The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, January 06, 1892, Image 3

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k Somerset Herald.
'-C3S B. SCTXU Editor.
January k, iar;
-lie it K'i.
t to
it-'' cn-
ccfb aloae.
ilrlss Sell o Sea-day.
cards, ictwo sixes, are
r i
o'-3 sad joag at Snyder's
.-- eS'X'7 postcJSces in this
,-r r
" :io E;t bcT in th Ia-
" ..; i Carlisle.
T wbojote mast shoot the grip
rea t tJ IL
"hi advertises ber simtal
:- ; week's rwtier.
s e -
1 srbife birthday tall oa
"l-lo-.-a this w and wait four
i LsAqaa:1er few choice
t,.boo aad tiae cigars.
, - -,: ear tis-bts Lilian
' - t. Hfhf baa frequently
c in. ire mooy. besides a
vt beea a smile in heaven
r "7. t,car recently announced
" j 1 be i onrmarioa clasp for
tii "females"" at .
si ?ve, and warranted, go to J.
J-s E&rd" Siore, Somerset.
tr-tin reland --ssciation
f t:ur-oJ. indorvra Jain Harry
"--Isa Coar:y, a-a candidate for
-T't indorsement was made
- - -
-t: s-"- wr3
.."--xerr. Fiour.
snd cls whiie
hand a Mahlon
Feed and Grain
. --r of Hoati region. Pi
' frfeofcharye ail the grain
. . - in addition donaie one
e? J-a given by otters, aad
"-'crtoti sursisg E.3s-.act. A
- ,cr ii fn be shipped.
t i is-i"-1? .
t I i.-; ii SL-ajeLhirg marveioas. It i
J f 1 r-.t rf m in the
.j; :troa: and lacg trous.-e, and
cy iV.r whooping cough,
'ficv County Commissioners
cute a number of regi-
vla have rt-fasod to perform tha
. k' j.. ci to wiiich th. y were eiect--..
:i.:r fr aegieating thus duty is
, -j v.-t-r of o'r dijconiert made
2 .:?r ty Ayer s Saro;ari:ia.
r Tjerf-' E-:cine so iavieoraue the
- ii errch4 the blood that cold
i-poeiuveiyeojoyahye. Arctic
-r p-juii da weU to make s nole of
i x.t .?-ri:g from weak eyes or
t ti.js, a at J. '. Snyder s drag
ci m i.-J-J wi-Ji g'-aases to s-ait yoar
:,z cainot a?jrd to negiect yoar
p-b'.ic:ion by Harper &
- jf Ton Moire s notabie book.
-.-.r-rj-9A H'or, leads interest to the
-;-t f-t goidier had another aids
jr j-t thowa to the world. A se.eo
j itttt to his mother and to Lis
- i.iSJ and Ludwi ia promised
- u.t jear. These letters cover a
i-ariy seventy years, and porVay
s. it-v and charar of the man as
no other pctiioauoa could.
: . It', to consult Prof. Eamael S. Lit-
, itjjfjeN Jaa. CiandTihat tie
Exi t-.or. Sa:action gaaran
a?nar.echargei male for proper
4'.. ureaoa on the Xew York
V..'jei. whiie leaning oat of
vat tmck by the mail traia and in
t t .irJJ n Uiiy, Pa, on Mondy.
.' ?jisin of the Sicciy boys, wno
nrr i it this place. The remains
to Li.- borne at Ltjocier. The
ri Tt- i-jnd-ag on a siding lo allow
u n 'jj go uy. anJ tne rt-arcoaca was
main trait. "ia-y leaves a
; ii-a he wa mamed Iececnbtr
Heeld shoal i not forget
. 5 yier. the drafzit. can fit their
f r:z rii a weJ as any opticaa.
;:wortix years experience in
It iLii' glassrs.
i'.-it ha reoeatly secured a place
r:i x u trlruitural department for
inrafi old master in the days
Tie lajy was brought Bp ia
-ti .7. but lis fur trti years ex
ra: fTirtion: and wbea the
,-ec;t-i w Secret ary E
aP" !
"j an! pathetic aspect.
It- Iulas wis once the chattel
- -: t Ituer and was actually sold
i . i au ox or a male, be not
-J Liiif in ber behalf, bat
-. ". 1 1. tr; ti own iastrnsseotality
f.rst. Tu facts came oat bowever,
y.-r vit.
r-T-i car of low grade flour in
Aii 'i.'. Eeductioa made for ton
' 5 sr'ar who Tuesday eight killed
r.ndiey and attempted j
-" tna J-ha J. Nesper, at Phi.a
i identified by bis heart
's t ier. He 1 EAert J. Cascades
J veil roonected socially, and
' i-at pTnt jed h:m to resort to
uf money is a soaroe of sur
v - knew tim. On the vn
" t:sirf be started with bis brotb
1 y-aiiul ectertai client. Tbe
'' f. htre and bert proceeded to
f Co. Cot . which be was
- m-t rxji when the crime was
' ta a tnatoc aooocat of tl
-ritij,t;e to try hi a foe nar
4 -t i-s cVjr-e-
v:it of capitalirj are at preaeot tunnel from a point
Piifls-m river below the Fal la.
rock under tbe town a
" ia, jWOt H) a pj;tit onder
'"T .L'f river aheve the
it L- rr , . .lV .n
--b moved by water torn a
'--if l-3 tie river above. By so
-jea u gain a force equal to
- " nvrsrs : with which they will
' c 1 "-': pant capable of L'gbtiag
" ar.i tow- of tbe Tniies Statea,
eacpeej ir p;ant capaw of
J - :se er.r a.-s within a distaaee of
- ;a It is tbe greatest aad most
"r.a-prise at present underway on
-"-, tni if it i successful will
-j- u sia
motive power
ij-.i, arfcade ber rt
i t York society lam Saturday, j
Ac orer her wi4ow '"ih" i
him socUy. t-be
swr in the world
v- were ri reflated affert
ostt. He in vital acme
La inciieiital.'y A
' l " sat fcoi acd ruxis
t'r isuii
ea.-ji. Eal igt. his sbos;
a Jew saoottM ag that
Ljcjuw frosB tij ine4Bvrcw
. t tj i y other s man's in Uj
a lo have bonds and
otjC--ai Pjor.h $Ki2,:Ji',C 0.
, -enoteat eau. mongvas,
" - 'W. Ijj aj Said be
a of tL wetaik4ti
r n,
ti -wm tTe over $ l tv.
fieaOl aetart Vi v),J0i,
Roads Las
Tbe Hciau b coder;:rfis to Seoa
tor X. B. CriTcb:14 ir Ta!nal poblif
Masra V-3er.of Lull Tost oc. ti r
tnroed from lii ttt , TJt w fcieaOs ia
tb state of Indiana.
In janjpin from tbe rear door of P. X.
Scbeil s store into tbe aHy bug, a distance
of aboat six feet, Wm Ssylor. fthi
nstained a painful tyn.ntd foot. Sataniay
Jsry Cottaassiooert Da&iel W. Saylor
acd Sjlomoa Eboemaker took the oetb cf
oSce Motday, and Fniay or iatotpay wi'4
draw toe naokea of jurors to serve at Febru
7 5ra of eocrt.
W.ILaai Trnby. of Indiana, Fa- who will
be weU remembered by the dtiirns of Salis
bury, Pa , vbt, several years since be was
r-Ced as a jeweier, is lying HI at the Kock
d Hiuse, "-xkwl. Pa.
Oar friend Ed Eichardsoc, a Shade town
ship boy, who has beta chief of Johnstown's
police tor re ever since that big town becaoa
a city, was pi '.J.ub-d with aa elegant pj!d
watch Nw Year's morning by tb members
of the force.
At a meeting of the Ihrecuirs of the First
National Banc, Sasoriay evening a divi
dend of three per cent, was declared upon
the capital stock and f !.. adJd ta the
srp'as oct of the eamtnes of the last six
John JwefT, clerk at Parker 4 Parker's, met
with aa accident a sw days xi lijti bos
causd fcim to go to his hoo in Jenner
township for repairs. He was djicg some
wort aboat the gas machine wbva a heavy
weight t!i on bis rljtbt foot crushing it se
verely. H place has been supplied by
Wilson Shaver, vf towaship. a
former employe.
At the meeting of tne member of the
:krue.t Bar, he'd at the law oSs of
Messrs CorJroth i Rap;4e Wednesday evea
ing. it was decided to tender a banquet to
the outgoirg and Jadgea on the
esenina of January iv-t. A o.-mmittee if
five, with F. W. Eesiker. Es- as chair
maa. was anointed to nke all necesaary
Sisooa Kaut'er. one of r.nbersvailey's
mt prosperous fisrmerj. d ed after a few
dajs iiines. at .1 o'ci 1 A. M , on the 2ta
alt., at the hjme where he wjs bom, spent
hU childhood aad lived acul he ciwd his
eyes ia the sleep that knows no waking oo
til the nal resarrectioa. Ky an hocest, cp
riht chriatiaa life Mr Hanger Las won the
esteem of ail with whom he came ia contact.
He was agtd 5 at the time cf his death.
BfU Ermri.
Wastii.gion Uegauaa. the weii-kacwa
builder and contractor of bia p'.a.e was
taken saddesly ill while attending services
ia the M. 1- church Sunday murn:r!g. It
was at Erst feared that he was su ierlng from
aa attack of apoplexy and that his death
would result any minute. He ws takea to
his borne and a pnysiciaa was summoned
who soon learr.ed that be was suffering from
aa affection of the bear: and that be was ia
no immediate daDer. His coaiiiioa is
greatly improved to d..y.
El L. Fox, son of Samuel Fox, and La i
ra, .-idest daaghter of Cyras C. Schruck, of
Soaterset township, were married at aooa,
Tboraday. IVc Sist, at the borne of the
bride's parents, by Her. A. J. Be-d, of the
Evangelical church, in the prssence of oa:y
relatives aad immediate friends of the high
contracting parties. After the wedding in
ner the happy young bride aad groom took
the afternoon traia for FiUiburg. Oi their
return from the wedding trip they will re
stce ia Somerset.
The additional eiiiag room oa the Con
ceilsvihe read, ceceasary for the proper
handling of the through ew York -Chicago
trains, is being built ac rapidly as possible.
Five or six miles of track, at various points,
it now ia prcfrees of construction and wil
probably be nibed ia time for operatien
with tbe inaugaraiion of the spring schedule
when it is thought tbe through service wiii
be pat oa. While this additional siding will
relieve the main track. Superintendent H-.-S-brook
is not satisaed with the amount aad
more will eventually be built.
The county auditors met at the Court
Home Monday morning and after orani
tlcg at once j.r'jcfedoi to elect a clerk and
attorney to the board. It was deemed ad
visable to elect ooe person, a lawyer, to
fill both positions. There were several ap
plicanu,butA C. Hoibert. Zs , was the
onanimoas choice of the board, aad was
duly elected. Mr. Ho.bert Las served in a
similar capacity on former orcvions and it
familiar with the duties, and besides, be is
one of tbe very best men that can be found
for this important and laborious work.
The osual noi-y demonstration was made
on the streets Tburslsy nirbl :n welcome
of the New Year. Promptly at 12 o'clock
I the torth was applied to a large pile of box-
ts aai oarrels ia tbe pub.ic square and baa
I dre-'ji of young men aad bxys paraded
! aroutJC tb fire tooling boras, beating drams,
' sboctinr of are arms an 1 cans Ued with
rock powder. Tbe dia was increased by
crowds marching cp and dwa Msia street
ringing hand bel aad cheering in chorus.
Aboat 1 o'clock it was decided that the New
Year had been sufficiency welcomed and
quiet aaifod orJer aaia prevaiied.
X press msssage froro Washington is aa
thoritv for the statemeat tait r?e?reiary of
vrr. Steven B. Eiaica. has appelated N.
uwit - I - '
K.rim is aooot thirty yea's of sr aa j a na
tive of E-kiick towasaip, thi county. He
was principal of tae Sjcjerset oorouga
schools for several winters and was one of
ta most successful aad p..ular teachers
the schools have ever Lad. For the past
three or four years be has beea employed by
jlr. Csias as private tutor lo his tK.ys. The
announcement of is appo.atraeut Wiil be
welcome news to bis box of friends in this
Jury -Commissioner Kepple, of Westmore
land Cooaty. iires on lae boundary line
near LeecMfX. lfbas ctoi o Greeaa
barg by t daty. be aoa cot taie a drive
of a cocpie of bora scroti cocatry, tvt
drives two miieJ to tb raJway atatiuB at
teeebbarg. gJea dowa tU Vast ftno to
Pittoburgb, and tneooa by Ue peonsf lraaia
Railroad to Greeasbnrg As La is paid six
cenu per mi for mileage, ia addition to
bis da:iy salary, the mileage bill is a large
ooe, as be pjea back borne by tbe same
ruuadaboct way. Mr. Kepples last bill
rendered for mileage was 3 0 miles, call
ing for t3ri-
That Ohio postmaster w bo has a draft for
six cents from the Post 0 rrtnjent is
bLdoee. Allen II Ejeenkrans, postrraster
at Peafieii, Uear4ei4 eoaaty, unief Cierp
land, at tbe cioee at uce qavfAir Up crt-t
foroae-half a cent An li uvraB33i ia
calcuiating commissions aai oa aaoiiier
oaarterof year be did the same. When
bis accounts were audited tbe Treasury Ie-
prunenl aoiiilaJ Mr. Ej-akrana that be
i , K. rnited Sta es cent. Th
iaonnt was imrcx-u Je- VJ mi
to Piuabargh. the proper receipt returned
aad tbe on draft forwarded to Wash
ington. .
The Pittsburg of Stfcrday obtains
S rat of its now oeariy c-jmp'.etel PiagaiS
cect new baaingon Fjni Avenue, few
rp trop SxithfcJ Ptrort. The new
j wm building is bc.H of taa a t expea
m.f saw-ais affr- h 'a ei co"'
t,; m-re jot rrti ttaa
oLhee ofl Widl-g M Jitaburgh. it
be Caiahed laroa&oat wik til U lh cost
approl cocvenieaces aad will be a saoaei
borne for a great jwroal. During the e ghl
years of ii n-eisce trie T-aa aa svesd. y
erd ahead oatil nw it tt reco-aiied as
M viij one of tbe Ses-bag jwaa s of
reaasylvaaia, Ut of ttt Tatted ftu.
ThepcatoSse at Jecner X
Urn made mooey-orj-r of c.
Judw Bear' L-aat OfficiaJ Act.
Hon, J. H. Longenecker was sworn ia
FridUy momicr as President Jadf- of the
aixteectb district, coot posed of Bedford aad
Somerset coantier. at Bedford. The oath
was admmissared by Jahte Bser, ia tbe pres
ence of Judge Wbiie, of ladlaaa and Juds
Dei a, of Ela;r. and the members of the bar.
The last ocia! act of Jade Eaer was the
granting of a new trial to Job a Dan, con-vii-tei
of murder in the first degree at the
November eessiocs for killing Jack Carson,
in Everett. Afier this decision, by conser t
of District AUoraey PeanelL Ieaa was
bro-ight into court aad pleaded gai ty of
murder, the osderstaadlng being that, ia
view of the character cf the evidence, the
jodgs was to fix tbe grade of the crime.
Tbe judge then sentenced Deaa to the west
ern penitentiary for U years aad 10 months
Grand Army Banquet.
Tbe roll of E. P. Cnmmins Post. 3. mo,
G. A K . carries tbe names of l'l eomralea
in fjxl standing. Seventy lire oi this
number aiwered roll call New Year's
morning and were present at tbe installa
tion of otaoers elected for tbe pre-eot year.
Capt. W. B. Keller, of Fisher PoA, Nx S,
Johnstown, was present and conducted tbe
installation caremocies, having been detail
ed for that purpose by Department Com
mander Boyer. Following are tbe o3tce-
for l-f2: H. F. Knepper, Com.; J. F.
Beaciy. S. Y.; John Pagb, Jr. V. ; Geo H.
Love. AdJ ; J. M. Cook, taar. : Erv. F. P
Sylor, Chap ; Dr. I. M Loather, Snr. ; A.
H. lias ton, OSrer of tbe Day. Tpon tbe
cone! asicn of tbe ceremonies at tbe lode
rom tbe " vets"" fell ia line aad marched
to tbe Opera House, here aa e,rsnt din
ner had beea prepared for them by the wives
and daughters of the members of the Pjst
The anneal report of the E. P. Cummins
PjM contains some interesting informatioa.
Not a single death occamed anong the mem-be-s
during the year. Tbe relief fund was
only eared cpjn for HZ 7". The cash re
ceipts attheanaual meeiiog amounted to
pTT.'". Cash in tbe treasury i's Tl. Tew
Posts ia the depart aaer.t of Pennsylvania
ara ia a more healthy cond:iioa. physical 'y
aad Caat-ialiy, than S. p. Cammics Post,
No. 210.
Are Wa In It ?
wfi we should say we are Lave been in
it cp to our eyes ever since tbe great annual
Eed Letter Sale commenced. Oar counters
have beea sky hith with coods, and while
in some cases we found it impossible to wait
upon cu-iomen, soil we did the best that we
could ender the circa oistaacea, and endeav
ored to accommodate all. Goods have beea
goiag fast, and while many good barges
still remain, they will not remain long, so if
yoa waat to take advantage of our Erd Let
ter Sale cjme It will only continue
three more weeks, whea oar first arrival of
ear!y spring goods ia due. Bear ia mind oar
Ked Letter Sale only comes ooce a year, aad
aiiyo2ers opportunities not to be had ai
any other st-isoa.
Pieces .t fiiitL
Farmers' Institute.
The third annua! session of the Somerset
county Farmers Institute was called toorder
in the court bouse at 9 3u a m. Tuesday
A.J. Cose, of Summit lunLip was
elected President atd Albert Berkey, of
Q jemaaonicg towr-hip Secretary.
Se nator CritchSeld introduced the speak
ers from abroad. Hn. John A, Woodwar ,
of Centre county ; J. T. Aiitman. cf Juaista
county, lecturer of the Petinsylvaaia State
Grange: Wa Frear, Profasaor of Arncuitu
ral Chemistry. State eoliege ; S. B. He es, of
York coar.ty. who will deliver an illustrat
ed lecture aa Geology ; Secretary Eige of the
State Beard of Agriculture, E. E. Critib
Cdd of ML neasaat. Pa.
Following tbe in' rod action of the above
gentlemen the regular program was takea
Jacob HoSman, of Jenaer township ml
a very intelligent and forcible paper on
" Reforms needed ia our Eoad Laws."
Shall we keep bouse or make homes?"
was the subject of aa interesting esaay read
by Mrs. Robert Pick worth of Vuemiboning,
A vifliin solo by Master Robert Beacbcy,
J E.k Lick township was generously f
p.aaied. EepresetitrtiTe farmers from ail sections of
the county were present and the attendance
promises to exceed that of foraier years.
In Honor of Judges Baer and Long
enecker. The members of the Bedford bar gave a
sumptuous banquet Thursday aiht in the
Hotel Waverly, in Bedford, in honor of the
retiring aad iacuming jadges. Hon. W. J. retired, and Hoa J. H. Longenecker,
who sit sw.jrn in that day, for a ten years
term, were the guests of bon jr.
J. P. Eeed presided as toastmaster. Tbe
following toasts were respmded to : " Tbe
Judiciary," Hons W. J. Baer arid J. H.
Locrenecker : " Tbe Beach," Hons Karry
White, of Indiana, aad John Deaa. of Blair;
. The Bar." John H Jordan and ex JuJe
Hall: -Tbe Jaaior Bar," E. M. Pennell
and Frank E. Coivin ; Pn-feeional Eth
ics." Hon. John M. Reynold ; " Oar Cun-t-y,"
Hons. John Cesna aad K. C. McN'am
ara : " Bedford County," aad a song. CoL J
W. Tate.
Tbe baa-juet was tbe tnest ever served in
the town.
Tak Notice.
All persons owing me book accounts will
please call and settle without further delay
by cash or nose It will save trouble to
comply with this request.
Mas A. E. Tel.
A Mountain Due!.
David Vyers, a well V-&3 firmer lives ia
West Yirgtbia, jast across tbe Fayette coun
ty line, ap ia the moaa'-iins near Brucrtn.
A few nighu ago a atran gtT tut to his
bouse and aked to be boused and fed for the
eight. Hospitality was extended him aad
later when it was about bed time the strang
er was shown to bis room above. On y a
few days before Joswpb Eeckaor ha-i b.n
robbed and Myers was afraid that tt-e man
be was sheltering was a spy there for tbe
purpose of helping to rob hint. About ten
o'clock Myers beard tbe man get out of bed
and went cp to see what was wrong The
fc.low drew a revolver on Myers and the
latter jumped opoo bio and took it from
him. After wbitb be kicked him out of
the hoose. Tbe next day tbe same maa and
another stranger returned aad remaining
down ia the road, called to Meyers to bring
down the rero.vtT be bad taken. Myers
C'.i them to come cp and petit. Tbe men
tbea threatened to burn Myers' bam if be
d.Ja't bring ihetn the revolver. Myers re
fused and one of the men started for ibr
bam, swearing he would bora U. 11 yep
got his squirrel rifle and started towards the
nara aiso. Tbe man be bad kicked out of
Lis bocse tbe night before, drew a revolver
at this time and tired, the ballet striking tbe
door jam at Meyers' side. Myers then f ail
ed ap bis long rifle end fired, striking tbe
rt shooter a glancing blow along tbe aide
cf bis bead, knocking him from his horse
axd c""-f J ecrrlbte g-tsh. Myers then ran
to fcim ai bra besting tie cicn with his
g an. TheotMsr jtaa d- sot show op aad
Myers would Uae killed the fciicw had bis
wtfaot ioter&red and M4 bia rhe maa
was dead. Myars said if that was the case
be woo d Q i-t, bat if batbocght (be Biao
was still living bs wocid finis bias. The
man was left lying ia the road, bat tbe et
moring be bad beea carried away.
A New Year Greeting.
The proprietor of Fisher's Book Store
wiabea ia rr. nrry bis thanks to the enmer
ous patrons of lb prt, for tbe liberal and
gencroos patronage exteaea to tbe estab-i-ahment
dariae tbe year lsfl. Tb rears
' entiioris have been remarksb'y satis facto
s. , . i i i i
ry. iae.trsfeoi ieceoev, iui.uu.uj -ciall
the boV lfc
ion baa beea Uvorwi Uji iria jts
year s operu.yns- vS"ibtng yoo all a nap
py aai properoas New Year, ws are your
Obedient Servant.
Caaa. H. Ftsaxt
Big Blanket Ballot.
Tbenew blanket ballot which will be
jej ender the new law, at next Novem
ber's election," said Seeretary of tbe Com
btoc wealth Harrity lo a corrrspooderit,
"will he about tbe slii cf a isjra of Tee
As .jon as the S Cwmmissioo shall
have "leter coined on the ex--t s! and de
tails cf lie new ballot Secretary Harrity wil!
seal a specim-n copy cf it w the Cocaty
CommiasioocTs and others interested ia tbe
print1:-.' of the cScial tickets.
Thia boUot will pr-htb'y be as large as any
that wid ever be ased in this or any other
State. The names of thirty-two Presidential
electors for eacb party, the nominees for
Congress, including tie caadlJats-at-large.
and tr Sen.itor, Ei resentative and county
o3rea, must all be printed on ooe ticket.
If the Decries were printed one after the other
on a ticket four inches wide the ballot would
probabiy be three yards long.
Liquor Sellers Bonasmen.
In a written vp-akm Cld Friday by Jade
Clayton of Drlawsre concty, bis honor holds
thai ail b-.nds of hote'-keepers which are
s'ged by grxJ secttrities are sufficient under
the law, regardless of the residence of the
Anticipating thai tbe qnstion wocid be
raise! that the ai-t of Jine. 19. IK1, was null
because of aa error of refrreuce to a previous
act which it was inteoie-i to amend, bis
honor came tn'o court wi-h his opinion aad
banded it to the prothonotary.
He ssys th only mitike ia the act is ia
the date "f ap;-rov! of the law of 1 v7.
which is given as May 24 instead of May 13
There were twenty-one a-.-ta of a-srrasly ap
proved oa May zii, l7, not one of which
fcas a tit e in any repe t s mi'sr to that
mentioned ia the amending act of 1 -". L
By a earef alexamiaatioa of all the acta of
that year bat one can be found to which tbe
arnen Jing act can possibly apply, and that is
that of Msy, 11, beace it is clear that the
igi:ai-jre inteadeJ to so amend it as to per
mil the court to take boaiismea from any
loraiiit within a county instead of restrict
ingittothe ward, boroug'a or township ia
which the hotel might be located.
A Black Eye for the Governor.
Tbe Suprecur Court delivered a blow from
the shoulder at the State Alministrstion
Monday whea it reversed the decision of the
Daarh;n County Court and decided that
Superintendent of Pabl-c Instruction Dr D.
J , Jr., is en tilled to tvuij thatoSce.
It will be if memberfd that there was a vigor
oas f.Jtlit over this o?e at the last session
of the Legislature. Dr. Waller was appointed
tv Governor Bearer in March, 1S, to serve
ou: Dr. H gbee's term. On Slay 1"?, ll,
Govenor Tattisttn attempted to supplant
Ir. Waller with Prof Z. X Snyder, of'y. but Ihe Smate, by a vote of
51 to 13. refused to confirm the appointment,
Af.r tbe adjournment of the Lecislaiare
G-Jvenor Pa" napaio apjioitited Mr.Sr;rder
and issued a commission to him. Ia July
last tbe Dauphin county conn entered judg
ment of ouster against Mr. Waller
Marriage Licensss.
The follow irs marriage licenses have been
irjei s'nee our les ijrt :
Jesse Ei'-r-ir, -f B:ack township, and
Mary Jir-e Ke :-y t f Mtdd crpk township.
Eiin L. Fi x anj Lsura S-;bttk b-jtb j
skmerafcl toar:ihiip
Wiiliem D. K-ie. of Lower Tarkerfoot
township. at:d Mittie J. Phiilippi of I'pper
Tnrkejfoot towr-ship.
Amc H. I.-wry and Anna L. S-alrs. both
of Westmre and cau'y.
EJsin Wir;t.-s, ( y .emanonir-g town
ship and Laura M. Gntii.i of L'.ac-oia town-
James F. E.xvf Somerset towship and
Liirie Fisher of Brotbertvalley township.
Gract Yoder of iorcerset township aad
L:rr M. Flkkiner of Erothenfvaury town
ship. W. L. Swan. ofWest Virginia aad Sadie
E Eamesbarg of Summit township.
We Mean Business.
Persoc knowing themselves ini.bted cc
our books are reqnested and earnestly re
quested to va3 at once aad settle tbeir ac
counts by cash i-r note, as the bo..ks must
besettlt d. We sell goods at short profits
and eaniKH aor-i to sell oa long time.
Paxil tc t P.Eitt
A Unlaue Magazine.
A cni tue experiment will be trlei in the
February irftie of Tne Lad.n'i B J wvil.
Tne entire number has beea contribute! in
prose. ii:-tion and ver by the datghters of
fnaMUS pare-jtje as a prxtol that genius is
often ben-i.tarr. The work of thirty of these
''daughters'' will be r-preseat- l. Thee will
cumprietfce danjhter! of Thackeray, Bsw
:hom, I;ickeris, Ox-per.
Eorx-e Gree'ey, i!r. 'ilai-toi.e. President
Harrison, William iHin Kuwe'.ls, Seizor
Ina K Iean Brsiiey. J Twm.'W-lf Ja ji
Ward Howe. Gnral Sherman, Je2Vrjo
Davis and marly a score of others. Each
article, poem or story printed in this cum
ber basiieea especially written for it, and
the whole pnm ie to be a successful nult
of an idea sever befi.-re attempted ia a maga-
Taxed In Pennsylvania.
Juuee L.ttinetr. cf Yorx, has derided a
collateral inheritance cae of consideiabl
imFirtanoe ia favor of the state George
Small died in Baltimore about a year aro.
Irarii g as a portion of his estate s one-third
interest in a joint partnesbip controlling s
Scaring mill, res.! estate investments, tc
the whole being wor.h $iv.. The wid
ow vok one baif of her husband s interest,
which was tKV'OP. leaving ITS ( cpon
which the state claimed ccllateral inherit
ance tax of five per cent., amounting to
The exeruiu'S ccrJter..VJ that tbe esta'e
n- r o IiaMe for tbe tax beit- Sxa:l was
a tesi lent of B:t.ui'-e, an J tbe stock, being
ptrsna! property, followed his perst-a ia
.IT. and wi taii :e, tfar.y where, ia Biiti-tiore-
Te 4-trtrey g. neral, oa Ixhslf cf
tbe cjaitaor. a eaith, argued that the estate
be. e.g. aa ia;rst in a joint at-xk panner
sblp eizz-:Ji i t.jV.u- ia Per-.r.4yiVr.ia
and the real eui e be-. g capit::.f a t'otk,
thesioik sa.-acua.y within conomon of Peany!va!.la and therefore laxs
bie here. J:i3ge Bettinirr sustained tbe
c:mmo3iitt s contention, and gave juJg
me-it for tee amount claitnei.
One girl for general housework. The best
price will be paid. Apply to
Register and Efoorder, Somerset, Pa
Original if not Elegant.
A Chest township, Cl-etrfeld county, jus
tice of the peace, has adapted tne foilowijg
unique form of maT-lag. ceremony : " By
the satharity vested in me us s 'Sqaire ia
the towchip of Cbfst and county ol Clear
field ; by the million of logs that have Cost,
ed d iwi the creek ; by the thousands of Ital
ians who are making a railroad 'checker
board' of oar soil ; by the fifty Democratic
'k'tkers.' who swear that tbey will never
again vote the ticket ; by the monotonous
squall of ibe cats on the backyard fence ;
by tbe tramp, tramp, at midnight, of the na.
meroos cirirsrts who have chickens twice s
week, aad wbotiever owned ooe; by oar
fcienily neighbors a bo never quarrel : f-.y
tbe waters of Chest creek, the Suuebann
rirer, tbe earth and tbe xea, and ail that in
tbern in. I pronoucoe foe man sad wife,
acd may the Lord tve tftercy oa yoar
Card of Thanks.
Rev. C. B Graver, of Berlin, desires
ih rough tbe Hcatu. to express his hicb sp
precist.n cf the gifts received from his
Glade cf-pggation. He a so ex'ends tbanks
to tie Beriia eorspregation for a C ris.mas
envelope to replenish ihe parse, and for oth
er retaerhraaoea sad tokens of appreciatioa
by individ als thrtt:;ho-t the charje.
ft' 5-"e-
Elcht acres af improved land, aitjjining
SomersK boroagb. For terms, call 00 or
sJtL-en Ceo. Aomaa, Somerset, Pa
Public Imovovements that May be
Made In thaCours of Time.
If any one bouU tell yoa that Somer
pet's puM c '-' is b:t-i-r t'-ia .t bank ac
oiUEt. ifoa't v c b'.ovj L:tj. my b.-"y.
Tat re are few if ar.r b-is:3- u.-n ia
lbicwa whose s:gni:cre ta a tb will
cot pass: cr 'cbsrrs. Th: bfir.e tl-ecsse ia a
siow g-iinj ct'-artjuuiti- ours, and s-n-aOer'.ag
h-ow unxinuf-I we Ljve bea of
the spi.-il of proerveslvenese elseabers visa
tie. what ran we not ccniieatiy fook for
ward to when the new Sorse-set ia faiily es
'atiished and the bit of it's public spir
ited men fcas girdled tbe g'-be
It would certainiy startle many of the
older residents cf this villace ta awaken
from a peaceful sleep on a bright September
morning, long hours af'er the besy hus
bandmaa has been abroad garnering the
golden sheaves growing oa our fcriie hill
sides, and rubbing bli heavy eyelids, slowly
walk to bis chamber window aad peering
through tbe moss clad Intth-es, behold a
twenty-story granite stroctare towering
high in the air above the Glaie House lot.
Tbe groend S.r of this uraoare cd as a
public sarkrt ; the second fi xr givea op
maaicipal apartaie's, the cert fve fioors
samptuoas'y fitted up for businew offices
and the eigtn I'.oor a poblic natatoricm, fill
ed with sparkling aad invigorating water
from Eimberiy ran. Tbe rents derived
from sach a structure woali ykld a band
some profit over and above the interest on
the money invested, while the exiess could
be turned into tbe municipal treasury. Such
a public eotcrpriie is not beyond the range
of possibility and it is likely to be one of the
rst undertaken by tbe ardeit young citi
xrns of tbe new Somerset.
" Phil" Armour, Chicago's cUiiocsir meat
packer, is said to realixe ban.lrels of tbous- ,
ands of dollars annually from the sale of
beef tongues alone. Ia fact it is &ad' that
the profit derived from ttcse small particles
of the number of beeves annually s auht- j
ered more than pay the running excuses of
fcis immense plant. SomervEt is preemi
nenily a grexmg ciaty and caj italists have
J.-cg since been the practicabili
ty of erecting huge slaughter houses and
patklpg establinme'.i'S along the banks of
Cox's cretk. Now -ince it is repotted that
ste; are being taken ta bive that niaj.-3tic
waterway made car ibi.-, it is hoped that
their lopg drenipt if pians ill materialise.
If privaie eatiial is cnwi-ling lo undertake
this s entcrj-riie. there can be Co good
reason arged ty the bcroub corpora tioa
sauald not j jjh it to con.; let. oa and swell
its tr-asury with the lare amount lo be re
aiiirJ fnm the sale of tongues alone.
A pubiic improvement that is sorely need
ed by tbe pt"f,;.,. of this town, eince Mr.
Eei'r bss determined to take his p'ent to
PJ-.imure. is a flortr mill. The fcangry
mouths of this fast growing people must be
led and there U oertiia'y no reason why
their bri-xJ stuf iLould net be cbotped at
borne. Thoe who Lave hitherto or-j-cted
to hatiirding their cspital ia milling prop
erty on account cf a srarii.y of aaier can
r.i !o"s?er nri- that as an objection, aad if
tbey do it can hs but little f iree since the
electors of the town have rlsea in their sev
ere' ga power and vc-d for an exhauatle-
scf p'.y of wa'er. The "f'.ilury Mills'
ai Minneappoiis. grind 1U. barrel--fc-oor
per day. Suppose the'r pn; -: per
birre! and yoa Lave aa incotne of .'on.ii s
day or islul-O a year. As a matter tif
course the " Sorcerrt MUli" cannot h?t to
lualthe flurrs of that boCmirg we-ttrn
e.ty, but tbey can at !est rtirict the price of
b-vadforcur ptx'ple to fi-st cost aud thus
enable thera to more easily bt-ar the buriea
of taxation.
A few gifted gertletrtan. ho are evident
ly aif-tted with the Be limy theory, insist
that the borough should construct the mills
and operate tnem ia the interests cf the
cocnion wi!, and by tnls means banish
forever tb fr.ghvfl biig a bx of taxation.
This same cl of geutieiuen taaimaio and
produce figures lo substar.tia'e their claims,
that with tba ad eat of the day when the
maniupality shall 'irate all pabiic enter
prises, matured badding and yet to be evolv
ed, ihe revenue derived will be suflcient te
give every resident a pension !arre enough
lo place him beyo-jd the 'e of want
and to n lieve him of ail physi-a! labor.
The wnter c lieves mat thi s.:b?rae is scs
crptin p ti obj-ctlocs which mist Irora tbe
very nature of Utm prove fatal, ia the
first j.laoe no c!u cf men a- ntiiled to
poc-ioa exoepticg thoe who .rvel ia the
armies of their country. Sec. nd'y, it would
establish a community which would bt
nothing to do tut argue religion and foreign
po'itKS. Ana thiru y. it wouij oe contrary
to the I'.vine leachir.g concerning the man
ner by ahich wr shall prcca'e i ur breai.
A steam bea'irg plant for burin ss blocks
and dwellings, has beea cast: ally reerred
to by a tew specnlaiive persons. It would
be a luxury that would brirg j-jy and o ra
fort in more wsts thea ct e and wuaid re-.
J-ce tt cost of aarmir.g ot;r bon.--s to
minircura. But t' at is not the greatest
boom it woe! J cenfer cpua a long suffering
and tceih chattering pul lie. TbiLk of the
lives that are annuLly sacrificed through
having to live bctseea cold wails in ihu
town; go to the 7 and read tie
t-sroes of the hundreds eha have aid the
per.l:y ol their iigtaca or poverty ia
not rrov.dirjg sgainst the cruel blast of
tnurr. By ail means let our poiple enconr
ae this prt-ject and if ce.-Bsary. let the bor.
ougb authorities grant the promoters a sub
sidy. A general steam Leat.n g plant would
condemn at tace ihe barbarora practxe of
chopping W'd and carrying coal. Such a
plant can nttd-ubti-lly be ma is self sustain
ing : in ary event it wili tsuse many a halo
to !ii better in tte sweet by and ty.
Whiie the rvple cf the new Somerset
have been el&jw.r.g their way rabidly ta the
front aid arc iealL.r. iheraselv-. of all the
con. forts at. J luiur.ti cinl.rrJ mia has yet
dev.seJ. they Lave a.J b-t little aiteniion
to iht soii. uiun of Lie. aid bar j.rjvid
eJ do amM.u;cii: for ihcir hours of r-laxa-
aiion. An atieaij ha.-been male, howev
er, to orgaciiean orchoira o: several baar
J ed piresrs. The in-trura-nUi tsve Ui-a pn
j ccred but the ;f:frtacr htve i-ot yet be
I cniefoil a.jaa.u:ed nu theaj. T; rt
&!. cuaccrtjifra by tL.s ofgao titioa
occorred oa the night of D-ex l:i b, aid was
foiiosed by a ptoocd and ai .-ra Laraioniuaa
use oa the lt ittw
We have a tt xk a !-t of ch.l Irm's Hoods
of latest sy les that we wii! sell ai lees tbaa
cct, Sz. to -": ecb With seme excep
iioa a I roO'fs ia oar store will be Sold st
Cot for nex- . days. We make this offer
to clear our shelves ai. J counters for early
spring goods.
M. M.Taxr-wxxi. Co.
The HntLS will pablis1! death notices
free of charge, tat hereafter will charge reg
ular ad vertbing rates for res.jilai.ous of rr
fpect a4c3iei by reiifious and social jrgan:
utuons. prln, resoiuti-ons v. a be of
no benefit to '.ha deoeajej ai l are very to
interesting re&ding to tbe I: ring.
Holidays During 1892.
Monday wili be a great holiday during tbe
present yeai. tVfsbingtoc's binhday comes
oa Mocdsy, and so does Memorial Iay.
Tbe Foorth of July is also billed for a Moo
day, sad Labor will be celebrated oa a
Christmas is down on the calendar fcr
Sunday, srj will therefore, be Cf'ebratei, op
Thnsgisir.f day nd eieclioa day ar
the only holidays daring the year that will
be calebrated on aiv ether 1jv eicept Mon
day. People who believe In lack and are super
stitious, may decide cpon Monday as .
lucky day daring l?0i
Bucklen's Arnica Salva.
Tbe best Sa've ia the woiid fcrct:ts. brais
es, sores, ulcers, silt rben-n. fever sores, tet
te'. chspptd bands, chilblains, cores, and
ill slin eruption', and preitively cares pes
a: no pay raieed. it w guaeantel to
pervxt sat ilLnon, or money re funded
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. X.
Snyder, DrugisT
How to Address Cart's of Invitation, j
Before tbe free deli f err system pre vailed '
in American tities it was ihe custom to take
invitati-ocs to
balls, parties aad weddings
arutnJ aad deliver each cne at the dir of
the nrts invited. This is st-H '-he castoai
in cl ihectiie?, but it does not prerll
tc -nd extent, ss the postal free delivery aa-
swers tbe po-pese c iit as tf..
ana '.lie o:d
tfr'.f :-ivcired era: of ctserrs'sry j
la'x-r I'oder tbe old enstoc. the cs-ls of
iavitatioa lere placed ia envvkfea c;,a
which was wriitea Mr and Mrs. Joha
Smitb." No directions we.-? sided, aa every
This is still the coshom wiib regard so th
eavelore holding the cards. P-Jt now. when
bey are sent ihrocgb the maila tbiseavelore
ispluceiio another on: which sealed, and
Virh U written the fail sd iress, with
street number acd name of the city. It is
fepoai to preserve invitaiiotrs, for awHe tt
leant, sad tbe outside eaveic p is disc? Jed.
as the postoSce marks aad cancelel stance ;
. x . t -. . i . :
do not kok neat
in a card uatet :a tne
reception room, aad besides ihi-, if there be
only ooe envelope, and it be sca-J, when
this is broken there to nothing in which to
preserve tbe cards of ic vitatioa.
Tbe Eed Letter S of Parker 4 Parker
is now in full blast They have a large aad
splendid stock to select from. Parti that
call early get tbe plums.
NewYear-e Maalms.
T. Dewut Taaage ia Ladies' Home J";
Make it tbe beat year of a.! your life the
briebtewt. tbe happiest and tbe best Imbue
year heart with tb freshness of the mora-
iag, yonr soul with the spark! of lb dawn.
Esolve by good dee-is aad thoughts to mats
this the moet triumphant year of your life.
As sera
of .Sort m:rcs to carrv w.b
Make every dav beg-a and end with tod. j
Be content with what you have. j
Have a hearty, joy fal family altar ia your
clomc-tic circl. j
rill your home wiih as moch good reading j
and br.gat music as your nirmns --
Think ill of none, bat well ofal.
If fortune f. von yoa think of mothers.
Doa't sham: be real.
Keep bay and yoa will keep healthy.
Eespect all sacred thin.
Love God.
Mld-Wlnter Excursion to Washing- ;
ton via B. & O. R. R. j
Oa Tbnrsi.y, Jaanary 11. the E. & O. E. j
R will testa the anaua. serUrs of mid wia ;
ter excursions to Washington from Parke-s-
Wi Wheeling, ritubcrgh, andaUiaurm- j
diate rations to Washington Juactioc. M l i
For this aa for similar excursions during
tracedme winters tl.e B. 4 J , wi
off aa exceedingly low rate, aa unexcelled
train service, aad every accommodation cec-
easarv for tb mmfort and convenience of
rsseVgee.. all of wh'cb should render the
trip s very desirable one. W.lh each t r.e
ceedirg season these excursions to tee na
tional capital ere growirg in popular favor.
Washinstoa is full f attractions. It at-waj-sis.
Congress is in seseton. The pub
lic fcaiidiags, the White House, the muse
um and tbe art gslleries are always op-a to
vaitors free of charge. Then. too. lhre are
to be eeea the t lean? private resi Jerice. U.e
broad avsnnes, the spacious parks and tii
cuniteriess mocutuents.
T:okea will be vsd for retu-a psssiue
tf a dsys after day of tale, aliosiin aiuile
time for visiting Mt. Vernon. O.d Point
Comfort, Elchraon 1, and ether a.'jaictt
P0'01''- . .. . ;
ckeu from Pttt.bOTra. wbeiirg ani :
it,temedlate points to Mart:r.:tt:r;. a-e va.- j
id to Baltimore. j
For rates of fare aad lime of trains con- ;
salt arvpended table. Fc-r cc-tumoditir 1 s
on Puilaaa 'ev. nz o-Pi.-- r cars a-idnsi 1
on Pudaiaa o. r-.-r cars o
aearcH o. a v. mgr ,
Uitt. i Tiaa xt-t j
R jctwood V- "atii u to am-fiiio j
l.j nmn T.5." i.' p. ra.
4 )
, 11.14
" 1 i. a
' '
4..V, I
A4lr.KitaitTa:6 laare c uatiercd T.40 aal
$. V a. sa. aaJ lUi v. 1
Corresporng low rates ir,m otuer s ,
tioas. j
Parlor Cars on day train anl Sipej-'rj :
. . . ..
Cars on night train.
The Jiew Year ia isasgarated by us ty s
great reduction in j-rices ail ar-ounl
JJ M. Tsxi wett i Col
Will Com. Out on Top.
Trass the Jahnton He.-si-l.
T'., IrmAi of T. E. Marshall ill be
pleaed to learn that oa Fri ia; his assignees j
paid one-third of h-S debts, or about !;,'..'.
In about three months another pivt-l j
equally as large will be mi3e, and three j
months later he will be able to pay otTall j
claims. I
Pre-ideat Harrison 3 daughter, Mrs. Mc-
Kee. bis written her ti-st a.-ticle. It treats
of -lb Trsming of Chiiilren," and sill be
printed in the February issue of Tii Lxi.a
. s
The foiiuwir; let'rs rvms'.nir. ia tbe
Postooe at aoaierset, will be seel to the
Ik-ad Letter 015c if not csllei forwithia ten
dsys from January C, Iv-J :
Eoyer, X. J ; Hoilijay. Mrs. Jessie ;
Hutdine. Ma.ter 31 ; M-yers. Mrs. Joba C. ;
Xiccleni3, Hsxot ; Paia, Jiraes A. ;
Perria. Amos; Snafler, Hen-y ; Sevhler
Eebrd ; 6haft. Xewton ; Walker, W. H. :
Z-rcmerman. 3laiia .
Js-:sb KtiLra. P. V.
Bak.rsvlMe Items. i
Ts measles bsve been rarDrsit ia this vi- I
ciclty daring the psrt few weeks.
L P. Crlse got s chopping mill lest week 1
snd is now resdy t. serve his ne gbbors ir '
tae way cf choppiri- tbe:.- com anl cats.
It is reported that a tew miller will soon
takechar-eof tbe Henry L .-hr miiL
Henry shiag, sr . wss seri.isly ill lasl
Sunday, but Dr. S. B. liiller. of lavacsville. :
was called n4gi tie oli geatlemsa re- j
her. i
Ut Monday our yoanS fri-d Tcrrmy
ana .--fmr Aomwio, wi.w .
stay one yrcr. j
Oa tbe ?rh ic.t., Ioiti ?eT VVt. livlr.g !
near lhi place, depared this liTe. A ""l "
years. Mr. West wss bora in Japr. H !
land cotinty. Obic, sad followel egir-r- i
irg aad smithing for marty years. He was ,
s fine snd ingenious workman, kind hearted '
sad bocest ia bis dealings with Lis neirb- i
tiors. He was lai J to nst in the Lutheran i
grave yard st tais pce.
Our Saadsy -school had a Christ tree
on Christmas eve aad every person prrnt ;
i' in mkiIi ind 11 There!
were maay pr-sents 0:1 the tree, among j
them a well filled pars for tbe istor and
his wife.
Oa December ie.b, l?f'l. Jesse Reubrigbt,
of Miiford township, and Mary Jane Keliry,
of Middlecreek township, Somerset roan y,
vrvr.RiV At Hoairoe' losa. P Jab.
- .
t.d, li2. Pora Ma? Jaf". davuthter oj
jama ii. aad Lnciada Mejera afed3 year,
J months aad V days.
Uiz'r.esx of all ia Lcavcng Pow-r.
i t 1 A TT l't.,i, PI P
The Failures cf a Year.
The cerrjuiule laiiures for the year I.-Ji.
as retorted bv the metrantile a?encr of E.
j G. Dura J: Co, indicaie that th nnmber of
i foi-ures ia the rnited
j s,-ai-.t 10 ta
states is U,27o. as
lie fo.lare ia 1
j 4re gr? ster ia number tbaa ia any prtrioiu
year x'.i:e the record has ben iept by this
. aeeTM-y, runc';-g ba.k to IsoT. Ia aouct
of liibtlii-e. bosrevw, th cgurrs a"e a'-r-st
rrecisely the same as tbot of the y-'sr
' previous, amounLr j to $1? C""0. The
smouat lot, therefore, does cot exoetJ that
of the prevtoas year, wbild the aversje f
eacb failure is $15 471 ia lril, as against
j ft- t jr
J Your Own Fault
; If yoa do cot gets perfect baker when yoa
i buy the new Eanse. The Cn-dereila is sold
j and guaranteed a good baker.
It lasts lon
ger and looks better taaa any other oa the
market. Sold by
Jas. B. HoLcxxsitrv.
8ooerset, Pa.
Here We Are Again
with orn
Re L. Ss
j C4mrllrtlci toiav, and each dir
j tbercafter for 30 dav,. it which time V
i , . . , .
cff ar meet of Dry
j amr e iia, e-.c, a. cei.
time for Barons.
: ?-:ach T-ack tilk, pnee $!.&. R. L V
1 " " " !l " " t
! -i-inca .-aua tiro i-fJ si-io
4i iach lk Warp Cahm. '
- - flo
;.in.,n B:k Henrietta ia!l wcl.
ii. L. S3
4i-ia-a P.Ik Henrietta all wooi i
, . B- L f
4-u:b E.k Hennrta sj woo!
V inch Uik Scre .ail wool. f E. L. t 71
o.-iocb. - " !.( K. L. n"i
H-ioch " Cichrrere " '. " '71
iach " " " te " " -i-
t ol'd " " " " i
u i. - " 4)
Uirit L CViord ThI Corls o" " " 4
:l-nfh Pia apd Fancy Snir. CaoLai.
S It I- -M
0JVin h Plain Cacbrc. i" IL L. 2"
Velvet and braiieJ triancs to match
atooet. lo the iKHirsUf tepar'aiect we
will ee!l berst rakes 1'rr, tnthatna
Were 50 cents kei Irttr s ceiiU
Lancaster .icgham were IL L. 7
mini' oa i
Ar;iCKtn $ o
Strif sa l Bird (hilir
(. irolh i
oJ anl 1; 1 j-l Jetter cvr.
u p;t-ivs ioxa Cectary Ciota were
letter -" j
Vj f iecrt i;'-iriih Crown Siteenj mere 10 i
an I t Itti-r i
Americaa ladleo Biue Ca!itve cett
Merriniac and CVjcheco lark Clicoe i'.
Light Oo'iTrd ?tirliii t aiic-.s 4 cerii
Comfort Cacoe 4
Columbia Shining cena II. L. 7
Amof-ky I ft s "
IS A b:2 Job hlnia;- warth l.'c
R. L. 5.-.
Bleach-! an i ruWearLe.i Cotton Flan-
ne R. L 3. G, 7, V
F.r.iwn C-o:orel Fianne.s K. L. 7, 5 an ! f i
Llea-'heJ and Unbleachtd j-hetin", '
P.ilow C'ses, Mus.ts ani Tkkm,:
at co-t. ' l
In ir Cloak aoJ Shawl '
we wiii oder Lonf sn 1 t;ort IVor-aC,
Cioth Jatteta and hawis rwrara.eiis oil
Irn't f.r.ft th irrf-At l.r--.r.ri n Vi.
Mai kets at 17.-i and . i.
K0 ptir, Caruias at r- a) I m and i
51.0 a y.i. ,
V crira Curtalaeu at 4 o-7 aa.i i
Sits j.-r yard. I
In the Comfort, Illanket and FUr.r.el J
IPrt"ent toe W Lit, r-e.i. Eed aad ;
K lia-wi. Colored WackeL. Cox-1
forts SDll Errfcj n,I v-.j-iped W'ooien
I Unnel tsve been marked wsy dosn. j
la the Linen aad White CkKxb Iepart- i
raeoL We will otfrrTah'e ll"t-n Ni.a:r !
T.ivp'a l"rTlfti RaI stnrti.lj I;!?, iA '
! 1 T-!"L . l m I
t4rn? 1 aiie 'o'oois. uitiionr;. aii.1 ia- i
trf. We have a fill sxk cf Nct:ons, t
Cor, Hosiery. Haadkefibiefe. 11k fc- I
i ;K . 1 . s 1 e 1
I - ,'I ra A'n-J . t ... ,
vitwu www as svvriu 11 U I To. t
,a .Bto. Fun3iabi, -,,1:: i
we c fl r tiioves, Siiirt, Xei k Weir, miv
penJer, I'nderwear anl l"!ia. at '
cost. A fc-w 1 renvQ fercole t-intia iu . j
cents a pieve, wurth M.uu UtilSti each. !
Id B.eaihe-1 sal Unbleached .Mi- ial
we have th three b-?1 Ernis ia the
Market f. the price. I
4-4 So Nam Cn bleached at 1 certs-, j
4 4 11.--P9 - at 5
4-4 M.vtt " at
4 4 A;.;.!rton A or other
Urti-yls at 7 cents.
.V4 Lynioa B a: '. cenU.
4 4 In B echeil Fr:it&f the Lo--tj tt ..
4-1 " " Lr.nia!e at .t cer.ts.
14-4" " Warasuua hi
'44- - t.iitKJ" 0 -
i 4 4 " " h-o " r -
44 u " Hill , x -
' 4 4 " An3r-r2ia s
j la Can-t Chains e Lave
3-p iy Lic&a Is '
! o Cok-red Cotton " is -
. Fine" -
, . Cord Woolen Carpet Chain "
slir.'lp liftrin Yarn 1 lliin.l'a s' ixi
! 3 4 Table HiiCJotb Scents
We a'e cot inclined, nor caa we a;-
tora u wa-se o;ir money iur pr,r.:;r im
to a hert. aood we have not a-.t. As
I tht ci.-ir.tii is our liaoe rJtcin(f sbx lt
I tAi.a lcvcice, we Oeem u oor
! duy, lo cxir oost-xer and ourselves, to
! have tiie ijoml at the prices ajvertui.
j qs a ca.l ac.l let as show yoa the
the n.Er::sr.i i.-.i
cor'4iLu vitT-M LSifts u'i0 ue
1lc- uk, rsr. rr rvafrv,
L.'T ti: . i.fc,;c;rtl
taa . ?tt . IT-JZ r-a.;ij(.
J K-tntT W, rls. . vnlaTBe. nr i
lt-r r-Tt W ,eri v V". rtMi'Uv- atl-1
tbe Hrrv,rc .trli'v Trvji.ii. mx
ytar, U1 be nrct t'. : t ae, fif .
ri-h for
We w;il f.-mSri rbe W a'vTler-r-'n ar;'! Ji-tj
f eoaic CoOi Lral.V-r loraif Ia.e,
- o ue- lor
i Week T-rar.a vo ritineotal r.lastrste4
1 (Buaiaiy, for i Ti.
wetklj T-!erph an 1 Amerjcsa, a ricaltcrist
! ek:j T-.hfTr.taai r-r-utf ciitl-
! $1.00.
j Weekiv Te'errsr an-1 Home Jljfarne e.11-1
i by strs ooaa a. lxsna. tiajciui.y: for
1 5H1 in
jReliabls Asents Wanted I
: To solicit Siiberrrnioas ia er.rv School P.rtrict
i I.!y Tekraii. a", tr erar.
I - atti I-s krvi- W.irk.
i - - w acr:y Xor-.-, k.
1 Te e.timusi acaoaipaaTau or i 1
t siire-a u
W. Ai-Vi5Et. lUa-s.
i EarrL--ar. fa.
U. S. Cort Report, Aug. 17, iS3
Tfc Lvite jca to injrnrct our lir.e?. an l jk Joa ta coirpare oar
prices. We jTomise jou polite attettioa if joa only wai.t to lock at our
iuirserie liucs. Ali roods marked ia plain fiare-. All-wool Clo:::, 50c.
42 'v.i- Iik. Silk Warp Gloria, 73c
42-in. Ciot't RcL'ord Cord, new, $1
Crierioi.i. all crades.
rce tae neir ireaves lolact Mlta.
S:e t!i? n-.'T vrcaves Klack Satin.
Ss'? toe new -weave? Colored Sklks.
All t!.e Lte?t tLinrs ia Silks caa b-e found Ia tLIi departaic-at.
John P. Knable & Co.
Successors to Knable & Shuster.
35 Fifth Avenue. PITTSBURGH, PA.
fJrS B. VT v:',i be Pleaded to Send Sample.
13 X. Iat-a .StrcW, IIALsTIJIOUE, 31D.
REFER KSCE : Western Niti
nal Eank,
The Largest and Most Complete
!!Vine, Liquor and Cigar House
Fine Whiskies.
n. ?5 -V-" 97 FIFTH A
TS All j-Jers rr-e:ed by mail
TL-- I n. rt;t,nai4
TLis ver we Lave nii'Ie a
st-viLi ilurt 10 f-Lc-e l-e-
J-C'J1'' the C 1:010-
crt ii vxi- t!;.t tiie i-est
itiarjiifaetsrer proJuee,'u wetuiiik will jilea.-
ti.o trrt-le.
M.ns". Yo'tiii-'. Iijy's aril
CLiI Iron-" .-ait? and Over
coats. ".r st ?k Ls rerv
1 ir?. conri-tiii j r.f an im-
:.e f.
' Xe'ar Xov-
a we?, a- all ofthe
Eats, Gas anl Gaols-;
i We l ave the
FiLe.-; anJ the
; roost Com:
A--oruueit of new
, ,..,-.,. .-1. CK- 1 ,M
''-'ia k. a a", j v 'a - -
your t-yvs ua.
Wo ke
ek a 1Ij: of
Carpvt t::at will justify
a; v ..itt'o evatiiine. Also.
Fl"vr Tat'le 1
( iot'i-. Carpet Lining,
IruJetS.II:i'-, II 1Cik-S
Trunks and
We r.v ?cial a:V-Ltion to
Truuks ar.-l bl
always t-tiive in keep j'i-t
hat tie j-DOpIi- waLt ia
tiiis Line, at the Iv.vest
p.-siL!o pt i.-es. Wc Lave
la:- !y ui'arg-: 1 our
Goods Deparlmcn.ti
Fail and AVintcr !
t'.at will 1-?
to I
I p'e i-e. '
cJ o'i? ti.
I taftc. I'i.
1 ti i:li ii!lcrn 1
ia a
J lrarn wnit
j 'V'-'ire i'Lf lotion a;. 1
ifi. '"'- '. i; .t-v 1
1 fc- a-"1 sn i 'iui, wtiu a
ver t he .it ruir.os eppcr
ever ii j :-ti-:e il-uc."
i-.: t-nn.-'pie asMe. it
mi 'till I'Caiiu:-'? for us to
cr.coarae unreliable nie'.
cij. f t we woaVJ ooa
I..iC tii cxence of all.
Wi;ii tho fore join? -uti-&:ei.i
in ihial we are,
Your to CoaimunJ.
Imw & Ferner,
Ose Dr Xrta t Fwst CSre.
Sonnd Mtii House
For TU-ain ii Veu', Boys', and Chll-d.-ei.s'
5 .ivs aad f'ver-oa's. Also, for yoir
Carpets in ali kinds aad styles, from A' cents
I SI ii 1
CO-incb Eaillsh Sal;
40-iach CYxxiet Tiaids, 20c
Broad Cloth, all grade?.
Storm Serrrcs. all qualities.
People's Bank. Mercantile Agencies. Eusiaess
VEX IE, riTJi:UE.',n, r.t.
will iv Ive prompt attenLua.
bcgcizs. eu-;-3Hi. caes.:a its.
ruinisbed on Snort !todca.
Pmjuitiiig Done on Short Tims.
tj work 1 oct tt T'--'n- . vny-J
aad the iyit v ,itecent.Hy
ConRroi-tei. NeAi-v fint. aud
w amosd ic g. tc UiLdO.
boon NoQc. iTavw iLiAc N A-iia-i.
Ail Work WarranteA
Call aa tuKrme my ?iots and Ltm 1
( do Wsiri-work, and ftimlsh st ives fr Wiad
Xilia ieaeraber iht 5 lai.. aa 1 c-l ta.
(Xass oT Court bouse)
Oils! Oils!
- o-
j The a-.aini-l Oi! Corariair. fstwrvh. Pa.
ui a ;H-.-.Jr o; inii:irfcrt antj iur ttm
i ImsnU vraie lae aceA brands oi
I Illuminating & Lubricating OHs
Naphtha and Gasoline,
That caa be jca'e Ptrmieirai. w ehaneag.
otiaijTLmju .ia cTsr? uovs
f If 70c iht meet uoiAjrxIy
Satisfactory Oils
Jmerican Xarket,
ask tot oora
Traoe foe Sorcerse aad vida-ty
tv.-rplie4 ty
FitiAih S K. -.
sciiXXfaT. Ta.
septa- "Vi ft.
Uacob D. Swank,
tTsirhmakrr and Jeweler.
N it 'iojc ?. es: of 1.-th rn h ir h.
riavio fpe::l i:p a siivc in
place, I aai now p: p...i
plj tLc paLIio with clock?
an J jewelry of all dc?cr;j
ioa.-N a
cheap as the clcjp-t.
j AH work rriiraht-.'ed. Ivck at
rriv stock I. fore cuikia jour L5-
hanham Baxx,
Tbe orinal meet-TT rt ine r br'" of tS
F.r-t n'-.fBtn Hut .--a-r:. kt ire r .-!
ot iiireefcO fc loe e a I . KC. w o a tri-i
IB . ' tn k.:.(r Town in tne I xr; N.n.ioi E&sa
halilicat. Siaer-t, f . m I ;U. -an ir 1J.
li fceiaeea U. MR(a at Uirw .