! I "corf T Illiaim Cartla. Had lattrrs k-pt rm.errrr wreath wer yuuii: Had the wnrid t-cipi. it -iJri doors Had oune on fiai;-rrd binc- admit fcu.ii tred mannrrs. w-b c-od nalared wii; t rsns. in tfoalrs. bo s" "' wrrcr iked both it:viu-i. bet a n.-viKi n4 trrve. Ail unuri prajw waniiK I bat o niiiil In iK lc!T trrud fur heal aui IicjI Vrjaid. cntraiumtirvi. wr.L a t-t iiJaia JMiremr posta nwn crr-vel to atiain. Cued Man nil own yon: what ia Hi me them To heighten praise wilt tot Good CiliieiJ Put praise ru barm not who so calmly met fcjj.drr worst word, nor Iretacred up Cm debt. Kik) inc. what all experience kt to fhow. o nicd can ar.il n bol the tend s e throw. V ju Lave beard hanjier oic acd more load. all rcu-t. not worn ijeir-ia-u of toe crowd, .And farai-of J-rwr ailed r.in-i coaid k"ri. .Aa ba in lefciia uu mnux nuiitiii " . . . Tie rer(rt moon hanc thonsbtful, nor can know What hcoBda her lucent cairn dnren mad be toW" Jasea r.rsbcll LowelL A Bcbooner Toaaew by a tVkala. The 6chooncr Ln!u lies on t'ae vays at Captain Hant'e wharf, at the f- of F f trwt, in quite a dilapidated condition, her bottom scraped aa though the had ln drawn across the bight, and about a quarter of ber rod-ier missies. It all Laj.peneJ in tiiia way: The evening of July 10 Ca'Uin Ed Enrke was at the whc-el, sailing north ward under a etifif breeze. The vessel is cl ve ton burden and was loaded with 4',' tons of ZA. llevrasjuit oil Point Cauovas, S-VJ miles south, aud was home ward liouud. All at trace the little craft reared cp out cf tha water, the stem went down into the tea, and a crashing told that something unusual had hap pened. JuLn Fitzhughes was silting forward tear the t-rt rail, and Le went over board bead first, but in Lis descent he grabbed a ltx-e line that Lung over the eide. The vf-s.l cut raised out of th water from the middle, as if forced up bv a powerful j.ick.-t-rew. She went cp like a flash uui Mi back jn.-t in time to right herself. Then n.meti.ing ftrnek the rudder a powerful j I:, and the tiller threw Ca;:ain licrke sprawling to the deck. Br this time Fitzhuhc-s had Uianaged to climb aLouru. and a Luge whale. aplK-aring to be wou::ded, threw water from Lis ? jk.u'ing apjratns all over the vessel. The mounter swam rapid'y away, fj outing at irregular but frequent intervals, and the two salts got ' cn their knees and offered up thanks for their safe delivery. Saa D.ego bun. fihat Autone round ia the Coal, It was a queer find, that of Antone Il-genlocker, acl tone can blame Lim f..r being Furpri-el. Ant'-ce is an en jririwr in the i'ii;;Mr -f the Ansouia Brass and C'p r t in ar;y, and as Le placed an extra large lump of foft coal under the Injiier he Lad no thoughts of w hat that lump of Coal contained. A few minutes Liter Le o;xed the furnace d.KT a-'ain. and what was Lis surprise to F-e in the furnace a handome plaiit re-tfm'-ling a f-pi-ci-s of cactus! It was bright red from the In at, every vein in the leaves being dehned. He carefully nmi'Ved it from the furnace without Lreakii g. and when it cooled it turned to a Uuil gray color. It nts ti a base of coal and then ftands out a well defined jtriSed plant, but not carlin:zed, M) that it burned as r-adi!y as CA the coal surrounding it. lie Las shown the "formation to many, and nothing like it Las ever been seen here. The stalk of the plant where cut from the iarent stem is well defined. 3Jr. Ilageidocker is to Lave it mounted and placed under a glas ca.se. Water bury (Conn.) American. la September We Kralire That Latin roots lie deeply buried. AVrapjer8 arc among the necessities. School dresses must be donned again Summer roses Lave withered and gone. The ieach tea-st.n does not last forever. July and Angust do not complete the heated term. Carpet bugs and moths Lave taken no rummer rest. Ministers Lave grown energetic, elo qrent and inspiring. Lunch baskets most be filled with cbti'cest, daintiest bits. "There's no place like Lome," aud win ter quarters must le n-cnred. The fluttering of birds' wings is only a premonition of the long journey south. Xo tracks are to be found on sandy Ix aches, summer acquaintances are of the j.a.t tnd the jiets Lave lnu brought home. Good Housekeeping. Itaral tlectrte Ktoad. riar.s are n..'W ling jrfected at Cleveland by which a large part of the gra;e and market produce crop of the sect ion east of the city will 1 brought in by electricity this fall, and the East Cleveland electric road Las bu.lt two l.ij-s connecting with its ftri-ct tracks five miles beyond the eastern city limits into a rich market gardening and grape growing section, and will t up its old j.iss, !ii.er cars for the trau.-jortarion of freight, running the cars directly from the farms tj the city market Louses. Another line is bull ling t breach the country from Ixre.t fi.r a like purpose, and several others are projected. The Meaning of m I'rize XBae. The proprietors of a iiew town site at the mouth cf the Cduml-i.;. on the Ore gon side, of.ered f lyJ f-.r the best tiamt for the future great city that is U ecl:ise Portland and all other cities on the coast. Two or lhrr hn;i Ired names Were suggested, out of which the own ers finally ad-qited that of "Tenaaniv" If the word Las any meaning at all it is that of "thrice madness" or '"three times mad." Oregon Statesman, The Shakes: are trustees Lave pur chased the Anne Hathaway cottage for $'...'). Its previous owner, a lineal iescendant of the Hathaway family, in Lented it frcm Lis flner, wno bought it for about fl.T'.-O fy years ago. A home made savincj lnk was used by Henry Vam,r. of Deaton, Pa. It was a stone jar, and in it be put fcJ.Ooo ia gr,r nlt-cks. Tne rats burglariied the Loi-k knd itte the muj jrnical rolxmln;. Am-r.ic, so deaily in acute poisonir.g. is also greutly dangerous to those who t..-o it ia their daily work. Much chean wall paper is colored with arsenic. Chronic poisoning by it in its earlier stages is particular ly disagreeable. The -yes, nose and throat are inflamed so that the patient continually complains f f Laving a cold in Lis Lead. A odd ia the head was not one of the ten phigues indicted upon the Egyptians probibly lxause they Lad done nothing to de serve such a terrible inflict;, ii. As arsenical poiu.ng pi ogressc-s the j-erson suffering with it is salivated. He Low iktvocs syjcptoms: Lis limlismay K- numb. or. on the other Laal. painfully :.v.ake to the alightest Si-nsaiion. Ke f.nts. Le Las convulsions. La dies of ei Laustioa. New York W jrll ' A eewcU lavebtioii, Or.eof th inventions v. hioh needs to to K- made is a caecknin which can be ; ..ted from the vt hi-.-le 1. hial without i !io trouble of alighting. Many a thirstv !: U driven i-ast the w:.ysi"de s;ring U i ..ue Lis driier is t j lazy to get oat ! r.n heck Lim. and it is hardly once ia a thousand times that the ascent of Lt avy Lill i made easy by allowing the Lorse the use of the whole of Lis spun Instead of two-tLirdsof il all Le Las when cbiscl- reii.ed up. The man who Intents a chockreiu which can l-e safelr i-djusted from the carriage will make Lis fortune and be canonized br the horses and S. P. C A- Kate Field'a Shall a man tke off Lis bat to a nrid Servant who is emt l yrd i:i Lis Louse-la-IJ. and if not what thill Le do when 2 e chances to mcf t Ler? This mr.rter Las len gravely discussed in Lcndon, t nd it Las occ urred to some c ue to sug I est th&t the man teed cot lo arytiiag t.ntil the xuaid. exercising Weimin'i tmi- vtrsJ prerogstive. lius sign.ifl.-d thct alio j ! gricicutlT i leased tv recognize ' ? Li I l-k-tc. Phj!rLiaLtde-er. i tigclC tHamaavda ta India. In India diamonds are found ia aHa Tial workings and in the original gsngue or bedrock. So far diamonds have been found in sito, both in th upper and lower Vindhyaa rxn -ks. Tl consist of a series of shales, limestones and sandstone, cut up acd mcch miied with intrusions of trap, A species of con glomerate mad-? up cf what LksLke felted hornblende, with embedded peb bles cf jasper, serptntine. quart end sandstone is the matrix in which the diamond is found. Whea exposed to the action of the weAther, as in th allow workings, this conglomerate is of a rusty brown color and very friable, so that it can be readi ly broken and the gangne washed away, leaving the pebbles, which are of a white, red. Line and green color. A load of gangue yields about a quart of pebbles, and if from this a carat weigLt ot diamonds is recovered the mine is considered worth working;. Overlying the diamond conglomerate are beds of hard sandstones and shales, which have to be cut through before the diamond gar.gue is met In the deep mines the gangue is extremely hard and tough and of a green blue color. It requires months of exposure to the at mosphere and frequent sprinklings with wat. r before the matrix becomes suffi ciently friable to obtain the pebbles without breaking them. All attempts to crush the matrix with out destroying the included diamonds have Litherto failed, and owing to the long delay before the results are known, the natives seldom work the conglomer ate in the rock workings unless it is somewhat decomposed and softened by the weather. The lobbies are about the size cf hazelnuts and are generally opaque. The presence of green pebbles is considered a g.tod si:rn by the native miners. Mining and Engineering. Inhabitant of the Caura.u. Tb Georgians of the Caucasus are tice Liking men one or two decidedly Lan'lsome, ia an unkempt sort of way. Features of an oriental cast, but fair skins, gray eyes and remarkably broad, thick eyebrows are their uiost proini-r-er.t characteristics. Locking at them, one can believe that the Georgian wom en deserve their fame letter than a good mauv reputed beauties. Their dress consists of three principal garments a long outer coat of serge, called a tcho cha(not kaftan, which is a short coat Y, a lighter one of linen underneath, called archaluch, and confined by a leather belt or kamari, and a r.air of tipht trousers thrust into Ligh boots of the regular oriental pattern. Some of fhem have invested ia patent leather shoes, which shows that they Lave an eye f r western glitter. The length of the tchocha and the high boots make them look taller than they are. They seem big men, but the tallest hardly reaches S feet 9 inches, and most cf them are considerably shorter as indeed befits a race of horsemen. They carry three weapons sword, dagger and pistols all of antique make, and for the most jkart elaborately inlaid with silver. The sword, or chmaii, is very much curved, almost the shape of a Persian scimeter, with a beautifully worked haft. The dagger, or Lanjaii, is a weapon ia the 'n.-e of which they are Iecu'rar3y esjert. Lctdcn Saturday Eevitw. Scat ins a tt irked Boy. One of the irrepressible small boys of the tough species started in to Lave some f un in a crowded car on the Sixth avenue elevated road the other night. He sat in the middle of the car and first attracted attention by mewing like a cat. Then Le yeljied like a dog and grunted Lke a pig. At Lrst Lis noises caused a smile, but their jersistent rep etition caused annoyance, which in creased with each succeeding noise. The mewing, the yelping and the grunt ing became so aggravating that each man in the car felt that Le would like to throw the boy out of the window. Manly dignity, however, forbade their getting into an altercation with a small boy. Dut there was one person in the car who was not restrained by manly dignity. That j-erson was of the femi nine gender, a trifle advanced in years, but with a muscular figure and a blcm expression on Ler face. She tried for several minutes to silence the boy with frowns and gestures, but those were of no avail. When Ler pa tience reached its limit she stretched out one arm, and Seizing the loy by the col lar exclaimed in a wrathful voice: "See here, my lad, you stop your yelping and your grunting right away or I'll give you something: to yelp and grunt f..r. Do you Lear me:" The b: y was as quiet as a kitten for the rest of the journey. New York Times. A Carious People. A curious people Lave been descrild by Dr. Paul Ehrenreich as inhabiting the rivers Araguaya and rums, in C'raziL These are the Karaya, the men and women of whom s;iek different dialects. Their luve of animals, not a common trait in the savage character, is peculiar. Their villages, Le tells us, resemble menageries. Jjogs. fowls, cats, peccaries beasts of a most unamiable character parrots, even turtles, alli gators and tapirs meet the astonished traveler. The natives do not lok upon them as "lower animals." In their opin ion these playmates are quite on "the same plane of existence" as themselves, and are to le treated accordingly. Yankee Blade. To Keep I'lowera l'reth. Flowers may be kept fresh f r a long time by putting a pinch of soda into the water ia which they tre held. They should not be gathered while the sun is shining upon them, but early in the doming or after the sun Las t-en down for an Lour. To revive wilted flowers plunge the stems to aUut one-third of their length into boiling water. This will drive the sap back into the flowers, causing them to become fresh. Then cut away the third of the stem which Liis lieea heated and place the Cowers ia cJ Vt-;r. Xew York World. The rie-trle Tiro rnsiae. An electrical application, which b only waiting until electricity caa be cs extensively distributed as water to be generally adopted, is the electric fire en gine. It is even now U-iug used to a limited degree. In an experiment at the late Crystal palace electrical exhibi tion the motor was worked o-i a circuit at a pressure of lo.'i volts. With this pressure, when running at about 40C revolutions per minute, the pump pro pelled a jet of water from a 1-inch noz zle to a height of l") feet, the watej pressure being seventy-five j-unds jicr square inch. With two delivery h'jse pipes on at once, baring n -zzles rejectively one inch and seven-eighths inch, the motor ran at jd revolutions per minute and the pressure was forty-five pounds to the square inch, the two jets rising to a height of about eight feet. The com bination of an electric motor and a pump Las manifest advantages over the steam fire ensrine, provided a supply of current is available. Ia the cuse of the latter it is slwivys necessary to keep up steam, so that time will not be lost when an alarm is sound ed, and the fac t that the motor is in stantly ready for service as soon a a current is turned on makes it obviously better adapted to many conditions. It is beyond question that the day will soon come when the distribution of elec tricity will be so general that the pump operated by an electric motor will bo the most important piece of fire fighting appiararus. Pituburg Dispatch. Ia ii.J Maskelyne, the astronomer royal of England, first calculated the weight of the earth. The Weight, as estimated in Encych pedia Britanuioa, is 6,CA,iO,ti"U,liJi',ooo,oCj,l!yO tons! Xero tried to kill himself, but was afraid to do so. He- finally gave Liin Self a slight wound in the throat, one of Lis friends rushed the sword f:irt.. r i?i and a fatal wound result'!. A Simple Krmedy for Cholera. Dr. Henry C. Cooper swears by tfcig remedy for cholera: One ounce of cam phor should be dissolved ia six ounces of rpirita of wine, and a small bottle should be given to any intelligent per son who will undertake to administer it to bis poor neighbors when they are seized with cholera or any of its symp toms. The following instructions should bo carried out at the same time with the utmost care and attention to detail: On the appearance of any cholera symptoms, such as vomiting, purging, sudden weakness, coldness, cramps or spasms, instead of administering brandy, whisky or any other kind of medicine put the patient to bed inslantly, covering him warmly, but not overloading him with bedclothes. Then, without a moment's unnecessary delay, administer (for an adult) two drops (not more) of the camphor mixture on a little founded sugar ia a spoonful of cold or iced water. Five minutes after let him take a sec ond dose of two drops in the same way, and ia five minutes more a third dose. He can then wait ten or fifteen minutes to see whether or not there is a sense of returning warmth, with a dispositioa toward j perspiration, and manifest de crease of 6ickness, cramps, etc If the improvement is not satisfactory two drops more of the mixture must be taken, as before, and the dose must be repeated every five minutes until four teen drops have lieen taken. In administering the remedy particu lar caution must be observed that the patient be not allowed to take anything of that sort or kind while the medicine is operating, or its effect will I de stroyed, for the least foreign medicine neutralizes the camphor, which is given to check Tomiting and to produce a free warm perspiration. Pittsburg Dis patch. The Coyote la m Xew Character. When El Paso was a little Tillage called Frauklia it was the boast of old timers that hydrophobia was unknown in the southwest save when the fron tiersman was exjiosed to the bite of tho skunk. Of recent years a new danger Las been added to a life upon the plains from the attack of the coyote or wild dog of the plains. Under normal cir cumstances the coyote is a cowardly auimaL But due to some fact unknown to the writer cf late years coyotes have been frequently known iu the southwest to attack travelers in broad daylight or to sneak upon them when wrapped up in their blankets resting, unsuspicious cf danger. Five deaths occurred List year from this cause, one of them near Albu querque. Lieutenant Britton Davis, of Chihuahua, Mexico, on Saturday in formed the writer cf three fresh cases, one the son of a bishop. Of the other two the lieutenant had just been in formed by one of" ihe victims in person, who Lad been bitten when asleep at the hacienda of Corralitos. They were two brothers, one Laving died of the effects of a bite in the Lead, the remaining one Laving arrived in person in El Paso seeking medical assistance. El Paso (Tex.) Bullion. llxcarationa at Tanla. It is announced from Tunis that ex cavations are now being made in the famous two Leaded Lill mentioned by Virgil, which Lill is situated about eight miles from Tunis. Many inter esting remains Lave already been un earthed, and it is confidently Loped that better will follow. A temple of Baal Saturn, which has been almost entirely Liid bare, is at tracting particularly the attention of the French archaeologists because of its peculiarly interesting statues and bas reliefs. The building is situated at an elevation of over l.CcO feet, and tbis is another proof that the Carthaginians practiced their religious ceremonies on hills. On all the statues of the gods to which ihe temple is dedicated the names Baal and Saturn are found together, which would seem to indicate that to natter their Roman conquerors the Carthagin ians Lad added to the name cf their chief god that of the highest Roman dt ity. Chambers' Journal. A House of Alaminlam, The Chicago leasehold trustees will erect upon their gronnd at the north west corner of State and Madison street a building the fronts of which will be composed of aluminium, bronze and glass. This will be the first instance of which this metal entered into the struc ture of a building. The building will have a frontage of C2l , feet on State and 106 on Madison and will be sixteen stories high. The aluminium columns will be of a soft gold Color. The build ing will be of steel construction, and its interior will be finished in elegant style, including mosaic flours, marble walls, etc. The possibilities of aluminium Lave been pronounced infinite, but neverthe less the fact that it is to be used in the outer construction cf a great office must excite extended notice. Kew York Tele gram. The t'cliest Thine on Ilarth. Nothing in life is so ugly as a man in a lathing suit. He is bad enough when be is well made, ridiculous when he is cranny, and appalling when his archi tecture is of the convex order. In the latter case, Le always wears a hori zontally striped suit. Then, when he fprawls on the sand at some girl's feet, half dirty and wholly repulsive, yon wsnt to kick Lim. Men must have very little vanity. You never catch a girl d oir.g any thing of that sort. They make for the bath'iior.ses the moment they leave the water, like stouts out of a cat apult. Exchange. Tbo Laureate's Birthhouse, Lord Tennyson's birthplace, Somersby house, has been sold by auction. It w a beautiful property, with lovely groan.bj, and then there are its associations, for it was there that as a child the Laureate made unconsciously Lis first line of pttry as he ran down the garden with bis long curls firing in the breeze and r;iiied out, "I Lear a voice that's spealt L: in the wind." Ladies' Pictorial. Glacier in Idaho. An immense glacial field has been dis covered in the unexplored region of cen tral Idaho by F. B. Schennerhorn, geol ogist and mineralogist. Under the date of Aug. 8 he writes as follows: "As I came over the divide into Big Creek I saw away to the west, among the Ligh mountains, what appeared to 1 a glacier. Inquiry at Big Creek de veloped the fact that though two of the liK-n in camp had lived there several years they had never been able to get up to that snow. They also told me many bad tried it and failed. All had tried to take horses with thcta. I deter mined to go on f oot, "As I advanced the signs of the white man decreased until they disappeared altogether. The country through which 1 made my way was the wildest rd roughest of any through which I ever traveled ia point of grandeur and pic turesque beauty. The view from the pcak-i rivals anything ia mountain scen ery iu the United States. Beneath the glacial fiold 1 found a series of glaci.d lakes. The glacial fields are quite extesire. They probably cover nearly as great su area, thongb Dot so thick, as the great glacial fields of the Alps. I examined sixteen termi nal moraines. Of this cuiuber eleven were receding, four stationary and only one advancing. None that I saw ex tended more than 2,000 feet below the snow line." TLo writer says that the glaciers are located about thirty-five railes south west of Shoup, amid a number of very Ligh peaks that are not down on the maps. Boise Cor. San Francisco Chron icle. A shoemaker advised a customer, when Le complained of Lis new boots being tight, not to pat them on until he Lad worn them for a day or two. Horse chestnuts and potatoes carried iu the pocket to keep off rheumatism or for other superstitious purposes are ara- tlctS. MifraUoa of the ttirda. Our happiness, if we are bird lover indeed, waits not upon novelties and rarities. All such exceptional bits of private good fortune let the fates send or withhold as they will. The grand spectacle itself will not fail us. Even now, through all the northern country, the procession is getting under way. For the next three months it will be passing millions upon millions; war blers, sparrows, thrusLes, viroes, black birds, flycatchers, wrens, kinglets, wood peckers, swallows, bumming birds, hawks, with sandpipers, plovers, ducks and geese, gulls, and who knows how many more? Night and day, week days and Sun days, they will be flying, now singly or in little groups, and flatting from one wood or pasture to another; now in great companies and with protracted all day or all night flights. Who could ask a better stimulus for his imagination than the annual southing of this mighty hast? Each member of it knows bis own time and his c.vn course. Ou such a day the snipe will be ia such a nibadow and the golden plover in such a field. Some no donbt will lose their way. Numbers uncounted will perith by storm and flood; numbers more, alas! by human agency. As I write, with the sad note of a bluebird in my ear, 1 can see the seabeeches and marshes lined with guns. But the army will push on; they will come to their desired haven, for there is a spirit in birds also, "and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding." Bradford Tarry in Atlantic Man Eaters In India. The number of persons killed by wild animals in the Madras presidency in 1S91 was 279, or eighty-three in excess of the corresponding number for the previous year. The increase occurs mainly under the head of "tigers" and "other animals," the number of deaths under the former head having amount ed iu the districts of Ganjnm and Virag apatam alone to forty-four and loo, respectively, as against twenty-three and eighty during l'-CO. The iucreasc in Ganjani is possibly due, as explained by the collector, to more careful registra tion. During the rear 1SD1 there were fifty nine deaths due to the depredations of tigers in the central provinces, while in the previous year there were 103. Chan da, Raipur and Hosliangabad districts were the princij-al haunts. One notori ous man eating tiger in the Chand3 dis trict, finding that things were getting too warm for Lim, disappeared. Four tigera were killed between I tarsi and Bagra, which Las been the Lauut of several man eater?. The famous man eatiug ti gress in the Raipnr district was killed in May last, but there is still an old of fender at Lirge iu the Hoshangabad dis trict. Since the close of 191 two tigers and a man eating panther have been ac counted for. Chicago MaiL A Little FUhy. "I see by the p.ipers that some young lady fisher of men at an eastern summer resort recently landed a mermaid a foot long and as black as ebony," said Isaac Bergman recently in the rotunda of the LindelL "I once Lad a stranger catch than that. I was whipping a stream in New Hampshire for mountain trout when I landed a creature half man and half eeL Its head, neck and breast were perfect, barring Lair, of which it Lad none. It might, however, have been a patron of the submarine ballet. Its fingers were wc bbt d, and from tho waist down it was a slimy, wriggling eeL The eyes were black as sloes cad had a vicious look. The creature was perhaps four teen inches in length and as hard to hold as a Impound trout. 1 put it iu my pail, and it at once began a war of extermina tion on the other inhabitants, killing them all ia a very few minutes. Then it began to chafe at its confinement, striking and biting at the sides of the pail. It kept this up for several hours und then floated to the top of the water dead." St. Louis Globe-Democrat Felo-de-se Among Schoolboys, In Vienna suicides and attempts at suicide occur very frequently among schoolboys and apprentices dreading punishment from severe parents and masters, and recently a little boy swung himself over the balustrade of a bridge over the Danube canal, and was drowned before the boatmen could reach him. The little suicide was but tea years old. He had stolen and eaten unripe graphs in the garden of a neighbor, aud threw himself into the water rather than face the chastisement threatened by his father. Cor. London News. They Say They Saw a Phantom Train. The people living in the neighborhood of Carrolltown are talking of little else just now than a phautom train which a dozen citizens declare they saw parsing through the Strittmotter tunnel, which has just been ojiened. This train, they aver, whistled, puffed and groaned like an ordinary train, and then, with a great roar, as though ia a mighty colli sion, vanished. The superstitious think the phantom train is a warning of a ter rible accident that will take place on the new road. Cor. Philadelphia Rec ord. Ad Lleetric Canoe. The newest kind of craft on the Thames is aa electric canoe. Woodhoase and Rawson Lave built one that attained an average speed of more than six miles an hour when tried. It is mahogany, IS feet long by 3 feet 0 inches beam, with a draft of about a fot. The canoe is fitted with a half horse jower motor, and will carry four persons. Pall Mali Budget A new building in Denver, intended to accommodate tweuty light manufac turing concerns. Las been wired and equipped throughout for the distribution of power to the different tenants by means cf electricitv. Baltimore is discussing plans to u3 the overflow at Loch Raven daiu to sup ply aa electric plant to be owned by tuo citv. Itatiaa Fatrtlim. One day a Russian village efficial was riding with me in search of some strayed horses. The black soil was like dast, and he sighed heavily as Lis mare sank in the light stuff. "Ah," he said, "what land is this? It is like a woman broken with sorrow. i3ow can she find food for her child?" "Has it been so all summer?" I asked. "Not so, Indeed. There was frost in spring, and men said "Frost and fair weather. But then canio the dryness, and though mass was said ia tho fields, it went to nothing. And then we dug up the drunkards" "The what?" "The drunkards, your honor. Often it is, that when the drunkards are pulled out of their graves and flung into pools of water, that rain will come; we know not why. But not only rain came, but hail and fierce storm and fire, and with ered the little that was grown. Then after that, dryness again and now," he shrugged his shoulders, "the famine." "Must there 1 famine?" I a-ke L "Surely," Le said with a smile; "tLe grain we have is soon eaten, and then whatT "Will no provision la male for tho future?" Who should make provision? Now we can buy much and cat mnrh; after ward welL tLe little father will not see us dier So depending oa the czar and public charity, they rest content in making no provision for the future. Temple Bar. A Miracle. This has certainly been a year of dis aster. Floods, famine, fires, earth quakes, strikes and many other agents cf destruction have strread their pall over Virions parts of the world, but all the woe they have caused is almost re paid ia the miracle that Las been en acted at Ttmaqua, this state, where a poor country editor has fallen Ltir to an estate worth $ 1 00,000. Somerset (Pa.) Gazette. New Spring Goods AT S. E. PHILLIPS, 103 Clinton Street, Louther Ar Green's Bloclf, JOII. S TO WX, VA.. DRESS GOODS. Consisting of Black and Colored Shallie Silks, Surah Silks. Velve t an 1 Velveteens in all colore. Black and Colored Henriettas at i-. W, .o, ft 00 and II -o per yard. We have a fall line of all the New Weaves, such as Bedford Cord. Cheveron Barrs and Cheques, etc. Cotton Dress Goods. Foile-da-nord Outing Cloth, Canton Cloth, Chintse. and Satiuea. Ludifrt' Spring Jackets. A full line of Domestics. We guarant.e all oar Kid Gloves. Call and sec us. S. E. PHILLIPS. It is to Youi Interest TO BUY YOUR Drugs and Medicines JOHI N. SHYDEB. SCCCHMSoR TO Biesecker k Snyder. None bat the purest and best kept in stock, and when Drugs become inert by stand big, as certain of them do, we de stroy them, rather than im pose on our customers. You can depend on having your PRESCRIPTIONS k FAMILY RECEIPTS filled with care. Our prices are as low as any other first -class house and on many articles much lower. f The people of this county seem to know this, and have given us a large share of their patronage, and we shall still continue tegive them the very best goods fbr their money. Do not forget that we make a specialty of FITTING TRUSSES. We guarantee satisfaction, and, if you have had trouble In this direction, give us a calL SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES in great variety ; A full set of Test Lenses. Come in and have your eyes examined. No charge fbr examination, and we are confident we can suit you. Come and see us. Eespectfully, JOHN N. SNYDER. Kc(!iin;OnEr.rtliWiil LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevent all Diacaae. Gov fr Moulting Hrtn. t i atvotav-lT Hiafcry eKrtTtM. In rtou Uty oMvte'iiUi of a cent a Jay. V4Toof-frbM Mnc T T .m-i't ur "OMUrpfHBilM ni to jmTr-is if"iK" m imciutuaur. If Jon can't iret It aenrt to u. Wiaul-um-rai-slc ir-t A 1 1-4 fb can il 3a. Six $'. - rttr t I'ttmftrg Aj.uintf iittt i, pel ce-il. irvm r'l'i $: rt-il. -r n4x Sfelltpto CH3F cf T i-n- !!-! rt-.T I'-.l-ra-w. rr--. I a J-'u.tS CO . ut. Hu-MrSt-.PofCoa. HaL Pittsoursri Female College and Co.NsfcKVATOKY K ml'.-lC. l iil.re. l a to teachers fnsnriiawed avaiiuiie. Su-riir bme oo'rfortw and rare. :ih year beicios siepu Iti Send for catalogue U the JTer-MeiiL luij-S-fcrn. A. U. NOUCKOSS, D-D. W. S. Bell & Co. 4-1 Woo3 St ril!'.,urj. I IN i tcj-apiiic wpp'.:. view cacas . ITCTKC CCS an 1 the rauous aooac, la jerea ;rles. Send for lltoloaf. free a Txoaouol COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND Sd&ia ratencu SwpeiT-.se IS' ' ' v.tuB ;? 1 :.'f '77i HKnui Bcxara. St Cla cf WMl 7 ; 1 fc WILUAHS A RObUS. RSCMCSTUt. M. 1. Authors of Famous Hymns. It seems a sinalar fict that apparent ly nothing in a literary way mill relegate a writer to oblivion so surely as to be the author of a world famous hymn. Take a few instances : Nearly every one has heard or sung the line of "Shall We Gather at the Ki v er? end yet how many know even the name of the author, much less the fact that he is living? The riter is the Rev. Robert Lowry, P. P., a resident of I'lainfield, X. J. In K-ihmonJ, III, lives Pr. S. Fillmore Bennet. To Low many is the name fa miliar, yet to w born is Lis familiar church song, -The feet By and By," not known? Unalloyed Sport little Dick Papa, I wish you'd bny me a fish pale. Tapa There are no fish in that stream. Little Pick Well, then, yoa won't have to go 'long to take 'em o0" th' Look It is not unusual for colds contracted in the fall to Lang on all winter. In such cases catarrh or chronic bronchitis aie almost sure to result. A fifty-cent bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will cure any cold. Can yoa afford to risk so much for so small aa amount? This remedy is intended especially for la 1 colds and croup and can always be dejeni3ed upon. For sale by J. X. Ssvijer, Prngsisi. Wooden. "Will yen marry rue V ( Xo teply.) Wooden. "Mildred. I offer yon my heat, my hand, niy love, mr devotion, my whole life." (Xo reply ) Woot'en. "1 lay my proudest ambitions my brightest hopes at your feet; will yoa not speak, Mildred V Mildred. "Who owns the grocery at the comer yoa or your brother?" -I do." "Well, why didnt yoa say that first ? Pigeon's Milk Not a Joke. The joke about pigeon's milk l.as a foundation in fact. After the incabaticn of the young has been completed the crops of the parent birds become thicke and secrete a sort of curd, with which the young are fe-L This description of nourishment is nece sary for them, for if the young p'geons'are deprived of it dur ing the first week or two after hatching they are euxe to die. AVr lo i JuttrnaL HENS 4 mi a ia ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. HARRY M. BENSHOFF, IHAHUFACTURISG STATIONER AND BLANK BOOK MAKER. HANNAH BLOCK, JOHNSTOWN. PA. Johnstown's New Grocerv. Having opened a new GROCERY STOKE, Soutl.ca'l Comer of Market Jt Ia-t Sireel, JOHNSTOWN, I am prepared to furnish buyers from di'Tcrvnt points with all kind of freh groceries at lowest prin s. Country produce, sui h as 1 ut ter, ecyx, etc.. taken in ex change for goods. JAMES D. RUTLEDGE. C. C. JORDAN. JOSEPH MINCHMAN. JORDAN & HINCHMAN. 'ntorcri ill CnI o at the em oM tar,-i. viih a !rvr mpi-ly of o"ir on Lanu!tArt-d duiik t mm. than ever. As ftbaloae dealers in CRACKERS, CANDIES, NUTS AND fHL,'!T, we have r ri-a1 fartVut ivr CiULg orders roui.-(iT and ttaLista ir:ir. Jordan ?c llinchman, trtoaudri, JJain Etrect, JOIIXSTW.v, FA. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. BUY YOUR T3oot.s and Shoes AT 84 FRANK LIT STREET, Johnstown, PA. Lowest Pries, Guaranteed G'co. 31. Thomas, Co. tr. Clinton S'.reet, JOHNT' '.VX, I A. GENERAL MERCHANDISE . All DepartmeiiU of our sMre are well sloc ked ilh the IktI Kod e ray I. -jr. aud o areoffenPi; fxl tMcii 1. :y Coliir-etitioa. Our Store is Headquarter for the Choicest Country Produce. The tock of Staple and r'aarrOroeriei ha neT er Nvn more complete, and ! tfCir.g ?oIJ at prica Eitvptioua'.iy Low. Tail ar.d examlua our good and convinc ed that Ours b a Bargain sujre. WE SELL CROWN B AKIN 3 POrVOZR. A. H. HUSTON, Undertaker and Embalmer. Colli us, Casket and Itbe OF ALL GRAPKSON IIAN'IX GOOD 1 IEARSE and eTerTihins;'r'!ntn t fsir.friU f :n:-':ed oa?ti'n nutuv. Spjth Trlot Street. Sc-str-ft, Ptr.r.'i. Oct: i -a K 3 JF.NNS X XS YLVA X I A RA I LP.OA I . SCHEI rTiliE IS- Er'FK'T I'E SI. l-:'l. EASTERN 5TN:1D TIME. I'LfTAXCE AM) YkiM. y.'.-K Fire. Mn.l.intfi C'f iM fl in " ha-l'-bliri; i H " l'h:-.le'w.:a " B a:r-v:i.. Ins. 7- " Or. e:. -Mire, 4" 1 4 " r".t.ari;h T- 2 :-l r.'.tim.ir- r-'i WisjuK'iiH.. 7 To OO.N'I'ENsED SCilH.rlt Train arrive and d-jftart frora the station at Johnstown as folio a : WESTWAKr. Orxxcr ExTrew Vi a. m Ae-iem Kxrr- S. jt a. in Johnstown Av:ai!iiiai:u , A 4 a. m Express a. m Ptcifl F.xprv . -.!-: a. n A'.ir Passenger ; 1 i' p. m 5!: I ,, ,. .. icif- p. ni JohtreowD ExprvMt .V' p. m Fast Liae p. iu. EATffARD. Atlantic Exprr .. Sea-hore Expre Hsirri-htinr Accommodation .. . ... a. m. . .- a. ra. . S .1 a. ra. .. W !" a. m. 1t Fxpre.. A trt.na ti;rm.. .. iii 1 p. a. .. 1 '1 p. ra. ju rxprotc. p. in. rhiialc iphia txicea. . 7 16 p. m. Fast Like lu JU j. to. CONDENSED TIME TABLES. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Somerset and Cambria Branch NOP.THWAF.D. Ju'mtT Hf-iil EL-n-M Rnr-c wool 1;: a. ri . omcrrt -ie. MwKuwa -t"-, lluuvsrvnle air. Jvtittftowil, C.l'J. JuVv-uira .V:j7 ;r-i. R kwd 1 !.".' a. m.. Kiriterset 11."'. r-tor thrown IJTJs I"oversviLe lr, J.cn?torn iAp,m. Jaje.ra v4-r--wi w--if: F.ockword " tft p. yn , ptHornn r.,., p. n!., r;yr-lwn : 1 p.m., HtAjTen-vtiie 6 U p. ta., Joiiii-um a 7:-u p. ta. tfeS'iVrjr Jm-nmt-.-um-Iic k wood 11:JS a. m. buueni I, ii;;-. F -t T1IWARD. JaJ Johrjrtnwn 7 C5 a. m., rjnoTervvri'e S ."Tl St'iVCTtown swnjcret .lt., Ro. kw.icd r,Htv J..hr;towp '-. p in.. H.rrTi:je t-K Nyntua ju, sutuer-ct 5a)l, lUxkaood ' t r J.!hr.!-' n :.0 a. ra., KTrrTi;ie a. in.. Noii-Min o a. fuoicnet lii 1 1 a, Ru kwonl M i a. ra. ""wa-rnr A-im1.if,tm$oaeTfet 51 p. m. Kkwoudu:i0 p ra.. I-aiiy. FOUTZ'S HORSE AXO CATTLE POWDERS s ,'f-;ir7v Nw F0JTZ 1 w'1 rf f..T r r--, rr Lrvc I'm. T. . r -vi V. r -r.- j, ... 7 mii r-j t( -n ;i,,riifTrTfc i ;TtV .1" .t.r- :v F-.!. mnn ni irr:t rvT r-r.T. y. Wemxr- Vrrwm v'tt -v- -r,n. CTKI-r AVID S. roXTTZ. Proprietor. CURTIS K. GROVE, SOMERSET, PA. BCGlS. 6LEIGE3. CARSUGE3, BTHXSG WAGOS3. BCCK WAGOSi A5D fjS EKS AKD WEbl EiS W0KK ruriiid ea Pajrt Sotlca. Painaris Done on SLort Time. wt work 1 trade ont it TV-odjrV'jr unoM W-nd, acxantasd U) oatiaaCl.wa. Zjlo7 Crl7 FL-si Cs Torke. All Work Warranted Call and Examine mj Kock, and Lm ftte Ida Wasoo-work. and faraish rV.rrt for Lnd USllM. Eemecber tht place, and call In. CUBTIS K. GROVE, (2a of Court Boa) 80 M IB-ET. FA Jacob D. Swank, Walcbniakrr and Jeweler, Next dor w of Lutheran ! urth. Somerset, Pa. Having opened up a shop ia tin place, I am cow prepared to sup ply t!ic public with clock?, vatc'ics aud jewelry of ail deitriptio'i:?. cheap as the cleape.-t. IiKl'.VIKIXGr Sl'KCIAIiTY. AH work guaranteed. Look at my stock bcP..rc making your ri:ir cLa.es. AMKIilCAN IlOlhU Ofined and Operated by .r. , , , v, P- SWEITZER, CWerr,!, Mu. J--Z!' - : -r AMKIilCAX IIOTKL. t.n : i ,!ir:iv. ai i:.e r.ea.1 ia.i.rt.'fe .-r- t ar P'- it .!.. everv t rr.-ni. nt.-. Vr-lT' txrr a:tea 1 a. I tta.tt. Lu ti.eH .t-i free ef i)..'ec..y la. ul me lioUl Is a trrt-eiasB Iiver Ilslablwliiiieiil, mhcre ri.- of 1-T b- b-: v- - 1 ' erate rat. Tne Ur.-f U.t H..tei itda.ta ll-e rirtrl (fra.ie!. i.i r.r:. , . .Ueo all 1 rce.". A.v ull La:. 1 a U."i-- :VK-k tf Imported Cigars. PtritK ar.tic:nAt:r 3 mHJriia".T run tiTO t!:tir t r : i -I . al"i eft '-S n llH'-d t" nel.:: :';.t.'pi:.ira. 1 It-tti. !.! i:-r -e au e .: ! .i: .-M e .."ii i.-a'v'v. la t :.j.--!i iti 1 v c'.or-.i La-ji.-iicii, tut coiae iirt W lue Tr.e u-.-k r-i rtK-l )i oa hand a Urgst.k of SOMERSET C9U TY WHISKY, Rye, Whi- h he rT-r a! :'.; aud In MiaU qiiauU'.lt!-, At U.e f-,i.vl: i-n: Two Year oM : t! :' rr ga 'on. Three - " f. " vmr " " " " " AMr"s al'J wj. r t-X-. 1", V-J, u-l 1-1 Pal tiuk-re i., Li:iaitrlc..: !, M 1. S. P. ?".VK!T'":K Pr -pri; tr-r. wEVant WorkERS!SME m mi -m Salary or Comrouwon to mrP. t wni-r B"r.vE r;rAi:Arr.E: xt'Ri:uY stock. Slock fj.Vil:,s 1 t-v rtT'atf-1 i'Bi:e. IL D. Luet:itrJ -t Co.. l:-c!.es:er. N. j . mm T- -" - .-t CAVEATS, Ji-' CEll PJTtNTi r-rVfr-jt-n- --1 :- i:.-r-.- u- m: s x i i ... - v. N- --s.:. C -. -t M r.-. i '. - . . nr-: TV-.:- - . -r I 1 --.--" I !..-. .; I 1- t : j ti. i'.!.- :. a r..4.t ii t; 1 --J- -C cic-mmc mcvunu GIYE I0UR mi A U3EFCL fEF-SEST. Ir:L. t.V':if;:!i. - 4 I . f r 2 vr . V.- .-.o?'!'"- '" a.- I . .rw, i v. j-.tr- . r- ttrf. -r . a.. . ..' y j t -r - ff" ; r:.. . It . hjr - r -nt- X -. - A. . 1LL11., lU:u, Au.i..a, Aiu.me. rr. u --. " s- it - YOU CAN FIND PT. a fcia in lrrrat ..h A-i.i;Ur f-Tr -J 3 -4 SCHMIDT The Largest and Most Complete ll Wine, Liquor and Cigar I Io U IN THE UNITED STATES. DISTILLER AND JOBBER OF Fine Whiskies. IMPORTER OF yCS. 95 ASL 97 FIFTH Allonlers rectiTeJby rciVi Cinderella Stoves and Their Lessens Labor. I Twill pav you to exaa.iac the Ql'KEX CINTi:i;i:i.I.. r. r 1 for you buy. It 1.UJ ail the latest i-q-rovtMer.:.. t..-i i, J- teed to le a irood i aaer. It l.a.- can have a f're in one-half tt.e tin.e r. jHir.-u v;a:; . TI.h ii a valaahle Mature -ft hen you war.t a;ai k f.re : ; . - t ' . TT has an extra larro tii;-'ii oven, 1 0f injiowin? and ouf.iowin air can le re.'ukt..-1 at - :;; : L. -. . ,. a ,orfcct taker, and no Lurnit -i or. the t- p. It r T.-h !-r . ; , lJiZ I prate, which is the perfection of convergence zvA th a:.h:.. ... I; ,, y!" j ,Jvin; three separate ?Me?; or the , ., , . " Xi j irratos 'in one, arid not easily warred hy t:.e action of;:,- :. . Mauttfar iTK-i It IitHAVE-N" A CO., L::n: JAIES B. II0LDEKBAUM, Somerset. ? v A -V ' ti - - Kri.-sinirer A Kurtz, Berlin, Ta., and P. J. Corcr .f- 5or. M-.y-.-r-i: i. till RKM KMLCR 'ILIawa Jono well with a car', ox-:ut v. -;: :- J"- 7 . i j ZZZ. T . , T to art T-,r Jleniorial Work Vf-1. F. SHAFFER, or iUnufs :tt;rer of ar d l?a: r Oi Pervc:i ia Dee.1 of MONTH EST WORK wiM a ii i- i:.';r ii-'er, -r ...-ta!'. at me .er j a j-r-'tH r --:!--w!rij; wiU r- ,c.-e ihen. --,-r:- I'Ajii' Ls'. I lav. w; -ei alen'..-.- UiS white Bronze, Or Pure Zinc MsnyT-ent .' N.-lr.I't TI"N'. arul wric h i 0-.t)--! to -:.r rVj-u.ar VI. iv -v i.t f r ur Cbavau U liW. 1. Slli 111 CALL. WM. F. SOAFrEK. Louther's j Main streetj W vaatfw travaa M t FRESH AHD PURE DRUGS. fv Medicines, Bye Stuffs, Spoyiyes, Tmsa ZZ Supporters, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, &c. THl IO0!t -:rVE3 PKSOVAL ATTENTIOX TO THTI rOHF-CrN"' IS C? LoiMs PrescriiinDS 1 Family MM 6RST BE!Si3 rAiXV TO C?S 0SIT tRZ-u Af-lilte -. L .1 SPECTACLES, EYE-GLASSES, J And a Full Line cf Optical Goods always on nar.d. Frc: such a large assortment all can be sniteil THE FINEST BBflHDS OF CIGARS Alwaj-3 on hand. It is always a pleasure to display our V to Intending purchasers, whether they buy Irom us or else w her?. "I J. M. LOUTHER, M- D. H. MAIN STREET - ... SOMERSET. FA Somerset Lumber Yard.;" ELIAS CUNNINGHAM, ;S rTayrficri r !D I'tct Asa LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS . Hard and Solt Wood?,-" vr.r-B.-.. I r HOW I'iNK. , . ,a-'''" . u.te f::sl Al, eaa rimh a:-Tth;r pn-mi-tu,- :K 3 ?: l::;e priHEi tu,, raca . ELLA. cijovr-sraHvr, I 03ce and Yard Opposiio a J. J. SPECK. THE AVAL LI. It;iVr of -irolmo.' Det " and - HoIir.es' 0M Eeoru.x.v" nnr.RYi: wnssKY. All U-j lea-lin- Rvc aud Dourloa sU,U,s iu ho:.d or tax j.u! ! , Importers of gBe Brandies. Gins and WLcs. SEND FOR 333. - 120 W-'r JiUflJJJSQ t o - a'i.. a ' u ir Kan-; Their : Econcrr. - XL A VEX IE, I'lTTSLVL rni.ru !T j.rca: j ; a". : oaves Yea Men? ii.-r. 1 s tc u..vci c.u.i ii.orui.'i.i ei i-: ;. i.. I rV!r' in-;-. : k .... J 1 Nfa.- J C4.,ilz , ri. -tT;7?;' a'J Beautiful - 1 1 J ; Fi rice Lk. Or.-. I) Drug Store.;: Somerset, Fa. V Cl 4aa biMtkM Wa WouSai a.-cr Errar E CF sa-h. sTA:aRA:: lath r-: - of c,:r h-i tr - rr tuv : Br. - rta. oiij work. ;ei &C. R. R. Station. Scmerset WM. M. H0LVES- HOLMES CO., O u C U' "." r N T t L .-.Z if aa. PRICE LIST. I Sl- ltd njRf.t A P.TT3 fh re- a D Of r. ft, Ji