fhe Somerset Herald. 1 GEOKC-E E. SCUXL. Editor. Ausru.: H. n.C -,.f - jo '-! T scratching bis Lcs 1 and ' .... i.ovr otiort the lime is ere be w;U ,-. to resume bis ttudies. ,. of ti'ic furniture at I Evan's, j -j Fraiokhn i?.-, begins Aug. li.b. ..ursJ.'.f'i"ttt ,'rice .. rr')!i5 appear to be ignorant of the Ljre to trees within tbe borough liin . Ti.e Kramer cr Oil Ci'y wagon is sold by J. B. HjlaVEEBAflt. -T:r3Tiy"' Nult. of Vuiontown. who 10 , th.iiaaJ killed 2. L.Dukes, tbe i-5 r ji-r.-r of his father, and wbo baa since .-J in Kiti-ns. iS reported to cave married "e-Hacfcy be'.ie wi:b a fortune, f-a irr of -he Hkeald shot-ld not forget it J. X- jsydVr, lije druji-it, can fit their " 'e Urr.-t nho was : o poor to take a ..,..v ;,a;u r nc.it two dollars to a Yankee - !' :j horse from slobbering. a . ,. t!l! i ami he il never forget it, .-j!; -To !! your horse from siobber . ua.h Liia to -...it." y-.. i. Co: le-.e. The Fiill Term opens ;-h. in vocal ana instrumental aiusic. ,r t:-.:a: c : -s address Henry B. Mover, it .v. l'-. T ,i -ic:l'r.J bouse of I'avi J Segar on tbe a'.a:a a'-.so'-e Ligouier was, with its con- !.,;a:;y Jcstroyc-1 Ly Tire a tew tlsy ) Tne family were absent at the time i ijf-:- bt- r.vi. Tje tire originated from r r.II-:n-y near I-:gorier was awaken : s fr ni-i-'s a jo by a Co! J otject touch -;..m ,ja ti.e n-ck. Investigation re veal -a hair- b:i",k-:i.'A coiled up in be 1. Mr. . , v y ,,; d, ,:.-;:- I'-M Kiml OI DeJ-lel- -. .l.spatchci ti.e r.i'tiie and proceeded V ..a his blauitvii. I mi sv3 lev'.ins Ertissella Carjts i , Js-r yard, iu any pattern? I.s.'e lower than j ibbers prices, i - ,.a .ara fitted u3 any arucle. and i f M'.kiiu . John-town, I'a. 1 A !i:!tt pei.lt-ey, which located in i, :..:! of whisk v. in a short time. The - a'-o ;ave their parons coautertest j .Hars in change. When an otiicer . if .r'lie venders of the ardent, they J va:,:-h.d. i'.-r a tli-ron?b ulucation at the least cost, . Kr-:.k'.iu OuKvre, New Athens. i. rom at. J b-.Kks, to $i.tn Jr tv.ai-ytefree. A :'jt care jf.s a!out ? a fiat b'jt'.oin ,i. iar iT.", a gondola drop bottom cal ,- -'. a di '.:': ie buffer bottom coke car -., i a b x car j'''"1. a H-xt car iVV), a fruit i: ..at;-: '" and a re fi iterator car A four wheeled car. Kse -ts V""! j atl i --bt vii'-e eJ otie A li:ty-f ot and bafssfte car co-is j :. , a secoud - t. b i !..', a first class coach i". '', rl.-st c!a l'aliman car custa $15.o-.i. T.,e Advi.- iry comaiitt f the State t'Airicaltttte, c.ti.p .-ed f J -l A. A t. cf t'iii.t:m ; Calvin Cooper, Linet-ier, ... Mn'-riei H tester, Iut-phtti, met on Tues jv at the oilice of Secretary llJire to ar- - fjr :,.e distrihi::i.i:i of the f ..' m aji r 'ation amonir the s;xty seven counties ..-ate for bold.n Farmers' Institutes. r..v ,.,'ti.e fail nieetirss "f the boail was i f.,r ). to:.. r 1 and 1- at Kitunning. T .e Pitt-burgh Cmustien lal ( ::t!'c repub- - matt-r from its old liies, gives the ..tier of taxable inhabit a its and slaves in " : and I In tbe t-rtuT year Fayette .aii'sSl tasabbs : in l', Ui .Mea ;:. -i s ..; staves, Wa-btu:ton was tbe larirest j -:tv in Western Pennsylvania at the titn, ; -;0lw i J taxable. in Is;".1. Westi'K.re ir.i catuf neit with 4 40t taxahles. Alle M vt h i i 'I : tiref tie 1 "i7o ; attd ouitr- il F. Humpbrie. iortuerly of S-ott-ti.r. u. of llx-kwo'd. I'a., can devt'te a - L .- i's tj in-truiiieiital inuaic ; lho;e to receive instruction on organ or ia-M will (J- well to call early and secure . .- f : stuJy. T-o.-jugh instruction in Harmony and T-tre muv be several rra-Jiis f r the little . ;:iit of iite in your ice cream. If too mucb 'ait is li-cd with the ice thec."vam w ill frieze to rapidly atid be icy ; or if the cream is not v Ttei ahout ail the time, especially toward iast ot the treezinj, it will be icy. For a 'ii oti fretir never u-e more than three : "its of salt. Heat the creitu gently the . V. ten minutes and then vigorously the re L.a.uder of the lime, w hich should be ten titnes or more. An authority on dome-tic economy ad-v.-.- the iiousete-.-er of limited means to vr ber lire and stteLgtu and do as much i: 'i.i.'jg as por-.hle witn the ci-t hes-r ringer, i'.am ptecjs, like towels, pillow-casee, the'is u-eriti.js atid stiakiuirs, put thrjtjgb the wr.njrr will he amoolii enou;th fof til prac ttcal purposes, lf.ihe rollers areligttU Ife : t o suort and liesh and blood are too ;r ioi.s to te wasted sprinkling, folding, utitjldiinr, ironing, refolding and airing a i ''. of white good-. ".ie of the precious tluernseys burned in i V.i-e-I'residei.t Morton's barn was Uien iatrtce. w h.) hid tbe record of the best and !.: typical ijitivmsey cow ttiat ever lived. "if ha- been exhttuted in a dozen states a'ays took !irt priss. stae was on ex--j.joa most of (he time, and was not at ' Ling i tioagh to get an annual record -' u::.K g vi'i j Her rc.-jrd fjr one month pounds, ui the bui is burned the ' --t ill jwu was Miiias. He was the king 1 1 Le-s'd, and was proOahly the finest ' - ri.-t;.- buii in the "or!d. il -Lrr Vuni. (f Otii Vjle, was released : -ta u.e Fayette oun'.y jail last week after rn: i i.-rui lor ahu-'n bis wife. He ia : i j.- in :ier half by tc'egratn that he t fte to help hreaa: up bouekeep it. A.vjrbug to promise lie went home, i: !. --t h:s ajis.ress absent, she having r;t tjr iear of him, he broke all the doors s ii i j5 ud tore up things in general. be i- i i.:i,, Lately arrested anil taken back U'.J1. Y ;s i years old, and has a Very ba i r ;.'..tatiun. i.-OeL' j-c.iljiis of several courts in the "i'e bavc at,jut de!iuit'!y outlined the S'arses wa., b atii.tors arc eleJted to l.ietr pay fur tueir various eervioea at --..o3 l.aii. JJ -a Jt. Paersoa, of Ivehau and Ju je S:moaion, of Oaupuin coun V ave cji.i urred in the decree that for s,''"t-n meeting, (or receiving certificates of u 'a. -.nattoii-. ai.d Lomiuatioa papers, bear - 't.n.tiuiis thereto, and withdrawals and igou: ort..itt. - tor watchers, thetowu- sa.p must pay tae auditor, but f jr arrang-it:-- ualljt,, corrctii g ro-jf, going to and ft' iii the pnmu.g otUueaud distributing ba.l .is to the proper others of any towu h.p. tae mi.-ibe by tbe county r'!auri': .titti. Satin rule seems exceed -'; - i' eipu t a:.i s',ouid otv,ateany future n s-stitiv.aad.ug between auditon, their totioa'i"i aud tae county commissionera ojat pay fjr ;ue t'eclion services rendered. fae P.tUjargh C'mii U Tcirgnij.h has c -tic red aud is exe-uting witli cUaracteris ' eatrrri.-? a great plan for tbe benefit of 'j;le a no waul to vi.it the World's Fair way tai shad combine economy and oiu(Jn It hiis made arrangements U fur- ttatisiiorttion from Putaburgb to Cab tf' "-d back uu lirsi claas trains, Ugetber t- break last and lodging al a Cue hotel fat ?ea oay!. for $J, baif price for cbi!-Cl-a. The tickets are gKl until the Fair 'oses. ud lue bolel accommodations can 1 - -id a much longer a desired at the rate a w eek. Tne ticaets are good on all L t O. Chitj-o trains, but regular excur t jas are sent out personally couducted 4y '(fes-ntatuea of me 1'i.rtmule Tdx'jraj.k, wib. attend to the transfer of baggage e to the romiorl of the party. Any Uiu.-:eled in particulars can get ibetn by :;:.i g tu Clnnicie Telcyraju. The val'eya about Somerset were abite witb frost yesterday morning. Lawyer "li ck" SUupj. of John-town, was a Monday visitor iu this plai-e. He was called ben- by legal busintsi. YVill Keifer, who Las cha'ge of the cigar stand in tiie Merchants' Hotel, Johnstown, is visiting relatives in this piace. I)rs. Stoner, of Cleveitijd. O., and Lowe, of Berlin, were shaking bauds with their numerous Somerset friends yesterday. Mr. Frank Kantner, the Somerset Eiectric Light Compway's etHcient engineer, lefi for Chicago Monday eveniug. He will be an ient about ten cava. The picnic advertised to take p'ace at tbe Glade Church, it? Stocycreek township, on Saturday 12th inst., bas btten postponed ctttil tbe following Saturday. Misses Marion and Mary Ber, cauchters of George F. Baer, Fas 4., of Heading, are guests at tbe borne of tbeir grandfather, John O. Kimnael, Esq., on Tcion street. Some of our Democratic friends who are eipectit; a-.siguenls to bonded warehouses have commenced to think that Collector Kearus doesn't know when plums are ripe. Among other Somerset people at tbe World's Fair this week are deputy-SberirT H. F. Barron and wife, J. A. Berkcy, 12., S M. Schrock, H. C. Beerits and two sons. Ernest Miller ari l Josiah t-taul, of Cone maugh township, left Friday morning for tbe World s Fair. They will also visit rela tives in Iowa and Kansas before returning home. Mr. Harry Jordan, casliier. of the First National Bauk, of Mt. Pleasant, was in Som erset for a short lime Monday. Mr. Jordan is sending his vacation at the Markleton Sanitarium. Mr. Edward Walters, of Baltimore, own er of four or five distilleries ia this county, has directed them all to shut down on ac count of the uncertain condition of the money market. Mr. Andrew Parter, formerly cashier ol the First National Bank, at present assistant Secretary of the Washington Loan and Trust Association, spent a few days with Somerset friends lat week . The annual " harvest home" pic nic al Friedens will take place Saturday, Aug. l:th. Tun Frietiens " harvest home" usually at tracts people ir u all sections of the county and the crowd this year promises to be the latgest ia scvtrtl years past. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Li ve rcturred to Somerset from their farm in Allegheny county last week fra few days visit. 'Il is annouueed that Mr. Love o3.'rs liis Main street property for sale and that he will re move to Johtis'own, whcri ia business witb bis sons. he will James Shafer, of Main Cro-j street, ret tim ed fiom Johnstown, where he ha-been work ing at his trade of carpenter for sin e time, Sunday morning in a badly crippled condi tion. He was a ::tii.g in removing a tree from the g-ove in Moxham when the tree fell on bis lelt foot crtishir.g it at the a'.kie. Even witb tne Laurel tit'.l band of rob bers safe behind the bars of the county jail rohberi'-a are entirely too numerous in this Cjunty for cotui.'.-l. We tr.i-t that the peo ple of tbe sections visited by robbers will emulate the example Of the Jeimer town ship au' horities. Mrs. Jennie Futid-tiba.g. of I'.tt-burgh. daughter of the late Ir. George Fund -nburg. Weil known througho it this county, passi u through town last r eek on her way to Jen ner X Iloail-, w here the will spend a few weeks in order to gi ve her children, u hoae coir.paniea her. the benefit of pure country air. A correspondent from Sculium writes us that arrangements are being made to bold a pic nic at that place on Sitr.rday, August JJlii. il is exi-tvttd to be the larg-st pic nic ever held ia that section ,f thecotimy and amusements and entertainment are being provided for the large number of ejple who will attend. Tbe many Soru-.-rsel county friends of Mrs. II. II. Kit rnan will be pained to leara that lier friends have found it nu-essary to remove her from her borne in P.t'.-burgh to Berkley Springs, West Va , in the liojie that the change of climate and the medicinal waters of lhat famous resort w ill improve her failing health. There is great danger of a w ater fainiueat Bedford. Says the fi'n-i"' of la-t week : " It is sad in the extreme ti conte.np'.ate, that, although nearly SI'W'li have been expend ed by the borough for water purposes, our reservoirs, at some jieri.ids of the year, would not atTord a decent habitation for a family of frogs." At tbe Cambria County Republican Con vention held al Ebensburg, Monday, F. H. Barker wss nominated for county treasurer ; J. G. Loyd lor comity commissioner; Geo. M. Wettz for poor director; W. J. Jones and J. W. Daily fur auditors. The litkei nominated is a strong one aicd will make a vigorous tight to win. Tiie Young People's" "in istian Futon of the l'tiited Brethren Ctr.rcli, this pla-e. will bold a festival duricg tiie re union of tiie survivors of tbe.r4tri 11-; , ci.-iuait-rnviig on the evening of St-ptem : lth audcotiiinu ing tliMugViut the following day and even ing. The festival wili be held in ihe unoc cupied store room in the Baer B!o k. The Misses Crilcb:'L:d, dug liters of Sena tor and Mrs. N. B. Criu 'afi 1 1, have returned to their borne in Jenner town-hip after a pleasant visit to friends iu Gre-nsbu.-g. While in Greensburg they were the invited guests of Governor Pat'.ison and formed two of bis party in reviewing and inspecting the !tth Regiment. N. G. P , in camp tl that p ace. The handsome new barn oti Joseph Gas tiger' farm, near V,'t;ur s Mill, Westmore lind county, wit!, all of iis contents, was d -slroTed by fire Friday night. The barn contained between twenty and thirty tons (fold bay and all of this season- s cr..ps, besides a lot of azricultursl implemenU. The loss will reach several thousand dollars. 1 nsurance i - to. It was rtporttd here Monday that Rock wol otlicers are on the look out for a brute in Lurnan form who attempted to assault a Cfteen-year-old girl iu a dark ailty i.i that town one night last week. The child was return ng boire from a neighbor's when the villain pounced upon her and she did n; t escape from his vile clutches until after Ler clothing had been lorn and ber fate and arms were lacerated by bis finger nails. The nomination of Captain George W. ?kinner. of Fulton county, to I per-ion agent at Pittsburgh, succeeding Capt. H. H. Bengougb, leaioved, was sent 10 the Senate Monday. Capt. Bengough'a removal bas been expected tbe last iwo months, so there was no surprise created by tbe act, except that ibe President should authorise the re moval during bis absence from Washington. Miss Grace Brubaker, employed as a sales lady io one of Johnstowu's leading stores, and wbo ia spending her vacation al the bome of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brubaker, in Berlin, bai a narrow escape fro-ti being killed on tbe f .ke between Ber lin and Bedford a fcw days ago She and a lady friead were driving in a bnggy to the latter place to spend tbe day. when the horse became unoontrollable, upsetting the bugy and running away. Her friend escaped with a few bruises, but Miss Grace became tangled np in the reins and was dragged quite a distance before tbe horse was stop ped. She was rendered unconscious, in which condition she lay for some lime, and ber body was badly bruised by striking large stones on the road. Tbe rig was slightly damaged. Notwithstanding the rough Usage of boib ladies, they continued on tbeir jour ney, and vitited Bedford, as they intended. A well-known Democratic farmer of Lower Tuikeyfoot township boasted last fall that be was sowing "Cleveland wheat" and that be would get 1.25 per bushel for it nP.r tJrover bad been inaugrated. His Efirhbjrs are twitting him about it tow 1 thai wheat is selling at a lower price than at any t baie during the past twenty years. Oaf informant savs that be baa agreed to sow Republican wheat this fall if they let up on bim. Ex SherifT Kyle, of the Somerset Honse, was in Jo'nstowu Friday for tbe purpose of consulting members of the committee in that city concerning the re union of the sur vivors of the 51th regiment to be held in tbia pi5e on September 19;b. Mr. Kyle is chairman of the committee on arrangements Everything points to the re-union being a grand success and it is expected that several thousand people will be attracted here on that dav. One night last week an attempt was made to rob the home of Mrs. Bujsmiu Kline, whose husband receutlr died, ia Jenner township, but the membjrs of the house noid ha! not retired for tbe nigbt and noth ing was secured. The robbers made tbeir escape. On tbe following night the residence of iioii. . oati a. .Miner, near Jenneriown, was surroundi-l by masted men, who were chas ed from the place by the members of the faruiiy. who bad net yet gane to bed. The annual re uuion and pic cic of Som erset County Lutherans, will be held iu the grove tear Kockwood. on Thursday, 2-Ua insL Tne B. t O. R. R. Co., will run spec ial excursion tra.i.s for the accommodation of all persons living along the line of that road between Cumberland, Johnstown and Conncllsviile, who deaire to aitend the re union. It isconlideul'y expected that sever ul thousand persons w.il participate in the re union and arrangements are b-iitig uade for the e1Hc-.ainme.1t of at least that wium her. Toe Colored camp meeting in progress in the grove near Kanlner s station bas not been meeting with the financial success that its promoters anticipated and Monday mo:n infi the brdbreu concluded to 'retreat to greener pa-turss." Soatie of their friends prevailed upon them later ia the day to re couiider their decision and continue in camp unlilj aftr next Sunday. This, Tuesday, evci.icg tiie j ibilee singer wiii give a con cert and Ttiur.' lay evening, R.-v. C. VY. Fra Zier will lecture on "Tne Customs and Modes of the Ca'.yeo Tribe." Ik-: ween tj aud o'clock Friday morning two unknown nieu entered the borne of Chris. iac Baer, between Holsopple and Da-vid.-viile, hile the members of the family were out in the ti.'ids, and ransacked tbe house, taking thtrty-one dollars from a penketbook. A little boy who makes bis home with Mr. and Mrs. Baer arrived at tbe holism lioni the barn as the parties were do ing the ransacking, aud they caught bim by the coat ; lie succeeded in throwing it otf and e aed. Cue man was up stairs at the bureau when tbe lad arrived and Ihe other party was guarding the house. Tuey are unknown and l.-t'L iinaiedi-ttely afier the lit tle ieiloW ih-vl. Tuesbty, .h iiist., Mr. aid J '. J. F. Y ounkiu. of Pad 1 town, iAjwer i'uikeyfoot iowi.ship. celebrated their crystal wedding or liiitvnlri armiversary of their marriage. About I" gut-ois assembled at their bospita b!e home during the morning and at nun tat dow :i around a table ladeuid with ail toe tlei.ica. it-of the sea-on. In Ihe after noon a 1 present joined ill devotional ex e'ci?'-- conducte I ny R-v. P.O.Brooks. Ju tue evening about so yoirig people called to cjt graiuiatt Mr. and Mrs. Yoiiukin, and they were entertained with aa elegant sup per. Tne host atid hostess were made the r -t i; lei.ts of a large number of valuable pre-Ills. John ton-hi M. Gle--:ier. one of tftonvcrtek i s most prominent aud re-p-tid cltie:,!-, til i last Tiiusdry from dropsy. He had been sick for a long time and his death was not unexpected. The deceased was 60 years, S months and l't days old, having been born on the l!!si day of November, 1!J. He was a consistent and zealous mem ber of the Reformed Church for the past -lo years. His wife and 1 children survive, two children having preceeded him to tbe grave. o of bis granJ-children are also living. Toe iaternsut tock plat at the Glade Church at lo o'clock Saturday morn ing, Rev. Hirt-m King, of Somerset oiticiat ing. The funeral was one of the l.trttest ever seen in Jtonycreek township and was an evidence of the esteem in which the deceased was held by Lis neighbors and friends. Vne of the most delightful charitable en tertainments ever given ia this place occur red Friday evening, at tbe home of Dr. A.J. Endiley, for the benefit of the Presbyterian Church. The sj-acioiis parlors were crowd ed with ladies and gentlemen w ho geuerous !y applauded each number on tbe program and at me conclusion of the entertainment personally congratulated tbe performers on the very creditable manner in which thy bad acquitted themst lv-3. Following the entertainment refreshments were served to all who bad contributed to tbe pleasure of tbe evening. Ti.e first number 011 tbe pro gram was a piano and violin duet by Miss Hniley and Mr. Love, two of Somerset's most accomplished musicians. This performance was followed by a recitation by Miss Scull. Mi. Marie Ltitz, of Philadel phia, sung several delightful ballads. She possesses a remarkable sweet and well trained voice and knows exactly bow to bring out the full meaning of ber lines. Miss Mable McKinley, also, sung several charming ballads. Miss McKinley bas an unusually strong and sweet voice for a miss of her years and she gives every promise of rijnins into a vocalist of extraordinary ability. Mrs. Paul Scheli and Mrs. Frank Cunningham played a piano duet of bigb merit, and Miss McKinley, Messrs Henry Tredwell and John Coiborn played a num ber of selections on tbe banjo and guitar. A quartette composed of Messrs. Suther land, Love, Harrison and Greer, furnished several humorous selections, and Mrs. A loner McKinley played a piano solo, the last num ber on the pro-am. Few musicians are to be found who play with tbe same rare touch and lecbuic as Mrs. McKinley and to bear an artist of ber ability is a pleasure long to be remembered. The entertainment netted about i'). It seems that the Pennsylvania people are a great deal better otT than mauy of tbeir neighbors in what have been considered tbe most prosperous slates of tbe country. A statement just issued by the census bureau gives a comparison of the mortgage indebt edness of Pennsylvania witb that of the oth er states. Il shows that the amount of in riebtcduess secured by mortgages in Penn sylvania is much less percapita tban that in such prosperous manufacturing and produc ing states as Massachusetts, Minnesota, Ne braska an j others. When it comes to the ra'io between the debt and true value of all real estate, the ahowim; in favor of Pennsyl vania is still moresirongly marked. The percapita mortgage debt of Pennsyl vania is put down to $117 for each individu al, while in thrifty Massachusetts, whicb is suppled to be the home of the greatest in dustries of !be country, tbe per capita is (Ul. and in Minnesota, that great grain field of tbe world, the per capita is $152, while Kansas, an equally great grain-producing sta'e, shows a per capita of $170. If this showing does not suit Peensylvani ans tiiey can with profit and satisfaction turn to the table showing tbe ratio between the debt and the estimated true value of all taxed real estate in the state. Here it is sbown that tbe ratio of indebtedness in Pennsylvania is ouly 15 91 per cent., while in Vermont it is 19.21 per cent. ; in Massa chusetts 19 4.2 ; in Connecticut 2t 14 ; in Nebraska 'Jl.ii, and in Kansas -1S.13 per cent. Thus tbe coudition in Pennsylvania is still shown to be oce of whicb every citi zen of tbe state ought to be proud. Devlin's prices always right oa Furniture and Carpets, SO and Si Franklin SL, Jonestown. "CfllL"HfflLMEtISD0fK. Identified ly Mrs. Eeam as the Man Who Ransacked Lier House the Xight of the Assault. FOUR MEMBERS CF THE LAUREL HILL EaND OF OUTLAWS NOW IN THE COUNTY JAIL 1 V -1 Eva.-.-.-',V-! V r (i:x: . s. .a. 'V. COl.LISS RASHLTOS. " Coll" Hamilton, the accredited leader of the Laurel Hill band of robbers and bigb-waym-11. was committed to the county jail, Sunday morning, charged with having led the assault on venerable Abraai Beam and bis wife in their quiet Jenner township farm bouse two weeks ago. Hamilton was not captured without a struggle. Nine shots were tired after him by the ollicers, when one of tbetn demonstrat ed that be was a better sprinter than a marksman, ami run the fugitive down. Hamilton struggled to release himself from the hold of the officer but iu a few minutes otber members of tbe posse, who bad laid ia wait for him, come up aud tbe prisoner was manacled. Subsequently he was taken be fore Mrs. Beam wbo identified bim as tbe man who had searched the drawers of ber bureau in a vain etfor! to h nd money, and before Esquire Keller, where he waived tbe right of a bearing and was committed to jail. Abrain Beam, a grand nephew of old man Beam, aud Harry Craver, of Jenner town ship, learned that Hamilton was stopping at the borne of bis aunts, two maiden ladies, living iu Laughlinstown, and determined to capture bim. Iu order to do so they caused a story lo be circulated in the neighborhood of Laughlinsuown that the members of the Somerset county posse, wbo bad been search ing the mountain for days in pursuit of tbe fugitive, bad abandoned ad ellorts to capt ure him aud bad returned to tbeir homes. Beam and Craver secured the assistance of two Westmoreland county men who knew Hamilton, and believing that their ruse would work ana that " Coll" would return from his biding place in the mountain to the home of bis aunts Saturday night, the lour laid in wait for bim al a point along the Jennertowp and L:gouier pike, a mile above the village. Shortly after nine o'clock "Coll" came walking down the deserted highway. When he passed in front of ihe clump of bushes toetaind which Beam, Craver 'and their two frieuds were concealed, one of the men ac quainted with Hamilton recognized him and hurriedly whimpered to Beam. - Halt!" commanded Beam, stepping into the road and presenting a revolver in the face of the fugitive. " I guess not," replied Hamilton, and away tie bounded down tne piae at lull sped. 'Halt! or I'll shoot you." again com manded Beam, at the same time firing a shot from his revolver after the fleeing fi.ure. Hamilton paid no attention to the com mands to bait and nine shots were fired af ter bim by tbe members of tbe posse. Finally Beam concluded that he was abet ter runner tban marksman and bidding bis comrades to cease firing, be started after Hamilton as fast as bis legs would carry him. He gained 0:1 the fugitive at every bound when Hamilton realizing that he ould be overtaken fell forward on the road. Bram was on top of bim in a moment and then a Cerce struggle for supremacy com- menc-d between the two men. Hamilton is a perfect athlete in form but be was no match for the strong muscles of the hardy young farmer, and before Beam's compan ions came up be bad agreed to surrender. The prisoner was band-cutfed to one of the men aud escorted into Laughlinstown, where an eflort was made to secure a team to haul the party over tbe mountain 10 Jen neriown. Being unable to secure a convey ance Hamilton was compelled to walk to Jennertown, still band cuffed to one of bis captors. When tbe prisoner was led into tbe pres ence of Mrs. Beam be looked her straight in the eyes and asked ber if she bad ever seen bim before. Mrs. Beam replied that his f ice looked familiar and that she believed be was the man who bad ransacked tbe drawers in her bureau on the night she and her husband bad been so brutally beaten by three masked men. Hamilton was then taken before Justice of the peace Keller, and waiving the right of a bearing, was committed to jail to await the action of tbe grand jury. HAX1LTOS ISIERVIEWED. 'Coll'' Hamilton beamed a smile of recognition when the H eeald reporter visit ed him in the county jail Monday morning. " No, I am not as heavy as I was when I was here before charged with the I'mberger murder," be said, "but I am feeling pretty good." " What am I in for this time? Well, my bad name is responsible for it. Every crime nearly that is committed over in that section of the country is laid to me. I' m innocent of the Beam robbery, but I guess I'll be sent to the " pen" for it, but all on account of having a bad name." ' How did I come to bf captured ? I knew that there were warrants out for me on both sides of tbe mountain. I assaulted a fellow over near Ligonier a short time ago and be bad a wanant issued for me, and then I knew that I would be blamed for this affair at Baam's. I bad arranged witb Mrs. Koontz, where a gang of us had been stop ping, to keep me posted as to the move ments of the Somerset connty ollicers. Fri day I beard that they bid gone home, and knowing that the offense witb which I was charged was not a very serious one, I con cluded that they would not return to look for me Sunday and that I could go home Saturday nigbt and clean myself up and get some fresh clothes before setting out for Chestnut Ridge. I knew that the other fel lows had been arrested and I made np my mind to leave Laurel Hill for a while. When Beam called to me to halt I thought that I could run away from bim. I wasn't afraid of bis bullets, but I bad been smok ing a strong pipe and was light-beaded, and soon found that I couldn't run very fast. I kept on just tbe same, but pt last I tripped on a stone and felt If it hadn't been for tbe pipe I'd have given tbe boys the hard est chase they ever bad. ' Wben tbey took me in to see old Mrs. Beam she said that my face was familiar. and wben she learned my name she said " I know you now ; you have eaten many a meal in our cellar." She evidently meant that I bad been stealing stuff from ber cel lar. I told her that I bad never been in ber bouse before. " I am satisfied that we boys will have 00 trouble in establishing our innocence, but my bad name will operate against me." Tbe last time I was sent np was for car rying a gun. I got six months in tbe work house for that and only gained my liberty this spring." Readers of tbe Hesald will remember "Call"' Hamilton as the "suspect," wbo was arrested on suspicion shortly after tbe murder of tbe late Herman I'mberger. He was kept in tbe county jail charged with tbe commission of that crime until after it was established that tbe Nicely brothers were the guilty parties. Hamilton is about thirty Cve years of age. although he would easily past for a man ten years younger. He is perfectly developed and his movements are quick sad agile. He bas been a criminal since boyhood and bas served numerous terms in the penitentiary and in the work bouse. The first time be was imprisoned was after be bad been con victed of robbing the store of Silas Cover, at Jenner X Roads. OTHEB MEMBIBS or THE B tSD CnSEALLED. Matthtw Koontz, aged IS years, suspected of being a member of Hamilton's band of outlaws, was arrested by the same parties wbo captured Hamilton. He was taken near bis home iu tbe mountain above Laughlinstown, Friday afternoon, and brought here and placed in jail Saturday. Suspicion was directed to Hamilton and hia band immediately following the Beam outrage and tbe people of Jenner township determined to bring them to justice. Accor dingly Informations were ratd ajainst Col lins Hamilton, Joseph Hoffman, William Koontx, Matthew Koontz and two others, charging them with the crime? Tuesday Constable Horner, of Jenner township, ac companied by a posse of twelve or fifteen men, crossed the mountain for the purpose of capturing the members of the band, or as many ol them as they could iiud. Wednes day afternoon tbey fjund William Koontz at work in an oats field near bis home. He was taken into custody and the posse then proceeded to the borne of Joseph Hoifmaa. Hoffman was absent and bis wife said that be was in the woods gathering berries. About nine o'clock that night he returned and was promptly arrested. Tbe two prisoners were taken btiore Mrs. Beam the next morning for identification. She failed to identify Koontz, but said tbat Hoffman was the mau who bad used the club so brutually on the bodies of her bus band aud herself the day of the robbery. Tne prisoners were then taken before Esquire Keller and committed to jail to await the action of the grand jury. lrENTIFIII EV MS. UEXSON. Shortly after Koontz aud Hoffman bad been lodged in jail, old man Benson, wbo bad been clubbed and knocked down re peatedly by tbe robbers at the Bcaia home stead on the nightot the robbery, was admit ted to the corridor of the jail. Walking up to the cell in which Uotfiuau was confined, he said, " You re the man who held the re volver in my face."' Hoffman muttered something about there being a mistake, when Benson commanded him to stand up. As soon as Hoffman arose to bis feet Ben son said, " There is no mistake about it ; you are the fellow who pointed the revolver at me." He failed to recognize Koontz. Hoffman bears a hard reputation among his neighbors, and it is said that be served at least one term in tbe penitent, ary. It is claimed that enough evidence has al ready been secured agaiust three of the pris oners to cure their conviction ior the Beam robbery and assault. Several parties, it is said, will testify to having seeu them in the vicinity of the Beam homestead on the ev ening of the robbery. Attention Farmers ! Farmers desiring to have their rye thrash ed and ihe straw tied into bundles by ma chinery will do well to communicate witb A. C. Miller fc Co., at Bakersville. Satisiac tion guaranteed. JUDGMENT FOR $71,000. Sheriff Good Levies Upon the Prop erty of the Cambria Lumber Co. In the Pr.ilhonotary's oilice one day last week attorneys Coif roth and Ruppel eniereu a jugment for $71,ols w against the fim bria Lumber Company, doing business in Faint township, this county. . Saturday a writ was issued on the judgment and Mon day Sherili Good visited tbe company's works and levied upon the following proptrtyt p. m ,. mm) feet of sawed lumber, -'n.'v feet of logs, 1.5o ions of bark, and a lot ol other material and tools of the defendant Company. The principal creditors are banking establishments in Clearfield, Greens burg and Latrobe, the Cambria irom Com pany, Mrs. R. E. Kiernan, and Jamts "al. lery and Co., of Pittsburgh, the Messrs. Sax man and Baker, of Latrobe, and others hold ing smaller interests. Tbe cause of the Company's embarrassment is not known here, but it is said to have been brought about by some of the parlies interested in the Company who became dissatistird. tsome time ago the Johnstown Lumber Com pany was merged into the Cambria Lumber Company and at that time a deed was record ed from tbe former to tbe latter Company for tracts of land aggregating between I ill and S.ihs) acres in the northern part of this coun ty. The capital stock of the Company is -aid to be S-Mi.Vu. About three years ago the treasurer of the Johnstown Lumber Company suddenly disappeared and it was after ar. Is rtporttd that be was a defaulter to the amount of iotj.Cnn). To save the company from ruin, toy reason of this defalcation, a reorganiza tion was effected and the new company, called the Cambria Lumber Company, was formed. The new company continued to operate the m'lls and was supposed to be quite prosperous. Some time ago ihey con structed a branch narrow guage railroad from a point near Foust w ell, on the S. C. R. IL, to tbeir mills nine miles up Shade creek, and the impression bas since prevailed tbat the company was then in better shaie than ever before and that tbey would realize a large sum of money out of the dense forests their road penetrated. Inquiry has failed to show that any Som erset county parties are affected by the fail ure, further than tbat workmen employed at the mills bold labor claims sggrtgaling several thousand dollars. State Normal School. The State Normal School, al Indiana, Pa., will begin the fall term on Tuesday, Sept. twelfth with Ex-State Superintendent Wal ler as principal. Tbe school is so well known as to leave little room for commendation. Health is promoted by the high elevation, the large campus and the gymnasium. Couifort is promoted by the new elevator. The Btiard is determined to preserve the high reputation of the school for training teachers and preparing youth for active life. Nearly every graduate of this year has al ready been engaged to teach. Now is tbe time, when positions are scarce, for young men to prepare themselves for better work by attending school. Pennsylvania Dav. The executive committee of tbe Sta e World's Fair commission is making a s;v ial effort to have Pennsylvania day at the ex position, September 7, the rival of any State day. Governor Pattison will attend with bis entire staff. The ouly Stat3 military company going out from thisStite is the fa mous City Troop of Pniladelphia and tbe naval batall ton of the same city. A num ber of excursion trains will bs run from al! parts of the State, and it ia hoe-i to have a big outpouring of former Pennsylvaniatin now resident in Chicago and the westera States. It had been arranged to have the tire works on the evening of September 0, but that bas been changed, and they will let go on the night of September 7. Tnere will be four set pieces. Tbe Pennsylvania coat of arms, the Keystone, the name Pennsyl vania in letters ten feet in height, and a pict ure of William Penn. Governor Pattison will issue bis proclamation announcing Pennsyl vania day next week. Tae ceremonies will take place at eleven a. m., September 7, speeches being made by the Governor, Colo nel A. K. Met lure, of Philadelphia ; Chief Justice Sterrett, of tbe supreme court ; Lieu tenant Governor Watres, Attorney General William U. Hensel, and possibly James M. Beck, of Philadelphia. The invocation will be by Bishop I. D. Foas, of tbe Methodist Episcopal church, of Philadelphia. For Bale, Very Cheap. An entire outfit of machinery for the man ufacture of fertilizer, Including a large boiler and engine. Fox Beotbkbs, Somerset, I'a. Highest of all in Leavening Fower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Li ABSGUUTELY PURE A Standing Menace.. The Democra ie party in power is a stand ing menace to the business of the country. Never in its history was all its business and industries in a more prosperous condition than they were a year ago. with bright prospects for the future, The only ap prehension that shadowed it was a fear that tbe silver legislation of Congress might end in reducing our money circulation to a silver basis, while nearly ail the natious with which we have commercial dealings are on a gold basis. Thar apprehension was greatly increased when in the election last fall the Iesnocratic party instead of adhering to its own organization ami its platform f principles at. adopted in ils national con vention, disbanded in a number of states and merged itself with any factoa of Voters, no matter what vagaries of socialistic or even anarchical ideas they might profess in order to defeat the Republican party in the election of President. al electors. In this way a majority in Congress was secured, opposed to tbe ideas and legislative policy of the Republican party. Two-thirds, at least, of that majority believe lhat value iu money can be made by legislation. And, therefore, all that is necessary tc insure pros perous times is to create by law an abund ance of w hat is called money. I -aw can fix for trade the unit of value in money, but it never bas and never can tl x tbe value of the unit. That is done by those who deal in the products of labor and is regulated toy the supply and demand of such products. Law fixes Ihe debt paying value of mouey within its jurisdiction, but cannot fix its value for business and trade. Iu business and irsde the only real use of money is for the payment of balances. In times of confidence that is co.'tidence that obligations Will be prompt!ymet as agr-ed upon what is called money plays a very insignificant part. In such limes of all the transactions 01 Ousine amounting to bl.lioaa of dollars, only about S per cegt,of the gross amount is done with actual money. All the rest is done with checks, draf's, hiiis of ex change, etc. In times of panic, as they are called, no matter what tbe amount of money iu cir culation may be, there will be a starcity iu the money market. In such times trade slackens, and as the demand for the products of labor decreases its eilect goes back through, all the exchanges of such products until it reaches the laborer hl.u-e'.f in the reduction of the time of his employ merit or his wagi s, aud erbaps of both, creating with eveiy Cody a distrust in the ability to meet obliga tions as made. Then h-gius the hoarding of w hat is esteemed tbe safest portion of the 'in uiatlr.g tutdiucn, called money. The business condition of tne country to day is nor, therefore, caused soic'y by the money legislation oi Congress. That legis lation and tbe appn.heii.-ion of what nilglit be done, simply Sirgravat-s the still greater spprehei.-'ori of what the ne!y elected .mg-ess may do on ti.e lariil". The grave question wbi'-.li conlronis the bu-iriess in terests of tbe country is whether the home market shall be supplied, so far a. climate, soil snd natural fat. lilies will admit of it being d :ne to advantage by home labor or whether it shall be s.iip!id by the poorest paid labor of foreign countries. Any legis 'ation by Congress winch would lead to a greater imortation of the products of foreign labor would lo just lhat extent dimini.-h tbe employment cf home labor. So long as ibis uncertainty hangs over the country there wili be stagnation ia business, reduc tion in production, and coistquently idtene-s for labor. Whoever sows the wind must reap tbe whirlwind. A majority cf the voters last fall, not satisfied with let ing "well enough'' alone, sowed the wind, and the business of the country is now waiting to see what the harvest will be. G LCsl!.l A. Gsiow. South Western State Normal. Fall Term opens Sept. 4. Isle;. Full corps of instructors in Normal, Commercial and Musical departments. Large and well equip ped gymr.a-itim, excellent library, gotd buildings, healthful climate, arid low ex penses are among the many advantages. Many thousand dollars' worth of improve ments made during the vacation. Write for catalogue to PaixtiPAL ok Normal School, California, Pa. Telephones In a Storm. A wlebratcJ English orulixt warns the public against the tis of the telephone dur ing a thunderstorm, anil r'latin an incident lhat occurred to a friend uf hU, wbo went to the telephone fur the purpo-e of a'-iua:ntitie; the (.'tntral Exi'hatitre of a distant city that a storm was approaching, and the instru ment would not be available, until it was over. Tbe moment be put his e&r to the telephone a Hash occurred, and he nreivid a blow of such severity that he s sen I across the (-mall chamber against t'.ie oppo site wall. Otherwise beyond the tempora ry but very rude shock which he described as "a severe box on the ear," he was un hurt. In this respect he was more fortunate tban an artilleryman, bo, while using the te'e phoue in the held during some recent mili tary mantuveis, was struck dead by a pow erful current of electricity which pai.! over llie telephone. Notice. During my attendance at tbe 1'entalCon- grw-s at Chicas;;, my office will be cloed Austin H:h, to ":h. S. J. Mi Mti.L.tx. Il-tltiSt. The Conrad Boys- When While Caps attacked the home of the Conrad ooys out in Indiana the other night and draped their mother ai.il sister out and put roes arjund their necks, the C-urad boys very properly lireil uion them and killed live, besides wounding several others. Now the friends of these White Caps swear they will either kill them or drive them out of the State. To thii the Conrad boys make answer : "We were born here, and we won't leave. TuU ii our home, mid by we're going to live here.1' This is strong languid. It may pain and shock some pe p!e. ilnf, somehow, it bas a sort of tendency to moke the cwieral pub lic respect the Conra I boys. K ports to to show that they are tough cltiz-ns. Possi bly Ihey are, but certain' they are not mucb, if any. toucher than their assailant. However flagrantly liny may have violate! the law before, tbey were decideily wilbiu its pale when they defended tbeir home, their mother, sister and themselves spainst those who, in Ibe name of law and order, were violating both. And they Lave spunk, and lots of it. Tbey d on't propose to leave their home at tbe men bidding of moon light raiders. If tbe law is to be taken into the people's hands, they are going to have a band io it, too. In some ways the Conrad boys deserve encouragement. Tbey rosy be bad medicine, but they have true American grit, and have aisj tbeir uses. It is likely lhat they have done more to discturage White Cap expeditions in Indiana, and perhaps wherever they are common, than all tbe Grand Jury presentments that were ever tnade. Give the Conrad boys a chance ! Wanted. A married mat) to farm at " Pine Spring Farm." Must be steady and have good recommendations. Apply to Mas. I. C. Corns, Somerset County, Jenneretown, Pa. rowds Summoned Above. From the CuunelisvXe Courier. Jacob Staup d.ej at his boms at Ohiopyle last Thursday. He had been very ill for the past four months. About a week prior to bis death he began to dacliae very rapidiy. His appetite failed, and it was noticed he 110 longer enjoyed bis pipe. It was expected that be would make a confession concerning his guilt in the Glover murder, but he main tained to the last that be was innoretit. Jacob Statip's death retails one of the most famous criminal cases on the archive of Fayette county ir. which for 1 years Staup was the leading charat ter. In 17 A'plieus 1. lover an 1 Sta'ip met in the rw. l and began toqnarrei over the damage St sup's hogs bad done to Glover's crops. C lover was accompanied by his little daughter Al verdi, and two of Statip's sons were with him. The men engaged in a light iu whicb Glover was shot. Staup was arrested and at the December court was convicted of mur der in the tl rst di-gree. He was granted a new triai and at the March session he was again convicted of murder iu tbe first de gree. Both convictions were brought about by the testimony of :ittl Alverdi Glover, w ho swore that she saw Staup shoot Ler la ther. Judge G llmore overruled the motion for a new trial, and ou March Ulst e utenctd Staup to be hanged. A writ of error was taken to the Suprtme Court, and on January , ls?t. the lower court was reversed and a new trial ordered, but before the next session of court Staup was at liberty among his family and friends, having broken jail. F'or H long years he wandered abont among tbe mountains cf Maryland and We.H V lrginia, occasionally returning home to visit his lamily. In l-ol Staup was agaia arrested and brought lo trial at the June session. Alverdi Giovrr, now grown to womanhood, again went on t he stand and told the story of the murder riling the crime on Jacob Staup. The de fense held that Henry Staup killed Giovtr and produced. Henry's dying statement to that effect. 0.1 Frblay, June l-.'l, Sh.up was acipi.ilrd of the crime that Lad bung as a cloud tor so ma.iy years shading his life. Modern Housework. May be done moretasily, iore Convenient ly and with less expense on the Cinderella Range than with many others! ail the old objections to ranges removed. It w ill save you lime, iiioi,, y and hard work. It is a good ba-. r and is st'ld n ilh that understand- j ing. bold by J. li. iioeierbaam. Half Rates and Fast Trains to Chi cago Fair via Pennsylvania Railroad. The popular excursions to Chicago which are being run by the Pennsylvania Rail road seem to turntsh exactly what the peo ple want. Tiae first two trains were weil palrctai.rd, and as the vacation season is now well advanced the remaining excursions will tin l'-iibtejly aura" t a much larger number of passengers. A decided tuiproveii.eut ia the train sched ule, w hleh accelerates it so ai to deliver lue passeti rs in Chica;.; o at an early hour the following afternoon, places the special train alrnoat on a.n ispiaiity in the natter of spetd w ith the best exprt.-s trains. The sj-ecial trains are composed of the standard coaches for which the Pennsylva nia Railroad is famous. Only one nigbt is passed on the road, and the arrival iu Chica go is so timed as to give abundant opportu nity for engag ng quarters before nigt-ttall. The dates of tbe next excursions are Aug. tU 1, Sept. 4th, loth, 1-i.h and llVh. The spetia: irain will leave Washington lo.l." a ni., Baltimore lii'J'i a. ni , stopping at York, llarrisburg, Lewistown Junction and Johns town, arriving in Chicago early the next af lernoon. The excursion rate, good cn!y on the special train and valid for relura within ten dats, is ;!7 from Washington and Balti more, and proportionately low from otner stations. This arrangement a'so applies to ail prin cipal stations ou the Baltimore and Poto mac Ra.l.'oad, the Northern Central Rail way between Baitiruote and E inira, Phila delphia ar.il Erie Railroad between Will iamsport and Renovo, and principal stations on the main line and branches between liar risburg and Pittsburgh. No one should fail to visit the Fair with uch facilities at hand. A Call. Tbe Encutire Committee of the Wo men's Christian Telnteranc I'niiin. ofSoln- ' erset county, will meet in tbe M K Chutch, Roctwood, Thursday, Aug. 17th. at 2.:n V. M. This committee con-ists of the Presi dent, Vice President at large. Recording Sec retary. Corresponding Scctetary, Treasurer and tbe Presidents of all l'-cal unions. A full attendance of all tha members is ear nestly rtqutsted. Husband Items. The Sunday School of ta-i Weiler church will hold a pic nic on Saturday, September lllh. Ail the neighboring schools, as well as the public, are cordially invited to attend. The Lincoln Cornet l'.anJ will furnish inu tile for tiie occasion. Able speakers will he present and a good lime is anticipated. The Grarig Ha!! a', this place will be ded icated Thursday, A i'isi L'lth. Gentitrnen from abroad wiii be present to take patt in the exerciss. llev. J. T. fipantrler and wife, of Slianks ville, are visiting frienJs at this p!a e. Rev. S-panler preached to the congregation at this place Sunday lailit. Samuel Bowman, of California, was cir culating snong his friends here 'ait S itiday. Rev. M. J. Carothers and wife, of Miltcn, ' Pa., were visiting relatives here of late. The past week was entirely devoted to oats harvtsting by the far-ncrs throughout thi section. X. Ml. Moriah Items., All ualure seeaos to be suiraring for rain and unless copious showers s o come farm ers will be compelled to feed Iheir st.x k on buy by the 1st of September. Water lor stock is becoming very scarce. Miss Sadie Gardner leturned Friday from a live-months vi?:! tj friends in the Slate of Illinois. Mrs. John Stuffi bas returned frorn a trip to Ohio, whither she had gone for the pur pose cf consulting a specialist on tbe treat ment of cancer. She is very much encour aged. The pic cic at this place Sat a r. lav was a success in spite of Ihe threatening weather. Not lets than : persons were present, at least U" of them coming from the ci'y of Johnetown. Comptroller Gratified. Corualrolier iickeis is gratified by the manner in which the Dationa! banks are protecting each other eodvoiing to ease tbe currency famine. Only three failures of national banks were reported to the department last week, and negotiations are still in progresj for the re sampiioa of business by a cumber of insti tutions which failed during June and July. From the creat money centres of the coun try come reports of decidedly improved financial conditions. New York, Boston, aud Chicago were a unit oa Thursday ia their statements of substantial indications that the backbone of tbe currency (amine was broken. $4.2u.,On) in gold arrived from K ig'and on Thursday in the steamship Spree. The Popular Suit for Traveling and Street Wear Jr the BLAZOR and BATON SUITS. N' thir uirtrt? convenient for a Udv e l Suits. Va e hav.- tr.t LD from i x ui Aard. waist. We t ae Wji.-ts, rl. el o isae, frca" are no -t rei:.trd.i-ss o: c.sr. c rallies 1 (1)111 to , 10 ad I.'t iea: t Fitnta-'t Hails. I laihcs all to go at I'Jc per yard ; Printed t renin Satin, .viand oj cent quanty, an io rent quality, all go no at .'a)c Kcduction Children's fa-y-Iade G-cgham drese, 23, 50 and 73 cents. Ask to see oar new JOI-IaNT STENGEE, SPRING- of 1893. WE are Ready. Are YOU? Our iiriiitr Stock contains evervUilut' that is New, LVautiful anil I a Men's, Youth's, Boys anJ ChiMreu's ClotLintr we are the hustlers. A head aud shoulder above all would-be competitor-. Our Hat Department challenge the admiration of everybody. Aa seeing is believing, call and be satisfied. THOMAS & KARR, 251 and 253, Main Street, JOHNSTOWN, PA. THE NEW WHITE FRONT BUILDING ! No. 113 Clinton St., Johnstown, Pa. GEISS OLD STAND, NOW QUINN'S. LEADING STORE OF THE CITY , TO IJUYCYOUIl EST G00B3, CAME, IJX0LM3, FANCY GOOES. ETC. With economy and profit to tiie Customer. Come and see. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. N i NKTY-TII it ! YEAR Di-vM Sri. 1 Fully to i-r : art i.rf tjiiy (M the ;r:..-i ur:t'siuit!. N w l'i.-rvu,rT. Ain'euc ri-u AiiU uc tjy luiiatiaUui wiui iaixa.'.-! tM'ff'ttr K x p vrrv in-ial- tra(e. Alumni AtMrr, "JrLETO ACCEPT OU KEFCSE. T' I.y.Ka Weie, iuu'rmarTU-d w ta E. M. Srr.n-l."t .Srntuc. A -turn, Ann.? Hum tm'io. f A:tii.o4. i'A., ti 1 Mr iui- rmiirrit ii :ta .;i-:iftri Ht.uuiHt., u CUy, Neork. ou r; oe'f'.y itM to V ami ai-petr bt-f.fre t!.e Ju'U ! vir tr':i!!' Court al an (.rrj'hAU" (itiri i.i ir !.-'. I a: jiiit-ri t-ii tbe "iiih ay of rr i- ni! r, 1 -:'. at lu n't.!- in the frm)ou, men nn 1 Ifn-rv f a tt ;t or rv:Ux to lake ttie rea.1 rnlH!. of itin W, . tit- tl, at tbv ppfni."rl valuation j.Hit u; ou it ty At ln-iue I iu.r aw am- ; M :-y !i-t (ti r l, a:il rriurnni oa ine 'l:ni tay i of .vi.v. it or .-tiio why thcMimc sKuuId :(ot U- -oii. An. I htrre- i rail nt. ?r:t. -:!- ortrt . i IsAlAH Ucip. I ! 1 I LK TO ACCKrr OU EKKl'Sli, To f retiHMn Tri.in:v-m arvl fU-ion Thom, ''Tl. "f I ill-' u;.'t. Ha.. jA'aiCT K 1 ri,r:ili Ai.il Ivt.-'' '.l-.'iroiiirrf Th. iai;-.i. i( N,i lrnit' . li.tv. .i.i,, l..i.n f .1 . in. . iu' .in :i 1 .,", i i i f. , h. , !. I., il... i.iiti.m.i, a, UurM.ir, f.n.e .1m-..H v: !i i t' .M'Triivi;. Ph., jtt.il T i-lil'tfif Mri.ii .ro'r. F'.vmu l.rurT. Vivian iv ,n.tt. Mrt.-ale K'lua cnitt. Laura Virginia t.roil au 1 I'tittfoujf-ry (.rotr. :1 if l'itl-!urxl. -a. ,au.l l.my M. Kvaii! wf Uaw-on, Kaycite f'.itiiy. Pa. You are ticr-tiy i-i!tt to 1 ai 1 aj-p.-ar Wfore 1 tiH Jiiil or our Ti'haii j. wirt a; an lOTtiait-' . oun .o ui'i ai 3iunt i on ui iu iui ii ptcinlr. l-.'-i, al lu ocluc tu llie foi-i,.u, liitti aU'l )i,artr ttoac, eg. tor rei'n-e totaae the rval e-lateof Jncot, aiol L i-!'.h 1 tloiiirMiti, iK-tfil, at llitf ai'ira.- 1 valui-.tton put ujoon it t.y a:i In-j'u-l duiy aante'l ti iuit conn, aul retuncl on ttlio Jali'i -Iht of Mav. l-.ll. or ii'w call-- a hr Hie baiue .-luMlal nol Oe suiiL Aud herrot rul not tirriTi 'iilce, ISAIAH G'K'il. nutt:r.t. Pa.. Au. 1ft. ?li. ri:f. 1 AUM FOIi SAKE. A firm In Liuciin l.w t-nta?niTiz iru acrt-, m iv or lests ITS aorrs cl-r, ati1 balmicte well .mitr'l. Nvk ir:u ho'ise an-i tru I-jtnU :u o.l tattMl oui'.nau u. A itoix! lio:i i uQ'UtU 1 u ;;.) a Due uaiily ul Uui Uu. La re- anplt- orr'.--1 miu -utAr i-ainp. A lev-! ; at aii ia aciAi uttkjt.Ujrtujol. Kor turtbr L'rticuuLnt aitU ter:u t ai! in or aUrrw JACOU II A I ST, hlw.Pa. TKIT OF PARTITION. To Harvey lo-otisrd. lovM-ri1 lasinanl an l H.ir rwm Letinanl, ot euliir rayetie r VAestinre land euilti.y. Pa .and H.-y Auu Ku-.l. lnleriatr riol witn 1-aac Mucneii. of t'aye'.le county, i'a. Yihi are hereby noiitied lali puruan'-e of a nt of Paiutiun iutil cm of llie orphan.' IViurl or smert itaioty, Peim-ylvania, aud lo uie uireet d. I i ill hold an inii st on ttii- jirvini M.ft,oathe real estau; of Jehu Ku-h, dee'd .-itu-ale lu l.o-er Turkeyl-1 lowns- ip, sonieret ttmnty. Pa., ou Monday. ir.e .sth ilay ot Aufcru-t. wneii and where you can attend 11 ou ttnuk ffojier. ederirt siifi.ee 1 AIaH Gi r. July lKth. lw.rr j onerifT A DMIM-STUATOR NOTICE. of I iaah Bosr.-r, 1 of Rrrthcrvalley tOU'UL., i-. I.et.tr of a l niai-trati'm o:i th- t'xive estate haviute tietfti Krantri to uu." undrt:it by th K'-i-'i-ierr ol VVil.s, etc.. ia anl for Haersl litufitv, nlire her-t'T Kivu to i! perMHut inUrLl to uui iat to make iuiriHi ate p-ivuivui. tno-f hvm t-iaunr a;A:at '.h -aruf wul ;ra9etit tl:m duly aiiti.f!iat'aii for f ulffueTH u Fnuay. scl. i, liy.t, t nie al MeyerUit, Pa. LEVI J. Jt.Kfi. A'tiunii-u rator. A DMIXLTUATORS NoTICK. hta:e of Margaret SniiUi. la'e of Somt-r- I toD- stip, .-omer t otiiitT. i'a., ler i. Ltteno! A'tmiulMration on tn.. mate baring brro itntiitoi u the uuUersitriit'vl by the profHrr autiiority, notice i hrreor it:vrn U ai tsjii i:ii-tirJ to uu'i tte t mae inici-l.a:e py-Dir-nl. at1 chovc oaring cliim a:tHit tne Ntme v i'! prtwui Uit-'in duiy authcU'.icaUrti for H-llii-mt-ut oti r U-iore 'inurly. 'iu 7th, I a.t !:e rv'kme ot tiie Adiuiiiidtrator in sLojjiowu boruUirh. K I) ML' NO SMITH. A(.iaiu:-lrm;or. 7AKM FOR SALK. Te un.Kr-lrued offer at rrivateaa'.e the farm of ll.e late : ve W. nic. adjoining Somerset i Hirou--:!. oa Itie Stoye-lowa rul. containing j on acres more er less, i he farm L-ia au excel- ' lent tiateof enltivaiion, all new leuies and well j watered, i- underlaid w ilh a vein ol ic-nsl csatl j and exi-etUnt ure cay. An eieiraiit new tiarn is ! a ao .Hi the i-reictiea. For lerui aud lu.taer par- i ticutars ai-ply lo liF.ORi.E fi. PILE. i No. M Somerset .-t-, j Jobostoun, Fa. ; or CHARLES E. FILE. j Somerset, I'a. r'KE -SPASS NOTICE. NoTU'E i bertbr K;rn that all pr:fu from i aii't at tr Ihi 'lattf ItHiri l (tti.:it. n U:,. will iii, ri-lii'nc. huntinjf or U rriuic un ranim. ttt- foiiitvtui iiBfnf t ikr-rM'UJ in ijucaiarumiug twp. wll In? pfute-u.ti aV fon. iiisf ta law. I.?vi it, Joau H.tH-r. Martni rnr1, Jr. bcrfcry, Ja4-'b Hr-iofmvtrr, AiMm Ouu-r, Johu A HoM iuau. laiu 1 J KiI irrvtr J. Maiirvr, Jfiry art. Jmi-vr, KautA Jflh tU-h. ELY'S CremBalm Cieainws the Ka.sa.1 Passages, Allays Tain ac4 Iot'axamatloa. Heals Sore, Eestnres the Seniea fA 1 a- te and Smell. Try lbs Curs. Catarrh r w 1 ytt y v-a HAY-FEVER A particle In apt lh-d into eaeh noatril and Is arr-eatWe. Tiee.i0cei;uiat lruggtstJ . by mail registered. V) rents. LLX tHijrUoiKJ. "i Warren St.. New York. Pure Brt.t's Iisase, DTOfosy. Gravel. Ner vouane-s. Heart, rriioary or Liver Liseaa. knows bv a ured. haoKuid feeling : lnactii of tiie kldueya. weakena aud (Msolia tioe hl4aotl.aBd ii ii eaua w rcuiuvisl yoo raon.a have heai'.h. C'urel aws over rive yean aoro M bright' ltnems nd ionipsy.-Mrs. LLC. Miller. BethietiaB I'a. auKO other imilar IcMimoniala. Try Iu Cure 1 .armnteed. Cann's Kidney Curt Co , 120 Venango St PHILADELPHIA. PA. zUiiby ail ildidtlt timjguU. Cf theilo.-e desv'l.V .e ...a tf..,a ;th aa kind vf - uf.3!d. All cur SatBtt-ir G .'. -t ito to 5i:l u vects : Gir.-iaax .Muslins, l nv-es, Tisits. and lieUca L'ct'ed !t- fc- at 12; ; beet q labtv now at :x t Mr Hade taiens. .iond 10 111 all departments on e..nable otxis. t) aud To i-enus, aud il goods, go new at Bargain Towel at 2oC. :Ot- fit'iiped roilt-LT work. Entire Ltu-nta lor Jtui4ry MiumMMCv ftul HusJkV. THE PRESIDENT. Wuftmgtoii, Pa. A UDlTORy NOTICE. I ue K Hot N'orth i Iu the 'ourt Cimii- Saxe ri' hncS mon Pica im Skiiucr-t louiali)- Lim:U-i lotitv iol So. zi May ' T. 1-0J. Ja.-oti 1. Sank. I Voluntary Aigumcat for the benetit of crel iuiro. And mi, 1 Ith July. 1-ot, oa motion of W. J. Baer anil '. w. Biev lirr. Hm;., ma.ie ami ni.t lue ( iin a.;Himt j. i . kimnH-1. Auditor u (. upiii :r.? rxi rp.ion- ami innkc a t;-lrilm-Uoi. ot lue n.ikl.-iu tli haml-ul the Kl;ue to mi ! am. up. tli.w UxiHy rni!tJ- l tiwr:'.. Klra. t from tiie Kcnml reruna-t tlia l.'th ilav ol Jul, , A. I).. l-rt. , " W. II. XAXNhR. -, l.Al. . l':olhoii4tarr. j ' LKti.VL NOTICK. j All (H-rijii, iiiiere-tf.1 are n.Kill.-d that In pur i iii,:nY i: tna I'orix-iMx cointiiifci,Mi, 1 will al ! tn.t at my t i r. in-lin-rsi tnuri, on Tluir I tlar. Aii n ITili. lj. tu hear tne ie, all I .M.!ii- ii. a-t lie (.ie-,111.1 to tne Auditor or lt , ner.-i.t-r ticbarru trom clalniuin a hare W the j fUllil. ! J. 0. KIMMKL. I Autlitor. E.l'ASS NOTICE. Whereaa we llie i:n.:er-nie.. have funieil a pne live 11.11011 I r lue mnliial (itut-t tluu ol unr iruiis. aim. n-n and nmr. ..i,-e hertl.y n eu itiai a,! in;na,is louud treapaisiiia; ou toe preiui.-esol tne uulepiiKnel. iu lue u u-n:f. of Somerset and Lincoln, lor the lurnn or hiiuuliK. caint-niiK iriiiL- nuu. li.bini(.vr -nootuiK ita'ue, will te liriwuled lo Die lull eiU'iit of Urn law. IrvdPue, Henry Waller, HenjHiniii Jlilier, i,erxe C l.icluy. Heiiiy iarr, eler Miller, N. H. liaer. f. 1, p.ran. her, Alviu laiunlz, A. K. Biuuer. 11. J Holt man, r. .loin, .a kimmel, A.iain S. .Miner, t,nnn t- iha, H- nry I a-eOeer. ,eorij ImpuKtailt, N. K. Trent. 10 p. fohaia, l,ei rae ..t.aiuh, I ria lrem, l anivi M.m-i. w. H. K.-rner, f. Meltlev, W.A.Miller, tntlici Maibt, J. J. liar Kiev, J. I' Ll. ity imi . kmler. h. W. Walker, Jai'oi) Unliart, t. M. H.jwmau. Helirv Lo.. A. P 111 Ker. Klias er'-s, Uni.ain K. I hi, Win. W BaKer, H. . liuimiyer, J. L. BerKey, ' t onrad li.irr. N.i- Shautis, ' svtioim ker. a,ial'oui tarr, Hnrri-.iu laycoinl). SBOlSEASES Cured or no charge by BOYD'S OINTMENT. Write fur our System of cure. A safe and sure cure for 11 zrma, Granulated Eye I. iis, A;j Heeds, taihers ItchTetter, Pimples, Ring-worrns, Ery si pelas. Soft Corua, Burning Itching P ies a .id ail cutaneous eruptious. BOYD OINTMENT CO.. KITTAIMNING. - - PEN N'A. I )L RLIC AsLE. -or- ValTxatls Rsal Estate! By virtue o' an order of sale l-iel out of the Orphan' lirt 14'sajmerMi I "Kinto, pa., auj i u. .lire ted. we ill expuae to puiuc aai ai tiia re-ideuce 01 dee d ou j Friday, August 18th, 1893. at lo'cUx-k P. M . the ftillowlua dest-rthed real estate i.i J. k. Lt'iber. dec d. to w it : No. I. Trie himcstead tract of iand sitnate ia Jenner town.-ti;p. Somerset (souuty, Pa., alj-iu-itiK lamia ol J.J. lio mail. (,eo. A. kiliK, a lrai-l f. rnietly oned hy J. Bia. Klmra. and othera. routainniK 1-s acres more ur ie, hMug a new I4u story U Frame House, and a lo lnk Vm thereon. 1U1: 100 acres near and the whole trai t underlaid with a loot vein ot coal. There are two ore bards oi gd trnit and astiKar camp mi thti faim. N:. 1 A e. ra u ra-t itiiate iu ine aarne town-bin. a.i..ium land, ol Jar.b speiry. John s'peleheraitil other.. ounuiii:tii t.. ai res more .r i-. haling a livel.liu; h.uw d taii, mireou ere,-led. Terms : Ii per pent of pirchase m.Miey to be paid as soon as property i mu lnl ilrmn : ' . .,1 l.im ha-e money irsraai.l III arr . ..u e.Kilirnialmu ol na.e ; ' . ou April 1. so UJ ul, aprn 1, .. wuii Interest ,iu deferred pawuoct. finvtaiiuu given on coiiuruoainn or -ale. KrtA.Sk korx.ER-s 1-VlolA M. klita.KM, Eaet:uUors it Trustees. i I IF YOU WANT TO KNOW Of THOROUGHLY GOOD SCHOOL or Bisiness. sbcrthanl. Music. Academic, nl for ea alcue to MORRELL INSTITUTE. miTitD srrr . Johnstown. av, MtATW TMC 11 VtJ UtT.t IWOWOfW. Cures thnnunds annna'lTof LirerCoin plalDra, Btlionsneas, Janhdice, lJysrtv aia, Consti patinn. Malaria, ifore lila resnlt fmm&n I'nhealrty Ltverthanany other csuse. Why stitTr when too eaa beenred Pr. Sunford'a Liver In vigor- 8tn- is a ra'c'-ea-a,! fiiT mirlne lot u iiiti eiiisT will ai rri.r vc. PursTallowSoap. Is pertVet? hi othr words It is all Boap. oA Um heat for lauudry purtHiaes made. A rfea is wanted to sen to private families, also a general club order agent in eaen Iowa. Address AMBICAX TEA CO. 338 to 3S Fifth Ave. PrrrsBcmcH. Fa. to travel ta t'taa cr