I- Rlirit KT ( K THE PIRKCT. 'KSOF Tl-I" J'ik'K A N I '! THE H ' "E . i mm uvuvvt (iK njMEI:- frr.v.rvrv li . i:.t Court and iiran.i Jurv for the year ending 3i.-t le ce a; A. D. IN'-'. T-O.e HjUV' !e. t:,fJ"J.!' o C.srtt H.'er -... tU !' W '-J la cotr.-:ce;t the Sixth fraction of the Act of Assir.tiT, approved the i .V. "'sJ of A; nl, 1S4, providing for the erection of a - H nTseof EuploymeDt and Supiort of tbe Voor t,f said Cojutv," the undersigned rirec:ore herewith reapec--!". submit and lay Ixfjre yon tiioir report fjr the jer end ing la!ter 31, l- 'l, aaowing tLe number and sex of all prrsom maintained and em I,i,.vedin aaid Uous of Employment and -jj"iKrtedor a-elst.-d elsewhere, as well as t-cr.atu ofthoec who Lave died at aaid Hojje of Employ ment during the year, and of the c-i.!Jren by them indentured, with the mines of their masters, their occupation an 1 ratings. Wt a'.jo. herewith submit an account of all ra:, djna'.iuns. devises and biuests, and in jies receive-i hy or for them. In addai-ra to the information required by tbe Act ofAwablj the Bjsrd of Direct or' -twit- f;r'ii-h und. r suitable head i: !: ua.-ues uf those wh have been as ;s'ed tVtkr a -5 1. also, ti.e children who wvre rtainlairit-i :n private faro;! under tu.A?t of A-"inVy a;.prjvi 1 li:h June, -uJ the amount l-at- for their maia-te::a-.-e. Also, the Biaifi of a'.I f-ersjna re in vc-d to o'.?r ins-.itutions for medical trra'.pj";it and Uraciiing. Wc. a:-.. sulmiil an aocount of the repairs m i ie, d!-criiti-jn of buUJ.nas erected dtir ing tf.'S year, c .uJitioa of the farm, proJ-tts of the sa;ue. materials made and manufact ure!. ijiruvr ma U or adJeJ, tetber wl'S a sliort hi-jtory of th Hjj of E n-p!,s-ra-:it. a well as all other items which ,y be of i'it-r.,st ts the CV-rt, Grand Jury arid the Public. All of whic h is respectfLliy submisudand Ci-rtlfied this Slst day of Jceaiber, liJ- Ja ::'.::;; this annual rojwrt the IK reel ori htrowith -f.vt a s!. rt history of t- H :::,r. believing that i: will be of Interest to It.? C.tll'ltS. T.ic-'Ij :s of E op'oymeiit of Sjtnerset C- ury was ur jTptr'-A by A-t of ..se.n a;.;r v-J I.'.t'i Aj-ii, l-i. The b'li f.T in -! ira'tn it in: a lie w d.-aa by li .n. I vu-H-ir.s, ati i wa pres-.atel ! ai..".iti be;"),-" llie l'.-j;hlature by lion. Jjl-n II. Eiie. !)-) was the member from thicjunty. lij'.ho! th se jrnLl'-mea have to t..'ir ii.'.al ml. The com-m's-ttonvrs Ei:u-J i j the bill t itU-J. a site anJ i. tr-'.iii-; a s jitaoe farm were George Walker, hdrii i?; Mllltr. J An Utr.'.ii. Pct-T li':uiii. IUv.d Livan, John UjtTiuan. liea ji.'iln ivliuru l, d:-jr-t Chorpsnninj and J; b Miller. T:.e A-.-l of l i b M.ir b, IS 40, extended the time f jr the eitibH-oi.nj of the Home fjr one y-.c.r. Ttie tj jn submitting th? juts lli.n 13 the pe ;'e whether ihey wanted to erect a IfjtHe 'f Employment or not waa te! J ua the H li'lryof U.-toW, 1M and carried by a auta'l maj'rity of the voter" uf the County. The present poor fa'ta waa pe'n.-te'l and t urchaved by the coniniia-ion-er named from (i.'orge Chorpenin at 7, ;'.: In the fa!i of 1SP1 the Hou-e of Em ploy meut w aa opened and ail per-ons saj) ported and maintained by the townships ut.diir the overseer system were oriered to be brought to the Home. At the general election held the 13th day of October, lH, Af-salom Caseiwer, Joseph ImhofTand Uenjamin Kimmel were elected I)lreclors of the Poor; who, according to the Act of As--mbly, met on the -d day of November, 1W, at the Court House and drew lots as to the terra earth was to serve, resulting in Abfa'.om Castteer drawing the one- year term, J'-seoh Iinhotf the two year term, and Benjamin Kimmel the three yt-ar term. The first meeting of the Directors was held on the Ikh day of January, Is 17. David StMth was appointed the firs', steward of the Home and served until 1st of April, liil. w hen he wa succeeded by IVrry Walker, who served until the IstofAprii, lt, when lie was elected Sheriff of the County. The Iirectors were succeeded by Jofrpli Cbor j-enning, vice Alsalom Cavbt-er resigned; Henry Eratik, Samuel Will, John Eichty, Jac-j'o Aukt-ny, Jacob Kxhi'jl. Henry J. Heij le. Jacob Walter, Joseph I crner. Wil liam Will, John Sader, Gjor;e Z.miueimin, I'avid Anktny, John Cupp. tieorje ttubaugh a:.d others, each fc.-rving three years, in the order caaisd. The Cit Treasurer appointeJ for the Home was M. A. Sanner, who served for l.f.cen years, mott of the lime gratuitously. The regular meetings of the lijard were f.it-j on the tirat day of each uionth, which has been adhered to ever since. The main hrict building waa ere -ted in lv; by John Mong, F.j., and cost i yt. ). Il i? an cle-rtnt struc'.uie, Tcll bu.lt wnd to day is in go.nl con-lit ion and well adapted for the parose3 for wh;ch it was balH. Thus we sec at an early period ia the his tory of the Couity provision was ma le for h.-r posr and JJesiitute. From the ear'.kst period of w hich history was known the in jtiiiciloa was to care f r the poor. Ttie blessed Master when s- j ouruin among men K ft an injunction as to Ju'y w hi-.U made to ile-ir, s.) imperative, as to be the Caaland ei-ijlate test of il.ararte-, "(."arc for the huutred, the thhsiy, the stranger, the nak ed, the sick, the prisoner." All chiittian p ple and go rtiments sincv have recognrz eithis vi al duty aui with more or les il ieiiiy and iutcess have provided for its j'orfjrniatioe. la the di-ys cf the t;o;ti. s t -.ity niiJf a v ol juiary d. vision of projrt on 1 k' j.t a c-i.n:u?a k, distribute! "as i 7, ry nun hal.ncl."' Liter on there were 1' rjas Sjck-tlis o-ga:i:.x-J for clothing the pir. Mot.aatcriet were built waere p or end o'phaut j cLildren were carifuliy reared and w here the shk were lovii.gii giy aitend td. I'p u-.til the rtign of H-.-nry VIII theroor of E lgla id were entirely cared for by the char ty of bvaevoient christians. During his reign statute were ma le affording com pulsory inrthojs providing for the por and imp ilent. ojrsystem of three Directors an! manner of caring fjr th; p or hai b-.-eu modeled afier the English plan. 1'enusylvania w as the first of the colot-iea to make provision by sutute for the care of Ler pjr and so much interest have the citi r?ns manifested in the wcliare of the drii t ;te and atihcteJ, that so i-erfect is her sys-t-m and so R'and and generous art; the pro visions of h .-rlaws tbat tdy cur g-and old C-jrun.oa wealth stands first of all the a;ei ia benvr'i.T.t and chariuble iastitu tioiis. As erty at 7th D.-cember, 10Si the As scmVy unAr William Penn ui-J a law prv,v!.h'ig fr the poor, the widw and the r-han. The A:t of Assembly passed in providl that a public stock to defray the necessary charges ia es:h county be kpt on hand. m.-J em;oweitsJ justices, in emer-i"-icy, t d.sburse money lor relief. The Const. tution of 17.' ordered the Erg is'sture to provide by taw theestalllsbicg of n Lv o's in tif.-h manner that the poor may be.jnhi grhils, which was n-rogutxed in the law of relief by Governor lie keen and put in practical ojieratijn 1st March, ISoi. Nothing nexd be added to this to show that the men who made such laws were in fused by the parable tf the Good Samaritan and the half dead Jew, and ia answering j-erfectlj for all peop'e the Lswyer'i ques tion : Who is my neighbor?" We reviiie that the same question and answer comes ringing down through the ages of the pat and is as expressive of duty to the poor as it was w hen spoken. The office of Director of the pojr is pnrelv a duty of love, besides being an onerous acd resjior.sihle one. They are -the g'tar lians of our e.temosytiaTT intututioas and upon thena rs!s the resnsi'-ility of making this department of govemcueal rerpectabie and s "coesful. v-.. --....'I 1 . .- I ... "iv-v.r,40, me generous 1-t.ic to spare unjust criticism be.Ve a care:'.' in-ost;stioa ; loa often are oir pub lic iastitutions brought intodisres'ect by the baty and sometimes maliri-jus c.tmplair,U of disorJtr'r, abscinding and discharged in mates, and who are not among the deferr ing poor, but who come to the Home tbroagh indolence and are thesuhjecls of deceitful, vicious and dissipated habits, un grateful of the generous provisions the peo ple have made for tbem. The majority and who are " God deserving poor" are grate ful for the Home prepared for them end ap preciate tbe great and grand proviaiona the law has prepared for them. The public aentiment and sympathy hare changed Tery radically towards the poor. There was a time w hen tbe sentiment Hut;e his bu&et over the stones, For he 1 only a pauper that no eneowna." roiced the sentiment of the public, but we are happy to aay that in thi day tbe sym pathy of the people are averse to any aenti ment like this, aad instead, eomea tbe in junction to us, - take care of the poor," with the admonition ton - Speak fently, kindly oT the poor. La: no kanh term be heard. They have enough they most endure Without an uakin-1 woe ." It has been our aim to make it as com fortable for these deserving poor as it possi ble without being exlratagant, and are pleased to know that our acta have been ap proved by the citirena, many of whom are among the heaviest tax papers The past year has been a successful one at the Horn?. While nothing ha happened out of the ordinary routine, we bare great reason to be thankful that neither pestilence, contagious disease or accident were visited cpqp the inmates. Our people look with pride upon the Poor House and rejoice over the fact that our County has advanced be yond many of th? adjoining and other Co in ties in the aire of her poor. The record of Th-its tothe Home show that many of the prominent citizens have visited it during the year which U aa evidence of the interest they have in the success of it- The Secretary and General Agent of the Board of Tublic Charities, Hon. CaJwalader Biddie, paid the Eomea very high compli ment in a recent report of his visit, in which he said: "Somerset County has progress! more in the care of her poor, and tbe Aims 11 wseis better managed and presents a better appearance titan ever known before, she now ra iks among the foremost Counties of the rural districts' While H. L, Eacr and J. O. Kimmel, Ej"s , (who constitute the visit ing committee of the Toard of Public Chari tiesi have made nattering reports as tothe management of the Home. The farm is ia a fine state of cultivation and is producing well. No more evidence is needed than to rtfer you to the overflowing barn, stable and graneries filled with the choice products. Under the direction of our c Director Joseph L. Miller, it will soon be the mode! farm of the County. STOCK, The stock on the farm will compare favor ably with any ia theCounty. It is all in good condition and show their keeping. The cows have supplied the Home with milk and cream and iijirly all of the butler used, while enough was killoi to furnish beef, p.jrk and lard for th? winter-to the inmates. Tue stock is being improved each year by the importation of more thorough and better blood. A reference to the Steward's report wit! yoa the number of each on the farm. Bt'ILWSOS ASD IMPROVEMENTS. The buildings are all in good order and re pair and present a fine appearance. During the year the wing of the main building was re modeled by the taking out of the small windows and replacing them with large win dows so as to conform with the balance of the building also, tne building of a covered portch in the rear, thus giving more light to the rooms. Liking away the appearance of a jail or as-ylum, and making it more pleasant and comfortable for those occupying it. A new picket fence was built along the entire front and side of the yard inclosing the build ing'. A Iltw corn crib was erected, an im plement shed, a large chicken bouse, and tramp house were built, w hich were badly neetled and were all recommtnded by the grand jury on their visitation to the Home. They are well built an! well adapted for the purposes for which they were erected. Dur ing the drought cfthe past year the water supply entirely failed. The question of wat er has been one of constant annoyance for many years. We contracted with the Con fluence Drilling Company to put down a weiland erect a Wind Engine. They suc ceeded in getting a never failing flow of wat er at a depth of eighty-seven feet. A rescr voir was built wit ha capacity of holding sixty to eighty barrels of water. With pipes leading from it to the various buildings, to great ia the stream f water tbat on a test one hundred barrels were taken out in less than tea hours with no visible decrease of water in the well. The Wind Engine is of the im proved " star wheel" and does its work well and furnishes an abundant supply of water. On the recommendation of several grand juries, also of the Board of Tuhlic Charities, we placed in the Heme a steum heater, which heats the entire main brick and white frame buildings. The contract was awarded to P. A. Schell, aud the work was done by Trimble &. Lutz, of Whe ling, West Va. The boiler is the most improved sectional boiler, the plant is the most otuplcteofany in theCounty ; every department, save one, during the severe cold wej'.her of January was bene 1 to a temperature of from 70 to 60 degrees with from eight to tweive poundsof steam. There are fifty-seven radiators, tak ing the place of that number of stoves. It is really a Cjiufort tothe iuniatcs, lessens the the risk of Cre and will be a saving of fuel. Th.s improvement is oue that has long been needed atid add more to the pleasure of the Home than anything that has beea placed there for years. Prior to the first cf D T.-aibrr the Home was in darkness aud the fjar of fire wass) grtat that it as sot prudent to supply the inmate with hitrj.s, so they were cornpelltd to sil in datkacss. When the Somerset E!tc trlc L;ght plant was built, at a meeting of the Directors, some ihiny citizens appeared before us and urged tbe taking of the light for the Home. Alter hearing the many argu ments and upon consideration wecontracted for the liLt. Every building including the stable is lighted. The pleasure it atl'ords the inmates only can be appreciated by see ing it. It is used both in the evenings and mornings. The lights in the halls and hos pital rooms burn ail night. And now in stead of the inmate ;, many of whom are eld, maimed and decrepid, groping their way through the halls, up and down stairs, stumbling aud falling over objects, in going to bed and getting up in tbe dark, they can see aud get there without any discomfort, the cost of which is but three cents to each of the taxables to maiut tin the same, the com pany having put in the light at their own expense. We believe our action in this mat ter after seeing the benefit from it will be approved fcy bjl ISM4TES. There were an average of seventy-four in mates in the Home during the year, most of whom haTeJbeen there for years and ap preciate the privileges and comforts granted to them. The average cost per week for maintenance for the past year, aside from tbe cost fur improvements, was $1.36. CHILDKEK. Since the passage cfthe Act of Ascmbly approved I'tth June, l3, no children are permitted ta be kept at the Home between the ages of two and sixteen years, except maimed, deformed, or unteachah'e idiots, for a longer period than sixty days. We cannot estimate too highly this law. Victor Hngo says "One-half of the vagabondage of tbe world comes from n. gl -ctrd children." Neglected children are to be feared not be cause of the childish attempts at evil ; rather because the child being father to the man, tears in maturity the frclts of eeedssown in early training. Children are coming to tbe Poor Enuse almost daily, the progeny of ungoj'y hitman natures, results of vice, prof! gay. d.s pation and ia-k of self con trol. Tney are " G hF pjor," and while m r i . W.,. V. .i , ... -. .. ou-u ucuvi.ii iuc.-w o; mee vsw ; f,e en.i.'yo cit'x, wkrn tb.ir better nature is cullivaud. the Uw of Lenity overcome by education, the baster tendency will die for want of nourishment. Ia ail cax it has twen our greatest tffort to find good homes for all children coramiiteJ to the Poor HtBi&eso that they may have the ad vantage of christian homes and training, and schooling. The organization of the Children's Aid Society will be of great aid and sen ice to the Director ia finding and placing children in good homes. "Heaven bas given tbe prior right to women to direct the course of children," and we feel satisfied that when they place a child in a borne a careful investigation was made before it was placed there and that it ill be jealously looked after. Hereafter all children will ba placed in their care for disposal. Eiioiots.sEavicia. During the year there was held regular religious services at the, Home by the Chap lain and several times by Rer- Djmer; tdso, services held at each funeral. We fear the lea! and eSort of .various missionary socie ties in foreign lands have so occupied their minds that they have entirely forgotten there are many at the Home who are '-hungering and thirsty for the bread of lit-." It is a la men table fact that a great majority of the in mates of the various Homes in the State have never beard the " old, old story" and know not Christ. 8CHJCDIXE "a," I.i of lumatea maintained aitd employed by the I'lrectoni of the roof during the year, lssri, UTteiuer wuh their ae, ei, uai of animation, oueuarge, etc MALES Albright Samuel, age 50, admitted Jane 3, 1ST5, elo(-e 1 Oct. 4, t-Sfi A.um cnarm. age S7, admitted Ju 5, 1892, eloped May , lwi liMwiu Klctiaril, age S, admitted Kov. 17, 11, indentured Fo. li baida-tu bva.iaium, mge 4, admitted Nov. 17, k, . iudeittunl Keb. to. lfJ. Courad Jacob, age in, admitted Feb. 1, 1S77. t ouutrrmau Alex, age oi, ailmitted June , '76. C r Milum, are S, admitted aepL IS, l7s. I u-ur Adam, ae o, aduiiued Dec Jl, ltlTS. c ri-y Aarc. admitted Dec. la, lssrt. t oler Ananias, axe a adm.ued May IA lSfi, lafnU fo bixaioul May Ti, lstfJ. t oiiiueuour Levi, age ol, admitted May 16, 'K, died May 40, lri n lu.am. ag 20, admitted Oct. s, 1JJ2, elui-l Mv , fcehart Leooaid. age 72, admiued April A So. f ..:er Jotiu. aireuj. admiileil Nov. Ui. lsTo. t re-lertca Unariea, age 41, admitted May 23, li, ehiped May SO, ,rowail William, ajje JO, admitted Dec I, lvs7, die-1 Nov. 5, lsii i.niem r.mrml. aire 4 admitted Slav 3. 1S2- liari Henry, age 74 aumiud JOec, jr., lsu, died F. ! x Is-Ji llau Julia, age i3, admitted May 31, 1A died ov. t. t-.-fl. Ilummei B. F age 46, admitted Oct. 31, 1S. li.n.t I'nati, ae Jl, admitted May , i-ai, dia- AhMri',1 s-ut lsif lle-ong vVitliam, a7i admitted Oct 25, liSi. lle'.Ue tlermau: ai;e 27, admitted Nov. b, lsvit, taken to Wimoal -Not. li, 1su2. H'Xjver (rtorge. aire 12, adauUed Oct. 7, 1832, Ui'leiit'ired O l. 11, ls-Jo. Juu&Mju lh-.am. aje 70. a imitted Oct 2j, 1SSw Jfic muei, nge 7a, auuntted June 2a, ls'A kooser James hi., aire 41, a-tioiited April 1, 1---0. Kn!)ie T.ieo,lvre, a-e admitted J uiy la. 'ia. koomt Henry . aue . , admitted tto. 4. lsw. Kr;.tr Uetirv, aiie oo, admuied July , lsul. keuy Audie. ae fru aduuued Uec 1, lssl. kimmel A"rtin. aire 74, admitted lec, it, I.ei.tiari Heurv. axe us. admitted tec. 24. lw. Lanter Juliu th, ae 36, admitted Jan. U, lsy2, pinTwd Fp-. i'4. Isri larai.ar.1 JoLa, age 1SS, aJmiited July 16, ls'j;, di.etifcre-i Aug'is: , lsi laiiuia Jesse, ace y,. admitted Oct. 21, l-Vi. V. :k! M,n MjFe tl. admitted ADril 0. lt tlcJ.intock Mii.belh age 69, admuud July 3, lv. ML-"rtv Patrick, aee 31. admitted Jan 12. 16. M.vj tiristian.ane i7. acliuitled Juue 16, 1ST4. Mer-e iili&m, ae a'J, adiiuiled J uly a, lvso. sinw Dvrus. aire 50. admiltedJ7eb. 10. ltysl ;je---N.-iUiuu Joan, age 4a, aimiucd Oct. 7, '6a, M-vtn ro'.enck, ac 4. admitted July u. it Mo&abider tnaa, ag si, adiauiod JOeo. a, lt, j&a. SI. lsyi. Nf:lH!i-a.-'ieurva.aie7. admitted Jan. 1. Wi. M K tiusey, amus, axe b, admitted Marca lii. ls.'J, indentured ov. la. isyj. M'H'iinsey Harry U., Hire 1. admitted March 24, 1s t - mien bv mother Nov. lv. 1-yii. M Kelvey uavia, age 71. admitted Aprti is, sri Milier deorire. age 10. admiuod Marcb 24, Ovi, iaileiiitired May 2, lsW. Meyers Kudolph, age 73, tmitted May 13, 1S92. .Miller William. age n, aomiiiuo oil i-J-M. i Flu age M, admitted Oct. A. Is!. Nutia Heory, age oo, admitted May 2, 1SHS. i'aiura Uar'ey, age.V, admitted May 27, lb!. 1'oieman ciamuel, age 37, admitted Jan. Is, "ii tateu to Oixnioat April i .'L uaeer Conrad, age 2. admitted Oct. 21. ISM. kitiger t nar.A, age 21, admitted OcL Is, 192, lateii Ma uixtaotii v.h-1, v, ivi K.r-l tieorge, ag 43, admitted Marrh 15, 1SKL kran (wvinre. a?eU. admitted Julv 2&. ls7. kiee John, age o. admiued July 12, lsjl, dis eliaivnl Airil 16. las2. 1 t.o-naa Miller, are 2.V admitted Arril g. 192. Tressier John ., age 2S. admitted Nov. 7, IsM. feudif Frederiek, age 76, admiued April 4, 'k2. euanzeudrutKT, train, age 26, admitted Dec 21, Isso. au eitxer William, age 30. admitted April 34. Sveitzer John, age 4a, admitted April 20, ls".4 Se:i tuireue. aae !. aiimitted tepC 16, frmiler Jt tl, age 2a, admiued Oct. 2i, lsl, di Ctiarged Feb. 1, auualta Zach , age 1, admitted Nov 22, ISsS. anmeeter KobL, age 4v. a-lmated June 12, 'su, V, mker John F.- aire oo. admilied Mar a. lnSa. M hue John, age ok, admitted Feb. 6, leni, dik- Charged eb. 2, lss2. VounKLudwut. age 66. admitted Mav 1. 1W Yeileits Jo, age Si, admiitad June 16, lif2, diseuarged Juij o, lst2. Z.iumerman ueorge, age bi", admitted nay l 1st'-. tnt Jacob, age 70, admitted Nov. 4, ltl, dis charged June 1. IS.'Z. FEMALES. Bittner 3aiinda, age 3?, admitted March 17, 'M li--ui ber ilanuali, age 66, admitted April 14 ls-v. dlec S-'Dt. 7. lsir' B.ttuer taxabelli, age IS admitted March 22, CiiMer Flizabelh. age 61, admitted Dec 31, '67, t us".er Mary, age ;fti, admitted OCL V, vast. oifOellv Harriet, age 4... admitted Dec 23. '91 0nrad rrati. age li, admitted May 21, Is 'I diet Oft. 27, lsi t:m rt Maggie. age 23. a-imitted April 10. 175. Fair Kebe e. ace Si. admitted April 10. Isx7. Fislier (Jatharine, age 47, admitted Oct 13, la2, taken to Dixtnont Sent. . Ik'1. Folk Sarah, age .'7, admiued Dec. 16, 1S92, dis- cliarged iec 2t, is2. Him Catharim , age 44. admitted Feb. 7. 1S73, liemm Ku.-al.elh. age 44, admitted July 20, 'at, discharged August 1", hem.u Ada, age 12. admitted July 20, 112, dis cbarged Ausust l.s, l-t Hcrrou Minuie, age , admitted July 20, lsvi, di-.'iarged Augu-4 li. lianger Rete.-oa. age 6. admitted July 17, lftfi. eio:i r-pi i, ivi. Keefer Laura, age M, a.lmitte-1 Oct 13. ls3. kin.k Corliiia, age :1, admitted Dec 2, 1S91 aisenfcrgo,i MBym, i-vi ljimli Sarah, age 6. aimitted July 2, IVQ. Miller Juil.lh, age 3f, admitted Mav 5, ls.' M'K-k kachel, i--e V, aimitted April 16, KS. Miller Susan, age 7. aCtmitted Aug. 2S ls7. ! Uier lxiii-, age 42, a lmitied Oi l. 21. l-2. Meitlinsey Sarah. k? i, admitted Feb. , 82, GL'.-.iarged ot. ia. lsyi. Mn iiuwy Nora, age 3, admitted Feb. 29, 1892, uie.i j uiy jj, Rice Susan, age 46. admitted March 21, l'Ki. Km-ler Itx, age 2 j, admitted Oct. 13. M Sjr.i.n Aanie. age -w, admitted March 30, lsal, die.1 Mav 19, 1-2. Miarter MnRie, age 12, admitted Oct. 12, 1K92, in leu'.ured Nov. 14, ii Tre-'.er S,ian, are 2a, admitted Oct IS, law. We ler Margaret, ace ii. atlmiited June 16. ' Y.jcng I'hristeaa. age 76. admitted May 1, 15t. ..ivmrrmau tmiua, age 2b, admitted reu 3, s Total uumber at the Four Bouse during the year. Wiles It Ft male. ,,, , S.UEDLLE " B. ' DEATHS. Nntnes. F.'ias MoshoMer, Henry Hart, W linam Met sc. Ia vi 1 4Fiigheni4ir, J vs.l, ott, vt li.iam .rowall. John liause, Aunlf Siiiuh, era M.i'liiisey, Hanna Boucher, ha ran Conrad, Aee. Admitted. Died. M Ik-c f. July 31. '. 72 1 c 27, F eb. a, "J-J w juiy e, Feb. la, y. M May 16, 'V MaT 30. '92. 70 Nov. 4, "SI, June 4. "92. 20 lec. 3. 17. .S.jv. 5, .13 May 1(1. -so. Hot. 25. VJ SO March M, '91, May 19, '92. reo.i.'j. tA July 2i, '9. 66 April 14, 'sa. Sept. 7 ,Vj 73 May 12, 91, Oct. 27, '92, TOTAL KDMaXB OT IaTHS. Males Females.. SsCHEDCLE-C."-OtT-i)O0R RELIEF. David Humbert, age 79. date lbGS, old age, 1110 00 woe ana iKir cnuaren. Sam'! Marteeny. age 44 date ,H0, consnmtioo. s ., i;e auo ion cauareo. -uan Vt eighman, age 61, date 177, sick an on age, t-si. Pusan Shulta. age 70, date 1169. blind tX. Barbara Kiugier. age aa. date lsso, death of bustiand. aionuut tX., one child, Josephine Lcdwig. age 3.V, dale 1-S6, death of bushand. amount $.12., live children. Levi Sala. age 37, date issv, insnilr. am't to Moses Sala. ageJu, date 13s. insanity, am'tt32, Sarah Kuorigbi, age s7, dale lsS7, old age and de-tituU td. amount IJ0, Annie Shunk, age 33, date 1-S7,jfck and insane amount IJO John Wa'.fskell and wife, age , date 18s sick and old age, aroouui I JO. W il ham Shaffer wife and three children, age 41. date !".. biin-l and sick, amount David Bryan and wife, age 6s, date IS, kick an1 old age. am-junt Wu. Steu ard Put man wife and tour children, age II. date ls-., blind and destitute, amount Hs. Mary E Firestone age 31, dale lmiu, death of h'.Ltnd amount tit2. Sarah F Logan ami six children, age , date isi, lii.-mrrvrsiKm of h'irhand. amount ii2. Lavina Berkey and six children, age 37, date lso. deatb of husband, amount ,t2. Fther Lape and four children age 39, date lf'i sics and destitute, amount f20. M -Geo Clark aud three child ren, sge 39, date l-VJ, d-ih of buland amount 132. ssrauoeese, age 7 date irj-2, sick-ess, am't Andrew L Jar wife and two girls, age 7i data IS '2, sickness, amount S.H. broxa Lape, age 76, date I5!!, old age. am't Annie M Shaulis,age 7i, daus 1S2, old age. aindTil t-U. Ph.rbe Vounkin and tmr children, age 34, date 1I death itl husliaud. amount $s, Daniel Shaaiis and wife, sge 77, date 1S92, old age and deautuiiuo, amount SiO. AMOUNT PAID FOR TEMPORARY RELIEF. Total oumberof charities Number relieved 26 M 2S 63 l 79 J7 Msies . F'eioales . , Amouui ;i SCHEDULB -D." caiiXBisi staiNTaiiikb ut raivaTK raiis. N.txb R. Bhowman age 4 put ont July J1M0 family of Peter Milier siuoont 4s ;.v Msirrie Makers age a put out Feb 1 1S1 iunilf of A M.nver amount $tj. l.'ilu S Keiiy age 3 put ont April 1 ll family of P W Tninpey amount t. "tve fei.ey aire 3 out out July I 1532 family ol 1 C attl.er snnsiut f is fa. steward age spot out Dee 811 family of H-ry Burkel summiui . m. . Beniasotn B-idwin ag'4 put out Feb 1392 family of Farm W eutbly amount $ 19 50. T.Hal 6 : raal.n 4 : femae 2 : amt 19 'Si. Now Noah showman died on me 5th of July lsW. ChUdrea In Feeble-Minded School at Ewyn, femuyivania. NAME e 10 Wben sent to arhonl .June li7 May 1-S CHtt 22 1SJ0 Amt paid f 2J ua 20 6U . f 60 00 Nnah Bookman n)a Blanaii 1 14 Vi iUiam H oaylor Totals Amount paid BCBBDCLE F." Children at Eefona School at Morgacxa, Pa. NAME Age Wben sent lo school j 8-muei Trenler la Sept lv7 F,dard Hemp 11 Nov lit 1? Fai d by oouniy commustonera. SCHEDCLE "G." List of Fences at State Hospitals for Treatment. Harrisburi;. Admitted u Admitted Am't NAME Age Home U Uipital Fd Jobs M tiler 46 Sept 6'. 9 July H4 '64 vl Mary Muler 37 &ept2 s juiyt h w Dinnont Irwin BtuA 25 March 2t Ss March 2S'M 91 j George Leydig 4 Sept 6 9 Sept 9 91 Samu-1 Mwabk 31 Juue 17 Nl Jane 26 '91 t-1 Harrv Haruell 23 Sept 1 '91 Sept I 91 91 Kebern ttnfllih 57 April 17 '91 Nov J '91 91 Ananias Cover 62 May 12 92 May 27 '92112 ao Herman t'itUe 27 Not S '92 Nov 11 "92 li 30 bamuel Palm-n37 JulyV2 April 25 v2 71 24 t'harwe Bjceer 21 OCT Is v2 Oct '92 I4UKT11R r ui ' ' V. ' Arm. ' . . Marg. Thooipaoa 32 '92 '92 Albert Sorbw 37 '92 '92 Total NO. 14 : nuuea to ; lemaies , Knot (toora.1 Oueer. Jease Laud is, Catherine Gaum and I'nah Hook were removed during the year. Aoantaa cover died one weec aner being taken to iha bospilai. Total am i paid Kit io BCHEDCLE "H" Children Indentured. Hmtt. Charles, age. 12. with whom indentured. Robert Bedia, when free, Feb. 10, 11. Fisher, F-liia. age, 14, with whom Indentured, Frank 'Neilberour, free. Feb. 26, l?o5. t,alurber. EdwanL age. 16, w ith whom Inden tured. amuel Fyock, iiee.At.nl 7, ltfi. kidle, nine, age, 14. wun wn-.m indentured, M. Rummel, free, SrpU 1ft, Is!. .l,fter. Ira. a-. 14. with whom Indentured. N. B. Cramer, free. March 1, l.i Mi-clellan. t harlea, age. la. with whom inden tured. A. J. Cramer, free, Nov. 1, 1S96- NH-klow, Albert, age, 15. with whom indentur ed. F. M. Lafferty. free, March 1rj6, Hamuli, Isabella, aire, 9. with whom inden tured, J. O. Kimmel, free, Aug. 9, livl. gummy, William, age, 12. with horn inden tured, bimon L. Koru. free, March 1. 1S9S. Duffy, tlnv age, lit. witn whom ladeoiurea, J. D. Rhoads, free. Oct. 1. 1sj7. Claveomb, lvid, age, 16, with whom Inden tured". F red Swearn, free, July 1. lKa. Kline, Cora, age, 11, with a hum indentured. W. H. Vann, free, April 2, Is;. Witt, Franklin age, 17, witb whom inden tured. J J. Daniel, free. July 17, 14. Witt, Noah, age, 17, with whom indentured, Jacob Arisman, free, June, 1, 1-H6. Cramer. John, age, in, witn wnnm indentured, Harrison Kerfnua, free, Man h 9, l'Juu. Dallis, W illiam K.,age, 12. Willi whom lnden tured, Charle Kuepper. free, Marcb 9, lsvO. l.allace, Lillian V, age, 10. with whom indent-red, C. Coleman, f.ee, Marcb 9, ltniO. Hummel, Arsminia, age, , witn waom lnaeo tured, F. G. Hoover, free, June 1, 19UL ;itin. Fred, age, 11. with buia indentured. Joseph B. Milier, ftee, August 11, ls9.s. Uauia, cnariea, age, il, vti'.u nuu mucuiur ed, J. B. Swindle Iree, Nov. 1, lstft. MeClintock. Eston, age, is with whom inden tured. F. K, Olessner. free. SepL 24, 1SJ3. Masters, Ella, age, 10, with whom indentured, J. B. bowser, free, bebt. 22, 1901. McC linux-k. Maggie, axe. N with whom inden ture.!. C. J. .Vlller, free, March 7, 1-O.t. Trkuier. Lutner. age, lx with whom Indenlur- ed, Cbriaian TreHKler, free, April 20, IsaJ. Jamison, Tbnmas, age, 13, with whom inden tured, B, YiHiukiu, free, App.l 27, lssts. Miller, Matilda, age. 9. witb whom, indentur ed. Feier benrl, free, June 3. VX'i. Met Unlock, James, age. 10, with whom Inden tured Peter Bearl, free. June 3, l-.Jl. Klioada. W m. H.. age. B. with whom indentur ed. Jsiah ZerfoM, free, June 13, lima. N'.ckkcr. leroy, a?e, 17, with whom indentur ed. J. I. Aukeny, tree. Juiy la, l'..l. Nicklow, ji.tui t-, air. iu, wun wnom inden ture.!, F. N. Simwsou, tree, Jao. L, lum. Gnu!, Kuul. age, 9, with whom indentured, a. EC i.ardner, free. Nov. S, IsUl. Good, cbar'.a E.. age, 6, with whom indentur ed, E M. Ik-rkley, free, June, linjo. Baldwin, jei.n, aje, 10, witn whom inden tured. Salomon Hershirgar. Baldwin. Norman, age. 6. with whom inden tured. John H. MorrisoD. Baldwin, Richard, ai,. s, with whom inden tured. Ireorira llay. Bailey, Anu-e, age s, witn whom indentured Mary Zorn. Miller, George, age, 9, with wham indentured, H. C. Hupiwrt. Sharier. Maggie Ace. 12. with whom indentur ed. IieWalt ouyder. F laced by the Chlldleu 1 Aid society. FREE M RISTG THI VEi. Fustier. Belinda, aire. IS. with whom indentur ed. P. G. Nowag. free- August. 11. Gallagher, Sarah, age. Is. with whom Inden tured, Dr. K. s. Mitchell, iree. May 1. Bailey. Ketcca j.. age, is. mtn whom inden tured. W illiam Glew-ner. fr.-e. March 1. lsui Zimmenuan. Harvey, age, H with whom In dentured. 8. C. CougheDour. free. March 10. lsvi W ill. Lydia, age, 1 with whom indentured. Jonathan baer. tree. heb. , IT'i. Hhowman Maegie, age, Is, with whom inden-ture-1, Eliza A. Tayman, free, Oct. is, 1SV2. Total, 41 ; Males. 27 ; Females, 17. SCHEDULE "I." list of live l ock and Implement" on the farm. also an account of all article manufactured iu the Home and raised on the farm aa reported by tne steward lor tne year iw : Number of borsea , , two yearling cattle yearlings, " bulls ' spring calves... aheep. , . 30 1J , li pigs .. chickens.. , 125 Implements on the farm. (tame as reported last year, witb tbe folio ing ao.iuiont : One net! binder, one two-horse wagon, one ad justable bay fork and hay carrier, oue cultivator. Produce raised on the farm. Number of tons of bay . so ' straw... 50 14 com fodder . . . 60 " bushels of wheat.... . 211 " " " buckwheat 7 - corn 10 " - " oau 630 " beans 1 - " pUtas . 6H0 onions... . " " onion seta .. -JO " " apples 20 ' ' - red b-H-ls 111 - kohl rabies 10 " barrels of dried corn-. " " " sauerkraut.. " " " soft soap 20 " heads of rai.bage 16) " quarts of eldertrrrtes.. Sit " " b!a kberriea 40 barrels of dried apples 1 " " cans of uanauies 1 tuu.-krrriea 4 " " elder bernea so " M cherries 20 - " " plums . Jl "" peachex .. 1 s pounds of butter .-.13iO lard -2fCt " " " Ullow " " boef killed - 44 pork " " veal " " " wool abticub naxuracTTEED Number of pillow cases. " ' bed tick a bolster casjs ,, " towei.4 . 440 2S0 4M 105 100 shmuds ..... . womeu's d rws. . " aprons w.-ks chemise . . " shirts . . drawers caps, bonnets .... stockings . sbickuigs fijoted men's khiru . ... " drawera ' undershirts .. " miuens , . sock " s.M-k? footed. . , children's dr.---H.-s- skirts Moekings " chemise . lioys waisia.... .. boys' itm-lmw chi Id re n 's blt . bed comforts bed qoilts,. disn clo hs . 25 bed curtain4,.. handkrrehieft. ..6 dor. yards of eanet I do hereby certify tbat the above is a true and correct report of ail gotsis manufactured and products raised un the tarm, and as to the stock ana implements on the same. JOHN C. VIH.F.R. Hlwanl We. the undeTgned Auditors of Sumerset Cm inly, do hey eertify that we have examin ed tne wiibln and foregoing report and do ap- "S UIC T. D. BRAUCHER. H4KMAN SHAFFER, JNJ. o. H A V, And: tors. SCnEDULE "J." Areottnt of monies reoeived bt Directors for aniries suio, paid lor maintcoAuce, etc : 1KVJ Jan. L To cash recelveo from 8. B, Phll- son. committee of J. E. Treasler f 70 IS iu rasa receivea rroai susmn llu ler. malntenam. 12 00 iei. 10 rasn reYived Iroui Kuben Knopp, rent of Bouc her farm 11 CO - jo casn received from U.J. Bruba- er. com. of Jesse Landls... 4:, so jaarcu ioMa rec a irora r. Y. Shan er. bat, on Leydig sale . 83 jj ' casn rereivea irum li. r. llam- mel, matnteuance. ... y2 00 10 c sn rec a 1 om s. il. Khoeniak er. sale of cows... , jj qq u rsin rec a irom Israel sec sc. on agt. lube Honk jo 25 mj 1. id casn rec u irom s. A. Philsnn, for Walker, lea amount paid Waik- 85 71 Jnne 1. To cash received from Levi Koonu maint of H KoonU To casn received from C Trent sale of bav July 1 To cash received from F ShauUs for H Boucher To cash reed from D McEelvev maint To cash ree'd from Benj Hummel maint. Aug 1 To cash rec d from Jonas Custer sale of old reaper To cash ree'd from Commissioners ft H Boucher To cash ree'd from J A Berkey bal ance 011 Boucher farm.., Teeasb ree'd from Beoj Hummel laint .... To cash ree'd from Geo Kennel after payment of costs and expenses Sept 1 loess- rec d from sm Milier sale ofsaeep To cash rec d from Susan illier maiut, Oct 1 To cash rer d from JJ Ernbaker cam of Jesse Lu. l. To rash rec d boa K s Stewart sale of h des Toca-h rec d irom Csavid McKelvey Buuut To casa ree'd from st : u heuour o agt of Hsrvey Zimmerman lo caab ree'd ftwa D U Hauger SO 00 t 09 96 16 12 00 12 10 00 125 13 SO 00 12 00 12 00 43 OT 12 40 SO I 70 5 60 40 00 ST. CURES :re ETO!-a-A.TIS-r- LUKBASO. SCIATICA, BRUISES, BURNS, SWELLINGS, TI!TJ-R.A-XiG-I-A.- A copy of the -Official Portfolio of the Worlds CcJwsibiaa9 Espo-.two. descriptive of Bo-dings In J GriSfd., besaul Ul.ra.eo. - water cMor eflec d CHARLES A. VOGELCR CO.. nn, by THfc iMiumcce, Md, com of Rebecca Hanger.. Nv 1 To rash ree d from Levi KoonU maint H Koonti w To cash ree d from D Baldwin maint of children... 1 0 To rash ree d from Joa L Millar maint of dangbler.... 91 00 Toeaxhrec'd from B F Hummel maiut 12 00 To t-aah ree'd from Confluence Biiiidine Com nan t b.rdlDg 00 Dec 1 To cash ree'd from Matthew Pation estate maint of on an per will ai To cash ree'd from Tnmll A Lull boarding 2 99 To cash ree'd from Geo A uman aaie cf hides 00 To cash ree'd from John Haul cah on niaiht - 00 lo cash ree'd from A Morrow ratal maint of Nancy Johnson U 20 To cash ree'd from commlssiooera interest on Mtu-elman fund 33 00 ma Jan 1 To rash ree'd from D McKelvey maint n uu To cab ree'd from Henry Dickey ale of stove 4 00 To cash ree'd from C Dickey sale of bay & CO To cah ree'd from R 8 Steward sale of hide To cash received from S Trent sale of old ftove . " To cash ree'd from Geo A uman calf skin... 3 To cash ree'd from Joa AlUaiher sale of atuve - - 8 00 T. ...i titan 2D Janl By receipt of John Hauler Treasur er oi roor House .iw - SUMMARY. M T T Whole onmber remaining In the Home for tbe year ending lUt Decem ber. It'.': 49 22 71 No ree d during tbe year 1S92. 32 14 46 Total 1 36 117 Ko sent to Dizmont Huspi & 2 7 Total 76 4 110 7 4 11 No died SO 99 1 8 No placed in private families and In - qeniureo. ' 62 29 91 7 17 No discharged, got weli and eloped 10 So remainin at Home 3".st Dec 1392.- 52 No receiving outdoor relief. 2 No of children lo private families t Krof children lu Elwyn 9-hool. 2 Nool children in Heiormea scnooi z No of children indeutunsl 27 No of perous in State Hospitals 10 Tntsl nnTnl-.r nfnersocs under the care of the Directors of tne roor 1- 101 MONI 8 PAID. For outdoor redef. 1 s7 57 For maintenance of children under Act of lss3 and other outdoor paupers. 320 .v For clolhln-for children at Elwyn 0 0U F.,r maii.t -ni treaiment 01 oatients as hospitals. , etfl oo For children who were indenturedand who are now of aire , 90 For coflins for outdoor paupers. 175 74 For justices and constables lees, meoi. -ai treatment, visitors expenses ana con veying outdoor paupers. 411 79 Total out door expenses..- l-JUJ 11 CLASSIFICATION OF INMATES. Adults i I I f I Sane . 25 io Sfi Insase . 17 10 27 Idiotic 7 2S Blind. 2 0 2 Jraf and dumb 10 1 Total 2 22 74 nativity as "9 -3 s 2 t 7 i t 3 i 12 74 TBAMP3. Tramps relieved during the year. Males, 46J ; females, 6 ; tntal. Meais nimihe1, 4W : loditins-. Sll. Inventory of personal properly taiten 11th of February Ivl .$ 40 l Estimate of tbe value of buildings 00 Total amount $3SI0 CI Total amouui of insurance on build Inr and personal property taken by tbe liirecturs , tJSSOO SO KR-D K WELLER, Attest. J WILLIAM DICKEY, LCColsob. I JOSEPH U MILLER, Clerk. J Directors ofthe roar. Filed 27 Feb'y, 153. V. II. SAXXER, Clerk. Examined and approved by the Grand Jury, March I, ISM. ' KOSS J. HILI.EGAS, Foreman. March 1, 1S03, presented to the Court and a; pioved. VEIL CURIAM. The Conductor Cot Even. In the parlor car Bat a richly dressed young woman, tenderly holding a very small poodle. "Madame," said the conductor, as he punched her ticket, "I am very sorry, but you can't have your dog in this car." "I shall hold hi in in my lap all the way," she replied, "and he will disturb no one." "That makes no difference," said the conductor. "I couldn't allow my own do here. Dogs must ride in the bagg5 cir. I'll fasten him all right for you." "Don't you touch my dog sir," said the young woman, excitedly. "I will tru-it hi in to no one." And with indig nant tread she marched to the baggage car, tid her dog and returned. About fifty miles further on, when the conduc tor came along again, she asked him : "Will you tell me if my dog is all rightr "I am very sorry," said the conductor politely, "out you tied him to a trunk and be was thrown off with it at the las station." Pitfrhtmj Tims. At what age do men unally wish to retire from life ? Hermit-age. The reason fignres won't lit is because they always stand for something. It is prob-thly the number of tars on board which makes a vessel pitch. Crows have one t irtoe at least. They are devotedly attached to their own cawp. ELY'S CATAWRH Cream Balm C I vc SftMBAlWy Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation. Heals Sores, Restores the Senses of 1 aste and SmelL Try the Curs. inr. tf 17 KAY-FEVER A particle b applied Into each nostril and Is earrveable. Price dOeenis at Imiggisu ; by mall, reiritered. W cents. LLV BKOTUER-), 56 Warren UU, Kew York. Nothing On Earth Trill X.ZZC I Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS 8tTo-g and Health-; Pre rata all Disiasr. Good for JTesUMissT Ben. Ittsabsohrtrty pars. HUrMy c uewiti sSsd. fs--Ot u-ulfi at a i . lit s aay. So otMr M-fc rta sa rromr. atrtet.y s w:k-lTML "One krr cma arsl mm $sfi ; svn- as ta err ( m kflSfl." ssrs mm rsr. If j cast's at It send Ws msi: amr nsrt C Firr SI a t H ib oas 4: SI PIT t. sb fa. ssprv 1 asia. rnr isrn.t. pnr St cfita free with SI " s-ars or bm . Ksnils Sufis' of Tli s HrT PoCLrar H4raa nl fras. r sr JACOBS OIL at 1 SPRAINS, It is to Yoin Interest ' TO BUY YOUR Drugs and Medicines -OF J. H. SHYDER. XOC-OB TO Biesecker k Snyder. None bat the purest and beat kept in stock, and when Drags become inert by stand ing, as certain of tbem do, we de stroy them, rather than im pose on oar customers. Yoa can depend on having yoar PRESCRIPTIONS & FAMILY REEIPTS filled with care. Oar prices are as low as any other first-class house and on many articles mnch lower. Tbe people of this county seem to know this, and have given us a large share of their patronage, and we shall still oontinue to give them the very best goods for their money. Do not forget that we make a specialty of FITTING- TRUSSES. We guarantee satisfaction, and, if yon have bad trouble in this direction, give as a calL SPECTACLES AND EYE-CLASSES in great variety ; A full set of Test Lenses. Come in and have your eyes examined. No charge for examination, and we are confident we can suit yoa. Come and see as. Respectful v, JOHN N. SNYDER. GOOD LIQUORS and C:ap Lir.:r2 ! By calling at the Old Reliable Liquor Store, So. 309 Sain St, and 1X$ Clinton St, Johnstown, 3?a., sll kinds of the Cholstest f..)tio In market can be bad. To my old customers this la a well known fact, and to all "thers convincing proof will be given. Don't forget that I keep en band the rniatest variety of Liquors , tbe choicest brands and at the lowest prices. P. S. FISHER. s J-l I s ssa-'.if-K.'T te I I- . onnsiown,; 4 Gold Filled Rings Warranted For Two Years, 25 cents Each at NATHAN'S The Jfoary Saving Store fvr the Peiple. 285 & 287 Main Street, Johnstown, ' - - Pa Mailorders Promptly Attended to, HARDWARE ! HARDWARE I I am now prepw. toarcomibcw1i.t tTif pub lic wuh avny nl evrrthinr in the Httnlware line by the addiUoo nwnily roa'le lo uij former lanreKt'ack. I krru all kitTi- of anirltn in bit ltii and my ppltx allenre roinpeiHion. If jiM want a un, a iTTolver, a knife, a saw, a gimlet, au aurr. atirrrlr, a pair ofkt5, hiDf w, nrrew. Bail), hare -ho., noi biHnketa, or anythiof cla iu barUaaxe at lowest prices call ou me. Herman Bantley, Clinton St, Johnstown, Pa. CONDENSED TIME TABLES. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Somerset and Cambria Branch NORTHWARD. Jontcm Unit Enrw. Rock wood J:tt a. m , Somenet 4:10, fetuvt-town t:ji, UuoTersvUle 5:to, Job be town. 6:10. Jokntton Unit Eipt as. Rorkwnod 11. a. ra., M U:?v. Mtoy town 12: M, Uuuversville 12:37, Job nu own 1:30 p. m. Johiut.Jtrm Acrnmtiodalim Rorkwood 5 40 p. m , Somerset fi.-0:t . m., Htorcst-wn t.-:tl p. m., Uooversville itl p. ra., Julian town 7;i p. m. Skaufay A o mxj aiio Rot k wood 11:35 s m. Somerset, lUbH. SOUTHWARD. Mail Johnstewn 7:45 s, m., Hof.vsrFvi'.le 8:31 Btovestown 8:45, Somen t K.lo, Eotkwood no. Ezprm Johnstown S:" p. m., IToov rm rille !, 8tovesuwn 4ux), Somerset 4 01, lM.kwood Sunday Only Johr1own jS0 a. m., Hooveiwille 1S a. ra., StoTrstown s 10 a m. Somenet 10 1 a. m., Kockwood lih a. m. fismrfny orimiiJn(to Somerset 4:01 p. m, Kotkwoudi5 m-Dally. t r 'I -r Five Years After Being Cured. FTrrisiSGB, If sech 2, 192. Baanaa Memo Co., Gentlemen : II is impossible for me to speak tno highly of vour BKiHMt KU-I XaTIC KKMLliY, for it has certainly 1.oewhst y. claim, permanently cured- 1 n l.C I sulTcred the tnrturrs of Kbeuma ism : trlrd different reme dies, and was treated bv sereral of oar mont prominent physiiians here in this rtty without any apparent tncces. At last a friend prevailed npuo me L try your valuable me-41 ine, wtm-h I did. lakine it irronli u b directi ins. and can safely say I am now entirriy cured and hare not bad a rheumatic pain since. Very respectfully, . A. McCABE. 1MB and Butler Sti.Pgb.. Fa., of Byrne e Cahe. If yonr dnwcisl d.ies m keep It. npon receipt of F. O. order tor tl oO we will v-nd oue bottle. BRAHMA HKi'l' IN-CO.. UU-rty Stre. F-.Ksbureh, ra. Jacob D. Swank, Wntcbrxt-ker and Jewlr, Next door west of Lutheran C'burcb Somerest, Pa. I am now prepared to sup pi the public with clocks, watches and jewelry of all descriptions, as cheap as the che-pest, RKFASnrXQ A SPECIALTY. All work guaranteed. Look at my stock before making yoar pmr chasea. A. H. HUSTON, Undertaker and Embalmer. L Co-lns, Caskets and Rebes OF ALL GRADES OX HAXD. A. GOOD IIELAJiSIC and everything pertaining to funerals furnished un sort notice. Souts Turksjfoot Street Somerset, Pess'l 91-lvs CURTIS K. GROVE, . SOMERSET, PA. BCGGIF3. SLEIGHS, CARRIAGES, SPRISQ WAGOS3, BUCK WAGOXB. AND lASTEX ASD WESTERN WORK jrurnisiied on Bbort Notice. Painting Done 02 Short Time. My work Is made ont at TVwt tmchly S saw rf Wood, aud tbe be Mm vui tHrrl. Substantially Constructed. Neatly KinUaed, and Yi arranted to give Sati staction. Rcpairns: of All Kinds to My Line Done oo Snort Sotico. Prices RKAOXABUt and All Work Warrantd. Call and Examine my Stock, and Learn PTVra- Ido Wagon-work, and fbrnisb Selves fur Wind 111 . Remember tbe place, a-'.d call la. CURTIS K. GROVE, (1 t of Court House) SOMERSET. H. JENXYSLAMA RAILROAD. BCHEDffiDE IX EFFECT DEC IS, 1S9 EASTERN STANOARO TIME DISTANCE AND FARE. Miles. Fare. fl 10 5 11 t) w 7 141 2 M 7 f j 7 75 Johmstownto Altnona.... 3S': Hamu.iir, " Philadelphia. M I4;i.,'i.l- I,,t ' Biairviile Iut ' Gr-rTtiurfl:,...- ' rnttsl.nrvh" .. 1 Balttniore.... . ' Wbingtuii. 47 ? Trains arrive sod depart from tbe station at Johnstown as follows : WESTWARD. Southwestern Express. KH a. m Western Expre 5. J3 a m Johnstown A,-eommoda.ion 6 a. in Expreaa. l'J a. m Paeifl Expre.. -4 a. in Way PaMK-g-iT. 3. a. m Mail 1 a. m Johnstown Eapresm . .... " " a. n Fast lne .04 a. m. EAST WARD. Eeytone Express S a. m ft 40 a. ia J4 a. m lo I., a. m 1 ?it: p. m 4:11 p. m ":(' p. m 7:H p. m lu.to p. m nea-Snore r-xprc-su. iiarri-burv Acccmuil-in Day Express..,.. 1 AiUioua g v 1 Mail Ex pn.a . Johnstown ACO, .-- m. l'hilailelpbia ic. .- Fast Line- " , Scientific America- Agency for CAVEATS. ADE MARKS. OESICM PATCNT3, COPVRICHTS. eteJ FrrrrfTtrRtTon ana free HandNy k writet.i Mt;.N. X t O j.1 BmiAblliT. MW VOKK. OlUtt barnu f'T securin- jntflis In Aitcr. 'rery psteiit taken owt dr lis Is l.r-.inrlit h-fore tne pub-cbya-ouceg-ivca live or cgei Uu jFricntific Jmmnw Larrest etrOatlon of any select! paper m the world. riiculidiy illiiMtrausl. No tuiil're-t nan should be without lu We, k t. i.uit a yarl 1 jiix ironths. A lrtress lit N.N A (J rtau-au-u-, 461 Jirou-, Aew Xutk Uty. WE TELL YOU notliin; wvr w'trn w tht It pav to fiizajre in m Mrrini-u'i.t, ucnt bt-altny ul iiar-iM-ut iui. a-w-(, that n Hint protii f.-r v-r dur't wtTk. Su!i Is t!t hai)i-w4 wr oVr the wttriiiu? class. Wv tritch litem li:w to nt:i-.f tam-T mpttliv, Aud ru;.r:.i.t -v-r on nh follows our in-rtirlioD ;i'l.fu:l- :hf makui. f( 5;t(H) Oi a month. Kvt-ry one nrti'i now atni work will snrt-W aint rrtiiiv' itsm-t.- tlw tr mrnin:; there mo Le uu 'fuvtioa aix'ut it ; ocltr nw at work are dome it, atil )ou, r. it r, can lo the fame. Ill is H the tx-st paying bu-)iiM"i that tub hae ever ut'i tlte cftaute lu eenre. You will a.uke a crave im-iae it a full tu ive it a triui a; once. If xrap tlie tifuaikn. aii at quickie, will dir-ciiv liutl Tour-ii in a ntut prk-.penu4 bu.-ttnt'--, at wiiiii vtm ran urc!v nttke ami uf larjre mii ol moDey. I lie rr-utts of on it a few hur work will oiu-ti etiial a wrvk wairew. W lieiher mi art old or tounr. nian or woman, it makrw rt tii!t-reiHe, io aa we tell vou, ni sne cewv.:ll uit-et voa ut the verr rart. Neither earrit-m"eor tMpitai neverT. I ioe who work for us re rearit-ii. Wlif not write t laT tor full j-artk-uUr. tree ? I. C. AI.LKN A .. jUox No. -iO, iu(uUs Me. and t I V ei froc; GMfi.li WELL- Boscxrns.ca'GKS. Cia?lS5T CCNSUXPT.OJI, KSY-FEVEK. flSTKMa. tTC- C-rc-W free By tFETERVOGEIi, o,erst.FA: CUE TODE BOYS A USEPCL FEESEIT. Press iCtL -. J l-73,$-.oo,3 I 7-So, $10.00, i' i 4U1.00 to Jix-o $51.00. SW Sc. Ceiafeg . A. Tundnj, Xfijtk Am ,t--, lPV WE! YOU CAN FIND ZHh a -la in Uttuvs h st tW Ade Ku,aT2 SS.iSSws.BRos. SCIIMIDT The Lar est and Most Complete Wine, Liquor and Cigar House IN THE UNITED STATES. E3TsLB&ISHB 13G0. DISTILLER AND JOBBER OF Fine Whiskies. "W. SCEEE3Vi:iXDrI IMPORTER OF ' FAMILY TRADE SUPPLIED. X0S. 85 AXD 97 FIFTH J YES'l'E, PITTSBURGH, Ja. All orders received by ail will receive prompt attest: JS. Cinderella stoves and Ran Their Cleanh-i kit ttfii win ness v&tj Lessens imfh Labor. T will pay you to examine tlio QUEEN CINDERELLA RANGE r ,. i, Tt lia nil the Litest iuitrovenient.-i, and is i,li r .. 1U1 1VU J teed to be a jroou oascr. it . i 1 in Ar.lt?r tl; timo This is a valuable feature when you m , i- 1 wrn I t has an extra lane uitiu uuui si.wv,,.v a-. .; of inflowini; and outfiowini? air can be regulated at will : t'.L..- r.-i t.l.n- ,.1 m l,rimin fri tlift ton. It llMS tlie Tri'il. T i'. ' . U HJlICVt UU auu 11 yj .,....-, "rate, which is the perfection of Iecially durable, having tliree separate muw. w -mania v o: , grates "in one, and not easily warped by the action ofthe fire. " Manufactured bv.DlHAVES A CO., LimiKd. riltsburs-. .Sold aa.l (r,:arat,t0 by JAMES B. H0LDERBAUM, Somerset, P. Kridsingcr & Kurtz, Berlin, Pa., and T. J. Corer t Son- Marei.;. REMEMBER "Things done well and with a care, exexpt themselves froa J. IT WILX. irAY YOU TO BCT TOt Tlemorlal Work WM. F. SHAFFER, SOMERSET, PEXN'A stano-itturer of and DesUer la latterm Wort Pvrnu. edo Short Xotiet, fa o5 Color mull hji) uiujii- d. jo. Agent for WHITE SR0SZS! rersons !n need of MOXT-EyT WORK will find il to tbalr iotrfst u call at bit shop wbere a proper showint will be given tbem. MfSaft fartum towrxxnCred ws A'r-rTr Com. and -t. Vi.it Y LOW. 1 invite specia- auetiuoa 10 tbe whit Bronze, 0? P.ra Zino MDi'jusrtt Introdaeed by REV. W. A. RING as a DecMfd Improvement in the point of MATERIAL AN1 fOSSTRl't.TIOS. aod wfcic- is detained to he the Kopu iar M'a'iment for oar t nange-ble CU -mate. aCIYI -I A CALL. WM. F. SHAFFEB. Louther's Main Street, This Model Drag Stcrsis ar m W wsv Pavcxite with Pecph in S-arch cf FRESH AHD PURE DEuCS. Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Sponges, Trm Supporters, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, &c. THI DOCTOR GI7E3 PERSONAL ATTKXTI05 TO THE COMPOrS-I.s'3 0 Lontlier's -PresGriBtions IFamily Eecgi': BSXAT Ci&JC EEIS9 TAKES TO 0'LT FRESH ASD Fl&X ARKCLB SPECTACJ-ES, EYE-GLASSES, And a Full Lina ci Optical Goods always on cand. f-: Buch & Ib ; assortment all can be suited. THE FISEST BRANDS OF CIG5ES Always on hand. It is always a pleasure to display our f to "ntending purchasers, whether they buy from us or elsewhere. J. M. LOUTHER, Frl. D. MAIN STREET - - SOMERSET. Fl Somerset Lumber Yarp ELI AS UNNIN GH AM, AjnTFacrau ass Dials- aao Wboubaui ako BirxiLii or LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIA Hard and OAK, POPLAR, 8H1EIO8, PiCKKTS, 0CDING9, ASH. WALHTT, PL00RI50. 8A?H, STAIR RArLS. vn.31.-LI, W-1I1I'IB, I ITH. 1 wjr A Ge-eral Line of sil grade of Lnather and B-lldlr.r Materal and Eoo-r. r Also, can furnish anytMns; In the line of our b.finess to orter with rcasotu-A prompuu-a, such ss Brackets, CVd-auwd work, etc. ELIAS CXJNrnSTGIIAt 01-ice and Yard Opposite S,fcC. R. B. Station, Somers J.J. SPECK. WM. M. H0L'S The Liaoin- .isia Wmolcsalc Wine and Liaoon House or Wistchm Pixms1" THE WM. H. HOLMKS CO' Distillers of "Holmes' Eest " atd u oloies' Olcc-consy'' PURE RYE WHISKY. All the leading Rye and Bourbon Winnies ia botl or tax-I' Importers of fine Brandie?, Gins and Winw. SEND FOR PRICE 1 .1ST. JWIZBIAG, 4 yOdTn The,f tconomi Saves Yc. Mono l'HSJ , ,. s , - unv.. . --.j . ..-a rctiuired with the onlinrtev ?. want a qui tire lor rarlv l? f tVr.rlfrl.?r vn t ;l-i tt-.1 'P..- I r- - 1 -v- .u convenience and cleanline.. I; , ECREDET W 1C SCIESTI-TSAS hciei riCTiciiTrvTr-- n i.J i. " kli Over 50O Sent - a Beautiful. II. f 1 i Price U KOfCUMENTAL ERCN2E CZ'.Z& J-DPvI. C. J. Drur Store Somerset, Pa. Raciilv E:c:ai:? afe it a. . t 3; i j i i w i i i t t . i Soit Woo 1 . . -, in 1 Designs. ; - 3 ? wrettel JWT C7 ' 1-tJ - I 6 . 'I h I - v-, 4 . asi ", t u V i T.rr.i a Joo-vsus a co , css noum as, Telephone No. 305. PlTTSSt" 120 Water St and 153 F rs Ave