A DEGRADED PEOPLE. Tfco D3scendants of Indian EiaiJta ia Kow Tori Stato. Umd lopl " futai.t M Lolly I (oa tUe Irults of th Hunt. The little fctore at Slayback's settle ment, i the wild region ax-ut the hea.hvars of the Delaware nver. in l!aware and Sullivan counties, has brioi!? it wtomtrs fine wlio are un a.'.uotoiiv tlte queenvt lot ti.at v. r J.aJ oe.-a".-iun t-j tra.i.- at anvl-o .v s H. ,re, savsa IVll.i (S. Y.) corropoUt, eut of tl.e New York Sun. Th.-r are a race entirely to themselves and live in the wiMenxess far away from any other h-.rnan habitation, if their orn hablta i:.jnsmaTbeli.rr:ified with the name of I. uman. for they are the rudest of huts, i.ui'.t of ..11 tnvtnmlis. D-rush. nind and od.is and en-is of blabs and other refuse lumber. None of these huts are more than eight Teeth:??!, and chim neys or m indoivs are unknown to them. There are about two hundred of tbes people, men, women and children, and they are all related to one another re lated in such a way that they are of an extremely low orsi-r of physical and neiital development. They are known by three family mimes the Shanes, the Walshes and the Macartys but l,o-.v tin y came by them no one knows. There origin was peculiar. Mire than a century afro, v hile a rxl many Indians still turned on iieirold buiitinc-and fihir.? prounds i the upper Delaware wiidcroe-vs a r t in f:x:ixi!v named Miar.non settled near t!ie healwatenof the IV .pacton branch of the Delaware. Thev were father. i 1 . T, Mother mill turee oaBirnwra. mother died soon after they came into the region. The eldest daughter lelt borne and lived with an Indian hunter brown as Shanks, who had a cabin in t I at vicinity. Some time after tuat r father was found dead with a bul t throixirh bis brain. Who w as bin let urd.rer was never found out. Ills r other two daughters joined their sister j,t the Indian's cabin, and for several rs the three women lived w ith the re: J. unt.-r. J'-aumfr i-xe me oi wiaxi-!. Hi b 4:oft;ie sisu rs bad nine children thi-ir Indian lord, and when he left region and went to Cana la, never the t. li re t H v . t... in return, they remained, ana I'.cre ix-oph- living in IVlan are county ilav who retneiiiNT them as oll ::;en, It-fjriny and thieving1 eWut e.miitry. Tlieirnumerous progeny ."married and the Treent v. retehed ol. ny in the mountains Icyonil the vl.aek settlement are deseen.lants ,.f tl :n to the third and fourth peiicr- n. o one ever knew one of tliese J-eo-t have money. They have no um; moiiev. Thev ere expert C-her- I" f-r en. trappers and hunters. They W. '.'S lish. frame, furs, nuts ana lierries the Slavback store and trade theia in: f r such things as they re'iuire. and th a: e'r wantsore few. Tobacco, por; and munition are the chief items in their oplies. They all chew and smoke, the ni.eTi and childi en as well as the men. n.; v. i iu. the stronger the tooacco tlie lK.-t- t r it s..!; , theia. Thev are not (riven h to strong drink, but even under stimulation of alcohol they arc dull sullen. A jn-euliarity of these I -iivaj'es is their indi-poMtion to :. Whether thev ore communiea- nun tb bl. tal t: v. n mi lie"- t h.-rii-ives is not known. but with others they use no words Ik- J ti.t what are necessary in their Lusi rs ilea'inirs. There are many mutes ion " the children of the nreseiit L'en- Her ami t-rat iou and deformities are almost the rule. The momenta stranger njproaches my of the huts of this colony, every man. w.in.an or child who may lie iu siu'ht instautlr scurries avvav and div ers, but presently unkempt heads If wen cautiously appearing at :s and cracks in the ramshackle" apis w'lll chin! hove: icN and wild eyes will peer out at intruder. There are no useful do st io animals to W been anywhere nit, but many wolfish looking dofrs. wild and sdMi. ious as their owners. tl, 111 al as w crowd and w hine about the huts. The complexion of this strange tribe is uni formly a muddy yellow ia color. It is a sinrubir fact that, notwithstanding the lack of moral sense and responsi- 1.-1:1 they amonjr those degraded people, hare tpparontly no inclination he commission of crime against immunity at lartre. as the records courts for half a century show, live fciixdutcly by and to them- . ui.'l li.-:tl rr j'fim 1.w rir bn.-. i- f .r t the of : Th feel arnt hint' l yon.i.the bare obtaining of a subsi-tence which at its lest is but tea u L TARDY REWARDS OF GENIUS Mill.f. H ijii and III (Imtrit rlut lc. -Iu jth od tb Woodcutter." A few- days atro, writes the I'aris v.r resp. indent of tlie I'hi'.adelpl.ia Tele praph, there passed away from a trouldous life the widow of the treat arti-t, Jean Ikiptiste Irancois Millet. It i rather a fommentary on ti.e strj.r..a- ways of this world, the fact that the man wl.-.-e picture. TAnt?e lus."' brought so fabulously hiph a price. S..1.1 that end many nther mas-terjii.-ees for sums ranlr.p from iifty to two hundred dollars apiece, and after toilii. iuiseml.lv and hopelessly in the vain eff. .rt t earn money enouph to keep the v.o'f from his shabby d.r suddenly broke down under the strain and died .f a tna'a iv brought on by anxiety and privation, not knowinxr that his fame would speedily be lauded t.i the shies. His family survived to see the ajvo-theo-i f his ph ry: br.t w hether the fact of "The Ar.pelu"briiip inT at a sale over one hundred thousand dollar-, con s.iled the artist's wi.io-.v f t the fact that, w ithin a week aficr t!is amount e-f money had Wen jmid for her hus band's work, she herself, then in the depths of poverty, was ejected from her little house at lkirbizon b- the fore closure of a mortpae for t v. o thousand dollars End, had it not ls-en for the charity of her son-in law, would have Ibeen reduced to Wpping her bread, is an unsohed mystery. Millet's preatest woik remains in IV.ris it is the property, I think, of Mine. Charcot, w idow of the preat phy sician, w ho inherited it from her father, the celebrated millionaire tailor. Lau rent nit-hard. It is called "IV'sth and the Woodcutter." The pri-!v form has laid one in.ny hand on the shoulder of the old and weary man, bendinp under his load of wood; and the w..rn. hatf pard face is raised in absolute ecstasy to intH-t the sau:moi:s. ine hand is l xsonir.p the cord that binds hi bur t'.en of branches and the other is laid w illingly in the weleomii.pclu-pof the tlreat Consoler. It is not an illustra tion of Laf .ntaine's fable; it is ixiiTfi; the utter weariness of life of an unsuc cessful and wretched man, translated and transferred to canvas w ith the in tensity of personal expression that transforms talent into momentary penias and renders penius transcend--ut- WWi.Y IS HOCILTY Allien lied iha s-?reni-Th- :Tjrnm suppirt of a cener- tuac and cervxne. Tbcy re tired eut or -ruu-dvwn."' This is frequently the result of '" weak lieEs," and it makes life miserable. Are you wuxk. rjerv ous. (T axli up ! Then IT. i'M-ree's Fuvcrile I're senption bring you tptcial help. It's a reledv TirpstT:!! for felicato women, for ail the deriuciiieiits, disorders, and fib-uses of tk ml. For reijukitiiis: and promoting ail the proiiw f uuetiuus, buildics up and uivipormt Utg tiie entire system, and restoring bralth and strength, tht b th only remedy that can be guarunUd to beuelit or cure, or th taout-y miii be reXunded. It has Btood tlie test of a quarter of a century of caret lr. Sage's Cfltarrh lmely. That's why the proprietor take the. rut; they say: "If we can't evre tout Catarrh," w e will pay you twin ca?h!" ft ft mm March, April, May. Mrrh. Anrii and May are the arches of a bridjre which bind the season of ice to that of rosea. Therefore, the spring- is a trying time for the average person. The fvstem at this season of ths year eitxply needs cleanaicjf; remove the iai- from the blood, cure the grow ing trouble, constipation and you will be able to battle with the coming seasons ia nerfeet health. Ir. Pavid Kennedys Favorite Remedy, more than any other medicine will do this for you. It wul purify and dissolve the exeew of uric uri, in the b'ood. dispel that worn out feelinir, make you eleep aaJ eat well. It is prescribed by physicians everywhere for jurt this purpose. Druggists sell it for f 1 a bottle. Wife (late to breakfast) Mercy ! That cook has rained this uteak '. One end is burnt black and the other end is raw. Husband t who came down early,! Tisn't burnt at all iuet nice and brown. The other end is little rare, but 1 like it that way. Xonsense! Ill ring for the cook at once. Cook's sick. Then who broiled the steak ? I did. LSucklen s Arnica Save. The best Salve in the world for CuU, Bruiiies, Sores, ricers,Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapid Hands, Chil blains. Corns, and all Skin Frui tions, and positively cures Tiles, or no pay re quired. It i guaranteed to give perlect ssttififiction. or money refunded. Trice 2.) centa per bor. For sale by J. X. Sny- dei. Deserving Praise. We desire to sav to our citizens, that for years we Lave been selling Ir. Kief's New Iiseovery for Consumption, i'r. Kind's New Life Tills, Butkien's Arnica salve and Electric Hitters, and have nev er bandied remedies tiiat sell as well, or that have eiven such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not fallow their use. These remedies have woo their great populari ty purely on their merits. J. X. !syier, I impost High Rank. "I beg your pardon, but did I under stand you to say your rank wr.s gener al?" " Yes, sir ?" " United States Army ?" "Xo, sir." "State Militia?" "Xo.sir." "Salvation Army?" " Xo I" "What thin?" "Industrial Army." A Million Friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed, and not less than one million people have found just such airiend inlr. King's Xew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. If you have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful cura tive powers in all diseases of throat, chest and lunps. Kah bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at J. X. Snyder's drug store; large bottles .Vl.-ts andtl. The sub committee on horses and car riases for the national encampment of the O. A. K. at rittsburg, next autumn, have de eded that there will be at least two thou sands saddle horses needed the day of the parade. These are to be furnished, without equipments, at the uniform rateoftlper day. Ai!ju:nt-(ieneral James F. Meech, of Lynn, Mas?., ba made application f-r three hundred hor5 ! jr the sta;f of Commander-in-Chief John .;. I!. A iauis. Only the Scars Remain, "Among the many testimonials wl.ieh I ee in regard to certain medicint-5 perfi.nti Ing cures, cleansing the blood, etc.," writes bLMlV Hl'IS0 cf the James S-ni:tU W.olen Machinery Co., rtiilaut-lphia, I'a., uoiie impress me n.re than my own case. Twenty years ago, at the age i f Is years, I had swellings come ou my legs, w luca l.roke and became running cores. Our family pli siciaiiroulil do uie no good, and it w as (eared that the bones loulil Lie aftectt'd. At last, my rood old mother nrged me to try Ayer's Siirsapanlla. I took tiiree bottles, the sores liealeJ, !ti and I have not been troubled since. Onlvtlie ;1 memory of the past, to remind me of the cood Ayer's Samparilla hudnat me. I now weili two hundred aud twenty pounds, and am in the best oi keahli. I have been on the road I.ir tlie pust twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Siirsaparilia advertised in all parts oi the United States, and always take pleas ure in telling what good it did for me." For the cure of all diseases oi iginating ia Impure blood, the best remedy is AYER'S Sarsaparilla rrrprvd by Dr. J. C. Ayer t Co, Lowell, Mm. Cures others, will cure you The Woes of a Drummer. "Why Jon't I 14;? repeated the commercial traveler. "Well, to te?!l the truth, my proforasion is a bur. "You thought traveling men were es peeia'.'r attractive to the women? Yes, I know. They are to a certain claes, bat it is not bo easy for a commercial trav eler to get acquainted ith the kind of a girl that a fi-llow would marry. Y'ousee, prudent mammas have been taught to look with siisj-ieion on men in our busi ness. "I think it is very unjust myself, andjit it my be due in great part to the mean jokr tlie newspapers print abont us. Bjt it is true just the eame. " I often meet niie girls and try to cul tivate tl.e'.r acquaintance, w ith a view to well, there's no knowing w hat might happen. "Eut as soon as the mamma of any cf those nice girin hears that I am a com mercial traveler I find that the progress of the ac jnaintanee is checked. The mammas dou't take the trouble to in quire about my individual character, which, I think, is as good as the average. The fact that I am on the road is enough. "Many a pleasant acpnintance which mirfht have led to something more seri oas has been spoiled for ine in this way. I have about made up my mind that un less I change my business and outlive ths memory of it, which would take rather too long for a man of my age, I must diean old bachelor." ISilu L. - Featherstone Will your aister be down soon, Willie? Willie I guess so. She is changing ber dress. Featherstone (impatiently ) What is she doing that for ? . Willie She said she wanted to put cn so uii thing that didn't rumple. PAINT cracks. It often costs more to prepare a house for repainting that has been painted in the first place with cheap ready-mixed paints, than it would to have painted it twice with strict ly pure white lead, ground ia pure linseed oil Strictly Pure White Lead forms a permanent base for repaint ing and never ruis to be burned or scraped ofT on account of scaling or cracking. It is always smooth and clean. To be sure of getting strictly pure white lead, purchase any of the following brands: "Armstrong & McKelvy," ' 3e--Eer-Eauii&s." ' Da vis -Chambers," "Fahnestock. Fob Coi.ops . XatinrilTLead Co Tart W m ! t.-il T.min); Cf.--.rs, a onwund can u. a j5-.uim1 kr i( Lt-jd swim outon H uts, raves t n-.e an-1 at:rif.va:ire in notching -h i it-?;. ifiuirt llie bcs .uinl ihit it is Jos--lie!..-t.toixjoi. . . . s.:ii'i -..s a v:a card and pet r-t:r rvK.r on , i::- ti i : . i - o.i.rHard. free; it tt.ii j.iobabl mv uu .-l Ui:. du:.f NATIONAL Ll.AU CO., Xt- Ycrk. 1 r.re 1. tk-uuit Xat.jna! i'-u.!u.i j f:t;s! urg. Jo Liniment t-lKE any OTHek J v STRICTLY TTor FAJMTLY Use. Dropocd m nr-r.r mftennr cniidreii love to Uke iL fcvtry Motner tncuia irnc i house, it 1u:i!v rt.irvcs and cures a.l aches and pa;m. asllira. bronchus. coii. cwintis caurrh cuts. ch::ps. t hiililiias. colic, criers morbus earache. hraJ-cbe. hocy.mg cor a. tnflarnniatiou. la gr.J.pe. lamtut.. munii.s. muscular soreness, sicuralgia. nervous bead, ache rheuruaiisra. Mies, buiris. b:ui.es. strains. furains.stxBi's,6e;iixi:s.stif! joints sot e throat. oreluai;s thache, totisiiit-.s and mI co.ic. OrixriuJ'ed in l-i by the bit- In. A. Joliirson. Fam;!y I'hv-ician. Its ir.erit ar.d cxcrllruce have sati-rird everrbolv J r nearly ceiif.irt' Ail whoueitareamaicd at its w.certu! jjuer. It is tale, tor'thin?. satisfvine: m -v trek, aensitive uferers. t -ed Internal and Exterr.il. Th IVirtoe'a suroaturw and direction oa TVTT Uatla. IM .1 i l-xmi-h!. t s eerywa. Vn-f. X. , t bli i,IUv ii. L a. J -llNao. Al tu. Iketuo. FARQUHAR 'PATENT VARIABLE FKICPON FEED Best Set Works in trie World. Saw Mill & Engine Beceived the Medal and Highest Award at the World's Columbian En position. Wavrrmrrtfd t! bt suds Shinrie Miii. Msvch oerr aal txidrtl Arricait -irJ Jiiapi-mrit il H -t Kii u at l"WMt prtc4. heod ior I: ia.M ratetl Ctvlo'J. A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd., YORK, PEN N A. MINOPS DENTIFRICE. beautifies the teeth, preserves the gums, sweetens the breath, Benefits the Throat. SAFE AND AGREEABLE. Everybody uses It. Everybody praises it. The Teeth. Kcthirg everdtscover--! hitrn the 'l - u. a.- m:ik;y fcaieiy a Mm-JT IEST 1. ku it t irrc from aad. gnt and all dan-p-rcvi uLtancc4, and can tx- v.cd with plm ;id rults, even where the teetn Kcm pcrtcct iii a-earinc. It whitens and ic Uahc The enamel be motif ally. The Gums. Soft and poncy rum intrrfrre with the hcauh by preventing the proper use of the teeth, mirier the teih unt:Ltiy anJcsuc de cay bf stini-kiiig from the enamel. Minot's 1 'kvtifiucs u a certain core tor uiilicaiihy It h&rdena and preserves The cams perfectly- The Breath. Mint's Pkntttstci sweeten the bream, produce thr v:-i?t-iiM od.rwnichi to sut;eitive of ncstnrM and clean line., aiij U-fc a sweet pure t-istc in the mouth. Its actios on tne throat i pccmirly bcacbcaL It sweetens the breath And strengthens the throat. ie snd Ajrreeabte. It cpnent are rv-r-f ct.y jure and hrmlrw, and are ttie tot k ic wr. t-.tlK tor the mouth and gums. U hitrns f.e terth without tnury to the rnaxel. and is t .e brst I en:ilrii.e that can be uid. It ts ah f 4nirly puic ia q.iai.iy, pr--mpt in cnrtct. pleas ing t- ue surpn.-inly le w pneed. It is absolutely safe rnder all circumstances. Price J Cents pr br-ttle. Sild by druerists j mcrallv, or cnt tj any adJreu ou receipt tt 35 cents. WiNKELMANN & BROWN DRUG CO. BALTIMORE, Mo., U. S. A. THE Mft&'B) Trr'tr unci ?;:v-.v:.7 Lzs aV- l J i Utrcr in several tv:.i .: :ir.ie :j ijjv.WJp efl't:c :-ws: J-fcJm his .:.:.Vy -.VV'vV 'V ' ,"'"iv-"' a!: .V5 cf ir.e Eve. i 't0'i$)Ci !:as cral r-r - li'PS&'i fj:e js ar. anther- 4 K'-n" 4t?$$ffin c.:: r as c. &&3??Wms Vif ccrv.iv.g J: is sp c- VJ-: -j V J WonJerfuIlv Fuccc??ful in all Chronie Diseases of the EYE, EiB, KOSE, THEOAT, LDHGS aM NASAL CATARRH. All Eye Operations Successfully Performed by him. Our dauehier. Ant-. hs been ailing with 9onw inaard trxnilie fir o rr .t your. Il made her vrTv miserable and lit for iio;bine. hha trd tole urd Ly the .tfrs o-tain4Me h-rt, but witti'it fun-csa. That Ir halm iuad a itirm t diitm. at hi iirst visit, the tplindi1 rt-ii:ii4I the tn-aimeiit have prttveti : for she i oihv mire able to U-iM a holpiug baud. We can rtcuuinj.ui the lHwtr hienlv. I. k FisHbvr-m, IWlIefunic, 1. Ytuui E'tf Ctriitn M'l-lr 'icivfvlljt ly Dr. h-Um. (Mir !iti ty. Clide, had warkt fever when lie a -1 yt-ais'of mvc. It Ufl him oro- eyed ta both -yet. It. haiin operaUv! on thtrn aul they ar iwiw i?nirt;y trnht. The toy was not civ en any cL.rulorm, j the o-raii4rti was pain- I'ine (.kaii, t'enue Couuty, Pa. A fur J Oit'trrh 4 li 1im Standing Curtd fcy I bare Imi a bal fa of Catarrh for l't years. It r;luailv attHNi all of my rn. I U- aiiie faktroa:1y. ratitfht t-uld m the bM of weather aul bv-.n:e'i!ii-rabie fft iurally. I tried v reral irt i, to rid ot the d.eae, but Iht-y did li ht'lp me any. I Uk 1i ot patent medicine, but ni;M just is well have thrown my money away, bin In. uia tttaied me I K"- t-rtur stead t if aLd am orce more a man. and I am certaiu that the d lor uudcrMaud hi buMuew. tiiOK'.K F. Walker. Milcfbura, Centre Couuty Fa. Afitr 12 Ytart n faring r. Si a flu (Vrrrf .Vf (tf a iiivl Ch f liit'irrh. r For the lat rear 1 have had a bad case of rstarrli, with all us at;eidiDK nyoiwoma. For thr last 6 y ar it liolLerd me a ewddcal, hard ly U-tnr without a mid: ma kin- roe miseraMe pntrry. I tr:ed 3 dirltreni tthyriciMns but of io avail, and I can aHire y.u it takes Ir. Salm to ure Catarrh . U I do am take cold any more, po wul lurm any nxre in my Dse a hefvtofore and I iiut M.y that I mt.Kider myself sathoiad wi-th Uit ixxLuns tixaunt ct. Jonathan Litz. Taunt' rsr tile. Centre County, Pa. Manhood Perfect It retired Quick, ttainleai strmauirrhu-a lowte. weak and nervous debility : alo for prostatitis Tenovle. and all on rate ihaeattf whether from imprt;deut habiu of youth or sccLionai fum Uotn speedily and permanent ly cured. Our Advertisement Will Appear twice Before Each Visit. CUKSILTATION and rXAHINAT.ON FREE. ACDF.ESS all CCKIL'NICATIONS to BOX 769. COLUMBUS, 0. T-S J.hukfw n Berlin Meyen4 tltadmaa I HOTEL 7iAV" I Apr May I Uran.l Ontr'l j Tui-laT I 4 Sni.ir'i House I .aliird'y I 2H M.-Wade " I V on-la I l 3J J..n "It I omaifrrT IT 1-J9 1-J I '.lea "ubjfci to cliauga, of which rtular pal.eaW will be jjruaiiMly nolifiud. The County Fair afrirds an excellent opportunity for the rick-pocket to get your watch. If you ould he protif against his skill, be sure that the bow (or rinci is a 3 ilt' rial ! ! lUaiiiaa'iiai'irvi---- This wonderful bow is now fitted to the Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases, which are made of two plates cf cold soldered to a plate of composition metal. Lock equally as well as solid gold cases, and cost about half as much. Guaranteed to wear 20 years. Always look f-T this trade nu.-k. yf Njne gf nuiiie V ithout it. Sold only through watch dealers. A aatch case opener hiei makes 1 handsom cHara tent tree oa request. KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. HEriCH&BRGMGQLD'S f'4 SAVMILLEHG!HES A wonrfnl Improvement In Frlrllon FrrH nmA .is-llark. Hack motion of ."miur thrre nm IxM. na mnf ottu-r In the market. l-ririHta f lalrb Frd, cauina alt tb iVeil p-rinc to Stiilwbue hiu kmie; crent savin Im pawrr and reur. Writ- ftr circulam and irWt-r; furmlil free upon app'uTKm. AI-o princ Ttb Kir rwa Ilav Kikm, f ttliiraior i mrm PlaaU rr, !liller. c. Menttun this p.ifr. BENCH & CP.QM6QLD, Uacfrs., YGRJC. PA. CS X OBTATJf A PATENT f For a rrr.TTirt answer and an hor.e4 opinion, wiite lo r I S " V who hTe had nearljjttftr y-ars Cxinnw in the patent Lo.tim-. r.mmuiiii. ti fltntUT conflde-utiau A Handbook ot lo fnuaTifn cooo-miii 1'afrntn and bw t4 (b tain them fKJiit trw. Also a rataiueot OMxhaiw Mail and Kcjwitihc lofk wut fn-o. F&tent takeri thn-oizh Mui n Co. iwolv ftpecia. nrtiee m the Srienitlie A meriran. and us are brought widely bvtorethH public with out to the Inventor. This (tpndtd ppr. Issued wivkl. eltaantiy iHnntriit. has hy far the L-tv!it rimita'i'-a of any ncn'iit.h wvrk in ilia W(r; l. -i" a Tar. h.iui:i!e cpi ent freo. Ji-i IfJuii- l,ii(;ua. c nhly. fJJloa yeir. SmrO ftpie. ceiila. V'vi-ry nuuiter eim tains beau tUul piaioa, in tXilora, and photon rapba of now bniutes. with pis., enablina buudtira to hw tba lj-t rfpn:n nnd veeurt cnlrii. Addrvt i2 $i U IS. 0;- a-. IQ, WHOLESALE PRICE5TD 3 ROBERTS lXl ....,irN ACTIVE FORTUNE RANGES I9H DOLLARS laU per MONTH In Your Own Locality Diaili- raily am! honorably, without capi tui, florins your fpare hours. Any man, woman, boy. orjrirl candotlir work h:imi i'.y, without t-xiK-riiiire. Taikii:i 113 uecps:irj'. Nothins like It for money matins evor oiTi-reU Ix-fore. Our worker always jiroer. Xo time watetl In learning the business. W'e teach yon in a nli;ht how to su. eeeil from the l:rt hour. Vou can make a trial without s peue to yourself. We start you, furnUti fvf-rj;l:iii2 nee.li to carry ou the bul ne successfully, and tua'antce you Blfsinst failure if you but follow our kii:ilt, l-laiu iustructions. Header, if you are in ned if ready money, and want 10 know all alxxit the best jtayimr business lx fore the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a Uvku. Ilient giving you all the particular. TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. Jlnt i'r. Sum Cnrrd li-r. For S years I have Miffere1 terribly with nom aeh trouble, and all the r-ltiDr ailTni-nis. m-h a ht Ail he, ueiiralieia, rheuuialiui !etr.( tourh a bad dxree that I did not eare now un I would rlie. In lh.it time I wa liealed by 6 dif ferent doctor, but none of them did me any pood. To the contrary, I prew worn' and wotm ; to work was out of lue iier4ton : ! n-w weaker and waktron affimtof n4 teitir abb.' to re tain any kind of fod on vny to:!un li. I began treatment with I'r. Salu .1 mtmihs ai;o, and am now a dirtervut womau. 1 have never vomited ouoen:ee tne (ir-l treatment, and Ut make a kug siory hort, I c-aB once more, with a good deal of pleasure, anecd to my daily UUh-k. A! KB MAHV hir.V!, Gallilzin, Pa. (hi Arr""ff "f JO Y'ttrm mti'hu-1 Hfriu$ I jYif t tv yi. Hut wu$ cund by I'r. Sitnu For 20 years I Minervd the mot excruciating torturt-. ail on aeountof kidney lr.Mit.l-. 't he pain in my back was terrible, and maiy time heu i toKni I did not know bow to ftraieht en up spaiii. t 0en I had to ro to bed f - r a week at a time, and in the end ctmid not atttn l to mr reirular labr any more. '.isdnsMy all tne othe. oiau !H-ame atlw te!. my bladder becaiue in Fu jti a condition thai I did n care vthether I hvtd or died , Indeed I prayed for th ? latter oft en. The home doctors ciulil not cure me. to I put mym-lt under ir, calm's crc. and 1 b:csel the day when I done o. for todav I am quite a ditlerent woman : wi;ineaud iclad toen.tvy life one more. I feel Kpleoaidly. and I am coniident lliat the doctor will cure me in the time he has tet. and I have come to the )n.lu-ion one should never Rive up horn a- !orf a they can obtaiu the sot vices of Ihi wonde'-ful phvu ian. Mrs. J. M. PinioK. KpritiK ih 11a, Centre County, Pa. 1 have been rnifferinc with Tf ry severe stomach, bladder and kidney trouble, aud on account of Uial felt ail broke up. could u t follow my daily labors on account of great pains weokue-w and badarhe, but now, after a course of treatment with J'r. Salm. can onee m.re atiend to my daily labors with pleasure and cowider myelf hale aud hearty again. . at. Anmlnv. Iuiliana, i'a. and certain etir fw imtw!iHM. lot minhwvl June July f Aug I S. J. O. Nv I IH;cl Hours 10 ' f-7 P. M. 12 10 I -3 P. J. 1 I 11 I 7-12 no a 13 I 11 IS p. M. IS IS I M I SI COPYRIGHTS. w ft 1 TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LAIS. o Arrftat.leto th. .mvision of an A. t of As nmblT of PeUBHylvanU. dira-tinc th mode f Kiluui Qnw-aul ai:J fur uix paasrd th. r.lb day itf March, A. 1- 11. ao.1 the several uM"e itirDit thereto. th TmnrToi Somerwt cuunlT hertl.y rive nti), tliai nnltva the S. hool.roua ty, Huililme and Koad Txe, diieon th. follow ing nne.ud busda. ara pad bef.T the day cf le, the r hole, or mrh part of tru-t or pvtl of laud &s Ui pay the taxe. and cost, witl be auld at tbo Court Huu., in sumersel borouirb, on .June 1194 for the arrearages of Uk-i due and eosti accniod iheivon . AC EES. TOW"XHIP. TAX. A DDI SOS. 4"-'4 -Jit Jit) juo . t'l -i 4i tJ) 4-'t 4-'t 4J4 1"1 it; 4-W 2.U 4-.) Mi Cramer aKrw. Mill. r J 1i Mllien B.S.AJ. J Fame - W bite C'hriat BM.lie James Beli Wiliiajn 'harry K Huo.1 Abel Sain. i Ilxl J.Hy H -H -.1 Joah aa 10 T, 11 10 H () i u :ts 17 3 17 37 IS J 17 17 SS 17 3 17 3 1 9 10 11 K : oo JU 70 (W 56 hru. k Krvd'ck White John White Gerire While Abram... loure JanH3.... Ah-tt bdward Ka.r Wm. J (Conorer) JLLEGUEST. AnTarine Philip. l..' 40 I!.' J 1.-0 (0 .-4) 1 SU 10 1 14 10 40 8 It 4 w l as 12 oo 19 Mi lit ; 4' 7-S 1:1 to S-J l) i! 7S 6 ili 16 1 4.S M i 25 42 1 1 2S M 13 00 12 4 7S jr. ) 1J .-io M 9 7.1 4 a St; on C. () w t nerx John.. 1 uiiairn L. C. A. JbllM.nri Fa tue riali Joe-et'tl ( o:!ruih A. Uft W llmolh AV Ueya&d Itanicl'B Heirb...-- Md" all (.i-uixe - Suiti b. Hart jian Jt Co.- - S.julb Feuu K. K. Co Heze kiah . " WeVickerJoa " Kileitrner Meh'l " Kngbert Kred Kinciuh M. I. . " Hillr Luther J. fsarver Wiiliam " la:r J. W. i sac " M. John Church " Charier Fred K KelKr An Keub ' "Sarver J.'hn... . F..ii.-t tit-urjje " !il!er Yi?uterP ' ('Kline A J bi-irt Al Miller " inline heirs & W ambaiiKh Jac Cri-inirer Simon. Felt.n Henry W. tlr H K belr " lliil. icas A. P. (.ill, 8.ie John B. " (IU ssuer (,eo W. " Valk.r famocl... " farvor Joseph " Hriin.! i. Trn?L Toi.jr John J4 Walter fl. I bart.. S barr Ji.hii iu-yi-r l't'k-r. ...... - 2i 1"4 II f 17 '.7 3 T4 V 1 W42 7.17 .14 6 3 i A lai; 3.71 11.79 .; i.t l.i.r.1 M.ll 8 7S 7 20 10 H) A .iw Lots. .: i. n . Al'Ufci. 4. J -'-'I :1 4IN S71 4l "-"a 4') li 4i'.' Jl7 1.17 LOT. 1 Af RE?. :'- 4") 1 1 i-J 14 1 lleuicfck-j Peter . . Uuryhky i liar, J.-tin-on illiura Kiker Henry i Mr.- 1416 ii-.ivfr jt.h:i Jlurckier (.e.r.v.. , JenniiiL"-John. MKa Thorruu Kem:e.lv KolK'rt. K.!.ly John t uiien Juhn an.l KkU-Hw.. Ijoiitltr..;.-h Nalban In an Mlliw Same . l-orwar.l ( bauuivy. Wolie-.erjjer UM Hellmon C. I', (mineral) uyder i'etcr j .. B. i O. R. R. Co Waller Ja.bM'f Eatate - ?! 40 4 It! 10 24 l i Oi 2ft 7 4:t 20 It 40 9 i4 4:t 20 6 - 5 40 S'.i xt 3.1 2; 5 411 1 HI 30 l2 W 00 40 06 3 M X, 14 ! 1 20 1 .1 20 (A to 44 00 12 M 41 40 1 SI kfMy John I..MWM..... H MarkieA- Sun .Mara-h-d. P. & Son Mark I-.-A Son .. Inikk-y .fc l-luton K.x.nt A: H !, ... Se.-hiiT I'h.ueas.... V.RO Til ELS V ALLEY. Patton arah..... Ftein Attain.. Hay Hiram P ( t-utiirytiiAii Ja.-ub vmin.rai) H;iy henj. heirs ..rar.t R.n ltitfe hu.loli.h 14 ft .ver Sitniool Krilz Imiitt 1 PoorbaUKh J.i.ih . C0SFL VEXCE VOROVGII. IV, JI7 lf !) :--i in 14 9 ?, 11 72 12 . 6 tW 4 14 a io 2 2 11 30 5 ) 9 00 LOIS. 1 1 Fnllerton J. W Callahan Thomas ....... s-ulilraii Heirf . Sharp iHur-.d Valbreeht Fred Sorlwr M , Prim M.J White John CASSEL3IAX BOROUGH. 1 70 1 W 3 tti 1 i:t 1 H ft) M t 00 LOT?. 4 1 P.-n F.l wat IUt Muhael H..flnian Col.inau lKran. ... COXEMACGU. P.ud.ly Jo'm K ELK LICK. B.i: J.t:.h M..re Jrtinef 1 4 My. rs Mwr:iu is.-man t briner..... . Charry Mary K . Charry Jane . Clmrrv .larry K M.w.re Hiraih 1 j . W..llerlwri.-er P. A 1' WnlienU-ncr P. l M.M.re John ... .i.birt siin n . MinkeyUi Ki-agd; MiBride. Clark M'jrrLs ... .. FAinil'lPE. 1 J4 ?: 111 X 4"0 4..I "JO", 417 4 A 11 to I 't o Ili K il V :a 17 4 tv M 16 II 21 4 ; 5 20 to xj J is 4tO' 4" 4"l 1 IV, LOTS. 3 4K'1 -.! r:. .'Jo 2D J1 -'4 Antra Tl,..ni Sn.ldU-r John... K. n.-y Jainen Teuipet l:a.-hael..M (...l.t.-n ElimU'th Kobier Imniel. bt.tru Adam.... .... 40 4 27 '.H M 7V IV 26 IS Co IS fl 2 21 1 20 GREESYILI.E. Monflay 17r, F..ler D. J 12 1 411 1111. WaUKtu X Co -22 00 JEFEEKS0.X. !) A.lanw Barbara 10 si 4"2 rtnkb B n;mm 2 hi bo Hl.-k l.u.L( -1 '. 4-.J i.allirai h Mary 2:1 40 .1 (iil.n Jim,-. 21 to o'-i'i Ha-h ln4iain IIS. to Uie.rWlili.tm 14 11 iueer Alex'a Ltale Li LOT. I Fasti rum Cliar'.ca 5 1 AfUK. 2.1.IU Soulh Penn Kail Road ('il Kimm.-l Jno 11 70 tt" " Rhaolia I'avid I. W s.TS " Uarkey lu.il , airier A. 7 W 1 lietr Sjmu-L 1 '." 4 -Vi " Helaer lMnlt-1.. 3 . S 70 " rbtrn.lt John. S -si LT " M;IW John (..... IU 40 .71 ' t.alIlr I'aviiL. 7 "I .'24 " tilhiw . ,4K JEXXF.R. 4"V Vera John : f1 t.l Moore Jam. ) :0 ll t.H Si e- rer l.u.lwli-k :) ! 2i Y.mrif M..ry J. i: is) l C.-leJame . iO 00 LARIMER. 2i0 TtowmanJohn 21 0 lit Milier Jacob heira.. 44 2t LOT. 1 fhan. Michael 21 ACUKl 7 Witt A Wolf.-anbenrer 5 25 flo Meyera peter heim M 20 zl Sii)jlf Andrew a bcirs 4 4S 1 H.-iiiel Kiiza 'ij LIXCCtLS. 2". BerkeT J.lah 1 .'4 47 ti'.H South lVnn Kail Pod CO. A,tam Eli P 29 70 S.S2 " B llliaiah is yo S :ts Vfil Jnr,.l. 17 .Vi 6"2 " bballlia Jerry . is ; Siti " Saylor I rih.. nfl 2 ' liciael (feorite S 40 4.09 M SnvUMarxnret A ilrowo J 4 7 9.V1 lieaai J A Henj. 31 On .12 " l.a.liurr Mary J.e.h 16 20 LOWER TVS KET FOOT. 4i Wallace V. T , ,, si si 1 lt.Hl.lr John 1 41 212 Hod.lv Frank i Houtzeeli 17 40 4"J Sink. B. rk..uu Si Kndt-tiil so 4 S'ame'Jmiei , , ; so 'J-.At Fame il'ainteri .. 9 c5 .ft same t Forward k Uiiku)-... 3 l't .t:7 Eoin John K . 41 SO lNd ( tnell-llle it l'rlna C.al, Coke Iron Co.. (mlniTHl). 107 ss 4. Heaehy A. & Hro 21 71 2iJ IlenKl li. C.,et al 1160 f.14 lloicnt Iaae, et al .... 2-.1 7." ro hlna. Berkiaitz A Kudeaill 4 7 2U6 Moti.tchey i glien-r 11 9o 3IETERSDALE B0R0VG1I. LOTS. Benfonl John... i n.ler Samuel.. Fiiirle John.. Hay Mieha..I... Fritct Thomas... 20 31 4 20 7 00 2 11 r. 20 1 M 3 XI 2 .V, 8 : 2 :l li.; 2 55 1 Vi l s; I'nknoua No. 1 nnown No. , , Jtn.wn A. A. So. 1..... ltnllior A Boyer Hrallicr .eonte Rruaday. Ham Hri.iwayi a.ime(Kroadway , !-aiD (Bix.lav) Lioerick . MWDLECREEK. ACRK3. 36 f.'a Wlilfikey A Barron Whipkey Jerry A Jeaw.. McLarlnty John. ., HILFORD. II UK acker famatl 10 o 2 5:! 411 Si 6 V7 XORTITAHPTVX. Brown 8un Finnamore Sarah. .. 9 W 1.: 1 V, : l.-, :,t 2 70 33 ( Let 7 111 1 .7 . 2 J vr, W aynuto Mary Wavnuu A an 1Liwj.mii tTM:t Mar .lames , , . Fncleka A Smith Bitlner t Neiin Uormai iin. l'eter. OGLE. S 4 2 M 4.11 4 4 .6 il 4:l a 4.1b 4.U 240 4'U 27 4 8 l'O 45 Ivi!l John. .... Folk Owen I. , 1.- Jamu. t.rlfT.th Kdtrarl...... Folk Caleb Jr Fo k ( ak-!.. 37 Ttl rr. 37 'M X7 79 :rr vt :c ts X ,44 37 TV ta : lis t m w 7V m SS It 41 Ot 17 Id is 50 1.) le Jan49s prleeJ.hn rhalb'rcMA Oliver.. .. MVat Vay James ISartram Thomjo . Clark sifpheo lrokts?p John S htt.-liead James . Koger John .mineral . PA1XT. S-e Philip F.. (miBral).. Lehman Henry . F'..lerGetr WilUe Samuel " QVEMAU0.MXG. 2S7 115 6 42 16 M 7 22 LOT. 1 13 ll.i SM Tntnpike Company . Ix.br H. H i mineral) 8teluluxh George " ... Burn bard Jarob. A.bun and 4 20 12 42 J HO U:bel, (mineral 20 70 LOCK WOOD BOROUGH. LOTS. R nf.,rd coonre. . Fno Frank F.tien J.epbine, N,. 29.. Same No. 4 1. 4 62 5 2 :tl 2 91 7S 1 22 .- t- i-e-l VN A FhiUippi JlmB S SUA E. ACRFS. iwi 4i 42 :t'.t 17.1 ls7 4-M 2l VC 4 1VS 170 H s-S 3' 111 i.;s i.i 3'JO 11. 270 27." 40 Anderson Famuel Camptsrll Marr .. ben..rd .e..rae ( atrt.U II Mary Jr.. Cam.bell M.rf.r. , Win. rail im-i immennan Joint 4-1 4tl 1.1 2o 4 Ml 2S .1) : 42 4ri -20 20 So : .17 14 -i'J M 23 4i) 2.1 40 .1 40 9 .11 12 9 10 I I 26 -S 27 li v" 27 i-s 8 42 7 5ft 12 17 12 5.1 ;i 42 II :il 21 OH 22 4". 3 12 hta;l-r Ja.i.h (sri. Hiteshew Kat-bael., I.obr Frank liu P.... llll"sl.ew Oeors Feil William Kepple M. Lonr Pears-n, Ctovle Jaoh (mineral; Lobr J.ieeph Mahn CHtliarlne u.er Jonathan Ixhr Thoma J Sharter Ilirara Shatter Aaron D Pharier Kliaa Prubak.r M. A Mat.es Ananias liable James M Herkej l.rle Cytaj S'bi Fistiik rl.rkeyl.lie Adam liriibuker Llixabetb SOMERSET. LOTS. 1 1 1 Foley James . bitfoni E. E Love George 11 15 4 50 ACKE3. 27 tlnmht-rt John . l 9 221 Mictoller John (mineral) . 17 si; t Y..ii- Jarob . i fts 1. f.4 South Penn Kail Ki1 ( o - Miller Peter 3 14 ft) 11-1 " P-.wman Jibe's) 5ft oo 1:4 " Trent Samuel... 1ft mi 2. :i Ixn Au-umos. 12 fio 72 " Biy Wililnin.. 4o l.fts Cohauirh t,e.... 16 si 6.2-i " Saylor I'nah 11 SI fri .24 " Ash Anthony .... 11 jo .12 Fox Henrr a 40 4 47 " Walker luin l U ii 3 42 - Fox samn-l Is -Jo o.s4 I n-ter J A Nanc 2 i) -M " Folk Jerrv J... 5 to 61 " Klmmel tunlel Iiot) .2', " deb. 1 4ieor;e. 14 00 4.0 " B..man Ju-t.A Saylor Mairaret 22 40 12M " Fike Jai-ob M ... 16s aj 7. " Co. of Somerset PiH.rFarm 74 40 22.44 " Stahlfvnts A. 1.77 20 2-s.n1 " S. hro. k J 1I s. 2i.7 4.1 12 ' l.astlger J A M. llim 7.4 Wouiili Val 70 1) .1'J7 " Burner Alex 22 4 6 51 " (ioliti Ham)ii 5ft () N-si " Will William ... M u) 4 10 " Werand Mrh L 2.1 i .1.16 " Bovts H.-nry 56 no lo-M " Keller Ihtnt.-l.. 7o () 4.211 " sbolrS. V 11 20 22 64 " Lichtylieoi C. lva to 4.4ft Trent 1'tlas 14 "U 3 40 " S hroek JnoC' ls On H ss StuhlWinH son) 6.20 " Claman l enry 22 40 4 61 " Wetler Wm V ... 16 s) 12.31 " Marnhall Jas M 50 40 STOXYCREEK. Cook JaiiKH Whistler Lewis 410 :o LOTS. 1 1 ACRES, LVstt 7.S2 2:! 22 7 " 4 -.1 5.44 9 40 3 OS ; ISO 3.17 12.21 7 li 3.tl 6 S7 4.4 1.7.1 :i 44 2..H S 11 20 ?; I.r.ithT WlllUm Email William South I'enn Rail Koad Co limits Jonn A .. WViKieJofriab D ' Kiinmel J.Hit... Sny.lcr Jno S Kiimne! J. L. " Y,iltr Moaes.... Kimm.-l JtKSiah " Walker W m H. !i.-bn-k Iiavid. Kiinmel Jan. b(i l.'se Caroline. M Klnvier Ivi.... " bi.yderJiio H. Ftull Henry " Knepper Jac M. " Flamin XU bor a A Larin. . Reitx l .e.irice ' Hover Jno est'le u Boyer (.eu SUMMIT. PhortJobn KoilyJno Ii.seiell W. P. A W olf n. (niinera! , .. K.sl-ly Jno. il. i Co., I.I. h ty i nuneral Forward Ross llohnta-ll J. J liveneil A Elileti " (Inatrey Jo-i Keystone ( al t'ontnar.y " ... Pua.-hy, Kaim A Livei,,l ( Brvmeri min.-rl Wallace W.T. fHomer) . Walk-r Jais.l, p E-tate "... Mill. r sunlj. iZlan A M.- esi min.-ral Owens Henry W Prltts Silas H SOVTUAMPTuX. Comp gimnd ., ,, ,,, , Mon A W itt Koil'ly A Brinham (sawmill Same (Troutraan. l.autner John s (bairs) Smith Solomon C'.aicbenour E ii F.meri.-k Jaetib H iiramel Leferre A U i Bin- ntri Ha tim.1 I efevr. A Co. (P- tenbr-.nkl . Rixbly A Hrinbain ' mineral ... ( antic'. 1, Th.Mua A Co !.!-- (is.ki .mineral) Rilnham A Hi-wil (Witt; . Sam. (ilitnikle. W .liaoe W. T. B Eak. ri -. Paine I'fe.fer J. c. i W.yan.1 heirs (Manx (;eo)". fi.meiMartz tlii Same , Marts liaht Sam. i Mart ,e-.ru J) 8amel.-mithst..louH4l) M. Walla.. W. T i Snyder .f. . Sa -ee I Sn vder Jar. ;b i Eurlalo (N. Y.H'o.,,Hartmaai (mineral) Same iKmerlrk W.) tame Emerirk J. L) Pam. Itakir B ) Sxne , E-nerlelc Val) " Ssma Fmetii K N.) M Satna t Kmerick J. J.) " Same .F.merivK Si.i) miw ( Tjutr M. L ) M ... Hay .11. A ll heirs; Kennel J. I.) imlc.ral) Same (Shoatcaker B.) Sam. ( Korn Jacb) " Sam. (Hurket T.i . Kiiu.rl Sylvester (Kennel Levli mineral Fei-httu .4. c A ShaiTer Oi-l-aoo s heira .ciiueral). UPPER TURKEYF00T. Barney John , Ashion Hum.hrey.. llolbr.M.k Menry Htia t J.mas 1 .Ki-li t John llolhrook Henry ConnWIsvill A I'rsina ('. C A 1. Co t Yonnkin Inrin.imin'lt Same i Yotinkln l"eillab) Same (Rlnauts alex i . same iKomesit.ura: Nebon". Same (ph-liippi H.I Same ( Hlubauieh Mary) '. Same (May Fa) M. Same ( Firestone Marr) Same (Woo.llnts J.wej.h) ame i llinebaiiith lsaiitb! Ileiuu'il D. C. (( ramer B) Sune (Kn-car John (4.) ' Sum ( Vonicht 1. II I Same I Ron.44.uryh Jonas '... same (HeinbaiiKh lavid,' Sam. i RnHiirher Free) Same iSvs-hler J.hua Same (SlioopA Ileitshewl1. Same (Ynuy E. 1) ) ". Sam. Meyers Jonas) tamo ( '.mover J. C. I Sam. (Lonoer J. C.) URSIXX BOROUGH. Col.b A Freyeyr..... Morvatt, Yonn A ('ft.. Roddy John 1 Same Sehell Henry Sistnoer Adams A Co. .. 9 2 W 11 : -0 uo 3.) t) im t; 22 H 70 46 UO 14 : 21 ll 1-) 26 1.1 61 I'll 00 it 0 10 OI 40 ao St 76 7 .") 3 71 2 50 4i IjO jri 114 47 40 2i 4vi 1' to'. 70 4 (4 7 24 9 10 is so 7 61 U 6 60 5 40 22 li 2S II 10 U0 66 So 7 16 4 14 C IK 2 :i 9 74 2 66 1 is 1 72 2 is 4 i 1 27 4 60 1 M 14 12 4 Wt 4 10 6 li 4 Oil 3 :w 2 7J 2 7 1 11 1 1.1 6 1.1 15 2 07 6 xx 5 4 1 4 :t2 5 79 4 s:t 26 10 1.2 1 07 9 42 6 12 4 so 4 U7 4 43 3 on 110 :l 7 J .'! VI :4 la 50 l-sl l'Vl 1, IK 12"' :.t 1 i 5rt .Si l-'il 10 47 lit 75 .n l to i l! lit 21 21J S7 14 M 1U 51 204 b II . w 21 1 :u l:-4 1"3 ls.i It7 2 3.1 147 M M 24 111 l.aj !l l'S) 240 271 175 4'. 211 IsJ 111 215 10 9 7 -5 1 29 4 ss 19 50 1 69 01 .1 71 8 09 5 99 3 60 1 5.1 41 X 37 2 21 1 05 8 70 5 70 3 i 7 00 42 () 11 !) 7 66 21 42 9 II 7 97 4 Sft 41 LOT1 1 2 8 1 1 30 2 () 14 40 9 60 M 1 60 WELLERSBURG BOROUGH. 1 t'llley Joseph's heirs 1 92 Sale to eomroenee at 10 o'clock A. M. E. E. PUGH, Treasurer of Somerset County, Penn'a. TKktat'KiK'a Oi!cr" I Somerset, A pi 11 4, lf.'l ( P. . Pe-sons payinf uxea on any of the bxuds advertised lietore the day of s-tle. will be chanted 75 cents for advcrUstnK and fees. WANTED. Honest, temierte, energetic men to solicit or der Mr FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL NURSERY STOCK. Permanent employ ment aud good wages ; also liberal ludm-eiuenl to K-al airetMa. Varieties espeeiallv ailapted to Pennsylvania. The butineas eaily learne.1. W rile at on ee for terms and territory. Ad-ires. R. G. CHASE St CO . 1O0 tkulh Penn Sjiou-o, PbiUdclpbla. CONDENStO TIME TABLES. Baltimore and Ohio Kailroad. Somerset and Cambria Branch KORTHWARD. JuAmM. Mill fpfr. Rock wood M a--, Somerset 419. Sioyeatowu 4:52, Hoosersiul. 6.0, Johnstown, k.lo. Johmlm M -H Jtrpreaa.-Rockwood li a. n Somerset 114, stoywiowo 1:4, HoosersTUM VJil, Jobnstown 2:50 p. m. Joitvtni jlrroim.od.if low Rockwood t'20 p. xo., Somerset 6:43 p. tu., gtoyest-jwn 7:11 p. m., Uuurersvill. 11 p. u., Juhnsiuwo 15 p. am. Ssmstoy rroiwwodWiois Rockwoo4 12:55 a. m. Somerset, 1:14. SOCTHWARD. Jfrnl Johnstown 7:40 a. m., HoorersrlHa 8:2 StoyeMown &40, Sutaenel 9.11, Kockwood :S5. JfjTirras Jokntown 3:10 p, m.. Hoorernlle 4.16, StoyesUwa 4J0, Sumersol 6.01, Hockwood 5.25. Sdtxs Outy Johnstown A SO a. m., Hoorersril'.a :16 a. m., Sioyestown 9:.10 a. m, Somerset IDA a. in-, Kockwood 10:25 a. m. Sunrfnp Arrnnmi1.ilim Somerset &01 p. m. Rockwood 56 p m., Daiiy. IEXXSYLVASIA KAILROAD. BCHZDILE IX EFFECT SOV. 19, lsaS. EASTERN STANDARD TlstC COXDKXSKO 9CB EDCLB. Trains arrive and depart from tb station at Johnston n as follows : WESTWARD. Southwestern Express W estern txpre. . Johnsiov. n AccfMnmodation.. " An-ouimodaUou -wt. m 4. v:a. m 6 17 a. m 10a.ni 9 21 a. m 3 32 a. ni . 5. 16 a. m 9 :10 p. al 9:u p. m. Pacifl Express.. Way Vm-np-r , , . Jobnstown Accommodation. Fast lira, EASTWARD. Keystone Express.. 5:35 a. m .1:40 a. ta 9 24 a. m 10:1.1 a. m. 1110 a. m 12:02 p. m 4:llp.m -V p. Ill 7 16 p. in lu.JU p.m Se-Sbore ExHresa a Itooua A-(fnmt.iaUi)ii Main Line Expre s Day Exiirea AiUmna Afruiuniodalioa... Mail ExpreMt H. Johnstown ccommolation Phi bl.1elphiaiv.ti..M im Fast l.in For nttsst, maps. Ac. iro to Ticket Aifetit or ad dress Thus. E. Watt, P. A. W. 1, 110 Filth Ave nue. pitt!.ii!vh. Ia. a. it. pp.nvosr. j. r. woon. Gen 1 Manager. l.eu'l Pass. Agt- It is to Your Interest TO EUY Y0UB Drugs avd Medicines OF J. N. SNYDEB. STJCCSaSOR TO Biesecker k Snyder. None bat the purest an,l best kept in stock, and when Drugs beumie inert by stand ing, as certain of them do, we de stroy them, rather than im pose on oar customer. Tea can depend on baying you PRESCRIPTIONS & FAMILY RECEIPTS filled ith care. Our prices are as low as any other first-class boose and on many articles much lower. Tbe people of this county seem to know this, and have given us a large share of their patronage, and we shall stiil continue to irive them the very best goods for their money. Do not forget that we make a specialty FITTING- TRUSSES. Vfe guarantee satisfaction, and, if yoa have had trouble in this direction, give us a call. SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES in great yariety; A full set of Test Lenses. Come in and have your eyes examined. Xo charge for examination, and we are confident we can suit yoa. Come and see ns. Respectfully, JOHN N. SNYDER. GOOD LIQUORS! and Cheap Liqucrs By calling at tbe OH Relis". Manor Store, .o.309 Mail St, and 10G Cliatoa St, Johnstown, Pa., all kinds of the Choicest Li.Con In market can be bad. To my old customers this is a well known fact, and to all.thera convincing proof will be given. Iion't Ainret that I keep on hand the greatest variety of Liquors, tbe choicest brands and at tbe lowest prices. P. S. FISHER. W. S. BELL 8c CO. 431 Wood St., PITTSBURGH DEALER I IN PHOTOGRAPHIC cnppr ire view cameras. JUtfULO, DETECTIVE CAMERAS, and the fatnoui KODAK In seven styba, Write for catalogue. FRKE. CURTIS K. GROVE, SOMERSET. PA. BTJGGIJH. BLEIGHa, CARRIAGES, BPRINQ WA0O5S, BCCK WAUOS3, AND EASTERN AND WESTERN WOKS Furnished en Short Notice, Painting Done oa Short Tims. Hy work is made oat sf 7V)ro7Vy Seasonal Wood and the BtH Jrxm mad Meet, Substantially Constructed, Neatly Finished, and Warranted to rive SaUsfacuon. Eaiplsy Crlj Hrst-Claa Wcrlaaan. EepsUrlnf of All Kinds in My Line Done oa Short Notice. Prices REASONABLE and All Work Warranted. CaU and Examine my Stock, and Leam Prteea tdo Waon-work, and furnish Beirea for Wind stills. sU-meso bor tbe place, and call In. CURTIS K. GROVE, (East af Court Buusa SOMERSET, PA. QUICK TO ACT! EASY Vy DHIaa a f Manufactured by DellAVEN" CO., Ltd.. Tituburgb. Sold aaduaraLteeJ JAMES B. H0LDERBAUM, Somerset, Pa. Kris?ingcr & Kurtz, Eerlia Ta. and P. J. Corer Son, Meycrsdale, Ta- New York Weekly Tribune Somersct Herald ONE YEAR. -1- VV -J Address all orders Louther's Drug Store, Main Street, Somerset, Pa. This Model Drug Store is Rapidly Bscsaing a Gnat Favcrlt. with People in Search cf FRESH AND PURE DRUGS. Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Sponges, Truses, Supporters, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, &c. TH DOCTOR GIVES PERSONAL LOMBrs Frescnp 6RXAT CARS BE ISO TAKES TO OX 0SLT FRESB ASD PlE A&UCLXS SPECTACLES, EYE-GLASSES, And a Full Line of Optical Goods always on Land. From .'nl large assortment all can be suited. THE FINEST BBAHDS OF CIGARS Always oa hand. It ia always a pleasure to display oar good to intending purchasers, whether they buy from us or elsewhere. J. M. LOUTHER 171 . D. MAIN STREET - - SOMERSET. PA Somerset Lumber Yard ELIAS CUNNINGHAM, MurricTiii ajiti DiaLUt aD WnoLsaLa axd RrTiiiss of LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS. Hard and Solt Woods, OAS, POPLAR, SIDINGS, FlCIIT?, M0CXDI15G3, ASH, W.U.SrT. TLOORlXa, SASH, STAIR RAIL9. CHERRY. TEIXOWPINE. 8HIS(iLE3. DOORS BALCiTESS, CH ESTXVT, WHITK PINK, I TH, BUNDS, SKwEl P0T A General line of all trades) or Lumber and .Building; Material and Roofln; S'ate spt law Also, can farnkb anjthiug in tl.e line of our business to order wi;h resacDit.s promrlnesa, such as Brat ieuv Odd-sized work, etc ELIAS CTJ"jSTjSrijSrGILA L Office and Yard Opposite S. &C. R. R. Station, Somerset IT WILL, PAY YOU To Bur Tor Memorial Work WM. F. SHAFFER, BOMEI13ET. PKXN'A, Man'ifsctarer of and Dealer In Earlern Work PumUhtd on Shorty otit 1 rl Co mm ni Eimii im Alto, AgaU !Lt WHITE BROSIE! Persona In need of MONUMENT WORK will And it to their intervt u.rail at ny shop wbn a proper ahowlna; will be ifivea them, m -l-.s-'"."l" ""'"1 t A'rrrjr toar. eft fklCiX KM LOW. I invite special attention u lh whitt Bronie, Or Purt Zino Monumtn Introilnoed by REV. W. A. RINO. as a Derfrte-1 Improremeut in the point f XAIKRIaL ANU VtlKlcTIuN, and wfcah u de.tiued to be tne Popular Mnimment for our Chanucable Viu B'aie. AsTwIVI Ml A CALL. WM. F. SUAFFEK. If You Can't r.ay . . .. I 5 '2 it" -J ir- early; it Li -Aorta i: f BP gcSs!!5a5S8-.vt hen hens mcuit ; il prevcr.: - br Av E--dCho!era. Roup. l):.irrh.ra. Lc?- MmWu ..miw e Lav XJ ?f. i I L? ! & sT . I sFJ aJ ? I ' .V - - -1 VA.r-V.'. i Lls I t L. il - uondiiion g- r 1 U U IW2 ss Ask Any Woman ' WIiousc the Cin.I,nv!Li Vu i I... r. . 1 , ... . iiamauuL'i-3 aro ovor ti,e o-,j-.. cookinr; rane and ?ho i.-" tliat it is an even Laker, l.rou" J?a ical ia ti.e use of tue!. " It iIom it t work quicker ha... .-dwuutbHewatM;;';;' uy ICtuse upon the market. Their Cleanliness Lessens Labor TkEfnomy Saves Money. -Axn- VJ I.J I-T-LTOO. to The Herald. ATTENTION TO THS COMPOUNEIMQ 0 is SCIEu i2"i Z A3 FSACTICALLI um.i(j iuai Over 50O Beautiful Designs. OA'-- - . ' if at . IS r.lfvf 11 Circti!-'"- AaOXiOCl.CS- SHer,,."' fcurtutii"" - . ITlserefore. no matter wh- , vta use. m:x ::.i U - : v. ,. l. . . . . : , r nr :.t I" J 1 owner. uuicrwt-'-. i . . ...'i t- V-t :'. 3 Kill ar.a winter - - , prire for etts is very ,I: . Perfect asstiiiil.ition of the f' ex"'V'i. i i 1 1. Ask Firs- a. K s. 3 J7nii Family Receip l a. t . v Al-."" sw ir