1 1 g! 03 1 J"he Somerset Herald. 1 eronCJE E. SCnX. Editor. 4y .!. -. I " . -avsare banning lo litlit U-e 1 ,B.,-::-S- 1 .. a.,j ,k is the wayKnepri -3 ' ' ... ... rd f' r l-'e I'aynitiii tii ( is otr - oli H:y a,.on is o!4 by J. B. HoLPSRmi . 1 -a.-it league dubs meet at I ,.rT, of :be Hxeald should not forget , ' -T'" sl jcr-iLe dIuer'i,t t their ! : -v i filing realy for the V. : , will soon be in Mason. s ! v ;!.re prcMriila wou.d a-j.rjiir.siie oa a wedding c ,.f i'.ary Rutb's iter bii been ,. Te I'rrsidt-tit fcas announc- ,t- Liji;iienta r.s'utr. !. tuc Ust flour in the . is warranted. For sale M til LOS tkU&utSL. - I i-jple fn'.urday aut-ndt-d a . i:.i;r county .'. A. R. l'us'.?, u'x 0f t",:ie f jruiture at iH viin'a ,:.i.:in St., begins Aug. l;h. ab;M baif Kit. rv,.-,!: r otk, which Lae txeu ' : k to I'M men. "i t'--' ELptfSis thai a bei ', ;n r ..I cilia j! be Liutd than Km-iteb A FEfixtB. . Jays have conic, tLe ... : u; ;:..' vtar. ... .s a:. 1 r'' both g.xxl and bad ..M.i. .1. it ai':,':ir. ,,. j ii.il A it-w stares of Vt-luabie u t Lc XirLlttor. 5i!:itarium, of Mar . pa. W.: be J.d ri?bt lo a ijukk c. i I'-1 1;" Jobr.stown, I'a. t jt ' pausat the prices now ruling cl-.tt::.'- at Kaepper St i'emer's. The - ' :vUs in suits and over coats are 1 . i. (.Y. and examine their stock. uatii t kvt'p solid with the rerer.t--.; -.d'.: ! n:i-3tra! student call him doctor 4 t.-..:r avai.a'iie o-xaiion. ;l r!,-r ilat Mahlon Sjhrock kt'.pa in lj t a i : ; '1 a::-i ir?'j line of grocerits, ilour 4 icei. a: '-jltoni prices. Couatry pro- t-a ::i eiol;u-ige lor gojos ai an ;:.t era:.' .-try cr-:p is (cxsg to be r n ,.a ,.. tbey say. If turkeys will v c "'.-; '"J ther will be substantial .::rfjr Tt-atiksiving. ;v...lv,n A.--:.! ?"kianer, cf PilUbur, con i, t rep jrt that an attorney has advised ? ..l.i.err t send a man lo Wabrngton to . I'.'l-. 'rt.t 'li-ve'.and ana his cabinet. !:. l:.t it i uf this country, it is esti .ulw::l ex.-etd 2-;.'M,K gallons this a:.i a !sr,; .art of it will acpiire a u -:.t i.fjre it is finally di5fseJ of. i!4-T, a f-en I'cvlin's Ii.-usse'ls Carpets i-ra:d, in any pattern? I-ace .-.i::.? i'.'Rt-r than jobbers prices. - u.ruat.cJ oa any zr'.'.C.e. bO and S2 n '.;.: it.. Johnstown, I'a. ,(i i,T i the fourteenth annual re :, tae Twenty-firs-t Peni.syivan a csv v a-? .-iatiou will u:e-i at CLamlx rb :rg. 1 t:.e f-j.:.)ali; dy '.he party will go to i-a is now open. -et your p'.tn .i.-he-iT. Maris n, S.evi us and Fo- sia'e and dor:tile barrel Shot t'lkiudr. i:.-voivrs a specialty at rbsuai's Hriw.ire iiore, Sjmer- W ?..:'. il i a. I me fatal disease h-M a"a ieJ CSearfieid i citrle, J. C. Hubler, of Graham 1 -st seven in two davs last week iis rw'chbor lost one. The disease at - knees and throat and resembles rlrris in Lumaas. av. is to save m ney. This is Jo by buying a g.od Hjv, Straw and t Cj'teraad Crusher of J. E. HoLI'EKrU M. Somerset, Pa. . La ve sick or nervous headache, take "V.l.artic Pilln. Thev will clear.se I ,: it h. re-tore healthy action of the di- .-.i-e er.-!i:is. remove e:Ttt5 matter ithe . v::v u! which d.-presses the nerves an 1 ai.l t!i l- i-ive sjieedy lelief. N ' n sho'.ld travel without a box of I'ii:-. As a safe and speedy remedy ' cj::.t ; ation and all irregula.'itivs of the e.a. h an j bowels, tiiey have no equal, .: bring sk'.l'Aiiiy s igar-ooate 1, are pleas .: t.j take, and long retain their virtues. Tlif t itn'oria 7" v. i'i gavs : The hail on ;:i Uy oi Ut wetk, kiile.1 a large Bum- bird.-. I'jsd starrons were numerous J. r tr.-es. .if.er the storm, having been -...kddiwa from the trees where they i s '.ci'. shelter, by the icv lellets. It U said, and those who say it are sup- to kiusr, tliat the finest quality of elng ua is male out of old rubber ;.: and cki n-r. No whea yoj are" .eBir.gyyjr gam just think of this, aud we tre r.o i juht it will adi to the pleasure of 1- :-:.l-..nable iiidalgtace. W:.rs te tomato worm basnutnetous - fi-.-'.-i o i his bacm do not kiil him, -n ei.l.a;;.-e. Let him live, even if Le '-'. eat a U vines, as ih'.-se white spots e :- of a parasite that will when i c.t sir jr more imiato wornu in a i :.. c. a csan could ia a whole season. La;-vet said, we are reliably in I in . ::rect:.n with a recnt event ia 'au y i f Mr. Cleveland, that the presi t.t 1. 1: v h:ns "Ai'.r the bawl is over." t e s:.i.:. t : . r . f, re. iialte-il'v tu lav oom- j j oj .jC air.ity until ii U made public heartless w. iter. Lii.ca.-ler county farmers reached ta..r al s aiioa near their place about l-tue one day lat week. One Liid i ' . i.eat an 1 the other a load of corn. : -e c rn and wheat were sold al tLe - .e-o. cnts. It is proiahle a simi- '- vt: before occorreJ inthatcoon- : tie low i-.-ii-e cf wheat, several (i rks entity w ho can a;l rd the fia ny Lave put up ware houses " " i 'e oi 'g-aln, which they are huy t t:.e rt-vailia pricV, exeetiiig an -t'.r. Iartar.cs have come to light L. a ' rr :.':. ,t bave s i.r-j up and bave still - -:.d iew.vuc.-opi of t'l, ''.i.'i'.iJ M -:e I-.tt-hargh C-:.tMtrci,d C-txtte says - At.-irrw E.iit.t, a prserotis young far-k:- r' s klakitiaie w hile on bis way J ct s a iou with milk, and " ': the largest suake he ever saw, - u.-.-.a-ed he wx-tid n ! give dime is'ous J !s ci. ed a hnr. IavestigiMon led to u ! stvta half grown lurktys - : aa 1 ti-erj sa,i ied by the rept.le. '.'of ii,e snake may be ji ige by ila '- ' ''" 'i: such lowis. A wlo fa. led to be a-sessed can vole X v ntvr el-.'i:on by calling two f i. will swear be has ba a resident : f r:c, ,.Jt c , , jj Jt jf ils f4i!, u, i.- asu e or ouaty tax. assessed within --year" ixniedtately prece ding the elec- ..' days before tiie election, there is no -'er np.,a erti, iM m ure bim a " T:.e pvcij.n ot laiss, to enable a s; to v, ri;,,5l i,e ujle not later tha.i ' ': 7. If you wait until October S you be -1 hours vs ia'-e. -: and Ea.c; Borden bave bonglt - awvtj into a splendid bouse on Lincoln ' 'he fashionable pirtion of Fa 1 't', i.a-s. Tae old hnv. in !.;-. Ih.ir -r.J st. Ul j her were murdered bad ' ' 3 o;c;.j l,,j 0y ilt,a but rill now be torn '"3 d aa oii-e Luilding er.xttd there. l lo women have an income of t-V.OW, ib-y ioherittd ft-jO.onO fwtn their father " '-' "" from their s'ep-molber. Em ti ia: biark tut Lizzie dresses ia colors tLi y fitcumr'y drive ever tb citj. t i J ii-: m I 1 u.'. t : Mr. John S. WeaVland, or Confluent, hag received aa appointment as Railway Postal C;erk. Mr. Edward Eca!l is speeding the present week in Pittsburgh, visit ins his brother, Capt. S. F. Scali. Lieutenant Charles A. Taytuan, C. S. A., and wife tre gursis at the re ideuce. of Mr George II. Tayman. Judge A. R. Scott, wife, son and daughter, of Falls City, Nebraska, are gueels at the residence of John E. Scott, Esq Miss Edith Lfgan, cf IUr.few, Pa., is spending a few weeks in Somerset as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. tieo. II. Love. Miss Mary Eooser, daughter of F. J. Kooser, F.q., ltft for Pittsburgh last week to et.tjr the Pennsylvania College. Mr. aud Mrs. L. VV. Fog.of Ijiirobe, are visiting Sjnierstt relatives. At present they are guests at the icsidenceof Dr. U. S. Kim meli. Mr. and Mm Alex Kurns. of Jenuer town ship, ate visiting Mrs. Koraa' brothers, Wil.iam II. aud J. II. Walter, in Johns toe n. It 13 said that li e work of boring a test well with a view of procuring a water tup ply for Somerset will bo comiut nctd ibis week. Miss V.. Jvie Saafer, cue tf Somersets brilliant young ladits, is the guest of Mrs. Iaac Tlersou, of Wollsburg. Srl;ril In- Mr. Albert McMillen and wife, of McCook, Nebraska, spent several days of lat wetk in Sorntrset visiting the family of Dr. S. J. McMiilen. Mr. (leorge D. Griuies. of Anderson, Indi ana, baa been speud;n3 the pat few weeks visiting bis brother, F. L. Crimes, of Addi son township. Mrs. J. an II. Rv.yts, of Pittsburgh, spent several days of last week ia Somerset. She was a guest at the residence of her father, Mr. Edward Scull. Adam P. Raker, a we!l-knwn farmer of Black township, died very suddenly at his borne Sunday night. He was about sixty tive years of age. A. II. Coffroth, Jr , alitor of the Vcxrat, aocotupariied by his wife, left for Chicago on Weibiesday last. They will sj?nd about two weeks in doing the World's Fair. The first National bank in Cambria coun ty, outside of Johnstown, was organized last we k. It is locled in Patton, a tjwn in tae c-ji! region ia the north end of the countv. Mr. Jobn J. Hotfman, of Philadelphia, foruitrly editor of the Somerset liennxrat. has been spending the past week with friends and relatives in and about SometseL II. L. Eaer, K-rj , and wife, who Lave been in Chicago for the pat tsv. weeks, lefi that place Saturdiy for California, where they wili sj'en 1 a month or in ore before returning hoaie. Elmer Rruner, a life prisoner at the West ern Penitentiary for the murder of aa eld I farmer at Ebensburg. Cambria county, died Sunday night from cholera morbus after an illness of 1- hours. The summer is over and the .-ptcuiber scenes of children wending thtir way daily to aud from the several schools, with books aud tablets it: hand, are as interesting to look up;m as ever. The through putiiic schools o;i?aed Mon day morning with four bun ini and ten scholars in attendance. This is the largtsi tlrst day's enrollment iu the history of the schools. Mr. E igeae R. Fioto. casLier of the Ci!i r.ens Ear.k, Meyers dale, was on Thursday last unite 1 ill marria. e to Miss Edith L. Shipley, daughter of J. T. Shipley, one of Meyersdale's leading business men. George Lively, an uncount of whose seri ous injury at S.aatoa's M ils, by tbs falling of a derrick, appeared in the last issue of the IlEB.Lr. is slowly improving and bis ulti mate recovery is now confidently i.oked for. John II. I'bl. E q , of Somerset, and John M. Oats, of lleyersdaie. It ft, for Hsr r'shtirg Sunday evening. They are the dele gates from this county to t!r: Democratic State Cotiventioa, which mcvit ia that city to day, Tuesday. Mr. Charles F.adsley, who for the past two years has h.iea employe 1 ia the auditing de partment cf the Cambria Iroa Company, Jjbiis'.own, is spending his va :a'.iju with bis relatives ia Souierset. He is a son of Dr. A. J. Eadsiey. R'gis'er and R cord-r H.leman spjnt sev eral davslast week at his old home in Ad- i dison township. While there be bad a handsome monument erected in the cemet ry in Petersburg, in memory of bis father and mother who are haried there. Miss Valeria Aukeny, Miss Edi:U Schell, Mrs. E Iwardijfail, Somerset ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDonald, Rctkwocd; Mr. J. J. Zimmerman, Stoyettown, are among the Somerset county people who left fir the World's Fair within the past few days. Mr. and Mr3. W. 11. Gardner end their daughter, E'.ta, and Mr. Albert Berkey, of Stanton's Mills, ltf. I..-! k for I a City and Waterloo to visit rr'atiees. They will a'so visit tbe World's Fiir before re'.urfiiiig home, which wili be ab u: a month benca. These three SiBje."se: weddings are scbed uled for Taurslay : El. M. Love aud Miss P'iora Httll'-y, both of S nueritt ; Mr. E. II. Piiiilips, of Meroersh irg, and Mi:S Eva Soafer, of Somerset ; Mr. T. A. Tharp, of Lima, Ohio, aid Miss Belie Walker, of Som erset. The M-yersdole baa J. one of the leading masital organizations of Ihe county, arrived in Somerset Monday evening for the reun ion. During the evening th-y rendered a tiuiaberof tht-a" cboi.v-t selections and were hi;;h!y coutplimeated by .nir.y of t;ur ciu r.ns on thtir line playsng. Mr. Peter P. and Miss Bar bar S-hro.k, of Johns va county, loir a, are visiting Som erset connty relatives. At reseat they are the guests of iheir cousin, Mr. S. U. Yoder, of Slonycrttk township. TLey are loth t a lives of Somerset coon'y, having left Lc-re srme twenty seven years ag . Tiie cornC.lds throughout the county, since the heavy wind storm of a couple of weks ago. have anything but an iavitit.y look to the crop gatherer, sjme places it is as 2 it as if rolled down, and in most in stances is so tar.gled up that it will be al most inii-ossibic to cut and shotk it. IVter lie til .-y. of the Highland Farm, lost by d-.ath, on Friday, b:s b-autif i! brown horse, Boston. This horse bail been sold lo a Cb cago paity at a loug prii-e, but not ha'f his real valoe. He was lo have been shipp el shortly. T;:e !o?s of this horse to Mr. H-iT y a: this time is a very large one in deed. " A traveling acrobat and p'ght-rope walker gave a perfcrmante ou Main Cross street, Saturday afterno-m, mil h to the amuse ment of a large crow J of on 1 t'kers. His rone was stretched from the Snyder block to the lletS ?y block, opposite. Tae crowd was very liberal i.i the bestowal of quarters, dimes and nickles bo'.h before and at the close of the performance. Tbe committee on transportation for the re union of ihe Fifty fourth were much dis appointed at not being able to have a special train ou the B. 4 O. from tbe west. Kad they sucoeedtd ia procuring this traia they thicdt tbe crcwd in attendance would bave been increased by not less thaa four hun dred people. Owing to a scircity of cars the railroad offi cials wore unable to sapply the desired train. Jobn FVcker was incarcerated in the coun ty jail last week charged with assisting Dan iel Herricglon to procure money from the 15. Si O. pay car by false rrflense. When Herrington impersonated Jobn Newlin in December last he bad Rscker to identify him j as Newlin to the otlicial in charge of the psy ! car. They afterwards divided the broil. j When Herrington was arrested by special otaoer Sbej pard last week be gave the snap away and the officer at once Darted after Uicker and in a few days brought him op with a short turn. Ricker insisted that he knew Herrirglon to be Newlin acd pretend ed ta be very indignant at ais arrest. When be was placed in jail and found that Herrintrton bad "tquealed," he bad nothing further to say. Welcome Fifty Fourth. Our quiet old town has put her best foot forward and is glviuj the survivors of the gallant Fifty-Fourth, their comrades and friemls. a mostcordia! g-ce'.iig. Tae town is prettily and profmt'y d'vorattd with flags acd bunting, the streets are crowded with strangers and the air is full of martial mu sic. The day is iikely to prove a most en joyable one and one long to be remembered with pride end pleasure ly the survivors of i:.e r .ity r.mrt!, to wnom the Herald, in behalf cf our citiziis. extends a most cordi tl welcome l.iour town. May the day prove one of unalloyed pleasure. Grange Meeting. The Somerset County Pomona will bold a meeting at Btoyestown on Satardiy, Ssp temlei :t 1 sfti;, bt'ginning at 10 a. m. 0,iiiceof Pomona. Regular order of business. Address of Welcome by teniahcr.:ng t.iar.ge. R-ponso by Maple Grange. Should the use of Commercial Ferti.iz-rs be abandoned by the farmers? H ghlaad i :r: atid discussion by the Fouiona. .UTtKXrtOS SCwIOS. Should botb gold and silver be demone tized .' Jenner Grange. Should railroads be required to psy local taxes ." North Folk Grange. Has the Hater Ballot Law been an im provement over the oid system of voting ? K ittuabonitig Grange. Select R-aJing by Mrs. Maggie Swart z. ieties and disctisioa by the Pomona. Closing t xercises. Com, members of the Grange, and belj in the good wotk : you are needed at Stoyes town on tke-A'.h inst. Com. Dr. J. W. Hamar Honored. At a meeting of the Select Castle Ancient Order Knights of the Mystic Chain, w bich convened iu Johnstown Tuu.-sday afternoon, Dr. J. W. Homer was eltcted Commander of that Oder. Dr. Hamer is a native o Somerset County and is a nephew of County Treasurer John II iruer. The following sketch of the Dx-'or is taken from the Johr.stoac In:hi Ifmil.l: The selection ul Dr. J. W. Haruera" sehct commaad-rof tlie Knights of the Mystic Lt.airi is t,u-. a j.ist tr.aute loone ot lliemost worthy members ot ibat order, a-i e!l as a critip:.n:en! to all ih membeis of the order i'l tnis phicv. Dr. liamer i:a l-a a prac ticing pt.ysiciaa here su.ce is i, ..t w.nich time be CkUie .'.ere t.-om iIiioversvi.lt: and located cn ti'.-diord street, where his oilice St 11 IS Dr. H in er :s a son ed" William Hamt-r at.J wis :jrn ami raised oa a farm near !i jvvtrsvilie. His praudfatiitr, John Haia i r, emir trorn llng'aiid lii lsj.j ami sel'.hd in Somerset Ccunty. Ia 1T7 the doctor wa ma-iii j l i M.ss Martha H jover. Toe ii C !or s 3 sM ieat at the Stoyestowu Normal ncbiM! antt was a icseuer for nii.e years in homtrset and neighboring cnuntirt. He itiiinenrt .1 the stn.iy cf nirdicine w ith Dr. i -t-rdorf i i l.To anil in ISsJ graduated from ine t oiuinb is Medical College of Oaio. He lut;te' ut tl'i.i.-ersvilie. wiiere he reuaiacd two y a':; b-fore removing to Johnstown. I i I'isciios-n i rofcssion the doctor lias attaintd pror.iinence ai i! is a nimierof the I i : i.m ivania Stale .Vc iical Sot iety. He ha- servl as.-trrt.tary of liie Cambria Cjuu ty ;.!e lii a! s -citty and has held other im porMnr oi'ic.-s. Aaeit'z".i he is held iu ii.ga esteem by ail who know him. Ecld Highwaymen. Eroa tbe Creenbur Prs. Messr. Charles W. Kirkpstrick. a niacbiu ist, and Will A. McCaffrey, a student of the Western I'iiiversity, lef: Allegheny city a week or more ago lo make a tour of West moreland, Cambria. Bedford and Somerst-t counties on thtir wheels. They ha la most et j yab!e time crossing the mountains and lat (Friday) evening reached Lig)nier, where tbty took sui).-r. A Per reting awhile they starie i for Grecnsburg aud had reached a dcr.se thicket of la trel and other undergrowth, when three men sprang oi.l fr.-m behind the bashtsaadconfrotitel ihem with drawn revolver'", at the same time de manding that they ihrosr uri their bands. As nei'.aer gentleman wis araiel foey were forcel to comply an J the three men went through theircloihts, taking ail their mon ey, amounting to til 0. their gold watches and per knives. After warning them to tell no one about the mailer, they w ere allowed to resume their way, while they disappeared in the darkness. Arriving at Votmgstown they made known their plight, but oing to the lateness of the hour, no one would vol unteer to help buut down tbe rubbers. Be ing strangers and de;tiiutc, they determined to reach Greenaburg if passible, where they bave friends who would willingly assist them, 'f bey, however, were unable tj do so and were given shelter t a farm resilience a few miies east of this city, arriving here about r o'clock this (Saturday) morning, where they put up at the Fisher Hoase. Their lrleudi up a bearing of their thrill ing adventure, ollered to assist thptu aud they were given a r.yal welcome. It is oniy a short time ago that a man was held up at precisely the uni; spot and robbed cf the proceed of Lis load of produce. An elTort will be mode to bunt down these villains and mete out to them proper punishment. The Coming U. B. Conference. The Allegheny conference of the church of the United Brethren ia Christ is one of the oIiItS of the Conferences of this progres sive der.o.r.ina'ion. At thecomit'g meeting, to be held at Mt. rieasant on September J7.b, there will be about one hundred and fif.y members present, beside many oilisers froia other parts of the church. Mt. Pleas ant lis" been making elaborate preparations for the roocption of tbe body of Christian workers Tae ln?ted B e'.hren Church is one of the most libertl in church government. Tbe power is ail with the people. Four years ago there wa3 a spl;t ia the church on a se-crts-e qaestioa. The liberals carried tbe day, and while twenty tiiou-ianJ members wiihdre , the l-.s was made up at tbe end of a few years, and ail tbederishonsof Supreme Courts that bave followed bave been in favor of the libera! party. The Eni'-ed Brethren C. v.inh is fa-t planting itst lf ia our ciiies, a church a day being ihe average number b-.itlt by the denomination. Nowhere ia this activity more apparent than in the Al legheny Conference, which embraces the pari cf Pennsylvania west of the Susque hanna river. With iis three churches in Alto.-na, fUe in Johns own, two in Brad do k, and string congregations ia Wilkias burg, Wllmerding, Wails, Greensbiirg, Ir win, Sco'.rda'.e. Xe Haven, Mt. Pleasant, Nbo. 0ensdi!e. Tyrone, Wilinore, Huat iagloa, 11 'ilefmte, Clearfield, acd DuBois, it is fast occupying the lie' L At the coaling session Bishop E. B. Kes han. D D , LL. D. , will preside. Bishop Kephart is a classical scholar aad a pro found preacher. Toe annual sermoa will be preached by R?. D. R. Ellis, of Somer set, Fa. Stirring a Ureases oa missionary intertats will be ras.de by Etr. W. M. Bell, D. D.G.neral Missionary Secretary, and by R-v. C. I. B. Brane, A. M , of Washing ton, D. C, General Secretary of church ex tension. Kev. H. F. Shupe, editor of the F,!U't HVarW, will deliver aa address at the young people's mass meeting. Professor A. W. Drury, D. D . Pa. D . of the theological school of thechorcb, and Ptesi dent T. J. Sanders, A. M., Ph. D., of Otter bein University, will deliver an address on educuion. A Lengthy Calendar of Crime. Cases to be Tried at Next "Week's Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer Court. Cauit will convene Monday next and the entire week will be devoted to the trial of criminal cases. Following is a complete list of the cases set for trial : Commonwealth vs. Ed. S. Barron, F. 4 B., Nora May Enoa, prosecutor. Same vs. Leroy Berkebile, F. 4 B., Catha rine Haalin, prosecutrix. Same vs. Emanuel Kuntz, adultery, Charles Schwen, prosecutor. Same rs. Harvey Phillippi, F. i B , Nina MaCulay, prosecutrix. Same vs. John Roddy, F. 4 B., Savilla Ogiine, prosecutrix. bauie vs. Harry McCloskey, false pretense, Herman Deal, prosecutor. Same vs. John A. Fisher, F. 4 B , Ida M. Ream, prosecutrix. Same vs. P. D. Mahoney, false pretense, Susannah Morrel, prosecutrix. Same vs. E. L. Sboemaker, F. 4 B., De lilah Bell Mosholder, prosecutrix. Same vs. Milton Saylor, F. 4 B., Ida Baldwin, prosecutrix. fcame vs. Harry Slagle, rape, Barbara E Laos prosecutrix. Same vs. E. L. Sboemaker, carrying con cealed weapons, Samuel Mosholder, prose cutor. Same vs E. L. Shomaker, adultery, Sam uel Mosholder, prosecutor. Same vs. E. L. Saoeiuaker, rape, Samuel Mosholder, prosecutor. Same vs. Kioert Singer, A. A B., with in tent to commit raje, Alice Jeffreys, prosecu trix Same vs. ("has. Harle, arson, August Koehltr, prcstcutor. Same vs. Cbas. Hurle, burglary, Ethraim Swank, prosecutor. Same vs. Jos. HolTjian, et al., burglary, Ahratu Beam, pn.seculor. Same vs. Jos. Hodman, el ul., assault and battery with intent to kill, Abraui Beam, prosecutor. Same vs. Hal. Hostetltr, rt a burglary, II. F. Berkebile, prosecutor. Same vs. Taos. B. Williams, furnishing liquor to persons of known intemperate habits, Simon Hummer, prosecutor. Same vs. Thos. S. Williams, furnishing liquor to persons visibly allecled, Simon Hoinmer, prosecutor. Same vs. Jas. Aibright, et a! refusing to assist an oflicer, Hen y Canieror, prosecuior. Same vs. Dauiei Albright, et ii , A., 4 B., Henry Cameron, prosecutor. Same vs. Henry Cameron, A. 4 B., Dauitl Albright, prosecutor, Same is, David Ogiine, F. 4 B.Mary Ijindis. prosectitrix. Same vs. David Ogiine el al., forcible entry aud detainer, Frank Rboades, prosecutor. Same v.'. Robert S vi s, el al ,A. 4 B , Jam. s H. Braut and Jacob W. Hooter prosecutors. Same vs. Jobn Youler, adultery, Wm. Gritlitb, piosecutor. Same vs. Annie Grillilh, adultery, Wm. GrlSitb, prosecutor. Same vs. Samuel Buckman, resisting an otliter, F. O. Dnpout, prosecutor. Same vs. Austin Critchtield, resistingau Orlicer, F. O. Dupont, prosecutor. Same vs. Calvin Phillippi, F. 4 B., Cordie Ctipp, prosecutrix. Same vs. Calviu Thillippi, ra(e, Cordie Cni'P, prosecutrix. Same vs. Jno. C. Mickey , A. 4 B., W. W. Davis, prosecutor. Same vs. Milton Yoder, F. 4 B , Anne Showman, prosecutrix. Same vs. E. B. Hosteller, F. 4 B , Ger trude E. King, prosecutrix. Same vs. Albert Horaer, F. 4 II , Lizzie ' Young, prosecutrix. Same vs. Mai5 Kiocaid, fornication, Henry A'cbiason, Constable, prosecutor. Same vs. Annie Barnbart, fornication. Henry A Icbinson, Constable, prosecutor. Same vs. Sarah Berkey, fornication, S. G. Whitaker, prosecutor. Same vs. Wm. Heinbaugh, larceny, R. E. Sheppard, prosecutor. Same vs. George Van, et al., receiving tolen goods, R. F. Sheppard, prosecutor. Same vs. Abratu Hiteshew, F. 4 B., Carrie Egulf, prosecutrix. Same vs. Milton Y'oler, F. 4 B. Fannie Eish, prosecutrix. Same vs. WooJ Beck, tt ul., riot, F. O. Dupont, prosecutor. Same vs. Henry Mall, selling liquor with out lieeiise, Alice Tice, prosecutrix. Same vs. Gorge Ritigler, A 4 11 , Aunie Rlngler, prosecutrix. Same vs. Milton Creg, forgery. Christian Tfissier, prosecutor. Same vs. . C. R"td, false pretense, John II. I'hl, prosecutor. Same vs. John F. Roddy, carrying con cealed weapons, George Hammer, prosecu tor. Sams vs. John F. Roddy, et al , Felonious attempts, Samuel Hammer, prosecutor. Soma vs. Edward Hann, et al , selling liquor to minors and on San Jay, A. C. Dun can, prosecutor. Sams vs. EJwarJ II mn, et al., celling liquor in quantities greater than one quart, A. C. Duncan, prosecutor. Same vs. C. Rutssl S pa, F. 4 B. Annie F. Bamhart, prosculrix. Same vs. W. C. DolJs, selling liquor to minoro and on a pass book, A. C. Duncan, prosecutor. Same vs. Joseph ShatTer, desertion, Cathar ine chafer, prosecutrix. Same vs. John J. Fritz, surety of the peace, S irah F.-itz, prosecutrix. Same vs. Davi J 0glin, ei al , surety of the peaee, Frank Rhoad.-s, prosecutor. Same vs. Ja . C. Miller, surety oftba peace, Ciara Miller, prosecutrix. Same vs. Jas. F. Gower, desertion, Sarah Gower, presccutrix. Same vs. Rebecca Keister, surety of the ( eat-e. Annie Riug'er, prosecntrix. Same vs. Chas. D. Miller, dosenioa, Han nah C. Miller, prosecutrix. Same vs. Chas. L. Puga, desertion, Trary Pugb, prosecutrix. Same vs. Geo. Riag'er, deser;ioa, Annie Ringier, prosecutrix. Same vs. Savilla Melutyre, common scoIJ, Caper Durst, prosecutor. Same vs. Chas. Saylor, et al., escape Wm. Giibort, prosecutor. Same vs. L. A. Dakar, F. 4 B., Mary C. KincaiJ, prosecutrix. Sim 7s. G ly Rmzer, F. 4 R., Sarah Ber key, prosecutrix. Same vs. Henry Gaagy, F. 4 B.. Susan E. Long, proxecntrix. Some v. Jar. H. Miller, rt id., disturbing a nieetin?, Jos. D. Humbert, prosecutor. Same vs. Jar. H. Milier, elal., riot, Jos. D. Humbert, pnssccutor. Same vs. George B. G ardr.er, en.be 21'e ni.'nt. Frank Iohr, prosecutor. Same v?. Mil'cn 15. Walker, A. 4 B., Mary Walker, prosecutrix. S ime vs. Daniel Herrington, false pretecse. R. F. Sbapjard, prosecutor. Simevs. Milton R. Walker, surety, Mary Walker, prosecutrix. Siraev.. J. M. DodJs, selling liquor on Sttcsy, A. C. Vvi csn, prottcctor. Simon C a moron. Statesman. T.iere his bn erec.d at tbe Cameron burial plot in the Hurrisburg cemetery a granite sarcophtgus over the grave of tbe la'e General Simon Cameron. Tbe polished slab bears this inscription : '"Sim on Camerein, printer, editor, Adjiitan t General af Penn sylvania elec '.el for four terms. Senator of the United States. Secretary of War. Minister to Russia. Born in Donegal, Lancaster county. Pa., March 8, 170i. Died -n D.negal, Lancaster connty. Pa., June C, 1S3J." Housekeepers. Be wise, aud examine tbe Cinderella Ran ze. It has more points that exael than any other range on the market, and is sold guarantee el to bike and roast. Sold by Jas. B. Eolder-tautu. Cf Importance to Traction Engine Owners. Somerset county ia full of traction engines. Oae meets them on every road and at times and places very unexpected. While the owners, in most instance, are careful and considerate of the public welfare, there are some who seem to think that they bave the same rights to tbe pnblic roads that others bave, and that each one is required to look out for themselves. That they have tbe right to nse tbe public road is certain, but it Is also certain that their are restrictions placed upon them which they are obliged to recognize and obey, or, be subject to fines aad penalties which would be onerous and oppressive. Tbe law as it stands requires "every engine propelled by steam to hare a man at least 1a yards ahead of his engice to warn persons riding or driving upon any public road of the fact that the engine is coming, and also "assist" in the "manage ment of any horses that may require his assistance to control.'' It a'so requires the engines lo be run as far as practicable to tbe sides of the road aud lo remain stationary until said horses have passed to a safe dist ance in the meantime making as lii'le noise aa possible wilh tbe steam. The penalty for failing to comply with the act is a tioe of ten dollars and costs. The law further require him to bave a printed copy posted on his engice under the fine oi not les than ten dollars. Three Years for Tax Collector. It may not be generally known, but all the tax collectors elected next February are to be elected for a term of three years, as per the act of tbe legislature passed last May, which says: "The qualified voters of bor oughs and townships in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania shall, on the thir l Tuesday of February after the passage of this act ami triennially thereafter, vote for and elect oae qualified person for tax collector, who shail serve for three years. FOR SALE A farm. containing sixteen acres in good condition. All kinds cf fruit, gotd water and good buildings on the prem ises. Apply to Dr. W. L. SVnn.Hr, Jenuer X Roads, Pa. Wants SIO.OOO Damages. James Bailcs of S-'Oitdale, who, with his wife, drove into a ditch on North Pittsburg street, Cocnollsvilie, a few weeks ago, the latter sustaining injuries which wiil prove fatal, was in town Friday an 1 brjaght suit against the borough of Connellsville for $10. iXM. He says his wife cannot recover. The borough was making some street improve ments at the time and failed to bang danger lights. L'liioiUuum Standard. Mark Twalns New Stories. Tiie Century Co. has bought well nigh the complete literary "out put'1 of Mark Twain during his year of re-idence abroad, and both the Century and St. yich J'Sf will have serial stories by this popular humorist among the attractions of the new year. For the Century he lias written a novtd which is said to abound wilh humorous and dramatic inci dent, and iu some chapters to be a revelation of tragic power. Its plot includes a most ingenious employment of science ia the de tection of crime. It is called "i'u.ld'u'bead Wilson," and like " Huckleberry Finn" and "Tom Sawyer" is a story cf a Mississippi steamboat town. For the boy and girl readers of -Yi'c.Vi-l-.ts he ba3 written "Tom Sawyer abroad," being ihe adventures of Tom Sawyer, ac companied by Huckleberry Finn and the negro "Jim," in the Kasttru Hemisphere', which is not reached in the ordinary way, but accidentally, as it were, and U a flying machine. Do you use Meat Cutters? " " " Sausage and Lard Presses? " " " B itcher Saws ? " " Eutcher Knives? " " " Butcher Steels? It vou use anvthinsr in the Hardware line call at J. B. Ilolderbaums Hardware Store. Save money and get the best goods. Half Rates to the World's Fair. The Baltimore and Ohio Ii. R. Co. will run a series of special day coach excursions to Chicago and the World's Fair. The dale selected are September ).h, U'.'.h and 30th October 5th, 9lh, ISth and 2."th. Tickets will be sold for train No. :r, on tbe Somer set 4 Cambria Branch, connecting with P. 4 W. express leaving Allegheny 2:10 p. ni., through to Chicago. Stops will be mads at convenient stations en route for meals. The tickets will be valid going only day coach es on train advertised, and will be good for return journey iu tbe day coaches of ail trains leaving Chicago withia ten days, in cluding day f sale. We give below the time of train on tie Somerset 4 Cambrel Brane b, wi'Oi rates : TiMH K.tTF. to A. M. sn.. ;t 14. - S.'.-. " 14.. ... .fci " ll.io .. .aMU " 1 .HI Johnstown. Hversvilie .yt uit n ........ t'o:eliia:l - soii.elel The shove rates will include free trans er from B. 4 O. depot, Pittsburgh, to P. 4 W. depot, Allegheny. Correspondingly low rales fro til all other stations on tbe Branch. Great Bargains in Organs and Pianos. We have over lo9 Organs on band and will sell them away below regular price', and in many cases below cost. These are genuine bargains and llie early buyers wiil get ihe choice. Come in as it is the easiest and best way to make a choice, or write and we will give particulars by return mail. Here are some of tbe bargains : 9 stop, high case organ for t ') 00, regular price, 1 10.OJ. 11 stop, high case organ foriTOCO, regular price. 51-D 00. 13 stop, far.ry case organ for" $7.00, regular price, $140 00. 11 stop, extra fancy case organ for $7 o0 regular price, $17o.U0. Taeseare ail new organs of established makes and fully warranted. Second hand organs as low aa $iV00. Second band pi anos, $o0 00. These figures are only good for tbe pres ent stock ; so call soon or write to the Hendsicks Mcst." Co., Ltd., 10J lolA Fifth ave., Pittsburgh. b R F.N D E L L S 1 P E. .Sept. K,h, tt the residence of Mr. Josiah Bowman, near Frie dens, by Rev. J. J. Welch, Mr. EJward H Brendell and Miss Eaima O. bipe, both cf Jenner townstiip, Somerset county, Pa. BERKK3ILE WILL By J. J. Welch, at Lutheran parsonage, Fiielens, S pt. 12th, Mr. Adam I. Berkebile, of Johnstown, Pa., and ili.-s Delia J. Will, of Lombirtsvilie, Somerset county. Pa. PIANOS AND ORGANS, GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED. The rejaiis going on now in our building compel us to cioae out our stock of I'ianoo and organs a: once, and to get them t-ff quick we have redurel our prices to hitherto unheard of figures. This sweeping reduction includes all our instruments, new and second band. If you want a piano, now is an unt-.iueicd time tt. get it, f jr you cin save a larg? ain.jiint enough to pay a year cr two of lessors, and tUeetive library of sheet lucsic beiides. This is a bona fi le sa'e. The repairs cf our building are going on, as caa be seen by anyone that calls, and tbe plan es and organs mnst be sold. Monthly payments taken if desired. New orjranr, f4i and upward. New pianos, $175 and upward. Second-hand organs, tlS and upward. Second hand piafos, $oo and cpwnrd. Write us for prices, or call to see us when you visit the exposition. MCLLOE t H0E5X, 77 Fifth Avenue, Pittc'ourgb, Pa. nrao'i Benaar for Catarrh to the Beat. Eatie to Tw. aad CmpeM. if" MARRIED. Highest of all in Leavening Orrkl Baking ABSOLUTELY PURS The Last Series of Cheap-Rate Ex cursions to the World's Fair via the Pennsylvania Rallrocd. Additiosal D.irrs oa tux Poprna Eipostrio.v Tkii-j. As the period of Ihe existence of ihe World s Columbian Exposition draws to a close the demand grows stronger for the economical and satisfactory means of reach ing Chicago provided heretofore by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Recog nizing the urgency of this popular need, that company has tiled a fe w additional dates on which excursions of the tame char acter as the previous ones will be run. Sep tember ltt.h. i; I. .'si b, O.toiwr 21, I lth. 17th and 21st are the days vlectel from New 1 orK, P.niiaJeip:i'.a and points ei t of Pittsburg and Erie and north of York The s;ecial trains w ill be composed of the standard coaches for which the Pennsylva nia Railroad Company is not-.d, and tbe ar rival in Chicago ii an early hour the follow ing atu-rnoon obviously gives ample oppor tunity for the securing of accoramotU ions at that place. The trains will I;-we Njw York tV.ri . m , Jersey City 9.13, Newark 9.2-, Eiz ib th f. New Brunswick 'j ''i, Trent'. a I ' .' t, paiia- i delphia Il .'i', Fraz r 1J r) i. D owtiing- town V2.Z2, rarLoisbnrg 12 11, C.jar-sviiie 1:02, Lancaster li'J.", Conewago 1 ..'7, Harris burg .Hn) p. ji., I.c-wistown Junction Tyrone 'i.ot A!to.ona T., and Piitibnrg ,,.... n rrt . : . - l ... ... r. . i .:c r,.ira...wi K' w" - on the 8iec!al traja an 1 valii for r.t:n within ten days, is $2) from NeT York, fiS 25 from Poilad-Jphia, and proportion ately low from other st iti jns. R'firn p.r lioi:s of tickets are good for ten days. These trains wiil be run oa fast schedule , and wi.l be provided with ail raodern conve niences with the exception of Pullman car?. Many expressions of complete satisfaction bave been made by people who Lave availed theaselvcs of this excellent oppoil.iaiiy of visiting the greatest and grandest exhibition tbe world has ever seen. t Sells Cheap, Sells Heap. j Ijyou know juu caa secuie tLe best Uir- j gains in fall wti-bt of clotuiiJL:, fail ha:s, J UUUti VIMlca.lu iu. j,;uiin: KstiiTEE t Fekmcr's. Preserved the Lungs. A few days asro Dr. W. N. Priii'j was out in the wilds cf S.otr.-ret ouu'y h'n.i ing, and by some accident ha; pentd to sooot a , Kiuirrel. hen prepar::i(-h:s game for the 1 . ,, ' , .i i table the doctor caretally reniov-d the iur.gs and p'aced them in a b !ti" of alcohol. To j these he attached a stra, by wir.c'. tns.is j thelaii.jscou he t xpartd-.-.l. giving a very I i I i clear :! lustration of t.be operation c f breail t.be opi.-rations cf breati.- ( Ody.-Ji o-'!,(:, U-fM. I ing in the human 1 Devlin's prirea! ways rlht cu Furniture ! aud Caspets, and f2 Kra?:klla t , Johns- town. This Sesason's Crops. This season's crops in the I'nittd Slates are similar to those of three vcars a' ), hut t the proprc!s are that the home consuinp- j tiou an J the foreign demand wiil inriease j oricts and mage the net returns to the farm- er abtive the average. The cora crop will I ; rt .,, airr. gite 1,7 ")".'.- "i." bushels s:'i!n:t ; l.yy, '.'." t"i l ist year. TLe w heat crop wi.l uot exceed l" 'j '," J b ii hels a.'.:inst ;', mjiMmt, ihe aver; :e for Ihe Ia"t two yea:s. This years oats crop ws.s never exc-eded ex cept in lss'). Hay ar.d other fora.-e are abundiint and brine sood prices. Thedtotith has affected the (xitato crop nutst seriously. The production will be about l'.i.,wo bushels, a little over one ha'f ihe prodic tion of two years af,". Marriage Licenses. The fjl'owicg ni irriatje lic.tis-.s Lave It n i issued since our last r. j James tauner and isie ol Ciossen, loth , of Vvfrr Turkey fool t owr.ship if I P.er 1 ursey tool i owr.sa.p. , Datiiel C. Yoder. of (i .rr. tt connty. Md., j .nd M .ry I,e, of r.klitk township. ndM.ry I,e, of Ek li.k township. Charle,..;,..! Caini Ha rotsnly, a-id la- eniaUerkey.cf I'airit township. j Asonta ! I I male or female) u a'e i'.o a d.iy. N. w in j vention. Every ho i-ehtod must have it j Small outlay, big profits. Perftc'.ioa SI g Co., !"' St. Clair hU, Cleveland, U. Another Tra:n Robbed. Hisc.cK, Midi , S pt. lo. A train of the Mineral R-.n-e railros l was held up be- ltveen litre aoo o:,uui n.i .- . men this morning a:.d robbed of of Calumet & Hecla mine money. 1. very thing i is in a lurnioil. No blood was shed. j Bishop John F. Hurst. nf the Method 'st Episcopal church, who is at the head of the j movement toesiuMNh a great university it j Washington n.ilrr th ai-pi.-ss of lha: church, reports uaoiura ' iv' suoiTsm. v.:n- iu the past few dtys a lave donat.on has : been receive!, as '.'! as a iy that ha 1 been made, tbe source of which, however, by eli- j rection of ihe dooor, he is nt at iiorty lo reveal. Six thousi'id d 'llars has been ad !- j td to tiie fund by the ministers of tae Cin cinnati conference. Kv$ Sie P.iri ami vnu halve yi.T - j .- m See KAL'F.MANN'5, and ycu )h KHllfmnnn's 'tfi embracing over five d $ M -;''!i . tii '. v-.- ? .'.'-:.; t r- i t " - ' ' '- ' ' ' ' - - r - f ' ' - ' l . - - ' a 'I " : - ' ' ' '.'.- X )' I ! - j : : -a ' '. lu employin?: over one thousand handsmore pi M than the three next largest stores in Pittsburg jft V.' a a a I i ' ' U put logeuier. 7. Kaufmann'S 'tf i mentin Pittsburg where j ou can get anything ftt M you may want--whether to clothe a person or J oV furnish a homeinthe ereatestoossible variety '?M iuj and at the lowest possible prices. KnUFMnNMS, Ml )h Fifth Ave. and Smithfield 5t., Pittsburg. Z?y Samples sent free Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. NOTICE. Nut If Wrey given that te -f'''ir':'' of J. . hnSr, el ii:., fstr t:i" :n-or)-."t ittn ut ihe ii ;-ue Kt tMer!i-M. in Ad h-on u wttnm, in ervei rim-ity. lo tie kuo v;i . l!te luttvr.it f S.mer:i. !!." i T r"vei ,y the ir.w d Jury 01 J ;ii liy -t .;v. A 1. ivi, hiiA will ..in bvlWe trie f.'iw;rt of ; i- -Irf iV-i.ii. t Sn J r'.i!if f.T rltiAi tleTce a Muaui), tiie daaj o( -cL-tec;Uj-, A. 1'. W. H. SNFH. J'r.t;iu!iit'jiry. A D.MLSi.STRATDUS NOTICE. t.t of Sim-!t: A. Miil-f. tlervA.!. late of AI.?v'i.'-'.;f tviwrif snjrrMr; nan;y. Lt!trs()f Hiiriitrutr'.:MU Lavi:i bn tv-iif-i ro tiii'U'-iiietl i t:i r'i'r 4f:t.':r;iy i.o-li-v 1 hr:.' n to '. jn.. m-lt tiiet! l Nti'llH;! ii.iiite ii .nivi!.t -sMit:,l of I: e e-TMtf, ... prt eui Xtu-in .iy 'itl.f 1 u.-ulr-l !-vr ! lR' "'. re-: tem ol llie O.-ca-t-l in Ai,rg:n.ny JOHN MTLI-FR, A iiiitmi-uaUr. A.LB. TIat AiiofL,-y. A D JIIN i ST RATu K'S NOTICE. i;ute "f AhrfttiAm rH;:!i'i!t!irt !-4ie of Nrh-ami-ton lown-f-ip, 1tt- -J. Letters of a'tu!;iriiT.i oa t;i' ha. hct u i:raiil-,i ut mi' uu-i- ri'aU i'V i:: ;..-r mi'V.T"T, DeKi-e i- htro.fcv -ven W uii ITihi tii'U ljit tl Ul: i e-.dU." li i!.tttU-!-a:e i-Hyrut-i'T. ii;.-e 1mv.h iii-rv :t.i-r ': jn --:.t tu' tii tu.y a'i:hfririf.";' 1 !' 'lUer.: iri SA.!r-iiy, -c; u ''.h, hi Ia:e iti :rtH' of dctcAti. Ai. a .tu.:: iii ' e I t-j-( mevi i.-re. HIRAM lilTTN KH. J. (". Irr, At;v. a :i:i:i;-i:4i! r. E relate of J i ri M. :e-:ier, .V rK.1, :te th UMHuu-iry ou Ihe :.ve etne l.ar- ' j;r?; to liie un u mw i. if.? tm;- er A-itJi'fity. ivi n-v is i.erey (jivj tn (-ebst lii-ii -tt i I,. i'..u!f lo niiue n imu.i tny-iii'-u; ai'.'i ti...jrH, i i.iv !;) e:A:njs a-::L-; ii -a'tie w ul ir.-ii; tn m it;ly AiUi.tnf.ciUcl .or ik-'.t:--i.nt r IritUy, tK-;or-r vlii, al lae '..; ot lt.. l. W.J. I JSSNR. JAS. J. .Uvv.K, jAt l.fi A a I. Ni l: F.twJi.irs of J id A. ii'.-::--r, J.t- -i. "i)Mi.N'IlKAi:'S .Nui'lCi il-tii!e of E.-.a-jmj! IItr, !utc ff .ner.ithjtil2 1 cu r !t-5;mt ntAry tt The ae e-Tte hr Ir :e.'ii u'raiiUtl U tiT' i-T':,;d -1 iy tne p er ai'ihoriry, u.ittee uv.-iy e : . i to a,'; por'ii'., irrief i:-i ti aiii i:iite l. ni..kc i.iu.ivii:iio jty- ii aii'i t.ite Tmvn;r c;a.i.i aniii-i. ;;. M'c iiitui, ut iriutv -t-iiti-i . t ii j . 'itLj : i'v.. lM, t'lclaiereititiMe .i c.t. A - ..liJa'or. j ? X IX' L" TU E ' X i iCK. ia ;.i? e-ta'.e of Ian:e1 ! -:itn. Ute ( lux usfi p. soiiir.-t t Ce'ir.ty. 1 a., tie r t loiters t...t.f:ifntjrr i:i t e ri!i im" e'nre !nv eo at ai:: - 0 l tiie in .V-r- 1 1 r '.(; i.r, , ei aat'.mitv. ti:nv herebr f-.i to -.it t-t.i ; ,,, v,.:!. ,. ;i .,, ;l .. ,. .,.c wu. present ;:i-!.i tor tt.-iTevt ! 'il:ie:.' ei,tel. on ..r (.c.-e rnuy. (.:. j., is.ti, ai u uwrt..,:vae-eol oec'd. .. t C'lborn V.bor!,. A::y f..r k.v.t M. fli"l M AKFR. Lis i uur. T "XIi 'l'T I JLY -Notice -ii-.e of i-r.m :! J. U'e of I'sl'it tc.vu l,., rs,,:uvr-.-t e 'l liy. I a., d.- esc-'. t. I.r-'.ir. :--iaTv-.",!ary o-i i.ie a'-ve ,:e t,tv- :i:;4 rn ,-;i s;::ti-l in i:c nil le:--i"it'l by 'H - r c: ;i. . !; '.ie,. S :. .r; 1 y l . . t ii li hi . S . 1 lo Ml it t-s;.tt..-. to i-:-:kc i !i;:u I1 e ' a- I.te'i: ac. l :!:-. :.;t in.' . .j; ,is -..:. I li..- .-, i.i -r,,-:i; i.n-'ii a:i:;.cii;:.-si..-'i f.'.- i.r ui. :.; oa i' les-Liy, o.-o'.cr 17m, :, al Lis lat rs:sfii.. e. I'OI.LIK FV I v i i-..r. . . JARM It'll ."?ALh. f,rra In lineoli t nrnhii. cotaiolnif .': 'j & ' . more or ics-. IT . a ns eieur, ami bais :i t Weil li:r.!tr'U. .i v irei.'ie i!'use aril ' t r it I ii: t-i,.i state ol ei.'. iraf. A noes! t.r- tioT: cf tun-l lia ii-rad i ;;.': a r:,; Mitiiiy -! c::ie--iic e. I.n.:rv di-.-Ie ''.ci:4r ! ar i.:nr.. A u,-.l fitio in a C"v-1 iiei.-:. .riiro l. For rirtlier j-a: tii'.iiars aim terms i-a:! on or 'Hr. -s JA t ii .M.li, Ki!. pa. PuraTallovvScap. Is porf.-f : in othrwo.rtsit H all Stap, at tfte ticst or laiimiry .urr"4t-s naue. A scats n.tMietl ti St li lo pr:v;.te firioicst. also a i general club older ai;.M.t ia cacti tcv. u. A(idrc?s A "ERICA N TEA t'O. 3S8fc." n::h Ave. PiTlsr.i ni,:;. FA. f B UBS1ES at iPriCe flSis e Ai.is uaiUitsa. -."X. t, fbaet .... i4riiii'taiiatjr; (S iiTtidVSSSiV, jr VJL.tSul VJHL.t G' - ?rl(gj) !Tct - ir.ls:"!i in : i'ja--n'ii m PALMS BUSINESS COLLEGE Iti tls r m lrsli.- , .'.ne. Y.V t'hini.t tw.. P:i:. Yioa iwy j hlUy !(). tir. We tr-i, ii r..l it y.-a 'n NH'unr.B 4 I..MH) T ATION.Ht tnM iUibyet. T laca.V i'uiiui'rra. C'tres tboTDtanai cntiiri:lT'- t Id vt Cotr plr.inri, Rilio-tsri.;1". .Tat; ii-.e, lsp'n sia, C ons.ipi'.'.i"'!. idriiiiri '.. It' vre Ills res'il-, i.-'iTiirn "rl." i' : ! t I.'rcr t !:an aiy Ciller ci'-. 'i. Wbr fn'Tt r v. l.en yott C!a ".o r:!'i ? i 1' J.-.-rl iv -3 -r- 8 c, s ;t r-1:-1 """i r ! ! 1" i 7 r 1'f":: . vo; u u::; om-v ii.'. ' 1 : ti";. c V seen I TaHCe J frl . have seen Pittsburg ! j-.!. is a whole citv in itself. v acres of floor space and j$j is the only establish- p Mail OrJers Promptly filled. Great Inducements. (too(1s reducctl in price in evcrv line Dry (Joo!s. Carpets. Oil Cloths, lace Curtains, Ladies Coats, tic. Now i the tinit- to buv to save money ami get something good. -fezJAMES CLINTON STREET. gHF.KIFF-SSALK. J;uoui t ixn:uis L?vi l,.sfc, aiii out ut lh-r t 'url of 1 ioiaiiu uf ixintr't Countr, IVnoj ivmnn. u rue uio-ctM. itivr til be i-x- FRIDAY, SEPT. 22, 1893, at 1 o eld k r. It., liie follow ir.g des rietl rval ttu to wit : All thrisht. tt:V. tmnt, r:irn an-i cit-njiri.i f ' nt. tl iii! aiitt Jihial hd.it ihiviiitiu. orvi line lrtin-r il Jtll, tnn iL t o ot, m atnl u al iliC !oil4 tttf-HTi-1 IVa tu.:' Vi : Ni I. Ail thl fU.iu tra't trf laui -i:rinttf in r-Tt-unvi itf U l:!l. S'uit':-l rrf.ltiiy, a., :ti n u a IttUi' ui .s:iriv! Wniur, a:utifl iii!i ri l:-.r-, nwr r i.-nuirly i;c U.ntm tiiiel ry tra- i aii.l other, i-viilainuii; fHir Iiuu!m1 aot t ti i av I joi njttr' ur U-w, i.ar!y mil uuioer lit, with tnr appurt u!ir No. . A tvrtaiu uatt of laiwi situate In Elk Mi k tu iihtp, ?imtrret ivuimy, a,ii Mate f r-Cixy ivania, a i; .tiiu i,u.i ot Sam: it I Y. M jti-i, Jtpme Nv niti, Joaa J. Eut. Jiwm ruui ku l others eofiUJtiinKt:i-s huuirx-il a::l nim ; e a-:v 1 ' ; more r a'-ul live t a rv'of ;it U fc t!;nrt.T, inviTc ttu-rm rcvtt'.A atot.ry lm t;ie ;.p:rtiia:it .'. N . I A iTiHi:i trmi o luu i itijitc iu t.lX toun.hi !; -it y ari l a afrtat I, a-1 j iin:: irtn-ii.t! . Lv.nt- 'J. j iu ttrin aiiil trai I No. J a,,.v; l'M'rir'J, t tHUAimii -n 'i aTf Ki"rMr U . tiav iic ttivre m frwtcil ti.Mf fu sic-ry p!a:. itia: htUH- aiiJ t-.vo r , m tin aj'i.rirr:;!;?. 'iHaci: iu I'vrii.v.n a:il u a- the prtj- cr:y o( V v.i. li. 1-M.i nu- J.':a.nan Hmntttn. si.r-vivin- l Ariv.vn tf' L';ii, Va'tu A. t'u. at lac uit tf .1. . bomi-crierr, t isl,u'r. A I rivht. t iiiu-rtt. claiTjan.l tinman :1 of K. I,, i mk. of. n audi Lo ail Uj foiiwwiug 3e m -"il-cJ rt-ai t-tHt', vu, . 1 Ail ih.it ivrtiiu tract of land fluato in B:ith-i ity tu ua.j, omt.rt uu!. Ka., .in:nt'aT la!iiit-f H. nry Kaymua. John AKfiift- h .ni'Krei ai.l Hi:y tour ar- more of Us, in ar ly allot w aica i umber lad. urJ the appur-W'lAiii-es. t. i AH that rertaln !ol of proum! situate in liit iM-r,iit;ii of H-.Ttiii, .nurt etrtiaty. la.. al fiiurii i-triri oil tii i' --t:th hHir ;f'tif u U.c Ny mi aiii y rtinni: Dofih and muiu ( .t.ti (.ij'I tHir w;:in p:nht!t ou lUe uortti ty a:t ai:ry lU'iuiu iMiiaiiel wuti hn-k ntnt lour trrrit-TH au'i ou i-ie not ly irai t oi land now or ir.nrr.jf yi'U ' ki.-iior VVcimtTaiid t'orttr roit;a:u:ix f-rty-ii ve p'niies more or It-.-?. H,llii:if;'piiiU'nH!i!T e teiL Kecl t piv m i Myifrstt runt. i a. Noi. All t:i;u i-iUiu 1 K tt cnMiiid -utuau- in tli roi; -u )i l:-.r;iri, c-txmty l ninet and ti- u! l-i ; vAi.;a, a;ii a'ri'iw o ou tae plan f d.il inn'i:n as !: .. i7, :ru'itj- tW-t on y.M'.i 'trt i n:i -i'n !:i iu a northerly drn-t-tioi hSniiii J1 to M'tirjrry alti7, li;ri-d ou Kit-tidily i.ii'f . Phit-i. to., and ou t.o wt.--l ty i n of J. O. S'.oLicr. tia!t: iiitrrtoa rw i v a I'a i-; ry b:it k awi-.iii:g lioi.. n :tl a iari-ij 'rt ro.-iii ;a :u il uirtr..:. ie r jui, i.auie '.n''ir ai-d oilier buud:ns w iiU l-e ai- ir e!ia:it't'S 1.-.k ;i r. vxpf ili-m nivA tt t-e oU as the prt:i ft;y t t. !.. .fS. a; the w.: i joua. M. I. u ot t . J. K -o-r. A !. AM ::.v-r'ut t '. f. Interest, i'U:n and dc-:;:a::d i f iivicy K.tw , t t, in aiid lo ml tuat eert-titi trai l i (?i..i u:i:ire iq Hnt iifrsvalley town-tiit, S.-i'iT-;-; -.t:.:y. tvi;uyivai;ia a!j:ni!ic ia:nl O Joi.n AM: tT'i-r. Vf;irV liildl". J.J flV- Ar,iK L. ', cou'amiuir e: ;!:ly -.u a res ii rc m i- h, aiMiiu ten ii'1- aT- eitar, nniii;; i;.t- or. t-rt- ud a I ro-story iir d-.veliii' hnii., U 'iain l:oi:c- and a t-ana iAio. u uti au o-r!i:ird cl li .?t U.-nri:'? tr-es ou ti.e premiei-i, itu ll:e h:'! .itent:i it ikvn i:t -n: n u be iM as thf rrp ri'.fot tiet'.ry tL;: af tne suit A ajlotaaa ALSO. h' i ri-.; -f. t:". ir.t'rt. fliiia nrid d'!ii;i:id (if A. li ot, :ri a rd t; ail 'ti i' rr.ii i t t ot" irro'iii I .-.ii.ia,;' :u l..: o-.n c it'y. rt;.i;-, 'Miiity of .5ipjerM l a;;d sirfte of Pvunyvau a, !.-. til on t rie eit r ide 'rf liallnid.i '.r-et. fitmt ii' ijiy ri oa Had road wruet and exk-iidur !.i 'i lu K'.d-c a':- y. al-oi:i:ti lot No. :T4 on the v.-r "h and N o:i t:-- M-r.ii, and i nnKi-r-t ii! ihe pit... of M;yer-i.i;e Otir-ih, m Lh-j :. s .rwy a l"'. i- , ha.in i.ivr.n:i ervt-U-d a tw --ai'.rv Ira mi l'rlliii; and o'.a.r iMulti- Up, w. n the api-'Urle:ian.'es. iat-u ia xet"iiiou aid to vt'.d as the yr-yp-f rty ul A. & ouy, ai liie sitil oi iau:el i.a- AX-SO. All ti- r.jiM. t: tit?, interest, ela'tii and demand of J. H. Lr:iiiie, of. iu a.id u ail thire two rer ia.:i K Ts .f groutid " tnate iu ;he btwoiitn of Meyerste.V. "T'tiir't eoua:y, attd !tatc ot i'e:i:i yl .a.nii, tnoi q a:id trjtiih.rcd on the plan of ;d horwi:ch a.- lots N. !.". a id Y' jot No. I ou tae e.trutr of onli aud Luht tr,-fi.. ;n:it:rif oti Non n s:re-t m f-fi and exn;in rt c t i i rt- L-;. -ire-t to finnn, i r--t. aid a-!j- it. lot No. 1 j.. N 1 tmi.u'ii . feel ou North s tret l and extern!- baeis W lei to i'e:t.a. HfVtit aii 1 a'tji i: j I-- and 1' bftvii' tijeni:i f r e-'vd a . wou'T frame d't-li- -z it:-. .'r.i.ne srah'e aLd o;hcr oa'.hilild'.ii" the apiu: leLaiae . I i-'ii in v ute.iti.-u and o b? f!d a? the prr er oi J. :1. 1 ri-u;:ti- al ihe utt ot W. i. iley e -. Ai? the ri t'i- iu' e i" I d nun j of Mr i. i'ive-v. oi. :n-fir l ai In tt Ltr'.aiu tot " y iti 1 -i.t;e i .-n i-o :rv i-if. 'i So -a er ' tii . . !'' ut:n,-. :t r in. -:r. rr o ! t v.-'. .-it lvd i the iw-n.-il-y i-.; t" J. J. I.urto . 1 i-t i'.v mi a'lry i on soiiih h . !. t of iTr-. K. .d. i.t(;;v. thereu ere ti ti a l'. -it try I'urir 1 I.i: l .iv. a Maie aink jtDer inuh.j .dii.-.'s w.iti me a:nirteua:i e-. Ttti-i : ; e eiiU ill ;n-i U 1-e .io aj pn-p-ertT t M.-s. U .- y, at th-j ?a t of A i:.iai.i il. ALS. All the :vht, tttie iat rtvt. el dm and d.-tnand d V i.i ii i'.eii. i.i and to ail that tv.-Ui.a tri' '. ol Un i ?-t u:e . ri:i:-ii: unwiip. -Miii-rrsvt r.)-;:i:y. La. . e u. t:'r.n Ui a-r- uir ? or .-. tij i-t.'l 'i ' A a K. "a.:-er f.r:ier- . " a ' v rT ot: lie t-iV and mi iu arnl b ,aid d ,iy l e 1 .i :0 n-ud t (i tii-; wi!i aud wt. :i:.v :.jr rr:i t t ; -'i "iie an t a hat.'-er-try :rame ! 4 e:iiui bia-c. tm.ue table aud oilier Ki'lt-iiidlLss. w ;ih tiie aipnrenaTirtM. Taat- iu Kir a'.ou aud to l i'i a. rhe pron r;v f-f V iu. id. ts-teii, J Kcaaewtjf a. t o. ALSO. A: I the tii'ii'. TT'.Ie, itit--rt. e?ai?n a'.d denand dMr-. Mary M Tan:'Ji u. f. in and to ad t:iAt erra rilni oi cni;!id. i'.;aTe in tn:di ii: l.iiV! -i.:p, rotntrr t coiiiity. Ia.. A-iy titling la::'U ;,f Mr. J.o-tle oa tlie c-t. -'ifh aud w-st. ind J Jm r'.Ie oa the nenh, naviua' tlieteon .rtetrtl -i t'Btory i'rar:;e iiti:c uud otht r o i:' .i tl;n-, w the ap;tirU-n.i;;----' InKt-n iuev-f-udou a-id u betH 1 a tu prop-f-rtrof Mr. M.i.y M. T:.o:;ip.-.m. al tie of J Td.n r.itml- r. ii-? of II. i. ny ler, in tra-t f'r Wd:uJ.i iu'ju. ttti. AL-H J. Ad trie r;c:.t. t1.:! . u.ttrt, riain anl ae .nar! of W. W t.rn.v.iil, in aiiu to I ii that eertam f land .I'.'uatt: in Lairli pv lown-nip, fom n.i:!:v. Ka . adjo.aiki.' lar.-U et '.e r lie-:,-eu" r Iir,t:n r . II ( orlf.Hii. V.Vid anti I'r.i h-:rt'ifi, eonuiri:ra nlne ei at rea iiiore or ies, a-'i'. ten ; io, !ear. t:v:: th-,reu erecte-d a frame trai-t -r.t t nu. -'ierii t H v a r.-a b ipt, er.y utth the aPi'0,(ii:ane-)4. en :u ejtt't;;:on ani to a vM t""e pmp- i V. W. t.ro.e ai tue .-mi t-t J. L. tnientJt. TERMS. N". t i- 1 he n ..Tt-KA'd pis purfasin? at the above icie :ae litiiift- t;.at lo per rent, of pif i;a. e rnuifV r:.it a- paid whea pr peny trl il'H'i'. n.V-rrt it ajr.Q re i e1 o ut tlie rii. tile !ir-t pirfi.a-"e.'. rxi.tut of the purirriase iti-mey iiiu-t be pni 1 i It j- re :;td.i3 : vt-iiiiriiiat.on. v: : Vrd n. -, -i-; t. JT. k N .eci u.li b- a- knovtU- 1 :rii i.: r j;t hiie muey w piiid ;u Ui'A. r:.:a ::.. f i.tlAU D. A-:. -yi. 1-' i sflenJ. ir-rA-- NOTICE. N"! i'"K i-- V.-Tt Uf viv -ti lists'-! 17 r-'U n I ef tr th.- -:-.t be in 1 h r:d.s:u. -v .1k- i.-hn.ic. hi.r.t:r.a r 'j- rn :m: ou tc :rih VI. LM'Tit-d U'lSttt." lit .."ls ir. s',,:i. .-i 1 L a j-ua-te 1 u TU--h.o.i, nu. !.. pr -l- Ci-U-I' C ! 1.1!- U ia I'-u.i i t Itul .' i.-j:.:.ic- 1 A .t . - -t V. : If I. r. li -.rv ;;.-!... .1. 11.1 -i. ii-ii.-M m? e.ra-.i :.. 11'. M K. M -1.. v.t.-. J ;.ll 1! A'.kii: ii'. 'it. I ,Ar.i, 1 l-i s I J s. c 1. J. I.-.:..-V. K s . .:. i jm? i.rt.'!.i Ji sUhj BX-v: H. !.. r. v .-, Iw-.ii i.hr. i l-- '..'. s ,1 :. 1 V! l.'U i' ,ra..-'t: 1-, Ii'.;an '-V. btritybiio, M- K . -,i .:i tr', J,:.:i A.'..".f, '.V ii'H, i . i-'- . Oct - Pi a iti Butiawt EIuc:.tion it 01 a trt.iii;.!: 7-V2TU. b BUSINESS COIabESE, I u j .-IiTil AVK. l-lTT-iisra..!!. tx. -Iu :n-e a i: m :." ni ! prul'.a-.Isi mi 11. r.V'-i :.",Il;,.i;.s'!.j!wJl''? c I :a ti - - I -.u. , i! kc--.-.--.. r". .'.I.. .1 Tj:---r;!;r.7. Tt-le-:-rs:ll , ly -t. !i i. . rS'-MU"5 Tf l.i'C. i 'i. f...-1 ct . -a: ; . 1 L W:;ie rur."! loa & ale. T' nr..Vrs:irt.l ,,ff.-r tt T rivitt mt'o the f.itn of tr.? 'e:e '..-T-.t W. l-iHr. ih.ii Socet-rt ,u:r .-ir. ua t:-- !-i.)--iiiwa n!, coii.;uii:u '. n r. - -r its., i iie t'.riu is in a .xcci- r.'- :' ri.i:ivaL:'i. a.) tiew Wwr aa-l wil u j rt t. ! '.c-is-1 !th toiu of xotol tcmi i:ntt:vlli: tiitn iy. Au tl'K.nt c- Urn i ;. oa il t-reib-ea. i"ir tcna. aaJ lurtiicr V t.t.ui: j W CEOK'JK G. PILE, Xa M skmienet St. Jubcatown. Pa. ot CHARUS E. PILE. SunwiiM, Fa QUINN,- JOHNSTOWN, PA. F.i.lSTKR-S XOTICK. NoTI' F ' hr-hr riven to 1! rv-rfinronovrr e1 as !v", ( -rdit.r. or oiherwi. that it fi4:oi! -i a-eiHi!it9 hav pad Hr-fier. ai.i itiat ihts Mtrav m, ill be pre-nted tor coiiiirnutiiou in.!i.ii)ur.viiun iirpnaa' ourt to N held at ?.;ert. ra..oti t-dueiay, 2Kpc -T, l.yLi. Kir-t ai:J i::al .t -tint of t ha;iiicey H. Berkey, K lar-linu ot tin e fc Kitok A. mi of Arrhito.d tiirl, AdtuioUlraUkr and Tr: :t e of .-siiir Ka. iler d. A'txmm of !hti c. Maer, admin istratur of Le vi Mit-'tT, d e d. tpt a:id '.::! . mot of AiIr Baer, Ixce utif ot tr!'';ct l'.uar, de d. r :ri a;d :atai airot'tit of Kliaa Bittner. almia itrair tn Axi-auH'. Irpiey. dr d. r irt aiid tiflai n-iVHiut of Kobert Anfotlue, i.i.ii nostra tor of AtrahtDi AuMitie. dr d. Aii.'otiutof rtrpheu i It:uc aud fc t". M C:! iUn-a. er uto- of Jo.ia r". luiU k. dtr d. rirlfud lituti act-ooul of I'r.w J. hrttuer, a!;i;iiiiratf of Kretlertcka 'oieutan, dev'd. rtaii l hnai acrotim of W. Kuh.man, ex ecutor u! K J. Ho, rf dee d. r iri aceotnt A. J. Coiboru, exeCAttor of ! i ran Heaiu, i d. Kirt and final a. -count of II. V. ShaiFer and N. K. nni"n,taoMiutr ot llri:r llare, dee d. ir-t at.-iunt ot l Varies Kr-uik, ceuur of Jt'ta ryaui,dtv d. i :tr h ; ..'uut .! hoU-rt II K.aX:!--, CaC?UtOT of M. tt.rkiv, do .1. r i-t a .id iiaal mr.-unt of J. M. Hay aivl M. L. Th tua-s .tdnti;.itraun of Adam Baker, dt' d. Ai !.:. i .t Wi;haiual. Uay.tiarOiau of Ctar etiee Livetir o i. r :rt and una! ar-cHQt ff Hiram B'onith. ad crviivir.ii ir aut tn-le of ia:i:ei V. 'ry. lee'd. tirt i.MHi'!; 4t iamel iiarfr aod H.irvev" ?hater. a'l)iiiuitratoo of H;raut tia.tV-r, Ji- ti. ff trt and until aitnnnit of'. M. f-havrr aad Kr:.i:ia Kelt.:, aduiiuitratori of I'&ristiau Kelt., dee .1. Kirvi and final ai-etmnt of Hirrn W. I'pho!-, aiiinnn-trator of l harie Cramer, dee j. Kir- aittf anal ae.ant of jonn K. oil, a-1-mii'Xrautr of "vtia J Hunter, dee d. ':it and riual ae-otiitt of K. J. Kooser, aliflin istratur of Jepu L'Lior;HMilntT. dit; d. Tue M-iud a twin of K. O. Ltvetitc ol, Me of the exet utors o Jatob Llvtu;vA)t, Uic of Liek h'wo-hip, ilee d. AtttHitii of Jol.a Vought. admiuLstrator of Ly dia Voiiicnf, dec d. first and riual aeoiint of B P. Suyder, almiu Lstratorof A iaiu i-'. suder. de-'d. KesiU-r'H I A. J. UILEMaV, jw, Ke;ter. c 10URT rKCCLVMATION. Whtbh, The I!on. Jab H. I.os..Kr kkk. rr:dftn Jti.Ue of the Mverai I'otitt of oini:nu I ;-a.i ot the M-veral ni'iniim t-oiap.i:;:( the Ihl JuIu-ia1 I':tr.ft. and Jn:n-e oi'ttiv ( tir:of Ove and T'TimiuT and ;-:i-r:it Jo Ilnery. for iti trial ! ad turxutl art'l Kh.r iiM!itr tn fhe u: J JjiMri t. and Hknki IU f v and So.iif Bitn -hit. r'j'M. Ju i:e! of the I'tuirLtot Loiiiuiu Tiraa a;nl JiiMi'-. . (t ihe 'otirt of i yt f aiui l trmiti r and ne-ni Jrtil lKhv-ry uf the trial ofaM enpi tnl a. id otli'-r offenders in the '.unity of N-mcrvt have :h ir preet po, and to roe dirwtetl, for hoid -'if a Ortirl f 'o:nnioa Pla.H and rt?nerai tnarter xu:i. ofth- Ft a4-e and tr-t;fral Jai t It-iiV'TV, and Voui'J of Oyer aud Teruuuer at Soiuerst-i, ou MONDAY. SEPT. 25. 1S93. N rrit k is her hy given ton? the JuMire of th l'ea-e the Jtriu r and 'ouiaL;ie anhm lae aid -'ouuty of ."omen t. thut they be then and there i;i their proper teriia wuii their nd;-, ree ord.. i'i.ituu:oin. e ni!iaiuti.t a'td ottier n mrnuiinr. to do thoe thiu'H uifh to ihe.r ! o:i:ee ar.d 1.1 that U h:iif appertain to ba dime. aud alM uiey ho ill pro-nte aairnt tlie pri ) u-T Uiikt are or shall he tu the tad of Soiaerel . 4Miiity, Ui:-e thrti and tliexe U proaecute a;ai:i2l , Iht Ji a aii bej!wL Ij.:afi (;hd. Pv To Lvd;a Wtiiile, liilerniarTu.4 with E. M. ehrf k. ot r1. -attic, W a..nnuUii. Annie Wain bauk'ft, of A!tooi a. Fa., and Mary, ime niiarried W!in Kiehai'l Heitmau, of Iu is l ily, Nebtak;i. V"'i arj -.-ret.y ctUtl to be and appear h'ftre . t.i jiif.jjf of onr Orpnaua ourt at a.i trphat)V ' toti; Ui fn held at Souiert on the -th t'ay of ."t j iv int er. !'., at 10 .i'do'k lit the forenoon. tin j and t;-erv to At eepl or retu to take the reul estitted Jacob Wencie. det'd, at the pprai'-.! a;t:a:un putnptfn it by au l:i-it:ei duty award el by sai l o'lrt, antl renimet to the -Jitd tly oi" M-y, is. i.i, or -rio eane why the sac tiiouht not i k' oid. Aad hereoi tad not. an ritl s Khee. ISAIAH (i'KiD. aointet. La., A'.ij. t. i chenff. f I'LK To ACCKTT Vll RKFl'SK ToT vreuiou- Thotnpon and Helen Thonip (n.of l ot.-t urjfii. La.. Ja::ies k. TtinmpMa and Leit-r Mi'UtntMtu ry Tno:np4jii, of Niic. Tu u.d.e cKir.tv. 'hi,. J.na W. 1 ht'tTipm. J bu-hM n. La , Wm. 1.. liioiii; h. of Mt.rred viiie. La., and to the h:i,;'en tt Marioti i.n-rt. dei ea.-sevt. viz 1 h uhb. is iuru.n t ,n rf. ".a"o.iii iroiI. VI-. ta.l Alay'.ru:;, Millie F-t ;ua rotl. Laura Vlrtcim .r ii un. itai;.oaiery oio:f, all of Litt.-hurh. La.,an.l l.iMy M. fc.Yar.tf, oi iawsHn, 'ajclte et.iiiity, I'a Sir'.'.-' f ( Uf4;fy, Yoti ure heithy ci tf to b ard appear before te Judx tif cur irplnn Mwriil a u Orphan ' pirr to te heid at ,-1 on the J.tin dav of x ,-;cut o -r. I.. ,at lu o. loci in the fti-(ini, (ur u aiid iicre to a -ept or r-c to Uiie liir real estate of Jacob t.u iM th 1 imhimmju, dee a. at luc atp.;ta v-iiutiou pot tiou tt ' an l.; ;'Ki li;ty aanlt-1 y ui.i ' ourt. ant retnrtt ! t.'i ihe S-ud .ia oi May, 1 or ho. eaoe lir saui t.oLid tKi L; .d. And hereof lad UOl Shertri ocltc, I ISAIAH (;KI. Sonurart Li.. Aug. 16. S'henir. ASSIGNEE'S SALE Py virtue of a deed of voh:;rary asMnmeni aim or :-, r o! ai- 1 Ktl utiiui tue t'ourt oi 4 .m cj u Liea of . u-ei-; t.nm'.y. La., and to ine directed, I w iii tx..M; ur,uLdc ta.;e ou U. prcuite, on Saturday, Sept. 23d, 1893, at ! m'!o k P. M the fiM.minir ileTiVd n al eUte of I'arn'iW 3. Korney. 'xrin tia hodietead a.luafe 1:1 iiroitiersT.dity lvubip. in said eoou r, a-lj -mi i.j laniht if AutiMiw (. k.iuimel, Atexaadcr Muster auJotheri, coutaiuiuic i2()0 Acres, more or le-s. of whh h abut LO ai'pn axe cl art ! and ot 1 lilt a "-il M aere m lueo-io-v au i lal aaec in Motivation aud iiuiU-r, li&vti erv.ou e.i.-vied a I a o pry Brick Dwell! h ;!ie wi:h baenie'.t -tr.n hoiif, wt'h an ee titnt r:::r, a !' bnna Oar a Wi fe-t fcli I oirer o'tt '!i.ldiii-, MiLfiA g iod if camp oi at lea-1 t ;) :r"fs, w U wa'erea and euoie variety t a': Ssu of Irnd, 1:1 o::e of ihe t-ei Kf'n ifro j.ri !ue;i:i; s-etior. of rne .'itin;y, itr. 01 j it';! -s ivrfiin and i euvei;iiiit t h i.- h a'id hf.t, wuli lin.e -ttit e now ti: tftfii j to 11 fe. Terms : '.jf puiehae no!jy on rn.1ii:at:on of a?e: 1 t ui utulhH and 1 . )ti l utrfii!i' witu tulertt. lo t -r rent . of l tie p;: :U J.- : u:..e J '. be paid :il eaU -U Liie d -'f ;. J Ki : E. NOTf. A cr.ee. s.juierset. La. i'i:-i:i:--' ALK. j Pr t l.r:t ir '1 i f v-il:mt.y is-innia? t.f j i. u'. ilay an.! iin..it t. !.i 'v. ir liie Urtit'ii ) ul' !.:- 1-.' Ir, rs. n-l vr.-m " all or- j '. -r ui' w.iir--'. mi; of t.if 1 1. trt if 1'ifiini.ni I I'.-.:-a:. : it. iLrcc-i, 1:1 vs;.' y.i. ! .l-.r:-ti i-r.t.- -it i,u SATU33AY. SEPT. 23 J 1393, a 1 'i ? k V M . t.'.e f".?o a era r-l etate, ia:e t-e proierty id -.d J. . U ay, :l A ev.-rtnl:i t::wt of laud i iri Jeun.-r lwrt- h;o. -ioi -t f-jiiofy. La.. at;oin u4 land of Jot.ii . Auseny. J...1U Kuia tfthera, e uta:u ;i -. !f. ::- 1 wre or ie--, ab--r l- a:r :leari-I ai.d tr- ia ie Sniper, ba. 'n liien-oti ererud Dwelling House, ant bam. (io-l fruit in firm. Laiiu d - j tiu- Jvut.tru.ta a b:ou(;n. m m Ou "h'r.l ff punhae moa- i GrrTiO ey ia n.nd on eouuruia.ion t ! -. - a ..; ta. u.tc 11 ioi . U4- auiiuiipayuieni W h rt;t. VI! EN TINE HAY, . J. K. tl .11, Assli!l-. X r:ci: in livoi:ck. ia:: - T L hr, ) In !;ie .urt of Common ... .. I ,1"J l'I Hlsf- T. KJUW iM-.-i.'. L List--. iv. o; Kay T. N- -I. A.i So.Mirfl li iiivun-e. T, I.r. f . ' t'-fte-M' ""' : y uri rr.-!y rnxiria ! L u-l ;!' !ii?.i'tt r-Hi.-; n t:,riinin r--.. tut c.;ocrt-4 , iu-i'v N uc:J at s.n.-1-tt. I'a. tne ua M.4i.itT ..l -vr . A. IV. 'itT, to ait. Iiilll:l.JJ I' ''r- '""' " l" P'" l.;!UiliiJi'l, tw-. titifi. if any jutt hate, BV v;r t w-f: -l-li-J aot be IttW 1 fnu li.- i. lOitnnf.iij riitrmt tout tia t.M! a,.ri.bi lo;h iirmrtr of ner ik-uIilu an insri eia.oi;t;i a-.iit Jt. fo.- mid tuurt. alierU-s 0 E-e, I 1SXLM1 i-; Aug. zi. fceriX n