The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, March 21, 1894, Image 3

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    lie Somerset Herald.
EGKE-SCIU, Editor.
March 21. 1S9L
block at
v 2. KP.VE S
Frker are miking m spatial
ii jrk-ves this
week. See their ad-
, n,,linrf corset it eaual
tof fljur weifcUmg sixty
r3' .,. Li 5raJtf F'ouf ia 140 lb"
c". , t t(j, recent introduction of
v. i,t increased the aUeodauoe
-tools of this 25 per
' proJiKJ fifty pjundalof
ii:Wti- ni'jHiplies ten fjld in five
x to j1 'our niouey ilu
rirrtl-,r lbe necessaries of life.
ens Ki!m:::ed to the Methodist
'!r'" .,.ivi"; Conference from the
grrisburp. l'invn:r. wu..
rtJHotashow over 12.f
' . ,r.:,P the year, 2,v.'J in ex
excess of
fA "vkerel ar.J Lake Herring eieharig
l!y , -ojuce. at Mahlon Schrock's.
- :v l.t-e p511 note is to be
l'KJi tbe poi-.orS'-.e money order
' a W 50 arranged that orders not
"li'Vi mav he bought fjr three
fee being graduates utitii it is w
rs aaioJn'.ing to f auJ under
' "-. - unit Wrap: Where ilall I pet
rrloJk at R- -V. Snyder's liue, di
' ."' 'ht lacury, nJ your question ia
'Ileli' the best and newest at
RxkvrooJ, Fa.
. of lb H -'!' should not forget
Tv"Dvder, the druggist, can fit their
.,,,," !;, won. I'- will not be taxed
T.:clci(r. At the instance of
i'ftoden.ofWest Virginia, the Sen
rJr ce Committee has promise.! to
1-ui.e t;U so that the poor man's cigar
fT be overburdened with taxation.
' --veesaie cf fine furniture at Devlin's
,"ei tl Frankiia St., begins Aug. 9th.
ijjts at about ha.f price.
- RViie relates that when the attend
reran at Lincoln's bei-side laid his
.b tiie martyr s pulse and announced
T'-iaiiitl ome. S-erelary Stanton,
stndicg lv. said with deep,
'lK belong to the asw." It f
.serial utterance.
J,-, von seen IWlia-J Brussels Carpets
x;.vyirJ. in any pattern? Lace
,. flower than jobbers prices. Fricea
B .r;yartide.-tJ and and S2
6-., Johnstown, Ta.
i l:;arsto be a vWation cf the postal
ttfcrrbase a stamp and use it merely
r ti purple of having it cancelled.
co'.'.eci-irs in St. Lurs have got
- Ub'.ebv pnrcWmg new Columbia Lisber grades, putting them
sa:v:j; aJdr'i to themselves and
,r;-s ihem mailed t country poslotfices.
,., tienients which nature reqiirw. to
su tie hair ber-utiful and abundant, are
2 in Ayer a Hair Vigor. This pup
, ,i kefjts the stjP free from danrutT, pre
tbe hair from bt coding dry and harh
t.l aakes it fluible and glossy.
I. iccjty f the Pennsylvania lines
..Ujh.-J fro:n the fliowi:ig: E.-ery
zz there are 1 tons of coal, K".XM gal
ji jf water and 11 pal'.ons of oil used. It
on its p;v rolls M 1.000 employes, and to
ijt'Lunevt-ryhourUkesa bk'k of3i!ver
t-iJ" iscbn. The receipts oftherenn'a
i. year run over 'J '.'."','.'.
I Lsvc nsid Aver s Uair Vigor fur a
.-3MT of years, and it has always given uie
rtion. It is an excellent dressing, pre-
the hair from turning gray, insures its
f.r.-os growth, and keeps the tca'.p white
dan." Mary A. Jackson, Stieni, Ma:3.
Ei-ier comes very early this year, as it
u oa March 25, but it will be nearly l'JO
before it falls again on this date, the
:;r;ar being liC.l, 2v'-, 2"li, J57, 21'.'3.
,.,tJ 2!'ti5. Tae earliest date upon which
jsjt can fall is March xi, and the laH
iisrsoa this date were in the years WXi,
' t3 1-1H, but so early an Kasterw ill
lijuo train until l'.-7'J.
Ti.y we pltase. Simply because we ban
: oi.r first class goods, we employ the
tfti.erjl in the Millinery depart ment, our
";c having had several years of City
ir.e2ce. and then our low prices for cash
r;t. We guarantee to please.
Kockwood, Pa.
Te tj;r-me Court of Indiana has de
irt consider again the case it has already
ijn twice, that of Mary E. Haggard
Julia Stehlin. a saloon keejer, who
t saloon near the plaintiffs property.
eoan in ils second decision held that
it is s'lown that a saloon depreciates
(? an action for damags can be
-:u tirl The liquor interetts look upon
Jecabnasthe heaviest blow struck at
e'hJsiaes in reoent years.
i;tit Pennsylvania Slate College may be
:': latest improved dairy machinery
i k.r.K Arnong the number, a recent
.- c, a that of the butter extractor by
'- tie fresh ruiik from the cow is taken
s.ut ariJ the skim milk and bnt
isha'gei at one side and the but-tL.-oiy
for working, sent out of a tube
1 j;ie centrifugal machine re-
sew milk and discharges the skim
-ifcikTeatn ly dUerent spouts, but the
-v-ur t farther and returns the butter
' f 'ir U .nbarge pipe entirely inde--Jcstof
ti,eki!a milk and buttermi'k.
- si a; an extractor for the complete
-v...a of tbe butter, this implement
J. S!dasa wparator only, and the
Ciu-ntj by the ordinary process The
- atnt in the methods of making but
r't0fwbat remarkable.
to reach a'.! with oar Easier
-E Lritaiions, but if yon did not re
' "' i l,i '.ease consider yourself invit
."wiy. TtiureJay, Friday and Satur-
Jfrct, Zl, aud 1. Beautiful dit
? Pattern Lais and bonnets.
Carter, of Johnstown, who for
.r Jtat bai been employed as a clerk in
ui tae Cambria Iron company,
tx-- traveler and Lis travels
b;m to Mexi-o, where be got into
" -!.v In a letter received by his father, U left Yuma, Mexico, for
-lad that while walking along a
" s!:ted. by three Mexi-
' t-. kaoetel senaeles. When he re
fjund Liu;Je:f in a convict cell
J" '.: Lis clothing.
mirniug he was mads a con
Ut without the formality of a trial,
-t-' '''t','1 10 ''eavy wooden stretcn-
a' ex,can t've at the other end,
'aether slaves loai them with
Wba be faltered in carrying the
J. dtht lash was vigorously applied.
"'"K be was put back into the
i. 1Ut'I fed on cornmeal and waur.
"r be worked until noon on the second
h t tbat he was losing bis
tader the cruel treat men I and hot sun,
-i A bullet from a ritie in the
6,1 E'JrJ took away part of his
' "f'D? '! iu amp ha waj
th fc-rtr, and found by a Mexican
,J who nursed biin back to health.
;i..;!r' Co in the hands of the
"Pteral a: Mexico.
,St!..?ucl!': 0ur o-k w clean and
n Embroideries, Laces,
.s. Dress Ginghams and Braids.
led free on application.
K. A. S5TI1EB.
Jijckwood, Pa.
Merchant Charlea F. t hl celebrated his
h.ty-sntb anniversary yesterday.
Friday being Good Friday and a legal
noiuay tne bank will be closed.
Fifteen cases of scarlet fever are reported
irorn Kockwood. Thus tar only one case
has resulted falall y.
Sneak thieves have been robbing the
smoke bouses and chicken coops of farmers
in Coaemaugh township.
Mr. and Mrs. Elward Love, of this place,
expect to leate about April 1st for a brief
Tisu to southern California.
WT. H. Koontz, E'q , has been confined to
bis Lome for the past ten days buffering
from a severe attack of quinsy.
Pensions have recently been issued to
John Crist, of O-le township; Henry Ray
man, of Berlin; John N'ichelson, Markleton;
and Isaac Jones, Somerset.
Mr. Charles H. Coffroth has a force of men
at work digging the cellar for his new bouse
to be erected on Patriot street, next to the
Methodist church.
Invitations are out for the marriage of
Miss Emma HelHey, daughter of Mrs. J. A.
IUtHy, and Mr. Charles W. Crissinjier,
well-known young business man of Berlin.
Mr. James H. Black, of Meyersdale, who
represents .the Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany of Kew York, has been in Somerset
for the past week soliciting business for that
Esquire Noah Caseheer has removed bis
otlice from the shanty on the Giade House
lot to the room on the north-west corner of
Union and Main Cross Streets, formerly oc
cupied by Kregar's meat market.
Mr. George V. Buiford, Jr., who has been
attending a school of pharmacy in Phila
delphia for the past several years, returned
to his home in this place last week and at
once resumed work in his father's drag
A large and appreciative audience attend
ed the performance of Howorth's " Hibtr
cica." in the Opera House, Friday night.
The show w as one of the best seen in Som
eiset in a long time anl the baud was one
of the best ever beard here.
Mrs. AV. P. Braut died at her home in
Johr.stown last Monday night, aged twenty
two years. The remains were taken to
bhanksviSle for interment. Mr. and Mrs.
Brant had removed from Shanksville to
Johnstown only a short time ago.
The separate interests of J. T. Shiply and
H. S. Giessner, partners in a large hardware
establishment at Meyersdale, were sold by
the Sheriff Saturday. Frank John purchas
ed the interest of the former and Mrs. Giess
ner the interest of the latter. The sale real
ized about G.0u0.
Freeman Hoffman, of Jenner X lloads.
Las lei-ed the " Union Hotel," opposite the
Somerset A Cambria station on Patriot St..
and will take possession next week. Mr.
HciTuian has the reputation of being one of
the best hotel n;en in the county, and he
will be a welcome acquisition to Somerset.
Services in Presbyterian church, Sabbath,
March 25, at 10. 3o a. ru. An Easter service.
Subject: "The luen Christ ' ' The inter
view of our Lord with Mary Magdalene at
the sepulchre on the morning of the res
urrection." Evening services, 7.30 p. m.
Fourth sermon on the Lord's Prayer, "Thy
Will Be Done."'
Our attention has ben called tj the fact
that a iTu:aber of boys of this place are
making war on the robbing with their rlo
bert rilles and toy urn. The parents of the
boy should admonish them that there is an
act of a-jembly prohibiting the killing of
rohbins atid other insect ea;ing birtis. The
perV.ty is $5 for ejea birJ slaughtered.
Mr. Cuarles F. L! vengood, w ho for the
past Un jvar. has b ra one of the best
known teacher of this county, is se
riou!y ill at Cine-inn ui, where he is a s'.u
det.t at the K:!wt:c Meduail College. His
wife, wha is a daughter of J. J. G.-iiiUh, of
Jennertown, was hurriedly summoned to
his bedside la-st wer-k. He is a son of Mr.
Samuel Liveagood, of Somerset township.
Many persons iu and about Somerset were
startled TnursJay afternoon by a number of
vivid flashes of lightning accompanied by
loud pcslsof thunder, which for the instant
produced stanling efficts and were phenom
enal in character, because they occurred
during a fail of snow and eL TUelightuit g
touched the electric light wires anl destroy
ed a number of incandescent lights in dif
ferent parts of town.
Among the visitors to the county seat last
week was banker Samuel Philson, of Berlin,
who recently celebrated bis eighty-second
anniversary. His siep is as buoyant as that
of a young mau of twenty and his mental
faculties are as keen and active as they ever
were and they a: ways were unusually
bright. Mr. Ftiiison says many of Lis
friends have predicted that he will live to be
one hundred years old.
Recently Emanuel Eaiighman, of Garrett,
killed a raccoon that weighed 40 pounds and
from which Le got one half gi.lon of oil.
Mr. Baughman believes this was the largest
coon ever killed in Smerset county. He
tracked his coouship into a hollow rtd oak
tree and was coaipellel to build a scaffold
twenty leet L:gh iu o. J rr to reach ths hole
into which the coon bal disappeared. It
required four shots from a revolver to kill
Friedens Council, Jr. . V. A. M present
ed a rl to the Pine U.-ove aool in jue
mahouing towtship, on Friday last. Mr.
Amos,W. Knepper, of .imerset, made the
presentation speech, and the fla; wai grace
fully accepted on buLaif of the school by
Miss Carrie shaiier. the teacher. C. E.
ey delivered an a Urea? oa behalf of tbe citi
zens aud remarks were male by W. H. Mil
ler, Albert Lambert, and others. The
Friedens brass band was present and added
much to the pleasure ol the oc Vision.
Judge Longenecker appears determined to
dispose of civil mils as rapidly as possible,
rather than have them accumulate on the
Court calendar, and for this reason he has
decided to hold a special term of court be
ginning Monday, May H:ii. H.J Honor
Las Lad very littie leisure '.true siiice he was
elevated to the beiich. After ho! ling regular
an 1 sjiecial courts in UwdOrd and Somerset
counties, the layman would think he had
ptrfornied bis duly, but not so with the
Judge who accepts calls to ho d court in all
parta of the siate. He seems to be as popu
larahroad as 1 e Is at home.
A 'oral prc-cher out ia Armstrong coun
ty, whose congregation was very reluctant
about pu:ting anything into tne collection
basket, Lai an unusually good collection the
oiher night, lie had grown tired pleading
with Lis audience to open their hearts, ex
plaining to them the blesatduess of giving,
borne one had stolen a hog from one of Lis
members, and before passing the basket the
preacher said : "Now. I want everybody in
this congregation to night to coutribut
cmethiug. cioep'.ing lbe man wbo stole
leacon Jones' hog." The baska then went
around and no one failed to give.
Htre in ibis county, where Dear ly every
hill is nnderlaid with coal, it is hard to real
ise ihat farmers in Bedford county Lave to
haul their fuel from Sha le township. B it
such is the case, since no coal is to be found
on the east side of the Allegheny mountain.
Mr. Ellsworth Ling, who owns one of the
largest mines in Shade township, wbo was
in Somerset Monday morning, informs us
that bis trade the past winter has been the
largest for many years. 00 pr cent, of the
coal from bis mine is sold in Bedford coun
ty, many cf Lis patrons bauling it over the
mountain to within three miles of the town
of Bedford, a litanes of 15 mile. Mr. Ling
will operate his mine throughout the year.
Eastern capitalists have taken options on
nearly ail the coal lauds in Shade towtubip.
The last will ai:d testament of the late
Noah Bowman, of Stoyestown, Las been
probated in the Register & Recorder's office
The testator bequeaths bis residence and all
cf the household furniture to bit wife, and
divides the remainder of bit estate, both
real and personal, between his wife and his
son, Josiah II. Bowman.
Hon. J. D. Hicks, of Altoona, and Hon
Joseph K. Thropp, of Everett, have an
nounced as candidates lor Oongieaa in the
Republican papers of Bedford county, sub
ject to the dech ion of the primary election
to be held Saturday, April 28th.
Mr. Hick's received the endorsement of
tbe Republicans of Blair county at the pri
mary election held Saturday.
Rev. John W. Brumbaugh died at his
borne in Blair county Sunday from a
cancerous affection of tbe neck, aAer several
months of intense sull'ering, aged 71 years.
Tbe deceased for a long number of years
was a preacher in Lis church, tbe German
Baptist or Brethren church, and by his
honorable and upright life was selected and
set apart as a bishop, which ofiice be held
at the time of bis death.
A cable message was received at Johns
town Sunday from Darmstadt, Germany,
announcing the death there of James J.
Frouheiser, one of the best known steel
manufacturers in Pennsylvania. Mr. Fron
Leiser left Lis home in good health for
Europe about six weeks ago in the interest
of the Cambria Iron Company, with which
he has bcea closely identified for many
years. 11 is wife and one child were
drowned in the great Hood.
The Ashland Coal Company of Hoovers-
ville, is in a flourishing condition and the
product of its two mines is increasing every
day. At present about SO men are employ
ed and about 10 cars of coal shipped to the
seaboard every day.
William Curran, of Houtzlale, is presi
dent and treasurer and J. C. Curran is secre
tary. The mines have been in operation
for two years and the output is increasing
tight along.
Bill Nye writes : "Every newspaperman
Las, at some lime in his newspaper expe
rience, met the man wbo takes more paper
than be can read. He was in town last
week. He paid 25 cents for an almanac,
wined Lis nose on an awning, tried to blow
cut an electric light at tbe hotel, tried to
light Lis segar on it, put a nickle in the slot
at the postoilice because tbe mail didn't ap
pear, wanted to lick the cashier of the bank
because it closed at 3 o'clock, and watched
the sign over the jewelry store looking for
it to strike."
Who ever heard of March grasshoppers
before? Mr. Henry C. Werner brought into
the office last Friday a number of lively
grasshoppers that he caught while turning
down the sod that day. When the bottle in
wLich they were confined was uncorked
they became very lively and hopped around
over the writing desk at a great rate. The
specimens presented were small but we'd de
veloped and appeared to know what was ex
c ed of tt.em, but they didn't find much
to subsist on ia the sanctum. Xcytrtdale
The penalty for catching trou. tvit of sea
son is severe. The act of lff-sj, iatt
legislation oa that point, reads as follows :
"It shall be unlawful for any person to
catch, kiil, or expose to sale, or have in his
or Ler possession niter the same Lave been
caught or killid, any speckled trout, save
only from the lo;h day of April to the loth
day c f July, under a peualty of $10 for each
trout so kiri td or had in his possession, but
this act shall not prevent any person from
catching trout in ntts in waters owned by
himself to stock other waters." Half the
penally goes to the informer.
A complete history of the early survey,
explorations a-id titles to the lands north of
the Oiiio and weit of the Allegheny rivers in
IVni.sylTauia will appear in the forthcora
iug general report of the department of in
ternal alfairi. The object of this publication
is t3 give tbe public a chance to be inform
ed as to the origin of the title of this territo
ry aLd will he a matter of great convenience
in searching lilies. Thae lauds were set
apart soon afier tiie close of the revolutiona
ry wart) be distributed among the officers
and soldiers of the Pennsylvania line who
participated in this memorable struggle.
The territory was divided into tea districts
and was designated as donation districts
from one to ten inclusive. Tbe highest
officers in rank in tbe state were entitled to
I i i acres and the privates to 200 acres each.
The law requirei all liquor licenses to be
lifted within fifteen days after the same are
granted. The last day for lifting retail li
quor dealers' license this year was Wednes
day, when the last of the twenty-eight li
censes granted by the Court was lifted.
There were twenty licenses granted to ap
plicants from boroughs. The borough li
cense fee is $1. and four-fifths goes to the
boiough and one-fifth to the county. The
boroughs wi l get i-M-Mof this tax and the
county V'. Meyersdale, having four li
censed hotels, will get as iu share ol the li
cense fee $1S0; Ursina aud Confluence, hav
ing each three licensed hotels, will receive
iWr, tbe boroughs having two licensed ho
tels are Berlin, Rockwood, Stoyestown, Sal
isbury and Somerset, and will get $240 each.
In the townahios there were eight liquor
licenses granted to hotel keepers. The li
cense fee is $75. and four-fifths goe' to the
township iu which the licensed bouse is and g es to the county. There will be
distributed to the several townships $4;
and the county's share of license fees for ho
tels in townships is $1J0.
During the prevalance of a heavy storm
last Thursday morning a bolt of lightning
p truc k aud set on fire the barn of Mr. Joseph
Meyera in I:lford township. In less than
tin minutes the fire spread throughout the
barn and nothing besides the live stock was
saved from the flames. Mr. Meyers' 14 year
old ion, Eiward, was the only member of
the family at home at the time and it was
o i!y after a heroic struggle that be succeeded
in saving the torses and cows. The barn
w is 1 10 feel long and was one of tbe best iu
the neighborhood. It contained at the time
of the fire about 25 tons of bay, 125 bushels
of oats, three or four wagons one of them
new a two horse carriage, sleds, harness,
aud other articled usually stored away ia tbe
barn. Ail were destroyed. The barn was
insured for $1,000 in the Farmers' Union
Co. ; the contents were also partially covered
by insurance. Neighbors who collected at
the fire soon saw that they were powerless
to cor.qutr tLe flames, when they directed
their efforts to saving a granery that stood
about two rods from the barn and in which
J") bushels of wheat and 100 bushels of Outs
w?re stored. They succeeded in saving it
after a stubborn Cght.
A few days ago State Treasurer Morrison
ad lresd a conim jnication to the Attorney
Genera! inquiring as to the time for a recrq t
for a distiller's tax or license should begin
under the U'erlheimer act permitting distil
lers to sell liquors of their own manufacture
in original pi kagi-s of not less than 40 gal
lons without being required to apply to tbe
courts fr a license. Mr. Hensel has writ
ten a reply in which be says that many dis
tillers, when the act became operative, were
holding licenses tor which they hai paid to
sell their product for a year ending at date
subsequent to the time it received tbe ap
proval of the Governor, and that they bad
a right to sell liquors under their licenses
until the expiration cf the period fir which
they had been granted. Oj tbe ejpiraiion
of the licenses they are no longer required to
apply to the Courts, bat simply to pay the
annual tax prescribed by the law which au
thorized them to do business for tbe year
from the time it was paid. The Attorney
General instructs the State Treasurer to give
a receipt for a distillers' license tax for one
year from tbe date of payment. Distillers
may apply to the County Treasurers for
such license at aay time, an 1 on payment of
the annual sura may be given a receipt
which will entitle them to tell lor one year.
Candidates for Congress.
A dispatch from Everett, in the Pittsburg
Tiwsof Monday, says: Joseph E. Thropp,
of this place, hat decided to announce him
self as a candidate for Congress in this dis
trict, which 1 composed of Bedford, 6otn
en t, Cambria and Blair counties, and which
is at present represented by Mr. Hicks, of
Blair county. Mr. Hicks it a candidate for
another term, and tbe contest for tbe nomi
nation it certain to be lively, as Mr. Thropp,
who is now at hit home in Everett, propos
es to begin an active campaign at once. Mr.
Thropp ia at tbe bead of tbe Iron mining
industry in Bedford county and bat other
extensive interests, lit was one of tbe or
ganizers of the National Protective Tariff
league, is now one of its principal officers
and ranks among tbe first tarifl debaters of
the country.
Neither Somerset nor Cambria county will
Lave a candidate this year and the contest
for tbe nomination will be between nicks
and Thropp.
Private Sale of Blooded Stock.
I will have at my yards in Stoyestown, Pa.,
from March 20th to .loth, twenty -one bead
of Alderny and Gurnsey heifers which have
been carefu Iy selected by a competent judge
Mr George T. Wadas, of Delaware county.
Pa , Tbese heifers are yearlings and two-year-olds.
Also, one registered Gurnsey
calf, 10 months old.
A credit of sixty days will be given.
Piescc Mills.
Religious Meetings.
PassioD Week services in 8t. Paul'i Re
formed Church, Somerset:
Monday evening The Temple Sanctuary,
Tuesday "
vVedoesday "
Thursday "
Tbe Suicidal Rejection.
Tbe Conspirators.
The Sacraments.
The Lamb Slain.
From Good Friday to
Easter morning The Old in the New
The Celebration of tbe Holy Communion.
For the Farmer and Fruit Grower!
99009 Trees, Vines, Plants, Evergreen?,
Rases and Shrubbery for sale at half price.
Apple trees, very fine, 5 to C ftet high, of
all tbe .leading varieties, 15s each or $12
per hundred.
Pear trees, choice, 5 to G feet, all varieties,
50c each or $W per hundred.
Prune and Plum trees, 5 feet, all varieties,
oOo each or $ lo per hundred.
Peach trees, all sorts, very nice, 20c each
or $15 per hundred.
Apricot trees, 4 feet high, very fine, 40c
each or $4 per dcz.
Raspberries, the choicest varieties, $2.25
per 100 or $20 per 1000.
Blackberries I IS per thousand.
Strawberries, tOdifterent varieties, $3 to $
per thousand.
Currants and Gooseberries 15c each or
l.f 0 per doz.
Flowering Shrubbery of all varieties, 3 to
4 fcet high, 50c each.
Roses, 20 different sorts, all very choice,
50c each.
Evergreens, 10 different distinct sorts.
from 5oc up to $1.5) per tree.
Shale Trees for lawns and street planting,
from 8 to 12 fret high, very fine, from 50c to
5c each ; special rate- per duz.
Every tree, vine and plant warranted to
be strictly first-class and true to name, or
money refunded ; best of reference given.
Address i. W. H. B. Kemp,
Somerset Co., Pa.
Left a Fortune In a Car.
Millionaire Jacob Tome, cf Port Deposit,
one or the directors ol the Baltimore iV
Ohio Railroad and president of the Cecil
County National Bank, on Thursday of last
week returned from Washington, where he
had sold some bon. Is. He traveled on the
Oxford express. He bad received $i0,000
cash for the bonds. Not to create suspicion,
he had the money tied up in a little park
age, which be carried in his hand. Mr.
Tome forgot Lis package when be reached
Port Deposit.
At that place the Port Deposit Musical
and Dramatic Association boarded the train.
One f the members picked up lbe treasure
and tossed it to a friend across tLe aisle.
For five minutes it was thrown hack and
forth among the young men. They thought
it was only a paltry package. When the
train baited at Rising Sun and tbe amateur
fun makers dismounte I from tbe car they,
too, left the little bundle behind them. The
conductor, E. L. Gilligan, saw it, and pick
ing it up ran to tbe door. He called to the
young players that they bad forgotten the
package, but the train was speeding oa and
he could not throw it to then.
When Conductor Gilligan't train reached
Nottingham he received a telegram from
Mr. Tome. Tbe message told tbe conductor
that there was $J,0)0 in the package, and
he should keep it uulil the next morning
That night the treasure was locked in the
safe of the mail car. It was not disturbed.
Next day Mr. Tome got the money. The
package had not been untied.
New Prices for 1894.
Paiuted Barb wire per pound, 2 eta."
Bissell Chilled Tlows, - - $J 00
No. 40 " "... 6.00
Syracuse " " ... C.Oo
Gule " "... 6.00
Call and see tbe latest improvement in
Lever Spring Tooth Harrows.
Janes B. Hoi.rEBBArit,
Somerset. Pa.
Suffering From Catalepsy.
Jesse Eichelberger, of Eichelbergertown,
Bedford County, is an inmate of the A'.toor a
Hospital, having been admitted March 7ib,
suffering from catalepsy. The staff of tbe
Hospital has been paying much attention to
this peculiar case, and the attending phy
sicians were rewarded on Monday by the
patient recovering partial consciousness, be
coming interested in Lis surroundings, and
partaking of some nourishment. Yesterday
be took some more nourishment, and Lis
condition is now better than it has been
since Lis admission to the Hospital. In fact,
Le is coiniidtred to teon a fair way of re
covery. When suffering from this disease, a patient
ia in a trance-like state or apparently sleep
ing all the time. Tbey know not wbat
pain Is, and the limbs can be placet! ia any
position, and there they will remain until
E:chelberger became affected with the
disease about two months ago, and bad, up
to Monday, been in a trance like state ever
since. Last August he felt off a train, but
apparently escaped uninjured. Liter, in Ihe
fall, while playing base ball, he col.ided
with another and bad bis left leg injured.
It is possible that Le may have v.olently
struck bis head against the ground which,
in either accident according to tbe medical
fraternity, would have superinduced cata
lepsy. Trie Nun Teachers Withdraw.
Rev. Father James Cogrove, rector of St.
James parish, and others interested, Thurs
day afternoon, decided to withdraw the five
Sisters of Charity who have been teaching
recently at the Riverside Public Schools in
the Thirty-fourth Ward, Pittsburgh, and to
re-open tbe parochial school of tbe SL
James Parish, where the Sisters formerly
taught, pending the decision of the courts in
tbe matter of tbe injunction prayed for by
the members of tbe Junior Order United
American Mechanics, asking tbat the nuns
be restrained from teaching while wearing
the garb of their Order.
Tbe Sisters were at once notified, and
they in turn instructed their pupils to report
at the parochial school Friday morning, and
there they will continue to be taught by tbe
nuns as formerly, at least until auch time as
the courts shall decide the question.
In lbe meantime tbe members of tbe lo
cal school board, against whom an injunc
tion is also prayed for to restrain them from
employing nuns as teachers, propose fight
ing tbe question to a finish on a purely legal
Brick For Sale.
We have 300.000 No. 1 red brick for tale
In large or small quantities, at onr yard
south of Somerset. Ross Davis & Co.
May Watch the Count.
A question of considerable interest to vot
ers and tbe public at large hat been practi
cally determined by an Allegheny county
grand jury. Ever since the Baker ballot law
went into effect trouble has been caused, by
a great number of election boards not un
derstandiog one of its provisions. In tbe
law it is clearly stated that during and after
the casting of the ballots, and
while the count is being made, tbe space in
the polling room and outside tbe guard rail
shall be open to tbe public Many boards dis
regarded this, and as toon at the polltclceed
tbey locked themselves in to do tbe count
ing, thus rendering void one of the clauses
In the law inserted to prevent as far as powl
ble crooked work by the board
At tbe last election tbe board in the Sec
ond ward, McKeesport, locked themselves in
to do tbe counting. W. H. Sims and A. J
Carver, of the Republican City Committee,
and William Evans came along and wanted
in. Tbey demanded that the doors be open
ed in accordance with the law, but an en
trance was refused them. Tbe outsiders
became indicnant. and finally broke the
door open and entered. Constable 8. W
Collins then returned the three men who
broke open tbt door, on the charge of inter
fering with an election. The case went to
the grand jury, but as tbe law clearly per
mits citizens inside .the room during the
count, the bill was promptly ignored.
Somerset Normal.
A teachers' Normal School will be opened
at this place on or about May the 2utb. We
shall spare no efforts 'a make this one of the
best equipped Normals in the county. Cir
culars will be issued about April 1st.
E. E. Pairrs.
V. R. Saylob.
Edle Splinters.
The schools of this place closed Tuesday,
Prof. II. L. Young will hold a Normal
School at this place the coming spring.
Tbe sugar season thus far was a very poor
one, some farmers say tbey have not yet
enough for their own use.
It is rumored tbat a blacksmith will locate
here in the near future.
Edie is booming regardless of the hard
times. There will be five new buildings
erected the coming summer. The contract
ors, H. F. Bittner and John Phillippi, are
busy at work. Tbese additions will make a
great improvement in the town.
Prof. E.D. Baldwin, teacher ef the Lin
coln Cornet Band is getting the band in
shape for the coming summer. The music
rendered by this band is of tbe best.
Edie is with a few exceptions, a purely
Republican town. The few Demacratt located
here prophesied a great improvement in Ihe
times, but since the depression they some
times think the town is haunted.
A gentleman with a large circle of busi
ness acquaintance in this city and county to
represent a barge European financial institu
tion. Most furnish bond.
Address with reference.
215 210 Philadelphia Bank B:dg,
Philadelphia, Pa.
MARKER BANNER. On the 14th Feb.,
at tbe borne of Mrs. Rachel Marker, in Up
per Turkeyfoot township, by H. D. Moore,
Daniel M. Marker to Laura A. Sauner.
STAHL GNAGEY. At the parsonage of
the Brethren Church, Berlin, Pa., Thursday
afternoon, March 15, l-'94. by Rev. John W.
Knepper, Mr. Norman Stahl and Miss Eliza
Gnaeey. both of Meyersdale, Pa.
WIAND Hugh Wiand died at his home
three miles north of Jennertown, January
115, 1301. aged 71 years, II months and 22
days. Deceased was a veteran of tbe late
war, having been a private in Co. I, 93 Reg.,
Pa. Vol., aud participated in the battle of
Cedar Creek and olber engagements. He
was a member of Levi Coleman Post G. A.
B., of Jenner X Roads. Mr. Wiatd was
born in Jenner toweship acd reside- there
all of his life. He was one of tbe mot t
prominent citizens of his section of tie
County and enjoyed lbe esteem and friend
ship of all wbo knew him. He was an
active and earnest Republican ever since tbe
formation of that patty and was a subscrib
er to tbe Herald for many years. He is
survived by bis wife and five children, to
wit: Reuben, of San Francisco, Cal ; Simon,
of Moxham ; David L., of Jennertown, and
Mrs. Solomon Giessner and Mrs. Peter J.
Bowman, of Jenner township.
Change of Date for Holding Repub
lican Primary Election.
Wednesday, May 2oJ, ls!4. baa been nam
ed as tbe date for holding tbe Republican
State Convention.
Rule 19, of Rules Governing Republican
Primary Elections of Somerset County, pro
vides: " That the Republican party of Somerset
County shall hold its primary election for
the nomination of candidates on the fourth
Saturday of June of each year, l'ruridnl.
that in years wben tbe Republican state
Convention is held prior to tbat date, the
Chairman of the Republican County Com
mittee be authorized lo call the said prima
ry election at an earlier date, tbe Chairman
to give at least 30 days notice of said change
of date."
By virtue of tbe authority of the above
quoted rule, notice is hereby given the Re
publican voters of the Couuty that on
a primary election will be held for the pur
pose of nominating candidates for the fol
lowing named offices and electing two dele
gates to the Republican State Convention:
One person for Congress.
One person for State Senator.
Two persons lor Arsemblymen.
One person for Poor Director.
One person for Jury Commissioner.
Attest Fred W. Biuci kes,
Geo. R. Ectll, Chairman,
Per the Year Endirg Msrck 5th, 1894.
D. J. Horner, Treasurer,
To bal from lout year I io X
Am t rec u iroia A. it. iluatou.
VaA. lyn 179 (ft
Ami ree dfrum A. H. Hiu-Km. 9i 2M Ot
" J. B. McCirirT. 1 170 CO
1 " I.I.iior licence- sw t
' flue die 24i 7i
Am't paid f streets and road4M24 M
- - rewer survey. i w
" " Po.iee errti-i. :vi li
Street lifbl "JO 00
" Water works lsj 46
1 " !' M lucellau e o u a,
oiltoe rent, print
line, etc 113 52
14 " flary, Punte,
Clerk Truu- itx oa
Balance on band . S W
A H. Huaton, Collector, 1833,
13131 61
035 85
Gram am't of duplicates with
To am't paid over.
61 94
at 4'.'
M 47
AtKtemeni to laa payer..
Balance yet due.
21 7
IJ035 85
On Duplicate of 1892.
Balance , , ,
f 231 W
Paid over
S 214 W
. II i
f 231 63
-I 3 (A
To am't due frota A. li. Huston,
colltemr..-. . .
To aia i due frcua K. B. ilei.nff.
21 37
H 47
f 242 53
15 W
We, tbe ondeniEWeal auditors of Somerset Bor
ourh, do certify that we have examined aad
audited the accounts and voucfaen of the forego
ing statements and fiud them correct.
Witucm our bands aad teals the 12th day of
Uarcb, A. IX ltyt.
J. E. FERSER, seal.
If. E. caAVEK. "EAL.1
PROMPT RELIEF cornea to tb womaw
snfTenng from any of tbe painful diaordere
and deranxetnetit perubar to her sex. if she
accepts ttvs help that's oriVrd. Dr. Pierve's
Favorite PrrTi.ti"n is tiiooni rudUcint-so
certain in it eitut'ta that it can l (;imru
Urd. Iu evi-rv te, it it dn t benefit or
cun, your nicnt-y w returnwl.
Bewutifui wuiiK-a Ltiuw bow much tber
owe to gaud health. If you wish to be beau
tiful, keep tlw natural runeuons oi I ue body
In proper state and you'll be healthy.
A train ol disorders follow the derange
ment of tbe womanly functions. For nervous
pnxtration, exeitallitv, fainting spells, dia
auM. spamoa. convuLjons, or " nta," this
remedy relieves aud cure.
Take It wben yon suffer from sleeplME-
neaa, backacne ana Dearuig-down tonasiiiuit,
lor toe prompt rtiuj n unparta,
Gentlemen, We are the People, Al
ways, Only and Alone.
Ahead of Time
We are in advance of the season, as
usual, in displaying our slock of Spring
and Summer
Gentlemen's Wear.
But then we lead in everthing in thought
ful selection of desirable goods, in
careful attention to your wants,
and the most important of all IN" PRICE.
That is what it should be.
Men's Shirts-
Tbe very upper crust of style in
our new Percale Shirts for Men. All
the latest facia cuffs and collars at
tached and detached, shirts for w hite
collars and cuUk, and every new kink
in colorings. Qualities the best and
prices the lowest.
Men's Neckwear.
Travel the country over and you'll
not find Half-dollar Ties superior to
oom The very latest shapes, the
newest silks, and every one made
properly. And actual $1 dollar
value for
50 Cents.
orv and svirr NaTs.
coiiAite amd currs,
DMCSS Clov.s
1872 Pointers ,S94-
FLOUR is King of the household
and " FilL-burv's Best"' is the leader
with "Vienna" a clo3e follower,
but look out for World's Fair Pre
mium "Souvenir"' and "Boss"
which we are about to introduce to
the trade.
The largest stock and greatest
varietj now on sale consistiug of
Medium, Mammoth and White Clo
ver, Timothy, Orchard, Blue and
Lawn Grass all strictly choice,
and at prices low as tlte lowest on
this market.
THE FISII Season opens with
consignments of our XXXX relia
ble and No. 2, Shore Mackerel
also No. 1, Lake llerring in packa
ges to suit now in stock at prices
owcr than usuaL
Grain, Feed and Oil Meal
Always in abundant supply, at
wholesale or retail, to meet the
wants of the trade.
Cash Desirable,
Or, Country Produce, to suit, will
B. & B.
Dress Fabrics
for Spring.
French Jacquards,
French Crepes, Mixtures,
Stripes and Novelties.
38 and 40 inch St u Us at
65 cents,
75 cents, and
$1.00 a yard,
that are tbe most Mylish and efTeclive stuffs
for the money we've yet seen. You'll lay so
too when you see samplts.
Full line of
Fancy Diagonal:
in full assortment of colors and black.
60 inches wide all wool $1 tx)
tbat are great values for a dollar a yard
and 50 inches wide.
Line of t." inch fine
Twill Serges,
all colors and black,
50 cents,
and 5o-inch ones,
75 cents a yard.
7 inch
Cheviot Serges,
all colors and black,
35 cents.
Very large range of
American' Novelty Suitings,
copies of Cne imported fabrics, 'M and
IS inch goods,
30 cents, 35 cents, 40 cents,
a yard, that are worth your while to writ
lor samples and see.
A sale of
Black Laces and Cream Laces and
In ertings, in Points D Genes,
Point De Ireland and Chantillys.
The blacks ranging in width 1 to 5 inches,
the creams 5 to a inches, and all at
25 cents a yard,
while the VALCE3 of these laces range
from 5" cents op to 75 cents.
Just write ns fr samples and see bow
much good our Mailorder System can do
yon, and how mnch it pays to trade at these
Boggs & Buhl,
We Will Offer This Week
600 pair of New ?piirg Kid Gloves
consisting of Ihe large 4 Button,
Fester Hook, Moiuet aired, all
$1.00 Per Pair. $1.00
and every pair guaranteed.
On Every Freight and Express
the lat week has brought us some
thing new for Spring, so that we
are now prepared to show the
largest line of
we have ever liaJthe pleasure of
We Ask Your Attention, -
first, to inspect our large new lice
Dress Goods,
Calicoes, etc.
We Also Ask You to Inspect
Carpet Department,
which ia full of new
Carpets, Rugs,
Lace Curtains,
Window Shades,
Trunks, Satchells, etc.
New Laces, White Goods, :ila.nbcrgu,
Table Linens, Napkins, ToweJa,
Gloves, Handkerchief, Rib
bons, Dress Trimmings,
A Full Spring Stock of Butterick
Patterns Now In.
Do vou wish
A new style SPRING CAPE
or COAT ? I Lave them in
Do you wish
A handsome short COAT for
a little Miss ? I have them.
Do you need
An Infants long or short Coat
or Dress ? I have them.
Do you wish
A handsome pair of Kid
Gloves ? Come and see nine.
Do you wish
New goods of any kind Cheap ?
I have them.
Nsir7 Millinery Goods Just
Mrs. A. E. UHL
James B. Holderbaum,
Thcse arc a of the best goods
ebewherc if quality is considered.
VahaHs Real Estate !
PI lir s KueriH't exility, I will oiler fur tla At
put.ltc outcry the Court Uuuae, in the borough
of HtDenCfL, ob
Saturday, April 7, '94,
at I o'llot k P. II. the following valuable real
estate :
A certain tract of land ;tuate !n Milfonl town
ship, a.ljoiiiin lamtnof Henry bear!, Hiram file.
I htHuu Aukcny. Mar; C frile aal others tun
Utiuiug 202 ACRES, 202
more or les. ln the Mine trai-t of lanil con
TrreJ to Jee Hoover by Jacoa B. Crilf-htiel-l
and wife by deed datei March 31. l.t, and re
corded in bml ISiuc. Vol. 6.1. le 11". (wilhttrie
irr;.Uoa of tvo acres UerWofofe sold to Mary
V. I'lie.lou wnioa Utnui a large wtu uunuru
Frame House,
with l.mcnt, aLo a frame terjt houte con
taining ix rooms, a ln baru, - feet, paint
ed and well arrai g&l with pmuius; water in Ihe
tarn yard; Ihere is also on the premises an r'h
ardof flue fnm. eon-mms; of apple, cherrir.
u-tra. i.luma and Deactieis. The wud is in a Inirh
stale of cultivation and well Mippiied with aaier.
abot:t 1 acres dear, u tim in rfoul ifnm. 1M
fajra is tu-tHiit atui three mile friMii aomerMfi,
ote-0ii mile from Miii-.nt .-isIi.hj ami ou uie
Somerset I'aaibiia kailroad, and ia a good
nc!hoofbuod, near school and i torches.
TTDMO will be made known on day or sale
I Ln mO but will be soi l wif.ject to l'h-i-be
CnicMiei'is douer of ! J). l'ueeioil given im
mediately. .. . ,. . r- t.
Avitcce of Jefse Hooter.
Administrators' Sate
Valuable Real Estate!
By virtue of an order of sale issued otit of the
rphans' Conn of Somerset county. Pa., to ns
. . . . i a . ... I. . u!. :t ' ntinlic uliu
cry on trie homestead premises iu Shade town
ship, said county, ou
Saturday, March 24, 1894,
at 2 o'clock P. M., the following destTibeJ real
estate, tu wil:
No 1. rertain tract of lard situate In
Shade town-hip, somer-et lOunlv, Pa., betuxtiie
homestead of said deceileut. adjoining lauds of
'.nrod stoy, tamiiel lirove. Wml o.emau.
lmuiel Loue and others, containing -a ai-rnt,
k- i,M m.. min nr less, of which there are
about Vtt ai res cleared and M acre-t io meadow.
having a large two-story
Frame House,
lario frame Bank Barn and iiher cntb-ir.d.nirv
thereon erected, there is al-o a (jood apple orch
ard and rood spring and running water on tne
N O 2 certain tra-t of land situate in the
touiup "aforesaid. aljoiuinir lands of Joseph
koonl.s, Je-e (dicka heirs, traua rptttit and
others, containing
100 ACRES I00
more or le-. of which there are ahout ai res
cleared and ." acres of niea low, havimc a two sto
ry I.ik; Hot jt, log baru and other outbuildings
thoreoo erected.
The above tract la also underlaid with gxd
One third of the purchase money ta be paid as
ooii as ttie propenv is confirmed by the Court,
one third in six m-ioths and one thiid in one
year, with interest from continuation of sale
Ten per cent, of purchsse money to be paid as
con as ihe property is Ku k-l do vn. l-terre 1
inyt.ient- to be secured by juKiuent bonus on
the prenice .
JaivH j klHtl,
Colborn Jk Tolborn. Adm rs for . Reel, d.c"d.
Alt yi for Adm re.
Valuable Real Estats !
Pnrsuanttoanorderof the Orphans' Court of
fartuerset eouulv. Pa., there will be sold at public
sale ou the preiuise, iu Jenner towuhip, on
Wednesday, March 28, 1894,
at 1 o'clock P. M.. the following decribe-l real
t-suie, late the property ol owrge, lliuk, dec d.,
Iu wii:
A certain tract of land or farm slinua In the
toomdiip of Jeiioer. county of soroerei. and
stale ol'IPetinsj Ivama, atljoiiiluit lands of Huh
Wuaod. Aaron s. Walter. Jous-thaii "hunk aud
then, containing about ltxi acres, with
Dwelling House,
ru, oliercutbuildin .orchard, etc.. thereon.
In eod state of cultivation, being the late uouu.
aaead tit sa d deceasetL
"TVi-s"c T n per cent on day of s!e ;
1 ermS onelliini, alter deducting ex
peus -e etc., to remain a lieu on the p rem the
interest thereof to lo- paid auuutliy lo i aiharitie
km. sm jr. during ber hie time, and at her
death Uiwpnntipal to be paid to the heirs of
t.eo Kink; balance on dUr.cry ol deed after
Couiiruiaiium sf sale, unleaa otherwise agreed
nru on day of safe before property ia kuutkid
doa n.
pusseanion EireC April W. 1 '. I.
J. J. liOtt MAN.
ExcCTUora of US.-U. Kiuk. dee d.
tovaie f Noah shjffor, la!e of Q-Jtinahiwipa;
(assrjnip, .vjuierselcviaity. Pa , dec d.
JlttM UMainrmary on the above estate Lav
ing been g-auted to the undrrsiirucd by the prop
er au.h-;ty. notice is h reby given lo sil pcrou
iodeated I said e-tato to make imincl.a'.c iev
ojent and tts having rl iims axaiu-i tne same
will ptesvw tliera duis autneuuesed for settle -tsei
t to lie e-iecuioc. al his residence in said
luwuani. an wediie-isy, ap-ti -i.i, l-"l.
P. "HsVfcR.
xacutor of Noaa Shaffer, dte'd.
L-ttcr Testamentary, having been i:ird by
the KeKisler of Wilis of menet county. Pa. to
the uudcrsiicned. on tbe estate of Marian Riinfer,
iateof lliark townsiup. nner-H couuty. Pa,
deceased, notice ia hereby sriveu to all persoos in
debted to aid estate to make immediate pay
ment, aod loose having claims airanist the same
will present them toUe undeisigned at Ihe house
of A. i. Memer iu B:a k township, wmerssx
couuty. Pa., on sa irday the J 1st, day ef Arxil
A. D. lwt, duly autcuueated for settlement anJ
Colboru Colborn, HARVEY OW E.
Attorneys. KxecuUsr.
iaiateof Margaret W. OodJ. Iateof Confluence
Borough, somerset county. Pa, dec d.
Letter t scamevtary on the above estate hav
ing been granted to toe underpinned by the prop
erauthunty, notice ia hereby given lo all persona
indebted lo said estate lo mae immediate pay
ment and those having claims against the same
wtii tsreaenl them for settlement duly authentica
ted n Saturday, April '.'1st, lvi, at the More of
tax undersigned, in Confluence. Pa.
ecott kOt'.t. w. t J1'.
MEN WANTED liven rig or collecting,
tiuencoceuoi uccea.-y. Steady employment.
Best term. Write al once aJ4 secure choicw of
of lemtory-
AtiiN Nunatnv co.. Hoc!, n. t.
and cheaper than can be found
Notice U hereby given tnat W. D. Bear and
Catharine, but wife, of B.othersv alley township,
Somerset county. Pa, have niade a voluntary a
sicument to me of' all their estate, real, personal
au mixed, fn trust for the beueiit of Ine cred
itor of said W. i. Bear, all persoos having claims
against said w' I. Bear will present them lo me
undemgued duly autheuiicalcd, al his oilice in
Ihe borough ol' somerset. Pa . on Saturday, the
Jlh day of April. lsi, and all persons owing said
W. IX it-jar will make iniincd'.ate pavinent to
JoiiN r ptvrr.
J. G. Ogle. Atty. Assignee.
Estate of Jeremiah C. Kinger. lflte of tj'iems
houiug township, dec d.
letters of AdministraihHn having been
granted lo tiie nii.lTv,-iie.i by the prooer
aullM-rity, notice is herebv given to all persona
knowing th-m.-.-lvi- indebted to said es
tate to mate immediate paymeut and those hav
lug claims agsuiHi the same lo present them duly
authenticated for settlement ou Satuniay. the
2sh day of April. l-M, al residence of Adminis
trator in tjucmahoiung townl.itk
Estate of Jacob C. Yonnkin. late of fpprr Tnr
kry'tiot tow nship. ilee'd
letters of admiai-lraiion having beeu granted
by the proper aiiib'irily to the uiHtersigiitsl. no
tice is hereby gneu lo all person indebted lo
said estate to mske immediate payment, aud
tboe having claims aaiu-t said estate will pre
sent them dtilv auiheuticated for settlement al
tne hue residence of the dee d., in said lowuship.
en Saturday, April Tin,
Scott Jt Ctfte, AU'y. AJunu utrator.
Letters tcsien-.i-nUry on the estate of ToMas
Voder, late or ooent.iugri town-hip, Somerset
county. Pa , deceased, fiav.iig i'.-eu granted u
Hie undersigned by t!,e: proper authority, notice
is hereby glveu to all perrons indebted to said
estate to make immediate payment ami those
harlot; clan. is will p.-e-eiit tueui duiy authenti
cated lor sctt.erneul and allowance.
Joseph johss,
Coiborn St Ctilbom, Executor.
J- 17, st Atuiraeys.
Estate of Ja.-ob Y. Y.xlcr. late of I lk Lick
Letters testamentary ou the above estate havs
Ing been grauied to ice undersigned by the prop,
er authority, notii-e is hereby given to all perou4
indeirted lo said estate to make imnae2iate pav
ment and th'Me having claims against the same
P present laem duly autbcinv aled for settle
ment on Saturday the Tth day of April lsn, t
the late residence of deceased in Elk Lick town
ship. ELI A. Yi OER,
Jacob w. Hoover. ,n and heir of Ph.rbe Stahl,
hast.y power of attorney, on the lTtu day ol r eb
ruary, A. L.. lull, a;.p.iiuted hs uncle Levi
liii-er his agent, to attead u and lake care of his
bu-iuc aud property All peraous, cnslitors
and debtors of Pbtcbe titahi. will meet at tbe res
idence of said dec d., on March 17th. ixutomate
eltlcroent;irfail claims, ani the public will furth
er take notice col lo trespasi upon the farm, late
of Phtche rtah 1, now of Jacob W. Hoov-r, to
hunt, tu or otherwise.
BrothePivailey, LEVI ULEEK.
t'eo. IT, li L
Having been appointed audit bv the Court of
Common Pleas of Souiersel comity, pa , to make
a distribution of the fnuds in the Hands of l-aian
(iooil. High Sheritr of said cisiuIt. iroin
Ihe sale of the real etate of (.eorie Krsle. E W.
Hartman and r harles Mi ler, lo aud among
legally entitled thereto, notice u heret.y given
ttstl will it at my orhe. in ihe b,s-ongh of
mer-et. Pa for the purp.steof dwhariring the
duties of -ai I apjsMiitiueui. on Motviay, April a,
l-.i. at loocloa A. M .when aud where ail par
tits ur.ereMed may aiteud.
liEO. R. SCI'LL,
Having been duly appoint d auditor to dis
tribute tne fund in the band- of Edward Hoover,
HiahShenrr of Homermt county. Pa. arrtMng
from the ?a!e- there! estate ol ireorge Eoeie
and Charles Miller, lo and among iboe legally
entuicd tberebi. notice Is hercl.y given liiat I
wUsiiat in s .rnerset toraigh. en
Monday, Apnl yth, l. at 1 o cl.s-k P M fir
lue purpose above slated, when and where ail
parties luleusled can attend.
aieutlue Hay ) In the Court of Com -non pitas
. of -sail r-et Couuiy.
O. IL P. Long ) Xo. .is May T. Isji, C D.
And new. Pith March. I'M on petiti m .rf Kd
ward Uisjver, lligti Sheriff of .-somerset rsainiy
and ou moiiouof..o. R ud. Emj. the Conn ap
point J. c. l owry, E , Aiiuiior. u make distri
butor; ol the luudsiu the ban. Is of ihe siuerur,
lo aud among ihofc; legally eniiiied ilieretu.
Extract frorn the Minute
I seau Certified this luh March -M.
I will attend b the duties enjoined by the fore
going commission at my orhce in Somerset B-.r-ooh.
ou Saturdav. the luh oay,, at 2u'cka-k P. M., of said day. where and
when ail panic or persons interesiel n atteud.
J. C Low RY,
Eatc of A H. Kuhlinan. deed.
On nio j.m ,f Kioer i Koier. I .
the undersigned, havicg been appointed au,.l
tor lo.liMnbiue ti.e fund in the tamiaof the ad
Diinistranv to and among lh.s legally euutled
thereto hereby gives Lot lee mat be will meet to
attend to I is , inks at the orhce of Colborn A
colborn. gis.. in Somerset, la. sa'uniay,
lt7tndayof Apnl, lsi. when aisl wbere ail
panics Uiie.reste-1 can aitead u they ihluk proper.
Ia tiie eute rf L. fctus, J ite at I'pper Tuf
keyfuut p. n cuuniy.
NOTICE th!T f ea Ut B. . SnyJT
b iiie4ilt? iiii'-iiu to the Register of Wni tor
Mt:l cotitity. tr kti. r iff jltuii.!tittv'a nua
ti.e eUte f -Jo-. L. ivntt. who t ,itfsi to tiiv
brt-a rntmvul evOst uulit-ttrt ol lr ur maa m&KU
y-p lw4 prU ami vbo u bviirv u be drati :
thai the i kt ti ter hu cvru Jm1 ttl apptk
t:a i the O un o( mud x-iniy, ul
Ui-tt ttti the Ut:. tjr l My. a. t. a lha
Court Umah; iiiUic tsoruugh of iSnnerwt. la
eoviity. tne 4'l Court wiil htr eviilrftce em
fn:n the iU-ttet aeueeol the sakI m: ; po.l
lcvli-aa. aui Uie eirctinvuuia wi Uuiaaoa
laervuf. by Ue oirt,
jALXd a MILLfcR.
Feb'VH. tlerk.
We arc now ready with our new and large
invoice of flue Confectionery Gnosis, popu
lar brand of Biscuits anil taken, fancy
ginsisofall My lea, and every tiling ansa
pertaining to a first class bouaa to till or
ders promptly, ami lo supply resident fam
ilies to any extent. Goode always frewb,
aod always otfereel at lowest figures, tail
and bee one of tiie finest a&aorlxueiita ever
270 2Ti Main Street,
Johnstown, PaJ