The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, February 21, 1894, Image 2

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    The Somerset Herald.
EDWAED SCCI.L, EJitor and rroprirtor.
2fO .-r'-fi-'H
Feb. 21.
Tiie gentlemen if ho were in the hamt
of telling us that " Ck-velncd was bettor
than Lis parl" are eineing very low
Jure the Hawaiian devrlcpiaenta.
The New York TrUuc suggests tLat
UiefellowB wlio, iu tie last campaign,
shouted fr "Cleveland and dollar
w he-it" evidently meant two buthela for
a dollar.
TAMMjiNVand tie "solid South" are
;!ed :th rejoicing over the repeal of
the Federal election law. The machine
can low run without friction or fear of
being watched by " Federal minions."
The Yivksbure t'ommnvi'd Ilt-raU
prophesies that " the repeal of the Fed
eral election law will result in the forma
tion of two powerfal political parties in
every Southern State." There is always
danger in overdoirir a thing.
Silveb and wheat, on Thursday last,
reached the lowest point that either was
ever sold for in the New York market
Silver was quoted at cents per oz.
and wheat at 0. cents per bushel. At
Ciiicago wheat was 6o!d at 'A cents.
The friends of the Wilson bill say :
" When it is on-e adopted business will
soon adapt itse f to it." It reminds one
of the Irishman who "tried to raise a
calf without feeding." TA said: "The
cnC p-A a'.oog fas rale until it up and
died." 7''T At.
.i.inuav afternoon President Cleveland
sent to the Senate the name of Elward
D. White, Ceiled States Senator from
Louisiana, fjr Associate Justice of the
Supreme Court. Within an hour from
the time the nomination had been sent
in Mr. White had been confirmed and
the President notified.
A TRAi.cand dicker, by which the of
fices ere to be divided between the war
ring lemocratic factions, was made ia
Philadelphia on Friday, too late to
have the faithf ll in the rural districts
ai-prieed of it. Jl matters but little, how
ever, as Grow'6 majority will be all the
same, whether a united or divided Dem
ocracy is in the field ajrainst him.
Wheat is at a grievously low price
jat now, and yet many thousands of our
people are without bread, beeiuse th-y
are without work. The farmers who
w ere iuduced to vote for "Clevelind and
dollar w heat" and the workingiaen ho
" voted for a change" to benefit Lis con
dition, sre now realizing the uttrr falsity
of Democratic promises.
As Governor McKinley remarked ia
Lis speech at Columbus a few days since,
We are attending upon the school of
experience, and while the scholarship is
free the expense is enormous."
The President cut the Pennsylvania
pie last week, and handed out the Phila
delphia s'.ii-es to the following trusty
henchmen of the Administration :
John B. Read, Collector of the Port ;
Eugene Towcsend, Superintendent of
the Mint ; St. Clair A. Mulholland, Pen
sion A::ent ; J. Marshall Wright, Naval
OUictT ; P. Gray Meek, Surveyor of the
While there was much rejoicing by
the friends of the lucky ones, imagine
the feelings of the hungry and disap
pointed crowd who were turned away
The audacity and impudence with
w1 ich Democratic Senators enub and
insult committees of manufacturers and
of workmen who ask to be heard relative
to the tarifl bill is worthy of the mofrt
1 jrdiy days of the slave-holding aristoc
racy. Not only are these petitioners re
fused a hearing, but they are rudely to'.d
that they don't understand their own
business. Democratic Senators are the
masters, not the servants, of the people.
They "know it a!!," and to doubt this is
an insult to their dignity. The days and
the ways of the old Southern oligarchy
are again upon us. The S:uth is in the
saddle, and the "Northern mudsills of
society" are at a discount.
With its immense Democratic majori
ty in the House, that body on repeated
trials last week, found itself without a
voting quorum. All business w as check
ed, and an adjournment had to be taken.
It was not because there was not a quo
rum present, but because members would
cot vote. There sat the quorum, but be
cause the party in power chose to act
like children and refund to instruct the
Speaker to count what w as clearly before
bis eyes, the business of the natioa was
baited. "Tom" Heed, when speaker,
had counted quorum when it wa pres
ent and therefore Speaker Crisp will
iioL Such folly ia worse than childish ;
it amounts to iailiecility. It is gravely
proposed to clI-Mit this folly by bringing
in a rule to fine all abseutees the amount
of their days pay. There is such a rule
in existence now. E jt the trouble is not
the absence of members, b;-.t their refus
al to vote on obnoxious measures w hen
they are present. Their attendance can
be enforced, but they cannot be compel
led to vote. Tee old adage that "you can
lead a horse to water but you cann t
compel him to drink," applies with great
force in this case. Q lit fooling and
count a quorum w hen presenf is the on
ly sensible thing to do.
Kyihexyiy Senator "Dave" Hill, of
New York, is a "bigger man than old
Cleveland." He has prevented the con
firmation by the Senate of two of the
President's nominees for Judge of the
Supreme Court. First Hornblower, and
now Peckham, bis second nominee, has
been rejected by the decisive vote of 41
to .12, double the majority by which
Hornblower was laid on the shelf. The
President's supporters consisted of 2i
Democrats and S Republicans; the vote
against his nominee was made np of 12
Iemocrats, SN Republicans, and 4 Popu
lists. It is alleged that every instrumen
tality in the hands of the President was
used to influence Senators. Personal ap
peals, threats, patronage and the party
lash all failed, and the most humiliated
Executive that ever filled the Presiden
tial cLair occupies it now. By his dicta
torial, supercilious, offensive and arro
gant condact, Mr. Cleveland has alienat
ed many of his partisan friends, and hav
ing pushed his personal quarrel with
the Senators from his own State into the
lore froct, and attempted to constrain
the Senate into espousing his cause, he
has been ignominionsly defeated.
The Republican Senators who voted
against Peck ham's nomination were
mainly influenced by the fact that he
holds to the extreme aaii Mlum doctrine
of State rights and also to the latter-day
beresy that a protective tariff is uncon
stitutional, and is therefore an unfit and
vasafe man to p'.aoe en the bench of our
ti'gbest court.
A Strategic Move.
Th, Republican Legislature of New
Jersey has found a way to compel Gov
ernor Werte to recogniM Jt or leave u
tnr-rerue as the law-maker for the State.
The Governor has persistently refused to
rYrnize the Republican becnte oecauw
the Democrats organized a romp Senate
t f members who claimed to DOia over
under the old district plan.
W hen the gamblers eaw that the peo
ple Lad taken the State oat f tileir bands
et the last election they claimed that the
r,U Democratic Senate held over. The
Governor, being a Democrat, could not
ignore partisanship to side wita ttiC peo
ple. His refusal to recognize the new
Senate, simply because it is Republican,
will avail him nothing, if the present
plan be carried out The Houmj, also
Republican, voting with the Republican
Senate, has sent tLree bills to the Gov
ernor. He refused to either sign or veto
them, because a veto would be a recogni
tion of the Senate. To relieve him ol all
ist onsibility the Republicans propose
to enact a law creating a custodian icrau
All acts of the Legislature become law
if not vetoed within five days after their
passage. The bills passed will be sent to
Governor Werts and allowed to remain
with him for five days, and if not vetoed
they w ill then be claimed by the custo
dian and treated as laws. This will
probably bring the Lemocrats, the gam
blers, and the Governor to terms, bat if
it does not the will of the people as ex
pressed at the last election will be put in
force by statutes that will drive the gam
blers out of the State they have so dis
graced. The last election in New Jersey did not
turn on political questions as between
the parties. It was a question as to
whether the gamblers she uld own New
Jersey or not. The people elected a Re
publican Legislature because the Repub
licans were pledged to drive the gamblers
from power. Governor Werti hasshown
little appreciation of the people's de
mand, and the Legislature will execute
the business for which it was elected
without his assistance.
One Family's Divorce Crop.
Chi'-aoo, 111., Feb. 17. Four divorce
suits at ouce is the black record of Frar.kiln
Reed's family. His wife, Elizabeth S.,
recently sued him, alli-sing non-support and
all kinds of meanness. Mrs. Reed's daughter.
IJa May, who married George H. Townnd,
n attorney, is also suing fjr divorce from
her Ltikhand.
Mr. Rted has brought a counter suit for
divorce. His wife had teen divorced several
times, and she taunted him with the remark
that every time she married she got a worse
husband than she had btfj.-e. She also
threw dirty water upon Lira, spent his
ruoiier and brought iu her relatives to fat
him out of everything he had. Ten of his
wife's brother threatened to feboot him.
Ia the suit of Mr. Townsend against his
wife, dtserilon is alleged. Oa top of this he
has sued his mother-in-law. Mrs. Heed,
ar.d Wiliaui, alias ' Johnny" Ambrey for
$3V damages for alienating his wife's
The Bridegroom Attacked.
JIalwis, Fib. IT. The little town of
Treskom, four miles south of here, was
thrown into a slate of intense excitement
over the sensational terminatiou of a wed
ding which was to have taken place there
this afternoon.
About five hundred people compose the
population of Tr-kuw, and among them
were three brothers, Andrew, John and
Michael Satasb. The three men worked as
miners in the colliery there, got along well
together and have had a good standing in
the community.
For some time Michael, the eldest, bad
tieen paying attention to Miss E-telie
Milomy, a pretty young girl of the village,
and they were to have been married to-day.
Andrew had also fallen iu love with the
girl and when the cermony was about being
begun to-day be protested against it, and he
and his brother John savagely attacked
Michael. In the melee the girl was also
struck with a club.
Officers were summoned at tcce and both
Andrew aid John were captured soon after.
Michael bad recovered hjitiself entirely, but
fears are entertained for the recovery of Lis
Lynched the Right Man.
P.iRMiNGBAV, A'a., Feb. IS. Thurs-day
niglit Mm. Annie Ituckner, an aged white
woman in the lewer part of Chilton county,
was assuHed by a tero, and to cover up his
crime he fatally shot the old lady, who was
found hy neighbors shortly after in a fcalf
unc jcicious condition. She then sutlicienl'y
revived to tell her story and shortly after
Citizens formed w and be,; in pursuit
of the brute. For several hours the chase
was kept up. Finally two negrors were
foatjj in company with each other and were
questioned carefully. The evidence showed
that one or the other was the guilty man.
Each denied his gu;lt. To be sure that the
right man was punished both wire strung
up to a limb. After beir.g lynched their
bodies were riddltd with bullets.
"woes of a Fanatic's Wife.
Kalamato, Micb..,Pcb. 17. U?r. "I"h jrn
ton Carter," ho ciairai to b? the tf. '-slab,
and is le.J-;r of a nutnier of reliiji; fana
tic cs'iin;; tbsmsive '-Tue Chosen Seven,''
located a'.Cjionu. has a tin been ' hip:uj
the devil" out of his wife. Lift night Carter
had a visiou aud was directed to administer
a test to his wife. Taking her to the baru
he tied her in a and It-it ber to the
".tarvin ordeil," e miiij ofg'aca. After
she had been there a few hour hi went out
to administer the "Grc-i" test, whic'a on
sis'.s cf pjuading an J slapping. The wife's
screams drew the neijhbjis, who released
her. Tar and fa:!i"rs are taifce 1 of.
The Party Estimate.
Philadelphia, Feb. 19 It was elated at
the Republican Sate heaJqusrters to-night
that a fairly la rse vote is expr-cted ti-mor-row
all over Peuny!vaa:a. The city Ei
publican lealers say the R;puV.ian maj ri
ty in Philadelphia will equal that for Jack
son last fail, which was 52,iji). The rest of
the State is eipected todj fully as we'.! for
Democratic Chairman Wright, before leav
ing for hia home in Allentown, where he
eipects to vot to-morrow, had no figures to
give out. He will be f ally satisfied, how
ever, if he can keep the Republican plurality
in Pennsylvania below IoO,ili.
Miners Guilty of Riot.
PiTTsiit EG. Ta , Feb. 17 Thirty-four of
the .iS Manstirld miner who were tried for
riot were convicted lo-day by the Court and
the others were set free. Three weeks ago
to-day several hundred rioters burned
several large coai tipples in the Mansfield
region, terrorized other workmen, robbed
store and created havoc generally. The
thirty four convicts will be sentenced Deal
Muscle and Vigor -A Difference.
Manv mascular n.rn itwnmh in r. : ... A.
borne with ease by persons far their inferior
m pujaii-ai Krtoca. jauwieaoes not implv
viprtr. In fart it ia nm :fTiiIi .rnnnA-i.-.
( v u i . u ,.1 i iUBi
atblele do not live as iong norerjoy as good
beaithas the average individual wbo is
vigorous that is to say. whose digestion
and a'eep are unimpaired, whuee nerves are
tranquil, and wbo has no organic tendency
conferred upon those inberentlv weak, no
leca than upon those debilitated through
wasting disease, by a thorough, persistent
course of Hostet ter Stomach Kilters, the
leading national tonic, indorsed and recom
mended bT Dhvsi.TlATift if MnimiiM Tr 1,1
not endow yoo with the muscle of a Corbett,
but it will infuse energy into your ergtem
and renew the aetivs and healthful per-
care malarial, rheumatic and kidney com
p'aints, and overcome dyspepsia, con
stipation, liver troubie and uenroasness.
Downfall of a Once Powerful Politician.
TJeookltx, X. ., Feb. 13. John Y. Mc
K&ce, who for the past fifteen years has
ruled the town of Graveaend and carried the
vote of thousands of its cit z?ns in hi vest
pocket, bas been adjudged, by a jury of his
peers, guilty cf the crime of conspiracy
against the election law of the State of New
York. The crime fasteued cpon him by
the twelve men who sat in judgment for
twenty hours is punishable by a period of
imprisonment of nst less than two years
nor more than ten years.
The jury accompanied their verdict with
a recommendation for mercy, and the Court
promised to consider its request as far a the
character of the evidenc. adduced during
the progress of the trial would permit.
John Y. MoKane was called to the bar be
fore Justice Rartlttt on January 22 to answer
six indictments, charging him with aiding
aud abetting the inspector in the six election
districts of Gravesend in violating the
The specific charge was that of refusing to
permit W. J. Gaynor or his agents to obtain
a copy of the registry lists in each of the
six districts. Although McKane was not a
registry officer, it was asserted that he exer
cised such authority over his inspectors that
they refused to permit any one to copy the
lists without his permission.
(Scores of witneses testified to the dic
tatorial policy of McKane and the fact thai
went to show that there Lad been a con
spiracy, of which be was at the bead, to
prevent the exposure of alleged fraud in the
registry lists.
The prosecution was conducted by Ed
ward M. Shepard and General Benjamin F.
Tracy, the Special Deputy Attorney Generals
and Assistant District Attorneys appointed
by Governor Flower.
During the trial they produced evidence
to show that McKane was a'jsolute ciar cf
Gravesend, and that in addition he personal
ly took part in driving away the copyists.
Monday morning John Y. McKane was
called up for sentence. Judge Burtlett said:
"I do not feel inclined to disregard the re
commendation to mercy made by the jury.
The crime which the deftndant committed
was a serious one. That great crime seems
to be one that demaudj an emphatic sen The penalty should be so severe as
to eipress due condemnation, while not so
severe as to excite sympathy. The sentence
of the court is that the defendant be im
prisoned in Sing Sing State prison for six
A B'g Year for Kansas.
Topzka, Feb. IS. The grain men all say
that the recent heavy snow will make a
wheat crop of 1 ,C.t , K) bushels in Kansas.
Despite the low prices of wheat and the dry
weather last fall, the area seeded was over
4.500,0ov acres, according to the latest report
of the State Bjard of Agriculture. That is
a greater area than produced the phenome
nal crop of le'Ji The area that year was
The official crop estimate was 72.3oO.OOQ
bushels, but many of the best grain shippers
in Kansas do not hesitate to declare that the
State produced 100,t,OtX) bushels that year.
beat from that crop is still coming to
News Items.
Spotted fover has again broken out in
Marshall County, Ky., and kills in a lew
hours' time.
Secret Service officers arested M. A. Smith
George W. Graves, L. C. Staller and C. 1).
Smith, in Altoona, fur counterfeiting.
The late George W. Childs, of Philadelphia-
bequeaths all his properly to his widow, to
dispose of as she may see projier, either by
gift or will. The estate is valued atiO,Ui,
000. During the past year over 22,OoO patent
were issued, of which more than 17ot', or 8
per cent., were usued for electrical inven
tions, which is a slight increase over the
number issued the preceding year.
Colonel Enoch Noyes, of Cecil county,
Md., has just felled on hi farm, a walnut
tree 18 (eet in circumfereuce, 80 feet high,
and believed to be 3J) ears old. He ex
pects to get f WO for the lumber.
Ella Fayson, sentenced to death in lSft)
for the murder of Theodore Gromwfll at
Atlanta. Ga, became insane before the date
of execution and was placed in an asylum.
She has recovered her reason now and will
be hanged.
Miss Acgusta Parker, daughter of ex
Mayor G. M. Parker, of Motile, Ala., waa
burned to death while at prayer Sunday
night. While kneeling by her bedside a
kerosene lamp near her upset, exploded and
burned her to a crisp.
Wheat made a new record on the Board
of Trade on Tuesday in Chicago, and May
touched 5S;& against tW , the lowest figure
previously made. This is 20 cent per
bushel lower than the ruling prices a year
agj to-day.
Mrs. Anna Walker has been awarded a
verdict for $2,.V damages at Mercer, the
defendant being Levi Durban, who bad sold
her husband liquor a few hours before be
was killed on the railroad on the night of
Aug. 4, lsi2.
Austin L. "Farmer" Tagi-rt, represent ive
from Montgomery county, died at hi rM
dence at King of Prufsia Thursday afternoon
st 4 o'clock. Mr. Taggert's dea'b was caus
ed by grip, complicated with kidney and
stomtcli trouble. He leaves a widow and
eight children, four sons and four daughters.
E.-ans ar.d Morrill, the famous California
bandits, are behind the bars, having sur
rendered. Negotiations between the ollioets
and bandits were carried on by letters de
livered by Evans' young boy. Ean gave
In. He l'H'ks very rough, and needed a bath.
Morre'l look? Jus though he appreciated his
Auditor General Greg says that in ac
cordance with recent decisions of the su
preme court dealers in live stock and butch
ers who s II wit of animals they have
Slaughtered are erempt from payment of
mercantile license, but butchers wbo pur
chase cattle killed and dressed aud sell the
meat are liable to the payment of mercantile
Chief Justice Jaane, of England, bas ruled
that a minister of the gospel has no right
to plead as a privileged communication in
Cjurt the t-ubitance of a confidential com
munication made to him as a minister by
one of his pariihoners. The Court, he says,
not the individual, must judge when the
ends of justice require such secrets to be
made public.
A dispatch from Chester, Pa., says: James
Lynn, who is charged with the murder of
John Saunders, was released from jail by
habeas edrpu proceedings Friday morning.
On petition of Lynn's counsel Judge Clayton
gave a hearing iu the chambers and ac
cepted $10.0u0 security for the prisoner's
release. The Court ruled that it was a case
of manslaughter because the penknife used
was not a deadly weapon.
Western Farm for sale ; fine rich soil ;
large tracts of from 1,000 to 4,000 acres, suit
able fjr olnies; in good location; alsa
farm; of any rz from SO acres np, at from
1) to per acre. Call on or write to
B F. Laxi & Co.,
noom 1 end 2, Dixon, Illinois.
Countryman Block.
Brick For Sale.
We have .T0.000 Xo. 1 red brick for sale,
in large or small quantities, at oar yard
south of Somerset. Ross Davis 4 Co.
Musical College.
The Spring Term opens May 1st., ia Vocal
and Instrumental Music. For cataiortM
addrew Henry B. Moyer, Freeburg, Pa.
im, by Xoab Casebeer J. P.. at hi. rffi.
Fameraet, Pa., Uriah Berkey and Minn C.
uampbell, both of Westmoreland county, P,
M'KInley on Hard Times.
Governor William MtKinley made an
elcqueut address on Tuesday at the dinner
of the Republican League of Ohio. He re
ferred to existing business depression and
the bard lesson the country was learning.
He continued :
"While Congress is engaged in reducing
the revenues Cleveland's administration
of the same political faith as Congress is
increasing the revenues by what it calls
"temporary loans." Congress is professedly
reducing taxation to relieve the people of
burdens, and Cleveland is adding to their
burdens by fastening upon them a bonded
debt of 50,000,000.
"It does not seem to occur to the leaders
of the Democratic party that the bonds of
the government, bearing 5 per cent interest.
are a harden quite as oppressive as any sys
tem of tariff or taxation, and that tiiey will
some time have to be paid and that the only
means of paying them is through taxation.
They seem to regard it quite as business-like
and statesman-like to pay the corrent ex
penses of government by bonding the gov
ernment, as by raising the money by taxa
tion. But what else could you expect ?
Tbey are pledged to reduce the tariff, and
must do it, even if it interrupts the prosperi
ty of the country.
"The people are tired of this tariff-tinker
ing, bond-issuing, debt-increasing, treasury
depleting, business-paralyzing, wae reduc
ing, Q leen-restoring administration.
Another Black Eye For Cleveland.
After a two-days' fight in Execution ses
sion, Senator Hill has gained another great
triumph over President Cleveland by secur
ing the rejection of Wheeler H. Peckham,
of New York, for Associate Justice of the
Supreme Court. It is said to be a notorious
fact that during the past week olllces with
in the President's gift have been hawked and
peddled with the sole purpose of bringing
recalcitrant Democratic Senators into lice
on the Peckham nomination. This has not
been confined to Democratic Senators, eith
er. The vote of Mr. Mitchell, Republican,
of Oregon, was brought over to the Peckham
column by the appointment as Minister to
fiiam of an Oregon Democrat who was Mr.
Mitchell's personal friend. Sjme of the
Democrats, among them Senator George, of
Mississippi, who opposed Hornblower both
in Committee and Senate, were thus brought
over, but others stood firm. Xoth with
standing the Administration's desperale
fLjht.the nomination was rejected Friday by
the emphatic vote of 41 nays to 32 yeas.
S:nks thrnich the Boothbay (Me.) Begisttr,
of t!ie henefiVi.1 results lir- has received from
a nr:'.ar ;v of Ayer' Tills, llesaysi I
w.i fei-iii.ii si, k a:nl tired ami my stomach
seemed all out of urder. I tried a muulier
of remedies In.t none Seemed to give me
n lief until 1 mas iiid'.ireil to try the old relia
ble Aver" fills. I luive taken oii!y one lint 1 feel like a new man. I think they
are Use in.i-t ph-anit ami ea.rto take of
-luy.iittv I ever used, he.nit so finely sucar
MitiM that it. n s ch.hl v:il take them. I
r.rzf u.u.a ail v.ho aie in iiee! of a laxative
: try ilvrr'i Tihs. They uill io good."
I'tir all diM ast-ji of the tontach, l.lver,
p...-,. r.-;'.y i.r. .7.1. y i k Co., Lowell, Jlafc
Lvcr; uose effective
$9,000 for Her Husband's Death.
Gbove Citv, Ta , Feb. 13. The jury in
the case of Rachel Coulter, of this place,
against Pine township for $10,OX damages
for the death of plaintiffs husband, yester
day awarded her i7,7'jy. A'hile crossing a
Bridge with a steam threshing machine,
Joseph C. Coulter received fatal ipjuries by
the structure breaking donn. Arbitrators
awarded the widow fl,.'"), and she apteal
ed. A second appeal is probable.
Holiday Cheer.
The holiday teaaon is close upon us, and
every household in the h.nj is preparing for
the plum pudding, and the general feasting
and rejoicing. A little good brandy for the
minre pie, rum for the pudding, or a little
stimulant to keep the spirits up and the
col d out, ia absolutely necessary lor an od
time Christmas cbter. One of the m et
prominent ii.jijor dealers in the country, Mr.
Max Klein oi Allegheny, Pa, whom we can
cheerfully recommend, and who has Ise
reputation for handling only absolutely pure
liquors, will sell you the fullowir.g brands cf
six yeirold pure Penn'a lives, at per
full quart or six for $ui: bear Cretk,
(iibson, Guckefibelmcr, Finch and IJvet holt.
The famous Silver Ape, the finest whisk?
in tbe country at $1 5o, and luiiiehne, a
whi.-key distilled from Kye and Ma t, at
1 i" per quart, Guckenheime r 4 year old,
at 7"c per q:iart, and the Anchor Rye a! iOo..
You can have your choice of all kinds cf
California Wines, Gins, Hum and Brandy,
all pure and old, at from V- cents per quart
cp. All goods neatly lx,zei and shipped by
eiprs. Send for catologne and price list
oi ail knds of liquors to Max Klein, J
Federal St., Allegheny, Pa.
Lived a Bachelor Uutil 93.
PAHLONtut, Gi., Feb. 15. At the ci
tremeaeof l'7, '"Uncle" Sergeant died st
the County Poorhouse. Ta. s hj. Wlen tl s
white first invaded Xorth Georgia, 70 years
ao. Sergeant was already among the Chero
kee sccep'ed as one of them. He lived a
bachelor nntil he wa3 ft S, when he married a
widow of 5J. She found him too set in his
ways forendurar.c;, and left htm iu a week.
Jacob W. Hoover, oa anl lielrof rhne Stahl.
has hy por?r of attorney, on the !7tb dv o( Feb
ruary, A. II., 1-U, apitited li-s mule Le.i
(J'leer his aneot, attend to and take care of his
bu.tnesi aud property All persons, creditors
and drbwr- of l ?tahl. will take notice of
this appointment and ov-m Uiemvlve arcord
l:is. aiii the public wi.l further take notice not
to trespass upen the farm. lte Df Phoebe s-tahl,
me of Jacob W. Hoover, to hunt, fl-h or o'.htr
Brotnersva'ilry. LEVI (Jl'EER.
Feb. 17,
Tsit valuable pn-piratoa cans by it nntrMrc
and alterative power. It i a true emulsion. not
a lime oap, it easily digested, quickly assimilated,
and shows it wouderlul actios oa blood, bssue
atd nerve by a most saarked improvement from
the firvt dose.
Drwtei'i EmalsioB "f Cod Liver Oil i especially
sericeate lor a&zrmia. nervousness, tor scrofula
and scrofulous swell inev glandular enlargements,
and the wasting diseases of childhood, t or drs
pepoc and nervous conditions, loss of Bests, fhs
turhed sleep and night sweats, it is a perfect cure.
Drexel'i Emnlrica of Cod Liver Oil is the very
best remedy to be had for coutis. colds, bronchitis,
croup, farviuritts, sore and bleeding throat, hoarse
ness, tickling in throat, soreness of cues and aU
other irritated, inflamed and dr-ated conditions
of toe throat, longs and chest.
Largs bottles, SO seats per bottle. Bold by
dragirista reaerallT. er seat to aar aaJraaa an .
I - . c -v - .
Winkelmann & Brawn Dreg Co.
CURES . . . pfan
To Mary Merler. Intermarried with John
Thomas, of Brush Valley P. C Indiana cxmnty,
Ym. Hiram Verify, of Bhirheana, Laratige
cennty, Indiana : Henry Merlrj, of tiieWou,
Obrieii county. Iowa.
Yon are hfrebv died to be anil appear bffiiro
the Ju.iRMi of osir Orphans' fVHirt, al an Orphans'
xirt to he held at Sotntr'l, 1'a.. on Monday,
the :h dv of FtrbriHrv. l.-t. at 10 o'clock in
the f -renoou. then and there to avpt or refuse
la take the re; estate of Jihn Merley. 6r de
at the ar.;rard valuation pi;t upon It by
an in.i; t duly nW by said Cirt and re
turned on the' l'.th day of Ivecember, 1., or
show raiive why the same mould IH4 be aoM.
Aud hervof fail not.
SutrirTu orfle, EDWARD HOOVER.
lTih Jan. 1L J Sheriff.
To Israel fiVitfcltv. of Garrett county. Mary
land. MurvhaU K.r.ces, of the KUte tif Kausna,
aDd Martha lonrt, intermarried wUli
M p ' :t . of Alletrheuy county, i'a
You are tervby cited to be and appear before
the Jutijres of our Orphans' Court, a an orphans'
t'mirt to te held at ooersel, on M-Miday. the
2Kb day of February, lS'.M. at ltf o'cl k in tbe
forenoon, then and there to ait-ept or rtfu- to
take the real t-ame of Jeremiah blotfe'.ty, dee d.,
at the appmiw.-d valuation put iitn it by an in
q'H rt dill v awarded by naia Coirt and returned
on the lUhduTof December, 13 nrkhow cau
.hvtherame ihjuld not be toid. And hereof
blitria Office, EDWARD EOOVER.
17th Jan. 104. t Pheritt
io Annie FaidleT. Levi Faidley. Henry FaM-
ley, Simon Fai.llev.of CoHax, Jair county,
Iowa: Jowph ReaiboM. of Kion. Predion coun
ty, Wtt Mririuia: Nancy, iclennarried with
Vt m. tittner, of tiarrvtl cviinty, Maryland.
'oo are btrefov cited to be and appear before
the Judsre of our Orphans' t'uurt, at an Orphans'
Court to be livid at .Somerset. I'a., on Mnuday,
the Mh dav of February. a; In o'clock in
the forenoon, thaa am' there to accept or relume
to take tho nal rotate of 1 hrinian KembohU
der'd., al the a;prai-ed valuation put upon it by
an luuueot uuii- awanievi oy aia toun, nun re
turned on tbe Ilia day of Liecember, 1-41.1. or
show why tbe same should But be nold,
Ana nercor isu not.
tsherifTs OQioe, ) EI) WARD HOOVER.
IT'.h Jan. 1ML j . sheriff.
DMIXlsriJATOR'S xoncE.
Iu the maltir of the etate of William J. Pinircs,
late of iiiemahoiiiu town-ship, &omcrM.t
eour.iy. Fa.. deieaiel.
Letters of a liiiiiil-lration hsviuv been granted
by the proper aulliority to tbe uudertKUed, tin
ti?c is hereby given to all prs-ous indeb--l to
said estate to make immed.ate parnieut, and
tboe bavin? claim-airaint sti J eiale will pre
sent them duly aiuneniieaied for settlement at
the late residence of deceased in said townliip,
on Jk.mliy, sunt Oth, l-.i.
Fred W. Biceecker, Alt j. Administrator.
Estate of rhnel Su'.. Ute of BrothersvaUey
UlUll.-tl'p. dc d.
Having been apoointed ailrcinitratnr of the
estate of l'hiebe Mahl. dee'd. notice is hereby
given to all persons ow ing raid estate la make
immediate paymeuL and thoe having, claims
ai.i!i.-t said otaie will present the tme duly
authenticated fur netilecieut at the othce of
J. A. Ib.-rkey. Ex , iu :-Vmi-rvt Borough, on or
before aaluidav, March 17, Ivl.
Estate of John Cuucan. of Jetinertown Borough,
Somerset cnuniy, i'a., dee d,
letters of Administration having been
granted to the underMirued by the proper
authority, notice is herebv given to all persons
knowing theins-elvej indebu-l to said es
tate to male immediate payment and those hav
hot claims agttinsl the snUe b prtnent them duly
authenticated lor settlement on Saturday. th
loih flay uf Mirch. l-n, at his odice in Jeuner X
Roads in said toiinty.
In the mtterof the esute of William Holder,
iatcuf luemahonicc lownsh.p, somerset coun
ty. I'a.. dec d.
l?tteni of aiiminWralinn having leen grante I
by the proper aiithir:iy to the undersigned, no
tice is hereby given to all penion jiidebtnl to
said esute to make immediate payment, and
tho-e having claims agaiu-.! sai-1 estate will pre
sent theiu duly authenticated for wttlement at
the 1au r-.sidenoe of the dee'd., in -laid township,
on Monday, Feb. 'iuth, lsyi.
Fred W. Biesecker, At: y. Administrator.
Estate of Samuel P. Walker, late of Sumerset
tonmhip. dee'd.
letters of admlniMratioa having been gTanteJ
by the proper anlhorily to the undersigned, no
tjie ts herttiy given to all htvi1i indebted to
said t-.late to luake iinmeiliattf payment, and
those having claims aeAitLt said estate will pre
sent tliera duly authenticated for settlement, at
the house of Levi Walker, on Friday, March Mil,
Mil M. NTHUOt'K.
Admiubtra'ors of Sa.m'1 P. Waiker, dee'd.
Estate of Abraham Beam, late of Jenner town
ship, iv'Hiieraetcouniv, Pa., dec d.
letters ! Admitiisiraiioii iuh Tt.tiruto oh. on llie estate of Abraham Beam, late of
.b-riuer township, dee'd Laving b?eu issued to
the '.inl.'ri:ied ,j the proper auth"rily. notice
is hereOy given to all persou ii,leoted ti) sal 1
estate to make immeiltate payment and those
bavix g claims to pre-feut them duly atiihenucMt.
etl for settlement b the administrator al the late
rc-idc jce of said dee'd.. on Saturday, Feb. -Ji,
lsi't, b -tweeu the hour of 1 and 4 p. in., when
and w here he will give his attention for such JAlVH J. AKliMAS.
F. W. Hiese.-ker, A'Uuinistrator, C. T. A.
VaieullUe iiay,
t-tate of Mag-icilena Thoma. late of Conemangh
tuwnluip. btiuitinvt uouuty, Fa., tiLt'd.
Ix-tu m tiisiamt nury oa the a-ove estate bar
ing btfii BrTnn;ed to the uDWriftiir-l by the prop
er anlhnrUy, nutie i htivljy Riven t all persons
Uf wi'-lJ estate to make imiuimu (av
u.ent aul tue htvin' cia;tjii n'jaiu.-t thy kaiiae
U prrMriit thfia duly a'lthtalirtu-d for -jfUia-nn
nt on aurday tii- 2Uh day of Fob lvl, at
tat re.-.'ltiue of Kmatmei Thoiiists, in C'oiie
luaufiu tovrunp, al i o'cWk M.
kuKE kAl'FMAV.
Scott i Orfl?, Attyi. Executor.
j ttors t'fltamentAry on the itate cf ToMa
Yxler, late of ofH-mauKh township. tSoiuerst-t
fyMiuty. p. dtxAM-.l, hnvitii? b.i'u (tT-vLit' l
the un.lerij?oe.t by the; proper authorjiy. notice
i. lierrLy atv a to ail kTrun indt.tteu to tuM
estate make iiiimiiiiu payuK'nt ami thoe
haUnz claim. ill p.-tr.tjnt tt"ii duly aitlhetili
iwU-ti ur jctt.emt'nt aiiijwiiiti.o.
(" & Col born, Exewutor.
J 17. '.L Atiorjeya.
lUlAte f Jean If.' late of Somer
Mrt Borocgh, d'd,
lUcr teUmen'iary on the above estate hav
Intf .en itrautetl to the und-r:;iHU by the prop
er autb-tray, n itu e i htrvby itiven to 'all
ii.ilt!tt! Ui Mtd nuw to imike lmmt-diate pay-DM-iit
tud ;h(K LnvitiR iiaimtsaicaiti'-t the tame
will pnMfJt tiieni dul authoiiTu attfil for vttle
ment at myortice In Sonienet borough, on Thurs
day, MaroUtfth, l.H.
Physician Wants Partner In Business.
A giivician. Rt-culur. 'in a city or 30.flK, dome a
kikI tffi, c j..-;. tn e f fiu.iMit pr ytrar. .'- t.i
wiiHli i til 11 oiM-half Ui ritiii par
ty. Ki-a-wm fiTM'' mutiffn it ncuvltnc lit-
tt ntt -u- ilti !ti j'miifi llic buiiirnc:iii lilt rr.ts
f-t, rian. EiitiiMii TaflrtHitu wis. I tioLirrvti Fur
omuit. ljimt'iiuu ij- P.rtwr In fau-t entire rurninu
niit Mni oiUiDnt oi' a t q ( lot mdiq bouie. nu in-
mrt-vi I'trft . oiifr-tiHif .ntarnrt in a Juimttvc Ai-piutit
mrnt (C- iih rtI. Price (rUre hnlf iutt-iv.ot.
orUti rniirr'lioltt fumiTurrf, Wtild uke
tv-.iMpi! hi ch and ne-tbirJ in Krai Ftate
Int-.o an esceileui ti-irtii:.lly ftr anenrelk- tnu.
In care of luiicb. Piit9bcr?b, Pa.
LarrabM's Rhramaric Liniment b an asd asxf
valued remedy, whica has enjoyed a constant
patronage for over 60 years, proving Its wonder
ful worth and efficiency ta; ail ailments where
paia is attendant.
Larrabea'aRtaenniatk Liniment is not aliquM
preparatioa to soil and tamisa by brrakinit ; it
is pat np ta w trie-mouth bottles and applied with
the fingrr , rubbuur it ia with more or less lisc
boa. It is
Larrabco's Rheamatlc Llaimeot is a tptendM
aouscbold remedy lor external use in cases of
burns, scalds, cuts, wounds, frostbites, headache,
pai in mnjcles. joints and limbs, backache, etc,
etc Your druggist sells it. or it can be otdered by
aendinr full name and addresa and sj cents to
below address.
OLa raopoirveaa.
Winkelmann & Brown Drug Co.
Although my Clearance Sale is
Just closed, prices will be very
ott to Cash buyers.
This will give all a chance to
get a great deal for a little money
it I lion: Kxptkfitv. ao.l lvmri Ff. 1-uel cH of
tiit o.riof i:or-.ivu i lra.-, f S;nitrt cimty,
v... 1 a r ia .v .1. 1. Kan m, 1 1 1 trf1 ('!
pokl to purnw: mUs, at Uae tourl llou'r, m -n
ejci bunjue- ou
Friday, February 23d, 1894,
as - T. n u
Ml I U biUCK r . ui.
Tlie foHowlrn devrihed real estate, to wit :
All the r!i;ht. liUe. inte-esL flalm n l dei-iand
s v nf n tii lo a:i th .t evrta-u
lot of aroODd sl-.uale in l.'ie Vlliase ol ijivau
viiiw. nor--l i-wti-hip. s.rtu..rvi ewnty, I'a.,
a.1 ii'inina ;it of lusviiia l'trkinan en ti e wi,
,ank H;s! ou the r.-rih. alii-; on tlie -!, alley
ontlieMrfiih, tohiainlDg iiif-liiir:h .i aa avre
more or h-sa. hv!i;i a sialic l-ertxu ercivu,
sl'h the al't'lirteliauct-.
liskeo in tie- uiion ind In be -IJ a 1'ie p.-cp-
rty of E. r WhiUor l. at uie mil of J1 A.
Bsrroa ac-i livirrv W. Sian;e!iy, aUiii.miraiivrs
of hauncvy lia-'levn;, ucc d., aul -ua.
All therinlit ti'.le. tnterer. rlaim and VMawl
of Irt-ttrsre A. Snnt.-i. Huff 1.4r,-:iu ami i. ti Mie
nr-t. niiers ira.i-r.K an. I d.ii:-.r businf f mnU-r
me una uamo oi uie jiouniaiii aie uirni. siaiiu
fMPtiiriiiB an.l ri:istrii-titn t omrsvuv. uf M 'Vt-rs
dale, of, iu and to ail tbat -rtain pMrcul of utnd
stttia in the bntoiit;a of Mt-yermlaie, s-Hnfr-.-l
vnuiy, Pvntisvivauia, t-ica: a pari of trie 'Kit
ku i;i the Oilier survey to I.'t rs-. I'a.,
Xo. lsl,ori the auulh-wot ide ot I iay strew, the
i-tH.rsrsan.l ilLstnr a to siu.i pares:! of Land tie-
Ir.a as foliowa : Onnniencm? at a post, etiftier of
( lay strtt-i ami Ibe r glit ot y o! Inc anf 'sirr
Braot h f tbe B.4HK R, Ui.-uca Miuta aiora
wid ritfbt of way ileenH wrsl, one bor.'tnra
and lliirty K'vtn l..Ti lf!, thence .i:tb. H de-ltnt-
ra-l one hundred and Ihirty-livr l i'n fitrt,
thc'Doe north A -Ififreis east two htimln-d and
live ( -iv, i feet to ( iay Kreet. thence alt.ns; tiav
street Qorth 2 deKTt'esi, a est one humlrvd and
thiny-iive ('.:- ft-s-t to piaie of bwrimuiis:.
tainiL-f-oue-half arre more or less, conveyed to
mid Mountain Hettr:enl, Vinufai tininit an.1
CoustnK-tioli t'oniiny, by I'nsi Xl:!ier and Ke
bwra. h: wife, by deed "ilaud lit). JtiTie. ls;',
and all the btiiMmr', steam engine, bo:ieni, bei
Iohs, laih, pri-sre. -asi iixmrts and other appa
ratus, machinery and tools aiiat iivd and bvionir
liiK thereto, U'ltother with ail and siiuuiar. tne
buildings, liuprovenienui. woiK'.a ways. r.i:h's,
I loerucs, priviitKea, ncreiiiaii.;uu us
tetiaiices to the Mima bclmi;i).r.
Taken in ei utiun and t.i t sc.I.l a. the pmp
env of tne Mountain Kisctrlcai, Maii-iiactnri'n;
and Construction l'on;any, of M-ycrsdaie, al
Lue suit it. Jobu 1. liock r.s;.
All the riuht, title. Interest, e'aim an ! d.-mand
of Jonas Su-vauu-s of, ia and to luc Xoiiowiiis de
scribed proH.rty, vis.
No. 1. A eeriaia iract of land sit-iate in Broth-
ersyallcy tttwrisinp, x.-:ncrsct inunty, rennsylva
nia, aitjiauiujc land of J hit s. Moyer-i. Jorin Mlepper, jato tusscr,
A. Htrncy. Hcury ljumlt.-rt, brethren t'burt h
and others, eonUtiniiig one hundre-l acres more
or le9-.t, bavnift thereon eret'tcl a two-sptry frame
dwelling bouse la rev bank lairn. tstrn bay iira,
ptiilev.. nine, ele . stiKar htti:- with fixtures and
utensils, and other out buiidiiiir. 1 here i an
on-hard ol aliout three aercs, a irijtl camp,
a lime -tua try aL-d to i:-M.d sprtnirs (hi lue prem
isea, aijout ttselve acres in woouiand and bal
ance lu g-xa nlnie of cuiura.iou.
No. 2. A certain Inset of land situate in the
township of lirtsihen valley, st'oresaid. a.ljoiuinir
No. one alMive. and Ian-is ot 11. VV. Knep(n-r, Ja
coh Musser. Jhn cirof and others, et-nuiQinn two
and oue-lourth acres more usk. lirii ir the tract
sold by Jonas btcvautnt to VV. A. Seiiert. by dte I
dated 1-lh of Ausutt lv.j, tsitb the at purieuan-
-izd aud tak-n in execution and to be fold
a the property of JooaaiMevauus, at the suit of
I'. 1. Lover.
All the right, title, interest, elaim an 1 demand
of Knianuel Nedmw and Aaron Nuirow. of. in
and to the fohowin? de-xril-e-l pr.iperty. vii:
1 wo ltts of eniuntl situate in the viii-sire oi I.a
Tansvilie. xmu-rset townshiii .-imcrs't cotiutv,
1-a.. ailjoinmir lastly ol Alexander I'ouDtrynian s
estate ou tne east, ruttiie roan on tne conn, an
a!iey on Ihe west ani an ailey on the vi'ih.-tMU-taiuiua
triirty-two antl four-tenths pert iit-s, hav
Inif thereoQ erected a tao-story dueling h-tte
and other tKit btnMinirs. id U-ts tieiii iu a Kood
state ot enilivatioo, aud know n in ti.e plan .i
said viiiaffe a lots Nox is auJ Ji, wr.n tne ap-pttrteiiaucx-s.
Taken in execution and to be soM a- the prop
erty of Emanuel Nedrow aud Aaron Nttirovr at
the suit of K. L. and W. K. t'ountrytnaii, admin
istrators of J. B. Countryman, dee d.
All the rifht, title. Interest, claim and demand
of VV. S Mock. of. in ami to ail tiiat certain lot ef
(rrouud lying in the borouirh of Meyer-daie, nira
erset county, Fa., lniel on the'souia si la i f
Meyers Avt'Diie.aud known on the piot of said
town as lot No. twenty-two, in Meyers, t.lditwn
to samelfirous-h, beins; the snine l,t of pr-.tuu-l
that barintra E. Meyt-p convevel to 1. C. Meve;s,
by deed dated i it. ih, lss.1. iii.l by F. C. 1. y
ers auJ a ite to Wm. J. Meyers by deed tlnti d
Auir. ls.-t nud by Wm. V. Meyers and wife
lo VV. s. Mock, by deed dated Nov. 2d. 1-s.-, hav
ing thtrton ert-cietl a two-story frame
house ani other buildintts. I harle
Meyers ami others, with ti.e arpurteuanceH.
Taken in exectuioii aud to Iv Hid as ih? prop
erty of rt'. a. Mix It, al the suit of C. iiaiikemcy
er, et al
All the right, title, interest, e'aira ar.d demand
of Henry i . Aiuright, of, inai. l to ail that cer
tain lot or partci of (-round situate in tiie Nir
ouith ol M. yers tale, sutr.ierset eoii'i'v. Pa., aiid
ni:mtre.l on tlie Flot uf sutd t"n at usu N'o. :i
aud !7 as per ti.iacer survey fr )uiu) on I'-ail
street and adHtmins; I ri.ts hri-nivt and Wi.l
fam tiabel. has'ue liiereoa ere. P.. I a l .vspirv
frame daeliitig house and s:aoie, the ap
Taken in execution and to be -M a th? proD
erty of Henry t". Aii.rvhL, at tii suit of J ivr
M. fixe, executor of c.uiael M. Fe, decease 1,
eL al.
All the, right, title, interest. claim and demand
of Mary Ley d iff. of. in and to ail that certain
tract of laud, situate iu SoutlmmptOQ town -hip,
iSttmers..t county Feiiasylvania iinta::i:!i)
atiotit l-C acres ol lantl, of ilia b about i't av:e
are cleared, anj tmiame tiT.bercd. bavin;! tfcer.?
on erected a to-story frame- dwvii.iur h-.use,
lot: baru, ai;oD shed and other outiiuiid-.ngs,
atliiint s! Ian.--of Nathau Einerl. k. J I- Einer
ick. VI ill, am Witt, Abram B.yer and oJiers, w:,h
the atmriei.aiies.
Taaen in execution and to be st W a-; the prop
erty of Mary l c.viiK. at the suit ef I. t. Levdrir,
ailn-.iuisirmior of the estate of Israel Kuierick,
di-c'd.. who a at the trustee for itie Kaic of tr.e
real estate uf John Lcj dig, dec d.
Ail the rii;!ir. title. Interest, claim and .It rat:.. I
oft,., itiey v iltntui, di ii-ii.lait. aud l'-i. r J. sv
ticr, Estaunel Eai. J..i.n C Wtiler. Mary A.
sts hler anl Antuouy -jroaall. lerre tenauc-s of
iuand to the f.ilowitK- te n;d real .tate, viz :
A certain tract of lau-l situate in Hiacit pwn-sh-p,
sjuricrset dainty, Fa., e.iiU:niu one bun
drcl ad twenty three ai res ard u iclim
jttiiiini; lands of Emautiel Kns, Fhipetst
tu s-uticr, jacoti ft:'.:;:'pi. Lytic A Mccune
and rarsiu tlfert, to be sold in the following t ar
c is. to ait .
No. 1 Owned by Peter J. Pnydcr, containi:i
fiacres, als.ul t'. acres cleared aud balance ti:u-l.-er
la::-l. bavin-- thervtm erecte-i a tats-story
frame dvieiiiiie hou -e, li-g stable, an old enst
mill, a saw m:li and other omtiui!.m:-s a.l.: n
itis lan. is of Emanuel Em s. Erucsl t-lcrt 'join.
C. VV tiler actl l.y tie M ulib.
;. ,' Ownij i.y Joiiu C. Weller, containinj
ftmr at res, all reiared, ailj.inii No. . ai,d usoda
of ! yiiev. Met -tine.
Ne. :L t-vned by E.-nanue! Enr. cotitainirr;
eleven acres ami 1S5 perches, all cleared, a.ij.tiu
iof No. 1, ami lands ot Knianuel E:n, Mrv A.
-kt hltr, Lyt'e a Met -tine and Anthony (.muaii
No -t. UsiiHi l.y Mary A. Keihlcr, eoiitaiiticir
twtiily-reven acre, all eV-and. atijt hiintr
of Jaccb t'.'iiiiippi. i-uiu.-as v-chicr. Anthony
Growall Edward bitner, Eli A. sjnjder and 11-a-ry
Xo. 6. owned by Antlionv Orovriill. conuin
ir.v fcurie n acre an i .tT fjir. rie. all cleared.
a.)j..inl;:g lands of Edaanl riin-.T, i-,i.neas je- h
lerand tnianuei Eaja. wit.-i the ai.Di.nenaiict-i.
Taken in eatamioo ami to b.- sold' a; th r.rotv
ertyof,tlfrey VViltrotit.d. feu !:it. and 1'eterj.
suy.ier, Miiaiiu-1 Enos, John C, WeiUr Mnry A.
sxebU r and tirt.uaiL terre icnatip', at
the sun of Eluaiwih Miiler, v,tdo of Juaathan
Miller, dec d.
AlllheriL-ht tttl Ittlrt etaim .'t.t .l.,n- ...I
cf Otonre Eonle. of. in and to a et-rtain hit of
itrcund situ-ie on Vine street in Berlin UsroiiKh.
merst county, Ict-nsyli ania. couuiriuc one'
acre more or k-sa. having thereon erec'cl a -'raine
uei!iiiir nousf, tTcuie aul ctl-er oii!!H:i..!.:iLs.
i-tjoiiiii: hi of Mrt. Jtr-eph Xitutrserman. Viia
IVna and Vvm. F. Hut :1k. wita the a:.i;ii:enau-
Taken in execntion and to be sol ! at !. nror,
erty of tieorge the suit of Joiia U. Mil
ler. ALHO
AU tberiirht. title. int,-re.t e'. m 1 ,t..m.
of Charlie Miller, of, iu and to aU the foioaing
descnUd real estate, via :
No. 1. A ccria.ti trtct of land situate ta A'.le
jrheny towuship. (somerset eouatv. p., ct.ota-n-tn
c acres m.tre tsr 1cm. aliout" ) acres r-car
bniaiice timber, a!:oinine lands ol H. nrv kn, k'
E lward t.roft. tne J.ihu lx-eler farm aiid Feter
Brick. bcirsT tbe tame tract e.mveve.1 1 tho i
COaries Mli er, by deed of lue Oralt bcira.
No A certain tract of land ilme. l
township, county and Slate aloresai I. et.ntaio
inir :k)acie more or less, one-halt c-ar
llati'-e tunl-r. ail;tJuin iatcia of Henry Btser'
Jtr;h tiindie-wrier. Alonj H,.in..n
Catharine Miller. beit. the tine tract that was
ceuveyed to Nancy Sievanus. Ly deeti ..f Jien e
l.ina. and l-y Nancy Sicvauu-i t.i the defendant
Cbaries Miller, uud known as Hie Ketl uk '
N't. 3. A certain tract of l.n.l .'. i.
Erotnersvalley townshin. sVvinerset cmoi.-' p.
cm.taiuiiia: seven acres mw or less, aisjiit one
half citar, balance liuiber. bavins thereon ert-rt
ed a l.s dwell. list house and W sal.l-, a.lioln
iuK lands of Altfather, Joel Landis and
Jeremiah Brou her.
No. 4. A certain tract of l.nri .ltarA i-
rtrtlhersvaJlev townsitiD. countv atnl -itmtc .r.-
said, beins; toe home farm, eoutaiuinr.'s.1 acrea
more or lent, aucut M arres clear, balance timber
bavins; thereon erecte.1 a two st .ry frame dwell-!
lint bouse, a stable and other out butidinn, auh
the at-purtenaucea.
Taaen In execution and In be sold at tho T,rr,r,
erty of Charles Slukr. at LQe suit .J J..i.n 'i
AUtherlht t ' ' inr.., ...... , , .
of John B. Liull, of, ta and lo all that certain
iraetof land siiuat? in S.ia le township. sVuner
set eotinty. Fa .containing .a) acres more or iesa.
baviiut thereon erecird a two-story log dw.-llins-htais.
and stahu- stlt'snin. l.r.l.,.r i..i.H u., ....!:
aii' I others, with the appurtenances
Taken in exet ii'kvo and lo he sold as the wop
ertj of John B. ral, at lh sa.tuf Faul orove.
NirTIfF- Alt rteixona nnn-hs.ititf t
altfive sulewii oicase talin is,ti.- il,,.i in .....
cent, of tlie pnrl.Ase inonev must l paid
when property it. ku.t-kt-.l down, otherwise
it will axain be expired lo aa at Hie rtak ot
the lint ptirchast r The n-xidue of th ....
chaise money must be puid on or before the
day of con liniiat ia viz: - bur-day. Feb
1-OL Xo deed w ui be at-know It-led: until
the pun-iiaae money is paid In full.
ED a Ait l HOOVER,
fee. 31, l".t Bherfil
. ' ' j yun w, (I.... l .t .wart a pool
now forn-l-r .D ar d upwards rseivetl.
Address. MiTCai. 8Ttxa KtiBa-o.i,
Ti Fourta Avenue, Fittaouivh. Pa.
James B.
Thcic arc a of tlie Lest goods acl cleaner t:iaa can U (....
el-c whore if quality i.- con?ii!crciL
Syrup Cans. Sap Buckets, S
Spouts, Gathering Bucket;
Sugar Pans, Etc., at rock be:.
torn prices for cash.
-iyP. A. SCHELL,-:-
Main Cross Street, ..... SOMERSET.'!
The Storo is Accessible to
: : : : Sidewalks. : : : :
Styles are bright and merry a-4 you
joa tlioagiit we ual.
'n all we have space to give yon.
C. H.
Main Cross Street,
Great Inducements.
Goods reduced
Dry Goods. Carpets,
Ladies' Coats, Sec. Xow is the time to buy t:
save monevand cret something: crood.
Their V'tM&K7
Cleanliness jS -
f i m u t m n
m m k v...i i
Labor. fcWil 1
TT will pay you to examine the QUEEN CINDERELLA RANGE a
A fore you buy. It has all the latest improvement.-?, and h -oM g-1--teed
to be a gqod baker. It has the direct draft damper, by vlxa V"
can have a fire in one-half the time required with the ordinary
This is a valuable feature when you want a quick fire for early lr-.ak:--i
T T has an extra large high oven, thoroughly ventilated. Tie yo!s
1 of inflowing and outflowing air can be regulated at will : this
a perfect baker, and no burning on the top. It has the Triple1:
grate, which is the perfection of convenience and cleanline.-. h is
pecially durable, having three separate sides, or the advantj.'? of
grates in one, and not easily warped by the action of the fire.
REMEMBER "Things Jum well aad with tbema.-!v frs '
MannfaclureU by DellAVEX i CO., LtJ . r.tub.:rj;h. S l anJ ffiara:i!Ml
JAMES B. HOLDERBAmr, Somerset, Pi
Krissinger & Kurtz, Berlin, Ta. and P. J. Corer i Son, McreriJ ri
The Bet Stmeu for
iss a.rai Moarj,
a) a 1
?5L,E,RS who Push tbe Je of
Which liflna ir, ;r.-n, .l - i
wnicn iicini
. " " .V . . "-"-" l"e Mi
w aerum
w in w saw am iu. irr r aw i m j s.
Maple Evaporator ontheilr
ket at less than half the pn?
"asked for some others. It c
"pay you to set our prices tefc
all Highways, Byways ar:
please. More pretty Furuu.r &
You mu?t see them. You'll un.lor:--:
in price in every line.
Oil Cloths, Lace Curtail.5.
r?" Economy
m m i m f
a :
f4)l'. L. DOUGLAS
Mas. tut & I 4 .M at
S.,.Kess,BooraWalmrrf. Best Shoe "JTL.
S4 and S3.50 DreM
S3.50 Police Shoe, 3 wr
1 Bc UumMcvei aM.
S2.EO. and ShO
LaruaiiTl a. in. . -ij
S S2 4SI.75 School 4s1
Jux lac kol 'ot r
;v M.5Q S2. 9-'Z.
is. Ih er.i. a.U
W. L. Douglas bhoe gain custom
.... T, - f I IV
on tneir tun line oi gtw- -
IxjOoco Ctm upon tpvH4