The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, August 23, 1893, Image 3

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    llhe Somerset Herald:
I GE-ME K. SCULL, Editor.
Aucust l'CK.
on litji bright sr-i early
-.).- of i'tw furniture at IVrlin's,
1 Fft-J-i St.. beetna Aug. H:h.
-a,;- a! ainul half price.
. should be JVfcisterrJ oa or btluie
1,'x.r :.
K-.:ut or H! i!y wag n is fc.ld Li'
J. 15. Houuiisem. .
. .ijv, Saturdsy, S ptem! r :.'rid. i
xt i, .-ii holiday. of the Heksi o should not forget
i ;
i -
-I J N. 1''r' urucist., can m lueir
. p,,f.r4 runtr agricultural society
.'. :!: si i"1' fir this year on Sep-
.; O'Lle-.k The Fall Term opens
4 I,. i VKiA! sad Instrumental Music
... ?s address Henry B. Mover,
! , : :.a:i:a Railroad hts at Ai
ordered to work half time
iV.Ler 'Mts. Hie st ops are the
,. ;:.e Wind ia the world, and employ
th-usand and eiht thousand
ii .-.ifof the men will work one week
e half will wjrk the next,
njnj Ivlin's I'.rustt'.Is Carpets
l-r yard, in any pattern? I.ace
. j -.t than jobbers frio-s.
- .r..r.:''i on any article. $"' and
; a t: , Ji.UoMown, I'a.
r ...... r '.! .' letters remaining in the
r at r-jtuerset wiil be sent to the
: -. -e if not called for wilhiu
i i
I ;.;. ;;.ini !..;U:!f, August 1. :
I :a t. !: r ' : Beeson, A. O. Mrs.;
. ;t vt-t: I'l.-loui". Hannah ; Kretch
1 i Vjii; I.iat. Wra. ; M.rClure, II.
1 IV.tins. J.isie : l'ritt". Wot. ; Stewart, B. ;
I .. ,-r. K. I'. : Yaley. Ella.
J l-HH Kflleu. P. M.
I a l.rti: Jrewinp at:d for the prevention
1 i:..f. Aur Hair ViiJr has no equal
1 and ft": iei.ry. It eradicates dand-
'hp ;-ra.' moist, aim neaiiuy, aria
. vitaV atid color to weak, faded, and
; j r. 1' tie most popular of toilet arti-
-man TLaddeus Mahon reveivel a
, oui-of Lis Hunting 1 on county
s er.i !iiii j two f " bills, which
wj ra'ea by rasslioppers. and request
MrMa.jon to have them r-dt-enied at
j., ;rv. Tiie It't'-r sta'e.l that a farin
i V- vi -t. in t :.e pocket of which w as
otialviive. When be went to
r. v,-; a eaten fjll of boles by the
..! ..; and the mony so Ua.agel as
i.o . c!. uiit.
'.v:.- Hai: Vttfor is cleanly, agreeable.
and safe. It U the tut eiejraal
:';,r :!iot economical of toile t prepara
l',y its use la.iies can produce an
:r,.i.t!!t nr..wth of hair, causing il to be-ui-
Lateral in C"!or. lustre, and texture.
f:,t-tinners in the vicinity of Oak 0 rove.
..- '.:,::d county, are preatly excited
-r '.'..r :i:id!ne of three vein of coal. The fed beneath the surface and
v: :V. thi'-k. The eecoaJ is - feet be
, thirteen feet thick and the third is
i . ,t vein 7" feet below the surface.
r.-f iltz-tr, for August i;.h, will coo
i two li.aTnung short stoiies: " Angela,"
Mrs. Harriet 1'rescott Spmi'jrd. and " A
;ti W.mtita" by Mrs. I.yiie O.Harris.
,- .-M-ludins chapter of Mr. Iau:s
.ta l iierestiTii series on the " Elements
r.j.'il i'.'sv'n" will also ap;ear in this
.i,:-.r. Some fascinating and attractive
.;::up-es of the Fa.r" will be given in a
e of illustrations by Mr. T. Part Walker.
. 'e John Cessna, of He '.ford f who is 72
i:, y.J. has m'ssed but two sessior-s of the
,-rt me court ia Pennsylvania in fjrty-tive
11ride. be has been present at every
TLttj-aceiuent of his old collejre. Franklin
i UaTiia'l, since bis graduation many
i i'.v.f H. F. IT, formerly of Scott
J. r i. i tf Kjckwood, Pa., can devote a
$r i. its ) instrumental music ; those
.-birg to rewive instruction oa organ or
S iZ-j w.ll do weil to call eairly and secure
:-s : t staay.
T:. j:.i.u instruction in Hiraiony and
- 1j.
.1 sr.- i ald Leaded pension case Las
-a ;:i,ra:tbi. Coiiirensuian Tarsuey, of
) -s..uri, is the d.overcr. He says that
f : tain I. V. I'oilock, of St. John, Putnam
Mo., is paid Ji a month oa account
J;: j jry to Lis tiariii:, and $- per month
-::.e oss cf hair. Pull'jck was a captain in
f V. ftljtcetr.h Missouri Infantry for three
I iri. and has an exctlieni rtcord.
I M 're than one half of t he men employed
the Cambria I-on Company, at Johas
t v.i. have been discharged. The maaa5."rs
t tiii-y are short of o.-d-rs and do not (are
t r.:aite i.iore iron than will till orders until
.? i-;rr:ninr J what course the Democratic
S-rress wiil take on the ttri if question, if
- i t.y is laii-u ot! iron the capacity of the
- sriil be redji-fd and the was of the
E Uiateriailv cut down.
.- v-as n for !
ya..y snooh
Tg sq iirres
1st. It has
u Fr.iav,
r. a ("a t.ce ia this sectioa for many years
' i-alf-.-a: -p irtsmeo' to tak advantage
:: :. ae-' Luater and steal ::t j the wootls
ijy- previous to tiie openin- of the
-'Ti ail kill s juirrels. Tui? year that
-r .!! be tr'.vea s m" attention and
.s k.i .ra t- have killed game out of
-a wi.l be dealt with accar-Jiag to law.
.. t-. a decided by Iairy Commission
i., fj.M- l;.o.i by subscription to
. i i ie work oi h'i diittueut auJ
j.eoma-iraritie law. The Ig-
4-:-- fa
-1 1
. ce any
mi. nation.
a- :-.-tie r.'o;ics to the cons-tabii s
e. tailing their attention to tl e
't.-utthe act of 1--"), which makt-s it
' ' in ite ij . irterly rtpirts to the
.rt of ail parties who offer cr sll
-i--..e..r imitation batter of any
'ar, August i'-.a. was the last day
""-""" ut dr- is for record ia order to
- -
3i--.".'u tae recent law which was pass
- ; ii day of May last. Said law
l" i-s'-riLe rMrJ::tf of all deeds exe-
i ; t r to ti.e passage of the act, and
t.- c ::.e fr go doing to'.Mdays
ai ue pasu.t taereot Ilal estate own-
- . have fa.iel to have their deeds re
trjsaia.j dj -y a: once ia order to se-
'-e tj i-jeir proirrty. A failure to
r ,- m.-.u this law suhjels the protrv
f -ar Miui-ut of any chums or dutits con-
j i-i;y of the preceding grantors.
f '- 'ar' E Igf. of the Siate Board of Agri
s of ttie crop : The crops of corn
"- com ius viiv that the recent drought
: f;r'!:y revia.-e teir yieldings. Asa
ri! c juw.iaeij-e corn for future detiv
wi.l aivance ia prii at,i the price of
: s u.usl iiecessaniy be higher. TLe
y ca-i se Las .j.vreased the y ield and size
I hes, but w;h increase thtir
''- ii:,:y. I? maay places the
cr.-' ks brea very much decreased,
uiiwrt; hum her oi bunches aet-ou
:irs iiiy. jvd weather, make up
I - .eacv.
nder.t of Pu'sie Instruction out to the various coun-
f ' -r:.d !
.o.'ji; h suieriuteDdeata of IuL-
- --.s ci.j.ies of the law enacted by ILe
' '-' 5 it ire requiring b-jrds of scbool
wto.- :,.! cjfitroi.erj I mite provision
-f-- the wter closets for each of ibe
. -j liadrr tht.r bicia! i ins'i..-t',,u in I
. cisuf .rt.ti and beautify! coujition,
autiiorize cj'J'U of com aioa pleas to j for
i;. a Couiuelent uersou to in-Lart w ',, .t
oa complaint of taxable citizen of
district ia which boards of school
'Jts or controllers have failed to provide
ta n proper and adequate school ac-
, s...jds ior i-je c
f y etHJwj to school I
f iili I rnxTiaiiig a I
'-iiii.ju for the children who are law-
I privileges, in the di ¬
ng a peua.ty lor ng;ect of
4 .
J on iw mrt of uyi to-y.
Mr. Frank Zafa.ll, wife and family, left
Thursday for a few weeks visit to Atlantic
Edward B. Scull, K-ij., of Pittsburgh, I
i-ect .-iattirday and Sunday with Somerset
friends. !
Ma-y Piatt, cf (.ref-n-i:;.'. Mercer
wua.j,i.,.u....-y..t ir.n, :sv's:;'::.:ati;,e
home of John II. rh!. F.s ,.
Eegular alj turned court canveired at 1)
o'clork yesterday ruon.icg with Judge
Iaangeuecker, Eiesecker and Hetllty on tut
Mr. A. Eruce Cu3a
l.e n sumiuering at
wiil return to their
this wwk.
th at.d wife, who have
the Somerset House,
home, I. lunula, Neb.,
George L. Djbson, Democratic candidate
for Register and R-vorder, and ex-Associate,
Jutlge Daniel StaifL, of Jeaner township, are
visiting friends in the west.
Messrs. Hermanus Baer, George. Miller,
George Harrison aad Watson Frease, will
compose a party that w ill leave Somerset for
the Wotld's Fair next Wednesday.
Mrs. John A. Eirubert and her
Mrs. Kiwiird Hochsteth-r aud Miss Susie
ivbro'k .are visiting their sitter, Mrs. Charles
W. s-uiuiford, in Brook'.vn, X. V.
Miss Eleanor Philson, of Berlin, is send
ing a few days with her cousin. Miss Nannie
Brubaker, prior to returning to her studies
in the girls" school at Allentown, Pa.
Humor say? that three of Somerset's
charming young ladies will wed this fall,
and that one will live iu Pittsburgh, another
in Meyersdaie and the third in Johnstown-
lr. and Mrs. J. W. Carothers havens their
guests this week Miss Ella Everhart and
Messrs John and K.ilxrt Furst, of Clinton
county. The two latter are brothers of Mrs.
Monday Calvin and L'aniel Zejgier, sons
of Jacob Zeigler, of this place, purchased
the meat market of George Auman, on Main
Cross street. The new proprietors took im
mediate possession.
Burglars broke into the dwelling house of
Mr. Harry Buy la, three miles north of this
place, Monday afiern-oon. during the absence
of the family. A pocket book containing a
small amount of monev was stolen.
Hon. H. I). Tate, private secrttary to Gov
ernor Pattison, was in this piare Saturdty.
Mr. Tate is interested with 3 ud-e Baer and
others in Somerset county coal lamb and i
a stock-holder in the I.istie Ca! Co:nj.-aiij-.
I'r. Albert P. Brubaker. of Philadelphia,
arrived in S mer-t M.nday and will speti.'i
a week at the home of his sisters. The lr.
is oa his way home from Chi. -ago. where he
had been in attendance at the Kenua! Cou-gre.-j.
A lire iu the woods near Hillsboro, Taint
township, a few days ago, consumed consid
erable bark belonging to the Cambria Lum
ber Company. Some of the larmers in that
vicinity also had their fences b irnel before
the tlaiues were subdued.
Oa Monday last, John C. Si-iioll", of Mil
ford township, drove through Somerset 7
head of tat rattle that were weighed on the
borough scales and the average weight was
ll'; pounds. V. H. Kink, the fc'ux kman of
Jen.-ier, was the purcha-ter.
Mr. Frank J.Scheil, a Somerset boy and a
graduate of the Herald composing room,
was in town yesterday represent ipg the boot
and shoe house of Horner, Boyd 'V Co., Bal
tiiuore. MJ. Mr. Shell has only recently
returtitd from Seattle. Washington.
fcaturday, I J;h lust., r rank n.. Koons, a
vetc.-au of the late war and a number of
Reuben Ftrner Post, G. A. R , at Stoyestow n.
died in the Soldiers' Home, at Erie, Pa. Th
remains were brought to StoyeMowa for in
termed. The deceased wes Captain in the
'.' id Pa. Vol., and was captured and suffered
ia Libhy prison.
Mr. and Mrs. F.mii Sweuson, of Pitts
burgh, aad M t, Grace Jordan, of Ml. Pleas
ant, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Webster
Parker. Mr. Swenson will be remembered
by many of our readers from his counts, lion
with tiie engineer cor;iS statiouel at this
plac e during the days of construction oa
the South IVun R. II.
A Johnstown pi(er says that o:!ieers of
tae Cambria Lumber Co. express the opin
ion that the company wiil soon be iu sbae
to continue business. It is likely, hewever,
that the property will be allowed to g to
saie, when it w .11 be bought in. In this
way oi jectionahle features in the
meiit will be disposed of.
The annual re union and pic uic of Som
erset County Lutherans at Rxkwood,
Thursday, promises to attract; nure people
than have ever assemble 1 in the grove at
that place on any former occasion. Several
of the most prominent members of that de
nomination in the l uited Slates wiil be
present and deliver audre.-ses.
Burglars made three attempts oa in many
different eights last we k, to rob the h. me
of R.i lolph Hoover, a short distance south
of town. Oj the occasion of their last vi-it
they were received witu a load of shut, and
Mr. H wver is uud-r the impression that
one of the rascals was wounded.
Harry Sipe, the we. 1 Kiuca iiie'casnt at
Sipcsville, Lincoln u.-w.-iship. ha- pure ias--J
ihe grocery store of " 1.' ck" Voug',!, on
Mam Cross Si ret-t. T ie store his been clos
ed for a short prri xl si I before it is re ojw-u-ed
Mr. Sipe wiil lay in a spjs.k of merchan
dise such as is ke;t in a genera! store. Mr.
Si; basalso leased the Hotiuian property
o-i I'nioa street and wiil remove his family
to Somerset this week .
A s-ries of h re ra-.-s is aMi.iuTvJ, to
take place Situr.i.iy, 2 t h inst , on layman's
track at LavansviSJe. Indications phit to a
large crowd being present aa J several of the
races, it U claimed, will be d Tided'y inter
esting. Nearly ail of the best known bors
es in the county are eute 1. There will be
a pic nicin the grove ti- arthe track follow
ing the races, at wtii- h dancing w.ll be one
of the principal features.
Saturday morning John R. Stall, a weU
knowa farmer of Cooeruiugh towuship,
started for Johnstown with a heavy load of
produce and while crossing a small bridge
about half a mile from his house, the telle
ports of the Ori Jge gave way and the bridge
tumbled down. The front part of the wg
on went down with it. The wagon was
badly broken and it was tecesary for Lira to
get another to Laul his prod ace to the city.
Ex-Judge Baer has been suffering untold
tor.ures the past week from a poisoned arm.
The Judge had a boil on his arm, and while
tramping over ihe count-y in the vicinity of
Listie. unconsciously came in contact with
some poisonous weed or plant. The poisou
areravated the boil and caused the arm to
saellout of ail proportion. The sufferer
was confined U) bis house for several days
but is now able to be at his oilije during
business hours.
Thursday, while K.'bert Bjwrma, of
Johnstown, was driving to Somerst with
his uncle Emanuel Bowman of Somerset
township, he received sorni severs iuiuries
by being thrown from a bagg. White
passing a stone crusher, the horse took fright
and ran away, throwing the occupants of
the buggy to the t roaad. The old pentle
uian was but slightly injured, but Robert
head struck a stone and was severely bruUed.
Dr. Loutber dressed his wound.
Wiird mmtt from Harrisbunr that the
"proposed Pennsylvania industrial school
toldters' orphans will be located at
Eoilimj Springs. Cumberland county.
Several other reliable sites have been offered
the tub couiitu-e id ila torcmision having
the matter iucharga, but it baa been prac
tically decided that the advantage aiisred
by Boiling Springs are superior to those
oSered anywhere elee in the state and that
this is the most desirable site for the in-
Mr. E. Marker, of Idiiiois, was found dad
in bed Monday morning at the home of Us
brother-'n-law, Samuel Swearner, in Black
township, having expired sometime during
the night from heart disease. He was a
h rot her of Jacob Marker, of Ulack town-
i shtp, and hail only arrived at
! &. ,,,, .,. f... mrnuse n:
Itockwood a
vhiMii rel-
a-iv. T i.e deceased is a veteran cf the
:ate ar.
Mr. Sanriei B jwman, who had been visit
ing at the homes of his sister Miss. Cath
erine Bowman and brothers Eli and
Enisnul. of Somerset township, and Jerome
Bownman, of .1 hntown, left Monday
morning for Chicago where he will spend
some time at the World's Fair before pro
eetding to his home in California. Mr.
Eowiuaa was bom and reared in this county,
but reraaved to California forty years ago.
He is sixty-five years ofa?e aad visits hia
birthplace every three years.
Much surprise was iiianil'esteI last week
whea it becaraa known that Mrs. M. M.
Tredwel! i Co., ha i dis;wsed of their mil
linery business to L. H. Davis A. Co. The
head of the new firm is Miss Lou Davis,
who for the past several years has had
clmrgp of the millinery department in Mrs.
Kite B. Co'Tr.,th a store, and wtio is general
ly reoognizTd as one of the best equipped
ladies in the milliner's art ever in Somerset.
M. M. Trcdwell A Cj. has been one of our
most suecessfu! aad popular business firms,
am! we Lave no doubt but that their uo
c?s.sorj will maintain its high standard.
Mr. Samuel Puilsou, who Las been quiet
ly but persistently wofkingat railroad mat
ters ever since he was appointed on the com
mittee last year, this week showed us a let
ter iroiu Samuel Ilea, assistant to the Presi
dent if the Pennsylvania Ilaiiroad Co., in
which be holds out the prosjiect of coal
land buyers working gradually in our di
rection and the eventual running of a branch
of the Pennsylvania railroad into this sec
tion to reach the coal. During the present
depression, however, says Mr. Ilea, railroad
building by the Pennsylvania Company will
not be encouraged. !ertin Ueami.
The Reformed Chinch re-union and pic
uic at Kxkwoo-J, last Tinr- lay, did not at
tract the large crowd that was anticipated,
owing to the threattnirg weather. About
one thousand eop!e had assembled in the
grove above the town at noon aad after
lunch the program arranged tor the occasion
was carried out. I'r. Rupp, of Meyersdaie,
spoke of the progress of the Reformed
Chnrh in a century of its history iu the
Patted States from 17'J.j to Dr. Kre-
nier. of Berlin, took f or his subject the mis
sionary work of the Church in America.
Rev. King, of Som-r showed the inde
pendent origin of the Ufjrnte-.l Church at
the reformation, it not being a hrari'-h of
sny pan of protestanism, but having its
source directly in the Founder of the Church
The following pis-tmasters were appointed
in this county Monday : J. J. Reynolds, Con
fluence; D. W. Uo'der, Holsapple; S. P. Geis
e!, Hooversvihe. The announcement oflhe
ai pointnieiits occasioned considerable sur
prise in Somerset as the gentlemen named
Lave not trained with the fiction that Las
controlled all of tiie local p ostollice appoint
ments Iierctotore ma,le und.r Cie present j 0f a si,e f ,r holding the Annual Meeting,
administration. At the time of leceiit j lliet ia Johnstown last Tuesday, and alier
Democratic County Convention. Geoge j arl dny a session, at which the advanta
v.rof.of (Vntluen.-e. was put up in oppose- of Johnstown. Indiana, Idlewild and
tion to General CotTroih for Chairman, and
it was annouaci 1 at that time that he was
to be the next posmaster ajf his town. Mr.
Geisel, it is claimed, also trains with the
I' .tlrot'-i ing of the party. Tne postmaster
General has evidently concluded that it is
not good piuti -s to pat ail of histggsiu
one basket.
Henry Grove, a venerable aad respected
citizen of S.onycrc-ek towuship, died rnura
day night from a complication of stomach
troubles, iu the sixty-fifth year of his age.
The interment took plate Sunday at haul
brrisville and was attended by a vast con
course of sorrowing relatives aad friends.
The deceased had been an active aud promi
nent member of the Evangelical church for
many years and the funeral services were
conducted by R 'V. F. P. Saylor, of that de
nomination. The (it-ceased is survived by his wife and
two children, Wm. Grove and Mrs. Rjbert
Miller, of Sionycreek township, and by the
following step c aildren : Mr. Wm. M.
Bedrock. of Somerset, Mrs. Herman Shank
aud Mrs. Peter Hi'n, of Johnstown, Mrs.
Jonathan Spangler and Mrs. George Spang
ler, of Sionycreek toiis:iip.
Never before during the thirty yea-s that
the farmers have been holding the.r annual
harve-t home in tne beautiful grove near
Friedeus has the crowd reached the num
ber that was present la-it Saturday. The
crowd was variously estimated at from three
to six thousaud persons and n was certainly
nearer the latter than the former number.
It was a representative farmers gathering
and was composed of crsous from ali sec
tions of the county, many of them having
traveled twenty miles in order to be present.
Barring the dusty roads aud high wia J that
prevailed, the day was an ileal one to spend
in the woo is. T ie pic nic groaads were
provided with ail kinds of amusements and
those present who failed to have a good
time have only theiusehej to biarae. Tne
harvest borne was held under the auspices
of ihe Friedeas Lutheran Caurch and dur
ing the cay a numoer of addresses were de
l.vered by members of that de
iiominai.on and otaers. Several bauds of
mosic were ia a'.teu 1 tne?.
Oa las: Saturday morning Misses Amanda
and Susanna Mishler, daughters of Mr. Levi
Mishler, of Cjac.TiJugh Tjwaship, started
to walk to their home from the Red Bridge,
on the L.t.L,!n re .v. uaio UailroaJ, a few
miles from Johustowu.
The distance to their horae is about eight
miles and they walk-jd across the fields and
lost taelr way. iu lae ereaia Mr. Mish
ler. knowing they were t-j have arrived home
that day. left in search of them, and was in
formed at the placs where they left that they
started to walk eirly that morning.
A numOer of farmers then j incd Mr.
Mishler to search for the lost girls, and when
thej arrived at his home late at night the
girls had just ent-red.
Thev had lost their way, and walked all
day untii they reached a road that led to
their horae. It was reported that during the
s 'arch for them parts of a cjw were found
that hid been devoured by the panther,
which has been seen in that vicinity on
several accaaions. It was supposed from
this the girls had fallen the prey of the
The following from the Washington i'urt
will prove interesting to the many Somerset
friends of Mr. " Tom'' C. Harmum :
Oae of the best known and most popular
members of tbe press galleries of the Capitol
will leave Washington in the latter part of
the mouth. Mr. T. C. Hanum, represents
tive of tbe Seripps league of newspapers, has
been appointed special agent of the Treasury
and wili be stationed a'. El Paso, Texas. Ii
is a bree.'.y and sandy town upon the epper
R:o Grande, 5 iKO feet above sea level, with
population of l-'.ov'J, most of whom are
good people. It is the main gateway be
tween the Puited Slates of America and the
Vuited S'ates of Mexico, tbe imports of silver-lead
ores being especially hesvy. An
atmosphere of old Spanish chivalry hangs
about tbe place moonlit serenades with
guitars, duenna. figures shrouded in serapes
softly-uttered oaths, sliie'.tos and mescal.
Mr. H annum will breathe a great deal of it.
The tawny K;o Grande comes down from
tbe hills and rolls by the foot of the town.
Justacro's!, aad connected by an internation
al bridge, is Paso del Porte, where they sell
7.V-cent cigars for 8 cents, I; is S3me evi
dence of Mr. Hannum's ability aad honesty
and cheeriness that every member of the
Washington newspaper craft wishes Liin
good luck.
&meB.ber that Mahlon gcbrock keeps in
stovk a full and frrsh line of groceries, flour
and feed, at bottom prion. Country pro
i dace taken in exchange for roods at all
' times.
Not Satisfactorj".
Monday afternoon about one hundred of
the leading farmers tf Somerset township
roiiecied on the farm of Paniel Maust, two
roiies north of town, for the purpose of wit-
i nessing the performance of a stone crasher
I that it was proposed to pnrchnse for use on
j tLeto:;sh;projfc.
The machine did not perform the work it
was elaiuiei it could to the satisfaction of ail
the gentlemen present and it was decided
not to purch.i-e it. The farmers of Somer
set township are determined to improve the
condition of their reads, but they are un
willing to invest in an expensive piece of
machinery until they are fully satisfied that
it will jerform the work better and cheaier
than the same can be done by hand.
It is claimed that a camber of the gentle
men present were prejudiced against the ma
chine before they saw it in operation because
they feared it purchase meant payment of
taxes in cash. Many townships in the east
ern counties of the State have been using
stone crushers oa their roads for years and
find tbat they do the work satisfactorily and
Deth From Lock-jaw.
Famucl Fyock, of Paint township, living
about I miles from Scalp Level, lit s at the
pjiut of death as a result of an accident
which happened last Monday. The acci
dent iiself w as not so serious, but the attend
ant consequences have led to a bad condi
tion. It was while chopping a tree that he
was struck by a limb in such a manner as to
break his leg. He was taken to his home
where it was properly dressed, but lockjaw
ensued and for several days he has been in
a very critical condition. If a favorable
channe docs not jxn lake place it is feared
he cannot receiver.
Since the above was written we learn that
Mr. Fyock expired Friday night, from lock
jaw. The funeral took place Monday morning
at the late residence of the deceased, and
was largely attended. The obsequies were
very impressive, and interment was made in
the farm graveyard.
Mr. Fyock was about sixty years of age
and was highly resjected. He is survived
by his wife and one sou, John, whose farm
adj jins the old homestead.
The dec-eased was a faithful member of
the German Baptist Church. About nine
years since, Cve or six of Mr. and Mrs. Fy
ock's children died within a few days of each
other, the cause being diptheria.
Lost In the Woods.
The Annual Meeting of the Duukard
Church will be held in Meversdale next
May. Tuis meaui that between thirty and
lifiy thousand members of that denomina
tion from ail Sections of the United States
will be entertained in the '-Metropoiis"' for a
period of from one to two weeks. As the
Herald said on a previous occasion Meyers
dale has demonstrated her ability to handle
large crowds of ieop!e and with the facili
ties at the command of that town at present
she can do so easier now than ever before.
The Annual meeting is a big affair and it
hrin: s big business to the town iu which il
is held. We congratulate the enterprising
people of Meyersdaie npoa having secured
The charged with the selection
Meyersdaie were duly presented and urged.
decided upon Meyersdaie as the most avail
able place.
The Johnstown people are vcy much dis
appoiuted at the committee's dicisioa aud
will make an efijrt to have them recjnsider
when they convene again at Meyersdaie
some time nexl month for ihe purpose of at
tending to other matters relating to the An
nual Meeting. Il is hardly likely that the
committee wiil take any further action in
the matter.
Failure at Hyndman.
Executions were issued Thursday morn
ing against John K. While and George B.
White, of Hyndman, for The
Whiles are owners of several tanneries.
John K. White is, also. President of the
South Pennsylvania National Bank of
Hyndman, which, also, went down in the
wreck. The bank's doors failed to open
Thursday morning.
The capita! stock of the banking concern
is 5.-ii,i.M. For the past ten days there Las
been a steady run. It is thought that all
the deposits will be paid in full, as one of
the executions issued this morning for il11,
0" O is in flavor of the bank. A statement
wiil be made public in a few days. By the
s iutting down of tbe steam tanneries over
2 men are thrown out of employment.
Later developments show that it is a big
ger failure than at first suppose 1. Jjhu K.
and George B. White owned 43 of the .
shares in the bank. The run has been a
heavy, merciless one lor two weeks. Other
concerns that will be affected by the failure,
besides the big tanneries, are tbe Everett
Water and Electric Light Companies, the
Hyndman Water Company and the Ama
zon Sreamship Company, plying between
New York and Sjuth America, The Comp
troller of the Currency has been notified to
take charge of the bank aud ail the firm's
personal property has been issued on. White
Brothers' liabilities are $.;jo,0"cJ. asseta said
to be good for f I.V,t j.
Judge Longenecker, who arrived in Som
erset Monday evening, say that he learned
on very good authority while at Hyndman
that the bank would pay dollar for dollar
to all of its depositors. It appears tbat there
was les- than f-M.'-n oa depxit in the bank
at the time it close.! its doors aad the capi
tal stock of the institution is more than
double that amount.
Row On a B. & O. Train.
A revolver, whiskey and a reckless young
man are the deadly combination that will
probably send Brakeman William Hartman
of l uiontown, to bis grave and Ja-jei Watt
of Dunbar, to the penitentiary. The com
bination got in its dea liy work on "Tucker"
Hunt's train at Dunbar last Tuesday nigbt
when Hartman attempted to prevent Watt
from sbootiugConducior Hani.
When the I'niontown Express reached
Couneilsvilie Tuesday evening, young Watt
with a number of companions boarded it to
go home. Conductor Hunt had some diffi
culty in collecting the fares from two of
Wait's companions who sat a few seats
ahead of him. When the. Conductor asked
Watt for his fare be claim-.! he had paid it.
H ant told him he would have to pay or get
oif and took hold of him to put him o.T.
Watt then paid, and the conductor passed
oa into the next car. As Hunt paused out
of the door Watt rose to his feet and drew
his revolver, declaring be would shoot the
conductor. Hartman told Watt to put Lis
revolver away, as he might burl some one
with it. After commanding Hartman to
stand aside Watt leveled his revolver at tbe
receding form of Conductor Hunt, who was
just passing into tbe rear car. Hartman
sprang upon Watt and grappled with him.
He forced the revolver down, but just as the
muzale of the weapon was in range with his
abdomen it was discharged. Hartman fell
to the R xir exclaiming that be was shot.
At this part of the struggle 'Squire Cot
tom, of Dunbar, seizd Wait. A desperate
struggle ensued during which Watt fired two
more shots. Oae pierced Cot torn 's bands,
and the other went through the ceiling.
Half a dozen strong arms soon seized Watt
and overpowered him.
The wounded brakeman was carried to the
baggage car and taken to his home at I'nion
town. The wounded man has relatives living in
and aroua 1 Berlin.
Hartman died at I'niontown Monday
Modern Housework.
May be (jonemoreeasily, moreconveniet t
ly and with lew expense on tbe Cinderella
Eange than with many others; all the old
objections to range removed. Jt will cave
you time, money and bard work. It ia a
(rood baker and is sold with tbat understand
ing. Sold by J. B. Holderbaam.
Death of Samuel Barclay.
Karuue! Barclay, a leading eiltrfn and
representative farmer of this county, died at
bis borne in Mil ford township, Thursday,
17th inst. He bad lxn an invalid for sev
eral years, sutleriug from an atactica of tbe
kidney, and some montiis tco tui'j-rtd a
stroke of paralysis. His death was not un
expected to those aouatnlcd w:th bts physi
cal iotirma'ies.
Mr. Barclay's parents emigrated from Ger
many at an early day and settled in York
connty. They subsequently removed to So ra
ersH county about !?. and purchased a
tract of land in Allegheny township. Sam
uel Barclay was horn July, 1, I"d.". He was
reared on a farm and was early tanght hab
itsof industry which he exercised during
his long and successful life. March 23,
IS-xs, Le was married to Sarah Miller, and
the following April removed to the farm
called "Sand Spring," of between two and
three hundred acrts, where he resided until
the day of his death. Mr. Barclay was pos
sessed of several farms, aggregating eight
hundred acres in this county, and about six
hundred acres in the western states. He
was always accounted one of the best and
most successful farmers in the county and
was among the first to avail himself of im
proved methods of husbandry. He always
took a great interest in breeding line slot k,
both horses and cattle. He was among the
ti ret of our farmers to import short-horned
cattle. Lav. rig introduced that famous breed
in Is;.;). He raised the celebrated centennial
eteer, "General Grant," th largest in tbe
Vnited Suites if not iu the worid ; his
weight being 474o lbs. In addition to farm
ing he ojrated quite extensively as a drover.
His first wife, by whom he had three chil
dren Abraham (deceased,), Simon P. and
Susan died iu IViJ. He married for his
second wife, Mrs. Catharine Walker, and
they had one son, Silas A.
For Sale, Very Cheap.
An entire outfit of machinery for the man
ufacture of fertilizer, including a large boiier
and engine.
Somerset, Pa.
Teachers Elected.
For West Salisbury Grammar school, M.
H. Fike; West Salisbury Priuiiry, Miss
Jenet McKiuley j Chestnut Spring, D. H.
Bender; Sawmill. W. H Yutzy ; I). Hay
scbool, Mr. Stevannus; Lichty, .M.S. Mau-t ;
Iajwry, A. L. Maust: Pleasant Hill, N.
K retch man; Thomas, Miss Annie Hasel
barth ; Cross Iloads, K. K. Blanch; St. Paul,
Miss McCiintock. No applicants for the
Peck and HaysviUe schools.
Kill k WOOl liOEOl'.H
Trincipa!, O. (J. Say I jr ; grammar school.
F.lla Werner; intermediate, Nannie Kim
mell ; primary, Ida Schaif.
Miss Edith I.icbhter for" the A Grammar
room, Miss Clara .mo for B Grammar, Miss
Mi!liron;for Intermediate, Miss Lizzie Liv
engood for Primary. No teacher hired yet
for the High school.
C'rotss Koads, F. H. Sjo'.t ; King. John B.
Minder; Gahrlng, E. C. Uavis : Harbaugii,
Mary Cramer; l'raketown. siattie Col born ,
Brushtown, Margaret McN'eal.
S t'MWIT TOtt IssHII'.
Glade City, advanced, C. C. Heckle ; prima
ry, llliza Gaagey; S.J. Miller, W. Witt.
Keystone, Cal..Ctinstner ; Peck.J. F.. Gna-ey ;
Summit Mills, Silas Witt ; Shaw Mines, Al
vin Gnagey; B. Miller, Lloyd Peck; Lichty,
P. Moguet ; Walker, Man 1 Staller : Kretcb
man, H. Saylor ; Wiltrout, John H. Zuin ;
Garrett, advanced, J. F. Ihvely; intermedi
ate, Mary L. Kupp; primary, K.ia K'.iuiut! ;
Gnagey, Martha Saylor.
State Norma! School.
The State Normal School, at Indiana. Pa.,
will begin the fail term oa Tuesday, Sept.
twelfth with Ex State Superintendent Wal
ler as principal. The school is so well-known
as to leave little room for cummeudatiou.
Health is promoted by the high elevation,
the large campus aud the gymnasium.
Comfort is promoted by the new elevator.
The Board is determined to preserve the
high reputation of the school for training
teachers and preparing youth for active life.
Nearly every graduate of this year has al
ready been engaged to teach. Now is the
time, when positions are scarce, for young
men to prepare themselves for better work
by attending school.
Pennsylvania's Farms.
Secretary Edge, of the state board of agri
culture, has secured from the census bureau,
at Washington a tabulated statement show
ing the number of farms by counties in
Pennsylvania, according to tbe census of
Lancaster county leads the list with
t'-ito, while the smallest number are in
Cameron, which has but 'SVJ. The number
of farms in the other counties of the state
are given as follows :
Adams, 3 3 Hj ; Allegheny, 5 31.,; Arm
strong, 4.127; Beaver,' ; Bedford, 3, lJi;
Berks, 6.!C.2; Blair, l.i'.Ki ; Bradford, (i ll.) ;
Bucks, G :VA ; Butler, 5,:S; ; Cambria, 2.211;
Carbon. y.2; Centre, 2.1 So; Chester, G,!ltt;
Clarion. 3 lit; Cieartield, 2.S12; Clinton,
1.M2 ; Columbia, 2,113 ; Crawford, 7,.So ;
Cuniiierland, 2.!M ; Dauphin, 2,i:77 ; lela
ware, 1,-t'i'j ; Elk. 7o3 ; Erie, o.l-.! ; Fayette.
3,';2u ; Forest, i'.n ; Frankiin, 3.2fo ; Ful
ton, l,.Tu; Greene, 221 ; Huntingdon,
2..'i'tl ; Indiana, -1,014 ; Jetlerson, 2.VU ; Ju
niata, l.Oott; Lackawanna. l,."7:f ; Lawrence,
2,67o; Lebanon, 2.4td ; L-bigb, 3.37S ; Lu
zerne, 2. Sot) ; Lycoming, 3,. '102; McKean,
I,4i.O; Mercer, o,021 ; Milliin, 1111; Mon
roe, 1,7;7 ; Montgomery, o ,l ; Montour,
U ; Northampton, 3.3' ' ; Northnml-er-land.
2.:i ; Perry, 2,311; Philadelphia,
Hoi ; Pike, !M) ; Potter, 2 12; Schuylkill,
2.C-0 ; Snyder, l.faJT; Sjmer-et, 3.171 ; Sul
livan, 'XA; Susquehanna, 4 7lti; Tiova,
4,5.Vi ; Pnion, 1,221 ; Venango, :S,ti)l ; War
ren. 2,S(il; Washington. 4. ill; Wayne,
3,il',D ; Wtstmoreland, 5,33!) : A'yomirg.
J.732; York, 7,73.
Attentlon Farmers !
Farmers desiring fo have their rye thrash
ed and Ihe straw tied into bundles by ma
chinery will do well to conirncniate with
A. C Miller A Co., at Kalieraville. Satisfac
tion guaranteed.
The Negro Congressman.
No member of the new II jase has attract
ed more attention than Uiirge Wasbington
Murry. the blank representative of the
black district (the seventh) of South Caroli
na. He ia not only the only man cf culor
in Contrres. but he is the first real African
who has been there for years, O'Hara. of
North Carolina, and the other colored men
who have served in tbe llonse in recent
years baring been almost white. But cosl
would make a mark on Mr. Murray's face,
which is, however, tjuite as intelligent and
quite as good-looking in every way as those
of his predecessors. Mr. Murray, who is
one of the tallest men in Congress, makes
himself look taller by wearing lung black
broadcloth coals over light-colored vest and
The Days are Named.
Mr. Para! II. Hat ke, owner of the Hacke
Stock Farm, Greensbarg, I'a has definitely
decided on offering bis Standard Bred Trot
ting Slock at public sale, and has arransp-1
to have the sale on the mornings cf Sept.
fith and Sth at the Westmoreland Cj. Fair.
Greensbare, Pa. Mr. Hacke als-a informs us
some very fine Percberon, Shire and Hack
ney Stallions and Colts that will be oa exhi
bition at the Fair, will also be otTered, most
of them were prize winners at tbe Fairs lat
year. There will no doubt be a frreat raanr
attend, as an offer like this seldom occurs.
We advise those interested 1st secure a cata
logue, which they can do by addressing
PafL H. Hackc Pittsburg, Pa.
Vse Gold Medal, tbe beat flour in the
world. Every sack is warranted. For sale
by M ah Los Sc-hboce.
Purine; my attendance at tbe Dental Con
gress at Chicago, my office will be closed
August 14-h, to 2v'.;h.
8-J. McMillas.
Lien list.
Highest of all in Leavening
Tiie New Dl!ot.
Oa Saturday evenirg the State Pepart
ruenl sent out to each board cf County Com
missinr.ers in the state sample ballots and
blanks necessary to be used under the
amended ballot law. Vridcr the provisions
of the ballot b,w, as amen.itd by the last
Legislature, the work of voters at the com
ing election will be much less intricate than
at the last two elections. The oiEcial bal
lots wiil, of course, be considerably smaller,
a but seven othees are to be filled, but tne
method of votinir has been s-.tuplitied ?rv
materially and but little excuse remains f ir
incorrect marking, a reason seized uqion in
February last for throwing out many ballots
when the count was in progress.
The voter can now vote a straight ticket
by simply making a cross (x'l in a cirjle
placed at the Lead of each column cf candi
dates, instead of being romp-tlei to make
his cross after tbe party denomination above
each group of For instance, a!
tbe last November election tbe voter voting
astra'ght ticket was cornialir 1 to make
ei.chl Crosse, one each above tbe groups de
voted to Presidential electors, Congressruen-at-large
and J.idi;e of Supreme Court, I'is
trict Congressmen, Sena'ors, Representatives
and other county otlices.
In fplitling his ticket the voter h: only
... . ., , . .1
to make across in the squats at the right of
the name of each candidate voted for, care
being taken not to mark iu the circle at the
beail of either co uma. The Prohibition
candidates will this year have a column of
their own and a blank column will be pro
vided on the official ballot in which to write
the names of candidate) nominated by nom
ination papers or for whom the voter, for
some reason, ilrsires to his ballot.
An amendment that will obviate the
throwing out of so Large a number of bal
lots as heretofore, provides that, "if a voter
marks more names than he is entitled to
vote for an olfii-e, or jf for any rea-on, it is
impossible to decerriiiae the voter's choice
for any office to be tilled, his ballot shall riot
be counted fr such olliee. but shall be
counted for all other otlices f.r which th?
names of candidates have been proper'y
South Western State Normal.
Fall Term opens Sept. 4, 1m3. Full corps
of instructors in Normal, Commercial and
Musical di partruetitj. Large and well-equipped
gymnasium, excellent library, g'sj.l
buildings, healthful climate, and low ex
penses are among tbe many advantages.
Many thousand dollars' worth of improve
ments made during the vacation. Write fur
catalogue to
Pais, ipal c- N..r.u. ?. iitioi
California, Pa.
Half Rate Excursions to the World's
The Baltimore and Ohio Kailroad Co. will
run a series of special excursions to the
World's Fair for which excursion tickets to
Chicago w.ll lie sold at rate of one fare for
the round trip from Hyndman arid all sta
tions west of lb. re as far as BracMot k. The
dates selected are August 21st, September 2d.
Gib and 12th. The special trains will con
sist of first eia-s Vtsttbuled l'ay Coaches,
equipped with lavoratories and other toilet
convenience, and an experienced Tuunst
Agent and a Train Porter wiil accoir.pany
each train, to look afie-r the comfort of pas
sengers. Stops f-r meals will be made at
meal stations en route. The tickets w ill be
valid for the outward j urney on the spec el
trains only, excepting that from way oints
they will be honored on local trains t j the
nearest slat
on at whit b the special trains
are scried u.etl to sto;. fnyy .'.! be rii!
for return journey iu tiay roaihi
trains leavin,; Cliteso withia ten
eluding date of sale.
s on
Followinjf, is cbelule of the sjiecial trains
and rates f.-utai principal statioas in this vi
cinity :
J..liOtow u
Moyt t ia u....
t'olelr.atl ,
lsut.te.-si-t ,,
t'oiirliie:it-e ....
Otilo i'yie.
.S 10 P.
. .it lo
.'.' w
1 .
1. ,.-.!
I i
II !
It. -.
li M
1 l.s.(
1 ....
12 :
p. lai.
a .
1. lit
la iu
Arrive in t'iika,;o next day at l JO
Iicruetiiber tbe dales: August I'lst,
Jd, Gib and lJ.h.
Taking Napoleon to St. Helena
T'tf ( has just cirne in po-sesslon of 1
one of tbe must unique and important
historical tl.a-unients of the age. Ii it a
record of tbe daily life of N apoleon l'. jna
parte on board the Knglisb ship which hole
mm 111:0 captivity atEt. Helena, as cotiiainetl
in the hitherto unpublished j iiirtial of the
secretary of tbe admiral in charge. Tue re
ports of many cotiversations held hy the
admiral with tbe dcped Emperor rtvtar lin:
lita important ranip.iiijtis are given with
preat fullntss. ami there is murb abotittbe
bearing and tbe persona! habits of llonaparte
during the voyage. The Memoirs of
Cases Contain the story of the Kmperor's
d portatiou as told by a Krencbrnati and a
follower; this diary is an English gent'e
Ciiin's view of the banie raeui'.irabie journey .
aad of the impression- made by da:!y
contact with the who had all Europe
at his feet.
ear T
The diary will be ptiblishtd
numbers of The Crnfxnj.
Tha! Big Coal Deal.
From tbe Jobnstow a tem .-raL
Mr. William A. M 'Aiister of New York
called at TV l. it r il ot!i -e yestenlay in
company with a local gentleman who is in- j
terested in the big coal land deal mentioned j
in Ttie Ikut trmt a few days ago.
Mr. Mc.Uister repres-ntj a company of!
eastern who have j lined a nuin-
br of JofaDstown and -.jmerset county capi-
taliats in securing options on 1 i',v crj of 1
rich And utideveiiin.-J coal lamia ila vi.
Eini.vof Sianton . Mia Ha i n.. I il ., i
, "-' .
the purpose of his vis.t here was to confer ,
with the local men interested and devise
plans for futura a.tion. He had lojked over
the Cjai lands and iVls aatisi'.-d tl f they
are the richest in the state.
"it la our pur- j
pose, said Mr. MrtAl.ster, "to survey
,i,.i..n . u j . :
igu a neat lll'iu 11 BiiU tu OeiU .
' ' I
operations at the earite.! dare possible. We j
niay be able to itet coal ready for shipment !
by the first of October. At Cr4 w shall I
. , . I
work the surface veins n.l e.t ,.ik. i
oas. iit-ts jusiinesi we snail thoroubiy de
velop the eutire. tract of lan-J ou which we
bold options."
No Fees for Deputy uoroners.
An important decision was rendered the
other day by Ja-lfre Cyrus L. Pershing, of
the Schuyikiil County Court", refining to
allow fees lo feputy Co.-oue.-i, and ho'dmg
that the Salary lijard mast til tbe number
of Deputies in a caunty an 1 las salaries to
oepatj. Tuis ia the first decision reaJered
in case of Deputy Connem, and wiil at!-ct
many counties in tbe Sate, where tbe Same
case is awaitiug disposition.
Devlin's prires always right on Fare iture
and Carpets, and Franklin St., Johns
town. During the pr-ress of the Sjcia! clubs'
picnic at Uolsoppie Tuesday it is said a
took place and that for a time things were
quite lively. The fiht was caused by some
cf our professional gamblers fleecing a fartn
er out of$.'"ion tbe shell game As yet
there hav been no arrests male although it
ia said the constable is locking the nastier
up. sVi iotrt Itenijcrni.
Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Reoort.
Why Some Districts Receive Less
Than Last Year.
Maay seLou! directors are dissatisfied be
cause ihe Stale afprc-priation which their
districts receive this rp-ar is considerably less
than the amount which they received last
year. The decrca e seetus all ihe more
strar gc in view of the fj.-t that at the hist
session of the legislature the annua! appro
pratinn m s incira-k l from I' ve to live and
a hhlf millions. In reply to inquiry on this
point. State Superintendent Stfc..;!er says:
'"The Site appropriation r common
schools is distributed ttpoa the basis of the
number of taxat-les in the Several schoul
districts oflhe State, as a certained and Cer
t tied to this department triennially by ttie
county commissioners. Ii is no; due and
payatile until at'ter the clooe of the year fjr
which it is made, aad alter the annual re
ports of the disiricis, duly approved by their
au,'eii.i.cii-,iciH3, uavrbecn ree jiv
ed hy this-department.
Tne present basis of t!.-tribu!i".,ii ihe
basis for the school years 1s t;, i- and
.s-c,-is the triennial return of taxable for
lsJ.'. The change from the trieonial return
of t-s'l ,.- -l.i..l1 .
" " ' " 7 " ' ' V
1""J f ' r l"e school year ending Jane, ls'.j
to the return of li.', on which
the appropriation fjr the v.-bco! year ending
June, is...;, is paid, wiil account for any in
crease cr decrease that may be found in the
amount sent your district this year as com
pared with the amount sent you last vear.
The total increase in the cumber of taxa
bies iu the State Las decreased the rate per
capita so that unless a district has more tax
able lha l in 1-stj it will receive less niciiey
t:su last year.
The appropriations for the sc1()0l r.,.;irj
iMi i:iciii, for ejch
eie ma:- oy ice legislature at Its
i Of 1st. I.
j The rate per taxaSlc ia l-'.ij was J:.i ;i,
j and in 1- 'J ie is This rate is diniln
j is Led slighi'y in the counties which con
! tribute to the salaries of their couuty su;.--j
j What districts show a marked i h.viee in
the nniourit received fjr ibis ear .'
Tbe tide of population is frcm the coun
try to the city aud the triennial asH-sm-jtit
for 1-iJahons a marked decrease in the
number of tarubles in many Country school
districts and cause aa annoying diminution
in their il nre of St tte appropriation."
Students get board, r-otu. bioks and tui
tion at Franklin Cl.ege, New Athens, o,
f .r il - 1 1 j .-r week. T-t d tost, m
year, t'ataic yue frte.
Pennsylvania Day at the Fair.
The following pr.iclauiailoii has been
issue,) by Governor Pattison :
Witi kftes, py invitation of the govern
ment of the f tilted Stales, the nations oi all
the woriu ute r preset, tn
1 in t!,e Ojiuait'lan
txpoMti.m now assembled
in tue ci' of
Llilcag , a.itre has been ere. ted (!.
magmticei.t Lu.'diiis the w -.rid has ever
seen, in which has been gathered the
notable, he.ijtif il and valuable Collection cf
trae arts of peace tbat has ever b.-ci i:io n
i to tiie btstory of civiiitatioa; mi l
Whereas, Tut- dlli'rritt state ; of the ft.l
! eral union. r?.re&etiied m a uatioaal ass,Kia
j t.on and each tliroiiLi r.a out i coajiu.--:..n
ami t.s-utive oiJi. -e-, have unj-e-l in fi-.-i.Uiv
j rivalry tvais-i-ltiy the bwt of ttiti'r
i aunai -iraiio, ti.c.r Kje-.rt ani- ai lror
: lieirnat resouroes aini t!i,;ir uioraf
: va'i'iri ; ana
I lfi..,..a Th. -.
I'.,..:,.-:,,,,- . ... i ... ..1 .
( J .. ..W.MWU.(llr, B:l iU ti-
1 !t;t nmke a mtt.ty s'ate. 13 rt-t.r-e-
I serittd 111 this mai; 0.1. oration o! our
j couLtry s dis'-ovtrry anj 113 history, ii : a !::
and iuiiiii eitiioitiou cf its ruiiit-s'ari.J lis
nulls, its traii.-itoriatiou and c juiiucrcial iri
I tcrests. the f ro fuels its ti.-i U. loresrs.
I its o.l K-e.lsand its wort shoj.-, by ttie haruli
j wort ot l-s ar.i-an and the creations of H
I artists; by the splendid si.ow in,: oi i! a i
! Viiiiced e-tnta-iotial ii;tii ut i Tia ami tnhu
! tiiar.e cbanti s. all coinoi .ii.i; to eleva-e our
I t-itiien-hiji a:.u w ninoh.e ult statotiood
; a:i i
Yv'hrreas-. Peiinsyivania has rot. tribute.!
tet.s of thoti-a.'iJs to ihe cit-i -risiiip of otjer
slates, and the Sjiis tnd da , Thiers of ht r
s.,11 .t'ttt.m t.-iroti-notit ttie t,-f
I. real West and North weit, feel a filial ait 1
patriotic interest iu a.1 that n.aaea for Lt-r
tireatne-is; and
Whereas, The board of Word's ftlr niau
aiters of l enrisyl.-aiiia has apiti e.l Tuurs.
day. S-;ttait).-r 1, h'ti, an Pennsylvania
liay ' at the (iihiiuniaii expo-.lii.-ii atid on
tue itrounos thereof; atid ttie ex-ctitive com
LMSMoner for this roannuntrtaltti has
pledge and hearty ot
liie World s fair authorities! and renresa r.t
t tives, that t
i-y co-ojtrr.ite lo rnalie the
I exerci-ea an I celebration of mat dav
irtc and s vimijaiir;
Njjv, therefore, I, Robert E t'.i
son, irov-
1 erno. in tue corurtioiiweaitn .1 1 titretiy tiot.iy
1 ana proclaim to:; the people that Tntirs.lav,
( September 7, Ivil, w:il be Ivnnsvlva iii
I I'.tv" at the Coiumhiaa exposition in
I t huajo, and 1 inv fetoe citlavn- if IVnn
i sylvat.ia, and ihe 'e,,ri.-itaf,ves n'lli Iter
; it.teresis pnrtit i,.atir g in this ;i ,11. ami
; tiie otii.'iais of a!i the rim-ii, tj.alitiea and
rner pol.ncai subdivisions of t-i sta'f "j
join :u ruaiin tnl ocs-aoi. n worthv of the
j tsiiumonweaith in vii.-c hoii .r 1: has be-n
j 1 rc.inin.'eii j ami rt" iest the
I iws.pte of I'ennsyivania to vi,t the Wjrl 1 1
tor at that time and to assemble at the
I lVui,si Ivatiia state build'H lo ptrttcipat- in
1 the Cofumetuora-ive ex-r.-ise. i e-.;''.-' !y
i invite tbe people of otiief sra'ei, formerly
1 citizens of I'enn-yivantaor kiti-lre-1 wnii our
; people in LIimh!. sympathy or interest lojoin
' .in ii.c rvsi:ti ii!jol our ciiniri'invn.tii in
! this reirb-ti'i-m and I invoke for it tne
( interest and hearty c-opt-ratioii of all who
uo: or tne n siory ati.i rej j;ce in taa pros
r-.ty of Pennsylvania.
Stewart out of the Race.
Jmi.-e John Stewart, of Chamber -ibiirr,
Saturday sent the follow ing letter to ex-J ide
Kowe. declining lo allow his name to be pre
sented at the coming state U--publican con
vention i
-Chcvii 'ERsm-ri;. Tenia, Aug Is H.rt
). II". .W-: t Mv I.1H Mk-Th hfr ,.f
I ruhk 'n . ..iirt j .. , ... .... . - ;l. i
,., prtsnh-j. d, ! me the houor o presenl
mv r a.oie t ) tbe Rep-ibiira-i
voters of trie
are for no
r.'rvei'ir. I r j-nlje ol tne snprenie court.
I p to ttlts tltue I nave not Ih-i wbt U
I Mr.r u.rri.) -itc.-ie :,tia,iy r .r myeil or lo ,
;arv either lo dtci-ie finally f.r
me ttimn to oCmrs my letermtiialiiin in I
ttits matvr ft it n jw the i-ata o i.enl.on
approi, bes and it is .iu to t'i delegates wbj
have been inslrui-red for me. and tnMe who
have expressed a preference for mv nomitit-
i lion to re iMorrnoj without any farther Je-
ia .o ,,ei-si,,n.
-t ,. i , , , . ,
1 lake this aiei'.od of maa'na' knawn mv
wishes not t.i be regarded !on-r as a can.ii-
,,,J'e- I am deeply eratef-il to tboi, who
'mr " ' - b'h honor.
nave Interesttd themselves in mv behwir
, . ' ' . .
, ery t.u.y yours, John .-truw iBT.
liT Tlrtut- of ft of Tf't:nt.rT at-ijiiTn-'rit
m-m N-ra;r--i rt'mv. ui;-t tt. m i:rtt t-
trl, I il t-x: io f t::.ij i ie ii-ju; ou
LXkV t N'X t.lfU
Friday, Sept. 15, 1893,
toc.nrkrx rn.. the f .'owin tirTSti r-iI
fft-T s-h-K-.niia.'r.-, utaaie tu I-arl-'Urr
N. I A f--nin trr: i-V-'inlnc i"hrU
tUa !:! V :V tm Kn-i-,-, w'm. T-!it-r. Ltri Ln-cat-r;r
d wl.rrn. ci-iiuiiiain fl t aj
lon-v. .'e.nii 7.") sv-rr ,-:e;.rv-.l, CA ')' e !
t-mtstrred, tuam tiitrcoa erctic-t a, x e-i :mxu
Dwelling House,
an 1 bam.
X' 2. 4 crliln trat of lari-l a'S,o;niiiif !ar.U
of John Kavjop. l rij- M'irr. . .--ana-i.-! HoAirun
atil rtthrrx s- Tt T in in j- la. ru trv. .rd la it
fii b a:.M:t .t tmrx- arvj rlt.r ao'l tu tD. t !
timber, wnb tm.i aiM tn!pr.v-rn-nu tLerv
on. 1 ne iati are utx uc li. Jk u. U. K.
ajid in a giJoJ aettltfftit.
ptirt-hase m mey oa
tAailirmali.jti of sa:a . i1 la
nx QKatiUa tu.U ia Lacive
m.mths w.tu li.'-eT
The Popular Suits for Traveling and Street Wear r the
-s 't-htt: : more ccnvniftit f r 'ady
ecj u:ltj. e cave tueui from J l up ia.rd. Tactuo t
We Lain V."aist.s, r.ieriy uia if, fioir c. "upar..
a.-e dot sii d recar llcsi of ctw. Cbillies rltiied'oo-r to
tlsanl.ts 1.1 aii.l I ""'. . unra - frir.t...!
I-lat-hesj ad to go at lilt, pt-r yard ; Printed Hotted Swisw g,,mt p." c ; be- q ulitr
French Satin. :lant cent quality, all go now at 2V. ; Sateen. Il'.an.l -Pi
cent quality, all tro now at .U)c. Kexiurtioa in ail departmeiifs on oewsouabie G.xxls.
t'hil.lrfn's ia.iy-.Ma le tiinghaiu drnwest, .joaud i rei.t. and tl rtiuds, vo now at
.'', "hi and ; cvtiU. Ask to see? our new Bargain 'i'owei at 'J kt.
SPEING of 1893.
WE are Ready. Are YOU?
Our jrir.i Stock contains cverythin- that ia New, BcautLful ani
Tn Xlen's, Youth's, Hoys' and Cliiltlren's Clothin? we are tlto husjtlersj.
- A head and shoulder above all would- le competitors.
ot Hat Department challenges the admiration of everybody. Aa
- seeiae' is lelieviur, call and be satisfied.
atid 2.'.?, ain Street. JOHNSTOWN', P..
No. 113 Clinton St., Johnstown, Pa.
With ecoconi- and proSt to the Customer. Come and see.
to .rv;.arv ! -i" ly ot tue :ari.. 1 in.iwm.
Nv (i
erate. A.ilii-.i.i
To I.v-lis YWt iTUPrfnarrirM with K. M.
Iin-rt. ( Ssr-tttt.r. A."hMiLtm, Annte Wain
in un. of Aiti I'a , n I M rr, inu rmArrii l
unit kn r.M iit-.Uuian, f 1'nvia I'uy, t rrK.
Y'ju ar; :i::'v-y i Ul to bo:iJ afir
; ;.c Ji.-tk't '' "'ir rnii t'rmrt il rThtiV
.mi'I l . t.? hf 11 at ?-n:u-r-et m the j -lh tlT of
SU' IvM. xi lu ii-f ft in the i.r-u-ti.
tn':;i Hli'l I if Tr; 1 rt'pl .;T -,-'U t lake tilf TkkI
cu:- 'i J ib Wi'ir-, iti. if, Ml th; ppni-'i
'in'...; j..:'. i jo hi i; f.y an In.i'iet rttilv ar-l-t-i
:-y m. ! t ..-in, :nl rv I urni .hi th 1 iiu tv
of M t. H' tr -hii' ni-f wtif ihe!iu; no(iIi
Uft ... i Au-1 ht rr-il :ai1 ti'ie.
t.vr:r. !:'.. L-AIAII
ILK Ti ACYKIT ( Hi F.J-'.rT't-K.
To t'yrfnt.,;,. Thnitii-ort ami H.-Ie n T1..iiit
ri. -r l-1'.'..-i.iirii, I'a.. Ja-nc k 1 .iuLi;siti At..)
i-r !,.. uim rv T.-i.tni..!i. of N.t- s. 1 -ct!:)
1. '.'.. .. w. I ti..:niw,.. J, u-tt.t 11.
.11. i. lr,..,-.ip- 11. t I Mt rrri! Ph., ai,.j
t i:i..' .!ii!.i:i'U of lls'inn iinirt, ,1. -.tse!. vtit
: Ttii'l-t-.-its Mc-ii-ii t.ri.i:', ,t.;r, Yivinii
i '.lay ,r. if, .-1 r.lti on.-it. Laira Vinruua
'.1. i l aii'l !.! .-..tnry 1 ..(' l itu-tatrv.-n.
la., aii't Lilly M. ttaii of Lwsou, at;ue
j f'.ua-.r, la.
j .s t . ,..,-, -.-
..ti ar,. h'.-rt v riTasl to h tir d r prr N-fore
i the Jti.Uvs of (Ti.riatt s ta.rt at att trT.haii.s'
1 t oitrt t. Ur li,.l at r ull t., s :i .f
1 s.-.f(rl!K-r. ls:.i,al it! t) , l.M.k l!i tile,M'Il,
It.eti ati.i 1 r:tra io it, . jt or ref'i'e to taae the real
estate ot Ja. .jt. a:iil s.,;,:aU-ih 1 .lomf.sott, tier it.
j at llie ; :-.-a:-e 1 v.tuaiioa put nj.u it r-.y kii In
J .ri.t d.iiy uvtrtr.l.t r.y sai.t i curt, uri.l rt-tum-sl
J nil tile itti.1 .lay ot May, ;-.ri, or sh-.w cause why
1 the kaiue si.oui-1 m,t w;j. auJ hereof fail
riot!7-s ti?;.-.., j ISAIAH j' Kill,
soiu.rset i a , A.irf. 10. RnenrT.
To Harvey !.n ir.1. tieor-av l.aonanl an I Har
rison l.e.iiara. iti eillier rayetu; or
1 cou.ity. ! , t:.t .tun Kii-n. itiu-t
ric.1 Hu Isnae al.tcuell, ot" Kav.-'.I.: ewty p
You. are he-ertr tiiat in pursuance of
a Writ of Partiliou wiu.l till nf ihe orphans'
four, or s..ti:ersel isKiuty, Peiil:- ivaioa, au.l t
U.e lit ret l tl. I ( ill ti.-i.i an -1. j-j -1 ,01 tt- (rc 1:11
oil tne r.U r-tate 'il Jcli.i K.i-h, tie.--1 si'..i
lu l..i-aer t'irsyt'... towns t., Somerset
t-oiiti.y, i'a.. on ..r,.t,y, ttie Jsih (lay t.r A l."ll.
1-s'si aiiili atiJ ..e;c t-.iu tan ;ie...t ii uu
t.-t.iis riot- r.
' - ,.it.. e ItUU iJtHlft.
i.y l-'ilt, isua. ,' Bher.tT
1 TTtllLS' NuTICr
1 jk.-d
estate of John M. i.le-stier, i.'cea.sed, late of
-t-.nyt reeit
Letter-tL-Ta-ii..-.;ary tt. tne a. es:ae hav
ilu iieeu tfiatile.1 b ttie Uii-tcr-llfne,! by r,e mi-p-er
a r..i..r.l v, tiolit-e is liert l,y i-iveri (o ali persons
itt.ivi'te.l to sal! eslule to iuakle lliirne.lisie ay-
ni. Mt an 1 ib"se i.avri i-;ainis Ai-Hi-i-t ti.e -atue
wt'l D.-eseiil tri' iu duly amncntt.-atttl ',r st t;..
111. lit on hn-Uy. Ui-toovr t'to. Is...;, at the
IVHi-K uf lev .1.
W.J. t;lK--NK8.
Jts J i.LKS Kit.
J ' . i K--M R.
Exe'ttit..r of J.,tiu M. i; u.c d.
In the fivir;
el. ase t
,f Cl rTlin'OU
liavt.l L Lour. I tv ..f Mav 1.
No. si. Anas l.r In, or. e.
Y.a: are hereby notiried t-. b sa-i anrear at 1
n-xt t sirt 01 oiui. kin Pleas jor s,,im ra-i !
1 . -".my, to In; tie. u at 'nrri't. Pa., ,.a trie 4:n
i J! otiiiay ol -a pt . A. I . 1- . i. . .th .lar to ansaer
i a .-".up.aiutol Jai.e T. lanr. t.mrttilj. tiie iiialn
J lirt atji e uame-1. and stmis rause. it any y..n
j have, a ay y.i-ir said wife slum,! U.H tw divop tsl
I tt.e iaeii'ts ol uislr-.i;i..ny nitered if 10 with
j T.i'i. a-'reea-.iy t Hue prayer of tie.- pe'iliou au.l
j ii eaiuinle 1 aitain.-l y-rtl t.stiore sai.i .sirt.
I shen:: - I IS t f A'l (i WIV
! Aus--:-cH.j .-nerirr.
imini.ti:ators nutici:
h-utft of
I innb Bir, Ut of Dr'alhtfn-Ta.lev
le tters of m Binitmti. in an the ave wiate
l avir. ut:n srmriUsi t.( tnu uiitl-rxiv'il by m
P-tfrHa-i itvU 'l ui Ut MiswHe irom;'!i-
( f,tymitt. h I Ua-v i.umuh skio;
Uiu ue-Htii urrvi iht-ia tuun' mi
U.t fc'iUviflni tiu Kri'U, 9tt. i-U t" ni;
iaOtr-'U-tr, t.
i.-ta: of f-vret .araith. late tvf sornerst tow n.
tlD. .-.HiM-ra-t e.HilllV. i'a.. e- li.
L tiers. ,t A'lu.iiii-trarton ou tius es'ats baTimr
ra-ea zmuwl to trie uti.l-r.uetl hy lii pn.jrr
I'l.t.-T'le-l to said ctatt: W trave lmnis:;aie pay-
, Jx ,.r .. 1:;...,. ::h. k . t
t re-itis e ul liie Aduiu...-.raioria
A tmiti.-i.-aior.
'arr bncht' In'!.'?, trtjpsy. dra!. Ncr
v tn-;tes al-rt, I nuiry or i,i rvr i1-.e-ase
k f a lir-'J. iiiiiuui-I fff.iiik; un- iio.i o
la" k:-iii-y. weaken ti-J (m-:whi the uit xj, an
t i.r- u. ovrr hvt-vcitTri f Hriir'itu :v?-isi-n.l
l.f.ty.-M--.. 1. L r.. M I rr. l&.-.hl-hiB. i .
wiifiKnerMOi u ttUtiiliiaaAaH. Tiy ure
Cap.i. Kidney Cure Co , 120 Venango St
Cream Balm
Clean ttie
Na-a! PamaKrs,
Allays Pain as J
f a.
Heala S..
Restores tbe
Sen? of lasU
and smelL
Try Ihe Cure.
A riartf Ie Is pp'le.l inu erh nostril and Is
Ej---a..,. Itus- occiu al liruuioa ; by mail
nru'lstr".!, fa) rents.
ELY liH'jrui!H-. ' Warren lit.. Xew York.
Plan Bnnedy fue Caurrlt is tbe
Beat. Kaalri lo Tm, and CBtapr.C.
8old by Dracvisu eesnn ky s-aO.
We. Ji. T. Hmti'las, Wamsa, Is
er.f thcabov3 li-.sci-b-
.ra with any kind of
All our Summer 0;
nj ' oca: tiiiiiuaira
Ml,!': M.lin I . . . . ..
e.;nirfd fltrivlletw work. F'eetivenmnett a-laMatl
Lttcior! i,,r tiemitrr Miucr.iv ui,l Ht.Jarv
to trave! -rj thin :
uew t,yiua.siuiu ;tli Mcli.-l Iii'.h-,- ary nioU-
THE PKESiDEHT. Wash.iitoii, Pa.
In K-
ie i lit the Ori.han.- I'.Mirt ,.r
"t -..inere.1 eouuty J'tna-
Peter 1. .Miiltr. (-ylvauia.
Jliti May, ls-'.t. rlxeentttnt ami Tnwtvtn account
I. rcseiiu.t t 0. irt with exi.-epUoii.
Ai.-f u.'. 4 h May. ly.. n,otiotl of s,t5
A "it.f. M..riies i,.r xeoiiiors. linsl. the t ourl
ai'ls.iul i.e.iri- K. -..-111!. t,-l.. A'!r, to asi-er.
lain .l pttlc-iuelitj.. a ljllst tt, re. itcuit,e,-s
pan, Hon of ;,i e-tate. (.- 11;. m ei'-e;.ti..tis,
ei.- . aii.t .iiir:li:e the finals in me hti.l ,f ti...
A'- .'iiitauL- lu aud among tti.-e !ega..v tut!t!r,
II. ell.
St'MIIK-ET ft if STY. :
r lr.-t iron, ttie. ReeuM rert'tleit
tills .".tli Jitv ot Mav, A. I . l-.i.
-' A. J H i f.KM A N .
- ".u I- tlert
I.KfiAL NffTlC'K.
I Not i - e l h.Tei.y rivett that I will luiwt t. at.
i ten ! I., '.lie 'tuil., tiie a i .law lit ?.it. t
at mt t.i'ne in N-...j K..r(Mitfti.oa tte.llHsuav,
Se; t. .-'th. A . . tmj.i, at ..lie oVIoctt f. M ,
Wiieii ati i vtiiere ail ar.its int. rest,sj . aiten.i.
.tl. K..KI I I..
lOll SA LK.
A f trru ii Littnltt tounshin. rjota'nin JTil
at-rs, more or le-. 17 acr- rirar, an. I f.ann. a
weil tin. l-re.). Skw Irame an.) ttrn.
f-aii'l in fc'"sl slate .if rn'tiTat: . A .! p
tioii i.f laud un.feriat.l tth a fine inaiitv of lime
stoi.e. l.arKe ap;ue ..rrliar-l ami siijjar t'-ainp. A
ttis.l farm 111 nrlxMairliutxt. For lurtocr
panic-liars ami teruis on .r a l.ttvss
J.VOJI MAl r, h.lie. Pa.
Tole.lo. oiu.t, May li, ivx
Ms -St EoVU U1M1MEVT t o .
Iv it tan ni or. Pa.
liEXTHMtl :
1 s m, ti, .si with s. .f ,1 or F..vma ra
nmntierti! years: my ti-ml isvetel ami
sores tiviu a son. 1 cu-i eaten. lime ail i-ver my
hea l and race, tstmi; iu some i.;i e half an ini-u
Hin t. 1 Used Hovil s tittltlilelit and aiu ha;.y
n -ay tiia: it. iir. 1 tne in tve .lavs. 1
pnti.-e 11 t.aj tiiKiiiy anil w.ll eheerfully answer
any i-oinnium, at:..ns reija.-iiiiK asuw ahere
v;u;, is elu I,.- re.,;-.
Youtsi inanlrf-l!;-,-.
No. l--:6 CherrT st . Let Is 3 ECKF.RT.
lo:..!-., ohiu.
fitiarantf...! u, rum Krma. Gr.iinl,te.l Eye
!!-. Teller. ktl-K VVotni, KrrMtria-, Bartwrsi
ltc.l and all .-llau.ll Kruptimi. -,-u p,t ,ul
tor S. per tn.a. rAi OI.NTMhNT H.,
Kuiauuirif, Pa.
Oil A
Bis!ues. -agrthaiiJ. JIusie. Aisxlemie.
sen. I
for eataii gae to
muiic as itn. . aOHNSTOvsiv
tjmiv Mra.TM Tvr Livxa wjjst t i eaorji.
LJ JAjJ T 3c) r r)a
Cures tbmiaands annnliy of LirrCom
plainr, Ihlionnness. Jaundice. Dvsrotv
si,, Coiistipatinn. MAUri. Jfoce Ilia
result f mman InbeHlrb7l.iverthananj
othTcanie. Why r-nfTer when you cam
becuredf Pr. fsi.tiforsl's Li ver Itivijror
a'ir it i rle'.Tssrl f s"-il v i.-1 ;,--.
1'ot ;t u-ii ti.i-r will ai'ri'Lv lee.
fsrert-rtt hi nrhr wonts it is all 8oap. and
the tiest lor Utundry ptirfa'ses m ute Aaratsl
wauled to se!i to private ramiitesi. aisu al
41-lacral rtuu oruer aent in eat-tt tuwn.
33? to Sir. Y-.fh Ave. PrrrsBtr.B. Pa.
I Get
Fi'iir-ti'-Hi BurTii,ej E-iucHttoa
4X Die OL-J Rf.iMHtl
. .-f .xrii i :rriii Rt,n. p.
And tluw s-ire an h.sfioraNV an.l prn!&r
i".ai...n. frrT.,np.l y,ars i rail '..ale aacs
c.1 Ul a ...1.1,ti.
K iit -i ir.u. Ma.rthan.l. TTta-wr.tlne. Trl
trrai rt i''::iw. rU- . '.a'.Ot h a.-uial Huir ("wiii'M pinilivciy ooarautwl. M'rua
for ftve
1-f avmatioa and a EIsjkISoo write
ait. .s.s a tu. t tt.K.aL'ii. sr. f.'Rs:.
Ol.l-a snrau !nr mmnrw patzita la A-anra
Etts,t taan out t-r as la Lr-ant
laa- patMMi tj a ikx..c :voa mm u ct.-a u, law
Wjfii. !;isrUii.itT l.'utrUxJ. S-9 U-ti
mn hon.i Ve wi.hrot tt. Wx-it
J-ir: .'ix tar-Kin. At3nm lit S 4 CU
tLitXa-aija-j. Ji hmxwrt jiww iora U:j
The undersijrne offr at paisUa tA tkrm
Of Ifir i- rtr.r ice W. hut;, aW sji atiiiK XilDrtwl
HtrtMifi. tU tilf tir'k!lin r.basal ftiiiiainin a
I fyu wru i!Msr v-r lew. 1 h Alt a. ra ia au -
iui iJ eultivitti'm, a.i mm-w frurta4l w-il
vi.t:ivt. U u!i'i-r.ia,4 wuh tciu tit holtU
I'-vik-iu tirt- rxmj. Aa tV"afii. irw tmru it
ask q irftuuea. For itum axitl mxtbr par
Johostowa Fav
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