"THE DRYAD. I bsT M her limpid ere. Larsre lnih rraduii laosmer rcaa TLromrh wild rot" nettles. Like twin blossoms crow and ttara. Tbca tb hateful. dkU8 si Wbiaked Litem iiilu petiJs. I Lava ten htr barur clu-ik. LisoaCiOiit-arorai. leai; TSirncii tbe laias shaded. Of tLick CliK-kaaaa. and iIm-a, V'ka I made more sure. asiB To a red final faded. I l.are foend her racr lips. Aid her ptMliil taevr uia. But a liaw or berrj Giiumxersof ber tiers aod Lera, J list, f orsooih. eaooca to cLecx And to max m merry. Often on tb frrrr r Is I&xz:i&2 aiciX'lt lot ks At me hhe Lam aliaaen. . : i And I've toilod-ii ia rain! J'ney had trailed ln:o rain, buniiu on the braihcn. - Obce be fnll limb Eshl on ma, i ditd, here moe royal trea Powdered all tbe spar. W ith wan sunlight and jaaint aliada fcuch a haunt roma&c ha lb made tor Launched satyr race. j There, I know, hid amorous Paa; ". For a sadden pieaduic ran Through the maze of myrtle. And a rapid violence tovwd All iu toweraee-twai the lost Cwotntfaof aliirtia. Madison Caweio. ASII.VRK IN" TIIE SURF r A PEARL BUYER 13 TOSSED INTC I THE SEA AS FOOD FOR IT. L Trarel Trareler Tells a Story of Waat Ha Raw Oh Day la the Harbor of Madras Th Dapper Toanr Buyer and tba Rascally firm Mcrcfcaat- A wild tea was mr.ning k'.gh in tht rn harbor of Madran. The sea al'wajn J-uns tngli mere, ana in me lass iwc Suiles must always 1 made in Burf Sicats. The luoniiiig rtia the steam ship Tigress droppt-U am iior and ran tip er eignul fur tae boats, great angry waves were bowling along lx-fore a fresh r.onsoon, arnl ven the aurfboatd found Jl hard to kef p Jrr. j Among onr passpnjrers from Ceylon for Madras we had a dapper young fil Jow, who was as gooJ a judge of pearl us I ever saw. He had been to Ceylon laying for an English li'.i, and was jiow on kis war to the Persian gulf to complete his stock. He was to leave ut it iladras to go ovcrlr.nd to Dom'iay. I lie knew how to bn y jiearls. bnt he did not fcnow how to take car-- of them, Be jr.re Le had been on board a day he had told me all about his lurk ia Ceylon and liad shown ine his entire assortment. One of the pearls was simply gorgeous. Jiad it not been i si a faint dot of bine 1ipon one tide it wor.ld have been worth a small fortune, lie was delighted with Kir appreciation and enjoyment o the (tones, and he howed me his treasures fceverul times during the short voyage. Twice he left ine alone with them. It was not, however, through any particu lar confidence in ine, for I suspect he made quite as free with his treasures among several of the passengers. One was a Parsee, who was forever going between Ceylon and Madras, for what purpose I co-Id never discover, though I had met him several times. Whatever else he was I was eure that the Parsee was a great rascal, and was surprised and sorry for the young pearl man to find him making a most intimate friend of the fellow, i Together they stepped down the lad der to enter a eurf boat as we neared Madras. The young man went down f.rst with Lis case of precious pearls ia Lis hand. The Tarsee was stepping in to the boat when he pau.-d and spoke to its black captain. I "I have forgotten somet,..iiig," Le said, turning to the younger man. "I must twine by another boat; I will meet you at the hoteL" 1 Ee gave the surfboat a pu-h with Lis foot and began to climb the ladder. I a sauor wno was standing ny me Inuttered: There's a shark in the surf yonder. But instead of looking away over the water he looked directly down upon the Parsee and then at the young pearl man, j t "f course there was a shark in the farf. There are always sharks ia that mrf, but to me the sailor's sentence lueant something more than that. The Parsee simply walked K hind the jaloon bon- stood there two or three minutes, then left the steamer by an- other boat. My curiosity was thoroughly troused. It. ass ia hand I watched the two boats, a quarter of a mile apart, r'ill wondering what the sailor meant by a stark m the surf. I Presently o;ie of the great waves lifted the first surfboat, but instead of taking tbe usual advantage of it to dip their oars and r.nll I di.-tinctly noticed the boatmen autii.jr like statues. The al- luost naked fellow standing in the stern T.ith a long oar to guide the craft, sud denly leaned upon the oar, and the boat turned, was caught broadside on the wave and the next instant was capsized. 1 saw the pasenger, with the pearl case t'.iil in hand, plunge head first into the V.iter. ) Like so many eels the black boatmen Vriggled about in the water till they righted their boat, then rlamlered over the side and began to bail it out. i oi one oi uiem sfnied to give a thought to their paseuger. ! Ihe next moment a piereing shriek founded even as fax as our steamer, and to my horror I saw the young fellow's Ixnlr lifted out of the water cot teu . t .1. M . - icei jroia me sariuoai. it made one V hi;l ia the air, disclosing the head of a ri:ark holding it across the back, then tank cgaiu. As the next boat passed the place I taw the Tarsee throw something over board that left a white spot on the wa ter, which remained as long as I watched It, convincing me that it was a buoy of lome sort set lor some jiurjiose. . A few days later we were anchored in the Uoogly river, of! Calcutta, I I Wits waking down the principal 2'nglish thoroughfare when I saw the J'arssee emerge from the door of a L-.pi-lury. He evidently recognized me, but Le turned quickly in the opposite direc tion and walked away. J 'A shark ia the surf." I muttered, r nJ with only a vague idea LaU formed la my mind I entered the shop and in-i.-.ired of the dealer if he had an assort Ineat of pearls on LanL ! -How foi unateT he exchtimed. "1 v. as never so low as this morning. Pearls I re ia very .Teat demand. Cat I Lave Jut purchased a large lot of the tiuest ;aris I ever saw. I purchased them ery low for ca.-h, r.cd I car not only irive you the rst choice cf this magnifi cent collection, but a rt at liargaia be riues. They are beauties! Yesf , " Yes." I replied, "they are beauties specially thu one ith a dot of blue k yon oi.s aide. Too bad that it has the ir," . 1 knew then why the Parsee went t own c the surfboat and spoke to the taptain, but we::t tshore by another Wit I knew wLy he Uft the whit buoy in the water. I knew why he con Muukiiy journeyed between Ceylon and JtfaiL-ss, and I knew what the 6ailor litriht when he wauhed Lia und tint iertd, There's a shark iu the suif." J!.:U;cJa Constitution. I HesTlVcf France was tabbed 1b Lis carriage by liavailiac just as Le was Kixmf Ucairy cut a sciicuie U cua- Ilida't Like Warry. Mrs. Minks Don't you wih you could tret money by simply drawing a cluk, tiie way your husband does? Mrs. Winks Indeed 1 douU If I drew the checks uiyn-lf, I'd have to worry over the balances. I'd rather he'd draw them. New York Wetklv. ood ia Theory, bat Mrs. Ntwage Why don't girls learn iheir father business and be independ IM? One Girl PIca?e, ma'ija, my father U a telegraph lineman. New York Vcvkir. .... . OFF THE BATTERV. " Tacs aad rerrytat la a Tanslp, aad a Girl ia Ked Vbt Liked Gam. ' A few minutes before won the other day a tow of twenty-two loaded canal boats swung briskly around the Battery from the North river. The column was formed of four fours and two threes, and was Leaded by two big tugs. Oa fcne of the canal boa ta a girl in a vivid red calico dress and with bare legs wring ia a hammock and chewed gum. There was a strong ebb tide, so when the big tugs with their unusually long tow hue had puffed up the East river almost to the foot of AYall street and had slowed Tip, the twenty-two canal boats bounded back like balls at the end of rubber cords, lifting the two lines dripping from the water. . The line of boats wrapped itself snug ly across the openings of five ferry slips. Five ferryboats wanted to pet out and could not. Five ferryboats the Bay Eidge, Staten Island, Smth. Brooklyn, Hamilton avenue and Atlantic street wanted to get in and could not. They all whistled hoarsely, and the passengers crowded to the sides, of the boats to see what was the matter. Thousands of people on the ten locked in and locked out ferryboats saw the red girl ia the hammock, but she swung and chewed nnconcemediy. The river became dotted with tug boats which wanW to get ia other slips, or which just fluffed up along to see the row. The biggest of the big tugs at the Lead of the tow whistled for assistance, end six tugs glided up alongside of the canal boats and made ft. Then no body seemed to know jtst what was wanted and a deafening lot of whistle signals were sounded. The cajitains of the ten ferryboats be gan making impolite remarks to the captains of the eight tugs; the deck Lands on the ferryboats became pur ple in the face with suppressed emo tions; the deckhands of the caualboats drowned the screaming whistles with strange oaths such as are used to exhort towpath mules, and thousands of de layed passengers were bathed in sympa tltctic perspiration, but that bare legged girl swung on. The wharves became lined with idlers, who gi.ve advice. Policemen appeared. Other ferryboats, lighters, tenders, an rexes, transports and more tugs came up. They all whistled. The delayed pisscngefs lost their sympathy; the cap tains ceased to swear for the want of breath; the deckhands howled hoarsely, and when everybody was on the verge of dissolution the caualboats were pushed up against the wharves where they be longed. The girl in tho red calico gown swung peacefully and chewed her gum in placid meditation? New York San. Blossoming Fruit Trees. The peach is always beautiful ia flower, but occasionally some individual tree is almost startling in its attractive ness. The mlo seems to be that the finer sorts of peaches have lc-ss conspicu ous bloom. The handsomest trees in Cower are the wild ones along the way side in Kentucky, Missouri and Ark3n- fas. Some of these ought to be selected and treated purely as flowering trees. Cherries, so far as I know, do not have blossoms which si)it into colors, but a morello is suSkieutlv attractive in white. It is a complete globe of flowers, and small enough to occupy a place in an ordinary shrubbery. Then, too, it Las a capacity for blooming when very young, and a tree three years old will burst into a miniature flower garden three or fonr feet in diameter. There are few Ehrnl which can rival the beauty of a quince tree ia full bloom. I Lad a small orchard of forty of these trees covered with flowers and it was a superb spectacle I grew a few of them in my shrubbery for the sake of the flowers alone, although the pale flower is a dtlight to the eye, ' There are few Cner shrubs than the dwarf apples, and both the apples and cherries can be managed very readily in this way. Cor, Garden and Forest. Bathing; at the Southern Beaehea. Something has been said heretofore in regard to the inconvenience caused by sea blubbers to the surf bathers on the island. This nuisance, instead of abat ing, is on the increase, and if any one wishes to bathe in the sea water now with impunity it becomes necK.-sary to completely swathe himself iz lothinj from head to foot for f ear of being stung. The effects of these stings vary ac cording to the contituticn of the suffer er. Usually, ia per.-ons of good health and active circulation, an angry red blotch appears in the skin proportionate ia size to the animal by which it is in flicted, rarely exceeding eight or ten inches in diameter. An intolerable smarting sensation is produced which re mains ordinarily about half an hour, and it is easy to imagine the condition of a nervous or sensitive person when stung iu three or four places ct once. The feeling must be nearly akia to that of being on fire. In some caes the effects are more seri ous. A young man reoeutly showed the writer Lis arm, which was severely stung. A broad band cf what looked like highly inflamed mosquito bites formed an almost perfect spiral around the fore arm, lie complained that the paiu was at first intense, and that although under a physician's treatment it was rapidly becoming less, still tt was far from pleasant. An old sea islander who took a surf bath the other night said that he had seen sea blubbers before and in consid erable quantities, '"but never like this. At certain seasons of the year," 6aid he. "it is nothirg unusual to get stung. Here the exception seems to be to get stung less than five times in half an Lour. Complaints of sea blubbers come also from Tybee and other watering places in the south. Charleston News oid Cou rier."" Ararat and the Ark. The story that the ark has been found in a tolerable state of Preservation in a chasm high up on the sides of Ararat is no doubt the old "fake m a new dress the aforesaid old fako bavins made something like semiannual rounds of tbe press for the last dv.zen years. But, be it truth or fiction (it ought to be the truth, a bishop of Jerusalem being among tne eyewitnesses of the recent "wonderful discoveries"), the story re vives interest in the historic and vn.. sacred old peak, Ararat, "the first named summit in numan history, and the peak which "emerired from the Cood and lift. ed its head over the waters in order that it might look down on ail coming gener ations to the end of time," is the gene sis of Ileadley's thirteen sacred moun tains, Moriah, Sinai, Hor, Pisgah, IIo reb, Carmcl, Lebanon, Zion, Tabor, Olive, Calvary and the "Mount of God" being the other twelve. Ararat, or more properly the two Ara rat?, "treat" and "little" Ararats. nrs peaks occupwng the center of a "moun tainous region in Armenia belonging jointly to Turkey and Russia. The for mer is H.S0O feet high and the lattei an exact 10,000 feet from base to sum mit. St. Louis Republic It Was ratal. 'Tin afraid of restaurant and arwla fountains," the had said in the first of their acauaintance. and it 11 l,i, offer himself at once, for Le felt that Le could afford to wed such a girL, But he was disappointed. She steered aim right into the light refreshment .arlor, and the comer drug store ab sotbed all Lis nickels nd the small-payment-down cottage Lome vanished into thin air. One day. goaded to de.enorati absorptiou of LU last uickeL he said to her: 'I thought von told mo von w-Ara afraid of summer restaurants and anda. palaces?" "I am." the said tvtx-tW: "iinn't ; creain whenever I come near one? lie will not recover. rhtroit Fn press. Didnt Like the Brand. He shuffled his cow-skin boobs along under himself into a jewelry store on Woodward avenue, and eaned np against the show case. "Got any finger rings?" he inquired of tbe clerk. Tlenty of them," said ILe clerk. "Whatkindr "isomethin fittin' fer a gaL" "Oh, a young lady in the case, eh?" queried tbe clerk. "No; she's a wiJder," explained the customer, "but the same sort of a ring will do, wont it?" "I presume bo ; what kind do you want?" "One of them sign rings." "Sign rings?" asked the clerk, "Do you mean seal rings?" "No, sign rings," insisted the man ; "sign the gal's going to get spliced." "Oh, yon want an engagement ring V exclaisoed the clerk, as the light broke in on him. "That's it. What's the tax V "Want something pretty nice, don't "You ain't got nothin in your shop too nice fer that gal mister. What's the 6 peers on your best ?" "One thousand dollars," said the clerk, as easily and coolly as if it bad been a thousand cents. The customer fell np against the show case. "A thousand dollars!" Le fairly yelled. "Why, the widow's farm ain't wuth that much." "I suppose not," admitted the clerk : "diamonds coet more than dirt, you know." "Is it a diamond ?" inquired the custo mer, catching on. "Certainly it is," said the cleik, "wLat, did you think it was?" "Well, I didn't know but what it was a house and lot on Wood'ard avenoo." "It ien't ; it's a solitaire diamond." "Oh. it's a solitaire diamond, is it?" h-ggled the man. "Well, that brand grows too big for me. I suppose tbe dang thing's as big as a pum'kin, and I don't want it. Say, hain't you got something as b;g as a gooseberry fer four dollars and a half?" The clerk couldn't accommodate him and a half hour later Le was seen mak ing a .leal with a street fakir. Ddro'U Free I'rcst. Too Eager by Far. "Miss Isabel," beiran the youth nervous ly, "do yon play the guitai ?" "No, replied the maiden. I never tried to ?earn it." "Mandolin?" "I detest the mandolin." "Can can you do fancy needlework." "Not at alL Fancy needlework is a trade." "Are you a stamp collector?" "I Lave no fads, Mr. Spoonamore." "You pardon me you can cook ?" "Oh, yes, almost any kind of cooking." "Bread, for instance?" "My bread has taken the premium at more than one fair." "Can you can you darn stockings?" "I csn." "Sew on buttons?" "To be sure." "Keep a house clean and neat?" "Why, I think so. I do most of our own housekeeping." "Miss Isabel," said the young man, eagerly, "will you marry me?" "I will not, Mr. Spoonamore I fear I would not suit you. I can't chop wood nor spade garden. Our kichen girl, Betty though, would make an admirable wife for you. Shall I go and send her in?" Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter, Salt liheura, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Pile. It is cooling and soothing. Hun dreds of cases Lave been cured by it af ter all other treatment had failed. It is put up in Z and 50 cent boxes. Johnnie's aunt always liked to show him off before company. On that last occasion, to prove Lis eihciency to arith iciuitce, she asked ; "If I gave you three apples andryour mother made yon give your little sisier one Low many would you have V 'Three," promptly replied Johnnie. "Why, Low could that be," inquired his aunt, "w hen you only had thre in the first place. "Because," responded Johnnie. "If ma made me give her one I'd take it away agaia as soon as Ler back was turned." A reported outbreak of cholera at Hel metta, N. J., created much excitement in that city. Investigation showed that tbe disease was not cholera but a violent dysentery which is almost as severe and dangerous as cholera. Mr. Walter Will ard, a prominent merchant of James burg, two miles from Uelmetta, says Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy has given great satisfac tion in the most revere cases of dysente ry. It is certainly one of the best things ever made. For Agle by J. N. Sxyder, Druggist. A Failure at the Fall 3. We "were within twenty miles of Niagara Falls when tbe man occupying the third seat ahead with his wife came back to me to ask : "Stranger, have yon ever been at the falls to look around any T" "Yes; several times." "Wuth the money, is it?" "I think so." "There's a place there they call Pros pect Point, I hear?" "Yes." "It's right down w here the water boils- over the falls?" "Yes, sir." "Wall, look here " he continued as he dropped Lis voice almost to a whisper. 'is it true that if anrosve stands there for a few minutes looking at the water Le leels that he must jump over V It effects some pwile that war I be lieve." "Does it effec t wow an folks the same as men?" "Very likely." 'It would tftrt a woman of fiftr wouldn't it?" "I should tbtok atx" "So should 1. 'That. all. and I am much obliged." He rt joined Kb wife, who anoeavred to b? about fifty years old, and we got off together at tbe falle. I -ate in the afternocw I met the) man alone in tbe park, and after some general conversation I asked how the view from tbe point had affected his wife. it was a dead failure." he ihiwml. as be looked aronnd to see if anyone else was within heariiig. 'How do yoa mean?" 'She stood ritfet np there as stiff a a poker for naore than an hoar and watch ed that boiling- and never jumped aor wanted to jump." Take Hoof's and onlv HoodV Ise- cause How'Saraaparila Ccejml It nor-- sesses merit peculiar to itself. Try H yourself. An Attractive Soap Box. An ingenious housekeeper, says the Arw York Worid. has fashioned what she calls the most useful thing in her sewing room out of an ordinary soap box. This ia how she did it: First, she secured the cover to the box with a couple of strong binges. Then she lined it throughout w ith blue cheese-cloth. The outaide she covered with cretonne in blue with a pattern of apple blossoms running over it. TLe completed whole she uses for odds and ends of unsightly sewing, such as stockings thabneed mend ing and half finished articles that must be kept at Land, but that give a clattered appearance to the sewing room when left lying about. The cost of manufacturing at home this utility box is less than f 2, while it L, when in wo.king order, worth J-jO to any oiderly housewife. There is no use of any one suffering with the cholera when Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diairhiea Remedy can be procured. It will give relief in a few minutes and cure in a short time. I nave tried it and know. W. H. Clinton. Uelmetta, N.J. The epidemic at Uelm etta was at first believed to be cholera, but subsequent investigation proved it to be a violent form of dysentery, almost as dangerous as cholera. This Remedy was used there with great success. For sale by J. X. Ssydeb, Druggist. To Wash Heavy Articles. At this season of the year, when many heavy articles, counterpanes, etc, are to be washed np before w inter, it is well to know of an easy and perfectly safe method Into an ordinary-sized boiler Lalf full of boiling water, put one teacup of this mix ture : One pound Babbitt's potash, one ounce salts tartar, one ounce muriate of ammonia ; add the clothes and boil Lalf an hour ; riuae through two waters and dry. I have not used all of one bottle yet I suffered from catarrh for twelve years, experiencing the nauseating dropping in the throat peculiar to that disease, and nose bleed almost daily. I tried various remedies without benefit, nntil bst April, when I saw Ely's Cream Balm ad vertised in the Boston Budget, I procured a bottle, and since the first day's use have bad no more nleeding the soreness is entirely gone. D. G. Davidson, with the Boston Iiadjti, formerly with the B3ston Juunia L Fashion Notes. Parasols are absolute masses of lace, ruffles and ribbons. Engagement cups and saucers continue to be one of tbe caprices of fashion. Long basqued bodies are worn in spite of the rival blouse and short belted waist. A novelty in a bonbonniere is a queer knotted piece of faience, over which lit tle harlequins play. The leading color is Russian blue, which is an electric shade between rob in's egg and cadet blue. There are fans of all sizes and descrip tions, and whether of gauz?, silk or rib bon, they are literally covered with span glee or jewels. Young ladies are wearing mannish looking snspenders, either of ribbon, vel vet or the dress material. They are more conspicuous than beco ming. Poisoned by Scrofula. Is the sad story of many lives made miserable through no fault of their own. Scrofula is more especially than any oth er a hereditary disease, and for this sim ple reason : Arising from impure and in sufficient blood, the disease locates itself in the lymphatics, which are composed of white tissues. There is a period of foetal life when the whole body is com posed of white tissues, and therefore the unborn child is especially susceptible to this dreadful disease. But there is a remedy for scrofula, whether hereditary or acquired. It is Hood's Sarsaparilla. which by its powerful effect on the blood, expels all trace of the disease and gives to the vital fluid the quality and color of health. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsaparilla do not accept any substitute. A Boston young lady of "culrhau" Las discovered a way to relieve Lerself from the annoyance cf staring young men in the horse cars. When they begin to stare in Ler face, she reiponds by staring in a half-amused, Lalf-deprecatory way at their boots. The recipe never fails. They quickly turn their eyes to their pedal extremities to see what is the mat ter. Smart girl ! A Leader. Since iU first introduction, ElecHc Bitters has gained rapidly in popular fa vor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and altera tivescontaining nothing which jer raits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the best and purest medicine for all ailments of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. It will cure Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation, and drive Malaria from the system. Satis faction guaranteed with each bottle or money will be refunded. Price only 50 cents per bottle. Sold by J. N. Snyder. Uncle George I Lear you have been traveling. Little Pet Yetb.thir; I went in a weal wailwoad twain of cars. "A real train of cars, was it?" " Yeth, thir. It went wifout a stwing." Guaranteed Cure. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition : If you are afflicted w ith a Cough, Cold, or any Throat, Chest or Lung trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and ex perience no benefit, you may return the bottle and Lave your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at J. X. Snyder's Drug store. Large size 50c and 1. A knowledge of Greek and Latin is a great thing in the cure of elaborate and high-priced diseases, but a poultice is the best thing for a blind boil. Bucklan's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It U guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. X. Sry der. The man who points out our faults to us is a true friend ; but we feel like kick ing him just the same. It is not unusual for colds contracted ia the fall to Lang on ail winter. In each casts catarrh or chronic bronchitis are almost sure to result. A fifty -cent bottle of Cbaru serial n's Cough Remedy will cure any cold. Can you afford to risk so much for so small an amount? Thia remedy is intended erpecially for bad colds and croup and ran always be depended upon. For gale by J. N. Ssvuek, Druggist, New Spring Goods AT S. E. PHILLIPS, 103 CI into a 8trt, Iutb.r & Green's IJlocU. JOHXSTOW.V, PA. DIUBSS GOODS. Consisting of Black and Colored Shallie Silks, Surah Silk Velvet an! Velveteens in all colors, Black and Colored Henriettas at 2-, So. 50, ,o, tl 00 and 1 2o per yard. We have a full line of all the New eaves, such as BevLord Cords, Chereron Bam and Cheques, etc Cotton Dreu Goad. Foile-du-nord Outing Cloth, Canton Cloth, Chintzes and Salines. Ladles' Sprint; Jackets- A full line of Domestics. We guarantte all our Kid Gloves. Call and see U3. S. E. PHILLIPS. It is to Yom Interest TO BUY Y'OUR Drugs and Medicines JOHS H. SHYDEB. BUCCEWBOR TO BlESECKER k SNYDER. None but the purest and best kept in stock, and when Drugs become inert by stand ing, as certain of them do, we de stroy them, rather than im pose on our customers. You can depend on having your PRESCRIPTIONS k FAMILY RECEIPTS filled with care. Our prices are as low as any other first-class house and on many articles much lower. The people of this county seem to know this, and have given us a large share of their patronage, and we shall still continue to give them the very best goods for their money. Do not forget that we make a specialty of FITTIXQ TRUSSES. We guarantee satisfaction, and. If you have had trouble in this direction, give us a call. SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES in great variety ; A full set of Test Lenses. Come in and have your eyes examined. No charge for examination, and we are confident we can suit you. Come and see us. Respectfully, JOHN N. SNYDER. Notliins OnEartliWill LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder ! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents sU Disease. Good for XomltinQ Hens. Tt is atnftififr-tr Mr. Whrhfr oiiegiitT at TnQQaa titT eust hum of a-nt a Uay. uLAeroo-fuurth as rt rjfajr Strict :r a mil -ttm. "p lanr can aantl ms fa;acnd ftix to pr-v il lump." om cuatuowr. If yum can't e- it send to as. Wra&li aw parfc S Kirr tl A 1 1-4 ia can 1 A Fix (w an. expn- itfl f-ltrj Rj:Mtnf o.i-j'. prw m-.ta f rw ruh SI orrtr. or atc. Si sifts coyy of The Pwt 1o'ltf. l'r --M frr. L6.JohsoN CO ,lCui.ai riutiK St. Boston. Mass. Pittsburgh Female College and OlNStitVATOkY OKlillelC, fiUi-bunr. Pa toteaehers I'nuurpmsied advantages. Ku-riot home comforts and rare. dSih year begins lfi Send for catalogue to the Prvidt-tu lnly.S-6in. A. H. SORCkOsS. D.D. a TMoaowul COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND chooc paacncai tSManoa f J f . SwacTKai atsuLia. rr Ma a ii. c. sw a twm Fanaa tm IT tBUCS-tts Cwta S. TlmiS T WIUJAUS A Ractits, ROCHUTCft. SJ. . Seeing With One Eyo. A person may see as far with one per fect eye as with two, but be cannot see as clearly ; for the advantage that bi nocular, or double, visioD pessesses'over moncular, or one-eyed, vision is that the former, by allowing the observer to catch sichtof the object from two different points of view, gives him at once some idea of the proportions of its different parts. Cut though this is true ia theory, in practice the judgment interferes, and the judgement ha been educated and in some measure rendered independent of the services of binocular vision by ex perience and the use of other senses, such as tonch, says the Washington Post. Thus a man with only on9 eye is never deceived to the natura of an object with which he is well acquainted, for the report of it that he gets from his vision ia corrected and supplemented by his ex perienced judgment and transmitted to his centers of consciousness in as perfect a form as that which reaches those of a man with two eyes. The advantage of binocular vision may be thus farther illustrated. In rapidly dipping a pen into an inkstand or put ting a stopper into a decanter the one eyed man cannot judge so accurately as the two-eyed man. Or, a?in, if we shut one eye and attempt to plunge the finger rapidly into the open mouth of a bottle we are apt to overreach or fall short of it. An Incident of the Wilderness. "This is tbe twenty-eighth anniversary of the third day's Osht at the Wilder ness," said the veteran the other morn ing. "And wereyou'in it T "Yes,"' answered the veteran ; "my company lost its Gist man to-day twenty-eight years ago." "How was he killed ? ''He was thot by one of our own com pany," came the onexpectly reply. "The fact is we were frightened by the movements of the enemy. He was play ing 'Dixie' and the 'Ronnie Blue Flag' so near to os that we could distinctly hear him, when sudJenly there was an alarm, and every man in my regiment shot off his gun. That created a terrible racket, and I who had never been un der fire supposed that we were attacked by the whole confederate army. "In the midst of my confusion I beard the voice of tie Colonel of my regiment shouting, "Cease firing, men ! Then, finally, when the firing, bad ceased, I discovered that one poor fellow was dead. He bad been shot through the hack by a 1 ear-rack man, and the du'y devolved on me of writing to his family and give ing the particlars of his death. "And did you do it truthfully V "So," promptly responded the veter an, "I told them that lie had been shot io the battle of the Wilderness, but I gave no particulars. It was better so. ' Liica OUtrtrr. IB Ei qnJ i& ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. HARRY M. BENSHOFF, MANUFACTURING STATIONER ASD BLANK BOOK ilAKEK. HANNAH BLOCK, JOHNSTOWN. PA. Johnstown's New Grocery. Earing opened a d GROCERY STORE, Southeast Corner cf Market &. I.ocot Strata, JOHNSTOWN, I am prepared to fnrni.sh buyers from dillerent points with all kinds ol freth proceries at lowest prices. Country produce, such a3 but ter, effete, taken in ex change for goods. JAMES D. RUTLEDGE. C. C.JORDAN. JOSEPH HINCHMAN. JORDAN & HINCHMAN. rutomer will ftii-1 us at Ihe iMimc oM tan1, with a larvr supjOy of our owa uuiaufaeUreJ guuUM, shs as tiiEOES i Emm, than ever. As wholesale dealers In CRACKERS, CANDIES, KUTS AND FRUIT, we have incrrasM facilities for Ailing orders promptly and sa&faetorilr. Joi-dan. & Ilmehman, 770 and 272, Maiu Street, JOiIX?TVK, PA. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. BUY YOUR "Boots and Shoes AT 84 FRANKLIN STEEET, Johnstown, PA. Lawcst Pries Guaranteed Jco.3X. Thomas, Co. 123 niaton Street, JOHNSTOWN, PA. GENEfUL MERCHANDISE . All Departments of onr Store are we'd sto- ted with tbe best rood we ran lHT..acd we are offering gxd9 hlcU drfy com petition. Our Store is Headquarters for the Choicest Country Produce. The stock of Staple and I'sncy Groceries ha nev er been more complete, and Is bein soM at price Exceptional' j Low. t all and examine cir goods and be eonvinc e 1 that Oars is a Bargain Stnre . WE SELL CROWN BAKIN3 POWDER. A. H. HUSTON, Undertaker and Embalmer. Could, Caket4 and Kobe! OF ALL GRADES OX HAND. A. GOOD HEARSE and everyihing pertainm? to fiiutrtlt furnl-bed on abort notice. South Turktyfcot Street. Somerset, Penc'i. OctHtlllvs ' (F.XNSYL A MA RAILROAD. SCUE1).T:LE IX EFFECT T'EC 31. 11)1. CASTCHN TM0RO TIMC. DISTAXCK AND FACE. M:if. Fare. Johnrtourn ti Altm.na .. i tl ! nam-:ur.... I 1 n " I'h-.lailo'phis. IT". S " Biairsvilie lut -i-; .reii-l.ii.-ic, : 1 41 " I'lU.t.Brvh -h 2 :.i " liliinio.- '- -' i 7 i." u Washington -'J7 7 75 rONiiExsicn scHRnri.e. Trains arrive and depart fn!H tbe station at JoliuatowD as follows : WESTWARD. Oyster Expr.- V-tern Kxpr-mc -. Johnstown AcrommAlatiuii " Exprew....... Faclfl Eir-r Way rasw ugiT.. - Mail JotJII-tllta Epfam Fast Line. S :W a. m &..' a. m . s.s a. m a. ru ... a. ro ....:!: -' p. m "j. ! p. m !:J) p. m p. in. EASTffAKD. Atlantic Express.. ...... 5Ss.iu Sa Sliore Expre . -Vfc)a.ia. llarri'bure AccoruuKn'.alku "Ut a. m. Day KnjT'iw ... .. in 1 a. cu A.toona Exprv.... lJrvl n. m. Nail hxprew.... 4 1tp.m JhUM(uwa AivomnHjdarioD..-. . 7 Ci p. in. t'tl'lailrlptia tiff ,. ,, 7:1 p. m. Fast Line lJ.jo p. m. CONDENSED TIME TABLES. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Somerset and Cambria Branch NORTHWARD. SuARjfVnra MtU ErprrM Rockarood ! 30 a. m , fiimern't 4:10, .srnveui ii t.vj, lioovenriiic SMi, Jobnsiown. 6:10. JiihHnxm V.7 Ej7rs. Ilnek wood 11. ST. a. m.. Momcrwt ii:., eMvwtosii U:J, Uonrensville Jobu.toan 1:JU p. m. Miutnrn A-rnmmirlnH.in Rorkwood .V40 p. m , """Tiwi v. ro., biotm tn n p. m., UooTersville 6:42 p. m., Johnstown 7:35 p. in. 5anl'iy ArrommrSntiu Rorkwood 11:35 a. i boiuerxet, 1 l:is, SOCTHWARD. Mail Johnstown 7 45 ft. m.. H.ovt!jtI1!o a-r.i Ktoyestown H:4.', Sunier-! :Hi, kotkwoul y.tu. Erprrji Johnstown 10 n. m.. TlooverTille 4.16. Ktoj-ertown M, tSowerwt 5.01, Kovkwood Johoatnwn :S1! a. tn., HooverTie :!". a. ro.. Moy,town . a. m, Somerset jv.i . ox., Aurawooa a. m. Smf,i 'msisM.ai.m Somerset S.-01 p. m. Kixkwood iiD p m., Daily. POUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS TVs -iTrTV fZr 'F0UTZ FOJTZ ..Vif's!.?' Lio la vas. If r""t I'o- ! -rs sv !,.t In In:... .. .'' 1 '"''' I' -r.-.- t! nom n ol mil; ShJ sw! ,,r",I!r f1, "o'- ' niskr bir bnttcr Cna Knml t'o. W wru ns, r T-t srnvt ctsst Pis. ... tn s.rt H,irw , ,,, , vu,u foe-rr-s P-it, nuei s.Ti.r.cri.s. ou.a evarfwhrrs. UAVID X. TOUT2. Proprl.tor, SAXTIXOKE. X.S. CURTIS K. GROVE, SOMERSET, PA. CvWlE3, KJ3GH6. CAEKIACEJ. ETRINli WAGON. IH'CK WAGONi ASD K-tSTEESASDWKSTEWI WOKS Fumlibed Short Kotlca. Painting Done on Short Time. KT workUmadeit it nmrnf, Srosnwrf Wdc "T i tie Iron f Of utroctrd. Neaslf Finished, and Warrauted togi aausfacuon. Enplsy Oil nrst Caa Wcrknes. All Work Warranted. Call and Examine my Stock, and Learn FrWsesv I do Wagon-work, and furnish S!t for Wind Hula. Eemembar tbe place, and call In. CURTIS K. GROVE, (East of Court Boose) BOM EESET. PA Jacob D. Swank, TValobmaVer and Jeweler, Next dour we-t of Lutheran t hurxh. Somerset, Pa. Having opened up a shop ia tl.is place, I am now prepared to bu ply the public wiih clock, watches and jewelry of all dc.-ci iption. as cheap a3 the cheapest. rtEPAlRLVG -V bTKCLVLTY. All work guaranteed. Look at my stock before making your pmr cha;cs. AMERICAN HOTEL. Onued a Ed Crated hj S. P. SVEITZER, Cutr.!rlnil, Md. Thi-i bote! is first -els, in all it aj-r-ointratuts. rmod!.-l ami rsfiirniav!. ac ! li.c nr..il 1m -tu.n in tkeiiiv. l tiie hul ol t.nitiiii.jrtr r.iU Stmt rurs pa" i.i.'ts tvery it monu i.is. Kirit-tlas porten at trad a!! trains. Lu.-a U the H'.l fire of i fcare. Dirixlly Lac ol U.e liol'-l L a tirs'.-cla Isivery EslablLsIimeiit, wh?re rifc-s of all drwr'T'f'onsrnn had at mM rratV raU.s- 1 ne bar of this- Uoih1"i. stoi-kpi wiiii tLielintt irri of M:iki-, Wines and Beurs. Ajso ou lia-id a la.Tft suk of Imported Cigars. Perwn antlelpatin? ma'rimoiy enn have thrir triHiNe and fars r-iuctd to utiliir:K 17 .pplseat this Hotel. here hi"imt -au I e if " ctirtd withT.t extra chsnju. l-u'l ! laitu in l y colored ba-.-kiuen. U.i Cciu direct U Uie Uotci. The ncdrsigned b.ts cn hand a large tock of SOMERSET COUNTY WHISKY. GUKye, WhU-h he Pfft-rs at Wholesale and in SU.J.TI qiiaat.iic.-, at iLf f.i.ioi::(; pruv: Two Year old at r.' i" p:r gal-oc Tbrt " ' J " four - " U ) " AIdrs a'.H or.lrrs to Xr. 1"7, Yr), an 1 101 tiiui.re St., Cumtxriaad, ild. 8. P. SWE1TZER. Proprietor. Want VorkERS Salary or Cor.imlsion to p'KiI men. Fa; I aeiUrg imj-orinl pti-.;i:;ir; alo full l:t:e GUAUASTEEO MTs'lCUY STOCK. Ptcck failing to 'ire re:bi-nl It. I. LaeUlUiii .t l.'o.. Km iit:-.T. X. ifiA, CVETS, ifT-i V.c f TCi; Snips' '--ci d;sc pa tin ru VVVI' CCPf MC A tb, etc. K'T inforfr.a m btI f rt- Ii-r:-il( -rr o to IL NV . VI It.i.. .. . : V.-it.C. Oi.t.-i.t I uti'S-.i wur r ' Iv-IT!-' iT-.-r-I-.vrry p-iVnl t-n .ui ! i i.r -'-i 1." r-r ti- w.rlt. S,. ...it.'.ij- i'.-iii;. '. N '.:- P: 1 r.'i" ' vi-' v; i". V ;. GIYE ICDR BOYS A USEFUL FFiSEa?. FresszuSCiiia 75, C-J-oo, S3.00 ?7-SO, ?io.co, $31. OO to $3I.OO. W Sc. r Ojia-.v;-. JJkr' C" ' 1 1 t- a .v. a. J :;n:;nr. In.: . : !:..-f-.-i..l ,r. s I '--ai i.t t':, -r m 1 . s . 1. -.- - f,.,.:. ,h rt t .r 1 rr : . 1 -a. .J ;si;,iil;ir.f.'. A. irc al fuarli. l.r few. ni r.. Lim m'.. tl J m. r-in-!.- f . r . f-.f.ii i.aiit.B.. rwi'ii W A !-. mmmmt bMEll vlLL- c?.cr.cnr.s.crjc-: f.STKiMA. ETC- Crr-rs F.- Zt FETERVOGEIi. sSehszt. Pa- YOU CAN FIND wifiia Prrr."M ..H st Hm A.l.n:n THIS PAPER rau A TSH REIHUGTOIT EROS. him jfr 1 -Ty SOF'ftk W ttmbmK. F..'J v j v-v-J scmrmT The Largest and Most Complete Wine, Liquor and Cigar House IN THE UNITED STATES. DISTILLER Fine Whiskies. IMPORTER OF Wises Mfime bwI Olgr SOS. 95 J-V25 97 FIFTH A VESCE, FJITBl-Rnu, J.t. All orders revived by mail will nivive prcir.pt attfatloa. Cinderella Stoves and Ran Their Lessens Labor. aV Jtw TT wi I par you to examine the Qt'KEN CINT'ERKI.L.V 11.W.Z -i furl vou buy. It has all the latent improvenu-r.tyt and is ?,', :r. teed to to a irccd baker. It Las the direct ura.1 tlan:p. r. iy w!: , can have a fire in one-half the time ro'iircd with tl..- or.:::.ary Tiii? is a valuable feature when you want a rjui'k Cre lor early h.vk:. ; IT lias an extra larcrc hvAi oven, tliorouzhly ventiluted. T'n-v ' cf inflowiisi and ontflowin? air can be re-r-tlated at will : tl.i; i:..-. ' a perfect baker, and no burcii:? on t!.e top. It I.as the Tripk-x ;!. .v . jrratc which ii the perfection of convenience and cleanline.v. I; i, -,; pecially durable, having three separate sides, or tic advaata.'.; o; ' grates 'in one, and not easily warped by the action of the fire. Matiufurtsred bT taHAVEX i OX. Limited. FittbitrsU. S.-1J sa.l yiat..d by JAMES B. IlOLDERBAmr, Somerset, h Krissingcr & Kurtz, Berlin, Px, and P. J. Ccrcr f- Son., Moyer,?. REM KMCIIR "Things done well au l with a care, exempt themt :ves frota hS--'-ij Tf!E POftlTIVE CURE, r'-lvv'l IT WILL PAY YOU To Brr Tora leiiiorial IVork or ViP,l. F. SHAFFER, nmrrcr., BOMEHSKT, M:nu' -rarer of aart lca.er ia Ejftim W.rrl Far tithed on. Short .Vrfccf. in cl Color MlilES Mil Mli Al, Ap-ntf-xtf WHITE BliOSZEl Pcrv-us la n-l of SOTSF.XT WOES :il ll u :r -Ult-r. lotn:. a; icy sut.p a u.tl a pnir sii..:! k :il ?.ven ihrra. i-.- ..ih ('wni.,"ri i i'r-j rw. okI fUl' ti I i.'A 1 Lii I invite ! ml aiiea'.iou lo ice whit Bronz, Or Pare Zinc Monumenl Ia;rlard bj REV. V. A. RING, as Telt'-4 In'rrr.-.-. .-i.t t i-i the n.int t.f Ma lilRI.Ai. A.Nl' o. iN.-TK1 . '!!'. s:id wl-ith Is i-::r.l rot find ii u tb :r -liter. I iO(nj. at icy shop whr.ti tur K'ru Ar M. n iv. r: f..r o'lr C'baiiia! i CIV stLe. i CIVE sit A CALL. W.M. F. SIIAFFEK. Louther's Drug Store, Main S treat, Somerset, Pa. ThisHcdsl Drag Stcrs is Rapidly Esccainj aG:.:i FaTsrits Trlth PecpU in Search cf FRESH AHD PURE DRUGS, Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Sponges, Trusa, Supporters, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, &c, TBI DOCTOK GU'ES PERSOSAL, ATTENTION TO THK CX)M?orN'DIS'3 OF Loiitlier's Prescriplms I Family Eossifd SP.ZJT CARS BEiyS TAKSy TO USE O.VLT FREsB ASO PlEX AEJJCLFS SPECTACLES, EYE-GLASSES, And a Full Line cf Optical Goods always on nand. Fros such a large assortment all can be suited. THE FIHEST BEARDS OF CIGABS Always on hand. It is always a pleasure to display our to intending purchasers, whether they buy Irom us or eke where. J. M. LOUTHER, M. D. MAIN STREET - - SOMERSET. PA Somerset Lumber Yard, ELIAS CUNNINGHAM, JfaircracTMB at Daau asa WaoLDai.1 A.fB RrrAiiBa or LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS Hard and Soit Woods, OAK, POPLAR, WKsns. pickets. snonriiN. ASH WAL.VTT. FIXIORIN.J, 8A?h, ST AI3 RAILS. EKSY, YEIIOWPINE. SITI.VGLE3. DOOU3 BALl'iTEPJ. CUE.STSTT. WHITE PISE. I.sTrr hiivm vvvrr' tOi CH A General Line of ail rad of Lcmber and Build!r JfsU'rial and Rnofinn ?la:e kpl 13 Ajsj, can rnish auytLii in the line of rmr bniw m rr:-r wv. reasoaabla promptaiK, sue a as Bratketo, Od.l-.ii,l wori, c ELIA CTJSTISriNOHr, OSce and Yard Opposite S. &C. R. H. Station, Somerset J. J. SPECK. j. Tmc Lcaoino WM3LCSALC WlNC AND LlSJOS HCUSt Of WtSTERrS PlN NSL. I THE AVM. H. HOLMES CO., Ii.-tnier3 of ''IIclles'BctT, and Holmes' Old Economv" PC RE BYE UIIISKY. All the leading Eve and Bourbon WhiAL-s ia bond or tax-paiJ. Importers of fine Brandic?, Gins and V'iiics. SEND FOR PRICE LIST. TVephM, No. 3J5, . 123 Wilir SL 11J l3J.-it Kit P.Tf 5 8U3CH P jjuizdig. AND JOBBER OF 5 IlilGe Econoir, Saves Yea Mcnc, J -t s 1 ' J " J-- '-- " ......:.., mm' ever 500 j M s Dee!gns. llJ'n'iS Circular. i v t' ' - Jv . 'r,ri . V .t?.ll i K -- -- 1 Y T J - - v- - - . -s ; V r',""'. .-- - t ."" " ' , : '- - " ' . f'cv WM. M. HOLMES- i 1