The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, December 16, 1891, Image 3

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Xhe Somerset Herald
oKOLuE E. CC"LL, Editor.
,s ; s.ll not linger now.
r turie r ready for sport.
k jMts are now made of iron.
. ;,-cibet g-jes tbruad largely.
- v ,-,:;."Uy toys aad go to Mshloa
r .-"w for oil and Young a! Snvder'i
-e ;. po-iceiren ia Chicago 1
- -:i".e J-: u iiea-ia says uu mcni-
o'-s nd ba--!r chop at Mahlon
:'J store.
, j v:3 depreciates 5 per cent of value
rears of ao?:mat u.
uf l"nibrei.a at Mrs. K. B.
jr..- frj3S V Cls t'J
i . l r
uutj's Grand Jury ha- indicted
I r Loej of 3eaator
r . rvJ rot sad warranted, ro to J.
tauni Earuware Store, Somerset,
- ji-.e Ejiri of Agriculture has ar
j : : (:y fanners' ic-titatea between
" February
j .Is. doll-, in endieas Vinery, and
-V - j. of t.'T- at Pritts 4 Kaatner's lexik
gvw- three nunnt-s shorter til!
-r-r j: wh-a a tarn is made and
w lasher udl'. the ilst of Jrse.
.3-;:. A. E. Vil'f spexiii Handker-
r j t- on Wcdo-iy. ThursJay and
.- ark.
:3l2rr i II i"v-7.M. ' of the
t jrjc'.s 'y.r.g ar.u-4 some
u Mr:- A. E. r;cl Handker
i Wedcesday, Thursday and
: ;u:.-'.ics .-how that natwitlistaDd-
;ed kr Ciiiaary pcrpoxs
.- mi?; oaarjes ieft ia
i.,.z.tcS'. store wiaJows tii year
..' raty nd attract large tt-btioa.
artist to make a Christ mas w .n-
i shelled com
.at$ 'iye cn
". err. Fionr.
and d m white
hand a Mahion
Fee-i ard drain
fi aiver.jitg pay ' A Philadelphia
..-u: re vstly aivertijsed for a boy, and
ue tit dij his wife prewnted bim with
z- e maie peruifion.
.1 sr e f ir-re of ri'sr or ii;-ea moisier.ed
r:- and put into the wardrobe or
ii icr? Sr Single Jay, two or lhre times
4 Ti: is a prevecutive against moths.
li'r.u ar su?ring from weak eyes or
vioc. call at J. X. cyder s dr-Jg
K iz '. be f:ted wish glasses to suit your
er. Yja canti'Tt afTi to neglect your
ft fjfci-t.
1. ' si.'e TLiiiy morr.!:.?. Geo rye
iijiit-riiin s two children, nztd 4 and 1
rirs ri'eciively, barne-i th-mse!ve9 to
i-:i. by ti.-ir.g the bo-im at Pr-rt Matilda,
Te la-pst revenue that acy half acre in
:rTlvauiu hji yielded ia vegetables for a
tie season (at reoeived by J. M. Palmer.
1 Kenne:t j are. for 4 T babels of ocions
r.(3 within that sjiice thh: yir.
I-r. Granger, who jhai chre of Edward
Tx. i in the iasr.e asylum, tipresses the be
i. Firld has secreted immense earns
of siry belotigicg to the liefaact ! rm, and
V-at z tfil safe somewhere.
11 .i. i-xilles. jaot families or any other
;rd of himilles siould have a family bible.
"e have tbera in -ty'.e and price to rut any
t.r-d of a family. Frittt A Kaitner the
w rr; eJ t-.k sellers, Somerset. Pa.
A pn.-i;a ha b in grari:ei Mra Thoma
'Catiturg. W. Va, whose first basband
t a Cur. iede rate Svi Ue died in the war
ti ?he fiibse pertly marriei a Union vet-e-i.
Th J is said to be the Ln peasion of
tit iir.i oa record.
ttaiers a; the Heekl oul i not forget
it". X Scyder, the drgist, caa ft their
eji wi-Ji ;ws a- we.l as any optician.
Er iit hid five or six yesrs ijerience ia
hiii-rt I'r. king glas-s.
I'.i evt-r buy a horre and not have
avi-iivicg as to his points till they
: y ttste-J NjI so with Ayer Sar
sif j. you miy be sure of it at the start.
l:&r d5;-cj;:itr those who give it a fair
u -s.-:e:,t trial.
i-! a. i. CoT.vtu has reoe. veJ ana 1
i jt::j rti jy to d-.-ply her Xmas roods i
i".cx:ta:. u-lls of t'J siif and descrp- j
t; ii-y p.n cuihiocs. Cjiogrse t,:rs.
r h.c ii, jaeiry, etc. Call
vaeiry, etc. Call and see.
T t ire i.rjs wrlct'tne.
j-t a New York crook, arrested a lew
.-: f r ; iyirg th: game of "dim ?im"
-'.i-Mj rrrchaa:s and in who-e pos
e" jo a ijzz.i paiTS ahich proved him
w I ':r-'ar. settled bis cs-e by paying
i iJ' out of the i V he hai ia his ps-
aui was re':easeL
.ear. J carrlcious appetites are best
!r.jii:c ty the ne of Aver s Cathartic j
I--y do not debilitate, by exci-s-ive j
r ii-a'-oi : but cause le stomach, Lver. j
t- i ris w pe-frm their functions prop- j
Asan pill, they arena- j
' '- Jfeason of ihe year it is cruel and
ttr.C! t kave korsee hitched on the
t"!' -i-ut blankets. It is a common
' :-ins s'.ia Jing shivering ia tbe
T 1; m hi:' perhaps tbe driver is
t. f r??rs ar.Kind some store stove.
-" - - u;t tj .rotert the horses.
Jv:r,".e beln? r-rartlrtrd in the north-
,vZ-iiT. tai 1 131.
Softest dsj- s
0 haee "3 '
piH vf V
p':f: J -ofa.n.4
I I rr -a a pr-n
cf Westmoreland oountv is the
box of soap for two dollars
rtniun a sriendid rubber door
cr LLr Lime of the purchaser on it,
" ;t i .vre-i aud mocey collected
l- ij r raa: never comes.
when not otaerwi-9 engaged
f l rg winter evening might de-tJt'J'-Atx-i
studying the new ballot
t.i gjrs into trfecton March 1 Dext.
';joi.ji'iSiaJ d-ba;irjg tocietits could
f f-'ab'f bod Oii-Lirrs once a week
' ' 1' " t.f voung tiader tbe provis-
4 'ia; Cieasure.
. --ii-le alliaiioe between two fami-
Vr'S'-'-i frora the vicinity of 'Joebec.
r- named F.beume aad Monn had
"el 'ii-irea. four sons aad four
rr- tia;rce s four sons tcarried
f -ur and Morin's foar
--a.Ta tu-isrf'4 tbur da-ughters. A
. ":t : 1'arker. Lr.deT ijsn Speaker
a Company K. North Ficgioia
g tlse war, say that Mr. Crisp
S o! scarcelv more than 1W
i aeiht. saved his Kie at tbe battie
-":. in the Viillev of Yircnla. ia
rarker was wounded and cn-
-e l.'d, end Crisp, ending
S'-arOe to
im o?, threw his
- '"if u, front of the Captain's t
buUss and shells.
as a cover
ialfaminu ia railroad
'fVmA oa the Peanrrlvan.a
'- Irwia liociiay
Express jura ptd tie track oa
w. ti-: o: Irwin. m)xi ruantns at a
nd fcr uf the cars were thrown
t auth trak and dragged at least
( wis. The New York Limited
:t-e!tin just thirty aecoods
1 ti 1
, " 71 m : n ta-r. TUe tbir.y seconds
to save asoor of lire. Tbe
fe caiH !-.. . ,. .
I the ex press cars. No
The sttaadaacc at court this waek 5 c
tia'.ly light fr E-xex'wr term.
A atror g ifscwH ia favor of a tystera
of werag In tLw Iowa wUl be wnad la
our report of Court p roeredicga.
TUJ.O.r.i. M.. of Fricieca. propose
Riding festiral drir the todays in
t.'ir new hall, bow almost completed.'
Apj,!irar,u tut ret-U lio.a. deaier' licens
es, are ba-ily eagaged tircUatir petitkiEs
o present to the Coart at Janaary term.
Messrs tart an J Ejbrt Sha5r, of Som
erset township, ret aroed Saturday from Har
vey. Cx.k coanty, 1., where they peat
the cancer.
The Meyersdaie --iVr gays it is al'.eged
that Jude BadT will become a permaiKSit
ciCzea of the " iletropolia." Well, we
Pajj'. Way ahoald he ?
A call tua been Lied by the Treideot of
tlie SoraerstH Cocnty Farraeri Alliaaoe aad
Iadurnrial Vcion for a convention, to be
h- ld in the G. A E. haii, ia this place, 09
TLarsday, Deoember 2iih.
Henry Earaeti. of Somerwt township,
broaght a lO-oouths-oid porker to Krcer s
meat market Tuesday raornirug. which
weighed eiactiy ' pjands. He waaU to
bear of a heavier oae tr the ajre.
Mr. John Fisher, of Jecaer township, who
Lad been vL-itir.r at I ioa. lil fjr tome
time, returned borne Thursdy. lie and
VI -as Ada Utao, of Jetiner township, will be
united ia marriage thij week.
I". V. Phiiiippi has removed his mjchia
erjr lor manufacturing f pokes lo thi- place,
aad at prpsent is loc&ied ia the Mechanical
W.irts shops, near the railroad station,
w here operations have bea comminced.
The re-idecrs of Shaoci-in X.jnhQmber
land couuty. have c.Tcred to build public
buiidiacs at their own expen-, providjir
they can have that couaty Lviitd and lhe-.r
toa n made a o-un'y ?eat. What's the mat
ter with Meve?die'"
President J a J,relect. Jacob H. Longe-
cetker, arrived ia torn Monday morning,
and is stopping at the jmerset Hoase,
Judge Longeaetker will i-pend the greater
part of the week ia re-ntrwiag hi; ar.j
aace with our jnfj le.
311s I-arl E. Er-hak'-r has received no
tice of her appoint aect as a representative
on the Pennsylvania World'i Fair Aaiilia
ry for Somerset County. The notice. hich
was aocomacied by a ct-niicate of mem
tjrh:p, was a great surprlac to Miss Bn
bakor. Keadrs of the Hciuli- wUl spend a good
many hundreds of dollars .r ChriMtmas
pr'senta. Tfcy will f ey from merchants
who advertise in the HEJtaLS. Yoa cannot
reach the KtsiLD readers by advertising in
any other newspaper, and an advcrtbemrxit
ia the Heeai.i is real bv evervb3v.
The members of the Somerset bar have
received aa invitation from Bedford to at
tend u banquet at that place, on New Year's
eve, to be given by the lledfurd bar in honor
of the outgoing and incoming j-de. While
the members of this bar will not attend the
banquet as a body, it is probable that a
numbtr of them iU be pre-ent.
ranicl Zimmerman, of near
toytstown, .
fhi-ped over nine hundred bushels
choice winter apples t Johnstown this sea
Sin. Ee-id- this be male nearly one thous
and gallons of cider. It i" estimated that
there ere over two thousand bushels of
apple taken from his orchard, which is one
of the finest ia the couc'y.
The establishing of a foundling hospital
and tbe employment of a wet nurse to at
tend the sessions of the quarter Se-sions
Court are two things that will have to be
taken into consideration in the near future,
unless the existing state of afTairs speedily
undergo a change. At the present term of
Court, of the tbirty-ve cases down lor trial,
nineteen of them, over one-half, are cases or
1-jfn lz el ctt.
Invitations are out for the wedding of
Lieut. Charles Eiirar Tayman, of the Uni
ted States Army, only son of I 'avid Tayman,
of Lavans-viiie, and Miss Mary Eves Wil
Uaajson, of Media, Pa oa Wednesday even
ing. Pec. 23d. Lieut. Taymaa s sister. Miss
Mary, will be one of tbe bridt-maid aad
Ensign CbesteT Knepper, of the I". S. N
will be be?t maa.
A cew candidate f.r public favor. T.e S-.m-
1 ertei Cvt-rty Sir, appeared Friday. The jt' w
! is published at Salisbury, this couaty. sr.d is
' edited by P. L. Livrr.gjod, assisted by his
w.Je. Jir. Ltveogo-J a a native ! 1. .suck,
aid for a camber i f years past hi publish
ed a papir ia Nebraska. The S:-v is aa
eight pse six column -beet and the Heejlh
extends it a cordial welcoma and wi-hes it
abundant success.
Mr. Andrew Lohr. of Somerset, has been
in this citv soo.- time under trta'.ment bv
j Ir. J. S. Tayior, of Locust street, for a Cin
' cer growth, which hal i.-same! a very large
! growth and ircp.ica'ed almo-t the entire left
side of his bead and face. The cuacer has
been removed by the treatment of t tie doctor
without tbe use of a knifd. and the old gen
tiemaa will return to bia home in a few days'
The Farmers Annual Institute will be
held in the O-urt House, on Janua-y 5ib
aad 6.b. The committee having the pro
in charge are using every etfjrt to
make the program of VJ more profitable aad
interesting than any of its pruiewssors.
Farmers everywhere are urged to arrange
their business so as to enable tbern to be
present, and make it the success it ought
tJ be.
In view of the f.t that aear!y all of tbe
pub:ic schools ia the county iii be dosed
during the holiday, and ail w,Il oecessar.'y
be closed the first tao cays of the new year,
many of the teachers birr united ia making
a-racgem. at fur an institute to be be;d at
Mcyersdale. Friday and Saturday, January
Ut and id. Ir. T B. ov. of the Califor
nia State Normal School, aad Prof. M. E.
Bennett, of the Johnstown Collfte of Art
and Commerce, will be present. Dr. James
Hed! y wiil lecture on "The Knightlr No."
on New Year's eight, and Prof Byron W.
King, of Pittsburgh, will give an elocution
ary entertainment Saturday nigbt.
Thursday morning at 4.3.i o'cick. George
jj. Coleman, of Cjlemaa Station, the B. k
O. agent at that place who lives near tbe sta
tion, saw in a blaze tbe roof of tbe building,
which is used as a past o. evpress oce,
siore room ai J pas-ecger station. A a alarm
was at occe gi". Dnt it was toa late to save
anvtbing ae vistTed letter, the amount
in which is not known, together with all
tL letters ia the po -office. 'a express
g.Kxis, tha grooenes. and some freight, were
ail ooasarsed Tie origin of the re is not
known. Tte was a tw a story
frame atrocsare, tweaty two by twenty-f it
ietU and was owned by Crsorge H. Coleman.
The groceries were insured Kr li W. bat that
was all- The loss is over $'.,'.
i. Cimbria county jary came into court at
Ebenbarx Friday naorning, with a Terdlct
of tD&rde ia the first deg aiaiast Emer
Eruoer. for the sarder of old man Beese.
Charies Brunei-, hi brotaer.who was with El
mer when be shot Eeese. was ealied upon to
plead to the indictment against b;tn. He
admitted his guilt, and the Judge declared
him gai'-ty of murder in tbe second degree.
When Annie P-raoer was brought before
tbe Court, she pleaded not guilty. A jury
was sworn, and the Court directed it to rrn-drt-
a verdict in accordance with her plea,
which was done, aad she was d.scharged.
Eloer Brvaer was ably deieaded by Tboa. M.
Maihall r, of J-ituburgb who undertook
tb esse witbo aar, or hope
thereof.- Tie Uct M thai krs,er Cruner i
BKber nursed Tom Marshall. Jr , when be
was a baby, and wbeo her oc got iclo liis
trocb.e, she sppea,! to htm to do what he
could for him. He resided to her appeal,
and fought tbe case with a determination
aad spirit worthy f cas-
It ii rumored that the parties who have
reontfr btsea baying ap coal lands sear
Ejwftni'ia are connected with the Bech
Creeic Kail road, aad that that "ompaoy pro
Iw extending their line through Cambria
acd Sooerset counties
The Bedford G-lc is aatbority fot the
rU-tocat thai the Peans y'.Tania and West
Yirgiaia .silroad eocnpocy have in eoo-
tempiatioo tbe boiidine of a branrn rau-
road from the neighborhood of Scbetlsburg
or New Paris ta Johnstown, throngh Daily,
Mock and Bettz. by Foost's Vili, on tbe
moata of f hade Creek, ia this Cooniy
Tbe Com pacy's englseeri hare expeTiment-
el 00 the east side of the AHegbeny Uona
tains for aa available rocte, and their tain-
ic expexi cas examined ice coa. ia
tbe vicinity cf Paily aad Rrtta.
A tenous cattirjg aSrmy, the outcome of
an old qoonxl, occurred at the residence of
Jonathan Boyer, ia t'aemahoning township,
last Thursday morning. A sale was beins;
held at Boyer's that day and ,uiie a crowd
of people had assembled, arooog them Wil
liam Naugle, wno it is reportt i was slight
ly intoxicated wbca be arrived and at once
begaa re-opexiicg aqoarrel with a boy much
younger and smaller than himself, named
EV'yer. Tbe lad refused to fight, bat told
bis big brother Juhn, who tok up tbe quar
rel and ILlloved Naug!e into the public
road in front of the bous where be struck
at bita but tailed to hit Lim. Naugle struck
back with better success, landing a stunning
blow on lijyers" dc-, kaotked him down.
As soon as Boyer could regain his fcet he
let drive a second time at Naugle, this time
ko .img him down aad jumping on him.
Naugle was on bis fc-rl again in a jiffy, and
taking a jack-knife from bis pocket made an
angry lunge at Koyer. sinking the fall blade
into his flesh immediately a ore the heart.
Withdrswiar the kaife he male a desperate
attempt to cut Boyer a.-r.w tbe stomtch,
and was on'y prevent-1 Irom doing so by
one of tbe witnesses of the fight catching his
arm as it was about to deso nd. Boyer was
able to walk so tbe home. A physician was
t immonea from Hoorersviiie, and upon in
vestigsuoo (ound that tbe knife blade had
astd through the wall of Buyers ie.1 lung
and that be was in a very serious condition.
Naugle has d Jt yet been arrested, aad it is
said that Biver will not prosecute him.
Water Works for Somerset.
A list of the voters of Somerset, (bo have
expressed them -el res on the water works
question, is posted m tisners .book ctore.
This list shows ! for water works and !
against. This is a clear majority of ltW pro
vided the list is reliable aad no one weakens.
Cut whether the list is reliable or not. one
thing is certain, and that is that the band
somest and largest line of holiday goods to
be found ia the county caa be seen at
Itooki ia sets, sisrie volumes, toy books,
books for presents, books tor scsday school
prizes, nice books for the teachers, handsome
bibles and hymnals, albums, toilet sets, bric-a-brac,
novelties, toy, Christmas cards and
New Years present- at Fisher's Bouk Store
Go see.
Plucky Miss Lee.
Miss Hannah Lee, a farmer a daughter,
who lives six miles from Niantic, Conn ,
heard a womaa scream Tues,i, evening of
last week, as she was returning boice from
a neighbor's house. She ran around a bead
in the rued, and found a burly umbrelia-
mer.der bealin his wife with a bundle of
nmbrelia rocs. Miss Lee seized the man t
arm. and asked him if he wasn't ashamed of
hiiPseiC He-said he wasn't, and continu-.-d
to beat tbe wooiaa. Then Miss Lee snatch
ed the rods aad threw them over the fence.
Tbe man recovered them, aad made aa at
tack on M js Lee.
Just then the girl's brother, a small boy,
came along with a fowling gun. Um Lee
took tbe weapoa, and pointing it at the umbrella-mender,
said ahe would shoot him if
be came nearer. The man threw a stone,
which struck Miss Lee's left wrist, aad dis-tocau-d
it. At the same moment the gun
was discharged and one of tbe man's legs
was peppered with bird shot. Tbe nmbrelia
man danced and swore, aad then fled. Miss
Lee fainted.
A Pointer
To those who are studying whit to boy for
Christmas g.fis we would suggest a few
things for your mother, wife, daughter,
sister or sweet-heart, a family bible, hand
bible, photograph album, some good books
or set of books, toilet case, manicure set,
work-box or basket, Christmas card or art
Doveitie purse, mirror, music roil or stand,
ir.k stand, easel or nice steel engraving,
etching, pastels, water color, oil painting or
chromo. as nothing makes a room look more
cheerful than a nice picture. For the gen
tlemen a shaving set, smoking set, traveling
case, ccfT and collar boa, peas, or a fountain
pen. For the children, toy books, games,
drums, trumpets, sleds, doli'a doll carriages,
toy dishes, magic lanterns, steas ecgines.
guns, safe, music boxes, pianos, tool chests
or something in this bine All of tbe above
and counties other articles can be had at
Pritis 4 Kantaer's Book Store.
Supervisors Cannot Act Alone.
One township Supervisor cannot act alone
in making cottracla, so Judge Swaru, of
Montgomery county, has just decided in the
suit of William Little against the towaship
of I-wer Men on, brought to compel the
psy meat of $TCt-"i for crushed stone sold to
Supervisor Duncan for the townsh'p with
out tbe consent or knowledge of A. J. Cas
att, the other Supervisor.
The decision of the court is based cpon
tbe proposition that while one Supervisor
may provide for ordinary highway repairs,
he cannot under the law eater into any such
deliberative contract as the purchase of ma
terial to macadamize a road, since "the unit
ed wisdom of supervisors, legislators and
conventions" h not been able to designate
what roads, if any in the country, should
be macadamized. J'idgment for the defense
Do You Need a Wwtch or Clock ?
If so call and examine our stock before mak.
iag your selections, as we have them in all
grades, watches from H uO to $73.fO aad
ciocks from SO cents to $12 50. We also
have a fall line of jewelry, such as Cngir
rings, ear rings, watch charms and chains
curl buttons, bracelets, etc, in fact every
thing usualiy kept jn s first class jewelry
store. We are headquarters for silver ware,
as we carry the largue stock in town and
our prices are the lowest. All articles of
this kind purchased from us will be suitably
engraved free of charge.
Eepairing of watches, clocks aad jewelry,
a specialty.
Nett t GtSKBCU,
Jewelers and Opticians.
The Christmas Spirit.
The first duty of a woman, when the
merry Chnstmastide draws near, is to get
herself just as full of the Christmas spirit as
she possibly caa ; to fed her heart beating a
little quicker, to find an intense fascination
in tbe sbeps. and to want to put out her
bancs fall to overfiawiag with good gifts.
We cannot ia this world give to much.
To be sure, we must give ia the right way,
in tbe right spirit and with the real Christ
mas love tbe love that has in it not oce
particle of envy, hatred, malice, or ail nn-chariub'terea-
Wo sen want to cultivate
this spirit of riving more than ever before
be. t use, just now, the world is just so full of
caltivajicg "isms' that t requires a'J the
strength and wit of a womaa to keep cp the
good fiii customs. X- T. WorLL
See Where You Cin Do the Best.
See where yoa can get the beat and purest
candy for tbe raaet reasonable price, then
buy. We have ordered barrels aad boxes of
candy for the holiday trade aad caa sell aa
cheap as any for the quality of these goods.
Our candy is not made of glucaee, bet is pure
sugar candy. Special prices to SudcUj
scbool and other treats. All sizes of
oranges at a low price, nuts, dates, figs aad
anything kept ia a first-class grocery store.
Market prices paid for butter and eggs, ia ex
chance for goods. Prompt attention, cour
teous trestmeat. Give as a call. No trouble
to show good.
Kaxts r k Purr,
Nj. 2, laer Block. Sotnerset, Pa.
Quarter Sessions Court.
The rrgrclar December term of criminal coort
eeaveocd at 10 o'okxk Moztday morning.
Twenty -three grand jurors answered to their
names aad tbe court appointed A. 3. Boote
forman of that body. There are thirty-five
cases oa the caletdar. hut a msjsritr of
them were settled or continued. With one or
two exceptioos the entire list is made up of
case of a trivia! characjbr, that should never
have been brought or at least shoe Id have
been settled without coming to court. Fol
lowing is a list of cases disposed of cp to
Boon Taesday :
Commonwealth vs. Corge IockeU. A. A
B. with intent to kill, oa informatioa of J.
D.Sweit-tr. Sentenced to pay the txsta of
Same v.. Ma-y Amanda Fosier, fornica
tion ; constable's return ; verdict, not guilty
and tbe cocnty to psy the costs.
Same vs. Samuel McNair, Eli Bender aad
Win. Hardin, supervisors of Addison town
ship, neglecting to keep public roads ia good
order and repair; consisble's return. Nol
proa, entered on payment of costs by the de
fendants. Same vs. Susan Pletcber, fornication : con
stable's return. Defecdaat senleace to rav
the cost of prosecution.
Same vs. Joseph Case, furnishing liquor
tolperaoas of intemperate habits ; constable's
return. ol proa, entered oa payment of
cost by the defendant.
Same vs. Daniel Bowman, Peter Yowler
and William Y'owler, malicious mischief 00
information of W. H. Barron. Grand Jury
return cot a true bill aad the prosecutor to
pay tbe costs.
Same vs. Wm. Wcntworth, larceny: 00
infonuation of Joseph W. Seese. Verdict,
not guilty.
n :Tir!viij a srtsaaca.
To tbe return made by the constable of
Somerset borough tbe follow ing, containing
the names of twenty-two citizens, was at
tached :
Ti toe ITrnoraUe, tJi' Jti lra of tfce Curt f
Quarter Saoraiu So:ertel Co , & -The
undersigned residents aad citizens of
Somerset Borough, do hereby complain and
set forth that the Burgess and Council of
said Borough of Somerset do kepeaad main
tain a public nuisance on Main street of said
Borough, from the residence of Charles A.
Kimmell, along said street to near the resi
dence of Daniel E. Davis. They do repre
sent that a drain commencing at or about
the property of tbe Independent Order of
Odd Fellow, and rn.ming westward aad
o$cing in the drain oa the North side of
said Maia street, near the residence of
Charles A. Kimmell, deposits along said
street urine, human excrement, slop and
water from kitchens, drainage from stables
and manure piles, from which arise offensive
and poisonous oders, which renders life ua
cornfonab'e, and greatly endangers the
health of said reriients.
Mrs. A. E-UhL
I have made special large reduction ia ail
kinds of Dress Goods for Holiday Trade. A
big cut made in prices of Ladie s aad Misses
Coats and Wraps and Shawls. Y'oa need
not wait until after the Hoiiiays to get bar
gains, you caa get them now aad have tbe
pick of the stock.
A large variety of Dolls. Toys, and Fancy
Articles. Gloves. Mittens, Table Linens,
Towels. Fancy Tidies, Throws. Head Bests
and Silk and Cheaile Table Covers, Combs,
Brushes, Umbrellas, Pocketbooks, Card
Cases, Down Cushions, Stick pins. Breast
pins, Rings. Bracelets, Watch chains, etc.
An immense stork of Handkerchiefs and
Murf.ers at popular prices.
Mss. A. E. I'bu
Onions too Strong for the School
M arm.
Miss M. D. Merrill, a teacher in Oakley
school, Chicago, sends home the boys and
girls who come to school laden with the odor
of onions to change their breath. One of
the patrons took issue with Mise Merrill oa
receiving the following note with bis boys
who bad indulged ia the festive vegetable :
"It is too cool ia my room most of tbe
time to have the wiadows open, and toe
broath of your children after taiing onions
makes the air very oJensive."
Superintendent Love, however, decided
that the onion has rights that even a school
teacher must respect and reproved Miss
Merrill for seeding it borne.
Now FovChrismas Novelties.
M. E. Scbrock opened December Tth, the
mart extensive line of Oieensware, China.
Japanese, Glassware and Silverware ever
brought to Somerset. Tbe line of novelties
for holiday trade is large aad unique Call
early aad make your selections. Goods caa
be selected snd laid sway until wanted.
Don't buy elsewhere until yoa see our line-
Presents Through the Malts.
An Ohio postmaster has prepared instruct
ions for those who contemplate sending holi
day gifts through the mails They are so
pat and pertinent that we give them entire,
with the remark that followed out they will
save the posture people a great deal of
vexation, annoyance and possibly, loss:
"The season is approaching when the mails
will be filled with holioay presents, and s
great many are unnecessarily lost, delayed
or damaged each year because of the inditf
ereat manner in which they are prepared for
mailing. Newspaper or other thin paper
should not be used for wrapping and pack
ages ar ordinarily wrapped where purchased
are not suff.dectiy secure for forwarding in
the mails. Use strong paper, make a solid
package that will aot crush easily ; tie well
with good twine; addres legibly and correct
ly with ink on the lower right-hand comer
and very few packages will fail to reach their
destination ia rood condition. It is always
advisable to place tbe came and address of
tbe tender on the upper left hand corner of
all pat kages. etc , seat ia the mails, so they
may be returned in rase the address cannot
be found. Postal statistics show that more
delays result from incorrect addresses than
from errors in distribution by postal em
ployes. Ia case of loss or delay report tbe
same to your poetmaer with aa lae lnlor-
malion that can be given.
Opera House!
Don't forget to see I" ode Tom's Cabin and
Alabama Jubilee s.Dger, at Somerset Opera
House, Tuesday. Dec Zli. It will be the
Cnest production ever presented here, fine
brass band and sapura orchestra. Don't
miss the street parade at lit", and see Eva
and the pocy, Marks and donkey and the
blood bounds, A Coor-eaat, O , paper
Marney MrHjwea's company produced
Uncle Tom to a crowded booso last nigbt.
and we must confess that we never saw the
piece Tendered in such floe sbape before.
Tbe rainbow Quartette was the finest ever
heard here, ia fact each pro-former is aa art
ist in his role. The orchestra came ia for
their share of applause. Taey are great!
Don't fail to bear tbern.
Reserved seals, 50 csnts, will be put tn
sale at P. L. Case beer s Gents Famishing
Store, Friday evening. December lih.
A Progressiva Newspaper.
People wbo want to get tne mcst aad best
reading for the least money should buy tbe
Pittsburg 7Ti. It is the only Pittsburg
morning paper sold for one cent, yet it gives
all the news and ia more attracti ve shape
than its contemporaries. It pays special at
tention to political movements, finance aad
trade, the individual progress of Western
Pennsylvania and the interests of working
men. It gets tbe news of the world concisely
by telegraph and covers the focal field care
fully aad accurately. Its editorial columns
are bright with timely comments and coo
ducted on s fair, broad basis. If yoa war,!
to keep posted upon the developments of
liii subscribe for the 77m.
Christmas and New Year Excursion
on the Pennsylvania Railroad.
In pursuance of the custom long since es
tablished, tbe Pennsylvania Baiiroad Com
pany will sell excursion tickets between all
stations on its lines for the Christmas and
New Year holidays at a rate of two eeents
per mile. The ticket will be sold Decem
ber 1-t'l. to January L-'-M, inclusive.
valid for return until Jaaoary tth, 12, ia
Everybody at Sea as to thw Out
come of Saturday's Election.
The voter of this town caa always be re
lied upon to take aa active interest in aa
election, ao matter what macaer cf mea or
principles are involved. Tbe mere fact of
voting, of discharging the highest right aad
privilege of free men. ia incentive enough to
draw them to the polls. The election to be
held next Saturday, for the purpose of de
ciding whether or not the borough shall be
bonded to establish a system of water works
has probaUy crean J more disr-ossioa than
say election ever held ia Somerset.
This is proper, however, inasmuch as tbe
question is one directly arTerting the inter
ests of every property owner, sad ia the eoo-
si deration of which the voter should care
fully wetgh his own and bis town's interest
before casting his ballot. Advocates on both
sides continue to claim a majority, while
cooserrative voters, who have refrained from
expressing their sentiments agree that the
majority is likely to be from Z to 00 either
Come in," said the good-aatarsd shop
keeper to our reporter one evening during
the week. The water works question is ia
full blast, and I think I can find a seat for
yon oa as empty fish barrri."
The invitation was sccepted, but the
porter was too late to nave a voice ia the
vote that had just been takea, aad which
resulted ia IS to 2 against water works, but
climbed into tbe seat designated, and follow
ing are s few of the remarks he overheard
aa they fell from tbe lips of the gentlemen
surrounding the store stove.
" For pure, unadulterated ignoranre," said
the maa with the high tenor voice, " the
sanitary improvement it is claimed water
works will effect in the town, takes the cake.
Look at the gutters aad dnias as tter are
at present, aad think of the complaint that
has been going up to the town council for
years about their foul condition, and then
stop to consider what their condition will be
if all these people ap street have all the wa
ter they caa use. A mere statement of facts
ought to satisfy aay reasonable person tha:
the health of tbe town will be ia far greater
peril after the introduction of water than it
is at present, unless sewers are put in at the
same time water is.
" I can't for the life of me enderstand,'
said the boom town man, why certain par.
ties in this Iowa are opposed to water works,
and I have no respect for their opinions.
They are so confounded miserly that they
can't think of having their taxes increased
aod are so ignorant that they cannot appreci
ate the benefit water works woui 1 be to Som-
eret. Tbe town authorities have expended
a considerable sum of money ia having a
survey of Kimlieriy run made, and estimates
furnished as to the probable cost of tbe wa
ter works, aad I think they should be sus
tained by tbe voters of the borough, at the
election next Saturday. If the question car
ries, there will at least be aa effort made to
introduce water into our town. That will
be a great step forward, and will lift as out
of the rut we have been ia for the last hua
dred years. There caa be no o lost ion but
that tbecitizsas of the town will vote for
water, by a large majority.
Tbe cracker-barrel man aervocsly exchang
ed a great chew of "Climax " from one side
of his mouth to the other, aad after the
enthusiastic young speaker quoted above
had found a eat oa top of aa applebutter
keg. said : I hardly anppxee your remarks
were intended lor me, because I own very
little property, bat many of you fellows wbo
are bellowing for water works own none at
ail. Now, there are two aides to every ques
tion, aad it isn't right that the motives of
men wbo don't think as you do. should
be impugned aad tbe characters of the men
themselves be assailed by irresponsible par
ties wbo own no property, and who have
nothing at stake. It is the future property
owners we have to look after, aod when it
comes to aasumiag a deb! of $JT, , or more,
they have s right to know how that money
u to be expended, or whether it is to be
This is a very grave question," pat ia
the aiaa with a drawl, aad one thu I think
many of our people have failed to properly
consider. At least one-half of the people
Lviag in Somerset doubt whether it is practi
cable to get a supply from that swamp
drained, black-water stream even though
the water should prove to be Ct for domestic
a sc. Now, it is reported that the town au
thorities will not iarestigate aay other meth
od of introducing water, aod tbe question
that we taxpayers have to solve is, are we
going to empower the tuwa authorities to
expend a large sum of money in attempting
10 do something that will ia all probability
prove a failure 7 It is indeed a very serious
question, gentlemen, aad one that we should
ail carefully consider before we vote for it."
You are wroag-shipped, eatire'y, old fel
low." said the freckle-nosed maa. The
Kimberiy run scheme is the only one under
consideration by the lowa authorities, sim
ply because no others have been otTered, and
until some one otfers them a better system
than the Kimbetly ran one, why, of course,
that's the one they 'll adopt.'
" Wei!, I should like to know," screamed
bow-legs, from the far end of the store, where
be was admiring aa assortment of candy
hearts the favortte Christmas present of hs
boyhood whether the borough authori
ties didn't expend !j to hare tbe Kimber
iy run territory surveyed, and for having aa
estimate made as to the probable cost of pip
ing that muddy water into town? Do they
expect every maa wbo chooses to ditTer with
the engineer wbo made the survey, to offer
something better, and at his own expense 7
Why, it is simply preposterous in them to
insinuate such a thiing, if, indeed they have.
Haven't they got the same authority to in
quire into the feasibility of supplying the
town with water from drilled wells pumped
on to Tayman' hill which, by tbe way.
many of the best men ia town think to be
the ouly proper aad practicable way of ever
securing a water supply that they had to
employ an engineer lo make a survev of
Kimberiy ran? The borough authorities
have the power to investigate all measures
in this regard that appear practicable, and it
is hardly fair, as I look at it, ia them to ask
tbe voters to authorize the hsueof bonds un
til after they have examined every possible
method of introducing water into town, and
then have adopted the best and cheapest
system. I have due respect for the opinions
of tbe burgess and town council, and they
should have tbe same eotusideraiioa for the
opinions of those wbo ditTer from them. I'm
Oppoted to every question until I know what
tbe question is, aad that's the reasoa why I
am opposed to voting for the issue of bor
ough bonds for water ; no one knows where
the water is to come from."
" If tbe town daddies had the authority to
employ aa engineer to survey Kimberiy run,"
said ragged whiskers, why haven't they
got the authority to mike a caa v as of the
town and ascertain how many persons will
take water at a fixed price ? Way shan't we
know what revenue caa be derived from
water works, aad bow nearly they caa be
made self-sustaining ? This whole business
reminds me of a child trriar to walk
before it can creep.
" Wby, as s nutter of course, the work
will be self-sustaining, and the saving tbe
twn will nuke in insurance rates will be
clear gain, said the boom town mac, " aod
next year we will have electric lights, with
the wire underground, and don't you forget
" Tbe saving on insurance a the m t ab
surd claim about all this water works ques
tion," said the man cn the coal box, elevat
ing his " two-fr" on til the firesiaged bis
eyebrows. Advocatas of water do not claim
that the Kimberiy run system will famish
any fire protection worth talking about, and
even if it does tbe expense of keeping op fire
companies will more than off-set the saving
oa insurance.
Well, rrntlemen. I am honestly for wa
ter works," said the man with the crooked
neck, " and it doesal make much difference
where tbe water come from, if the supply i
sufficient, and it ia not too er pens' re. 1 do
not propose, however, to irscrease my taxes,
and the taxes of my neighbors, by voting for
msasrue that I know Bathing about, sad
eoDceraiag which I have so far been unable
to learn anything. It does seem to ne
those persons whaie urging this matter
have not made the proper uveatigatiot of all
matters to be considered before submitting it
to the people. There are many other ex
peases that most follow the introduction cf
water, and wc should certainly soow where
I the water is to come from, and what It is ro-
ing to east, before we consider these other
matters. Now, if the same interest was ta
kea in electric lights that then has been ia
wafer works, this ton would have been
lighted by electricity Ion-W bare one
of the prettiest little towas ia the Staff, acd
there is nothing too good for as, but remem
ber, we mast par for everything we get. I
have always found it s very good custom to
inquire the price of aa article before bcyiag
it, aad I should like to know aomethiax
about this water works question before I
ote for it.
"There has been a great deal of talk about
certain parties wanting to supply the town
with water aad ro the consumers." and
Whiskers. "All I've got to aay is that the
men so acenstd Lave done more for our town
than those who make the accusation, aad I
knew that the thought of putting ia water
works never entered their miads. But sup
pose what these blatherskites say is true, yoa
can rest assured that the people of the town
will not be asked for s cent until the water is
conducted to their doors, aad will be sup
plied as cheaply as the borough caa do it.
This statement is absurd, too, because when
private capital ha made no effort u build
work the borough is asked to spend $J7.
UO at the instance of a few fellows who
have nothing to lose and no taxes to pay.
That's decviedly the better way to took at
the matter.
1 hare heard the wildest statements as to
the way tbe vote will be on this question
I have ever beard ia my life," said s promi
nent young county, officia wbo has had a
fair share of political experience. "I made
a poll of the borough myself this afternoon,
snd unless I am badly rattled, the water
works question will be defeated by at least
fifty votes. Some of yoa fellows may con
aider this a bluff but I haven't asked a man
to vote against water and I don't intend to.
but that's tbe wsy it is going to stand.'
"It may be possible to get wait? from
Kimberiy run." said the maa with one gum
boot, "but we eaa never get it for any such
amount of mooey as it it claimed w can.
Look at Idford as aa illustration. Their
water supply cot them between e .-' aad
and if yoa can judge of tbe com
plaints one reads in the Beuiord papers the
works are always out of repair and there is
a scarcity of water. The great mistake Bed
ford made was in putting in four, six aad
eifc-hl inch main that are constaatly chok
ing np with sand, mad sod rust, aad conse
quently have to be taken up frequently. It
seems to me we can learn a good lesson from
Bedford mistakes, aod if we must pat in
water works, why let as raise enough money
to have everything done right aad not put
in pipes that will be sure to prove inade
quate and a cons tint source of annoyance
and expense."
Weil, the greatest objection I have to tha
borough patting in water works, said the
man with one pant-leg ia his boot, "is that
what is everybody's business is nobdy's
business. If our town council were salaried
ocers. aad if the burgess received s salary
worth having, Uiey might be expected to
devote some time to seeing that sii improve
ments they undertake for the public good
are conducted as economically as possible.
Of coarse tbe water works will be left to
contract, but wbo is to watch tbe con
tractor" Water works will be very burdensome to
the people wbo can't afford to as the
water," said the nail-keg man, ' and as I ana
one of that clas I am going to vote against
"Over ia Caiontowa,' said the cracker
barrel man, "the water company have served
notice on (he people that on and after A pril
1st they will look to tbe owner of property
for the payment of water rates, aod not to
the parties occupying tbe same a tenants,
which is only another argument why only
owners of real estate should be permitted to
vote aext Saturday."
"Well, brethren," said the secret-society
maa, "I can't help but think that if we vote
for water and the question carries, it will be a
step that we wiil have reason to regret as long
as we live. I am aot opposed to the borough
putting in a plant, but I am opposed to our
expending the last cent the law will permit
us to, unless it is absolutely certain that the
supply will prove su 21 dent, that the pres
sure will furnish tire protection, and that
the cost will not be more than we caa afford.
Now, yoa all know that a thorough iavesti
galion of the diderent means of supplying
tbe lowa with water has not been made, aad
until it has been I shall not be satisfied."
"Yea, but the health of tbe town ia im
periied," said the boomtosa man, "and
water is the only thing that will sare cs
from an awful pestilence.'
"Ia my jaJgment," said tbe cracker-barrel
man. "the best means of preventing epi
demies of disease in our town will be for the
people to bring several more actions against
the borough authorities similar to the one
about to be returned to the court by the
borough constable."
"Good night '"said the jolly shop keeper
as he opened the door for the reporter to
pass oat. "I hope this discussion will stop
after the holidays, but I'm afraid if it does,
the "gang" will at once take op the qaettioa
of building s new school bouse and putting
ia electric light. I'm ia for it till warm
weather comes when aa army of Hies is dce
and wbea thee gentlemen will find it zcore
plaassat out coder the awning."
Just arrived a
1W pound saeks.
car of low gtade flour ia
Reduction made for Ion
A Dollar Saved A Dollar Made.
Never before has a fin decorated lamp and
shade, bisque finish, been sold at the low
price of Jl.oj, and a bisque finished vase
lamp at $-li with a movable solid brass oil
font. W are selling our lamps $1.00 below
tbe price elsewhere. We bought our stock
direct from the factory an J that is wby we
caa do it, as we save yoa tbe jobbers profit.
We also hare a fine decorated lamp aad
shade with the Central Draft or Booad Ear
ner for $4 2.1. and Brass Banquet Lamps with
Pittabagh Burner for Si To. All lamps sold
by as are fitted corspitee with chimney, wick,
etc. Call aad see our stock and get price
before purchasing elsewhere.
Kas-rsEB 4 Piatt.
Now that the festive sea.on U
approaching, ire are atrain prepar
inzto met the wants of the trale,
as usual, for such occasions. Our
stock of Candies, Xuts, Bananas,
Oranges, Lemons, Eaisins, Grapes.
Fitrs, Dates, CranlxTries, Olives.
nd many other delicacies, will be
the best the market affords ; there
fore your interests will be well sub
served by patronizing the old stand,
which has weathered the storm for
twenty years. And now, then, tQ
say that our trade has been entirely
satisfactory during the j.-t-t year, is
but Toicins the sentiment of the old
adage, u An honest confession id
good for the soul" And further-
more, &s the year lr?91 draws to a
close, mav we not atrain. with sin
cerity, return thanks for the liberal
patronage of our friends in the
years gone by, with the hope that it
may be merited in the future. May
we add, a merry Cliristmas and a
happy New Year (1692) to alL
Shall tha Town t- Bonded for
Ia fsocradering this question, ail must bear
ia mind that the town can only be beaded
by s majority rut uf its citiieas, aad the
nuajor.'ry vote, even though the same be but
one, will bind the minority. Let us coasd
er first where tbe water is to be procured.
As Car as the writer's inforscation goes.
Kimherly's Eaa" has beea decide. upon
aa the fountain bead for the cuppiy. Is
there enough water their far the purpose
The writer has c3 that rua, a?t cttce but
many times wbo fhe rut of a ui.'t cof
feepot would yitl J a Li,- r stream thva wss
Cowing in the run, for cone w as -ow leg,
the water, what little there was, stood ia
puddles assocg the stones. Had this occur
red bat once and ia a very dry time, the aa-
fitness of "Kimlierly's run' as a sourceof our
water supply would be derai.r. rated, for ia
a very d-y time is when the supply is spec-
tally needed.
Is the mxja of " Kimberiy 's run" pure
and suited for domestic use? Is a question
that ordinarily should b considered, but if
there is a deadeocy of watet for the purpose,
or evea if there be oacertaiaty as to the suf
ficiency, then " iHimber'y'j ma" is not the
place, aad under the circumstance the town j
should not l bunded.
Wherever water-works exist, to the writ
er knowledge, the water is an St to drink
without quantities of ice, aad is Dot nearly
so good as the water from wells. Besides
this the water is very frequently cocTiimiLa
ted, impure aad unlit for drinking purposes
until boiled. The only uses, sad the princi
pal reasons for urging the issue of bonds.
ar the necessity of water for the extinguish
ing of fires, for sprinkling the streets, and
about certain industrial establishments ia
the town, should the people be taxed be
cause water-works would add to the conve
nience of the few, or because insarance com
panies are said to tare threatened aa in
creas of rates ? Shall A, B, C, D, and others
pay water rales ia shape of taxes simply to
keep down the insurance rate on the proper
ty of E, F, aad others ? What will be the
effect on rents? To tbe writer there seems to
be no doubt that rents will be doubled in
case the meaaure of bondiag the town shall i
carry, perhaps more than doubled ; and the
reason for my position is the &ct that
property holders will have to pay more tax
than at present, and also where water is
piped ihrough tbe houses, there mu-t be a
direct outlay of a considerable amount of
money for the purpese. Ucau-e tbe mains
will merely peas along the street and the
pipe through which the water passes into
the houses aad all other connections must
be laid and made at the evpene of tbe prop
erty owner, who, as a matter of course, ex
pects to be reimbursed perhaps several
times 'for his ouliay. Who is to rtiruburs
bim ? Clearly the man that rents the prop
erty. Ia addition to all that I have said
there must be considered the oontingency 01
failure of the works to sup-!y the town . If
at so rue day, early or remote as rny be.
such a failure should Occur, what then?
Will the people vote another issue of bonis
in order to try another experiment ? There
is no such probability .
Some ssy, " vote the bonds aad leuve oth
er questions to be settled by the comrultue."
No busioees maa would act so. No busi
ness maa would put into the hinds of hi
agent a vast sum. and leave the -i.t to de
termine all the contingencies relating to tha
expenditure of th amount. Bat this is
precisely what the people arc asil to do in
this rase.
l et voters look over the matter calmly
aad carefully, as the writer has done, let
them weigh all the advantages and disad
vantages, let them count out so many dol
lars of iacresaed Tents, increased tax?:, in
creased expenditure for ice to cool th ir w a-
ter with agai&st the iaiasiDe-1 eon;t"oria o
water in the house, and they, part iculariy if
renter; of property, will decide as the wrier
has decided, to vote iniast the war tax .
Parker & Parker advertise their annual
red letter sale in this issue.
A nice Xmas present for Cather, mother
sister or brother, would be s tair of go'.d-
rim spectitfaas or eye glasses. We Lave the
largest line ia the coaaty. You can -elect
the frame aad have glasses suited to the eve
any time after Xmas free of charge.
Nit r A CA-rraia,
Jewelers and Opticians.
About two months ago ili-a Alice Graham
of Kittaning. had ail her epper, teeth draw a.
A few days afterward she rtn.arksd she
could feel something through the gums. A
couple of weeks later it was discovered that
aa entire new set of natural teeth had grown
clear through the gums. The teeHh are still
growing aad she is enjoying the extraordi
nary novelty of having the th rd set of natu
ral teeth.
Your Own Fault
If you do not get a perfect haVer whoa you
buy the new Range. Tbe Cin.lereila is sold
and rua ran teed s good baker. It lasts lon
ger and looks better than any other oa the
market. Sold by
Jas. B. Hou KtE iv.
Somerset, Fa.
Go to Mrs. A. E. Chl's speciivl Hu-.uker-chief
sale oa Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday of this week.
Low Holiday Rates on the B. St O.
For Christmas and New Year hoi i Jars the
B. iO. Railroad will sell tickets a! greatly
reduced rates st all stations e .st of the Ohio
river. Tickets will be sold frorn Iviembtr
.iT'rd to January 1st, inclusive, and will U
valid for return passage until January 4ih.
Now Open.
At the store of If. E. Scbrock. Souerse',
the largest line of J leensware, Jj;u.ncf
ware. Silverware and Wall paper eve?
brought to Somerset county.
Soecial Handkerchief Sal..
Mrs. A. E. Chi will heve a special Hand
kerchief and ii a tiler sale on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday of this week. Stccv
very large, variety great and prices specially
fow. liite. A. t. I ML.
FOLK rLETCHEli. Oa Monday, the
3uth of November, lyjl, at tbe lUerchani's
Hotel in Rock wood, by Elder H. A. Stab!,
Mr. Abraham J. Folk, of Eiklkk township
and Mis Sarah Pletcber, of Middlecretk
township. Somerset Cocnty, Pa.
P,ilu (akrrs. a; !ir. !!:; ers. te-iclv
erv ;rr jt iier, hik! a.! who re !uvl.e :
"ver-tix 33I untile tjie 1 oeil rtai. 6t.,i,
tu Ayrw'a Cherry rertnrat.- -a'e. certa.Ii.
aihi speee re'ief. II stV.i.r the laryfi,
aiiajs uitl uuciats-t s:j-rathea voc-.
nd tof w i-oopiii; e-r.aib. erir. r- i'rf'wt.
aJ V.K- i-CvJ-rn euMs Jo La1 rh: Jrea
are expo!, tbi pu pjra:: u i:!n..:.t
Wiliina n. Qoirt'T. An.ti.niAT. tlii.l.'1
tou. Auilrii.n. ; i;r-s : - I u,j j riV.i. o ui
auctioneer, aiiv 3ee:..a u ti e n. '-e or
Uiroa i a serkms air.tier; I .U at e; U
attack, I Live lira
a few yar t AjJ-r'j Cie;rr Ten, t:!.
T.:is rrnxly. v..-Jhor.!i:iarj rn-. Li snrtci
surh ixa;x3l r fleet Uul I Lau' r-U
very l.t!e ia-ue-ioe."
- Haniiij IfcopHiA'y tested ;'.; rr -fx rt-
ct Jtier t CiH-rry fcet?r;J a raie-; r
bruiRliitis st:J iliruiX .r.i..-tkwiii, 1 am 'h-z:-i!y
j!ad lo tW? t t!te laniiie t;-:, it
tfci prepaniA e."-T J. tiiirrar. Sti-t-ov
Leclntvr. t;;;ej. uiimi.
"AVer's Oh rry l"eet rj Lis rWrr.i and
atrenjjtheii jot vwe. C-at I aci a: ;e tn
rii with very Bes c-ore e-.v a'l e n:
fovt tuaa before - .Cn.i ('. V Nitiolii.
l'istorot rua;.:Ct!i.cii. No. iJir; , Jijii.
Cherry Pectoral
r:titio ir
Dr. I C. AYES & CO., Ln3,
Soitj alilrt;;;au. rrirc CI;-i c:u, fi.
7!t riu to
prkr.". TYV pr.'-'.iie yo'i
irariic-n-c linci. All '-I') :-
:i:t? ai
0-inch All-wool Cloth, ot.e.
42-in- Elk. ?IIk Vv'arp Gloria,
42-in. Cloth Iletliord Cord, new, $1
Cheviots, all grades.
See the new weaves Black Silki.
See the new weaves Black S-itin.
Soe the tew weaves Colored "f ilk
All the ktest this-s in Silks can
John P. Knable & Co.
Successors to Knable &. Shuster.
35 Fifth Avenue. PITTSBURGH, PA.
J&S. B. Would be P'esjed to Send Sim ties.
13 X. Vava Street,
GR.iix. hay, juia. rci:i) ei:i$ axi
EEFZRE.XCr . Western Natlo:
.a. iAi. a
You pay usn
The visit will : ;
Novelties for
The Cheapest BOOKS h
A Wsete S. t Papers
S D-- U.'Ci,
A telna w-as ar .acu!
O-' r I-
!. la, c.W
You pay io a ,
The visit v.'lli yrv '
Oj'p-sl'.? Purser ,v I'arkei? .-:or-. '
Are c is order, sia 1 e wcu'd iJ.-fst i:..i:
useful tbis -a.u.; We fee! :.-: red of y. ir le;: '
p!ai-e. where vu" will !lt, i a verv v tuple rtx . '.'
of L J'eV au ! .rflt-r" Ud O !! Fm.-r l.:n,;, I". ,:1, 1.
Scarf I'ins. :.'"! Set irrer' w:tt. v.ery Ofir
I. idics and -J.r.u ..ii.J ioi-l and '" i-..:i-l V.'at. ..
M1S.W Cliiilela :c WiU he? i:i '.!. s.!it or .. s,
or otherwise. It o -rar.f of Ci: s Je
li o -rar.f of Csocs. Je
rencil.. . ine
n j e::n verv pre" 7 1
raas or .New ii
"irs" iri:'!. In unxii:: e '
and e onr fti. ., as we
work of ail )t'.u-U J r.:iii
. e
N. Y. Weekly Her
The Best and Cheapest,
With the zE'-t periVi-t riea-.M'.herir
every nectioa of the ba'iitdb'e elob. tr W
its n'-adtrs the Lites: istiili "n.f an 1 ci ,.
conntry in the wcrl 1.
The repula'
niir.T years of its pr:
Oripnal Artie'.-? cn ri-a.-.ioal Far- ; L'..- r
iuinj aa-1 GarJeni!.-?. .
VToiress ia Sc'e:.,'e. i a:
Serials ami Short Scorlc-? Lj the Xo ?
The -tam;
strictlr liiaiuUiu'M. SckJ all .-uWr;;
James Gordon Eenn
Ca not Fail to Subscribe now far the
N. Y. IVeeklv Herald.
L-a; of Lj I'M fimm.
Leftem of A-TTi-.os-'ro.U' a tc fu-u tmTiri: t
bw-a rra'i u tfc.? un !:! t'1 t.y a.--
proper vjtr.. ' c.-iu - i br-rr-r gttru V ft i
prrlCi ItfeeWaieM to awdi rTV-"? u iiE.r:r"i- i
Tiz!i-t taftT.uc t-:na A.i,ir; ;
tteWJr ui j. -- i titrci i..f :T:;-ii;a ttr-! j
for rtiH-'oi, j..rla. J,nu7 .
f-i'i: r of tii Avmiaa?ijioe iu tT?irr- m?wt
ii - ;
. 1 ;
J. H. t'TTL. Aa:.;iJr. f
Fins'9 Co;i and
T-'SiV il -e . fv.i.-fc'-.r. f-
r.'jto irJ AftU ers. i.a ror i- -i . 1
kH J to rae i w
kii7-ra. a. U. it-j.s.-j:, D. 0.
o'.'.r li
tkMiiv't Kii.lltS 'utiiij,
4'inc!i Cheviot riaiis, C'"c
Broad Cloths, a".! srades.
Si r.n S rr". stll :"'"iuli05.
be fUi.
55.ilTIJIOKi:, 3!i.
. i-..t a .
ii.;.: '.e A.v u ies.
Christmas Gifts.
hill G.FT.
S-. St. So FrrTK Avrv
ii.v, !;.:; y
iV-'T iU-l
'.rv. s.'
,ri s.v rar
! iv
1 i
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YEAR 1392
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