The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, January 10, 1894, Image 2

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    The Somerset Herald.
EjWAED S-TTLL. Ei:vr aai rr.-prieior.
'so. if. is.
TVrratLeaU c-f the rrtv
w ita inia L tbe arrest of aWaleee,
the Dersocrati scocetsJea on Moo-iaj a--terttoc-n
ia Beocrlnz a q scree, iocgh
e-jver-al of Ifceir pa.", v tseas'-jen t-li re-fase-i
to to. Tie diactaiii of tie -sin
Url-J t:!I if t-w cnier war.
Hito f-Tos;jt4 in the Chicago J.t
frx to exasii tie tarlfl, TViln asd Lis
crowd la Coa.frese fee: of. 2i to re-feera
it proriire if it be-pars tie wboleccsB
try. When ke of Octree
cotne before the j-;".e r.eit fail fr fe
tation they will 5a eaetLiii they
will usierVar.d a3 terpen, ber.
Tfiii w'.;-k.iiJ!i asd itf aeatlal r-ft.-,
the Kea York 5- s in i3
cf Tasrsday Ust, - h; try o are Uf-s- .
cn'.. m i he he a fret irr er a J
pr .tr-. ti jc't in h J precoca-iTe-i prefer-
t-6hsa' i at ct :t array huase- i
D'jiit'j aza the VT.;oq ttri? fcHL
The duty cf every ii'.eliv-iat tfll I
o-.:c Ieax.-at is to da LU ctaost to
Bish the W';-n
Ir i very diven'rg to tcte the xlgjT
:tah-.h the L'co:oerat:r jcra
TrT, tlaa-'e, Saerthfrart, h:tie d.-?
'. ' arecri.t:r.j the party whip a"ut
e-5 of the recasat nteaobtrs cf th'ir
jirty whirtfJSitoe-.rpcrt the WiU?a j
tar.Jtilh JVrt2to tLe -crra J
the Iw-ioirt who ai.i rot ta-rlt-re the j
iatpresJsof Liecc-sf.itsecta cn the a'tar j
cf pirty cece?!'.y U X. ai ts"t be ,
it'-d irto r'oserTifcce.
htSkT V.v.-keis of Iadlaaa, it
oaott-1 as !y'.5tha. eoxe Sraat-ors were
d .;- -i to oi j'.t t Cfrtala proviaioas
ia the V:.a bill beraaoe it toahe-i
t, .-it in dct try ia th :r j-u. Lat that
' there woal i have to be a general taerv
f.ce cf sa;h iater's ia lha".f of party
hira-ory." the :atre. of the
i.e aad cf the r. ple ess be crothe-J
5 that irty Larr-oay ran b preserved.
Ia other wird, the in lirtrirs of the
cocr.trT tat the of labor iaay
kicked to the d 'p. s-j that tte Iasocrai
ir prty cay hat; t -frther.
tV.rn Etiricg Leal liae the Lvcocrat
i'" j urr.a s are aaa aacicj t-st i-peairr
Cr:-p Las i-.-.iii Tirraa'js h arrest a-'i t
hr'r. into the II-jue the re:usat ;
cr.t;.; Ci-x'L.-r w l o will aut wallow the
V. ,h--..i urlJ hi:: aaJ t: tnfj.-e ahiett
th.-- '-. Th e--.r.t:----.n are s'.x-p-'y
fj.... .i. the exaxple et thi-zs ty
Mr. Cilspaad his ;arty frieais ia the
i'ifty-fjst Cvtgres, when "Cisr KeeJ''
was peiker. Ha Mr. Cri p forgotten
the aiaj.-e, " Yoo .a lead a hors? to wa
tr. Let yoa can't hia driak." He
can eta pel tte prence of the ahra
tee?, hut he caa't ntake thei vote.
Ir is antioaacd that the Deas-crat:c
rua-orlty of the cf Ways acd
!-ia his resolve-i to brine in a L;".l a i
clr.jr ten cents a gal.oa totaetaxoa
w h ;5ty and eiteadicjr the boa ted peri
dl f:ooi three years. as it is now, totight
jears. This w.'.l be clearly in the inter
t cf that tii raonopoly, the " whiiky
trust. It wl.l really giviaj the dis
tillers an extension of rive years at the
rale of 2 ats a gilloa. It is well known
that whisky ixproes ly age, and also
in.Tete-in value; sj ia ict the exten
biencfthe boa lei period rive years is
virtaahy lceriag the tax. Even thoaid
this iacrvasJ tl c reveaaes of the Govern, it is deferring the collec-tloc of the
tax fr ve jeirs when the Treasury is
ia wre need cf read- taoaey.
li- the latest news h-jni Hawaii be true
a:.d it is senetaliy t-el eve-i to be then
Bass Clevelaai Las cocaailtted aaother
collieeal blander.
The a-Tcredited report h that under Lis
instnctior-s Minister tVillla Lai raade a
dexaai thtt Pretideat Dole, to w hose
covraaieat he is an a-creJ!teJ Minister,
ehall ret . re from Lis orliiial position and
tarn over the frovemtuent to the Le
ieea, whD was depose! by the people.
That the President favors the overthre w
of the people's g-jverament and the ref
toratim cf the moaarchy is taocstrouj;,
but that he should dexaai tr.iough our
Minister that the government to whom
he i accredited shall retire and
the Qa?ea restoration is a raost flagraat
attexpt on his part to dictate to a f .r
eijn power. With the same propriety,
tae British Minister to this country
fiiigbt rei iest Mr. Cleveland's resiirna
ti n.
The Flate Convention did its duty
wisely and well whea it naaui.-noaTly
Dominated Giiu'ha A. Grow fer Con-pressraan-at-laege.
For more than thir-ty-Cre
years Mr. Grow has been a con
(.piraoos figure in Katioaa! plitii. Ad
r.r.nerv'.Eg Republ.caa anl a d.-votvj
l'ecalvaniaa in the best and truest
seue of the terms, be Las always been
sa the fore-front ia every National and
f-'ji'e ccr3irt hr the itierets of the
Nation cr -Lste wre iavo!veL As
t-peaktr of the Natio lal lloti'
of Representative", and the lather
of the Hoaicr.erd bill, he is knotvn
throuhon: the raion, ' ia rencsvl
vacla Lis T.xe ha beta a botsehold
word f-r many years. An agrees; ve
and ready debater, a skilled parliamen
tarian, live, active and untiring, he w'.li
aid force and character and trained abil
ity to the Republican dele jat'oa ia On
cressfrcai tLisute. Mr. jrjw de-erkes
to be, and doubtless wili ba, returned to
Cccgrese by a makrity that wiil not only
ahow theestiouatk-o in whu b be ia per
fionally held by the liepuV.ieansof Pecn
tylvaaia, Dat wi;i rrapbasize
nitnta rejrarding the vast ed isporUnt
iaes now peadiDg at the National capi
tal. That the Republicans cf Somerset
county Will delight ia lending their aid
in swelling his majority goes without wr
ing, but nevertheless we urge them to
toll every available vot for the veteran
S la teaman.
Jcdge i'lMjTTEa, of Pbilwdelphia,
C'ed ae cpinicn, few days since, ia s
contested electioo case, opboiding the
rights of voters in regard to marking
their ballots, and ootlining the principie
cpon which disputed ballots should be
rejected or connted. His ruling is to the
effect that the marks opposite the names
of individual candidates mast be consid
ered as a vote foe these candidate irre
spective of any other mark opposite the
party name of the opposite group, be
cause the mark opposite the name of the
individual candidate expresses a clear
intent oa the part of the voter for that
candidate irrespective of parties or
groupings, fiays the learned Judge ia
Lis opinion :
TVeJArt 1W1 the oer two
methods by which Le mav make Lis se
lection. Theone is markicg the individ--nal
oaraes: the.other bv marking great.
In this man Of-r the intterendect voter is
r ,-ovidei for aad tiie tnisaa vcter Ue'c
aiee7. It a etiJrat, towever
tr-al the Lezisvatc.'w it tended esrtiii
tie itfie petdeat voter, aa the
voter neither cared for fccr
."" :'ir . i f or eric :n tae
rc-tecuoc- - .--
, i:sr.t,or rick in ta
--i - .t,Lrit. The Art ia 'a
I 10 r.m otQ-
imperative. Wbea tb
mark ahail be piatted c'a tce rit.1 Ki!
i . J V. iK:--r
ectin on rara.
to fccii tlkt a etark ca theie-.a ie,
hkh aa j.;iilT t&iiCi'jsd tie pcrpuf-e
cf the voter i a tare cn the rlgat i.J,
iiocld defttbeitiet inwut cf tte
AC to sere ia i-peadet vcta.
i. KU.t.i.U Sowerer. tiat tte Art
- ! h-n avctr coa.-t ti"
tea'i cf as-ot-p, he atail be e. i-rel
sT.;gftieahc".eErar aoi t.s:
tt. bi.:t fboa'd tcoo-ti This rT"
fcr4 itijht beeccfli'lered eonrlaene :t it
wiiirt-Diitoaf p:v to the vo-, bat
the voter hf nvt:,;c to do te
eocBtic. Tr-fct !c-.y L ia:;oeed opca
tte e!.iios ' ftr,rs,an-i tne can U:e to
ecDt U ictc ie-i for theai, ao J is ;r
at:e cpoa tbera. Its parptw wis to
a:i; tLetfl to crponciiity to t the
voter had cr-t roti f.-r acyone b-- cause he
ha J ciarkt-i no cte-
It is in kji? witD the irtentioa of
the aa ac i the tateatia of the voter,
ci 10 aid c-f tae exereL-e cf the f.-a-ch:se
of vr tice. to ho'd that where ti.e
voter raarki iadividaale.acd al siark
the hd of a rrocp. hat tte tnaJkirit of
the icdividsal eta-l prevail and that the
marktcz of the Tt.ip. so fir as the ape
f.iew r coaoeraed, fchsi: be iaoperauve
ao i void.
It ehottM c t le f.r?itt-n thai the new
law provided for a i oa: plicated Taethod
of vot;tz. which ws bird to co-xpre-beai.
even ty the icort ictthlat, aa-I
ix:- cjn tte election oi.cer the
lot'y cf d-idinc cpt n the ie-aiitT of the
vote. It was pen-ra'..y believed that ma
ny n-ir'akes w oaid t'n:aie by the vot
ers acd o.-hcers. Theae fai-ta wc aid wn
f) warraat a liberal cnntraction of the
Act ia fenherase of thi fpifit eai ia
aid cf the intention of the voters.
Coscle-i re-coaveae-I, a'ter the h--.:i-diy
recess, cn Wednesday cf last week,
M iash, aai far the fc-r.r eaiiaj cays
t!.e Hc-w, Lte the Kiag of Fraace with
biif.rty thenaaai men, "Mar.hed CP
' the i
; aai then coar
cown zemz.
Ia other
rords the Iesocnt;c atajrlty.
: fill cf brag, fail of on-.eit ia its power,
I aai fall of wind, caxe cieterralntd to
j orerride the Eepabll-aa minority aa i
i fcrv the speedy passage of the 'iV;"-n
; free trade bill. Bat, darlc? the reces-,
i tt,e.trs Lai xuicsied tth their cca-
stitaent, ha i heard the thnadroas voice j
! cf dlK-oateat that is abroad throughout ,
! the laad, had seer, the saferiag? of thou- ;
j fcada of their cotKltut-ats without wc;k ,
j aai without Lreai, aai rttarr-ei to their .
i duties, if not better, at least wiser, men. :
I There is eo law aaoocg politicians j
raat-h regarded as the law cf self prtser-
: Viti.-;, aai it lgsn todawanpon a'
! L;:xber cf Deajocratic ti.exlrs that ;
there was d&aer ahctd. aai that to " go :
; a:-.w ca the .-aetion of eu-lir.g the ;
Urd" wii the dictate cf sif-preserva- j
. t , n. Taas it happens that the ni-se'.y J
laid of the Adxialstratioa lead
! ers caxe to naught. The Republicans
seacih'j conc'-adec1 thit ;t was no part cf
I their dii?y to assist the free traders ia
fv."'.iEg their bill upon the coaatry acd
that as it was a parely L'etnocratic a:eas
ure that party taast farahsh the qa r-t-n
neceary ti brlrg it before the House,
aad they therefore ahstaiaed froai vct
iz.g. X nciaVer of I--xocratic mca-bers
ap n w hom the hcxe i'ght ha 1 dawned
duricg the recesr, also declined to vote,
while others absentei thexse'ves, aa to
it caxe to pass that w ith a raajjrity cf
ninety ia the Koa e the party in power
Lis so r been caab'e t f jroe coasi itr
ati .a cf this Lili. "cw relea made to
meet the emergency, the party lash,
threats, cajolery, and the oatrageoaa and
ctitit ralicge cf the. Speaker Lave avail
ed nothing, aad the spectacle is present
ed to the coaatry of the Hocse in a dead
lock fjr foar days, notwithstanding tte
ixmense x?;ir;ty of the party ia power.
Presaxaby, the deadlock will t bro
ken by sheer force of brcte power, bat
what an exhibition of govercaient of
the people, by the people, for the pe-ple
is set bef;re the world ; a measure which
a majority cf the people's representa
tives repudiate, forced upon them by the
!ih of an unscrnpuloas partisan Admin
istration. Bat even then, the ead is nct. The
"bill, if it passes the House in i preseat
shap, mast run the jrsustlet cf the Sen
ate, and there is s'rocs pronnd for be
lief that if it pases that body it wii! l-e
so amended that the majority in the
IlDuee wil! not be able to recogaize i's
own Laatll:
:g when it is returned to
Crow Could Not Be EuIIdozed.
Paring Mr. Grow' 12 pear.' service in
Co".greM l.e of'.en!ed in exciticjt
f-aes one of which ocrcrrtd on the rijcr
of the House abjut 2 o'e'eck on the morn
ing of February C, It was aa aii-nhht
e-ion on the question of a of the
Kactas mesa.-e ol Prtider.t Eachanan.
wiih iht Le..oaipton cori! a te'.tcl
cjcimiiu, ai the hme au btiug taken tip
by filibustering roil calls oa mj'.ionj to
ei?a?e atr!nt tneoibera and oa motions to
aij-.-arn. Pecdirg one of these, Reuhea
Pavk, of Misisa:ppi, pmpved to hae a
few speerhr!, to which Grow, of Pecn
yl.aaia. who hac;oe.i to be pa ng down
ih a:i!e on the I"etuocra:ic side, o;"jeett-J.
Q litmaa. also of Miss'-ssirpi, rommeacvd
la tins and Grew ohjecied apain, wbere
opec Pav:. aceomtiaaied bj Keitt, of South
CUroiica. came np to Grow, acd Keitt aaid :
"'If yoa are going to ob3ct, gacver to yoar
own aide vf the ULm-?."
Grow replied : -This is a free hall, and
e very man fcas a right to be where he
f lea.''
Kehtsaid: "I nat to knew- what yoa
maa ty such aa answer as that !''
Imeaajastwtatlsay," rep'.ied Grow;
"thia is a free tail, aad a man has a right to
be where be pleases " Woereapon Keitt,
arii'cg Urow ty the throat, said : "I wiil let
you know, that you are a 1 d black Ite
puhlicaa puppy." Grow kaocked np his
hand acJ said: I shail occupy such p'nce
in this bail as I plea-, and no nigger dirtr
shall crat k Lis whip over ro."
KeiU apan a Utkej Gr;w, and Grow
knocked him down.
Paris and othen frini that side wn-.t at
Grow. and the Republicans rushed over to
bia astistacee. acd the proceedings of tbe
House were interesting fjr abont two min
utes After the belligerents had returned
to their seals. Mr. Campbel!. of Ohio. ondr
tock to make some paciaratorr remarks, but
was abruptly railed to ordtr by Barksdkle,
and to the alair ended.
A Bit of Good News.
The publishers of ibe Columbian Album,
t be wonderful Christmas gift the TU VUt
lurf T ta v gave its readers, have decided to
extend tbe scope of the work so as to make
it a volume of 224 views instead of 100 aa
originally Intended. This will necessitate
aa increase ia tbe number of parts from 10
to 14. Th additional ounsbera will be far
n'abed to readers of IV at tbe same
terms as the rt parts, oame'y six coupons
and ten cents for each part. With the last
part wiil be furniabed a complete index and
title page. Twenty-Cre thoosand copies of
tbr Coiomhiao Album are being sect out by
Jkt Tii each week. Wi-h the enla-pe-ment.f
tbe sep "of the work" this number
should be doubled .
Although f t Treasurer-eUjrt Jacksoa s
term of oSse W.S act begin until May 1,
miy check? are seat to HarrUtorg ad
dressed to bia, iasUad ofTnvsaru MorrisoB.
The latter s lerm will not exptre onhl
ti i a cere cUreccion ie
csrk tha Eta aoi t . hT t;rr2i:7
: rr.rfr.ience 01 tie
A Popular Candidate.
Galiisha A. Grow Nominated for
Ccngrtssman-at-Large by Ac-ciamatioa.
Prior to the eyn&iiJf cf the Coovenuoc,
at EAirisbsri- -'- VTt-ieHJi?, a nfwrig of
tie StauOiiiciree s held, at which it
wu deeded uj hoi i th rrt Con Trc
iioa fcr ti. csmicatioa of GoTersor aoa
ciwij'e c2w at Barnsfcarg ca
Dl?, il-.y 23 is.
Tte tfpLbiicaa Sot-e CocTtclioa wt
caid toftther at 12 -ii o cock by tx-Seca-:or
IV-ker.of Ti-a. Unxzzl Chiinfta.
TLe roll cki! thowed a f-il a::et:di2ce of
dcit-cnus. JIH the o:Ec-:r aad commiileea
i-p;c:ed at the Ust Ccaveatx;n were re-
re&ti'in, Chairman V trier mi rc-l t'le
cieraory of tte l'e Gta. TTiMam Liily. Mr
Pmcier ai i the Covenlioa ocat Iocod
jtrt;!a s:a-CtiiTia Gili"!J lt tie
h'e n.:ier '.c which be e-jcd'j-ed the mA
campaia. which r jiu-i in mjj ri-
tv f jr the I-b.ica ticiet. Tve spewker
bluoed the presret dprave-d cc-cdiiioa of
! ih cir.i--T ca the "tt."jnii E-eiaocratk: A J-
m'.niftrahwa: critici-ed h Hwailn puiky.
aid d-ciared tea: the Wisn Tari biil was
Ctns. Ma-ee, of Piilsbcrih, rejvrted th
flivwiag ha the Coacaiittee a Riin
twas. which was ad-ted by a r-aadiog
v.. :e :
Ee.t-L We deplore the death of Geo.
W Li;.-; ct dwa m tt.e day of his u-e-f-ir.ei
ia'ih" House of Reprewnuuves. his
memory whi reiaajn ia tae Learu of the Ke
j:;h.;car. Fcacyivaaia as that of a man
re.:eeci:i5 tte and cobct type of
iD(r:au e ri-rh:p : of lofty character.
at.U u-:;ftciiab:e integrity. Ke toot
wt-jc serrky w til cciurr, his i-. t:s
party, aad Lis friends wre rendered ::a
cn' i:rn:sai aad Cielity.
Tte report of the Cocitiee oa Eeeuislioti
as rrai ty Mr Maire was aiao adopted.
The pla-.Sjrm will be foaad ia full on the
lit page of the Uraitp
The Qoiuication cf caadi'lates for Coo?
Largr beia? next ia ord?r. ex-Attor
ney Geatrai Harry W Palmer, of Wiikes-
barre, taoaated the platform aod proceeded
to plate the came of H )n. Galusha A. Grow,
of before the Convention, iir.
Paltrier rtferre-J w tte m'.j years of public
service o( if r. Grow, which, be &:d, adm.ra-
j bly fitted hha f r the o'la.-e ts which heas-
I The nomtna'ioa was seconded by R'pre
! et,utive Hrnry F. V.'alton, of Philadelphia,
j ia behalf -.f the delratioa from that Kty.
! Jeremah J. bcyder, cf Ailectuwn, tamed
' ex CvoTexi: Jaass S. Eery, of Iy tigb.
1 Xm. K. S:Tetis, of Reading, Secocdel the
1 nomination. Mr. B:ery then stepr-J to the
i fro-it of the platform aad w ithdrew hkaaae
in facor of Mr Grew.
Mr. cr.vder moved that the nomination be
rraitty actlacation Chiis. M6j."e seconded
tie motion, and made a statement df-nyicj
the reports which have gone oat from Pitts
burgh theia- week that idle mills and
njnahi.tarlr:? es'.ailUhmtnls in that !i-al-ity
were resaming operations.
The comiaaJioa cf Mr. Grow was then
mads by acclamation, and a committee was
afpjiatedto infj.-tu him of bis tcmina
Mr. Grow api-eared before the Convention
aad was greeted wilh much en'.hnsiam
lie acw:ed the platform and made a brief
speech of acctp'aace. He said :
731 t'l-EI or aU. StOHTS.
"For ihe trt tiir.e since 1S the Iemo
cralic Jrty is ia fall control cf the govern
ment, aud they seem to LaTe oegan n-jw just
where they eadel in i-oL This generation
haa no knowlejg? of what a Democratic ad-mii-irtraiioa
is. Toe Democratic party in
l)Wer is a s'ar. iing menace to the business
intern's of the cc-untry. Even the threat of
what ther Lave the power to do, has paralyi
i el basliiess. and instead of the proMierity of
a year ago, we tare that Ea-ldst of ah sights
ia this earthly piirlmajre aa honest work
ir.gmaa tggii.g a chanoe to earn his bread
aad havirg it denied him. The Democracy
tell Ua these hard limes are the legacy left
tte country by the R.pabl:caa party. Ttt
party has left the country many icgac-is. but
this is not one of thm. It tas left thf m a
restored and in iissolah'.e union ; a circuiat
irg medium of guid an! silver and paper,
ecb interchar.Beable with and redtemahlj
in the other ; a hanking system under w hie a
no bll! bolder has ertr lest a doi'ai ; a rcve
noe protection system that has iccrease-i our
wealth frora $10 .Xl.( ia 1W to $-13,-(,'.'.'.
' :a and ra se-l revennes am
ple to run the government, pay two-third
of a war J?hl of $.'.' .'i, a-d fu-nish a
surplus for the payment of pea-ions to the
soldiers cf the CnljU. Fur lais r-enue
ystern the D;mjcrs'-y now prjpjses to sub
siitute a measure which its suppor.ers admit
w hi cause deficit of i'-.' '') a year. It
neither protects industry nor rais revenue,
but is one ol thcxe hybrids which in nature
has not thp power of perpetuating itself,
a s:r vast w:xkL rcovxax.
'After l' years of protection the Demo
cratic pary has found out that protection is
unconstitutional. It always lat-s thera
ah-.ut that long V) find out a new thing. Eat
it was in the constitution of the southern
Confederacy, the product of those statesmen
who5e trinity to belief was slavery, aecesia
and fre tra di Ti:e 5-st two slee tne sle"p
that knows no waking, and the other whi
b: laid tv their s'de as toon as the people
get its sepLl.-hre ready."
Touching vn tbe Hawaiian question, ?fr.
Gr-3w set the convention to laughing and
cheering at his pictoreof Mr. C1eejnd,
inspired by a sense of morality inherent in
Lis rsa:ure."" saiiyiag oat like n: irr Da
Qaixjte, w,;h hs Sancho Tanii G.-e-tara,
to the rescie of his D.i'.ciane DA Toooai, tne
drky ju-n, Liiioukaiani. But there was
a stero ling in his tones when be denounced
I'aramcun: Cammissiouer B.ouct f ;r haul:
icg down " that C ig ba;t a -i in the blor J of
talf a million men who '.! early grates a
dag that the nailed patriotism of the Na
tion has declared should never be lowered
exo-pt in honor of the dead aod laid i! at
the feet of a dethroned qieea."
Mr. Grow 's speech made a most eielleot
ixpression, and tbe convention adj jtiraed as
it had begun, a regular oid-faahioned E-r-pubiica.-i
sextch or the soaiaxx.
Gilutha Aaron Grow was bom in Asb
ford (now Fastfhrd;, Coanecticut, August
31, 15-4. Wtca ten years old he removed
to Sa iehanna County, Pa. He graduated
from Amherst College ia 1M. stuJie law,
and was admitted to the Rarof piehacna
Coor.-ty in Apr 1, 117. He settled in T- waa
da, Btaif rd Coonty, and became a partner
of David Wilanot, the author of the Wiiaiot
Prcvls-j, whom he succeeded ia Congress ia
IsSlas a Frees j: 1 Democrat. Fjt tweire
years he represented tne tV:lmot D strie: in
Congress, being elected Sp.wker by the Re
pabhean? in he lef; the Dem
eratic paty oa the repeal of the Compro
mise. He was a delegare to the National
Republican Convention of l0t. ls. and
Ii His first speech in Cungrese was in
favor of the Home.-teai biil, of which he
was the chief supporter. Ia l&Ss he was
Chairman of ihe Republican S tale Committee
la ls?9 Led-clioed the mission to Russia.
In lrvl he was a candidate for United State
Senator, ncsiring tbe crjd highest num
ber cf votes in tt fatn tn contest of that
year. He n reside at G.eawojd. Sas
cjoetarica coun'y.
Wren War is D (C'axdi
Again t a man's happiness by bis stomach
tne eneaiy mav be panfiod and brought
speedily arid to terms. Tnat potent
regulator of cliges ion, Hostetter's stomach
Bitters. d.acp..nes the reoeilious oma
thoroughly. Indigestion arises from weak
ness of i be stomach, and the fond in it, for
want of tae power to digest, decomposes aad
acid.fiea. r-vinc rse to hear burn, flitaleoee
and pain, berdes a of vmp4otns
both etiangefal and perplexing. But peace
soon re g when the great stomachic is re
sorted to aod aaej with persi-tence. Dys
pepsia gives ri e to raorbij diacocopffcure'of
mind. anJ evea neepletsres and bypo
ettondria in chronic cases. To the com i lets
enmiEssJef uhh the Kittee is folly mU
; uvn ensspeaint, eonstrpatiow, 4t-
kility, rbeossatism aad asalana are eeei
i jpietelr Kbdaed by this genial mediane
A Eis World's Fair Firs.
Ch!Cgo. Jan. . Before the gate of a
vast threog this evening tbe heeutifal
Peristyle of ihe World's Columbian Eirosi
t oq met a gl-wioos end. and the mvmihoent
co'umns sank to ashes ia a faseral pyre
Wit b ft were the Casta and Music Hail,
Sinking tte Peristyle a! earn end. and be
fore the destmnioa of tbe graod water en
trance to the Fir tad ten coxpiete. the
great Maaafictarm bui'd ig, Coniainirg J2 .
r-O.'TJ worth cf exhibits jacked an d ready
tr shipment, was on fire ia a doaea plcxes,
while brave firemen with tercic energy were
risk:cg life and limb to stay the sirc-soa.
Fifty tbocserd people wa'ehed the des
perate light and cheered the erts of the
men who. em the roof 2j0 fret or mere f"-m
the ground, were rtrcrgllt-g to b-at tack the
names. It was a grand contest, and was
waged fc-r Leers without an arf&rem gain
oa either side. The b axe ployed in the
woodwork cf the roof, g-aiusl.'y eabg
throiisa and dropf.;n(t bininj brards
almrd-t the costly eihiblu oa the -.T
ieiow. There other d-tachaKncs of rf men
were staiionrd to ex'-.og ii'h the brands as
they fed. sad inside the build:r. greei g--es
wet plajir.e streams to s-jak the and
mske them less eomtust:hle.
At 12 J a. w . the re chief believed that
none of the exhibit would be d-trryed and
that much of the roof might be saved. The
danger to the millions of dollars" worth of
propertv is heightened by the inaccessibility
of the place and the extreme risk to human
Loss. $1.5- '.'.
Lochren Restores Pensions.
WatHtS iTOS, D. C, Jan. 4 Judge Lo-h-ren,
tbe Commissioner of Pensiuns, fo';ow
ingan cpiatoa given ly Attoraev G 'nerai
O.ney, ctmstruicg what is known as the
3d art a cituse in the Deficiency Appropria
tion bill, approved December 21, it'it, ir.k
irg a pension a vested right, today set;le.i
the famous case of Judge Long, of Michi
gan, in his favor, so that he wiil L-reaiter
draw his $75 a month, and will a'.o receive
the money which would hare been -aid to
him since bis pension was su;nded.
It is evident that this action of the Com
missioner is all-important to all the otter
pensioners whose pensions were su-pendd,
as Judge Long's was without notice in ad
vance to them. It estaili-hes a precedent
under which they must a.! be resured It
is expected that this w.U be d-jne, and tnat
moH of the pntioners ur;eule'd last sim
mer, before Socretary changf-i the old
pracliot and pave sixty .lays' notice of sus
pensions, will be reinstated in full pjs-.tion
of their pensions. Cases where fraud or
o'her criminality has been es"atlisue.J wiil,
of ooe-se, he exeep'ed.
WasH.'SoToa, D. C, Jan. 5. Coat mis
sioner Lj-itren tojk a new step io-da7 in
the case of Judge Lng, of M;ch:gan, who.e
peasion he res ored yesterday, g vi:;g hiia
the 5- days notice required by the act cf
December 21. Isl'-I, -f a reduction of t:
is:;m fr: :r. to a month. ut.'.es he
proves mesnwhi.e that it sheuld cot Le
A similar course wil! rrobah'y he ta't-n
J by the Commissi ner ca similar caes, where
pension; are retorl under tne r u !
establiahel yesteriay, but where the Com
missioner fee.s. as ia this ca, that the
pension ought to be reiuced if not abuiished.
. .
Low Rates to Washington.
Thursday. January 11th. the 3 10P. R.
will inaugurate a series of mil win'er ex-
! cureiot-s to Wa-h;ngton from to:::ts on in
lines between Pittsburgh. Wheeiine, I'ark-
ersburg. Lexington and Higerrt-jwa. Tl:e
unex tiled train service of tbe B. A O. w:i!
be at the disposal of the tourUrs. The tick
ets will be sol i at a nominal figure but will
i emit e the holder to first c'a-ss accmmia
tina ia both directions.
Every patriotic Americaa should vi.-it
V,a"hir:gtua not oniy once out often, and if
yoa want to see the National Capitol a! i-
bst you s'a . aid c-X fail to sraii yourself of
this opportunity aiTriei ty the K. .t ).
Washington U more attractive ia the win'er
monihs than a! any other time ofth'jear.
Cjngws will be in sf-ioa a" J yoa can hear
your representative exr-res LU r es on
t ie Hawaiian 3fT, the Tari? ar ) ether
roat'ers of p-ih.ic iotere-. Tte n imeous
public building, Art G.lerie. M i-eatns.
&" a-ea'l open to visitors free ofebar-r,
and Ut. Vernoa. Bahiirore a: d
Old Puint Comfort, ail within ea'y reach,
offer the sdi.tional attractions to f:li
up the tec cay itinerary.
We give beiow a ltof stations ia this
vicinity showing time of trains and rste? c f
irate TIVE TtE BltE
B--kitc,1 1.' 00 p. an, 12 41 ' (
J,.rjut..n .
&. 3 'J p TB. . '
3 v - c rt
4 A " f
Moye-loaa .
M --T.-r-lt :e
, tj p rn
1 i-
i -
; o a. m .
1 ij - '
Paiiarcars on the morning tratn. Sleep
ing cars oa the niht Ira'a.
C'orre?fjt.dirgly low rates from other sta
tions. Tickets will be ed tea dies and w"" he
valid for passage from Wj-hia-toa ti V,i ti
more at any time within the life of the
For Pullman Car accjmml 'io:n aid
guide to pc-irits of iireresl in Washtceion,
address nearest B. A O. AgeLt.
Holiday Cheer.
The holiday season Is upon as. and
eTery household m tLe iaad is preparing f;r
tte pium pudding, and ihe jret:erai lartir.g
and rejoicing A littie go-jdorandy for the
mince pte. r im for the pudding, or a little
stimulant to kep the epiriu up and the
coid out. is aheoiuteiy Deceary fir aa o!d
time Christmas cheer. Une of the moil
promi-'em ttju -r d-lers in the country. Mr.
Max Klein of A:lKteny, Pa. whom we can
cheerfully rrxnimend, ard wto has tr.e
reputation forhan J.irgon'y absolutely pure
liipiora, will sell y toe f lowing of
six year old pare IVnn'a Rves, at il per
foil quirt or six fT P"ni: Bear Creek.
Gi'txn, Gutxenheimer, Finch aniOrerholt.
Ttie famous t-ilver Are. tte fioc-st wbisxey
in tbe Country at tl SO. and l iq i-ne. a
whiey d 'thied fnm Rre Ma t, at
$1 25 per quart, Gu' kecneimer 4 year oM,
at lis: per ejuart, and the Anchor Rye a' 1 1
Yoa can have your choice of ad kinds of
California Wines, G'ns. Knra and brandy,
all pure aad old. at from y cents per q xarl
up. Ail goods neatly boxed and snipped by
express. Send for catologue aad price liet
of ad kinds of liquors to Max K. ein, 2
Federal St., Allegheny, Pa.
Knights of the Golden Eaate.
The foilowin: rre the effirers of Valley
Cat!e, No. all of H oovers vill.e for the eniB
ine six months' term :
Past Chief, E K. Oher; N b!e Clilef,
Gabriel Oier, Vice Chief. Wis H. H idmsn ;
High Priest, A. L. Livinj-ton; Venerable
Hermit. J L. Dive'.y ; .M is'er of Records,
Amenia Byer; C.erk of Kxclejarr, Noah P.
Washer; Keeper of Eich-jir 1. B. dark ;
Sir Heraid, Jiha J. Clark ; Wonhy Eard.
Rioert Pe:errnar!; Worthy Cbamheriain,
John F. Smi'hga!; Eis gn. Jonathan Y der.
E-quire. Natharet Ihtm-r ; First Guards
man, B F Berkey; Sec-ind Guar.h-raan. C.
A. Lohr; Trustees. A. L. Living-t n . Jerry
Clark. B F. Berkey; Rpreecta ive 'to the
Grand Castle, Hnry Smi b.
Farm Values in the State.
R -ports received frora gton by
Secretary Elg?, of the Sate Biarl of Agri
culture show thtt there was a derraee in
the farm values in Pennsylvania of $-i3 m3.
177 from li?) to !! The total valuation
of farm land in the sta'e. acovdi g to the
census cf 1 was J373 '.c3.113.
The eianties wbica show a rter-ea-; in
their farm va'aation. to the evnsus
of 1SJ0, are Adams. Arms' rong. Bedford,
Berks, Blair, Brad'ord, Bocks, Butr, Crc
tre, Chester, Clarion, ClintAn, Oilambia,
Cumberland, Dilaware, E.k,E-ie. Frankiir,
Fayette, Fulton, Huntingdon. Janiata, Lan
caster. Liwreoce, Lebaaoi. Lsbig. Lnxfrae
Mercer, M fUln, Monroe, Montour. North
ampton, N rtLumrer!a:il, Perrv. Siiy.Jr.
Schayikill. 3 merse. ?3-jie'iatna. Tioa.
Cnion, Warren, Was'aiagt ia, Wyoaiicg acd
From 7u to loo Ej-no Gtlhohes were
batebered by IVa,-Mis Ceucas in te
shateli atassseirc at Krjxhe, Eusa. ia
Kcw to Prepare for Thera Under
the Law ofl823.
The County Comminsiorjers will, within
the next few days, seed oat to the cersnjit
teemec cf both parties ia each ciririct of
tn..frth. t-flrtal Hank certif.cates of
' BOOiittau a cn w hUrh is to be certiid to the
I County Coremiaskfoert'. the borosab rd
town-hip u kets romina-el It is desirable
j that tr.e pria.ary elections be held as ear.y
1 as p-iio, aai we underhand that the 2V b
j day of Jar nary has been se.ecud by a num
; her of the Rpubltcan or mmitteemeB a the
: csy on wh-'ch to hold primsris Tbey
; shc-cld r.M he chftrred larger tlaa this as
i tre tirjte in'ervonine between then and the
; diy of e'eeri o is not mere than satSciect
to allow oprtar,ity f.-r the di-chs-je e-f
i the rirt p icited duties which devolve Of-
ii-e CoiMt CcmmUeioners in prepetir.g fcT
j the el ctin.
rodtr the act of 1:C the township and
i bjf.-tijh aa htors are released from
' whi. h were pt ejeo them by the act of
i lt I. at;d duties are transferred to the
i Count. Cummiss'or.ers.
As there will be a'.arge to
be voted f -ron the tick'- this yes-, there
will recenarlly be a Republican clumn, a
Derijocn'lc ciiaxn and a Prohibition col
umn. It wl.l be iopit to place a town
ship ticket in either of these columns unless
there is a party primary. Hence primaries
are even more ceveswtry now than they
were a . the ia February election.
In t; icruihoning township, which is di
vided into two elect or. dtrirts, it will be
thedu'.rcf the ethers of the primary ia
each election district first to certify to the
Comaiiavoners the party nominees ftjadge
and iuspc"r?r of elections and also for regis
try asesor, and then to corsolidatethevo'e
of the towcsalpon echool director, suteivis
cr, cons'ahle ar.d the other township offices,
and j .intly certify oa the blank form fur
ut?hed by the C unty Commissioners the
naaies of the com.r.ees to the Commission
ers. This mnM I done, according to the letter
of t.e raw. a leat eighteen days before tbe
election. " But it may be well to reiterate
here that iu order tj give the Commissi jners
i::T.vie:it time to properly discharge their
duties the p i oir.- ' ' i be held not later
tL.ia January 2J, aud the ser.iScates filed
imrns-l:atelv ttereat'ter in the County Com
m 5-ioner s o;e.
Ir.- .iry ia regard to tax collectors has de
veloped the fact that the term ofotlijeof
ihetse electe-1 ia Feorjary wili be three years
instead of one as heretofore, the last Legisla
ture Laving so enacted.
News Items.
PiiUhurg's Pen...n Agent pai 1 o? nearly
2.' jjecitLcers on Thursday.
There is an awf it ruxor that women's
sleeve wii! he male '.;:! larger.
Ttt "IVeau'iful ?now'' pott says he desa't
renjember ever ex;-rlencing such a hard
Ttece are Feventeen creocatori'-s f;r the
bumirgof hnmaa bodies ia the United
A? a n.ce'.lr.g of Biliiio'e A Ohio direct
ors on Iei:mber 2Ttb. Charles F. Mayer was
reele-ted Presidert of the sjsteui. President
Mayer is serving his fifth leria.
" Eaalo Bill." known to civilize J life as
1 William F. G3y. has determined to be a
! candidate for the Republican nomination
j for GoTcraur of Nvbraska.
I A lire which caused a hs of $i ,'. t
sweetir gawiy several of the largest building
blocks ia Toledo, and causing the loss of
twolivea, occurred Wtdneslay night. I'
) was the nxr-.t dleanrous blaze ia the city's
! hi.-'orr-
j la -t-c year the people of this country
' pr od iC-.-l Tl.''XC' V tuns of grain, 4,?jO
of tut a', 110 (..' vf nirar, j-hJ of rice, 4 2,
: i0 of r;uuoes. 1 ..' of butler arJ 17 '.
' ''cl cLee-e. an i onsumed the greater part
i on t.ieir own bctr'hstonrs.
A iirring tale of B-3i I's rc-'ga cf terror
I is told ty Captain Aader-on. of the steam-
:.;p P.jrtu u s? Prince, just arrived from
Pcr:.aii;:u-?a. liaring his stay at t! at port
12 y :i ir:g naval ca Jtt were shot by Teiiito's
sJier . suspicion that they were coa
s i ring sgfr.t trie Government.
Frit.k Wilson, a student ia the Garrett
Eitiioa! Institu'e. Chicago, ma-lea miscalcu
uvion as to tne i-iga of a sermon last Sun
day evtnlr;. He went to sieep whea Re.
C E Wi.kir.son. bg.-n to preach, a-.d
fa.lcd to wake up when the se.-moa was
finished. So far as Win was concerned,
it was a sixty hour sermin, and two phy
sic:ar fillei to c..avl3ce him that it was cf
any less duration.
Uadr the lea h.-snip of Eilen G. White,
kaowu as tee "Mother of Advectl-m," tne
i fo ijTc-i of that pecuiiar branch of religions
I faifj. at Bi't'eCretk, Mich., are sehing or
i g vi'.g away a'i th-'ir property, and preparing
! fir their as .tai tj htaren belief. ng thtt
j the en 1 ot the vt fid is m ar at ha id. At
a recent rjeetir g firms. prjona! property,
et., w rt h S2." '. were donated to raise a
fund f -r the spread of tie Goi le. Tte
precise Jay for the ascetit" has not yet been
d-ttrrmined cpan.
A Shot W.pas Out a Family.
JeatrzasosviLLC lad , Ji. 4 Oie coon
bcr.t has c-?: the lives of two members of
a family and male another insane, while
the father is oa his death-bed. A few days
aro EJward X. sed 16; John Noe, sged
14, and John Lockhard. leshlentsof Wa'an,
went coon hunting Eic'a bad a gun. Tbey
had g-jce but a mile, whes Jaha Noe wis
accidentally shot and ki.led by bis brother.
Edward became insane over Lis brother's
death, aad wacd -red from w here the shoot
ing took place, since which time no trace of
him has been found. It is feared that he
has committed suicide.
The mother of the boys was dangerously
ill at the time, and died from the shock,
eiccethe death of bis wife, the killing of
one son and the disippearane of tbe other.
Robert Noe. the husband and father, bas be
come hopelessly ill, and his death is momen
tarily expert'.
Only the Scars Remain.
"Anong the atasy tesnmoabls whkh I
see tn regard so eertaia saediciDes perfotia
Ing cores, cleansing tee blood, etc," writes
Uembt Brpsox, of the James Snite
Woolen Maehiaery Co.,
t '"1 rbiiadelphia, Pa "aix)
i impreas ssetocreUiaBwij
L 1 fivi cacoo. Twenty years
f j ago, at the age of is years,
I had swelungs emae oa
any lege, which broke and
f 1 beeane rwawiax Mrt.
Our faauly pfcyssr iaa eoola
do me bo gtMod, and it wa
fearea that toe baoes
would be affected. At last.
Kty good old snetker
wrred se to try Ayer'a
Sarsapatilla. I took taiee
bottles, the sores healed.
as and I have not been
M troohled since. Owl; tbe
teas ai . ( Ike pit, to
remlwd we .f tbe eoeM
A ywr's SaraaftwrlOa has eawe awe. I now
weigh two hundred and tweoty poet wis, and
am in the test of health. I have beea on tbe
roud for the paM twelve years, have noticed
Ayer'a Sarsapanlia advertised ia ail parts
o tbe Cnited States, and always take plea.
ere tn telling what good It did for me."
For the core of all diseases originating B
Impure blood, the best remedy is
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
rrrpared ly Vi. I. C. Ayt I C.,Twtll, U.
Curesothers, will cure you
Bu.ldlnffs for the Annual Meshrg
At a recett meet r-g cf the B.f.hera's
Bc.i JliCorr.initteeai Veyeril the fol
lowing Commi tteof -rvirg was apr"ir.:cd :
D. H oirapple. Rj-unwi, L A. ?k. Sav-met-.J.
J- Bio-ta. Peril a. All baiieltrgs
wiil be rje.fe-1 with two plr felt, the ctmtraet
for the sapp'y ff which wss saerded to P
J. C.ver fc Tre foli'-wire we the to be crec'e.1 at 1 their dimea-sioeis-Tate.-acle,
Iliil-V. sestici catae
ity S.O.y ; d o'ng ro- m, ioxcO. capacity 3-0 ;
lur.-ct-ro-m x. eapacr' y retUtrant,
15x11 i I i ad ii-i on to the above, the fA-iowirgfrta"-r
htii'd ngs will be erected fc-r
orr ss: Re r.aiteket irtk, Sm! 'ket
Otu e. rr.Mr:E?rc-ui-. b.k and trac. 'St
pr-l vttl.e, te:.fra.b effice. and tte cihee of
S-cre a-y sc.d Lcdnirg Committee. Ail
tee raiist be cvmp'.et-d by ahut Mty
We wish to inform the readers
of this iaiK-r that we want to inter
est Uit'ir pockctbook. Daring the
tuontlt of January we want to
emptv oar sLc-Ivea and counters.
That means we wiil sell all
Winter Goods
Begardlees of Cost
It pays us to do it, as it gives us
the money to pay upot cash for our
spring purchase. We, then, caa
irive the people extra value?, and
they will approve of it an-J Le our
future ca-torrters.
.TohnstcAVii, - IPa.
Parker &
Commencing Dec. 26th, 1893,
and wiil continue until Feb.
1st, 1894.
Tw enty-Cve ThousanJ ddlar? worth
cf Dry Goods, Notions, Carpet?,
Oa Cloth?, Ladies' and Chil
dren's Coat?, to be soil daring
this Great Red Letter tale, and
prices will Lc cut to the last ex
tremity. We have a larje lot of Dress Goods
ia Black nd Colored Cachmeres,
Somes, in all the different colors
and styles, at
We want I tuJ for 20 y us of bert Iadigo Blue
We watt LM '. 2-S y d bt Dark Calicos.
We want 1 W tjr i j us of good Calico.
We war.t $1 00 Ur 35 y i rf fcenwatlc Hannel
We want StE for SD y ds of gool Ire-e Gin
rtarn. We wait 1 U for y'J of heavy-weight Gla
ghaza. We want tl C5 t-jt 21 y ds cf gxid iios'tn.
Ciiilug Fanf y at 5. 7. atd f cents.
SLirtiCKS ol all kind; at 6, 7, and 8 rents.
We have a large line cf Blanket?,
Comforts, Shawls, Table Covers,
Table linens, Napkin", Towel?,
etc., that must be sold.
Onr stock of Carpets, Rur, Lace
Curtains, Flannel?, and Fortiers,
at way down prices. Tahle Oil Cloths at 1 cents.
Wjul Carpet Chain ail colors at 22 oeats
C-jtton Carpet Chain all eokirs as 17 eenta.
Make Your Honey go as far as Pos
sible by Attending our Red Let
ter Sale During the Next
Thirty Days.
Parker & Parker.
.i : '.7H
aia uixhuW
THE .TlwES t the snort alrniTly eirenlaud and
wle:j jead nrt-rairr pcb(iLed in rmiTk
vania. lu di Ma ut rwtilie saea acd porilic
a"n ia a lite lutetent of pnbiie lotetrnty,
hooets rivernmea: ao 1 pro-pntos Indalry,
aad M know ao part; or perx.nai aitar.ancc in
irrauat pt!ie beueo. m the -benadw aad
hert srnae a family aad general cewtpacer.
THE TIHES Stb to have tbe laree-v elrwolatlnw
-" Meevit)K it atxi elativ that ll tl mMiipua
ed in ail eei,iiJ, ut a rrtu B2eirota.maii
n""Jr-' Specunea o,m ct any editum
will be wot free toaav one cnAiam their A-
TERBS-DAILY. noCperaannm. tl 00 for four
BM,nth : tsO rent pr rnooth : delivered br rar
r.r for irenu per week. i-I XDAY IMTIO.V
t:y-fir ri hH'f.iaf tvt--lw
cmov elntaut: ulnr-iavl. Ijw wr asuam -S
eenu pereupv. Iia.iv and bundav ;. ai) per
anoum : Meeat perm.ih. VtaEKLYtld
liON, bo ceou per anonm.
Allrta aU letters to
. The Times,
The "Nsverslip" Horse Shoe,
19 alt . v aTio 'r. : rr 10 i-'e a o ........
CJ.h are;:.e. leei-f-.-r i-e-1 tl
sttf-slUSfEMVLr;.! rewa. a t a.-'-:.'! I t
Ulv.f nuroeut. NfVUt-Kfce arrl .B a
few D:t.a a sith.jeil rei.ov:a rl-.a lie
b i
AVer davTijfi ! ir (s-t fr -in J:-, i'-r-t-J nt
lOJTiaj? rj2a-ia-XJ Lort to be j-t-..
li nt;-i w ia ; r:j a ha? n..--1 tn..
i i mm h
The News of the World,
THE PATRIOT joc!r3:.v. sr
ing xr cf-cT r-A i uLrva i-'ca-ii--)
tt.M, sU au tarly tor o? le rt-?.
prrt iu Uae rSAirr a:l U-e ou'r pru.te-4 at
late i-itai. 13 tc-a- aduj pMiwca. ckZ-H1
t-jf l cnarra avraj'.n.
Ii priwi the ti, 7elr.&m it over iis
THE PATRIOT i I.esn ;r-a:Jc ?o the rar
It le J. Uj fj -.-a aa-1 an rBe-n; v f o-rrtir
moii-jf' ir I: ii t 1 u tgLi i.'.e rviaaf . .1
I: cutkr a vt .t.-T of d;-raae-V'S c i a:Ej
f'.frr wrr ew rj x uiaa a.a tX2tT p-
Te '.rm-Urj ,neK:iS 'lurrc .h :r.rr will
Tar. fU-frnj. Ia Nvtn"--f ;-ri vt:.ylTai..
a L-li4.iurw. I: iui let
in!.mrl c."t rvsi.! a:. rai :o
Uad grt 7t .-. av.:y c-x wesrai y
To f'La TV :n tr.e rir-l . t lar-
&t r ii::jr-iv-T we n 4 i :la-lT f.n.ra n.
until 5dar?a i, t-T r.a;i lu a-5 t,? r.t
tr 03 M'r-: of L.t- le 'erit y w.:;
br w-rit u any .r-w r - t fra B j Vaiau.
Mart! I. oa ftoj.pi A t ljlx.
THE PATRIOT fce V: dnivn
m;i ;j!:a f-: u-vvaiiia n-il ot rt'.t-c-12.
n 1 f-fjialriM-uu'
"r to th l"nemployfJ : I; ir: -
:;.fciu-t cbarvtr a;lTfrrts-ii ov.f g
e- pi- n;-tif K-.p -T-irr ta t-f". a.
aia- to IiIias a a !
Ca:mQ fr iA-Xkt war: la
DAILY. Ty k -lay :r. yta-f
a yrr
Harrisburg. Pa.
Mus. i. I Uhl.
MY : :
i ith Annual
Clearance Sale
isnoT going oa ar.i .rill continue
During this rale the prices of all
kind? of Dry Good?, including
riaia and Fancy Dre?3 Good?.
Cloths. Fan:;el.-. Blanket?, etc,
will be irrei;table.
Park acd Iicht F ar.neictu fronn 7c up.
Ve'hite Fiaane'etts froaj - - 5c op
(i-K! jai' Mr.s!ir., 5c.
Heavy hl'.nf. C and 61c
GooJ Apnjn Ginhatri, at - ,V.
Lancaeter Giiijihanis, - to
Heavv S'tiirtir frota - 5 to 7c.
Eet Dice Calico JcJi,ro
ioei I'ara e. a.ico - - oo.
The prices cf ail bleached muslins
and wide sheetings are ceep cat
TL!? U an excellent opportunity to
buy Lad e's Wrap? and Far?, a?
price are unmercifully rjlaagLt-
Great barrio? in Lace and IrLrh
PoiLt Curtain?.
Ileavy I'aderwear at greatly re
duced price?.
A fine line of Table Linen?, Nar-
kk?, Towels and Towlirg at un-
n.'Uaily attractive price?.
Hamburg?, Embroidery and Trim
ming? very cheap.
Cotton, Linen and Wool Carpet
Lnata at coat.
A small arnccnt cf money will go a
grc at way? at my store.
!r-i f"5.
ijy.tii?-; 'V
"l ll wc aa uii ji
1 1
James B.
These are all of t!.e ): c- oi-
nr- irrmnrn t 'trrifT'T T3TT TTUnrnrM.
and Kitchen Furnishings.
both round and square atlcre.-t pc-rriLle price?.
Tin and Steel HooZzz. Tin ar.d G-Ivanized Iron ?; outin f...- E -an
i Bm?. pnt cp in l??:
Ei-tlatatea furLkI.e.1 for leaticjbuiMir.z-' by steam. Le t witor ti :
air without chrre
122 Clinton St.
More Records Broken !
Quirk's Great Furniture Emporium Has Done It:
Ye?, exorbitant price? for Bedstead?. B-reaa?, De-is li'.
Chair?, Mattresse?, Sofi?. r?i cla?? Tarlor Sr. t-s and all ki-Js o; :
niore hava been kaocked ia the heal at
S. Odrk's N-r Imtes S:::2.
A? evidence of the fact call at No. 1 1 S Wahinr.on Street, Jvhz;t-;-'
Pa opposite the Company Store, where the greatest bar-rain? caaU
on terms, to suit purchaser.
Six Mammoth Departments Each the Largest Stcre
Its Kind in Johnstown.
Dry GoocLa
lr.L B
rv-pt- c
Carjft ar,.I
La-lies' Cetttd.
ri.t. r- H.f
Furui-tnr. G...ia.
DepL Croxtifijimiiy and
v. . e r- . i ,
!- r rceu. reei m every ele's.Tif Unu
JsCountry i-roia-jetaiea in eii han je fer go"a.
24 C-24S Main St, JOHNSTOWN P.
SPRING of 1S93.
WE are Ready. Are YOU
rz Sria-z Stock contains evcrvthing that is New, EeasthU
w Stylish.
Tn Men's, Youth'?, Boys' and Children's Clothinr. we are t;.e t--"
A head and shoulder above all would be coruT-etit.-rs.
ur Ilat Department ehallene tbe admiration of every', e- -
seeing is lelieviccr, call and be sati?.HL
251 and 253, Main Street, JOITNSTOWN, FA.
Great Inducements
Goods reduced
Dry Goods, Carpets.
Ladies' Coats, &c.
save monevand j:et something jrood.
c viri!--
Everj-thir.. l.ere to be f tr. 1 ir. a rt c':f Pre
s-t- re. More aad n. tt r aoveitie tha ev-r
Slre4 that FIT ar. 1 VFR viiialitv the lt
tie i.)We .'
InCAF.PETS oar Sf-rinir ratVrr! an jr
ever before, (.rur .i,-py cf LwiieV Ow'j -ar.y
previous lay."
Co-l.:r; for all munairj-l' ll-vl wnit f rf. '
T thaS
a!rj i. r $.Vi, $-.(.. $;... l5pt. f
a erviiiltv. tn.l euit tr lie'. Hats ia
tfrt ....1 ,i-
ltti. AH new aa.! tvsli.
in price in every 1
Oil Cloths. Lace Cartai
Now is tbe time to buy t