Somerset Herald THE PARK HOTEL IN )ecM Election Proclamation. ASHES. fa? Si X i to Fcii. T. lf-'.'U ' iJl'ie tk'lay the II skald n res.' lls S""10". 1- .-'-'.in -ft-i been ai'polated post- ..;,tr, i, Somerset tos-asl m " a " " - "7f fine furniture et Dfvlin't "', s. Wins Aug. il. r.:5""a - about U'.f price '7 i.r,.b Heinbab, of New Ctn l-it known cum oi GUESTS ROUTED OUT IN THEIR NIGHT ATTIRE. ONE GIRL BADLY BURNED. . rius;y Hi- srri.v.1 i- fori sea J 3 P" .. . . ; .itsw..... - - y.ramuDicatiaas witn names attached. v Sr.vder. of tbe Connells- - v' " i',. eiecteJ president of ' ' "' Eli'-orial Association. ' 18 '. i former well-known hotel i. i:t Tn:lrr 2?A. at his .!, -t Nebraska, aged t year. T t ai " " "' ".i- 'vfsrs. SUe is bunrived by . 4- : f. A one '" -- VT (rVn'i-f and comrades of Col. of Train, will be pained to 'i i-- confined to bis bed. uflericg ",- if re- eifed during tbe war. - tlie mexber. of the '"Whist ."a, tnied by a number of their ini i slriirti ride to Lavansville. '. ;-v:r at tlie Hotel Tayuiau. . f :i3! TivmiO. proprietor of the "r,,i3." at Livansvilie, who has -;J to his borne for the past five , ''V3:ti'-tofgrip is slowly recov- v. of D.ti-.y p!toffl5e, re-v.ereUb-jj that weighed 632 ,J. He thinks this is one of r pjrk-cs ever raised in the v. y. j..v of this issue will be reii by K.'T. Bristow, of the'j. before a meeting of the :eriI Aco-iatiou, at its last f .v.!.of Ursui bis been elected . vuf tbe Juiiiur Class at the Indiana S: joa'., a3 honor coveted by -r 1-;.-ccts of the dsns. The young is son of Mr. Noah Scott. - t- f ir the S-iruorset post office are ' n 'a;1? sards Washington. A - caa 1. Jau-s have forward their '.atatbe Iti:tister General. All -.rr:::ioLS will be filed this week. .yuv if:ernja a six teen -year-old son ...i'.rfctur Wsigle, of Somerset town- - i- thrown fiom a horse and serious'y tl Avearortwaai?oabrjtherofthe 1 -tj ji ' killed by being thrown from v-r wi:l beeondacted next Sabbath, ats !!.!. in tlie TresbUfrUn clturch, 1-v T. J. lirisuiw, a follows: Sermon 1 M., "As for Ood hia way is erfect." 3 P. M. Usual preaching . : P. m. Ties f;:1eriDS from threat or lung tron- -MKt ori'y medicine as has been proved :.t of cor.tiJence. Sach a remedy is jerry Tritora!; a specific fjr sad--..'.ii, aiJ invaluable in ail formsof pnl arr coniaiainis. Sjld by druggists. -jt-nl s i-terin:enderit F. L. Sheppard . C.v.i i:-.giMer A. C.Shand, of the Penn-.-ia-a Utiiroad Company, were in Johns o Saturday arid viewed part of a pro-rJ.fsiror- branch line to the Johns- rpasy steel Works, and thence to coal fclds. One of Somerset's Handsome and Historic IluiMiDga Destroyed. i. William M. Scbrock arrived home r. auer baring bp;nt several weeks ;i: tbe home of her daughter, Mrs. i S-inifjrd, in Brook'yn, K. Y. She was -.cLit-j by her daughter, Miss Susie, is bten visiting friends in the Kistfor t: i Jir or fi ve months . : r.ever tell what a slight cold may .u :t j bt, therefjre, to give yourself :..:..t of tbe doubt, and cure it as soon i.J.e iyer"s Cherry Ptctjral. A sicr.sotuetirue an hour's delay, may -' a s-riius c jnsetjuences. i-uj r?oa a mgges'.ioa in last week's j- i number of our citizens will make i"rs' tijTi t j have the locating csm tbe county Masonic or's hill as a site for their M-d a .tei a id surnmer resort. There is -y beautifu! location in the State. Aarja Si'ingltr, of I.amberUville, . at the UtsvLD office Saturday He hi bi-::i a readjr of tais pa-:.-rtLtii' thirty-C .-e years and exp?cts realiaj tbe Hca.t.D as long as lie i jc-u'i beiieve the Wilson bill f.-r arom? a !i, and that as soon as i-.ti the .rice of wheat wiil advance. - r 'a, we. k, K-,juire W. II. Miller, "--.i-.rsior of tht et.ate of the late Wm. -----.of StaMons Xiiiis, Pa., sold tbe t - -t of nirrcLaidise of the deceased, a', i-y j u notions, groceries, ic. to Kred Dinges Jt Sjns. t u-ra are well-known residents of -' Y aJ start out with every pros - -.a-ss in their new undertaking. -i.:.:;t-i!jrsayj tha' tbe prurty is I!'.:': :en: to caver ail indebtedness. - Vv- s. of Urjtbersvalley township, - : a v.d ut Uit week which it is '--.:: ls;jre him for life. Waile he 'e'i. le.iow workmen were engaged -..'sorat nrt-W rrj.iirs at a fcaw mill, J red a ht of molten metal into an Snr of the metal Dew back into J libered to the fleh until it was - ;eJ by one of bis conipaiions. Tbe tt.-i joar.j RUQ bas been confined -: ulz rver since the accident occurred. iir. - F :.. !rty ofyojng pyop'.e from this tt.'iytj a sleigh ride to Stoyes- r e7:i.ri2 hal a verff nnnlejisant ' 03 the return trip. They were rain storm and before they s ine a;; jjyncp t0 jop skin. teams were unable to haul -J.saal it was necessary to arouse - - :t.i.e alorgthe road tosecuread .eaa ;ri order t.t hrin ih rAitnt - - - "O J e e.r homes. tot I, t-- Vior. of Wesliuarelaud county. -- t h. -j aad buggy belonging to 1- cmeraiaa. of Jenner township, - 'as.e iu Johnstown on the night of 7 -i:h. was given a bearing before a Mr. 7. mmerman testified to the , u-l!' aad bugy, an. Levi Vo ' fe t-fcanaugh. township, awore that 'arrived at Uis Kace between 5 and C and animal, and - lli tr. : t .l - - .ues io 1 j til distance past his barn 'cbed in tbe orchard. After put ."'"Jbeweut to tbe house ; ier fjr breakfast, and when one I ra Lands entered the house shortl left without bis breakfast, i been detected. When asked . 5riji"-hed in the orchard be said be where be Ti ' H h ha '-t k I, as driving. Mr. etcent was orroborated by bis rrfjs-J u qtestioa any of the ' Z 1 refasrJ to worn. He vj"!. The prisoner Uabaut a.v f Jeri 01,1 nJ bas jus' served two -"tjeGreensburgjail. i1"3 I)evIi BrusselU Carpet . ij psiiernr L.ace er than ictlibem nriiw fJarar.u . .... ,., .jtr, ""7 ariicie, bo ana si -ot-Johnstown. Pa. The "Park Hole! ." one of the leadius and best conducted hosti-lries in this section of the State, was burced to the ground between three and four oYlnrlt yesterday morning. ine are originated in the cellar and had gained such heslway and was burning with s ach awful ferocity when discovered tha! thousand streams of water could not bave ssved the doomed building. 1 he inmates of the hotel were driven pom the burning house in their night clothes, and thus clad were compelled to Ceein their bare feet through the chill winter airand over snow covered streets to the houses of persons living close by for shelter. Ella Harmon, a domestic, was overcome by tbe smoke and after being badly burned, was saved from incineration by the heroic action of Mr. "Lew" anneat Mrs. Van- near escaped from her bedroom through window and reached the ground by means of a ladder. Ail of the guests and attaches of the hotel barely escaped with their lives and none of them saved any of their personal effects. Mr. Yannear's loss ;s estimated at $Z3,0O insurance $15,;fut. Among the other heavy loosersby the fire are Mr. Charles H. Fisher, whose loss will foot up not less than $1,2X1, Rev. McBride, of the Methodist Church, whose loss is about $7', and Mr. George Krehs, whose loss is about flouO. None of these gentlemen carried any insurance. 8T0EY Or THE riBC It was a few minutes before three o'clock Tuesday morning, when Mrs. "Lew" Yan- near was aroused by a bright light shining through one of the windows of her bed room. She called her husband's attention to it and he started to investigate. Before lc-aviug the room he learned that the glare was the reflection of a fire in the lower part of the building. Hurriedly descending the stairs he found that the cellar was a seething miss of flames and that the building was doomed. Retracing Lis steps as rapidly as possible be told his wife to dress and flee for her life while he would arouse the guests and hired help. Tne three or four domes-tic-. O-Cupied the most perilous position in the house, rear rooms in the new addition, and to these Mr. Vannear fir.t went. He pound el upon the doors and cried to the inmates of the rooms that the hoU3e was on fire and they should escape from it as quick as possi ble. All of tbe girls responded to the sum mons and all, save Eila Harmon fallowed Mr. Vannear down the rear stairway and out of the bouse, rinding that Miss Har mon was musing Mr. Vannear leaped up the two Eights of stairs a second time and found the girl lying at the top in an uncon scious condition. She wss badly burned about the face and arms. He gathered ber in his arms and carried her from the build ing. She revived son after she reached the open airand was removed to the home of Mr. Elias Cunningham, where Dr. H. S. Kimmel dressed her wounds. It appears that the injured girl became panic stricken and instead of following her companions down the rear stairs she attempted to esc;ie through the front part of the building. Tbe new wing in which the girls' rooms were locited is connected with the original build ing by a halt way ; the halls were separated by a temporary door and through this Miss Harmon bolted into a mass of flames. Turning as iuickly as possible she started for the rear stairway and when she reached tbe top she fell unconscious. Meanwhile Mr. and Mrs. C. 8 Vannear became aroused by the confusion in tbe house. When Mr. Vannear opened the door o'lheirroom be was met by a cloud of dense, black srajke. Realizing instantly that the bouse was on fire Mrs. Vannear run through the hail on the second li xir and awakened the one transient customer in the bouse a jewelry salesman and then made her way to the third floor where the family of Mr. Charles H. Fisher, R--v. McB.-ide, and Mr. George Krebs, had rooms. She aroused all of these people and bid them hasten from the house if luey wished to escape from burning cp. Then she returned to her own apart ments where her husband had partially ' struggled into his clothes and was throwing as much of the furniture and bedding as he could out of the window. Mrs. Vannear bad only partially dressed herself when the rlames entered her apartments and she and her husband were compelled to seek safety on the roof of the veraDda surrounding the front part of the house. From here t'.iey reached the ground by means of a ladder. The occupants of the third fl J3r were in a great state of excitement. Their room? were filled with smoke and the cracking of the burning timbers below added terror to their position. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher wrapped their two children in blankets and carried them 1 1 the street. Then Mr. F.sber ru?uel back to their rooms a second tiiu: in a viin effort to recover some of uis fa uily's war- in? apparel. R-:V. McBride, in the excitement f . Slow ing the alarm of fire, was unable to unlock the door of his rooai. After rep&atej un successful eSorts to do s Le fell a:aiusi the door with all of his strength and broke it from its fastenings Then be felt his way through the smoke, along the walls of the hall to tbe stairway. O te side of the stairs was in flames, but he rushed through lhe-n and escaped without injury. AH Le saved from the fire was an old pair of pantaloons and a vest. George Krebs did not hear S rj. Vannear' cries of alarm and when be beard the cry of " fire," concluded that it was in some other section of town andcm'.d get alonz without bis presence. Finnally be heard someone cry the nre is in lais House, ana tuen was that be leaped out of bed and opened the door of his room. Hastily gathering up the oldest suit in his wardrobe and au over coat be started for tbe stairs. Returning to bis room he secured bis watch and then fled from the burning building. The jewelry salesmia was the only guest of the hotel who escaped without loss. He bad prepared to leave town on the 4 A. M. train. His trunk was in tbe lull on the first floor and be had all of bis personal effects in a condition to pick up and go on a moment's notice. While all the above wa transpiring the residents of the town had been alarmed and led by the clouds of flatue and smoke were soon at the scene of the fire. Tbe first comers were able to save only a few pieces of the household farnilure from the hotel when the beat became so intense that they were compelled to abandon further eiTorts. The residences of Capt. W. H. Sanner, several rods west of the hotel, and of Mr. Elias Cunningham, about l'VJ feet etst of it, were in immenent danger. Bjtween the Sinner bouse and tbe hotel atood a two i xry shed. The fUmes soon communicated with it and were rapidly licking it up when tbe men who had been fighting the fire sooceeded in pushing the tottering walls over. About this time the borough "soda fountain" was ready fjr action and did efficient service in preserving Mr. Banner's property. Men were stationed on tbe Cunuigharo bouse aud on the boose of Mr. Jonas M. Cook, on the opposite of the street from tbe boud, and they were kept busy extinguishing sparks and fire brands. Tbe fire burned with unabated fury until the large building was gutted and when day light dawned nothing was left of tbe beauti ful structure but the blackened brick walls. Positively nothing is known as to tbe origin of the fire. There is no question that the firs originated id tbe cellar about tbe centre of tbe building and bad gained such headway GOD SA.VT3 THE COIVIMONAVEALTH. In the name and hy authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, TO ISAIAH UO)l, iJtHl., Hiffh Sheriff of the County of 8omeret, or to your soccrssor in officfl, GREETING : WHEREA8, la cccsinenne of the death of the Honorable William Lilly, who wss Congresscian-at-Large In tbe Fifty-third Congrnw, a vacancy exists in the rprscntstion of tliis Stat in tlw llous ci j. a...j .f th- tir!-us oi" '.Le l't:;c 1 ;a.c : Now, Therefore, I, ROBERT E. PATTISOX, Governor of the said Commonwealth, in pursuance of the provisions of the Constitution of the l uitcd Statt-s and if an Act of the Oentral AxtsJj's o( ll.ij C'ou-aiouuitli, iciitKd " An Au reUar.g to the Kuxlloiu, o tuts Commonwealth," approved the second day of July, Anno IVraino, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, bave issued this writ, ccrutLiacding the Sherina of the several couttitaof this Corcaioawiaitb. to hold aa tl.t;.i.n ui tLt.; icjiii.t ivuui.t.-, oa Tuesday, the Twentieth Day of February. in tbe year of oar Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety four, for the e'ection of a Representative of tbe people of this Commonwealth, in tbe House of Representative of the Congress of the Called Stales, to fUl tbe vaanc as afo:esaid ; and you an hereby required and enjoined to give lawful notice of the said Election aad to cause the same to be held and conducted, and to mike a ratum thereof in manner aad form as is by law direct id and required. I s I Given under my band and the Great Seal of tbe State, at Harrisburg, this eleventh day of December, in the year of our Lord, one ibouiiad eight hundred and ninety three, and of the Common wealth the one hundred and eighteenth. ROBERT E. PAT risOS, By the Governor. A. L. TILDEX, Deputy Secretary of tht Commonwealth. Wmtr.KiB. la aid t.v an Art of the (ieocrml As- s-miiv oi ;ue e ommoiir-all!i nf rt-iirativauia, rn'i;.el -Au A--t t. reunite te Doaiiuaiiou aii.l eieuicia of .u;i: odceisi, requiring ne rutin ex- lru?a iaMiru!nereio lo I puu at lor seveml rouimes aul ci.-r.atD oilier rxpenae lo be pai.l t.v the t'o-t nii'Dirr.illn. au-J i,iinili.:iv rerla.u at. f'iien In r-Karl lo sura election," approved tne lots Uy of Ju'r. A. !.. 1s:. it w n ! Hie clutv of ihe !icrii! of every ria:y wili.iu aiU l oiu- wouwraiifi lo give koiie tr profianiatbMi posted up In the numt u)'h- '1kt iu very e:e--tloa .lisinri ami by advertisement In at least two n-wut;r, ., of any election to be he'.il ihere Ui, e.V4-i for u.rotiiiQ nj loanxl'ip valuer, aud crry qfc.-a proclamation or a.iv;rilsrmenl to: I. EiiuiiitMhte ihe offlrm to bee.ecled aud alve a hat of ail tne Domi.iati'.ug made at provi-icd In aa:-J Aet, anl to be oie-J lor in u a connir. in te fuim in n rucii tiiev mhl auurar aixin ttir ijai. lot. II. nesiimate tha nlaee at wliick tlie election I lo rw be..l. Ill Give noUVe that everr fwrwvi- r.-nir. of the pere, h"i.lmk- crilmn orfler, are by Uw, mcauat-le M hokima or exercising at tne aine ti . Ine offlre or applatineot of jui'irr. in i tor or clerk of any e.e.-tiou in tlii Comuioii- wi a.'.n, c 1 hebxkoec In olmiience to the reunlr- nirnis of aul a -t of AMenn ly and (he irM iina- i.on or jtoEnrn i attdi'i, eovernor or tbevoDi rji.iliwvatlb at Prnnstivajiia. aiov recited". I. KbWAKO ttm KK. ZiiKti hlienff of Hie fount of S.3erwi.-lo hereby make kuon n ami live ,'Ub.ii: n-iui-e to the electom t.f B.i.d cuu:v tr.4t ou I lie iliud 1 ntad.y of February, A. 1-, bL- Tha 20th Day of February 1894. Urtuxm Oit hturt of 7 o'cli-k A. 31., and 7 v clock J'. M. A Special Election will ! hel.t t the several ejection itm! c-UbitiIiet by law in Mid t ccinty at w &irb time t(.e iU4iirinl e;rct:rn will sNtintie at triir rt-spc.-t:ve k.1Uhx I'lacea herenfter nt:i e I. nt orlicvr tt!. be eiec:eJ,nd Ua.i be vo;ed lor ny u&iioi a louowa : Officers to Be Elected. ON'R PKlt-lOX FOR THE OFFICE OF KEl'BESENTATIVE IN THE CO.V GKESS OF THE EXITED STATES FOR THE COMMON' WEALTH OF PEXXSYL VANI A AT I.VRGE. Places of Voting. I a'.ao hereby male known n. give notice, t!ta' tlie j.lact-s of hoMtiiy Hie afof-csid elctioii in trie everul .liKtn. t and lonltip within the f ounty ot sx.mcrM-t are ait follows, lo-wil : The elector of the bon-nich of t'onrluence to Titeet at the tN.uncit I 'liatnbcr. In fiaid tlon.ull. Tae electors of lae brnxiira of r internet, to meet at the foart H-m? in snid irona. The ele-trs of the toaiuthip of Sincrset to meet at the souix iteutMrn VVoy, In aiU io a hip. Tn elector or the township nf Lincoln, to meet at the hull of i'eter sjipe, in silixtville. In aaid townsbip. The elector of the township of Black, to meet at the Tailor Shop of Joaepa W. llerimgtou, in black townnriiii. 'I he elector of the towns'Jip of, to meet at Ihe old hole! formerly occup.ed In- Klchard taid wcll in (rt-'iartsbtir, in said lowiirthip. The elei-br ol the borotitrli of New fenterrllle to meet at tbe bouse of John luy, lnaidlr- OUh. T he elector of ill township of lpier Tnrkey fo..i. to meet at tha b.ue ot John A. SbulLx, la Aid tf.WUpllip. The eb:iorof the township of Lower Turkey-f.-.u to meet at the house of M. In Lower lurkeyf.K4 towiodnp. The elector o( the tH.oih of I'rsina to meet at the house of J. li. Miller, opjiosite iavi a; Co Oer'!t to.e, in said U.rvuli. The elecbr ol the towtiphip of A1tlon, to meet In the I. o. u. F. 1111. lu Petersburg, in Mid township. The elector of the townfhlp of MMdloereek to meet at the Louse of Je- C. isweitr,iu New LexiuK-ton. in snid town.-hii. The eln tor . f the ti.wn-l.ip of Klklie to meet t Die house of Lewu kiuerka in Weet saln.bury in fciUicL kiwubL-p. Th elect.H or tha bonirn of Smlljtmry. to meet at tbe efflce of f alu'i 1. Hay, la aald bor-oUL-h. f he e!ei:tor of the boroogh nf R.K kwnoil, to meet at the office ol uuir avana, in aud bor oiiirh. The el.tor of the Uironirh ot Meyersdale, to meet at the Town t: ouncil naniiw. The elector of the township t.f Samralt. to meet at the boue ol Niniuel At. buy lor. In atd tuwn- n:p. 1 he elect. of the lioroaifh of "ell-nbur. to meet at tbe house of a'll fclit!er. in said borough. The elector of the townfhlp of Greenville, to meet at the Souse of Adam btppie, 1'ocabont, in township. Theelact.-of the townnhis of 8-iuthampton, to meet at the house of J.L Kennel, in aaid town sltip. Tne elector of th townhlp of Northampton, to meet at the boute of Samuel I'ourbaugh, In said township. The eiecior of the townhlp of Larimer to meet at the old chool bouse, In Wntenburg, in ai township. The elector of the borough of Berlin, to meet t the house of Dr. W. A. oannan, in said bur ourti. The elector of the township of Brothersvaliey, to meat at Fatrvlew school Botise, in Ur-ilhei-valley township. The electors or the township of Stonycreek. to meet at the bonne of Juaiah J. WsUer, in aaid township. The elector of the township of Cg!e, to meet at the hoiine of iSantitel 31. f i.M in said towashiu. Ilie elector of the borough of stoyestown, to meet at the house of Samuel Custer, in aaid bor ouirri. i he elector cf the townmjp of Quemabonln:, Hiiin.-t No. 1. to meet at the new e.ecikm house in mtid township. Ti.e elector of the township of Quemahoning, PHIrl. t No. J. lo meet at the house of lianlei Lohr, in llooversvilie, in (uemaliouliig lowoihio. Ttie elector t.f the township of Allegheny lo meet it the bouse of Albert Hihegaa, ia aaid township. The elector ot the tieronjrri of New Baltimore, to meet at Ihe house of J. f. bbicer, in aaid bor- i ougn. 1 The elector of the township of ronemangii, to meet at the n-l of the J. u. L. A. M.. in luvi.l ville, in (aid township. Tue elector of tue township of Shade, to meet at tne house of Jacob llelaian. In said township. The elei-tors of tbe lowtmlilp of fuiut, to meet at tbe house of I'eter iloCiuan, In i id uiwiunip. The electors of the Uiwnshipof Jenner to meet at t!ie house foriuer.y occupid by Thotua 4sha sher. now occupied bf V. J. Hoffman, at Jenner i Hoaila, id asid township. The elector of the township of Jeffcrn,to meet at Ibe house of Solomon Bake.-Ja said town ship. The elector of the boroogh of Jennervllle, to meet t the shoeinakershop occupied by ifavid L. Wilt, In said borough. The electors of the borouih of Casselraan, to meet at toe hooe formerly owned by alary cuyp. In said borii-h The elector of tne township o Fairhfipe, to meet at tbe bouse of laaiaa 1. Kammercr, in aaid townsbip. The elector of the borough of Benson, to meet at the fee. 1-st. ire buildinf of Uauiel W. bor.ler, in aald bfffough. The electcr of the borough of SomerDeld, to meet at the , in said borough. Eligibility of Election OfTlcersv In obedience to the requirement of paragraph III, of aection in, of aaid Act of Asecnio;. so lar a the same I not in conflict wl.h section IS, of ArtlciaVlll of the const. lotion of ail i -omm..- wealth, I also.('.ve Dotl. e that eveiy personnel- ' cptlcg Justice of the Peace.) who shall within two months, have held any ofllce or apiioiultuent of profit or trust under the Government of tne I'nited .stale or of this Male or of an citv or incorporated district, whether a commissioned orricer or otherwise, a subordinate ortker or axent who ia or snail be i ployed nn.ler Ihe Legislative, Executive or Judiciary department of tui Slate or of the I'ni ted states or of auy city or incorporated district, aud also that every mem'.ier of Congress and of the State Ij gisljlure and of the sr com mon council of any city or commissioners of sny Incorporated district is, by law, inuap.ib.e of holl idj or exercising at the saaie time the office or appointment of JodT. Inspector, or Clerk of any kiectton of this fi.ti.inon weal I a, and that do Iti epector, Judire or any any sue election sna.1 be eligible to any orrk t.i be then voted for, except that of an e.ectiou officer. Qualification of Electors. The following right and qualincattoo of elec tors are awured an. t pfescrtbed by Article XIII of tbe eonatituiHHi ol said I ommonwea.ll and cannot be abridged in auy degree, by any Act ot Assembly, Us-wn : M-rioN 1. Every male citizen SI years of age, prsveastug the following qttalincaltoo,h!tll be lie tttied to vote at all eiectiotia: First Ue srtsii have been a citizen of the Unit cist ate at least I month. Second Ue shall hare residr in the Sia-eone year (or if. kavmg prertously been a qualified elector, or native born citizen of the Sisie, he s.iall have re.noved tnerefrotn and returned, then ix mouths) imme.lialeiy preceding the election. Tmrd He snail have resi led in l ie election dis trict where he snail offer to vote at least two mtwtha immediately preceding lbs election. Fourth If ti year of age or upwards, be shall have paid wiiriin two year a mate or county lav, which stall have been assewe-I kit least two mouth and paid at least one mouth before the etrction. Sac. a. Elector shall, in all case, except for treason, felour and breach or sec iriiy or the peace, be privileged from arrest during the.r a;ien.ianceon election, and in going and re turning therefrom sac. T. Ail law Tegniating the b.MIng of elections by trie i ,i. sens, or fur the reviv ration f eiecior ajall be uutform tlrougitnut t.'ie Saie; but no elector shall be deprived of tti privilege f voting by reason ot his uame not bo rn registernL, ssc. a. Any person who hall give or promise, or orfer to giv, to an elector any niouey, reward, or other valnaole cousi.eratl'o for his vote at an election, or fr withholding the same, or wfi- hall give or promise to give scch consi J -ration to auy other person or party for uea eiei-tor vote, or for the withhoiotug thereof, aud anv elwtor who shall receive or rree to receive, for btinseif or for another, any money, reward or other valuable cousi'iera'ion fr hi vore at an eiecilon, or lor wuntKil lu.g the aaine. liall there by forfeit m right to vow at such election, and - anv elcct-ar !) r.ghl bi vote shall be challeng ed .ir such cauM tie'.we the eiei-ri's orn.-ers saail be rei-jilf-l to swear of artlrua that the matter of the rhai ecui ia uatrue before hi vote hau be receive.!. sac. lj. For the pnrivie of vouug do nersoo shall be iieetaeil to have gained a resilience by reaa -a of his preaem-e, or lost it bv reason of hi aiMs-Dce, while empl'.ved In the service, either civil or nl.itary, of this M'ate or of the t uned tate. Br while engaged in ihe navigation of the waters of the stale or of tbe I o'l-l state or uu Hie biga seas, nor whoe a student ot auy Institu tion of learning, nor wnile kept in any pissr bouse or other asylum at potv.le, expense, aor wfiue conrined in pubue prison. Penalties for Violating This Law. Sac. St. A voter who shall, except aa herein otherwise provided, allow hi ual.ot to be seen hy auy person with an apparent intention of letting it be known how he Is arMil to vote or a hail cast or attempt to cast any other ballot than Ibe official bal.ot which ba ben given to hint by the proper eiectioo officer or shall wllfu.;y viol.te any provision of Ibis d or any person who shall Interfere with stiy voter witen insi.le said Inclosed pace or wheo marking his bailor, or wno shall eudeavor to Induce aiiy v.vter before depoalung ki bsiiot to how bow he mark or ha marked his ballot or who, except when lawfully ooa mso led by a return Jude or a comi-tent court, iia i ioien. cut or uufastea the comer pasted down over Ihe numtier ihi any ballot, aliad be gultyofa imtemeauor, and upon ronvHrtlon sis.i be scutenced lo psy a hue nw exceeding ls. or to un.lerito an tm,irioiiiuenl f'Hr n. iw l hill three m int i or bota at the discretkm of th court. sac. S. Aoy person who shall. to an elec tion, wii.fiiiiv defa-e or uestnty any iut of candi date pisied in ai'-Mrdince with the provision of tuts act or who, during au election snail w li.fn. iv deface, tear down, remove or destroy any card, of tu-truclion or specimen ballot printed or posted for tne instruction of voters, or who shall, during an e.eclion, wiilfuiiv remove or destroy auy of the supplies or convenience fureisbed to enable a voter t- prepare hi balurt or who shall wil.fu'ly htn.ler tbe voting of others, shall be guilty of a miiemeaa.jr aud apon onvn-iioa shall be sen-teu-e I to pay a Hue D-it exceeding I.wj, or lo ua- i dere-i aa imprbtonment bsr not dhw than three w-.tii-is. or uah at the .n-ivitou ..r onirt ss.-. js. Any pens.R who sha.1 fa e.y sk or wi.ifui.y deface or destroy auy cenineate of aotn InalH.u or nomination paper or any part thereof of suv letter ot withdrawal or Die any cert ill. ate of BotniuatKMi or BirfinnaitoB paper or letter ot withdrawal, knowing the same or any pan there of to he la.ielv made, ur wbo shall wiofuiiy sun any Dootiuaiaia paper a a qua.iOeJ enctor so.-a pel Dot beuig a qua lO. d eicctcr, or suppress) any certidcale of n mi in a ik or mauinattiiu papar otsjiv part i hereof wtiKl Naa lieen duiy I.eJur f.wge or fabwiy make the orricui ei.Ss. uieot oa any ballot, or wil.milv delay the.leiivery nf any ualiota, shall he ituutjj.f a misdembaaor an.1 uya rouvu-tK haii m aeotem-ed to pay a (toe not rx ceding, or to umlrrg i aa imprtsuumsut f. r not more thaa one year, or bota, at tbe diat ratiou of the court Sac. Hi. Any public officer upon whom a duty is imp-sled by this act wbo skail negligrmly or wia fUi.v fall to perform au. a daty. or wito soa.1 neg ligeutly or wi Ifully perl to it Id au. a wcy aa to km-ier Ihe obJe.-ta of tot Bi t. or wno Mall will, vioiate any ol the aruvistona taereot sasjl be of a misdemeanor an I upoa couvicilisi snail be sentetK-e.1 lo pay a Una not exceeding t'.,uo, or to undergo aa Imprisonment for not more than one year or both at tue discretion of the court. sac. at. Any pera oih-Y thaa an officer charged ny law wit ihe care of the ballots, or a person intrusted br seek with the care of ihe same for a parpo required by Uw wbo snail have in hia posaeseioa outsnle tnei voting r.u aov orn.-ial banot, or auv pcrt-m whesuaa mate or have lo pusseesi'Mi any caioterfett of aa official ballot, snail be guilty of a niisdeuieauor and upon . conviction shall be senten. e.l to pay a Sne a ex ceeding tl.tkst, or to uo.brc.i an lin vriaoument for not more than one year, or both, at the dteort ao of the court. List of Nominations. Is obediem-e to the requiremect of aaid Act of Assemn.y, I also give DoU.-e that Ihe following nomination have been made and certified to me. a provided in said A t, to lie voted for at said elect sin. in said ciuuty. being aa far a may be, m the t'-rm in wbicb lacy wiii appear upoa in ballot, to-wit ; List of Nominations as Certified by the Secretary of tne Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and by the Commissioners ol Somerset County, and to be Voted for in the Several Election Districts of Said County at UIO aUaaSklt-Ug UllCLUUli, A Cross (X) marked in the square at the right of the Name of Each Candidate inside the line enclosing the column Indicates a Vote for Each Candidate Thus Marked. If a Cress (X) be Marked Within the Circle it will be Equivalent to a Mark Opposite Every Name in the column. Those who do Not desire to Vote a Straight Ticket must Not Mark a cross within the circle at the head of the column. FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET O MARK WITHIN THE CIRCLE. Republican Party. REPRESENTATI VE-AT-LARCE IN CONGRESS. To fill the unexpired term of WILLIAM LI LLY. deceased. Mark one Galusba A. Grow. FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET O MARK WITHIN THE CIRCLE. Democratic Party. REPRESENTATIVE-AT-LARGE IN CONGRESS. iTo fill the unexpired term of WILLIAM LI LLY, deceased. Mark one James Denton Hancock. FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET o MARK WITHIN JiHE CIRCLE. Prohibition Party. REPRESENTATI VE-AT-LARuE IN CONCRESS. fo fill the unexpired term of M'lLLIAM LI LLY, deceased. Mark one Henry F. Morrow. FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET O MARK WITHIN THE CIRCLE. The Pennsylvania Democracy. REPRESENTATI VE-AT-LARCE IN CONCRESS. fill the unexpired terra of WILLIAM LI LLY, tlceeascd. Mark one. To Arthur D. Markiey. FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET o MARK WITHIN THE CIRCLE. Protective Tariff Policy. REPRESENT AT: VE-AT-LARCE IN CONCRESS. ITo fill the aneiplre-1 tcnu of LI LLY, deceased Mark one ) WILLIAM Galusba A. Grow. FQR A STRAIGHT TICKET o MARK WITHIN THE CIRCLE. People's Party. REPRESENT ATI VE-AT-LARCE IN CONCRESS. To fill tlie unexpired term of WILLIAM LI LI. Y, deeeaaed. Mark one.; Vk-tor A. Lotier. The voter may insert in the col umn below, the name of any person whose name is not printed on tha ballot for whom he desires to vote. This column is for the o-e of voter- delriiitr lo ote for candidates other than those wbu nauic appear printed oa this ba.ioC REPRESENT ATI VE-AT-LARCE IN CONCRESS. To fill tin- nnexpinxl term of WILLIAM I.I LLYtilccc:Led. Insert one. Given under my hand, at my office in Somerset, this 7th day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, and the Independence of the United Staies of America the one hundred and nineteenth. EDWARD HOOVER. ShArifT. to when discovered as to be beyond control. Workmen bad been employed ia tbe cellar Monday rreparing for stone masons, wbo were expected the following morning to erect a wail for tie purpose of strengtbenirg tbe bouse where the new additions con net ted. Tbe original " Park Hotel" building was erected by ex Judge Mcses Hampton, fr many years a prominent attorney of this place, afterwards a member of the Beech of Allegheny county. Afterwards it was occu pied by the late thief Justice Jeremiah S. Black, during Lis residence in Somerset Following the great lire of 172 it passed it- the possession of the late William H. 'inking, wbo converted it into a modern welling and ms Je it one of tbe most band- some residences in SomerseL Later on Jo- aiuh Ti'el resided in it for a number of years when it pass! n'o tbe possession of Mr. Elias Cunningham. Three years ago Mr. C. . Vannear purcLatcd the property and con verted it ir to a hotel, fcinoe Mr. Vannear became the owner of tbe property be bss made several handsome and ccsi'iy additions to it. The hotel was furr.Ubed throughout wiib modern furniture, heated by steam from a boiler located ia an outbuildicr, lighted by electricity, and provided with ail the conveniences of a modern first class country hotel. It was well and ab'y conduct ed and bad a large patronage. Locaud on one of tbe choicest tites in the town and sur rounded by a well cared for lawn, with beau tiful shrubbery and flowers, it was an ideal summer resort aud was always crowded Jur iug the healed period of the year. When asked S3 to whether he would re build tue " Park," Mr. Vanneir was non committal. The iropressicn prevails that inside of the next sixty days be will bave workmen employed prepaiiug the founda tion for bis proposed boteloa the old "Glade House" site. Expressions of ty mpaiby are beard on all sides for Mr. Vannear and bis family, and our citizens should bold cut every induce ment to bim to erect another bouse and con tinae in the betel business in Somerset. HER EXPERIENCE. The saying that " there is no substitute for experience," is true, she bad tried othtr Katittes, b-it found the Cinderella tbe most uniform baker aud roaster. Sold and guar anteed by JaUCS B. HoLllEUBAtSf. Death of Miss Maggie Kwlter. Miss Maggie Keller, only child of Post master and Mrs. Joe'ali Keller, died at the family residence on Main street, at three o'clock Friday afternoon, aged thirty-nine years. When Miss Keller was three years af age she tell from a table and broke one of ber legs. The f.-scture superinduced whiteswel ling and from the time of the accident until the day of her death she bad been a hopeless cripple. Of recent yetrs she bad beeu a con stant, but uncomplaining suiTrer, and for the pan three or four months her condition had been such as to arouse the gravest ap prehensions on tb part of her parents and friend. Her death, while not unexpected and in a measure prepared for, was never theless a crashing blow to her fond parents. The deceased was a lady of mire than or dinary intelligence, of an amiable disposi tion, and a favorite where ver she was k oown. 8ie was a c .insistent member of the Metho dist Caurcb, and took a deep interest in re 1 giout matter. The funeral took place at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon and was attended by a large con course of sorrowing friend t. Tbe exercises were conducted by Rev. McBride, of tbe U E Churchy LOOK HERE ! Western Farm for sale ; fine rich soil ; large tracts of from 1,000 to 4.000 acres, suit able lor colonies ; in good location ; also farms of any six; from M acres up, at frjm $J0 to per acre. Call on or write to B. F. Laxc 4c Co., Rjoms 1 and 2, Dixon, Illinois. Countryman Block. EYES EXAMINEE) FREE. Prof. S. S- Little, the Graduate QoUcian of Cumberland, will visit Somerset again Feb ruary H-.b and lain, at the Somerset House. Don't fail to call and consult biro about your eyes, lor glasses correctly adjusted to fit them. Oliver P. Long Killed. Oliver P. Lor.;r, aged about 40 years, a well-known resident of Black township, died at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the eiiects of injuries accidentally received at his caw mill the ptevious Thursday. Tbe mill is located on a tract of land near the Bare Uxks. At the time of the accident Long was ei.gsged in 0eratiiiir tlie carnage which hauls the logs to and from the saw. The carriage is shifted by means of a large belt, a smaller one being used to throw it onto tbe pulleys when it is desired to set tbe car riage in motion. Long was bearing down opjn the small belt or "tigtening pulley" wnen ti e pulley broke and Hew to pieces. A section of it struc k bim below tbe nose tearing an cgly gash up through bis face and over the too of Lis scaip. He was un conscious when bis fellow workmen reach ed his side and remained in that condition until after be bad been removed to his borne. Dr. H. S. Kimmel was summoned to render i r fe oua! assistance and upon examination he found that the patient's skull bad been fractured and that tbe case wss hopeless. Everything that medical science could sug gest was resoittd to in order to relieve tbe injured man's suffering?, but be lingered in great agony at times rt'iuiring the united stretig'.h of three men to keep bim in bis bed until death came to bis relief. He was a son of the late Peter Long, of Milford Station. He leaves a widow aud seven children. One of deceased's brothers lost an arm in a saw mill several years ago. A Thrilling Runaway. Wben train Xo. Git, the west bouud Mount-' ain Accommodation, reached Cassjlman, Wednesday morning, a nice looking team hitched to a sleigh was standing near the station. The owner and driver was standing nearby. As the train started so did tbe team, and in tbe same direction. Tbe horses ran along tbe track for a short distance aud then got up on it, jerking tbe sleigh along after them. Tbe driver following in hot pur suit, and yelling "Whoa !"' at the top of his voice, stumbled and fcil across the track. He gathered himself up j j-tt in time to es cape being rua over. Ejgineer Mike Dan slowed np and took him aboard. From Casselman to Markleton, a distance of three miles, the horses never left the track, and crossed three bridges, one of them 30 feet in length. While crossing tbe longest bridge one of the horses shoved the other over so that it was compelled to walk between the rail and tbe outside footboard. At Markle ton some railroad men beaded tbe team off and scared them from tbe track. The sleigh was not broken much. Engineer Darr kept about 100 yards behind tbe horses all tbe way down, but could not scare them off the track by whistling. Conductor Schmotx says it is the first instance in bis long rail road career where two borjes followed the track so far and crossed as many bridges without being injures. SATURDAY, February 17th. My Clearance and Bargain Sale will close on Saturday, February tbe 17ih. I liave a large stock of goods to close out in that time. Mrs. A. E. Uhl FETAlk LIQUOR bICEJJSE. NOTICE is heretiy given that the f.illowlnR named pets. sit have lild their apnlleatiott for Tavern l-leeoe in my and that tne (ame uill be presented to ihe Conn of Ctuarter best-ions for allowance, ou MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1894. K'lward Nli-klow. Ad.ll-on iown-hlp. fbas A Mitchell. " ft. Zimmerman, Berlin borough. Andrew Mciiiu, " William A. wau, ConSaenc " rcotl trtemer, J. H. I.'o I. Is. Angu-t Koeliler. ("onemaagh township. J. 1. Kennell. Larimer " J H. Reed, Meyersdaie Borough. N'atliar.k-1 Slioer, John 1L ioicsr. " " Itotiert tiuthrie, " K. Ke-ier, Northampton township. William V. inn, (jnetnarxaiiiir township. Kttciael A: Haim-s, Kockwoud bonejgb. Minuel Bnckinan, - Y A. Johns, Eilfrar Kyle. Somerset borough. ". S. Vannear. r-lmon P. Sweitzer, " - William (I. layman, Somerset township. r'amtiel Custer, loyeslown Issrough. John H. Kite. John W. Heiahatigh, Somertield boMU-li. Albert Vansickei, - Kl-er Kimmel. Sjummlt township. Henry Loeciiel, tsali?bury borouvh. C. T. Hay. J.m-ph behroek. t"rina " Ivaac A. Jenkins, W. J. Henfor.l. " H. 0. ristil, Jenner township. Clerk Ottl:-e, F. P. BAYLOR, Fep. 7, ISM. CU.rk. Will Make Two Returns. At tbe coming elc:ion tbe Return Judge of each precinct must make two returns, one of the vote of Congressman -at-Large and the other tbe vote for the local candidates. In tbe first instance tbe return must be made to tbe Protbonotary aud in person ; in tbe other instance tbe return can be made in tbe ordinary manner to tbe Clerk of Courts. The Judges will no doubt make both returns at tbe same time. Musical College. Tbe Spring Term op?ns May 1st , in Vocal and Instrumental Music. For catalogues addre Henry B. Moyer, Freeborg, Pa. DED. ELDER GEO RUE SO li ROCK. On Jauu ary J):b , near Berlin, Elder George Schrock, aged 77 years, t months and 3 day s. Tbe remains were laid to rest ia tbe Germsn Baptist Cemetery at th Pike Church. The f ineral was one of tbe most numerously at tended ever witnessed at that place. Tbe funeral discourse was preached by Eider D. F. Stoufer and Elder Valentine Blough. The deceased served in the German Baptist min istry for over 40 years. He was a reader of the Hxoald almost from the time it was es tablished to tbe present. PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable Rsal Estate! The uniemigne4 administratrix of Catharine Me tfee, dee d., will expose to public sale, at the lot in Somerset borough, on THURSDAY, MARCH 1st, 1894, at one o'clock P. ti., of said day. the following iieenr-d real estate, late liie property of Cath arine McAfee, dee d. A certain lot of (rrotirtil In the lorough of Fura erxt. co'iuty of Somerset aud State of l'ennvl vatiia. .ljoiuiuir Main street on the touth. Hi. Adam KidiuKt roi the uet, Wiiliain Bower on ti.e north and Mali Ion Bnrket oa the ea-t. the size of t e lot being XI feet on Main street aud of the same width northward feet, bo It more or less, with a house tnereoit, aud will be sold tj pay debts. Tasme One-half cash and one-half I CI ITIa in one rear with iuterest. The payment u be recured on the kit by jude ment exemption note. MAK1A E. COOPER, Administratrix and Trustee, SK Sandusky street, Allegheny Ctiy, Pa. EGISTEU'S NOTICE. NOTICE 1 herebv riven to all person concern ed as Utratees, creditors, or otherwise, that the followina: accounts have passed Kexister, and that the same will be presented for couhrmittfon and allowance at an Orphans' Court lo be held at Somerset, l a., on Wednesday, Feb. is, 1ML Account of John W. LJer, administrator of Cotirad liabei, dec d. First and tinsj account of J. A. aad C. L. tiles ner. administrators of Lewis ltleaner. dee'd. First and final account of Charts Elrick, ad miiiL'tra.r of Isaac tlriek, dee d. Account of Charles A. Milcuelt, executor of John Mitchell, dee d. Account of ion rail and Abram Miller, admin istrators of Chrtauan L. Miller, dec- d. First and nasi account of Joseph J. Seese, ex ecutor of John K. i-eese, dex- .L First and final aecoan. of Missaari J. Philllppi, adtninistratnx of John W. I'biilippi, dee d. First account of Henry J Wiimotb, Mil.arJ F. Bnnhsta and Joel L. Griffith, adaunislrator of Alfred W'Umotb. dee d. second account of Alfred K. Bnjder, executor of Eiiaa banner, dee'd. First and bnai accueint of Hiram Orris, execu tor of Jacob Murphy, dec d. Third accouut of John C. Reus, executor of John Ware, dec d. Account of W. H. Bay, guardiaa of Florence Livenrood. First and final account of Jacob B. Fried line, administrator of Hiram Br una ber. deed. First and nnal account of Edward Smith, od-mtno-trator of Margaret smith, dee d. First and final auvunt of I). W. Will, adminis trator of John FrederK-k I pliouse, dec d. Firs and final account of Ameustus Hefrley, oilministrator and trustee of Jacob Thompson, deed. First and final account of John C. Engle, ad ministrator of Jacob gweroer. dee'd. 1 he account of VaieoUn. Hay, f uardian of James C. Mctirew Fontner. First and final ac-oaul of Jacob Beinemeyer, odminutrana-of futward Lamlia. dee d. First and final account of ssunuel F. Friadline, administrator of abram U. Kuhltnan, dee d. First aud final account of M. B sleifer anl X. V. forber. admit istrator of David Clarke, dee'd. First and final account of Abram D. Weaver, administrator of Jacob J. Weaver, dee'd. First aad final account of Abram b. Weaver, administrator of Joass Weaver, dee d. First account of eeorge Weisei, executor of Solomon Camp, dee d. Fintaccount of Oliver Knepper and Annie E. Frease. admiiiiMratora o. Wm. B. Fr-ase, dee'd. First uid final account of P. i. Blough, ad ministrator nd trust of Andrew Blough, dee'd. KevisteT Office.) JACOB 6. MILLER, iiec. SI, 'M Kesjisier. Receipts and Expenditures OF THE Directors of the Poor AND EMPLOYMENT OF County. Pennsylvania, HOUSE OF Somerset FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 3!st. A. D.. 1833. J OIIX IIAMER, ESQ, TREASURER OF THE TOOR HOUSE OF SOMERSET COUNTY, in account with the County of Somerset, Pennsylvania, for tlie year ending the 31st day of December, A. D. 1893. ?j RECEIPTS. I To amount of sale and receipts at the Poor Uot:e lrl'3 5t To somerset county for order No. Lv.iJ Mil-:lmiii fund a " - To taluic account.. EXPENDITURES. OUT DOOR EXrESSES. i By amcuat paid forontdoir relief. :" Maintenance of ehil.'.rvn, a.-l of IrSi o - ouuiojr paupers v " " inmates at hospitals " t hil.l.-en at Elwyn J " " Colitis for outdoor paup-.-r. ' " Mi-lieal altetHlance.oubloor j:nr.-re. - t " iir -urs traveling eipe"x .., .. '. Visitors traveling- exp-Ui'e M o f it her counties pausri ., .. Kaiima.i lare . I PR. Ids I S lops", li U - Vi 40 onvei (.uldota- paop-'r-i " Teletrrjms .. . EXPEXES OF POOR HOUSE PROPER. 1 By amount paid tor Iry r .mis and clothing Mioes and leather... 5; " " W beat and hour Apple I.Uiter.. ... 6 10- u 111 u u! lit o 11 s. I S l(!t 17i .. 1 1W '.111 211 2!, - heef, luseon, fish aud lonl Hardware aud ttnwaiv... r-uaarand m tlotlee and te rait and op. , , , .. . r .-Tie 'ii.l.vicco.. c. ISO ll" r.T I si CO , ST'.I 7. ' TO f) i tti V I o)i. ! li MO I M tsi 1 37 :i ! o iv : i:t; c l in $ noi; w ! I 507 01 1.0 1 Jlf'. .f 116 V. S'JS M IT i .11 Cracker and rW Irir and Metlit-ai certttieates ami Exam... Jmi.-e and Constable fee Ips. potalisM and fruit ill. ele t:ie light and eoa.1 p.siiaue and stationery .. in., Luturaud iggt rrlniina:-.. . LitiKalion and Protiionotary'i lea.... FARM EXPEXSES. 1'.7 1 Jir .Si ,.1 :j. l:i 1". l'S) ' 117 I.' .1S 7 ....( - x: 1 By amount paid Cor Farm Implements. J: rmlthiua and hardware, 3! " " fertilizer and Inn. .... Seed and plants Iiynamite and freights M. Krpilrs and tabor. ...... , PERM AXE XT IX FRO 1'EXEXTS. .. 1 By amonst jaid for I nuN-r. .. Hardware l'r.llinsT well Kilance on steam heater. -Ursir and labor. ... Paint ami psprrltia.. " Cement and trimmuitf tree EX 1RA0RD IX A R Y EXPEXSES. I By amount paid Cor Furniture. Ull SIO. K . ... At. to btrecton aa-ot. latioo. Insurance . Fenc e rlaht. Money on agreement... Mu-selman luuti .. Clerking ettiement j SALARIES AXD WAGES. 1 By amount paid attorney and elerk. L. C. Colborn.. 2 - " lilrcctor, W m. inekry . 4 & 6 101 Josetih L. Miller " Josiah 1. Wlaie. Steward. Jchn C. Miller Pbyaician. H. 8. Kimmel. Treaorer, John Hamer.. Chaplain. F. V. .Savior . Janitor and nan Clock. Si !-- 3. ' 7 16 1st Hi; 31 IV no ms 21 1 t 7S 11, 1 (17 2-. : tti 7. I V-1 7" M ;. - 7". HA W at :f 36 l.O ( 17 50 li! i. r IS"-, i 7( 21 10 eu; Sll ( 7.S no SO OS ttu 0o LO m ) Or 6.1 ISI: 1 WOl 3CH " 173 n 730 LK4 00. llice ) $ 1L".6 40 TDE DIRECTORS OF TITE POOR, d ACCOUNT WITH S0MEH?T COUXTT, PA, ca. 1. To amownt of timte (. exrsMwra I Bv mrnt received from eounty nsnmissHsaers sa order. By amueint asexpeoded to th credit ef th boonl , . . By amount surenaraiad to -.rector , . , PR. llisjo UO Kll -. 00 7D ! it bi liou ot) I nwu o ccocst of c, c. viussKLMAN DoxATios Deed Book, VoL 62, page 73. L To ain't reoelve.1 from Oo. Com' Int. of Mtuwlmaa fund 1S93 2. Hy aaaoaut ex pended for awpapers, Ae . . a. By amoani Doexpeoded to credit ai board t balance account . 30 K i: SI 1 ti Directors Individual Account for 1893. WM. WCK.ET, rOOP. HOUSE DIRECTOR, LV ACCOUNT Tuam. nnt Poor-Iious or.Ier Jfa l-'.'S... ... . To amoaut poisr house orler X o. l.syi... To one-third of amount -urcharyed ,, By one year' salary aa director ...... By amoaut du county of sjmrset. .. . WITH SOMERSET CO., $ 2iS tO PA. SO 00 f 5 lit' , f 5 V? JOS. I- MILLER, POUR HOUSE DIRECTOR, IX ACCOUNT WITH SOMERSET ( 0- PA. 1. To amount poir-h or-l.r No .ls I .. ... -J. To s :iiti nl oceir house order No. wtt i. Toooe-thinl of amount suretuuajed , 4. hy one year' salary director ."v. T-i aiiKiunt por-hoiise crJer No. -li 6. By outstanJn - order No sy? paid thi year 7. By halaao due eo-inty ol 'Somerset .... i no i. 8 IK'. CO -J on IV S3 lv' 3 i 5J l j JOSIaII P. WEIt!LE,P0U HOUSE DIRECTOR, IX ACCOUNT WITH SOMERSET CO., PA. To amount ot p or Louse order Nik 1-vl ... To amiMiut of pMrbitte or.Ier No. ls-j:. ... To iHic-iluri of amonnl irchrs;ed Hy one year's salary a dim-bir Ly am itiut due county ol Somerset i j : so on iv O UTSTAXD1XG ORDERS UNPAID. Yesr. lv.:i l-.r.' No. :'. v) T- w hom L-.ned. 1 e in l'ekey... Kcb.c -a M er 5s W , I is 1 , Anwmt s lO w Total.. Id 10 We, th ..inJer-ivued And, tors of the eounty of S mer.'t, in the Commonwealth of Pean-vlva- nl. do certify that in p irja;iej ot th 47th s.-c'ioa f th Ait satitle.1 "An Act re lio lo ctxistie, township. Ae t-al lb- I lib day ol April A. I . Ivil. a met at the seat of Ja.tlee in the of Somerset, on the first day of January A. D. 11. and arer tsi-ioa: duly sworn, did audit. a.iju-t an 1 M-ttie the sever! account r.uire.i if a dv law. aare.-M to tne several sets oi Assemoiy and rip. pie nenta tbereto. ae o.dinr to the tx-tt or our ju lirieiil and ability, and that the tursxvin; are true aud err..'c: statements of tbefolio vios; account, v.z: 1st. Hamer. K., Treasurer of the Poor-house and iioaj of mclvmeut of Somerset county, with aid eoun'.f of Sjmer-eL .0. Tue account of the C. o-selman dcrtu loa. ?. I. The eattmate a.-co.inf. tth. To indii idual ai-cuunta of the r irei-'ur of fie Tuor with the eounty of S -n. r-ei. all for the yt sr ll. iil hereby i-or.lry lhat we ttn.1 a ImUm-e .t-ie the county of s.merset from William I deary. 1 s ., irom jos,pn i Miner a r.'', trom i.un i. uie s i-.r. Tne sail treasurer and the direvbirs wer duly summoned to aniiear bebsr the auditor with their h siks and papers an t tney did v appear, and pr.sln.-e 1 their bsiks, ord, rs. Mil. vcber are! f-ae per f-ee niunion atta.-bed t. In lesumouy wnersx..! we oavs neranU) set our nsnds an -l sta.. lb Hi ifl-tdayof Jaaoa-y. A. I. 1-vl. At:-t: StVCEL r. FOX, rrai.J klt F ilxiiar.. w M . w. I'.akfih, isasul tlcik AMOs WALKtK. s il ODia .f I I'TSTANDlNtJ Coouty, State and Spocial Taxes) of Somerset couuty, I'enroylva- i, on tlie brut day of January, A. I'., M''l. uneanu owm ry tne collee-tois ibeelitlerent borongba and townsLips in sai.l county, aa fallow 3 ; CoLLICTOlB .! Et-TKllTS. samuei Lamriert, StunTereek townsbo ... . H. Ankeny. IvoeinshonlR: towehip... F. J. Fuller. New Baltimore ts.roa.h W. K. Mi eniain. tn-0(-D.-e Is-.pMtab Wm. Ilur.holder. U-wer Turkeytowt township Kit H. Berkey. 1 li.eoin townsnip .... F.J. Fouvr. New Kaltiaire l ..ah .. John T LeydisT, Northampton township . s. l. nitsaer, ihcie lsiin p rrd Keara. r-int towns'no L M. lamt-ert, hale lownsiilp . r e. rtica. eomerset t'-wutup ti H. Y-sier. Brothersvaliey township A. 11. 1 m er, mat ton-.aip W. k. utitam. Iti.iniieiioe bor,.ub Iianlel "icHey, a-s I man lwroUKh. J. J. Folk, LU 1 tea lowutnip A. 11 Aokeny, Jor.aert..wn borough , E. H. ll-rkey. Low ;r Tarkey.'oot toaaship F. J Fuller, hew Haiti more rsrim'b H E SfilU-r. N..liimp . u.wo-hip Noab D. bowman, isaetuabon Datiwn-blo.. liets-K Msnee. hdetowli)i:p F.duiand v.'le.nan. ss.toe rset lownsaip J.sssph Stull. Islotiyers k town-hip. 14 1 . Morner, .-niniun townstiip ; W, Lrabart, I rs aa buroeab . J. S. Hart seL Add son l.wto.lp John Carver, Aik-abeny town-hip srans iietttey, rerun ooroua n H.-nrv lliah, bensiHi borouKh i.ettf-e rtsaiorer, BrMber.valley lownsb p Ml A- 5nyoer, nia ca toaoip wm E Pallln. l otiflneisce boroogh Issn.el M.ekav. Casselman Ui4iKh i A. Kretcbmaa. klk Lick biwnship , i. W imu, Fsirbotie p.wusbip . , . j. e-iuoer, a. .lie ....n.nip IYa CorNTV. Shc'l STit. r'i-y l-.'l 4lJ .17 1 7 : 4 77 2 1.1 iVr 7i a7s nV s'i'i ' Hubert T Bull. Jefleisoo town-hip .. ti A. I lie. Jenuertowa bor.jWib Thomas iia'. iirber. Jenner u.woship .. Lewis waetaiiiyer. Larimer lown-nip J. W Botkhol'ler. Lower Turaeytwot township.. D. B. A-b. I ir.ei.ln township . F. Weltbons boriaurk K.-s B riayhsr, MUdlee-reek township fxeorire N. -srhrisrk. Milford towship. F. J. F-aler. New Bsii msn borous; , Henry E. Miller. Northampton tuuhip.. r r- Herera. nirie towasnip Peter Hotftnan, Paint towaaikite Pwnlel Will, euessaeonina; township.. Bennr Farlin. Btsrkwoisl bjmuga A. J. Smith, ealishuty boruh L M. Lambert, Shad Imuliip Alt H. Huston, feraeis-t borooith.... Edmund Colemaa, eHEer-s I low n-kip 1 harlesK. Manx, sstsathamptoi bmnsbifi.. John H. &vder, etoyessjwa buroaa-b . John W. Baiter. -uei) creek township J. C. Fnale. So mm It township I. E. Kseirar. I pper Tarkys township.. J. C. Forseytb. Crslna borouKh . F. P. chaffer, Welltfabaraj borough -o s.' .. J I'O 33 U- . IS! .. :i .-.i s 1.7 "d !--.' V, i'.Vi Its .a V. u, r. til 24.1 'i 7. 1 M l." 71 HI lot -.- til J a.: "s al ts 11 WI S 16 :tfl t:t Si le '.V l.V. n -Ui M it ii S1H 01 so .S 7t 11 u '-77 ysi 17 -K4 40. 44i i bo WS nr. 12 s 4s b. is' Jlrt sii sw tit ! H l t. ID TO :aai , An J. i r7 jo JV lot! J! 43 61 1.1 s.s 1JH l IS 01 U sk ia" i.l 7 30 a uc 71 s.t 10 li 1.'4 V Si -I 7 -.- ? ' 7i S7 9 fat 7 I . .so sat Jl sit 40 f t IA -A 13 73 41 4. v: m a 1 : vj a so SO 7 -.- ss -.4 st list 4.1 la It ot 27 3 i t 111 :lss :t 4 0 32 411 10 74 7 l Amoant State Ua broeijht over.. " special - - I 1 jA 40 1M M) I vr. 00 1SV7 ti .1 161 IINI OU 1 broad total tax outstanding 17S71 ' NOTE In tl.e abov on uta ruling tw'ansei ara Inelodod the Exoaraltua. Coambaisma and Per centage to be .led wet el. We. the auders'gned C leamlaaioaeia of joint flat eounty. hi sife Biity to law. have ordered the ae roeapanyiu account- of tbe Keeeipt aad Expruditare ttt asid eounty. ror the vewr lfttf, to be pub lished, and we beraby certify that tbe anose (Uvtemeat of tbe 'm ln Ta xse dwo aald eounty im correct, a per lucurd la Ik Treasurer and finnmiMasaer CrXca. Attertt- HENRY F. BAJtNETT. J. G. bUT. 8AVCEL C. gHiiBEM. Clerk. WIIUAM P. HAY, Com auak.nrsN