The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, January 24, 1894, Image 4

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    ciiniiCH hoys l blue.
liilitery Drill Among Sunday School
Iv-p.i sad r- th . Bora
adHrr l.oo Ctxtcaf I Already
.aroUrd-Dralr? to Iaterwat tb.
Boys In Charcta Work.
Tn s dozen lYctestant churches In
fhi. a?" thrr are lackers containing
tries as es the effective Enfield
r i:n:iaL'ton, an-1 rc?alarly cacli
w-ek the bovs attached to the sereral
Suuilav schools po throng-h the move
ments and manual of the regular tac
tic of tbe United States army. It is
tafo to tav that i ! ioast twelve hun
dred Snndav i-.-b.Tol boys of Chicspo
arerm'.rawl in these quasi military
ItU claimed that the boys arc not
drilled with a view of g'.vwg them a
martial spirit, but simply because it
has been found by experience that
nothing will Interest them in church
work so much as to give that work a
military aspect. A well-known church
man, who is frreaUy interested in tbe
movement, fcaid recently:
"The f-pirit of Americanism inde
pendence or individual liberty which
e rnes to every native citizen by in
heritance and is inhaled with every
breath, so that even foreigners are
,xn infected with it, has borne un
welcome fruitaa-e in the restlessness
under restraint, tbe defiance of dis
cipline and the general irreverence
which children of the present age
usuallv manifest. This is particularly
with boys. The result naturally is
that whether at home or at H-hool, at
ehurchor at college, the question of
control is a perplexing one.
"A careful Mudent of child nature
discovered one form of discipline which
is the most thorough conceivable and
w hich i.s actually congenial to the 1kv
nature. This was military organisa
tion, for which boys have a natural
sij.titu lv. Instead of scolding, or say
ing with an injured air, "Now boys.
In have yourselves, the command at
tontion' is given w ith explosive effect,
und the 'privates are discipled into
rigid statues. The youngster can 1
kept marching, countermarching,
marking time, or performing other
evolutions until the powers of nerve
and rouw'.e which incite Jhe boy to
lawless!., ss have been brought under
control and made ti minister to his
lst g-vnl. When equipped with mili-Xm-y
uniform, cap. and l-lt. the trans
formation is corni.lete and the private
is ready to 1 taught oW-ik-ncc, rever
ence, and manliness without being con
: eioiis of it, and almost in the form of
tin amusement.
"The tirst experiment in this direc
tion in connection with Sunday school
v.ork was made in tiiasgow, Scotland,
i y W. A. Smith, of the Lanark rifles,
in ( ctobvr, lb3. Asa result, the work
i.f one winter transformed the school.
IKscipIiue was perfect, manners were
aojuirt-d, the physical bearing was im
proved, the moral character was
Mieni-thened and the foundations of
r.-li-rious principles were laid, and all
this was accomplished by boys of an
are in which the natural drift is away
from, ra'hpr than toward, religions in
Ctienecs. This success caused the
movement to spread, and ten years later
there were S'.'i companies, with 2,0-Jj
ot'.icers and C'J.0 .3 ruemlx-rs reported.
In :r-0 the Crst company in the United
States was organized in San l"raneico
l.v Ker. John Quincy Adams, and fifty
more were soon formed in the imme
diate vicinity. A national organiza
tion was then formed, and companies
-ganized ia Kansas City, Chicago. in
rinnati, IHrtroit and othcrcilies. Since
t h.-n the growth has been very rapid.
As a result, the boys have been elevated
lti.1 educated, and Sunday schools and
rriditig rooms hitherto empty have
iM-en ti'.ied.
' In July, l??;, there were 95 compa
nies in t he United States, 8 percent, of
which w ere Presbyterian, S3 per cent.
Congregational. 17 per cent. Methodist,
and 1-i per cent. Uaptist. One year
later organizations were reported.
In July. there were only two bat-
.lions ia the organization, composed
i.f from two to ten companies. One
ear later t'icre were twelve or thir
teen fully organized battalions. The
a vera iuomlership per company is V.2.
The rrst organizations in Chicago were
f-.rmed by llev. Howard Husell, at the
Armour mission. Since tl:at time two
f the best drilled companies in the
:' try have 1e-on organized at
t!ie Kvanston Avenue Congregational
; hurch, w hich is known as the t hurch
" llie, and a nuinbcrof other
companies have Itccn fonnc i.
"1 ha Nary Fay Corp.
The course of promotion in tbe navy
pay corps is illustrated by the eases of
the ofiieers ju.-t advanced to the rank
f jwymaster, and of this below them
in the lit of twenty past assistant
paymasters. The otiieers just pisv
united have been alout sixteen years
in the sTr:e.of which four years were
j awl in the lowest of the pay corps
j.-rai!es and the remainder in the next
l.:h t The oltl'-er now firt on the
iNt f past assistant paymasters has
I.. -en riftevn and a half years in the
service, of which he parsed three and
m half in the lowest grade. When pro
notion chines, which must be soon, he
v. ii! have lct-n more than twelve years
a pa-t assistant paymaster.
An Kiliancted Kaale at Sea.
One of the many curious incidents
which happen at sea was reported by
a steamship which arrived at Tacom;i
recently. W hen alout six days' sad
from the American coast, an C3gle,
f-;.-t;t with Hying, alighted on the
.sliip, having probably Cown from some
American whaling vessel. The eagle
w as caught as it was resting on the
ship's, rail, and kept in a cage until the
vessel was passing into the Straits of
luandol'uea. The American coat of
arms was scratched on its bill, whic'i
had been coated with vcrmiliion. The
bird injured its wings in the eire and
was release-L On seeing land it at
tempted to Cy, but could n:t. and ws
wept into the sea and was urowr).
A r.cT TI h IIkI to Hare inn Clothe rtttrcl
arh llonut.
Ji KiS the Academy of Sciences in
r-ao.t reported a remarkable case of a
Voy born in the hamlet of Ikrusanquet,
in the i;oe- cf Alais, who was noted
l.-om his lirth for his extraordinary
growth. At the ree of five years ha
measured f jr.r feet three inches; so:na
i:ionllu after he was four feet eleven
inches; and at six, iive feet, and bulsy
ia proportion. His growth was s
rari I that every nvmth his c'othes re
;uired to be u.:vle longer and wider;
utJ, what was stii! very cxtraordinarv
ir. his growth, it was not preceded by
any sickness nor accompanied with any
pain. At the age of five years his voice
changed, his bcarl .began to appear,
and st six he had as much as a man of
At the ge cf Cve years he could
carry to a good distance throe meas
ures of rye, weighing eighty-four
p 03iU when tnrnei six he cou'd lift
easily on his f honhicrs and carrv
load's cf cce hundred and fifty pounds
weight a good wsy off; and these exer
cises were cxhi'oitcd by him as often as
tC curious engaged him thereto by
siime liberality. Such beginnings made
people think that he would soon shoot
i'P into a giant A mountebank was
already so!icit:n? his parents for him.
Mattering theaa with hopes of putting
hira in a way of making a great for
tune. Hut all these hopes suddenly
rauished: his legs became crooked. Lis
trxiy skrunk, his strength diminishtsl,
his voice grew sensibly weaker, and be
at last sack into a state of total imbe
cUitv. Tit-liiu.
A W amae'B f .'arlnr ca.
Miss Jessie Ackerman, an English
missionary, recently put cn a diving
ciress and went down sixty feet to tho
bed of the ocean on the greatest pearl
ing grounds of the world, bctwe-a
Australia and Singapore, where thir
teen hundred men are ennst-nttir fct
work. I
Tbe Raskin Shark Sometime Growa te a
Lesrth of Tbinyi'iv "-
There was gre commotion In the
zoological department of the Stanford
university, San Francisco, tho other
afternoon, when President Jordan re
ceived s telegram from an Italian fish
erman at Monterey saying that he had
caught a monster of a basking shark,
and inquiring if they wanted it Did
they want it? Well, President Jordan
rushed from his offie tCTOM the qnd
rangle to the zoological laboratory,
where Prof. Gilbert and some other
fish sharps were busy with pickled Csh,
and with dignified excitemeut flour
ished the telegram. He jerked out Lis
watch and said there were thirty min
utes before the Monterey train would
get to Palo Alto, over a mile away, and
lYof. Gilbert grabbed his hat lie
called an expert assistant w ho could
hustle, and the two scientists made
that train. The fisherman soon got
his answer. President Jordan would
have missed two dinners to go along,
but he couldn't All this haste and in
terest says the San Francisco Exam
iner, show how much ralue a basking
shark is to a scientist lie is not of
much value to anybody else. Ilis value
arises, like that of many other things,
mainly from his rarity, for basking
sharks are not seen every day, and
ichthyologists find few opportunities
to study them. The basking shark is
an object of popular as well as scien
tific interest It is the largest fih
that swims the sea. It isn't as big as
a low-lH"ad whale, but the whale is
not a fi.-h, bnt a mammal. The speci
men captured somehow by the Italian
fisherman, who has a standing order
from the Stanford university for any
thing new or q:cer ia his line, is
thirty-five feet long and measures
nearly fifteen feet perpendicularlt
through the back. These proportions
ma'.;e it as large as many a whale, and
it is a homely and lubberly thing to
look nt It is called selache maxima
in the books.
Th" size of the specimen at Monte
rev shows it to be one cf the largest of
its kind, though they sometimes gro-.v
several feet longer. A reported sea
serjx-nt, fifty feet long, stranded at
Stronsa in 1-Os, js snpjsed to have
been a basking shark. This greatest
of fishes is also the least ferocious of
sharks. It sticks pretty well to the
Ijottom of the ocean, is sluggish in
movement, and feeds on C rustacea, sea
weed, etc., instead of other fishes. It
belongs to the northern sca. but in
summer descends to middle latitude?.
-I do not know what Prof. Gilbert
will try t j do w ith the specimen." said
President Jordan, "but it is worth go
ing after even to photograph if n tii
ingelse. They are rarely caught and
I hare been able to see but one on this
coast. That was in 10 at Monterey.
We chopped out a piece of one of its
gills and it was ail one man wanted to
carry. Pictures of the basking shark
are not reliable representations, for
there have been few chances to draw
th-m. Th"re are probably but a few
hundred in tho ocean. The British
museum has a standing offer of one
thousand dollars for the thin of one,
but a man would earn his money get
ting it, for it would take two months
to si. in the fish and car.? properly far
the hide. Prof. Gilbert may try to
luxe tho skin and he may only take the
liiTeh At fin- rote it is a valuable op
portunity for stndy."
Tramp Ii.ilst on Better Fooil or they'll
Ituin the sheriff- tlmine-a.
An unusual sfrilce occurred here
lately, says a Mount Holly corre
spondent of the New York Herald. It
was rot among the members of any
!alor organization ss is often the
oa-e bnt was confined to tho tramps
w ho are locked up in the county j.d.
End who lo!d!y threatened to boycott
the institution unless the sheriiT sup
plied them with better f.Kd.
'1 he spokesman, a thick-set tramp,
known among bis coropai.ions as "The
Tauh," out of compliment to his ab
dominal development was plain end
outspoken in bis demands to one of
the keepers.
"See here," he said, "what's on the
card for dinner to-day?"
"l!ean soup and bread," was the re
ply. "It won't do," was the reply. "This
lcaa business is gettin' played out
What we want is more meat and
wegetahles, and we're going to have
'cm or know the reason why. We
can't keep up our strength on no such
grub as we've been havin' see!"
"Yon fellows are gettin too gay,"
s.-i'd 1 lie keeper w ith a sneer. "Next
thing you'll be wantin' ox-tail soup
and sweetbreads. We're givin you
good grub good enough for anybody
and you'll either eat it or live on
your shape."
"Hold on there!" interrupted another
tramp with a red nose and a bad list to
p rt, "we've got something to say
'iMiuttliat We've got the lay of the
land pretty well in this connty.and we
know the sheriiTs cilice wouldn't be
wnth a half interest in a yailer dog if
it w asn't for the profit out of feeding
us tramps. Everybody knows that
Now I'll conie down to business. Cf
yon don't feed ns up high w e'll boycott
the jail, and every man on the road'll
Chtasbhyt.f the place as if it was
full of smallpox. Now I've had my
say, and cf the goose don't hang high
Mter this you'll hear from us."
This threat took all the fierceness
cut of the keeper, who promised to
tee what, he could do in the line of s
more attractive menu.
A Strike Among Lwyerm.
Apology preceded compromise and
aa t ed has been put to a strike in
augurated several months ago by an
"ls5ociation of lawyers against the
court which during that time had been
necesjarily dosed. In the city of
I;iom, Auvrrgi.e, Prance, a judge im
properly treated an advocate. Ilis col
leagues sympathetically declared they
would transact no business before that
judge, l or five months they, have
kept their word, ur.til the judge apol
o,' in the interest of public bui
Crra: Britain H31 Now iVohublr Reached
tbe 1 imit c.i Her f'xpaalon.
The campaign which is now closing
in the country of the Matabcles. the
strongest native people in Sonlh
Africa, is evidently to end in cenfirro
irg the sovereignty cl England ovor a
Ride region hitherto only nominally
ircluded in the Ilritish empire There
may. says the Cleveland Leader, l
a hi'torieal interest attached to this
rv.-ut f:?r wider than any busiucss or
soviai changes in South Africa can be
felt It is ouite possible that the most
extensive empire which the world has
ever known is at its stage of greatest
expansion. The regions in America
Asia. Africa. Oceauica and Europe
which arc considered Pritu-h territory
embrace about twelve million two
hundred thousand square miles, or one
fourth of the land surface of globe
Ilussia and China together do cot posse-
a much larger part cf the earth
The Critish empire has been grownup
very fatt lately by the acquisition of
enormous areas during the partition cf
Africa Now. however, the limit ranst
be about reached There is compara
tively little territory to seire in Africa,
which can fall into the gpcf Eng
land, tin the other hand, the time
draws nearer and nearer when enor
mous losses must be sustained Can
ada will surely come under the stars
snd stripes The change is only a mat
ter of time Australia will as inevi
tably become independent That
breaking of existing relations is like
' ire merely a question of ysars. A bout
fight million square miies of land and
takes and arms of the f-ea are slowly
ilippirg from tinder tbe paws of the
f'.ritish lion. India, too. will go some
lay, but that less will probably come
Jiuch farther in the future. Whatever
Treat changes there may be in the
lext few decades are pretty sure, at
my rate, to cut down the size cf ILe
rorld's most prodigious empire, ptst
nd present
Two ViluibU Friend.
1. A physician cannot be always bad.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Braiees and
Burns occur oRen and ome times when
least expected. Keep handy the friend
of niacy households and the destroyer
of all pain, the famous Red Flag Oil, 25
2. Many a piecious life could lie saved
that is being racked to death w ith that
terrible congh. St-core a good night's
rest by investing 23 cents for a bottle of
Pan-Tina, tbe preat remedy for coughs.
' cold" and consumption. Tun Tima sold
' at G. V. Benfoid Ding Store.
"I wonder what makes that man so
anxious to get old newepaper files?" said
the dealer in secondhand literature.
"Do you know who be is V asked the
He's the well known after dinner
speaker. I suppose he wants the papers
to get new stories froI..', WathxiiQiun
bucklen 3 Arnica Save.
The best Salve in the world for Cnta,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Salt P.beam, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil
blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures Piles, or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction, or money refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by J. X. Sny
der. Jui-'go Snuffy Erasmus Lightfoot, you
are charged with chicken stealing. Have
you a lawyer ?
Erasmus No, sab .
Judge Snuffy Do you wish the court
to assign you a lawyer?
Erasmus No, &h ; no, sah !
Judge Snoffy What do you wish to
do about it ?
Erasmus Well.jedge, if ti's all de same
to you, I'd j-ss as leave dismiss the case.
Har'c.n Life.
A Leader.
Since its first introduction, Electric
Hitters has gained rapidly in popular fa
vor, until tow it is clearly in tbe lead
among pure medicrnal tonics and altera
tive, containing nothing which permits
its use as a beveraye or intoxicant, it is
recognized as tbe best and purest medi
cine for all a'lments of Stomach, Liver or
Kidntyg. It will cure Sica Headache.
Indigestion, Constipation, and drive Ma
laria from the system. Satisfaction
guaranteed vitli each bottle or the roon
ey will be refund?d.
Price oniy Mj. per bott'e. Sold by J.
N. Snvdtr, Drnguist
Miss So your husband has gone?
Madame Yes.
Miss Left without a word, too, didn't
Madame (with pride) Well, hardly.
I gave bim several to take along.
GtjJ'y't ilc.yizint.
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised druggist
to eell Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs end Colds, upon this
condition: If you are aiSicted with a
cou'h, cold, or any lung, throat or chest
trouble, and will usy this remedy as di
rected, giving it a fair trial, and ex peri
ence no r-m fir, you may return the bot
tle and have jour money refunded. We
could not make this offer did we not
know that Dr King's -ew Discovery
could be relied on. It never disappoints.
Trial bott'e free at J. X. Snyder's drug
tore ; large sizr 50 -. and $1
Six Months Without Food.
James Still, the colored fasting boy
at the New Jersey Reform School, Ja nes
bnrg, is still a soareeof wonder to all who
see him. It is more than six months
since he has taken any food or other
nourishment except what he derives
from rubbing daily his stomach, breast
and arms with sweet oil. A strict watcb
is kept by the officials to see if he secret
ly obtains food. He is apparently in
good health.
What Am I to Do?
Tliis is the oft expression of the weary
sufferer with Rheumatism, Neuralgia
aim other painful diseases. The ahole
hun. an frame is tortured and racked
with pain. It is wt-H to rememler no
known medic ine equals Red Flag Oil for
Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sprains and
Bruises. Price 25 cents at G. W. Ben
ford'g drug store.
About Vineyards sound there are
numerous legends of a famous Indian
giant. It is said that the rorks at Sea
don net are the remains of bis wife, whom
tie threw into the sea there He turned
his children into fishes, and emptying
out his pipe one day formed Nantucket
out of its ashes This Utter story of
Nantucket's source must account likewise
for the well known story of that old
Nantucket c tain who was acrustomod
to mute Lis reckonings by tatting the
earth brought upon sounding. One day
the lead was dipped in some earth
brought on board ship from the island,
and the captain, after tastiLg, leaped from
hie lx-rth in great excitement exciaiming,
"Nautucktt'e sunt, and here we are right
over old M:rtn llackett's garden."
Niura'iv, he weu'd ree g-.ize the taste
f toh:ci-- a he.
. -o-. -u
for an eytr rii.rt clar u see.
A a.?rid ti ftr&Ap more t-a-ue-ily.
For every g wd intent.
Tint to tbe si 1 a: d 3tiiring
1 bricg thee a ptcitcM cure.
Tan-Tina, the great remedy for Cjogh,
Colds and Consumption, 25 and 50 cents.
Sold at G W. Benford's Drug store.
A Hair Splitting Bishop.
It is recorded of a certain hairsplitting
English bishop, who wss accustomed to
con pose Lis "charses" in the train, and
w hope desk was always placed opposite
to bim, that he invariably treated it ss
though it were a living vis-a-via. The
train being very full on one occasion, a
would be passenger inquired if this place
as taken, and the bishop, with hissun
niest smile, expressed regret that theie
was no room. "I don't think that wss
quite right my lord, said one of bis fel
low passengers. "What was not right?"
itquired his lordship urbanely. "To say
that the place s taken." "Pardon me,
I did not say thr.t it as taken ; I was
particularly can ful to use the word "oc
cupied.' eit Fraucitro Jrgouai,!.
High Living,
if you keep si it, spt to tell upon the
liver. The thing to prevent this are
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Take on
of these little Pellets for a corrective or
get' tie laxative three for a Cathartic
They're the smallest, easiest to take
pleasantest and most natural in the way
they act. They do ftrmnnrnt good.
Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious At
tacks, Sick or Billions Headache, and all
derangements of the liver, stomach, and
bowels are prevented, relieved, and
I:'! guaranteed to give stisf ti.m
inererj case, or your money is returned.
The worst cases cf Chronic Catarrh in
the Head yild to Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Kenedy. ?9certaia is it that its maka-a
offer fV reward for tn incurable ease.
Now Rules to Guard Them Against
Contact with tbe Populaoa.
Ttra Opa-Uoor Sjsteaa Rraalted la Fra
(Mil Interruptions t tfac Mem
ber by Tramp aa4 ftshl
berrs af AH Dorta.
Senatorial exclusivenes is grcrc
Many complaints have burdened the
columns of far-ofj, papers during the
year of the increasing tendency of the
members of the American house of
lords to croct barriers between them
selves and the great public Time
was, says the Washington News, when
a citizen could find access to the car
of a senator with his complaints and
hobbies and suggestion, about as easi
ly as he could reach a representative,
and that is no nioro dtlhcult than to
get audience with any very busy busi
ness man.
When the senate was in actual ses
sion the doorkeeper would carry In a
card the drop - a-pasteboard - in - the-slot-and-bring-out-a-legislator
which still works over at the house
unless the member happens to know
that you have a little private bill, or
want to get a relative into office, or
perchance Mr. Reed is on his feet, or a
new story is being told in the environs
of Mr. Kilgore's seat.
One innovation which marked the
beginning of this session is being re
marked upon at the capit.d. Formerly
the box-like historic chamber which so
linprfsses the casual visitor by its
tawdry, theatrical gilding, was thrown
open for whoever cared to enter at
all times when the senate was not in
Tho privileges of the public have
been slightly curtailed this session by
a new custom, the closing of the doors
to visitors at nine o'clock in tbe morn
ing and keeping them closed until the
senate has adjourned in the afternoon.
Few people in Washington have fin
ished breakfast at nine o'clock, none
of them go to the capitol before that
hour, so that inspection of the sen
ate chamber by visitors will hereafter
be limited to the view from the galler
ies, which are always open, except
when the senate is in executive session.
No more tourists from the far states
can take homo with them the story of
how they sat in the vice president's
chair and curled their limbs under the
desk w here Koscoe Conkling and other
great men have sat.
The grumblers say that this new cus
tom is right along the line with other
rules established by the last one or
two congresses the instructions to
the doorkeepers not to take in cards
during tho morning hour consecrated
to general business being one.
This privilege to visiting constitu
ents and the general public of thrust
ing in a card and then leaving in a huff
if your senator did not choose to come
out smiling with any stretch of his
time at your disposal to listen to the
merits of your pension bill, or hear
ho-.v yea had always wanted to say
that you had shaken bands with him
has been greatly curtailed of late.
During the last session one senator
accused another of having ordered the
doorkeepers not to bring in cards while
he was speaking, a step which is fre
quently taken by the veterans, and
which tho younger senators are con
strained by senatorial courtesy to ac
quiesce in.
But there is a senator's side to the
latest established custom of closing the
doors during the morning hours before
the sessions have begun. Several sen
ators find it convenient almost every
day to attend to their correspondence
at their desks. One who is almo&t al
ways to be found in his scat writing in
the morning since a change of admin
istration turned over his committee
room to a democrat is the venerable
Senator Morrill, of Vermont. The dis
tance of the Malt by, where the repub
lican senators have their private rooms,
leads several to the custom of making
ofilces of their desks.
Under the old rule of open doors the
whole ponnlace was at liberty to touch
elbows with any senator who happened
to be at his desk earlier than 11:53.
There were no restrictions of race or
personal cleanliness. Beer-soaked
tramps and loving couples on their
wedding trips strayed in to stare and
comment. They stood around to make
remarks on the few senators visible,
made audible remarks about their
books and pointed w ith umbrellas and
canes as the visitors to art galleries
are warned not to do.
These things were the penalties of
prominence, but tliey were not alto
gether pleasing to senators, und they
were growing worse as the numbers of
visitors to Washington increased. Con
sequent'; tbe edict has gone forth this
session that the open-mouthed popu
lace shall be limited to the galleries iu
its senate sightseeing. Many will g-
away to declare that the senate ia
elevating itself above the people and
that democratic simplicity is a thing
of the past.
But senators say in self-defense: "In
the name of democratic simplicity are
we to be on exhibition like the aniuitils
of a menagerie?"
National Statistic.
The Cnitcd States, Oreat Britain.
Oermany, Denmark, Switzerland, Hol
land. Sweden and Victoria, eight iu
number, combined, have an area of 4,
000.000 m les and a population of 1 !'J,.
COO.000 and an illiteracy of only 4 per
cent. In these, by far the vast majority
of inhabitants ere of Teutonic or
Scandinavian extraction. On the other
hand, Austria, France, Portugal.
Spain, Italy, Belgium, Brazil and
Venezuela, also eight in nniuU-r, and
also having an area of 4.0U0.C-K) miles
and a population of 1 IS.OOO.lio'j. l.avu
an illiteracy of CO per lent. Thia latter
group nscs, for the most part,
languages derived from the aucicut
Latin. The fall of Latin from its an
cient proud position as the educational
tongue of the world is a puzzle for
historians to explain.
The l';l!nt Mm lu V. ;sonrl Gctt Oat of
TrcuiMe la an Caxpertcl Staonrr.
On the southern edge of Phelp
lounty lives Scott Swartzlander. who
s considered the ugliest man in Mis
souri, and there are some of his ceigh
ors who will lxit his equal cannot be
)roduccd from any quarter. Swartz
ander, who is thirty years old, says
Jie St. Louis Cm lobe- Democrat, has
vhite, eyes like a Chinaman, no
tyebrows. a nose of abnormal proper
ions, which lops over almost to his
theek bone, and is ornamented at the
md with a beautiful comic bo lb. lie
s lank and tall, and there ere mvmer-
ms other imperfections that add to
Jiis picture of general and particular
jgliness. Swartzlander was arrested
tbont a year ago for cutting timber on
rovernmcnt lands in I'ulaski county.
,nd when his trial came nn at Spring
leld before the United States court
be prisoner was promptly arr.iigned
Ahile the district attorney was read
g the judge said, addressing the dis
rict attorney: "You may enter nolle
roseqni in the prisoner's case. After
1 careful scrutiny of his physiognomy I
im convinced that any man who is
jompclled to carry that face is pun
ched quite enough for the amount of
umber which he is charged w ith har
ng unlawfully taken from government
.ands. Yon arc discharged, Mr. Swartz
ander. Go as quickly as yon can, and
ion't forget to take your face with
Undoubtedly this decision of the
learned and discriminating judge at
SpringCeld, Mo., entitles Scott Swartz
lander to the undisputed title: "The
Ugliest Man in Missouri
Orcrtralaml for Irtalla.
Uncle I would like to accommodate
you. Jack, but money is t'ght and I
hope you will take the wdl for tho
Nephew Certainly. Eaveyot' signed
it, sir? Judgo.
How to Oaiblna TboraahBM with tha
Minima ta sf I'rlrlloa.
The fall cleaning, wherever one lives,
north or south, should ba based as to
thoroughness upon the previous clean
ing of the spring. Every house needs
a thorough administration of brooms,
scrubbing-brushes, and whisks at least
once a year, this of course taking for
granted a regular weekly sweeping
and dusting, and much polishing of
window-panes, and general keeping up
of uflairs, as a good housekeeper must
if she would satisfy her conscience.
If in the spring carpets were taken
from the floor and thoroughly beaten
to free them from dust and the eggs of
moths, this need not be done again In
the autumn, neary carpets do not re
quire removal from the floors oftener
than once In two years. Halls and
stairs, being thoroughfares for tha
family and guests, should often be
thoroughly cleaned, for sanitary rea
sons especially, and the removal and
destruction of disease germs. Curtains,
rugs, portieres of every description,
woolen fabrics being especially indi
cated here, should bo takeu down
every month and left out of doors for
some hours. The trouble which this
means is not slight, but it is amply re
paid in the freshness and sweetness
bronght Into the house with the thor
oughly aired draperies.
In the fall, before lighting fires for
the season, it is well to have the fur
nace and flues inspected by a man
from a stove store or foundry.
The cellar must be regarded with
suspicion, and no nook or corner
of it left unvisited. If it be
the custom of the house to use any part
of the cellar as a store room, great vigi
lance Is Imperative, lest some decaying
fruit or vegetables shall prove the
cause of illness in the family. Let the
fall cleaning include the attic, the cel
lar, every closet, every tuck-away
place, and start in for winter with no
foes concealed in bins or on shelves.
A part of the work belonging to the
fall cleaning sh -old be the examination
of mattresses which have been in use
during the summer. These require
making over from time to time, the hair
picked and pulled out, the ticking re
nened, the tufting done again so that
the old mattress is as good as new, and
really more comfortable than it was
when new, if that is possible.
Now let the careful house-mother
look to the various small repairs that
are always waiting to be dona. Here a
hinge isloose; there a door needs easing.
Are the pictures nails 6rra and strong?
Is the picture 1.1 vd:rsg right Does
the third story baci u.-sd new paper,
and would the parlors be improved by
touches in the way of paint or varnish'.
If anything is hopelessly shabby few
things ever are the fall is the time to
discard it in favor of something bettor.
Please, if you are a dweller in the
city, refrain from beating your carpets
in the back yanL Iu most towns, a city
ordinance forbids the doing of this, and
in ruost towns, unhappily, people goon
doing it in utter disregard to the law.
The clouds of dust float over neighbor
ing yards; the incessant flail-like noise
drives nervous invalids to he verge
jf distraction, and impedes the improve
ment of convalescents. The domestic
method of carpet cleaning in this man
ner is less thorough than that of the
man whose business it is, and it co,ts
nearly as much. In the exasperation
af its effects on the minds of those wh
suffer from it, whoean estimate its cost?
Probably nobody nowadays insists
on nnsetting tha whole house at onee
for the sike of either the spring or the
fail cleaning. This is seldom necessary.
A woman with the talent for manage
ment can administer upon a who! j
house, with the nv.nimun of friction to
her whole family; that the men of the
house should be aware of what is be
ing done is quite needless, if a sin?ie
room be taken at a time, and p "p.-r
precautions used against discomfort
A women of genuine tact can. how
ever, give a certain picnic effect to
family living under difSoulties, robbing
it of the idea of mere discomfort by a
lit lie flavor of fun, an 1 by refusing ti
yield to irritability, thongh carpets art!
up and pictures are cown, Harper s
Camlrt Mountain nf Soattx anil Centrai
Am.rifl Tuitt Ij I ridijr Work.,
The volcano of Abina. in Peru, which
for a century and a half had been con
sidered extinct, suddenly awoke from
its lon sleep the other day and began
pouring forth lava, smoke and ashes in
such quantities as to obscure the sun
up to the date of the last report, says a
Panama correspondent of the Phila
delphia Press.
Together with this news comes nn
account of remarkably severe earth
quakes in Ecuador that shook the
whole Pacific slone and extended far
into the interior. A series of rapid,
violent shocks continued one minute
and some seconds. It created the
greatest terror in Guayaquil, where at
every convulsion it appeared as though
the pile-built structures must go over.
However, no damage to speak of oc
curred there, but sovorrsl accounts of
disasters had arrived from the in
terior. At Canar seven families and
their homes are known to have been
swallowed np by the eartlu One cu
rious incident at Guayaquil was tho
bursting open of the doors of the peni
tentiary. Many convicts escaped be
fore the demoralized guards could pull
themselves together to prevent it
Then the guards fired indiscriminately
on the prisoners, those fleeing from
crumbling walls as well as those es
caping. The city waterworks were so
damaged that a water famine was im
minent. This scries of shocks was felt
over an area of eighty thousand square
miles. At almost the same time Coto
paxi and Turgurahua burst forth in
such a terrible activity as has not
characterized thotn during the last
two centuries. The South American
vobanoes frequently ravage their im
mediate neighborhood, but it is be
lieved here is another instance that
they are safety valves that render the
continent habitable.
Beports of unusual volcanic activity
aM along the line of the continental
backbone havo been coming in since
the beginning of the year, and those
more recently to hand indicate a
steadily increasing disturbance. Alarm
ing accounts arrived last week
from Mexico of the condition of
C'olima, which, pouring forth vast
volumes of lava and a regular bom
bardment of rocks and ashes bad sent
t.'ie people of Jalisco fleeing in terror
from their houses. Only a few months
ago dispatches from Chili and Peru
told of tierce outbursts among tho
volcanoes of the southern Andes, and,
later yet, of the seismic disturbance in
tbe volcanic region of Cauca. in
Colombia, by which an entire mountain
ridge was swallowed up and a deep de
pression left, while elsewhere in that
same region two rivers were buried by
the side of a mountain tumbling iuto
the vail e. v.
Iu tlaalrroTT-Uaart.
Archa-.iiorists and antiquarians in
their writings frequently refer to
the manufacture of flint arrow-head
;tc, as a -!o:,t art;" that Is a great
nl take- The art is probably lost to
the Ind ians bceau-o they have no
for it. Tho Ltonc implements have
given place to those of iron and steel,
nd the rifle and revolver have sup
planted the flint ax and arrow-head.
The art of making them is not lost,
however. There are many collectors
f relies of the aborigines who Lave
studied the art of working in flint and
have become adepts. In Chattanooga
gentleman has become so proficient
:n the art that he has not only manu
factured magnificent specimens of arrow-heads
from flint, but aho from the
far more brittle obsidian, und even
from ordinary glass.
Blosh One-qurter ounce alum,
one-quarter ounce cream-tartar, ono
ounce powdered cochineal, one-quarter
teaspoonful soda, one pint of boi:-nj
water, boil ten minutes, bott'e for u-e;
it will keep a Ion? tim. Is n:ce for
coloring cakes, or cream p'nk or r.-d
Uural New Yorker.
-in Eku tuJs. berirtkally tmfcd, and
aj , . a . ' - J
iiercc' Fkwutnt Pellet come.
tVuvn you take a pill it's an
important poiut to Lava them
omit provided tLey bav
equal strength and emcary.
You II find nhat you want in
tbcatt little liver pills of Dr.
Pierce's. They're put up ia
a Litter war. and ttwr art in
a better tv, than the buga
old-fashioned pills. bat you
want when voure"all out of
atTrtu" erumrv, thick-hraded
and take a gkooiv view of life,
ia time I'eiK ts to clear up your
nyatem and start your liver
into bealUifiil action. sun
Headache, Bilious Beadach,
Const iiiation, Indicrst ion. Bil
ious Attack, and all deraiiiw
nietits of the hvtr, ttutr.ach
end bowels, are prevented, re
lieved, and cured. They're rA
chmprtt pill you can buy, for
thev re guaranteed to give
sat Lit action, or jour money is
returned. xou pay utuj iw
tha good you get
FuraUhed en Short Notice.
Painting Done oa Short Time
tj work la made out A Thoroughly SeatMtd Wood,
and the Ba( Iron and Serf, SutwtanUaUj
Conatructed, Nca'.'.jr Flnlahed, and
Warranted to (ire SauafacUoa.
Employ Only First-Class Vcrksen.
Kepairlrig of AU Elnaa In Mj line Con on
4feort Notice PHree REASON" A RLE mn
All Work Warranted.
Call and Examine my tttock, and Learn Proea
do Wagon-work, and firuii.h Selves tor Wtnd
fill Rrniranbcr tbe ciaee. and call In.
Kaai of ttin Kouae
Undertaker and tmbalmer,
mm t!i:n, pertaining to furnerab turn fried
Somerset, Pa.
l?i Your Own Locality
maile easily and honorably, without capi
tal, during your spare hours. Anv man.
woman, buy, or girl can do the work haud-
i:y, without experience. Talking ua
necessarv. Not bins HWe it for monev'
m.tUing ever offered In-fore. Our workers
ahvavs prosper. No time wasted in
learning the buiness. We teach yon In
a niuht how to succeed from the Crst
hour. You can make a trial without ex
peine to yourself. We start you, furnialt
everything needed to carry on the busi
ness successfully, and guarantee yoa
auainst failure if von but follow onr
simple, plain instruction. Reader, if
you are iu need of ready money, and
want to know all about the best paying
business before the public, send us your
address, and we wi!l mail yoa a docu
ment giving yoa all the particulars.
TRUE & CO., Box 400,
Augusta. Maine.
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
Somerset and Cambria Branch
Jdkntavn Mail wood S 39 a. m.
wrl 410. wnve towa A&l, HourereviUe
ft.US. JiHUWlown. 6:10.
jQfwtiiv Mail Esivrriv. Rocfcwy1 12.5f a. m.
Sumerset l:is. -.!. -.low n 1:4. Hmf-riiie
1:67. Jotinstc ii 2. 4 p. m
Jynjtf(ra A crtmmurin'vm RirkoiMl 6-Ji t n
S..roeis't :4:f p. m.. -uve;ii 7:11 p m.
ii.ioverttilie :S2 p to., JubDMoan s:l' p. m
SunVnv Amymmodttfum Rockvood 12:5& a. m
burnt rset, 1:19.
Unit JohnrtAwn 7:40 a m.. HooTerTl'.le
Sioiu.wn 8.40, nnmrrfcel 9:11. ktx kwnoil
trprrim J.-.hnstoan :30 p. m.. H.ioverTillr 4.16,
Stoyw.owu 4. -50. Siuier-t 6:01 KiirkwtftMl
.an'fiy Oriy Jnhn?rowij S:;-:o a. m., Hoovervt!le
9 IA a. in., siuTnwD V:3U a m Somerset
10.1 a m , Kockaood 10:ia m
Sundiv ArromiHntiatinn- Somerset 5:01 p. m.
niniwut. d :o a m ..
nt.'UZDl lK IS EFFECT NOV. 19 !
Train, arrive and drpart from the atat'on at
S.uthwe"ern Eii.rei.
Western txpre
Julnt..,.owrj AcHnmo.ilion..
6 0. a. ra
6 K a.
9:10 a.
JM a
Arcimimoaallou .
faciO F.iprna..
W ar FaMenger. .
S:.' a.
JobalowD Aceomiaodalion..
Fast Line.
9 30 a.
.U p.
Krvrtone Fx pre.
sea onore r.ipma,
ii' Arrrf..
Main Line Emiv
I t Ex .re. .. . n 10 a.
Mall F.xnrt
p. m
J.ihustoan ocommodatioo v,
rhi le.ieli.hi.... .. ... 7 is
p. ra
p. m
iai l:m. .. .,,., 10 at,
PVNtM A-m M A a-. .r.e. a a
flrcas Tho. E. Watt, P. A. W. 1 110 Fifth Ave-
u'j-. r iionuriin. i a.
S. M. FKKVo.-T, J. R. WOOn.
Oeu 1 Manager. Geo 1 Fase
Xothln? On Earth Will
Sheridan's Condition rowdcr!
Strong and Healthy j Prevcata ail Disease.
Cf for Momltint Bnxm.
Tt i. at .-.Htrtr nm HtrS. - ,
CI- rt-u tw.t at a c-nt dr. o whrr oiwfotirth aa
.irvmr. stiiiyam-a.Hi -o- tan- B .- ma
tr ml i an w pn-TtM Hm" cm rwtnmrr
irraecan'ttf I II uaa lo aa. a-k .,
H-upM.i.T la-tam,.-. arc pack, aj. Ln 1 1-4 ia.
ra-i. by Mtmll. $1 A si, Urv ---.. t' . ipr. prepatd.
w 1 ne tfM r-ouur faa-rarot trrr
rnn-tiM.!lrv . fi t .-.r 1 un . BMt I a. . -
L a. Juii.-iOJi a cci, E (.Uua aow it., fc i
vnn r am vmn th.s
a Cte la flTTBra-.R t tlw AirtiBr Huraau
5:3. a
5 40 a.
''iM S:J4a.
It is to Your Interest
Drugs and Medicines
Biesecker & Snyder.
None bat tbe purest and beet kept in stock,
andwheu Drugs beurnie inert by stand
ing, aa certain of them do, we de
stroy tbm, rather tLan Im
pose on oar castotuers.
Yoa can depend on having yoni
filled with care. Our prices are as low aa
any other Crst-claas houae and oa
many articles much lower.
The people of this county seem to know
this, and have given na a large share of their
patronage, and we shall still continue tegive
them the very best goods for their money
Do not forget that we make specialty of
We guarantee satisfaction, and, if yon have
haJ tmnble in this rlimtion
i- im a call
in grrat variety , & ftill art of Test bensra
Come in and have your eyes ezarained So
rnatye for examination, and are ar-mnfttni
- run anit -on fome and
Jacob D. Swank,
H K-bmaker and Jeweler,
Next door weit of Latheraa Chun B
Somerset, Pa.
I am now prepared to sup
ply tbe public with clocks, watches
and jewelry of all descriptions, as
cheap aa the cheapest.
All work guaranteed. Look at
my stock before making your pmr
We are row ncady with out rn-w and larte
invoice of fine lotu'ectsopery G-xni, popu
lar brarcid of Iti-cui'a a. J t akea. inucy
pixxlsofall styles, an. I errrytbiin; el.e
penair.iri? to a hit class non." to nil or
drrs pnini.ilv. and to ut.:y fira
ilics toanv exictit. lio-l a'wavs fr-b
and always orfert-d at lowi-r-t tijrurc-i. IV. 1
and e one of the finest a?.ur:nieGts ever
270-272 Main Street,
Johnstown, Pa.
and Chsap Liquors
By calling at the O'.d &U.K'- Uouor Store.
Su 309 Sain St , and 106 Clinton St,
Jolmstowii, Pa.,
all kinds of tbe OhoiMe-t Liouon In market ran
be bad. To my ol.i cuswianra Ibia u a aeil
known fact, and to all "then conrinciuK proof
v ill be j-irta. f n'l f rit that I keep on band
.he greatest varie-.y of J(jor, tlie cnolceat
hrauda and at the lowest pricva.
I am now prrnarvfl to afvnnjfxlat the pilv
llcwitb nf imi emma in the Httr-lwtue
line by tn- ad'tiiion n-cfntly rale in mr former
lar?f t.'k. I b -n all kin.U of .nt'-io in bit
line and inv t-r c aHenire romreiKion. if
yoa want a run. a rTlver. a kiiife, a iutw, a
rim let, aa autrvr. a biryrir. a nair or
cn, n-rtwria. aa:ijs b-e hor biaukeia, or
anyihicif tlse ia faarUware ai kwvs( prictr cii
oa me.
Herman Bantley,
Clinton St., Johnstown, Pa
Cores thousands anna-;7of IJTrCom
plainrs, BiHonsness, Jsur.dice, Dyspetv
sis, On3tipnti--n, Malaria. AWe Ills
resnlt frornaa TTnbea'rhyLi'rer than any
otherennse. V.'by ptiT-t when von caa
bec:ircd t P-. f Hif-rti's LivrInvigor
arAr a r'.'T-... J f ir : : v rr, lVfn
vovit M:tii:r it. mi-i-i.v viir.
frofnnt anrwr and an bm4 OfMnnm. writ to
MINNA: t i.,wIm ba-e had n-arlr itft ?ara
zprM-nre ra Lhe rateat bOMima. 'rmmiWHa.
t wlrlli f.of lntial. A tlaadBMH of
f.insatKai onac-rnma- I'atraia and bo- tn oe.
Ima taia aect trr. A1m a ratalofuaoX awcaaa
leal and 9r3enAc booaa 9ent rry.
i'umti taMi tbroucb Uluna ft Co. Tecaia
amtaai maMceia tbe spiral ike Ameriraa, a-id
thoa ara brouxbt br'.retn pnblicitb
ant rornt to ta inTnor. 1 h i rpiTHlid paprr.
tacaed weekly. elraacLlr illusf rated, bad by faruia
larvMt rircuiarji.Q of aov acieotiae wort ta taa
Wur:d. s) tiar. coptraaent frea.
Bwidlc fclif.ica,wjooiblv. Siua year. HiaeW
aiw oenta. Kt7 ntjin 'r cunfitiD. beao.
titai pkua, m rotor, and pbotarrapua of r-r
booraa, witb plana. nabliiv buildara to abow law
latent datca aud contract A4tUraa
MLXK 4 t, iW loica, M,i Bkoaitww
Tbe creera of tha epuntry papers is ft mud
la Bem-igion's Coonty fjcat Li. Shrewd
arortuers avail tbetoselvea of Utf lUta, a
fry of which can be had of Kemiugioa
Bnav, of Xew Tork t Pittburj.
jpr BU3SSES at Price js-j
.J jc i Buks7... w,. ot tt. fltTTi
T-v t-A a4 rrti-u aua tCw?
VTi Kotul Hairoa. comtwclu . aj
m-Pr i:kJrt f iur(iK.
G f flaiTT Haroaai. 13 fci wva.1 ara
-fV H r imry - liSSaaai'tflSj
p a.Ta!taddl. alto.lal rraa.
,"fc r. atl-CS V A CAUT 09. ft
Xj " , i"".i :0
The Largest and Most Complete
Wine Liquor and Cigar Hou.
Fine Whiskies.
C3-- "W
Winesj Mquozb Bud Oigj,
A3 orders received by mail will receive prompt attention.
New York Weekly
Somerset Herald
I I 1 V A I t N "1 t
Address all orders
TO scr TOt B
Memorial Work
Manabrrtarer of ana leaier tn
Xoairra Work Furmuhtd cm Short Aoftre. a a2 CcVa
mm m mim mi
Aito, Agent Jar tto WBITX SBOSZt!
Persons In need of M0NTM KXT WORK will
find it to their interna to call at my shop where
a p roiier abowinc will be riven tbem. ffSati
kirtvn tiuarrtnlrtd ra f '.bur and kl 3
VM r LO W. 1 in rite special attention to tbe
whit. Bronx, Or Pure Zino Monument
Introduced by REV. W. A. RINO. aa a Decided
ImproTement in tbe point or MATERIAL ASD
(VNSTKl'criOS. and which is deatined to be
tbe Popular Monument for our Cbangeabl. Cli
male. -iTI Ml k CALL.
Main Street,
This Mcdsl Drug Store is
Favorite with People in Search cf
Medicines, Dye Stuffs. Sponges. iri
supporters. Toilet Articles,
Perfumes. Xc.
LomliBr's Prescriptions! Family Eece
And a Full Line of Optical Goods always on Land. From en
large assortment all can be suited.
Always on hand. It is always a pleasure to display our a
to intending purchasers, whether they buy
from us or elsewhere.
Somerset Lumber Yard
AJrc'CCaa-a aso DSiLas A!tr WbousaJJ ASD RJTArLSa 0
Hard and
A amral LlMrfill rrade. oC Lnmber and
Aiao, eaa forniah anyttucr ta tbe Una oi oar txisineaa to order w'.lh reasons!
pramptnoaa, soch as Brackets, Odd aiird work, tte.
Offlco and Yard Opposita 3.
T" "T- A -r i r.
to Tue Herald.
r- m-"--) ?7
. fc'J.M. -...r 11
Over S00
Drug Store
Somerset, Pa
Rapidly Bsccsung a 3r.
Solt Woods
Bnlldla Jlaterial and Ec.ln Kt
&C. E. R. Station, Somere