The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, December 20, 1893, Image 2

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    XheSomerset Herald-
EIAED 8CCT.L. EtoT as Proprietor.
Er.E& Wuscn ii too Kucb cf Vir
ginia piUiot to disturb rncU ia Li
tariff lull.
Lxk About veo nd nd wme poor
farcilv kJ spread I-r them a CLrisUsas
feast la their own hcicble tome. Begin
in time.
Tni time may be littie bard, bat all
the more let everybody mate and make
a joyoM Christina. Let every oce tbat
is able bel? those who are not to enjoy
tbe glad occagion.
Kestcckt ia doting, the, at a late
e!ecUon, elected eight omen county
school aperintendenU by good round
nmjorities. That means thrt Kentucky
echo-Ai will be Utter in e'bt counties
of the state.
Phecdkst Ci.tvt.LAND rema ks "Tariff
reform ia before cs." Ha would have
only told the trctb bad be added: So
are'the discontented suffrrlrg millions cf
American laborer?, ma le so by the antic
ipated "reform."
Cosont--aA!c Vis, of the Ways
ani Means committee, gives as Lis rea
onfr reducis;: the tariff on wice tbat
Le ""hopes to iniei.- the importation."
lie a!so reduces the duty on opium so
that Chinese smokers can re joice and 1
glad, and will -stop smngfiling." At t! e
game time this great statesman puts op
the doty on ginger ale. He evidently re
gards it an unconstitutional drink, or
else his uncle o ns a factory and wants
it protected like sugar.
Pem.x-eaT' are hungry for "more
rtatet," an i "aire Senators." All rijht.
It is only a temporary respite. Every
rcw state taken in will drop into tbe Ee-pcb;i.-an
basket like a ripe plum upon
tLe f.rst pood opportunity. The great
west is made up of live American, and
'a I'emocrati territory" under frte
t haois sxn grows into a Ipub!icaa
state by a natural process cf evolution.
The president conclude to come
off but if be doesn't Congress will ca'.l
him eff from Hawaii. The Congress
man who votes to replace the Qieen of
Hawaii upon ber throne, or allows the
i'resi tent to do so, would be booted tt
in the streets cf any city of the land. It
is a partisan question only so far as the
President has a riI.t to ;take it sach.
Tun V. I'..s Uriff b:
fally the principle and j art ice of protec
tion, bat fails t0 do aiy "pr.tectinjr"
except to favorite that it doesn't want to
hurt. Tree peanuts would hurt Wilson's
"deestrirk." Free sugar would swamp
Loosiana and free coal would be the
making of "my friend Whitney" and the
2"ova Scotia mines.
Tce mill stones cf the Chicago tariff
platform turn oneway, while those tf
the Wilson bill turn the other way. The
administration is the grist that is be
ing ground, and every city and ton
of the land is loud in its cry for "free
bread" for "the starving poor out of em
ployment." And yet the grinding g'jes
right along.
The Democrat in Congress who wishes
to lead the party inl'kj should sUnd I
up in Lis place and bod !y denounce the i
fraud now pushed by Wilson and
and bis dark lantern Ways and Means
committee. No other bat tbat kind cf
a I'emocrat will have a gliort of a show
to carry a single st-'.te r.orth of Mason
and Dixon's line ia
Tue Republican .Siate convention w ill
convene in Harriaburg oa Wednesday,
January .", to nominate a candidate fjr
Congreinaa-at-I.ar2e t Cil the placa
made vacant by the death of tieners!
Li!!y. Of the score or more candidatis
n.entioned Galusba A- Grow towers bead
and shoulders above them all. The
nomication of Mr. Graw would refiert
credit upon the party and s'ate. If
nominated bis election would follow as a
tuatter of-ourss and Lis presence would
preatly strengthen the delegation for the
important battle that will be fought by
the minority of this Congress.
So:. toe Hill is by all odds the man
1 0 lead in reptalicg the election laws.
The life of bis party in New York is
wholly dependent upon fraud at the bal
1 it box. Tammany, since the days of
T-d until the present hour, never
breathed an bonert breath. The south
doesn't want a Federal election law be
came jt-does not believe in" the equal
rights of n.en at the ballot box. New
Yoik doesn't want any election law be
cau'se it wants no sr-ies and reporters
Ijoo ting after, its thievery and otber
Cleveland's "tidal wave of prosper
ity" that was to follow the repeal of the
i!ver law ieslight'y overdue. Bat ev
erybody U anxious that he should prove
a true prophet. What be wants to do is
tj notify bis dark lantern Ways and
Means committee tbat be will veto any
wild cat money and tariff destroying
bill tbat they present. Easiness would
bm from the day of such notice ail
a'oug the line. But the President Las
n t the rand to do it.
Judge Donohue Was Murdered.
A startling revelation is announced by
t!ie Coroner's jury, which has been in
vestigating the mysterious death of Judge
Iavii C. Ihmohue, of Adams county. The
jury decides that the Judge was murdered
with strychnine placed in bottle of
It his been more than a month since this
community was periled by the strange
death of Judge Donohue. He bad gone to
bis stable one morning, intending to take a
drive. It appears to Lave been bis custom
to keep a bottle of whisky at the stable ia
ca of emergencies, and especially for use
wben taking a long, cold drive. That morn-
n'K j juce iuui a una a, ana was soon
orerc me by a violent pain. He su m mooed
his hired man to his aid. A borae was
bitched to a carriage, and the Judge was
driven to a doc' or' s office. The physician
at once said be bad been poisoned. Before
tQe Jadg? could give an aceount of his ail
ment be sank tut j a cbsir and was soon
unconscious. He expired within aa hour
of the time be drank tbe fatal dose.
Then an investigation was began. A
Philadelphia chemist was employed to make
an analysis of the contents of the dead man's
stomach. The chemist said strychnine bad
killed hian. At Grit it was supposed that
be bad taken tbe poison by mistake or with
suicidal intent.
The Coroner s jury has labored long and
aearchingly. Tbe evidence showed con
cliisive'y that the whisky had keen poisoned,
and tbat it bad been placed where W
Judge would drink it- So far nothing more
than dim suspicion rests opon any oa a
jttit murderer.
Pennsylvania's Grand Old Wan
Passes Peacefully Away.
End of a Long, Actrreand Eonora
tla Career of an Eminent Law
yer and Statesman.
Ia tbe dealt of Hon. John Cessna, whitb
ccrtimd at bis residence in Bedford Wed
neJsr nipbt, PennsylTanji lost ooe of fcer
most brilliant and distinguished sons.
For mar.y years Mr. Cessna bss occupied
a prominent place in National and feta
politics and his Ume as a Uwyer was by no
meant confined to the limits ef this. Lis na
tive Siate.
Here, in Somerset coun :y, his name was a
household word, and the announcement of
bis death will be received with 6ines in
almost every home.
John Cessna was born in Colerain town
ship, in Bedford county, l'a., June i'.
and was the eldest child of a family of
ttie. Ea Usher wis a tarmer. Juhn Wfcs
educttd primarily in the common schools,
but fredated in from the Marshall
t'oi:se. at Mercersbur. since then united
witli the Franitlin Cohere, of Lancaster,
under the name of l-'ranaiin Mirhall
Cohtge. of which Mr. CeMna baa been Prt--ident
of ILt Board of Trustees for twecty
nitie venn ; with much pleasure he made an
annua: address to ttie youths of tbat insti
tution. He read law, and was admitted to the
Biford liir in 1S". fcinoe that time lur
most fifty years he has been one of the
few men in Uie state who have been conun-uou-':v
active in pahiic atfairs. Jud-e Black
and his Associates on tne Supreme Benca
aprinted him Iteventie Commissioner in
1 -7, for the counties of Somerset, Bedfjrd.
E:a:r and Kracltiin.
Ia 1J Mr. Cessna wael?cte3 a member
of the Lep.siature a? a lemocrt, and wa
reeiectei in I31. iii unusual energy aud attracted the attention of iLe i.admi
men of lt.e fc-ate. aud he was e!e ted Speak
er of the House before he was thirty years
of ae. In he was attain elected as a
LHaiocrat. but not being tro-slavery, and a War Democrat, he left that pary
and Voted for Curtin for Governor m 1"J.
whe u he was attain elected to the Houie, as
a Virion IrmcL.-t, a:.d was for the second
tiu-e CjOren S;aier of the Huuse. He
aca.u returned, aiid was the kder of trie
lion. e in IVjj, and a member at tt,e ttuie ot
hi dt itb.
Mr. Cessna was one of the leading par.n1
roentarians. of tne country, and as early aa
1--V. this was recognized by the leaders of
National politics, for in ibstyear and at the
personal request of Jamts Bachar an, hewjs
a delegate and Sxretary of the Penn.ylva
nia deiepition to the Cincinnati National
Convention that nominated Buchanan. In
1J he was a Douglass deiepate to the
(.'Lane-ton Convention, where he introduced
tie anti-uiiit rule and fought it through the
J committee and the Convention which gave
Lo-?:ats tuiry-s.i votes, lie was a .uu.
tieni ieiuherof the a 'journed Convention
at Baltimore, and made the motion substi
tuting Governor Todd, of Ohio, as Chair
man, in place of Caleb Cushing. who had
expressed sympathy for the seceding South
erters wbo nominatid Brtek'.Brid(.-e. Like
most of the Doac'-ass leniocrats, he was a
stror;? Ction mia. an i gave Lincoln an en
iLusi&stic support. He was a delegate t.)
the ltepublican Nalioai.1 Conventions of
l-i and l'Ttt, that nominated (irant and
Uayes, and in Is".' w one of the Grant
puards who remaine-1 faithful to his chief
tLroogb thirty fx ballots, endine in defeat
for the j6."" I rom the time t e entered
politics in 1-43 there were few Slate Con
ventions of which be was not a member,
and, as w hen he was in National Cou-en-tions,
he invariably was on the Committee
on Evolutions or on Riles.
In the Cincinnati convention of IsTC. Mr.
Cessna was tbe leader of the delegation
from his State, and in fid one of the promi
nent men of the Convention. When the
break was made between the Blaine and the
anti-Blaice forces, the Pennsylvania dela
tion asked permission to retire fur consulta
tion, and when they returned to the conven
tion, Mr. Cessna was the spokesman for
tht sew ho desired d-:lay. His speech in sur
porl of aljourrnietit attract.-! tSe acti
Blaine delegates, and incessant calls were
made from ail over the convention to "lake
the platform." He continued fiebling tbe
call f ir a vote, standing on his chair on tbe
Hour, bat betrg small in s'aiare it was d ltl
cuit to make h:ineif beard thronph the im
mense hail, and tbe call to take the platform
was bo great that he went on the platform
and remained there as the leader of the
Hayes oeieeates until be succeeded in htv
it.g ad-ipttdtbe motion to adjourn, which
action nominated General Hayes.
la 175 President Grant appointed bim
Assistant Attorney General of the United
States, which appointment be declined.
Hr. Cessna served two termn in the Na-
i tional House of Concress being in the For
ty first au-1 Forty-lbird Conpresses. in l
and 1'-, from the Bedford-Adams riisinet.
and was always a leading member. In 174
he was the choice of Bedford county in tbe
conference that nomira'ed the late Ssmuel
S. Iiiair; also, in l7t when General Camp
bell received the nomination, and acain in
im.'). when Edward 8cnll was nominated.
In l-i and aain in l-o be was chairman
of tbe K-pablican State Committee, and it
was he was he who introduced the '"Canal
boat" svene ia the Garfiel 1 campa:gn.
In he was a prominent candidate for
Fulled States Senator to mooted A'a lace,
after the caucus nominee Harry W.Oliver
failed to rervive the support of the anti
caarus lie publicans thai eventually elected
John I. Mitchell. Mr. Cessna always fell
that if be had revived the a-.djof the state
leaders he would hare been sticreful in this
contest, and after tbat withdrew from state
In he was candidate for Jodee in the
Bedford-Somerwt district, and received tbe
nomination. The contest between him and
Judge Batr was vieorocs, Mr. Cessna being
a positive force and never doing thinps b?
I altes, bat cot possessio tbe art of suaviiy
and compromise, he was drft-ated by thirteen
votes. After this he devoted bis great abili
ties to the law, and was the leader of the
Bedford bar. In 1st 1 he was a Ielecate at-
Large to the proposed State Constitutional
convention, and received tbe largest vote on
the ticket, wittt lbs exception cf tbe two
tabor leaders. before court convened Thursday
rooming Judge Lorgenecker received a tele
gram from Bedford conveying the sad intel
ligence of the death of air. Cessna. The
news spread rapidly and on every band
were beard expressions of sorrow and regret
for Cnc! John" was known personally to
everyone in the community among whom
are to be numbered many of bis staunch est
fiiends and admirers.
Among bis clients be always nnmbeitd
many Somerset county people and bis was
familiar figure in our county courts. The
last case in which he prominently figured
was tbe celebrated I'mberger trial, which
endd in tbe conviction and execution of
the Nicely brothers and who ia there
that witnessed that famous trial and beard
tbe masterful summing np of tbe "old m
eloquent" who will ever forget it or the man.
After some pressing business bad been
disposed of by tbe court Thursday morning
W. H. Koonlx formally called tbe courts
attention to the death of Mr. Cessna, where
upon Jadge Longenecker appointed a com
mittee to draft appropriate resolutions and
ordered an adjournment until t wo o'clock
P. M , out of respect to the memory of tbe
deceased lawyer.
At the afternoon session of court the com
mittee reported tbe following resolutions
which were adopted and ordered to be
spread upon the minutes of the court t
Tbe committee a; pointed by tbe court to
report resolutions appropriate to the occa
sion of the death of Hon. John Cessna, of
Bedford, IHl, would respectfully submit the
I'.'xjlttd, That this court and the members
of the Bar of Somerset county have iewrned
with nnfeurued sorrow of tbe death of Hon
John Cessna, a member of this Bar, and
bo for a Ioet, period of years was a dis
tinguished aod a Ira t og member of the ,
Bar cf this judicial OJUict.
Remind, Ti-at in tbe death of Mr. Cessna
the Bar has lost a valuable and emcient
member, whose ahiii'y as a lawyer was sur
rwssed by but lew, and whose fidelity o his
cheats was never quewioned, test his long
and honored career as a lawyer and his long
public servite as a ies:ih.ior, within the
state and legislatures, made bim
or.c of the moat distinguished men in the
state ef Pennsylvania, and not only in the
cnmrnuLltT ia which be lived, but tbe pub
lic praeraUy have sustained a great loss in
his loss. ... ., Taat these resolutions be. spread
upon the minuu-s of tbe court, be published
in the county tpers and a pipy thereof be
snt to the faa-..iy cf the ceewd.
W. H. A- J. CoLaoiw.
A. H. Ccrr-T, VLESTnfE Hr,
JvBS H. Cat.
Wbes the report - tbe committee bad
been adopted spseclies. eulogistic of the
character of tbe deceased, wee made by W.
H. Koocti. A H. Ccffroth. John H. Chi
and fi. L. Baer, after which Judze Locgea
ecker. spoke feelingly of tbe death of his
fellow townsman and neighbor and paid a
high tribute to his worth as a lawyer and
Although no Somerset county lawyer or
politician bad crossed swords with Mr.
Ctssna ia half tbe liumber of hard fooght
poii-.ica' and legal battles as bad General
Cofirctb, between the two there existed a
warm personal friendship, begotten, per-
bap. In part, by the respect each had for
the ability and prowess ot bis opponent.
Following is a synopsis cf General Cof-
f.-oth"s remarks :
With the permission of vour Honor, I
rise w second the resolutions presenttd by
the Ci.airmsn of the committee.
I have been intima'eiT acquainted with
Vs. r,a for over fortv vears : I was his
n,.!;ii.! admirer and co worker until alxmt
the rear 1Mj4. when he fell br the political
way side, bet, who. in a short time became
a great lewder of tbe party be had so strong-
Iv antasonurJ I r many years, wa.isi i re
c:ii;ed an hnmhla worker ia the political
tm'-:h of mr eariv life. We were on the
l.ciiei of the same political party in 15'JJ
hot h were elected. After we Were
sci srated in politics
1 have been associated with b'.m in import
ant trials, end we have also ben on opposite
sides in a numiicr of civil and exciting crim
inal cases.
I now soetk of bim as a politician, lif-
vtraid eenercus man: as a twliticifn he
wm trrrir and visroroas: bo!d and defiant
in h:s eariv davs. whilst he was baltlir.g for
hi thpn erre-.-t ooiilical orinciphs : shrewd
and wiry in his later day advocacy cf Lis
political notions.
As a lawyer be was wonderful, preoably
th iii- nf bica we shall never see again.
His cases were well digested ar.d prepared ;
he struck tbe legal points convincing
power t his argumeuts to the jury were not
oalv eloouent and persuasive, but very for-
ciy.e; be never failed to do his fill duty to
bis clients, and when the case ended he
could truthfully say : " I d.d my lull duty.
Ho was a feaerous man and his kind acts
will long be remembered by the numberless
throng he aided and upon wnoin ne nestow
ed pcterous eil'ts. li s body will rest in
peace in the c ve of eternal night."
"The mearut rill and mtehtteM river
Wul roii fLint-ling witii Lit praise forever.
Mistake or Intentional ?
Uxiostowb, Pa., Dec. 13. This mom
ine Jiide elect S. L Mestivzat received bis
commission from the Stste Department
mikioa tim President Lsw Judge of the
Fourteenth district, over Jadite Nathaniel
Ewing. who has been on the bench six years.
The eimmissioa is a great surprise, net only
to attorneys but to Ju lee-elect Mestrezat..
The supposition was that, if Icghram
were re-elected, he would continue to b
President Jud?, but if Mestrezit were elect
ed Lwicg would become the president Judge
by virtue of his holding the oldest com
misiion. Tb is in accordance with the
decision of the Supreme Court in a similar
case appealed from Northampton county.
Mestreirat will call the attention of the de
partment to tbe mistake.
A Herald of the Infant Year.
Clip the last thirty years or more from the
centurv, and Hie segment win represent tne
terra of the unbounded popularity of Hostel
ler s Stomach Bi!t?rs. ttie opening ot tne
vear lrt' will be signalized by the appear
anceof a fresh Almanac of the Bitier, in
which the uses, derivation and action of this
world-famous medicine will be lucidly set
forth. Kverybodv should read. Tbe calen
dar and astronomical calculations to be
found in this brochure are always astonish
iczly accurate, and the statistics, idustra-
tioi.s. humor anc other readme matter rich
in interest and full of proiiL The H tetter
Company, of Pittsburgh. Pa., publish it
themselves. Tuey employ more taan sixty
hands in ttie mechanical worx, anil more
t':,Rn eleven months in the year are consuro
ed in its preparation. It can be obtained
without aw. of all drugsists and country
rit-alers, an 1 is printcdin Kngiish: German.
French, Welsh, Norwegian. Swedish, Hol
land, Bohemian and Spanish.
News Items.
It is thought General Sickles will resign
bis seat in Congress to retain bis psy as a
retired major general.
The National Cjrigreis of Farmers, in
session at Savannah. Gi , has chosen B F
Clayton, of Iowa, president.
Crank John Westgarth. who called a
meeting of " 10,000 armed and mounted"
men in Chicago, has been sent to an Iilino's
Threatened with shooting by an anony
mous corrwipondenr, Governor Jones, of Al
abama, found bim cut ani read him a severe
lect cre.
Mra. Dible, an aged womsn of Harrison
city, Westmoreland county. Pa , was burn
ed to death. Wuile starting a fire ber dress
Tbe French Government will present to
tbe 8tate of New York all or nearly all of its
educational exhibit which was at the
World s Fair.
Chris Evans, the traia robber and outlaw,
bas been found guilty of murder in tbe first
degree at Fresno, Cal , and the penalty fixed
at imprisonment for life.
Miss Frankie Simons died while sleigh
riding at Jaikson, Mich. An autopsy show
ed tbat dt-ath was due to paralysis of the
heart caused by tight lacing.
J.ha Silvis, 25 years old, tried to bang
himself to a tree with bis suspenders near
Pine Run, Westmoreland county, Pa.
Hunters prevented his suicide.
The Democratic State Committee has de
cided upon January 10 as the date for the
State Convention to nominate a Iemocratic
candidate for Congressman at large.
Friday the House voted to admit Arixona
to Statehood, and followed it np with a bill
to also admit New Mexico, but did not reach
the point of action on the latter before it
was decided to adjourn for tbe day.
Thirty days imprisonment and 2M fine
is the sentence meted out to John Y. Mc
Kane, the "Boss" Democratic politician of
Brooklyn McKane bad returned 6.0 O
votes from Gravesend, a village of only 3,000
people, and refused to obey an order of court
permitting a copy of tbe regislry lists to be
Tbe Hoisteio steer, known ei
"Prince Victor," which was raised on Will
iam M. Singerly's farm at Gwynedd, in
Montgomery county, Pa., was killed Wed
nesday, in Franklinville, and was found to
weigh 3,630 pounds. It was exhibited at
the World's Fair, and before shipment east
weighed S75 pounds.
The middle spaa of iron and timber false
work of tbe bridge now under construction
between F.ssl Louisville and Jtffersonville,
Ind., collapsed at about 10 13 o'clock Friday
morning, crushing to l-atb or drowning be
tween twenty aud thirty men and injuring
aboat twenty more, some of whom will die.
Only six bodies have been recovered.
Tbe Democratic members of tbe Ways
snd Means committee are at daggers pj'nts
concerning tbe items tbat are to be indaded
in the internal reveciae bill, which ought to
have been ready simultaneously with the
Cleveland tariff bill. A majority of them
favor a personal income tax, but they best
late about incorporating it in the bill be
cause of Mr. Cleveland's premature an
nouncement, in bis message, that tbe com
mittee had agreed to tax tbe profits of corpo
rations only. '
KLINGAM AN LANl'13. At the resi
dence of Lincoln Coleman, in Stonyereek
township. Dec loth, ISO, by Elder W. G.
Schrock, Mr. Jacob KUngamao, of Green
ville township, and Eosy Landis. of Brotb-
ersvalley township. -
Indiana State- Normal School.
Indiana, Pa.
D. J. Waller, Jr., D. D . PrincipsL
Thirteen bandied fort above the sea.
Twenty-three acres in tbe campus.. A gym
nasium. New building in contemplation.
A large attendance cf students. A strong
corps cf teachers.
Among the new teechers are Mist Kenne
dy, recently returned from Germany, in
cbaive of instrumental music; Miss Wright,
eraduate of Weiieely ; Mr. Leonard B.
McWhood, an honor man of Columbia Col
lege, in charge of tbe Latin and Grevk; and
Miss Da vton, a graduate in the Normal An
Coarse of Pratt Institute, in charge of the
Drawing and kindred arts. VIlss Dyscn
has also completed a post graduate course.
Tbe high standing of Indiana, secured by
the well-know: teachers identified with ber
will be sustained by their addition.
Winter term opens, Tuesday, January 2J,
Write for further information.
D. J. Wauta, J
Reduced Rates fortho Holidays.
In pursuance of its usual liberal policy.
the Baltimore and Ohio IUilroad Company
announces that exrursioa tickets will be
old between all stations on its lines east of
the Ohio Itiver during the Christmas and
New Year holidays at reduced rates. The
tickets will be sold for all trains December
22, 23, 2C 25, Z. 30, 31 , and Jen. 1, and wii! be
valid for the return journey on all trains
until January 3 inclusive
Constable Arrested.
Constable J. M. Hamilton, of L:gn"icr,
was arrested last Monday on a charge of bur
glary, preferred by Joha Hanger, of the
tame place. Oa the eight of Oct, "4. l?Sn,
Mr. H auger's residence was entered by two
burglars, who brutally beat bis aged wife
and stole iZ'3. Mrs. Hauler recognized
Hamilton, but was afraid to make the fact
known, believing that Hamilton's friends
would do them forther harm. The accused
is a brother of the notorious Collins Hamil
ton, w ho was recently sent to the peniten
tiary for a similar offense.
J. M. Hamilton and Mack Nicely, last
week, ma ie information against Mr. Hang
er for slander, because of accusing ihem of
committing the robbery. They claim $lo,-
0.j damage. Mr. Hauger entered ball for
1372. 1893.
E claim to be "of aire " in
the Grocery and Confectionery bus
iness, and, having catered to the
wants of the trade for 2 1 years, it
is but natural that we are again to
the fore with a line of Stable and
Fancy Groceries, together with
Holiday Goods, such as Candies,
Nuts, Raisins, Grapes, Dates, Figs.
Oranges, Lannanas, etc., etc, that
will bring good cheer to the house
hold of every purchaser.
To be convinced that oar store is
LTcadiiaarters, give us a call, wheth
er yoa make purchase or not.
Welcome evervbodT.
Teachers and others attending
the Institute if in need of a Coat
or a Wrap, Ehould take advantage
of the large reduction made to
close out my stock.
Mp.s. A. E. Uhl.
Holiday Cheer.
The holiday season is close upon us, and
every household in lue land is preparing for
tbe plum puddiug. and the general l-astirg
aod rt jolting A lime good tiraudy for tlie
mmce pie. rum for tt.e pudding, or a lime
stimulant to keep the spirits up aud the
cold out. is absolutely necessary lor an old
lime Christmas cheer. One of the nioet
prominent liquor dealers in the country, Mr.
Max Klein ot Allegheny, Pa. whom we can
cheerfully recommend, and who has the
reputation for handling only absolutely pure
liquors, wiL sell you the-fuliowirig brarr.l of
six year old pure l'etin a Ryes, at il to -r
lull quart or six for ."At Bear Crtek,
Gibson, Guckeuheimer, Finc'i
I'he famous Silver Ate, tbe finest whiskey
in the country at $1 jo, and Duq iesne, a
whiskey distilled from Rye aud Malt, at
$1 li'i per quart. Guckenheimrr 4 year old,
at 7 jo per quart, and the Anchor Rye at j" v.
You can have your choice of ail kinds of
California Wines, Gins, Kura and Brandy,
all pure ar.d old, at fiim 5" cents per quart
op. All goods neatiy boxed and shipped r.y
express. Send for cutologae and price li--t
of ail kinds of liquors to Max Klein, 2
Federal St., Allegheny. Pa.
Holiday Excursion Tickets on the
Pennsylvania Railroad.
For the benefit cf the increased travel
which the holiday season always brings, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will this
year sell excursion tickets between the vari
ous stations on its system at the reduced
rate of two cents per mile. Such tickets
will be sold between all stations except to
and from stations on the Downicgtou and
Lancaster Branch and the United Railroads
of New Jersey Division. The dates of sale
are December 2il to 2-"th and December 29th
to January 1st, 1", inclusive, valid for re
turn until January 3d, l't'l, inclusive.
Homicide Assessed at $1343.
Dovlestows, Pa , Dec 13 Mrs. Franey
Weis, widow of William Weiss, who reside
st Telford. ou the Bucks and Montgomery
line, to-day recovered damages amounting to
$313 15 from the administrator cf George
Hunsicker, deceased, for the willful killirg
of her husband. During an altercation ou
July 1, ISiC, Hunsicker struck Weiss on tbe
bead with half a brick, from the efiects cf
which Weiss died a week later. Hunsicker
was convicted of manslaughter, and died la
the Norristowa Jail about two months ago.
Cvil proceedings were then brought before
Judge Yerkes by tbe widow for damages for
the loss of ber husband, and tbe jury award
ed her 1343 15 against Hunsicker's estate.
Saved Her Life.
Mrs. C. J. Woor Humor, of Wortbam,
Texas, saved the life ol !ir child by the
ne of Ayer's Cherry 1'ectoraU" o
'ttie of mv eliildren bad Croup. Ttie
eaie a attended by our ihM-inn. and was
vi.,t.-( to t-e weil niKle'r control. i.e
niitlit I was startled Vy Hie ehiki's lianl
breatbias. and n going to H found It simn
gtins. It hart nearly ceaed to breathe,
lieaiizln tlud tlie child's alarming eonntinu
bad become posMfri in spite of themeitictne
liven. I rens'Mieu tiiat nueli remain- voHild
e of no avail- Having part of a bottle J
ayrCtierry Peepiral in lite hon I gave
tiie child tnree dse. at short Interval", and
SJixeaisly wjiied results. From the moment
tie Pectiiral wa given, the chilli's breathing
ji.ew easier, and. ia a snort time. tte wai
sirepji.g qiiieily and breaking Mjurallv.
Tne ebild is alive and weH tvilav. anil I ii -ni
hesuate to sav that Ayer's Cherry I'ec
loral saved her lue."
Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr. 1. C. Ayer a Co, LowcS, Mm.
Prompt to act, sure to cure
Shot Himself for Drinks.
Nxw Yoaa, Dec 15. Thomas Murray, a
your-g machiniat, of No. Tenih avenue,
to day dolibera'ely tred two shots into his
bead from a 22 -calibre revolver to prove that
the weep-in would rot project a cartridge
vrnh sufficient force lo pierce b's skull.
Surgeons at the Eowevelt Hospital extract
ed both balls, which, by glancicg, bad not
penetrated his head far enouge to cause
Murray and a friend named Joseph Mal
vaney were drinking together this morning
ia a saloon, when Mulvanry pulled from bis
pocket a 32-caiibre revolver and began play
ing with it.
"That's enly a tcy," remarked Murray.
Why don't you carry something that could
be of some use to you 7"
It's good enocgh t-J kill a man with,
replied Mulvaney.
I'll bet you the drinks that it won't send
a bail through my skull," said Murray. '"I
take tbe bet," was Mulvaney 's cool answer.
The revolver was banded to Murray. He
placel the muzzle against his right tempie
and C red. Before the others could reach be
fired a second shot into bis left tempie.
Ir stead of failing dial or fatally wounded,
Murray walked around the saloon demand
ing the payment cf hie bet. Tt.e wounds ia
bis head bled freely, and, finally becoming
fcifehter.ed. be went to the West Tbirty
sevetth street station and asked for medical
The surgeon sent bim as a prisoner to
Rooeeve'.t Hoepila', and, after the surgeons
had extracted both halls, Murray was taken
to JefJersoo Market Police Court and heid
for examination as to bis sanity.
The Aeolian
Is unlimited. Almost any piece of music
ever publiihed can be obtained for this
wonderful instrument. All music for
tbe folian is arrar.ged from tbe orches
tra! score, and is therefore more perfect
tMan a simple piano or organ arrange
ment. The xjliaa is a musical icetniment
with qualities so remarkable that it
commands the praise of the severest
critics, and yn i: simple that even
thoe who have never taken a music
lesson can master it within a week.
Fine boiidsy assoit jieut now on hand.
Come snd see and bear them.
Mellcr & Hoene, 77 Fifth avenue.
Pitleburbb, Pa.
What We Have
For the Holidays.
Mellor & Hoene, No. 77 Fifth Ave n us.
Chickering Sons, Hardman,
Kiakaner, Yose A Sons,
Kimball and other makf .
Cnited States, Chicago-Cottage,
and many other makes.
Self playing ".F.jlians,"
In the richest w.xids,
and .Y. jiian music.
Church Organ?,
Pe'.oubet Church Organs,
Kimball Portable Pipe Orfstis.
Music Cabnets, fiae Stools, duet tenches
ia mahogany, cak and oiher woods.
Ia our line we csTy absolutely the lar
gest and Sliest stock in this section of the
country. Everything we sell we guarantee
to be as absolutely perfect as can be male.
Our policy of the fi .iest instruments and
honest prices brings us the trade.
Write cs for catalogues of anything yoa
may want in our line.
Open evenings during this month.
Mellob A Hoez Founded l.vJI.
Warerooms, 77 Fifth avenue.
Pittsburgh, Fa.
or a
Business, tbortbaod, Sturle, acailemic, send
for catalogue to
mi v tow scrr. a. JOHNSTOWN
P, & P.
Our Annual
Red Letter
Our Reduction
Red Letter Sale
. . . Will Startle
Twenty-fire thousand dollars worth
comes under tbe Knife and mnst be
sold during our
Red Letter
sj - i
Unparalleled Offers.
U r r f 'J
,;i!ie.l t.r tt; 'tarrl-'j-'ir Pal '.-h'ni "oxja-
bv. U iV :rrt : ! net er
'ji.-i'-d si lise e;.iul of r? fcs'y.raiila.
xac'j LiinitT t-nuiin" Tl eluniii
i;b tue latest
nic. ipuriet report aad
rijisecilineot.i reulios.
::cr. on ly one dollar pep- ylar
Seat-Week' v T-I.-ir-af.h ac-l Amef'ttn Arri-culurl-l
Seroi-We-k'T Te'.z-ii b and Aneria Fitcier
iu.t:il ,
Bewi-Weekly Te'enmiU ao-1 Me:iw,
c l.i -l ly Mr. John A. !in .iniiiiiily; for
Eml-"eekty T-lcc.; -h ar.-l Jem' Hi'tory of
lut. J;::,.:a Vi'-y lor tLe pr:c cf the
book alm.e, 4-
RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED'o:. in er.-r n '-.o-jl Utst.ict
in r.T.:,-; '.vai..a.
Daily Telegraph, $5.03 per year.
TLe cash ni3t accompany ail orer, ar.d te
allr.e1 to
W. M. fncALAF.NEY, Manager,
Harrisburg, Pa.
(ill .on Ejimia A a ife ( So. 20. My Terra, lsXJ
L. C. r.iltrn. I Vol'intarc Aik-ciriect.
As'.(tr.eii S'-eist fii with ei'-e iui.
Ttie uuiler-;.tieil taviuif b en ai.'ix.:utei Aa
iitv l exarolite the ev-vMioos and umke di
triuiilion to ani aimi? entitle.! tt.ereio,
wili meet 11 1 arm liur-te.l at hi. olii-e in
Soniemet, !'., uti T;, Jaury liHti, 11,
at 10 a. m., to attend to the win.
jvus n. rut,
Kstate of Henry Kr r . of Somerset Borough,
Hiving ben irii..nie-l aiminitrator of the
efctai of Henry K r-xer. Uec u . notice is i.erefy
s!veu ro all perwi o-':D ai'l talaie to make
iniuie!iale payment, ami L-io-e having riairas
against saia estate will presei.t lee ui aaiy
ul(ie:il:. atel for teuN m .-ut ml Uie of
E. . k-er, bocieriel, f
K. O. KCxiiER,
OU lwretionry la-t montli. January
ool ikiw fiiruun ?iaii-l upwant. reeeiv-L
At.tre. Ml'TuaL u i. M Ut-.F..
T7FourtnAe. litu-buich. Pa,
R(x kwo.i, tSain.: ooaa y, J l, hjlrcj of rol
nnuuy atsraieci ha.4 v;imrl to m la trasl
f.rthe beur'it ?( trr cr-j.ur, 1! he e:le,
r-i ud f?rw,al. of the ukI Mary hncknisa
A'.l ixl. tmie tti to the 'A Mry K-u a.aiii
m ill nmk itniui;att pv-En.-Lt to me kuI luoe
haviLLg cii:iis w;i 1 j-r -:it tu sum w.:a1'-h Ots
Ut mi uie Bui krcatt liuu-i, R.x'ku-i, i a., oa
BAlai-laiy, January .'?a, lt
Wberkajs Tte Honorable J.djof the Coort
of i n u 1'lrasof rru-rvH "-jn:y, l'a., have
onl'-Tt-d Lbata i;ec!al .o;rt of i Hzi'jhjv. t'ta, of
v'iarter sew.un, aa-J .rj iiaL' ( oji, ftr:tie trt
ai of ciwi thereia, Ktii! b lid I at s-;Li..rset, oa
KONDAY, JANUARY 15th. 1894,
commencing at 13 o'ourk A. M , of l day.
Sow. thereforf, I. I-!ah Gooi Ftish Shr!T of
Soraerm"! County, berenr i.v-ue rar prov-iamitia.
girine nxiee to ail inror., itnesi uiu3iii(ieU
an't to aJ parties In emoso to t tiien and there
trte'i to be in atiemiiue at nit Court.
oenfTt tei,-, i i.-AlAH jP.
Iet ai, 'S3 ser:?.
i i? nwniSers of the Farrrwm' Cairn AjfocIb
tkn anil fire I:iuiatoe i ompaLy of Swr.rK
( uniT,i'.t vLi xnett ia tiarzuau UuU, ik-ruii,
Pa., on
for tbe r-urpoae of clectinjr o.T.o .-- to aenre tha
ei.uiu( year, tiecuon ojurn at J P. il. bu.ii.e-a
tneetuix at 1J A. il.
U'-SAM r HY.
Enhraim J. Walker, FrefiJent
See re Lary.
I hereby crnify tl.nt the foil on in; arcotuf
bc br-!! tk-J in it j crVv aoviriujft to law,
aud wiii be prtsteuicU w Ut: Court tut cua;.rma
twu, ou
Firt ani f.nal arrount of Samnel J Boater,
as:eneif sr h.tiaM Livei:i;of 1 wife.
irsi anl ri-ial as.oint of A. W. kcefper, a of W. U Miller and wife.
t irst aiM final ai ojotit of Vaieatie Ay, as
niitiee of Tt'fy.a kLiM'ia
t ir ac-1 lo ai n onitl of L. ('. Ci ioora, a
ticiiee of oi'lfs'ii fH.aciaa anl ife
i-rotliocotary !".et, I W. 11 PVXSE8,
Sot. !'. Itvl. t Fto.touoiry.
A:inieil e-ute of At-.-am M. Milter, of Jeffereen
w n-hip, somerset rntiiy, I a.
SnW i tere--- rivea ttiat Ar.r ji M. Milter
haa a et.nirai L.iirutier:t fur the tjenetit of
tfc- c.e'litors. w ihe. utiiicrs.ptieil, ail person
jmletceil lo raid erie are r quested to Diie
yniert and ito. iivuij$ e.aus tj iree!U u.e
axae Kitnoul deijy to
JC'liN' K. Seott. AwisOfe.
Somerset, 1 a.
k.siaie of Annie Bron;:her, late of MuMierreek
U.wi.L p, lec !.
Hariri; ri api-olated ad-siuirator nf the
estate ot An:oe BrnUffUer. dee d.. nitii; K here
by gireu to all fjer-oai on ni( iiaul -siHie to mke
immedta'e 14tui-ui. and Uhhc tiivtn eU:m
etn.t .aid e.aie a til present lije name du.y
aulhcnttenu-d to ttie u:. tiers b'litst at t 14 resi-rteti-
in t'Kr lurkefc. towcshifi, NimerM-t
rouiitv. Fa, ou iurdT, tne Jl day of Iciea
Ifcr, 1 Jtf,
Pout t Ogle, AttJ'9. Adniitmralor.
Estate of Jacuh H. l-ian tat of s-h Ie township,
letters t-:ai?ientry on -?sUte having
ts-u frrautt-l V umi- rsi -ned l y iho jiroper
auili'ritjr. ntitice I., hereby given lo ail persona
kuowuig tnemfieivfst m.lrliw t lo naid es
tate to uHKe lmtneiiiMte ;aytuent an i those hav
liii: ctiiiiu. arsii the teine o prts.-tit ttiem duly
uinenticaieil lor ft-r'.ieuieiit o i Fnly the nh
dtjr of lceiotier, 1t.v, a! ttie i;e residence of
d d.
St-al nrrprs th const rartkiD of a rvs-
trnnif fobito VVir W.rt for Soinenicl &jnugtj,
itt bt received auiii 7. 13 P. M ,
the Ooancll reserve the rixht of rejeetin any
oraUbidn. Sperifa ationv etr., eaa" I bid on
aiiliC4ll.n. By order of the Town f'outv-il. WELKI.KY.
Dec. ta, fomenet. Pa.
The annual meettne of the Stot khollert of tbe
First National Hank of Momeraet. f, iha election
of t'lrettors S.rihe year A. I)., iil be heid
in the liirertor a Htum, ia the First National
Bank Boildiru?, pnmetL l a., on TueadaT, Jan
nary 9, IrH. ltweea Uie hours of one ana- three
o cioik, F. U.
rures amtii l'laaM, iiropsy. oraTel. Ner
oues. Heart, Iriuary or liver l".-eae,
known bv a ured. lani:iiil feeling : inaction of
the kidneys, weake'i and puisofu the biood, and
nnle miw is removed you eannut have health.
Cured me over five yearaairo of Briirhl imeisi
an- urofMT. Mra. 1. I liliex. BeUilehelB, Fa.
LUotler umiiar u-stunoiiiai. Try iu Cure
Can Kidney Cure Co , 720 Venango St
YoiMBf come Art AfiErfrfcR
L I ws-
TOw .Sim.
Theflrnt of American Srtctptt
The American Constitution, the
AmerU-an Idea, the America
Spirit. ITi'ne fin-t, tout tnul all
the time,fvrerrr:
U tie freattst Earc'ay r-ewspajr in lie
w or: J.
Prica 5c a eery. By tea'!, t2 jv
Dii'y, fcj rail. - - - S5 a yar trail, - - 3 a ytxr
ThaWwUy. - - - -JUr"
The "Neverslip" Horse Shoe,
t. r. v n.l Nipifnrt t.t tiorse aid driver
r liis .r kr M'.VAbLE. .ieei-eeaire-l and
CELF-eH ARPtMSii, a&d reinam shan i;:i i
tirelv aorn out. New ta r" -aa be mrii m a
fear inltiat'f aniiout riiaoving Mn-rs in rn the
horse - feet.
.r.1 n,r tot aaiiine at r.'.akmith hon.
Avoids dnni..-e lo horse leet from freiitntiy re
moTine coiuuKin shoes to be .hariMrue-il
Send for sKCCf aL.orrtn of shoe for trial.
ail ntled l ft li-:ts in.n a iy o i-e nanei ou,
a hirh are O'iert 1 this lu'.er oly at very low
prices. Cireiiiars, prices, etc., mailed tret.
Wants your trade, arid, to secure
it, cfTcrs three things:
First, T1.3 largest aaJ lct liac
of Ire3t Good-. La lies' ami Chil
dren's Cloaks, IIousefurnisLi!! Dry
Good?, such as Bedding, Table Lin
en, Natikin?, Table Cover?. Towel,
IIoiery and LuJ'rwear, Umbrellas
and a general stock of small ware,
usually ?old in a dry-goods store.
Second, Stenger Las Ixien selling
gootls in the town for twenty-cigLt
years, which proves Le has the con
fidence of the people.
Third, We handle none lat the
best goods, and guarantee our pric
es at all times ns lo cs the low
est advertised prices.
Mrs. I I Uhl.
DecemBer ist.
POLL" little atld Mir. China.
Bisque, Knit and Indistructalle
Poll caps, Poll stockings, Doll
slippers and Doll hats.
An immense ariety of fancy and
u-efal articles suitable for
gifts, including
Dresses, Cloaks, Coats, Unteal,
fancy embroidered and brocaded
Handkerchiefs, Handkerchiefs
from 5 cents to $1.2.'.
Glove3 and Mittens wool, kid and
far trimmed.
Home Knit and Silk Hoods.
Infants Sacqucs and Coats. Ladle's
Kid and Cashmere Gloves.
Large Line of AH Kinds of Dress
Goods at Reduced Prices for
the Holiday Trade.
big variety of Ladie's Fur Capes,
Scarfs and Muffs.
In order to give all a chance, I
will make especial low prices from
now until Christmas on Ladie's
Capes, Coats,
and on all Misses' and Childrens
James B.
TLe?e are all of tl.c 1 est goods and cheat-er than can 1 ... f :;:
t l e a In. re if (pality is cor.s"J-.'d.
and Kitchen
Loth round and square at lowest possiblt; prices.
Tia and Steel RooEscr. Tin and Galvanized Iron Spouting for Hci
and Barns, pat up ia best manner.
Estimates furai-Led for heating buildings by stcarn, Lot water a;l ';
air without charge
122 Clinton St.
More Records Broken I
Quirk's Great Furniture Emporium Has Done II!
Yes, exorbitant prices for Bedsteads, Bureaus, Desks, Tab
Chair?, Mattresses, Sofas, first class Parlor Sots, and all kinds of Fr
niare have been knocked ia the head at
S. Quirk's NsT7 Piiraites Stcrs.
As evidence of the fact call at Xo. 113 Washington Street, Jok.-vx
Fa-, opposite the Company Store, where the greatest bargains cacle'-
on terms to suit purchaser.
Six Mammoth Departments Each the Largest Store c
Its Kind in Johnstown.
rvjt a
Pry G-jisla.
IVj.t H
ek-i-l c
Carpt-t anl
laiiitu' Cuats.
Everj-thin- hf
rvpt. i r
Clfthin, Hat?.
rurnUhin Gutxis. !
I ity ..-n.'..l rcaVea.
Dept E Groceries Q i:i,a,!y an.l (Mii!y. All new an.l freh.
IV j-t. F Feci. Fetsl offvery lsjeriptioa
SaTCountry pnxluce Ukea in eiehacge f. .r goxla.
24 0-248 Main L, JOHNSTOWN.Pt.
SPRING of 1893.
WE are Ready. Are YOU?
Our Spring Stock contains everything that is New, Beautiful d
Tn Men's, Youth's, Boys' and Children s Clothing: we are the husk"
A head and shoulder above all would- be competitors.
"ur Oat Department challenees the admiration of everybody
seeing is believing, call and be satisfied.
251 and 253, Main Street, JOHNSTOWN, FA.
Great Inducements.
Goods reduced in price in every liDe
Dry Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, T ace Curtail
Ladies7 Coats, &c. Xow is the time to buy
save money and get something good.
- r.
re to be funnel in a tlr-t class Pr
I ,.ywij
M-n;. More an-l prr t::t-r novelties tiian ex r
Shoes that FIT and WEAR jtm!i!y the best.
tiif lowoyt !
InCAKPETSourSpriaff patterns an? pn;::
ever before. Our -lUpiny of L.lios' C.uit-
any pre v iocs Jisj.UT.
CotHnj Crall ruankir..! ! G.-kI sniit for $.;
ais i for $1 5, $6.t I. ?;., ii tu $ ri. K- '
a erx-tiuity. ti..ol fitit fvr Sl.tX). Hals
r t!.ia
s -u -3