Y i he Somerset Herald. GEOEGS E. SCTLL, Editor. ...St;.L t, JS98. ... .;in;'ii be rftlV.rTi J on or before . - j 3::4 tii wori l laugbs with yon ! ! yja Isiib at your own j jk." O-l 1 'y oa IS fcj!d by J. B. IltLllfciiBAril. e Fi!";y f::"tb P.-niy ivaui :-;- r-ni.iun on WednetJay, k : '-'i fay ;t f:w sre roir.g. !.ik-llie neirsjwiitfT by false jtioa. Tlie la j.rosiJes a f,.r ("'' i ...;.!';:: !i':-aLD should not foryet ". t::vd:r. tU Uiu&;i, ran fit their vr,.:.ij II il Company " finance t- rf.-:!s ''-141 ' 1 told all tlie , the Sanitarium on a :), the best fljur in tbe ,.. is warranted. For fade ilAHLOS rkUKcXK.. s. j i.fOarcbrid.rt Crawford county, "'vr a bank a! the oininR o1 3 . !; v.-ir. dirt-ciors having taken tbe .-r a ljofciiig to that end. Jt v -:.e rst ,J,J' 'a c3'? to give .r-'.nu a tr.... sa.e f f;ae furniture at IVviin's -j I'ri.kan St., begins Aug. tnh. .,. at about ba':f price. , . r.ut aware of the danfrcrs of .. .,-..,.,. Lt-iiitrt 'be proper reim-dy till ucjtu? caruuie, or inilauinjttion A doe or two of Ayer'a . : lit would Lavs prtveut- .. c!:.iD4 of K-!iool susjests that a bet '.xi; iu e jsumy cannot be found than KxErrgB A Fekee. ......j.j.j':nt')a. Iiuck & Co., bankers, of cVroiUowuaail lia-stiiijp, Cam r,.;r. v. Live rtau:uel business after a - . .- f::i jn. o;-ening up on Wedue-nLty - .. Tl firm Lave tbe cotitiJi-uce of .- a:.d business will move along :. ;:. t.ie uv-il way. ,. ,ri j pa ires at tbe prices dow ruling at KnepptT fc IVrner's. The , stvleh in suits and over coats are j. .'al! ai. J exaaiine their stoik. ,t f ,::..wi:u leii'-rs remaining iu the e at Smfrit will be sent to tbe : t..:vr .:. if u t caliwl lor within j..v- ,is this date. September ". JS:3: r. '"- : tiiriett, C. C. ; llt-flfy, J. ;;.:.;:. B.r:ie: M.m, A. J; Meyers. E. r....ak. Wend.li:e: K-jss, Kb: Chafer, e. J.wia Kkllef., P.M. .r-eniber that Mjhl.v.i S-'hrook k in asx! fresh line of groceries. ISaur ;.. at i. !t.-.iu priot. Country pro r'Ta in exchange for go'jda at all An A'.' !:i; m man will let bis daughter .rrv ..e man if her choice and will ftsrn 1 hu'ise if the can give seven sensible wanting 'o marry l.iiu. She is v lii ; '.i in love with the man, but after I her head f.n two week bas found a i-Jiri ri-usons. One is, "I love him," : ti.r oth-r is. ,-I d.m't want aiiy other ; L'-t hirn." Af CI"!'?. Have y..u sea I't v'.in's Krusse'.'.s Carpets -,..:. ryard. ia any pattern? I.ace !uer than jjbbers prii-es. ? sjrjuteed on any article. y and j:.I.:i St.. Johnstown, Ta. .:hv the public scW.s of this State are be faniised with free text bovkif, every rut should insist u;v'n their children :osool. mere 13 viruauv uuw i.o . :;.e cin.iecieJ w:ta our puo.icscutKiis, A :,ts ho are so careless as not to . ,s st -: tif interest of ttieir cUt.lrns i-.Ui?ll:ns thetu to gaiu a little i he should le punisheil. We can : r j. ::it cut a n amber of boys in this I i f J m't know w hat the inside of a j r -. m looks like. !. il. iiav.s & Co. resj'oci.t'.i'.ly request f j J c..-'.oruers of M. M.Tredwell & Co. (Mr.:;::ue their liberal ialro!ia,re toward? L-ntt'.rm. We carry a larp? stock cf .:::n-ry, N itions, Tri aiming and New i!i llj.s. Try the new Cr:u. H,:.ry Mi-hier, a well-known farmer cf .rxauih township, was clearing a tract a:i 1 his farm several days aio when, rtauiviug a lar.-e stone, a den of rattle j'es was discovered. In the excitement . ,h followed all the snakes jr 't away ex A three which were killed by Mr. Misbler i his poa. A number of rattlesnakes had ! -p. x-en in that he d lately, but the pres- . -(-(jfthe den was not known until the ae overturned. :. H. C. White, of Messrs A. J. Whife & taiiors a;id clothiers. Oamberstmrg, wi.ibe in Somcrstt Or several day i! !-ei,t. l iih. with sample of New Fail f . and Overcoatings, fcitislaelion ai- iys.rei.deted. lleasonable prices. J Ai.u it to hundred farmers institutes i ie hld in 5'ennsylvania betweea this a:: j next spring, as already one hun- r,! a::J seven applications have been fiied j : j:ate Il--ard of Agriculture. To i; cj:i.:y tbe State will give i7) and li ! 1 r ea.h farm in aJJition. Thus Lan - w.:'. rtceiv the largest sum, 4 i ::' wii! ctt ., the smallest of any I I'nlla.ielpbi will get The -j.-isaKv.it ill . The total appropri- U this purjjse is $J.XX Tjr l:i"y way to cure fever and ague is hrrt., f:t;;trai;z the pjions which causes -a. A--i.r text-l them frjm the sys 3t. Aiei s Aue Cure operates iu both -s. i' a warrant'! sp.-cifi; fr a.l rr ii n ... sri j. dis-r Jers, and never fai s y a New Jersey farroer, whi'e v.z the street in New York, beard :..., u "neicll" of his good old fci h had been stolen from his batn :: ;t. t:x months having tlaid. i f- t er inruid, and thtre, sure enough, '-at '.: f s-x.::iw u U animal, bitched to - '- i stvjr,. The horse bad recouized i.- c.tf -r a:.,j j.-lVe him the accustomed f -.e Urmer re.-overed bli property f. -i Il ihlif was a.-rc?:ed. I Li nd Will C iver of this place were : y ;rj in-dat I'rsinalast Sunday nigLt J ' r-!.aay. fue boys were camping up j ' "--' ! w-re visited by Burgess Kanx and 1- e 'iei:a-. Ia tne evening they drove j 'tsr v. ? ij the depot. Iu turning their I J .u at iLe uepot tuey upset it. fr.ghtenir.g ,'Vir--s. lira biy were dragged Jor j i'1-te t i ta:ice. Liuvis irjured the worst. - w.3 i a-;i.g over b:s bi dy, atrious.y 1 . -r.i.; tl.e -j-ii!e. li.s (t was aiso bad'y t i ,.y are but h g -aiug along nicely now "'! .h:js CjO; 4Uencs are feared. i : rra-e several kinds of jn.is uo;.s Wi.--ti Very clu ly resemble the eata :r t jis, ii! one should venture to ie id : A unfamiliar variety. It U iat ,rcib!e test fjr distinguishing eata.e rii; tlei froai tue poisonous is to - -.e salt oa llcijiigy part, wbich wiil yelluw if a pjivO',yns growth. Many ""-v t j es are given to a i?)e iuexpr'.ena d -!l '-tutig niushroomj. sutk as atirricg -i i-r spoon, which will BjC"ie a Ui.ge if iLty are until to eat, or judging J l-r tnplei.i.t o-Jor. Toe old negro of iirf a y'.t u always sujpicioua of ltre nature of ILe cuiJjrooai stew until -reduf its LarUilcss uaiUtji by dtoppi "peeled white onion into Ha aaucejan, m u turned black if any )iosbti faogi ii-esent. A very aafe guide in the sml l' the appearance of the mushroom, 3 wtea freshly grown, is smooth on ' ''. wti-le lae under part is of a light led or ''""--'I't- Ai tue plaat increaa-s ia siz? ti(! ag.. tnetopcijaun in cuior to a darker , am i a browni-h red oiideruealh. II. C. Cramer bas beta appointed post master at Kingwood. Saturday was Labor lay, but it was not observed as a holiday horeaViuts. Mr. Charley Weimer has introduced elec tric light into bis blacksmith shop. The Cambria County Prohibitionists will meet in convention in Johnstown, Thursday. Local horstroec are arranging a series cf races U take place at this piace on tbe l'Jth. The tbrt story and basement addition to Landlord Yaanear i Park Hotel is nearly completed. BnrgiNS Weiih y It ft Swnen-t Monday morning, on bu-Juess beat. He wli! be ab keat several divs. More than seventy c-imical cases are set f jr trial at the ensuing term of court. The calendar is one of I he largest in years past. CLairman tti the Republican County Com rai;te, w. ll.esetker, has been appoint ed member of the t-tate Centra! Committee from this county. A charming visitor at Dr. Kadiey"s res idence ttiis week is Miss Carrie Hagey, of Johnstown. M iss Hagey is an amateur vo calist of rare ability. Mr. Will K. F.:;d!ey, is visiting at the home of his parents ia this place. Mr. End si. y occupies responsible position with the Cambria Iron Company, at Johnstown. Oa August lv.h, Jonathan Martz, a prom inent citizen of Southampton township, died, aged s:i years. He is survived by bis wife, six children, 2-t grand-children and 7 great-grand-children. We are requested to announce that a " Vnion Fr Paptist Camp Meeting" will be held in J. J. tnyder's grove, near Frie- dens, commencing SepU:n.ber 13tb, and con tinuing until Sept. i ;nb. Wheeler A Co'a " Great All Feature Show" passed through Somerset Tuesday morning on its way to inedens. The outfit was piled onto eight wagons and presented a rather sorry appearance. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Parchfield and child. cf Allegheny City, who have been sending the summer at the borne of Mrs. Ilarchfieid's parents Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Custer in itcyestown, have returned to their home. We have received the iuitial number of the Spartgler Se.-itind, published at the new town of tfpangi.-r, Cambria county. The new candidate for public favor is newsy, neatly printed and .8 Republican in politics. S'ltiirrels are unusually scarce this ssrn. A number of our local nimrods returned home Saturday and Monday evenings with empty game bags. They say they never knew game of all kinds to be as scarce as it is this year. Monday morning P:oun A Sutter's shin gle factory in Jenuer township, which shut down about eight weeks ago on account of the gentrai depression of business, resumed operations. Tlie factory is in the late W. S. Morgan's wooitn raiii, and some tiftecn men are tmploytd iu it. The covered bridge a: Stanton's Mills, in luemaboniug township, has been torn down and masons are now at work building the abutments for a new iron bridge, which is now on the ground awaiting the comple tion cf tbe stonework. It is said that the d. -mantled bridge was buiit over sixty years ago. A crowd of drunken toughs from the Fay ette c i'.itity side of the mountain, visited the pic t:x at Scuilton. last week and almost created a riot. All of the gang were armed with revolvers and bandy-billies. Several knock uowas occurreI d.iriug tbe day and ii is reported that a nn ruber of arrests will follow. Tbe survivors cf th lo;b Rt-giruent, Penn. sylvaiii Reserve-, will bold their annual re union at Ca-inonsb urg, Washington county, Thursday, October :h. Tne regiment was formed from companies recruiu-d from Rea ver, Lawrence, Mercer. Venango. Crawford, Clarion, Somerset, Warren and iVasbington counties. Mr. Russell I.ongetiecker, son of Judge Longenei ker, was the first applicant for ad mission to the bar in this district to be ex a mii:ed under the new rule of Court, requir ing that the examination be held iu open Court. He was examined Thursday, and, according to the Bedford papers, passed a moit creditable examination. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cover, Mr. and Mrs. William Appel and a number cf other Mey ersda'.e folks left on Monday fr a visit to tbe World's Fair. W. T. Hoblitzell and firuily left on Saturday, others wiil follow in a few days. This section will be we'd represented at the Exposition before the setsoa ends. M''irtd.iit Rejiiier. County Superintendent. J. M. Berksy, Concluded holding examinations of teachers at Berlin, Friday. Thirteen examinations in ail were held since June 20:h ; Zi'i appli cants were examined, of whom HT were re jected, J-"tl were granted provisional and S professional certificates. A special exami nation for late and irretrilar applicant will beheld in this place, Siturday, e'ept. J-.b. At Berlin, Thursday vening, a reception vi tendered tne n-turnea missionaries, Misses Elisalipth and Raima Poorbaugli, iu the Reformed Church. Addresses of wel come and response were the features of the evening. A renast ws served in the lecture room. The Misses Porbaugb reached their Berlin home Tuesday, having spent a short time en route from Sin Krancisvu visiting the World's Fair. The appointment of Mr. E . P. Ktaros as Collector of Interna! Revenue for this, the Twenty-third district, was confirmed by the Sena . Saturday. The many Democratic applicants for positina as Storekeepers and Gua.rers iu this county who have grown a-weary wanting tr taeir commissions, have taken new heart and now confidently look for the much coveted prizes to drop their way in the near future. John E. Ke:e. an account of whose ar. rest on a charge of burglarizing the B. .t 0. station, at Stoyestown, appeared iu a recent issue of the IIbld, was brought before Judge HelUey on a writ of Ivihcu e-irput, Tuesday morning. The prisoner was repre sented by attorneys Phi k Hotbert, while District-attorney Berkey appeared for the Commonwealth. After bearing the testi mony of Agert Berkebile and John R. Mo: g, tlie defendant was rerranded to jai!, la dt fault of f.'baii, to await Iria! at the cjmlng terra cf curC. Tbe f.illowirg tek iwrs have been employ ed for the ensuing six ru mtb'a term, by the school d.recto-s of BrolhrsTallry township: P. U. Miller, Plar.k R lad. ijy; Ross J. Hillegas, Pleatsntva-i-c, WW; Maggie Knepper, Fairview, fa to ; W. W. Bluuga, Fiickinger, $.7 w; EJ. B. Walker. Sugar Grove. HI W ; E. Knepjer, Sandy Hollow, -7 ; E. S. Forney, Sar.ne r. f-'l 'X) ; J. M. Miller, Mill, t."7.5o ; A. B. Cober, Factory, J11.V); W. H. Cober, Hsy's Mili, J7.50 ; John Uentr, Crosa Roads, SJ7.25; Elnora Critcbfield, Pine Hill. iX 5t. At intervals of a mouth for more than a year past a persistent Conneilsvilie corres Kjndeot of tbe Pittsburgh papers bat capt ured and released moonshiner " Bill" Tritts. His latest effjrt appeared list Wednesday, when a Fayette county constable, assisted by a posse of five men, surrounded the fu gitive murderer's cabin and took bim into custody, only to surrender bim to a swarm of J-rHti' friend, who made their appear ance a few minutes after tbe capture. It ia needless to add that the story is a " fake" pure and simple, and that moonshiner Prttu till enjoys hu liberty. The surviving members of the Fifty fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer, wfco will hold their reunion at Somerset this month, held a very interesting and u coaragirg meeting last night in Briuker's Hall. There was a larce cumber of com rades present and Captain 1. Graham pre sided. Tbe Committee on Transportation, the Committee on Provisions, and tbe Com niittee on Visiting Comrades reported that they were very successful and tbe indica tions are that this reunion wiil be one of the mist interesting ever beid by the Fifty-fourtb- Another meeting will be held on next Wednesday, when the arrangements here wiil be completed. Johnston Tribune. Ex-Associate Jadie Daniel Ptuffl. t Jen cer township, who bad been visiting at tbe World's Fair, returned to bis borne last Wednesday, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Alexander Rhcads, and bis nephew, Irvia Rhoads. The Judge bad been in Chi cago for about two weeks and van erjoying the s:ghts when be ws taken suddenly iil. For sevt ral days it was feared that bis sick ness might prove fatal, cousf qnently a tele gram was tent to bis relatives and bis dauphf r a - d nephew hastened to bis bed side. He is now slightly improved and bis ultimate recovery is looked for. The Judf e is well advtr.ced in years, but bas a rugged constitu'iou and has always enjoyed good health. Arrangements for tne euiertaiuroent of the large crowds of peoole who are expected iu this plane on the l':b, the occasion of the Fifty f. urih reunion, are going steadily ahtad, and we feel sale iu saying that it will be the biggest day Sunterset litis experienced iu many ytais.- Arrangements have al ready been made to feed all of the old com rades who will aitend and an interesting program is being pre pared for their bent 111. The entire day wiil not be devoted to speech making by ai y means, but amusements, such as ball game, horse racing, etc , ill be provided. It is ijvted that marly if not al: of the brass bands in the county will be present and discourse music throughout the dav. Contractor Downey, who has been award ed the contract of drilling a test well with a view to securing a waier supply for this p!ai, is expected to arrive some time during the next tea day, w hen active operations on the well Will be commenced. While many ji-.n:s are dl-poted to criticise the anion cf council in this matter, it is well for them to rtmemlier that a majority of the we-tern cities and towns secure thtir wa'er supply trom artesiau wells, and that the tow ns of Indiana and Gettysburg, this State, are supplied with watr from the same Source, ti'ice council have undertaken to suj ply a system of water works for our town iet Uiem exhaust every means looking ionards that etid before they call a halt. f?Ic:al ctlieer Siieppard, of the B. 4 O. detective f arc, arrived in Somerset. Tuesday noon, with Daniel llerrington in charge, and Landed bim ovtr to the custody of Sheriff Good, llerrington is a young man of about thirty rive years of age and claims Columbus, Ohio, as his home. He is charg ed with impersonating another and procur ing money under false pretense. Oa the Hth of December, la!, Leap; eat I at the B. A t.. pay car, and represents g h;;ii-.il; as John New Un, w ho was in ttie employ of the It. A O. Company, drew the wages due New iin, amou'iting to $Jo4 . The case was placet! in the bauds of ctiijer sheppard, who traced his maa to I.eadville, Colorado, frm thence to Buchanan. W. Va., and through the wts'.ern part cf Pennsylvania, finally c.'iuii g up with him at Rckwood, where he ariesUd him. Edwatd Hoover is the pos-esor ot a un oUi niemeito in the form of a bundle of bills Le!tin;rlng to the colonial period and early independence of our nation. They have descend -d to him as au heirloom from his great-grandfather, Michael Hoover, and be Villi's them very biir'ily oa account of the historic as well as faui.ly a-.uiatio:is which they recall. The lace vaiuu of the 'Z or lit) pieces of the lot of notes is about j-'"0, ranging f.-iyiu a two pence piece to a i-V) note. Among them are a cotip'e of $ nolea. The oldest piece in the lot was is-tued in 1772, the others from 177- to 177. The inscription on a half crown note reads as follows : " Two Shillings and Six Pence, axording to the Resolves of the As emhly of Pennsylva nia, of tbe if.u day of April, in the sixteenth year of the reign of Lis Mtjes'.y Gejrgi III. Dated at Philadelphia th J j.b day of April, Anno Domini 177'i. Wm. C-itton, Jno. Red man." The issues of a little later were au tuorizedby the American Congress Virlin Among other Somerset people who are at the World's Fair this week are Mr. and Mrs H. L. Baer, Mr. and Mrs. James B. Holder- baum end two children. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gran ger and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Lin ton, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Scuil, Mrs. Ma gie C-jtirad, Mrs. Webster Parker, and Misses Fina Baer, Fina Conrad, Annie Conrad, Mame Baer, Emma Bier, Edna Baer, Annie Parker, Emma Parser, Anna Scull, Nannie Tredwe!!, Mary Taynian, Jfssie Benford Cora Cook, and Messrs, J. M. Cook, J. M. Loutber, Heruiaaus Baer, George Benford, George Harrison, Watson Frease, Paul Case beer, Briuker Jones. Harry Ii old-'rhaum, George Piie. Will Kintner, E. O. Kaoser, J. E. Ferner, Frank Sanner, Geotge Sufall, George Miiier, Fred Good, Elbridge Kyle, and others whose names we have been una ble to learn. From Somerset township there are Mr. and Mr. Philip Walker, Uriah Trent, Norman Trent, William Stahl, son and daughter, and Miss Minnie Young. From Jer.ner township, Mr. B. S. Fleck. There will be over one hundred people alto gether from this county at tbe Fair, Thurs day, Pennsylvania Day. Emanuel M. Koontz, formerly proprietor of Wiliiams' Hotel, at West Salisbury, was lodged in jail Friday night, charged with adultery, on information preferred by Charles Schwn. of Dubois, Clearfield county Kooata was arrested at Duboia, Thursday, and was brought here by constable Alcorn, of that place. The defendant bas a wife liv ing in Dubois and it is reported that she is possessed of about twelve thousand dollar's worth of property. About IS:) Konlz leased W.lliaius' Hotel, secured a retail li quor dealers' license and was apparently do ing a good business. In June lsyl, be sud denly disappeared from Salisbury and bis personal property, consisting of a large stock of litp.iors and a small amount cf household good-, was seized and sold by the I Sheriif to satisfy the demands cf bis credit ors. At the time of bis disappearance from balisbury it is alleged tbat Le was living with a woman not bis wife, and it was toes cui in.pending arrest that caused bim to leave the county. Nothing was beard of him until he was brought here and iodged in jail Friday. The riso.ier is a large, fine looking man, with a mustache tinged with grey. He feels his iiuprisot.ment keenly and says that be ia the v.ctun of extortion. "This manSchweu'' he says, " is no relative cf mine or my wife, I til endorser on a number of notes that he held at the (ime Dubois was burned out and ih.e is the way Le has adopted to squeeze money out of me. The Dubois fire ruined nearly everybody in tbe town and I was just as unable to meet my indebtedness at tbat time as other people who were living there, but Scbwen bat been bounding me ever since. The prisoner claims that be fled from Salisbury to escape creditor, who bad pursued him ever since Duboia was burned down several years before." Everybody Reads It. Tbe Pittsburgh DiynlcKi unsurpassed special rervice to Washington, enables it to publish tbe fullest accounts of the doings of Congress. Dally letters from tbe World's Fair, spotting news, full base ball reports and interesting fiction ty brilliant authors each day are among its special features:. Ri der Haggard's story now being published in tbe Sunday irsoe turpasees all previous ef forts of this grail author. HIGHWAYMEN ATTACK A CON STABLE. E. O. Rederlck. of Confluence, Beat en Insensible end Robbed. E. 0. Rederick. constable of Continence, was attacked by four ruaske-l men oo the real between Addison and Coi.tluence about three o'clock Tbmsdav afternoon. Reder ick and bis ten yetr-old son wre riding in a two-horse wagou, and when they reached a lonely spot on the road, with a heavy un dergrowth of timber on either side, four men suddenly appeared before them. All cf the scoundrels wore white handkerchiefs tied over their faces with boles cct before their eyes. Two cf the men grabbed hold of the horses, while tu others commenced to burl stones al the occupants of the wag on. The elder Rederick was struck on the bead by a stone and knocked from the wag on when the rascals pounced upon bin) and kicked him until he became unconscious. During the struggle the borses started to run away and had only proceeded a short dist ance when they broke the pole cf the wag on and succeeded in releasing tbemselvta from the vehicle. Young Rederitk was thrown from the wagon and sustained a sprained foot. He managed to overtake ore of the horses, however, and returning to the scene of the tt rug gle in tbe mail found bis father still unconscious. The lad succeeded in arousing bim and assisted bim to mount the horse when the two roue to Confluence. Rederitk was robbed of twenty-four dollars. He says that be believes the robbers thought that they bad murdered him and left bim in the road for dead. Two ugly gashes in the Cotif table's bead show where be was struck by the stones thrown by the robbers, while bis body is a mass of bruises from the kicks he received. At first his wounds were thought to be fatal. Later ad itts from Con fluence esy that be will recover. The highwaymen are said to be members of the famous Cooley gang of robbers w ho Lave so long terri fled the people of Fayette county, and which was believed to have been bn ken up wilb the death of Jack Cooley, about a year ago. A number of similar outrages have recently been com mitted along the border on the Fayette county side and it is not improbable that Rederiik's assailants are members of tbe same hand. Races ! The Gentleman's Driving Association, of Somerset, will give a series of trotting and running horses and bicycle races on their track at this place on the ltnb inst. Valuable purses will be offered as prizes, and everything possible done to make the sport a success. All are invited to attend. For particulars addrtss Mauu.5 St"iiB.x K, Sec. Somerset. Pa. Tooting Denominational Horns. EniT.iB Hkkvld i The tratorical or speechmakiug feature of the late Lutheran n union, to which you refer in your last is sue, must have beea even more than usually entertaining. The orators provided for ti es gatherings are apparently classed with the amusements for the day, and produce the hilarious eihul expected of them by their brilliant mathe matical iiiuijiivitii'ti. These annual efforts at computation for denominational glorifica tion are as amusing to the intelligent public, who know from what quarter of protestent-i-m the moulding power of the Gospel in the highest degree emulates, as was the at tempt of Martin L ithir. early in the Refor mation itself, to control a movement which began in Switzerland before be nailed his parchment to the church in Wiitei,b'i'g !and spreading into France, Scotland, England, Holland snd America, became under the general title of tbe Reformed or Calvanistic churches, th great exponent of civii and re ligious liberty in the van of historical prog ress. These pleasantries, Mr. Editor, are inno cent and will always pass for the harmless diversion for which they are in ended. Faux. New Store. I have opened, in the room formerly oc cupied by Vought, a line of general mer chandise and will be adding new Hues each day, and will Sell grods strictly for cash or country produce, orders will be taken for farm wagons, buggies, etc, at prices away down. My aim will be to seil goods of good H'jaiity and at the very lowej-t prices for ca.-h, in a few days will receive a shipment of timothy seed. Come and see me. . H. L. StPt A Revolution Attectlng Readers Throughout The World. A sulject which baa received mucb discus sion ia ail parts of the country during the past month has been tbe possibility of The Qmuvipolitj.it t succeeding in its new move of selling the magazine, unchanged in size and even bettered in quality, at the price of twelve and one-l.aif cents, instead of twenty- five cents, as formerly. The August Gituwqijitiin, for instance, was illustrated by a long l.st eif famous artists, including Rocbegroise, Hamilton Gibson, Guillonnet, Kemble, Scbwabe, Saunier, Goodhue, Meaul le, Alice Barber Stephens, and tbe last Wilson de Mezx. The publishers in part ex plain bow it is possible to keep up a piece of this kind by their announcement that the Christmas edition will exceed lioO.OX) copies. and that, in consequence cf these large editions, they are obliged to raise the ad vertisiing rates from to f loo per page ffi y dollars per page more than bas eve: been charged by any of tbe leading maga zines in this courtry. The move of The C'umopriiit-in would look as if the American teoplebad been quick to appreciate the effort to furnish them a magazine of the highest class, at a price so unusual and so email as to be almost nominal. Remember th usual big reduction in monuments and head stones at W. F. Shaf fer's Marble and Granite Work, during Sept. and October. A large supply of fur Dished work tbat nm-t be sold at prices that will astonish you. Now is tbe time to let your e.rders. Respectfully, W. V. Shaffer, Somerset, Pa. Half Rate Excursions to the Worlds Fair. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co. wiil run a series of special excursions to the World'a Fair for which excursion tickets to Chicago will be sold at rate of one fare for the round trip from Hyndman and all sfa tiotis west of there as far as Braddock. The date selected are August 21st, September 2d, Cthandl'dih. The seciad trains will con sist of Grat-cla-s Vestibaled Day Coaches, epuiped with lavoratones and other toilet convenience, and an experienced Touritt Ag'ntanda Train Porter will accompany each train, to look after the comfort of pas sengers. Stops for meals will be made at meal stations en route. The tickets will be valid f r the outward journey on the special trains only, excepting that from way points they will be honored on local trains to the nearest station at which the special trains are scheduled to stop. They will be valid for return journey in day coaches on all trains leaving Chicago within ten days, in cluding date of sale. Following is schedule of the special traits and rates from principal stations in this vi. c uity : Hjnlman....t Mefendaie. Kin -'! JfUutrin... UnovenviDe. -.HO P. il. fit.) 1 ! '.! 13 , V 14 14) 14.1.J UJI lllll liU 1J.IO 17A liifi J Ii M'ltMimn.. 'i".4.!;i t 40 t'oleniau Somerset - ('miliuetiee . )liio l yte..... t ouueiiv.lie.- Arrive in Chicago neit day. at 4 30 p. m. Remember the dales : August 21st, Sept. 2d, 6.a and 12th. Do you use Meat Cutters 7 " " " Samage and Lard Presses? " " " B etcher Saws? " Butcher Knives? " " " Butcher Steels' If you rise anything in tbe Hardware line call at J. B. Holderbaums Hardware Sfcre. Save money and get the beet goods. William & Davis. CAMBRIA COUNTY'S POPULAR CAN DIDATE FOR NATIONAL REP RESENTATIVE. Mr. W. S. Davif , the subject of this sketch, was born at West Salem, Ohio, May 2. ls'!7. Was educated in the public schtjls and be came a member of Orient Council, No. 72, Jr. O. I. A. M. in April, . Held minor ciiices and was elected Vice Councilor in 1 Organized Coopersdale Council in July, IsSii, and was elcted the first Councilor and Representative, at which time he was probably the youngest represent ative ever admitted to the Slate Council. Served as secretary and rep.-escntalive dur ing V and 'S7, and in January, l.Vs?, organ ized General Custer Council, No. 25, becom ing its secretary and served in that capacity for three years, also representing iiis Coun cil at Wilkes Barre, in l7,and Harrisburg, in li-i!). Mr. Davis has held almost every cfl'ice iu bis Council, and at present is rep resentative and treasurer. He has also been identified with almost every movement in the county to advance the interests of the Jr. O. I. A. M.; served as Deputy State Councilor of bis district ; was secretary of the Feb. 22d parade committee in ls'l ; was the originator of the Cambria County Advisory Council, serving as itsj secretary ever since it organization, and was mar shall of Jr. O. f. A. M. in Columbus Day parade. Mr. Da via is a n:emler of the pre-s- committee cf State Council reception. He is well-known throughout the Stale and is considered a strong candidate. His inter est in the country Council probably adding as much strength to his candidacy as any thing else. At the Westmoreland County Fair. The Celebrated Standard Bud, Trotting and Heavy Stock of Paul II. Hacke, will be offered at Public Sale, on the morning of Sept tith and titb at the Westmoreland Co. Fair, Greensburg, Pa. Mr. Hacke also informs us some very line Percherou, Shire and Haik ney Stallions and Colts that will be on exhi bition at the Fair, will also be offered, most of them were prizi winners at the Fairs last year. There will no doubt be a great manv attend, as an offer like this seldom occurs. We advise those interested to secure a cata logue, which they can do by addressing Pail H. Hacke, Pittsburg, Pa. Marriage Licenses The following marriage licet.ses have been issued since our last report : Daniel J. Meyers, of Biothersvalley town ship, and Lizzie II. Maust, cf Kikiick town ship. John G. Kocht r, of Rir.kwooJ. and Fetta Straub, of St. yestown. Clark IS. Say lor, of Black township, aud Liilie M. Baer, of Brotheisvaiiry township John H. Way, of Somerset township, at d Nora C. Cunningham, of Somerset. Our Banks are O. K. State Treasurer Morrison personally in vestigated the banks in which state funds are deposited and bas found them in ex cellent ctn lition. They all antit ipated tie financial stringency prevailing and made preparation to meet it. They have a cash reserve fsrin excess of that re'iulrej. OlIv one national hank has failed lLat at Ilvnc- nian, Bedford county and that wiil soon resume unless appearances are deceptive. At theend of this month the general fund of the state tretsury wiil doubtless aggregate fHVklO.lillO. FOR SALE A farm containing sixteen acre in g.iod condition. All kinds of fruit, good water and good buildings on the prem ises. Apply to Dr. W. L. Wait.HT, Jenuer X Rmds, Pa. Great Bargains In Organs and Pianos. We have over 1 VJ Organs on band and will sell them away below regular prices, and in many cases below cost. These are genuine bargains and the early buyers wiil get tbe choice. Come in as it is the easiest and best way to make a choice, or write and we will give particulars by return mail. Here are some of tbe bargains: 9 stop, high case organ for ?. 0, regular price, ino.'.n). 11 stop, b'gh case organ for$i'it0, regular price. $1 JOC). 13 stop, fancy case orgsn for $7.U"., regular price, $llooo. 13 stop, extra fancy case organ for $?7.j0 regular price, $173 'X. These are all new organs of established makes and fully warranted. Second band organs as low as $i 00. Sec-Jnd band pi anos, $-"iO.). These figures are only good for the pres ent stock ; so call soon or write to the UtMiRiiKS Mt-uc Co., Ltd., li3 lfl.fc Fifib ave., Pittsburgh. Devlin's price always right on Furniture and Carpets, SO and 82 Franklin St., Johus town. Her Features. One of the prominent features of the Cin derella is the extra larg and high oven, which insures jrftct baking and roaming. Sold and guaranteed by Jas. B. Ilolderbaua'. Sells Cheap. Sells Heap. Do you know you can secu'e the best bar gains in fall weight of clothing, fail hats, uuderware and furnishings at K.srrrtR & Fek.iek's. Agents (male or female) make $10 a day. New ii vention. Every household must have i Small outlay, big profits. Perfection Mft-. Co.. loo St. Ciair St., Cleveland, O. Pocket-Book and Money Lost. A pocket-book, with three ten dollar bills and some papers, were lost Tuesday, be tween Somerset and J. L W. Seiberl's, on Ceiitreville road. The finder, by returning it to this ottiee, will be libersllv rewarded. Stray Steer. A light red yearling steer, Mna'.l and thin and without marks, came upon my farm in Stonycreek township, Sor.-erset county, Pa. Notice hat been given the Township Clerk. The owner will please come and prove prop erty, pay charges and take him away. Aug. 3(, 'hi Hie, rt Lambert. The season it now open. Get your gun. Colt, Winchetr, Marlin, Stevens and Flo bert Rifles, tingle and double barrel Shot Guns of all kind. Revolvers a specialty et J. B. Hoiderbacm't Hardware Store, Somer et, Pa. To aave feJ is to aave rrnney. Tbia is tvj lo do by bain2 a good Hay, Straw end Fodder Cutler and Crufher of J. B. IloLDEKBtnt. Somrt, Ka. n PUo's Hme&f for CaUrrb ia tin BeaC Eul rat to V. Mi CbcaanC Bold br VnxiC.fa or irnt by ma. aoc X. T. BaaeiUotf, Warrea, fa. 4 Highest cf ill in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE Bt v!rtis f 'in1rv trrit of Fit-ri Fsriits, Ven ditioni KArtti:iH aul L vri K lsnutni out of liie t'oiiri tr '.liinruim Kraut of CHtiuert oouuty, i'tiin Ivaui. Ut me .lirvt'ittl. th-i wiil be ex u put.hc wie at Uii loan House, ia tioio tnxrl baioub, ou FRIDAY, SEPT. 22, 1893, at 1 o'c-fx k I. M.t the followipg flcjntrd real esuilc lu wit: Al! the rini, title, inU'wt, claim aui! lietuand u Wm. ii. Uiii ttii-1 JotiatiaA.i iktyntoa, un,ivi:i iiar.if T-of In:i, !iL-ouro.,uI. in aiiil to a.i tif fwitowirn; lt'crii-,i rval ?"iAi.. iz : o. 1. Aii it.it cvrUiii tract f UJ situate !n neaville tou Urxiup, Suaers-'t Nu:;ty, F., i joiiiirK ti.naA of hninui'l ve.tu?r. .-Aimwi H iu ei'i hcirss, iiitw orftnn::y l"- Hiraiu a-iuxiy trartautl oliiiT, coiilaini::ir i''r hua1rfl anJ tMrt avf i U0t mjrv or it-!, utarly all tinitK-r laiil, mithle teurtiuui.i v. No. A tvrlaiu trari of Ur. siliiate In Ek Ij k ti.ni!:ip, Sinn ry?t tnuu'y, mnl Male ( l't-aii'-yjNaii'., adj iiiitn .ti ::.- oi Atutiti P. Ma it, JcMoitf -Mniit, Jtft;ii J. Knie. Jo'm Wrttr itaQ't othT-, rwowtumoue huwirtfl aii-i in:jvt"-!ive arrcn . I i more ir ati:t live acn of wh;i tj i tim.'ivr, iiAVii: ttiur-o!i effoloi a two tory lt lnm-e, wiin the aiiiri-un- No. . A eertaiu ira-'t ol Uinl Ml lale in fclk I .irk liwn!ni. I'Miuiy au-1 im,- a a!'iilwai 1. 1 j titling lau'in il K. o. ljv n.il. Jot: a Vr.Mt aui trarl N( 'J abtve ilrtTiltl, rtMitaiuiTitt -V-eu -T( at r!- inorw r U. UKViutC tUerrrtn vrertt-4 lour ivio tur? plane JcilniK hoUM auU two kUiikti, witJt ti.t apitJrtciiam i-fc. l Aken y.i rxt-ctiut.n aiui U tn? njl a.- the prr.p tTiy tf V. m. 11. liil aii i JouhU;h H-jyuLott, ur v iv lanrtfru of luU l-ou W L'o., al it suit of J. u iioiuijcrgcr, ouii-r. ALi Ait the r:;it, Vl ii.tcie', rUin tn 1 dt-n-an-l cf t-1. L. t-.k, of. :o and toail ttie ft;Uuwi:jc Oe fcrrt'if'i rvai tr"iao, vu. No. 1. A:l taal ortain tract of laa.i ilMat! ia Brotl;er-va'it y tow iiu:';., siut:rel rmiy, Fa , a-ljoimnR lantsf Hi nry tvHn.an, J ihu Aitfatti r, ."i. i'tiiim uJ Aiotntiit i.rntiu eini;miai( ti htln1rel au i ixly ?:ir arr-v uurf tr Iv-a, ii ar lj allot Uieti is tiintt-r iaui, na the apjtir- No. i All thrtt Pertain lot of pmtintl iiti'.ute In tlie Loroutfh of hci.iu, .nirr'!t ct'n'., 1'a., a-i jiitiii iiiw ii ir--t on :io" nuh i'ur cr-'Lt-, i.'it t-tL-t hy an aii y ruiitiiii d rt r nu t v.iuh tit-vt-ii aii-l fiir o-ii' t jT'tic. on lii urt ty an u:i -y ruaiiiji-i-.iral.ri iti'k street fo'ir jfrriiHs. a:i'i i v: vrl y tract oi land mur or t.trtncriy u .jt'd ly hn-rwtr VS inirr I'orttr Wtmivr, r.-iuutinaie forty live jr-:ie! more or K, Uh Hit? ai'puxttriiaiafe. ?h e 1 t-od. Kevirt VL t'.i. iatTL' in n4 I r .-omt-rset ctnnt. . ii Hint 't-rnuu ;.oI froinnt tiiualr In the b"!"l;:,liuf ik-nin. et:n!y of .a)trfl and uttof PciiTiyivttnia, and known on lur l ian uf iil U'fiH.'ii m No. 47, frtt'iiiUi 1V t on Main -in'i au 1 ex'tn i:a in a northerly dirv t ion about jv-j it t u M iLt,rry aiii-j-, Jjo'indi-.i on toe by i't oi S. I'li.l-'ii A i , nd ou tne we-t ! hit T J. O. S!!i. r, having tht-r n ere t ed a lvto-tory tnic d troi:ik t:ot.-. a it a a ir t-tre roi'tti m it, i-i- At niark-t, ware ro un, lane frame ntaoit audthfr (ln.di;!ir, uila te aj- Librti tn e3UTu.:n nj to tie M a- the r.roo- eilyot K L. .jua. at Ijc sua uf Joiu il. ltx;k, Umto! r. J. koujr. .LsK All the r?2ht title. Interest. aim anj d 'rraiifi of H. nry Ka natt, or. ;:i and u a.l t;;al rt-r;:u trat-t iil Imim! Mitinte l'i Hroin.-rsvi t y vovmnip. souirM.-: rimniy. i't-mij ivama, aij .i.niitc iand o John AittUif r . 4t-'iv I.Hud.s. J.--j.r at.r- Uratidk io:aa:uii,iK t iciity ,, acr-jt more or it atout u-n arni -Uar, l.avui therein erecie! a t o-iorv dueliiJiK htnw, t'-iiMin bolt-and a iJink nra, Uiiu an r oard of frii'Mwariiu; trtrvs ou ti.e rr:aie, wita lite appurtenant -r laki-u in er-u:in a- to be a the pr.p-t-rty of Hcary iiy iujoi. tl lae uu vt o n ma bruuU Alr . Ail he riarht, tit'e. int-ret, rlaim and dtn-n 1 of A. H Oiourry. oi. in a;id ait tlutt er;ni ljt f Rfo-iiid si;,,te ia Ii!' !r.ni;ii of Mtyid.ie, t-ouniyof n .-inrr-et ar.d "(sr.- u fenu-y vama, lora;ed on tne w t-vi n;ie i ha:iwtd sirr- t. tr 'ht liti Mty U--i on KniirHd tro't arid cxl'-ndin ttck to Kidse a!iy. adjoining !.! No. 'Ti on trie iinrtit and No "' n ti.e ja;n, ai.d i rii.mi r-d outbf pla::o: My--rMi;i.c rrui:h, iutb' tk-v ti!y .- vy a UK N'.":T . in n ere-trl a tatr-Mo'y irxiii 'I'-vLiiii h" i,' an 1 itner bii.I-i-Ilk .tii tne Kpiurleiia:it. lattt u iti lit' a;. in a-id to !d a tne pr.ip eni of A. ii. oiiHif-y, at the ami of it.unel oua- AI-S' . All the ri'.xt. title. inU-n-t. claim a;i4 d..-T!iand f J. H. Krif d.ia, of ia and u, a,: ;h pe two i-t-r-tHtn lo'j of Krouud -tiuaie .n the Uuufc'h f Mp-rta'e, StiiiirMl tiMiu'v, and ta:e ot iv on -iylvaa:. k iv ii n i 1 mini It -i .-d on tno plan of -"aid it.-ro!i:!i a iits Nob. lit an I 1:;, i ot N. 1 mi i- on tn v .truer of orth and lant r-;r.-t-, triiiitiioT NrT a Mr-- fr- t and f x'.tn.l-.ng b-it-k !'- If- f a'or: 1 - K i ' rft to iVntia, Mrt l. and a';"!!!- lot No i'. N m-nti:'; ' wt iu Norm in-ft and extru ! twir !'. !ot t to IVnaa. Mrvet aiid a i ..n I'f- N l-o and Un havi ii; tht-r-:a ;r-t tt a two Mi trame 1 Ii-1 htfiM-, irame Ma'iie ani o'.;.tr oulttUild:ut wnhtlie ai jfirirnaiMtN. TaK-u in ex.-eM,ini aud Ut- MiM b pr-vtP-i-ny ot J. ii. irie'iuite at u nuit ul W. k J4vy er. All the right. tUV. Interest, claim and d.-raan J of Mr. L. ivf'y, of, iu an-i !o aU thni rerlaiu Utt of irmun 1 .:t;ne i-t r-a.i: iry boroiun, ?-ia-t;r-t county, l a.. ir nt.nv mi ''rant rrw: ta m'!. Ut:i:!1 on the north l-y lot of J. J. Liven jt oil. ra-t oy an a.u-y. and ou tru Niutit hv lot of Mrs H. M. lnvly." havinx tae.'i-ou ef it-d a lo-tory frame dviianjf lutt a feianie and Olaer outbuddiniT-. w:tn the apt-urtenaio-e. Taien iu exvr':ttn and to t ud a ti.t- pro; erty of Mr. L. Luti-iV, at the u.t oi i.aaui ii. arnrr. All lliorin'ht. file. m-rtM. claim an 1 U:na:id of m H. u w j : i . f . in and to ail tin:: cvr.a.u tra- of land !'lnau in Mimmit town -hip. fMm erMrt emnt v, 1'a.. -tutai niu I . & tv inor or U-.-N.aii,oi::iiK laud of "A n-.u K. Wnikt-r ftrm-.r-ly Hi.rt WaiKtT o;; lh eal and north aud Iwr.nd rd by the puime nd on ttie o:tii aud wri. haViUrf lhrv,n ertrtttd a oia and a iiail-o-y frame dar'.lin boiie. franH stable and o'.htr ixitlu..i:ni:v with the apportruanre. lain u iu exccTit.ou and t le v ld as th proj eny of Wo, ii. Owesis, at the i;;t of Kraat-wtf; A: Co. ALSO. All the n&rht. t'rle, intere:. riaiin and umr.d of Mm. Mary T"mpu. or, id and to all taal renal n lot of ttronnd. j-ii'iate in 4i mahoru i-, towiit:ipr Souk r-rt rour.ty, i'a.. adj. 111:1:7 lanti of Mr. i'r'te on V.ic eat, 'itii and we-t. and John T rotle oti tite uurth, haviiur there f a erected a lo-.ory frame d-wlln ir hi and o:h r imtttiiialtiiir. wit'i the pTJurteaan i ka in ei.riuinn and to i- mj.1 a tne prop erty of Mr, Mary M. T:t.rnp.-in. a: tte Mtit of I vd'a Sini!fr, a of iL I. ."aydt?r, in trul fr V ii.iain Thompson. ALSO. Ail tne ri'ht, title, iau .-.M. r!ln and di"APd of W. W. t rove. of. in and to all thai crta:n trat t of land mle in Kairh Me town-nip, ? m-er-t rountv, ia . adjoiidaif land of iff.iife ie tiren. I Earner Hmttier. . il. O.il'roili. Wri.l nd ?herilan aid L r.a i o..rba inn. 1 'jn'.iimi'K in lv -hT.'en ::) arrr more or le, a'ooiil trti i lit acres rlrar, haviiur thereon eret-;ei frame iarn. with liie appurteDam t'. TiikeO in exec i;ion aii.l to (x' so! ! as t e pr.'p- env of W. W. limvt al the u:i of J. L. tun-rn k. TERMS. NOTl'K All peTM-oi purrhasinsat tlie alve rale a i.l p leant te notice, trial to per rem. f piiri A-f tii'tn n b fail a h. a property i knM ke. r)-,. n. OiherMe ii Wiii uaaiu be osjhi! to k:e at ti.e rk f liie Iir; purt-tiAer. Tin p-:due f the parrhav? ra-.tiey taast re paid m orK-f'iretnr 'lay of tiiinit-ii, vu :We!iie! day, a.ipt. JT, lvj o net: la acWnow icif ij un:ii the purchase intuey i ;mi 1 ia tal!. WicnrFa tnVa-e, IsAlAH O-niD, oth. 1; i uemT. riRESPJl.S.S XOTICK. NOTICE i hereby glvn that a:l peran from and fif er tin iat found hauiinic. tidtrix. waJia-m-.'. ifhiiK, iiunt:DL of lfrryiu on the larm. f the fo.lovt iii nT'ic 1 p-r-m.i in (j leinaa iiiin. tov ere' k ad de TuwahaM. will be prose cuted areordjUrf to iaw. Dani 1 Will. H. L- paagler, J ai 1 hr. Miry iiv. y. Jar.ieo UmVrt, Jonti . Iwkebi!. Aiv-rt Writhl. Mrs Ahrain laniocit. lianiel h.-rk-i'e M- F- Herkehile. J A HerkeP Je. J oh II Kotmn, Joseph J. lhr, MliT.ael i"-y, F. K. Sjm ii Adaui iwkibil. fyrui iierel :, lauaan W. berkc'bile, Jiritlft Kerccvbi.e, J-rpft Fa!i. H. 1- Cro' Mr. Fd'tla-dh i!ex i'earu l..iur. I'avil kiairsci, i!itai:i mo!i:t, Juiia A- Uiove, ilaam ur've. 3'pt. ti. JIAHM FOR SAU1 A Urm In Line ar. t-r.vn))!n, coota;n:a ".0 aere. !ii'reor les.-. 1T.' t.-r ci-ar. aud baiat.ee weil lini.erei!. New frame booe and barn I.and 'n taai tate if cnititau n. A kimm! p tion of 'aud underlaid w Hh a riua iaaii'.y of ame tHi. Larve apple t-rehard and uar eatnp. A goad farm in e-oi nrithuerlKKHl. For iarther panic alars and teriu rail on or addre- JACOU M.Usr, Fdie.Pa. EjT.'jl :- "J-- v -j J.- , a- --v, ki Condition nz rsMtu Uns oa;r attj' a v jjuwar. ui a. Hi a .-nd hc.-.::'.iy : i: f,cts yoi:r putlca to b"- I . ii ii ' -"'r ' ear:y ; it is wuru iu ci -ht in co.d an-anaT m tr 4 If You Can't Cct it Near Homo, Send to Us. Ask First- Borough Bonds for Sale. flomerwt Bormnrh. Ve iupror-er ofl'.cera, of Sen for 4k ua Uau-r Aorca llou TO THE AMOUNT OF $25,300, MVaMf t nfy yf-ar after rlar with option of il.; r 1 lav Ilk l' f Iti al an e:;ii r U'. Ud Bti:S Pi r-ar U:t r at the rate of " per rent.. pavi.;e Mmi-anuuaay in :t of Apr:i and l"t 4. i-rl't'itT of ea h jc.ir, at the orUce ol the U.tonrh Tr-anr-r. T-ie Hir.n.co Una do oiher indet-tedneM and iht-Lueof ifcip'i? i witntn ti e amount aathor ;e-l law. S ;-,!er of krm tnaii liie par Taiue ran etttt r'Hlricd. ulerji inot 1 -ietd In nn ler wl, add n to the H-Tivew and Town 1 ounril .V'mrel, t'A aa1 w ill U: tm ticd uuiil 7 o U k I. M , FRIDAY, SEPT. 15, '93. For fartl.cr iuiormation addrs VV M. ii. W KLKLSY linrirt-, e-uieptt. I'a. NoTIOKis hereby civcu to ail tTnv concern ed as iecatee?, rrtiitor, of otherwise, mat the foitm-Uia acoonnt have pa.--el Kea:ur, ant tnat llie auie w:ti ta preset tied fr ctnii.ruu ;;oii aui allowance al au (irptia' t'onrt U te n-.-id al SiaK.rtft, i'a.,oa Wcluc?lay, KpL i-i. Firt and rinai aeriMiiitof thauLcey 11. Berkey, guanlntuof Jeun.e fc- taow. Accotiiitot Arenibaid H:rd, AdiaiuLlraur and Tru.iiee of rtl;y tajw, dee d. Actiiiiutof Juiiu Ks. iliv.ert admiuUtrator of Le- Ti Ma ;t-r. tit d. Kr! anl rinai acetmnt of Andrew acr, Exec Utr of ."aiiriet i'r, dee d. F.rt and naai a i "iui.t f Flaw Kiltncr. ad.niu- j fctrat.roi Aiaro?"? Ltpiey, dce'd. ririaaa anai account or .t.-ri A'lir'uue, adiaini-Lral.tr of Ar-rKfiarn Aan'i ate. itcd. Aifo :nt of - tvpie4 M' iiatM-a a-al K r. M Ciini.M t . . ji-cu'.ons of J.ina I. .t t, '.iiit'i. d d. fr irl ptiu hiiul an-o'i-jt of TrU J. hr it:er, admiia-trtiOtr of t rtuern ka L'oleui&ii, dee d. F:rtand tmal acco;ai'. tf W. a. Kuh.maa, ex e' ii'or oi H. J. iio 'T rf dt-.'l. l ir-t account .t A. J. 0Uru, executor of H : ram iku;n. da; d. Firt and trial acoj;nt of II. V. Ph-iT-r at ! N. K. Mia;ii,rXc-iit4rR ol iii.rj .a:!1 iler d. KirMa.vo'ini t i ti-irn- run., e..fijlnf ol Jw;rai Veya:id. ie d. '1 ne artttout of Koixrrt tl K'-Wiiu, exe utor of M. 1 VetL y. tl-t- d. h ind aud inal ae unt of J. f. Har and M. l. lh.'mas. admiTii.N'rttor- t.f A ia tiaKer, d-c d. A'.etHiui of VVuitni L iiay, lutrd.aa ot t eic lavenvo hr-i aii I ran! acronni of IIira''i RIoULrVi a- tti!i'tr:ir and trii-t- oi itu.ci C. hv, lvo. i-STM ac onitt ot iMnicl n:;a;f' r and iiotei sf:a:ler, admiratraior of Uiraia HiarT.T. der o. tir-i and nuui actomd ul '. M. rnaver aud Emaia RoiU, admiaisirators of Chriliaa Htiiz, dec d. b irt and final account -f Hira:n W. rp;.oue, awi:nm:-rat'r of 1 ban raaivr. dec i. F:r;aici D:ml atonnt f Joi.u K. s.tl, ad m:!iiMrat.or d .'Mtr.a J. H 'inter, Ue it. I a:.-; huai aT'unt F.J. rvr, ad:ain i:at'Tot Iwpn t uorpemuuif . !. d. 1 ae m- rj 1 a oa it ( F. -. l etJ fL o:t nf the excca'i4s oi Jacb lavef.iJiv''!, ia:e of tit I.iC lew ItrMp, dtt d. Ac ouui tf joSn o'.hi, a.lm.aiHira.or tf Ly d.a Voitg.t:, dec d. Firt aud .Inai avouat of II. F. ay ter, admin Lstnierox A-.aai F. toydtr, dt-r'd. Ke:ier- u:!: e, i A. J. UILEMaV, yi. Kcu'i-t-.r. A i;y virt te tf a t!."c.i o," v.'in:a-y a-Li!nc;it aad ordtT of Mile iii d oi.t of lUe Vourt f 'oio :i!jn i'lr-A of .nieT.M-t v Kjuiy , a; d u ne ti.rc t d, i wi.l fi-ov to a:ii. a; the ijr.e oa ira t No. l.ou Friday, Sept. 15, 1893, at ov li p. m., the ft llowinar de"r.r.ei roal e-tale of iVier KiiutAat:, ntuite iu Lariiuer to -a udilp, :j! : Na. I. A c.-r'Kin trart ai:')Iiiitn; 'aiN of rhr.jt tUa an 1 V .iiiaia Ku-pp, un. "I r.-ii r. Lrn I.an-ra-t-r an 1 ..I.t ; . f--.i(.rt.t.i ii, p j it and al itovdrn e. -h a-r-s t ,ea"el, bain ace weil t.mU.-rtu, Lh.:i iacra trr Lett a tiatae Dwelling House, and l am. No 2. K ecru in rM.-t of laud a'Ti'-iainir Inndt of John Kaeoi, I rai Mmtn. ."a aael Hnin and other-, con tainn:y 1. a acre m- re it of w hit h at tis ar rtear aud Ui'ance in umber, with lu-i duii; and improve m ni ti.ere iu. rl ae arjtve Im.tU are near ILe ii. aV: O. ii. U. and ia a tft-od ci'.ifie!it. Terms : piir"hae taocer on mat: ion ( sa-.v . x in t-: buuiUi ai.o - a to tv -rive taoni.ia a ua luur ei VALENTINE II Y. A-.iQe. I il'BLIC ASLK. VahabI: Real Estats! Ry virtue of an onier of ate issued oti! of th Orpfriu' ,ar. ot Sunere! com ty. F.. and ti us difr 1 1,1, we wilt expn-e to puauc sale, at the domett -ad tract No. i ou Wednesday, September 20, '93, at ooeo'cloek P. M., all the following 1e-r:betl n ai eslU:, Iie Uie property oi JoUu Nair, dct d, viz : Nt. L A eertain inrt of land ctiAte in Jef -Vru towair p. ia . i eoauiy f r-rtiicpw:. ad-i-.ta.nc Ufid oi Levi Ki.upp s neir-, Fe!--r ltn:i;a' t.r:P. iirtiry a:.d Au-tm .Miilt-r, V ru. F. Hay and J'I.dL .a.di.er eoi'Vtiniii-'; o acrt ui.re or !e-a ah.ut 115 acre of w hich are eear. an t hiaiice e:i tiaifa-red. tnere a iarve su'-ir ramp .u t.'ie picaiL-e and o k"eier. un t e kctt pan., .T.iad. trough. U, al. ! t.d w ih the larm. At ieul fiie-a.;;:" ot the fa nn S ntiderlaci with the ceitPra:-d Natr vein of coal, and the Kaiic la in ftt d wi-rkuiiifcoinLliun. 1 title a.o a liue aad laule at lue coai barik. There is a i; nnl Dwelling House, :rev Kirn aad a larve wa-h hoi-e. i:np!en:eitt .'in'if. e;c . or the lartn. A.t-np'lher it u a very deiraiie farm. .No. i A eeti-n tlmV r tra U'itte In Jt-rTi-r--ni to n hi p. ia -aid eon nt y, atijinaarar land .f F. iiruch lieir. 1-a.ah t tu- and VV. i. hajklry, c ulauii. 14v:re auorf or lt-s. Terms : On No. 1: of the pun-h-ise moiier af'-r 7y- lOeDt of deU- to reiaal li a I:e:i ou tne pre:::!--, interest ta be pitd to the w idow iur:ii tier l:ie. and at h r dea'.h U.e pr;aciiai n n t ;e vid t me heir, f Uij ca.ri oj (.cni.rmatac.i i.f vt., and baiaace in S eijuai auiaial paymenu wk'io-u in iert i'li No- -'. :3a:'ier pay me at d ' dc'-t.s to r. ia t:n a lien a on No, 1 : ' , c-n on t'-uiiriiia-t!oU of so.lt and bwiiuice iu circ vear. WU.I.lAM P. Hny, lbLlLK N'ALe.. A dnuauirator. ASSIGNEE'S SALE By virtue of ailfsl of voVui'aT aKinm-ut and r t-.-r f ate iv-ud out ot in" t'cHirt ot oa mon J l -av of riii-.-t eo'i'.ty, i'a., and to n.e dirv led. 1' will fi.oe U paLl.c ha.o ou U-e pre in i;, oil Saturday, Sept. 23d, 1893, at IoX.n k P. M.. the S.Mo.vintf de!""ild real e-Ui ''I Paitri-1 . Forney, .ein hi- hou;eted l a.tua'e ia ilrothep-T.tiiey l.n-Uip. ia said eiun ty, adjoin; ti-f laud t AU:'iii- i. KiniOiei, Aiesauder M.iwr aa.loihcr, coUtaiaiu.-( OO A.CXV.S, more or l-.of which ai-xil V. ai r- are cleared and of ia.- a t it acre ia nc-i.tw and lai- aoe m ifiaol euiuvaiiou aud uuxher, haviuij Uare.-u c reeled a Ivv j aiorr Brick Dwelling, bane w i:h basement prinz box, w ith an eTe Kaai fprmt. a new banc Lara wnl'.t) feet and iner oa; m i:n;, 1 w.ajar cam? ot al !ea-t oo tree, wt ii watereu and -ao?e variety of aw kitnU of ;rui. in tine tf iae ta.-at raiu er .':k prtflueiui ect:ou of tbe mn.y. w iia- j ia n-i.e fnto tier-. a and fc ewiiiei:iiil U i hnn h a;id achooL, Wiiu Lax- alou uuw fpeu j .rota 'J lo 11 fieU Terms : -, of ptiprhae money on rnfi"T:atb'a of ale: t iu nxi)lh and in U nioiitht with Interest, ia t-er cent, of the purcfaaM ui.uey to be pan! ia CA-a on the da of n'.e. JOHN R. S'UT?. Airiiee. H-meiNt, fa. Vv. :.en hu;; moult : i: itcvchu all disease. 'Cholera. Koun. L:nrr:i'i-rt. l.e;'-veakn?s. It f a ptmerlul 1cmI disctive. Ijir. 'a ciia ars muL econoritic.il to buv. i mi r t a ' jrV-rtivoa ije. mix it dxl Sheridan's i'owtlcr. 0:hcnic. voir pro:".: this ar.J u inter wi'.l be l U vhci the price for ev is ver V.'x. It a.-?f-rrs jxrrffct assi:):.ht:on cf the food elcrrcr.ts needed to produce fcrahh and fomi e5 n m1 dw no oth-- kiid me fourth nf 1 t- U-V r-.l nm H-, r J 1 ni.tr. V rr Great Inducements. Goods rtMluced in price in every line. Dry Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Luce Curtains. Ladies' Coats, :e. Xow is the time to buy to save money and set something ood. CUNTON STREET. 1893, EARLY ARRIVALS 1893, NEW FALL ARRIVALS OF WQQLES BLANKETS Carne a little ahea.l of time ori!erel, but we have irt tietu now anil ther mut be eouvrt;l into 'O-iney, and, in orilt r to turn tl-'t j in iiy, we b v jjcl on a:e uir.r'y pairs A'l-Wool Ulanketa. in Srarlet ap'l Wbite, xiTrl at ft ,"h), but p ia tbw:j)-lav sale at $:7-Y Sixty ;irs Kxtr Ib-avr A!l-VVo.l Country Uiark t'Ts, regular ?j Illanket, get in tbi aie atft,Xa pair, i ne hnnurtsl ami forty pair louieyti: tlankets U l soM at 7 h.!. a pair. Call early ami piearw joursclf for col J weather, which wiil scon benpon a.-. Mew I're.s Uootl.i, Mew Clothe, Mew Flannels fur early fa!!. Mew Jackets, Reef er, anil Ciip-3. CjlA early. JOHN STENG-ER. SPRING- :0: WE are Ready. O ur Spring Stock contains everything that is New, Eoautiiul and Stvlish. I n Mf n'.-J. Yotith'H, Boys' anl ChiMron's CIothin; we arc the hustlers. A head and shoulder aliove all would- he competitors. Our Hat Department challenges the admiration of everybody. As seeing is Wlievin, call and be satisfied. THOMAS & KARR, 251 and 253, Main Street, JOHNSTOWN, TA. WASH I NGTON" A ND JE FF ERS O N CO LLEGE. NINETY THIKT- YEAR Ort r Se;r. It. TizUj e.;M;prttl ftir ni!farv work. F'tive .Nvurs aUtd i pfcjHre (tir-ii'tly . thr '.9rr."l prtKctMuiL-. L'xnt!ont a i..r m:try Miu. r!,fT miil HiU. New ti-rvdturv Aifttu t-d ut new ijy:nyM'ia wiiti .MoI:'t !or ti- very m-nl-.m:e. AiumuiiJT. All r-., THE PRESIDENT. Washington, Pa. L'l.K TO ACCKPT t)ii UKFF.-E. To I y.lia YMta', Iturmnrricl w th E. M. S'hrtH-k. ( t iitti-. t.iu:i4fiti. Annie aiu-t-AUQ, (if A i Lik .i i, p., iitiii Mttry, iu rranrru tl it: 1 Kii ha.nl li'-:UaitLU, ( l'u ia Cuy, Ni brak. ar? y t in tani At-fKMr tH-t're he J:'i 5 'it f'!r 1 rf!in' nu.n uliii Orj.tmun' t -u.'i t i.-i i at "m-r-ct oti ihe tny of p;uU-' 1 . .;. a 1 in.'ii' iu tht irtiiiito. ll. j t.tcrc t. tit or n-iti- to iite Hit ivl vi.iat:i.?! tl t-h 11 L-y a Iti-ii-a tltily -r.t tri l-y i' .r'.. Aii 1 rtr!'irui km -JU'l Uy of iV's r cat !- hy the same Riii-i r.4 ;v ji.i. Au ! tiervol ;a:I itt. v.' ri:VB i .;!k-c IsXiXU (iwil. .jaicr-t, I'a,, Auje. IU. i chfnif. 11 I'LL TO ACt'EITor. RF.Fl'SK. T f"yr-:ic Th"npoii anl I!-,-it n Thoitij--Min.ti!" .titiiirtra, t'n, j:unt K l.iiiu;siii iVTtr M"ti A-i:n r . Thiiii'Miii, f N. ., Trc.:i?.r C Cl.ltV, 'IU, jolt! I 1 l!'ll'f!:. J tl')UjM li, F. . Wui, L- i In j Li n, ot Mrrffilv!. aul to .h ci.11 trvn ol ilarw n rirT". iW a-ct. v.t i .ti i-'i- Mi'in fr-tr". K'.av'Kis nrt, Yivma .-!' 'iii'!', irti:'i Ki:it trurt. L:int Yineiuia tirtd tii M-nifi:iry ifj", ail ti P:tL-iwirh. au i I.iiiy M. taus of iraMiii, JaycU (cuiy, P. v ' ' ir. '', a." Vm are fi-rcty ci:Hj t.i p arl ar-j- at )nfort the JuiiiK f u'ir trilan t'cwrt at a ti ri-tiau' :tirt to ie bii at o-iir-wt 011 tiitf J.th iay of .i.teii" i-r. I-.1, at Iti lu liM'k 1:1 t!s I'iri-uotii, t..rii att tlit-to a c tt or r-iu !o tane liie rvai t-iiiie u! Jatl ai.tt i.. ..:iiirti I rwl:;inn, ir 1. t tin aTra;.-l v, iwLiiMi put Ufx it hy an Iit- tit -t rt'.iy aw ar;itvl ry aai.i Vurt, an J rtunl t-ii idc :ij1 tiar ol" May, or srm caiL- wr.v ii: san.e Klio'jiil Qui 00 touL Aud h. rcol" :ail "SKLKfact. l a., AU( 10. bncnif. i-suiw of SttTniif ! J. Fyo lt, lnt of Taint towu nfiijv jnirn tniuiy. fa., ticvaMl. I.eUT- it'!taiiir:itary oi t;ie aite iit hav ing bct.u KLitl iu ttie luitierutii by tlie pn; tr an'.i:ir;ty, tnnc i brrvby xnen to all ptrMiiist mc.e ul to n! tMaie. t make lmnicliaU; Jay ;:l at;l uaviii 1 iatin auaiaAt U10 fcan e, frttnt lui a.nLi-iuicat-.t (r kt-tt:- nvui un 1 iicxiay, Uvulf iTtu, lr.'.., at hji lat JALUE FYi K'tC, JgXIX l'TuiLS' XuTICE. t:at of Jt:a M. i;i.r, Ute of toUJffrll tMT!lQ!p. !itrr tt-t aiacutary 011 liie mhjy? sa:e hav inn )vii Kraiju- t to trie uni?r;yiJt"i hy f t imp cr a'.iiior:ty. n'-lK-v L tt-rt-ry jf.vca to all pr-in intJr-'Ut u ajil otate U) tnat iiumtriiiate pay tit nt an i thow havtTi ( .uitrv airani-ol ik "ame irrMiit thiu duly auht ntica:-! fr a-tiir-nt nt, on frrtiUy, UiuUr ttn, 1.;, al il bouse of Jtt i. W.J. r,lE-M'ER. Jas J 4.E--NKK. J tt o a . h.Xr.R. Evi rrofi"i.o M.Olvbvr. Ui.c l. 70TICE IN DIYOUCK. Jaue T. Luhr. ) lu the Court of Common . y- WeaM ol !uner,-t twiili- Iavil 1. Lohr. tv, of May f. N(. l, A. las tittioeii tor Liivorce. To ZStVi-t L. L't t.'w ti'j't att ut; ft. You ar-h reby mti;ifl to b an! appear at th u-xt l oii.t oi I ojiuihiq ifi Jor wnrrt count v. to b; nf .! at SDnrrt. Pa., oq tne '.h .Muli'Iay i4 t-j't.. A. f I've;. 1 J ,tb iav; U a;nwr a colij-.h!IiUi Jaue T. L.ir, vu;r wit-. Ue tiaiu tn! mli? namrl. mud iiow rue, h muy ti have, by )ot.r -ant wife noitlti not be l;vor nl Inna thr tii'l- ot tuatniuotiy t-nterrtl li lo with aiirtTiiijiy V ih jrar ol l-r petition aud iiUrl t-.!jHuiol aa:ut juO Uriore mil i outt. rtbcntrtufisr, ISAIAH Uhjr, YDMIMSTUATOIVS NOTICE. fcuiie of I'tsuii Bwrer, IaV of BrohemTalley Uvvu:np, tet tL Lett r Cif aI niimtratiim on th atare ental haviip heeii i;rmnw-ii io uic uudcriK tie! by ute Kri-ier ol lis. etc.. In ud lor 3ttueret County, it Kii-e W her-hv nivea t aii rwHi iri'ieiiM u a.l ciia:e to make iuiine)i ate paynvii'.. a: l ifc-? haviri t aints aaiat ttie aine wiil preiit then tl'i-y ani.emicai-it kr e:tleieu( ou tri'iay, sepL lrji, to me al 54eciiaj.e, 1'a. I.EVI J Jt'W.R. Admiiiisirator. A DMIXKTRATOK'S NOTICE. tmiieofMwret m;"b. ae of Sszv ret K.4a- !r.ip, ro ::ep-t -Mitiiy. i'a, -ae t Letter ol A'l:uHiitrtiori u t esat bar in b.-ro k.mutel U li:r Ullder.ueU hf ;ae proper authority, men e Kreby if)ren to ati jrt.na Inder.i d to lay t U nuc immediaie pay- Cjcut. ad thra Dati'.ift i era aainM, the anie mil prMrni trtu duy auliit-uitcawd ir eitie men l on or hrure inunalay, f-pt. 7th, WO. at in ruidt bt ol ;h AdiatniatrAior in neu.-a boroi'KU. EDMCN'D SMITH, Adiainiraior. A DMXXIsrKATUK'S NOTICE. fcjuU' of Sias iei A. Mi'r. 1--fce!. !ote i Ad jrhciiy Uiwtuhip tcrisei ny;. ItUr tt amlni-traiion haviuar twn Wae! to Li.e urw.erii:aei Ly tne pr' - j ;thr;;y im tic-i heief-y Kiven to ii -a:ie lixlehieiT tu naio estate t taake laiujiaie p?isa'ft of ttie tmf aiil !ll'.r;ibviPK eialiua aa.'u-t mM e-ta'.e, tct prtac-ui Ui i:i umy auu.eni.uie'! tir ieU-cLiivhL, "ii atifdat , ctu:-r Jtiii, at the 'ate m-.d-u.ui the dec.-aed la Aiit9huy to nu; JOH.V 3. MTI.LER, A. L '. Hay. Adunu:jUaUw. AlioTuey. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Awtaie ui Abraham Coiyhenoar, ite of North amrxon Uw!i-h!p. riv'j. Letter of a iiuinir4:fo i ou th-j ahore etat having bein granted l lie 3:dc-;!,ri by tns prttper an'horl y, Dotice t henshy tcsveii f aii pumoEtA iitdeiU-l luwiii eLaie t mK immHi a: payment, and icki nvt::t t ianw aiiut th Mine wt i present ihe.a :u.y avi fivrii icatel lor aeitlemmt nn 4rurir, pp!, :!-.n, l(ri, at late reideiH e o dvccseo. Ai. a-xainu to U pmeuled Lhrru. HIRAM RITTNFR, J. C. Low ry, AUJ. AdlUJIilsUator. N'Tt:r 1 hereby give j That tUe application of J. v. tul'l--y- rt ai., lor ;ht mcorvration of tne V!!l-w t fneirieid. in AddiM:i (aw; ihip, na eet c-a;utr, lu Ur known a the - Ur?Mitfij of rmern:;d.'' m appruve! by the inuid J.iry on tre h naj i t Ma). A l. liy t. had uill rome beiv the cirt of Q'i-rer j-sf:oiii of ;d ciniity tr deTes ou Monday, the Jitia day oi Sepicsutacr, A. U. W. H. 4NNFR ProLhotKKa-T. -JOHNSTOWN, PA. of 1S93. Are YOU? !c xtut rr:cC"i-AMATioN. Whkrk . The !! n. Jcob H. L"Xf,ffE''Ktit. Prvii-lciit Jh'Ikc H' the -vTai I itirt.H t otuiiiott .if 1 lie cral 1 1 M;!ii;cM linn Hl li th If tit Ju-li'-ial )i-tr:ct. Justice i,r':f,c ntrt of over mnl lVrutMicr Kii'l .v:;-ra! Jail 1m livry, tor the trial !' ail f.tin'ai !:'! otiiT trt-!:i rs in ttif iuuiI )itr.ct. HNfcv Httri m mud Viui HikK k kk, t-.-i , Jii'Ic ol irif r.-tr'.-ulT- min."!! rUm :id Ju-t.cc ..f i iMirLiotovtr ai.tl Terminer a'lil c!i r.ii Ja ! In ..v it i.r liie trial ( a!i rapi Lai aid t(ii-r i-tTcii.!fr ,11 the 01i1.1v ot uiwrt have i-wueil l.Vtr .rw pi, ana tit'mu lirv tel, fr ho:i a o4irt of 1 .inuiin lI-a mim! wt-nrral ijuaru-r Mwnmn of the F.-ac an.t tHiirai Jail Iwliverr, And LOirU ( uycr and Tvriuuier at Sinurxt, ou MONDAY, SEPT. 25, 1S93. Noth K it hereby giveu toail tlie Justices of th Pav. th? li.ri.iur au l r.-it.-tal.lf wtihin the &u I'niiiiir of .'.ii'N-t. that they e tlit?n atol tut-re 111 tncir pnprr peroia ;th their roiU re-orl-, i:u,'r..iiii:i!, examinations aud oilier re ir.i.itfraitccs to tiu taoM uim which lo their oce ami in tat betmif apfrtaiii u r tltie, aud aK th y do mil pne:ute af&iuttthe pn ouen that are or fhaii he lu tne ja.i or SomerMtrt bounty, to tte then and there lo pna.n:uU: aaiu( tL.L-m an ana.l be jut. ISAIAH Qi !, A rnrroirs notice In Ke-fctute ( In the OrphanV Ciairt of of winnTwllwiuty htna- PvUT D. Miller. lylvaiia. 241 h May. Exe'ntin and Trcstees irtouot prtenu-U u Court with exception. Ami now. 2i b May, l-M. on motion of Son t A 'ire. aiioruevff !r XL-ciior?, Mei, tn timri aj''fH,a.; i.cortte ii. rcini. t-.-., Amiitvr, to iM-r tai al aac-raienrsi, atj-t ijie rv"oifuian'ea iu pariuiott ot sai'l ttae. pa- uju ett-t pt:on, e;i-.. and u.i:irui ine Kiinis in tiit hariW ot the Act tmma.ii u aa-i ai.i..i. lik kg.l eutitleil t3cnto. Mfctt-KT CO! NTY. : i lrai-t irotn the Ke oil rrtiMel this .-.ninitiy ot Mav, a. !.. s A. J. aiLLMAN. LF.iiAL NoTICK. Notic hereby rivvii tht I itl meet to at tend u the li:iic uu-lcr tlie atuve at'uiituteui at my crtice in !aieret bnMo;D, on VVediirsdiiv. T;itiiii-r Jtii, A. I., lv-.at one o'elot a 4. U. , u.ieu and ahtie aii partit.s lutereMed tun ai'tnd. t .t.J, K. si I t U Amliiur. SKIN DISEASES TuL-do, Ohio, May iV, Mt BoYh OtSTMENT CO , Kuunuin.'. Pa, ;enT! men : I wa?" ir. ih'el with Sii".il wr E'xim lbr uumter.'i ar. my h-al w luwrtxt muu ie havii; a o.d rtitt exrendiinc ail ovr my lit ai and ia-e. i i ii( in ine ptac hair" ax in:i m:ck. I n-rl h-ya riutnient ai.d mi iiappy u ar thai Uctiretl UH? iu rive ilaya. I cannot prarne it too ciKhly and wul rherfuliy answer aov eommuniuatioii rvt(ard'ii mum ier stamp U enclosed for rvpiy, iiMirn tliaiilrPilW, No. U56 Cherry j?t., Lclii ar ECKEHT. Toivd, Ohio. Guaranteed t rarp Ertm, ftrarnil&lff Fy Lid?.. Teller, kin Worn, -ytipeia-s barU r it n and ad ctlaiieti Kruptmn. etit pM pajU lor l i-r o v. oINTMKNT Co, KHUUiUILg, Pa. Oet a Pi-acCe'l BuinM Educntiorx AT TIlK OLI Rf I.I A Bl E TVeTUrbBUSIESSCObbEGE. No. i?IXT:i AYE. PI T rBCHiiU. PA. And thu eTirtj an hoiKM-aMe uml Kodtablf si!'nit:oii. Kveryotieol un years raOiaUrs piac- e-l Ul a at'Jil pinllion. tkevnit a,'. Miiorihand. Typewriting, Tel ;rai h L ptraliuic, ete . taiiKt'hy artuai iiiMllfM 'mv i'.i te. ro.-uifij fuiuvrly uuaraiiveed. Wnie for free eaaK.e. 'arm For; sal;-- Ti nr,de,','i(T,'td offer at rnTafeiate th farm of trie ;aic ieorirB W, File. aij-in:u Nirarrtrl rUmHikth. ou tne Styefown nalt i,titaintn)( ar lutTe er U. 1 he farm i in au cel- ! i it tte oi iWrtNtii. ati new fecce aad wet i man i-'i. uwirruiiii w it n a veiu nt mmm run a; id ei .U ut nre cay An -iiit nt-w harn !- a ou the i retr.tses, ir teruia and lurtberpar j ULalai ppy to fiKftRCE G, PILK, a ;A merrt t, JtDni4wu, ?ww or CHARLES K. PlLr. NMUVIMIk Pa, ELY'S CATAHRH Cream Balm Ci. n.-, trio At':.?-! I'.u aa-I InHaoimatiua. Heal au,l cicll. Trj lb Cur. HAY-FEVER, A prtic K applied i"to ea b nnatril and fc arveaie. renin at Lfrugxti ; by mai& re?fKeret. ftt evrn. LLY HH.orritK.-t, -"-6 Warrwn 8t, New Yo. PursTallowSoap. lprfertt Jn otlwt It IsaJl 8oak4nd ii for kit idf M:rtn matle. auU anll tu rit lo private faiuiUt, i at !rn AMtKlCAN Tt V CO. rstoiie FlTJl Are. Fn t mi igh. P- B BUSSIE3 tt i Price sSX CAKT RaJtttlUiAa MTiao- 9 mi Fhaton ... ia aw w.rttBJJT aa PRi'fcj iKixJ i-A ounilMrt'ra. ' r? i. Ruad Tart . M J itKtf of fao fUnery Uaroaaa, 3 torv and mt tl H ifftfT " HMiW 'uMiia'a STaa " f2J;r.nt, Jloryaa Saddla, tl aVCat'r Tm cm r? m a arocv AffAB-vca. 1W1I latmci ttW, CiTTtni ft, U 9 1 il