. THE CAilEKOONS. Country That Is Givlcff many Kuc Trouble. Ger- . .tries Territory Abot . -,c-w .,t Is VI-Uy Co.- ccrMd-The llputo Battle in the Cameroon," says a re-ce-t eaV.e- What and where are the fairrem? This from the New ct'jC Lie-rail sriil elncicate a l:tl!a: T!.e Ctmr.Rns Urn terr:t..rr en tie l;; -!.t of l:fr West Africa, one l-,.tMire4 and Cftr thnovind siuarc in exit-til. aru wu tin of two millions. It ha r-.f on- h:-viivd andtventy C: vrcrn t he Can-.no river and the C- st miles is 1- un.leU rn me in !.- eu-t It a tr.atv line rcr.tii.fi-w-,.t ti.'the ea.t of Yola. on tbe upper I- nap. an 1 on the routh y a line run inUnJ. !ue east from the rcotitb tstlMl-nupoTivt-T. to about the me- jf l-.ni'itn if t:wai-;rmr". ;-h rnat I- regarded a? t:.e eastern . ,. . r. i : . : i . l . n.s. ' - ,1 iirn. , . - i..i.-ti iro- VS-ra te. i . . - th-M vre-re one Luntired and s.s-'c-six Iites. 'f wli.im one iiunureu an.l r.ine wire Grrman and thirty-oue Knirlish. It became a German pro-U-ct'Tate in and is p'.a-.-i under an i-rl povrro-.r. agisted by a rl.ancellor, two sooretaries and a local o-Hir;l of three representative mer chant. The country is fertile, and itari. rous valuable African vegetable T.r.lueti.ns prow in profusion. I'ian t:i .i..rs f cacan t:,d to) -aren hare been f;.rm-. d l.y a company, and numerous f ,i. torie carrr on an active trade in irory and !lm oil. n January 1. 1' ! an iinport duty was imposed on Kuropean r-uxls -r'' frnm ,h:s ,.!,e r-vence is mainly tierive-L The chief t-jwn is m.-r.ions, an.l in th South IlnUnja, Him Via and Ilahundu Town !::-othi-r important .nuiii!r frtations t:id A ;ua Tow n and To.vn are the principal native settlements. The im-j.-rts &r.:l exjxjrts are ouite lar?e. In April last. Mr. lienry M. Maclcy wr.-le to the peace association a letter in which he attributed the increase of trade in lL'-'i at African parts umlr German administration to the frrowic? practice aniDnj German merchants cf imjKirtin? into Africa small arms end ammunition. These materials of war, he said, were sold to the slave traders r.r-1 dr. inestimable damage. Mr. Stan ley inculpated also the l'ortu-uese ia " ' - - . l.;s chartres. He appealed to tte i.ury jx.an nations to f-uppress the trafiic in Lrms carried on by the Germans and Tortnnese. Unless this step be taken, he added, all efforts to stop the slave trade would be ust less. In February a German expedition, which was und.r the command of 1 reiherr von Mcttcu. proceeded from tiie Camcroons coast up the river San r.aL'a to rriillnpa. whence it traveled to tl.e thickly populated district of Tikar and r, ached Njrau h-re and Yola. Treaties were concluded with the na tive tril.es in the districts pas-cd tlirouph. This reappearance ca the c.tt-t, the Kreuz Zeilunjr pointed out. was peculiar in view of the statement made by memlx-n of the expedition !,t T j'-e Tchad waa their irrvaL It is a fact, tuoug-h at present an inexplica ble one. that German expeditions fail M reach the more easterly portions of tiie Hinterland of the ( ameewns. The expedition returned in Septomber. Knp-land and Germany had a loi.fr di.-pute alout the boundaries of the Cameroon, which was sttled in May last. The third section of the agree ment reads: "The German colonial administration enpa " s not to allow any trade settlement to exist or be ens-ted on the riirht bank of the Kio !,! Iley Creek or waterway. In like manner the administration of the Oil rivers protectorate enframes not to al low any trade settlements to exist or to lc erected on the western bank of the Ihihassy peninsula from the first creek !clow Arsibon's village to the M-a and eastward from this bank to J the Kio del Hey waterwav." According to the German view the lit-w agreement is a purely fiscal one, intended to enable the Itritish and German administrations to cope with the widespread Miiufrciinjr, which was especially detrimental to the Camcr oons. There had been no question of a'terinfr the frontier laid down by the provisional a-.Teement of lv'O, which, in consequence of disagreement be tween the two governments, left the I.i-xlel Hey out of count and settled the frontier as a straight line running" from the upper end of the waterway to the rapids of the Cross river. But this indefinite "upper end" has Dow lccn llxed a alnve set forth. Much, satisfaction was expressed in Berlin tt the pledge piven by the Enfrlish gov ernment not to allow trade settlements on the Biihay peninsula, which other w:se would have afforded an excellent base for contraband operations. FAIR WAS A DRAIN. tbrr Cities Grudge th Million, Spent In Going to Chicago. The close of the tvorld'n fair must have an important effect upon the business condition of the country, says the New York Host. I'or six months there has been a steady drain of money from all parts of the nation ii.to Chicaro money which but for the exposition would have been ex pended iu thousands of cities and t-iwas. Millions of people went to Chi-i--o between t lie 1st of May and the 1st of November, and spent on the avcrape a larjre sum for the round trip. The St. Haul Hioneer Hress esti mates that there must have been at h-:;st 10(i,00 visitors from Minnesota, aud that it cost them on an average fs apiece for the journey and $o0 cx e:!ses in Chicaro. This would make fej.(KiJ.0(X) that was taken out of Minne sota by the exposition. We believe that this not an over-cstiiaate. We observed the other day a statement in tin Iowa paper that no fewer than 4.V1 Ksple had pone to Chicapo during the season from one county sont in that stat?. and although a larg-e proportion of them went on cheap excursions, their average expenditures were esti mated at S-'ii apiece. While there was a givat number of visitors from the city and vicinity who paid but little, the expense was heavy for people from a distance, and there was a constant stream to Chicapo from the remoter arti of the country. If it be estimated that the 21.500.0OJ admissions represented no more than 4.1K10.000 separate individuals, and that the average expenditures were as little as SJ5. this would mean the diversion of f 100.00o.000 from the ordinary chan nels of trade into tho treasury of the fair, the receipts ol transportation companies, the pockets of Chicago ho t -1 and l-oarding-house keepers, and the other classes who levied toll upon the travelers. It must be remembered, too. that the large part of this money came u.t from the wealthy, but from people who were forced to sate in r.ier to raise the necessary amount, end who consequently refrained from expenditures at home which they would otherwise have made. In this way the fair has appravated the nor ma! effect of the financial uepressioi. in almost every community. Its close will arrest the streams of money which from thousands of points for half a year have been flowing toward Chica po, and will thus have a very percepti ble influence in improving the business The rrearber Vaiee. W hy a preacher should sing diller- entlv irotn other peotuv is a rnrsierr but they all do. Every one who has heard preachers sing knows that there is a queer twang about the clerical voice w hen used in singing that is rare ly heard save among preachers and very old members who hare attended church so long that they have caught the preacher s tone. The difference ia not so much in style as in the varia tions that a preacher never fails to In troduce, and once heard ca never bo mistaken. CKASiNG A sYYlt- i ui'n-'-"- VUI the Crotor lolombi. lEt It Do ! Wr. A -omrri-sm of tiie merit of the crnir Colombia with the two favtt ships afinat in case of war w made by the New York Tribune. The two vessels which the Columbia Bight h-ve Ciffii-nltv ia catch'-; are the Cm- m Zllll4DnCD pr.risa End I.uran.a. me ..iii.- lias made the t.i-riest arerare noun speed ertr attamea ly a vessel in a the did it re- tn ntat'.antic voyajc. she made an average of certly i h n ' -5 knots from yueonstown to Jf Yorl:. The hiphe-t average ?eed fr one day was made recently by t-e La cania. which ran at an average of : . hrt'At for 24 hours W5 raiautes a ca-Jtl-ra! dar coming west. Now. suppose there "was war between England und mer:ea. and the Columbia was W.fc-in- for one of the two hi? ships. h:ch. under those circumstances, would -e e ther in use as transports or tran formed into lipht-anned c.mimerce de str.n ens themselves. A sharp lookout would be kept from the crow s nest for the swift and terrific Columbia. As 1-er four smokestacks would make her more read:!v distincuh-hable than an ordinarv ship, she could be recognized for a certainty with a plass, say fifteen miles under ordinary circumstances, or sav approximately eighteen miles un der the most favorable circumstance. Tbi. Columbia would also recognize the Cunarder and the race would gin. If the Columbia made the time be- she made on her trial race of 22.S1 knots and the Lncania made the best time she ever made of 2i.74 knots an hour, the Columbia would have gained on the Lncania at the end of an hour .07 of a knot. Hut the I.ucania has the advantage of an lS-milc start Eight een miles is equal to aloat 15,' knots. The fraction is a trifle larger, but two thirds is near enough for practical pur poses. Now, if the Columbia pains .07 of a knot in one hour, it would take her a little over nine days to overtake the Lueatia. In that time the I.ucania could easily make a British fortified port, no matter where the chase should take place. England has a chain of fortifications around the world. In the ease of the Campania, takin? her liest average speed for a transatlantic voyage of 21.2$ knots, the Columbia n-onbl have a difference ia her favor of 1.03 knots. If she rained 1.53 knots an hour on the Campania it would take her to over come the I3.V knots which the Cam pania had the start alout 10 hours and 2- minutes. It would therefore seem as if the Ln.'scia were the only ship which the Columbia could not catch. In a lor.? stern chase, such as the Co lumbia would have after the I.ucania, lie woan! r-r" 1 nri.biiblvcot iret within hht- Ir.j r.iii-o until ;. enough had passed f. -r the Cunarder t- make a port or for t'.ie chase to l-e given up. THE MALADY OF THE AGE. oi.jt-rtare tt the t ntare of lUre of Nervoii, Men. The y iur.p man of the day. says the Loudon Graphic, is a poor creature a mere bundle of nerves, hypochondria cal, hysterical, and the wretched victim of an cver-increakinp neuras thenia. That is what Ir. Erb has to say of him, and Ir. Erb is one of the m'.-t eminent p-ycholopists in Ger many. Neurasthenia," he says, "is a di.sea.se peculiar to the educated classes, originating in overexertion of the brain. Overburdening the mind begins at school. Youth en joys too easiiy the excitement of a so ciety life. Poetry lias deteriorated into gross materialism, music has become too loud, even painting shows ns the ugly side of things." And the conse quence is that the race of men is slow ly but surely degenerating toward the condition cf hysterical women. Mr. Grout Allen takes up the flattering tale, and asserts that the modern young man is so poor a creature that ho dare not even ask a woman to narrv him. Wherein, if he is con scious of his defects, he acts with more prudence and chivalry than Mr. Grant Alleu pives him credit for. Is the in dictment true? It is difficult to deny it a certain measure of truth. It is our modern custom to overwork the brains of the young, to surround their body with overmuch luxury, giving no chance to tue development of endur ance; and it is our fate to live in an are when railways, telegraphs and fifty other inventions have anded immeas urably to the wear and tear of the individual and scpi-rate units of so ciety. But to this much of truth there has surely leen adoed a vast deal of exoneration. We are more nervous, perhaps, but we are not less strong, less valiant or less lonp-livea than our forefathers were. Yixeres for i s ante Apamemnona, end strong men will live a pa in though Agamem non be dead. The complaint is a very old one. No doubt the old stagers at the siege of Troy shook their heads gravely over the degenerate fighting qualities of their prandsons. UNCLE SAM'S E!G FLEET. It ll Srattere.t All Over tLe Kjrth Tro tecllng- A&rriritB li.tcr-!,. At no time within recent years has the Cnited Mates government been so well represented in foreign waters by an armed naval force, nor so poorly provided for in sl ips at home, as at present. Three big cruisers are at liio .laneiro, two more are on their way there, and this number will l in creased to six by the monitor Mian tonomoh. The pnnlxiat Yorktown is at Callao. I'era. and the corvette. Al liance has sailed to join her, from I .a Libertad. The old Yautic i.s stationed permanently at the mouth of the Kio le la Plata, charred with the duty of attending to American interests ia adjacent territory. The Jlanger. which sailed from La Libertad recently for Corinto, Nicara gua, is assigned to the west coast of Central America, where revolutionary outbreaks are so frequent, while the corvette Kearsarpe. now en route fr m New Y'ork to isan IVminpo to cffVrd protection to American life end pn p erty in the threatened uprisiii? there, will cruise about the A'est Ik.iies. and, until relieved by the cruiser !-an Fran cisco, along the east coast of Central America. The Philadelphia and the Adams are at Honolulu. The Asiatic or China station, which has become so important through the hostile feelinp of the Chinese toward Americans over the exclusion law, has six vessels at tached to it, and it is expected that the Machias, now at Brooklyn, will sail soon to join them. Tbe North Atlantic or home station has nominally five, but actually only one vessel in commissk.n to its credit, for the s'n Francisco is on her way to Kio, the Kearsarge is bound for i-an iKimingo (which can hardly Is? called a -home" port, although within the lines of the station), and the Machias is destined for China. The dynamite cruiser Vesuvius is therefore likely to be the sole war vessel left for service on the eastern coast of the United States, and the practicability of the Vesuvius as an effective battleship is in serious doubt. At the cavyyard nt Mare Island. Cal., the old Mohican is fitting for sea service, presumably in the South Pacific. The coast defense vessel Monterey is also at Mare Island. 'voiding e sfi. The minister had called at a house on Second avenue to find no one but the servant girl at home, and as he prepared to go away he said: "Give Mrs. Ilank my best regards, nd say I will call to-morrow." "Very well, sir. W ill you leave your card? 'Oh, it's of no consequence." "liut it is, sir. There's one map ming to whitewash the kitchen to norrow; another to beat carpets a third to paper and a fourth to do some painting. If you don't leave your card e may get you all mixed up'and take rou for the second-hand man who ia ming to buy the old range for fo-j-dollars!" lie left it Detroit Free Pres The Coat and the Troliey Wire. Some people think a billygoat is im mortal. They allege in proof that they never war a dead billygoat, nor ever knew anybody else who ever saw one. The trolley of an Est End electric car one day got tangled in one of the cross overs and tore down a live nire, which touinned about on the acphalt, biasing like a snake and causing the spectators to flee in terror. At last tbe wire came to Test, and attention was diverted from it momentarily, bat called back when newsboy cried out, Gcb, look at tbe dead bi lyoatl" AH those people who have believed the animal ioimortU rn-hed to see tbe wonder. KcsiJtnls of K-:at climbed Mount Adams could scarcely credit the testimony of their eye as they gared on tbe motionless form lying eo silent cn the car track. Its meek eyes were open in surprise, but the body was Btiff in death. "He's swallowed tbe wire !" the boy went on to explain. And sure enough be bad. While the vulgar mob bad ignored tbe wriggling wire the gentle goat, wandering ont of the alley behind the college building, w here a boy bad tied hiin with a rope, caught sight of the wire and thought to eat a few feet of it to settle tbe springy rope meal. He bad got about two feet swallowed, when tbe current pulsated through it again, and Billy wassoeur prieed lie fell dead and left several yards of the toothsome morsel un tasted. Cin cinnati Timet-fiar. Prisoner "Jedge, is this skinny, red nosexl feller goin' te be my lawyer?'' JuJge "lie is. You have no attorney and it is the duty of the court to appoint counsel to defend you. Are you ready for trial T Vait a minute, yer honor. lie is one of these divorce lawyer, ain't he? "He is sometimes called a divorce lawyer." Straightening himself up "Your hon or, on thinking the matter, el you hain't no ol Sections I'll take back that plea of not guilty. 1 stole the hog." Two Valuable Friends. 1. A physician cannot be always had KLeaniat itiu, Neuralgia, BruLses and Burns occur often and eomt times when least expected. Keep bandy the friend of maxy households and the desfrover of all r ain, the famous Red Flag Oil, 23 cents. 2. Macy a piecions life could be saved th&t is being racked to death with that terrible cough. Secure a good night's rtst by investing 25 cents for a bottle of Pan-Tina, the great remedy for coughs, colds and consumption. Pan-Tinia sold at G. W. Bcufoid's Drug Store. Clara "Oh, dear, my dressmaker's bill is somethicg enormous! Just think of it!" Margery i'Well, well! Nolxnly would ever suspect it." Bucklen s Arnica Save. Tbe best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains. Corns, and ail Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. X. Sny der. Don't indulge in trie luxury of strong opinions in the presence of your elders. La Crippe. During the prevalance cf the Grippe the past seasons it was a noliceable fact that those who depended upon Dr. King's New Discovery, not only had speedy recovery, but escaped all of the troublesome after effects of the malady. lu:s remedy seems to nave a peculiar pow er in effecting rapid cures not only in caws of La Grippe, but in all Diseases of Throat, Chest and Lung?, and has cured cases of Asthma and Hay Fever of long standing. Try it and be convinced. It won't disappoinL Free trial bottles at J. N. Snyder's Drng Store. Spectator Doesn't it require a deal of courage to go up in a balloon T Aeronaut Not a bit, ma'am. It's the coming down in it. Strength and Health. If you are not feeling strong and heal thy, try Electric Bitters. If "La Grippe" has left you weak and weary, use Elect ric Bitters. This remedy acts directly on Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If you are afflicted w ith Sick Headache, yen will find speedy and per manent relief by taking Electric Bitters One trial w ill convince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles on ly 50 cents at J. N. Snyder's drug store. It is generally a great blow to a can dle to have its light put out. How a Mother Saved Her Boy Little Robert Frey lives at Silver Like. His father and mother love him with parental devotion ; be is a bright little fellow. Bobby, as he is called, took a se vere cold, which would not yield to even-thing they tried. A neighbor per suaded the use of Pan-Tina, the great remedy for roughs, colds and consump tion. The first few doses relieved and the contents of a 25-cent bottle made a cure. You can imagine the mother's joy. Zeal without w ithout light knowledge is like fire Eed from tbe treasured volume The poem of thy choice. And lend to the rhyme of poetry The beaui; of Uiy voice. Which you cannot do if yon suffer with a cough or cold. Rid yourself of the discomfort by buying a bottle of Pan-Tina, the best remedy for Hoarse ness and influenza. Pan-ti-na costs 25 cents at G. W. Benford's Drug Store. Ba sure you're right, then agree with your wife. The Weakest Spot in your whole system, perhaps, is the liver. If that doesn't do its work of pur ifying the blood, more troubles come from it than you can remember. Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery acta upon this weak spot as nothing else can. It ronees it np to healthy, natural action. By thoroughly purifying the b'.ood, it reaches, builds np, and invigo rates every part of the system. For all diseases that depends on the liver or the blood Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Biliiousnese ; every form of Scrofu la ;even Consumption (or Lung-scrofula) in its earlier stages; and tbe most stub born Skin and Scalp Diseases, the "Dis covery" is the only remedy so unfailing and effective that it can be guaratiUtd. If it doesnt benefit or cure, you bave your money back. Plenty of sleep is conducive to beauty. Even a tall hat looks worn when it loses its nap. "My mither had headache every day bat has been cured by Hood's Vegetable PiU" Carrie Hawthorne, Windfall, Pa. CUILDiy TTJTO SUTTER from acrofulous, akin or scalp dis ease, ought to ho given lr. Pierce's Golden Medical 1 iscovery , for pu rifvine the blood. For children who are puny, pale or weac. toe - uis eovery " is a tonic which builds up both flush and strength. What is said of it fur children applies equally to adulta. As an appetizing, restorative tonic H o. wnrlr all the rprocesses of dipestiua and nutrition, muses every oreau icto nat ural action, ana tumps w trenfrth. In recoverinjr from " gnppe, or in convalescence from pneumonia, fevers, and other wanting diseases, it speedily and sunjly vieorates and buUils up lae wnuie t,ic. X.r .11 HixM r-a-nnl hv a tOTTi i liver OT impure blood, as Inspepsia and Biliousness, if it doesnt benefit or cure in every case, the money is returned. Jacob D. Swank, Wntchmaker and Jeweler, Kext door west or Lutheran Church Somerset, Pa. I am now prepared to sup ply the public with clocks, watches and jewelry of all descriptions, as cheap as the cheapest. REPAlHrNO A. SPECIALTY. All work guaranteed. Look at my stock before making your pmr chases. JORDAN & HINCHMAN. We are now ready with our new ar-J lsrce invoice of fine Confectionery oots, rom lar brands of iiisf uiia and Caki-s. j'aacy piods of ail styl'-e. and fveryihiru e!s pertaining to a firM clas b::- to lii! or ders promptly, and to supply resident fan ilies to anv ektuit. Goods aiays fr.-sh. and anva ottered at iowest dm res. t all and t-ee one of the finest atoriu.nts erer carried. Mil & H1SCHMAH. 270--2T2 Mala Street, J chnstown, Pa. GOOD LIOUORS! and Cheap Liquor By csllinn st the Old R!:i" IJouor Ftore, S.309 Main St., and IOC Clinton St., Jolmstowii, Pa., all kin-lf of the Chnitet Uuors In market can be hd. To my old cusioniers this is a cU known fart, and toil.lhers convincing proof will t siven. IWt foreet that 1 keep en hand ihe rresUi-t variety of Liquors, the choictst brsa'ls and at the loet prices. P. S. FISHER. HARDWARE I I am cow prepared to aceomnindatc the puh licwilu aiiv and everything in the Haniware lire bv the ad-iilioo recently maile to my lorruer larse stock. I keep all kiuda of articiei in my line and iny pri- challenge competition. If you aul a rim. a revolver, a knife, a a. a gimlet, au aucer, a bicycle P'r oikatv. hing en. arreits, ni., horse hoe, norsc blanket, or anything else iu hardware al lowest prices t ail on me. Herman Bantley, Clinton St., Johnstown, Pa A. H. HUSTON, Undertaker and hmbalmer. GOOD HEARSE and eeihine pertaining to fnrnerals turn anec Somerset, Pa. 9My Xotliinu On Earth Will Sheridan's Condition Towdcr! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good for Moulting lieu. Tt h nWlntrtT mm Hi My crnrentrtl Tn T"JM tit nst t-ittri of c-nt tftr. No orbt-r iMivfutth n t-tnwir, Moetljr ft m-li in. ""On Unre rn mvnl mo f 4 ; wik nt Tnr U irrr-rvnt ft oup," m m on ru4rniT. II jnutan'lpd It wnd u. Ak tirt. Snir4 f.r 2 rls. in tft.mrm ttvr- parki 1. Ijatx 1 1- b. by mftil. $1.3. tnrr ci n. r-ipr- prrpAKL Sftiulf otpvof 1'hr Ui-l Poultry PWTHent frw-frstrm-P'Hiiinr we t .-jar irrMv Jt- i nd lajire tain i !0. LauJuli.NbuN A CO, tt Custom Uwum iC, iUM.ua, Havjs to mvf hti.tm rut uvrn nurr r in ownrttL, Cnres thnnsands annnallyof LiverCom plainta, Ililiousness, Jaundice, Dyspen sia. Constipation, Malaria. More Ills resalt from an UnhealrhylJverthanany othercsnse. Why snfTer when yon eaa beenred? Pr. San ford's Liver Invigor ator a eeleSrsted f awilf rnMirln. votu nuruuisr m ill t-t i-i-lv voc. COPYRIGHTS. Ck T OBTAIN A P. TEXT t For rfYimpt anwtr ana an bntwrt oftr. ton. write to l t N N A: i wbA haTC had nearir fifty ?euV tiofi Tncl!T cnfifklnitmL A ltaa4bk ol lo-fc-nnatitM mocvrninc r Cmii arxl how to ob tain tben wt frv. Alo a ntaoaue ol met-hao-teal and nenttflc bv-k stent free. Patents takeo thnmjh apecta Dotioeiatbe Sciratlhr Amrrirnii, an4 tana ar brotttibt woIf before the pnhiicwita oat out tn Uie ttrrent'tr. Th: fttMn1i4 Mprr, ftfroed weklT. Wrrt ir lilnrtrate l. hmm hv far tt:e larrest rircttlatia of anv acientttre wrk tn tb worid. 3 a year. Fan.pte enpt writ free. Baitdinc rittua, iinthiy. fiom year, ritnale CTHHea. Z$ oaota. rTery nuuitxrr containa Oeao taf ul piatea, in oorora, aixl pnonirrara of nw hoiuea, with piana, eriabl.ne oaitdrs to ahow thm ftaiMt doirn and trur ountrana. Addroa ilsenencw in n iwmi nsinena. i unman i IMPOKTA5T TO ADVERTISERS, The cream of the country papers Is found In Remington's County Scat Lists. Fhrewd advertisers avail themselves of these lists, a copy of vrLich can bo had of Remington Broa, of Xcr Tork & Pituburg. P BUGGIES at Pricey f-sr-3 4 luwut MrofL rcnwtit..n. Sit VmA Oarc . buy of far- f, Bajfry lluma, $3 brral wt ll 2J - Tisun " ar.kinflt. mm ..rt Saddl. SI .! r w- r.ikiiccrtciiTca B Uwraaas St.CiaaaBaU, a 00 Z YOU CAN FIND THIS PAPER a Ale to PTTT-jn-..R st tle A-Uenisinr kareau at S SSSlt HE2H1TGT0U BROS. ha U1 ewiuau lut unnwiii at luwort mea HEWS 4. Receipts 'and OF THE Directors of the Poor AND HOUSE OF OF Somerset County. Pennsylvania, FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31st. A. D.. 1893. JOHN IIAMER, ESQ, TREASURElToF THE TOOK HOUSE OF J SOMERSET COUNTY, ia account with the County of Somerset, renrtM lvania, for the year ending the 31st day of December, A. P. 1893. Jii RECEIPTS. 1 To .mount of sales and rewind at the Poor Uoue ..... 2 roauuMreet eou!y lororler No. l-.O M a-ts . m.n fund 3 To balaiii- accouiit. 4 Carried forward , - EXPENDITURES. OUT VOon EXPESHES. Br amcar.t paid fur outdoor relief . Malmrnanoe of cnii iren, 4 " ouuiour pauiieni... .1' " Inmate, al hoFDiiaU " " diiWIrtin at Elwyu 7 fofllns forootiloorpaopra K: - " JJ.-Jii-! allctiUaiice out0curiaup.r 9 " " Justice fr.. 0 " Mr otorktravfllnKHiK-nstt . I, " Visitura irm-liii ex;iis.. 1 ( . h.-r i-ouiit.ts p.u::i . Ki)n.l lr 1 l i)iivi'ilii uuMour p.uiKrs .. j " " Ttk-griii j EXPEXSES OF POOR IIOUSE PROPER. 1 By amount paid t.r f ry (roods and rlotliing " Mi. .ii.l l,utlier ; " w heat and Hour i " Apoie l.tt'Ur . . . iv-.-f, bacuu. Bah aud UM H.rdaareaud tio.arti.. 1-uit.raiid nuilftaMat and I.-. aa l up t.r-vno 1 uiwiroo I'r kenand rice I and lelii al c-nirn-.u Jastii r aud t.'onj-ia'.lc let-.. T:irliii-fr t.ofat4.Dd fruit -it. e.u il.nl an-i Fu.tari- and lion-ry- ... Vint .&r. t-atleracd trt o I r. inn. K - -i- " " t''."1 n. - " Lll U..u .l Pr..Uiuoulry f- I EARil EXPEXSES. i 1 By amcar.t I-IJf. r Far Irnpleratnn - - it. i . ; i . i . a and hardware S - rr!l.lr and !liu ,....., 4 ' .S ; and piano. 5 liynanii;-ainl f ;-iht . ( ' hrpiirs .ol UiVt j PERMAXEXT IXPROYEXEXTS. 1 By amount t ail 'V 1 n r1 r .. H. uiiice D .(t-am tie. ler I. epairs and 1.1. .r 1 ".'.I::! aO-1 p4-rllll( t:e-meut i t aud irmiuii inxs. I EXIRAORI'IXJRI' EXPEXSES. By amount lld lor Fnruliarc ' Uves.ui t A.-st. toL-ir.H toni aoe l.tk.u. '. " lMiran;e Ji:ie r.ir.l . Money oo agreement.. Mu-.i'':maii f-iiid Clermng MMtiemeul.. ' SALARIES AXD WAGES. 1 By amount psid attorney and clerk. I. C. Colbom Ulr t m. Dickey .. J. " Ji.e;.h 1 Miller 4 " Jo.tah I). Ueiif io 5 " S'enr.r-1. J.-hn C. Miller . f, " t'ny.lcian, tu . Mmmei.. Tre.arer. Jitnn H.pier ( n.pUin. V. V. Sylor Jan. 'in-and onrse Cook Ul' T LIE DIRECTORS OF 1. To amount of ertimftte fr eienjcs j Hy atm-uut rw. iv Irmu e.ninty n'miniHmcr' ionJor.. X Hv imoaut unxeDtlel u the rreUtt of tb UjrU....,.... 4. B auiuuiit xurcharKctl to directiira...M. . A ccouxt of c. c urssELMAX lhjxatiox Deed Rook, Vol. 62, page 73. To aro't receive,! from Co. Com alot- of Mu'jelmin fund istf .. Hy aiiniul exjieii.Jc.1 for nepapers, Ac. .. By amount unexpended to credit 01 buard to lauoa a(c-oaut Directors Individual WJI. DICKEY, rOOIt H0TJSE P1KECT0R, IX 1. To arotunt roor-honse ider No. iw i 1o amciunt poor-hoiwe orler No ls-j.l.. 3. To oue-inlrd of amount nrr-hanred . ... 4. By one yenr's .alary aa iliriiiir. . 4. kiy tnuaut duo couuly of i-ui -rst:t - JOS. L. MILLER, POOR HOUSE DIRECTOR, To amount poor-house or-ler If o lsti3... I o amiHUtl lor dwk oruer -ii- 1 -. Toi-ne Itunl ot amonot mtntrKed Hv one year salary aj director 1 o aim. mil poor Ihmiso order No. ! My ontrtanditia- oriler No Is;'.' paid this My kwlauce due eouuty of isDineravi ... JOSIAH D. WElfiLEjlHWR HOC?E DIRECTOR, IX ACCOCXT WITH ! 1. To amount ol pr-houe order No. 2. To amuinl of xr-bute order So. lftn - 3. To oue-lliird of .mount m harmed .. 4. hr one year't .alary aa illrector - 5. My amouut due ciwnty ot 3oerfct. . .. . o UTaTANPING ORDERS UNPAID. Year, lwl No. :to i o To whom !sned. l evin. Kcrkey... Kebexxa Mm ier. T.dal.. We, the iindersia-ned Au.l tor. of the eounty of Someret, la tho Cnmonwelih of Pcu-tIts-r.la do certify lta.1 in ii'unce of the 47th -c':i.ool the A-1 eutitled "An Act re atin to count io. ti.w'nsLiii. Ac, -fed ih- 1th da ot April A. I'.. Nl. e inrt at the f-.t of J jmicb In tha t'ounty ol s-..merl, on Ihe hmt day of January A. D. 1S.H. and after beiot duly tw,.m. did audit, s.l.u-1 and e'lie Ihe MTeral acei.nnts rojainsi of Ji by lw. ai.re.ml.ly to the arveral act of Asemhly and .110 plemtn'. iherelo.aKnli!iE to the heat ot our judtrment and ability, and that the -ongoing axe true and c.irr.-c: jutemciit. "f the l.diovi lu aci-ounta. vu ; 1,.. Hacier. K.. 'lrea-urer of tiie Poir-house and Ilouse of Employment of Somerset coiiutT, with a-.d ei mil ol S. uien-et. -.si". Tiie a4.sMiiit;i.f the C. t). lUMiman donation. S-l. Tne tMiai.tt aitounU 4th. Tn inlivtdaal accounts of the I Inctortof the Toor with the county of S-m rt. all forth Tear 1-r's aud tier, l.y ccr.iiT that we Dndal-alaneedue the county of S tn- rs.t from n UiUia Uickcj, of t it' , from Joik ph L. Vlilier t-i lv', od In.m Jirlah I. eiKl- fs 3 The .aid tn-amrer and ti.e director, were duly mminoned to at-.-earbetore the auditor with their boo., anil paper, an-1 they did no appear, ami cien (c .ilinin-1119 alt-icneui. in icsiimony w :.er.i no mi. ncreuuw aev imi usjuu. aua M:aia, the :ilt day of January, A. D. lst-4. Aitest:- hirvs E. Meyirk. tleik 01" TSTAXDISU t'onnty, State and ?jiK-ial Taxes of Somerset cnanty, rennsylva nia, on the Erst day of January, A. 1 l-.i4, tine and owinjr oy the collectors f.f theditlerent boroughs and townships in said county, as follows : COLLICTOLS AND DlCTBlCTS. s.muel Laml.ert, Stonrcre ek townhip.... . John H Ankeny. (..einaliotilng ton.-bip.... F. 1. Fuller. New M.ltii iinore uoroua-h.. W R Moanuin. 4Jt:'. nro tHjrooirb.. Win. Hurkholder. Lower Turkey loot township. Kli H. Merkec. l.incoln townsnip F.J. Follcr. New Baltimore borounh... Juhn T. 1 evdla:, Northampton toniliip..... S. U. Whitiktr. l tonJhip. d.rn-t Henin, Paint town. tup . L. M. Ijmrt, fchado townt-hip . E. E. Puith. Snu-net township IL H. Yooer. Hrotherrlcy township A H (ih er. K irl townnnip W. K. Mountain. Omrlueneo boroui(h Iiaulel Mickey, Ca-aeima a boroUKh J.J. Folk, KU lick wwmhip A. . Ankenv, Jonncrtown bonmth. .. E. H. Kcrkey, Lower Tnrkeyfoui township. F. J. Foller. ew haltimore horouira H. F Miller. Northampton iowuhip. Noah 1). Bowman lioeiiiahon nittowurhip... Lis ns? Maiutc. stioetowniinp . K.ln.oml Cenian. sir.H rarl townthip- Jiaei.h stull. btunycrershinsnip it 1;. Horner, t-ummlt uiwnai.ip... ii W. Lcnhsrt, l'rin bocouh J. a Htnnl. Addiaon t,wnhlp. John iarrrr, Alhwbeny township. Frank lleffley. Berlin Inirou.h Memy kih, Benm boroonh .. (,ei-r,e Krtsineer, lirothen-vailey township.. Kli A. SnTilcr, Black township . i.E Fulltn, ContlncDCC broiih Iiaiiiel Mickev, t'.eiman hnruxti S. A . Kretcbtuan. Kli Lick Km-.i.hip I.. W. Owens, F.lrbot town-hip .. A.J. Stoner, (ireeoTille Lon.hip. . KsbertT. Boll, Jenerson township A. I He. Jeunertowa borounn . Tborcasilall.xber.JenneT township .. Iwi. M.nkainyer, Larimer township J. W Butkbol.ier, Lower Turkeyfoot tuwurhip.. I. B. Afh. I.iueuln towu-hlp . A. F. Web-boos Mey-rl.lc borcrfich ... KukB SajM- Mtddlecreek twnhip tieorire N. hrock, Milford towuahip V. j. Fuller, New Haltimore oorouxn Henry K. Miller, Northampton township. r sejen. i-ie townsnip . Peter Hoffman, Paiut tnwn.hip Iianiel Will. jiiemOoniLir town-hip. Henry Farltnv. koekwood bon.nxh A. J. smun. raustury ooroncn.. L. V. Imtiert, Sua.1. townh!p. A lei H. Himton, f omeiaet borouh Fdmuod Cnkmaa. tHTi.rset towu-hip I'hariesrC Manx, 9oothamptoo township.. Jotin H. tnvder. toyi-euiwa boroourh John W. Baltwr. h'uaiycrctk towuahip J. I'. Knule, Summit towiuhip D. E. Ktvarar. I'pper TarkevU.K township. J. C. Forscvlbe, i ninm iMirousrh ... F. V. tharler, Wellt rsbaxa; boronxh Amount State tax Drought orer. - Special t Grand total tax outatandinf . NOTE In the shore oatstaedia balanees an eantace to be dedaeted. W e. the ndernn 1 Commlwioner. of V.merset county. In conformity to law, bst 01 d. red the ae eompanyina; aceounuof tbe Receipts and lutprndltiire of said oounty lor tbe ve - ISmu, tuba puh. lUhed, and we h.rt.T certify that tbe above staicment of the Ouunndln Taxes due aald county Is correct, a. per Kceurd la the Treasurer s and Cosninisaoaers' OMica Aet : HENRY F. BAR.VKTT. J. G. Esut. PAMl'EL f. UHOBEK. CWrk. WiLJJAM P. HAY, Conimissioners. Expenditures EMPLOYMENT ml KM r. :) 0 101SS IS il:0j 40 cs. K'l 1" 17 tv .1 70 b" IM ' ;Vi Ul IS -. :t !- 7 .'. 17H 4.'. llul act of isW SU47 04 1 M7 04 HO ll J l)i W l j Ki 177 -.'1 : 1.7 vl ;.l 1 1 l lsv 4. 117 1.' aiil Exam.. a is : lui v 7 s 'SI W .7 J.'i :a lw 7y ! MJ 6): m 70 ... . 3a fc'. 1736 2! . r 1..I Ol 17 I'M - r w. iO 7"! it X- 700 5 I ZA ftp .M HI 7r r Ml i f) te 1.41 1. V I" 4U lij Sll IB: 11 -I. I ll.W 40 I 11X6 40 1 " , w j y-1 I 7 ... THE POOR, IS AClOl'XT WITU SOMEUSET C0CXTT, PA. I.R. ll'JUU 00 CB. 10115 00 7) 4.' J4 W lliU) I") f 1IUU0 00 30 00 22 : aO oo t oo Account for 1893. ACCOCXT WITH SOMERSET CO., PA. t 25 CO vr. on f0 CO s V.i' , &s W i IX ACCOCXT WITH SOMERSET CO., PA. -$ 2T 00 14 8 IS1, 25 CO .. year.. , f SO 00 25 00 8 l W VJ , M liH i 25 00 50 00 Amount . i xio 8 00 . I 16 00 pnMiaie.1 tneir book., oraer.. diii.. .ouenors ant ftMVELC.roX, sui. WM. w. IlAKKk, staL. AMOS WALKtlK. .sal. I ! I 1 I Ye. Cointv. Srrc'L.' 9tat ,lwj$ 4J0 57 1 07 .. 5 Kit f t '-'I .. 175 07 12 1 It lo 20 62 .. JO ft, . 33 Sf.' W) HI .. 2!l st) t'.7 51 lt 3b til 22 4'. Oii 37 21 2411 25 170 2sl 7. 72 fl l-"4 -'St 2S fl 2J5 ft? 217 5o- 61 U 3 H S.t 11 rt &. 2 75 l..t" t jut : j 22S Kl 44 01 XI .4 7." 74 214 7 S.-2 14 277 i fr 17 204 40 44 12 fS 527 12 wi 4 6. 57 41V M :i xi K 4.1 4v: 14 1 M l.H! so S) tin 2U5 5s 'fj Is 7 27 ' 21 B ll 21 45 61 4 77- 55T6 i ' 2 61 29 65 12 11. 13 6 I Ml l:ut 61 15 Ot to 61 ii'ii f.l 70 ""aiiii 6 ftl 21 w 10 70 IttPt. 124 7S '23 .52 7 29 S 75 75 57 CO r. s lt 60 21 10 40 26 24 91 IU 7J 41 42 8 V7 26 20 10 7 124 26 1 90 60 79 29 R6 24 X7 a 43 10 69 11 01 27 .16 b VI IS 56 id 2 49 06 32 43 10 74 7 n i 15 40 151 90 1S27 00 127 O01 151 r3 ;l 17s74 included the Exonerations, Cossmlioi and per- CONDENStO TIME TABLES. JJaltunorw and Ohio E-ilroad. Somerset and Cambria K0RT3WARD. Branch JaknMow n Mia -wi.-RoekwnoJ J SO a. ., oaierwt 4 10. stoye-stowa :52, HoovenTiiie I in, Jobnstowu. elu. JeknMan JfiS grpftm.llori wood 12.55 a. m., rVmr el 1:1. puiyi-Jtowa Li, HoovenTiiie 17, John own 2 o p. JoAiai&iww Aawaiorfah' Rock .ood X p. m ., rscmcrsct 6:4J p. m. , etoymliwn 7:11 p. ., BooversviUe 72 p. m., Johnstuwa &15 p. m. va'(ie Afrvmvodalum Bockwouw 12J6 a. m. bo erset, Lli. SOCTHWAED. Jfcni John stown 7 40 a. m. HoorerTlllo 8 2 rUoyoalowa 8:40, some reel 9:11, Kociwocd Jtrper Johnstown 3:30 p, av. Hoot erwi rflle 4.11 6toyea wa 4 .JO, eVunersct 5.01, Koekwood 6.25. Sesrfc. Onfy-Johnstown :S0 a. m., HooTerwrille 16 a. m.. rstoventown 9 :10 a. m. So rl lu 1 a. m. , fiock.ood 10: a. m. Swufny Arcrmwtodati.m Somerset 5:01 P- m. Koekwood 5:23 f DaiU. IEXXSYLVANIA RAILIiOAD. SCHEfjCLE IS EFFECT NOV. 19. ISi CASTCHN STANDARD Tint K CD!DBK.EO St'UIDrU. Trains arrive and depart from the station st johi town a. folio ws : WESTWAED. 8nutiwtera Kxpmw Western K.pnr-w Johnioown Acctunmodalion Accommodation Paclfl Es(ire. Vtay l aae cnftl. Jolin4wB Accumnioiiaiiou al Line, a. m 4. 'a. . i7 a. . to a. m .. .4 a. m 3: f a m .. 5.1'' a m ..9 p i . 9 ur p. m. EASTWARD. Keystone Fx prees. . 5 t5 a. wi . 5.10 a. u . 24 a. to 10 1 a. m. . 11:0 a. m . l2.2 p. m . 4 11 p. m . 6 v. p, m S- nnore Kxprew altootia Accommsvlauou Maiu Line Expre s . . Iay KxpreS . mw A u mhi a A.'d inimudatiou . Mail Fxpro.-. Jonustiwn cvomiuodal'.ou. phi la teiphi.J 7.16 p. m 10 p. so tut Line.. For rates, mars, Ae., ro to Ticket Attnt or ad dress Thos. E. Hatt, x. A. W. 1.. 110 Hi'th Ave nue, ritt-tiu.ith. pa. 8. M. PRKVOsT, J. R. WfMiP. lieu'l Jla-agtT. Oca 1 Fj. Agt- It is to Your Interest TO BUY YOUR Drugs and Medicines OF J. N. SNYDER. rorxwoR to Biesecker k Snyder. Jicrae bat the purest and best kept in stock, and when Drugs become inert by stand ing, as certain of them do, we de stroy Uiem, rather than im pose on oar customers. Yoa can depend on having yoor PRESCRIPTIONS FAMILY RECEIPTS tilled with care. Oar prices are aa low as any other first-class house and on many articles moth lower. The people of this connty seem to know this, and have riven ns a large share of their patronage, and wt shall still continue to give them the very best goods for their money. Oo not forget that we make a specialty FITTING TRUSSES, We gnarantee satisfaction, and, if yon hare had trouble in this direction, give ns a call. SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES in great yariety ; A ftill set of Test Lenses). Come in and have your eyes examined. No charge for examination, and we are confident we can suit yen. Come and see us. Respectfully, JOHN N. SNYDER. CURTIS K. GROVE, SOMERSET. PA. BTGGIES, 8LEIGE3, CARRIAGES, EPEIXQ WAGOXS, BUCK WAGON! AND EASTERN AND WESTERN WORK Faro Wied en Short Notice. Pain ting Done oa Short Time. X y week Is made out f Thomufilt Stemmed Wood, and the JJcsf Iron and SUd, Substantially Cocstrueted, Neatly Finished, and Warranted to five Satisfaction. Enploj C!y Rrst-Class Torktaea. Iep rlnf of An Kinds In Jfy Line Done on Short Notice. Frtcea SEASONABLE and All Work Warranted. Call and Examine my Stock, and Learn Prtcea I do W -yon-work, and furnish Bei-ee fee Wind Villa, Kemember the place, sad call In. CURTIS K. GROVE, 0 (Xaat of Court Bouse SOME SET. PA. B20 DOLLARS PER MONTH Cn Your Own Locality made easily ainl honorably, without capi tal, during your spare hours. Any man, woman, boy, r gii i can do the work hand ily, without experience. Talkiuz un necessary. Nothing; like It for money making ever oflereU before. Our workers always prosper. Xo time wasU-U ia learnine tbe business. We teach yon In a nilit how to succeed from the first hour. Yon can make a trial without ex pense to yonrself. We start you, ntrnish everything needed to carry on the busi ness successfully, and guarantee you azainst failure if you but follow our simple, piaiu instructions. Reader, if you are in need of rea!y money, and want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send ns your address, and we will mail yoq a docu ment giving yoa all the particulars. TRUE & CO.. Box 400, Augusta, Maine. f 5 vc't.i ji -.'e tunc 'j eases c' .tie cyt. Ear, J.'cze, Thrct, Lvr.gs ar.S Ckrcr.- ic Oiuazis. r - Thiz eminent Wonderfullv Successful ia all Chronic Di.-7es of the EYE. EAB, HOSE, THROAT, LONGS a. HASH Cilp? All Eye Operations Successfully Performed by him. "i V. ,u.i .4 "rr Havnn Sifrml fnr 1 - HUA .v.wc. Jvi-i.rr.l ; J I have hern witferiiutwlth Try cvere onch. hla.klrr and alUuey uWne. au.l on --mui of that lelt all bn.ke up. couUln't follow my daily labors on account ot great 11 11s wckiiewt mi J bra-la. he, but now, ai"t.r a ctirse of ireatrm nt with lr. Mint, can oni-w mr att ol to my daily li 1 with pieasure auJ cuiisiJer my ;il halo aut hearty a:u. k. iiT. ludiaua, rm. Aiil Ji. A.Vf'C Twl" Ytr irn.l T- i. -l Srrn I I-J-r-rnl rk JW...-S4 i-uvd. Pr. M i 1 For nice than twelve yean I -urTert-! torrures wiih liver, atoiuach anJ kulm - tr.o:.ie. -H-naiiy I ht U o t' tcl ! r a at a !.me an-i wm ur.al.le U .r vean : t"it no f V-r ou;y a tt w iuoiitn. irea;T:u-i.t 11.1 lc stli;i. 1 fe-el m wt.i. a 1 DriW .i d r-lore. 1 -J-i-t piles of pat nt weU.cmei an.l naU vcu il:rireiit f htina. but r.iiiai: rew worse ami i.rc. i..'ever. ilice 1 pill ui--lf Ull.l,-r IT. U-eatmenl 1 iiupruvcJ frwlcUy an'l I w cu lo a. g'i a Jay wora a. ai.y IH.C. lean f-.r.ain. ly r o.niir.end tn .1- . '-r : !h sutl.-rit'g tioia chn.inc ilisca .-. of jy kind. J. A. CaiSL.T, D. S. RiHrSirg. C.t-tre cout-ty, l' (..-cf If. .S"!.' -IjVr a Grtit Jf - .Ut- ii'iic rur-l. Fr ij'ilU" a time 1 hav.' leen '.mi'. t.ta:iy Vf fhcu caUirii. tr'hi:Mrly in uiy iriliar, hu-h sriel d.a.l au.l tiie rut t .Mie ki't w jtse d my. I Ha. verydt-st-.rideM i-iul airs.je-l der.-era!e on a-i-(util f not hemic abte to :.e r what went ou aruii:..! iue : felt aLvaT-t tired a' d i."-t ail elierxy. now 1 am .i.ii'e a di.'leiviit mau au-l Kel hi l ' oi.ee nil r. ait th- thuk to t-r. Mi!in". sfcti.iui In-aiiueut. 1 Ui e tt n it. three otiitr diR.-t. r-. No one cu irravnie how it.iwi. h w yoiin 1 b-el air.ee i can uadersuvn-l ouce ui.tce without au ef fort. J'itriAiL -rTtN.ji.a, Johaston, Fa. ( ttiurrh and Exr lrm-iit tr'l hy Vr. .S.'irt. Fir m.-ire t!in ten year I li.ve hu.l a bad ra.o ot catarrh. My ear irrai-i-iily h came averted U sin.-h a decree that uie nea riu itl one ear -a a aiiniM totally p-ne and hud in Uie other one. 1 became very u-ikii alanut-i. so I w ent U T'r. s nt l'ir treatment and improvement rnj-i-1 from the h.nuin. It a now very jM.nn mat I take a o l I .mi 11 mu-t l- a very f.:nt ..imd that 1 c:.n hear with e.'.ht-r e.r. 1 fnrl better a.lar.iiiii-1 and cui-.sB to; self atLs:id wit.i tne treatment 1.K Mili.in. tOel iUinr. Fa. Manlioc-t peri'i-ctly restore.1 taick. painles-. and ctnain cure for iut...irii'-e. .-; sperioaic-rrho-a lic-,"wtk ami nerv. iis lihij'.r : a: l'r pr.-iat:tis veru--cr;-. .-..j di. ae. hetherlnui ncpru l-ut hai.it. ot vuntn or se".'.oiiAi lum-tioui -speed i .a.i y - . . ly ture.1. r-. Cur Advertisement Will Appear twice Before Each Visit CLNS UTATICN acd tflNAT CN FF IE. ALCF.ESS i!i tCLMCATICNS to BCX 769 CCU;j TttWS " HOT6L"" I "" DAY-I lee f'Jan I Feb Mr i A;.r May i Juie J-ily , Ji.htistwn j eiraiwl Central I Tues.!.iy I I i Ju I .7 -T I I 111 117 j :4 j, Somerset Soui set tiouse atu.-u y A-'Sl it Si .'t ; ;. lhites iurject t change, of which reitUr pa::e.bi w:.l be projiptty not:!i.l New York Weekly Tribune Somerset Herald ONE YEAR. T"WO DOLLARS. AJJrcss all orders Louther's Drug Store, Main Street, Somerset, Pa. This Zlcdel Drag Stcrs is Rapidly Ecccning aC-::.t Favorite xrith Peopls h Ssarci. cf FRESH AID PURE BRU3S. Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Sponges, Trusa, Supporters, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, &c. DOCTO- GIVES PEHriOSAL ATTENTtOS TO THX CO-POCM'I.NG OF TH mmh Prescriptionsi SEX A T CASS BELS8 TASZS TO VsE O.fLY FREi-3 ASD PlX ARTICLES SPECTACJ.ES, eye-glasses, And a Full Line of Optical Goods always on Land. From such large assortment all can be suited. THE FIHEST BBfiHDS OF CIGARS Always on hand. It ia always a pleasure to display our to intending purchasers, whether they buy from us or elsewhere. J. m. LOUTHER M. D. MAIN STREET Somerset Lumber Yard ELIAS CUNNINGHAM, IfajrcriCTara asa Dbalzb aud vTholxsai.s aud Kstailz x or LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS Hard and Solt Woods, OAX, POPLAR. SIDINGS, PiCKKTS. afOCLDINUS, ASH, WALJfcT, FTjOOISQ, 8 ASH, 8TAIH RATI A CHERRY. TZLLOW PINK, 8HTJtUU3. DOORS BALUSTISS. . CHX3TNTT. WHITI A General line of all grades of Lumber and Building Mitirisi and Rourlas; S:ate Also, eaa furnish anything la the line of our business to order with reaaunaM pro) nptness. su h aa Brackets. Odd-sized work, etc. OlStce and Yard Opposite S. &C. B. R. Station, Somerset IT WILL PAY YOU TO BCT TOCB Jlemorlal Work WM. F. SHAFFER, 8OMKRSKT, PENA- Man oft cturer of and Dealer la raj dm Wcrs PmiilKdon Slcrt HctU xtnatt Cola HiliL! ill EMHIi fill Aiso, AgemtforOt WHITM BROhtMl Petwons la need of MONUMENT WORK will And It to their intereot to call at ray shop where a proper showing will bo given them. w-sVwia. - Garaatrl m AVer- Vote, ami yUlCHS ' JL8 T LO W. 1 lsTita apeciai ."ainiffn to the whit Brorue. Cr Pur Zinc Motiumea Intmdoeed by RET. W. A. RINO, sa a Decided Irortn emetit In the point of MATERIAL AND CON-fTRCeTION. and which la destined to tm Um Popular Monnment for out Chan seaOile C. -aa-k. aVar-filVI MI 4 CALL. W2I. F. SUAFFEB, - f;Y: "'J ' cer;:. art 1 r ''T 'V . IU II y F.ir mor-thaa t (!iU t-ii vea-. tally tiliu-t tu my n:n;ee. a . Lav- wood Htriktu u.euie. 1 J i tr oe ma-ie se airaiu o-.n ?iu lid me that tne 1:1 -iry 1 ... u raetaud t he would i fan-.-,! rf. 1 ave aiui my t-. j , 1 did so. fur.o-day. ai,N1a -J "L,( rel-lte. I can -e uuit m.re .m: ..f -s riitid cyo afier ni.ir? tiian T Frien.1. aud th.ia w r.o ku..w ' Disk t-j tne at.;ve. an 1 :mr. ou iir. aau s Buii'k-r:1!. i; Tyrone, Fa. J re -s ns-.t.ta. on IxiA . I-.. .-. 4 f. u Jf. Yu. Wv.k -i.i..J It - t i Dr. . 7. F-ir more thaa e :.t years I . -,. , r'sp psl aud intestinal 'ii-l:-.-.ii.,, 'j 7 -uut.:-l .k-oi.K s. oniy aiee!:...in to naj.ia ti.e .ast 1 .t.u. 1 u.i ie. p ..n .-v "' uiose. I'u.uik ail tnktruie 1 ;i.-,; W.K"'D h.l of d.tleielit patru; l.; 1 r4'" 1 tri-l live of our ac-ct.rs ; Uv '.' - ..-r-e a-id worse. N.iue of t.-.m 'i'JU, -' i.y rect 'iiav.uis, uuiii 1 nvtit t., 1. He toid uie at clue .la: .r-t torrec:. tor to-Usy 1 tee. . ....' , " ' .111 .. Sim!, Kidse, Centre ( o '1.1. i , , ,U ,'rcw W'jrm amd Vj .s. -- 1 ) Itur ta.urr., llul I". .... , Ajtrr tiw IV ' B af . F.ir tnos thau 7 .ve irs I hav- h. i 1 -caiarrn wl.icn ailtrt-ted my ;iei.l. 1-:, Very nuli-h and n a .ikki m .h ,- .,; - .11 Miuui. tu wki!U. bei-atue ft-m.-r feii. siupld a:i-l .i.Ht Ux uv.i:i.:, ; f.v -ev, ral L'f uur tiet di '..ir. . J .... deal of patent nic'ti' iii.-s, l. .t . V..-1-S-' and worse. Thea 1 ti-.-.i i',,-'". -n!erri:l cire. I e.ve him a j,-;.,; j 1 tne y rir-l ni.nifh i Ls-j;.i!i t-i .:,-s ., T and tne rt-s;: 'tMtny 1 tiie.t I rirt-.e i.-.-. e-F V weii: tit I bad ii-t ht-reV. lore and k..-i . .. i:: i.leo:..-; more, t rim, ks 1. au,, Vs' li. iur l. Bjtier Coiiiii;. . l a. 51" AND to Tue Herald. Family goc- - - SOMERSET.PA PISB. I 4TH. BUNIH. SEs Soli. iT.w 3 Ll l iU 1 1UA 1 i ritual A -SfaatssT Over 5O0 Beautiful Deelgns. ft V ..sr. konushental bronze w IL7JOAi?C W--'