The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, April 06, 1892, Image 2

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    The Somerset Herald
E 0 WARD SCXLL, Editor and Proprietor.
..Aj.rU 4.
A Btox maa Las inve nteJ ao eK'
triral niarhine tadisrxrae fuff. The Dem
ocrat ehoul J buy u? the patent. It
niL'Iit l)6:t then t.j deal up the fogs in
which the party U now floundering look
ing for Iijrrit on i!.e silver and tne una.
;, ihxck I Kinnev, of Virginia, i
eo friend of the prize fighters. The laws
ofhig .State made prize fighting a felony,
and the Governor ia calling attention of
Judge in hia fUte to several affaire of
this kind which bae Lot lcn properly
investigated. With more Governor like
McKinney the prize-fighters mould soon
havoto U-ave the country with their bru
tal exhibitions.
Er-jivse Brother boiith of the Meyers
dale Gjfl.wiV, who is a veteran siMier, of Mr. Scull as the Soldiers'
Friend, the Tenderloin Bosses become
hysterical. There is not a soldier, among
the many hundreds in this di-itri -t who
Lave applied to Mr. Scuil for attention
to their pension or theirclaicn bat will
testifv that prompt and efficient aid was
given them, and we submit that this
kind of eer ice is quite aa valuable to the
Bjldiers as parading at the head of their
coliaias 1th a candy csne on memorial
When- Captain Hanison was, as lie
Biyg, consulting old politicians, be inight
have learned hid he wished to, that it is
not unprecedented nor has it been held
a political criaie, for Member of Con
gress from this district to be candidates
for more than two terms. The late Gen
eral Campbell, Mr. Scull immediate
predecessor, was siren five consecutive
nominations in this dittrict, an 1 was a
candidate for nomination the sixth tin;e,
and Wm. II. Koontz, Ki , who was
t ice elected, afterwards was a candidate
for yt-ira, securing nominations in this
C junty, but failing to be nominated in
the dLsirkt, but, according to the dicta of
our late Tenderloin Efs-.s, it i? an ' ex
hibition of arrosant audacity" for a Scull
to ask what was freely granted to hi
Caitain Charles J. Haeeis..s cives a
personalyard to the public in which he
pronounce the article in last week'
llsRtu alluding to him a "tissue of lies,"
asserts that two years sine, this paper
'"opened its columns upon me because I
wasancpen advocate of I. J. Homr
for Coiv errand submit" the question
of veracify between himself and Chair
man ker to public opinion.
To this we reply briefly, that Mr. Eie -seeker
having con victed the Captain (to
put it mildly ) of misstatement, by means
of his tell-tale telegrams, on the very
matter which he pronounces a tissue of
lieson the jast of tLellLRALn, we deem
it a work of supererogation to farther
point out his departure from truth. Be
sides we are constitutionally averse to
kicking a dead carcas?.
We feel that we owe, and we hereby
tender to ov.t readers an ajKilogy for de
voting so much space this week to so ia
conseq'isntial a gentleman (politically),
as Captain Charles J. Harrison. V. e felt
it our diity however to unmask a pre
tended Republican, who for years has,
r.nder cover, been laboring to disrupt
aad destroy cur organization. All will
bear us witness that thi paper has never
been made the vehicle through which
Mr. Scull's candidacy has been advocat
ed. He has preferred remaining silent
under the abuse tkat has been Leaped
npon him, tri!!icg to the sentiment of
fair play among our pojjle and their
personal knowledge of his political life,
rather than make the IIkkald Lis per
sonal orran. We Lope we thai! have no
further occasion to deviate from this ruio.
Captain Charles J. IIari:ii has, for
some time pa.-t, been making himself
politically, very numerous. It is true,
he has pursued the tactics cf a Bush
whacker, but occasionally, where the
Lui-hes were thin, you caught a glimpse
of the concealed warrior and Lis corpo
ral's guard of followers. We have never
thought the game worth the candle, but
lately concluded that, in duty to party,
the time La 1 come to shell the brave
Captain out of the bushes.
In October last, a manifesto was issued
by certain self-styled Republicans in the
City of Philadelphia against Senator
tjuay proclaiming a-xwug other thing?,
that an organism!;. n was being perfected
aiii6t Li reelection throughout the
Slate, and that letters had been received
from prominent ger.tlc-ir.en ia intc-iior
counties (a li.-t of whgm was given, w ho
were in active sympathy with the move
ment., and among those was, "Charles J.
Harrison, I'resident of the Somerset
County National Bank."
Having thus a'.iie 1 himself with the
big, kid glove, silk-stccking, selfconiti
tnted dictator of the City, the Captain,
we suppose, thought be would add to his
laurels and the lustre of his fame by tak
ing Congressman Scull's scalp, and thus
prove his prowess as a leading politician.
By the way, the Captain among his oth
er possets-ions has acquired a newspaper
orfc-an, and of course, this w as "sick d"'
upon -Boss Scull." Everything that
went wrong with hU plans everything
mean and despicable in politics, and ev
erything that could be conjured up, sup
posedly offensive to his fellow citizens,
was charged upon Mr. Scull. The Coun
ty was raked for a candidate to oppose
Lim and failing to secure one, an attempt
was made, in defiance of the rules of the
party, to have J. D. Hi ks, Esq., of A!
toona, officially announced as a candi
date st our primary election. Failing in
this, through Lis oran, he ravenously
sssailed Loth the Chairman of the Coun
ty Committee and Mr. Scull. Ia his
ura'.h, he forgrt the soldierly quality of
truthfulness, and made statements and
insinuations both untrue and unmanly.
H was insinuate-! that "Mr. Kooser's re
cent defeat" was accomplished Ly Mr.
Scull, hen in truth and in fct Mr.
Kocser was not defeated, but voluntarily
w ithdrew from the c&Ltest.and Le kuoa t
end Las r pcateuly said that Mr. Scull
w as openly and Lone stly for Lim, and
made ao concealment of lis position.
Scores of gxd men and true can attest
this a' so. Again it was a?tteJ that Mr.
Hicks, in a speech made in Blair Co.
said that '-Scull declared in 1S',0 that
Le would not agin be a candidate, and
Le and Lis friends would support Clair
County's choice this year." Mr. Hick
did not make that assertion, nor could
Le truthfully co eo. There are too many
living itnessts (three of them ia this
toc'i who know all that occurred at the
time of Mr. Scull's last nomination, and
that as Mr. Hicks persistently autagonix
d him te the last, he owed Lira nothing
nd made no six-h promis. When our
f iend, the gallant Captain, instead; of
'-feeking the bauble reputation at the
cannon's mouth," strives for it in the
public prints, Le should be more careful
of his statements cold type is a heartless
In conclusion let us innir who is
Captain Charles J. Harrison, and whence
his right to speak for the Republicans of
Somerset Coucty, to select for them their
candidates, and to turn down United
State Senators and Congressmen at hi
tweet will? An importation from Mary
land, be has been in thi County long
enough to have learned that this people
will Eot brook the Loruly ways cf the
Southern task master. Moreover it i
doubtful if he Las voted a straight Re
publican ticket for years. lie is a stirrer
up of strife in party ranks, a kicker and
disorganizer, who participates in prima'
rr elections at which he has, according to
party rule, no right to rote, and then
cuts the ticket because he cannot boss it.
His hostility to Mr. Scull is personal, he
can find no Saw in his political record,
but his steady outspoken unwavering
Republicanism is a standing reproach to
his (Harrison') vacillating political
coutse, hence bis venom. But some peo
ple would rather rule in Hell than serve
in Heaven, and we fear rts, our "sweet
fellow citizen" i o constituted (politic
Thece never was, in the political his
tory of the County, a more desperate and
lying attempt to mislead and pervert
public sentiment. Misrepresentation af
ter misrepresentation tread so swift! on
each other's heels that it would take the
fven-league boots, of the old story, to
overtake them. Much ado is attempted
to be made over the Chairman' refusal,
in the face of the rules, to officially an
nounce Mr. Hicks as a candidate, and
precedents are quoted as in the case of
General Campbell, D. J. Moetoller and
Judge Hall to convict the Chairman of
an outrage on Mr. Hicks. This only
shows the danger of an ignoramus rush
ing into pririt, ond proves the truthful
ness ot the declaration that "fools rush
in w here ar.gels fear to tread."
At the time the above named gentle
men w ere announced, the present rules
were not in existence, any person could
have his name announced by paying the
printer, as he can now if he pleases, and
it will be found on examination that
Ju.l,.-e Hall was announced through, a
note from Mr. Isaac Kauffman. It waa
becau- of thi loose method, which w at
sometimes Uken advantage of by sharp T
politicians, to announce candidates in
precincts they could not carry, to save
them from falling into the hands of for
midable rivals, that the present rule re
garding official announcements through
the Chairman, w as adopted. Mr. Hicks,
or even any kicker or mugwump, can be
announced as a candidate te-day or at
any time in anv paper in thi County by
paying the U3ual price for advertising
cards, but in official announcement the
Chairman is restricted by the ruie, which
Mr. Hicks, after seeing it, gracefully ac
quiesces in. It it either sodden dumb
ness or downright rascality that would
so attempt to mislead the public, or to
sacrifice Mr. Hicks by attempting to mis
lead and misinform hiin.
There have been a number of Demo
cratic Congressmen preaching Louest
money in Rhode Island the past week
w ho voted for the Bland Li'.L But this
only illustrates Congressmen are looking
for the oflices end not for principles.
They are like thegiri who was willing to
teach that the earth is round or flat, juit
as the school diectors desired.
Look upon this picture, and then upen
R.i aii J. I. Hicks : After having txrn
mui it. tnjjtl me iji an- . noi.ri't that 1 nitiM
uoti;i- hi name a not a c-aiirii.lHii'
a t H:i'liiiitt in tl.u unil r ynur rule, ami
iiiny, itrWA m. Imvinz sim- Wfii Ihe
i?-lrurtt kiUHrt rule. I HI once rol
Mr. JlvtA, or any uiivT ywil coonTV Unit
.7iVrti tn (v d.f- I couM not !-nnit
tnt-f. tat' rc.'.w tn tio i:iv name to w u.el
iti Oum .V any rttifr un- Mv llU'-kn d-votio!l
ttr tn iiuir,ri, j he to the miciH or
cfrmi. i i tun a sec- Hie puny ior(iis m
oini time utvail-1.. tiring a omdiiiaie oh p
('HAa J. liAKaisON. tircwiiwi to tU riM' a't
i J. D. TIrcKs.
Hoist arain with your own petard, ga'
!ant Captain .'
. ad nmo IVw'r the eiflie pic u
l t see oursel a tt tiers fcee us !
It m-;u frae moiue a blunder tree us,
AlJii luoilali notion.
Editor Smith Endorses Chairman
Elesecker's Position.
Fmm the Meyenilale Coiuineniil
The address Chairman Biesccker isfUti
above was rendered necessary by the attempt
to force the candidacy of aspirant for Con
gressional honors, J. V. Hicks, of Blair
county, ;n the Somerset county Primaries.
It wis further rendered necessary by the
flooding of the county with the late iteue ef
the Somerset Standard, which contains a
statement of the occurrence at Chairman
Eieseckeraoitice on Saturday cijrht, 10, the
last day candidates could oiler for the nom
ination, which statement diflors widely from
that above given. We do not intend to dis
catu that evt.L There is a question of fact
that testa between Captain Harrison and
Chairman Biesecker alone and that is theirs
ouiy to settle. With that the party at large
Lis nothing to dj and it does not propose to
be impertinent, by meddling into jrivate af
fairs. But villi his refusal to accept the card cf
the citir-en of another county fur nomination
in this county, the party has all, everything,
to do and it most emphatically indorses the
saud Chairman Biescker Las taken. The
Rules of the Party were drawn by chosen
ih'leates and adopted at the Primaries by
the Republicans of the entire county. They
il:Lr- r in form and method fruui those of the
Republicans of Bedford, Blair and Cambria
ilhe other couLlies in the district) radically
and essentially. They were inaie by the
Republicans of Somerset county for their
own guidance and their omn party law.
Cnder them any Republican who has a
borne and a vote in the county can offer for
office, under certain conditions, and no one
dare say him nay. But tbey were not made
for residents of another county, for non-residents,
be the ottiee what it may. Carry
this idea further. Suppose that Somerset
county Republicans felt like rewarding a
faithful official in Blair, aid made up their
minds to have no candidate to oppose him.
Suppose again that Bedford county had an
aspirant lor the same offioe, who could con
trol his own county, but whom our people
abhorred ; bow this Bedford county man
could, under the wide latitude such a prece
dent would establish, come to this county
at the last hour, announce his name, chouse
his conferee s and vote the county to confer
ence dead against its convictions every bal
lot. This is the precedent Captain Harrison
and the Standard desire to cstablith, but are
the Republicans willing to accept this? We
trow not. We now have a good system, an
honest and a fair one and do not intend to
abandon it
Somerset town can get np a political tem
pest in a teapot on leas material and in a
shorter time than any other snot ia this
Hide country. With the pe:s--ual feeling
that permits this for it is purely personal
not political the Ecpubli cans of the coun
ty do not intend to interfere. The body of
them doubtless regret the intense general
aiii root icy between the few, as we do, but so
long as it is this Kilkenny fiUt tbey but
look on with amused interest When, how
ever, tbey try to let down the political tars
so any cattle can grtxe in their own rich
pasturages, then they cry halt. For this
reason they heartily indorse the stand
Chairman Biesecker has taken, for it is the
only legal and just stand possible nnder the
circumstances, and it has made Lim immeas
urably stronger with Republicans for not
proving recreant to his bhjh trust when dan
ger threatened.
CtkELaND seem to hare suddenly
been struck ith 'a tried us vivtnJL" A
month ago Le couid not be persuaded in
to making a political speech, not even to
aid bis friends to cirry Lis own State.
From tLi on he it open to engagements.
This 'glorious spring weather Iemo-
crats can take notice of the beautiful
"silver linirg to the clouds." It ie much
handsomer than "the free-silver lining"
to Demo-atic platforms, which etirs np
fight every timeitapr-
Bepi blicans ehuuid pjy particular at
tention to the telection of Committee
men at the primary election Saturday.
This ia a Trwidential year and ith the
new l!lotlaw, with its many intricacies,
going into effect, the most intelligent and
active Republicans in the different dis
tricts should oe elected to this important
position. Put ncne but tried and true
Republicans on guard this yesr. It is
not a year in which to trust skulkers,
bolters or kickers.
Wuitelaw Reid, United Slates Minister
to France, arrived in New York Sunday
to resume Lis work as an American jour
nalist, and Charles Emory Smith, United
State Minister to Kusia, will sail for
home April 20 with the determination of
Landing in Li resignation and returning
to Lis place as editor of the Philadelphia
Vf. The newspaper profession Las
been well represented in the administra
tion of President Harrison, and the news
paper men sent abroad Lave well repre
sented the country in their diplomatic
Come and See.
A shipping error has given M. E. Schrock,
Somerset, Pa., fifteen decorated dinner sets,
10m pieces each, four sets 1 12 pieces each
all Rnplish porcelain and warranted not to
craze These 19 sets together with fifteen
iO-piece while tea sets and fjur 12-piece toi
let sets must be sold by May 1st and will be
offered at prices never before heard of. Call
and be convinced. We carry the largest
line of Queensware, Wall Paper and Win
dow Shades in the ounty. Prices always
as low as the lowest.
At my wareroom and for shipment on
and after March 2Mb, Fertilizers for Spring
and Summer Crops. Potato manure, corn,
vegetable and irarden truck, of high grades,
and guaranteed, (iive it a trial. Bradley's
is good. Goods new and freh. No old
A. C. Davis, Somerset, Pa.
Let There be Light.
The Somerset Electric Light, Heat and
Power Company have, after a careful inves
tigation of the several electric light systems
in use, entered into contract, regardless o
cost, for a system of lighting, which in their
opinion is one of the very best now in nse.
It now remains for the citizens of Somerset
to say if they desire electric light. The
Company will not be justifie-d in putting up
a plant without an assurance of at least e.J
commercial and domestic lamps and as soon
as that number is contracted for, work will
becommenced on the plant without delay
and pushed to completion as rapidly as pos-
W. M. Schrock is the authorized solicit
or, and is fully prepared to make contracts
and give all needed information. Don't
wait to be called on but call on the solicitor
and leave your orders, thereby gaining time.
The quicker the tXK) mark is reached the
quicker you share the V.g'.-U A limited
amount of stock is for sale at par value.
Somerset F.lectrie L. H. A P. Co.
Look Here !
Would inform the progressive farmers of
Somerset County that I am again in the field
with a full line of Fertilizers, and my self
or my agent will call to see you to solicit
your orders for the coming season. My
agents this season are S. B. Yoder, Pugb,
Pa., Joseph Reiman, Stanton's Mills, Pa-, W.
H. Landis, Meyersdale, Pa.. Solomon Davis,
Normalville, Fa., and Peter Fink, Somerset,
Pa., who is also delivering and shipping
agent at Somerset, where goods will be kept
in stock throughout the season.
I would thank all for their most liberal
patronage during past seasons, and hope all
will favor myself or my agents with your
orders for both spring and fall crops.
Should we miss seeing you, just drop us a
line early and you will have our very best
On behalf of the
Susquehanna Fertilizer Co.,
A. J. Koseb,
Guernsey, Pa.
Phosphate for Oats and Corn.
I will have a car load of phosphate ready
for delivery at Rockwood, April 8th. Send
in your orders.
C. B. Moore,
Xew Lexington," Ts.
Wanted at Once.
10 barrels choice Maple Sugar new crop.
2U00 pounds Xew Maple Sugar cakes in
5oo gallons Maple Molasses in gallon
300 bushels Potatoes for cash or trade.
Kaxtceb & PlatL
Timothy and Clover Seed.
First arrival of western seed now in.
MAHrox Scbbock..
Wanted for Cash.
i' barrels Choice Maple Sugar new crop
lovo pounds Choice Xew Crop Maple Su
garin small cakrs.
6 V gallons Choice Xew Crop Maple Molas
ses in one-gallon tins.
Cook & Beerits.
A Hint to Ladies.
Delicate cakes and puddings can be baked
successfully in the Cinderella Stoves and
Ranges. TLe large, high oven insures uni
form baking, and no burning on the top.
Sold and guaranteed by Jas. B. Holderbanm,
Somerset, Pa.
Card to the Public.
It affords me pleasure to announce to the
people of Somerset county that I have se
cured the exclusive right to nse in my prac
tice in Somerset and vicinity, Odoniunder.
the great local anesthetic, the only one of
its class which can be termed a success for
painless extraction of teeth for the follow
ing reasons : It is absolutely safe and can be
used evea on those suffering with heart dis
ease, lung trouble, etc. It destroys all sense
of jain wbere applied ; it leaves no unpleas
ant after t ffdcls. The right to use the above
has been purchased at heavy expense, and
any one pretending to use the same in terri
tory under my control, we will prosecute to
the full extent of the law. I alsj continue
the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless ex
traction, being alone in its administration in
this county, and this in the future as in the
past will give my patrons the benefit of the
best of the new discoveries in Ibis line re
gardless of expense.
Your Obedient Servant,
S J McMilles, D. V. a
Tried A Madstone' Charms.
IsniASArjus, April 1. H. E. Shwear,
who was bitten in the arm by a vicious
dog Monday, to-day returned from Terre
Haute, wbere he went to Lave the famous
madstone, owned by Mrs. IVi.fer, applied to
the wound. He comes back a firm believer
in the efficacy of the treatment.
When the stone waa first applied it re
mained firmly attached to bis arm for four
hours and iO minutes, when it dropped off.
A second application of one hour and,a third
of 30 minutes was made, but the stone did
not lake the same hold, having apparently
absorbed all the virus. The sensation while
the madstone was absorbing the poison was
like that felt when the arts b "asleep." The
stone was afterward placed in milk, which
extracted the poison from iL Tbis has the
appearance of water with a sediment of
wbitiah ub-tauce something like clabber.
J. D. Hicks, Etiq., Writes a Letter to
Chairman Bieseclcer in which ho
Bay that thb ChaimBn's Position
is Bight and he Refuses to be a
Candidate in this County. Pitia
ble Condition of the Party Wreck
ers, who are Left "Without a Con
gressional Candidate. The Chair
man Issues Another Card to the
Republican Voters of the Connty.
Comrade Hlcke Notifies Col. Dan
and Captain Charles that he Is
Neither a Disorganizer nor a
To the Republican rtAertof S-immti County:
I last week announced that Rule 20 of
the "Rules governing the holding of Re
publican Primary elections in Somerset
County" prohibited my oflicially an
nouncing J. P. Hicks, Esq., of A 1 toona,
ss a candidate for Congress in this Coun
ty at our coming primary election. My
interpretation of the rule has been
sharply criticised and I have been sub
jected to personal abuse and misrepresen
tations by an element in the party and
yet not of the party.
I now lay before you a letter received
from Mr. Hicks Saturday morning, April
2nd, by which it will Le observed that
as soon as be was made aware of the rule
Le justifies my position and withdraws
Lis name as a candidate at our primary
I submit this letter of Mr. Hicks, who
is a reputable lawyer, as a full justifica
tion of my course, and I deem it unnec
essary in s community w here I was born
and reared to further reply to the mali
cious assaults that Lave been made npon
Very Respectfully,
Fi;EP W. EiKsx-Kr.rt,
Chair. Kep. Co. Com.
Mr. Hicks' Letter.
Altoona, Ta, April 1, 181)2.
F. V. Biesecker, F-sq.,
Chair. Rep. Co. Com.,
Deab Sis: When I authorized the
ne of my name as a . candidate
for Congress in your county 1 was
not aware that vonr rules denied me
or any one in the I intriet that privilege,
but alter having ien notiiiexl that you
Lad decided that I could not be a candi
date under your rules, and having since
seen the rule, I at once wrote to your
County and stated that I could not per
mit my name to he used. My lifelons
devotion to the principles of the Repub
lican party forbid me Wing a candidate
only accurdiiitj to in rttlet ami ttnrjf
and notwithstanding the fact that I be
lieve that tilair County is entitled to the
nomination, and I as Rlair County's
choice should be the nominee, if I can
not receive the nomination in the regu
lar way, I am too good a Republican to
ue either a disorganizer or a kicker. U.i
the contrary 1 will be for the ticket nom
inated. 1 have no personal quarrel or
feeling against Mr. Scull. He has been as
devoted a Republican as myself, and if
he shall be the nominee be wul have no
more hearty supporter in the District
than I will bs. I deem it but just to
nivself as well as to the Republicans ef
Somerset Countv that I should not be
misunderstood in this important matter.
Yon are at liberty to make tbis public if
you choose and 1 might add in conclu
sion that the rules governing the party
in Blair County do not forbid of any gen
tleman residing within the district be
coming a candidate for a District nomi
nation. On the contrary our County de
clared once for Mr. Morrell and more
than once for General Campbell.
Very truly ycurs,
J. D. Hicks.
The above letter was received by Chairman
BieseckerSatnrday morninc, April 2 id. It
will bcobwrved that Mr. Ilicks says "after
having been notified that you had decided
that I could not be a candidate under your
rules, and having since seen the rule, I at
once wrote to your County, and srateJ that I
could not permit my narue to be used."
It will be remembered that C. J. Harrison,
in hi: published statement in regard to what
occurred at Chairman Biesecker's offlce Tues
day evening, March 22, said, ''I will tele
graph Mr. Hicks in the morning to come over
and attend to the matter in person." Mr.
Harrison evidently did "telegraph Mr. Hick
in the morning" but instead of thai gentle
man "coming over and attend ng to the mat
ter in per.on" he at once wrote Captain
Charles J. Harrison the letter referred to in
his letter printed above, in which be stated
that "he could not permit his name to be
used." That this letter was received not later
than Thursday evening, March 3tat, is born
out by the fact that the paper issued that
evening did not contain the announcement
card of Mr. Hicks which it did contain the
week previous, and it was only after "Mr.
Hicks discovered that bis name was still be
ing used by this paper in defiance of his
wishes that he wrote the above letter to
Chairman Biesecker.
Mr. Hicks' telegram in which he said:
"Urge Kooser all you can to run, if he
won't then announce my name,'' or words to
that effect, was promptly made public by
the receiver. Why was not publicity given
to his letter, in which be stated that' he could
not permit his nams to be used," with the
same promptness and alacrity 7 Was it not
because the party receiving it hoped by keep
ing it secret to mislead the Ejpablican vo
ters of the County and deceive them, by mak
ing it appear that the u;e of Mr. Hick's
name was put to was being done with his
knowledge and consent. Was it because Mr.
Hicks was "an ol J s .tidier f.ien I ' that this
shameless duplicity was resorted to in the
belief that he, Mr. Hicks, would condone it
and would not write to Chairman Bieseck
er. Is this the sort of treatment that one
"old comrade" should receive at the hands
of another? We trow not.
If the ancient maxim, "o.-uj ia uno, fa)
tut in omnihitt,'' is not to apply, but the ques
tion of veracity raised by Mr. Harrison is to
be settled, according to bis request, by
length of residence in the county, then the
scales will go quickly down on the Chair
man's side as he has been a resident of the
county for more than thirty years while the
Captain only claims credit for twenty years.
The cold facts in this entire matter boiled
down are these : A few old-time party
wreckers, led by the "Colonel" and "Captain,"
bent npon disorganizing the party because
they could not bo?i it, determined to have a
' candidate of their own" for Congress. Fail
ing to secure a tool suitable for their purpose
in Somerset county, they, by misrepresenta
tion succeed in inducing a gentleman from
Blaircrmnty toleud himself to their use.
When he discovered the use being made of
him by these professed friends he promptly
writes them and ropeststbem to desist. In
spite of the request ol their "comrade" they
persist in their unmanly efforts tid thsy are
called down by their "old Soldier friend,"
in an open letter to Chairman Biesecker.
And thee be honorable men.
Wall Paper! .
Good paper without gold, at 2 to 5? per
bolt; paper with gold, 3, 5 and lOets per
bolt; extra fine gold embossed paper at 5cta.
We bny wall paper by the car load.
8. C. Hatxit Si Co.,
Meyersdaie, Pa.
Highest of all in Leavening Tower.
Are always liable to sudden and severs
colds, to croup, sore throat, lung fever, etc.
Remedies, to be eflecuve, must be admin,
btercd without delay. Nothing Is better
adapted for such emergencies than Ajwr't
( hrrrj lrtrl. It soothes Um inflamed
BKUit-rane, promotes exjeet"rtlon, relieves
coughing, and iiKtuces sleep. The prompt use
o (Jus medicine tuts saved lunumcraMc lives,
both of young aud old.
- erne ot my cUIMren bad croup. The ease
was attended by our phtk-lari. and was sup
posed to be well under couuoL On night
I was startled by the child's hard brestliiag,
and on going to It lound it
It had nearly ceased to breathe. Beallzmg
that the child's alarm in k condition bad be
come possible in spite ot the medicine It had
taken, 1 reasoned that such remedies would
be of no avail. Having a part of a bottle of
Ayefs Cherry Pectoral hi the house, I save
the child three doses, at short Intervals, and
anxiously waited results. From the moment
the Pectoral was given, the child's breathing
(Tew easier, and In a short time it was sleep
ing quietly aDd breathing naturally. The
child is alive and well to-dar. and I do not
hesitate to say that AVer's Cherry foe torsi
saved Its UIe."-C. J. Wooldridge, Wortham,
XT' For eolds. coughs, bronchitis, asthma,
and the early stages of consumption, take
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
racrAKiD r
EE. J. C. AYES CO., Lowell, Xaas.
Sld by all Dnif glsta, Tries II ; all btt!, Si.
- Thought and Action.
I'ntil there be correct thought there can
not be right action. Therefore, tbinlc right
and buy the Cinderella Ranee, and right ao
tion is anmred. Sold by Jas. B. Jlolder
bauni, Somerset, Pa.
At Home
All who are interested in good housekeep
ing should examine the Cinderella Stoves
and Ranges. The extra large and high ovqn
embodied iu their construction insures a
good baker. Sold, guaranteed and recom
mended by Jas. 13. llolderbaum, Somerset,
Note! Coods for Sale.
1"0 bags Linseed Oil Cake Meal.
100 bags all Choice Western Timothy
Limited Supply all Choice Western Clover
lwo bushels Choice Western No. 2 White
Oata, for Seed.
Cook A Iteerils.
All New !
Xew Spring Millinery Goods this week at
Mas. A. E. Urn's.
Carpets, Wall Paper, Lace Curtains.
If you want to fit np a room handsome,
yat cheap, go to S. C. Hartley & Co., Mey
ersdale, for carpels, wall paper and lace cur
No member of the human body liaa
been so ill used as the foot. It
bears all the burdens wc carry
in addition to our weigU, and
frequently is made to do all this
while cramped and distorted by
ill-fitting Shoes.
Are they comfortable? arc your
feet so tired when night comes
that a pair of old slippers are
almost a necessity? If so, try
one pair of our Ladies' $2.00
Shoes, and enjoy the luxury of
wearing a shoe that is properly
shaped. Each and every pair
guaranteed to give wear equal
to any $3.00 shoe sold in the
Wholesale Retailer, 2S5 27 Main Street,
Esplcaa Primary Mm.
To the E;'.;tnr ,ftkr Sonvrtrt 1 feral J :
Yon will please announce the following nam
el jrenuenieu a rr,tiiIiites for the various oitices
de:niiat-l, at the ltepul!icau Primary Klecllou,
to lw held
SATt'UD.lY, APRIL 9, 192.
Chairman Rej-uMiuan Couuty Committee.
Subject to the decision of the R ;puljl ienn Pri
mary Kleetion to be heU ttth, 19'J, and
ol the lmrict Conference.
Subject to the doeif ion of the Repnbliean Pri
mary ElecUou, to be held Saturday, AwrU , l-vi
Subject to the decision of the Republican Pri
mary Election to be held Saturday, April 9, 1-2.
Subject to the deciion of the Republican Pri
mary Election, to be held aatunlay, April , lVi.
L. C. C0LB0RN,
Subject to the dee Won of the Republican Pri
mary Election, to be held Saturday, April 9, lyi.
Subject to the decision of the Republican Pri
mary alectiun, to be held Saturday, April ,
Subject to the decision of the Republican Pri-
election, io dg neiu saiuraay April , ivj
A. J. Ill LE MAX,
Subject to the decision of the Republican Prl-
Liccuoa, to ue aviu saiuraay, April y, itj
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Estate of Henrr I.Tlir. Ureof j fT. tw tovrn-h:;.
tomcrt OMjiity. fa.
Iltcr of ariiDiuiMntiiiia o M a 'we ete
barirg t-en ira.'iiel lo the u:'rf rlK'ie,l Ljr
proper smhori.-T nrl.r- i hrrl.y given f "
IK-ricni bte.1 li wid rrtate , muse luim !
aia pivm-nl nnd th hvln c'airuo j',i-t
MulKiat ntil pme'tt '.hem du T -.r.hem.rtl
f wf.leincnt on eal-ray. Mjr -'m. A. P., !. J,
at Ue l:t r .t leuee of the decea-e I.
J. M. V.
Yairutine HJ s us et a) ( In the Tourt of Com-
vs ' mtn i . c r-'ui-
Jonathan Piter I r-t Cmtiiry. I'a.
No. i'l, tre X Una. 1-S1. F. D. Ft
Hurlr been appointed Amiiwr lo ditril!"e
th fui;.! in th lmini . laia S.xt. plierirt
ari.-fuR ou' f th aie ,f the wtie nf
Joualiia'i liter. I her t.r lve mire tlit I till,
oa it J'th 'lay if April' l-.'. ilfid lo llie duties
of my apiaiililiiiriil at lot uM--r lu nuliniwt, '.,
wt .... i .. -ii . it,r..rl,-.t liinv at-
read if they pro,. r
hssulX'TIUS Ncrict.
Notice is hrehy riven, that the partnerhip
bereiofore eiitiiu! between i. K. uti H ana J. K.
toiler, doing buiuei under the lirm tiiie ol
t rn.1., .1 ,w nmLlttt! CilllMenl.
oa Mareh in The hoiks and ,f
tii 8nn are in the hand of 1. B. liavia. l-Jt roi
let riou. ami ail perxiui, knimiur Ihemwivvs in
debted to the naid firm till please call aad make
payment. The bti"iiii will hereafter be cou
ducted by Mr. J. B. DatLs. mvts
Ureina. April l.-t ISM.
hatate of Catharine Berkley, late of Jenner
Tonni. nnmerif i " . -Letters
of Admiul-iration on thietalehaviu
teen aranU-1 to Iba underpinned by the authority, notice ia hereby Kien lo ail
perwus indebted lo Mtid entale to make immedi
ate payment, and the bavmK Claims agaiiint
the me t ill prcxent them duly authenticated
for Krttlement, (Saturday, May U, 1-W, at the
residcuce ot the Aduunitrali.r In ald Tp.
F. W. Ilieeecker, Atfcwnty. AumiaUlraujrs.
In re estate of Caroline Burkholder. deceased.
The uiiilcrairned Auditor, duly appointed by the
Orphans' Court inand tne'-ooiuy "t Sornerw t,
Pa., lomake distribution of the fund in the
of the AdmiiiintratflT tand among Ihone legally
entitled thereto, hereby giro noli.i that he till
aiieol to the duties of hiapioimmeiit at his f
(ii in Somcnrt B.,r.mteh. 1'a.. on Wednesday,
the aah day of March. 1".', at 1 o'r!ic p. u.,
when and where all person lnterenv.1 my at
tend. FKtD. W. BlfrJSEl K EK.
A uditor.
I now offer t the public an opportunity to
breed to a flTvK.'U Englii-h aiiire horse at reasou
able terras.
MoRKFIKLt) CHAMITON No. 7T Viiiume 10,
tn imported by Galbraith A Brother, tvpti'iuhcr
S. Iw.
DESCRIPTION. fark bay, no thite eicept
ou .-icru. ilou.1 ttyte, short in liie tut.-k, Terr
heavy, hruad Hat lorie. aud i low to the gnaiud.
aad tetiriis l.v) pouiiiis. 'hami.ii.ii ill lari J
at my farm mile norihwe! of Si:;i.r'i. at
Ihe low price officio insure a living cult ten
dav iiu f.ic
;.. f UIF.P will also tan.l at my
farm during Ihe eutire aeaaon at ll'i to iuure a
living coit Cliief ban privel liiuiN'lf ine i lite
bom sirea of liKht twk in the tounty. Chief is a
l-rfet beauiv, aud he ataiitpi ills prweiiy
well. He Is kind, gwitlc. and quite a trotter.
I'aiti.n fnm a distance k-pt free rrrr nirM.
Two finely bred Uiree-jresroM flyJelale
stallions, laive. Ki!id, aud ipd eolora. a:.-", a
few giVMl thoroughbred yeari:ue short bom buiis.
For ftirther lntormatinn write
mar ia-.l. F. V. CU ITEIt, Greenburg Pa.
Valuable Real Estate
ByTirtueofsn order of the Orj.lian- Court cf
Someret Coontv, pa., and lo me direc'od. I t ill
expose to public Mtle uu the premises in Said
at 1 o'clock In the forenoon, all the following
let-rild real eftate. late the eiale of liVnry
Fieking, dcceaNet. vii : All tht certam tract of
land situate in Jenner tot n.-i,if fomcnet Co,
Pa., aljoiuing lands of peter friiiioc. Herry
Rauoh, Friedhr.e. Johu Fulu-r. I n
bchmucker, Cliarlea Beam and oihtr i!n! of
dn-edent, coutaiuiri; li- acre, uior or le-.
atHu! acres c'eareil, balance ko"! limber and
a large number of line muple tre-'. bavin; there
on erected a jj.iod two-story aud baaeiaent plauk
htrtise, barn, and onltiutiding"..
TEKMSl Oi:e-thini on teiivery of deed, one
third iu one ear, and i ue third in to years,
with interest. Tea per cent, of pun base raoiiey
to be puld on da r of nale.
marJii. Adminutrator.
We are now ready and will be
happy to show our friends
and customers one of the largest
and best selected stock of goods
we have ever had the pleasure of
Our Dress Goods and Silk
is full of all the nice new Spring
Styles and latest Novelties at
pricc3 way down.
Our Domestic Department
is full of nice new Sprin? Ging
hams, Percals Outing Cloth,
Calicoes, Sheetings, Tick
ings, Bleached and un
bleached Muslins of
all kinds.
In our
White Goods Depaitment
we will show the handsomest line
of Lace Curtains, Table Linens,
Towels, Napkins, Bed Spreads,
Lace Caps, Hamburg
Edgings, Flouncings,
Handkerchiefs, Cor
sets, etc. This depart
ment is bang full of nice new
goods of every description.
Notion Department
is full of nice new goods. But
tons, Dress Trim ming3, Rib
bons, Stockings, Kid
Gloves, Belts, etc.
Cloak Department.
Ladies' Spring Jackets in Tans
and Black, Misses' Jackets,
Childs' Cloaks in cream and
Tans. We have just made a
purchase of 100 Jackets and
Blazers that we will sell at $1.35
and $1.50. They are cheap and
can't be duplicated at near the
A nice and elegant line of Chenile
Table Covers, Tortiers, Fringes,
Cretons, Curtain Folcs and lixt
ures, Wool and Cotton Carjrct
Chains, Table Oil Clothes just
It is impossible to quote prices. All
wc ask of you is to give us a call
and we will give you prices that
can't be beat and can only be
had at the
Leading Store
l-'WrOK-fi NOTICE.
C.Mncv.ii'ea?h vf Pm' . fa " ""'"
ii rrl Fr-l k i-hv.l:.-, ( ' f ,jr
ti .-elto.r
Joca! Mont hvr. V V ? T-
!iin ' I """" , , . ,
Tlii- r,ii.!e-:Kiti bavUKlcn apt.luird Aa'l.l-or:.rlti-o.iri
to diMrlHite Ihe i i"nty In lie
bl..i- cf Krrtler: .-haul . ( nra t c of Joi.
I'-io. her.a .h..-.l. luM'l tin'! y t"'it'-i thereto. rot:ee I hen-y
ritrti ..ull 'H ' l"rp'-e " '" "
ire i-H..iu'i--f ;; '"'i i a: my '
in- horomli urn:, l t'i on W t-li..--ia-. AU
m !, M!id arh-re Ml p-riit- are ran
i lorn -1 "o aiiri .l or be io-ever .le af r- d 'r .ni parti.-:,
.stir i :n the ilb;irH-iu. .t i-' jl p' 'if
marT. An l.u.r.
I'iuto:;" Ntiiic'E.
KUle of Sil.imcn V ilan-.tce'. late of Jenner
Pjauri'p. ibtea-ed.
I::ivir.i; ben pj :dU'I An-luor t y the fr-pl.ari-'
i oi:- ol" Saiw r-,-t t-i noli'. I'a. lo H-tr!b-uie
tne f.ui.l. in Hie haiitli "I John '. IHmnn-r
a:it I'atid M. HnuiRier. Exe-u:.rr of the l.uH
Kill mid tvuiiieut of ahl f'o!.non N. MftitiTter,
dee d . hi and ani..ow lh.-e ietaliv ntili d ll.cre
t... Ii.aice i. Ii-rel f siven that I :il Ml l niy
othi-e 111 Hie t..iot:h ol'.-Kiiier-l, l a , i ll M-m-iiv,
jtnril 4, 'VJ. al 10 o rlorlr. A. M.. h ihe pilr-i-i-c
of :ii!'.ii tlie !uli of Mil l at..iut
aieut, aud here all panotu lutereaitd i au
acllJ- J. G. ".I.E.
And. lor.
t,iaie of Win. Sitill. late of Stony-rock Tap.
vjniet ("a I'A , dee'd.
Letters of adTim-t.-aiiou on the attire estate
hatinx tien granted to the midriiiM-.l Ly tne
prl-r aiuhoruy notice Is hereby giveii u a. I
Mm iudehteil lo aai'l e(te to niake Itiinit l:ate
laymen', aud lht- haviny ciaimi acain-t the
Mine lli present them do.y autheuu.'ated for
Kitleaient on naiarday. the Sirdday of April,
at the late residence ol said deeedent.
WM. 11. .VII.I KR,
. 1. KIM. UtL,
Eitate of Georce HxTer, Uu of Qtif mAhonln;
lonhif, aVriiitract county, l"., dx il,
lottery of A'lrainitratkn tn the aJrov eit.c
having bcrn frraattnJ V the ual-Mrnrd lf tlie
jnr-;r aiHh'riiy,U'U'-e is hri t?i ven t-all prr
oiif mdeotvi !0!i!tleMitt' to niake pty-oit-nt,
and ihune having claiiniH aai!it the nr.e
util prv.nt Uit-iu duly auiht-nii itu-l Utr Svttlc-m-iit.
ou Tliun-tlay, Uie uxtx day of April, ivj;
at the late nidrucw ol the U-'ea't1 wt Hoov
rrville, Pa. fcAMl tL HfU E.
F. W. LIFECKER, Aummitriur.
K-Uite of John W Insert, late rf v;eriurg Bor
oiigb, Someixrt Couuty, R., deu'd.
Ittrof AilmtuStratiou on the atove etato
hav tii(f brt-a jrranU'd uuhe unt-itt;uc'l l y U:e
roiTai!thTity, nrf:e ix hereby Rivvii V m l
:rtu tiuiebu-'l Uml estate U make imuik
atv f-avuitiif, cul thoe having c.MiMia a-ainyt
the mine will prc.Nfiit th. m duly a;Uln-miit-ti
f-r M-itU-nient. on r t.forr- suirlav ihe I. lii.
dHyot'Apnl, l-.'at the in;e n:idt;i.':e of raid
dt'ttaM.U, iu Wc.if rburjr,
JZSSK J. nx iFC.
ir.arD. Adniiui-trawr.
Estate of John It. I.riuhit, late of Wi ll.-r'hurg
bonM:i;ii, tiiuerM t eo inty. I'a., dtx d.
Uetter of admhmtration on the at. ete
hii.iug lyiti xranted lothe uitd-rva;:ii hv U.v
jTij-r authority, notice i herrby ivt u to all y-.-r-stj.js
ladvbtti ti iHid eUte to ninke :ui:n-!:uie
AVinriit and thos hat:iP elainin it e
MiiiiMvi!) fiivseut them duly a'nh:i! .1 rtttd ftr
Hctiicui.-nt, un or t-tfore SaUjniay. Ajnt ,nh. !-'-!
a. my ofl;e in the boruugh of SircetMrt, S.uict-M-t
county, i'a.
l-jc.ate of Hiram ltrihaker. late of .V.m?rset
town-hip. fiotu-ret county. Pi., dee d.
Letter of ad.!iniraii..n ,ou the alove e.te
haelng been irran ted hi the'itmlerviinied by li.e
tjp.jier authority, nili-e i hereby riven toa:I
r'rvD indcbte.1 to naid eate t) make iinme li
ate nyraenl, and tb haviue or ile
niaii.i. a?aiTi-t the ami wi'l jree:il ihcru du:y
autm'titi. au-d &r settlement, to the anderiviitd
ttdiuiiiuilraior at the late residence of sui.i V
eeai. on Satunlay, May 7, i'J, wh.n and
where be will altemi for that jmrpoie
JAOjB ii. Kklhtil.INK.
FRED. V. IlIESKt'KhK, A'lii Jaiiira'.or.
Lette r of dmlnitmii-in on the estate of f'i
vid Manxes, idle of hde lowiihip. dec' a.m -i.
havttiK bt-n isranteil by the ir-er authority I
the utidr-rs!uel, m tli-e i ht-r'Li s?:ven to
peron iudt-bt-i to nid estate to make imml:
at iMayijieiit, and hoe bar i Tie chilint a-iin-t
aaid f-lAiu will present tut-m duly a ithem.cau-.
itr nriiieint m an 1 mi- auce, ia May 7,
the iate reaideux of iietetrd
JACOB Mh;iikG(.R.
CoLDiEX A Coi.lfc-.RN. Adialui.-ititor.
Notice ii hereW riven that the ui'dfrMaTrTd
"iKiit-r ui iuc rairrK'i- .ur. i ,nvb ire r ire
Cot. Limit!, for the tueit of rr'iti.!-, ri
lii...t lim i r. . vf that ii. att it .
I'-h.,,.. An Vf.... I , .1 !.'.- Xf a l"
i nui-ft, vii jt'i.i'Jt', fc.ic .1 u .'i.'.j, rt. I',,
l"-. for settlement of avou n t, and all h:T9 -an
in dfb'.ed loaii Cnnrmuy til kiake ii'uiteUui.
I a meat to said a.ij;nce"
Byvi:t'ie of a certain wVt of I.f r Fa mim.1
out of Ihet i.urtof i'o:iiuiou Fieav ol .HiinerM-t ('.,
tv, I'., to uie directed, llire will ! cxo..l lo
iiubiic !e at the t ourt U iuc. ia tMiuerw t i.r-
v-$h. at 1 o eljek p. in., on
TIIl'RSDA Y, NAR F CI, ls 2,
All the right, title, interest an ! eUim of ?arah
J. Berkey, l fendaul and A. J. Borland, t. rrc
UT.ant, of, iu aad to the following dornuetl real
eta:e, iz :
N. 1. A ceruiri tract or piece cf iarnl ;ti:.r.t
i the TowL.-r.iri of t; leciati.'i.itiv. I o'nitv f.f
S.merel ard feute 01 I' nii.ty! tjiia, h i, .iiiiii-
the!oHn aii.t iv:eii-.ati..i,;ni: iurn;Kr, N...
J UeeP.lie.1, lan-ln ol J.x ptl KiM-her,
and o;her, c.n:aii.:n..' atuu: eleven W) icm
and n uety-inrve ne:cii-js.
VV 2 A e.Ttain tract of land -:t:mte !n the
Tmt rih;ij. rumy and S'j,:e arore-1 -i. a'
tne i..u: of and othe i. l.-n' a j.rt t-r
the tract of Ian 1 which iuvi.l 1-!1, A lmmi-i a
lorof John ivil, deeea-l. irri!'.."( and eomvv
.I to JaiMb J. M.;iiT lydcddavd l.ith day "of
Novemlier, IVvt. c :it iw r. ai res and i.-.e
huudredaud tifly-eiht i !.. parches tr. t ciea.
ure. NO. X A cer.sin trjet of land firnnte in !'?
Twnhls i otnr.y ni l 'te etertsa.d a.ijoi:ii:iL
lands of ci. II. yiiier. Mr, ilary l in.'.e, J.--.
Kosher. Jo. Baucii and No. I al 'ive d eriiict,
and other, conta::iri riin.-ly ihr.-e '.ii acrt
more or len, Ijeiui; the itnnie tiirre tcacty of
land which wens ronveved 10 tne-'iid Sarah J.
H- rey by iai.i-i Uerk-y. by dce.1 da'. .1 Ut .iav
l.N wild tirol i-tiu .lu'.y n-c.deit in im..T--t
t'oiir.ty in livJ H.Ntk Vol. 71 Hulic f"i. A..'., a- by
rti'iT!iCB theretirtio tiemj. ha liwili usore fnlty
and at lare ap;war, bxstktr with the iiertdiin
uti nuaiid ai puilenmuvs.
TaSen in est (ti'iun a. the pmr tvof arah J.
Bvik. y. ticf. n.laut. an 1 A. ;. liorUn'.) tcrre ten
ant at the suil ol Iiauiel Birkey.
NOTK'F. All r'rsnn! pur.;i!r at llie
above aiewill p!e:tM iii p-r
cent, of the pur.hne nioney iuur. t. p.O
w hen profierty t kiincifcl iiwn. oiii'
it will twain lie ex-.-.l to .t.e at llie ri-k of
the rirm pun-huer. T!ie reiiuo of the ;mr
rh:i." money iiin-ibep.n l in or before tne
day of coiirirmauon, vi.: Tueviay,
U. IW. No tlerlwill Ik' iwk l. w le-lyej Until
llie pure haw.' uiouey i.-paid in lull.
SheniTs ORlce, Mar. 9, 1-J. She r if
The Celebrated English Hack
ney Stallion-
PARMl u "O'lo'ihltdly the finest Llcv'l
UAlllIIVJ Ha.kney Horx ever imported iu
1 this
; Hackney Horse Society-
; This is to certify that the trn-fer of ihe
t!liin berptniif;er d-.ritvd hatan'ii Id'LV
RK'.lTKKE!m!he Bjoksof ihs s-x ieiv. via
ni OK Bar or Brown.
BKEKPK-Taouuu foot, ThixenJaU-,
N trkhire.
Transfer fro.n Thomas Cot k to ilalbralth
I'.rus., Jaii'-svibe. Wi.nn-ln, f.
UEVKV F. El'Kr'.V. e.retarr.
of Hackney stad It.k society.
Ort'.ce: 11. ( haudos St . London, W.
Kl df If Al IV I L U nreott ASMK.won
ULiiua f iuu i L.iy in
hrt prize at Lancaa-
ter Entire Hore Show in If-
PARMO wonthe Pri at the Royal Van
OnillVIVJ rhte.-and Liverp.a)! 11 ire show
in when he was only two jeaiw old.
Inoon Race ria f fanno, came In di
yUCCII UCOOi rect line from the wondur
ful mare Nonpar.el who trotted li? mili-s hit h(d
toarart. She trotil jn ni ' les in 1 honr and
minutes, after s-opping 3' i minutes sh rrotte.1
40 mliea w ttniu four hours and hui-he.1 th Ps)
stilt? in a hour. . dmii'ius and 67 seconds and
nbowed nosymptonis of faliuue : ate a feed in
lued.ateiy upon eoioj to the stable, atu-r whien
she a a.ked mile to w here she was a pt.
The Hfti iney Uorsen ar.- rery ratiarkahle fr
their genlienesa, ;ieed an t end'irane-;.
rarmr ' nM t.y Hon. A. II.
sal llJ cor! roth of ..nuTet. Pa., and
will lie for the f -ason under the cans and tha.-jte
of the undenigued.
Enoch IMuzh,
39th YEAR.
urii.L.uiiiL.11 linn I L
one olilie
larirert Nnr-
aenea in trie Country. Hatistaction irnarante-d
lo ail cnMiHuert. No prvv.ous eipetieucc lieecs
aanr. Fa'ary aad ail expense paid. Addr-sa,
Ml pie Areuue Nurseries, WEST CHEsTEtt, PA
Fifth Averfue,
fVFNl" A POTATj CARD With yosr limes-j ,.1.,
Free Fashion
No. 113 Clinton St., Johnstown, F
With economy and proSt to the Customer. Coine aai
Jas. B. Holderbaun
which is a wailerfi:l improvement in
Fvcr L-iventd. The is l.el.l in r-siti(in ,r a Hatchet, ttith whicli it can Is-'
til s a.s to ejr from Li lo IS iiu hes . r tiie t-mit of ti.e t s.ih. which is f. nr ..r riv
as much wear r service tut can be obtained fruni anv ?i,rinh' harro in ei.
(.all ami examine this Harrow,
Sugar lakers' Supplies
Cooking Stove.--, Range?, Tinwan
Granite Ware, Hollow Ware, Pumps.
Iron Pipe?, of any size or lcn-th. cut to order.
Special attention given to Hoofing, Spouting, and JoM-ing.
We handle a superior quality of STEEL ROOFLN'G, on vl
will he pleaded to quote price?.
Paul A. Scliell,
13 X. lata Street, B.1ITOIOKE 1
R LmmunityWwtera Nati cal 1Jdnk' People's Bank, Mercantile inc :
Having Cllcd the large building formerly occu;;e-1 It ff
Morrell t Co., with a large block of
Greneral iVIerchaiicli
Te re?tx;;tiullv call th attnnt.'nn cf c . rr,v i.m.H to
LINER! GOODS, HATS, GROCERIES, etc., are full aud
Uu our increased facilities for handling goo.l.-. we ar" W". ;
pared to meet the wants of th
torn price?. or i
Lower End of Washington St.' 'jOHNSTOWN-M
i AA f- n a I.. Ill i I
iuu rages rroTuseiy iiiusTrated,
win. tur vt-f oxk .x.r ; Units all.
Hi, S3, 83. 87, SO Fifth Aftnut, riTT.SIll RU.
Hench & Diaimgold
Teeth qniiily alj-.isteJ by only loo-ening one nut. The hot