"Why lam A Republican." I sra opposed to the Democratic party, n.1 I will tea yon why. Every State that seceded from the United States was Democratic SUte. Every ordinance of eeeefkion that was dran was drawn by . . . I Ie.iiucrat Every man laai enuc-atun-u to tear the old fl from the Leaven that it enriched was a Democrat Every man .f triM In destroy this nation was Democrat. Every enemy this great Republic has ha.l for twenty years has been a Deniocru Every man that shot Union soldiers was a Democrat Every man that starrer Union soldierj, an'' refused them in the Ttrpn.irv of death, was a Democrat. F.verv man that loved slavery better than liWtv was a Democrat. The man that ifa!nated Abraham Lincoln was emocrat. Everr man that sympathized with the assassin every man glad that the noblest President ever elected was assassinated was a Democrat Every n.an that wanted the privilege of whip ping another man to make his work for nothnigand paid him with lashes on his naked back was a Democrat tvery man that raised bloodhounds to pursue human lrfinci! was a Democrat Every man that impaired the credit of the United States, every man t&ai swore we would never redeem the greenbacks, etery malignerof Lis country's credit, every calumniator of Lis country's honor was a Democrat I am a Rej.ublican. I am a republican because the Republican party says this country is a nation and not a confederacy. I want to know if the government that took you from ynar fireside and made you f ght for it I want to know if it is not bound to tight for you. The Hag that will not protect its protectors is a dirty rag that contaminates the air in which it waves. The government that w ill not defend its defenders is a dis grace to the nations of the world. I am a Republican because the Republican party says, "We w ill protect the rights of American citizens at home, and if neces sary we will march an army into any State to protect the rights of the hum blest American citizen in that State." Any man that L not in favor of human progress, tiiat is not in favor of giving to others all Le claims for Limt-eif we do not ask him to vote the Republican ticket Free lalior, love, aiTeclion they have invented everything of nse in this world. I am a Ipub!in. We have pot the first free country thst ever existed. And right here I want to thank every soldier that ft.ught to make it free. Every one, living and dead. These heroes are dead. They are at rest They sleep in the land they made free, nnder the flag they rendered stain less, under the solemn pines, the sad hemlocks, the tearful willows au! the embracing vines. They sleep beneath the shadows of the clouds, careless alike of the suuii.'ht or of storm, each in the windowless palace of rest. Earth may run red with other wars they are at peace. In the midst of battle, in the roar of conflict, they found the serenity of death, I have one sentiment for the toMiers living and dead cheers for the living and tears for the dead. Now, my friends, I want you to vote the Republican ticket I want you to strear that you w ill not vote any enemy of human pr-giees. Go and talk to every Iemocrat that you can see. Ciet him by the coat collar; talk to him. Hold Lim like Coleridge's Ancient Mariner, with your glittering eyes. Hold him ; tell him all the mean things his party ever did. Tell him kindly; tell him in a Christian spirit as I do, but tell him. I want yi-u, every one, toewear you will vote for the glorious Republican party. I tell yon we ruu?t stand by the ountry. It is a glorious country. It permits you and me to 1 free. It is the only country in the world where labor is respected ; let us eupj'ort it. It is the only country in the world where the eyeful man is the aristocrat. The man that works for 2 a day and goes home at night to his little ones, takes his little boy on his knee, an 1 he thinks that boy can achieve anything that the sons of the wealthy man can achieve. The free schools are open to him ; he may be the richest, the greatest, the grandest ; ecu that thought sweetens every drop of sweat that rolls down the honest face of toil. Vote to prosj-er that country. Tutting mittens on a tiger will never make him Le his ta-te fr blood. The truth may lm crucified but r.o grave can be made deep enough to hold it. If stinginess is a disease, there are ma ny people in the church who are cot healthy. If the road to the pit didn't begin in respectability it wouldn't be so much crowded. The devil always has trouble in intro ducing himself to tLc people who aie biy. It is amusing to bear a man with ro religion undertake to tell w hy Le is a Christian. Know the laws that Lave to be passed to restrain a man, and jon know the iu .D. One of the things for which we find the most fault w ith people, is for not a jrec-ing w ith ra. The devil has "Lopes" of the man who habitually blacks his shoes on Sundav i comics. Everything not fuliy coasecraUd to God is something the devil still has a claim upon. About the biirgest mistake anybody can make is to undertake to carry the Lord's burden. lLe man w Lo gets the most good cut xA a good sermon is the one who is wi! irg to live it Silvttion is the only thing abent which the Pible tells us C- ts in a Lurry. that God evr How to Cock Cucumbers. Cucumbers properly cooked are a very nice dish. In fact, quite as nice as they are as a salad. Ac exceedingly gx-d way to terve them cooked is first to pre pare a Eizeable dLdi of potatoes cut into Btra 3 I no inches long and fried a light g )ldi n bio n in hut fat lYt-1 a fresh cucun.bcr, cut into rounds ab Kit two inches in thickness, rcocp out a liitle from the center of eacL slice, leaving a thin la er at the bottom to bold a uiixtuie. La? them in a shallow stew pin, covtr them with a rich white 3tDck, adding the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoonful of castor sugar. Let them simmer gvntly until just tender, being careful not to let them cook long enough to break. Mince chickens or any white meat and season with pepper and rait Into a cup ful of this n-inced meat stir a gill of cream and set in a vessel in a pot of boil ing water until it is thoroughly heated, and at Oiice till the cucumber cases with it keeping them hot meanwhile. Place on a hot platter and surround with the fried potato. Serve a cucum ber case filled with mince meat and a large spoonful of the fried potatoes to lach jerson. Xetc York World. ""T Lincoln, the Immortal. Fr-tn Hcnrj Wat-moo "a Lenit-Tille Couriif "ouroal. From Cesar to Eismark and Gladstone the world lias had its soldiers and it statesman, who rose to eminence and rmr nicD Lv steD ihrousib. a eeries of ceometrkl progression, as it were, each promotion following in regular order, the wbo.e obedient to well established ana well understood laws of course and effect Th were not what we call "men of destiny." They were men of the time. They were men whose career bad a beginning, a middle and an end, round ing off a life with a history, full, it may be, of interesting and exciting events, but comprehensible and comprehensive, simple, clear, complete. The inspired men are fewer. Whence the emanation, where and how they got their power, and by what rule they lived moved and had their being, we cannot see. There is no explication to their lives. They rose from shadow and they went in mist We see them, feel them but we know them not They arried, God's word upon their lips, they did their office, God's mantle upon them, and they passed away, God's holy light be tween the world and them, leaving be hind a memory Lalf mortal and half myth. From lir6t to last they were distinctly the creations of some sjcial providence, baSing the wit of man to fathom, defeating the machinations of the world, the flesh and the devil until their work was done, and passing from the scene as mysteriouiy as they Lad come upon it ; Luther, to w it ; Shakes- peare, .burns, even ionapane, me archangel of war, havoc and ruin ; not to go back into the dark ages for examples of the Land of God stretched out to raise up, io protect, and to cast down. Tried by this sandard, and observed in an historic spirit, where shall we find an illustration more impressive than in Abraham Lincoln, whose life, career and death might be chanted by a Greek chorus as at once the prelude and the epilogue of the mofct imperial theme of modern times? Rom as lowly as the Son of God in a hovel ; of what real parentage we know not ; reared in ptnury, s-'ua'.or, with no gieam of light, nor fair surrounding ; a young manhood vexed by weird dreams and visions, bordering at times on mad ness ; w ith iut a grace, natural or acqui red ; singularly awkward, ungainly, e'eu among the uncouth about him ; grotesque in his asjiects and ways; it was reserved for this strange being, late in life, w ith out name or fame, or preparation, to be snatched from obscurity, raised to supreme command at a supreme moment, and intrusted with the destiny of a nation. The great leaders of his party were made to stand aside ; the most experienc ed and accomplished public men of the day, men like Seward and Chase and Summer, statesmen famous and trained, were sent to the rear, while this unknow and fantastic figure was brought by un seen hands to the front and given the reins of piwer. It is entirely immaterial whether we believe in what be said or did, whether w e are for Lim or against Lim ; that, during four years, carryin with such a pressure of resposibility as the world had never witnessed before. Le tilled the measure of the vast span allotted him in the actions of mankin and in the eyes of the world, is to say that Le was inspired of God, for new here else could Le Lave acquired the enor- moui equipment indispensable to the situation. Where did Shakespeare got Lis genius where did Mozart get his niusic? Whose hand smote the lyre of the Scottish plow man and stayed the life of the German priest? God alone, and, as surely as these were raised up by God, inspired of God was Abraham Lincoln ; and, ttiousaml years nence, no storv, no tragedy, no epic pora will be filled with greater wonder than that which tells his Me and death. If Lincoln was col inspired of God, then were not Luther, or Shakeepeare, or Burns. If Lincoln was not inspired of God, then there is no Baca ttjini; on earth as special provi dence, or the interposition of divine power in the affairs of men. Didn't Want to be Tempted. The old soldiers' club was called to or der bv the veteran and he named Tri vate Griggins to tell the opening story. " hen I was with Sherman down south," said the private haltingly, as if it were hard work to talk, "we had good applications in the mountain regions from I mon men, that Lad kept them selves out of the enemy's hands, to join our army and nearly all of the able-bod ied ones got in. One day a young fel low auout iwciity-iocr came into camp and asked for the captain. I happened to be the one Le asked and I took Lim t the captain's tent and introduced Lim." " So yoa vrant to enlist, do you V said the captain when he hal told his story "I wuz t'ainkin' that way, cap'en, but I wanter ax a few questions fust." "What are they?" " Fustly ; Low much do I git V "Thirteen dollars a month and found." " That means bordin' an' close, don't it? " Yes," "What do I Lave tor do fer the wa ges?" Yon have to le a soldier, carry a grin an 1 take your chances." "Shoot and raise a rumpus. I reckon." " Yes," laughed the captain. "Other fellers shot too, don't they?" "Of course." Have bullets in their guns?" "Certainly." "Shoot to hit ?" "Yes." "Da I git a biler plate linin' to my close ?"' "Certainly not" "How much wages did you say I got?" "Thirteen dollars a month and found." He scratched Lis sandy Lead a minute before speaking. "I reckon I don't jine, cap'en," Le said doubtfully " Why not ? Are yon afraid ?" " N'o ; but I'll git shot, shure." " You have a g.Hjd a chance as the others." " I reckon not, cap en. I ain't that kind. You see I'm just durn fool enough to want ter sample anything that is in this soldier business, and I cever'd be satisfied 'till I got a bullet hole through my 6kin, an' I reckon I can't afford to git ight smack in the way of bein' tempted at them figgers. Make it flfWn dollars an' maybe I'll try it fer awhile." Rut the captain couldat meet the of fer and the applicant went back to the hills again." Too Bad. "Hosslekus, what has become of that fine new meerschaum of yours?" Broke it accidentally the other day w bile I was whipping that unruly boy of mine. It dropped out of my pocket and was smashed all to pieces. 1 wouldn't have lost that pipe, Throckmorton, for fifty dollars." " What Lad he been doing? ' "The little rascal Lad been er Fniok ing." Cfco?a Tribtatc Queen Victoria's Cows. Not a gentleman farmer in England is fonder of takinz prizes at county fairs than is Queen Victoria. Of late years th'is has been her Majesty ' chief source of pleasure, and she treasure the medals won by Ler butter and cheese and the premiums carried off by Ler cattle above the gorgeous tributes of Ler Eastern sub ject or Ler German royal relations. When Ehe is at Balmoral not s day pass es that she does not personally inspect the h one farm, as it is called, and now and then advise as to the butter and cheese making, in which she is especial ly interested. Her dairies are almost Dutch in their exquisite cleanliness, the box stalls being tiled in blue and white china, and the milking done by maids, after the rood old English custom. It is said that the produce of these model farms is sold in London, and that her thrifty Majesty turns many an hon est penny in this way. Well, if she does, what matter ? It adds to the in terest of farming, no doubt, to make it profitable, and she to be congratulated upon her success. At Windsor a herd of American buffaloes is kept, and recently an attempt was made to cross them with some Scotch cattle. Here also is the fa mous poultry bouse filled with cocks and bens that have taken prizes all over the United Kingdom. PhilmUlpLia Timet. How to Manage a Wife. A Xew York husband confesses that, with respect to bis wife, he has resolved: " To avoid, carefully avoid, all angry disputes and arguments. " To stop all threats and penalties and all attempts that w ill force her to carry out my w ishes. " To try and please her in every possi ble w ay. To never refuse her any request I can possibly grant " To leave the house and children en tirely to her management " To give her the money promised her regularly and punctually when due. " To avoid borrowing of her. " To speak to Ler w hen I am spoken to. "To remain silent when she is out of temper or complaining. To avoid asking any favors or assist ance of her ; to grant her as many as she asks for, if possible. "To tell her no tales and to impart no confidences except where it is unavoida ble, "To feed her a great deal of taffy she is very fond of it " To send her and the children away to the country for three months in the year for her health and a rest" Aeic York World. "I would like to sound the praise of Hood's Sarsapariila over the entire uni verse," writes Mrs. Longenecker, of Un ion Deposit, Tenn. Cot There at Last. Mrs. Init My husband baj alrsya been ambitious to reach a condition of life w hen he would not have to work, Mrs. Jones And Las he reached it ? Mrs. L He has. He has just been ap pointed to an office under Tammany. Fin, Feather and Fur. It is generally agreed among natural ists that the tortoise is the longest lived of all animals. There is a chicken living at Seymour, Ind, which is said to have four wings and four legs. The mole can swim excellently and it often sinks wells for the purpose of ob taining water to drink. The Guadaloupe bees lay their honey in bladders of wax, about as large as pig eon's eggs, and not in combs. While fishing for tarpon near Florida recently, a man landed a saw fish 11 feet 10 inches in lenh, which weighed 292 poundi leer are so numerous in parts of Mich igan that the total destruction of the w heat crop is threatened. It is a viola tion of the law to sh oot them. "Say, Mister!" She was perhaps ten years old, raggotlt dirtv, barefooted and bareheaded, tow- sle topped but fearless a calico wrapper alley-filler. She stood by the counter in a florist's and threw her thin voice at the clerk, whose body was bent over an ice chest. "What do you want V "How much fer them red things in the tumbler? I want 'em fer Ally she's goin' on two." "Them red things," it may lie said, were a cluster of sweet pea blossoms. "Fifty cents," said the clerk. "Oh ! I've only got a nickel " so re gretfully and so resignedly that it sped straight to the mark. "They's fer our Ally," she went on. "She was only go- in' on two." 'Who's Ally?" said the mm, good na- turedly. 'She was our baby and she's toin' to be buried this afternoon. How much would a nickel git? I ain't got no more," and a tear ran down over the hard little knowing face, the face of poverty, the face that knew no childhood. Bob !" the voice came from the dark corner w here the desk stood. "Well, sir?" "Give her the bunch tell her to keep the nickeL" She said nothing, but stared at the dark corner, while the flowers were put up in paper, then 6he lowered her sharp voice and asked : Who's Li:n ?" That's the gentleman who owns the store." She started for the door with Ler treas ure, Lalted, looked back and said : Tell Lim 'thauk you. Mebbe Le on k no wed Ally. She was only eoin wo." A Soft Answer. Will you please give me a dime V re marked the solicitous tramp to the thrift citizen. "So, I won't," was the cm jbalic reply "I didn't think you would," grinne d he tran:p. "WLat's that?" asked the citizen, turn ing on him sharply. "I didn't think yon'd gimme a dime," replied the tramp gently; I thonght you'd gimme a quarter." He got the dime. Detroit Free Vm. I hve b3en a sufferer froaa catarrh to years. Having tried a number of reme-r dies advertised as "sure cures" without obtaining any relief, I had resolved ner er to take any ither patent medicines, when a friend advised me to try Ely's Cream Balm. I did so with great reluct ance, but can now testify that after using it for six weeks Lfcelieve myself cured. It is a most agreeable remedy an inval uable balm. Joseph Stewart, 624 Grand Avenue, Brooklyn. True Love. A yonng man at the risk of bis life saved a beautiful girl from drowning. Her (rrateful father seized the reecoer f bis daughter by the band and i n a voice trembling with emotion said : "Xoble youth, to you I am indebted for everything that makes life dear to me. Which reward will you take $200,000 or the hand of my daughter? "Ill take the daughter," replied the heroic rescner, thinking thereby to get both the girl and the money. "Yon have well chosen," replied the grateful father, "I could not have given yon the ?200,000 just yet, anyhow, as hare not laid np that amount, being anly an editor, but my daughter is yours for life. Take her and be happy. God bless yon, my children." "What's honor?" asks Falstaff. That's easy. Any woman who behind another woman in church tell what's on her in two minutes. sits can How to Bring Up a Son. Make home the brightest and most at tractive place on earth. Make him responsible for the perfor mances of a limited number of daily duties. Talk frankly with him on matters in which Le is interested. Sometimes invite his friends to your home and table. Take pains to know bis associates. Encourage Lis confidence by giving ready sympathy and advice. Re careful to impress npon Lis mind that making character is more important than making money. Prison Warden (to new convict) We assign men here to work with which they are familiar. So if you have any special line say so, and we will start you at once. Convict (who can scarcely believe i. is ears) Thanks, I can't begin to soon, I'm a sailor. Stub Ends of Thought. We must not .only look ahead but we must go ahead. The man who loves only the faultless is usually stuck on himself. We forget all about the beauty and fragrance of the rose when we find a bee in it. Death and time ends where eternity begins. Happiness is only a possibility. A smile is the same in all languages. Some men act without thinking ; more think without acting. Satan keeps Lis office open day and night It is difficult sometimes to determine between a broken heart and a torpid liver. Judge (to woman atcsted for sbop- lifting "when did you begin this sort of thing? Woman (weeping) I began by pick ing my husbands' pockets at night while be was asleep. The descent was easy. Bucklen s Arnica Salve. The best SaWe inth9 wjrld f it Ci ts, Bruise?, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures riles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2-5 cents per box. For sale by J. X. Sny der. Girls should look into the character of their sweethearts. Many little traits w ill often make it plain. If he economically puts out the light in the parlor when visiting her that is a sign Le is going to be close. As a general liniment for sprains and bruises or for rheumatism, lame back deep seated or muscular pains, Chamber lain's Pain Balm is unrivaled. During the epidemic of flux in this county, in 1SSS, I Lad Lanl work to keep a supply of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhwa Remedy on hand. Peo ple often came ten or twelve miles in the night to get a bottle of the remedy. have been selling patent medicines for the past ten vears and find that it has given better satisfaction in cases of diar rhicaand flux than any other medicine I Lave ever handled. J. II. Benham, Druggist, Golcondo, Pope Co, 111. Over five hundred bottles of this remedy have been sold in that county during the epi demic referred to. It was a perfect suc cess and the only remedy that did cere the worst cases. Dozens cf persons there will certify that it saved their lives. In four other epidemics of bowel complaint this remedy was equally successful. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale. Baby land for September is a remarkably clever number. Its pictures are pretty, its jingles are gay, and the etoiies are just such stories as Babyland makes for theISabi.5. "A Rhyme for Baby's Fingers" is a dainty bit of verse meant to captivate Mamma and charm Baby. What would the little folks do without Babyland ! FriceoO cents a year; 5 cents a number. D. LoTHaor Co,, Publishers, Boston. Mr. John Carpenter, of Goouland, Ind., says: " I tried Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea remedy, for diarrh;e& and severe cramps and pains in the stom ach and bowels with the best results. In the worst cases I never had to give more than the third dose to effect a cure. In most cases one dose will do. Besides its other good qualities it is pleasant to take." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale. Pansy for September, contains its usual number of short stories, ail up to the regular high standard. Its leadiag stories by Tansy" (Mrs. G. Ii. Al den) and Margaret Sidney, move along in that interesting fashion their authors best know how to adapt, promising a satisfactory ending. A paper on Robert Burns contains hi uch by way of valuable Liut and sugges tion, and will be read with interest by all cicsses of readers. There are poems, short articles and verse, with the popular P. S. Christian Endeavor Comer, so highly prbed by young and old alike. Price $1.00 a year; 10 cents a number. D. LoTiiar.r Co., Publishers, Boston. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter, Salt RJieum, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Xipplea and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hun dreds of cases Lave been cured by it af ter all other treatment Lad failed. It is put up in 25 and 50 cent Lowes. Now Try This. It will cost yon nothing and w ill sure ly do yon good, if you have a CoogL, Cold, or any trouble w ith Throat, Chest or Lnngs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guar anteed to eive relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Gripre found it just the thing and nnder its rise Lad a speedy and perfect recovery. Try sample bottle at our expense and learn for yours3'f just how good thing - it is. Trial bottles free at J. N. Snyder's Drug store. Large tize 50c. and f 1. New Spring Goods S. E. PHILLIPS, 103 Clinton Street. Loutlwr ic Green's Ttck. JOIIXSTOW'X, r.V. Consisting of Black and Colored Shallie Silks, Surah Silks, el vet sn 1 in all colors, Black and Colored Henriettas at 2 , .1... 50, .., f 1 00 and per yard. We have full line of all the New eaves, stub as Bed peryard. We have full line of Cotlou Dress OoIil. Foile-dn-nord and Satines. Ladle' Nprlng JatktlS- A full Kid Gloves. Call and sec us. S. E. PHILLIPS. It is to Yom Interest TO BUY YOUR Drugs and Medicines JOHK H. SRYDEB. arccrasoB to Biesecker k Snyder. None but the purest and best kept in stock, and when Drups become inert by stand ing, as certain of them do, we de stroy them, rather than im pose on our customers. Yon can depend on having your PRESCRIPTIONS & FAMILY RECEIPTS filled with care. Our prices are as low as any other firrt-c'ass house, and on many articles much lower. The people of this county seem to knew this, and have given "us a large share of their patronage, and we shall still continue tegive them the very best goods for their money. Do not forget that we make a specialty of FITTING- TRTJSSKS. We guarantee sntKfartion, and, if yon have had trouble in this direction, give us a call. SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES in great variety; A fall Set of Test Lenses. Come in and have your eyes examined. No charge for examination, and we are confident we can suit you. Come and see us. Respectfully, JOHN N. SNYDER. Hay Fever Sufferers Should read our new 1 1 2-page book on the treatment and cure of Hay-Fever and Asthma. Sent free on application. "I have Wn a tuiTcrrr from IIiy-Fem ni Athn-.a from bt'th -o year. 1 have fried all r-m-i.r th.ttt:amct my nuttcevttboa! perm.iBnt reiiel". 1 srn r-V:iel to fay trial your lueUicinea Certainly cure-1 me to atly currd. W. L. luota, kuJmiaie, lMton, Mat," P. Harold Hayes, M. D., 716 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. mm V) v r rrrzarii ssi nrzrii tariff -GENERATION AFTER GENERATION O ""N IUYX USID XM BUSiD IT. .AVJ TVcrj IrnTcirr MiM butUe of it In bis KtlcfvL Every Sufferer iSZ'isr-S: Tom Hmlafc. D!h?hTia.OoarhrtArrh. I.r.mrtutt, nut, Cholera Morbus, In&rria.ptk, I jurwmet. S n-aM in ht.T or Ijm, fUirf Jou.u ur Htrmms. will Ami la tii old AnirTW r Jirf mini apcrd?- rare, rtmik-t U)tTi Mid, X i, tt. JUH.Oa S .j, ihjettuK, PlttstuirKh Fftmale Coilopr and COii.KVATOiiY OF mll(J, I'iUfbur,?, to t?ariHn rnMirrttHseU alvaii!to- superior home o tmforis m1 care. Sstb year Iteming Scpu Si'inl fur eauJotfue mtue Pn-i'lrnL luTy-s-m. A. H. NORCHOdo. D-D. W. S. Bell & Co. ll TV'.wd SU l-ilL-l-nrK. 1.E4LT.U re Photographic supplies. VIEW CIS, octcctivc caajcaas. and the raatous aooac in atveij style. Srod fkr CUaloaue, ft ENGINES, mills, THRESHING MACHINES. BEST MACHINERY AT LOWEST PRICES A. B. FARQUHAR CO., YORK, PA Eminent Facts. Tbe question is often asked and scarcely ever answered, why whiskey made now is not as pure and reliable as it was forty years ago. Il.is never the les a fact that it is made purer and better to-day than at that time. With the improved methods fusil oil and other impurities are entirely elimina ted. A sworn statement as to the purity. zf.t and quality of the whiskey sold is fur nished by one dealer who advertises full quarts, sit year old pure Penn'a Rye, at $1.00 per quart, or six quarts for $.V0O. Sil ver Age $1.50 per quart. Duquesne $1.25 per quart. Port, Sherry, Sweet California Wines at 50c A complete catalogue and price list of all furvign and domestic liquors mailed on application by MAX KLF.IN, 82 Federal St, Allegheny, Pa. MILLERS IT WILL PAY- WALL PAPER Get the be wall pper for the least monev. Send to eenta (dsrlocted from first order) for our new line of aaixple. Fiue gold papers 5, in, i;, 9 nch anlid gold emboed border. 2c per yard. See oar 2a, SO and Tie. parlor Ipen. Prenwd paper from one JI.08 to '. AGENTS WANTED. J, Kerwin Miller & Co. 543 SmithseM Street PttUborgh, Pa. 1 Jh-vrf AT f-OOIS. Velvetoens $1 25 all the ?ew v eaves, sucu as ieoioru Outing Cloth, Canton Cioth, Chintzes line of Domestics. We guarantee ad our ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. HARRY M. BENSHOFF. MANUFACTURING STATIONER AND - BLANK BOOK MAKEIt. HANNAH BLOCK, JOHNSTOWN. PA. Johnstown's New Grocery. Ilfcviug ojrcntO a new GROCERY STORE, Rontbt-ast Corner of Market A Lrxiit Sirvtts JOHNSTOVN, I am prepared to furnish buyers from different points with all kinds of freth frrot-erita at lowest jTices. Country produce, such as but ter, et-s,eUx, taken in ex change for goods. JAMES D. RUTLEDGE. C. C. JORDAN. JOSEPH HIKCHMAN. JORDAN & H INCH. MAN. Otis!irm r will find t at the me oM Man 1, iih a larrer nipply of our cwn uuuiu:iieu.-rvtl guuia, auth as UJILlilitj, than ever. As whok-yac clcak-n In CRACKERS, CANDIES, NUTS AND FRUIT, we have inoroafr-t fai-iliti'-s for fining onU-rs pmmijlly aud &aii.l'Rf'i4,my. Jordan Ac Ilinehmnn, 270 end 272, Main P:rctt, JOUXsTtVN", FA. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. BUY YOUR Boots and Shoes AT 84 FRANKLIN STEEET, Johnstown, - PA. Lowest Prices Guaranteed. lioo.M. Thomas, cV Co. 123 Clinton Street, JOHNSTOWN, PA. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. AU Pcpartrcenis of onr Slope arc well st.rficl w ith the beat good are ran t-uy, and e are ofTerin goods l.ich defy comiieti'.'.on. Our Store is Headquarters for the Choicest Country Produce. The stork of Staple and Fancy Groocrir ba rov er tx-en more complete, and U being ;d at prlre Exceptionally Low. ( ali ami exnmlue our goods and be convinc ed that Ours isa Bargaiu srure. WE SELL CROWN BAKING POWDER. A. H. HUSTON, Undertaker and Embalmer. Coliin, Ca-skct. and Kobe OF ALL GRADES ON" HAND. A. G OOD HEARSE and everything nertainlntr t fliuersiS Tirci-hi-d on abort uoIk u. Sejth Turkfvfoot StretL Sorer-et. Peni'i. Ortlt-'9t-lya KNXSYLVAN IA RAiLU AI. SCIIF:j;1;1E IN' EITE'T I'KC. . I t ASTERN STANDARD TIME. IUiTANXK AND FAKE. JI.ii-. Fare, fi : s 11 Johaiornto Altnenn " " iiArrisburK " ' rhi!!(U'":r;iia " " L.airvviik- Jul riieT-liir " HtiiiM-ndi 1 41 2 : ' l " 1. ti-:iuo;v w astilrigton - - a Tra'ns arrive and depart from tLe sii'ion at JohQ3to 11 as tolluwi : WErTWAHD. Oyster Kxpre"......... ... r. y.'m. m ... ft.."", a. in . i"' a. m a. in .::: a. ni :ir' p. n .". i. m .... y rt n. ra .. S. p 111. wt-"tL-ro t jfitr-ss JoLllMO!1 Acf-OTOI!Vxl'ioU r.jtLrt? Parifl Kxprtvt ui Cimn,'iT. ... U:1 Ji'hrKiiwn Exiireja... r a!t Liuc . EASTWARD. Atlantir Ftttc-o . ,"i-"S a m. . a.m. . "-.l i. ra. . l'rl.'. . m. . 1J.-M p. pj. . i 1 p. m . 7 ii" p. m. . 7 is p. m. lit.:) p. m. -.-ji .-t, re Kprt-. Hamburff Accommodation- Par Wpr A tv.-ia rx;,r. Vail Kxpre bTu-town A'HYtfnmoudUoi .... Phila-lf iphia Lxprr- .... Kan Li lie.. ...... CONDENSED TIME TABLES. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Somerset and Cambria NORTHWARD. Branch JiAsMo-rn -7 Rrx-a-wond a. m . somerset 4:!. .toyi:stown 4:'i', lluovernvilie Johnetown. 6;iu. JohnMfirm M'ul f.-orrar. Uorkwood 11." a. m.. Hon-nH li:.Vi. Movr-towu ljjji, Huutirsviue Jn-unrn 1 Jiu p. m. mJuh'utom ArmmmntrJirm Kixkwnod .. 40 n. m.. Sorm-rsol n p. ni., Etovesna n i.::i p.m., lioovereviile 6: U p. m., Johnstown 7:-ij p. in. i.i-Eockvocd 11:05 a. m. bomeraet, 11:5. SOCTHWARD. Hail Johnstown 7:45 a. m.. Hnoverrriile t Htorealow xa, bomcracl M, Kockwood 40. jErprw Johnstovm T0 t. m.. HonversriiJe tl. rnintuwu t.w, eomeract a OI, Kovkwood Sttmlrf O: Johrstown s:0 a. m . Hiivep-. i':e a. m., Sioritown t :'-0 a. ta eomer-t 10:1 a. m, Rm kwoud l(t:i. a. m. Sumilny ArmmmmtHnH Somerset 5:(d n m Kor kwood Si& p m.. Daily. fOTJTZ' S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS TKS. H V., u-4 l-.-tnrir--, .rf, n:t - r m- mw r -r.ie-r w-ti prvirtu .APr !-..!. Kffitr I'nwiIa-i-F -m . . fl D - - - . - ' ' pn-Trrn imwi rTKET DAVID S. roUTZ, PreprUior, CURTI K. GROVE, SOMERSET, PA. BrGGlia, BLEIGH3, CAKRIAGE FI'RI-Vi W.V.ON t, Bl l KWAGUNl AND K-V-STKR! AND WEsTERX WOKC FojnuJied 00 Sioit Noiico. Painting Done on Short Time. U 1 work ! made oot jf Trr . ' imi food, andth bat I-o ar.-l M. .i'it.ac!aai.J Corjuwu.'d, N-t y HrttsiMt-1. and W a-ranled to r- sausiatuon. E.ralrl"! of AU Kinds In My IJne Done on biion Jouoe. ITIcui RJCAsO.N Ab LK, and All Work Warranted. Call and "tiara trie my Stock, and Learn PrVe I do Wagon-work, and furnish Urivea for icd Hilla, Rtmember the place, and call la. CURTIS K. GROVE, fEaat of CCtut Bo-uc) SOlf ZB?iT. PA Jacob D. Swank, Watchmaker al Jeweler, Next door wp-t of Lutheran f!:uri-n. Somerset, Pa. IJaving opcucd up a liop ia this place, I am no.v iTCpareJ to sup y the public with clocks, watches an J jewelry of all descriptions, as cheap as the cheapest. All work gnaranteeJ. Look at my stock before making your j'liir el.ases. AMKIIICAX IIOTKLu Owned anJ OperateJ bj S. P. SVEITZER, CjthI er'un.l, M I T::I li.v.-l fir! rl? in ! : t.i!ri:. rrrn-it-l"-i. iiti-i te! ifiii:'.'i. itn-1 i.:-t ! tit -Tl ill U.-C Til, t-t Lit? liCJl'! 'f '::: .U:?-' i st-t--t tur iil wrrs twrr (ex !:!::. Kirw piru-r u;1.'ii-i all tnii'i. u the H.rtol fn-? of char. U-k vi thi L.iveiv Establisliineiit, re ri of ail di r'"i-n :n : s! nt rr.cA ar ... rt. . - J T'l rmfiil' lin'f'1 ?""! W '. . I'. Imported Ciar. Prra):u anlie:pat:u matrfniony ci h'lve their " - i ':.- i.i--1 r.-.lu. --l t- n-'tn::-,-,- t y (..r.: iiji4t iiii. il.. I, w ;i..-re ll-v: -trisa V r.n- ruru-.! u il.i:t . .rtra cliartie. l':i ! re ln-u l, l-v f .-iord Lut ::ttii, init tu:::e uirtel to til U-jtci. T1:e ut;!er:fr'K-d ha-s oa haa 1 a !ar?e stock 01 SOMERSET COUNTY WHISKY, u r.ye Wh-. h he .".- at Wiol.'a aal la .r::al; quamiln.-, at Hit- luiio-A iiig prints: Two Tear old at T- T rr fr?'.:on. Tirrc " 5.' " four " " i if) " A.i-iro-c- a!"! orl(Ti to N"-i. !"T, T-.t, and Ml 1 i- liijore s.,luuwru:i'l, J- 3. P. pWKITZKr rro-.rii'ior. WWant Workpps ERS lit Sa'ary or Cmnii?tn t- men. l'at -i-lln.i" imiorti-l sp ia.:it! ; aij iti.i iint GCAKAN'TKEn M HSKHY STOCK. Stock failing to live rt;.lac i rtu. R. P. I.uetc!:ford .t Co., K ht-.ttr. X. Agency for 14 K-ilj3iy!fe F- i"'' T-V; .Tl '. - -r T. ir.-r-'".'"1: :i Ml l '.. ! 1.- r. N. -. 0;.l:-t T-ir. .til r. r .- ' " ' ; - r t ,-r. ::.-.i - - : 1 ' t- t :ic t.j- a i:-t:. v -::.ir.-o J . f T --. - -r - r ? -r 'il r - w-.rIL : : -i.-irr.. . -; - r -1 - ! 1 . -t ' i 45 I a f r y.x it. .... ;- .-.-il - :. t GiYS YOUR 0YS A U3ETCL PHESEST. CO Wv -;AzX 93100 C3' :i.:--U .00. it'.. -:'t.- Semi Sc. 'ur tUi-yjam. V r . a a. i u , r 1 . 1 . a-ji -. i' i.n ir.r.u it A i r , t, ..a. ! t.,:re, n.. f f-f . Al- rf J : . tf c : . J.- 1. r r.. i 'TU-- t. i.r, r. Sjr.-i i : 1-. A ' 1 C. tki.iL:. 1jUX X-iC, AuM.- JaiiJ-attC ?f Qiclv. J - -St-. V "-i- zJZ t fni en ifre; OMELl.JP WLLL- BRCSCKmS.CCUGHS, INOPIIKT CCNSUMPTIDH, Y3t- FEVER, fiSTKMfl. ETC' Circulars Free ?r :PETERY0GEL. SotnERSEtPA- 3 j l mm 1 aaaf - C YOU CAN FIND pth d fiia in 4riT-rK..H at Hi A-i.ri..o 1; ,u J MmiI17GT02T BROS. fcSVl V".--"-."- ;"-- i-i . . SCHMIDT The Largest and Most Complete Wine, Liquor and Cigar Ho IN THE UMITED STATES. DISTILLER" AND J0B3ER OF Fine Whiskies. xos. si jsd fifth a yesfe, riiTsr.vi: r All or-.ltrs rtvtivt-J ly mail will rt ive prompt a::. ;. , Cinderella Stoves and, Ran-; Their Lessens Labor. -e Vf c. . a TT will j.ay you to esamir.o tLe qi'VSS CIN'DEUMI.I.A fore you l..uj. It lias till the latt ir.jTOve:ner.t , ami i- teed to I...- a '.'od l.ak-r. It ha the lii-f-ct drjft durr:-. . can have a 4rire :n one-half the time rejtiif.-I with t!n . r Y.;.:- n This is a valaaMe feature wlica you waixt a f-ork fire fur i': IT lias an extra larire Li.-'i oven, thoroughly veatilatc-l. T.--of inflowing r.n-1 outilowhi air caa be regulated at w -a jK-rfeet Laker, and no bun.ip. oa the top. It .m the T. ';! . grate, whi-.h U the pcrleoticn t f conveiiieiiee and ch-ai.Iiu-;. I; '. . pecially uuraUe. Iiavi:: tlu-ee separate side?, or the 'n:.: ; ; . irraies in or:e, and not ea.-ily warped Ly t'ie actinn of t!ie !'. --. K.-iti:.-.iited tr f' II VVKS A ('"., L.::..iol. I'iit-' -nrh. and ? :.:ri- v ' -5 B. II0LDERBAIDL Somerset Krhsinqir it Kurtz. Berlin, Pa., and P. J. Ccror .t Sou.. Meyer.-LI IlilMKMEER 'Tl.ir.-s 'Lmewel! anJ with a care, eseaii-t thf s:.--.. lv,- , It-..,-. I ELY UlttrraS-'l-'. V.'rvr. tU Nf-a" Ti:5t. 11C3 60 - t- j' IT WIIjLi PAY YOU TO BTT Tor 3Ii-imri..l Work WM. F. SHAFFER,"-- DLr.ur.i.r.i, -L"-i-.- -N v. Saa-2&?tcrt,-rofaod IXa.i.r:a i.itrn Hv- irfVu'- i..-f .vv.ir, Ha.7 On B'v- fVr i Vu'o 5".-t -V'Air, fn aS Co i , i h t 11 t ia) 1 1 11 h i rVr-rtns in i:"l of SI0J5":rNT WOF.S-wi:i fliJ it to !hr:r tr.u n M ! c- ill a: fhi r w '"i.-rii a J.rr-T'vr !iiu iti- it' r.vtv: lh-Jl. 6tf-!-- l,il.ir.t"i til A-r--- ' tll i'AV- I i.k 1" Lu rt . I iiiTiio s!.u.il at:cuiior. tu ilio wriitt) Bronze, Or Pure Zino Mona-nenl r.rfni iti-:!... . .A. K!N". 1 !"t-.-!-! y - : , jj, r.-.-.':i- -it ... t!i p..::i". of MATtfcIAL A.: V S, ': -I . " . ' N - Vi:i". '1 ! 1.'.", a.-iii . ! :i ri il:-. .:;:t-i to 14 . i- 1 - - " . ;:' it !'.-.: i-rt Ur our C'ui"-','.aMe fii- ' - " -.,' .mic Glia tl- a CAU --- - -" V'H. F. SHAFFER. Louthcr's Main Street, 12 "c"L; ' Tjr-r Sf-s'! aaaa va4. aWi lWv.W ft.6.. FRESH MD Medicines, lyc Stuffs, Sponges, Trui SujwGrtcrs, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, &c. T3E rCCTCS GIVES TER-OXaL ATrSrtTWS TO THZ CC-MI CUNl'tX ; Of Lomners Freseriuims IFamily Raoeii: 6 REJ.T CARS TAKiW TO sJIT.T"T" rT T"" And a luil Ltne c Optical suca a large assortmen!, ail can be suited. THE FIHEST BBAHDS OF fIG.?.H5 Always on hand. It is always a pleasure to display car z to '"ntcndir.g purchasers, whether they buy Irom us or eke where. I SS I rl!VMair n a MAIN STREET Somerset Lumber Yar: ELI AS CUNNTNrrH A M. ST. yt FicrsTa and DiaLns and Whououl": a.td Rrra.-i.in c ' LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS: Hard and Solt Woocl- r ftAK, POPLAR, SiriW!-, PirKETS, MOCXDIVi; CHESRV. YELLOW PI.NF, BHISGLltf' DOOS3 ' " BtLr-iTEKS. , ' aK-"-TNfT. WHITE HNS, LATH, BLI"-1'", 'f-'El : -Geoe Line of ail rra-Uj of LuniWr al BuiMin Ma'-rlal aa-1 R..Pl .-:a:e i-fi3'' Aiao, caa fiimivh arrthl:!? in the !:r.. of onr b"im- to ort -r wi:h r.-..::'. - i prompteraa. aucli a Brarktis, 1 aired arora, etc ' JLIA C USTISTGHV I Office and Yard Opposite S. SzC. R. R. Station, Somerset J.J. SPECK. WM. M. H0LVS; v. The LEAOtma . WHOLESLt V;iNt AND Ll6U0 HOUSE Of WeSTER! PtSYU"- 'JLfcl.K AVAL U. Dislillors of "dines' Coi-t " nuiI " Or. a OM K( nnj PL RE RYE WHISKY. All t?io leaJin- Kyc ar.d DourLon lei porters of fine Erundie, Gins and Wines. t SEND FOR PRICE LIST. ? Telephone No. 305, . 2Q Water BUIIIUM TELtM0!,r IMPORTER OF r.iy r 1 1 1 . ' t " ail- n Scone' Saves Yc. - ass Ms- 4 r - r f- . t I J ' t' ; j ' I TV" V" - W IJaa,,w J:'...'' -VJi'y '" 'a t i: - " :j 1 a . . 1 r .i- m : - ; . cautifol f -r : f - Pr.si. ""-"" i -.1 Drue Stor Somerset, Pa. T?fl"lTr P-mh - "jCwviljr Cw-iaa....- li .- rc..i2 iZ a,.wr.j, ci PURE DRUGS. ViS 0SLY FREII ASD IljiZ J.ZZ'J.:r., T- - " t- rv-r r- , f - r- ! Goods always on rur.-I. l - - SOMERSET. F? CO A TVI.I.-kierf iu Yon-1 or tax I i St and i53Fir-t A.e. PITTS ElBCH