Eiz3d Up Aa Rustlr II hzir ii--i 'id c V he had long ! fi-r-e iil-u-k t es there fro a i he fv.4 of V srrizz'y be-ar :'ira from hi? .tch chain. You i him np nnly in one way he limn, or perhaps ball 1 .-jri - f !Ji01. If he liadc't fought In- li jjI rt.i up t the bal, baJ men ofl-it f-r '.Yi't, then Lis looks belied 1: He was n-alir.g a dime novei.as k : r.",i EC- Lea they travel. Now at; ? :!.-:n ! e frit down the back of hie r.e s t s-'e if his !. ie knife was coddling- up t-i i-pice in a proper manner, : 1 : . m.d then lie reached down to fc. t- Vcs to f-e tl.a! his cargo of re- ;vir- y-.-j.int rbifted. I" .r - r f mr f u , .p"r takinjr t-lentT c-f t;a-e t- r hta up. decided to ask h-. -,.ir"nj h'i In" jfTt the wonnd wS;:- h hd J-ft t!;e scar ck-ar a-jiwa his 1. ft t-iivi-k. It looked like the work of s tt'i. na'lV tomahawk, bnt we wanted t'.e pr:c'sr So it wis agreed thBt I r-,... i .rt hiai op to tell bin fiUry,and i s-i rtt-rof an hour of dip.omapy, :...f.i H:dU-rs s-' I iiared observe: ,. i a ;ad scr you have on your . .in .1 i'.rre is no d-u't a story con 1 wiiii it." V .. cir, there is" he replied. "iVfh..aSd l.ke to hear the parlicn- i.ir. if you have no ! -t ion." (. -., trie iliry lon't amount to much, 1 :- I !y remarked. ' l'.:;t vou crt iin!y ha I a clo.-e rail. Ii - many In iiins were around you?" ' in iUru-? I eli.la't we no Indians." "Oii ! IVrh.ips you w.-rt? in a Western Ft i.;? when it was held up, and you got the scar in lighting off the roaiigents?" ' .Never es a road aeiit in my life," 1." a lowered. 'Tickled by a bad tr.af, jxrhaps?" ' Never sa a bad man." T.'it m a tijht," I rer:i!el. "So, I didn't." "We'l, ertiaps you'd lie kind enough to explain bow you sz t that scar?" 'I will. I went intoa ietar.nint and ordered a pamkin p'i?- The waiter broivbt me a i iaf-h pie instead. I kick ed. Tiie owner of the place, who sa wo'n in, g -t mad and Ush-d me with an old ear knife. 1 afterward settled -with hpr fir three dollars in cah. That's the dory, sir." Ku: why why are you wearing that hit and other thirds btloniiig to a Y.Vs'ern torr.irT I asked.' "The-"' thine? I eot era I an pc'or for fur dollars. He had to hell . it or sta'k br.aie. an 1 as the walking M K1 lie Sold out." "And may I ak who you are?" I in (juire 1, as aa awful silence fell npon oar crowd. cV-rtain'y you can. I've been work ;r. fcr a farmer near Monroe all summer f -r 'leven 'lii'ilars a month and lound.but i the iither.iny and ainpoingtc T-'-lcd t. zet a ft--k ' f stomach bitter !-:! on r ui. Xevdu't DoUxly ! :.:'r.v'. of ti:e. 1 ain't loaded, and if 1 was I a: n't p- the sind to sro oil. Never ; ;:!.! bit i :ie man, and I hain't pot thro vh runt! ing away fn-iu him yet" Ti.i-u we went to the other end of the era". I trit-1 to call the convention to -r ail i some resolving, but it was a failure. Kveryhody seemed to want to sit and think. l,(ruit Frr, l'r,. Happy Hoosiers. Wrn. T.m!iur., I'ost master of Idaville, I'll., writes: "Eectric Ditters has done Lii.-re f..r me than all other medicines c i i.iiii- !, fir tint bad feeling arising 1 " u tv ni'V and l.vei ir-iuo.e. jonn l.-.o ;!(? .e t:i , farmer aid stockman, of sam--sty : "Finding E'ectric Bitters to hf t Kidney aud Liver medicine. me fee I hke a nc-ff man." J. W. .rim r, hardware merchant, earn .sr. n, s : IjE.'.ric R ttt-rs is jat th i!Lii.;jrinan w ho is all run down an. aou't can-w hether be live or dies; hi' f md strer-'.fi, gxil aiijieiite an! h it j i't like he liai a new leave on lif-. Only ,"0 ivots a bjttle at J. N. Snyder' I 'rii:; S:ure. Real Friends. You may have !n-r i yonr jollier tell Low, v ben ahe went to ach" 1, she had such a dear g'r! friend, and how they two have kept np the friendliness for many K ng years, and you have perhaps heard h rsay that school friendships are ofien tiie iiKt eniiurir.g of any. Ttien you have wondered if you and your present ' It-st friend" ill love ea 'h other wher both of yon are gray-hea.le I. Now let us see how things stand between yon and your best friend Anna. Of course you like her very much, but you must confess that very frequently there comes a little "titr'and you ''fall out." When such a thing happens you straightway tran"plaut y our a tT-vtions to some other j;irl. and your friend does like ise. Y. u two scarie'v stnak hen oii Uieet, and geteraliy umkea iut ofshiiing gret ievo.ion to the new friend in the pres ence of the old oue. Now ihn't it rather silly to have these unhappy differences so frequently ? If Anna does some very unworthy act, then the iicerve.i the loss of your friendship but is your regard so frail a thing that it csuinol stand s u!l diff-rciic of opin ion ? Cannot you iie m jre generous ? If your fneud is lj vabie aud you are ths kind f tcir! ynu ought to be, then i Vi-u will bear with her iniMiiistencies .!..., -;, i. . ...... ..r l. ... r. .,ii. i... j ( ' i i t " . i i i 7rmz Jl u-i itiii3. in jy te ' 1 iia; you a-e not Cj'iite ierfect yourse anoste may iiave to tiear some tL;r.g lor y.-u. If your friendship is the real thin;, j.iu will remember that love' hop- c'.ii ail t'.ing- bi areth ail things," and so i ri :g aiaDV thicg-i jiaiitntly and s .'.c i ! -. v . ru T.iii find that years will not weaken, but will rather strengthen, your in iii. ta! b.md of ictercourss. Jl'.rjter't Y,n J r,. j.h. fi'T .in tyt ruoie rltar to fee. A iu:iij !o j.rap more earnestly. For fiery t-mi intent, I i.a: to i lie si,k and dtspairing I t-rii g iK a pcr! cute. 1 an 'lir,, the great remedy for Coughs. Cj' Is and Coitsirnpthia 2oand ."st cents. Sold at G. W. r.enfot.1 1 Irngstore. Circumstances and Men. l or 1 H.prc is no inor lucre rcmiron iti iro I t:mr. tf idea timt men ; .urarte, .n. end,,. t ami distinvar-j ilasvFstisrie-1 ami lix-il !v t" irt ir.tim- a:.ta. cut:uu, Mt-n. but men cftenpr mate circam- j ftaufvs. K.-.nif t trv ut incn in l tr.e wnrlJ fjuht tb-ir war upaaid apiir.ot irmral ! 'iii'Va at 4?v. ry tf, ami hdr t utiJ t lst a:i f nirnrnr.t that iMiit il tn tlit is;;iraliiii end rD devors And m. of llif v-n .irs men in the aoriJ have (airly flight tiit-ir ay downward from ao t-xaltt-d gta'tmr; piiat in life, rt-M-ting at evtry sp ihe Laoral iriliut'Dce and ittrainis m hit b temled tr their pikkI. They have not fa!'eri, liut Lave 'e!i'j ra'tly f ua.l their aay fm-ii i g-l envirmmmt to a bad one. Aod a it Las 1 tin to it is to-d-y. Men are making their own choice, and are tarai'.'iins tipwarl or doanacrd to tiieiromn place tifdittiny. An l ti.- permits !i tin m, each and ail the f riv ieif thi !cc:ivf 6trrj:'e witb i s o:. ,u 'net. Commerce on the Great Lakes. A fe months airoa collision in me Sault He. Marie Canal, that connects Lke Superior and the lower lakes, tem porarily blocked that important water way. Alarming reports were at once telecrauhed to this end of the country concerning the probable disastrous effect on il.tern trade. An enormous pram t innate was represented as delayed at the Superior inlet, aod European shippers were seriously admonished to arrange without delay for the overland trans shipment of their cargoes. The obstruct ion was fortunately removed in tima to prevent serious detriment to any large body of traders. Lot the incident strik ingly illustrated the intimate relation be tween this narrow Western channel and the fulfillment of commercial obligations on the At lan tic Coast. This condition is emphasized by the official report, lately issued, of the year traffic through the St. Mary Falls Canal The valuable "transportation" bulletins of the Census Bureaa was shown an amazing increase in the yearly volume of all lake business. Not everybody real izes that the freieht carried annually through the Detroit River has for some time exceeded the total exports and im ports of the whole country. This, of coun, em braces a vast quantity of merck anditie transported from Chicago, Mil waukee and other Like Michigan pori arcund the "southern peninsula"; but the fact that in ISM the net capacity o the vessels employed on all the Great Lukes wasfcJ'iS'kUoo, agiin 644.6o2 lri-j, and their value, f i, S 500, ntlaiin f J0,oy7,4o0, constitutes a startling exhib of the grow ing popularity of this water route. From Lake Superior, according to the ollicial figures, 10,191 vessels, stean, and sail, weie locked through oaring th-sea-on of lsyl from Aprii 27 to Decern b-r 7. This number was slightly smalU ' than the number for la'.H). Le-sinao' and lets grain, other than wheat, passe" through the canal in 1S91 than in lS'.fO Of wheat, however, there was an ezcei of 22,'t'.r.M bushels. In other word about 7 per cent of the entire estimated w heat crop f the w hole country fouu an outlet by means of this narrow slit in the Michigan shore. la ten years, sino the Government assumed control, th yearly volume of traffic has increase nearly seven-fold. Nor is the movement altogether toward the East. Nearly 300. OX) 0o0 tons of merchandise were relurn- ei to Western consumers bv Eat-rn shipitra during nJ the ratio of in creane closely corresponds. With thee facts in mind, it become clear, not only that the present can must be reckoned a highly impjrtan. factor in the study of Eastern commercial problems, but that "deep-water" agita tion pos.iises a vital interest for the en tire population of the Atlantic seaboard. Tne restoration ofthe American merch ant marine inut necessarily proceed slowly, even in view of the vigorous ira. pulse administered by the present Re publican Administration. On the Grea' Lakes, however, the Western spirit o enterprise has not contented itself with the mere multiplication of old-fashioned schooneis, tugs and b.irges. Shipbuild ing there is prosecuted on an original scale, nd from the Cleveland and other shipyards have already sprung as distinct varieties of naval architecture as the old New York packet or the flying prow of the Malavs. When Doctors All Agree. It is a fact well established, that Feo auary and March are the most trying months to aged and enfeebled persons. Pneumonia, influenza and kindred chest alllic'ions, are m ist liable to get in then deadly work. There is but one thing t do ; build np and fortify the system witl a pure stimulant. Medical men all over this country agree that Klein's "Silver Ace" at jl 50 per quart, and "Iimpoesne at si 25 per quart, stand without a peer If you w ant fine six year old Guckenhei mer, Finch, Gibson, Overholt, or Bear Creek, you can have them at 1.03 per quart or six quarts for $-5 00. We are recognized headquarters for the choicest brands of Wine, Liquor, Cordials, etc Goods expressd anywhere. Send for complete price list ; mention this paper too. MAX KLEIN, SJ Federal St, Allegheny, Ta. Bits of Wisdom. Manners carry the world for a moment. character for all time. ii you jrouid please a woman, praise her children : if vou would please a man praise him. Tl mere is no power on eartn or in Heaven that can undo what has oflce been done. Laboring toward distant aims sets the mind in a higher ker and puts us at our best. The only reason why children hate sermons is because thev do not under stand them. Hope is itself a species of happiness and perhaps the chief happiness this world affords. The heart of true . womanhood knows where its open sphere is, and never seeks to stray beyond it. Every n an is in some sort a failure to himself. N; cne ever reaches the heights to which he aspires. If the beet6 become frozen bs careful ,ow you feej t!iem if at r J0U m,y r'a' very dearly for the experience in the loss of milk if not of a cow or two. ware ' Be- . . A woman s aim is 'to look her best but she'll never reach it without perfect health. For perfect health, take Dr. PjCfCe S Favorite prescription. All the func- : i , , t,onal rregulantics and yeak- n5CS tnt make hfe misCra- tie to women, are cured bv it. It's a powerful. . invigorating: tOHiC, and a soothinor . and strengthening ' ncr-inc purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, j For ulcerations, displacements, ; bearing-down sensations, un- natural discharges every thing that's known as a 44 fe male complaint " it's a posi tive remedy. It's the only one that's guaranteed to give satisfaction in czvry case. It co?-ts you nothing, unless it helps you. You can afford to try it, on these terms. 'Can you afford to neglect it? j ja The Physical Trainiiig of Boy. Boysoflo-day has-e grsat advantages in their physical traiaing over too of ten years ago. It is easily within the re membrance of those of us w tio have riot been out of college so .err long, how the mere nniition if football at home brought down a n ru o parental wrath, while unrelenting prohibition followed u ck t'. Si"i -o'. fue gun-i wa-i then an enigma, and the newspapers added horror to the mystery by printing their account-i of matches in a manner calcula ted to hill the blood cf anywell-reg-u'ated housthold. Gradually as the , sons icdaee! their parents to view the sport themselves, the prejudice wore away. The game finds favor in sch'j"U fr no Mine to Ca;ifor nia, and the result is a generation of lads growing up whose pnysical baauty and healthful condition put us ofthe la-t gen eration to shame. Our very sixteen-year- old stripling can outrow, outrun, out- iin, outride and outdrive us; give us points on foot "all, baseball, and tennis ; ud Happily devoid of th-it sickly pallor peculiar to the student of ourday, knows quite as much, with the ruddy glow of uealth on liis cheeks. And yet there are to bo fjuo 1 s i nie few trial do not favor athletics for boys! The glorious influ ence for good that sports have on the lireneral education an i welfare of both noys and ifiris lias n it beua to be appre ciated. When 1 ee a buy w ho does nol take his play hour, I regard dim with as uueh di-,pn-l a the man who never hfs i kind word for anyone. Plaj is as nec--ssary to boys an i girls Jas Wat r is to a plant. ittiout it the growth of theoi e s restricted and nnhealhful, while the ther, having fewer resuurcta, dies. I have been t great sufferer from cattaih for over ten years; had it very bad, could lardly- breathe. Some nights I could not leeuaad had to Walk the floor. I pur cha.-'ed E! s Cream Balin and am using it freely, it is working a cure surely. I have advised several friends to use it, and ith happy results iu every case. It is he medicine above all others for catarrh, and it is worth its weight in gold. I thank i sl I have found a remedy I can use ith safety and that does all that is l aimed for it. It is curing my deafness B. W. Sperry, Hartford, Conn, It is a co n mon Ik-H- f among farmers f s omi communities that to plow the ;ntind when it is covered with snow is eneficial, the snow serving as manure o a ceitiin exeit. This belief has urobably arisen from the fie-t that the 'ailing snow brings donn some of the caseous matter in the air. but the real benefit arises from loosening the aoii aud permitting the air, frost and warmth from the sun to reflder portions of the insoluble matter of the soil available. Flaster is an excel'ent fertilizer for all kinds of biguminous plants, such as clo ser, peas, beans, etc. It is sulphate of lime, and is soluble in water, thns being 'mmediatelv available as food for p'ants. It is said to absorb and retain ammonia from the air. As it is a very good ferti li.er, and but a small quantity being re quired for an acre, it should be used on all farms w here grass crops are grown. As soon as the season permits, the earth may be removed around trees and a search m ide for insects as they w ill then be in an active condition. Before re turning the earth, use plenty of lime and tshes, w hich serve to destroy many of the larvae of certain insects. The peach 'ref s mav be looked over for anv borers 'hat were not removed in the fall. Iflimeisto Vie applied during the prinz the application should be made s early as posihle. It should lie air slaeked, and in as fine condition as pos sible. It benefits both light and heay Is and from 20 to 40 bushels per sere mav be used. Alcohol ra r'cchol to Mate WOLFF'S Ac ME i k;no. Alcohol is good for leather; . r 1 1 rtlittkin. Al v hol is tlie chief 'e -t .f Oiliiine, Florida Water, and tl.e !.!! known face washes, 'i ok t: v.c in Dothing too ooktly to use ao d La. her preservative. A; tic Blac king retails at 20c 1. 1 r.t tl.:it price sells readily. Many p'ei icsoaition.ej to btiving adress ij t 1 l.irkinir at U and 10c a bottle !.;it:ii y r-::n:i. it understand that a black-"r.-i:i,'0'lo.ipiat 29c. Wewant tomeet ' -1 itli !icnt:r.es if we can, and to to ::';-!L-!i ti.i;, wc o:Ter a reward of i, r 1-'. !i r iil enable v.s to n:d;s : Ac:.::: Flacking nt such a price :..il rc-r. prcfiiablysell itatlOca V'c 1. 1 1 this offer ojxn until 1 S3. " C r. J.r30LP3. rhiladelphla. KothlnsrOn Earth Will LIKE Sheridan's Condition Towder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Stront and Healthy ; -Prevesta all Diacasa. Good for Moulting Urns. It m aTwmmtp'T pur. W.?til enscrrtlmled. la qoaa Jrr tm:i ot a -nnr u&i. Si -!.T on-foc 1" u mr sinn.n m. tnr- i-ine "(tw lnnr call aire m $M . m n1 ix iu pr Tr- x Kanr-." an one cu'nitf. If loll run I c " oend I aa. WeniAj nm. vi 2 si A I I ! ri $1 A ix radn. j on virr- F'licirj itlme t.l. pr- 2u , i fr.- !' A t ir lrp ir ni A. lSam4; cupjr ifTrir p. lt-iv 1' 1 yn 1t-i- 1 .Jil!I.SMjSni.tln.i.aHo a-St., Bocs. JUaa, P.MAROLO HAVCa M D. BUFFALO, H. r Agency for CAVIAT9. -4 TV9A0E HAPVS, rrlr4 COPYRIGHTS, tc F"r Infortrsftti'ia an fne HsnJVxA write to Ml NN A m ,i i Bkuauwat, Xev Vors, Kverr patr-it tinr-n ou t T t-rotvfat bct, Ut fuU.c by s tMtot ciTt-n tree o: cui7 in thm 'cifutific mcriran 3rrr ation of arr arimtii- prr In tto h-jji llr liiitral. o Intel, laocl a oral : .a - he it. Weeklr, 4.i a Jar I V i o.wii.1 A.WnMt!iSUI. f Hlil-.SiS tttuadaiT. Nea Vora. rttftnifrai, e - .,.-.-r.n . Mini tin.l fttl Toeichem .lasatd adTatiUrea 1- K.rdior.aulLSM.othrPTjtMLtr1' rpt" talakt)cuthe Pre-fdeni. - T -wa. A a. AQSCiOSS, . D. a u li D3 y ! ; jZ obst cases co 5 to rot I .l fiejwSTAYeURtOiruaeoii.f I ' lxV '2-,cTI0,,"icl ?av S f J (al?tow.'-rUr,A "l"T VAhif' I i i -j ii anHa. ammm atat or ifcA"r jlHTl I 1 Cvav aaTicTlai'! Fi I i I i A nA . i 5 D I LABOKlriG MEW x.oss off ixarrr: is costlyi ft, it y JTttr fi - I t-MI l ut i iii curxvvt iui iucviisr:lr irom Indigestion, and Inactivity cf th Liver, Kidneys and Bowels, and n torvtllje sj-atem to nitu ral heal Ui an J vigor. They will PURIFY cURE THE BLOOD Irtce CV. per box. 5 tor 1.00. For a by an Pnis-ir.i and ieuVrj In medicine prepared by HERB MEDICINE CO.c Weston, W.Va. THE POSITIVE CURE, f jSSsfi SCHMIDT JiUIZBIJVG. The Largest and Most Complete Wine, Liquor and Cigar House IN THE UNITED STATES. DISTILLER AND JOBBER OF Fine Whiskies. IMPORTER KOS. 95 AS'D 7 FIFTH All orders received by mail CONDENSED TIME TABLES. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Somerset and Cambria Branch NORTHWARD. Juiii4im Ji".H E'p'-. RiK-twKvl 5:3n a. m. b"iroerei ."-i;'i. Stoyeswwu :-lf liuoversviile Jotutrn M-t3 Espm. rtockwaod ll.Vi a. m.. .trmrv -;,. rtoTuiw n 12:M. HooTvrnviliv l.' w, Jnbiioirn l:.lu p. m. Svmmrt ilrwnm'i'taiVjn Rork oal r AO p. m., txxuerari 6Mi p. m. Suwtitf AtmMmtsUititm RoekwotMl U:.t5 a. m. SCHTBWARD. Mail Jnhnnuiwn 7:4 a. m., Hoovrville K :;l, Swyowa K.i .Sumrot '.i.lo, R.nnnooJ 3.41'. rp-JihtiJtowTi 3:30 p. m.. IIiwerviTt 4-Ki. Anyliwn numenirt 6:01, Rot-k wood ttoct"ywl A-mmmid.ilio Somerset :I0 p. Kucfctroud t JS. SuKilnv A'mmnrirtfim Somerset 5sl p. Rorkwood bub p. m, m., pr:XX.SVLVAMA RAILROAD. DISTANCE AND FARE. Miln. Fr-. JohntoTD to A I'.mna ii 1 " " Htn (ir lTu1, S 11 " rhildi'iphm..-.. 7i 8 ."ii - l,p.ille Inl JT'i 7i " irienhiin?, 47 I 41 " titi(iarxh 7 .ii huliimnrr iV.ii 7 (.". - Wablnioa ii? 7 7 . XINIIESSF.U SCIIKI11-I.E. Trains arrive and llt-nart fnim the nltiitn at Johnstown u fullowt : WESTWARD. Oyster F-jpri? . WtU-rn Kkpre JolmU'iin An-ominodatiun. 3:12 a. ro 6.J.t a m 7 In a. in, a. in v:t a m 3:. p. n S. Hi p. in M-.il p. m t:o-J p. m. fcxrre Pacifl Fjtnr m. Way IVwiikit i n 1 1 . Jobmumn Express.. rftsi i imt, EAST ARU. Atlantic Fxpres . , Sea Sh.ire Fxpn Hariibiinr Acwiniundatinn. llay KxtirvflH , , , Aitnona Exprws Mail fcxpre-K . J'ihntnvro Accommodation-. Unla ti lphia Exprew tut I "- . r. a. m. . ft 4" a. ih. . :.'4 a. m. . 1 I ' a. m. . li-til p. m. . 4 li p. m . 7ii"i p. in. . 7 l i. in. hi-.V p. m. mm I Catarrh. SMELLS UlLL- BRtDJaOTBLCOUGW, INCIPIENT CONSUMPTIOS, MY- FEVER . fl$TKM. ETC- Crculara Free By PETRY0GEL. Somerset. E- Oils! Oils! The SUnd&M Oil Own pan 7, of Ptrfborrh Pa niaMa ruMiallrnrmaiinr. c .V " -mm turnip HPT .a9 Domesuc uma I be A&esi brau'i of Illuminating & Lubricating Oils Naphtha and Casoline, Thai can be made from Perroletim. . . railed PRODUCT OF PETROLEUM If ytm wlata the noat onifonnlj Satisfactory Oils - IS THE Ajnerican Market, 4k for aora Trad, fc, sner ln1 rlcLnitJ nppiid bj (Wi: BFKRIT" xk tSX Ait. A KiiOKER. aoaaaan, Pa. i ira -TR.ltD I TAKE CARET ST. JACOBS OIL, THE GREAT REMEDY FOR PAIN. CrEES RHEUMATISM, Spralas, Bruises, Cuts, Wointls, Soreness, Stiffness, Swellings, Backache, Kea- rzlgia, Sciatica, Bares. iK'l' 5--. 2 r ' 'JU.4-J? -uY . a i h w U'liikXY VKHETABLE.; A POSITIVE CURE FOR SICK HEADACHE. AND Rheumatism, Nervousness, Hrna Mimnti Co. I I LKkr ptMAurr in ertlf;irif that liii- l.ioT!ia Viii lk iJVka PI1.LK is the ben rvntrdy for Sii-k Hnulm-br and Neuralgia, andalldlwurs.risbu.-fmmador. mnou. u mant omdiilon of Hie divtlv 1 ' Toprka. Kas. and excretory orvan. 1 TELEPHONE, NO. .66. OF V AYESI E, PITTUB CRGIT, PA. will receive prompt attention SPECIAL OPENING OF TRIMMED T Our Misses' and Chil drens Hats Are prononncrd by all as the HANDSOM EST and tiie MOST ATTRACTIVE e have j-1 slioar. Comf, and bring yonr a-ife anil rtii!r?nn lo the store of BOIE & f AUD, 41 FIFTH AVESTF; rittshurgh, p. Sportsmen's Headquarters- V. S. Brow n. No :c anl bsi ooi utreet. Pitta "U", iV, hanail the latwl improved Kint Anna, m.ii.. i i.his aj wvin, laew d ivrr wens rhra:. r, n-l I ha e me larawt ork In w i-u-rii Priin a to ,.lt -t ftura. .So hort.lr itrnda am! ail (rnarunieiii. i n the ladiea 1 would. Kay tiit I tiave tiie lant.t Mu-k ofstiean and Bisaom uniiet ity;ttiiaboitiarren and reir, and mate a;l kinis of txU.aal liclit inarliinery. hinrtinjr rood of all kinds, amuuuinoa of all grade and ;zex iseiitt for llluxrad CalaJofue, -FINE OLD- WHISKIES And, Imported Uqnon aoM la bal and by the e, epeciat uiiea : OLD Cd.Biy.IT, tom MOO Kg rrtLM HOLLOW, GUCKKXBEIXZR, risews aou)t:x k-eddj v, 6js5o.vs.rjrxj whiskies. James nenneiwy. pg,, DnBoi . Cocnac, Wilbur 1, .. 1. v' ' D'ai aiit-rTT o-riiai. - AIHl Bediord and .xmiert Fun Ky hiskieaT with mge. FISHER & CO., 309 Mala street, Johnstown, P. 4rtav to brietry i Mlltrt m b wm4 am 4 w me, mn4 Im i'rr rutimfiK.a, nil wm:t. hko to un 1 Jrr Imam- ucaittMW. wlacT TOT tWv Hr. I 1 -nil (Nrraiah -rm that t. ! clatv r wviuif and treiT Mtla nf ! nt wfiU. m wbaw. ixi Wfr a ttmm Irk tBiftUict ar '.-uSHtT. I bsU li.c nbir i in A I cxr.ak. At aa - "-. -W--- . MI cSHiTiTnCi Receipts and Expenditures OF THE DIRECTORS of the POOR AND HOUSE OF EMPLOYMENT of Somerset County, Pennsylvania, For the Year Ending January 4, A. D.f 1892, T OHX IIAMER, ESQ., TREASURER OF TIIE TOOR IIOLSL OF J SOMERSET COUNT V, in account with the County oromerset Pennsvlvania. for the year ending the fourth day of January, A. I'-, liJ-- No, - wmeraei t otiotT lor order No. of 1 Carried forward.. KXPEXDITURK8. OUTDOOR EXPENSES So. Amount forwarded By amount paid for outdoor reliuf. - VtMlnri traveling einei malotexanre ehildreu. Act lsl.. 3. 4. 5. . h! 9. la 11. li IX u. is. at HarrifOuiw " director traveling expent . malnteuance. at tiixmout " ( I II. pautvra... .. " Eiwyn Scliool, FeeMe minded.. " foDtatile feci. 44 Jiwtlcea' feen cotiveyina l. U Faupers " telt-ranus . ' f-otrius - K R fare. O. D Pauper. medical attendance. 0. 1. Paupera. EXPEXSES. FOOR HOUSE PROPER. By amount paid for dry gtiodi and clothing " Tnhaifo . Wheat and fiour Acl'lcl.ulter - Hardware and tinware u - oil, aaltand bfamia. " uirr and molawea. " " tiniceriea ' fortee.. Fin. beef a id bacon Potatoes- - Crackers and rice Bba and leather .. Con I t'onstali'e and Jutie' fees . ( anlinif and weaving ri-iei. mationery aud printing .. Fniit and threshing ......... imim- and oufflns Vim ear Medical examinaiiuui Amount forwarded FARM EXPEXSES By amount paid for farm implement. rimming . 1. By amount paid for Plans. Labor N -w txiil.lun. .. !Saioke houM! .. " Hardware . Kei tilir and lime.... " Repairs " " FaintinK " Lumber and freiuht. u m and plaut PERMJ XEXT I.VPRO VEMESTS. EXTRAORDIXARY EXPESES By amount paid for Vu-e!man fund Furniture live Un-k - Miim-y on a -reeroent Anes!ment Poor house Removing houia: .... 1 riMiram e K R. expenaes SALARIES AXD WAGES. 1. By amount paid Attorney and clerk L C. Inmlur Fred'k Welier " Alex Hunier S 4. 6. 6. K . 10 Win. liickey... Phmician 1 V. I arothera . Clerk to Ca Aud aelt C. F. 8chmucker Janilor. TreaMirer John Htmer. . Chaplin Frank nay lor Conk - TDE DIRECTORS OF TOE POOR IX ACCOrXT WITH SOMERSET COt'XTT, PA. CR. HR. 1. To amount of eatimate lor expenae . 14nW.nl 2. By amount reeeivl from Co. Cmmbloner a on above order, t 13.?. M i By amount of erti mate unexpended to credit of Board -i ccouxtof c. c. sirssELM.vx donation Deed book 62, p 73. CR. 1. To amount received from Co. Comm'a., in t By amount extended fur newnaper. etc By amount unexpended to credit 01 Board DIRECTOR'S INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT. FREDERICK WEIXER, POOR II0C?E DIRECTOR, IN ACC t WITH SOMERSET CO. 1. To amount poor houe crder So l1! I ;;ll, o .. " lsyl . ii.CO 3. By on year'i talary as Director W.00 .'0n S 5O.U0 ALEX HCXTER, POOR HOUSE DIRECTOR. IX ACCOUNT WITH S(.1MERSET COfNTV. 1. To amount poor house order So. 101... 2. " lwl 3. By one year'f salary aa Director WM. DICKEY, POOR HOUSE DIRECTOR, l To amount poor houe onler N"i- 11 . - - lil By one year'i salary as Director .. o UTSTANDLVO ORDERS UNPAID. Yr. lx 1-91 1S92 No. I To whom J. M. Fike. L. Morrell it M. 374. 2 3. ' 4. ' S. 12. 14. IS. 3U. Si. 24. IS. 'J7 2S. 36. 3. M. Ftke H. 8. fimmel Jno. Stuutnau S. C. Lotme I-avina Berkey Mary P. Firestone W. j. JohnKiQ 4l Co.. Ii. M. Gnus Ruain Rice ... . .. IrCi Ryan J. H. Kantner Irvin M. llooer Hxter Lape Andrew Inhr .. Jaa. L. Winter! an Kimmel.. , Chaa Will Rboads Bros. - We. the nnderalmed Anditoc of the Connty of do certify that in pursuance of the 47th Section Toan-iilpa, etc., paiwed the Sthday of April. A. i oi BCinerwt, on tne4ic nay or jar nary ij, ami aner oema uuijr .worn, ato aumu ifiiivi ana net lie the ieeral account r-mreii of m by law, aereeably lo the leveral Acta of Aawrorily and anp plemanta therein, accorliii( tn the bet of our juihrem-nt and ability, and that the foregoing are true and correct statement, of the followinir account, vix: 1st John Hamer. jl. Treanarer of the Pu House and Bouae of Employment of Somerset Conn. ty. with aaid County of Somerset. -jn. I ne account ot me i. t. Muweiman irxnimo. Id. The ertimaie accounta. 4tb. The individual aceuuntt of the Directors of the Poor, with the County of Somerset, all for tl.a yrar 19I. .... Tte aaid Treaaurer and the Director weredulr then- bunki and papera, and they did ro appear, and produced their booka, orders, billa, vou. hen and papens i"ee ummona attached.! In teatimony whereof we nave hereunto let our handa and seal! lhi the Sith day of January, A. Artiar- A.C. HOLBEKT. ciers. nnrtf inn rtimr imimr i DUUI ANU OnUC nUUQC. I HE NEW ROOM li itl DIBERT BUILDING. Corner Main and Franklin Sts., b where Mens, Womens'. And Chll Fuotwear. arena' Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICEf can be foand, in ilylea of all makra. Iam prepared to compete with one and all dealers in the State. All I a? k U a trial. SCOTT DIBERT. Receipts 13 r. 4 l.OftT 4 - dL - Miwwlman fund. Ruurher loan intereM.. to balance account. ... 13.7yili4 t 14,'JBI.OS Dr. f It 9H Oi I Vr t STil ; 34 .11 1 ;mh 1 liw.-so M 7.1m 60.m 6 is :t ii 47. S'. l.ti H7 .V lUbUf 2,241. . ..- f M9.WI 11 , " Xj. ' 40 41 H Ift .: 77 i'.r j I'All t 27iW- . J7fir,; . SW.7.-. I 46 v; .. l4rt.V, .1 i;.vn7 77.W .'. 4?&M -j f.i'.f--I ;!:ll 19.fi" and Prothonotary 'f leea.i . : i i ai.uul ij2 ,i 5,1.61 IU.?.' OS I f 120.01V jH.rti a- n 411 40i : 101 (l 64.jH t It-no' S11 s - .4a.V:" ; 4W.li; i I 7,wa67 I 14..Vi Wi lOI K:! on.' l?0ii 1H no 170 ! 1-J.oO t 1 Directors. , Col born.- t .iann nil "1 l.oon 10i 6 Oil 411.'" 40.V 4.-.0U I :s(Mi t 14.yj4.06 f 14.M4 06 14.CU0 10 S 14.0OI0II PR O.I.0II of Musaelman fund 11 II "i l.s 4-i to balance account.. w)oo S ao.nw $ iri on ."oo t un) I JO.I.i IX ACCOUNT WITH SOMERSET COUNTY. t ixiai .1 50 f ."j.uo t auou iiwued.. , A mount bumwary ...$ IMW ... I 31 no S'.I4 1VI1 H. 00 MO aim 5.7S 4S.SO 4 ll ( '2 7!! I. H MJ .SOU lo 11 ' S.i 2.00 l:lfi.C 2J.2! i 2.' -. Someraet, In the Commonwenlth of PennTWanla of the Art, enili led. "An Act relatlna to Countiea D..18t4." we met at the seat of Ju'n-. tn the Cnnn- inimonal to an near before the Auditor, with T. D BROCCHER. seal. HERMAN SHAFFER, 1-taL. Ju. u BAV. siaL. W. 88 FRANKLIN STREET. JOHNSTOWN SUPPLY HOUSE. JOHN H. WATERS & BRO. PLUMBERS, ST2AiI A2D QIZ F1TT223. We are now ertablli. bed In oar new bnildtnf whleh, we ran safely aay, b the beat-arranged Ujt oar buaineai in Western l'ennylTauia ETerrihina penaininK to the Plumbinc, Steam and ba bun new e.mcd in atoek. We will, aa formerly, rive ea refill attention to the 8TEAM AND HOT WATER HKATIN'u boa ineaa. Unr former eftbrta in ihi. line ,nha oine of th. largeat boildingi ia the county, with entire MiceeaL In the St'PPLT DEPARTMFVTwa earrra ftiTl line of Riihhe nd laaiber Belilnr. Steam and Water Hoae. Valrea. Inieetnn Lni.rieaim. -i'rr. f.ai- 'Hi r-ipe m ug, Ktc irlcea auoted on appUcatloa. THE NOTED SPECIA , 1ST; Drs. McOHan nrd Salm 1 Ik & n- .... '.ft-' ' - I :U ? ' PR. MORU'Z SAI.M. SI(0chi!i..t. , DR. J. J. Xi CUA.i. an. . WOXDKRFUI.LV SLCCI-FL'L IN" ALT CHRONIC DISEASES, iiseae of tiii: Ear, Ij3 Itet tes, 2pi Yza C:i:::j SrO All Eye OjKTations uecON-fally IVi-formcd ly Tl.i-m. WILL BK.IT SOMEHSET HOUSE. SOMEKSi T. THURSDAY, MARCH 10th. O: c uv Cinderella Stoves and Kan NDERELLA- The !t 1 .V r ! 1 '. facti.in. 1 ru-1"! i iiju ... I and ui';.-t' d ! a ii v j aid llll. ll'l i' rtii!F -1. I cause of iM'tnariy h'i 1 ' ' RRTl 'IT fllf 1 Ri IN- I I ! . -.1 f-'i :oi.i; . Ik ri.i.M i :i Exar.ii-v t;:- Tin '. r :' Pitt-tmrth S.ld ai, i x i;i: l. l i; . l-T JA.MES D. IIOLDERBAUM, Sonn'rest, Pa. Kri.-iner t Kurtz, DwYm, Pa., un.I P. J. Co "r .' on. M-jvtr-J.i!:-. Pi. IT WILL PAY vora to at r T ii Jlesjiorial Work or WW. F. SHAFFER, 80MKIWKT. PKXX'iU Extern U'trk r'mwViI.rt stirt XJic, mirsis ii mm m Aim, Agent vr tAr M UITE BXQXZE! Pemn In need of MOXUVENT WORK will find it to their in'c-c.t nim'l at my -,b.y -rh.'rn a proper liorina a-i!l givn thetn. a-r.' YEKY LOW. j invite pe, lai at'.i'im.n t.j U.e Vhita Bronze, Or Pure Zirto Monument Intmdnce.1 by REV. W. A. RIN,. n a Peci !-l lmprrvemni in the p.-.intnf MAll'KIAL ASH CtA.TRl'lTIO.V. and w!n. h u ,!ti:!,-i to t the Popular M.-nnineiit fi r oar Changeable t ii tnato. aa-ClVE M A CALL. WJI. F. 8UAFFCU. Louther's Main Street, Somerset, ?a. This Hcdsl Dra? Stcr. is Raridly S::cr.i:: a 3:::: Favcrits Trlth rocph in wcar:h cf FRESH AUD PURE DRUGS. Mrdici)ns. Dye Stuffs. Sj ougifi, Trust, Supporters, Toih-t Articles, Perfumes. X'c. 'Mr mTok i.ivf- pf.hmin i iTr m :fi n i hs 1 1'M'orM'iV'i r Loutiiar's PrescriptiGRS t Family Receims. UKEAT CARE BELSG 7.i.VA.Y TO ''':'':. f SPECTACLKS. EY And a Full Line ct Optica! iool- iiw;ns en rarul Kr such a larire arnrtn;cnl fill (an f)f suited. THE FIHEST BRANDS 0? CIGARS Mwajs on hand It is alnajs a plf .i-ure to displa. .Mir 4 to 'ntending purchasers, whether they buy from us cr elsewhere. J. M. LOUTHEH, f.l. D. MAIN STREET .... SOMERSET. FA Somerset Lumber Yard, ELIAS CUNNINGHAM, LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS- Hard and Soli Woods, OAK POPLAR SiniNHS, !'KaKT-. ASH. WALNTT. FLOOHIM,. ? CHERRY. YELLOW PINE, PHIV; CHESTM'T, WHITE P'.vK, a 'enerai i..r.eoi a.i ra,!., f Las.r aiul 3 Ain ra" furnish anythlnc !n the line lnmr.iii,, mj,-!, a, Krai CUNNING L I E Office and Yard Opposite S. &C. R. R. Station. Scmerss GIYE TOUR B0V3 A C.IF IF ' r - t III I I - - -T Jv .';! A.F -- ..fx YOU CAN FIND TH'3 a iia In Prrr-Bra.. it.. ,u'l,1 A'l.ert..in d Aren a. ST02T EPwCS. rliMiuf at ruaa j na wui ewirai m aii.mu t e J h N on lv lv. c:i earn jjr-'- - - ' i : ! !-:k; si i ii.N r: , hX n;A I.Ait'.E A:i II! . :.:rc 1 l.y IieUV.EX x -till.' to El Cvcr QO EeautfijI r ; c k.' Designs. Drug Store, U A "l- ? RE AS7 (1 LASSE.S, Vnri.K!X''.i 'ASH. STAIR RAILS. ii. WifliU BALl'aTSK.-1 Lath, eli"1'.'-. : i'cw Mii-e-iai -. ! E. -? of our bi ia to .ir-i.-r with a.". - kets. tal.!- t.l wi;rt. e:;. -i 3 iSstCun-' 'ro7.'.'!. -f. J! I 1 1 i j( 3 i t i