Ancient History. Siaion BolSirar, the so-called liberator of Columbia, was a regular character. 12 J jcalcJ ia Karor. be was polished in manners and conversation, bat very fre quently whenxx;ipying positions of re feins;bi'.;ty, he gave way to 6t6 of pas sion. At tui-D limes he would fiicg him self into x hammock and otter curses und imprecations upon everybody nnfor tcnute enough to be near hiia. On the t.iher hand, when, as was often thecal in Lis op and 2on career, he was bat tling apiiust adversity, and was almost destitute of friends, he was mild, patient, tad even submissive. H was then seen st his verv best. In war Bolivar wasone ..file jrea:ftlco-ards thai ever lived. Tiiiie and uraia he tiole 'away from his troops in the dead of night and sought a j :a-e of safety. He was repeatedly ac t a.-td of desertion, and the proofs against l.iiu wereoverwhelmicc, but fortune was etrasjeiv kind to him, and he not only er ;pei punifchnient, but was looted cp to ss a hero, and as the liberator of his inr-r from ? Danish misrule. One man. CO'IC ' . , .1 . . .-i1! TV.Ti. in, uaa me icuici.i var the Napoleon of retreat " ; and for this, and other sarcastic language, he was eliot. Here is aa instance of his lack cf courage: At tk-nmare, in ISi, he had aasn:ivi.f about si men. with which l.e attacked a little frce of 3, under Morales. In the preliminary skirmish KJ.;var"s advance guard gut the worst of it. At once he lost his presence of mind, not a word, turned his horsequick jv around, and f.ed at full sj-eed toward Vniuai. passed the village at full gallop and arrived at the neighboring bay, i.,n,td from Lis hone, a into a boat :,:ii embarked on a sU-amer, leaving all ha companions to thet fate. rimw. Bol-ivt-r died l.ecember 17, WW. The Way to Live. To live content will small means; to seek elegance rather than fashion ; to be worth v, nut respectable; and wealthy, not rich; to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly ; to liaten to ;-tara and birds, to ba' -esand sages with open heart ; to bear all cheerfully, do all brave ly, await occasion?, hurry never in a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the com mon ; this i to 1. my hyuphony. Wil liam Henry ChanniiHj. Queer Old Santa Claus. wr patron saint cf the gift season is evidently a resident of the arctic region, for from time immemorial his peregrina tions have always been accomplished in a sleigh at least so the story goes. He isaijueer old fell -jw that Santa Claus, too, and the ideal of the individual pict ured in the minds of the little ones is generally quaint and novel. With his grent mysterious bag, which he is always emptying, but which, like Fortunatus's purse, is never emptied, with his round, jo'ly fire and plethoric little body, with his eight prancing rein-deers, which lly like the wind from house to house, old SinU Clans is gladly welcomed Christ mas eve in the houses of the rich and poor alike, wherever he dispenses his presents. A Hint to the Wise. o you are g. .ing to write to the girl's father to ask him for her. are yon?" -Yep." "Why don't you go and see him in per- . '17 son . ' The mail is better, I guess." "I think not." "But I do." "Come off. Why is it V 'Oh, well, the old gent won't choke the letter, or hit it in the neck, or kick it down stairs, or anything like that, don't you kn-w." " Oh:" Ready for the Fray. ' I see you obey military orders," he said, as he looked admiringly at her deli cate cheek. "What do you mean?" she ask won dering. 'You keep your powder dry," he an swered with sublime audacity. Hard on Milton. Teacher Try to remember this : Mil ton, the poet, was blind. Do you think you can remember it? "Ye, ma'am." '"Xow, what was Milton's great misfor tune ?" "lie was a poet." Heard in the Night. "Mamma, please gimme a drink of water; I'm so thirsty." "Xo, your are not thirsty. Turn over and go to sleep.'" i A pause'. ' Mamma, won't you please give me a drink? I'm so thirsty." "If you don't turn over and go to fc'eep I'll get up and spank you." (Another paue:. "Mamma, won't you please gimme a drink when you get op to sjtank me ?" J1j When. At the baths an important young man w alked np t the door of one of the compartments, and knocking at the same tf-tily inquired : 'When in thunder are you going to get those trousers cn?" There was a fiint gigiie, and a silvery voice rej lied : "When I get married, I auppose." lie fainted ut once. lie bud mistaken the door. Perhaps you would like to try to make your own eclogue. Here is a recipe which is said to be very gxd : To one half gallon of alcohol put tix drams each of oil of lavender, oil of bergamot, and exsenee of lemon : two drains of oil of r-Xreinary, nd twelve drops oil of cin r.iinon. A Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed- to bring you sitisfactcuy resuitsor ii: ciLse of failure a return of purchase price. n thii safe pUn y.-m can i- iy from our advertised J-r.V-.-Ut a'.ecf Dr. Kinir's New Dis covery furt --n?imptic!!. It is guaranteed ' ) bring relief in every ca.-e. w hen n-?d fir .any tffeeti-jn ofTiiriat,I.ings or Chest ''A s Cju-mnpii in, Inflammation of J.nigs, I'.rapchiti-c, Asthma, Whooping C-.i'V'-i, Cru-.p, etc.. etc. It is pleasant ;-od agreeable to Uste, perfectly safe, and cn always W depended upon. Trial bottles fp.-e at J. X. .Snyder's Drug t.;.re. Willy aged three, to Auntie, whose teeth hve leen Ciled with platinum 4 li-'l did r.ot make you. Auntie." "Who 'id thn. Willy?" The carpenter, and he has fotgrtton to tuke the naiU out of yourtc-etb." M .'.her: "Child ten, I rau't allow you tiplaya taking your dolls to church." "!i mother! mayn't we pretend that they just go icide the chu-eh Ulsrypnlv kneel don and put their hand befo: their fas. They don't say anything." r.ila i not finite three':, hearings com motion in the pooitrv-vard V!i..f ! J an ceS: dear.- L.l.- i , J ttr0E tco 1 He Drove Slowly. It is not uncommon to refer to the forms ned in many hoahold by sotce fatuiiiar name, and dressmakers frequent ly designate them as " Mary Jane." A A household wherein the skirt form had come to be called " Miss Susan," bad on amusing; experience on account of it. The form had been lent and a new coachman had just driven with some of the fondly, when the spirit form was re membered. He was directed to drive to a certain house, g-t n Miss Suaan," and come back with her in a bnrry. After a long delay, the carriage drove np at a mournful pace. " .Share, ma'am," aaid the cachman, in explanation of his delay, "they had to lift her acroet the sidewalk into the coach, and I tnought the was a very sick lady, indeed, and so I had tetter drive slow." -V. '. Trilwne. Water Purified By Electricity. The Webster method of purifying waste water bv means of electricity has been tested by Dr. Fermi in the Hygienic Insti tute, at Munich, Germany. During the course of the exper! mecta it was found that the water became purified in about fifteen minutes, the organic aubstanoea being reduced by about one-half, and the to the bottom. The small of the water w as irceptib!y improved. While the results of the tests show that electricity does not at the present time re alize the ideal of water purification, it has two great advantages : first, that very little iron is precipitated and its removal is not so difficult as in the case of purifi cation by chemical means, and, second, the dissolved organic substances, which are not precipitated by any of the known chemical methods hitherto employed, are at least partially removed by the electric current. Confidence! Yes, public confidence, that's the key ful advertising. The day for fooling the public is past, and we wouldn't do it if we could. Consumers are never "fooled" whea they buy Klein's celebrated "Silver Ago" or Duquesne P.yes." These famous brands of absolutely pure w hisky are now known and sold everywhere from the Atlantic to the Pacific slope. Kvery d.iy swells the long list of customers. Why? Ilecause the ahi-kies named stand solely on their merits. I-eading physicians all over the land indorse and prescribe them pretty conclusive evideni that the goods are just as represented the purest and best obtainable. A poor whisky is never cheap, but always injurious. You take no chances in ordering "Silver Age" or 'Duquefne," which sell respectively at $1."iO and fli" per full quart. Tackages expressed anywhere. Max Ki.eix, No. 82 Federal street, Allegheny City, Pa. The Force of Habit. A story illustrating the force of habit, aa related by a clergyman who claimed to have beard it in its spontaneity, seems good enough to repeat. A college professor and his daughter sat at a hotel table w ith the narrator of the story. In the course of conversation the professor, wishing to express nega tion, made use of the objectional form "nope." "Father," said the daughter energetic ally, "you shouldn't say 'nope,' you should say no." "I suppose so, my dear," acquiesced the father. "It is the force of habit that makes me sav nope." "Why, father, have yon always S..51 nope?" inquired the young lady. The father reflected for a moment. A dreamy smile lit up his features, and he gently and peacefully murmured, "Y'ep." IIarjn.r't ilagaz'mr Sunstruck Steel. According to Jmn, one cf the most trustworthy of the English technical journals, the light of the sun and moon has a very deleterious effect upon edged tools. Knives, drills, scythes and sickles assume a blue color if they are exposed for sometime to the light and heat of the sun; the sharp edge disappears and the tool is rendered alolutely useless until it is retempered. A similar prejudicial etlect has been exercised by moonlight An ordinary saw is said to have been put out of shape in a single night by expos ure to the light of the moon. "Busted," Not Broken. I loubtless our unlettered friend- have fine distinctions in the use of words, for which we do not give them suilicient credit. A new pupil in a colored school took a shattered lamp chimney to show her teacher. "Ah!" said he, "your chimney is broken, is it ? ' "No, sir," she answered, "it's busted." In her distinction of terms lay all the diSerenee betw een a confession of guilt and an assertion of innocence. The word "broken" she understood to mean that the mishap had occurred by her own fault; and in correcting to "busted" she meant to imply that some unknow n agency, a current of cold air, perhaps had caused the break. Here is a distinction as clear and real as we n.ake in more scholarly terms. J ir'tlh't O'lKJtCUtit.l. Potato Buttons. There cmI lie no fear of an over-production of potatoes now, since it has been found that by treating the substance of the potato with certain ari ls, and then finbierting it to great pressure, there isob tained a material almost likestone, which can be employed for many of the purposes to which horn and bone have been used. The buttnns made of potato can only be distinguished from those of bone by cluee examination by an expert. The new button tan be colored in any desired shade, and their cheapness will probably injure their popularity ia the future. It is stated that a German factory is making these buttons in considerable iaantiiua. I hare 5een a jreat sufTerer from cattarrh forever ten years; had it very bad,con!d hardly breathe. Some nights I could not s'.oepandhadto walk the flaor. I pur chased F.lyV Cream Calm and am using it freely, it is working a cure surely. I have advised several friends to nse ic, and with happy results in every case. It is the medicine above all others for catarrh, and it is worth its weight in gold. I thank (iod 1 have found a remedy I can u." with r-ifety and that does all that is claimed for it. It is coring my deafness. B. V. perry, llarlfoad, Conn, Winders for horses are now made of rob. ber molded in imitation of the leather article, even the fine row of stitching appearing around the edge of the leather blinders Using imitated. They are found to be much cheaper than the ordinary ewed le&thcr binder. J. H. Chapman has a cat that lourd a young rabbit in the field few days ago and carried it home, placing it with her kittens, and now the rabbit is just like one of the fmi!e on.1 Am. . . 1... rnr k Cajtnond III: Iideptndent We Carit do it but are willi"? t rT f"" Icamlnir hn to make e"od an ankle aa "tt mrr'a Acme LmcKIXi of heap material so Uat retailer can prouuXly soli it at 1 Jc Our price is 20c. The retailer rays the public will not pay it. We say the public wLL b-v-c tttetr will slw?v3 pa a fjir price for a p" artk'e. to th'nr Loth ilia trade and the public thst we want to rre l'"-ia lor tae lvasi coney, we will pay Fur aVtv- informal iffl tlila oiler L open until January 1st, 1.'.. "VCOLFP 4 EATTDOLPH.Phasdelphia. Pik-Ttfltl I the name of a paint wh'ch does work tliut no o'.i:rf paioi ran do. iin:l with It looks lik the uuturU (H..d lien It Is ui;:-e--i an ' rni-t--iL PAMTERS AND BUILDERS will fi4 It profitable 'jo invcsUgaia. AU ;c;eirr??5 wnerlcaa , Agency for 1 4 TRADE WaBKS, i nriru P1TIMTI COPtRlCHTS, tc Ml VN a C'u jl Bho1 T. MW okK. tTcrr .aOH.l lisn oui l n w I rovicat nrfira lilt p'ul...c by a otic civfll tree ft ttw.'t Ui l-io Fcientific amcrican hi: a tmu.ti U- nti-ui U- Wn-!". i:.W0 a ir; i-V' h.x iu.-.nih. AiWnn MtS3i & THE Bee-Hive" Read This and Be Enlightened. This veir we have made a special fiVirt to place le tiire the people the Choic est Ooods that the best manufacturers produce, which, wc think will please the trade. CLOTH I XG. Mens", Youths', Hoy's and Children' M:its and Over coat. Our stock is very lartrc, consisting of an im mense line of New Nov elties, as well as all of the leading Standard Grades. Hals, Caps, anl MMi Goois. AVe have the Finest and the most Complete Assortment of new and popular styles you ever laid your eyes on. CAUPETIXGS. Wc keep ia stock a line of Carpets that will justify any one to examine. Also, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Carpet Lining, Druggets, Uugs, Hassocks, Cocoa Mats, etc. Trunks and Saciiels. We pay special attention to Trunks and Rachels, and always strire to keep just what the people' want in this Line, at the lowest possible prices. We- have lately enlarged our Dress Goods Department. A stock of Fall and Winter Iress Goods that will be sure to please. We have carefully select ed goods that accord with modern taste. Come in and learn, what pleasure, satisfaction and economy there is in trading with the " BEE HIVE ;' STOKE. " For ever the right conies upper most, and ever is justice done." Laying principles aside, it would be unwise for us to encourage unreliable meth ods, for wc would soon lose the confidence of all. With the foregoing seuti mei.t in mind we are, Yours to Command, Knepr & Ferner, One Door North ef Post Offlce. SEND Postal Card FOIX SAMPLE COrY OF THE PITTSBURG WEEKLY CHRONICLE TELEGRAPH, $1 Per Year. IT IS THE r.IT AND C HEAPEST HOME PAPER Pl P.l.ISHED. IT CONTAINS ALU THE LATEST NEWS OF THE WORLD. Presidential Year. The rtr l- t,- !w!.Untial Mvr. Hip Inumi in i.i;i-i,1 nft-iir- ! tn.-ril. Tin- fi-.n .ii i V. i. iri:nikrolit :iin itin lit" in.r. r.-it l:ii:t- TncrioMlnHl art I'N KNIK.l.l.KIl IN AIKRH'. r:.rv will - r-ikiti i.itcty mti a t-iirhU' niul UIi1i!:m t l.f-ui illain:(t,'f. The Special Features Einlmn in Hjdition to th verv ln:t nir, j-lartitit'iiTM fi.r ftr tlii' Hmr Itie Karui aifi i:lfii. Industrial. tininj; und Maniiitu-iurinK. and altmf ure wr;ti the sui(-riitioii itUx. ONF. ItliJ.AK A YEAlt. AJJri-sa, M EEKt.V HRONICI.E TELD1B APII, Pi'Ltliurgh, Pa. y a iih-Rii arni'-irjn. nt ith the Piiui.unt W k!y r,,rv. r--,.jr,., we are Pniil.Ui i.i c.!lr a vear -uiliwt-rir;inn tothat iiaiH-r aud i-at llEHLD("i.i,Ki.:ir forfjii, 'IT. 'Mm Used up. It's the only way to use some things, but it's a bad condition for a man or w oman. It means disease. Take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. That means health. It invig orates the liver and kidneys, purities the blood and cleanses and renews the whole system. For all scrofulous humors and blood - taints, and even con sumption (or lung-scrofula), if taken in time, it's a positive remedy. It's a. guaranteed one. In alf diseases of the liver, blood and lungs, it's warranted to benefit or cure, or the money is refunded. No other medicine of its class is sold, through druggists, on this pe culiar plan. You can judge why. You only pay for the good .you get. Jacob D. Swank, Wntchmaker and Jeweler, Next door we of Lutheran Church. Somerset, Pa. Having opened up a shop in this place, I am now prepared to sup ply the public with clocks, watches and jewelry of all descriptions, as cheap as the cheapest. RF.PA1RIXO A. SPECIALTY All work cuaranteed. Look at my stock before making your holi day purchases. ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. HARRY M. BENSHOFF, MANUFACTURING STATIONER 0 AXD BLANK BOOK MAKER. H ANN AM BLOCK, JOHNSTOWN. PA. JEPORT OF THE CONDITION First National Bank OF SOMERSET, Somerset, in the State of IVunfylvania. at the -Ke or businea, wee. 2i, lssi. RESOURCES: In and discount liS.OK? H i iverdrefiniW-urwl nd unTiiird ;il i I', rt. Bond, to iwoure circu)U"n !''. w lini. Mrmrored reserve agenlft ...... b.'M 13 tme frrD iKhtT Nalioual Bank l.M" H Due fhmi Slate Hult nd hankers. babkiux-hou.'ic, Kumiture aud rixturuL. Currvnt exen-rs and taxesi paki frvmimiiB ou A. Honda t hwk-ud utii.-r(-a.-li items Hills of other Bank - Fnu'tiunal paiwr turrenry, uitkeis and It'll Us. .. - L-Kal-tender notes Ledemption fund with V. S. Treasurers per cent of circulation 1 Jto ) 7.4-1 6 1.01 S M .Vd it) Kits; i,J73 UU 5Si 00 ToUL SiTT.tvi LIABILITIES: rnpilHl stork paid in Sui'idu funl..VM.. l'ndiidi-i inms...... . s .vi.iion no U U ,.! :A ValiiHi&l IU:ib lliUc-H out-taudiUK.... . 11.7'JK Ilividitls liuiiaid I ln.1 1 .4..t.iO-.iil.w.ltii.hHk-.i.:5l TO Y:A.-Si f.'T.iiet ff7 Iliif Ui iitht-r Natiidial Bank- - '31 Total. S177,4il SI Stttt qf lYnnnitrania, fbanJy of SomervU . t Andrew Tarkpr. Cashier of the above-named Bank, do solenmlv hwear thai the atwve ftale ment Is true, to the best of my knowledge mad ANDHEW PARKER. Cakiiivr. aubsrrited and sworn to before me this Ulli day of Dec, lf 'l. A. L. G. HAY. Xolary public. Correct--Attest : l.ARt'E M. HICKS, c.EO. K. SCl'I.I HAS. H. F1UER. liircetors. UDITOK'S NOTICE. Estate of Herman Tmbereer, late of Jetiner twnlli), Somerset county. Pa.. deeeaed. The undiT-inaed Auditor awiiuted by the Court to .a njon exreptions (o the Admiiii.--tra-i.r. and to dLstr.bute the luud in the h.,..u ,.f I'rrx I'mlmmt and Ruben Horner. A' m,nUri..Tv of Herman I'mbenter. dee d., to an' ih i.i pntitlrd thrrrlo. hereby iniraint nr i ill attend to the duties of the appoiutmenr at his otfire in the borough of lwr. lvl. at lfloel k. A. M.. heu and where ail pru luteixvleu ran an. uc " PKEI W. BIEsECKER. Audilur. s T0CK1I0UKIW MKET1XG. The :.nnual meeting of the Stockholder of the Fir-t Natieal Hauk of Somewt, ior tne rieeuon of liirerturs 6 tne year A, I)., l-i will he heM in the bmikins rooms in the First National Bank laiildiuif, Homrmet, Pa., on Tuesday, January 1 J. XffZ, Between the houia ol one an.i uiree o iiocs ANDREW PARKER, Cannier. BEAD THESE UNPARALELED OFFERS! THE HARRLSBURG WEEKLY TELEGRAPH Is the largest end Dat newspaper published at tue capital ot rennsyivauta. cacb numoer contains ixiy-eoiumiu tilled with the huest newi, (.I'itm. market report, leti-.auve pructoiiuinsaud miAceiianeous reading. Price, only ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. Dii-kena' Complete Works. (15 volumec) or Wal ter neotl a waveriy ovtis, Toiumes; anu the Harribur Weekly Telefrraph, one year, will be aent to any addteaa, puatage paid, for TWO DOLLARS. We will furnish the WerkJy Telegraph and James Fiiniinure Cooper leather etui-king Tale, i Voiua . for S1.50. Weekly Telegraph nd Continental Illustrated Magaaine, (monmiy) forJl.TS. Wwkly Telegraph and American Apleultiirisi lor SS.OO. Weekly Telef raph amd American Farmer, montb- hand America lyjfor $1.00. Weekly Teleyraph and noroe Mtmrine. edited and riome A. Logau, ( $1.10. by Mrs. Joun A. Ixxcau, (montnly t lor Reliable Agents Wanted To Solid! SatucriptloiH r erery School IlifL-ict in P"nrylvaia. Daily l.-ierpb. i-r v-. " aiKt IH' kshie Wort". IV " " Waverry Noti U. aj. The eah must a?3cr3panT a3 oritra, anl be aiMieiMxl to M. W. HcALAEXEV, TJnatfT, Hrri!fj, r. A Fortunate Accident HiM Alice RiJeout. winner of the prue for the artistic work on the Woman's Fair Itailding at Chicago, took op model- csby acci'lent, as told in thiaetory: i?he t otit walkini in San Franciaco with her large mastiff one morning, and happening to paas the half-open door of Rupert Schmidfe atudio, the dog bound ed in and upset a recently finished mod el. Miss Rideont hastened after the ani mal to apologize, but finding noon in the stadio, commenced to remodel the arm of the figure, which had been broken off. While thus engaged Mr. Schmidt quietly entered and watched the ama teur at work. He soon recognized her unuxual ability, but did not make his presence known until ahe stepped back to survey the work of repair. It required little persuasion to induce her to learn modeling, and she has fulfilled all the sculptor's expectations." I'lUlailelphia LfJ'jer. Breaking it Gently. Ia the province of Holstein, noted for its superior breed of cattle, the country people are not only very thrifty, but ex ceedingly fond of their cows, as may be gathered from the following characteris tic story : Faraier Jan was walking sadly down the road one day, when the village pas tor met him." " Why so sad, Farmer JanT said the pastor. " Ab, I have a very sad errand, pas tor, replied Jan. " What is it?" " Farmer Henrik's cow is dead in my pasture, and I am on my y to tell him." " A hard task, Jan." " Indeed it ie. pastor, but I shall break it to him gently." " How will you do that 7" " I shall tell him first that it is his mother who is dead, and then, having opened the way for sadder news still, I shall tell him that it is not his mother, but the cow." Ltmdun 7 id-Bitt. The Best Authorities. Such as Dr. Dio Lewis, Prof. Gross, and others, agree that catarrh is not a liut a constitutional disease, it therefore requires a constitutional remedy like 1 Iood's SaUaparil'a, which effectually and permanently cures catarrh. Thous ands praise it. Hood's Tills cure liver ills, jaundice. biliousness, sick headache, constipation and all troubles of the digestive organs. Christmas comes but once a year, and it is very lucky for the man with a large family that he has fifty-two weeks to catch np before the next one arrives. Uncle Josh came down from the inte rior of the State to spend Christmas with his friends in the city. What surprised bim most was the greediness of his young nenhew. "How is it, Johnny," he asked, as be sat at dinner, "that you always like to help yourself best?" "Because," returned the little bend with his mouth full, "I'm sure to get more." The Young Turkey Well, we've es caped Thanksgiving! Gobble! gobble gobble ! Experienced Gobbler (sadly) My son do not let your life insurance policy lapse Christmas is coming ! Night shall be filed with music, A r.d the cares that infest the day Shall fold their tents like the Arabs, And as silently steal away. Just like a Cough or Cold does after you use Pan-Tana, the great remedy for Coughs, Colds and Consumption. and oO cents at G. W. Benford's Drug Store. Seasonable Reflection. What to do in honor of Christmas day Reflect a little and answer. To enforce iust self discipline and eliminate mean selfishness and ignoble passion lrom me heart is to do one's duty as the historic associations of the day should suggest to forgive is always noble; to give with wise discrimination is both philosophi ealand philanthropic: to be kind and cheerful is to enjoy happiness and refled its serene influence upon others; to plant here and there in life's great field some seed that shall germinate and bring forth flowers of beauty, redolent of sweetest odor, is the manifestation of refreshing love that may appropriately find expess- ion in Merry Christmas. Read from the treasured volume The poem of thy choice, And lend to the rhytne of poetry The beauty of thy voice. Which you cannot do if you suffer with a Cough or Cold. Rid yourself of the discomfort by buying abottle of Pan Tina, the best remedy for Hoarsness and Influenza. Pan-Tina costs 23 cents at G. W Benford's lrug Store. A Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring vou satisfactory results or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised DrnroiRt a bottle of Ir. King's New cc - Discovery for Consumption. Itisguaran teed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Longs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflam mation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles free at J. X. Snyder's Drug store. Hated Noises. Leech's morbid horror of noise is wel known. His nervous affection was more exasperated in him that even in Carlyle. One evening a convivial party of the Ancient Order of Foresters, returning from, perhaps, the Crystal Palace, where high festival had been held, roused poor Leech almost to madness by a yelling uproar opposite his door. He left his work and rushed bareheaded among them. "What are yon making this horrible row for?" And then seeing the extraordinary Robin Hood kind of costume affected by those people, be said : "What's it all about ho are yon ' "We are Foresters, that's what we are,' was the reply. "Then why on earth don't yon go into a forest and make your infernal row there instead of disturbing a whole street with your noise?" said Leech. From tlie Life of Jul, a Jjttch. Merit Wins. we desire to ssy to our citizens, that for years we have been sellinn Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Ir. King's N'ew Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and never had remedies that sell as well, or that have given snob universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee thein every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if aatiafactory results do not foliow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. J. x. Snyder's Druggists LABORING RIEHI LOSS OF TIME ST. or T H RO AT AN D For Cough,. Co.ds, Croup. Catarrh .hoop Cough Hoarseness, influenza, tsrcncnina, " Congestion of the Lungs. of Blood. Astlim.. Consumption, and all pulmonary affections. ATTEND TO YOUR COLD IN TMi rmtnian who I'wl h;,r"l Zt. , ,, vt mnsv. but b arvi t-i n. 'k:l-r ih. t-.- to im n V nrr- i:n - - fucriiUa wni. Tf von no rvii-i b' ' - - - - j-ir - - - - IXLT BKtTHERS. 6 Wane ONDENSED TIME TABLES. Baltimore and Ohio Eailroad. Somerset and Cambria Branch SORTHWAKU. JahnttavH Mail E r.-tor .. .NiratTM-; i lU- JoliMtown, Tit Hnim-mfi l!:- nuijow" u U: :T, Ixu y. ui. Suvt1 A'-n-Mm..lit,..mKut k,l " V) p. I"-, tiomi.Tx-1 fc:iu P- m. S'im'rM. ll :.'. FOITUWARD. jrotf-Johrnown " a. ., H,K"V .'J 'j (i.ivrion ., sotucii. V:4i. ... .. ,o-Juhnton Sip. m.. !,""r-,. " . .' I J!orlir.l Arammltv-Somerset p. m.. Ko kwuud a p. m. EXX SYLVANI A R A I LR'JA IK DISTANCE ANI FARE. lil- Fan. SI li Johnstownto AHiKina jj" " Harn-mirg i." " IhilmlflTillia " Blair-ville luL ?veTihirx. - " pitul-noih llMltimitrt. n't i a ". " " Wanblugtuu '."'T " ' OIXIlENSED STHUni Train. mtHv. and iK'nart from the at Jobiutuv u a f)l:o : WESTWARD. Oraer Eipr. - u a. m ... ;.:' '. a. m ... T.IB a. in. y a. m . : a. m :i. p. ra fi. Ir. . Ill V: J I, m p. ui. W r-lrm ri'!'. . . Johnsiiiwn A(i-oinmoiHtioii.- - Kxprv Pacitl EiJH-ri.. Way Pa'MrugiT..... . Jolintowu txprt- - ast une, EASTAARD. Atlantic Exprew- a. in. iwi PiKin: r.A u HaniilHinr Actoiumodntijr - Cl- Day Ejprtaa ."'"'" AUna fcpri 12 Mail bxptvxo 4.lp.ra J..(inUin Acrommolauon. ; "' I - ,u- fhilaJeiphia feJtpreae - , ' ''' l1- '"- raal Une 1,1 " m . Li. It is to Your Interest TO BUY YOCB Drugs and Medicines JOHN N. SNYDEB. SCCCVSSOR TO Biesegker & Snyder, None but tbe purest and best kept in stock, and when Drugs beuime int?rt by stand ing, as certain of them d, we de al roy tbem, rather than ira- poee on onr customers. You can depend on ha vine jour PRESCRIPTIONS & FAMILY RECEIPTS filled with care. Oar prices are as low as any other first-class house and on many articles math lower. The people of this county seem to know this, and hare given us a large shae of their patronage, and we shall still continue to give them the very best goods fur their money. Do not forget that we make a specialty of FITTING TRUSSES. We guarantee satisfaction, and, if you hare had trouble in this direction, give us a call. SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES in great variety; A full set of Test Lenses. Come in and have your eyes examined. No charge for examination, and we are confident we can suit you. Come and see us. Respect fully, JOHN N. SNYDER. , --r;lD m !f;T.K. f DiDFlEKT CWSUKPna. H5Y-FEVER. ASTHMA. ETC- Grcolars Free By PETER YOGEL, Scaerset.Fa- P!ttstuiih Famsie Coiioin and tNjEKVTOhV OK ml'.-Ii:. KthHiie. Fa. awtriien Lmturpanartl nilvaiiiactf. Suprr;!) botne comforta and Rare. 3Mh year beviua ki: lb. teiid fur calal r lo the ProMeut. iv y Itht positive: cure, fe -:v: JuIjS-fcin. A. H. MfctEcsi, D. D. TAKE CARE I h I5 COSTLY! $ JACOBS OIL, THE GREAT F.ZKiZDY FCR PAiM, 1 crnis a RHEUfriAYiSrV?, $ Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, oi:.iz. r.crcnrr, StiiToess, SweKirs;, Snckichn. Vi-- rclgia, Sciai;:, Czm:. ouch; op 3t: LUNG BALSAM. ivr..; Into uri A i ifi t i r ..lit. Va. ( . i. n AiU K UiU' I av , i. r o. . SlIwTort. Fricetorta.! itHzZl This dolishtfut Story of aj i Journey from the BALTIC to the DANUBE Portrayed in 38 Chaptersj Jand 12 Graphic i.ius-.rauons, uj j Charles Augustus J SiodcarrJ. 4r 1 a 2 - r BcunJ in Rich CIs'.h, Diicritcd with Cold Eceles.' FREE to Every Subscriber to -the- HPW YORK OBSERVER. 1 Religious News-J .- Onohook and or.o row subscriber, S3.00. Tv.objslcs aii t.vs ner oubscr.fcsrs, i 62,00. J srr:c::KN conns rui:r- nE7 YORK OBSERVER ; 37 and 33 P.w. Row, POUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE PCWDERS ' So - "' ' T "- fr Lvza Tt- TIT. 'I ..(.- -. -.; - - I'.IT . -!!' rrrc "T ".T.,1.t RTtvET ' 1 :! T---T. ;.r. i:iw ATirA":iu.- K.r-rH ti i. DAVIO r. POfHT. Proprietor. EALIIIIOKE. 3iD. Xotliin? On Eartli mil Sheridan-!) Couditioa Potior! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong asd Healthy ; Prrvcnls ail D.casc. GooJ far Jtloultiwj Jfrus. If m hau! .t-v r-jpp. ttT i o -I- I'-'i li H :t --nt -1-1 mi I 1r vi.., iuw ' piiv- . .i.,. :L-r. IT ran' I tr t it itt to u. SPECIAL OPENING TRIMMED HATS I Our Misses' and Chil drens' Hats Are pronounced by a'l s tbe HAXI'iOM IISI and the MOST ATTRACTIVE we have yet shewn. Cvrae, and bring your wife and children to the store of Ik 41 FIFTH AVEVm. Pitts.nrh. Fa. Sportsmen's Headquarters- V. Brrt N".. .".' ami "'-J tm-t, lit'-- r'n , hs I Ui- InTeM i::it'''ivtl hirn Arms, iou. aii-i RfV.nvtr The a ver msr. vlirt'nr, R'ui 1 lime Xt.v ia'Vvt l'' k iu Woieru IV uu a tnt-ii-rr f-mn. Nu I.ihIiIt nint!i r.'l;i Toln lnl:i-t 1 wvi;j ay tti.-il I hv liif lnrve' ul t-.i- aa.l siir in :he ci'.y : lh.-? I !-o vhar?" n ri.i rcrn'r. gn.l make ait kiiiU of tiviUmi.l ligiit mm l.uirrr. Sjr'.'.ns tvi ot :! km.!-, amni'mmm ut n'll KraJi'S ami ses. Sx.:i.I for li.u-ir;-.i au!. yue. .FINE OLD... WHISKIES And Imporu-rl I.tqixin f-.'il In bulk aEl by tbe OLD CAB! SET, TOM MOORE 'POifSCX HOLLO ir, i VCKES&EIXEX, Fiyirs oriLDFX WFPPl Vi;, G ;i: V s JJ.VX WEFKIES, Jami-t H:ir: Ti :! FU- t mriao. Wilbar llitra "' n !' : -m .T :'. i,. Alo, hlVifil aid .-M.-t pirt hyi: 4i:&;, z FISHER & CO., HORN ra 309 Main Street, Johnstown, Pa. THE NOTED X ', . A. PIL MOIilTZ SALM, Siiecialist. DR. J. J- McCLELLAX. ?j ec WONDERFULLY SUCCESSFUL IN" ALL (CHRONIC DISEASES, DISEASES OF THE Ear, Eje fe, M Innm and M Carauli ly All Eye Opfrations Successfully rerformcd by TLom. WILL BE HT sOMEUSET HOUSE. SOMERSET, pa THTJKSDAY, JANUARY 14th. One day only. Call early. ST WILL PAY o YOU TO EXAMINE THE OilMDERELLA RANGE BEFORE YOU BUY. IT IS A GOOD BAKER 3 .... . EXTRA LARGE OVEN ITS CLEANLINESS LESSENS LABOR ITS ECONOMY SAVES YOU MONEY NONE BETTER FEW AS GOOD REMEMBER! "THINGS DONE WELL. AND WITH A CARE. EXEMPT THEMSELVES FROM FEAR." JAMES B. IIOLDERBAUM, Sornerest, Pa. Kristin rcr Sc Kurtz, Berlin, Pa., and P. J. Cover & Son, Meyeridale, Pa IUT WILL PAY YOU TO Btr TOCK Memorial Work WM. F. SHAFFER, SOMEKSET. PEJfT'A.. Mauufn ?turer of and Dealer in Vuttr Wort FumWitd o Xyrt SUitx, a ali Culor Wll ill EMM flUi Aiso. Agmt for WHITE BUOSZEI PerwiJ In dhI of MuNTMENT WORK will tiud ii u their iiuerei tucall a: uy shp where a proper 'hiwing will t (nren thr'ai. t-ui. frzrztr trlt-r'Uifl tH Eft-rp twe, and friJCEjj VERY L-i W. i invite Apcxial auonuon lo lae White Bronze, Or Pur Zino Monument rntrmlurwl hy KEV W. A. RIN'i. a.- a Deci.ied iuii,-i.t in me point of MATfcRIAL ANL uS-ri.i T'i S. ai'd hii h is drntiavd to la the Pcpiilar V -nnmrnt fr our Changeable Cii naw. CIVK Hi A CALL. Wll. F. SHAFFER. Louther's Drug Store, Main Street, Somerset, Pa. rhis Hodsl Dmg Store is Rapidlj'Eaccaizg a Great Favorite xcith People in Search cf FRESH AND PURE DRUGS. Medicines, Bye Stuffs, Sponges, Truset, Supporters, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, &c. THE DOCTOR GrVE3 PEaSOSAL ATTEXTIOS TO THS COMPOCSDLSQ 0 Loral's Prescnp GREAT CASS SEIS9 TAKES TO CSS OXLT FRESH ASD FURS ARTICLES SPECTACLES, EYE-GLASSES, And a Full Line oi Optical Goods always on hand. From such a large assortment all can be suited. THE FINEST BBAHDS OF CIGABS Always on hand. It is always a pleasure to display our j)od to 'ntending purchasers, whether they buy from us or elsewhere. J. M. LOUTHER, M. D. MAIN STREET - - - - SOMERSET. PA Somerset Lumber Yard KLIAS CUNNINGHAM, If A.N-rrax ajro Dal ad Whoubalb ajt RrriiLia or LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS. Hard and Soft Woods, OAK. POPLAR, 8IDIXG3. PICKETS. won mx-r-a CHFWT FtTnRLVa' 8A3F- STAIR RAI1A a n- , , 'HITEPINB, LATH. BUXLS, NEWEL PC3 '"eml ,Lrft,. fvLnlCr BuJldin " IRo,nt Slate kP Office and Yard Opposite S. &C. R. R. Station, Somerset GIVE IflUR BOYS A USEFCL PRESEST. Press and CutflL 73, $J.oo, 95.00 7-5" Sza.00, 9ax.oo to $31.00. W Sc. c, W. A. Enntinr. f YOUJAN FIND ,Hh n Bui .0 JTTT-Br. h lira A ltrnnf h?irtu at rREiniTuTOlT I EOS. be mui eoouavi m aanruauia at lut mat SPECIALISTS. EXDC2SED ET V SdESTISTSAS F2ACTICALLI Over 50O Beautiful Designs. MONUMENTAL BR02E CC'.'PANY, xaxrwiWiX- cos;:. J 2ETlTRiX3 z Tfi CTAPZ2 TH13 ign.t stc:;e. tQjfol Send for H, f PricoLis,a i l $ Circulars - i- a. . . 1 1 lions! Family Receipts. 1 m' 9S- W4. ltM Br- L..A:r .i ' M rh-Lixi,'.i an.. IC-rx-ar n t: ' '., ru Crwcv. PIL, fM. Wi. Tw!. f , f-m m-oj Ln, lor lVirmir4 :"'"' k Wan oj u W-a, 'v?mivi3r''t'i' IV 1