ANGLING FOIi OCTOPODS." A FTcasIsff JCovelty la Fishirff 1 Puet Sound. uow a but isunu. r.nruaaii a rio-. Ida M-Tkr Hrr,M Power Ioa iwrl by tha I aw-aaaT rrrlore- lr n-hir-r for the octorms is rl? novdtT in the r-r tie art '-f 3Ti-iii!;r. 5 practical in Fct sound. Alth-.nrh thi torr:.i (.aU:efih ia wcU Iatl" tn5; d ifcS not bttala tie laous'-rons eizc it reaches in trcpicsJor srui fica! waters, the arerae we''at of those aloe? the shores of V'ahin?ton Mae is rr-it eiK'u-.i ;o mate tlie sport WaexciMa? and dangerous, tay the ,"ewr York Icorder. Well earned the -devilfish," this l.i.k-ocs marine animal. 'hen haded upon the deck of the taking bloop. rr5Dted even when of relatively in-f-ijrr.ICc-act proportiocs tay, twenty potnds an appearance the rerr re of c:i.fidence-itjp:ring'. It i eay enough to catch them and, after you pet the has? of the thin?, safe enoug-h to bandie them with tackle. The boat, with njr tail enotJ?n to keen rteerae, is rruided over tpr's where the ocV.pns lies in wait und.-r ahclvinj roi-k, f.r his prey. As with the ro?e INIierraan in southern waters a head lc barrel. half-submcTjvd in an up right position, is lashed to the bottom f the boat, and a boatman, thru-tin? Lis head into this barrel, scans the bot tom closely with practical eye, undis-tra'-ted by the reflected jtfarc from the n:r.'.:ca of the nirroundityf water. M hi; this f:mple drrioe it is possible t-i see di'-tinctiy objctk at a conaider tl le depth. At a from the man n the 1'kikoat the boat Is bronplit np into the wind and held stationary while propa n.tioiii are speedily made to li-k l.'.s oetnpusship, whieh has Inta vtf-d Irlnj 01 the tn, liicle'.us tnJ still," tare for a reac'iinz. f-wayinp rjovement of one or more of its arms cr feelers. A long so-jndir.p: lice is rnn t '..rocrh a pulley at the end of a boom t viiij.-;n;r over the side, a piece of Mont v. hite emivas is made fast at the end f.-r a lure, and the fun befrirn. Iiirs-eted by the man in the barrel, the canvas "2y" is lowered to ithin a f,-vr feet of the lurhinr and V. pt constantly ia motion by a series .f thort jvrki, care ln-ic taken not to I t it come withia r.iih of the C-h vh::e he retains his p-j-itiun on t'ue n.l-ora. else it would be i:cposs:V.e to fur it I.kisc from its snc li"i-ae. fcaeh i , the i!umen.--e strer-.h est-rted by the taction dt.sks with which its ciirl-.t trnis or leg are j.lentifttlly tuppliifd. The ecu at the rope were warned by the watcher of the slims of increasitj i::trest manifested ty the octopus, tad when at last it jnakes a spring for tl.o tantalizing lure and closes its jH-uhiike jaws upon the piece of ra, ttP'i. arms heave i a the line and the ! iiilrir.:::? organism, looking til arms uul tenta-!es is hoisted to the cul of tin outrijred It is an operation reqnirir.' tact, : .tr.ptr.ess aid bkiil, for the cr,-ature .iv.-t nut come in contact with the hull f the 1 " t. to which it would attach i'r- if like aa nnwleldy barnacle un 1 .1 such time as it suited its pleasure to l 't po. a period altogether indefinite 3 .r thi comfort cf either skippc-r or .re-v. inee daapliti? at the boom end, how- Tt-r, it is virtually secured, for snrrcn . -r its hold cn the rajr it will not. The -;. opus holds fast to all it pets with a jvrtinacity which shames even the t ru'-.ts and monopolies which have l.een lli-T-ned to it. Jiow. however, the ani r,ii's own tenacity is tr.riied tpaiast it i: rid this very quality made to assist in 1..:. 11a? its possessor at the nal stag'e. JUj'.h hooks and poles are thrust toward it and when it has fastened its vi,relaxin prlp upon these it is svrun? iaboard, hurled npon the deck and dis- j-atehed with an ax. A shell g-atherer, while at work on t-ie west coast, came upon a younjr ctopus crawling the rocks. It vas quite small, measuring cot more lhan thre feet from tip to tip of its xtt nded tentacles, hi!e its IwV.y was j o larjrf r than a n .in b C.-t. It looked :les very bl;r snider as it wabMed tl.inj on its arms, trying to reach the s -rf from the part where it bad be'n 1 -ft by the reflir.? tide. ar?:l the shell J-nnter tiiocpht he would try to capture iv. I'.aiin'r.j tip he planted foot llmily on the er.d of ore of the crea ture's ''feeler." but with apparent c ase the octopus jiuile i it free and con t lr.oed its march toward the sea. The man repeated the experiment severs! t -roes w ith no better success then tak advantage of a mom-nt when thc c ri -stare conH offer comparativily lit tle resistance, it Wit? in the act of r -aching out to lav iiold of a rock on t 'ie other side of an intervening-fissure. 1 e seized one of the tentacles and piv i'l? a powerful jerk tore the Csh 1 oo-e from the rocli. I'p to this time the efforts of the oc topus had all been directed to escap ing. Now, however, it charged its turtles. Turning npon laid hold cf him by the ami, wrarpirp its tentacles about his body as weil and tried to fasten its beaklike jaws in l.i face. liere was a prcdleamei.t. The hun ter hunted w ith a vciieauee. Try ts In; would, the man could net shake off the creature, which dun.' to him with u ciammy. vietliKe T'Pi out oy a llljem! nse of a club, be saved himself from beinp bitten until hiscrks for as- -Stance broua-iit friends to the scene v. ho hilled the with it knife. A GERMAN COLONY AT JAFFA X'artUhips f m lWtlciotn Srt 1 hat St The last naml-H-r of the (iarU-rdaul-c trlls the story of a religious enterprise which has all the romance of the strange episode of Mormord.sTi -.vithout tny of its repulsive features, says the Manchester Guardian. About the mid tile of th- present century a Swabian js-asar-t farmei" thristojih iloiTiuann eone- ircd the notion that he was tivlnely called to build at Jerusalem a temple in readiness for the approaeh inj millennium. I'.y dcgTees this fturdy fanatic pained considerable in iiuecce over hi conntrymen an in fluence which may be estimated by the (tact that he successfully contested the seat for Ludwhjsburg- in the German jirliament in the year though the famous Iavjd Mrauss, h'uaself a i a'.ire of the town, was his opponent. After spending-some years ia prose lylinar.d ctdlectinjr the necessary f'iruis Hoffmann ma !e some overtures :o the Turkish frovernnKut for the ac quisition of land, but the episode of t he Crimea n war indefinitely postponed r iiy cliances which he mii'ht have had t-t sucecsa. In 1S."S three members of the sect were sent out to the promised bind a pioneers. I!y and by these i.ere followed by others, who traveled over the country iiterally from lan to to iV-rshelia. Many died from fever an. I hardship, but a nucleus still re r.iair.ed. These were joiiied at last by Ib'fTmann himself in lt0, and a colony definitely founded at Jaffa, which ilo:7aann administered till his death in Whatever the country may have been i:i ancient times, the Ssrabian peasants iid cot find it "a 1 and flowing with uilk and honey." They earned their I read at a frreater cost of effort tlun l hey would have incurred in their na country, and they were, besides xposed to the hatred of their M..ham viedan neighbors. Vet. like the Mor mons, they showed how much can be ione by a community moved by a rtronff faith, however delusive; they rrw steadily ia numbers sad wealth, bast year the colony numbered fifteen tiundred souls and cellared nolesstlian three thousand hectolitres of wine. H is not a little due to their persistent imitation that a railway bus just been :i;vncd between Jaffa and Jcrusalcm. V uo can say how far-reaehinir mar be the results both of the colony and the railway? . battle royaLL" e tj Xwm Ti U AIBM4 muw In a little glade, one hundred and twentv-five vards from os, two bull elks were engaged in deadly combat, rrhUe two others were lookinron. says Tlieodore Eooserelt ia Wilderness Iluutcr. It was a splendid sbrht. The prrat beasts faced ea?h other with lowered horns, the manes that covered their thick necks and the hair on their frhouldcrs brisUic? and erect. Then ther ciar?ed furiously, the crash cf themeo tifc s.ntleri resonlidii: g throa Th therallev. The sh'Xik threw thm both on their "; wita locked boras nd glaring eyes they strove ag-ainst each other, fettin? their hind le2i well tinder them, straining' every muscle in their huire bodies, and squealing- sav agely. They were evenly matched in weight, strength and courage; and, push as they miht, neither pot the up per hand, first one yielding a few laches, then the other, while they swayed to and fro in their strug-les, smaihlmj the bushes and plowing1 up the soil Finally they separated and rtood some little distance apart under the great pines, their sides heaving and columns of Eteam rising from their nostrils through the frosty air cf tha brijtienicj morning. Again they rushed together with a crash and each strove m ip-hti'r to overthrow the other or pet past his puard; but the branching antlers caught every vicious lunj-e and thrust. This set-to was . 1 T i r rnrir.usl v. One of the or.looking elks was a yearling, the other, though scarcelv as heavy boxlied ... - , r ts either cl tue tnu-rs. aaa a i.uer TI '. il vi.i.t'v much ex cited by th? battle, and he now began to walk between tne combatants, not dirij hU head and nttertr.g' a queer, whittling' noise. They did not dare leave their flanks uncovered to his as tiTil? a Lp aTinroached tbc-v rtromritlr separated and walked off side bv side a few yards apart. Ia a mi. meet, however, one spun around and jumped at his eld a-lver-ary. seeking to stab Li:n in his unprotected Cank, but the latter was just as ;u;-k ana as before caurht the rush cn his horns. They closed as furiously as ever, but the utmost either could do w as to in flict one "T two punches cn the neck and shoulders of his foe, where the thick hide served as a shield. Ai'ain the peacemaker approached, nodding; his hetd. whistling- and threatening; and eg-ain they separated. This was repeated once cr twice, and I bersn to be afraid lest the breeze, which was vrry liht and putTy. should shift and give them my wind. So, resting my rifle on my, I fired twice, putting one bullet behind the shoulder cf the peaeei-akT and the other behind the shoulder of one of the combatants. SHE KNOWS A LOT. That It the Secret of tha Really Poplar CiirL The really popular girl always knows a lot, says the Philadelphia Enquirer, she knows enough cot to gossip about people who have done her favors and who are in a way of doicg her favors, she knows enongh to dress appropri ately at all times and never to be over-tires-t-L !e knows enough not to r.-ear illamonis, discuss religion or pol itic?., boast about her ancient lineage or tell long-winded tales. She knows eiiougli t ke p silence and she knows enough to talk weiL She knows how to dance, swim, row, sail a boat, play the piano and biiijo, sing negro melodies and college songs, s-he knows enough not to "give away" all the f unny confi Jenees that the boys r-ire hc-r when in the blues or feeling particularly good, and she knows how o cook when they are stranded on an iala-u. becalmed End without oars or a stick with which to pole home. She knows just bow t catch . fish and then to cook it, and she knows enough not to growl and whine and complair until they are safely home. A Valuable Collect Ion of Jfaniea. John S. II. Fogg, of South Boston, d ceased, bad a collection of autogTaphs valued at twenty-five thousand dollars. The list contains such Dames as Napo leon Bonaparte. Charles I., Frederick II. of Prussia, John Bright. Mira beau, the duke of Well'czton, Henry Clay. John C. Calhoun, William E. Glad stone, Tr. J. !. Hoffman. 1070; Gover nors William Bradford, lid ward Wics !ow, John Carver and Edward Anchor, of Plymouth colony, signers of the declaration of independence and the men who took part in the Boston tea party; Martha Washington. Dolly Madison and Mrs. Lincoln; Joseph Ad- ii:.-or Iconise M. Alcott, George Ban croft. Mendelssohn, Edwin Forrest, T. il. Huxley. Cyrus V. Field, pavid Hume. Ildwin Booth, John Boyle O'Krilly, Jhn Buskin, Thackeray and Voltaire. Under the clerical head are sn h names as John Caivin, John Wes ley, John Xewman, Cardinal Richelieu, Cotton Mather, Jeremy Taylor and .Joan Codman. All the signatures of tiie prc.-ldcnU cf the L'cited States, all the cabinet oflictrs from the time of George W ashington, all the governors of ail the states and the United States senators from Massachusetts appear in the collection. HE WEARS PETTICOAT3. A Man Wbt Haa w More Costly eBilaim Ware robe Tbaa Many H oiwx Commander James Bobbins, of the local post Grand Artsy of the Republic, C.x.p-r's Mills, Lincoln county, in Maine, is one of the prominent ni.n of his community, a citi.ten generally e teemed as a man of integrily and in telligence, says the Lewiston Journal. Mr. Bobbins has a brilliant war record as a member i f the Thirteenth Mainc. Ile has lived ia the village sIdcc lss-T and is a jeweh-r. His house is a neat cottage cn the brow of the hill as one drives into the Mills. In the narrow front hallway is Mr. Robbins' bench, lathe and tools, and here you will find Mm placidly working away at the liny wheels and wrings. If you are on sufficiently intimate terms with Mr. Bobbins you will find him indulging- ia his bobby. He has one, like the most of cs. In this case the hobby is startlingly picturesque, and it may be safely said that be is the most original man in the state of Maine so far as his curious fancy is concerned. He wears petticoats. Not when be goes down street itr tUe mail and to do bis marketing. At ibot times he slips on his masculine panla, lootis. Yet he dots not wear his trou sers like ordinary masculinity. N suspenders for him. He wears a sort of dres waist, and his trousers are bufc toned tightly about his hips. He a) trays wears a woman's number six shoe, with high heels and graceful, slender shape. Mr. Robbins weighs something like one hundred and eighty pounds, and the effect produced by those shoes peeping coyly out from beneath manly trouser legs is startling, to pay the least. Mr. Robbins doesn't mince or toddle, and bis shoes seem to fit him pretty weiL He reserves his petticoats for the sanctity of the home circle, for the' par tial retirement of his orchard and for calls upon with whom his acquaintance is close, Mr. Robbins isn't squeamish about showing himself in petticoats. He enjoys wearing them; he has worn them when oppor tunity has presented all his life long, and he wears them scientifically, too. In the first plaoe there's do half-way buiaess about it. Every detail of feminine attire Is there and Mr. Rob bins is rightly fussy about the details. There is no woman In Cooper's Mills w ho owns so many dresses of such ex cellent material as does the commander of the Cooper's Mills post He takes pride in buying only the best. HU linc-erie is elaborately tucked and rufiled, edged with lace and fashioned according to the most approved models of any lady's wardrobe. The material is of the finest quality, and when Mr. Robbins lifts his skirts the eye gets a vision of ruffles, lace and ' all sue! like" of dazzling rvhitenessand immae slate smootb."sa To Valuable friends. 1. A jhysiciac cannot be a'vayi bad. Kheamatism, Neuralgia, Crnisrs and Barns occur often and eom times when least es jcted. Ke--p bandy the friend of maty households and the destroyer cf al! pain, the famocs Rel Flag Oil, 25 cents. 2. MaDy j iecions life could be saved that U being racked to death Ith that terrible cocgh. cVccre a gocJ night's rest by icvesurjr -j cc?s for a bottle of Pan-Tiaa, the great remedy for coegts, colds sxd conramption. Pn-Tim soli at G. V. Eecford 'e Prcg Store. He Had Nothing Left. First Foot pat- -there is no use tacklirg that fe!Io fecocd Footpad Why? First Footpad He's beice buying Chrictn-as presents all day. JuJgi bucklens Arnica Save The beat Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, C!cers,Salt Rheum, Fever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and ail Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, cr no psy re quired. It ii guaranteed to jfive perfect satia-faction, or money refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by J. X. Sny der. Staving Them Off. Jagway H w do you feel over Christ mas, old man ? Travers Very poorly. I find I am ob liid, as a matter cf necessity, to give my creditor a Christmas dinner. JuJgf. All Free. Those ho have use.l Dr. King's New Discovery know its valae. and th ee who hive not, have the oppirtaaily to try it free. CV:1 on the advertised Druggist and get a Trial Bottle, Free. Send your name and address to H. E. Backlen t Co., Chicago, an I get s sample box of l'r. Kir.g's New Life Pills Fre, as well as a copy of guide to Healtn and Hou bold Instructor, Free. AH cf which is guaranteed to da yoa good aod cost you nothing at J. N. Snyder's Drag store. Measure tor Measure. 'It's not the right fort of feeling, per hap". bt at Christ in as I like togi-ejast as va'uaMe presents sI receive." ' So do I. My wife is going to give me a hon-cred dolitr dressing gown and I amgoirgto give ber a hun'irei-doliar cb cs to pay for it See The World's Fair for Cents. 15 Upon receipt of your adJress and fif teen cents in postage stamps, we will mail y.-u prepaid onr Souvenir Portfolio of the World's Columbian Exposition, the regular price is Fifty cents, but as w e want you to hae one, we make the price nominal. You w ill find it a work of art and a thing to be prized. It contains full page views of the great building?, i with descriptions of same, and is execu ted in highest style of art. If not satis fied with it, after yoa gt it. we will re fund the stamps and let yoa keep the book. Add res-? II. E. BrcKLK.t 4 Co.. Chicago, Hi. He Did Without It- Mias Sweetser Will you come np to the Christmas gathering to-night? Ibhall le there. Jack Reddy With pleasure. Am I expected to bring anything? Miss Sweetser No; but you might fetch a spray of mistletoe. Pact. The Little Ones Should be caref ally considered, espec ially when they contract coughs and colds. Croup is the demon of childhood , as many a fond mother knows. Do not allow a cough or cold to run on. Wheth er young or old, it may be the forerun ner of an antimely death. We can con fidently recomtm-nd all readers to cse Pan-Tina, the ceiebra'sd rsmedy for coombs, colds and consumption. Pan-Tina is sold at 25 and DO cents at G. W. Bcnford's drug store. A Slight Delay. Mrs,rinkerly Theboy has just come with that lovely Christmas present I got for you to-day, dear. lie is waiting in the hall now. Pinkerly how kind (kiss) and thought ful of yon, dear. (Kiss.kisis ) I am j i.'t dyir.g to stewhat it is. (Impatiently) Why don't you have the boy bring it np? Mrs. Picker ly (embarrassed) The fut is er darling, it haa come C. O. D. Life. .Sftrpi hare the power to quiet The rt!ee polne of care. And come like the benedi'tioa That foiViws after prayer. If you are worn out by that hacking cough, and want a gi night's nt, try Pan-Tina, the greit remedv for coughs colds and consumption ; 25 and 50 cents Pan-Tina sold at G. W. Benford's drug store. Only Too Willirg. Generous Six Year Old Pip, there's a poor little cripple next d-xr that hasn't any use of his arms I'd like to give him for a Christ mas present some of the things I got last year. Papa (with tears of parental pride in his eyes) so ycu shall, my boy so you shall 2 Give him that nice little drum Aunt ilary tent you. Ciiicnjo Tribune "Wrinkles, and bellow cheeks, and dull, sunken eyes, don't always mean that a woman's old. Half the time, they only show that she's overworked or suflering. To eoch women, to every woman who is tired or t dieted. It. Pierce's Favorite Prescription raft'y and certainly brings back Lealth and strength. It's a leg itimate medicine that corrects and cures ; tonic that invigorates and builds up; a nervine that soothes and strengthens. For all the derangements, irregularities and weaknesses peculiar to women, it is the only gyarautftd remedy. If it doesn't beneSt cr cure, you have your money batk. It won't do to experiment with Ca tarrh. There's toe constant danger of driving it to the lungs. Yoa can have a perfect and permiacent ewe with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. All Provided For. Clara (arranging the Christmas ores entg) We'll put mamma's pearl necklace ne re. Iora And Mable's diamond earrings here. Clara And George's gold watch here. Dora And Edith's diamond bracelets what shall we do with them ? Clara Ly them on the niano alom?- sideof papa's Christmas cand. Ar Furfc. No other sarsaparilla has equaled Hood's in the relief it rives in severest cases of dyspepsia, sick headache, bil icccess, etc. A gUEO'S EQUir.VUE. The Favorite Tiam of England' a Stout Sovorsijra. Her BXaJeaty Un Crow a s Eo!a;i'i ta Her Old Ac That Sha Prrfera Low I'o&J Phaeta for llf i cril r. However orh England may have fallen off in other respects there is one thing in which it assuredly retains i' suj-remacy namely, the taimber. the variety, the comfort and ti e beauty of it. carriages of one hied and another. Tt.ey rr.n.'e from every kind of coach and crag down to the moi-t diminutive of pony carriages and carts, and it is perhaps among the batter that the greatest ingenuity and arcsticg dis similarity are to be observed. Especial ly rich in conveyances of this charac ter axe the stables of the queen and cf the prince of Wales. While it is im possible t-J conceive anything cure dainty and e'ezant than the little phaeton which the princess of Wales is accustomed to drive about Sandring ham. the acme cf comfort and con venience is assuredly embodied in tha low pony trap used by CJieen Victoria to take Lcr daily airing at Windsor and Osborne. Her majesty has Inherited the ten dency to obesity peculiar to the mem bers of the royal house of Hanover, and this, together with the rheumatic ailment from which the suffers, ren ders locomotion a matter of some diffi culty and the use of a carriage almost imperative. It is diCicult to realize that the lit tle, stout old lady, whose stature is considerably r.nder five feet, was once upon a time famous for her horseman ship or that she bears any relation to the young and elegant queen, whose appearance on horseback, with her shapely figure arrayed in tne scarlet and gold-braided jacket of a colonel of the guards, and a plumed hat on her head, aroused so much enthusiasm on the part of her soldiers at a certain memorable review at Aldershot short ly after the establishment of the great military camp there. As a whip (Jueen Victoria has never attained any fame, differing therein from the princess of Wales and from the latter's daughter, the duchess of Fife, both of whom are clever four-in-hand drivers. Indeed, the princess of Wales is almost as much at home with her four-in-hand team of ponies as is her cousin, the queen of the Relgiaus, while one of the most charming and welcome presents oiferc-d to the duchess of York on the occasion of her marriage was a four-in-hand team of ponies and a diminutive phaeton ia keeping with their she, given by Lord Vernon, whose wife is a daughter of Francis Lawrence, of New York. American roads are as a rule so bad, says the New York Tribune, that the very low pony carriage so much used by women in England could hardly be made available here. Where roads penult they should certainly be adopt ed by timid feminine drivers, for they are among the rnot luxuriously com fortable of vehicles, and it is very ear to get out of them at the approach of any danger renacritg the use of one'f own feet desirable. STARTLED THE ENGINEER. The Practical Juke I'layed by Mean of a Dummy oa the Trark. A cruel joke was perpetrated on the engineer of the Louisville Nashville passenger train which reached this city late the other afternoon, says the LouUville Ccurier-Journab Several miles from the city the engineer was horrified to see what appeared to be the form of a man asleep on the track a short distance ahead. Ha frantically applied the airbrakes and blew the whistle ia short, quick jerks, In the hopes of awakening the sleeping man. Immediately heads be gan to pop out of the car windows, and as the supposed man in front was seen upon the track they were quickly jerked back to escape seeing the sick ening Occident, which it appeared coulj not be averted. As the engine passed over the object the engineer and fireman closed their eyes and fan cied they could feel the wheels pas." over the body. When the train was finally stopped passengers and trainmen hurried back to the spot, where the dark object coulJ still be seen, but cow cut into several pieces. A search was already started for a doctor, when it was div covered that the mutilated remain" were those of a dummy, v. ith a pump kin for a head. The figure had on a complete suit of clothes and at a dis tance had a most natural appearance. The men then returned, much dis gusted but greatly relieved, to the train, which reached the city tlightly behind time. CACTUS IN PENNSYLVANIA. A Laxnriant Fatrh ot tha riant Toond iirowinc Wild la th Wooda. While a Port Jc-rvis couple were strolling through the Pike county woods near Matamoras, Pa., recently they were surprised to come upon a bed of wild cactus of luxuriant growth situated in the midst of several largo trees, says a special to the New York Sun. The cactus is from three to six feet in height and as green and healthy looking as any ever seen in the cactus countries. These exogenous plants bud been in bloom during the pas4 season and some faded flowers still remained upon tho stems, while the ground underneath the plants was coven! with dead Fpec imens which had fallen off. No dwell ing ever occupied the site where the cactus was discovered, cs far as known, and It Is doubtless a wild and natural production of the soli where it exists. How this plant (cf which there axe more than five hundred species fonn l almost exclusively in wanner region: ) should be able to cx st ia this high latitude and v.ithstai.d our severe win ters is a my.tery and furnishes an in teresting study. The discovery ha created interest in the plant, and ef forts will be made to transplant speci mens to private gardens. A Horse Lives ia the White IIous. A horse has a home in the whit hou-e. says a Washington correspond ent of the St. Ixnis Globe-Democrr.t This Is literal fact which visitors never discover and which few Washing ton people know. The horse whi- h shares the executive mansion with the president isn't a thoroughbred He has neither pedigree nor record. lie is just a plain, everyday horse, v. ith a white star in his forehead, a faith ful companion to Edgar R. Hockley. And who is F.dgar II- Hockley? The man who for twenty-live t ears has car ried to and from the white houe all of the interesting and valuable mad re ceived end sent, and nho never been found remiss in his ditty. Pain or shine, lu all sea -ens. be makes hour ly trips between the white houe and the city post oCieo. He is the white house mail carrier. And the horse that has his home in tho white house car ries Heck ley. The part of the mansion set apart for the horse is one toner of the conservatory. A thin partition is all that separates the roomy stall from the orchids. There is just room enough for the stall and a temporary supply of feed, and there the horse eats and fleep. under the same roof wiih the president of the L'nited States. BMn(biai Palace I'fiinhaL-ltable, So serious hare been the discoveries in connection with the sanitary condi tions of Buckingham palace that the question is now beirg discussed as to whether it can ever again be used for a royal residence. Not only is the drain age in a shocking condition, which will necessitate the expenditure of a fabu lous sum to set aright, but it has also been found that one of the largest of the main sewers of the metropolis passes immediately under the palace, anl that the gases arising therefrom permeate the foundations of the royal abode. The proposal to alter the course ' of the sewer in question is declared Ixuprwclieablt. t.MLLIONAIRES HOBSIES. Barea Rot arhild aad tha Lata Jar C.m14 Spent rartanea This Wax. In reply to the questioa of who rpends the most money on hobbies an English writer says; This almost necessarily, is one of the great million aires of the world, who cin net otdy aJTord to have a hobby, bat can indulge it to the fullest extent regard less cf expense. Two men. one still living, the other recently deceased, have been preeminent in speeding larg fortunes upon their respective bobbies. The hobby of lima Roths child, of Tring. "Hertfordshire, is the accumulation of works of art of almost every description and the estab 1 shment of one of the finest museum collections in the world. His resi dences at Tring and in town are both f iled with probably the finest paint ings and works of art in the possession of a private individual in this country cr in the world; while his museum, housed in a building especially erected for it ia Tring Park, at a cost of over ten thousand pounds sterling, is nn eqnaled by any private and is superior to many public collections. This museum, which is under the personal supervision of Earon Roths child's son (Hon. Walter F.othscbild), assisted by curators and science ex perts, ia especially rich In birds, but terflies and insects from all parts of the world, and is open to the public four days a week. There are also val uable scientific collections in the mu seum, which those engaged In scien tific inquiry can obtain permission to view and study. The coUection of these valuable and, in many instances, priceless treasures has cost Lord Rothschild almost a fabulous sum, amounting to several hundreds of thou sands of pounds, and is still growing, agents ia all parts of the world being continually oa the lookout for addi ti ms. The deceased millionaire who spent a large fortune ou his hobby was the late Jay Goal J. The wondersof his immense botanical gardens at Irrington have been frequently described, and included acres of hothouses and a vast collection of native and exotic plants and flowers. Enormous sums of money were spent by Mr. Gould upon this hobby, and such was his enthusiasm that he knew the botanical name cf every Inmate of this aggregation of hothouses, its or der, family, genus, species and sub species, if it had one, and could give the botanical visitor a fund of knowl edge as b its habits, peculiarities and features, niir.ut? z. : ' general. Mr. Gould, like tao.,l o;.r millionaires, had a yacht, though, probably, in the matter of these floating palaces that of Mr. Vanderbilt. which co-t up ward of a quarter of a million sterling, would eclipse all others. ODD CAUSE OF A FIRE. Scn'a Rays. Shinier Throneh a Water lloltlc, Uu.:ri a Muckintocrt. Proof of the unusual heat of the sun's rays ia tha mouth of October, says the Loudon Telegraph, is given by a discovery made by Inspector Morau, of the S division of the Metropolitan police, which satbfactorliy discloses the cause of a mysterious tire in the Tre-wint industrU.l home for girls at Hampsteaib Two or three da3-s ego a l-c.l in one of the rooms on the second Coor was di-oovered alight, and extin guished with some ditliculty. The or igin of tho fire was a mystery, and in the evening the police and the fire brigade ofieials were consulted, the former because it was feared to be the work of tin incendiary. No satisfactory result wr.s obtained at the time as the outcome of the in vestigations, but Inspector Moran. one of the tlleers engaged in the inquiry. wa! sei.-.ed with a "happy thought wi:ile nfterr.-r.rd pondering over the occurrence. Throughout the win.lo of Thursday the sun had been shining very bri'.-htly at Hampstead. and he had ascertained that in the morning a full water lottle had been standing in the room between the open windovr and a mackintosh oa the wail. The idea occurred to him that the sun's rays, shining through the water in the bottle, might have set fire to the mack intosh, causing the latter in turn ta ignite the bedding. Accordingly, at about noon on Friday, when the sua was again shining brightly, though not so powerfully as on the previous day, he proceeded to the house and experi mented with a water-bottle and a mackintosh. The result clearly dem onstrated that the fire had been caused by the sun's rays being concentrated by the water upon the mackintosh, the bcrtiing liquid substance from which had fallen on the bed and set it on Cre. The removal of the idea of ineendiar i im was a great consolation to the offi cers of the institution. WEDDING TOUR IN A BALLOON. A Wild Bod ratal Advenfar ia th Italia A If la October. Mmc. Charbonnet. who went in a balloon on her wedding tour and was thrown ont, with her husband and his friend, in the Italian Alps on October II, last, arrived in Turin a few days lator. Mroe. Charbonnet says thtt the balloon stmck the glacier at three o'clock in the afternoon. The car went to pieces and the three occupants were thrown out, but were not badly hurt. They passed the night in the sno'.v and ice amng the Cairanvdla pfaks, their only shelter leing a t?nt which they made from what remained of the buiioou. When the nextday broke they began the descent of the mountain. They had gone hardly a mile when Char lonnet disappeared in a crevave. Ponta and Mas. Charbonnet wandered over the glacier during the rest of the day. Ia the evening Ponta fell and broke his leg. The couple parsed a second night ia the snow and iee. and then Charbocnet went alone down the mountain to a hut, where she induced two guides to go back after hc-r husband and Ponta. Char bonnet's dead body, with skull and li:nbs crushed, was found at the bot tom of the crevnsie. Ponta was un conscious, but revived after he was taken to the hut. Colo: O it wish Firecrtrker. Aa interesting case of "the ruling passion strorg ia death" is described by the Toronto Mail. A humorist in Jppr.n who jested all his life told his friends when he was dying that his ody was not to be washed after death, was to be taken at onee to the family temple to be cremated. When he died his instructions were followed, and the chief priest took the body to the cremation ground. As soon as it was set on fire the mourners was as tonished by. several loud explosions. At first they were inclined to take tq their heels, but curiosity pot the bet ter of fear, and careful inspection showed that the humorist had stowed, 6WBJ' a large number of firecracker about his person before his death. Terrlhla Tidra. Statistics regarding the tides in the Day of I'unly are to startling as to seem almost incredible. At Grand Maran the fall is from twclv; to fif teen feet, at Lnbec and La&tport twenty feet, at St. John from tsventy fcur to thirty feet, at Moncton. od the bf-r.d of the Petiteodiac, seventy feet, while the distance between high and low water mark on the Cobequid river is twelve miles, the river actually be ing twelve miles longer at high than at low wtter. Vessels can be run cp so far on the flood in this river and ii the Avon that the ebb will leave theuj high and dry for sixteen hours, so that they can be repaired between tides. A Novel Hoym'l lion. An English journal Is responsible for the statement thil in attempt is being made to form a Ivies' whistling club in London. AU candidates w ill have to satisfy the committee that they are fairly proficient before being elected. One or two thoroughly accomplished teachers will be engaged to give in struction in the higher branches of the art, and whistling duets, trios and flees will be made a special featare. A rr.ZTTY FACE ia I be mult ( a t'J rofcaiuon. Wl- i j i I r.t it ITfMtif n,tailexion. free tri m WTmi"S and larioW ctmiJi. Ilelta always brines weaitb I lU-'ity. Ab.ay stale ol 1'ie --rrnwa with uoewn , ' . FY-n-tl4 j .-! f j - ' 5 lYTiption. It rt ..,ti.-o.a ureirJ J for woman' ail- wti a uko w.t.ian . tie tu.-rfaWe. o ral who n-j.-lw.-u to taie pry!" n-rticnlirlf rrone t no' coo- Jn tdl d nvrme- t and diiiinens- tbJl JLal cs wu.i-.-h r-VU in "uz f- tss hr-r soiVfcfies. and in disuwaoa lrre.-uiani.KS-lias medicine - JF to benetit or cure, or the mooey retumeo. CURTIS K. GROVE, SOMERSET. PA rm,IlJ SLET'.HS CaRRiAfcrEb STRING W AiX'JfS BCCK WAGOVS aKD KATXES AST) WK5TEK!C WOR furnished so Short Sotfe. Painticg Done os Short Time 4 j work it made out ef TKun$iy awueatd Wen o4 Iho Bat In end SUrt, SubaUnUaJW ymatructed, Seatly Finiaaed, an Warranted te five AatUfact-oc. Enplay fcl? First-Clas Wcriaea. .airui ol Ail ajiil lb Mj Line or s.-irt RTt.V t .. 11 Work Yarramel oui and Eiafmnt nij stork, and Lcara irtco I do Wagoa-work, and raniikh Seivea for wtnt (!' ReiaeBhef ihr place, and call In. CURTIS K. GEOVE. bat of (inert Hrue Fin-"! ft. A. H. HUSTON. Undertaker and tmbalmer. A. GOOD IIEVRSE an1 i-ihmiE ptrtiinin lo furntrii rum mec Somerset, Pa. 91-l 20 DOLLARS PER 1V.0.NTH In Your Own Locality ma.Ie ea-iiy and honorably, without capi ta!, dcring your spare Iwurs. Any man, woman. Iioy. or irirl can do the work hand i.y, without cxerieiice. Talking un necosnry. N-nhhig like it for nioiiey ciskinj ever offered Ix-fore. O nr workers always prosper. .'i time wa-ted iu learning the business. AVe teach yon ia a n'mht how to succeed from the firt hour. Von can make a tri-il without ex pense to yonrelf. We start you, furnish everything needed to carry on the bu.i ness durcesfully, and enarantee you asain-t failure if von but follow our Simple, plain instruct ions. Header, if yon are iu nc-d of ready money, and want to know all noi!t the best paying buines before the public, send us your aililress, and we will mail you a doca meut giving you ail liic particulars. TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augjsta, Maine. CONDENStD TIME TABLES. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Somerset and Cambria Branch NORTHWARD. 7i.oiJVTi if -1-7 .-prt. Rnrkwnod Jfl a. m , -Tn-rei 4 10. Miyetoro HooTersvilie JoiinIn. 6:1U. Johntc if ill Erprf. Rorkvicd li5 a. m., Snariwi 1:1". nu-Tr-uiwa Li, Hxver"vUie 1 .o. . ivLBiora . p. in. oA.uecum Arrm j. ? : , R or k oi ' $ -J) p. m Succr l 6 4.1 p. la., sipun 7. 11 p. w., Hoof crTil.e 7:.- p. u., Joaiutuwa Klo p. m .MinV-iv Arrnmwtnlati: Rockwood 15S a. m. Bumenet, LIk. SOCTHWARb. M'M Johnttown 7-40 a. m., HooTeriTille 8 X S'iyeu.wn :0, SwoerMrt Hill, Rukwood Iiprra-Johntowi :30 r. ra.. H.Tenrii! 4.1. Stoveatown 4..0, pomcret otll, Ruckaood 4-lS. 5ai7y Onlv JohntnD ?C a. m , Hooverrrtlla ! a. m., SioTt!.:o n a. m, bomerwl iv l a. m.. KK kKooa iu:ia m. Svinv ArrnaiwirtaSrm eomervrt 5:1 p, Daii. ' ESXSYLVASIA RAILROAD. SCHEbrtE IS EFFECT K0V. 19. 13. CASTCRN STA NCARD TIME coyDESxo cHrirT.x. Train, arrive and d-part from the :a;ioD t joniaouw uttiuiluii: WESTWARD. Sonihwwtern Fxpra4, Wttern fcipr. Johnstown A iyibii m fwi alion .. ' Accommudatiua M Paclfl Eipr . it PaengT. i - a. ra 4..Via ..... f.7 a. m 10 a. m 24 a. m i.&l a. m 5.16 a. m SO p. aj v up p. m. Mail... Jotumoarn Accimsiudaiion . Fat Liot, EA55TARD. Keytone lima.. 5-V. a. ra r-a Si; ore Kzprei. . Itmma Acer - rim X mu lane Expie , , . It Exprts AretimmodatioD.. "Mail Kxpret . Jim'tixn ccommodaiicn- Fhi laldpbU. . , a fast Llne. , &40a.B 9 .'4 a. m 1015 a. m. 11:10 a. m liO-J p. m 4 11pm i '1 p ra Tp. u - 10 .40 p.B For rule. maf . At. (fo to Tick-t kzrr.t or ad dra Tho.. E. WaU. P. A. W. no i(n Ave nue PiUJ urvh. la. a M. I k ( iiT. J. R. WOf ID. OVu 1 V&nar. Ocn'l Fsji. Aft- Xollilns On Earth Will LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong a ad Healthy ; Prevents all Dlaaaa. G4 for Mnrttimi Bnt. It b atanctrlr vara. Hartly wiiaiilmH. lamas trt eya unh jf a wrt a oay. Vo oar u-titih aa troair. Htrltlr a tnraMin. 'Uw arn cu a4 M t wfMl m l tfiuft" r oa raptuni) i lrjraran- vet It la aa. Ask Oral. Kur.pie r,r a) elm iu aoii. fl pack $1 Lajy 1 1 .b. r M WLMti. $1 i Unr sn. ftpiwi pratMML Sample f.p erf The Hrt Koalirt Paan-apnTfT. ar.P.m;trr otm rar tw i aad lr m Ml ia. YOU CAN FIND THIS P1PFR a &i ia Pirnti .H at iim A4'ninf lMiraaa al at aataar. rt rr.TT1T TITS P " r". XUil-UK U I Ui O&VO. w attoid tut adruiA ml iutai mm HENS, It is to Your Interest TO BUY YOUR Drugs and Medicines -OF- J. H. SHYDEB. CCCBasOB TO Biesecker & Snyder. Noce out the purest and bt kept in ork. and vkeu Irngs become inert by tai njt, as certain of them da. we d Ty them, rather than im pre on our customer ran depend on barir.r yxi PRESCRIPriGNS k FAMILY RECEIPTS filled with car Our prtom a a low nT ott Cii-c'iS? hoie and rr:an arcr! mch U wr The peple of LbJoHJitt wmto iedi this, and hav given us a trr share of their patron??, ami wha!l t:'l ountinae tairiT thp the rerr ht gnrmi for tHeir n-.oney f :i .1 .?k?i w a -r--a''v KITTINO TRUSSES. a- iarmjitrt- so(!i. arid if jiw t'. nad tnrtible iu tai? Hi"WUor, give us a rail SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES in Treat tariety , A full set of Tf-st Lenses. Come in and have your eyes examined. No chante for eiaaiinauon. and w arcon2-.leiit we ran suit tc-u fotce "d u E?pectftii: JOHN N. SNYDER. Jacob D. Swank, H K b maker and Jeweler, Sext door west of Lutheran Chnrcn Somerset, Pa. I am now prepared to sup ply the public with clocis, vatcli3 and jewelry of all description?, aj cheap &3 the cheapest, REPAIRING -A. SPKCULTY. All work gudranteed. Look at my stock before making your ptnr cha3es. JORDAN ii HINCHMAN. Wr are now n-ad? with ar rew and larrc ir?viii-e ! fie tinfc:iiirery Goia, pot-Q-lar i.f Bci: s ar.j lukes, tancy t.txi-of all ty!, a'.id evervlhimr ele (-nair.!njr to a tiri rls-s hon to ti l or der promptly, and t.i Mi..y rei.ient ftm ii.r tuany ei'nt. G vU a ways freh, '! alwayp oiTred at luwt Ciuivs laii aiid e one of the Q:iet a!-sr rut-nts ever carrrd. JCIBAN & HISCHMiH. John3town, Pa. GOOD LIQUORS! and Chsap Lipors By ral'.inc at the Old Rli Ijannr Ftorc. .' 309 Sail M, and 106 Cliptoa St, tj ohiistowwf 3?a. , all kind of the fhoi-iart U.jOor in marXrt ean be had. To my ol.l customer li-U u a a J knows fact, ant to all "(hers conTiDcinx; proof wCl be fiven. C n't t:ft that I keep an haxtd .b (Tealest variety of Liquon, the caotcect brands and at lh kwt pricea. P. S. FISHER. HARDWARE ! HARDWARE! I am now proffered to 9jromno4Aie th pulv lfe wiia oy pw urtryxtunt in tv Hrre hoc by tbc ai-iitioo rreoii ml to m former ltrr st'wk. 1 ktp tsvtl kinds of aruclcs ia m 1id an, bit pntTrs raiienye rorowfiiihm. If ymi want irta, revolver, a kni'e, a mw, a gnmiet. aa auirer, a biryi p, a pair ofvtau-, hixur , k-rew, naiX borinr .ri-?, bune t:MDkeut, or anything ee iu hardware tu kiwc&i prices ttul ornue. Herman Bantley, Clinton St., Johnstown, Pa T wayt MraiTx rut tivta wvaT't i" ra. Cures thousands' annn!lj-of LIttt Com plaints, Biliousness, Jaundic. Drajjx'n ia. Constipation. Malaria. Mofe 111 rrsalc fromau Unhealthy Liverthan any othere"nse. Xihr anffr when you caa b enred t Pr. Sanfnrd's Lirrr iavigor ator i a ce?,1'!tl f-ilT in-iicl'.e Xtu vuiiit will it-i-LV .ac. Ma. C0PYFUGHTS. CA I nRTTTf A PA'rTntT F'v a pr-wipc anawar ac4 an bmiawt opinion, write to 111 SI C !.. vao ba bad B-arT st, ear' ipvncnea ia us patrat baain a. i 'Hiimar cm tiuna atrK-tlT eonflilmtial. A Haaalbaa! uf la formauoa cw n BioaT Tateata and oxw to otw lain ufa aent frv. A Iso a eatalofaa ot BMcbaa leal anO aaentlfie bones rat tiv. Patents taam tbrona-o afuna 4 Co, wmia peoal aotiosiatha !x-leatia- Aaarriraa. anal tsaa ara brooxht wiiit hefxe tt aaMu. snta. out ert n um rasrator. This w-Vnrt.d aapr laaam wavalr. taaatl J iltoatratrd haa b, (vlfx auriat rtrcvlauoa of aay acentifl work ia las) world. J a Tear. Mmp seM trr. Baildina Eflitwa, axthlT. tlju a rar. ainaal enpiea. i - cants. lr noatbv enotaal beaa tiro! aiEffa. ia etMora, aaa pbocarraciba of aew aoaan. wita aiana, anaMinc baiMara to abow lam imtm doilriM and "eareeootrai-ta. AMras UVDH A CO, w you. Sal AauAjjwa PfrOTA5T TJ ADTKBTISUaV. TlA ffMstM tf ttA (VwinNv MT-hwaa laa at-.... s - WWtu J y-m 9 lUUUs, eopr of which caa be h4 of Pmiii?tc aWTUV VW aCCW X UT. ft ariltw(W. BUGSIES at Price CJa JFi CAilTS a UUIu.aaaaBai hmttr ... c w-cat rr r . " 1 ' "V "J ALb I Koad i an . ai aa. n, or fa. V J ftll. II I 11 ! IIIM HI ffl 1 II I .11 I I Morffaa aaaaia. ai tnjmi t riaa C. . Bl tC CART Cw. J If g Laa was at, Ciarlaaatl. X isiP) V Atil 1 Y IUP L 11 SCHMIDT The Largest and Most Complete Wine Liquor and Cigar Houe in THE UNITED STATES. Z5?szzzmi) loco, DISTILLER AND J03BER OF Fine Whiskies. n ,SP C3-- "W". SCHMI3DT IMPORTER OF 7 "Wises, 3jicrao23 Bud 3kt5 FAMIIiY TRADE SUFLIED. SOS. 05 AXD 7 FIFTH A TESTE, riTTD( Rr,H, Fa All orders received by mad will receive pro.n;.t i Ji,,iil)aa m 4, av.I,'-s JAMES B. HOLDERBADM, Somerset. Pa, Kriisinjcr Kurtz, Lorlin, Ta. and P. J. Coer x Saa Mever.-iJe, h EEMEMBER "TLir.s J.-d w'I a-.a with a caie, exempt iha:vr f.. IT WILL PAY YOU to bct rora Vleiintrial Work WM. F. SHAFFER, HOMERSET, PKNVA. aancfrtorer at aoa lVarf-r ir Maturm Wort WauVittm Saort yoaet. as aU t- mn ui emu viai aa. JiW IM WHITS BB0SZS rvnoc in nerd of JI0NTME5T WORK anil So J 11 Iu their mirr-l to ca.l al my shop wh-rs a pn.per .flowing will be ivrn ;!j-in. ar-o, i '"..--.-1 bantakui Ar'Tf mr. and k 1 '.fl Vkk Y Lu W. I invite uncial aneiiuoo to whii Bronze, Or Pur Zinc Monument laartl-xctA tj KIT. W. A. RIVG. a a ec1i3-il Ioo.nwriarnt Id th polM of MAlEHIAL AS!) (XiS-TRLlTIOX. and wt-icfl. ia 1-3U'-.1 to t the Popular MoanTTietii for oar CiAnva'':e saau ar-lVI HE A CALL. WM. F. SHAFFER. Lout hers Drug Store, Main Street, Somerset, Pa. This Ucdsl Drug Stcrsis Rapidly E-:c:ning a Grsa. Favorite 'with Pecph in :arch cf FRESH AKD PURE DRUGS, Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Sponge3, Trine, Supporters, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, tir. DOCTOR GIVES PISOSAL ATTXVnO!f TO THS COMPOrf I 0 Loillier's Prescriptionsl Family Re ceils 6&KAT CAS. SZiy-i TlZZS TO CsS 0.LT r&IS3 ASD Pl&X ASlICLSf SPECTACLES, EYE-GLASSES, And a Fall Lice cf Optical Goods alwars cn hand. From sa:l large ai?ortment all can be suited. THE FINEST BRANDS OF CIGARS Always on hand. It is always a pleasure to display our s.'Ood to 'ntendicg purchasers, whether they bay from us or elsewhere. J. M. LOUTHER, M. D. MAIN STREET .... sOMtriSET. W Somerset Lumber Yard ELIAS CUNNINGHAM. M AyrTixraiA mso Cum w boi ix j un Errant or LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS Hard and Soil TWxxl?. 0AX. POPLAB, alPIKU Pi( Kmi, airiJ)riio, AJH. WALXCT, IXOORISO. SAsH. 8TAIK RAIL. CHI8.HT, TEXOWPIXE. 8HISGUB. DOC S3 BAIX3TERA CHXSTMTT, WHITK PIXE, HTH. SM FJJ A eatxrai Uaaafan sa5 ca of Lumber and Buildia- Material and Rooflnf Kate iPl AJa can fttrniah anyVhirf ia the Una of oar rMsiaeaa toofler wita reaaooae: promptaaaa, much aa Braeketa, (Md-atanl work, etc eltas crasrsiGHM. OfflCO and Yard Onrwffita Q JPt n T t CtfmT, QmPMCt BUILDIXG. CUR Nev Stove, -THE- M A C I C CINDERELLA IS A'HAT YCU wy- -ITWiut-KOLD FIR OVER MGT AMD WILL PRCVE A WARM IN Cold Weather. COME And See I; Sold and Guarantees, h - - i 7 f-'.'-J T- j in .-7 -'-'' is r - - s r'iriri 7 - Over ECO Beautiful Designs. 4 fTp- k. vjV.-.i J alT--'-W sWa. a W .U. U UMisAA,