The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, August 09, 1893, Image 3

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The Somerset Herald.
GEOIiviE R. SCULL. Kditor.
!.e K ri:
net or
.l C ;!y wayon is io I
J. I!. HoLl-EKP MM.
f-atherbeli or pillows. A;r
orojituly on a windy day in a cmA
The i-on drawl the 01! and ftive the
f s-l.-rs ration 5" it.
T-.a',.-s of the HrBtLD sho-ld not forget
t si J. X- M:'drr, the druggist, caa t their
e i".-.
i .... i'
i .: Hi (ir-ne county is altn i t
.-'.are, and the -oj!e who use
ijti:irr;are Living it shipped in from
it jl.hor.r.o coiiiiii.-S.
i J-.::-;' 'f the Peace in a neighboring
1 an has ref-; i to believe that a man caa
-,e r:-xt dooMo a t-aloon and never enter
Whv, men have lieen Known to live
r, it J
to a church and never enter it.
l CvLLE-ii The Fall Term opens
in vo-tiai and Inj-rutnental Music.
I .-.'i.-s address Henry C. Moyer,
. Io.
,n killing a robin in this Stale is
A per
:0 a tl-.e of -! to j-J", or mjpria oumeiit
; r.-s, ortoth. Ia fart the law pro
l .,-; the klllt'c of any or nearly a'.l kinds
-'v::-U o: the list of thotelhat are habitants
iiave j'j'J Ken Devlin's Kriisiells Carpets
; . u'..-ffr yard, in any pattern? Lace
( ..-tains lower than jobbers prices,
j . t. j-naraateed oa any article. ti and S2
Frank!::, t-l.. Johnstown, Fa.
A u-iai'mr of women at KilUaning have
"-a:i up a etUlon which was .'repeated to
i ..i-icii. asir. that an ordinance be passed
(.,.. ; caters standing ou the street eor
mrs. aud ii:ipJMt.S a pstialtj- of labor ou the
s'ree'-s on all uihrtiilcrs.
The weather the past week has been eu-
nd the farmers have had aa excellent
rt unity to harvest tticir crops, t rom
irv we that the oat crop is about
i- for the reaper, and that it proniixs to
a.ucii bt:r than w as expected early ia
..ASJn, and will be a full average crop.
in i,'d summer drink, recommended by
j :.r:-.iai. f ir cooi'njt the bluaJ both of
.. ai.d adolts, is made by takii.g a
t-a-;--:ifuI of cream of tarter an i dirm'.vir.g
it in a tutnbier of water sweetening to titite.
y.,j wiii be to find how pleasant
i; . Uir.j hard to detect from lciuoiiude.
lm:i tit made in a q:i;Ui!7 end t.ip it on
lr. i: is Lifitiiy laxative.
X::e foliowii.Z Jetters remaining in the
; -e a! s-jiuerjet will be sent to the
i L-;t-r i.H -e if not railed for withia
t..:. uays fri.m this date. August :
A. A. Ciaric : Charles. Una U'e ; UebeoM,
: z v;A W. L.iicert ; Koberi, Peinicr;
i,- .-:.:;z; II. . Toarnbone; Warren,
Jomah Keller, P.M.
rartners ia the lower end ofHiiiiiindon
c uutv ate ia dei'air over the nieat loss
r-tain-d by the invasion f
i-t-ers. The insecta have appeared in
I jf.i-n.s ar.d are dt-stroying every
c thins; in their path. They have
-:.:; d bundn-Js of tons of hay and the en
t recr pof ti.-u r.'.iy s--J. N th p-ts
uvt' a' a;ke i what U w -rowing vejelaUisjs
i.avr survived the protracted droiiirht.
I.x;nive preparations are b-'.u made by
t':.e?';ate Agricuitaral Sx-tety for the next
.-a-e I air. Tne officers have decided to
t o.a the fair at Indiana, Pa., in cot.j mction the indiaaa County A ricu'lural S.J
r y. from .-eptenibcr ilt'u to loth both dates
us: Tue managers are biaking ar-ra'.-'emeati
to introduce ntany new fealure,
aui the cotuin exhibition will be one of
ti.i- iarjtest in the history .of the s xtiety.
"rank Miiier. a young farmer of rrah
Valley Township, Indiana county, accident
s"y shut atid kiiied himself Saturday afier
baaii. A rori:pa:iivn, who had iett him but
at- asiiiutes oefre, beard the report, and,
rvir ..' 2. iouud Miller just breathing bis
!;:!. H- fhther is one of the wtalthitit men
.-a: p.
Miller was married but i
ti Kio:.ttiS ago. His widow bas just passed
h: 17;h j ear.
A yo'it.g fariuer who live3 ntar Ravenna
'.'.. has hit npoa a Lappy thought to reduce
the attuutit of la'jor re-jtured to t-..! his
t-'.ls. I o-teal of laying out his fields square
or ixear.y so, he had laid them out narrow
at;d they extend the etittre length of bis
tortu. I.y this means he avoids turning cor
i:er so many times which is a loss of time.
Ee can reap ten acres of grain by going up
at. 1 down the held six tunes. People icter-i-sivd
iu agriculture might try this mth pro
Clearance sale of tine furniture at Devlin's,
and f J Franklin St., begins Aug. ::h.
iarlor suits at abjut baif price.
Secretary E Ige. of the state board ofagri
r tlfare. ba issued notice tj manufacturers
ot tertliizTs and their agents doing business
ia Pennsylvania that all licenses for the
a anufac ure or sale of coaimerciai fertilizers
txpired July 31 and that in order to protect
aj'.tits and others selling this class of goods
t.i in should at once bj renewed. Tue
a'.'.etr.toa of ageuts is called to the fact that
ttey. as well as the manutanurers, are per y liable to the fail penalties of the act
J ae . jsTt.
Ort!,e county his a man who is feeling
tp recent rulings as to ieueion, says the
l' i'n!. He is Pat Pa:ie, the Riant of
N tit Tail, who has been drawing eight dol
e's t month wit 'a careful regularity. Just
.y iiis na::;e as dropped is not known,
tit .r :5 si;2.:cs.ed that perhaps t'ie ofliciais
ti. ihat his seven and one half d
"' t.f itl.t ought to bring him a good income
tie acre to put himself on public exhihi
t. r,.
w'idt!i:iy last Tete Fogle and his wife
t-'ai . and it seems that this time the
'tt-iu g-.-t the best of it. It seems that
-r. laJ :.-ku H his wife bad earned at
lo r ::
is', the followed him ar.d. wanted
:.iy t ais. Pne wouldn't give it up
's- i'og'e tnide up her mind she
a-eitf it took a scrap. She first
a..ri p,.; ia front of Cook s store i
" 'J-w- lV.c broke away and l:e ;
h.r ai. i :!,rr i s t ir wi:h alternate ra'es I
a-d s-.ra; u::t; they p it out of town be-i-t.-i
Ja- i, iljsser's. He.e Mrs. Fogle
' : f-d l'-te over the heal with a stone,
a ! : - ij--. a-id. went for his p xkets and
g-'t tier n ..,;.,.y. Mrs. Fogle tried the next
't'orr.::,; u.. g-t out complaint agiirist ctf
f,,r Jetting Pete have wtiisltey.
0! tU t
aix-ei for some cause or other.
'er, that a stop was put to
s t:a.e.
"- 't ti.e vtife bi
iig, illegal li.juor sell- '
aguar.tsng. aij u.ghl oisturcances
t ' .; -(! in
' Tt::: and if ttie cthcers won't ; enforcing the law then !
"a- pw.p.e ouht to take il ia band. How
L- a cr.ine a man may commit in this
' it. Witb.):;t b m run iu U gettinjj to be a
:e.-y.-;,-., j.
Lie :, . mi.lioT d ars appropriation now
a' ,'ia.d hy S-t-.-t Trtasorer Morrison to
t-ese.-i: rjtusaoj school districs of the
"Tateupk warrants is-uej by Superintend
: uf l-.i-.vU Listruciu.n ScaaelTar are for
J'Jiarmijj ;i,e j;rst Jjjnday ofJar.e,
' A: ti. t escion of the legislature
a'uour.t in iucreaseJ to 4" " J.;" .
fe it-.:.eral imprrsaiwu eems to have been
c-- t-y this act of the genera! assembly that
it:oa of the apuropriatiaa for the sup
"tattjt common schools was snrciailv
1 -' -I art ty the legislature for the purpose
" ""i.-oLa;,; text biHjks, supplies, On
"rt"i.t:tof ihii ju:undertanding frequent
''ir-es havt been received at tue depart -"w-to
'public aiis-roctiua from school di
"..oss aiKjijjera iuu-nted. asking for in
'Jntiation oa the subject. The have all
e-i answered to the edect that n part of
appropriation was specifjially appro
eUii for such purpose. The increased
H!iii4on will not be available until the
ooseuf the current school year, ending the
t-w ilor-Jay of June, lsi-4, tbe whole
"-.ttuof which i to be paid for the sup
l"t of :!J(. puhlk: schools iu the several dia--u
and to be usd u the funds raised in
'iseverai dutrlcU by local taxation for
Messrs. diaries F. Ui.1, Jr, and Euros E.
Meyers, are in Chicas:o this week.
A. J. Colbarn, Jr., of tb?Scranl n bar, is
upending his vacatioi; with So erset friends.
i!r. ami Mrs. James M. Cover, dud Miss
Aniii Cravt-r. of Jeaaer X K oadi, are at the
World s Fair.
More b'.iiiituer visitor; are bci::g entertain
ed ia this p'.ac- at present thaa for Several
seo:is past.
Ur. Harry bloner, of C:eveland, Ohio
the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
tioner, in Kerlin.
i is
Prof. Ujhert K. Patters jq, of the PitLs
bur,;UHigu School, has been iu Somerset
for the pa Leu days.
Cailel Orlo Knepptr, of the Coited States
Naval Academy, is spending bis annual
vacation at tte borne of bis parents, ia this
Mr. Percy Dirbv, law librariaa at Pitts
burgh, was shaking bands with the Luem
tiers ot lue legal profession ia this p. ace
One day last wees W. U. Manges, of Ber
lin, shot a biack snake five feet long oa one
of the apple trees ia W. A Suibert's orchard
ia that p:ace.
Mh-9 Mary lleli'l. a we!l-knon Sraui
stress of this place, tripped and fell oa West
main street M jndav evecitiir, bieakiug one
of her shoulder bones.
The Cambria Iron Company has given no
lice that on August loin a reduction of 10
per cent, iu salaries and wages of aii its t ni
p.oyeu will go into tireit.
I. A. Johns, proprietor cf the Merchant's
Hotel, Rock wood, has bought Deeter's liv
ery "table at that place, and will run it in
conjunct ion with his hotel.
W. H. Gutelius, managing editor of the
Pittsburgh 77 n , was a Monday visitor in
Somerset. II is visit was fur the purpose of
booming the circulation of that paper.
The Sunday School of oiinuel's Church
near Lavaav.lle, m bjmerset towuship,
will bold a plc-nic oa Saturday, S--pt. 2
The public is invited to participate.
Mr. Allen lichty,of Waterloo, Iowa, ar
rived in Somerset, Saturday evening, and
w:il spend a month at the home of h:s fata
er, George C. Lichty, in Somerset township
I'r. G. li. Hough will leave for Chicago
ear.y next weelt, ar.a His Ueatal o'nee will
be closed from tfle 1 1th to the J.j.h while he
is ia attendance at the World's IVntil Coti
Tue Sunday -Schools of the Uefjraltd
Churches, lieaiu's charge, will hold their an
nual pic nic, Saturday, l-ha int., la the
crove adi jiuini; Ik-am' church, in Jenaer
Kditor C harles E. Herr, of the Butler
County Iltc ird, accompanied by his wife and
family, arrived in town Saturday evening
and iii spend some time visiting their
tonierset friends.
Ilev. A. I- Truxal, of Irwin, Wes'more
land count', joined Lia wife and family, who
have been visiting relatives ia this place,
Monday. I. ev. a ruxa! was formerly pastor
of the i-omerset Uetormeil Church.
The Misses Lizzie and Eoioaa Poorba;.
missionaries of the Reformed Church in
Saudai, Ja: an, for over eight years, arrived
m Saa irancisco list wetk, oa thtir way to
tucir home in Benin.
Mr. Charity Patton, who is employed in
the freight department of the Norfolk and
Western II. R., with he.idjuaru.-rs at Coin in-
bus. (Juio. is paying a visit u his mother
and sisters in this place.
Samuel Custer, p-opr etor of the Custer
House, Stoyestown, run over to Somerset
for a short v isit Monday. He .'ays that the
Sloyestown hotels are entertaining aa unu
sually large cumber of summer guests.
Thieves entered the home of Mr. Peter
Iiuuibauld, ia Milfurd township, Friday
night, while Mr. arcl Mrs. I'utubaull weie
absent on a visit. The house was torn up
side down, but nothing of value wis stolen.
Miss Marion, daughter cf Judge Wright,
of Bedfjrd, is the guest cf her aunts, the
-Misses Picking, of this place. M;ss Ida
l icking an 1 Miss Wright will spend some
time ia Chicago before the latter retarLS
Mr. I. B. Zimmerman, the well-known
Vuemahoning township stock dealer, has re
turned from bis
North Dakota, lit
ranch, near I:ckiutou,
, with h s wife aad friai
!y, will return to the west about the first of
The annual re union and pic nic of Som
erset County Lutherans, will be held on
Thursday, -i:h inst. Tue committee hav
ing charge of l!ie arrangements have not yet
determined whether the pic nic will be held
at I'.m kwood or Friedens.
Mr. William W. Picking, formerly travel
ing passenger agent of the B. i O. railroad,
with hea lij iirters at -this place, at present
Cny passenger agent for the same company
ia Caicago, spent Sat'tr.lay, Sunday and
Monday, with Somerset friends.
When the arbitrators rendered their de
cision adversely to the owners of the Coal
tracts in Paint towuship, it was iutima'td ia
the Hkkalu that aa appul would be taken
to c.urt. Friliy the Messrs. II otliuan,
S ese and Leboian, thro'iirli their attorney,
tiied the necessary papers of appeal.
Sheriff and Mrs. (i.Kd have as their guests
this week Mr. and Mr. Wiiiiani Lichty and
family, of Iowa City. Ioxa, and Mrs. Geo.
Barnett, of Jer.tier township. The Liciity's
have been spending the past month visiting
their friends and relatives iu deferent parts
of tae couu'y. Mr. Lichty is a county cora
inissioner in Iowa
Rev. John Cramer and wife, accompanied
by the former"!! mV.ber and sister, were
cue-its of Mr. aud Mrs John 11. Ssott, Sun
day. Rv. iVau:.-r is a prominent minister
of the l.sdpleV Church, and for the past
I ftw vears hai been located in the State of
Texas. He is a son of the late Samuel Cra
mer, of Middlecreek townsb'p.
Mr. Noah Scott has sold a tract of one
hundred acres of la id, ia Upper Tarkey
fov)t towuship, t) a party of gentlemen in
terested in the M-uiieton Saaitariam Com-
i pany. iae cousiij-ratioa was f-i , J. aue
lies d rec;l7 opposite the Sanitarium
and is well limbered. It will be converted
into a park and p'easure grounds for the
juesta of th? Sanitarium .
Oa Friday. July U-i.h. Samuel Fyock, of
Paint township, while eng- 1 a: chopping
down a tree, was so hal'y injured that bis
recovery is now d labtful. Toe trse fell on
him and broke one of bis legs, and the tree
bad to be cut ia twain before Mr. Fyock
could be removed. Tue unfortunate man is
about s.x'y years of age and is one of Faint
townships most industrious farmers.
The foar year old daughter of William
Cook, of Giencoe, was killed by tbe mail
west Tuesday evening. Tbe parents were ab
sent from borne and bad left the little tot in
care of an elder child. Its little body w as buri
ed quite a distance against some rocks, life
being extinct wben tbe train backed to tbe
spot. No blame attaches to those in charge
of tbe train, who did ail in tbeir power to
prevant tbe catastrophe. It is eaid this is
the third violent death in this family.
Many of our citizens were alarmed Friday
evening when it became known that a gang
of ten or twelve tramps were camping in
tbe woods north of town, and that tbey bad
made inquiries from young boys pasting
by their camp, in regard to the location of
several prominent business bouses. A cum
ber of special officers were employed and
prep-rations were made to give the tramps a
warm reception in case tbey attempted to
commit robbery. Tbe eight passed but the
j tramps failsd to materialize.
Mr. Cbaa. II. Fisher, of Fisher's Book
Store, is now rUitirg the school boards
throughout the county, taking contracts for
supplying the text-books anderthe free text
book law. He has already received the con
tracts for supply inz all the bocks for the
sot'jol districts of Ueriin, ISrotl. n-va!iT
a til II v-kwood. The school buanis rind it j
mere advantageous to buy of him than toj
seed to the publishers.
The Grangers of this court j will hold
their annual reunion and pic-nic ia tbe
grove near Casebeer's Church, in Somerset
township, oa Saturday, August l&ib.
Worthy Lecturer, J. T. Ai man, O., 8. M.
McHenry, Steward J. V. McClure. of tbe
State Grange, J. R. Truxle, of Westmore
land county, and other speakers will be pres
ent. Music will be furnished by tbe Lin-
coin Cornet Band. All patrons and citizens
are cordially invited to attend.
The Kf.k.ild tanctum was brightened. Sat
urday afternoon, by the presence of the edi
tor ol the Salisbury St ir, Mr. P. L. Liven
good. Mr. Livrngood sports alaxurient set
of evlltorial whiskers Lbroiuh which the
blasts of December will gayly frolic, if they
a-e not removed by one of h i avowed ene
mies between now and then. Editor Liven
Kxil talks entertainingly and encouragiDg
ly corn-erning the future of the E.k Lick le
gion, and promises (hat the .V:r will ia-cre-tse
in brilliancy as Salisbury prospers.
Since the Cambria Iron Company began
to suspend its employes a few weeks ago,
three thousand six hundred men have been
laid oil umjiorarily, which is one hundred
more than fcalf the liuniher the Company
m ploys, the total number being seven
thousand one hundred.
The three thousand five hundred who are
still working are putting in but one-half and
two thirds of their lime. Of tbe fifteen hun
dred employed by the Gauiier Department
seven hundred have been suspended, which
number is included in the above.
Robbers entered the general store of C. B.
Moore, at New Lexington, Tuesday night,
and made an unsuccessful attempt to open
the safe. A bole was drilled iu the top and
a bi-avy charge of powder pla jed in it. For
tunately the safe was provided with a double
set of doors ami the explosion did not en
tirely blow oir the first one. The robbers
were evidently frightened by the noise caus
ed by the explosion, as it was heard by per
sons living ia the neighborhood of the store,
and thinking that the town s people would
light down oa them ma le their escape. The
robbers stole a small amount of clothing
attd merchandise.
S )tne time ago arrangements were made
for a public d-hate a! Meyersdale between
K der Peter Yogel, of Somerset, and K.der
I. M. Gibson, of Girard, Id., formerly of
Roanoke, Va. The former is a member of
the Disciple Church and the latter of the
German Baptist, and the debate was to in
clude eight proposition relating to matters
of faith oa which the denominations differ.
Both gentlemen have been actively employ
ed at ptepani.g for the meetirg and their
friends were eager that nothing should pre
vent its taking place. Mr. Yoel tells us.
however, that he recently heard from Mr.
Gib-on and that be desires thi debate post
ponei iudciiiitely.
Judge Stewart of Franklin county has been
calk-d upea to decide whether township
supervisors can claim liy forthetr-e pre
sumably on road repairs of horses and
wag ins ow mil by themselves. As the Judge
tersely puts it, il is a i lestion as to whether
one occupying a public position, int-nsted
with public money fur the purchase of arti
cles for the public service, may runhase
from himself. And to state the ipiestioa. as
the judge said, is to answer it. It is contra
ry to law. Nevertheless, just such cases as
that raised in Franklin county are qtt'te
common. Ihey are matters of no great
uiacnitiide, and probably da not amount to
an abuse in many Instances, but it ts a prac
tice that should be ended as speed ly as pos
sible, lor it is liable to lead into temptation.
R ib aers stem to have been rampant in this
cij'itv last wecst. eJnesuav night the
lart-e general s!o-e of Joiah Specht, at
priii.vtjwn, was entered and g,xds to the
amount of '-M were carried away Among
the goods stolen was a large let of shoes.
doming and dry goods, and f fteen watches
and other jewelry. Entrance to the store
was atfrcted through a window and it is re
lieved that the robbers fcai a wagon with
which to haul away the stolen goods. The
same gang S'l.-pecteJol committing tne out
rage at 'Siptire Abrarn Beams', in Jenner
township, are suspected of having robbed
Sfiet ht's store.
La'er information is to the effect that tbe
rob!-rs were seen between three or four
o'clock on Thursday morning, near Backs-
town, by an old lady. They bad a one
hrse wagm, which was filled full of goods.
County Superintendents Leech, of Cam
bria ; I iericb. of Westmoreland ; Potts, of
Bedford and Berkey, of Somer-et, met in
tbe parlor of the Windsor Hotel, at Johns
town, Tniirs.iay evening and arranged for
the Annual Teachers' Intitu'-s to be held in
cir resj-ective counties this fall. Repre
sentatives of tne Keupalo ana Brockwsv
Lyceum Bureaus met with them and can
vassed the lectures and other entertainments
to be secured. Nj delinite anuouceiuent
can yet be made as to who will be engaged
to l.vture or what mjsical organizations
will be eeeumi, but patrons of the insti
tute course of entertainments can rest assur
ed that thfy will be the very best obtainable.
It is intimated that at least one of the lect
urers. will be " a statesman out of a job,"
who enjoys a national reputation as a plat
form orator.
The Somerset County Institute will be
held the week preceding Christmas.
Jaoob Landis, ased 27, employed at the
Shultz distillery, near Berlin, was instantly
killed by the accidental discharge: of a gun
last Tued:iy afternoon. Lindis and Henry
Roger, a neighbor, were hunting. They
drove a ground bog into bis bole and con
cluded to capture him. After digging for
some time at the boie in which the animal
b id disapiMtared the men found that they
would have to remove several logs ia order
to prosecute their work further. Landis
carelessly reached behind him and grasped
bis gun, that bad been placed against a tree,
and in drawing it forward tbe hammer
caught on a twig and discharged a heavy
load of shot into bis b'xly. The shot enter
ed bis body just over the heart. The un
fortunate man exclaimed "My God, I'm
shot,"' and fell into the outstretched arms of
his companion . He expired in a few min
utes. Boger summoned aid and tbe dead
man was carried to bis home. The deceased
is survived by bis wife and two small chil
dren. Citiiens of Conemaugh Township, claim
.hat during tbe past several weeks a panther
has bc-en roaming around through the spruce
thickets in the neighborhood of Conner
Post-office, and that on numerous occasions
it was beard.
About two weeks ago it was heard for tbe
first time by men employed at Heckman
Brothers' saw-no ill Messrs. A. O. Heck
man. P. J. O'Conucr, and Alexander Landis.
Mr. Landis claim? be has beard the scream
of panthers on other occasions, and that the
nois which the people bear every ciorbt is
similar to that of a panther.
The scream of the panther resembles that
of a child, only with considerable more
volume. Tbe above named gentlemen have
bunted fur tbe panther in the places from
which the serf ams appear to come, Jbut have
at no time seen anything of it. For some
time part the farmers in that locality have
been missing sheep, and Dow that tbe fact
has become known that there is a panther in
that township, tbe farmers attribute tbeir
loss to it.
Tbe people in tbe vicinity will pot forth
all efforts to search the woods thoroughly,
and extirpate that species of animal in tbe
Devlin's price always right on Furniture
and Carpets, bO and &2 Franklin St., Jobns-
Brave Robbers, These!
YeneraMc 'Sijaire Beam and Wife
Brutally Beaton by Three
Masked Uufnarij.
Tbe most cowardly and brutal crime ever
committed ia this county was perpetrated at
tbe borne of the venerable Abram Beam,
near Beam's Church, in Jenner township,
last Tuesday night. Three masked men en
tered the bouse, occcpied at tbe lime by Mr.
Ream and bis wife, and after subjet ting the
defenseless eld couple to most cowardly and
brutal treatment, ransacked the house in a
vain tfbort to find money. Both Mr. Beam
and his wife were quite seriously hurt, and
considering tbe great a.'e of tbe former, it
will be remarkable inaeel if be recovers
from tbe effects of the dastardly assault.
Mr. Beam, who is now in his nioetyjev-
er.tb year, and his wife, who is sixty years of
age, retired soon after dark. Tne front door
was left unlocked in order that J. W. Ben
son, of Pittsburgh, who is spending the
summer with the Beam's and who bad gone
to tbe bouse of a neighbor, a half-mile dist
ant, to secure a Pittsburgh daily newspaper.
which the msil carrier had left there for
him, might enter without arousing the fami
ly. Mr. Benson, who is seventy years of age,
returned to Beam's shortly after nine o'clock.
When he drew near the house be heard
voices inside and believing that Mr. Beam
bad been seiied with a sudden attack of
sickness he quickened his pace. Cpou en
tering tbe front door be saw tbe forms of
three strange men iu tbe bedroom occupied
by bis hosts. Tbe men were talking in loud
aad angry tones and were urging Mrs. Beam
to tell where her husband's money was con
cealed. Benson carried a light cane in bis
baud, and realizing that robbery was being
committed, he drew bis cane to a striking
position and rushing up to the door demand
ed " wbat is the matter? ' The only reply be
received was a command from one of the
men, who pointed a revolver in his face, to
drop his bands. Before the old feiluw bad
time to comply with the command, he was
felled to the Hoor by a blow from a club in the
bands of one of tbe robbers. Benson says that
the robbers evidently thought that he was
leading a band of farmers bent oa capturing
them and that they appeared to be as anx
ious to get out of the house as he bad been
to get in. Struggling to regain his feet, be
cried, " come on, men ! " and " bloody mur
der!'' at the top of his voice to his supposed
followers. He was knocked down three
times by tbe robbers before they left tbij
house. As soon as the robbers tied Mr.
Benson again entered the bedroom of Mr.
and Mrs. Beam. Mrs. Beam was bleeding
from a number of ugly cuts and bruises oa
her bead and was beading over the prostiate
form of her aged husband, who was lying in
one corner of the room, apparently uncon
scious. Blood was streaming down the
old man's face and bad saturated his cloth
ing. Benson helped to place him ou the
bed and then went int o the yard and rung
the dinner bell in order to arouse the neigh
bors. In a short time several neighbors re
plied to the summons when one of them
Went to Jenner X. Roads fur Dr. Cavode.
The Dr. found Mr. Beam suii'eriug from sev
eral ugly scalp wounds and nervous prostra
tion. His wife was more seriously hurt.
An ugly gash four or lire inches long on her
forehead, showed where one of the coward
ly brutes had struck her with a club. Sev
eral other scalp wounds were made by the
cruel blows that bad been rained down upon
her. Her hotly was a mass of bruises and
for a long lime it was feifed that she might
die from the wounds and excitement under
w hich she labored.
MBS. b Ft KM 8 STi.'RV.
Mrs. Beam says that she and tier husband
bad laid down on the bed awaiting the re
turn of Benson. She saw a man moving
about the yard, but thinking that it was Ben
son, wbo had returned, she waited for him to
enter. Suddenly three masked men rushed
into the bedroom occupied by the venerable
couple and commenced shooting over the
bed with revolvers they carried in their
bands. One of the rascals struck Mr. Beam
several times on the head with a club and
then gra-ping him by the throat dragged
him from the bed and threw Lim vioient'y
in a c cf tbe room. Mrs. Beam was al
so struck repeatedly over the bead and body
with clubs in tbe hands of the robbers. The
Fpokc-iman of the party urged her to
hand over all the money she had in the
house. She went to a bureau drawer, and
securing three pocket books, obediently
bsnded them over. The pocket books only
contained a few bits of silver . binge, and
when the robbers insisted on knowing where
the bilance of her husband's money was
bidden and threatened ber with instant
death nn less she lold, she replied that she
had paid all of the ready cash they had in
the house t-jthe tax collector the day before.
The robbers refused to accept this explana
tion and one of them had thrown her to the
ti Kir and planting his knees on ber breast
was endeavoring to extort a confession from
her as to where the coveted money was con
cealed when Mr. Benson entered the house
aad frightened them away.
There was so much excitement and con
fusion about the bouse that none of the in
mates are able to give a description of the
robbers that could lead to their detection.
Mr. Hi-am had sold several bead of rattle
a day or two before the robbery and it is
supposed that th.s fact became known to the
robbers, who hoped to find the money ra
ceived for the cattle in the house. Mrs.
Beam had taken the money to pay her hus
band's taxes to the tax collector for Jenner
township, Monday, and Mr. Benson says
that so far as he knows there was cot ex
ceeding thirty-five cents in the house.
An impression prevails throughout the
north of the county that the robbery al
Beam's and several other places in that sec
tion, have all been committed by the same
ging, who have their headquarters in the
mountains between Jennertuwn and Ligo
nier. A report was current in Somerset, Friday,
that Mr. Beam had died from the effects of
the beating he had received at the hands of
the robbers, but it was denied later.
Few men iu this co uaty enjoy the gooJ
will and esteem of a larger circle of friends
thin Mr. Beam. He is a man of unusual
intelligence and three or four decades ago
took a prominent part in county and local
business affairs. .He was elected county
commissioner about Cfty years agi.
A club used by oue of the robbers to beat
Mr. and Mrs. Beam is on exhibition at, the
Hebald office. Il is a piece of green timber,
about four feet long and thick as a man's
wrist, and is heavy enough to fell aa ox.
Another Outrage.
While Katie Spangler, a twelve year old
girl of Summit Mills, was gathering berries
near the W. P. Meyers farm Tuesday morn
ing a man spr ing out of tbe bushes, seized
tbe girl and in a moment di spoiled her of
her tresses ; she had magnificent hair, long
and silken. The fellow was shabbily dress
ed, coat split up tbe back, had a long dirk
knife attached to tbe waist by leather tbong.
The little one broke from him and though
be attempted to catch her she tied like a
deer and made good ber escape.
Modern Housework.
May be done more easily, more convenient
ly and with leas expense n tbe Cinderella
Range than with many others; all the old
objections to ranges removed. It will save
yon time, money aad hard work. It is a
good baker and is sold with that understand
ing. Sold by J. B. Holderbacm.
Reformed Church Reunion.
Tbe Beformed Church re-union will be
held ia tbe beautiful grove at Rock wood, on
Thursday, August I7tb. The B. iO.E.E,
will sell excursion tickets cn tbeir main line
and all its branches. Tbey can be bad at
any station at very low rates. A large turn
out is expected. Dinner and refmhmenta
furnished on tbe grounds. A special pro
trrwmme baa been arranged for the day 'a entertainment.
A Strange Field Fire.
Frrai the MeyejsitaJc Commercial.
Orville Roes Bird and Jacob Saylor till
the adjacent farms of the Cumberland Jc
Elklicic Coal Company ia Summit town
ship. As the land is located and divided in
to fielile, Mr. L'ir !, in order to get to his
barn, must drive through one of Mr. Savior's
tielJs. Tueoiday after darner Mr. Bird be
gin hauling iu his wheat. Two of his little
daughters delighted to help him gel the
sheaves of golden grain to the wagon, which
his sons loaded, as tbey were pitched up.
When the load was secured the Uatn started
for the barn through the Saylor field, ail
hands going with it. Auer being w ell in
Ibis field one of the i.itle girls cried oat
"Oh, pia, see the fire. Mr. Bird hastily
turned and saw the wheat stubbie burning,
and fanned by the slight breeze, rapidly ex
tending to his territory. The Saytor force
were summoned and some desperate fight
ing was done, bat before it was conquered
at least 3cC rails of the fence were destroyed
and 22 shocks of wheat, the loss being esti
mated at nearly $40 iiO. It required ail of
two boars to subdue it. The day was in
tensely hot and thstuhble dry as tinder.
Now, what is strange about the matter is
that there was no tire in the Held of any
kind, no one smoked, no one had any
matches, there were no Sortsiucn shooting
at game, no strangers on the premises, and
there was no fire at the sjiot where it began
when the wagon drove over it. The only
plausible theory advanced is that the iron
bound wheels struck a diaty stone, which
brought forth the sparks that iguited tbe
stubble ; certainly all the conditions were
favorable ; the ground was parched by the
protracted drouth, the sun was blazing from
a cloudless sky its midday fervent heat and
the stubble bad been burned almost to tiu
der. We are happy to know that the loss
is so small, compared with what it might
have been.
During my attendance at the Dental Con
gress at Chicago, my oilice will be closed
August 1Kb, lo 25th.
S.J. McMillax,
Hicks' Weather Forecast fcr August.
Tbe storm period, Sth to 12tb, promises
the most active and dangerous storms in the
month, having as tbe disturbing causes
"Vulcan" centra! on the 8th, Venus central
on the tith, New Moon on the 11th and
Mercury central on the 12t'a. There is
reason to apprehend violence iu the elements
between tbe fth and 12th. Tbe beat will
become intense before the storms appinr,
the barometer will be depressed generally,
reaching phenomenal "lows'' at some points.
and cloud formations will be black and
ominous. Heavy hail, thunder and wind
may be expected, and cloudbursts are sure
to result here and there. S-ich are the
results ordinarily following such a combina
tion of cau-es, but there are except ioualca-es,
when instead of the beat breaking into
storms of rain, bail wind and thunder, the
warmth is prolonged, growing more and
more oppressive, the life element iu the at
mosphere seems exhausted, and the sky
-umes a gray to brassy a-pect, aa incubus
seeming to fasten up ail nature, violent
earthquake phenomena break the spell and
allow the elemets lo return to their normal
condition. If perchance this particular
period should take this turn, we call upon
the people and press everywhere to note
cart-lullv whether or not it terminates after
the manner we have indicated. Whether it
ends in storms or sesimic perturbations,
there wiil be suddn revulsions from great
heat to very cool, with probabilities of tem
perature failing almost or quite to the fiost
line in northern regions say from 11th to
1 I'll. About the loth, reactionary tempera
ture with southerly winds will most liely
result in another spell of storminess, and be
followed by another northwesterly iurish of
cool air.
From the lsth to 22nd falls another jieriod
of heat and storms. We came the It'th, 'Joth
ami 21st as days on which the chief distur
bances will be at their crisis. The moon's
first quarter on tbe morning of the luth in
connection with the prevailing Venus
electric strain is very apt t o produce gales
and thunder tqualls within twenty four
hoars of '.'p. m. on that date. Another
series of disturbance for two or three days
will be natural during this period, but the
barometer, wind carcuts and temperutur
will plainiy announce when the storm cur
rents have been reduced to tbe normal the
wind coming coo! and steadily from the
west and north the barometer moving
upward, aad temperature filling. After
these disturbences there will be a close ap
proach to the frost line ia the north. Pleas
am days and very cool nights will follow up
lo reactionary changes and storms on and
touching the 2t!th and 27ih. The full mum
on the 27th will tend to centralize the
disturbance on and around that date, and
will help to precipitate any tendency to
seismic throes that may exist, such being
more than probable at the lime, if electrical
storms should not have been frequent and
hard during the month. August ends with
the first stages of a storm period coming into
action that is. barometer will be falling in
the west, with temperature rising in advance
of if, fed by the southerly air currents that
transport moisture, heat and electric f iree.
from the equatorial regions. August storms
iimistof the northern hemisphere will
develop and move from the northwest, the
first marked indication of their coming be
ing generally a dark or leaden bank across
the northwest at sunset. There is a cause
for this. It is the return of our globe toward
the autumnal equinox, and an t tfort of
nature to let in through our polar gates
cooler ozone and atmosphere from outer
Rooms for Rent In Chicago.
Three nicely furnished rooms, with hot
and cold water, baths, double beds. Ten
minutes to Fair by elevated cars and S.I
minutes by cable cars. A nice q-iiet place.
Rent one dollar per day.
X. S. loalFFITH,
No. 4tl ) Wabash Ave.
Isnoranca of the Law.
''Ignorance of tbe law eicustta no man."
That time honored old aaying may ery
well apply to judges, lawyers and justices of
the peace, but how about the people general
ly? A digest of our laws cist several dol
lars, and even if one is owned and studied
OTer, the legislature is constantly adding to
our laws, making it necessary to read the
new ones if one would escape the jienalties
for their non-o iservance. They have a more
sensible way of doing things in the sta'e of
New York. Thete the laws are required to
be published in every county, so that every
newspaper reader may know to wbat pains
and penalties be may be subjected. The
files caa be preserved and so every man may
digest bis own laws while resting after meals.
Oar legislature is notorious for squanderins
tbe money in the state treasury upon un
worthy objects and schemes. How would it
please tbe people to allow a litlie bit of it to
be stent in such a way that they may not
be subject to punishment for tbe violation
of laws of which tbey could not very well
help being ignorant
A married man to farm at " Pine Sprrn
Farm." Mast be steady and have good
recommendations. Apply to
Mas. I. C. Corrtji,
Somerset County. Jennentown, Pa.
A Blind Man's Pension Suspended.
From tbe Everett Preta.
The pension of Mr. Brooks, of Mattie, has
been suspended. Mr. Brooks ia as poor as is
possible for a man to be and is totally blind.
He received bis pension under the disability
act. Tbe poor fellow is ia great distress as
he bas nothing in the world to depend upon
but bis pension.
State Normal School.
Tbe fall term cf Indiana State Normal
School opens Tuesday, September T2, l"'.i3.
For catalogue address the principal, D. J.
Waller, Jr , Indiana, fa.
Highest of all ia Leavcr-ir.g Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Frea Text Cooks.
Saperintt-udeat Nathan C., of the
department of public instruction, has iasusd
the following letter :
" The act of rsserably approved June 25,
lSo, conferred upon the several beards of
scho)! dirtcti rs and con'.roiltrs permissive
authority to purchase text books out of the
school fund, and to supply these books free
of cost to the pupils for use in the schools ol
their respective districts. This act was so
amended by the act of May IS, l'.c;, as to
make it nianilatory upon school directors
hereafter lo provide at the of the
district not only the text books, but also all
other necessary sc hool supplies.
" This amended act goes into immediate
operation from the beginning of the current
school year, dating from the first Monday ia
June, l-l-.'. The design of the act evidently
is to reiteve parents and puyils hereafter
from the necessity of purchasing text books
and school supplies for use in our public
schools. It is now the imperative daty of
the several boards of directors and controll
ers lo make provision for furnishing and
equipping their schools With school books
and with the supplies generally needed by
the pupils for daily use in the schools, such
as slates, pencils, paper, pens, ink, tablets,
"There may be instanees in which the
patrons of the schools will cause their chil
dren to use the books in their possession so
long as these books are in good Condition
and do not differ from those accepted by the
board. Il is well, however, in this connec
tion for all school officers and all other par
ties concerned to bear iu mind the fact thai
parents and children cannot be required or
compelled tj purchase books directly, as
heretofore; and whilst it is, no d jubt, wise
to urge the pupils to Use the books in their
possession for the purpose of lessening the
immediate outlay of money, they caa not be
obligid to Use their own books, because the
duty of providing books and supplies for
use i.i the schools now duvulves upon the di
rectors and controllers having jurisdiction in
the district and not upon the patrons of the
M-hools, except in so far as they may be law
fully taxed for school purposes, thereby con
tributing their Kpiitabie share lo the gener
al school fund of the district.
" B-ioks ia ail the required branches of
study are to be provided by the directors
and lor ail grades of the pubiic schools, in
cluding the high .-chool."
For Sale, Very Cheap.
An entire outfit of machinery for the man
ufacture of fertiliser, ii eluding a larg butler
and engine.
Somerset, Fa.
Safest Placo for Money.
There is not a safe iiv any counting room
iu this or any other state strong enough to
contain ttie money winch accummulates in
such a business house every business day in
a year. The only sale depository for such
money is the vaults of a rtguiar tanking
institution whicu are buiit specially for tlie
purpose and which are watched closely to
asMire the certainty of the depository for
safety. Where there is oi, e bank iu whieh
dishonesty is piactued there are a hundred
in which strict accountability and unyielding
honesty are the rules. Wliy then should
any busine-s man hesitate to place his money
ou deposit in a Lank btca .se a few of these
it.sfit otiotia nave lati !y failed? If merch
ants at: d .lii-iufacfurers keep their surplus
cash in the. r own safes, the temptation to
by persons emplcv-d in these
houses o'a!d tie tne same as it is believed
to tie ia uaiia, while the ease tor outii.ins
lo do tht -aiae thing would be greater. Tti.s
eii-oiis the fully of basintM nieii brsitaiini;
to make deimsits ia bar ks of their own
locality because weak and badly niat.aed
institutions at a distance have lately been
failing. When banks are known to te do
in a safe business, when tbe integrity ol
their othcers is assured and their manner of
living a guarantee that they are not s-j .an-di.-it.o
ottier '-.)'ie's money, are ttie j tacts
to make lieji-osi is. A in lie seiisiote
of this subject will eonvinc? any sensible
man fiat tne safe in a mentianliie or man
ut'acturiiift house is not the plai e to de;ioii
the daily ac.-umuiatir. cash of estab
lishments. Think of it. Hirri.bur i c'.tr.
Companies are Liaoie.
There is a prevail::!;; impres-ion that Icic-
Itrapb, telephone and eltcrric light compa
nies have a riht I) do almost anything wilh
the trees on a man's in ttie way of
muti.atii.j; them to suit their needs, that
thiy may see lit. This is ai! a misiake.
Pel. era! year ao the Lancaster County For
estry Association aas instrumental ia hav
ing a law pasied to iu il j is. such ca-es, sev
eral ol" which had been brought to the no
tice of the .Society by members whose rl'tits
had been invaded and whose pro;erty had
been injured. S tch companies have no riyhl
whatever either to use'.he trees standing on
a man's premises, or on the roads or s :rets
outside of it, or to mutilate or injure ihtm
ia aiiy way against his wishes or his com
mand. He can briu suit and recover dam
ages for sncn a violation of his rifthts, and
we are ;riad uitn are availing themselves of
this legal protection. Several cases i ave
been p.ihl'.shed from time to lime, and we
see by the West Chester papers that an ail
grieved citizen of that boro.iirh has brought
suit against aa electric light company for
wilful:)- cutting and mutilating some shade
trees on his prtmi-cs. The company was
stringing wires lot its plant and were not as
considerate in dalin with the trees as they
were asked to be. The otfnders were held
for trial nl the next term of the county
court, when they will no doubt learn that
private citizens have some rights whijh com
panies using electric wi.-es are bound to re
spect. Acas'orlwoof this kind in every
community wiii be sutH.-ieui to secure citi
zens from farther outrages in this particular
direction. Lii:r"Ur yit .1.
An Earthquake Disaster.
Milo A. Jewett. I'uited States Consul at
Sivas, Turkey, reports that lie had j ist re
turned at the date of bis letter vJ-iyothi
from a visit tv a district in Asiatic Turkey
which was devasted by aa eartaiiiak three
months ago, and he te'is of sutf-iring almost
unprecedented. The etfectj of the disturb
ance, besays, were confined to in j intaln-
ous territory about frty miles f .yosre of j
which;a and Ad aman are principal
villag'.s. Twothousanl houses wre nearly
ruined and three thousand rendered unfit
for habitation, 'il-i people were killed and a
much greater number wounded ; and D.TM
cattle, horses, sheep and goats perished.
Weeks ol severe sun-ring bare followed the
catastrophe aggravated in that mountainous
country by snow and raia. Tbe result of
the exposure has been the d.-a'h of a large
number of children.
Exceeds His Authority.
From tbe Johnstown Tr.bune.
A Justice of tbe Peace, not five miles frora
Johnstown, committed a nun to Jail yester
day for thirty days for "drunkenness and
disorderly conduct." When the Constable
appeared at the Jail with bis prisoner and
commitment. Warden Young did not like
the looks of the commitment on that charge,
as the Jail would have to beenlarsed if such
were crimes, so he brocght the matter to the
attention of tbe Court through his Council
Alvin Evans.
When it was made known J.iJire Barker
said : "I know of no law that would justify
these proceedings, bat some Justices of the
Peace have, apparently, more power than
!Ho fl
A Brave woman.
Ht STHuMJ, A :?. '"..Mrs. Minnie Han
ninger, of Laurel Ran, Jackson township,
this county, is the heroine of the hour in
this section. Durii g the past three months
the Hanningers have Io; a large number of
sheep and lambs fiom the deprecations of
some wild animal that inhabited the moun
tainous recion in that irjniel.ate neighbor
hood. Yesterday Mrs. Hanninger, in the
absence of her busbstid, determined to dis
cover, if pos-ib'e, the ier of her sheep,
and. after armliii? hers. II wi'U a Ion,' bufco
ry broom handle, sl:e started utl fvr the
moui.f.iin, where the sheep had sought shelt
er from the heat. At about 4 o'e.ocfe tne
woamu reached her de-!in-,:ion and secreted
herself behind a fallen tree.
She had watched thus for about an hour
when she was startled by seeing a large yel
low catamount stealthily creeping lowarl
the unsuspecting sheep. The animal seized
a half grown sheep that was browsing away
from the rest and was making cifwitbit,
when Mrs. Hanninger ran after it with her
club. The catamount droppe-I its prey
when thus pursued and turned on the wo
man. Mrs. Hannimrer was equal to the
emergency. She waited for the catamount
to spring at her, and when in .midair and
wilh its j'iws threa'eningly opened she thru-t
her hickory weapon dowa the animals
throat. She wis knocked doan by the for.-e
of the attack, but q ihkly recovering ai.d
still retaining hold of her broom handle she
kept churning thecitam ouut's interior until
she had subdued her assailant, and then
with a few stout blows she killed it. Mrs.
Hanninger did net faint after ber notable vic
tory, but she dragged the dedd animal home,
where its pelt was removed. She is now the
htroine of the whole region.
Easy to Manage.
The Cinderella Range is easy to manag",
many other ranges are n t. The construct
ion of the Cindercl.a a Imits of plenty cf a.r
under the grate, which prevents it fn-iii
burning out, and every provi-ion is u.aJe
for cleanliness. Examine, it before you buy.
Sold by Jas. B. Hoi lerbum.
Harrison Boomed Again.
ioiLLBWiLLr, Itul , A'ig. I! I rotn Si.ios
of L. T. Mn.hrii-r's fririi ls hi-re it is h-arned
thi-t he has taken cliare of Harrison s ca:n
iiaign fir the notuiria i in for President ia
l-fi, arid wiii woric Irom
Washington. I.o!0-es or secret clubs are
now U-ii.s forme 1 ail over the State itii
Har'ison sol !y in view. U:i To-s-'.ay ni.-ht
the Harrison club got cut circulars, and ob
tainin a lare number of roosters pit lures,
such us Democrats use in case of victory,
ja.stcd tliem on the w indows of I Vui'.i rats
and laboring Uica. The placards bore tb s
statement :
"These are the cood tlrni-s you Voted f ir :
wheal, forty cent-: batia b.i-'.el, no work,
factories closed, no mor.iy."
The tl.-lit Is to Ik- startc 1 at on'v and be I
kKt tip tint!
mittce ia t ; '
l!. The -fiate
a-n for this p'.irp..
I Co
Your Vacation at Atlantic
The last of the s--ries of summer fxetir
slon to Atlantic City, via Baltimore and
Ohio KailroaJ, will be run oa Augti-t 17th.
Tuea:ne ami'-e:r.e:its will be made for
the arconiaioiati .n of tliosa avallit-.o the.'u-selv.-s
of the lo rates an-1 superior traia
servii-e aJorded o:i the previous excursions,
to trj -.y a re.-p.te by ihe seaside. Ttie
scenery en rou'e ts u::sii'pase-l by that of
any other line in America.
Tickets will bs valid fj.- return j i irmy
for twelve days frora -lay of sale, and w i.i
be'l na ail reir iiar trains. n return
jourtiey they wiii he pod toi ip oil at
Waohirr-ton, thu atf jnlirij- an oppx.rti'.nity
to visit the nu-nerou? publtc t'iii Jlt'irs,
wliich are open to visit rs free of charge,
and to take a trip d iwn the Potomac to lit.
Yemen, ihe tomb of Washington, as weli
as to vi-it other p a .' -i of interest ia and
near Washington.
For rates and tinii of tra
peiidei t:.tle :
nlt ap-
LKtVE- A. M.
K'cki...-1 10 i7
J.-riutov, u - ,. 7. M
ss'lln:r-et . 'O'li
Mvicrwltt c ti.i;
H ll'lriall , 1 'Ot P. l-.j
Cor.e-p indir.'ir'y low
r M. P.ATE.
il i I J.I...J
4 I" Voo
1 . a, a.
'ei from other
For in ire detailed inf irmatica app'y to
nearest I!. A: U. tuk. t a 'eat.
The Time Extender-, Aug. 'j-Jii.e I.X'h-en,
Pension Commissioner, has; extended until
O-tob. r Io, l-:il, the period within wnlch
pens.oners who-e pensions Lave been sas-pendi-1
may brin proof of their riht to
receive them.
Tae Commissioner Says ia regard to the
order : "I: has been thought that because of
the persistent misreprese itatlon by certain
c asses of newspao -rs and ers itis of the ac
tion and intention of this b'trenu that niatie
ensioners may have b-o'i misled and dts- i
CO. traced from presttatt-iit such proofi as I
they could furnish, or fioia askin,r for a I
nu lici! examination. I have, therefore, j
concluded to extend the time within which j
pensionersaiready iiotiiiei, but perhaps mis
led as I have indicated, may take steps to 1
retain their pensions, if they are in fact en- i
titled to them."
Denver In a Plight.
Soup dispensaries have bfa op-tiel in
I'enver, Colorado, by citl.ri.s who fear h.-eiiu
riots of the unemployed. Ntariy one half
the entire working joiiulatic-n of the Slate
is out of work or on ha.f time. Perfect or
d.T p'evails, but dire foreboding's a.-e ex
pressed for Ihe fu-ure unli-ss business i-.u
provrt and some of the si.v-r mines resume
Hundreds of labop rs a, id miners are leav
ing I cuver every day oa east bound fieijhl '
trams. Most of the unemployed are bound j
for Chicago and it is fvare 1 tliat t.'.e.r nu.u-
, 1
bers w.ll tw laroB cuouti to make the bad '
laS: i-.t..!-ti..i. t.,ra .tt" ...-.a u- ii - 1
cesaation of ail work oa tiie Wori-J's
Fair J
Chicago, will became, it is feared, the most
overcrowded laoor niirket in the World.
The State Board of Ctianties has assumed
Control of the h jn Jre-Ja ol h ing-y and pen
niless men who are coaii::,- in from tne
ru ountains and surr-jun towns. icre
tary Wliiiam Broadhea-i is io charge of the
"uneiu pk yed labor camp, ' ar.d the sta'e has
placed 2M) tents at t s d -posal. Four
Ciompaiies of infaatry have been placed
under arms. Neatly 2.J hutigry men were
fed Monday at pubnc expense,
lAtnver is shipping ihe penniless men Fast
as fast as possible. The men are loaded into
box oars and dumped at Missouri li ver
points at the rale of i-l railroad fare per head.
Notwithstanding that the sure odlcials ac
knowledge that ia tending these men to
other states they are violating the provisions
cf the pauper immii-raiit law they fall back
npon the assertion that the men toi-i be fed
and that Colorado cannot take care of them
Uiit.l such time as the mines may open aaia
and famish work.
Wrt9at to Fatten Ho.s.
Riaiuso, Au- 1 The price of wheat ia
the S-ianyikill Valley to-day reached its
lowest point in sixty ytars, dialers oilering
UjT the new crop just threshed and ct
cents and fc cents for old wheat. A this ia
lower than farmers have to p7 or feed
ma-iy intend t feed the wheat to their hogs
and cattle, eoofi lent that it will lay them
b ter ha w-v.
The Popular Suit for Traveling and Strwt Wear re the
XotL.Bg in-re ii'Uveiiietit f ra la r t
ed Sulla. e hai; tl.eni from t i np4a-!.
wal-l. Wr h,,v W.-:.i, ni.-ely iii :-, fn.
are nw M rr-jirsi'e f o?. C iillii
i.n in . iv'diiii.' leiib; i lifUii vv: iiiis. t uti-ee-, lih'ie-i anl Cotton
Hat-lies) alt i.i iro .it i'k. jt-r jarl; Print I Ifc-ttrl !- g at !.' e ; -pMiitv
French Satin, .'JO and 'Xt cent quality, ail j.o now at 2 o. ; Ban ade JNiteeui-. Ill-ami f'
cent quality, ail r now at line. Reduction in ail departments on seasonable tioods.
Children's Ready-Made tiinghaiu drens-!1, ") and 7" o-ntu, and fl guckls, go dow at
'o, 00 and 73 cents. Ask to see our new blarg-Juu Towel at 2c.
WE are Ready. Are
Our -"'Tin.' t-tock coutaias cvcrvtliiuir tliat id New,
n Men'?, Youth'?, l.ojss' and ChiMren's Clothing wo are the hustler?.
A head and shoulder above a'.l would- be competitors.
Our Hut Department challentre the adtniratin
seeing is believing, call satisfied.
251 and 253, Main Street, JOnXSTOWX, PA.
No. 113 Clinton St., Johnstown, Pa.
Willi econonjy end profit to the Customer. Come and see.
rVaKM Fo3 5 ALU
A farm in l.itic-iln Mi-'nshin. e-D:atii:i aw
ai-r---. m'ireiir IT. ai res clear, mim tmi-U'-e
wi ll tii:i'-t-ri--l- i' Irani? boose a:i-l lir-i
l :."i :u -.-! state ur ruOiTit'.i hi. A tfm-l l..r
li in of ta-t'l iiQ-i ro.:-l w nh a tins j oy or moe
'4.i.6. lir.-e a;-,le iiri'l'ar-l an 1 -'iar rainii. A
X- i Ikiiru in A 'o-l-; I... .r.;t-i . tr lurlller ana Icni..- - it i 'in -r -.iitr-.-v
J.v t l; Mai i, f.
I ot rAUTiTIiJN".
tinfTi-T I.eon tr-1 1
:-.' I-smarl an.l Hur-
ri-vii, i..iiro. ol eitlu-r rnyeiie or UtstitiMfis
inl;.j.::io. k'A . an 1 Mary Ann Kn-h. n.t.-iiuir-I
.tsi i- it 'i 1-ii-a-- Moijilc.i, ni f .iVt.te OMUly. 1'a.
i o-i ae h,--ei y nuli'lcil tliat In jior-oani e of
a r;l. i.t' 1 arr.lii'.n Iv.u. il u..t r tin- On-uaiis'
iii:..- or -irci-r--! --imio'v, tvtm-vo'.aiiia. &:.! lo
tin- 0: l.-i't a. 1 'a ill i.ti.O an la ,'l- l i;.i tin rTet'i,--e-,
'li tiie real c l'-e nf Jm-i Kn-ii, dee ,i sn.i
iie i.i Lower Torko-ylinil timi-i-tiii, sonieret
(ni-iy, i'o.. mi Motiii.y. ilie -iii ill AoK'-isi.
)-.:. i::t ii auii wiicie v ia i-au aiu-uit it vmi
I u'i pro, -r.
eiic.:.1 ?.... MAIAil fioori.
July totti, t.-5. i cn.-rir
late of
I'iiiiin Kis.-r, lata- of Ir'Hiiersvalii.-y
tov nsip. itcc'ii.
Leitt-riof al-oioi-THtion mi the aO-ove estnid
hav.i- heeri c.lij to uie uii'ti-riaoe'l by tiie
K-kii-o-r of V:;.s, etc., in ami lor sii:itrs-t
I uiliity, ti-.ll'-e is her-!,y Kl.'eri to aii
te-o;.s i.l'U-ti'l 'o Sitl'I e-tate to Ulaice ilu'll-.-il 1
av l-aviiieot. Hti.l IfiiKse ti.tvin- i:iti:us amtibsl
tiie -.nme ;.! Iirei'l.t theia iluly tuiii
tor aettifiiiu oil r'r.'lay, seot. s, 1-
t:i tf-.l
I.i i.ia
ac, i'a.
LEV1 J. Jupi;!,
A im:n..-t raior.
Lstate i'f 'larar-.-t srn::u. lute of soi-ier-el touu- 1
sii. .-o:iier-et .ii ii-..'-. f a., line il. i
hetter-ior A lijoltl-iriitlo.i 11! nil- e'.ate li.ivin i
oeen i.Taut-sl to ll.e u H-1-' i lii-l !? Ill-: lT-l'T
a.itnoritv, u-itir i. hi-rei-y viv.-.n t-i a:l '-.-r-oiiii '
mil -tiled lo a. i e.-l.ite t.-1 iske liume ila.e -HV- !
tiieut. all'l ttio-e tiaviu i ! til:.. aiia.i:-l Itie -a'ile j
lii tir-sent i.'ii-til to:y a rncoieateit for --irie- !
m-iit mi or h. ore I r. iirx-irf-.. eoi. ;i b. Is... at '
t. e r,-. l.-M, e of toe'alur in SoiVe-tuu u
tOMl'ND "Mmi.
i.m:nisTi:atoi: s xioTiCE.
t--Late of (t-.-orve fie,-er. la'e of Laiial-T UiU-
ii (.". i
elf., in
ttti'l tor -.:iif --r-t i'-) y, tit.i id hTr'T :.vt "i
ti a.i jf-r.u- :;:ii'.iti ii io .i-l rliU' in nui irn
jn;:;tit tltc t j.'rf-jiit Iihtu tiu iy aiKi.-nt:
--i.;e! f-r -i-iuv :iU-n. ml W&i i-- i iy, in" -il. 'iy
of Ai-x' i- lvi, at itiK rt--.t-k.atc vt tCe uii-Ocrsi-iU-i--!
.a or t n i-:e iuWLf. if.
A-luin-.-lrator. xotick.
i A
aiirie. M ri-Aw. -.te tf Sam:;.;
a.,-. -I a
bv.Ii Uc-rU i.rulf ! In tit; Ufi lr fc'nr-t iJ Hi;
p:-jnr ti'li r: v. uut;- it fa.-rrt-y ifivt-n i
pu- in irt.'t.-- t-c-i i e."r: t- .:. --; iran."l:
xt uv, m:nl U.e-i 1 1 v-i rf i v''--ii-t
tiie !-'!. pr-!-T;; tii m aui.r 'jil.fnt.r-.---i
I. r --.-;iiu.r u em .tturtly, A.i;,i'i
at ia-' re5.utfat.-tr ui atccao: in inw a.iaip
A li:rui'ir'-ir. ,
iu sv-vs'&u- of .;erij:- M.vS, flt-f-e i. lute of
.-Ma-le rniiitip Sraret -t-iuiy.
I.'-t.r'-ol" ai::iiui-irutiuu uavirjtf iojo itifl
uee w hrifiy v-vtn u ail p.ri.c itj-ltti.ri u
t;.ir-itt. l liinko in. in- j.ayfii"t ( ti.-
a?n.' t::l a-t .ar'.i- naviLi; cialn..- a.i:t s-uiu
'iac. prr-ut ,i:Ti tlu.y ii'.m nu' ai-J !o inc
u ir iK!.; Lit? I i ta uhv t( Atiifi-i, l.' h
re.-.'U'ii e -4 .ue l-t.'c.l lor Myueni r. I mv
titrlliClai .AMI hL Al.t-K.
A'ini;n..-lrtU'r 0.u:,e il-x1.
I The nr.rrs'i-r.e.1 ou'er lit : rivfi'i.i-.'.e the farm i
I of tt.e :ale eortie Plie. a-lj iiiiiiiif Hurni r-t i
i 1- roiii::i. ou t..e -liy.--t.ii Ol r.a.l, c..lilaini! K j
1 i .-i. ai-res i.i, re i-r li --. 1 :.e f-irui is iu au .a ei
' n ui ie.ate ot tfii.i ; '. .ill il . a I near !. !; s ano a eit
-.r.rer'.'t. t- liii'ler.rtiii will. A Vf in ol zmul c
' alel ex- ei;el.t lire i u.-. All ei.-.aiit lie liaril l
I a.- on t.i- l-reiiil.-es. For leiuas aua lur tiler I.--
li'.ulars aplJ-v- lo
' C.l-1 JRl.E G. PILE.
( ISo. 51 soiiii.reI rt..
J bastown. Pa
ct CIIAaLivi E. PILE,
SVi-nersct. P.
rJ,I-i-PA-'i SOriCE.
. , . . ,. .
NuTIi E 5 li.Ts-hv eiven thsl all rrsnn fr. ra
an l ai . r mi- .i.te 'f.m i :,i n unit. -.:.
" i-tiiti. i.uutinj; or t r.- il. on ttie :ri.i. .4
t ie lo.Uiw iia'nel r.-ri'.s :n on. . r.i r-
lji. .'li lie pr.reL-iil. ! ari-jn iu .av.
i.eil e.-, Joliti li ini-r,
M.riin l.r.r .!. Jrre. iie-y,
Ja- oli Hi i ieuiver, Aitar.i I'li-u r.
i.-IiU A- Uiortiiail. Sa.u IJ r-ieele,
i-'M- J. .Maorcr, J-:ry s-a Ani.
Jus,', KiAilit, JiaLptl fausb.
Jn'j l liii.
Or a
BtLsiocsa, M iiic. Ara leruic,
for caialf triae to
riLLTtnaop s.rr. a. JOHNSTOWN.
Praotiortl B'j.inia Evlucation
5 i. 'ir.i AVr: riTrs.ii. a ,u. pv.
q ! ihus t2-e ai wahif a-l protaMt
itTiu.H. veryon; tf year 4raaL.0U.-3 pic-t-
in a r ;l pjmiur.i.
B-atjitfct-ptriaf. itirthn'l Typvwrifin?, Tele
RTa;.h upvr:;nc. et . ts-.ttfht by a-tiial ft'i'-i'it-w
ra.-iioe. Kiut.m fiOaUveiy OuarauieML V riU!
for f.t caVait sK-its.
Bicycles and
. Watches eWerDl
- a o -v j
O'tGirls. Write for particulartJ
318 t 38 SMi . P1H.iw-.Pi f
ktnd of
r. I
'v. u, anl. Ail our Summer i-xiU
J no to o sud n cents, trmiihaui-i
of 1S93.
BcautLful and
ioa of everbodv.
I a. V.
1 i.e f:r Hoi North Iu the Court of Com
nvrtiie Kirt: Brick i muu 1'teas ol ouiiie-M-l
liinipMiiiy l.iiu.u-.l ,-l oiinty ot Ji.i, -i Jlay
to i 1. 1-:.
Iai ; I. Swmk. I
o, Hillary As. foment for the tmneritof rrt l
iKr. Aii4 nw, 11th July. i.a motion of W. J.
Bier ami K. W i.-. -ser. K-j ., raa.le an. I rite.!
n.e i i. irt api-oiiil J. i. Kimiiiel. lo,,., Aooitor ui
pa ui-m toe .a.-i-, l un. anl umao ili-lritio
tiori.if ine f'niiis in iii. nar.o- ot iiej aaviguce u
aii'l anion-' l..-e li--aliy eut:llet Ulerelis
K- r.i l ir.Mii the Krni: 1 l eri.- e.1
!M-Um .lay Ol Ju:r. A 1.. I :..-..
, . W. il. SASNKK.
i"-11- I'lvrtrioliolii-y.
AU - iniere-t-ii are i:' that in pr.r-
-llalli-eoi tiie loreifi,!il l-ominis-lilll, 1 will aa.
t. n.l al u:y ,nlr e. iu s ...ier-; is.roUiiu, ou I tture
'i iv. a hm Kit), l-l i. to bear me, ail
i 1 iiin. must be to tue Auditor or l
ht-reaiiKf oeOiirivl .'rum ciaiiiiiii a sua re ot 11. e
I la theOrphaiiV Co'irt of
- soiii.r-el County, fenn
) svivamo.
ratiiar.iie Kiin lav,
-Ttd Mar, l -'t, Admiuistratom
ti-Llfl OM.l'lt,-iV.
I'Count cot;-
t Ana low, mil July, l-'::i, on routioa of Kreil W.
...c-erlcer. K-.., An y io.- irie A-luiini-traior-.,
liie'l tiie Court L. C. ( olUiru. Kso Amli.
j tor. t!i ji'i-.-rt.'.lii a-( . alii-eiileuls an 1 ililritiuli
Il-e flu.l iu tue linlrl of lue A.:iii!ii-trtor lo
anoaiiioiiK ui se.eiiil.iy entilietl tuereto.
j ou.vr.-. t Couii'v, s-i
I l-xirai t from the recorl.
. c -ruria l.itn Jmv, so...
1 -"'I-- I" A. 1. iilLK.UAX, C'.erk. la hereby given that I il! meet to at
U.fl to i, lie -Lilies uii'lertlie te acpoiiilinelll
si l::-- i.iii.-e ol -ii'jora di oiNi-ii, .soiuer-el, fa .
on l.Tir-it.iv. A.ii-ast into. A. 1 , iwii, at io
o c-tiK-a A. .'ii., wtieu ami wtiere all parties caa
w hr--aj w- the m..!rr-:amf .1. Imv forn:e,f
r-r.iv .;vt i.r.:i.u i r tii- tuuiiutl priM'tmo ol our
rti M'Ht :i li-TWiii- l..ti :d tjji ou liitf
pr-m.iu lUv uii.ifru-iir.. iu ntK Um!ch'r!i ,(
s.rn-r ( -ml l..n, mi i..r t.n- anr-. , tiUii(iIU4
i.rthf rr'ii:-. nutj-. hu:n ; i.r t-r.Hir kih,
tH- L-rM-'4ilca Ui l;i4. lu.l a., lit ... IS. 1-c
Hxri rv W nikrr.
l:-: ;u:i.;u Mil'.ir,
Jiti.rv Imrr,
A.vni La'iiii:,
It J H.ii'.-mn.
A'Um a. to in r.
Hi nry '.V'r.f,
.V h. 1 re-iti,.
i atiui Mm a.M.
y. hf'r,
Krmo ; isi(
J. ' L hv
If. W. r.
A. P W K.
V am P IT,!.
11. J - -1 ! It.vf,
' .'(ird I Jtrr.
it Ir im. itr. Lij4yt-l.iab.
July jn, xi.
t'. i. Hruiu-titr,
A. K. bi.tur.
tiii. Kimnift,
rrt:'? L. ixiun,
1 l'-(.a
I has Ireiit.
V. M. frvmtr,
V. A. MUU-r,
J. J. Kwriilty,
Jai..! U-iliart,
M' :irv ism.
K. a ..rr'.PH.
v :u. v toiatr,
J. U rV-r.. y,
Cured or no charg" by
Write for our System of cure.
V safe and -ure cure f.:r K z-ma, (..-anulaied
llye I. ds, .Scald Heads, ltaiU-rs Itch, Tetti-r,
Pimples, 111 ns. worms, Krj s: jielas, Jkift Corns,
Earning Itching Piles
and ail etuptior.s.
IM..-..1. ii.. ),. ;
lly v:--:. -.
l'-,irai: 1 1
Us !:rei teii.
re -liieil'-e o.
i.-t : nt-'--: i ' ' 1 1 i t v. Vm., ausj to rxpajr- i pM.j at te
i tli
18th, 1893.
it 1 o f i. T. M . the f.-w!r;r K-scri.a rtal
-;a:e oij. H. I.r. tor. iW.J. to it
1- 1 ;.e r. firssu-jut ir4i of iaul -itnafe B
Jtfi.i.r ?'. ij-ii.p, .--.-inrr-t njiiuiy, a-i;i.m-!'Uirt:i'!ioi
J.J. i!wii, i.Ha-A. K;n, ira.-.
t-ru. '.y ..r; --tt i.y j. -Hi. ktVirn. an-i tAhrn.
u story
Frame House, j
aii'l a Ix t an h-tt th.rvsn. .V;t irj a.Tt-4
' i'fi t w v. ,,.r uu-1-rHial with a
t.t m 01 o:. Terw ar taw on ti.di utf
Mt inul a n- a n.r t-w.-np nt t;. farm
1. A f-f.!i lra t aiii'iai-r in the mmr
U u-h;n. .'jtit ;n Uiri of J'i Lrrjr, Atj(.
;-r:'rirrtn.i ti.rri. e jnii:iti 1 acrrr-. iwrr r
Terms :
TO pr nt r.f p irrlia icoorr to be paW aa
Mm a- pr.rrt y i-i i.'ir-'i, ) J ; of iTrhMt
uii'twy Jt.'1 l i--f w-ri.i. oa f aiiriiiaiwo
. ;i Ai.rU I. .' an-! ' . on Aj rtl 1.
wit:. i.ii'."t fl-ft rr! (h". uicuL. l'wfenaiua
vi a in irouam-i; n f-a.t..
jtt iitajo Jr. Tni.-rtaa.
Cures thowiands annnally of Li 'rCom
plaiiit iiHioai.ness, Janhdics, Dysf-etv
aia. Conatiptttion. ilalarin. Jfnre Ills
resolt froraaa I'nheairhy Llverthaaany
otherense. Why atirTer when you caa
be cured f Ir. SaiforiF Liver Javigor-
'.t s r.1-1!-.'!) '.-.n, e-)-n
Ira. el i:i thau ine of thealxove
l..eycai t wi rti w.tli auy