j.e Soraciset Herald H. SCVLU Editor. j - - 1 - - - " , A.JT-ist ' - fining U:r fcf r ,.ruJsJ '..,; t Snyder's i : l uioijtown Friday. ..r ,,; ilie gai " Ciiared .,r,T in Tor,ka is the ,..-:rr. It rv out annually meraM of Kansas, Mif- . f:tn4:nesrlioa! tliis tWU? !.x-. W. I !. Ii l.anna, .:, killed in Penn.yl- I '. - Y 4 " ?J :i . i it f i i I 4 i t f f f . a i i - ? , wis s.aui;.; iirV.tereJ by C. C. I.yc.iniing county, j hii-J ".' rallies. ,ld s'jOuIJ cot for?t ilrujist. caa tit their well aa any oprician. ' ir.j a: 1 r l-e ' a- i rears experience in ;j. cv'.fbrated lawyer .. -. a vrv critical Condi- The .: 5 av there is bird' J , ..t A wa u'.iear.betl .a-:owa oa WnirnrrUy. e'l.i '.ri the remains ... : ir man. Two rises v jjjjjy j.-!:b:y liraj to - r- -f.-s of Dvcplun eoun ; to li. r. Movers. 1. Liia t i be a canii-Lste -e Lln-Le-'ioon-Pvny rc:-i to been me ra.ly jt xxi cosiilex ...:r ii i-at;rj fwra y-ur . i a tbi'-jui c-jurse .- wLioU u 5.'.atly ' ; .'..-Ti i.tuts. an.l tbcre- : ; iJ VJ Ibe p-uur.a ai ; ..,,:.iV by Samuel Sioe . . Le b:t i:-'' b-e :Lit a-ia's to.'i itf. -t i:ar.lly proJ i.eJ, . rJ.. ;,.re.j rr.V.aria pnxif - pa" and viforotis -ar-j: ariila. At tbis . L l . t a :aa Arable p ra y , i- -:M.'n is haniilea a-llabiU-i ..... L.r i;-?iblicans f'.'jbs at Wllliaxr.rt, li; be a r-uch birr vear. Congr-ssniaa be a cani.ii'-e f Jr re : of the vale League. f r 'i J j . i i 2 . i i f "r : H.iJti are lo.k:ng j - s.r tember, wben tliy j .vt-i. i;y t-at tiae th.y : ... o-.'tinous service kwier i .".iirics the history of t!ie ! .-n in ;be i-i.l ' days. titi.'vl. Syro-i of tbe r?t'rt:nt.:j2 .e-aa Church u.-rs and m ibaa 1 ) .e-.t in Y-.rk. October 12th. r"ft.-ati.-:;s of tbe denotui - r to -'ve the c'.eryaiea a an i a hearty welcome. Tbite. c f A. J- White ; O.othi.-rs of i.'birtii-rr-barjt. . u- mt v.t to ?onirs-. ; ;:ir.o. v've.-Cuat.r.C' etc.. j -r-iof j-:tl. .12 IT. - l.'m will be aatisfa- Any orutTs toriiv hlied ' ' i j ! "it c ia-STlter-h i-l ..ncto Peter Brookla-'ber, cf N i.-tbarx'-uin cr.-.ty, was drink- i - rirj in whkh there was a trout the captive of the Brook - To trout ra". d wa the caif !,-h aw: ! distress ' When tue carcass was i ; I-. was found deal . ; K-..W3 a retired physician of V ..-V. visv.i Wa-hi::- on Ta . .- M Ke.a a.-r'3 that he is a .i':ij late cillli'ni'.re. John Mc- i- I i- .;,-t::n everything in readi- - i e'liitiH. He tavs there is co I ;. is the brother and j-istiy a si. ire of the bis estate. Mr. . a.' c; yeari old. - s -at ra-anyleiiev-rs In wlteh ".. . a-t- r c:t- a". 5 c ::nT and they 1 c :!n-e. Thirteen sfwa a: .1 'i. r 2 '. t ) re(?rc it were . u'ud a wja it. who '. . a w.tch. an ! she advised an a-4jt-Vt. i-he dnt..-J the uikiaj acalu. :.z le-.urs reuiainir. ia the s c.rrset will be stnt to the r. v .f not called fr within tea . lit.-. A : -. hi. 1-2: 'ri Ja-te: I'-rk--y, Annie: . I; .kr-.se. Martha: Uutts, :a- X. E : Cl-.ver. Kittle; 1 -i-i.i:;-.. F.a-ik B. -.JeiTreys. Ic : M.h.rr. ii-iion: Xh Liu, '....a us. L.l:: la; Walker, ;. .-' :iti:t. Aie. J : i a Ktt-iEE. P. M. - -i-n No. 1 John Talcier. . ''..l-:' ..r t.e . A. II, utters - -tt A political car.paln sr. ; 'a i-l 'j;..--. sa'e. an exai-t .- '. .- . a of our Order, ei- h . u o -f the e fill -late is - ! vre. T'.e C-.-mntaitd. r-it.- ; 's ev- .- c. ntra'e not to :1: i r ;l.'.':.j the -thing" :, 1 tt ta; he will a: to . a irs it to take it o:I. and -' : -i a of loyalty, wlii.h is i 1. 1 jt. soliler. vgarlles of i .'. Cvl. J.-hn P. Linton is e I Is f.rr.lly and friends the As is wll ktt.-wn. he Las ti :. L tn the best of ::ealth t ;-.-: mtn'.a thin the Jst iv-faed hi.rt l !::! an ex- "-r ;i.-ee o'fvsi-ons his defcth n.-u i'e.T Dr. J. C. Sheridan :-s Jhysiciaa ar.J D. W. B. b. i C-ille.1 iu eotisultniioa. ; i lh-t while h:s lurjr : tr-at-ET.i Lis .ttier . 1. as to r-r.-ier hisCond.tion r . r-; - -e. - .-he a ve er! nary su-itxio ." an ; -':v.l.ii ia the m.nth -' c to A.oert 3-ary . of New ' '.-. IW-aver Fall .."-, the . . 1 the knife severed an art- i i t i i i 1 4 1 I I I 1 4 "-a t 4 . i . : -. l.v-.'T e.!rt was made to j ' 'ji. but the c-olt was fast a w hen tiar of the men re-M-. H i i.e. at.d old woman .: ill--a of t,-rpine the 3ow - i..-. ran to her, and stranre -cs -me qn-er gestures with of hhjod su-hienly ceael. 2 -; H .r-.'ile has made many . ar.d ;-ae of tbe p-o pie of i hi.e more faith in her than - i is "tt dl.-I at her home in i -j :'. i Saturlty m jrning Or. Mon.liy and Tae-iay t had been !Q Jrnner Cross u---y rcaoe a namter of pur y alter retumine home on :- Mrs. ifi berime severely rxr-1 ".-! -it ta gtca cjorphine ' -f by a local physician. From Lw death she d. 1 not retain -.,. iir Ki:jcn name was Mary - 4 f - ast.ra Dear H ooversviiie on "A'hea sixteen veara old he 4. el ' lar.CT d: , bo survires her. Tae f ' - -r-n ire : Jjfcep.h and Petr C, of - c. of seal j-, Lerei ; Lewis and David on te old home"ted in Paint 1 ir.. Lii e, wii tf Jsi4 Kerah-t-so of Faint Li!.;n .;-.t arrival bU2 aid wifcter goods at A Parker s this eei. 1 Mr. Lewis W. Fog. of Perry S iiioo, is the guest of ber i?ter, Mrs. E l. E. C:Troih. lr. J. IT. Loctber wiii erect a baa Isocie CJtiaire oa bis Tatriot etrct-t 1A this fa!L Jenner ciuaf:5 Jr. U. V. X. M. are mik arrangituerit j to observe Cjiumb: day, O-rtober 21 st We kujw cf no town iutbr state where dweniu bous caa be bjubt n cbcip or here real esuue is bcij as hi6''a as in Sooier- rbomas Eamett b3 ptrrcbaseJ the bJt and shoe store of Frank SliivVr, oq Main Cross street, and will lake possession Sep tember 1st. Oae of the hacdsr-mest cottars in town will be that of the Walker brothers on South street, now receiving the finishing touches at the bandj of carpeuters. The members of the Disdp!es' church will bold a meeting in tbe Putman Grove near Trent, oc Sanday, tbe 4th day of September. AU are cordially invited to attend. Milton L. Iiaer, a tjrmer resii.'ot of this p'.ai, has b!ea nominated by tbe Democrats of eV-attle. Washington, fjr tbe odioe of Municipal J u le the besloiSe in the gift of tbe city. An eiegint new home narins completion on south west street :s the property of Mr. Charles Weiaer. Tbe " dickey bir.LV say that Charley will install a nitstreas in it later in tbe fall. Mr. Hirruan: Boer has accepted a c'erk sbip in Ik;nford s J.-ug store Oeor-e W. Uen fjrd. Jr., wll enter as a stadent ia a sch d of Pharmacy at Philadelphia, at the opening of ibe ai! term. Sttrjiay evenir. Dr. j.-jr? P.r.ilitcr'a bay horse, known as '" old Torn," wa stoien from bis owners stab'e at i!;ri:a. Tbe Dr. oiTers a liberal reward fur tbe return of the horse and tbe capture of the thief. Lutheran reunion and pie nic at Frie-leni, Thursday, September K : R.-frml reunion and pic nic at R xrkw j.L Fridiy, Septem ber 21 ; Knic-bts of tbs Mystic Chain pic nic at '.yestown, Saturday, S.'ptenbei 3 L Mr. William Armr. of Am'ry, LI., ar rive,! in town Monday evening. anl ii tbe it ;e?t of his aunt, Mrs. A. J. Colborn. AI tbj if-h a native of Soru- rs-t this is Mr. A r m.r's rst visit totbetowa of bis birth in years. Mr. James McKe'.vey baa returned from the Ma.-ki'-tonSinit irid-n. II s health has been very much improved by the treatm-tit be received while there. He expects to return for f urtuer treatment in the course of a weci or two. It is reporte.1 that Somerset is to have a new DcruocTitie weekly paper, llaj.ir James B. Tredweii, one of tbe m t ver;-att!e writers in local new.-paerdoC!. and Mr. Will Kiru rae'. a r.ewjppaer man cf experience, are to pijjt the new craft. Tbe Congressional cor.fi-r-a.-e Or this dis tri -t will convene at Fdfonl. this, Tuesday evening. Mr. Scull and his conferee-, Jala W. File, Hon. A. J. Colborn and John B. j ou, Scott, E i , left for thai place this mortiins. Col. John T. Linton, of Johnstown, is crit ically iil at his tone in that city. About j ten days ao he contrated aevere c.'. J which j JeviI0tu pneun'.nta. i :.e v.o.o::ci iu.-..j that he pull thr'ejh ail right, bnt bh ply-itiar.s have abnniined all bopea of his recovery. Anioiig other visitors in to a the post week were 1'rof. !h F. Patterson, of the P.tisburc:b llh School, who was almost unrevociiable on account of a mustache he has cultivated durincr vacation, and Mr. J. Warren Seu'!, of Irwin, Westmoreland county. J, sepia Weyaud. a bichly esteemed citl- lea of -oraerst township, died at Lis home nearj Will's Church, Thar. lay last, aced ahs ut '- years. Mr. W-yan 1 bad been a surTerer for s vera! years from partial paraly sis and it was a thirl pam'ytic stroke which terminated his life. Mr. Foster Walter, a well known R. A O. loeomotive en rineer. bas beja standing a few days at bia father's home ia tlrls place. Mr. Walter is enj yi.iz a w-U eame.1 va--i-t.i n of sev ral weeks and prcpiJ." depopa Utlr g the w U ro-in i "r .at E -' 1 of ;-.:rre!s an i poea-'ints. i ie of (Jeneral K ntx"s H:s'.eia cows ws irt.ri-l of her tail a few diys arj. She wa- 'landing ia the shad ) cast by a Iwarl fence :. j avorin; to brush rl.es o:! her back m h-n hr tall cautht fast b-f.ween tbe boar-Is. Ia her e:r.,rts to release her tall she tore it off wfhin a few inth-s of her b.!y. The c rner stone of the new Reformed church at Friede :s wid be laid with the customary ceremonies' on Tuesday, the Cth of aei-tember. Services will b- jtin at 2 o'clock, p. ni.. the sermon tj be preached by Lev. K'.r.r. of Somerset. All are cordially ir.vl'e 1 to be prtsent. I j mer'y pistor of j this place, has j R. r J. II -hrherh-rd, foi the Provterian church of been spen lln T t!ie past we -k visiting among the raxcy fr.enlsbe maie here at that lime. He pr-Ached tw- s-r.nons t- that denorai r.atlon Send i..-. He U pr.--nt in cha-.-eofa oor.gre-gation al Ford i'.if, Armstrong coua- IV. Mr. George B. Baer. e' !v-t son of our fel low townsman H. L. E e". K-i . his n-c nt iybjt n appointed etiicia! auger ofSonuraa coitmy. one of the ttreate-t wine producing dlstrUti ia the State cf California. Mr. Eaer a; re. i a re-:i ien the Gal lea Slate f,r the pit seven yen's a-;d is tbe edi'r of the Cverdale. Ca!.. -i--' -rK j .,. ! Mr. II. M. irineba -ch cf Chad Tueviay a was a caller at thi? cilice T Mr. Hiaebs igh retu :ve-I rncon. f-uo S.nifr-i?t conr.ty tJ i.i.ir.ol . nh ao and has an ei i twenty-four years , 13 -m one bus irej miles f.-o-n Chi.-ig . il : will speu 1 weeks visiting ata Lis fr:er.ds soulaera part of this county. s 'Ve-al in las I ! i Ca Jet O.-lo Keeper relumed to Lis home j ia thi p!s4e Sauediy f-oni the Xa7al Acad- eray at Annapolis, ML, and will spend a i month with his pare.iuv. Young Mr. Knep- j p.-r Las reccr.iiy returned from his first j cruise, which was ahoa-J the l".S. S. " Con- j stellation." an 1 spent the summer oa the j north Atlantic, with LeiU-iuarten at XeW London, C'cnn. i Dr. S. T. 0-t, of fprintteid, Ohio, will preach in the Lutheran caarch. in this place. 11 deliver ! tu.3. Wednes.iay. even and w al Irei-s at the La-herar. reunion and pic- I nic at Frieder.s, Thar liy. Dr. Grt ia re pitted to be one of the nio: '.earn! and elo- onent sr-afcers in the miajiry ot inai church, and he will doubtless a aulieneeon both occasions- tract lan John MeCumons. a cha-cjal baraT em p'.iyed by James McKeivey, was arrested and i-lred in.iail Satur-lay on a ws-rant from Centre county rharg:n j Lim with desertion. H was taken to Eellefoute, the county seat of that county, by pol-cenuu Gilbert yester day. McCuarjns is sa l to have heaftiessly deserted a m.ost estimable woman lor a loose character who lives along tbe railroad between here and R kwood- Tie tlgsres furnished frjm the Collector of Internal Revenue's office for this district estimating the nnaiber of pounds of maple sngar produced in thi county on which no bounty was claiced ar very re'ishadinj. Bounty was paid oa 223 SC2 pounds, and the Collector tsti mates that 112 9V. pounds were manufacture! by unlicensed producers. It is b:;eei that E k Lick township alone produced more than the entire amount on which bounty was paid mi the number of estimated pound. In lK'J tbe assessors of the county returoed over JvO.ou pounds of maple sojar prodooed the preceding 7a,-. Bung Hole Economy. Tbe towu council have alrady e-juaa ler ej about $.jO of the tax fund of thli broa j h ia an efTjrt to ascertain whether or not it is practicable for the torou;rb cjrpiration to ci-rttslruct and maintain a systtm ofwa'er works. There U no telling when this pro tl ftte considering the resources of the b-j.-vujjui expetditare will cease unless the tax payen aarakea to their interests aiid bring their rtprtsetiUlivii in the council npvi'.h a sharp turn. We understand that the council have employed one of the ablest at torneys at the bar as tbeir leal adviser aad we would asggirst to them that before they throw away any more none, which is so bad ly needed for street and other improvements, they get an opinion from their lawyer as to whether or not they are empowered to issue and sell bor. Is for the purpose proposed. A prominent lawyer to whom the question re ferred to was submitted pives it as his opin ion that the borough onnctl have no right to Issue bonds unless authoriz3d to do to by a Tote oflheijOiIi5d electors of the borough, and that bond) issued by virtue of tbe re sent election held on that qieslion w uld not bs worth the paper oa which they were written and would be absolutely cnsaleable. It is true that the voters of the town have decided in favor of wa'er wjrks, but it is sheer madness on the part of the council to throw away money in a vain etfjrt to ac complish a purpose which reipsirea the ap proval of the people by ballot ia accordance with tbe act of assjai'ily. It is not our ob-j-t to throw any slubiing blocks ia the way of the council while they are endeavoring to accomplish a public good, but we would ad monish the rutcrbets of that body to extrcise tbe sarue prudence ia con J tutting the bor ouvh's aia.rs at th.'y wju'.I ia their own privatj business. Here We Are Again-Barb Wire a 21 4 Cents Per Pound. Tbe Johnstown Iid wire is ail sold, but we have received from the fattury a lot of barb wire which will be sV.d at two twenty fire per hundred pounds. Guaranteed to stand stretching. This is a g cd bargain. Caii and :ee it. JaS. Ii. ITei.rrRBAi X. Horsa Thief Captured. A fe daya aero a youn man. a stran r:r, roie into New Ceutrevilie at.d t.ifered to sell the horse he was riding, tfp-ther with the saddle and bridle, k.T fjrty-Eve doliars. As the bone was a jonrg one and worth double that amount he was bought by a loral horse dealer. Tbe youne man left for R kw.xxl immediately. He had only been on the road a few minutes, however, until a Rjckwood butcher arrived at New Centre vilie ani hearing of the sale that had just b?ea male went to look at the horse. He refgnizej it imrardiateiy as one he had traded oif in the rooming and at once arrived at the con 1 isi')n that the oae he had gotten in the trade hid been stolen. He started in pursuit of the youn man but did not come up with him. At Rotkw.iod he learned that the youn,r man was at the railral 3tatioa waiting to take an e-ast bound train. Sheriff u yd happened to beta the town at tbe time and at tbe request of the butcher he piae.I the sitipeeted man tinder arrest. At this juncture C nUble D.tpont remembered that he had a tele-cri-am ia L s p--ket from the Sheri.; of Westmoreland county r, i test iiiir hiia to arrest a horse thief, aa 1 giving a d-cripti ;a cf the. thief and of the sto'ea h Me. As bith horse and thief answered the description the prisoner was handed over to the Constable and a me-a0- was sent to SheritF Haxstn telling him of the arrest. The for y five dollars received from the sale of the horse at Xew Centreviiie was returned to the owner and the liwe reciiv ered and the recovered horse was exchanged I with the butcher for the stolen one. SberitT Ciaws.'a catne to Rockwood and tciok the prisoner back to Gr-ensburj with LLm and the stolen horse was returned to its own er, who lives near Donezal. Wanted 1 An enterprising man in ea. h township. Mut have a iittie capital and can make ci'iner. Sure thing. Address CliAS. A. Res a Co.. Somerset, Pa. ! Teachers Elected. I Tbe following caused teachera bavebten e'.-rte.l to Uarh the public sx-hoois in the townships cam -1. Paint townships: Wea- : ver. Wi.liam K. Heckler: Border, M. A. : Livingston ; Ashto'a, Sera Ka'tfican : Custer, I.ydia M. Swank; Fiat R--i. V. S. Um- ' taer; Prkey, W. S. Rose; Morr.ing.and: J. I C. S :hrxk ; IW'.hel, S. II Npple : Clear i SMin-i, Ar-am'nta H .lsapple: HarTmin. ! Jewry Ksu!'.naa. Wage fwm J2' ' to ;-.2i. i Oir.raa.'b township : IUviJseii'.e. I". D. Miiler: Hash. M. It. Meyers : Iiiough.S. ' 1. Y-J-Ier; Hochste'.!er, F.i Herder; Savior, I A. L. Yoder; Wertz, John J. Forrest: Liv ! inc-u.n, H. A. Walker: K.-ifer, Harvey Liv ! ington ; Tire Kill, S. i. S'aetler; M.Ker. J. j J. Siahl ; Thomas' M ils, J. a. Zlnimraiin ; I KatTtuari. not supplied. Wages tram $.ah to i-'.ix'.'K L'neoH to-rn-hip : Siro?vi'iV, A. E. I Fritx: 27 To ; E i e. X. Ih M.lier, $.-1.7 5 ; Ca leer, E. F. Biitner. t -"2:-i; Mor.r.tain, Annie Prrkey. Knepf-r, John Bell, T : Beulah. S. J. Fut, $.2 Ti ; Maust, A. B. iL2.r.aii, J-5 2o. For Sato! A fine f..m!!y. b'..d tsy, Hamiitor.ean n.are, 7 years old. perfect !y so'tnd and gea t!e ; any child can drive her : a goo.J all day traveler; will be oh! cheap, address Bjx To, ILjoversville, Pa. Squire Sense Dead. One week ago PLiiip See-e, an aged tL7i-a of Pa nt township, died and was i buried on Saturday. Late Tuesday evenint: ! his brother John, who resides neaf Scalp Ive'., in the same township died from Jrcjj - y. "S uire'' John S-i-ese. as be was common- ; a mile beyond Sca'p Level, in llS. and was ! rr.rTie.:! (. Vl IlanDaa Custer aiojut .V vcttrs SiO. Six children children was the resultof tbe nnioa. Joseph lives at home, as d.s also one of their daughter. Miss Hannah. Another cfjt he son?. Emanuel, lives in Johns town while two of the daughters are tbe wives of famrrs living ia Paint township. Another daughter is desd. Good Housekeepers. Some of the roest bouskepers in Somer set and vicinity use the Cinderella Stoves and Ramrs and pronounce them trfect bakers. Soil by James B. Holderbaum, Sxnerstt. Fa. Frost s Coming Late. P,of. Foster, tbe Missouri weather proph- et, in bis last report gave me .orecasis oi a s'orm wave to cross the continent fnvm Septemb- 2 to 5. but he says the next wave will reach the Paoac coast avoa t tepumter (i. cross the watero amntaias about one day later and reach the central Taihcy from IheSihto the l'nb, str.king the eastern States about the 11 tb. Prophet Foster pre dicts this a very dangerous storm west of the Mississippi river and tornadoes and hail may be expected. "This disturbance." he p-9 on to say. "will ca ue general rains and all fear of droughts will disappear. Ia Da kota and the northern states froei rosy be expected. The cool wave whl ttrike the central valley about the 11th an-J the east ern states about the 13th. The cool waves usually catue showers and will give us an average temperature through September. Frjets will be late, but net severe. Corn crops will have abondaat time to matocs aid the September top cotton will be better than that which matures in Aug-ist." Took the Sop Route. WUTiata Moore, a prominemVand wealthy c tizext of Harrison City Westmoreland C mnty. committed suicide Friday aftentooa by Banging himself to the bedpost la his room. He was aged about 50 years and bad been in poor health fcr several years. He was unmarried and made bis borne with his mother. Meydrsdale School Board Contest. The expressed will of a majority of tbe voters residing !a the Meyersdaie school dis trict boa been diftatid ty algal technicali ty and aa a const n?nce a Democratic board of direciors. whom the voters dearly decided by their ballots I hey did out . ant, have been declared duiv elected by tie court. Ii is unfortunate in cases such aa tbis that the court Las no discretionary poirer, but such isihelasanl our Republican friends in Mcyenoaie must abide by it. Following is the opinion aid dicree of the court : It re coo tested election for School Direct ors in the Borough of Meyersdale. Ia Is'Jl, the Court, upon the petition of citizens of said toroagh removed the mem bers of the school board and appointed a full board to euccced them until their successors to be chosen should be duly qualified. Oa the 10:h of February, 1-!Z, therefore, six di rector! were to be elected to Ell the regular term and vacancies so occasioned, viz : two for the term ot three years, two for two years and two lor one year. Many of tbe voters failed to designate' up on their ballots the ten which they desired the candidates of their choice should respect ively tiil ; whilst others named the term as wtll aa the candidate. Tbe election ceriitioate, or return, shows that S. C Hartiy had Ivi voles, Wm. Appel had 2rl5 votes, Geo. W. Collins had S.ia votes, S. S. Good had l-.J votes. W. H. Hahel had ITT votes, B. D. Morgan had 210 votes. Ken nedy Pr.ce and Wm. Rupp for 3 years' term bad 171 and lit) votes respectively, A. F. John and J. W. Young for 2 years' term had p and Uo votes respectively, J. F. Antho cy and H. J. E -becka for cue years' term had llli and 1 li votes respectively. Of the ballots cast for Hanley l io, cf those for Ap pel 17o. of those for Co'litis K'3, cf those for Good loi, of these for Habel 170 and of those for Morgan 1st) had no designation of Ihi term upoa them or anything from which il could be inferrei how long the vo ters intended they should serve. A rnsj ority ot ths election orhcers did txt undertake to pass upon the question raised by this failure to designate tiie term, bur, af t -r computing the vote returned those receiv ing the Light si number of votes, v.x.: Hart ley, Appel, Collins, Good, Habel and Mor gan, as fcayine been elected. U;ie of the in-;ecU)i-- did not sign tbe certifi -ate. In due time a petition of the required number of qualified electors of the school district was presented to the Court, contest ing the election on the ground that the cer tificate, or return, was "undue, iiiegtl and incorrect," because tbe votes cast for Hart ley, Appel Collins, Good, Habel and Mor gan were illegally cast and should not have been counted and that the election officers should have declared Kennedy Price and Wm. Rupp elected school directors fcir 3 years, A. F John and J. W. Young lor two years and J. F. Anthony and H. J. Eboetka for one j ear. Tbe ground mainly relied upon by the contestants was the failure of uearty ail of the supporters of the cuctestces to indicate upon their ballots the term of office; but it was also alleged that a few persons who vot ed for theni were not properly qualified electors. As we regard the case upon tne eleetion return and the evidence taaen fcy the commistloner il I not uecessrry to con si ler the ahrged illegal votes. WLethtr the ballots which had nothing upon them to indicate the lei.gdi of term should Lave been counted for the contestees is the controlling !' :-stioa iu the cae. Judge Cooley in his " Frincipies of Consa lionai law," page Jij-J, says: "la elections by ballot the voter must take care that his ba.iot shall be complete ia itself, so that it shall express his intention without resort to extraneous evidence for explanation of ap parent ambiguities. The general rules cf law do ii.t permit a written instrument to be varied or added to by parol ; and in case of ballots, the j arel evidence would be spe cially objectionable and dang.Tous, since public interest of the highest importance de pend upon the elections, and the induce ment to corruption and perjury would some-times be enormous." The same author in bis woik on Constitu tional Limitations, page Oil. says, "We think evidence of such facts as may be call ed the circumstances surrounding the elec tion, suth as who were the candidaes brought forward by the nominating convec tions ; whetber other rsons of the same name resided ia the district and if so, wiielhir they were eligible or had been namtd for the 0.11 ; it the La 'lot was print ed irupertect'y. Low it came to be so print ed, and the Lke, is a Imissib.e for the pur pose of shoeir.it that the imperfect ballot was meant for a particular candidate, unless the t.ame is so duTerent that to thus apply it would be to contradict the ballot itself; or wu'csp ike Iri'J ft ii f dt 'ec'tet t.:i U it JiiL in a..; ih.tv.tu i'i vuirU C.Je il t h-c i-.ii-i.'i'--e." These extracts sum up the raiiCiS of numerous courts in I'enn. and elsewhere. It nfist be observt'h however, that the extraneous evidence wh.ch may be resorted to must relate to what appears up on the ballot for the purpose of arriving at the intention of the voter at the lime of de positing it. In the case at bar it i. not pretended that the Voters who rieVcte-i to specif cp-iti their ballot the ?v;ral terms Of the candi dates of their choice iLsircd to do so. i'n the contrary the proof before the com missi mer is to thh; e:Tl-ct that on tbe evening preceding the election, at the meeting which placed the csntestes in noruinition. it was determined that the TOtsrs aLoull express no pr ferer.ee upon that subject, but that the two who nrght receive the highest vote should serve for three years, the two next f.-r two years and ti e two lowest ior one year, in case they were elected. So the Hiestion was held in abeyince. to be deter mind by the result of the election. Wm. H. AlUn, who presided over that meeting, was called as a witness and testi fied its follo : "About 1 ) to 1" voter were present When we came to the nomination of school directors I sat 1, 'the re are two t i be elected for three years, two r two years and two for one year.' We had then considerable dlscuss-ion, or d-bate, as to how ws should Sx this thing. One or two member pri tred tie school laws, and it was ulscuwd for a number of minutes, and it was ag-el that the tmo receiving the nighet vr-ts should be eieitle-l tr the three y.Ars term, and the next two receiving the next highest number cf vot"3 shcu'.d be the two year term n,en, and the two receiving the ieiint nuiaber of vovs should be the one year term n.tn. T I don't think tl at there was a slnv'le r.iaa who voted that ticket that did cot understand what the caucus agreed to." It was ror, therefore, aa accidental oruisicn in preparing the ticket., but they expressed a"I that the voters intended tl.ey should. Did they epre-s enonrh? How could it be ascertained from Ihtm who shonid serve for three years, who for two and who for one ? We would much prefer to deii.le this q jesion conformably to the evident wish of a majority cf the voters who rariicipaied ia tbe eleetion. and permit the coateteej to serve as sc hool directors. But there is no authority of Law, known to us, by which their respective terms could be eel tied and determined It is not a matter which could be left for adjustment amongst themselves. The majority portion of the voters of ibe sch jol district could not dele gate such authority to th m. if it was o in tended. After the eleetion the voters bad no control over the matter ; neither bad the Court, for we could only give effect to that which was expressed, or intended to be ex pressed on the ballots. A voter's intention is to be inferred from a reasonable eon ttruc tloo of his acta, and is not to be ascertained by evidence cf his mental purposes in depos iting bis ballot, or his notions of tbe legd tfltct of what it contained or omitted. Io ple v. Saxton. 22 X. Y 3iO S. C 7 Am. Iecis. 151. While we might lock into the action cf a ncminaticg caucus to learn who was in fact the nominee or candidate for an office, if his name were imperfectly written or print ed upon the ticket, we could resort to its proceedings tor in format ion to supplement a ticket as to a matter on which it was whol ly ailent. It would introduce into the case a rule of practice which is an entire strang er to tbe law of election contests. Wben several persons are to be elected to the fame of.be, but for different terms, the tickets must designate ibe teim for which each is vod for. Sadshury Twp. Election G L. Bar. 42. Exparte Weir 31 L. Int. 2U. Am. A: EDg. Encyc Law, TiU "Elections," Voh 6, p. clo. Milhgaa'a appeal. So Pa. 222. Gilhland i CBe. 9i Pa. 22t. In Miiligan's appeal, be au.I Miller were candidates for Couaciimen in Phiia. The Court below said, "the evidence before us shows that there were cast for the said SamL P. MUligan. for the term commencing on the first Monday of April lsfC, 11T0 votes; for the term Commencing April, 1377. 104 votes ; itiihuut ties'-jf.aling ay term, 2Js for Samuel Miller, for the term commencing April irlTT, loTl votes. If we discount the 2Ua votes cast for Milllgan without designat ing for which cf said terms they were cast. Miller baa undoubtedly been-elected How can we ascertain for which term they were cast, in the absence of designation or proof? It assuredly will not do lot us to guess. Tbe voter should so express bis in tetition as to leave no doubt, when two per sona are elected at the same time to like oth ers, but tr different terms, for which term he casts his ballot. The omission is his, and be should cot compiaia if front the impossi bility of ascertaining his intention, Lis bal lot is rejected." The Supreme Court, on appeal, held that there was no error in this ruling, stating that "ibe action of the Court in rejecting the votes cast for M.lligaa for the office without designation of the term, we think was clear ly right," and arhrmed the judgment of the Court below. Gilliland's case arcse upon an election for school directors in Allegheny county, at which be and one Adam Ammon were can didates. Four directors were to be chosen, namely, two for three years, one for two years and one for one year. The tickets which were voted geceral'y indicated the teim, but some d:d net, and while Ammon had the la'ger number of votes, yet, if those which failed to name the term were deduct ed f .ora each candidate, Gillilar.d bad more than Ammon. The Court held that th.-y should be counted and uion that theory de clared Ammon elected, but the Supreme Court, on appeal, reersed the decree and sealed Gilhland upon the ground that the ballots without designation of term should bave been excluded, and aDo held that the 2d Sec. of the Act of 11th 2-pril Ls;2, had no application to the case. The Supreme Court in the latter case say "those tickets were undoubtedly intended to be voted fcr him (Ammon) as school director, but they stopped there. Tbe electors voting then did not designate any specific term. For the Court to determine the length cf term in tended by the persons casting these votes, would be based on mere correction. The intention of the voter, as a general rule, must be expressed by his written or printed ballot. It is true some inaccuracies in the name of acandi late. or ia the manner of stelllr.g it, may be proven by parti to give effect to the intention of the elector; that is cot this case. Here the attempt is by mere inference to create a term which the voter did not attempt to declare. Where officers for the same odiee are to be chosen for dif ferent terms, the ballot must specify the term for which each person has voted for, unless the case comes under the Act of 11th April l?2." The Act of 11th April, 112. applies only when "the voters shall ail neglect to desig nate on their tickets the term of office f.T which each person voted for is a candidate." In the case now under consideration they did not ail so neglect to designate the term, and the rule furnished by the Act in luch cases, giving the longest term to the candi date having the highest vote, does not ap ply. We see nothing ia the reasons assign ed in the motion to quash which would warrant us in entertaining it. We there fore make the following order: And now, Arg 21, L-.'2, after hearing tbe parties, their proofs and allegations, and the arguments of counsel, and alter full consid eration thereof, it is adjudged and decreed that Kennedy Price and Wm. Rupp were duly elected school directors fir the term cf three years at the tlectioa held oa the Pith day of February lsi'2, in the school district of the borough of Meyersdale, and John W. Young and A F. John were elected school directors at said election for the term of two years, and J. F. Anthony and Henry J. Kt becka were duly elected as school d. rector at said election for the terra of one yar, in-,-teal of the eonteste-s, S. C. Hartiy, Wra. Arpe. Geo. W. Collins. 3. S. Good, W. H. Habel and IL I. Morgan. I jTLe costs of this proceeding to be paid by tbescl.ot.1 district. By the Court. J. II. LoNcxsirixs, F.-t-sldcit J idge. Y-'ir Eyes tested free of chares by a practical Optic i a n and glasses furnish ed from i" cents to io -') jer pair. yfB Jt CaEi--trg, Jewelers ar. J ojticiir.i. Smeret, Ta. Reformed Chvirch Reunion, Tbe P.formeil Church reunion next Fri day at R-vkw.d is expecte-I to be attended largely by the Reformed people of the coun ty and their friends, and a very pleasant so cial time i expec'el. Refreshments fir snch as do net prefer to take baskets will be furnished on the grounds at reasonable rates. Foreign Missionary Moore will de liver an address oa the work of the church ia Japan. T!rn or Temper. o time or temper wasted when you use the Cinderella Kange. lis larere and high oven in?ares perfect baking ar.d roasting sold and guaranteed by JauMi B. Holder baum, Somtnersel P a.. School Ago In Various Statas. Tbe ae at which pnpils a-e allowed to enter and to cent in ne in tbe public s-'honls dit'ers greatly. Of the 1 Ststes an I Ter ritories. 6 admit ihem at for.r years of aee, p at five, 2 at six, 3 at seven, and 1 at eight. The States admitting them at four are Maine. Connecticut, Florida ar.d Montana. The seh-ool of Alabama and Scrtb and South Dakota do not receive tbera till they are seven, and those of Texas exclude tbera till they are eight, and only allow them to a.tend till they are sixteen. Twenty -8 re of the States and Territories ailo Children ia the i-splic schools till tby arrive at the age of twetty-one. .f the remainder the "school ace'" termtna'es at twenty ia 7, at sixteen ia 3. and at fifteen in 3. l.'hlrvvt Jnnuil. irtlfto TfL'aroot Sob of Mayor Tillbrook bl Vc Kteiport. Paltad a SerufuU bunch under one ear wuca tbe pbyaicau Uoeed and (lies it became a ruciunj sore, ami was followed by erysipelas. Mrs. TilltJ.-ook gave bim Hood's Sarsaparilla the sore healed up, he beeame psrfctUr weB and is bow a lively, rotusc tay. new "ts wnose children suffer from Impure biood should proat fcy this example. HOOD S PU13 - llabitaal Cmmptmam by leimnrf truuiu accaa ot th aOaMatafy eaaaa re itv' v, c Wrists Tfc- H..r. Jkb H. Toy;!-. Krt. Ki-ik she rr ? it rfmiitn ttr Vh J'M. :l ln-t ru ; an-l Jcf T o.rt yvt mrA ltfTuin-r i, nt-rat Jui! lhv:y. J-f i trial t A.i ta;i.u al oU:-r tal- i rn in the it I':m-t. fclt.i :fK-. W. ElU'! S H CiD' W- n-! J.im.rs t.f '.-let 'utirv l jt aiut TniSeT tu-i irt .:t-.j .) I-'.ivenr fur t!.c iri f :I v. Lai iul ii.-r utf'-ui: r iu iLe .Mn-rMrt hav ititi tbtr (raf-pt.. ul to me ti'ivtitii, h-r bsajvijiz a Cota"t of Vii mvu F '. 'irnnii Ltiiirr ar.-j Courts u Oyer ml TniUiicr l MONDAY, SEPT. 26, 1S32. Xv:cs ia hereby gtren to;i the Jnstii- of tte Peaee ti. turooef and i .Mt-ulC.-s wuhiu the paid t'4intT oi sjtnerset tja: t!-f he ihea and U.ere in their proper pemxis w-tli their ml ai, reo or!. tn-jLiiSit.otis. xam'naroxi and ocber re stubrnee, todotnoe tklnz which lo their ofh.-e and ia that teha. aooeriain to be djce. ar.d al ibey who iil prtaiecule aratc( thepna ooer that are or n&aU be ia lh jail ot stunerst County, to be ihen and mere u proaeeute aaout them as tia.l be last. Is.UAH Gx- D. Sher.ff. gllERIFFS SALE. Ity irtne of Kindrr writs of Fieri Fariaa. Ven.tiiloca. Expioaa aa'd levari Faeiaa. issued ontof Ihe t oerl of ( i.mma l leaa uf S merset Uoonty, to oe direetot. mere will be ex-p-t to puOiio Mai at ice Coo.n lloose, in sm ersel Borouii, oa Friday, Sept 23, 1892, at to'cW-k P. 3L. the fullowiiig described ital All ih rgtat, U;. !nte-ret an-l clim oiPn:tI Atiiun. imtk-m HiKhdaj and lienry cia.ta. len; U L4.iL' oi, m &oi tuUM foilowm rvma ro tate witiiM,:c m . 1 towiLa , sr.perfi eoia tr, I a.. iM-r.U i a Itum : iv-inuuioc ai 4mii on lur tM t( -ai'i trat wrire A bra.ua .u htnT aii'i J h i tw'o Unil fun. thtiu-e mest liir-e h;m'lrsl tui itinvn au-i Rv--u-nUi it-w Ut Kiitrr, tiirtrn: nrtu tw hiiu-irfl ani tGirty-mx tl' sr i b uatr. tarnvc ca.-t i-ne Lun-lrcl aiivi f.r-ix ififrw to sitHit.. tl.-nce i:tn Hfty-t-e irrt- lo tjt, uwcini irmi two liQu;tVa au-i tuirty-; i-vrt-e U a Ta-t. it.eRf 9on:rt tnifty twcn;T ati-i ixin(b. tudiU he u:r-i--f.tLnii h-stks. ea itiiy-cn an-l : x-ten'h. sou: a e:?nty-tr.r arvt or.-frjinJii lv rrei wtst n:nrt-4jM jr"i:fs, t:ri otie ii:iL-lrr! i-.-"?Tr to 9Uiit:s, ntraia.iv ttxaf bn 1rnlanJ fc-ny-eTea a-ri an-i od Luni.-nl ani f.r.y-t:.rte .in in t m.-a.-urd. c-e n LLe an. ta-i.-t Lkii-i ppra.tl m ike rt::i.a u( lt.t rtj tU-ic m iii',iiiii;'a uf the rp; ai.s' ( wjr. tt S.'iii--r tii::y. I'd... &rf ;n N. i, U gctntr w.lii i,jc tifr.aaU-iuciiL'i aiiJ i'ur-cuaiu- Ti-ii in r.VTi:on an-l :ohe It Ihe prop erty -f I-auitii AuisLin. Jit iL-u lioii -iay a:.-i H-ary S:iiiiii, lerrr ttroar.i, at me flit m-n-'t K.D:r. var-.ia a-iii.aT:Lrat.)r of 'icaoaa -AL-O- A!! the r'irht. v.:. in-r-: an.! t '.aJi of ieoa I.'itiy, t- ft ! li.ari 5. annir, tcrr U::ia:. of. i:i a itl toR't Iht f'-l:ou:n tnu t f Intnl i; M air in Jr-nti'-r d-. nhip, wtui'T. t intic'.y, I . ei fjUiiiu: ii:r hi::iirtl au t H'Vt-nty-tiHr ;7 a rt- an-J rim t j 1 r-r hf mt r le-a, uu.ra--l :n tiie .-:cr.:!"t in-iiMiu.ii in tne efi- f Kr'.'.ri. i il. -lr.er. rto 1 a." No. , i,'iiin lan'l.w -f Jc-6n K-i Hmrt . itrkineani oin-r, ih-r ai-i ln-l Htii'h Htury K-i b. tn uUfTt: r.e of vi rvnl cL:e o( FrL-ri a h enc aeT, ice 4., ty 'l:cl tiie day of Kl, rtjovcye-1 to V.i lMris, who on ttic : i.y oitvtfi? 1 tr. same to Fricricfc B i - att-r, Utit'.ncr Lue litu;it:usa aiiti appun iaacu in execution and to 6e M t the prop erty ut Ucorv! Lu ly, Wt I anI Ci.arlM r. V in near, terr it-na'it, at tr.e iut of Cjaia.r.ne . axLiMror u-c. ALSO- All the ri?.:. title, ir.tert and lalnt of Tbrm a F. i yt:i an-l taTT'tnte W. llonrao. hi w:v. ia ak-i u tae orjti.'i:",l 1 i aii in;n.-a uu l-r.yiiitf a iraot u( iand in r?-i.niniit wufrnp. 3t.';:i-TM-t a:i;y, a tae i'.a.:e tf ftnn .vaa.a OL'rt.airi? t'- tuadrtl a rrr, n:--re or j-, -ti..z .ar.df of Juhn J.aynw.i ha-.-rtiaa Ltv ei.a''i. J. K KHi.an aii ixurr. mii an i ea-vryt-d ty one lav;d .-Wyi.rr to jamn smi'ii and o-:tier 'y -let-d narti.e 'Ule Apn; 41. and rvori'-d 111 01. pa( ;:.. UHe tiler l.i U-riiLinieai an-l at-j un::a;!.'ifi. lzen m irwi:i-n aa l u V i th r1 erty of I taom K y jr.nar.d 1 ai'oiia W. mt ic.n 'itw w:if. at the u.i of He wry Y. i;.VnT ."aii a and Jaxuts Ltii &h. rn-jAnut trad- a.- lvti:t i. i-rtapa, Oeur- J. Juliana ai-d ALSO ATI theriht. t:t".e. i:itHrt- arid claim of E".;.-.'a Ay UT. ', i'i and lofc.i ti.; rvrtam lot of criiiud siL'iuU: in ti:: birtjua u! Njatrwi, oi:ii;y tf sMnrret. a::d 7:areoE I'enasylvja:. fror.Uttiroa Utrine-ij!) t . south :;1 Ujuu-.t-d ty t.o'irt a. iev tin trie -'-t. lot rf J. f. IV. hy on lac njrt;i. an i a private ai-ey on :herst. n;at;a::i tae-:'Htr:. oi' an re mreor ita. cavid t " oi -rv- aoneand a ha.:" siory Untniuj Lw-.-. a 11 li it ajjp'a.nenaiiet. 11 exiTH.-o and 5.7 he oM a the pap ery oi t ".;- 3.r.Lr. at Uie Miit ( O.iver kn-a-Lrr avl Aa iit? . t reA-w, aijaxaLsirators oi vVo. b. yreiii( .iv; d. ALiJ AI! 'i.e rlfiL title. f:i:r: an 1 ciaia of S.irh A I.cii:nan rtl Jo.aa It. laeacan. if, ia ai.d t-j frr;j;a jfe- or j-art-ri !" ii:d i:iate, h ii II iuz .11 the far i-c.p of Pa. at, rouMy 01 -THa:rr-et aud tte of l'r-aur. via:, bt-:;:-i. lr 5 at a p,'-t, tiiea-e y land of TtitKaa1 Hay s eata;:. 1,11 j1 , dvO:- t :tir.:ra and liv tt i:';. parrr Lr to p"t, lata e n ice -;ne atnn T -l rt t..,rTy-t and trt;rj;n per ri W ,.ii.s. lUKV.iD t. .ta d- creva e.-t e:it tK-riav-i :.v:, tli-U' e oy Jeretaiaa rL':--r nor: a T-.i.jr. tjt tws-ty-uine and . ie'ita p-f ::e lo utce at a beet -ft," ia ::u e t.irrn aixty-m;v-u and oue-hali d-xree ea.-t tritnv-JOiir aa i ;4at-Rtii j-rcut ;o a $in;i p- ar, tr.n.-e r.ort.; 1 Jt-jrcoi ve; l- prth-s foa-aiitU ie a. a .' r y Kparaim ,V-e aorta V) d-tfTi? we t t x and eiacut -teata Lr.-ae lo voc, then-v iMi'h drrr! fr:y e-ie ar.d e:n:--.i.:h. p-r to t;.oa':e o-.tj Ti der-ts a-!: :;'ty-tE.f ad .r.e It-L'.j L-cr- i-s a Uo pi -e of -; .ei.:.. oru.u-ai' r.iten r. Liaj te :::e trai-i ot iai t-.ta Je-r-cia rhi.Ur a:.d i -t -y. L. w;fe. ty t..t-:r dr--l lai-r.: 1 :.,eir.a dav! jot'-ra ilo te re'',r-i-rti , o,i.ri'e-I t.i ara A. i-ri.ma, a, by rrV-r-ei.t-e t:.r..'i. had wui more t'l.iy ai-d a: la.:t ,, i'-ar, u--:u' X ':ia ia Dp iruraa:'ti. 1 .i-:a ;a x . :n -u aul to e aa tn T"rT trry I A. i.e'.iiiau ai-d J-iu i. Lebitia, a: ... -'. l of Laic J jQac?.ta l. ai.daCrf aud Lj.a A.-..Mi.-.U. -iLv - Alt the rih t:i!o, ir-'trwi ar.d cTilra nf A. W. . .f. a a:: 1 o :lie ?!ad:v:-i:rl a ;nh I-.' run uf a t-e-ru.u farm o" trat-t of iad .:': .a 'pp-' T -"-y ft toi;::..p. jr:--r"t i-wiLty. ad ..a; u iait-!s u stm.jel li'-'Vr. I'a':;r. 1 1 . 1 f : : r i ri'i-l tx? .-"s, roiiiaiairj 1 ..a-itd 'a or ii''!t i' .iiT'-s ot n.-h r- oi-.ar. rrJri--e nne tiaarr, taa:n- ;ii'.re"ii 1 ? r - 1 a. -'ory U Lmi, ixiH and Qcr ;T- f biauii.i "w. nr: n exf-Iitt i:AT eaii.p, !aad !,t ? i aa.ie uf cUa:.kiAir, w.ia ur l ;-r.c- j a. :.-. ; 1 ikea ia f-Tr'n:;.n ar.d to l? 1 1 as ti: pr-i i tv of A. W. U u r-r : 1: si.. l . f iii.v - a , i ' .afein. a-i.:i.n:-iri.r of Mxrr A. K r i-i-r ; d-- d-. fo.-T. :y i:-y A I; ;ru-d. u-e of Ju.;ii F. t liarrvi, adauatru:.r cf W m. S. Hrrah. d. AL:- A'.'i !ie rt, !;'.. fnere"t and rU'rn n Wil liam riffle ol. ia and !o ai tiiaS cr-rtain lot or pi--vl..l KT'.t'.ud -.:a.i;e ia !;!:irn.: Uwr.i ;., fn-.-r; fvaiiy. Pa., aa 1 "'HiadT-ti l y tae p'i'i:c p. ad .n l.rz Trora iit-jtri-.e -KlLi:ry. I -a-iiratr-;-: an I '-ir't- uf t F'.'i-t, cul-.n::-; rr-r a rr tu rt (r tuiT.u. toe--'n enrv d a !-.tr-.e '! u; ii' :v. -lat.e aad tCcr o:f'i . i'-nir. ier tje a,'nTirt.-aAa:e-. laa-f i iu -x oa aad to Le id a. ;i.rS p-o;--r-y of WiiaiAia fe..j.. 1.1 ut irK . j. tnaa tin; vi Vaca'iue Hy. AL.- A3 Vie ribt, ti:, lavre-r and rl.ilm r f J ea TV J row. .if. in and to a taat ferji.u tr-t of ti:d -I me 1: : .:' r! towu-a.p. rx,c-:i t.'.,i". ty. and -f Ienr.y iTarna, a!;oa;av '.an 1 of I a : t a . T. Aa.oc t, frrry L.ro a. . r.: -n f ; '--p: z md or.r, ;a.K:a t:.r.-t h :ndred an 1 J.r 1 acre m-re tr i r of a an.-T'j arr: c.--a."xd. !a 4 tin: -.-. tr.rrn-a trvt-te"! a .r;e 'r? ira::;e d -Tela D-";e. a one and a ti.i"-abr; frt::.e UcC-iat fijir. oaaaT. n.ii a. id otar o'lt-d.u-r-. a la-'j-? on i:ard ( trill tv-arri trv oa prentir--. laad :n a ?i-od ataUjcf ,ut iivjtuon. .:a t.e a; ior'.-'Li3ii i'ix-:a ta txrn'titt.ia a;:! to tr l i tr: r.np eriyof J-jnaa l&lr at t ie u.t if i 'M tiaana, ate of J. . Huaa, im.a.truxr 01 t 01. iiu na, iltrr. L Al! ?: r -ht. ti'. iu:t-.t an I t-Ulna of S.-!o- a"hl. of in aad b ali t'ia" -rt n l,t "'f k-rt.ia I ;t::a: ia tae bopjn-. of Araeri-i i i-f Siine t aad of Pena-yiva i. t:.d ktw-wn m tae p;an of tr.a tin o' Sruerv-t ai 1 t No. 1 J. t-uadel on tne nor:a ! y of aai r..'t .'. tif. dei- d.. 00 tae es by M.iia tr"- r.r T '.r.'v hAil rm-t. ua t.;e -i.a ty i.A i.f t K. KV'S aul ..a'.;- tw h ar-h ri ley. kir. ter"-n tnifi a Iao t ry trariiii-rel :if BOOMS and a : - ry va and w vl ; h;se. tz.? mi :ne t-r ry so. lf.r tt, K il'.tiea. ll.aja ;.-r-:3 of o-w-rM t tuiiu-. fa , to rr. J. i:arr a;.d irV 1.. a n i'- 11 i-a. a id by ded d-t.d tt- 1-t dar oi Ma-. 1 -, a::-l recor'K-l ;n ke--o-i t -'.i ( .. 'f U,t Sa. c-tiaiy. i . ta 7 . part i'i e-.c. v. lure it al r& ap ars, wir.i t::e at-t-'tirt'' n :.":&, ic ci ;-.oa 11 ! t N 1 a :".e pp- j errvi cS-.m a Thi, ai Liie Tii.it of C J. iiarrij-a, 1 use ui i'elcr UcJiley. j -ALSO ! A'.i i- ri -"at. ti: . J.;.-n; a: I. K ifr.i;.. of. a liid uj tae ; ! ci-'lai of T- iw loWia ierK'r.:d reai e::e, t : A crf-..:i tr-A--: of la:.d ia lYnrr.. ; tivna;n. S .rafre? "tn'y. Ia.. aiiwa-r ot i.-iin-u. Kau.;..r;.u tlae wei, b :iei h-.'laian tae i:.f.:i. .i-ar.-:i i-A":. !! ta n-t ttaaa'ie. i.ah aiid 'ft.a ici u:7:kri oa !.e air.ii:! vat li ia.irv 1 a-a 1 ui.r ".-A a r.-3 Bir wi .!: tirt.n - i-- ao-s c ' g -l .'--r aad ;ae rvuaaiad'.'r iu a ajA ate of cu tivat: a .:3;iV.','-r.i bar::, ft t'--t-iry dei..t'r bMicM?ac . o::-r oitJ: :.'d.az4 tb-reKi ere::-!. w:tn an 'jfLard uf frail bear:': treea oa U.e pr.-cra, , 'Jt ..3 tlie a-.pnrt-na r Tasea ;a exeru-..,.Q aad U be ! " the pr.r eit? of Tj'.a I. ki iiLita, at Use su.i of A. i.'. Uva, Agl., 5X cf J. L. - TERMS. N"Tr TI A!l rwrn pur.'I:.-'n j at the ane wul pi ti!ie n;:-a- in.t h pr r't:l. if tiie pu-bike ni"n-y nttt e pa; J whHi i irty i kn.wk--! d'wa. Uh.criv u :; A:ain eii..i ii at the rk f ibe Crt ;rdi;fc.w-r. Th r-idt: of th ptir cnre moni-y mat b pid m ;r iere t.-ie d ir of riii.mri:i)a v:a: Tt-ui.iT. r.-rt. Ii. No dvelw!.i b a,-kr'W-ir-iJ oa'ul Uie puri-fcao Uitjoey t Lftiil !a P.ilL l?AiAi Gv'D. ffi.erii" Offer. Ao. 33. caerajJl o UrUAVss COUET SALE. t:e"uTierui.tl Ad!:iits:trar--r ot tae rtate of 1 hoina rauirr. tale of t onae.iaTi.i-. Pa . dec dt w .i oif-rr t .r -wj at p'l&iifi uuurry ou tAe prers. iMs alio cmak p. ra , THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, K'J. all lb w two ceruia loci. ;uie;ia Ro k rHr.ret county. Pa.. kown a I-ot Noa. li and ia tae ernera p an of fcaft woud. Ti-1 Jca aLade kaow a oci day of -r JOHN KTRT7. AdaucLira!. QAL'TION" NOTICE. S- ti-T '. herct.v gTTn that rr.T w'.f; JI.rr V. Walir taT.nr :t tpt ar.i Hinl. a.l r.r arT a hT- ui"--t t- l Ir.iat ..r barber bron rx aa I rn ra ariT -T-.of her fuoi-x tirit uuu eooippii Jo ty Uu pru'r f f iaw. Jkliflc X MILTOX E. WAlJtFJL A U, . DM I N ISTRATOR-' SALE. Valuable Rll Estate. tty tmtie of an on!-r of iQe! nmt of tb Or.aAL.v t o;rt of Kir-' cmtitr. Fa . and to tie ua-ler-iicaeii d:re-d a? administrator of th fcat 0 Ijpji Abinr, de' d , laie of a- O-r.f Uni-hip, a:-r.-i ew.a;y. Ta., wul od-r at penile ou'-cry oa Ua prctfeisea ui aa:l Saturday, Sept. 10, 1892, at Ioc:kP. 5.,lLe tuijjnicj Jerri .4 real olalif. va: Tk.ct N . 1. a r-nani L- of !and irc:e in iirrualh.niii torv.Qip, -,inierv.t,n'.y, Pa.. atVi.aictf lan-t. ir c'rc-iian Hijr, E. . Ank y, Aj a U iauaei. i-jiia Htzht aJ Irat No. i rociiLlnf T" irm ac J ) urrrte r.t ar. biii lac boaM-auwi ox ml.-I dirUaai, &av-ii-j Ittrcun eret.:e4 a g ji lac iturr Dwelling House, ft larye tank a Xx 0 sbev-T uM nl all of ur aewarary ooiUiudjajp ; two totji or-ard or' apy-Ie lixai o j--ar on aard aia a over faaiaag pnug. Jut lod ia irooi tate of eui tiva, iu: of w-ju iaJad aad ba.anoe ta f )od Uimiiig (Xtvlatioa. Taa't Xo. i A certain trm--t of laaJ taat in lesxax.onin UjtL-a.p. i'iueret'UBty a.i,oji.a lnOof Jmj H'.rn-r. Mania renrod. .-j IrAtie. iofaa ooer. A.oert Berar-y, i hrtaiian a a:e anl tra. t No, 1, cunt-Lama j a rv aud ii ttm cc ru t Di-c-Mre. bvi; ;hervn eret-t-el a new Mtux tvini. aa r-.:arl ot oiu appe u-e. a fzjd on iiard tjf lauufui ixt trw , aoou: 11 at-rva of umber laud and baai ia ex- Cr-i.eit ttaxe ot 'U,Uvm Uoxfa tftrae Lmcu an itet t!mt thv miles frora -u y-rtc- aud two iu:iv trcra .vaaLuXi Ui.la. tocTtaiirtt to caurei and thowla TERMS. T-n per ceiiL f th-; poj-ri!.- m.o?y to ! paid a nv-n pn-(rty i- kut-tid da : .afte a? out tnird oa i-iK"rrtt:.,u tt and triv- ey of rtcrtl ; i.'tit -tfcird afitr 1 aymt'OU of dvi ts ail fiKfbtr. t rvmin iua ..rt t;f rremi--, t:ueret U i" paJl ann:.(y w tiVta Aaf ay, wtdow cf i d-r d, da nr. ir hr naui a. t:fe. aad al acr Win tne pr.:i-:t. uji v the heir ot cyrus Aattcy. d- d , t;ie riaa;iKler ta lr.r-e -;ua annua a;eiii w :ia lat.-rr, ; the ie:crrei pavairata to lv --,.rl uc ae preua, JAMr M. AMir.NV, ilLXtK IS. ANkt.vY, Frtd. W. B:e-t ker. Adauatraarw ar.tMraey. E of J. R- M1ini.H k. late of Jcasr Ui w n-a - p, - tv-'-acjd. I.rtt rw.)f A !:a'r.I-trtt-Mi 011 th:- fVata barfn br-a -anw-d t ir.e u:iiterjiri-'t by :n pmt-r ajt'i. rr.tr. uotue li htrr: y vea t aii prvnia lT!dfr-ril to a:d rt:e to'w.aae immrMU ry n.ft. and :a-e hat".c tla:ai araia-t tr.e aane aili prewni t.Kai duly a.itani: atei f. r tt.--t t::e a.d txtuft r m.dt-Lce of id t!.sm.d. 00 r':rly, ."pt. Iu, 1 -J. be-t-r-u the fcirff 1 axvl :t o U c p- towurQ aad warn: Uiry wid fr i I fjirj. sTii'fcfc.N iii.i t.IN ln K. l-jfrscuura. E Lirtatu of S. E. LeiVr. Ue cf Jtrtr.er Twn- a.p. Sirriv-rvt t Pa,d----'l. Ltrtvr 1 ttatr:niary ou tr e:.ite having be:a crmnu-! to lite an'1fn i.ri by the prtjc-vr a itao.-rv. coti-e ia h-rrr ' y t".Tra to ad jrHin indebted" to m:d etate u aia.ie in2rneti a:e aynetit, and tae hr:a ciaini-f aaiast tae!arae wi-i pr--en tae at d'lty a.itnfnu-atetl for ettaemt-Dt 00 Knday. Sept. IWJ, ai lo o Lo' a. k. )t said day. at !be la:e rvsidf-ta'-e of a d d-ttMrd. lie a aa.d w Uc: taey a ui a tie ad f jf said purp-jwc LYI'I V R' r-:FRS. FRANK K 'L-jF C-v aui i. fcir ut J7XECUTO?5f notice: Ftate of John 5itehvlL, u:v of A id-'a tow: il , d-rw d. I .(ft Ten tf'amentan 011 Nve t.ale. bav in Sf-u craaird to tae un t.-r-'U'-d t'v ti:f r.p er au1Kity. Tii''.- bt-r i y e.vrti to a;, ivrx.na td.'tf-ti t sa:d e;e to E:aa,tf in. :ncd;a'. I-y-iai-at aad tn. havtax . a. at lt:r itame w:.i r.rt-eut t.i ai or -:.:.. m. ut i ..v a:i:.:i-a:i'a-led. ta or bcf.ire la i.ia. ;.r-tir ria, at t-ie auti?of A. M r.cn. In ::n, "ra. C A Mi i li"U-l, Ri'.-cntorif J-:a M-trr.;, dee d. A DMINITRATuio NOTICE fc.-L: of Mi'-i.ael H. Mererw, Ute of Linoiu to a-:. ii. --n -aitf rvi ',.,'inry, p.., I.ettfT". uf A :tnt. a -n !h: aoi.ve estate ha.ic ir a jrraa'c! ro ta? i;;tr-r.jiri:eij by ta pn.-r-er a':taJrity. n.'.i u tr-'-y .cn to a.t ;rfL.3 ladcctcd to :d etu: w maitf? !'nae.t a.e !'yaieat id ia-?? aa i -cia.air fa.t u..-a:!.c- w.: preri tarm dri'y a it:i-a:. a'-vi f-r :-t::tinrrit. oa or Usf re ?t-.rirT, tr.e Ma day if .- ; u-ai'-cr, A. i.. i at :ac not.ae of tne cea?e U J. - .IN P IHR. i K- !.! ; MEYKK-f A laiiattratr.rs of M.-r.aci H. M. : tt dctr'd. A DMINI-STraTOI NOTICE- estate of Hiram .bartr. late r.f r.alr towaaip. incrs t otjtcty. ta, occ a. Letter of A Ini.ntm.'.o -n tae a'sire e-tate aav;ti nn rraatel to t.-.e uud'-rs- '-d ty ta pfi trd'ii.-ior'-T, L'-S.' l a-rt;r rea i a.l r-rjc in ieM-I to .! cTate to a.aae imru?-::-ie SMyairCl and iQ-we n-tTi.-; c.aiuia n-l tl.e -xe w ;;1 prt-frtit tirem d:iy a.hn;:'a d t HU.ertu'i, or. t r W-fi'fe -""a- i.r-u, tae -.rd day jcpt., l-yJ, at U.e la-e r--; !--ae r of i deed. I'AM'rX ?H Kf r H. HAK'.ilV :i4Kift. Frei. W. Bu-sk r. A'iaiiaLtrawn. At;orav:y. DMINI-STI.ATO?.'S NOTICI-L fc:e cfi'oa Thomor. -i- ' ! .. Ute of Lvaa- Leera of aia.u.ra:.on t.u t::e al-ve eta;e ti'.'.: ':cQ aC-aatc-d to ::.e u.i l-r:4:ifi by uc t r . rer a i ..or: r ::.-e ;s b.-r-y .v-a to ai Er m I-rpf.eit .i.d eji e to i.nie i.i-c:v ! :re fiyxru', ar.d i'- fca .2 vl&.r :-. n.-t :;.e .-: e a.ilj-r.t trim 7 ai.ti ::;. a: o -r v-',---ru-i.: t-ii -a:i;f:.i.. rz't. J-l. : - a' ;ae ate rv-;.! T.-rof v. r.- a aad a --re a.l prtr a. tea 1, t.Sj. A. TSI-'-VP' V, J' HN II. tHU Ad:n.-itra:'t. A: ..ra. r. A DMINI.STKATOrrV NOTICK. I-.::er f a !'i::i:-;;' a ir r .t- e ate r.f J.d.u Na.r. .m!"1 of Je a to:i-r.:ri, Lv;c be a (ir...rl tae aa d r. . 1 1 tae pr ir i ta-.n'v, uOvi.'e .irrb;- l' v-r. t a.. 'ri :n-d- led said iau w icim-! a e pay- ;i:e".t. 4.7. ! '-.a-r v. 1 1 s. x a.:;v. : .i t;e to prea-rt tn-m .y :i.u::- i'i r-r 1-i.ciai-rr.t u t:.e in..--- 1- . .:a:..i.-. m .-. : :.e 1:.: r!i.er:i'e - d -J-- .. on cut ::'... te::. r Ltw-ea t-.e hM:r t.f i aa 1 I o'ci.a t. waeuaal tfarj taer ca;i a:tead. v. p. ii . w p. smu. Al aur.ot r;or. A xjuueof 5xx a:"Q J. Fur.U.r La 0.3 T d-.Ar-i. !.'t:trofal:.iar'4:..!i a t:;e e:aie r.jT::, r.Tra :ra:rl uj :r:e L.:'-.--i:.el :y lae L"r i-:;.v, Liae : n-srj- "y -ea to a.l r -i :ad--Kf't 1 1 .td ev.u- uraaie imrieii i.e : ivjitLt and t:ie b.r vi. :iM w..l pre-N'-.t ;. eti d -ly ai:'.3 -nU 'i'el fr sett.eaeut on Ihu-Uv, o i. t.tii i- a trie itie reii ii a.e of !-eari. icu aad waere a. parses caa at-;es-l. N. S. Tt IKF L A. j. il.LKrU A !:j.a;rtrs. YTRATOK S NOTICE. L?ecf PhL.D E. ?-e-c. ii"? of Fa.11: towawip, ;-rrar L U::.frof a,!n:ni-;rat.o on the ab t otait ri-i:..:',i'x'!irt2:! tr.e an d ti 1 by pi !-er -;:aofity aH: .- a tomboy tciven to ail pr I itlA liutt: L iuai Uj 1 t ta.rr U la&e a'U .e li- tu. r a;: -n:, a. id ta-je t .i-S '".ai a.iiit tae a;e - i ;r-v u.:ia v... ttu.1 "e'.t-a'e: for M.f.. -iroLit - a K n iay, l.- t. 7. a. ar tae la: r":deave c d--r -i . uea a;. ! aer all pavusa Ltt"tetl caj :jti.d. te:a3 lfhman. A-iiii-a-ata-uU-.r. A A;Tvd e-a:1 of Wn G Z.raxn. rn.ta. N e i a-re ;-f. vt-a ta: "A .t. t. lui ier rr.aa aa i ; av-- -a a t a-'.-: a--.. nt-:;t of tae pn -i ert? 01 :t e !orai-r. :ta :ri.t f- - r ;n V:v e.. t -f ;.;.- rt-. a. sr. 'o L.' c ti..d-. -"Tiri A.l per-m-: .uo ;. i a tu 1 Vx. A.ii:iairrai.c, are re-,:-laj r;.A-- ry .-:-r.t a;.d t.: ms uavaiig c.a.:3 to rri-i-t ;a. ru ; tat -at 'ie;av. J. A. jiKKEY. i-We b? next . Ia tr '.".ort f rons- ir.ea-l, i -l Ik. y.U ' :: - r. r ..' j..- if omcr r. :t i -.'ia'. i . VTiaas IL Dav.. No. liv T.. I-.M ? S. a iHv.-rre. A. V. Jf. II A r';' ivi. n. rT--i -ja L.-feadj. :t jer-a illy Vjt 1 - u on m- '.:,i of altera- y -f L::.-;i.aTt fr aiw'-nt.B-'it "f I ..t.: n : n..d C. A. i . a in I J'if.a o. K.aiaiei. 1.. a;at M r.-u r.-r sijlLiMtX t-LvNTY, .. r f" n he ?"rd cer . ;n J i-.e. iv.'i, VV ii ANKR, I':o:aot'o;ary. NOTICE To H illiam A l avia. The named .tfccdr.t Y o are hereby iw:.irvl t -: in p-iro-iaa of th jtexfmc onsai ;.rwi.rfi I w:.! a::ead at oiy f.ftre m ftii c e b-ia, cfi -.;ceuiay uk t-t .iay f AMiriot, ten o e.oa A. M., tu bear tiie e deae u. hfie forr-e.a. ai i J. .... al LMtf EL. XV(,TICK Or APPLICATION FUH VTIfE i:-f-tT rtvea that aa ar'T-ii'-arioa w.il be Made to to- Coo r. f . ivifr se-wi: f otrHrt c-unty K.'ia M:nU:. .e iir lr- frft bxTwva barter f.r tae !.a- of La Tanrii;e. s:n ia xmrKl ln.wnh:p. in a.d eo ;a:y of Stoeret, imaiu iel an Hi;i : Be'naiaic at tbe 'wrner of the Je'?eroa towu h.i iiae ou ta '.and of td aad 'jeonre i- toaio trrmaa ax t"-e. tneuee eTeuty x and oi.-n'f . -j." et f-ior aundred as.1 tnirtv-Ci-rat t r- t diwi;oo l:ae between the iacls of Vr A. kLTat Caan aii Jeo iiarn mat aaa and cce ia aU ina e a.- aid 'i.Ti-uja line porta nvrtrea an-l l ewaC and oae onu iM D-1 eiaty Tvs -ii roaia t ae ti ijt r-U njr-b eaM nf tn:eii of Fraca m Faa ujea-- cmtuj fcmr - we t-o huadre! a:.d tweay-n::M- jr u r ta a-e ou.aei-? eve - J wet fony-Tea C nlbft bM.a'iry wo o t.eoi t wintry Aaa. innc aorta aew.-cFy :tt and taree-foorta .7 i - s or.- hcairei i tQirty e.Kb: ,i, r"iH to tne Jerte-on 'n-e ro tiie ace a..t iaa J Lee betea 4an Htt aid "niJr ia"0 nt-VT.. au. ary f. ;r ..i w iweQ ly ;x -7"- ris to ie near rtVai.W-iia ow-.trr-min aoaJ:. Li'-a'-e s..ia twettty tacve .'jj. -wt citaety : w , rxi Vr of bt-aa:n. tae iy e ajtd. trtle x u i evrijted. tavuua ia ae taa bofjcua of LaAi ie. J. A. &EHEY. Attoracf fr Petitioners. A JOHN P. KNABLE & CO.'S JULY CLEAEANCS SALE! We maie a rule to carrj over no ?t.jk. Price will stllatjiLIniz. It our lo.-s. Come aad sLare iLe barralL. We will only reatioa a few we have to ofr joa. AVVSIi GOODS. 3i3-bch CLalli, 12-1-2 c CTaJe, reJuceJ to 3c. Fine Ckevron3 reduced to ?e. DEESS GOODS. All-Wool Cheviot reduced to 2c, wa 50c. All-Wool Cheviot reduced to 35c, was 50c. All-Wool Cheviot redaeed to 5')c, was ST-l-iic. INDIA SILKS. One line fine srade reduced to Too. SUITS AND CLOAKS ALL REDUCED. This line we are determined to close, many at e halt price. We have seme elegant Pans Dresses, su. that we will sell at about half price. Thev are eletr.mt Come see the man' bargains John P. Knable & Co. 35 Fifth Avenue. PITTSBURGH, PA. Send for samples and share the Bargains. Clothing, Hats Underwear, etc. Whore to buv men's wear of t?io bo.-t gra .-. te:t auiko and oe-t stvles Whore? Wliv, of course, at the Jlamtnoth Cleti.::: S;.ve ruu lv il.e JOHN'S "TOWN HL'STLKIl?. ?oit3 of the L:c.-t .attorn.. Hat oft!;e r.ewe-t -tv!e-. NVsvar-.- 'f t:; tiae.-t and noi-!.ie-t fa.-! in-. I'li icr'Ti-ir of all r.;::'; '--. L-ad.-. and nuilorials can always he lad a: - '!"!.. HL'STI.KIl'S P-a'-.-oriuia. If you are .-I'kin ;'"il '.-.i.ls. .o.Ij. imi !s at imhoard fit" low rii-es we an; vmir Cl-jthiorj to lnv of. rvui.-fuclioii ir'i.iraiitc.'d, THOMAS & KARR, Succeiiora to Thomas, Karr Sl OiUie. Jol ad 2.33, Main .-ire-.t, JOHNSTOWN". PA. Will cost you nolhiny to exam hue yoods and compare prices. ANDREW FOSTER, 247, 249, Main Street, JOHNSTOWN, PA." Dry Gfloflsjfllifiis.. Caipts, k 9 TE NOT 521 HDV STRONG? Writ for rates on th AGENTS ctr.wi agent, I iiuuu oi. riuuuurg. rui WASHINGTON AND Bi-.i-v". t:-rvatrT. Ata ::;:. i Tery iiu!ara.u:. a: .1. u. j. j. AlU, T-PHdS POWELL'S PURE 01SSOLVED SOUTH CAROLINA SONE a too fc!tu:.)Tal. wf.ica m;-.i'a an ! a n::t -n f- r 1114. P t-w Rt o. f 'pru,o. i-Jal'"! in Ii. -Prweil'lT ?ia'. Vrllftw x ..;- invai f..rrr.' . A..ir.rv. 5. PUWLLL OL VL.f iOiVtilS Bow.j'i Wllart; tAUlJIOUt, IDw arte aaitri F"ir ManK teM V r " r 1: ir tfi'i Vil a C ' i 1 T'.'w r.. 1.:- nof'C !. ..-"y T. B lt I V T :-n m t: - ii.j n fn.i .1 ..:: a . .ii aciRl.-!,il.''; . . . 7 v r .. r.; .. i-. r. XT. '-7 "V a...--, -.f f-- i.-ir-t 4 b, T-..0-I- t". v- .. -'.. , , .-. . ..i-.-tn. I 'H. 4 '" ' ' ' 1 '':' '"' A K'fi X' .. n.,ll"...l..-l.,!ll.l'. Will TlmlT t ta paT-r rr-ntril niT-kict wber; I ! ..r rii- l.r call.(nr. If L.mir .ale ;ir P'a. " "4 ,"', taia kasd, tie aaJ iJla .aaica. ff.la lice. V . L. lo.ia-, tt-vtaawi.. -a FOR MEDICINAL U3Z. Whti;aiiiifiui w iirra.-r-I ti'. :.y ...-. :.i Th aia-k. v .t : 3. A. :""-- '-. J ti:i . liar. y-:. I'. la '.. ' . V U r i . : ... , te--rt a i L! . at- r , A:;-. - . .--.r ( Ka-ii. 1 s.-i. ' .'-4i z- - :i :v - w-i -h ( : ol T-rar -..! i f r ? - ; . - ; ' i f , V '. - '. C ' .a !, l' .T" . Z: A - a.. i. ' t. 4--;t"TA. t i.i.'i'i:ii, Fire 'A ' 7.ar- ? i' r?r . -ir ! a.iH-.--r r.rmn.l-u'ij'-r. -1 a::-l .f..;an:-l Pi :ry -.-.. :i- : t : A. ANDRIESSEfi, 172. Federal St, - AiLEGKENV, PA. T-.'.tf-tior.e r i'i. CiJjliiiil LUj iu. I'll:.--. Location BejuiifJ anrj HeaiJ-fLl. K tf l ra ; . i f r .! t vf r . . ' 'a.--.- . Mal...tri.;: H..H.7 ar- l i.."t. rt . M .. f. ; Alt. Tl.ia'i w."l la li r.:-.- ' ' .ii-i i, ii.a.-..irri. ..-.(T. rx. i.' r v I - p. ri alil.- rc if;-f u Jilri HELr.X r. rKLI.ETl::: I?'. H:n-arE'.u. pv. Ra TJ, BEAGHY, Veterinary Surgeon, cr-i a'i rtiraS'r h f-;' r!js i V- . V. r.tf ! tTst" -v-u Tct .r- A rn" :(-ii Tt-.- a-"..' ir.- al-wr'-n oazhl. u:iby Uijtitj; aik i a-i- Ii V-n ffr tr-7cT.t ft f ?j a) pr a aol pi.-K a. onimc u .:!) i rws.titr-!. ( a.-::.3 t-j tr.-n .-.V'l ami L-ta-tJ in-, i liavc Ueau-t U:ci.aor Uji't'i-, w -u.-T'r-. !. P.a- of --: l mi art cl of ?l..i(irT fa- a.i'ir GrautHville. - 3Xd. CCMM&RCUO. SHORTHAO s- - imwii tcaw. f J ' T a S wil. Cor. a Tl .1 htl, T. xactlv lined all departments have to on cr. LIFE Om?SY. secure evsry SIGO cf "Renew bl Term plan. WANTED JEFFERSON COLLEGE. .t- a u i . . ,r. ti,..: DtNT, ait..-: Pi. S12.Q0aton t ah. ia baa ;it earlaa, t.:.'-s 31." ir f-n . !.().! -..' r . . iar -T:-riiy cviM.t:-' t" i i a.o . pr- : t tS'tifa 1.1:1-1 i-.?:t :u:i..'t ii.-,t it tr.- A-n":.:t t t r-r"T.-:i: futiof J J'.v- ; . fijcitW'Ii .f. t'um, fi'.. -i prt." : w a.. fH.-l r ' t- "1 ; in m y. " ; -f .ras;c-. a-l im-? .lufM urit-ra. Nnfe tffevr ntrZ)M Ctaac4Ja. ftaaara H all aiads rtuixia :aniaa. "? S S M S 1 f 7 I I 2- u la H w . V . U. Il it I I.I. i '. f t ai l -i r. ie v i.f. i". it. k !-. -..! i. ") . w! .- .- :. '.II - . Si.Ji ar ! .. i W i. a.. I .-.tt. HI. 7", - u- I - n . : -l .U " r I . n a- i ji . l .7 r- I- ..a. ar-. l-C CmIm. H. F. SEAN OR, I Latrcbe, Fa. I lf;9r' ilse-T;' 'rr"s- The Sprirfield Improved Trac tion Engine. r . !.-'...' ir r.- ' ie're ' re .. :t 2 ;n-- a-.r. J. . h-i: J . I.': .? irj' ' -. i : r. t r 'i. '..''' ' !i ' ..-'-' r. Mt i. si.. ' i"--.-. f. : i . . .'i r.; N i : a Yvzl. .r-i '-a'i 'i"n:h 'htf t .n.(tt a.u.w i' - i..' ;'! a:.'.l r-iti.-.-. t ! . -r..r-1:. i ir'-.v :-rr . .:! -i -.;.'.-. .in-! 1 .--.v. y .j..: on ' " .r- a ..i.j .. :( '- o... wr.u; xr 1 ...r.i i a-. .'J. E. P. SEAM?.. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE, GTTY5tSG, PA. rOUNDtO IN 1332. F,--: t. X l- . ... -i.i.'y- : .?..::'. n ail j' v c t ierTairT I r a; .j 2. Dr w r v n . f vf lartf ..;...'- - - :n r:cw L.N-- - ....t;.-. r- it.. I -.". it: f ii - 4tD a-":l i'hTv.j-. .u'T :n r.a.-f: far: . --. (ji-i -a. A ? V rT (-!. r; Kc.n-i.l "a. -. L. r..;or. ne tf fAIT'. h ir . Li r i it I I 1 K' :.uI a;:-l L.-i7- FREPA RATORY LEPA RT M ENT. ,n - : a.-"- r ' : r ::.-. r r -t ?-r " tA-)i -r r ' . -aC ---:. rt 1.! ' ':,- " t .--::: - .'. . : :i' . a ' ."- - - r 1 & oLrik5 "wt't- . r T-aiA. J. '.i:rHi tV H fcL iHLiiit, A. M l-ri-at.ia TT