying lo patch up a peace tpctweeu the rival fae tions of the Pennsylvania I-mocracy i fore th- niii-tiiig of the Slate I 'on vent ion. -Mr. ltiglcr is a Mronj; anti-llarrity man. Mr. Hittler is a S..U of the late ex-i..v. Wiliiaiu IJiuler, and a hrotlier of K. A. Billler, follwtor f Ian ricd Hevetiiie for the West.-i n district during C)e eland's first term. Tillmia tad Batltr. Charleston. S. I'., June ii. The firth of the series of campaign iiiectinj;s le-t.i-ii Tillman and liuth-r was held at t'auideii t.e.ijy. Tillman had the os u ini; and Itutirr tl,B i-Im1ui. Tillman spoke of bis uiiu.ual cprit.itt ill this campaign, and proii-ttetl against tlio )oii ey of eondu.-tini; the lii.s-lin- on tUe lin of ersiii:d a!m-s'. ieil. Kutler h id Ix-eil asking for a primary tir S-'natorship at every x.iut. It made no .lilf.-ren.v t him. Ixs-aune he was wire to get the .steiia torsliip. Itutler was the friend of the in"rali.ns, and Mr. CI. -velum! w.wil.l rather see liutler ill lh Si.ii.Uu tlrin to have Tillman go there, If I g. tlmre," h" said, "I promise that I will use a pitchfork in his old fat rils." Senator Kutler made a t. llius spin h. If no other ; us! had Iai-ii t'oiie hy his latiilaastint; of Tillman, he iiU it had at least taught him a less.n in decency. ;.-iu ltatl.-r then of idle talk alsmt ssiiss.iii:a;nt; Tillman, and walking up to him ith out-stn-t. In J arms, said : I'll truar.l him myscif and in heaveu'H inune let mop that Hnuy game of dema Ifogy.' lew Price for 1894. Painted Itarh Wire per It., J51H Chilled Plows Xu. l " " Syraeuw! 44 . 'iulc 44 2 cts. til l i 1I i 1(1 0 III Call and si-e the latest improvement in Ix-vt-r Spring T.N.lh Harniw s. JAMKS It. Hol.I.uuiAOl. SomersH, Pa. M. CAKXOT SLALV. PEISIDEXT OF FRANCE KILLED BY AX ANARCHIST. Eatrinf Hit Cirri ge U Citti Theater Whta tie Auaiiia Jsat.-wd npoa Him tad Subbed Him Will a Dagger. Pauis, June 24. Sadi Can:ot, President of the Krench liepul.ii.-, w asstahlsl mor tally at ftl. o'clock this evenint; in Lyons hy Cesare lil.nar.rii Santo, an Italian Anarchist. 21 years old. Pris-id.-m Carnol went to Lyons to visit the exhil.iii'.n ofarts. wi.-inis and indus tries, lit-left the ClianiluT of i'oniuu-n-e ian'piel, (riven in I. is honor, shortly ailer o'chs-k. and waik'-d to his i-arriaKe, whicii n waitiiiK ill the I'la.l-tie Ii Itoitrs-. He had hardly taken his sa-st w hen Santo, a ncwspar in his hand, pn-isiil ihni!;h the crowd and sprang upon the carriage step. Prtssident Caruot startnl slightly. S.11110 adapter from the newspaper anil plunged it into the President's alKhiMien, near the liver. The Pn-sident sank liaek unetmsi-iiHis. Hp was taken at on.-c to the prefei-titre, and the most skillful surgums in the city were suininoni.L Miautiiuc Santo was arrestnL The news sprite! sw iftly to every jart of the city. Infuriated cpiwils the stni-ts. Iv fore h) o'ch.-k an Italian n-s-tauranl had iKin w.-kil, and the jM.liee w ere ohl'gtil to stnin every nerve to pns-ti-t the Italian innsuiaTe. Pn-sideiit I. 'arnot arrived in Lyons yes terday, and intended t.i remain thereover Tiiesflay. He was a-coinpnncd hy (ion. Ilurius, chief of his military household, most of his other household officials. Premier hupuy, M. Iturdcaux and other iiieuils-rs of the ca'. inet. He was receiv ed enthusiastically at the station !' the mayor and district officials, w ho, in 27 landaus draw n hy In.rses ilr.icd w ith the Iri-color, oKi.rtui him and his party to the Hotel he Viile. Checrint; crowds tilled the streets and gave the Presi. lent suc h a w el. nine as he had seldom receiv ed. To-day the President and his party paid a state trihute to tiie exhihition in the Pare de la Te'.e d' r. Afterward the l'r.-si'l.-nt liel-.l a rei-cption at the jvrefii't ure. lie planned to go to the .raud Theater, 011 the Pla.-e de Iji Coiiliilie, this evenintr, after the hampict at the Chaui-ls-r of Cemmeri-e. He was in a p.siiliar ly happy ni.ssl during the li.iu.ii. t, and wis not ii-e:il de hy the mrdiality of his rui ptioii. not only hy the crowd out si.le tin- l uiiding, hut also l.y tho gin-sts w ithin. He w :is eheerr.l iiH-essantly from the m unci. t he lett the Cliaiiils-r of Com merce until lie took the carriage for the theater. The enthusiasm of the crowd causul tin-confusion w hich gave Santo his op portunity, as h- was ahle to push his way f..rwar.l .iii!e liiino'.i.iil until he reached tin- step of lhe carriage. AsiSanto sprang auay troiii the carriage step and tried to ccape, he w as . sci..i and surrounded, lint forth.- prompt intcrf. ren.i- of thepolin' he would have Isvn torn and trampled to d. alh on the spoL As soon as the jiolii-e cxtrh-ated him from the halidsof his capt ors ihty hurried him oil to the station house. When Santo was within a few f.i t of the carriage he w aved a paper as if intending In present a petition, and thus threw" oil' their guard the pcr-ons nearest to the President. He was seized just as he was aUmt to jump from the step, and had hut half dmw 11 tlie dagger. The Pr.-sid.-nt had rce:ited henior-rhag.-i after he was removed t the pre lect 11 re. lie sanked gradually but stead ily until o'clock this morning, when ii.-di.-d. M me 'an lot and her two wins left Paris at 11:.7 o'clock last eveningly sp.i-ial train for Lyons. At 11: sn o'ci-H-k Sunday evening the surgeon at the Pref.i-ture issued this l.ul ietiu: Tiie l'n-siil. iil's nmdition is alanning, lmt not hopeless. The wound is in tin-region of the liver. The hemor rhage w hi.-li at first w as very copious has now -rtLsc.I." A little more than an hour later tin- Presideiit w as .1. ad. At 11 o'clock all who had u invited t- atti iid t he perforiuance in the Presi dent's honor had gathered in tll.-liran l Tin at. r. Kvery si-al outside the Imxes wasliilcl. Tiie audieiii-e awaited impa tiently the arrival of the President ial party. Suddenly two men ran up to the main entrains' ami callnl out that lhe President had lm-u killed. The amiouucemelil causcj the greatest ho: ror among the audience, and criisiof "A limn,"' "A mort." and "vengeanif,"' w i re iieard in all parts of the huiiding. The young assassin's full name was given at the jioliep station as Cesare iiovauui Santo. He is iu-ar!y 22 vicars old. has a very small m nistaehe and wore a light hrown suit, with a pe.iked cap of the same color. n his way to the station he h.'l.l his head down and glam-ed 41111 timially right and left, as if looking for Hi.nie possible 111 cans of es -ape. I'pon Is ir.g iiit.-i-rog.ited he gave his mime, hut professed to know- too little of the lan guage to say much more. His inability to speak much Kren.-h is rather peculiar, as he has lived ill Cotte for th last six mouths, and is Is lievnl lo have lcen 11111 ra'.ly longer in the iuntry. lie went fri 111 Cotte to Lyons ysiterd:iy lilornilig. The authorities made every e.Tirtto jrri-:it the mur.l.r from iHS-oiuing know n to the public. Not a word w as al lowed to ix- wnt out from Paris l.y tele graph, and the story h:i. I to le telephon ed to London. A workm ui's l.i.k found in Santo s P'K-kel sii c.vs that he was h ni in Moale-v.-s,-onti, (i.-ovinn- of Milan. After hr. (iaillt t..n"s examination .f the Pre-i-l. -tit's woi;n l it w as de.-i.le I that an ojs r.iiiou was nei-essiiry. Dr. oilier pnssed to p.-olH- the wo'.in L The Pr.-si-l-'ii: thereupon regainul oiiM-i.riis-11. -ss and i-xclainusl in a voi.v: '1I 1 w you are hurtiu; me." The jM.litieal elfeets of 1'ri-sideut iol's dmih will If import. 111L, not only for Fraiuv, but for all Lumpc. Itisuni veissiliy that his influence has Isi'u uuwavering on the aide of cacc. Beitli ia a Kiat. Fire was disoivcnil in the iwl mines of the Mary" 1-rf Cwl and Kail way Com pany, at Ix'wislKirg, lu mlli-s finm Itirm iiighaui. Ala., at 2o'.-1.m k Thursday ufter ii.Niiu The lire broke out a f.s-t from tin opening of the mine. One hundred men were at work in the mine at the iiiifc, of them l.iug ls yond the fire, their only way of xx ape through tin. llam.v and smoke. Four are already d.-ad, two are missing, and the death of J. A. Marker and John White is a iU.-sti,-n of a few hours. Kightecn others are in a critical condi tion. The death of a iiuuils r is likely. The tire is still raging, and likely to m II. Pli. for day-S (r lighting machinery is very iuad'apiatk. Cliiomi S?abUcai, The Iepiibjican State Coiiveiitiotj uf California, nt Sieri-nteiito, Weliuwlay, iiomiiuited M. M. F'stiss for tiovernor. A platform was a.loitnl (leu.Hineiug the In-ui's ruts fi,r n-pi-aling the Fuleral F.Iec liou laws, mid lUh policy of the Adminis tration w ith respect to Hawaii; favoring fns and tinlimittsl ii.lni'tte of silver at the ratio of Pi to 1; and denouncing the Wilson bilL, Excursion EiU( for 4th of July. In piirsuan.-e of its usual lilieral cus tom, the li. V O. IU R. w ill sell excursion tickets ls-tween all ticket stations on its lilies east of the Ohio river, fur all trains July.'lrd and -1th, valid for return trip until July ."ith inclusive, at reduced rate. "The Oaly" for a Penny. The Pittsburg haily r,vf has lieen re- (I11111I from .( unit to I (siit a conv ami Is fiirnishisl by mail at !.ftlcr year, or 73 ci-nt for thnsf months F.ight large paj- es every day. Send your order at inn-e. ' Attacked Hii Ova Party. Senator Ivid B. Hill, in opening his spivh in the Senate, Thursday, on the income tax feature of the viriiT hill, said it waa important n.H only 1si-mus-the tax which it wi ks to imjsvse cpials in the aggregat' alxsitone-liftts-uthof the whole Fuleral taxation of thel'nited Stales, lmt Iss-anse of the Ms-nIiar nature of the Isir den, as well as the vast and varied int r esu which it injuriously aths-ts. The ar-guin.-uts he had made in his fonuiT sis-h on the uteasure had Issen evad-il, not refuted. "Pnidenx ilietates," he Raid, "that this Congnsw should not attempt to for mulate now liemoeratie iLo-trincs to which we have never !si-n committeiL, lrtit rather i-arry out tlie pledges we have already tnade.' He referred to the Pres ident noniinating, and the Senate rou lirming. itlicials for the Terriiori-s and the I'istri-t of Colimibia, who were 11011 residents thereoC in violation of the prin ciples of home rule and the explicit provision- of the e'hicngo platform. He referred to the refusal of the House of Representatives lo rcjveal a federal tax unn State liank cir.iitation, such repeal having ls-en i-xpressly (avoml in the Na tional platform, while the same House went out of its way M injis-t a tax in a hemiH-ratie tarilT hill, "and." he aaiil, "the S-nale Is now asked to ratify a portion of such inconsistent a--tion. For one. 1 put. -it against the repu diation of the promises of the hemocr-uie party in order to adopt and carry out the promises of the Populist party. " If a I i-uiocral ie Congrn-s is to Is- per mitted to repudiate well prin ciph and to (-uun.-iate new ones without the sam-tion of a national convention, and to iimjH'l their supKrt as a test of party fealty, we may next expect to hear of the adoption in a tari.r or appropriation hill of Henry (ieorge's single tax theory, or a provision alKilishing all custom houses and resorting to direct fuleral taxation instead of tariff for revenue, orproviding for the assumption of government control and management of all the telegraphs railroads and liauks of the inintry; or titc adoption of any other weird and vis ionary scheme of socialism, paternalism, or Mpulism t hi.-h the majority may sec tit to sanction." Continuing a severe denunciation of an income tax, Mr. Hill said: "I repudiate the spurious heinoeraey of these modem apostles and prophets, who are part Mug wump, part Populist and the least part heiins-raii'-, w ho fxs k to lead us astray after false g-ls, false thmries and false methods. I objts-t to our resorting to a war tax w hich the Kepnbli.-.llis theni soivi rejeeie.l years ago with our appro bation." He could not follow a lea. ler hip which shifts and turns and tempor izes upon every public ipiest ion. A Terrible Outrage. Coi.oitvtm Si-kiv.i.s Col., June !. Probably the most glaring outrage, con-1111-tnl w ith the ri-etit trouble at Cripple Creek, was tiimmittcd shortly after mid night this morning. Adjutant tienend Tarsney, of the Colorado State National tiiiard. w ho w as stopping at the Adams Hot.-!, was called from his r.xim shortly iifti-r 12 o'chs-k, and infor'tie I that some party at Cripple Cns k wished to speak to him over the telephone. When 1 ieiicral Tarsney appeared liehind tlie clerk's li.-k to answer the alleged call he was sud denly by a masked man annul with two revoh crs, w ho requested him lo a.nimpany him. The hotel clerk in the meantime had lieen pla.i-d under guard of one of the kidu:ipH-rs. Tarsney i::i uie liateiy called for help, and w a- iui.-k-ly clubls-d into submissiou with revol- ers, and almost instantly several more of the kidn:ips-rs appeared and i-arrinl him to a carriage and he was rapidly driven to the open prairie, lu re ( Tarsin-y was removnl from the carriage and strippisl nude :ind a coat of tar and feathers ipiickly administered. After tar aud feathering him the mob warned him against returning tothe Springs. NeJson'i Brare Act. OXFonn, June 21. F.dward Neiison, of Philadelphia, li reman on the Central di- isioii pay train w hich passu) through Oxforil, had a thrilling cxiM-rieii.-e near Krauss" cut, a few miles south. A public road -ross-t tin- railroad near the cut and haniel Maher livis nearlhe crossing. His 2-year-old son was walking 011 the track as the train went down. F.nginii-r (irason gave repeated warnings, hut thechild imii timiiil on the track. To stop th ' train and avoid killing the chil 1 w as impi. sil.le. Fireman Neils.111 sprang through the l s.kout w in. low of the -ab, ran along the f-K.t!sird. and swinging out kicked the child in the forehead, knot-king it into the side dit.-)i. The train was stopped and the little one carried tothe house, the grandmother fainting at the sight. ( n the return the train w .is stopped and the child was playing in the yard. ( n its forehead van the mark made by Fireman Neiison's sh'ie w hen he kicked it out of fatal danger. Bioteri Acquitted. Union rows. Pa., June2L At the open in:; of court yesterday morning the jury In-fore whom the strikers charged with the killing of I'ngineer Paddock were tried returned a verdict acquitting the 27 d'-felidaiits. Out of the .'ill strikers chargul w ith the crime hut two were convicted. The charge against I K. havis, the only liefen.Lint yet in jail, w ill Is' w ithdraw n l-y the prosecution. Judge I'w ing sen tcn.iil Mike Furinainl John Hussar each to 12 years in th" penitentiary. The deputies arreted f .r the killing of John Mokaif and Stephen C.-ivna.-k, were given a hearing yesterday liefore Judge F.n in g. Four w ere held in ?2,io liil and one discharged. Foag'at to Kill Eii Wife. iiK iunvii.1. P.v., June 21. James o'Toole, a niarrieil man with live chil dren, w ent to a hardw are store this morn ing and luiught a revolver, saying he was g ling to sh.Kit his w ife. He was inter cepted by Otiieers William Green and JinM-ph Anderson. He drew a knife and was kn.kki-d down. While lying on the streit he drew his revolver and fired one shot at the poli.-emen and at the same lnie slashul his knife acro- his throat. The man was ii.-ke.l up in a dying condi tion, and the ihx-tors say he live. O'Toole has leen separate.! from his wife and he has Isi-ti trying to g.-t ioss ssion of hLs children. A Frightful Mine Siiaiter. IjONisN, June 24. An explosion oc curred yesterday in the Albion coal mine, at Pont-y-Prid. Wales, 'l he nuiulicr of il. :id is 2"-l. Many of the d.-ad Inslies w ere nianghil Is-yond rungnitiou. ( row ds of 111.11 ami women w ho have 11.K slept simv the exphsion, still sur round the pit, awaiting news from hus bands and brothers. ion of the mine in slow and dilliialt. owing to the Mocking of the galleries w ith dead horsi-s. Mixed FUon fsr Fluar Taie7ei. Hii.iiHt-otU). M K., June 21. To lind out Who was stalling hi-r Hour, Mrs. It jbin soti, a w idow of L'uitingtoti, mixed l'arijj gru-n in it, and four victims arc likely t) iie. Xie had Isi n missing Hour from her harrel every time she left the house. She d -tenuini.d to punish tle thieve., and ) 011 Monday mixed in the poiuin and 111 tale a visit to a in-ighUirto give th? par ties an opKrttinity to the Hour. The next morning a physi.-ian was summoned to a neighUiring family, na111.1l hay, and found them all deathly sick from isou. The woman c.iifesssl to making bread from Hour which came from Mrs. liohinson's liarrel. The doctor thiuks it doubtful if any of the fur vic tims recover. No matter how liar.l the times the one thing yon cannot air.ird to go w ithout is ALL the newiC If you want all the newa you get it in the Pittsburg IHrp-itch. The miVA publishes all uot a part only. STATE MILITIA OUT. Troops Sent to Quell the Eiotous Lem- onstratioos at Ponxiutawney. Tlie prolongiil strike in the Central Pennsylvania n:il ilistri.-t and the riots and disorder arising from it readied a crisis Thursday, when liovernor Patlison called out the Fifth and Sixteenth regi ments and tlieSheridan Troop, of Tyrone, to suppress mob violence in Jcirersoii county. fieneral John A. Wih-y, of Franklin, commander of the Siinil bri gade, was directed to take charge of the troops and rt-rt to Sheriff (iourley at Punxsutawney to assist him in restoring order and enforcing the luws. (iovenior Pattison rert-ivel a imsiKiige e:irly Thursday morning from Sheriff (Jourhy, of Jefferson eimnty. stating that a mob of 7it Italians with additional syinpniiiircrs had taken possession if Walston. "All my eudeavon in my cisiuty to secure deputies have li-n u-n h-ss," the sheritr a.ldul, "as the over whelming tiuiiils rs of the armed mob terrorizisi all, and the citizens here say-thi-y will submit to arrest la-fore going to certain death. I have exhausted my pow crs and rnpist the militia.n The ( Jovenmr had a hurried consulta tion w i'.h Adjutant (iencral (Jreeniand at which it to call out thetroops and orders were issued to the Fifth and Sixleeiiih regitm-nts. liefore tin- orders were sent out the authorities revoked lliiin, and at seven o'clock Thursday morning a telegram was sent to Sheritr (iourley acknowledging the reiiipt of his message and asking for exa-t parthn lars of the situation at once. This message brought the follow ing re sKtise from the sheriff: "Situation at WaNton unchanged. (Jrowing worse Mob still in possession of properties; have annul pickets out and they are 0011 troling the town. I cannot control the situation and again rupiit the militia to assist me." htiring the morning the governor ri-i-eivnl the following message by long distance telephone from Captain Thomas K. Clark, chief of the tial and iron p liee in the Cleartield region: "Sheritr C.Mirley was just here lo see me and requests me to send you this 1111-.-s-ige. He says the strikers. Hungarians and Italians, have taken ssession of Walston and the company plant, have scnrnl away the watchmen of the compa ny, took iiossi-ssion of the pump house, and the mini-, arc tilling with Water. They stand guard d iv and night w ith guns and lean- uolsniy in or out of tow n or the iiimpany works. They have stop ped ail trallie through the village by citi zens w ho live Im-voii.I Piiiixsutaw ney. They compel all the F.nglish sM-aking jieople who live within their lim-s to stand guard with them. They go into the houses and force them out at the siint of their guns. The sheritl' says he is h. er- I. -ss, and cannot get the law abiding in-o-ple to assist him. They are afraid. 1'he strikers nuiiils-r about l.unu.'' Sisiii after a messstge was niviviil fr.!ii Frank I, Shcppard. of Altoona, general suM-rintenileiit of Pennsylvania railroad, stating that the picket line of the miners extends around the mines so that no one but friends can get through to as-ertain the situation. There arc from ! to men in the mob and they have got all the arms they could get around Piinxsutaw ney. Three c ir loads of miners started from Philadelphia Wednesday night to work in the minis! of Iterw ind. White A" Co. They w ere in charge of ten picked depii liis armed with Winehisiters. Thursday aiterniMiii ( o-nenil (Jrivnlaiid rei-eive.1 a message from Captain Clark stating that lii Italian strikers laid all night on the railroad at a point two miles from his litus w ith guns watching for the shij ment of miners. They left at live o'cl.x k and fifteen minutes later the train passed thai point w ith the new men 0.1 '. i.:." l. Captain Clark says the strikers would undoubtedly have tin'- 1 at the train ifthey had Ihi-ii there. "My detective on the outside report a terrible state of a I1, airs at the village of Walston, two miles from my location," goes 011 Clark in the message. "The fanners are stopped on the outside and II. 4 allowed by the Italian strikers to rt-a. li Punxsiitawney and no business or tratlic is allowed from that s.-.-tioa. American lxirn citizens are force-1 to act as guards to keep every Is idy outside. The strikers do duty day and night as though they were authorized by law. We are shipping alxiut "" tons of coal daily. I expect 11 1 trouble here, but think they w ill attack the railroads and try to stop us that way," Prsxsi-TAWXKV, Pa., June 22. The State troop took Hssi-sioii of the I'ell, l'W is A" Yates property at Walston, Adrian and Anita, near this pia.-e, this iiioruiiig, w ithisit a protest from the for eigners who hive h.-en terrorizing this end of Jellerson (utility for the past tlirm days. Prig. 'en. John A. Wih-y assumed coinm-ind, and at !l o'clock the men were 111 ir. ln-1 to Walston and Adrian. The Italians and Hungarians who Ui I Us n doing picket duty aliotit the idle works and w ho had Isi n coinpelling Amerii-aii strikers to assist them, lied like a herd of stani)ede.l cattle at tin; upproa-h of tlie militia. In their llight they .iok with them their luunitious of war, tinnp-isiil of old style gnus aud pistols and a few wc.ip.uis of their own manufacture, w hieh they calinl cinnon. ( iie of the alleged cannon w as captured by a d. ta.-liiu-ut of the Fifth Ki-giment this nftern.i-in. It was m i l" of a hl.i -k o ik butt, into w hich a three-inch gas pipe h id been inserted. It was then clnuiptii withh'avy iron and was loaded w ith naiis and small pieces of iron. A p w der fuse was a!tach".l to it from the top. The nfl'icers regard it as a dangerous implement. K-irly this m i.-uiiig, w h-'ii th-' Fifth K -giment and Sheridan Tr.sin were lin ing up the mountain to this pla.--'. tiiey eneouiitere 1 a iiand of aKu! strikers from .--(. Ia and other mining towns. Four e in;.ini.s of th? soldiers were promptly ordered The strikers kept up a furious noise until lhe soldiers were insight of them; they were then sur rounded by the troops and for a time they allow ed tilit. After the soldier had li"n distrih ite.l ah ut in tightins s!i ie, C d. Thed.ire Kurehtiel.i g;ive the onler, "Forward, march." Instantl the strikers were giv en the same command from their leader. "Make," shouted C..1, Purchliel.L There was mi ominous rattling of arms a few more hurrie 1 orders and the four companies closed in on the hand of strik ers. The colonel, as every Ixxly else, regard ed the "forward, nnreh" order of the strikers as proposing nil attack. It w.n just the time for tlisapjieariiig. however, and the order really meant for the strik ers to hunt cover. They ilis ij.p.-ared into a ihi-p ravine and were lost. I't.NxsrTAWNKV, Pa., June 2.1. The tr.sips stationed here and the wives of Hungarian and Italian strikers fought a half dozen blisslli-ss l:ittle about the Adrian mines tiwhiy. The soldiers were kept busy from early morning until late to-night keeping the women and children from mobbing the n..-n w lp w ent to work f -d:iy. Croting tko Atlantic V'siially involves sea sickness. When tlC waves play pitch and toss witlj yon, strong indeed must Is- tl)C stoitpu-l) tl:.( can stand it w ithout revolting. Tonr'-is, i-.U!iien ht travelers yachtsmen, marin. ers, all testify that lbs hsn-tter's stomach Hitters is the ls-.t reiiuslv for the nausea exK-rienis;iJ in rough weather 011 the wa ter. Xervirtis and weak travelers liy land often suifer from something akin to this and find in the bitter its surest remedy. Xo disorder of the stomal he, liver or lmw els Is so oiwtinatc tlutt it may not lie over come hy this prompt and thorough reme dy. Kipially efficacious is it for chills and fever, kidney and rheumatic trouble and nervousness. F.migTants to the fron tier should provide themselves with this fine uitilieinal safeguard against the ef fect anil vicissitude of climate, hardship, c xjiure and fatigue. Nevt htan P.y its ne.r diro-tory Chi.-:igi now claims a optilaiioii of I.Too.ik'. Mrs. Lizzie ILilli-lay, who murdensl lur huslia'id and Sarah Jane and KleaiM.r Metjnillan, was nmvicted of murder in the first degree at Monti.i llo, X. Y. Lrastn Wimaii was W.ilniKlay s.-n-teiiii-d to five ye:irs and six months ini prlsoniiieiit l-y Justice Ingr.ihain in the Couri of Oyer and Terminer in New York. The Kev. hr. John IL Paxton has paid hLs tine of 1 in New York for ncghs-t-ing to risnrtl the n-nitietite of the si-rtt marriage of Col, W. C. P. P.rii kinri.lge and Mrs. Wing, w hich he s rC. in April, l-Ol. A cable dissitcli hriugs the iuteili-gen-e that there lias ls-n a very severe earth.jtiake in the cily of Tokio, Jajiaiu The disiiteh gave the as5surani- that all the niLssionaric. were safe. The damage to the Kpisropal mission lui!dings is estimatdl r.t cl.le'. An appeal to court taken by a former Iniard of commissiioners of Armstrong (iHinty on SitVto stirchirged against them hy the county auditors has result ed in a verdict against the commission ers. That sum together with tiie costs w ill aggregate cl.i w hi- h the ex-com-missi.rtiers will h lve to pay. htiring the thunder storm on Thursday morning the residence of Andrew Snyder, near Willow llr ivo, N. J., was struck l-y lightning. The el. .-trie current ran down the chimin-y, a lil room and tore the U d.stead, on which Mr. and Mrs. Snyder were sleeping, to spintcr. It then passed out of the room, set the Insist on tire and spent its fon-c in the cellar. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder were litli uninjur ed. Will Iloper, w ho was a wilui-sst in a niuiiU-r of Internal Revenue and White Cap cases, w as taken from his home m-nr ha'.ton, (Jcorgia. a week ag-, by live niasktil men. lie was w hippul, sh.4anl thrown into an atndom-. mpm r pit, sixty feet d.vp. For a wnk Ros-r managed to live, chew ing r.s.ts w hi. ll he found at the Isitt.-m oftheshaft. Isit w hen he was discovered .Monday he was near ly deaiL Linti.ln Neb., was visited by one of the worst storms in its history Thursday night starting minors outside that Lincoln had lieen d.-itroyeiL The strn-ts were tillnl with people when tiiestonn bmke. For ten or fifteen iiiimit.-i there wit 110 rain, hut the airwa fuil of everything sn-table. Papers luiski Is, Wisslcn sidewalks and branch. st of tni-s and dust lill. -l tin- air. A numls-r of large buildings were unroof ed. Then rain fell in torrents. Jonathan Watson .lied at Clifton Springs New York, a few days since. He w as 7-" years of age and 'nine to Penn sylvania in 1MU. In ls..!i the first oil we'd was drilled on M r. Watson' land near Titusville. Mr. Watson sold his land to Fasteni oil companies at prin-.. One farm brought sl.uio.itai. It is said that he drill. -d oil wells iind. rspirit guid-ani-es. Iiozens of dry hohsi and the panic of IsTr; crij.ple.l his resottris;-. a poor man. A future King of F.uglan.l wa born at iK') o'i ln-k evening. The hilchess of York, who is the daughter-in-law of the Prince of Walts, gave birth ill White Ianlgc to a Imy, w ho w ill day sit upon the gm-ati-st throne on earth, if hi- lives to mature years and the dynasty is not overthrown l.y the coining of a r" public. The event has caused a thrill of loyal (iitasy thr.Highout Lugland. Crow ds of chu riiig thousands the bulletin lioards, which announced the joyous tidings. Thestorii-s of the career of the late ilistinguishul Henrys. Ins, Na)ohin of Finan.v, put King Midas, Monti- Cristo and other gilded xH.'Utat.-t into tin- shade in the line of siatlliiig e!l'cct.-. Ives start ed at IS a green farmer's Imy, oil a salary of ?2 a week. It t'Hik him two years to force hi salary up to ylOa w n-k. In l.-ss than a year after that he had in ci,ini. six months later lie had "made" Ss."., .".U, and I -fore he was 22 hid "milk ed" tt2.irM.uia out of a single railroad. The next year his assi ts mounted to c2l,i", ip. All this accomplish,-, I in just four yi-.trs. Then Is-gau the dc.-iine, which ended in his death at '. Certainly all history has failed topr.Mluceanoptier su.-h pyrotechnic display in the financial heavens as this. A TfilSUTE TO PRFACHEES. Free Trips to Egypt, tlie Holy Land tni Europe for Five of them. The Pitts! hi rg, w hi. h is always doing some! hing out of the common, an nounces its intention of paying all th - ex-peiis.- f a triji to Kgypt, tin- Holy lmd and tiie capitals of Ktirope, to Is- taken by the five preacher nii i nre vot-.l most popular by its r-aIcr. The voting w ill liegin next Monday, July 2, and will -n-tiuue for six months. Kvery ln-.ition day during that time The 7VM'. w ill print a coupon, w hich, when properly tilled out and sent toliie Kxe-.irsi.m hepartnient of the Pittsburg 7'oin-x w iil count as one vote. After theiNt ofh -.cinb-r the vote w ill Is- e mtite l, and the live preacher w ho have, received the greatest nuuils-r of votes will lie in it'-1 1 make tiiis won derful tour as the gu.sts of the Tim'. The tour w ill isi-'ipy a!ut ten weeks. The departure of tin party from New York w ill Ik so timed as to enable the tourists, traveling by easy stages, to spend Holy Week ill Jerusalem. Kit route there w ill le stops at Uihcraliar, (ii noa, Naphs, Alex:mdi ia, Cairo, lsinalia, Jalf i, Ramleh and Jerusalem. At each place there w ill be abundant time to see mul study ail the object of ii.ter-st. The return trip w ill !.- by way of Turin, the Mt. Ci-nis Tunnel, Paris London and Southampton. The party will K- by a represen tative of the 77on. who, in addition to paying every cent of theexciiso incurred, w ill attend to every il.-:ail iie.i..s;iry for the ininfort and eiijoymciit of the guest of the TVmic. The aoiimm.Hlatious every where w ill Ie the bot money can buy. The Timm has Is-eu heartily commended for providing vacation trip for the public school tea-, hers. Its determination to do something for the preachers of Pennsyl vania, Ohio, West Virginia and Maryland is certain to lie eipially popular, and the plan of the tour which is outlined above is so magnificent that the contekt w ill Is? lively from the start. The Timrx is the lending newspaper of Pennsylvania and gives all the news for one cent a day. If you are not already a reader, order the Tim:' from your newsdealer at oiu-e. If there is no agent for the Tiuu- in your l.s-ahty, write for term to agents and an opportunity w ill Ik-given you to increase your in, -.inie w ith little trouble. Hot Water From a Well. LkhanoV, Pa., June i!. Hot water is pouring from a well .'t feet deep at J. A It. Meily's furnace. The- well wa lutrcd 15 years ago aud until re-ently the water w as coh) and clear. A gradual change ha come over it and now the water i hot. The strange phenomenon is puz zling the people iu that vicinity. Lawn Kowers. A ljanilsouie line and cheap. For sale hy Jas It. Hoi.i.Kitr.Af v. WHY? Sltoul.1 cer- ic, if In need of a pure siim U'ant for itmliriital urpn , tfu lo lf Fil r. al UT lUi-au-.- lie will lin.I tit.- lar.-st st.s-k lo m li-t at Invest pri.i-. Tlie Kye VVhi.-kl.-s an- all from lhe tum-st ami U-st known ilis'lllerii-i and sol.! at tlie following lirLs-s: 2-y.T rsjlit at film ts rpallon; .Vy.-urs.ld nt iiil; 4-ear-l.f nt Si-iO: (i-v.-urs.l.l Mt K-yi-tirold at ff.VJ; 13 anil 12-yinr-ol.l at $V; St. Hi-lcna, ('Mlilonii.i, olil,-t 11 u J hci wines, 10 bnmils ilrj- and sw.vt, at JI.V per gallon; klilue win', imp. Sherry. Maileria, I'ort aud 1'ina.n, at lowest figure. Xo extra ciiarjfe fiMr iuckiiitf. (iill or acini 6.r price list at A. ANDRIESSEN Ks, Fuleral St., AUi-gheliy. Telephone i4. 3 3 o 3 3 O a 03 T3 0 O CO Si) -1 OQ 5' O o o CL (A D 3 CL Z o mmm o 3 tn o o 3 o o c a o 3 O O o c 3 ft- O -t (0 o o 3 era 13 m 9? m 3D o o O c o c r-t 0 o p CO -a o o mmm tL v V M 3 MrsALUhl. My stock of sea-ionaMe wash Dress Goods is large and cheap. Consisting in Part of : liMnch Irish Itwns, figured and slriiil. White ami colornl iliniiiii-s. lMain & tiijureil l'n-i-s, very pn-tly. All ra.l.-s of Dri.s I ititrhauis, at low prics. Crinkled t iiiiL'haiiis. Wool ami Cotton Challii-s, from up. Aiiurinin ami Fivm-li Sattim-s, all I'luiii -trisil ami plain Nainsook. 4 " India Iiwns. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF DOTTED SWISS, FOll DKC-SHS & DRAPKUV. A Iare line of vard w ide t' lVrctdcs in many d.-sins. Hamlstune rriiu-is I hicks, l' ltistiis. in many styli-s. A Great I'ariety of While, Cream, Kcru ami Jilack Laces for Trimming. All widths ami styles of braides for Press Tritninin. All colors Moire Silk, Chano-i-ahie Silk, Surah Silk, etc, for trim wing and waists. A complete line of Series, Henri etta. and fancv Wool and Silk Iress Goods. Cheap Wool Dress Goods in proat variety. Baly Dresses and Ci!y Coats, long and short Baby Caps and Ilats to suit all All kinds of goods for Children's Dresses. Lace Curtains from .Oo. a pair up. Scrim from 5 to K'e. A large assortment of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Under wear. Beautiful Table Spreads, cheap handsome ties in Silk and Cot ton. Silk Gloves and Mits jn great vari- The best line of CORSET.? to be found. Hundreds pf articles in Notions, and Triminiugs that cannot be found eiicwhere. The best line of FAST colored. Stockings, either in Black or Colors. hSummer Opening Mil!inery Goods, The largest, most stylis-h and cheap est." Don't forjre that with the extreme low prices 0tren.1l, you have a chtimv to jn-t a part (if the ltt) On, thai we tn now giving to our customer-. Mrs. A. E. UHL. ISUGAR MAKERS SUPPLIES, WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF - - - - Syrup Cans Sap Buckets, $a- " Spouts, Gathoring Bucket ""Sugar Pans, Etc., at rock bo, torn prices for cash. WE HANDLE THE BEST P. A. Main Cross Street, ..... RAINjORSHINE THE FURNITURE STORE OF C. H. COFFROTH IS OPENED PROMPTLY EVERY MORNING, AND HE gives : : : BARGAINS EVERY DAY. - - - ADMISSION FREE The Storo is Accefsible to all Highways, Byways an! : : : : Sidewalks. : : : : ?tyles are bright and merry a.s you please. More pretty Furniture t!.i jou thouglit we had. -:--:-A HINT HERE AND THERE:::- U all wc have space to irive you. You must see them. You'll ui. li.r-u:.. C. H. COFFROTH, jVJaio Crco Street. Great Inducements. Goods reduced in price in every lino, Dry Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Lace Curtain. Ladies' Coats, c. Xow is the time to buv ti save money and get something good. JAMES CUNTON STREET, Th A CKta v. r-i r-i ... V :ni'. S5, V jm ThisistheBesSv 1- v DEALERS who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain custonicrs, which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods. 17 iTord Ut BrU mt m W profit, u.1 w brlirra you ran tuow b hatiur mil jour but wear C the dealer advsniMnl below. Catalucaa fr npoa appliuUiou. J. D. MILLEK & SOX, Rockwihio, l. IB, &c jB. Quality, Style -- - and Price. tli:tn ttniiti.-iry iiii n-wt t tr -u?.i!Mrs, r Ui-'ll Hot tltU MAIL ORDER BUSINESS :wtnuiitiiiK :i It 1k-s t htimlnN of lhi untls anttiuiliy. Nw Ftil'Ii1 Styl' I Suiting- ft il:ll-r'iil ttWrtiiir-4 I- iiM-li" wiil. 0't! "4-ril. N-w titit'r iin-l rrrt Suitin',- 4 ti in 1m -, T5, t' t" i 20 yar-1. Tlw- arv lif hjfU' ir fnnu Ltrv. p-ii--ri)iint' of lim Mylioh oni.f.tnt r-:nw:il f i:--t. in.t t ylth I r- i nN, siik nnd i:!iti2' yii n -h;nu- tmyiit ! it-l.i;" f:itrn-H al tut -fore ihnMikil.out itu ntiiv n-"H) and aiMasut LESS PftlCCS. Moxt :mt :irtiu-iil f N-Ity T:ff-r:i aii-l I:nt ia si 1 li mt-'vt- tvr imwii tV-, T V. ivV, U 4hnm1 tiuhty rintii Itn!iii siik- Navy and i;ui k nunt vrilh Hiiif- r:iititt 23 aim 35ft; y:nL WSM GOOH rrkAPTMT : ir'--i-izt-I j:on HI ii-ll ;uiim U'lliioit ptnt:U I. I.iiu'U FU Siittiiiir iin-In -?4 w:l O'' : yard. Kim i;iU'-.i floih :ai iiu K.!i;i';. v If.i,d-SMit Ini-k sniMiitf- 4i; tmili iTiii NavYunit l'ink and I'.hn' slrik.- r wlnti irnmtiiij .ki in-lM nit- as-''-- Kit Krt-i'.i-h 'rs-uwlii-Uiiuttl't.l in tMruit4l Kr.ii!t J:mi-I 'r-anli- r o-t r:i:t :ttr :;l iiirhi- id.- 20"-,; ! lot ln'. Zhyr iii.jriinm.'i j;o tt'loiTK, Il-Ul UTlll i'A) UHlilT U'lilt - 13 1 2' a yard. I'litonil !Hn k Suidiir in I'lain rfilora and iit-:l rtfir-t uml li- j int-h- wiiit Uk-, i.V, Jl. ! flm-M tU vt. Wni oun M. o orT. fr Kitiiol.-. t!lu tnld iiiil't;u umi ri-t mi ' 1 1 Mn 1'iini ! way trf rTiniiiirul buying -anti Vil if--! Hir air'ii:it-. Boggs & Buhl, ALLEGHENY, PA. SALESMEN M1,: li-rot NURStrY STOCK ..! SEED POTA TOES l.lni.KAI. 011.AKV miiihiii.. 3I'" wnrklf. ftTmtwnl an. uvii'( KiSITUiNS lo f.l m n. r(vil ir. Inrt .nu lo b-stiuiiera. KXULl -I VE TKKklTuKV given If deMnd. Write al oiw-e for lerun to ' THE HAWKS NURSERY CO., Rochester, N. Y. TE ART AMATEUR. Best fad Largest Practical Art Magazine. lITie only Art pnrtudii-sl Jinle4 Medal t lhe WoriU fair. 1 l.inuu i'Ht . aii -io triA tn m"i' 'Srir I r'anlf nrt H Klf IM V kr'mn baWirui 11 send to UT one Q ilicalioa a npv-i m 1 wrb e.i'iir plates- II I UK aB'l.H mipple J J I UII I Ul,. we will ml iurmiuuii.2 Iflln 1.UUI: torn csiot mill) m-nUir buii ...i..' or Fflr? we will TU1 alsn -Painlina V'l -J Ijr Bujinncrt-f.op,,,,. MONTAGUE MXRKS, 23 Uflioii Square, New York. IMPOKTA.1T TO ADTSSTISITRS. . Tbeeream of th enuntr-r iai Id b.n.1 In Ecmington'e County 8t Lists. Shrewd ureru.-wn Taa thecxselres of iLrse lista, a, eocy or m-hica can be had of E.-miutrton Bnm, of Xcw Tork k PStutwrg. Maple Evaporator on the Ma: ket at less than half the pr;v asked for some others. It "pay you to get our prices bc!or; buying. SCHELL, Somerst, p QUINN.v -JOHNS TOWN P SW, L, DOUGLAS 4mWK stot. n w VT GEMLNE Urn WELT. Ic-". Bollo!n Walmmof. Bel Shoe wU jt ..he pria, S4 and S3.50 Dress Shoe. (.'.isii in WctlL, cusliag trout u 5o 00, o ana o J!:;uUu,u,i!in VCa.S3.50 Police S2.50, ar Shoe. 3 fiolfii. and S2 Shocf, L nuaiis-a Bt the Ttrtce. Boys S2 4 SI.75 Sohooi Sho?! LADIES' 3, S2.50 S2, $1.75 In liav worM. All ttt- i-Kula hiM-K, N&b luia rlw utiHNil ua jt bottom, ttrm ktua f Mm. 115. SIS Fifteen Dollars ha.s a power to draw, if correctly invested, which heats a lottery. For Fifteen Vo Jars you can draw a nice Cha-mxr Suite no hlank ticket;. Every Fifteen Dollars deposited pet3 one Suite SURE. It's like getting dol lar for dollar. You have seen or heard of our $16 Suite. What yon saw or hear! of in that Suite yon can fiud in this and more, you save a dollar too. which is an item to most of n.. One thing sure, if you buy one of . these $15 Suites yon get a reliaMe article from a reliaMe firm. The Suite will "stand by ' you and we " stand hv " the Suite. HENDERSON FURNITURE CO., JOHNSTOWN. PA. Promoted riea-e note thi in your Mi n r.m dum Hook, STENGER. THE DRY GOODS MAN, -JS. JOHNSTOWN. stay at lij old stand, but t!? o. has been changed from 227 to 515. We Shall Continue Our Oli Mntto Kcit values l I J I IU ,can afford for wt;- PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE FOR W0M!l localiM B;aalifJ anl HeaUhfuL : K-V.-tl. nl Cirllliitss ft.r tin- .ludy. f 'I1.1 -' ; l.-s. .MuOlrl.utlits,. Uls.rv n.i 1 11" "'" j Mii-iinii.l Vrt. ThonMiicli work : lJ'"", n.s., -;il.inttji an.l l hiiui.iiiiii. ir "' . s..i-iniM-r 1:'. lsn. rlv .ii.-iii. J--" lii.-. hor-tutl; l. I'KXXXV I.VA X I A 1 1 .l.I.Ki ;K K -V. W-M -" 1 llUsburg, I'j. J I "HHIWO-W