The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, February 08, 1893, Image 3

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he Somerset Herald
rORGS 6CTLL. Editor.
"4 Cooi. C;d Fashioned Winter.
,rm the Ir.U-ari New.'!
.' - .'wars t k.n' "bout the winters
- -, em no--, titans Le used U
t - V.
'. 're fce-r Mo v, eatid Bob
i t
'' .- k ri m" read uuule our
i. U, J SI! e ful". ofj iy
' I fi-e-wiau-r, sewcu-
, .... s- -
,:,-,...- fmel!;
'.-.---.-...1 giiea eiear Ivug a,
1 - j I tiy-, -ia kea yoa
.U-U-fcwBji winter, bo;-, I bupe
V-.' eii-asen ninety three, b;
'. .- . ad bi luae.
. ; ii'.. --
cut change
. t im r 12 UITet all they've said to
-si. i tl-s, like they
ii T '"
--.alist every day. rn.c,
-.ai2 a.--
... ' -.! our bovue II tell yoa I aai
A- - '
, :.!.'--ioe a"caa! ,ter mow.
-,.- a-i-ir-I r i to-
i-.- t s J je eler tM,
i it 'bally, too:
... wii hi" to tee. t o he ca'.lj it
.i.;:; -e-ier,"
'I. afi -iter an 1 A-ijra-a coaie
1 r
ierers IjZ sa.e-
T. P. Hay, Eiiers-
- - -'. trist . kc
' a Co stx-l.
' better
eer r.vple Jj-
n-.'iuns s'out man to lick tbese new
vjc2 lv--'.ae iiJUEP.
v u be'.iev -i mon cpnght jost
s:.L aeta i-g on lie ice.
--ew-ci; nn-J-r Ae snow u doitg well.
: is a ?-'j !"-esJ liie kro-er.
4..;-:sLi'''S w 5re !ow much scalier
is wLea the price i ay cp
r, 0f ;i,e Ilia.iu bouIJ nut forgot
j der, the urayjit, caa fit tbeir
" xe iJtr.titf of the perwa who kilieU
u Fact suiUh. 5-ung farmer.
i 5 :e '.'.m of i'3. Rjbc and BlikeU
t r. S . H; :Jerbj.-3 s ilariire su.-e. CII
yjrjl;'8 is a sacred thiaj. Ia the
i 1 T-v.iT?er" the of oa'y one woman
, v.r.ifi. that of &ra, Abrahini's wife.
r ) J. K -': Ierbum's hardware store
t i
per u
T: -ii.e creations ot tee printers
Ts entineA onc aiain daziie
p.iT-ilcw fwtn the stationery iiior wind-
D;. t jr. a nice new suit ? If so, y.xi
j ir it it II j.drrbaum's at 20 per ceat be
L riie. for 30 diys only.
B.j-y MA'cf'.'-. and old maiden lady
2- :i n-ar iJreensbarz. sapp'e4 to be poor,
crl y.f iiy wlc and in Ler borne a
tn2 f.unj $1,2 O in gtId
I'.: ti-g nd a new Eat? At Iloider
hi t ! y.-n ra t-'t or.e, for tlie nit thirty
iiv:. t J1- jtr ctDt lrs than they can be
kii.: V. eUfwbere.
Ta'F.f-t:b;:racs of Ponepal township, ia
T s.oE .-.d county, tare nat&iaate-i
Vi y Williama Sr School Director.
'in WT i. iX? is a f rvJ :2'e of H ''yoke
xirji-r. Ma. Siie x)un!ea;iy eipecis
t b; tif trl
Jiats B. Ko'.derhaam. thelmrjwarenian,
lire? i.rceiy notirt to owners of horses that
b p-pparwi to s'tppiy them with the best
ru-t-r' ir. j Eitds in the market.
i i i.:-ers ad enemies of Mr. B'.aine will
l it ia'.eresd in the Tery fail article
rtri in the February CVjswJytxVaa
rr rc r. Lis charscter:iic as a mil and
sti-iiia. A number office p-jrtraits are
fraud i:h the articie.
irnni'.vr ihat Mih!oa Schrock isnead-r-i-ir
il.r aii kinds of grain acd mil! feed.
b. ra rricv, also a f;l liaeoffresa
Or x.-ie-aJ F.our alsrifj :n Stat.
I. i rtniored that R-t. Dr. X. C. Schaefef,
of ii'a-own. principal of the Keystone State
Nraiii r-ii wi. will probably be the suo
taoruf Lev. Dr. L. J. Waller, jr Snper--t
-ra; of Public Ijstrnctioa. The latter's
K-rx expires ia ApnL
T.:at of Jf'J per cent c2T the price on Car
r'seven in the tice of the big advance !
-;ir, jet ii it J. JI. H jlderdd:n's for
ti ant 3j diji. This is yonr chia..
i ra'T Ger.ra; Mil'er, when be beard
t Bi rt-ai. ; "At the funeral of
ia.ri, one cf tbe neighbors who
h-i v.i- Mir5h5id. lookini: on the face cf
tr ii 3ti:tman, said, -Iinie WebaUr,
fs j.-.i wii; be laoesume without yoa.
Titunie miy be said witb propriety of
i . Biaine"
i C. Eei, E . , cf Ml Pleasant, is dan-t-tsa's
--i at the Markieton aa&iuriam
t.ia a pwiiUa- caase. A Utile over a year
strayed while drickin- oi3ee and a hi res-el. J.noe th'.-n be has
- mteaxly fruai it, and aficr sefkicg
f--e;"it, Jf. C , returned to Markle
t a :wj wrks tn.
""P'palar i-la that water is parinej by
t been diprj?rd by recent
tJttitexprr.mect. which show that tl-e
'raji.jan; of impurity re!a:nei bytne
-s i 3 per out. cf organic matter. As
t--jr?i'.;c aia:;er is the m robj-s:tionabie
the cWis wjr than was
t"-awf .rd is eviiJently utiiixlng hl
"f-! i-:a-ii;:-s daring hij present
Asr!ii r.:i fn-a ;ujy of American wq-
-e ai4 in ije n; issue of 7 La iirt
s -'J i it'.s gi7 the results of hie
erTat:.j!a dT-.a, -yb Aaierican
as ;e a?tr o a: u af er an
' -'HWy-ir.- ;3 wiia rej-tts je
h and ha has iicpro
1 arwa, mianers aai ten jenciea.
1:1 -- b it ttiiw theat oat ia a aio-i-e'i'":J,i"!'
r;-ai. by app!yii ir.o cr
T"J ;.- ,:er. V.'aea the frost ia entirety
". l; u j ir ia witer as b t as caa
c-wuiaia a.l the pwdeied aiutn
.i d sKlve, TaU w.U draw tbe
:" '-" irfa,-e an I reestablish circnia
V n becutlaUins. The
" U alaaa bita is also the best
-.rtj- ,reaesiaai sse.iiaj that fol---t
h;! 3jt properly treated.
B- CKt::hSe d, the prominent
t j'.a-f jtrasc. cH to-dar camti
H . X. aeanor. of lad ar.a.
J"" "ebt-r of the State rijard, will Hi
't be tie .-eUry of Sma.or Critcb
ein.Lreco(naiiue. This commit-
ir-tiaential factor in shapinjt
K"t!oo in krtia.( of acriculiore on the
Taiscooiajits will make at thii
of '.be Le-fiaiatiix, at they tae done
-rfpkt, drier o,iiied fight to prevent
"fpeal cf the Oleomargarine art. Mat
StiU In the Lead.
r Ta. II. Uu!ai-s Co , Distillers, la
ff 43,1 ''ho.esaie L qaor Dealers, r.b-
mi.iig eraiias oi t ana
Wh:ski. Dinners of "Holmes"
tj 151 "H.b-j (Xd Ewaomy" Pore
Jss es and Greene Cooaty Apple
T- 'rim rations brandica
-&a hat-be .-a nnassialiy Urze tbe
fr. ari v . p,pirvJ than
tra.,a wholesale dealers, hoUU and
rT " ejteeu OJtfi'a of p ire choice
at rv La&4 a-va. D.t.0 us a poat
r j -"eo call opM) yoa
ft! Flrtt A'enae and 120 Water Street,
r-WaX Pa.
Mr. Willia F-utoer and Mis Annie
HhoadR. of near Hu-bir;d, Somerset town
hip, were married la-.t Taesday.
ET. D. E. CraiLead. of the Somerset
Presbyterian church, preached to tae Pres
byterian of Jhnslowa. Sun
day njomit.jr.
The B rl af Coun'y C.mniitfrior.frs ba e
not yet fiilly Eiei Cpoa the amoout of mii
lage they wi..i levy hr co'juiy purpo-es for
tbeenraiEg jear, tut il b mvre lLaa probt
b'e that it will remain the same as la.-t
year, 5 miiia.
J'eph Meyers, ared aiutit sixty-See
years, died Maoihiy night at bU bome la
H. joTersiii , the cause bn eccsamption.
I. 'ooea; e-1 is survived by bis wife, one iau?h
ter and five sons, all of whom rraide at or
near Iloorersrii'.e.
Jeremiah Glofetty, a leading citizen of
Grernrilie township, died Saturday, aced
aboct serenty-Ere years. He is Survived by
his wife and a large family of children. AU
of the children are married. The faneral
took place at 10 o'ciotk Tuesday morning.
A Sewing class is the latest orpaaixation
uoder the aaspk-es cf tbe Caildrens' Aid
S-jciety of this place. ' Tbe class meets in
the Academy bciluic every Saturday after
noon, when the ladies of lb Society instruct
the children wha may atlec i in the art of
needle work. The at-endaace is juit large.
Hon. L. li. W oodru? has dl--ped of the
Johnstown Icuj -rat, cf which he has been
editor for the past twecty yesrs. The new
editor ar.d canatcr is Mr. Warren Worth
Ba;!y, late of Chiciiro. The cew editor
promiws to mtte a first class interior daily
out cf the Lemucrat and we hope that hd
may succeed.
Mr. John W. Gardner, th? a.t-1 aad re
spected farrcer cf Jnrter toanh''', who
was stricken with paralysis a'oeu: two
months ago at the home of bis sja in-law,
Mr. Abrain Beam, at Joncertown, has re-cetit-y
been taken to his home tr the
Giet-ner post oiTj--e. He Las Dot spoken a
word iicce overijme hy the disa.
Eii or Livetigood, of the S i.isbtiry .?f ir,
was a tUitor in town duricg the Farmers'
Itijtitute acd paid a pleasant oil at this
otSoe. The &v is holdla : tt to its share
of the journalistic, a::d has the praia
worthy merit of 'speaking out in mee.tin' "
on all bubjects ar.d when thlc-s
don't move the way Itseiitor nats them to.
Eoraee G. Wiiker, c-dtat sou of the late
Charles Walker, died at the home cf his
mother, a short distance south of Somerset,
ab-jct 2 o'clock Moruijy afternoon , aged
f.jrty-tao year?. Lea;h resulted from con-g-;tion
of the brain. Mr. Wi'ker was a
can of more than oidiniry intelligence and
abiiiiy. ard his unt:me'y er.d will be regret
ted by a latere circie of fri.
The bouse, Thars iay, pssed on second
reading a bill aaicniici; the marrlace license
law, providing that a hceni-e to marry may
behssued in the coun-y w heroin eilherof the
parties reside. The bi.i was amprded so ts
to include the cennty where the marriage
is to be performed. When this bill
up ia the senate it iil I ely be farther
amer.dcd iry iitcre'in the fee for a licerue
to oce d jllar.
Masy of car town's people havsbeea
wondering why Sir. Wesley W. Davis Las
been walkirg wi'h a painful limp the past
few wet-ks. Mr. Iavia is su Terir,? from a
punshot wound in his left f -ct receUed in
the s-cad tattle of F- jll Ran. The old
sore brest out every year or two, occasije
im Lira great auiT-ring anJ lacoareaieoee.
Mr Pavis has ar.o'.her fcur. sic-t wound, be
low the ia the same leg, receifei ia
the hst'le or GaineV Mill.
F I EC.-rj has t?n pimoi'ltteJ to jsil
at G n etisbii nr. on a chave of forgery. !t
chargd that he foreeil the name of M. M.
Dick, a West Xewton hant.r, aad then
used the check to dupe an inrocent mer
char.t Litutd Taylor, st ilurrysviile. Ee
also forged the naate uf Baley Walton, a
Piu.-bu'ir'j sto k da!er, to a check drawn
on the Bar-lay bauk fjr Th: check
was cashed by a Jeanrette leatcher. Bea
f ird baa a wife aad child Browns
Till e.
The contract fjr furnishing 2J0-iK) crcss
tea &-T use ou the Pitt'burKh divi.-ion of
the Baltimore i Ohio, has been awarded to
H. C. Euton, of Conaelisv.lie. It is the
yearly order, and tbe lies will be delivered
and most of them put under the steel before
the end of the year. The contract calls for
oak. Mr. Houston, who has furnished ties
for a nuai!er of years ps--t, says that he ob
tained the greater portion of the limber in
Somerset ounty, allboQgh it was ceoessary
to g-j moch farther bi- k from the ra-lruad
than formerly.
The house committee on education has re
pvr:ei aihrmative'y the Farr carcpulscry
educauon bill. I: d.rlirs from the bill ve
toed by Governor Pattison last session only
in tbe snhsututiur. of the words, "' a school
ia which the English branches ire taught,"
for "public, parochial or private schools,'
and re-piires etery child between the age cf
eight aiid twelve years, to attend such a
chocl at least siiteen week each year. It
is estimated that there are 1" ..') children
between those a in the stata who d cot
aitecd a.ty ichooL
At a me ting cf the Somerset County Ag
ricultural Society, heid in the law library
room Wedsesdjy aftem-vm. Senator X. B.
Cri'.chfie'd was re-eietrte-l president, H. J.
KoiTman, scn:tary and Georze C. Licbty,
treasurer, for the ensuing year. Valentine
Hay. P. K. Mocre, 31. J. Beachy, A- G.
K.iunc mJ O. P. Shavt.-, were appoinU.-d
members of the executive coctnii'tec The
rx-cutive committee, in cor.junction with
the president, was instructed to select a vice
president from each township aad borough
in the county. They were also instrarted
t J trmuUte phtna. to be presented at the
next aantu! fir fcoiding annual
county lairs. Ti e report of the treasurer
siors a of iVi j on hand. It costs
y r nts ti become a n exber of the Agri
c::tural S.iey at: i fj-oiers ail over the
Cvutj'y are c.-ged to uu'.'.e with it.
It will 1 remembered by pen ins who
were in at'i-adanceat the Farxers' Institute
Lt week, that Senaior Critchdeid and Hn.
Jnn C. U'ei'.er. who were attending tbe la
sti:uti could not remain Or the closing
Svsioa but left fr Iljrnsburs on Wednes
day evening in order to appear before tbe
House Coa-.tiittee on E hi-a'aon, to oppose
the til! eitet;d.r.2 tbe i-hool term to Seven
months. Judging fruaj the r.uaient er
preased by a vote of the Initiiu'e. many of
oar readers wiii be g'i to koow that the
etTorta of those who opp-fse-l tbe bill were
not in vain and tha' tfce b;il was defeated in
committee by avote i f two to one.
This, however, does not end the matter
The same bill befjre ne Senate aoJ if
passed by that bly it will go before the
IJ.jue as a Senate till. Those who are op
posed to its passaite hope that the knock it
has already received before the House com
mittee wU help to tecure its defeat ia the
The Democratic primary election Monday
evet.ine was not devoid of humorous Mi
area. Tbe antagonistic elements in that
party did not gt into one aootber a hair
;aite as deep as on fjrraer occasions, bit
they took several tugs at it j-ast the tame.
Candi-iales fbrcocnciioifn were nominated
afainat their own personal protest entered
before tbe election boar J as well as againot
the protest cfa'ptrirg leaders of the local
Democracy. Foljwinj is the ticket placed
in nomination :
BarresJ-'3-picki'1; To Coaa
cil, J. G. Og'e. 3. D. Swank and 'aatiae
Hay ; School V rectors, II L. Baer and Ear
nst O. Kooeer ; Tax Coiiector, James B.
Tredwell ; JastVce f the Fewee, 5-Iomoa
rhJ; Constable, Wax. Stoddard; High
Constable, Fred Holbroos ; Street Comnis
siocer. Per Fink ; Ja lge ot Election, E.
Ji. lintoo ; Iaspertor, Frank Gilbert.
Killed by an Exo'oslon.
Samuel Huupt wasinstanLly killed by the
explosion of tbe boiler in Frank Granger's
planing mill, at tbe foot of TorLeyfjot
street, shortly before 1J o'clock, Friday.
Me-ers Uonpt and Granger were at work oa
tbe second U tor of the miil, the former at
beri;a iaiuiediateiy over the bailer and
the Utter at a scroll saw ccly a few feet
away. The boiler was harkd from its
foundation tb rough the 3 or and roof and
fed oa the ouUide of the building. Koopt
waj evidently struck ty piece of Sjir.g
ti in her or metal. His akull was crushed
aad presented a ghastly appearance. Graa
gi're4 out of tha building, bow he Jcsen't
know, and was uninjured-
The report of the explosion was beard in
all part of tbe town and niau an J w tnen
rtuced into the streets to inquire what bad
happi-ned. A cload of smoke led the peo
ple to tbe scene. The mil! was crcre pi
several places, bat the dimes were uon el
tinguisbed. Hour's bxfy was foand ia a
corzieroo the second floor of the buiidiag.
Ii was lying ia a p k1 of b OjJ aad was cov
ered with o. I.. "U. The boily was carried to
the dead nui borne only a few rods away,
where his wife and four young daughters
were eagerly awaiting the return of the bus
ban J ai-1 father for dinner.
The mill was badly wrecked and tbe kiss
wid tench ILxri.
Samuel Lloupt, the unfortunate man who
hM his life, was in his forty-second year.
He. ii-. tbe eldest living son cf Mr. William
Houpt. of this borough. His moiber died
only about ten diijs ago. The deceased
was a !ua'e?r of the Knights cf tbe Goi-ien
l-ju; arid bad an insurance plicy in that
oroer f-.r a small amount. The ' fuutrii
tok phice Su-iday ahemoon when the body
was fo lowed to tbe grave by the local Older
of Eaish's of the Golden Edj!e.
Whore Has the Money Con?
Au act of Assembly re-pa ires a ropy cf the
annua! m-tilemeot of to school districts of
this Commonwealth ta be placed on file in
theotScteof tos clerk of the Court of tjaarter
Se? sions. which shall be at ail times subject
to ia pection by any citizn there jf. The
same act raak-s it cptional, whether or net
the annual tta'.emeut of tbe receipu ail i ex
penditures ol the school districts be pub
iuhed ic the I wo local papers having the
largest escalation.
A carefnl search made in the effiee cf the
Clerk of the Court of J,-iarter Sessions of this
county thiicl to revta! more than one an
nual statement of the receipts and expendi
tures cf the school funds of Sjmrset bor
onah icjaool district fjr the past eleven
It had been the uniform custom of the di
rectors ef Somerset borough sri jl district
to advertise the annnal statemjot ofthere-ct-ipts
atid expenditures of Sii J district in
tw; papers published in the district up un
til the year Hi), when the tiublication was
suddenly discontinued. Why was the pub
l.catioi cf this important information to the
tax payers of tbedistrict disoot tinud ? Wis
it on account of a virtuous streak of econo
my or was there something in it tbe d. rect
ors wished to ha7e suppresaed ?
The statement male in last week's Hta
alp in rgari to thice miils building tax
having b?cu collected annually from the tax
p vers of jmerset borocg'i schojl district
ws tna-ie on information de?:v- d frm tax
c.lit-ctors of the district and o b-.-rs. I msy
be true that tbe niiiliige for building purpo-s-a
was ou!y tw- mills d-iriog ths period
f.-j-u l-sil to l:i)L, bat prior to that time it
was three mills and some years even mote
Three mills building tax on the ase-eo
vIua:!on of the school district nets not les
than tl.l.Vt, arid two ruiils, therefore, mn-l
net n;.t less than iT It fuilows that in
eleven years the entire revenue for imilding
pirpo-ea sr.ast have been between fl-j.OU)
aad i'tl i.k.
With this larae sura of mmey collect J
fjf the purpre cf meeting a boa ded indebl
eda-?e f i-j.iO it was neressa-y for the
b-a.-d of directors to borrow $ ito meet
the current expenses of the s. boohs, so we
are informed! a year or two aga.
T ie annual report of the County Superin
tendent shows that the receip-s of Somerset
bomah ichol district from ail sources (out
side cf tax) has always been ia ex
cess of the CO of maintenarire of the
schooi. teachers' wages, janitors' Salary,
fuel, etc
And still the sx-hoo's dj not campare ia
eaa.-iency with those of number of the
country districts.
In view of the bard-msome debt that has
1 .r-g oppressed the tax payers of the dis-t-ic!,
the sub ! directors of the district
found it expedient to parchase a tract of
land adjjiaiog tha I'akia school properly.
May a long suffering peop'-e he permitted to
ic jiire why this lot of ground was porchas
ed? Of what earthly va'.u is it to the
schools that already bad a surplus of play
gro ted ?
A pr amiaent contractor of Ihe b-jroogh is
authority for the sta'ement that when he
went to the board of directors aad asked for
the p'ans and speeirlcations they demurred
about giving thecn to him and slid bs
v to3 late. He riaslly secure-1 the plans
and specinca'.ions, pat in a bid for tbe pro
posed ad lition to the Academy ba lding,
and as a result of his action ail bids were re
jcteL Death on the Rail.
Tbe most disastrous wreck ia the history
of the B ii O. railroad occcrrcl at iViiliams
station, this county, at an early boor Mon
day morning. Four men were killed out
right and three others wiil die. Tbe dead
are conductor John C. Net, fireman William
Nil and, cond actor Charles Danlap and en
gineer George Wallace. Tbe wreck was a
rear end collision and occurred on a heavy
grade. It appears that the first train, which
runs nightly between Meyersdaie and Cum
berland, was shifting freight. The
trj-la was a fast freight running between
Pittsburgh and Sew York. Wnile coming
do a the hcaey graie at Bowman's the
through freight divided and the engine with
25 cars became ucmansgeble and ruhed
down the moaniala side with lightning
speed. The engine party was not aware
that the train bad parted cntil it arrived a: a
point abuut two raiies frcra the scene of the
wreck. As socn as the engineer saw that
tbe train had parted he sounded the alarm.
He reversed Lis ergine and did ail in bis
power to bring Lis train to a stop bat with
out avaiL Do an the mountain side the
ransway train rushed until Williams atari
was reached, where was sighted the rear end
of the Keystone coal train, which was shift
tug at that point.
The engineer called to Fireman Xiland to
jump for his Me, while he remained at his
post. Neither of them lett the engine cntil
within a few feet of the Stan ling train. In
an iitstant the mouter engine ploughed its
way into the can and death and destruc
tion followed. Thirty of the freigat cars,
tcgetber witb caboose in which there were
several men, were broken to splinters aad
caught fire from the broken ecgines.
As xu as the wreck occurred wreck
trains were telegraphed fur from Caioher
Ucd. When the wreckers reached tbe scene of
the disaster there was no trace of Engineer
Wallace and Conductor Net, of the runa
way train, bat later Net was found boiied
a rider the heavy timbers of tbe broken ears.
Shortly afterward Fireman Wm. Xiland
was found about I'fi feet from tbe wreck,
but was unable to speak. He was placed on
s stretcher and coo r eyed to a passenger
ctach, where he died ia a short time. Con
ductor Dunlap was afterward taken out.
Srakeman Connelly and SharfTacd Flagman
Grimeu were afterwards rescued, but it is
thought that their irj cries are of soch a at
riocs natare that they cannot recover.
William Siland is a brother of tbe fire
man Michael 3Tilaad, who was shot and
k-'led by Flarence Fuhrer who is now serv
iiig a terra in the penitentiary for ibe crime.
It is feared that Engiaeer Wallace's body
baa not yet been foncd aad it is feared that
i! has been cremated.
Anything yon want in Gents' Famishing
Goods yon can get at J. M. Holderbaom's
for the next 30 days at 20 per cent less than
ar acy other place in town.
The Best or All Swimmers, and
How Ha PUytdt Jokw on
a Crowd.
From the Johnstown Tribune.
A'J old Johtistnwners remember and have
a very kind ieei'n for UM Jor-, who in
his time, has startled them by fhiiicg fram
the top of the Couipacy Store boiMing to
the cellar, and surprised them 'jr cot sus
taining any more serious icjuries thaa the
occasion seemed t-J reqiire: who bss won
their gratitude by repeatedly tiring for tae
bi.vlies of drowned persons and alwavs fi nd
ing them, and who no matter how yoa
Uke him, is oue of lbs best sal m st heip
fcl! of men.
Thai's Isaac Jones. Mr. Jones parted
with Johnstown a number of years ag and
bas since lived In Somerset, taking an oc
casional tumble from a building, just to
keep bis hand in. Yesterday he was back at
the old borne, but it ia do part of our ioten-
tiou in thia narrative to iy that the object
of bis riait was to bay a cradie for tte new
baywbicb yesterday morning came to
cheer him in bis old age.
We started out to rpesi of Mr. Jones'
prowess as a swimmsr, for as such he excels,
and it was ia s cnversatlra about the old
days that we drew from him tbe sabataace
for what appears below.
Mr. Jones was born with a liking for water
and is stiil a strorig temperaare man. At aa
early age he went to sea, aad for several
years was a udor. He ii not the mia who
juwped overboard from a swift stcarnsr, in
the middle of the om?a unknowa to the
crew, and, aAer playing around for aa hoar
or two, caught up with the ship before it
reached port; but when his vessel was at
anchor beofum "t wk a header" and dived
into the b'ua aai briny dep s hundred feet
or aa, and then, coming up for czoae, dis
ported among the fishes far as long as two
hours at a t.rne swimming miles, forth aai
back, before returning to tbe ship.
Mr. Jones' reputation as a swimmer and
diver was so well known, and be had given
sucb frequent exhibitions of his skill after
coming to live here, that impossible stories
were told about what he could do in that
line, sad he once entged ia a bit of harm
less deception which many who saw or
heard of Lis " wonder: jl teat " may not to
this day know was only "one of his tricks."
Mr. Jones was cne of a crowd who were
enjoying a Data in me stocycreec, aoove
the Rocks, " one evening after dusk, and
bad dune some remarkaUia diving, which
made the kids of tuai day open their eyes
and mouths in wonder. He was asked bow
long be cou'd stay ender water and said
"fire minutes, easily," and then the mouths
and eyes opened wider.
Some one said that was a physical impos
sibility, arid then Mr. Jones qiietly took
one of the older swimmers into bis confi
dence, posted him in the middls of the
creek ia wster tip to his waist, took a big
stone ia his bauds, as he explained to "keep
him d jwn, ' and d. red hili fi-st, into tie
"deep hole." As be cut the water there
wis a little splash, aud all was still Tbe
minutes passed, acd the boys begaa to wish
they hain't crjtd him to tbe test. Three,
four minutes by somebody's watch, and still
the famous direr was bulging the bottom of
the creek, hanging on to his ballast. The
suspense was painful The crowd feit sure
he was drowned, and several suggested d:v -ing
for his body, but no hero stepped for
ward lo perform the act
Mr. Jones did not have Lis watch along,
but from the shelter of bis friend's body out
therein the creek, to which he had swam
na ler the water with swift and silent strokes
he could tell by the anions of the crowd
when the time was cp, and then, swimming
buck ctider the water to near where he bad
dropped the s.or.e, he came op, like a sec
ond oid Neptune, before the astonished eyes
of the waiting crowd, and. "itb a big gasp
to complete the deception, convinced them
that he had really stayed uad-'r water five
minutes and more '.
Mr. Jones is now getting to be an old man,
but be ia atlll vigorous, and be told as yes
terday tha. he wonid not be afraid to under
take lo witn the Mississippi Eiver witb his
hinds aad feet tied; ai d we believed him.
Republican Primary Election.
More interest was displayed in some quar
ters over the Bepuhiican primary election
in this borough Saturday, thaa was ever be
fore manifested in a similar contest. A
presidential election drvps into insignia
cacce when compared with a ecntest for
coancilmen and school directors at a bur
ocgh primary. All other officers were lost
sight of. The battle waged from sunrise
t.ll dark and after tbe smcke of battle had
cleared away the following was found to be
the resuit :
W. II. We'.tiev, U4
L. C. Co! born. 95
J. G. Cgle, 1IG
J. D. Sank, 115
Htrry C. Pile, 104
Thomas Jones, l.'W
John G. Sanner, ll5
E, li. Werner, 117
J. K. Scott, 154
J.CLowry, 127
D. J. Horner, 14S
Goo. II. Love, 125
Oliver Knepper, 110
SiiDiuel P. Snvder, Go
Win. Gilbert, 147
Jacob Fleck, 61
Simon Be-rfcer, 2)
A. H. Huston, 177
E. W. Khoads. 61
Geo. M. Savior, 23a
Jere. Rhoa.U 241
Milton E. Craver, 233
Martin Fleegle, 243
The ccunt of the election officers was ea
gerly awaited by crowds of voters collected
ia the dirTerent s'cres and oSces about town.
Theor5.-esia the Court House ia which
the primary election was conducted was
.!ed witb interested spectators, all of wbom
followed the score of the tally clerks and
when it was known that the sheets of the
taliy clerks showed a majority of only one
vote for caudidate Werner, a re-count was
asked for by a friend of Mr. Ogle's. This re
quest called forth a prolonged discussion with
the result that tlie election c-Ciers decided
to ccmply wilh the request. The re-count
showed that both, Mr. Werner and Mr. Ogle
hit! received each one vo'e more than the
original count had given them.
Fifty-five votes wers cast for Solomon Ual
for Justice of tbe Peace.
When Doctors Ail Agree.
It is a fact well established, that February
an-1 March are the most trying months to
aged or enfeebled persons. Paenmonia, In
fluenza and kindred chest aiH di-wis are
liable to get in their dea iiy work There ia
but one thing to dj, build op and fortify
the system with a pure stimilant. Medical
men all over tbe country agree that Klein's
"Silver Age-1 st $1.50 per quart, and "Du
qaesse" at $L25 per quart, stand without a
peer. If yoa want fine six-year-old Guck
enheimer, Finch, Gibson, Overboil, or Bear
Creek, yoa can have them at $1.00 per quart,
or six quarts for $5.00. We are recognised
headquarters for the choicest brands of
Wine, Liquor, Cordials, etc Goods express
ed anywhere. Send for complete price list ;
metitioa this paper.
Max Eliii,
82 Federal Street
Allegheny, Pa.
MrLLE.V-BAKES.-Oa January 2JL
li-'t, at the ota oe of Noah Casebeer, J. P.,
Somerset, Pa, Mr. William Mullen and Mrs.
Susan Baker, both of Black township.
25th inst-, at tbe Eeformsd parsonage, Som
erset, ra, by P.-v. Hiram King, Mr. Albert
H. Beck and Miss Cora G. Hochstetler, both
of Jefferson township.
Changing the EaQot Law.
Senator Baker, of Delav. are Cooaty. Las
introduced a bill making many and impor
tant amendments to tbe ballot law. Ualer
these changes any party polling one i er
cent, of the largest vote eat, for any State
OfSeer, is recognized aa apolitical party, and
msy certify its nominations. The present
law requires three per cent. Parties polling
less than one per cent, must present nomi
nation papers. For state offices, congress
and legislature not more thsa 5)0 signatures
are reqiired, while for all other officers
f nere moat be at least ten signers.
Certificates of nomination and nomina
tion pepers for the three highest classes of
orficers most be filed thirty-five and twenty-
eight days respectively before election in
steal of fifty -six and forty nine; county and
municipal twenty-eight and twenty-one in
stead of forty-two and thirty-five. For bor
oughs and townships the limit is nnrbarjg
ed. The time for filing objections in the
three classes ia extended bsm thirty to thir
ty-nine, twenty to twenty four and three to
five, respectively. The Secretary of the
Commonwealth most certify nominations to
tbe iheriSi and commissioners twelve days
before election, instead ot ten, as now te-
Tbe method of marking ballots is chang
ed to require a cross mark opposite the same
of each candidate vioted for except presiden
tial electors, where one mark opposite the
party name voles for alL The number of
otndal ballots furnished is unchanged, bat
only a sufficient number of specimen ballots
are required, and the county commissioners
may require the elect ion judges to come to
their otSoe on the day before election and re
ceive and receipt for all ballots for their dis
tricts. One voting romp-art ment is to be furnish
ed fb every seven ty-dve voters, instead of
every fifty, and a certain door mmt be plac
ed across tbe npper pert to screen the voter
from observation while making his ballot.
The name and residence of a person vouch
ing for an unregistered voter most be en
dorsed on tbe ballots' check list, opposite the
voters' name. Reasonable compensation for
party watchers shall be included in the
proper election expenses of candidates and
political committees.
Tbe most important change is that rela
tive to the "disability of voters. It reads as
follows : " If any voter, before receiving bis
ballot, declares to the judge of election that
be cannot read it, or that for any physical
cause he is unable to mark it, the judge shall
require him (except ia cases of manifest
physical disability) to make oath on a:Dr
matton to the fact, stating it specifically.
and shall then peimit him to select one
qualified elector of tbe district as a helper.
who shall be permitted to enter a voting
compartment with him. The said helper
shall first declare, oa oath or affirmation,
that he wiil not attempt to influence tbe
vote of said voter, bin will only give him
the help be may desire, and that be wiii not
disclose tbe contents of the ballot to anyone
except when required so to do in any legal
proceeding. The inspector in charge of tbe
voting check list shall in any soch case note
therein, opposite the name of the voter help
ed, tlie words helped by (naming the helper)
on account of : stating the cause j.
A public coast is also specifically provid
ed for.
Valuable Rsal Estate !
By virtue ot aa order of sale to me directed. I
iil exiMae to paboc sale on the premiaea, oa
at 1 o'rlnrk P. M., the following desrrfbed real
estate laac lh estate of Ueary a. PtekiJM, dee d.
Ail that eertaln tract cf land ilrnaie in Jeoner
Mwn!ip. ieret cwunty. Paa!joiaHur Un-!a
of I'eter Fr.e.lline, He&ry Baorh. Levi rrieiliiee,
John Fisher, Vnna sVtim-u-ker, J,weph Ream and
otner Un U of the eotaie of the above decedent,
more or lea, shout 0 arm cleared, balance tond
limber, a large number of Que maple trees, and
banug thereon erected a euod two-fltory and
banemem plack house, barn aad out building,
arehard aad good waier ; convenient lo cOaixh
aril school.
-Terms :-
Ten per eent on day of sale, one-third on de
livery of deed, one-tii iri ia one year and one
third in t-vo year wiia interest, tumemioa giv
en 1st April, l-sad. j. pic-civ;.
This Space
Reserved for
Parker l parke
Tbe Leading
of the County.
Saturday, March 4, '93
We offer the Dublic our entire
Below actual value. We mean to
And reallr meaa to rive jon back
dollar's worth of goods joa bur.
ever made tlie people of Somerset
above named Good, and this big reduction ouglt surely eell them.
Receipts and Expenditures
Directors of the Poor
Somerset County, Pennsylvania,
For the Year Ending January 2d , A. D., 1893.
J SOMERSET COUNTY, in account with the County of Somerset,
Pennsylvania, for the year ending the
To amount of sale at the pnrr boom In l-o
" swmenet eo:nij f-irorlci 'o. W 1 -
" - - - - to
Carried fcrward..
Outdoor Expenses.
A ieousI forwarded..
OnMour relief .
oijujueuaace of chil-irao
-. b paipers
" " lxunass .if lis stout
" " l H.-r".6urjt.
" ciitilfio at Kiwvti
Oat door Cofflna
- ueiticml aueod-ore
R- R. flue lur 0. It. igi. ,,,
Vwibm traveiias axoisea
Paid other evinu e and leiefnun
Inxvetors extim- oa ouii 6ualcei
Jusiiee and Cotisl tie
Oia ve) O. 1. roper
Pry rox i and clothitir-
WLemt and Qour
Appebuer. BtKf. baAoa, Nuter and sali.-
i.., ;.,-. iau cntil exm
toroueri- ...
dtira r and um.
stiaand Leather
p and broom..
Pnuuot. and rUi.
O u oiL..
LnnueaoT niedieal examiner aad eertihcai-L.
J-ilre and Constable fees
bre, enveloim and box reot...
f-n.nCij and JlrruA KOkaciiL
t ooia
Prothoootary and Keeor-ler lees..
uuf r. ear ding and weaviag.
Fer-iier ad l)me
ni and paots .
Lumber ao1 freiahU-
Repairs asd Mbtiiiery..
Labur and dynamite
Paint and caper
laooor. meeb-al
B - nee on new building.
Iron ftipes
steam heater
Live k
aMmectk pour as ocu ;a .
! n urii-e.
Uimey p-d oo i-nien;nre sorreemenui..
i-rin toad library
ectc Ugnt
Cirertor WeHer..
tttorney and eieek. Coibora.-
Pnyeun. arotiieis
4-haiaia, sVyior
rren!T. Hamcr
took. S!.-e .
iaait.r, Kinimel and Rran ...
Clerk u aettieineiit, cmckerM
1. Toamnnntedeetlnuued C-exoenes
2. Ev - rvoeivd fp n imoty CosuniKloam on sUre orUr .
X " "of esti aM unexpended to Ui aredil uf sd Board
ccouvr of c. c mcsselm as DOXATiox Deed Book, VoL 62, page 73.
L Toaaotmt receive-! fr a Coor.ty Coramt'toeri, InC'iea Mu-Klstaa read.
2. To " over pa.d due thn imuerml fund ., .
X By exradud - aewv-pexa, etc I i W
L. To aaooat of poor hoose orler No. l-W.
X By one year"! cary aa director
1. To am xiru of puor bouse opter Xo.-
- - " - - - -
X By one year's dry as .i'rrctoc .,.
To amonnt nf prwic hoose onimt 5a
X By one year t tiry as d-eetor
Ta whom Uwel
Srm eph L. wH'er
Joaepb A. Mu.r
1 avuta Seraev-
i. H. X-r
We. the sod-nirI Acditofv of ihe enonry of Some. tt. t the Cotn moo wealth of PearlMJia,
do eerdiy t-at is pui-iaare of the 47 Heei.a of tbe Act, enti led - Aa Act rei-iinc Hi roanti ,
lowTe-fcip. nr ,- pawed tfte ivjj da of Apr 1. A t . Is. e me at the M iire. in C- eoo
tv of er-et.oB Ou, i day of Jno . !. acd ater duly . did aw tit. a- !; 1 e -
tr tb era, aoncunu rtulrel cf w by law. acreeaoly to ihe pvm1 Arta of A-wby and pi4e
Brau t-emo. -oeuf!- ts tbe bo ot our juiUme-t-od aiMUty, ami laat tlie torrtoum arc una aad
eorreet -taiirnim of the fcoiiow to aocounu. viz :
lt- Joa tUn r. TTea-arer of Um Pc Eoubs and Boaae of K pJoye of Eowientt
Coantj. wiUi ul County of dm-ieraet.
3-L TbeacM-it of the C C. don-Mim.
i. Tie oxcie aerooota.
4ta Tbe tili-idl oeounu of tha Di elo? of tha Poor, it tte Ccaty of, ail for
the year 1'
T it id Tirwnmr and the ifa-eie were dilv moned to -rr Man the Anditon wth book 1 p-ira. ami tAey d appeav r aad stud-rod t-etr buoaa. ordcei. bill, voucben aad
niMfi. iw Kmaooi 11 r X t
la tmuaaao whereof save oereaa art our kands aad this the IX- day of J-atauy, a.
D., l
ATT-rr- r. D. J-B'er-,HE1t 's4
H. . BEEiLFT. HA -S 4Hri'FL ka-I
C-k. KidX K B W. lo--
line of GOODS, consisting of
make room for oar immense line of
ThLs h without question the best offer
County. We have a full line of all the
second day of January, A 153.
V wriicu fund
Laliccc a.-coual .
. MM 30
10:37 1
11776 01
Am't Totals
.1 Ul ffl
I 7K ,7
l o
03 UU
cu a.
to 0
17d TV
-II l
19 i
M I.
bTT &
i) M
so a.
K71 t.
til 1
. 2 t
41 .
7 57
.. r7
40 10-
74 4Uf
49 3
t w r
. c l.
. 7S 7 .1
. luut UU t
. t 102 5C
2 V!
.: ii
.. -K SO
4i 2-
.' iv
. zn
i 7 Ok
. 1(. (
10 wu
1475 US t 1177 01
acocxt witu s-vrrr corxrr. Pi.
t lluuv 00
. Jiosjr k
! vt
t OB
V 4V
I 30 oe
f M 06
so uu I M oe
. f
1 J0
Clothing, Hats Underwear, etc.
Where to bay men's wear of the best grade, best maie and best stylei
Whr. of course, at the Mammoth Clothing Store run bv the J0I1X3
"town hustlers.
Suita of the latest ptt4-n?, Ift of the newest st)le?t Xecxware of the
finest and nobbiest IiK!.. Uuierwear cfall nake?. f 4C3 and
t2terui can aw he had at " Tho HUSTLER'S" Eporiam.
If you are seekinc; gol jroo. cheap jjood.?. zr-y' at unheard of low
prices, we are your Clothiers to bar of. Stjfajtion guarantesd,
Succosaon to T-omaa, Ksrr k OgiNia.
251 and 253, Mala Street, JOIIN'STO WN', PA.
New Spring Goods
103 Clmtoo Street. Louther fc Green's Bloclc, JOHX3TOWX, PA.
Di:r,ss goods.
Consiatinf of Black aaJCo'or- Shall ie Silks, Sarah Silks, Velvet aaj Velveteen
ia all colors, Black and Colored ilenriet-isat i, .V, .x', 75. ! 00 and $1 26
per vard. We have a full line of all the New Weave, such aa Bedford
CoHa, C'heeron Barrs aa 1 Cbeiae, etc.
Cttaa DrCM G Foue-da-acrd O-llsg CloLb, Can to a Cloth, Ciint-rw
and SaUnea.
ldftdlew SprLnc Jarkcte. A full line of Doceatica. W. grL-nfee all oar
Kid Gloves.
Call and see c.
More Records Broken !
Quirk's Great Farniture Emporiam lias Done It !
Yes, exorbitant prices for Bed-toads, Bureau., Desks, Table
Chair., Mattresses, Sofa, first class Parlor Sets, and all kinds of Fur
nitnre have been knocked in the head at
h. V e a -J Wa.
As evidence of the fa.t call at No. 1 IS Wajhinton Street, Johnstown
Pa., opposite the Company Store, where the greatest barjains caa be had
on terms to suit purchaser
When ia JOHNSTOWN. don"t fail to call at
NEW SI ORE, 241 Main St.,
Where will be found a Complete Stock of Prv Goods. Ladies's and
Gents Furniahinirs ad Wraps. All t!ie N'ewert thinrrs ia Dress Goods
including Silks, Scnres. Henrietta-:. Camels Hair, Bedftrd Cords, Wool
en, Crepes and all other Novelties ia the Press" Goods lice. Also a
complete line of Stable Goods, such as Muslins. iieet:nj, Table Lin
ens, Crashes. Ac, Our line of Ladies Wraps, includes Jackets Capet
and New Markets of the latest Sprinj Styles.
OUR MOTTO : Best Good.,
Come and see us
Write for rates en the Renewable Term Vian.
H-B- ..t. 531 Wood st. Pittsburgh,
Bv virtue of an rr lev of tti 'VohinV Ton -t of
Mueret i-mDty. Pa . toepe ,u ; iwl w
plb ir rrlr on : he Dnr-1. iu id 1 lo- a.-ip
rtliljr . I ., oa
Saturday, Feb. IS, 1893,
at ! o'clock P. Jf., the till.wini d,.-r bed real
e-te Ute me pr ipertv -rf . ,-, 1- -1 v:j :
an i-erua i.-ri or 1 iu.1 - 1 i a.i-ti
wio u .L:. amner-t e Niury, K.. V:n
at -toue. Laette fc-t 1 .1 -h lit at.fie
:nen- -.rta perefies hi l.e-e. na
1 o perrfct to ine. liieceo 'ii'h 1 fc.iin
to p-ace of b.-gianisi;, o
lOO Acres lOO
triet oeii. l'l-i beinx tfc? me Ir rt of land
euaveve.1 l -W.y fi, i,v J.-pi E ,. T
l.l d eii'-i Ji . 14 r?ei,i iq V 1. 4-.
pae i n. nr. ?id irm of Ud a ks -i e
uk a-d n-rn there -a ere.-ted.
Terms :
,-l n ti-Lt-il, j in do; rtr 1 . It two xo-arp
l.Q lUrT-4 ui llr-'t- T--J -H.a f Mxl CUr-
fnrii o - of U k fT-i u-t v an 4 : we wtrrur-
tJ h rstal -l m-JC'S 7 tltra I'll frni--
a;. i:h .. ; t .
A l-a f-'-'Ttaluf.
:elic SALE.
Vahbl3 Rail Estats.
By vfrtae of aa irder of the o-pa' C a-t of
SoineeR-teoi-atv. Pa., there will at l-we.l
p-!;r-iet Pw.mii w. in reeov.e ua
hip, id county and suite, oa
Saturday, Feb. IS, 1S!JJ.
at 1 o'clock P M.. the -illwvlnt desrr-.Vd rea
-ue tiue :a i'l 'ire -iwi; w.D-.i'p. a ni
late ih propeny uf Ptuir t Xilier. dee d. ; :
Tr i-t ? I. Kmvn rsl in tne riro
eeel:i.e.iB prta of ihe e; or .; t peief
. Miner t-e d, Njl A.. ..titin:n r
ami peft-oe- : -n,(i i i- .of -.. j nrit.
Jueiiiiwar.d SWumuu!iL
T.-ti ".x kaowo aai d enbe-t ia the pro
eeetiiair id portiti.xi- Tirett - o . .. cor
t-Biut 1!1 -er ard HopereneM Un-t-of
J-wl Mi'.ier. ?utor.D Aitnst, soi-el It
Yutry ai So. i . -ee.
TUe e i-o p,ee -re taiwt S4 ihe Htr
farm aad .ere -nb d vil.-d aaii ;ve by the S-r
IrTa in.-jest.
TB per rn. of bM b- rmsfi .-rt Ay c
fstie ail J iMiarm oc thtnl on crr-n.ri oi
Air; on ti:M la -ne tt An 1 Q--tatr'i m to
Lw-Jr-Ta-d ps4Ttr-n .O bt? - fVeJ bj &Hu4 eV-i
J"IL P. -tirLI.EK,
IJAiArf fiKl.
In t mxtvr til Tft th OrrAft'
of Pi.n.4 Irr lje i '. "oirt ol i-eir
!iVi--e U hetvl jTvit, that tb Ti-a oi
Joha -rUnrr. A iiruKreiif iA M tU-rri,
WtP, arrLrXl U tf ! I iwy of
liv-wknfr A. l rtx:toT tri iht h h!
nwril al avroaiDi in p e uj4 h-t.a pstii
t sail OAoor,. I'j b-tf btvi lo le-i J
ettiUel iJ-NprvVk. nl rav:a th ftxirt if h
be di-MTsri sV-wa itt iJU--e oi hb !ani
sUlrd thsU b hl3 irlU9 fr' rs-.r-sV-rl, Jrw. tl-e-X
aa cPlef 9m hi- n iaii darbrzt ul t r-ri titr
x b lfrphxB nurt, & be h?vi mi -hu:i m
-i-e-C'-a Uj Frrnrr A. f. i-. x
By lac Cotirt.
A. J. e;i v
V.ry A. Wtrirk. ) la tbe r"oort r t Camtw
v. , rie .r -,en-l ix r.
Lir-rl Wuiek. No. -e:. T. ir .So.4;
I tie-. T I--(Sabpma
aad Aii Bobp-ena ta IhTorre.)
Ti hnvi Wtrirk, tie 5Zrpo tt alxr ?. .-
Too are be -by DonSed to be trvl appear at tbe
eat Cowrt of omnir.a p!e far .-.tnwr t o;aiv
to b4 be.J atAutert oa U Ufa Moods, t teo.
! .Tiaday, iu anwera enr.ipimci j( Marv A.
Wuv-a. yoor wile. iepatt aboe nm-l a ret
bow rtaie- if any you Date, wk vour i w ' "e
o!d n be nr. 'jev.l f m u. bld. .of mi rv
lotay ertered wti w ;. b vnn arvhv to le
travern ber petidoa a .1 litiel cb.tua -A -itit
yoa bere i-i Cowrt.
SMr..uiiiKr, r uiuu i'li
Soonet, Feb y I, tv).
e rnff.
ibi-a-l J. Bdver ) la the Ovirtof temztrm FVb
Faana-i --. at-p. T. le .W t-ec. T.
( aFrjKea aad Aim Zntrpfz ia Pimm
Ta are here. KXtrt! ta be and z?t at the
si "-1 uf "ftn.-t Pieras llir c rsset O-ir ty
la be a crrri lae ta Mouvlar if Fc
mary. Is 'iTia iy n -r a ef ;at of
lt.mti J. B-r ur 9u4smn!, ttepi!auif aoore
iaJMtl. actti an- ca;p. if ar y yon .y
fHxr w-1 ft-r-wad fc.-xid ac he d; :fww.i (r-a
um Hmta fs rtetn-eray -;itt r u u.i ,
ir7 u. t to Loe prr of b r-tv-i '-a Li
exat-trjf attaira. yow bx fj-rt t. t ;x:."t.
ocr.lT frtUti. 1 jAXAii tj OD.
Boac7e led jr i, ISA. i i&en.
Laret Styles and Lowest Prices.
Has c5f SI27 cf Isssls t3
:ec3 evsry S1C0 c! liabilities.
H E R t F r S S A I K 0 c R E A L EST AT E.
Parker Y. Knatr.el I', the O-irt of Commott
t- ' at - xrw-r-et i Pa.
' R'if u L. i't:tei- a! ,"ol I. T. '.-s-i
yacniet A. Vl!er. ' Parun.xi I )
J o? tir?i:e of o ofi!er i.-'ied .it . ihe court of
! i'n:ii .o pi.-, at -.nie.- t mttty. In the atwve
ilairsi ' a-e, u me dirertt-i. 1 w. 1 i-3Vr tt by
1 r,i.. ouirry, a; uie lu.ul liuu in Si icxncC
1 FRIDAY, FSD'Y 24, isos.
j .'!. p ti.e T,iloizx; ccr bnl peal
i e-uaie. to :i .
; AU tiuat frria rrt of Uri ail? we ia B'm k
i ToDHnip Senr-l Ku:n'X. .., -txi ruL' 'if t
iiuiV-rx't aii'i niu-.'iy t a.rrs, h.:ni -arf oi
I io I -c-wrra.ii 'i tr.? n-une if Joeptl
j M-uhe-r svti :n-ij ;(" Wtr U-.murr,
( Fr-:wjn; btni;r. cfx W!:a two w.U
1 tug CatHi-drrs U-errerua KX-cwrtA,
j Tii;.iiSa
0-.""r xi tbe l-l d of A fril. ; ac
::iml oii 1-4 U ApnL. iM, Att-s ou iiiiri
', ou ir? t.-l Ijr o( -i-r t l-. tiitcir-t oo h
, ixM, t'irynKn :r?m i- t A&in, Vo fc
! Mrt-arj-l !? ; i.:n ta.-!. Tcu p- r i:ui ai fMAf-
! -;iev-? rrur-y u: .l f-t. ps.1 ou tf (.
ef.ri " Nil f. t ISAIAH W-)D,
j -,ivri-rr ftt y 1. t-. 4 XiX
t.Mietf ot lis. ti.e;e. ,ae -ff -s.nij-Kiirif
Lt' ufw a Ixiuist-aii.'i: on -Uie ett
fcVlli r iia-tra F-tJ.0ia U ID.- a!t-Mo;urt b IC t
prf-OrT -k'lTflff U -. OOti'tr i fc-r-f itt to at
rt- itick-Lve-'i U Nt;J erf 'r U ICu.
i n. u' , uU li Lv ciic. -u- itt
:fte -true i 1 pr -:ni ia. rn ;n.y auiiiriiut r t
.Hri-it 5at'rl.y, U-kTca IL, t tt
-i rc-i-eiaO: ui devt-c'-.
W. J. BI.AX .-SET.
A -jU-jj-aLiaAur.
rte of A vrn B Kuhticaa. lce of B4kcr-
li.; Jt -r-n I-rp , .ii;fxt rvtili y. r
L l-r jrf ttii.i-ana' :u uxi la - smtm
ikv in; a -rn rji-l u lue alr risf-ttj by Uia
pftxr Jitn y. uk..- i ticnruy 4itn u ul
p-Ti- :a VMoi 1 ci'.f ta ui-t,A.e tuvmeoi-
-Uer teiy'Tl-rl UJ1 --MJMf IlT;u ' e alMsj lit lit 0
rnr ui r.rr-rto .-n 4u.y ai ir.iu aikl hr
w-it.rrtit. 'Hi r br:ne irtay. ib l.ti !) uf
Jikt-.i L-M, -U t3 .t r-"M'l ttce ! -le-v d
S VVL tL f. i? eti kaJLI i S.
A t-k-.-Ts--C.
of -it A B.Uttt Imut of BrUif,r'ry
1 y , Vrtu-rw-t t . t'. iw-nl.
Lv''-m 'A anDiit-rt;t.rfi ot ia. rwt tsltx t
h vi: iwn Trs-i-ji V- i .c UJi-lmMAiirU bj
tri0r autKr:Fy. n tunt i. firreyy ts i
('rajil I'l IV't-r u wii 1 rfeVie U Ol-- f ILU (Btl2 -
aUe u-til, ta ! t.i 4 avir.; -sAs,n-.
tii av tu rs;. itra a-i ft. -wn-.tata-d
ff t;.taavtii -a,ittly i-tri.-i iXy A Hxk
l-'k ai Uic iei. re-nil,--,' .f c sv-i.
-L'.4 ,iKl..V.
A ;-u-uifrab'r.
tta: of fetr; P ter. Wttt 3 Vk towttfh;,
Lftt?r '-jf A-i:r. lL-w-;;';q ou ihi nuit taJiy
tn rtvi u t,-ri)f by i prrr
auifMsfity, aoiite ; Cwret-y itB W tvl ri.&i
ItiUvOieU lj si-i ebusfr; t -usVC 4I fr'ija. ay
wtrht a--i tnoj-4f tav:ut css,i-i -xaiuM Um ium
pV-sf-te tiie-ni -'. a-iA&Utat-il tor esrU. -
a--ui tst ttto- su.irt). ktit. Tch, f at
lie -a- rvs-alcii-. Oa'' a . in tsw i l a
iiti H- .-Ihl.,
A -itBifs-- ata-f.
"kit or PAitTiriox.
iti.St rh Ru- tr. r---err:rri wl:li Vrt!nB-
a-ir. ntitt r .'ui-iiK. t -mi- , t-fj tv. P-..
ri.n ioe, ree:-2. l .-. run. Ij,
Pa.. iiiiie ."ae iKU.r-.t-in tanl ii.a
-bc. "4 li uu oa. l-ctori e,iui,. tm . m r.d
iee, ru :utf t 9 ;- . t s to : .a
eii'y P
Vii -ie aerebr oo ttat lo pnnua-e of a
VV r! ot railiuoa tMMicd out jt a otpn'
t win "1 -.Morr el c uii't. p. and to ate aireet
el. 1 -lii fHiet nil ireu.-l t,a tae pre ,ir, fain-
rei --HAle of Pt l ip t ' . OrCe.l. i-
i 1- Pmi uw.,d:p, .-.mfrl eutin y. r . . a
UuMlll l el '1J tf rriu7. 1 -!., lit
il - iere -u ca tei.i if j m i .a pmpcr.
sacrut . ii.. t iaalaji uxoio.
J-miy 1!. "V, i e-cr.I.
To 5--3B "Jf I W Bf-tr'a. of Cazt-ur'A et aaty. Pa
J-usw c4ri, ii ( 4s art. OMi-iT, Mm n:sji.
JUlil-- UlVrairieVa W.aik i-aAlt k7. k -
on, 'Miut, -ii'l.i:s-, i aruki.aa ttaUri -rairni
-itt 1 bereo', uai im mm-m are 3rva.a.
LraTU-ai Lie h 'g rit-i n:::
BrAc, Mean - rt, -r ad r ry a. Tocmr. nl
(sejBr.ra. I tia'a. raw tu-r naavrr-a dixo v -
uti .".""i, --t am vsj lAw aukwti. f
ei .?- rjt! -k w nrn. oi amt tLtiUT, .-.-tit
hi, luu-ira. ijt.iua:r,4 Ha A.tar as mat,
t-l aat H cfinraa. C-rliaa irt-crawr-rirl
iij Nt-,1B atid. f ti-li'J -U4bi,
t. Prtaf kaTi-aa, to j'Dr4w -LEDCaTa Ct-U ly
Pa. U.nn H a.t-i. ilmry A. iL-i-.m, ir.a A.
krism aa! Lji a svsnm, fit amt cajuuiy Utf aiicaja.
I Ha(V -Meitrr y 3Xi..ct iui to v-ruatce ui a
. Wn -f l rt:i;x s--l ou: of um rihat
! .e-urtf rmrTxti nHr:y . fa. atd i noe Lnert-
) 1 Wiii hjil an ii-v-"- oo ; tut) pf-mr: ta
' ta tx-ri vi4 A.t.1 n y Hiftx-jta e- d.. tTa,e
I 1 i -:.' ti ir it in a- f) r .ewr-w i rva-i. r
Pa-.oa Aiw.-t.-u.. mf JA3 Oey T r urry , a,
-e 4kd we;n yoa CaA A'.UKOtk J )4 lBa
a-mili C?, JaSAiA-i Gt-OIX