The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 14, 1891, Image 3

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Xbe Somerset Herald.
October 14, 1881
t bunting Us''J commences Oct.
' Vtl'i fin Tailor-made Wrap
b""011"' D l"''' trimmed.
Sui:d comfort rocker" bi """S0 for
at Iv"a cext 10 ,"Lneion House.
"iH naadl'' foni3 taring been
.h hank crash, the schooii have had
B'' pWj glove, and warranted, go to J.
g0ytrbauni' Hardware Store, Somerset,
. i.n every workman
wears bis em-
ID J't " .
-e name, business
and addreaa print-
, Lis back.
n anything you
ueed in tbe
tvt ojoJf line, cheap and good, at Mrs. A.
fcave tb reputation of being
r.-.rk liO
,-id of U.eir shadow, .bow great courage
j toe l'rnc of a looking glass.
, v i. E. I'bi's advertisement in
Jr column. Mo,to : " Goods and
potv says wife n1 not liTe with
mniber-in-iaw. 1
. . -r. f VI i ramnhell if T.S..
hat 01 e - 1 1
refused to live with a tarter 01 a
'" :.tK md obtained a divorce under
. . -
j jut- - -
rngie aaa uuuuic, aui sura,
, 1 '. - -: ma
Yes, Devhn a lor tbem,
I r .rrr-Ufct Cleveland has announced
1 . , , name of the new com. r in bis house
E;.,ht the name of Mrs. Cleveland's
rvGrt-nlee 4 Forst oil well at McDon-
een miita injm iinowuiti,
S CSV. lUiS IB luo igf,v uu ncii
Y travel in America and
believed to be
- .ar-tin the
I l' (.'. fAirfy ot totrerf jn'
I T S. St'ft secretary of the North
I -, Bt;5jjon township school board. West-'TV-ssd
county, is missing. He was
wi:b forging a 1,5-J bond on the
I To men. ho gave their names as George
!-i-.!iington and Samuel Frankey, or I'itts-
j-h aal Si-merset respectively, were ar
MtuMay night for passing a counter
I . !rTO, cent pifce at Joseph Ketter's
L'l on Wviie avenue, Pittsburgh. They
t 4o in good money and $27.25 in spu-
i. ,2S cuill.
I . hus-herine contest, at Pittsburgh, for
i .i itje, Herman Doernbergtr killed and
I . j f-vis in ti minutes and 2 sec-
f -rv - - -
-is. This breaks the record. About
I i'-td bands on the result Job a A Bora
?. pjemberger'a opXnent, and his time
; Ti ffiinuu?, 2J seconds.
1 i.j wRk the trustees of the Indiana
i v School consummated a punhase of
1 1 icres ofland from Mrs. Sarah Sutton, of
Indianx It will be used as a ball
-v.z.i at pnenU J"est year the school ex-
C--. to erect a four-story brick building on
v.-.PTvlof the land to be used as the
x 'it. music j
i-m:n2. rrazine, mineral or timber
i tr sie cheap, in tbe booming state of
t ' T. Special inducements to those desir-
i Write what you want.
In-Ncas McRea, Real Estate Agt.
Kingwood. V. Va.
"iie care of your health," Trident
slm le'iis the Princeton boys. "You may
;ed binomial theorems, but you will
d jour digestion every day. I wish I
thought of my health. A frequently
-urring headathe, a bad appeUte ana
-.lessness are solemn warnings that you
at heed. Dyspepsia is not a ttiing w
tiif fun of.''
1 1 little child of Samuel
1 r Run. met its dealh
Ringler, near
in a somewhat
f vie manner iast week A jar ofapple-
i-:-a bad just been filled fresh from the
i euie, when the child thrust its arm
vtiw hot stuu". Its flesh was literally
-d from tbe eibow down, and it was
I -jn into spasms, from which it died tbe
'J uot thirty dayt at the Iout
ico trfr t 'rrti in Sotaertet at
I is oU cin named Armstrong was caught
i z tU B. A U. P-ailroad bridge at Johns-
to. Saturday afternoon, by a freight train.
etiitavared to run, but stumbled and
I I M.jk reac'uitig the end of the bridge.
i tit fi-et he jumped into the shallow
I w, :wnty feet below, landing upon his
iiX Et a frightfully cut and bruised
routs in the river bottom. He was
k"Lto:heJobnstown Hospital, where he
i-l'.!i t few hours afterwards.
-jc g of bright silver dollars, dated
il-Xtols, which were sent by the
l ai Society to its bank in Beaver
I t ir days ago, when rumors reflect
tiit stability of that institution were
- 2c:rcua-l, is said to be a part of the
f L-tasure buried by Father Kappa,
M t.uDjer of the society in 1S31, when
I at Pruli sad ha brother adventurers
jtrrig to carry off the wealth of Econ
I r.
I A ski Had fata accident occurred at New
I WMtUjt Friday evening. James Hull,
: ofTiyior Hall, of New Florence, was
f s Cf-s!s',rs room in company with a
f -'-f brother. James was lying on the
r s.;t bit brulber was handling a double
- M jhotgun. While thus engaged the
Na t discharg. d. the whole load en-
"t ti left side of his brother, tearing a
''? in his body.
It is thought he can
1 :x Sh:Ttr. John R. Tate and Thomas
' the three Beaver county Congres-
o-'ferees charjred with bribery, who
f " ftaiaded into the custody of the
. endergo fuur months' imprison
f ';tirtaU;mptof court in not testifying
f dtiivtred themselves into th
? ' i." 0:' the sherid" Thursday in accord-
' " tht d-cision of the Supreme Court,
f -(, in
I Hacaa,idua Lutal .Ymn of Monday,
j : Jiis l ;u, of Janiat townehip,
?'eoi;:u!it;ng.(juirrel6a few days ago,
1 -e of tiie frisky gentry in the
hvge oak. While moving a round
I Pstiiot v. it he was more than startled
I tlacksnake drop at his feet
f tht Itjtfy eauopy above. distance of
rT t reor thirty feet. The snake had
fj"s".T climbed the tree for meal, and
1 "piitinthe ehaj of a small gray
? ich it Lad two-thirda swallowed
i it fell to tbe ground. Mr. Piatt killed
r'!P'"it, Lich measured over five feet
t:-biu length.
I ,0,t- of the cheap popular excur
j iu U.t I'la.-burgh Exposition Tiatbe
I''" Iui:"l- Following are
I-' t0an(i P- wL'Cb
'WUl A.AJB111UU. . I
r'J'ncait " "'
-?iowa "'
.. zz
1 J
2 5(
2 60
2 4')
2 70
2 50
2 80
ptrfioflicea in this
The last excursion 10 t lie Pittsburgh Ex
position over the B. A O. R. EL will be run
Miss Iaura Orr.and, of Man's Choice,
ro.a ctmnty. 13 ttie gu-st of iirs. Y. R.
banner this wk.
Governor Pattison has ajpointed B.
cja-r, ot this county, a member of the
rormen Congress at Sedalia, Missouri.
WalL HefSey's black mare, Mattie," won
the three minute trotting race, Friday, at
lLe Oreensburg fair. Her time was 2:51.
County Treasurer John Haim r baa remor
d his family to Somerset, and is located on
Ilailroad street, in Parker Trent's cottage.
Tbe Midnijht Alarm " attracted a large
audience to tbe Opera House Monday even
ing. The entertainment was one of the best
ever given in this town.
Cambria county's gnod-looking district at
torney, Frank J. O'Connor, and Mias Maggie
E. Bailey, of Johnstown, it is announced.
will be married in tbe near future.
Poor Directors Hunter, Weller, and Dkk
ey. Steward John andtierK L. C
Colborn, Esq., are at Eeaiiir-g this week, at
tending the annual convention of State Poor
Lawyers F. J. Kooaer, H. L. Baer, VTm
H. Koontz, Wm. H. Kupiel and John H
Ehl left for Pittsburgh Sunday afternoon.
where they will argue cases in the Supreme
Court the tirst few days of this week.
Tarker Trent, Jr., a five jear-cid son of
the late Daniel Trent, Jr., of Allegheny City,
was run over and killed by an eiectriccar in
that city. Thursday afti-moon. The remains
were brought to this place for burial.
David Weig'.e's residence, near Shank
sville, was ili'stroywl ty at an early hour
Sunday, the V.h inst. Nearly all the house
hold goods were savd. He had an insur
ance of i UWO on baiiding'and furniture.
Hon. Charles Kantner, of Morgantown,
West Va, has been in town for several days
visiting relatives and renewing his acquain
tance with old-time friends. Mr. Kantner is
an ex-member of the legislature of bis State.
Peter Heffiey and W. H. Sipe were in at
tendance at the Bedford fair last week. The
former entered "Limber Jim" in the free-
for-all trotting race, and the latter entered
" Tony " in the running race. Neither horse
Albert Reel, a brakeman running on lo
cal freight between Rock wood and Johns
town, while coupling cars at the latter place,
Friday afternoon, had bis right eibow badly
squeezed. He was taken to his home at
The Herald inadvertently credited the
Republican candidate for Toor House Di
rector to Somerset township at the head of
its editorial columns. Mr. Miller is a resi
dent of Jefferson township, and is certain
of election.
Elsewhere in this paper will be found the
card of A. H. Huston, undertaker and em
balmer. Mr. Huston has only recently ta
ken a course of instruction under one of the
most skillful embalmers in the country, and
is prejiared to pay prompt attention to the
calls of customers.
Attention is directed to the advertisement
of W. S. Htighes t Co., commission mer
chants of Baltimore. The firm will be re
membered ty many of the farmers of this
county as one of the most reliable commis
sion bouses who number of years ago
made a specialty of Somerset county butter.
Among the Herald' cullers this week
was Dr. Blough, of Chicago. Tbe Dr. was
called to this county by the serious illness
of bis father, Henry Blough, who died at
his home near Stanton's Mills, a few days
ago. The Dr. will take his mother to Chi
cago where he is a prosierous physician.
Sheriff Good has delivered Andrew Black,
Frank Stewart and Wm. Ham, t) the au
thorities of the State Reformatory at Hun
tingdon, and John Baiiey, Daniel Lohr and
John Eisenhour, to Warden Wright, of the
western penitentiary. All of the above
persons were convicted at last term of court.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 8. Reese, of My
ersdale, have sent out invitations to the
marriage of their daughter, Marge J, to Ed
ward D. Leonard a well-known young gen
tleman of that place, on Wednesday, October
21, in Zion Evangelical church. Immedi
ately after the ceremony a reception will le
held at Slicer's hall.
Hon. B. F. Meyers, postmaster at Harris
burg, and editor of the Sliir-IndejxnJrnt, of
that city, has been in town for several days.
It has been Mr. Meyers' custom for many
years to pay an annual visit to his old home
in this county. He was accompanied by h:i
wife, and they were the guests of Mrs. Mey
ers' brother. Wm. H. Koontx, Esq.
A very distressing accident occurred a
few days ago, when tbe ten-year-old son of
Eli Stutzman, who lives on H. C. Beerits'
farm, two miies north of town, fell from an
upper mow in the barn to the threshing
tloor and broke bis right arm off short at the
wrist. Tbe lad is subject to attacks of epilep
sy and it was during one of these attacks
that the accident bapiened.
Capt. Wm. H. Sanner, Sheriff Good and
H. L. Berkley, E?q., left for Bedford this
evening where tbey will be joined by Mr.
Kooser and when the judicial conference
will be re-conveoed. We trust the confer
ees will nominate a candidate at this meet
ing and that Somerset county will be accord
ed the privilege of naming tbe man. Tbe
campaign needs must be short and Mr.
looser can win with hands down,.
Invitatsor.s are out for tbe wedding; of
Miss Jessie, daughter of Capt. Wm. H. Jor
dan, of Mt. Pleasant, Pa., and Mr. eon.
Farker j'lnioi member of the weil-tnowa
dry goods bouse of Parker t Parker, tLis
piace. The ceremony will take place at the
home of the bride s parents at 12 o'clo. k
noon Tuesday, 2"ih insL Invitations nave
only been issued to the relatives of the two
The Confluence Drilling Company have
sunk in the neighborhood ot tiny wens lor
farmers living in the vicinity of Somerset,
and a number for residents of town, during
the past month. They are engaged at pres
ent in putting down a well for Mr. Bealnian,
at Kantner station, snd Lsve found it the
toughest digging tbey have so far encounter
ed in the county, itie arm n m-'j
penet.:d fcrty-Jtvea feet of sana
stone, with do indication of reaching the
bottom of the rock.
Dr. Hackney, of Eniontown. medical in
spector for tbe district composed of the
counties of Fayette, Somerset. Bedford and
Fulton, came to this place Thursday, and
in company with Dr. J. W.Carotb-rs, drove
toShanksvillefortbe purpose of investiga
ting tbe sanitary condition of that village.
There has been a great deal of sickness at
Shanksville during the pa wral months,
and sppiioation wss madu to the State Board
of Health for assistance. The inspector re
ports eleven cases of low malarial fever in
and says they are all attributa-
ble to the foul condition of the water the
we been drinking. Most of the
dwelling bouses of Shanksville tace the road the banks of th Stonyereek.
while tbe baras and outbuildings are located
..j in the rear ofthedwtll-
on eioaiea e
ines and it follows as a matter of course
that'wbere no precaution has been taken to
conduct the drainage of such buildings away
the water i- the wells and spring, lying
from fifteen to thirty fcet Wow. must be
come pointed. The State Boerd of Health
"ill furnish tbe people -i disinfects.
bop. of correcting the evils that have already
Strf. Fortunately no death, tav. result-
Much :W " 2alrs
in different portions of Somerset
Tbere are ninety three
It is always the unexpected that is hap
pening in politics. Not one of Judge Baer's
political friends in this county ever thought
for a moment of cat-ting bis ballot for any
other candidate for President Judge until it
was announced that be bad withdrawn his
name from the consideration of the confer
ence. What dote it mean T" " How did it
come about T' were the questions asked by
his party friends on all (idee when it became
known that Mr. Reynolds bad been placed
in'nomination by tbe Democratic cod ference
Friday afternoon.
Well, this is bow it came about Judge
Baer long ago determined not to be can
didate, but was final! prevailed upon by
bis friends to take the nomination of bis
party in this county.
The Judge did not fail to realize that bis
candidacy would provoke the bitter antago
nisms of several prominent Democratic at
torneys, and rather than Cower hi
dignity by descending from the bench
to engage in "scrapping match" for
the nomination, be sent a letter to the con
ference in which be said, I hereby release
my conferee from ali allegiance to me; and
ak that they act for tbe best interest of tbe
Democratic party of the district, that they
nominate for their party' candidate for
Pu-siileut J udge.tbe candidate who can poll
the largest vote." The above communication
was sent to the conference Thursday after
noon. Tbe Bedford county candidate re
fused to release his conferees and balloting
was continued until Friday noon when
Judge Baer. in a note, peremptorily with
drew his name from the consideration of the
conference. Tbe nomination of Mr. Rey
nolds followed at once.
" What does it mean?"1
It means that the strongest and ablest
candidate that the Democratic party in the
district could have reseated refused to ask
for a nomination that should have been ac
corded him voluntarily.
Ceorga Locket Back In Jail.
Sheriff Good, brought George Loctett to
town on the early train Tuesday morning
and at once lodged bim in jaiL The Sheriff
has beeen on the lookout for Locket for
sometime and learning that be was in Cum
berland, Md., went to that city Monday.
Shortly after alighting from the train be
came face to face with Lockett on Balti
more street, and placed bim under arrest.
Lockett, said that be bad been having a good
time, but agreed to return to Somerset with
out a requisition. He will be placed on trial
at next term of court, on a charge of assault
and battery with intent to kill, on informa
tion of Joseph D. Sweitzer, of L'pper Tur
key foot township.
The particulars of the assault on Sweitzer,
when Lockett chased bim from bis barn at
tbe point of a revolver, and fired several
bullets into bis body axe still fresh in the
minds of readers of the IIxkalo.
When the case was presented to the grand
ary at February term, no witnesses appear
ing, that body returned not a true Dm.
Judge Baer at ence directed the jurors to re
turn to their room and amend their finding,
but not nntil after he bad read a sharp lect
ure to the attorneys representing toe com
The grand jury did not report until May
term, when a true bill was returned against
Lockett, The prisoner, however, failed to
appear, and as bis recognizance bad not
been renewed at February term tbe case was
dropped until he should be taken into cus
tody by due process of law.
It was an unfortunate assault for all par
ties concerned, bat whether Lockett can
manage to escape tbe clutches of the law
remains to be seen.
250 Farmers Sued.
Two hundred and fifty Westmoreland
county farmers have been sued betre a Jus-
ice of tbe Peace for refusing to pay dues and
assessments to tbe National Mutual Live
Stock Company, of Mount Vnion, Hunting
don county. A number of tbe defendants
have appealed to court and filed affidavits.
It is claimed in each case that the company
is trying to collect dues and assessments for
which the defendants are not liable. A
number charge other irregularities. Tbe
president of the company denies all charges
of irregularity.
Justice Keener, of Greensburg, says be re
fused to take tbe cases because the company
wanted bim io act as posecutor as well as
magistrate. Many persons, perhaps 1,500,
have done business with the company here
abouts. One firm of horse owners at New
Castle, Lawrence county, which had insured
with tbe National Mutual, appealed to court
from a decision and was compelled to pay
Lthe assessments. Tbe contract was toe prin
cipal evidence before the court.
The New Cure for Drunkenness.
A special meeting of tbe Women's Chris
tian Temperance Alliance was held in Pitts
burgh last Friday. Dr. Benjamin Franklin,
who has been treating liquor patients with
s golden remedy of his own, was present,
and offered to cure three drunkards, free of
charge, if the Alliance would furnish the
men. Mr. Garber spoke of the World's
cure, and invited the attention of the ladies
to it.
A committee, of which Mrs. Easton is
Chairman, wss appointed to adopt some plan
for curing patients by the Keely method or
by tbe others, whichever tbe committee se
lected. It was decided to organiis a special
bureau for this work. Mrs. Campbell urged
that the matter be brought to the attention
of the churches, and they be requested to
look after any person who may have been
led away by liquor.
Mr. Marshall's Affairs.
In a circular issued by Messrs. Herman'
Baumer and Jacob Fend, Assignees of Mr.
Thomas R. Marshall, of Johnstown after an
inventory and appraisement of bis property,
the following statement is made of his assests
and liabilities.
Stock on hand -
Mill piaut and machinery...
Book accounts...,..-
...$ 8,D 59
. 11,124 75
lijr-i m
Total a5s?ts..
Marshal's liability
.. 4310 00
amount to 15,570 49
Leaving his net assets $)5,5S 51
Mr. Marshall has mads a propositi on to
bis creditors, with th expectation that it
will be accepted.
The Counsellor and
Written for the IIexaLD.
' Charley.'
An old black bone of haughty mein,
A Ibur-w balJ car! that better days had seen.
The driver stub,
Stand la a meadow green oa Buffalo's banks,
Aud hills that rise mcooMuo up to Jto's
Mountain dim,
Ring resonaat with the words triumphant,
Sow that Counsellor's hopes and promises had
Filled i n to the brim.
Afaln : On Bwqaehanna's (eneroos bank ;
In Curtin's camp of days portentous,
Bide the Counsellor.
Fight be cannot bodily, but he
Come to marshal unt of Somerset,
And legend says
Thif straoge and nuaccustomtd sight.
Was to rebel camp by spy to Richmond
Carried Healthily.
Deep Is the lesson taoght
By life of la is mas singular,
Fiilse b was nut,
For Sale.
I offer my home on North street for sale.
Large bouse, pleasant and spacious grounds,
excellent water, and an abundance of first
class fruit trees are included. Easy terms.
Long time and small payments. Possession
st any time, or I will rent of purchaser until
be is ready to oceopy.
Chas, H. Fisbbb.
Chmtnuta! Chestnuts!
We will pay th higbeat prices for Cbast
nuts during the season. Bring them in as
early as possible, as tbe early nuts command
tbe best price. Cash or trade. -
KasTXB & Pxatt.
Teachers' Institute.
Changing the time for holding tbe annual
teachers' institute from holiday week to No
vember is in tbe nature of an experiment
and time only will tell whether it will met
with the approval of teachen and public
Teachers' Institute In this county Las grown
to be s verv npulsr institution, look e J for
ward to with pleasure by ail tlA-e of peo
ple, but whether tbey will take the samo
interest ia its stations in November that
they have in December waits to be seen.
Tbe institute, however, is pre-eminently
for teachers ami there can be 00 question
that what benefit is to be derived from it
bad better be before than after the school
term closes.
Decidedly the most popular feature of tbe
institute has been the evening entertain
ments, and Supt. Berkey will continue
them so long as be is justified in doing so.
For tbe coming session be has procured
three of tbe most eminent platform lectur
ers in the country and the " Ariel-Thomas
Tbe thirty-fifth annual session of teachers'
institute will convene in the Conet House,
Monday morning. Nor. 9th. Supt. Berkey
announces tbe following instructors :
Dr. N. C Schaffer, kutztown. Pa, 8. N. 8.
Dr. A. E. Winsbip. Toston, Mass.
Prof M. G. Brumbaugh, Huntingdon, Pa.
Prof. Leroy Stephens, Mt. Pleasant, Pa.
Prof. M. E. Bennett, Johnstown, Pa
Prof. J. D. Meese, Meyersdale, Pa.
Prof. J. A. Sprenkel, Musical Director, Har-
risburg, Ta.
Short talks upon selected topics will be
delivered by E. E. rritts, D. H. Bender, J.
& Speicher, H. G. Will, C. E. Heller, M. D.
Reel, C E. Dickey, W. A. G. Lape.
Easaj e-n educational subjects will be
read by Miss Nannie B. Kimmel, Miss Kate
Davis, Mrs. H. P. Huusom, Miss Lottie
Krissinger, Miss Kate Snyder.
Topics for general discussion : Tbe course
of study ; Tbe local institute ; Professional
training; Character building; Use and
sbuse of text-books ; School-room helps.
Tbe Directors' Association will bold its
second regular session on Tuesday snd
Wednesday of institute week. A full pro
gram will be announced by the officer.
Monday evening. Dr. A. E. Winsbip, will
lecture on " The Young Man of To-morrow.
Tuesday evening, Dr. A. A. Willits, will
lecture on "The Philosophy of a Happy
Wednesday evening, Tbe Ariel-Thomas
Company ; The Ariel Quartette, John
Thomas, Humorist.
Thursday evening. Rev. Thomas Dixon
Jr., will lecture on " Backbone."
Be Careful of Your Eyes.
Don't make a mistake by buying your
Eye Glasses and Spectacles from traveling
opticians or peddlers as you can't return
them in case tbey prove unsatisfactory. Mr.
Cast beer, of the firm of Neff ACasebeer, Jew
eler and Opticians, is a graduate optician
and has a fall set of test lenses to enable him
to detect all defects of visions snd scientifi
cally correct them by the use of spectacles,
no charg tor testing eyes and in case yon
buy a pair of glasses we will guarantee tbem
to suit you or will refund your money, and
as we are located in Somerset permanently,
you can depend on us making our guarantee
good. We keep in stock Spectacles and Eye
G lass of all grade from 2octs. to $8.00. G i ve
us a call.
Xirri Casibxeb,
Jewelers and Opticians, Somerset, Pa
They Say Every House Is an Arsenal.
Down at Johnstown tbey are tailing great
stories about the fear existing among the
farmers of this county snd tbe precautions
tbey take before admitting callers to their
houses after dsrk. The Trilmne recently re
ferred to tbe experience of Mr. Harry Kin-
kead and Captain Tom Davis while traveling
through this county in starch of tbe mur
derer tt old man Rets how suspicious of
them tbe farmers were snd bow cautions in
admitting tbem to their houses or having
any intercourse with them, all owing to tbe
L'mberger murder, and tbe numerous other
atrocious crimes that have recently been
committed throughout tbe county. Another
visitor to this county tells a similar story.
Mr. Jere Walter recently went np thereto
visit bis lister Mrs. Griffith who lives on
th farm adjoining the old l'mberger home
stead. Be arrived at the house about 10
o'clock at night. Ills raps on ths door
promptly aroused the inmutes, who demand
ed to know who tbe new comer was. aud
what was wanted. Mr. Walter explained
the situation, but his explanation, did not
satisfy those within. Finally, however, the
door was opened, and he was confronted by
Mrs. Griffith's son, snd tbe hired man, both
of whom were armed to tbe teeth, and bad a
supply of arms and ammunition in reserve.
Their equipm n' cons isted of five guns ssd
three revolvers. Ot course the moment the
situation became known, tbe threatening
state of affairs gave way to one of cordial
welcome and rejoicing, bat the incident
serves to strikingly illustrate tbe terrorized
condition of the farming community in this
See Here.
I will open my Oyster Room on Saturday
October 17th, when I will have the Deep
Salt Water, Dredged Oyster, by tbe plate
can or in bulk. 1 nankin you for your
patronage in the I mat, I solicit a contin
uance of tbe same. Rooms, basement of
Cook A Beerits.
W. H. Plstt.
Oct 12, 1S01.
Marriage Licenses Issued.
Marriage lioenses were issued to tb fol
lowing named persons by Clerk Ilileman,
since our Isst report
Charles Zigler snd Annie . Woy, both of
Somerset township.
Jacob M. Glessuer and Maggie Stutsman,
both of Stonyereek township.
Chas. F. Liven good, of Somerset township.
and Sadie L. Griffith, of Jennertown.
Wm. H. Sutler, of Salisbury, and Mary
C. Hay, of Elk lick.
Joseph M. Zeller, of New Baltimore, and
Agnes I m grand, of Allegheny township.
Eeojamtn t. Noon, of Johnstown, and
Magdalene Stuliman, of Stonyereek town
ship. Charles M. Weimer, of Rock wood, snd
Missouri Bone, of Keystone Junction.
J. F. Lata haw and Elizabeth J. Durst, both
of Somerset.
Willis Hoffman and Katie Geisel, both of
Paint township.
Ross Secbler, of Elkliek township, and
Amanda Camp, of Garrett.
Robert C Campbell and Dollie Guard,
both of Garrett.
Jacob Gindlesparger and Sally Thomas,
both of Conemaugh township.
Wm. D. Immel, of Lycippus, Pa, and
Kate Rhodman, of Stahlstown.
Geo. W. Cougbenour, and Linnie Bead,
both of Soul ham ton township. -
Samuel Walker of Graiitsvill, Md., snd
Ida J. Denner, of Johnstown, Pa.
Thinks Judge Baer Should Have
Been Nominated
The Pittsburgh OununarUd GixUe, of Sat
urday, says .editorially : "If the Bedford
Somerset Democrats could elect any Demo
cratic judge in a district that on a full vote
is Republican by 4 000 majority, that man is
the present incumbent, Judge W. J. Baer of
Somerset, who wss elected ten years sgo.
H hss mad a very acceiAable judge, and be
was generally conceded a nomination, but
the Bedford Democrats put up Mr. Reynolds
and insisted so strongly on tbe "rights of
rotation," that unfailing refuge of the con
feree system, that Judge Baer, after many
fhrtieas ballots, withdrew in disguest and
let tbe nomination go to Bedford. Tbe Re
publicans are also having a taste of tbe three
to-three conferee business, and bsve so far
been unable to agree, but will try it again on
October U."
Wanted at One.
Two dinning room girls and one Cook for
hotel. Must come well recommended.
Wages 1.00 to $2.50 per week.
Address, American Hotel,
Cumberland, Md.
Jenner Heme.
Mrs. J as. M. Cover is visiting in Pittsburg,
she is the guest of Mrs. 8. V. Trent
Miss Turah Shaulis, who was visiting in
Johnstown the past few weeks returned
home Saturday. Her friend Miss Sadie Frank
came wilb bcr.
Our local Instituie was well attended. All
teachers and directors attended one or more
of its sessions. Prof. Berkey wss present on
Friday evening, and infused much enthusi
asm in the meeting by bis presence. Our
teachers intend holding one sersion each
month. Tbe next session will be held at
Stanton's Mills on Saturday November 7th,
ISO. C. C. Scbmucker is District Leader,
W. A. G. Lape, President snd Miss Nora
Miller Secretary.
Mr. Will Gustiue and wife, of Somerset,
and Mr. Watson Frank, of Johnstown, were
called home last week by tbe serious illn
of their father Joseph Frank, th genial pro
prietor of tbe Frank House.
Miss Msrtha Leister, of Stoyestown, spent
Sunday with her friend Miss Minnie Miller.
Mr. James Miller, of Derry, Pa., paid a
flying visit to town and township last week.
Mr. Miller Hummel, of near Stoyestown,
as a visitor in Jenner X Roads on Satur
day evening.
Our Republicans are awak and alive to
the best interests of the campaign. Tb
members of "Major Wm. McKinley club"
are bringing in new recruits. Your corres
pondent knows of 7 or 8 young Republicans
who will cast their first vote for th Republi
can nominees on November 3.
Jenner township, bss generally a represen
tative on the Republican ticket ; this fall, it
is in the person of our jovial friend and
farmer Mr. Noah Biesecker, who though be
lives in Quemahoning town.-bip, was born
and reared in old 'Jenner. Need it be said
he will command tbe vote of every Repub
lican and of many good Democrats. Three
cheers for Mr. Biesecker snd success to the
whole Republican ticket on November 3.
Pat Riot.
Mt. Morlah Items.
Henry Blongb, of Quemahoning township
died on the (ith inst. and was burled in the
Horner cemetery at this place, on the 8th.
Mr. Blongh ws one of the most prosperous
urmers in this part of the county. He had
been in poor health ever since hut spring,
wnen ne suOered an attack of la grippe. Dr
Blough, of Chicago, an inly child, arrived
about three hours after his father's death.
The Horner cemetery is decidedly one of
the most conveniently situated in the north
of the county, and has more fine and costly
monuments than any country churchyard
in tbe county.
Jesse Crist believes be has the oldest peach
tree in the county. It has borne fruit, with
uuo ecrpuon, since laos. Many persons
are under the impression thst no fine peach
es can be grown in this county. All such
should have seen those grown by H. J. Bow-
1. He hsd some fully ss Urge, and of
as good flavor as any grown in the east.
First at.ival of Fall and Winter Goods at
Pakker & Pabkek's.
Viewers Appointed.
1 elition of r . B. Granger for viewers to
inspect tbe insane Assylum on tbe Poor
Farm. Daniel J. Bru baker, John W. Ross,
(of Coleman, Pa.) viewers.
Petition for Inspectors of abutments and
wing walls of a bndge over Laurel Hill
creek at Trent, in Middlecreek creek" town
ship. H. D. Moore, John Custer, Freeman
Mason, viewers.
x euiion ior inspectors lor linage over
Casaelman river in Somerset township. Wm
M. Scbrock, (somerset) surveyor : Levi Oueer
Wm. Hanger, viewers.
Persons attending the Pitt.xborgh Expo
sition and wishing to purchase merchandise,
all kinds of wearing apparel and household
goods, can save from 10 to 25 per cent, on
every dollar's worth of goods purchased by
calling at the office of the Union Exchange,
Room 411, Penn Building, and paying one
dollar ($1.00) for a membership card, which
entitles a member to a discount at all the
leading stores in the two cities. This card
ill save more than double your railroad
fare, if it is only a small bill of goods.
E. F.Thompsok,
Business Manager.
The special session of th State Senate, j
called by Governor Pattison, began yester
day. Tbe salaries and mileage of the Sena
tors will require just $30,')0. Postage and
stationery must be supplied to each member,
uicu win aggregate i..t"j. mere are
about sixty employes, and 7 per day is a
fair average of their pay, necessitating a
daily outlay of $420, or $27,920 for tbe ses
sion, should it last but one hour. Tbe cost
of each day of the session after the first will
be about $.0.
At Home.
All who are interested in good housekeep
ing should examine the .Cinderella Stove
and Ranges. The extra large and high oven
embodied ia their construction insures a
good baker. Sold, guaranteed and recom
mended by
Somerset, Fa.
Save Yourself Money.
When you go to Pittsburgh, Pa, stop at
the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and
Fourth streets. It is a strictly first-class Ho
tel conducted on tbe European plan. Lodg
ings, 25 35, or 5C cents.
Tbe chestnut crop, from all reports will
be immense this fall.
Johnstown Flooded Wire.
I bsve now in stock another lot of Johns
town flooded barb wire at 2 cts. per pound,
or Cambria link at 2i cts. per pound.
Somerset, Pa.
In Somerset county, some good butter ship
pers. Address
R. 8. McDowell,
No. 6374 Penn Avenue. East Liberty.
WILLIAMS. Died, suddenly, at bis home
in Newberg, Oregon, Oct. 3rd, George W.
Williams, sged IS years, 7 months and 10
Ieceased was born in Napier township.
Bedford county, Ps Feb. 2Jnd 1813 and
lived tbere until he was nearly 76 years old, removed to Newberg and wss sppa
rently, in good health to the day of his death.
Although a stranger to all in ths place three
years ago, he bas left a host of friends, and
the assurance that he wss ready for the sud
den summons.
SCHLAO. At Bakersville, Pa, 8ussnnsh,
wife of Henry Schlag, Sr., aged 84 years, 2
months and 3 days.
WALKER DENNER. October 11, lSTtl,
at tbe Luthern parsonage in Friedens, by
Rev. J. J. Welch, Mr. Sam n el Walker and
Miss Ida J. Denner, both of Somerset county
Pa. .
at the Lutheran parsonage at Jennertown,
by Rev. Geo. W. Crist, Mr. William T. Gon-
der to Mrs. Lucy Herring, both of Jenner
STOTLER. HAY. Oct. 8, I89L at the
bride's home, Fsirview farm, near Salisbury,
Ps-, by Rev. J. M." Evans, Wm. H. Stotler
and Mary C Hay, both of Salisbury, Pa.
SECHLER.-CAMP.-Oct. 11th, l.91, at
tbe Reformed parsonage, Salisbury, p,t by
Rev. J. M. Evans, Mr. Ross Sechler and
Miss 4mandaCBmp;
D To Want Bo
A good Fall or "Winter
Orereoat? A fine suit of
corkscrew, diagonal, black
cheviot, Springfield, vide
wale, or cassimere, in
cutaways, single or double
breasted sacks, square cnt
sacks, or Trince Albert ?
A pair of working pants or over
alls? An nndersuit, either camel's
hair, Swiss conde, scarlet wool, nat
ural wool, mireno, grey-mixed or
canton flannel ? Anything in
Gents' Furnishing Goods?
A cashmere, cloth, gingham, or cal
ico dress m plain, plaids or stripes ?
A good blanket or comfortor ?
A trunk, satchel, telescope or valise ?
Anything in the carpet or oil cloth
line ? A Smyrna, Hofjuette or By
zantine rug? A felt or an iagrain
If so, it will be greatly to your
advantage to buy from the
Bee-le" Store!
We will save money for you !
We will give you full value for your
dollar I Y e can show .you a
We would say to those
who expect to attend the
Teachers' Institute, and
to all others, that if they
want to boy a useful and
substantial Chritmas pres
ent don't fail to see our
large line of staple goods.
r & Ferner,
One Doer Sertlt f Post Office.
Undertaker and Embalmer.
Coffins, Caaketo and Robes
and everything pertaining to funerals furnished
on iiion Douve.
Soatti TsakevFoot Saratt Tmanrt Psas'a
Trustee's Sale
Vahabk Real Estate.
T Y VIRTUE of an order of sale tamed out of
U tbe Orphans' twin 01 bomenet t'ouuty. Fa.,
aud to the undersigned dinned as trustee of
the estate of Abraham Itieaeeker, dec u.. we will
expose to pa)lio outcry, on the premise in
Jeuner I wp., bumenet Ux, ra, on
at 1 o'clock, p. m., tbe following darvribed real
eatate, late the property of Abraham Bieseckar,
use d., vis :
Jenner Twd.. KHnerwt Co.. Pa., ad.
ioininr lands of John Wel!eT. Nnah Oohn. Mi
chael sipe. Benjamin Kline. MatlMa G. Lint and
Adam btiader, coniaininc two hundred and two
aereaanu one hundred aad eleven perebea, strict
meamire, having thereon e reeled a two story
a new bank barn and aU other in miani j out-
ouiiuiuKs. a kimi ureuaru of appi tree, ana
fruit of all kind. Ian'i in good state of cultiva
tion. Mtut l'. rmm jenner X Rnaria
convenient loeburco snn school.
XT- A certain tract of land situate In
Jenner Twp.. HomerwH Go.. Pa., ad-
Joining lands of John ti. Shnlucc Hear C ribaf-
er, Benjamin a una, ana jotin c waller, eoa-
197 Acres and 140 Perches,
strict measure, bavins thereon ereetxA a 1wtn-
lng Hons aud bank bam. Land in a good stat
of cuiUTauoa. in acre dear, assl tba nawnee
weU tknberod. i'usaeavion given 1st of April, 'Vi
Ten per cent of tbe purchase monev Io be nald
as soon as the property Is knocked down, the re
mainder of one-third on confirmation of sale and
delivery of deed : one third in one year, aad the
remaining one-miru in two years thereafter.
wiiooui uiteresfc. . , .
DA3 L V. BiEsfcX KFR,
- 4 Tnssteaa.
Fred. W. Biesecker. Attorney.
Estate of Sally Smith, late of Kor k wood Bar,
Somemrt County, Pa., del-eased.
Letters of Administratis ct a on tbe above estate
having been granted to the untiernigned bv lh
proper authority. Dot it w is hereby given to aU
persons indebted to said estate to make Immedi
ate payment and those havingciaims strains tb
same will present tbamduiy authenticated ior
settlement on or before Saturday, tbe loth day of
October, 18a I, at mj ooice in tb Borough of
J. L. PPGH. AdmT
e. L a. of Sail amtth, dee'd.
fcsiate of Peter Wciaw, t of Mflford Twp
Somerset Co., Pa., dee d.
Letters testamentary baviog bevs granted to
tbe undersigned, by the proper authority, oo
the above estate, nonce ia hereby giv
en to all persons indebted to the- said es
tate to make 1 it medial payment, aud those hav
ing claims acainst said estate will present tbem
duly authenticated fur seiliemani oa (Saturday
November 21. at the late twskienee of
deceased. In said township.
dov7. x teuton.
Estate of Maria Kimmel!. late of BrothenvaUey
Twp., Somerset Cok,Fa.. dse'd. - -Letter
testamentary on the above estate
having been granted to the undersigned by tbe
proper authority, notice ia hereby riven to ail
persons indebted to said estate to make immedi
ate payment, and those having claims or de
mands against the same will prvnrnl them duly
authenticated tor suieacnt oa Hatra)ay, Oct.
i:th. ixwl, at tbe reaidaaoe of said itxeculor in
BrotbersvaUey Two.
A. 6. KIM VET,
Septi. Executor.
Pittsburgh Femal Coll(re and
CU.SehA.VATKi' of MUSIC. Pittsburg, Pa.
22 teachers .Ui-surpaasEd at vantages. Superior
home eomforu and care. ih year bnrina sept.
MS. Mend (or catalogue to tbe Pre-Went.
First Arrival Of
Fall Goods I
Shawls, Cloaks, Blankets, Carpet
1 arris, dec
We believe we have the Largest,
Cheapest and BEST STOCK vre
have ever had. We back op the
statement by giving
Bt make, warrant! Past Lukm, fur lh Low
mce ct ueni par yard.
LEADER Xo. 25,000 yds. Merri-
mac Cocheco Calico, Dark Color
ed, only 5c per yard.
2,000 Yards Fidelity Ginghams, the
best good3 in the market for the
LEADER XO. 4. One lot of 4-1
Unbleached Muslins, very good
value for the money, 5c per yd.
Good Brown and Colored Can
ton Flannels, for 7, 8 and 10c.
NELS at 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12
NELS, at 7, 8, 10 and 12c, and
Striped Outing Cloths, Amoskcag
Napkins, Striped Shirting at 10
and 12c.
LEADER NO. 6. Good 22 inch.
Guaranteed Black Silk, at 75 cti
per yard. 24 inch Guaranteed
Black Silk, at $1. Black and
Colored Silk Mervelieu.
LEADER NO. 7. 40 and 46 inch
Black Warp Cachmeres at 90cts.
and $1.25. 46 inch BIk. LTenriet
tas and Serges at 75c. and $1.
40-bch Black and Colored Cach
meres at 50c riain and Fancy
of all kinds from 5c to $1 per yd.
Our 25c Flam and Fancy Dress
Goods are Handsome. 54-inch
Broadcloths at 90cC ; 54 inch Wool
Cloths at 50cts. One lot of 36
inch Grey Mixed Cloths at 25ct3.
Leaders in
LEADER N0.8 5-4 Table Oil
Cloths, best makes, at 25c. Lead
ers in
Mrs. A. E. Uhl.
Fall Goods !
leaders from Xo. 1 io
My Stock is made up of
Not only 5c Calicoes, Muslins,
Ginghams, Canton Flannels, &c,
but an immense stock of
That it would be impossible to de-
scribe. Guaranteed Black bilks,
all grades and prices. Satin Rha
dames, 75., $1, and $1.25. 40 and
46-inch Silk Warp
HENRIETTAS, all prices. 40 inch
CASHMERES and Serges, 50 cts.
cashmere 25c, selling elsewhere
for 30 and 35 cents. Good Caslt-
mere at 12 l-2c Splendid
SUITINGS, for School Dresses, 10
to 20 cents, cloth, from 15 to
85c Ladies. Misses, and Chil
UNDERWEAR. Largs .New Stock
of Dress Trimmings, Stockings,
GIotps. and mittens for alL A
large stock of
UMBRELLAS, a complete stock of
Ladies Wraps, Flam, Astrachan
and Fur Trimmed, in all the new
est styles.
-. r
Millinery Goods
Comr.ris- all that is- Stylish and
N ew. Allbeap. No one sh and
think of making their
Before examining my stock of FaT
Goods, it will pay. nine aua
Handsome Dress Goods a spe
cialty. All colors Woo!, Cotton
and Linen Carpet chain.
FOR FALL, 1891.
Our Mr. Knalle has just returned from the eastern market where
he made some very important purchases of fine and and medium-class
Dress Good, which have arrived and are opened up for your inspection.
We have all the New Stylish Fabrics, and will surely promise you, if
yaa faver ua with a calL a treat in the way of exclusive stylish materials
at popular prices. Noto below two of the many attractive things :
50-iach New English Suitings that
were never sold less thai $1.50.
Our price to open the season, is
only 85 cents You can also see
them in the window.
John P. Knable & Co.
Successors to
35 Fifth Avenue.
feB-N. B. Would be Pleased to Send Samples.
13 3T. lnca Street,
REFERESCE : Western National Bank.
tu r onciTiur rimr r -t
s i L. rwvii lib wwii k-a .
ELY E&0TH2BS. M Wamst
Drs. McClellan and Salm.
y fit
DR. M0RITZ SALM, Specialist.
- t
; . v V Z' ,
Ear, Ey3, Ness, Throat Ire and Rsal Cararrl
$5 All Eye Operations Successfully Performed by Tliom.
Friday and Saturday Oct. 23
J3. &JB.
Bedford Cords !
The Popular Fabric this Seaaoa for LaJiea
Costume. We're selling lots of them.
Oar assortments are right ; qualities are
right ; and, beat of all, price right.
75 cents for
That you can get in these
Stores for . Cents.
Sew 40-inch Bedford Cords, 7"c. and $1 Ou.
- 4S-inch " -
" 4H inch " " 15.
" 4-S.iBch " " 1.
" Wnca " " 2).
" 5i inch " "2 .
Note that but six yards of these wide
fabric required for full suit. ot an exp-n-
iiTesuit.bat Tery stylli'h and handsome.
ew 4.-inca
handsome colorings.
Xeat, narrow atripes.
$1 a yard.
These and many otter special aius in
Dress Fabrics at S. 3o. 4. . to i a y aru,
together with the U.-and Exposition of
Fall and Winter
Oarments in the Cloak Kooras will dem
onstrate to you that we are miiu S a
mors to your lntert eery who to
trade at these stores. Special attention to
Mail Orders.
Catalogue nd Fashion Journal cow ready
Write lor copy.
Boggs & Buhl,
115, 117 119, and 121 Federal Street,
Esuta of Samuel Hmtth. late ot Roeko4 Bor,
ii.iia-rnrt Co.. Pa., dse'd
Letter of Admin rsirmlioa d. b. n. e. t. a. Basin
been Tsd to me arxUrrsnrttr-l hf Lj
BnsT authontr. nuirnf i hereby iiwn to s.l
Arsons taier4 to said estate
aM pavawnl, and m.e cisums smiast
the ssjie will prweM th-m dU1y authenticated
seulement "f B"" "
iersrt on or be .-s.tur.Uy. the l'th .lay of
October VU t. L. -lOH. Adra r
sepii t.b.nct.a. ofSam l SmilA, dec.
fotsJeorjaph 9.Ttor. late of MUfoniTwp.,
f merytx Co. , Pa., dre d.
tttenof adia;BMristo oa t)s ibort
hav-na been rranwl to tie under-ntued by the
Vi ambonty . ie is hereby yen to )-r-
MTwril. and ta.e brnvin eiainw s.aa tbe
rWwill prwnt them duly auttvratiil
tat, nm ot lX$fZ.
' '-' "
40-inch New Black Silk Warp Lans
down, regular $1.50 quality,
are goinj to sell them tt you for
Knable & Shuster.
I5AMT3IOi:i:, 3II.
People' Ban. Mercantile Ag?ncisj, Bd.ints
uv LnJ
SC. HW fork, rrkt td crai
DIL J. J. McCLELLAN, Specialist.
BE ?1T
- 24, Nov. 20-21, Dec. 1S-19.
Fifth Arc, Pittsburgh.
Peonies Store
List of Departments
And if there is anything in them
you are likely to want, don't buy
before you write for samples to our
Press Good,
I ry Ciood,
Vc'lvet?, '
20 Departments.
If you want to get an Mea of ti;:
Goodi tbat they coutaiu, ?e:nl for
Free Copy of Illustrated Cata
logue for
Fall and Winter.
S3, 85. 97 aud Ml FIFTH AVh"-
aVuitaof Chorpetuiinc. ' of SosaerH.-t
Bonji.i.. S.fiK-1 a,ii. J-.- X
Ltterof3mimtrs,;..-Don th sftoir arts'
k.,.ii,r!i mat.i r-in- . i-r
nn-r si?rior.tT. not'-e L hrt t-T r,
in . . . -
"su th.m duly aotnn.-.ur.t fc,, setern-nl
i Ihr otf. uf trie A lmiFit-tn.UK- .u
"rti on ur at any tiuse be.ot suirU. OcWr
17, it-
r. J. KorFti.
Estate of Frsnris 5hr.nt.lsf.' of ft.v.!own E..r.,
.ir e..umy. Pa.. 1.
letters of AdministrataiB on t! a estate
bainir brn (rrmn'..l tn me iiw-t-is:-i i-? -
JS'pavaaeo,, an.1 thaw hau,la:s j.-nrt ha
l.;w.U pr-nt them duly a " . tr
MUiiwni onue before aatorday. tb -M.h ii t
OCUitwr, lL j L pr;:.
. . - .v
Fa.-"'-..' V
1 t
i 1
i ' s
! 1 .
i t