The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, May 23, 1894, Image 3

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rnTsoinerset Herald
TrGK E. SCCLL. Editor.
Hay 21. ISSL
- , Kt of iagie Priving Mar-
e'j.tx ar! 5n't fjrret t0 cil
s:ore. Eeery time
ri sboalJ not fail to rJ
Vsr J!-- A. E. Chl' advertise-
... - ba:;''15 " well to rwozem-;tT-x:t
waici is largest, the deep
tie !-- ;r M
,f ga faroUore at Derlin'a
rilin Su A'-ig- 9th.
a: ut hAlf price-
- ti farrfj'.'y made estimates,
r. su Jy wr oot the body
wtue 3ar of tar J physical
fc n IVvIias Ilraswii Cart3
' iL3 jobbers prices. Prices
jo ,r.r article. w aad and 6.'
v". jjhostowa, Pa.
- or. a: J w a witness : "Yoare
, ,-rn t yua "I m .was
j ;( I waa not oa my oath,
. tea aad honorable busi-
'"2 Jjinys m et the approval of
Vol will aiwaysg aa
ii of goods aad more too
R. A. S.wetn,
Rock wood. Pa.
rr.ui." wasakedof a class
" r.j: r.. 'A La i oa whiskey,"
' .. v of one stu.K-nt. And the
E .- -L: 1 deserved tbe mark of I'M
-.. - cr- '.Lat bloom in the Spring"'
'f..-n u;w! thin are those per-
ur:!y their b'.ood with Ayer's
" ' . T -. fjb.e-i Elixer YiU could
sreater vivacity to the coaa
1 iaa tils wuBderful nieiicine.
ro tbe little g'-J dollars Lave
... urr.aa:enu, that they have be
' tLi are selling at $1J0 to it
-oterr.aieat has nut coined any
it the b.-t farm waroa on
iL't fail to get a Kramer or Stude-
- 'rvsi
Ji. B. HoLt ,
Somerset, Pa.
- an Hi", of Webster, Westmoreland
-"- Us been missing since May 2nd.
""' -,. , K.fe Las told sinsrular stories
. . , vLereabouta. it is feared he
j-.-.c.-cl Hj domestic life was not
wrr .-r a:l goad work are still the
rLoUv-rajh jraiiery. as Witness :
' iiM.imi rhotorsohs. fl.j'J
.i'-h- -'
r 3 is prvTortion.
Card i. for . .
j S-j'tare Card, for ''.f-doi-o.
v .,i--ots every hiy can allord to have
---ii-n. Gallery up stairs. Entrance
r uii pi store, Sjnierset, Pa.
W. H. Wiiftn.
i- .r. T after the murder of Huckster Mc-7ii-Wyaburg.
a family moved from
t:,s'w another county. Sihbora
-Leiria .jaarrel recently, in which the
.- ii. :-eJ her husband to return to Greene
.;t ar. J he';; ki:l another huckster.
:.;iec eyes, a rlf.d compleiioa, aad dis
erapu ns. indicate that there is
i-tiiM wr-ng within. Eipel the lurk-
t Lea'ta. by purifying the blo)d
.3 Attrs ?4rsaiU'.a. Cures Erysijlas,
sx iilt-F.heura, Pimples aad Blotches
la ? -.aajIer-Geueral has announced
p.-7.- not toai.oint as postmasters
. enraged in the lienor tratSc.
Hr -s be does this net as a matter of sen-
.-dt. tr becaae be beli. ves ia prohih:
iut because the public service will be
srureJ by having post o:Iices con-
::ti t v n.en who are not keepers of sa-
-x 'ji-e variety of ladies', misses' and
i. itc bonnet and hats is attracting the
ajtu Mrs. I'h'i'a store. Many of the new-
Te : ist received from the eastern cilie
atoiy be found in her store. Twenty
' tiricai ia trimming inures the
s 2 v. fa-Lionable and tasteful work and
a .. et prices.
i :rl wrote tbe following composi--
A ' Saw Mills :" ' iaw mills is very
If it was not for saw milis we
..iit Lave no sawdust to stuff our doiis.
n iuil I would rather die than to be
s-ri '..h straw. Straw is very tickle-
-'.-htou aia't g t anything else on
? :r,rie. I know a good deal more
ii raw mi; is, but my paper is all gone."'
t new spring-tooth Harrows for sale
B. H jlJerbaum.
A: ot
passnl br the kv'.s.ature oi mis
ti'-.5 nquires the registration of ail
t.rir ieatuts. A failure oa the part
i.tij w comply with this law is a
t-it.iaor, and is punishable by a fine
.e-.Un i-, nor more thaa $J"J for
.fttoe. Tae lit faither reads : That
1 rniij:e ia other states than this roust
rru.r:.-i .t.'orcas approved by the state
si ;ii b.ia:i of Pennsylvania before
- x-:raeat can be recorded.
- : j. k-or that Hall's b:g show will be
-jtxi Pa., oa next Friday and do
T - ks-.-w that R. A. Snyder's Millinery
E-rs. tie ii-.-et aai best equipped ia tbe
t"z-l is there iiu the tl,nf. It is to your
to call on hiai for your wraps and
"r- "t jfail siads at ail times.
A Siias fj-2er has sent the following
i:-i c-srvaication to a Jfew Eog-c-
;;r: Vou will plea? stop my
isn:y t.xe expires, as I can't af--";.:.
try frm products at free-trade
."-:.: p!.-.-r. I sold a fat beef
' s last eei at Kansas City, ilo ,
- fer cat. 1 ais is what free trade is
We have had cyclones and
----ere .a Kansas, but we never had
to as as bad as free trade and the
" a C. White, representing A. J.
i J ja. Merchant Tailors, Cbamber-
- be ia Somerset to day and lo
" - ::. a c-o.xpiete line of choice fab-
present season and wiil be pleas-
ierei. Prices reasonable.
" tot
generaiiy known among the
"ftij su-.e that there is a bounty
'"payers fir the planting and culti-
srit trees along the public bigh-
s was passeJ ia 1S79, and
-T t-ersoa liable to road tax., who
- tuthe fcdi of the public
"C"-00 h'- premises any fruit, shade
"''? of suiuble aii- shall be
"'iythe safiervUor of oid where
, tiroua or ad; in cultivated land,
'-of hi. roa-1 tax. I for every
I''. oat : bat no row of elms shall
j1 n,aref thaa TO feet, no row of
"SWutaerfjresU trees neater than 5u
--ri locusu which may be 3.) feet
- aa4 ao allowance shall be made, ua
j, f tJV siall have been set out the
Jrtoui to the demand for such abate
fc( Jfiax. aniare Uvingand well protect-
'-'J51 an.rriM' u .: t
ume oi suca ue
-N'o person ahaii be allowed an
oa his highway tax. more than
tr '"ner uf annual highway Ux, and
.j'T?"i'0,L11 cal djwa kill or in
tW' w to lhe aaperieor of
" ' ea:s for each tree.
"c Jocea, of this place, has accept
fearyof theEimira R.fing Com
j, t a,;r. York. This is one of
(tf-,3il best roofing companies in
fc. Mr- Jones will be at U Umea
i-J U f"' f Pint metal roofing, or
T tf roo5a8 of the famous "Cli-
Jd. the oiJot od best tooting in
And now the "kickers" axe kicking one
Druggist John S. Snyder left Monday for
Phubarg to attend the Knight Templar i
Connty Chairman John has issued a call
for the IemocTatic primary election for
Saturday, Jane l5th.
Conral Bonheimer, of Summit township,
lost two fingers from his left hand last Fri
day by getting them caught in a feed cutter.
The suit of the United States vs. Peter F.
Johns, of Rockwood, has been continued
until (he Ju'y eeseions of Ibe IKstrict Court,
at Erie, Pa.
Henry Schell, Esq , returned to his home
in this place Friday, after having spent the
winter with his son, Trof. Stewart Sche'd, in
Irvinglon, Indiana.
A large landslide occurred Saturday night
near Femdaie bridge on the Somerset 4
Cambria railroad, which atopped traffic until
the following afternoon.
Shortly after 11 o'clock Thursday, a cloud
burxt in the vicinity of Benson, causing
quite a downpour of water. There was,
however, little damage done.
Regular court next week. The criminal
Ih-t is very small and none of tbe cases of
great importance. Only one prisoner is
in the county jail awaiting trial.
The ladies of the Preabyterian Church
will give a festival on Decoration Day at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Love.
The public is cordially invited to attend.
The jury in the case of Milton C. Pile vs.
the Baltimore Si Ohio Railroad, tried before
JuJge Longenecker last week, returned a
verdict in favor of the plaintiff for $2,C").
Brother Marshal of the Berlin fle.-yrJ
threatens to make it hot for the individual
w ho forged the signature of another party
to a communication forwarded to his paper
for publication.
U. II. Sayior is erecting a dwelling house
at Husband, which, when completed, will
be one of the finest residences la that flour
ishing little village. Mr. Sayior and his
family will occupy it.
John S. Wilkinson, formerly of Bedford,
and well-known throughout this county
through his connection with the German
American Fire Insurance Company, died at
his home in Philadelphia last Tuesday,
The fall of rain in this county during the
past four or five days has been greater thaa
ever before recorder in a similar length of
time. So far as we h?ve been able to learn
no damage ha resulted from the water in
Somerset county.
I). B. Z.mmermaa has returned from his
Dakota ranch to his home near Stoytstown.
He wiil return to the west in the course of
a few weeks, when he will have Messrs.
George Harrlsoa and Ileraianus Baer for
traveling companions.
A mistake inadvertantly crept into tha
footings for Assemblymeu in the election ta
ble published in last week's Herald. The
correct totals are as follows : A. J. Colborn
lJv; William Henry Miller 21.G; A. W.
Kuepper 1'15; S. S. Good Jeremiah
Maurer Itl.
Regular services will be held next Sabbath
morning in the Presbyterian Church at the
usual hour.
lathe evening at 7.30 tha pastor Rev.
Bn-stow will preach the annual "Memorial
Sernon"' before the comrades of R. P. Cum-
! mina Post, G. A. R.
Word was received here Friday evening
of the death of Mrs. Frank Beachy, which
occurred at Carroilton, Neb., that afternoon.
The remains were brought to Cnionlown,
her former home, Sunday for interment.
The deceased was a sister of Mrs. Simon
Schrock, of this place.
The B. A O. is demonstrating its ability to
bandie large crowds of people this week.
Besides its regu ar trstlic it has seven or
eight thousand people bound for the German
Baptist Annual Meeting at MeyersJaie to
provide for, and is hauling all of the through
trains of the Pennsylvania railroad.
Among others from Sjmerset cauaty who
are witnessing the proc?elinjs of the Rj
pulicaa State Coavention at Harrisburg. to
day, are Prothonotary Sayior, Hoa. Wi,l
iani Henry Miller. G?orge It Scull, Captain
W H. Saaner, J. C. L)wry, Kq, Fred. W.
Biesevker, Ex Sheriff Kyle, R. F. Dull, Sen
ator Critchfield and John R. Scott, Ej.
Vrs. Eliza Pile, aged 71 years, died Fri
day, 13th inst., at the home of Mr. George
Auiuaa, in Somerset township. Her hus
band, Abram Pile, died a cumber of years
ago. She had been a consistant member of
the Reformed Church for the past fifty years
and was loved and esteemed by ail of ber
acquaintances. Mrs. Piie was a sister of
Mr. Iaa Simpson of this place.
The board of school directors of Ga'i'zin
borough, Cambria county, have re opened
tbe public schools and wiil continue the
session ontil the requisite number of days
for a school year is completed. Protestant
teachers have been employed in the place of
nuns who had charge of the schools up un
til JuJge Barker granted aa injunction re
straining them from weiring the girb of
the'r religious order in thes. hool room.
All of last week resi Jetits of the north of
the county were very apprehensive of a vis
it from Galvin's army of tramp, aad a mes
senger came to Somerset in their behalf
Wednesday for the purpose of asting pro
tection from the county authorities. It was
ascertained here that the route of the army
was not through this county, bat alon the
line of the Pennsylvania railroad. The ar
my went to pieces in Johnstown.
Owing to the wash out on the Pennsylva
nia railroad east of Johnstown ail of the
Jennsyvacia railroad trains are being run
over the Pittsburgh division of the B. iO
Way trains are switched off at Hyudman
and run over the Huntingdon Az Bruadiop
to Huntingd. n where they are switched
onto the main line of the Pennsylvania.
The tracks east of that piut are all right.
Through Pennsylvania trains are running
over the B. A O. via Washington to New
Mr. Puiiip Sjry, of Jenner township,
and Miss Kite Bv3e, of Ivma, O., were
united in marriage at lo o'clock on hist
Sunday morning, at the bomjof Mr. and
Mrs. William Rink, near Jeanertown. The
ceremony was performed by R-rv. George
W. Christ, jastor of the Jennertown Luth
eran Church, theie being but a few guests
present. At 12 o'clock a dinner was served.
Mr. Spory and bride have gone to house
keeping near the residence of Mr. and Mis.
Rink, who are relatives of the bride.
Tbe eighteenth annual Convention of the
Lutheran Sunday-School Association of
Somerset County will be held in St. Michael's
Charcb. Pine Hill, oajune 12 b, 1 !th and
11th. Etch school ieeotitled tt two dele
gates for every one hundred members or
fractions thereof, exclusive of the pastor of
the congregation to which the school is at
tached, and the persons named on the pro
gramme of tbe Convention. Those who
attend the Convenuon must notify Rev. M.
L. Young, Meyersdale, not later than June
oth to be assured accommodations.
Invitations have been received in Somerset
to the wedding of Miss Annie Moor head
CU.k and Mr. Jacob Jay Miller, which wiil
take p'ace at one o'clock Tuesday afternoon.
May twenty-ninth, in tbe First Presbyteri
an Church, Indiana, Pa. The bride ia a
daughter of the late Justice Siiaa M. Clark,
of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,
while tbe groom is the young -st son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Miller, of Somerset township,
and ia a prominent member of the Alle
gheny county bar. Mr. and lira. Miller
will he at born to their friends after June
i lh, at Tbe Cenmswr," a fashionable ho
tel in the East End, Pittsburg.
At eight o'clock this evening Mr. Wilson
W. Shaver wiU lead Hits Jennie, eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob D. Swank,
to the a'ter in St. Paul a Reformed Church,
where the pastor Rev. Hiram Kicg will
pronounce the words which will make
them man and wife in the pres
ence of a large company of invited guesls.
The bride is one oi Somerset's prettiest
young ladies, and the groom, wbo is a son
of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Shaver, of Listie, ia a
popular clerk in Parker fc Parker's dry
goods establishment.
Another appeal to the world for assistance
has been received here from the suffering
people of Zapata county Texas. Tbe appeal
states the starving people have become so
desperate that a band of twenty of them
made a raid upon a general store the other
day for food supplies. The raid was stopped
by their temporary wants being supplied.
Tbe drouth in that county has lasted for
four years, and there is not a wagon load of
gTass in the entire county. It is the only
section ia southeast Texas that bas not been
visited by the recent heavy rains.
Fish warden Hague, of Pittsburg, made a
raid on tbe poachers in the western part of
the State last week. A number of arrests
were made at Ohio Pyle. The poachers
there were not satiGI with angling with
book and line, but eiploied chunks of dy
namite in the pools inhabited by fish and
then gathered them in ilh seins. Over in
E.k Lick township three funnel nets were
taken from ' Fiog Pond," by the township
Constable and several assistants. Warden
Hag-ie is reported to be in this county at
present aad it is prjbable that a number of
arrests wiil be made shortly of persons who
have engsged in iilegal fishing.
- m
Friday afternoon a party of ten or twelve
men were engaged at stripping bark on the
farm of Mr. Samuel Sayior, in Northamp
ton township, when a storm came ap and
compelled them to seek shelter under the
spreading branches of trees. Alien Sayior,
aged about IS years, a son of the owner of
the land, was standing alone under a tree
when it was struck by a bolt of light iii:.g
and torn into splinters. Young Say lor's bxiy
was afterwards picked up three or four tods
from the tree by his fellow workmen. Death
was instantaneous. Theyoung mau was very
popular among his companions and bis sad
death has cast a gloom over all of them.
R. P. Cummins Post G. A. R. bava about
Completed arrangements for tha proper ob
servance of Memorial Day. The procession
ill forai ia frout of the C ourt House at U
o'clock A. M , as follows: Somerset Cornet
Band Secret Societies Sons of Ytterans'
Drum Corps Sons of Veterans G. A. R.
Comrades and Veterans School Children
Citizens. The procession will proceed to the
Lutheran cemetery where the usual exercis
es w:;l be gone through with. After the
graves of the sleeping veterans Lave been
strewa with flowers the procession will re
form an J return to the Court House lawn,
when Elder William Mallendore, of the Di
ngle Church, will deliver aa appropriate
Mont. C. Goodwin, who ran away from
home last week, was found at Somerset oa
Saiurday by bis father and brought borne
the same day. He had wa.k.J the entire
distance. He left here late Tuesday after
noon and wa'ked three miles east of Nor
ruV.vilie that day. The next day he walk
ed on iiito Somerset, where be had appren
ticed hiiu-e'.f to a tailor and had started in
U learn the trade. The power of the press
and the Cvwler ia particular played an im
portant part in locating him. After reading
of his disappearance in these columns last
week, the people along the Springfield road
recalled tbe fact that a boy answering tha
description bad passed along the road on
the day that he lett home, and thus was fur
nished the clue that led to bis whereabouts
being discovered. Mont, was at work when
his father found hita. CunutU.-tiile Comirr.
Harry, the seven year-oid son of Mr. and
Mis Joseph, of EJie, was crushed
to death under a wagon on the public road
near that place last Monday afternoon.
Charles Rboads, a brother of the unfortu
nate victim, and Charles Showman, were
engaged at hauling lumber. Little Harry
accompanied them and when tbe wagon
was unloaded be crawled upja it to ride
home. The team bad only tikea a few
steps when Charley, who was riding the
saidie horae, beard a screa-n of paia aad
turning in the saddle saw his little brother
under one of the heavy wheels. '1 be horses
were promptly stopped when the victim was
picked up and carried to his home in an un
conscious condition. Medical aid was sum
moned but nothing coulJ be done to tave
the lad's life. He bad sufl-red internal in
juries and lingered in great agony until the
following morning whea death came to his
Irresponsible and malicious persons who
were disappointed with the result of the Re
publican primary eiecJon, aad with thesub
Mjueut proceedings of the Republican Coun
ty Committee, Lave set afi jat a story to the
ttlect that Sherirl Hoover was present at the
meeting of Coramitteemea for the purpose
of intimidating the friends of J. A. Uerkey,
Erq. SheriJ Hoover, along with a number
of other persons, went to the Court House
last Tuesday afternoon for the purpose cf
attending the meeting of the Committee in
case the public was admitted to witness its
deliberations, and when be found that the
room in which the meeting was being held
was so small as to barely aeornruxta'e the
members of tbe Committee, he did not unite
with tbe crowd of '"kickers" and Democrat?,
who hsl congregat;d about the building for
the purpose of kicking up a row, but quiet
ly retired. The story is as false as it is
''General" Ooxey, 'Marshall Browne and
Christopher Columbus Jones got their fen
tecve in the Washington police court yester
day from Judge Miller. It was that they
should be imprisoned for t) daysia the Wash
ington jail for violating the law prohibiting
the display of partisan banners on the capitol
grounds. Coxey and Browne were fined in
addition f 3 each for not "keeping of tbe
grass." There is bardiy enough in these
saatences to make martyrs of the Common
w eaters. Tbe maximum penalties are $)
fine and one year's imprisonment. The les
son intended to be enforced is that the capi
tol grounds are tbe property of all the people
of the I'n.teJ Stat as and no one bas tbe
right to take possession and assert any cla m
to occupancy by holding partisan meetings
or displaying partisan banners on them. It
Coxey's right had b -en admitted, all others
would have bad an equal claim.
E. A. Tennis, of Taompsontown, Pa., has
been given the contract to build aad equip
the Bvdford and Blair county railroad, run
ning from Cessna to Brooks Mills, a distance
of twenty-three miles, with a branch extend
ing from O iter burg to Ashtola, Paint town
ship, a distance of eighteen miles. This
contract includes the road-bed, rolling stock,
sta'.ijusand telegraph lines, and the road is
t be open for traitic by Dxeniber 1st, lf-i.
Work has already b-sea commenced. The
branch into Somerset county is for the pur
pose of development of valuable coal and
timber lauds owaeJ by a syndicate of
Maine and Pennsylvania capitalists, headed
by Theodore Gerrish, of Portland, who
owns the majority of the stock. Hon.
George B. Oriady, of Huntingdon, Pa , is
president of the three companies recently
chartered at tbe State Department and own
ing tbe line now being built. Friend. y traf
fic arrangements will be made with the
Pennsylvania railroad company and tbe
standard of the latter, both in the matter of
construction and equipment, will be main
tained. This road opens up one of tbe fin
est agricultural districts of our State and
with the branch extending into the lumber
and coal fields of this county its success
seems assured.
Tha Genuine,
Hood's. Pierce s, Paynes' and many other
patent medicines always in stork, and all
sold at reduced prices at H. L. Sipe'a stores
He Deserted His Wife and Children
and "Went "Weat With Aurora Mc
Clintock They Quarreled at
Omaha and He Shot Her and Him
self. His Abandoned Wife is
Overcome With Grief.
An Associate Press dispatch from Omaha,
Neb., dated Saturday, May 19th, says : A
Pennsylvania couple were the central figures
in a sensational tragedy here last nigbt.
Miss Aurora MeClintock, aged 19, formerly
of Conflueuce, Somerset county, met Jerome
E. Shearer, of tbe Tougbiogheny Lumber
Company, aged 40, two years ago, and be
came engaged. She recently came to Ot
tumwa to visit relative;. Later, she came to
Omaha, met II . J. Hughes, and occupied a
room at a hotel as his wife.
Shearer beard of it and went to the same
hotel last eight, determined to kill her after
exposing ber sin. Tney were having a vio
lent quarrel, when tbe landlord ordered
them out of the house. They weat to an
other hotel, where be shot Miss McClintork
in tbe breast, and then himself. Both are
badty wounded, but may recover.
The news of the shooting of Miss Aarora
McClintock by Jeroiue C. Shearer, at Omaha,
and the attempted suicide of the latter, cre
ated a sensation in Allegheny, where Shear
er is well known.
The dispatches from Omaha say that the
couple met by appointment in Ottumwa, Ia.,
on Thursday, and went to the Hotel Del lone,
Omaha, where they registered as J. C. Shear
er and wife. They quarreled for an hour,
and then Shearer shot Miss McClintock.
Tbe bullet weit in just under the right
breast, inflicting a dangerous hut not fatal
wound. He shot himself a little to the right
of the heart. His condition is the most se
rious. Shearer said he was willing to die,
but not to give up the girl he loved, so lie
shot ber.
Shearer has a wife and four children. Mrs.
Shearer was seen at ber home by a reporter.
She had just heard of the tragic aSair whica
may end the life of her husband. She ad
milted that they had no: been living flem
autly together for two or three years, on
account of the Miss McClintock, who fibres
in the case. Mia Mct'lintock's father hves
st Con, on the IV 4 O. loa J, aad & r.
Shearer was employed by a Mr. Kiltiand,
wbo hi in the lumber business at Ohio Pyle
Shearer became acquainted with tbe Mc
Ciiatock girl while empioyed at Ohio Pyle.
and Mis. Shearer learned of their relations
through a brother of hers, who runs oa the
B. it O. road. Mr. Shearer came home a
week ago last Wednesday, but Mrs. Shearer
was not at bom and did not see him. He
told the children be wa going to leave.
Mrs. Shearer says that it she had been at
home she would have tried to have had an
understanding with him. She was sat ailed to
separate since they could not live together,
but wanted to do it in a rjuiet way in order
to avoid any scandal. She had already tak
en steps looking toward a separation. She
never taw the McClintock girl, but from
what she bas heard she judges her to be
about twenty-two years of age.
An Associate Press dispatch from Omaha,
Monday, says : J. C. Shearer, who is under
arrest for attempting to kill Aarora McClin
tock, made another attempt to commit sui
cide last night. While he was eating dinner
be took a knife and cut bis wrist terribly,
nearly severing an artery, and causing great
loss of blood. He was then removed to the
county jail and kept closely guarded. He
still repeats bis determination to die. He
sent a ring to Miss Nicholson, at Connells
vtiie, Pa., with a letter, but would not tell
what this action means. Aurora McClin
tork bas been removed to a hospital, and ia
considered out of danger.
for cash ia o'B bales. vVe sell Sisal Twine
for 7 cents and Manilla for Scents per It.
New Twine just received and guaranteed.
Janes B. Hoi.picSBU M.
School Days Over.
Tbe graduating class of the borough pub
lie school occupied the sta,re of the Opera
House Friday evening. The houie was
crowded to its fa 1 capacity by tbe friends
and admirers of the class of 'ill. The audi
ence testified its appreciation of the individ
ual effjrta of the graduates by libeial ap
plause. " Deeds, Not Dreams," the motto
of the class of VI, emhlaaind on a handsome
silk banner occupied a prominent posi
tion above the curtain. The stage was deco
rated with flowers and plants. All of the
girl graduates were arrayed in white, while
the young gentlemen members cf the class
were dressed in black. Altogether the pict
ure presented was a very pretty one.
After an invocation had been asked by
Rev. Bristow, the following program was
gone through with : Salutatory, Webster
W.Good Class, Miss Gra.-eKe.fer;
Essay, " Moral Courage," Miss LaKue Hicks ;
Recitation, "The Painter of Seville," Miss
Winnie Kuepper; Treasurer's Report, Miss
Nellie Wooley ; Evay, "Character," Miss
Bertha Grove; Claw History, Mss Lizzie
Friedline ; Recitation, "The Flood of Years,"
Miss Marian Walker; Valedictory, John 11.
John Coiborn was unable to deliver his
oration oa account of illness.
At the conclusion of tbe performances
Principal E. E. Pritu presented the diplomas
to the graduates on behalf of the board of
directors, after which R-v. McBride pro
nounced the benediction. A great deal of
tbe pleasure of the evening was furcished
by an orchestra from Johnstowa.
To Wool Growers 1
Having bought and greatly improved the
Woolen Mill formerly owned by J. H. Kant
ner, we are prepared to do Cardiug, Sp'.ning,
Weaving, etc, on short notice, and at the
lowest possible prices. Farmers, at the low
price wool is seiiiitg, it will pay you to have
your wool worked up for your own use.
Learn our prices for carding and spinning.
We Lave oa hand F.annel Skirting, Carpet,
Stocking Yarn, etc , which we will exchange
for wool. Also pay cash for wool.
Karrjta Co.
Change of Time.
Under the new schedule which went into
effect on the S. & C. railroad, Sunday, the
following changes of ime in the running of
passenger trains was made ;
Mixed Train: Rxkwood 3.30 A. M.,
Somerset 4.1't, Stoyestown 1 52, Hoovers
vilie o?iS, Ilolsopple 5.2s, arrives at Johns
town at d 1".
Mall Train ; Itxtkwood 110") A. M., Som
erset 11.25, Stoyestown ll.j.5, Hooversvilie
12:1, Uolsopple liU, arrives at Johnstown
at 1255 P. M.
Accommodation : Rxkwood 5 45 P.
Somerset C.lo, Stoyestown 6:23, Hoovers
vilie 6.1.1, H dsopp'.e 7.03, arrives at Johns
town at 7:40.
Mail : Johnstown G A. M., Ilolsopple
GtM, Hooversvilie 7.11, Stoyestown 7.25,
Somerset 7:5-", arrives at Rxkwood 8 20.
Express : Johnstown 2:-', Holsopple 2.53
Hooversvilie 3.11, Stoyestown 3.25, Somer
set 3.55. Rock wood 4 25.
Sunday Accommodation runs the same as
Every one that buys one dollars worth of
dry goods, millinery or any other kind of
goods at Mrs. A. E. I'hl's store participates
in the one hundred dollar distribution now
going on at her store.
The World's Fair Rebuilt for the
Pases of History.
The " Book of the Builders," one of the
most artistic and magnificent publications
ever issued is now being offered by The Plttt
Ittry I'itjulek to its readers. It is beyond
question the greatest otfer ever made by a
newspaper. See Tlu DUpaitk for full infor
mation. On Deck This Week.
A large line of Fishing Tackle sow on
sale al Jaaca B, HoLDUtarn.
Highest of all ia Leavenbg rower.
Absolutely pure
State Board of
Jixxxa's Caoss Roam, Pa., May 21, IStH.
Editor Herald:
I wish, through your paper, to say to the
farmers of Some rset county and others wbo
may desire to attend the meeting of the State
Board of Agriculture at Somerset on June
Gth and 7th, that I have sent a limited num
ber ot orders for special rate tickets on tbe
B. A O. R. R. to tbe following persons for
distribution : M. W. Beachey, Elk Lick ; L.
A.Smith. Meyersdale; A. J. Boose, Berk
ley's Mills ; Samuel Philson, Berlin ; E. I.
Miller, Rock wood ; John Shultz, Kingwood,
H. IX Moore, New Lexington; Joseph Da
vis, Trsina; Marshal Ross, Confluence;
Wm. Endsley, Somertieid ; Joseph Si-echt,
Stoyestown ; P. J. Blough, Hooversvilie ;
Grant Weimer, Markieton; Clias. Barnes,
Casaellman ; Simon Poorbaugh, Uiencoe,
and TrAuHt Omce, Johnstown.
These orders can be used only at stations
where tickets are sold and are not good on
tbe train. The meeting will be one of the
most important to farmers ever held in this
part of the State. The program is similar
to that of a farmers' institute and live topics
will be discussed by wide-awake farmers
from different sections of the Common
wealth. Tbe Governor his indicated his in
tention to be present at all the meetings of
the session. The lecture on the evening of
the Wh by the Forestry Commissioner will
be full cf instruction aad free to ail, as will
be all the other meetings.
Somerset county already ranks among the
first counties of tbe State for h intelligence
of her farmers and the interest taken in ag
riculture by all her citizens, and a large at
tendance at this meeting will show to the
many strangers who will be present that our
people are justly entitled to the reputation
they possess. Come and bring your wives
and sons and daughters with you.
X. B. Cam HrisLn,
Resident Member of the Board.
Following is a copy of the program :
Cili to order at !) 30 A. if. Adjvnnuaed 12 Jf.
1. Roil call of members.
2. Address of welcome, by a citizen cf
3 Reply to address of welcome, by Hon.
R. E. rattison. Governor and President of
the Board.
4. Appointment of Committee on Creden
tials f Members elect and Delegates.
5. Reception of credentials of Members-
elect and Delegates.
6. Report of Committee on Credentials.
essays asd disctssioss
7. "Stray Thoughts," by B. B. McClure.
Member from Northampton, Bath, Pa.
8. -Weeds and Weeding." by Jos. F.
Cummitgs, Stenographer of the Board,
Sunbury, Pa.
I). Questions and Answers.
10. Adjournment.
Call to order at 2 . Jf. A ij-MwurHt 5 P. Jf.
1. Unfinished business.
At the annual meeting. Mr. Sloan otfered
a resolution instructing the Committee on
Legislation to prepare and present to the
next meeting of the Board, a draft of an act
to regulate and restrict tbe manufacture and
sale of oleomargarine; the vote and further
action upon this resolution was postponed
until the next meeting. The Advisory Com
mittee propose that as much of the Afternoon
Session as is necessary, shall be devoted to
the general discussion of legislation relating
to the manufacture and sale of oleomargarine
and imitation butler.
All are invited to participate in the discus
sion and delegates from Farmers' Clubs,
Granges, Alliances aad other Agricultural
Organisations are specially invited to in
form the Board as to the views of their
WEDMESDtT IVESI5u It "XE (5. 1304.
Call to order a.'T.i) P. M.
1. "Agriculture at the Chicago Exposition,"
by Col. John A. Woodward, Assistant Com
missioner from Pennsylvania, Howard, Ta.
2. An illustrated lecture on Forestry, by
Dr. J. T. Rjtbrock, State Forestry Com
missioner, Harrisburg. Pa.
All are invited to attend. Lsdies specially
invited. No charge for admission and no
collection of any kind.
I'm to order ai') A. Jf. A lj'juraint:J 12 M
1. "The Sceptical Farmer," by Calvin
Cooper. Member from Lancaster, Bird-in-Hand,
2. "Education," by S. S. Diehl, Member
from Bedford, Bedford, Pa.
:i. "Sanitation on tbe Farm,' by Hon.
J. J. Taoma?, Member from Cambria, Car
rolltown. Pa.
4 "Sanitary elfects of Forests," by Dr.
John P. Elge, Member from Chester, Dow
ingtown, Pa.
5. "Past, Present and Future," by Aagoi
tus Brosius, Londongrove, Pa.
G. to, lestions and Answers.
THt EsDAT arrERjoos, JCSE 7, lfl.
Ciil to order ai 1 30 P. Jf. Adjwn,me,d 3 P. M.
essays asd disctssioss.
1. "Farm Intercjarse," by J. A. HerT,
Member from Clinton, Cedar Springs, Pa.
2. (Subject to be named), by Hon. W. H.
McCullougb, Member from Allegheny,
Tarentum, Pa.
3. (Subject to be earned), by W. H. II.
Riddle, Member from Batler, Butler, Pa.
4. "Farming for a Purpose." by John I.
Carter, Chatham, Chester county, Pa.
5. "The Future of Farming," by D. II.
Patterson, Member from Fulton, Webster
Mills, Pa.
6. Questions and Answers.
7. Adjournment.
Realising the difficulty of providing a
programme which shall embrate ail of tbe
topics relating to general agriculture, tbe
Advisory Committee, in preparing the pro
gramme, have set apart a time at tbe close
of each session, during which any proper
question may be taken up for discussion,
either through tbe medium of the Q testioa
Box or by direct motion during tbe session.
A Question Box will be kept upon tbe
Secretary's desk, and all are invited to place
therein such questions as they may wish to
have discussed during the session. At a
proper time, designated by the meeting,
these questions will be referred to some one
for answer or brought up for general dis
cussion. All Granges, Alliances, Agricultural
Societies and kindred Agricultural Organiza
tions are specially invited to send regularly
accredited delegates, wbo will, on applica
tion to the Secretary, be furnished with
ticket orders entitling them to the same
rates of railroad fare as are accorded to mem
bers of the Board.
Tucks. J. Edge, Sec'y.
Harrisburg, Pa.
Tbe Bargain Store, on the south-east cor
ner of the Diamond, Somerset, Pa-, ia the
best place in the county to secure bargains in
Jewelry, Groceries, Tinware, Glassware, Sta
tionery, Notions, Cigars and Tobacco.
Jakes Ca?edat.
Colombia, Reading Flyers, and Fashions,
both ladies' and gentlemen's wheels opened
this week al James B. Holderbaum's Hard
ware Store.
Boggs A Buhl have something of great in
terest to say to the ladies in their advertise
ment this week.
Latest U.S. Gov't Report
A Few From Ot!e.
The ground in this township was covered
with bail stones to a depth of several inches
following Thursday's storm.
The Rcpuhlii'ans of (Vie township are
glad to learn that their committeeman stuck
to the old (.arte. We bare no neen of In
dependents in Ogle.
Josiah Daily booked 55 nice speckled
beauties from the waters of Clear Shade
creek Friday.
Some malicious person bas been milking
toe cows of farmers in this neighborhood,
and unless they desist in tbe practice trouble
will follow. WmrrEKwiLU
10 to 20 per. cent can be saved by baying
your goods at Sipe's general store. If you
want to buy a suit, a hat or a pair of shoes,
it will pay you to examine bis stock and
learu his prices before placing your order.
Missionary Meeting.
Tbe Woman's Missionary S-xtiety of Som
erset Classis. of the Reformed Church, will
meet in annual session on Thursday, June
14. Hyl, at Rxkwood, Pa. Every congre
gation is entitled to two delegates whose
names are to be sent to Miss Maggie Baker
Rock wood, not later than May 24. lsJt.
Maooie Kseffeb.
Cor. Secretary.
These cool evenings ! How they chill to
the very bone and what comfort can be
gotten out of those wraps of R. A. Snyder
Rxkwood, Pa. Don't wait another day
until you see them.
A Nebraska farmer claims to have made a
fair grade of maple sugar from sap drawn
from box alder trees.
To All Whom It May Concern.
Citizens owning cows are notified to keep
them o3 the streets at night. The High
Constable bas orders after the present week
to enforce the ordinance, lock up all cows
found at large after night, and collect the
fines and costs from the owners.
The Growth of Lutheranlsm.
York, Pa , May IS. At tbe Lutheran
Silver Jubilee to-day a state-meat cf the fi
nances made public shows that the annual
receipts for church extension bave grown
from $2340 in l?j!i to $.-S,y5o in 1?.'3. The
total receipts for church extension in the
past 25 yesrs were f J47.SC" ;cj. The total
number of churches aided ia the same time
was 353.
Readers of the Hceald should not forget
that J. N. Snyder, the druggist, can St their
New Prices for 1S94
Tainted Barb wire per pound,
Bissell Chilled Plows,
No. 40 -Syracuse
" .
Gule " "
2 cts.
Call and see tbe latest improvement in
Lever Spring Tooth Harrows.
James B. Holmbbacv,
Somerset. Pa.
A Man's
Is largely niade up of little thing. This is
why a Ictitleinan's Furr.uhings ; the ties,
the collars, cuffs and the et ceteras generally
are worthy of Some thought and attention.
Bjjiag and Sszaise?
necessitates an entire renewal in
these lines
Wc have them Laundried an-1 Cn
laamlrietl, with lioth attached anl
separable collars: and a superb
line with colored Percall and Ma
dras bosoms and cuffr, with white
In Soft Goods, : :
and after all they are the only
: : Hot Weather Shirt,
WILL BE SOLD - - - -
New, Fresh Suits of Mens' Boys' and
Children's Clothing, very low prices.
MUST BE SOLD - - - -
Former Stexk of Clothing offering
and selling at Prices that scarcely re
alize gcost, at
Somerset - - Pa.
E.-U:e of Henry Caem&n. dee"l, late of Brothers-
valley towoahip.
Letters testamentary on the ainve estate hav
ing been granted u trie im.lerv ned by ibe i-rov
er autbtn:y, tHftice is hereby siren to all peru
kDotrini ibemoelve indebted to il estate to
make immediate (styuieut and inoe h.virag
ca:iium:Q4 the Mae to present them du'.y
authenticated U etUement oa saluriay, Juiy
14th, at the home of dee d.
Best and Largest Practical Art
(The ouly Art Periodical a-rarded a Medal at the
World Fair.
Jural!' to all rfo iriaA to mate tkrir htinn Iv arf
rfr mrs r t-t make their At Vaatyirf
fUri lUUt we will send to aay one ,
il send to aay one f C.
Jieauuo a peci 'III
-rt co!w plates II I
ni and S Hippie- A. y
mentioning Uiis puUieauoo
men eopy, wttb -u tx-rt)
i air euC'ViBV of framimci
mentary puis of deauua treicaiar price
I-), or
mB 0 we will send also "Pwintinj
rUfl aCJC lor Bmne" pecest.
MONTAGUE MARKS, 23 Union I Square,
New York.
lure brigm l)-.e. lmptj. oravel. Ser-vo-wiess.
Heart, t'naary or Liver diwai e. ioovii
by a tirwi. laairaid teetint; : Icaetion at tbe kid
neys weakens aad poisons the blood, and on tow
ea'W i rexaoted you eaonut have health. Cur
ed over live yean ago of Bright bite and
Iiropny Mrs L L. C. Miller, Bethlehem, fa.
Luou other similar testimonials Tiy u. Cure
Cann's Kidney Cure C , 720 Venango St.
Philadelphia, Pa.
SuiJ Bti All Ke!laUe DntfjUi.
It "V w V"
Spijhf Opening
We are
173 ari Segast Sprirg St:ck cf
a larjrcr and preater variet? tlan
ever before sliown in tLia
Of every description.
All of which will be oiTored at
TRICES low er than ever.
My stock of seasonable wash Dress
Goods is large and cheap.
Consisting in Part of :
40-inch Irish Liwns, fittreJ A stripeJ.
White and coloreJ dimities.
Tiain ani fj'ire.1 Crepes, very pretty.
All graces of I'resa (.ilnhaon, at low
Crinkled Ginghams.
Wool and Cittn Challies, from 5c cp.
American A French attittes, all (Trade.
I'laia striped and plaid Xainsooka,
laJia Lawns.
A large line of jard wide Cambrics.
Percales in many design?.
Handeome Princess I'ccis.
Ealistea in many styles.
A Great Variety of White, Cream,
Ecru a tut Muck Lace for
All widths and styles of braides
for Press Trimminj.
All colors Moire Silk. Changeable
Silk, Surah Silk, etc., lor trim
minir and waists.
A complete line of Scrires, Henri
ettas and fancy Wool and Silk
Dresa Goods.
Cheap Wool Dre3 Goodi in great
Baby Dresses and Baby Coats, lonj
and short.
Baby Caps and Hats to suit all.
All kinds of goods for Children's
Lace Curtains from .0c. a pair up.
Scrim from 5 to 1c
A large assortment of Ladies'
Misses' and Children's Under
wear. Beautiful Table Spreads, cheap
handsome ties in Silk and Cot
ton. Silk Gloves and Mits in great vari
ety. The best line of CORSETS to be
Hundreds of articles in Notions,
and Trimmings that cannot be found
elsewhere. The best line of FAST
colored Stocking?, either in Black
or Colors.
Summer Opening
Miilinery Goods,
The largest, mo?t stylish and cheap
est." Don't forget that with .the extreme low
price offered, yon hare a chance to set
a part of the 100.00, that we are now
giving to ocr customers.
Mrs. A. E. UHL
James B.
Fine CARTS for
Fine Busies for middle
Fine Carriages for the Family.
Fine Phaetons for the Old Folks.
AT a ar"e no oad Wagons
t jlIOw and Spring Wagons.
The largest and best selection ever shown.
lames B.
Noiii'e i hereby riven Uial So! mon Hrh!ier-
l au.l :W, Lit IvwD.nip. xmr-l
iviiiiy, Pa., have ma1e Voluntary Ainm!iil
So luvui .11 etw. ival miul per iii j
m:ic1. :o ini?4 ftr the twroetit oi lhe i-rt1.ur f ;
MtM Siitjtii'ta U -.-rh ix-raef, ail i.riti having
rialiB -uit mM S!.:ii.m !!: !TT wiil !
rv--ril liiem to tne i:U'li'r:jc:iJ 'lmr auLhcnu-
rUrl, .!!! al! in-rvs t in il SiUui4i Hcrsij- i
Ufrtfer wi.l maac inicitMiaie ravtr.1!!: t.
J.jtin R. Soot!.
AUorneT. Jr:i'j-v ild.
W:iCftSA4. The lion. Jacob II. T.os.KNETKit,
Prvuk' ill J)le of itt Yrri 'iirti of OwMimn
l.-rmii er mi't rl Jr! IM:vtr, f rt'. j
tr.I of a:l i;-itAl ami other odVnl-n in the s.i
Dtn t. anl l J. Hhnk ai.'l Nah B;jl k-
Em. . Ja-!- of the Mirthf t'onirii-m
Ju-iit - t-i i ft" iurt uf t yer t;-i TVr-.u.ut r
t-n-ntl Jvtii lu'livery for lUr tr:U ( t-pi- f
ti uJ ii. r rt-aitfr iu tn o:rny of uitrvt
ha.e !. t-1 iir.r pm-vpt. aiii to me MirvrtM. !
fr &uM:i:e i ourt of Omniou p.t mA ieu -l -
v i;4rvr ?r?sF;."!i! tf lUe au-i -ciirrai '
be.iverT. iluA touru of Oyer al Twrmn-r U j
MONDAY. MAY 2Sth, IS94. (
NoTiv 1 heivM" Ri ven to".I the Justice of lh j
Pekoe, the 'ororT au-i t oU!itk-s ttnm the j
t'oiur.r of -KK-r-i. that they he ihm and '
tCt re : tiu-:r iror p-roiii their r ret- j
ii!iiiae:;:ouv exam.nt:ons a:M otuer re- j
m -whraijrvN :. io liior-e m!nm wbi tx to their
uiiv aii.i .ii ;hut b.-htf aj pertain b tioiie,
a4 a,-o Hie? waoaii! pnfUU aKnt the irt
or.'.r Uii are or fcftail be tn toe jail of Somer4rt
Couir, u :e then and laere k pruc:ule agauit ;
tLcia a satj jujt. j
tuv.rCL aw ILK,
Vahatk Real Estats I
Bv rir.iie fif an order of Aa ined o";f of the
C"oirl M Ckuidimi F-e of simerri comity, Fa ,
iai 10 rw iirf-tf i. I will ?trof b p.ihhc a..e
oa tra t Nol L, ot rtaiiiifter ticn'jcl. ua
THURSDAY, MAY 24, '94,
a? I o'cluck P. M., the foilawing dc rihed real
efi&Le :
No. 1 A tract of land .-i.r.ate in Bnv.he'nvaJ
ley townn.o, SrieTet -aiii:y, I'.. !j inni
lat;S of Sarait Bcrk.ey. M :Iiacl Bniau. iicu
ry Hay, 1'eirr Kaer, aal KheP. coiita.iU
1 OO
more or l-ss, harii-. thereon erected a two-;orr
frame btrii:n Hu-, tjau hru and othtTor.t
b'i...'inr, hei!ii the nom-t-A.J of v ai. if. Bar r.
Th taa is Wird watered, a kv"1 o chard,
alro rjiip, a .a'. wltk oi timr aad
baiauee well tu.iivaUrd.
No. 2 Situate a a:'ore id. aI'oinin Nj. 1
ahuve. lanti of A. ex Hr-n. I. J. H.j: t.-.I.
Jtfja:itar: Haer. Kter Br other, tonfain
nift ii7atre, or It-sa, &jti:i a two Ury
Dwelling House,
rah'e aad i:boldioj tnerea ere.teL This
farm ha aut a're riearel. lu acres in tmt
Uta aad ta-auce cU timbered.
T pmp t Ten per cent, of tbs purcha-
I CI iliS ni'-uey to ptid in cah on day
of aie. and th balas-e of ln on of before the
eoahrmatioti of the saie : in mm Lis and
1 , iu one rear fnm eQri.-:aa' ioQ of .e. le
ftrirrl pamcnt- to '-ear .merest fr a t-onrirn:a-f.on
of aae u t to evuied by bond aad mort
ifitfe np-ju tlie preaiisea.
Aj iucc ofVn. D. Bar and Catharine, hia wife.
Notice is beivby irrven :hat Ja Ko n'l and
hi wife, ul y i'niahtiai )C towuhip. S 11-rrs-:
eoutsry. ha . have made a vo.tictary a-nrn
merit to ra of ail taeir e"a , r-at. per,nl and
mixti, intri-t f tae heneR! of tbe erdiun of
aid Ja o KotKir. A-l penims hariuc ciaina
aaiDM aid Jacob fcoou! . wid present tbem to
tiie underMfctr ed. duly aiiU;enui a:ei. at hi o:h e
:n the kopw:i:nof !omervt, Pa ou Sainniay. the
3-th dav of Mav, and pt-t owuit; a.d
Jacob kijontz will tnac iuimetHate pavrneutto
FKKU. W. Bifc-itLKEK.
Gio. R. S- rix, Au y- Aignee.
No Ire in herehr r ren Jeremiah wartx
and ilary il., hi wife, of iuemaa oin twa
nip. S.aere einty, I'a.. have made a rolnn
tarr aj:jfument to n 01" ail tbeir eta;e. real.
pTNonai and mixel. in tmt for the bet.etil if
the ervditor of a:d Jt-reniD -wart. Ail ;-er-9ki
having claims aaiut a:d Jeremiah ?aru
wi.l present them U trie uadr-tfTie!. d :ly !
their.ifated, at bi- ottu-e iu tne Borough of Som
erset, Pa-.oa Mttinlay, the .thday ot May. l- t.
and ad perMn oa ine uul Je rem -ail ?aru w:ii
make unawiiate payment to
Fttio. w. b:esecker.
Geo. R. --tll, Ail y. AJ.nee.
.t:. -r it h?rbT civen that Ira! Snab.T an.l
Mrst!v'. hi miv, of Ccnmautftl towDl:;
s.uif irt ronaty, F . have n:.!? a Toluntarr .
ivniuci.t t ice f aM liitir eta:e. rral. prini
nl nxeii, in in;-t f- :he te;n-:il o ll.e i rfi:'.
or. of M;i Israel -.nabiT. Ail rtr hain
claims aaitw al1 I-rnW Sr.ab.y wt.l pniut
tbi'in U) ine undriifne'i. ti Ar au'.bf ni:aiti at
my n-u1-iwr in lhe Btifman"of Simrs-r. h .
ou Tburlay. the Jtih day of May. 14. au-i a.l
pePMrfta oar-.o :! Israel SaaN y tnafce !m-
meliate paTinnit U JACOB l. ANK.
Faio. w. B.a-t kia All y. A-mmnte.
jiinsK.v:s notice
Nui Is berehjr girea that J I. Hui.i'rt. f
MilHr'i town.i.ip, Simrrvi roin!y. I'a., haj
nia'ie a voiuaiary a.-iKnm-ut to me f ail ht es
tate, rt-ai. chilis; an 'I nixed, in tr.i-t '.t the
U.n. nt of ni crttiiuri. all terHii iaiwel to
an.l a.! person caTian la:ma aa.u: lUe i!
J I. H inlOTl, present tae:u to tile un-lrr-.iifrved
at hi ofte in Simerrt. Pa., wuboul
driay.ou or betofe Su.unlay, May i.. MM
W. tt. H AKER.
J.rfia R. Seolt. Atty. a,.zikv.
N.tu l hirN iriven that Jotn Wa it. of
the lowlishipof Simiiui', ty of Vo! Hilary
Alignment. daieJ tne iv.h day of Xan k l.H.
aiir!iel l Jlaniou K. :ker. io mm for trie
beaeiitof tae creUiUjn rl J':u a:kt-r. a:t
t i e.tau. rl an.l perm!. jf tne Jn'ia
UalKer. ttie mmiI Manicia R. Waiter iiav
ini dev'iine.1 the id ;nit, the Tonrt of t inaaoo
picaa ol SunM eouuty dm. on the .lay if
Slav. appoint the iiu-Vrsii-nctl a A-'n
aiofwaii in p.aie act ted of Waiilon k.
UaJaer re.nnej. All prxoa in.ieUeU to mai.1
J 1 1111). Wa-aer make iminelia:e tuifiarni
and thfwe haTin rlaim and .leuan-!a nl pre.
ini the aaine without deui Co nie aa S.mcit,
Aatinec of J iuu aiker.
Jotir 1 herT i.-n tli it M ihl R. WaJker
an-I tau wue. Annua, ul in-; town. alp of suav
nut. If detrd of Voiimlary At-latu-tit. dated liie
l h da of April 1, k ie . B'l to Joau k
St-ott, of the bnrona of ?Vraer-!t. Ha., iu trurt
fur the tienerit of tne creliir of aid Mahion H.
W aiker a.l the entate. reai and pervxi., the
aaii M. R. Waiker: All pcrsma in.lcKei to aaid
afah R. Waiaer will oitke lmmlia pay
ment to the aid A.:gnee, al tiio- banuc
rlainu or dtrmanoa will present the wune wtthoul
d"r' j.H.f r. sorr.
Aai(seCof Man ion B. tta.aer.
Notice to Contractors.
raled propnaais w.i! be received for the Baiv
ofture of Two Huairel and fifty Thooai-d
P.m-k. uia. Ad Ud ntK be reoeirvd aa or
before the :h day of May, 1V4.
Foe lalonBatua apiy la P. i Hay &cxtry
cf Bj Log wMamiUoa, oaiiaViry, Pa.
for Vounir Men.
- asretl and business men
way down.
Call and see them.
NoTU'Ei QrebT viva to ail persons wmtrn
eJ a levtev, crv-litor. or ol her w !-. ihu tfae
foilitwiii aa-oxima have pa.v-.i Kirer, and
that the 'v.rrve ai.i prtenu-l !r i-unnrniutiKi
JQ.l ai.t.waii-v a. an i r: hAa" o-irt te hlU
al -i. -rK-t. Hi., on W oli-r-iay. M-y lr.H.
Kir-t a;il an in; it i im.ti i. liaaer ant
Irn:;i Mj:. h.t, alai;;iij;rtor oi IL J. icf.
hirt ari't tin! A.iMUiit of inu M Sharer aal
2mL S iinx -k.exe-utoni o?iJ"i:u . S'hr n -it, .Ice ii.
r irt au a tin! a'nu:ai if Avrt Ue:!!ey. ai
muiitrator ot J-rik Koriivy,de-M.
i- irt a i l i:ui a-timi of J a 06 Hammrer
and J. M. '.;vi;iiKt, executors uf ta.utii
u v-r. c iJ
I- .r-t ami nnal aiiunt of ?;:iiti J. (iIoItl!y,
al::iiniraur of .Irvmiah 'lUaUelir, dei- i.
Tie . wunt of J. M. iiav, aliuiultrator of
M:- tiae: Hay, .!- J.
l-.ptau'! nnai atco niit of John M. Wright, ex-e-iiir
of hr.sU'ua Kcmil'!, .lec 1.
ir-t an l itmi a ( ii -j4 B. A. k italner.
m; :tracr of Iav.-1 Ankeny. lee d.
Kirt ant titii .--t:it of Ma-.oes Sh.-mak
er. a-i:um:trator ol Lui;l t 01-mau, dee d.
i-;rt an l partial a -omit of 11. . & Biiaa
W a.ser. eeeutr .f .Isb F. Wi. iter, dt-e -I.
Tne tmai antMii.t of H m. P. Hay and W. P.
Na:r, tni-ttt uf John Nair. der d.
Tne at i:::t of Joim T KAveiierafl, adniiui
lr or of J.;io kaeuri't, de d.
i 'iir acquit w ir wrs'e Ttnler, aTi;niatrtwr
Of a(harue efi !er, ice d.
The atotint ol t.'nrn Mcliuiofk, adauci--lraur
of Ahei iiarkli.", d t d.
Rrrt!ur "rtiee,
jtav 'if, j
To Po:!y rarer. iriTrmarrie! with fWniel Car
ey, of 1 aa'H'tt county, Md : Juua Wrrut-r, inttr with Franc i4.Uin;er. ol Jou-s' Hal.
Hr?tiiKr'iai'd cou;ry. r'a,. S a.-himrtuii Weruer.
of t-arrett iiinty, M 1.. fir eoiiilrwu and heir
of W.-ruer. dfe'd.. wQ'M names an 4 re-dru-e
are um::oab, the enildreu of .-raft
T re-ier. dee d., wne name.- aad reii-o- ar
untmw!t ; Mjuri Huiti;a, itiUrrmarntti
with Jame Canipbeil, of Latr ' pa : va lmf
Hctafauh, of Leinont. h t Ue coUiit". i'a. ;
IL' V rrut-r, re-nierii-e 'iriiu a.
V"U are iiere'.-y uot ;it d in !r'iin, of a
Writ of Partition ivued out or the rp halts'
1 ourt of S;:p-l coiiaiy. Pa , 1 id hold au iu
u'ie: on tr.e pi m ;jk-. on real etale uf Johu
M. A.-rner, tt-- -i., iluaLe in ttrtenviils t.wn
sn:p, x nicret cwiuty, pa., ou Satur.Uv. May ..
lM. whrri and w.acr yju cau a lieu d it yoti
thin proM-r.
&Her:i swrn -e, EDWARD U-XVt"i:.
31 ay i.L slier. J.
t.-Laie of Peter P B'otich, late of Qaeraahoning
toLu.hip, Nnnrr:t eouuty. Pa., dee d.
Letter u amnTarT on thraUve etute bar
U14 hreu trraiitoi to tne untiePKnfl by me prop
eran'noiy, nnKe is btrehy ifivrn to ail persoua
iijdrhic! to said etnie to mae liniiuliaLe pay
nif ut and thoe haviuif elatiu aafamt tne mo.
w'..l pre-nt them tor writ l-m-nt auiy anhectica
trJ. oa .-turiy, J-iue Ail, l-4. at the late resi
dence ol d:i'ea.d 111 w!inia:toti:ii)r touh.p.
AAKUN BLid'.il.
?taiilin M V.n P. .,
lavi.iviiie P. O .
Execulon of Peter P. BaOih, dec d.
taie of Iavid Wcinter. dec L
Letter testamentary oa the aNove eL:e har
iut bera eranul to ine iiuWptiafuel by tnepruu
er authority. iMrtue i u?r-ty given to ail permiw
indt Ufl i ali ewtate to maae i; pay
ment and '.note Uavnif elaim MainM .ne tme
will prrent tnem duly aulhfnticatrd for mrtlie-rr-erit
Ut tne ir;ulir a: his reideiwe m
KiH.-k.aojd burjutb, 00 rhur!ay. June :M.
fetate of Ge). W Bnfonl. late of Somerset bor
onh. de- d.
I tter of admim-traiiou having hmx grants I
y the proper autno. ity, 'o tbe U'ider;!a-1, tup
t e nt-rtfiy kjiveo U all j-ri." iiilftir u
-ta:d etaie Ut nt-ttce iin;n t.a;tj pa ;nent, and
tcw ha v.g c'.aiiu : aa a si:d eiaie w.d prv
sv; thftn i i'.y aurb-:tu afl i'jt eiilcrafat ajd
aiioaii'-r. at tiir a- renit:itt.-c 0 tne deceam.-l,
oa Saiuria. I'm- !. '.
Adaiiuitra:n x.
Ia thf -.tie of Ja'ia Hidtrr. I.:e of Q lemahon
itiKr towa-bip. ocuerMH couuty. Pa., d: d.
Letter of adminl-irat.ou having been granted
by uie pnprr autinriiy to the tiu.ieiig:ied no
tice ;s hereby givt-u l atl pruua inleowd to
aid eiate to maae imiiirt.ace payment, and
truire taav uig rlaini afaiu--t mu 1 eniau: wid pre
seui Ui-m il .ly atitaieutit-aieil for j-rU.euirni at
tbe .ale r-idrii e "I aalnilnirat in !a.d lowu
h;;, oa iatuway. Mar :..t:i, l-
Jf.lAH flHAL'LIi
4" red W. Bieaevker, Att'y. AdcuniaUrator.
NoTI'E w herety given that an application
will tv? oiaate lo the ourt of Coin.nitf. fleaa uf
Soxrrvt -Kiiiiy, "taie of Penuy,vauia, ou tn
JiQ day .jf May. a L. at l i A. M , un-ler
tne A. -l of A-euif'ly eat:iit-l An Act u prownle
forth i:i''orporataan and r'iUunt uf t--rtAiU
rorprai:or:, ' apprivrt Aprit v, l-7t, and tbe
fip.nie:i ;hrrrt. t-y Jo;aa J. Urig, George
H. m:ih, Jot:i H. iUiiiru- rniaii, Lauiei K Loi.g,
Iavid A i t ami Ja:.2- al .in UDg. for tfie 1. bar
ter ui a-i mLenifl nora:!oti ti cjc :.ei Tne hr
forrned faur.-n of r r.riuv Pa-, tne ch arab le r
and o.jcct of wiitt-ri it luv puoiie orc.p of
A.L'i'iiUiy t to tne cntittaLion.
taiiou. di-p::ue. doctrtnea faith, kovernmwut
a:: 1 ituj ol the te Ke!orm.4 riiurt a in the
l ui'.rl, and tur lh j urtMM-t to hae
pov- an-i enNiy m'l tbe rtz:.i. tWirtfia a ad pr.v,
ijrgfs ioaierrl ty ta Act ot Aabl) alore
Mt.d and u siippUmeut.
J. L. pn;H.
Legal Notice.
A! a zceetmg of the rirerUK of the Pxr, held
at toe ii-j.iiiv nocie on Aprit L 1, l. tae foiiow
mx pr-. ftu ne aul rewiuuon hu a! pt'i :
VVufctta- ur tu" p--i year tatrre Dave been a
nurur-ir A pr.i- (: r iiu iUm flinty w itttout
tairai.a. home or frieu-U. and :c. and (f itig per
muted b "tar at auium aiudiy beaited fvruD 1
b'Hi.-: and iu time r -tir a bunion aod Uivir
reeoun-v l ou i:ie i-onuty and o!Ur:i Hurra m-y
are unabie Ut r rnos rl au1 oti--,mriUJy Urge
iiiS !or nurinr and maiDteiiant and b)
1 ian' iti'. are iu ;arred a nu n tue coUiiiy com
pel. i to pay fur,
Thereiore tmt it resolved that hereafter no Dtiia
wi'l t-e paid wfiiUrvtr ftpr any Mr iudgrnt
peron f-r mahiu nam-e or pb; . :aii Uii.iDg
or coming into tne eounty itriout meafts tVitae
or (neu-t-. aad Mueu - i a perou n-mrv aoavt
aee And n-.p lrtm other-, tae pan it, eoura
and jotaCtt are lOntiui Url u maae ui&htji
t:ou of tte -a:ue and nave a arrant fc-ued tr
their reuovai n tae Home iraiiei'at;y. aud by
o dotO) aave Imwk hula to tjmuty.
A::t J:aM V Hnai,
1.. r. roLBuk.f, Jo Kfc-t,
Clerk. Ltiecturaof tua poor.
The ('Howtng a-rMint hare Keen nUl ia my
oitire. and ihrti' nvrey giveu tbat Ui ni
w ill b preaateU to t-e Court ua cuaarouuuo. oa
Thursday, May 3Ist. Next
Flnt at).! f.ani ihmiiii of J. A. Ber key. uaiga
iiciiee of Job., li kantner. et ua.
first aol uual afut of Jonepa B. atiUer. a
snrnee of t'oti'm.l Miller.
r :rt an-I partial a eoiint of A. L- G. Hay and
Valentine liar, aaaiguce of W. H. ilaj a doo.
aiao W. H. Hay.
iomeTe. P ,
May Aa, l.tH. ,
r. r. saU'R.
I hereby certify trial the tV4Iowii:g jetitloC4 for
hoatie Litior l.x ena were ti.vd m my otft
areurdittg to law, and iat tb nt will bw pee
aerned u tne Court f-r aiMwancw ua
Monday. May 28th, next
John Ji- Topper. Alirvneay township.
Hrury U. slaiil and Jocm C ateawuiy, Suaaaut
Uvk i C4 e, t. t. 6AT10R.