The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 07, 1891, Image 3

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Somerset Herald.
CEOr.GK E. SkTVL, Editor.
nL-?aT ...
i .a suruuief.
i :.T V Kr. Ua '
, . w I 'krf I (Hfl aslTerlis fDer.L
I 1 r. nT.if m.W Vra;J
j r..Oifj roaer ibi eooiich for
jw;.c'i Mansion House.
, , f sto. ami warranted. ro to J.
. Uard war Sums, tmersc'.
imB f-t any', bin yoa ceasi In the
f . i. cbeap and IrJwS. Urs. A.
j. -....
J Vr "- VLI't adrertisemetit in
' 1 '-tra. Matto : " B"t Gaoda, and
- t s.u,-'e aouble, all sites, color
I " . Ye. Devlin's for tbem, 215
g J !"
k-.LT: Of WALL rAIER viU be U
Xi..j, Mil thirty dayt at the ivwat prices
; Zr.e : iH S-twrr al
n,.-. fcrgrt the dale, Pror. Little, t Ir.
October 12 and 13, he will suit
, V:r of rcUcles s yoa never WM
: J ';, b. fjp and at moderate cost.
. , pet win-d. A uoise made by a
:m"utr .wallow in a sbeet-iron stove scared
Connecticut women-mother and
'ten-to death a few nights ago.
T . q. pei,, of McElhattan, Clinton
"j"T cirrus to have broken the cider
llt 'z! word with 103 gallons from twenty
rPbV.s!iels of apples in one press in half
fc:t hoar.
i r.-mir.?. grating, mineral or timber
! js t,r sale cheap, in the boominj state of
V Va. Special inducements to those desir
1', homes. Write what you wact.
I jhmsX McEi, Real Estate Agt.
j Kingwood, W. Va.
I x rtJ of fo"t:r.g the bills for repairing his
L after lorers of his daughter, bad swung
?;t a Westmoreland county man near
l-'a has arranged a slot upon it with this
LrW thereon to help him out: "Drop m
i i.-iel in the slot, and a girl will come out."
LtinA. Wepplcr, a ltrobe lad, aged 12
I r d'.eJ from hemorrhage of the gums on
a-arday. He had a tooth extracted, and
I-jts'the cavity total to death. Two of the
t s :er and five of his uncles died from
s.Kiailar ca-i.
Yr, p- Jp'e at Kingston, Lu?m coun
f r U iitid a -cobweb Irty." Selecting
I.'sisiVred card from a basket they search
j'tbewaof the bouse, from aitictocel
I u ;f 3o-ry, until they found thereon a
1 number and a designation of
j , tarter to upper for each searcher.
,.aJI 'tiJ.iy of this werk there were yet
;n I" r- in the Allegheny county jail
. trial for ruurJer, and the Ii!trict
i:: my and Judge Ewing started in to try
-ta ia'sacceaion, in the hope of frighten
f :iit criminal clement of the county.
;.l POLTS OF WALL r.ll'ER u-M U
,. J .Uring tU ntit thirty dityf at the UmvM
n-tjnrr i.rjered in S-jinerxt at
On the Lehigh Valley Mountain Railway,
sear Ailentown, late Monday afternoon, two
jt-ih men, strangers, thrt w a cloth over the
Lrl of pretty little ten-year-old Emma
Litrt. held ber down till she fainted, and'
i-'.-r she recovered consciousness, cut off
cise to her head all her beautiful curls.
T. E. Marshall was able to be out to-day
t,r tv, first time since the assignment. The
K-presenUtive of his largest creditor, the
Young Si Fulton Lumber tompany, oi Cleve
land, O.. is in the city to-day, and says they
will grant him all the time he needs. It will
also be cheering news to Mr. Marshall's
friends to hurn that, so Jar as the iDvesiiga
lion into his aCtirs has progress' i, they are
Lund to be much better than anticijted.
J. tittttun Tribune.
Prof. S. S. Little, graduate optician of
Cumberland. Md., will beat Dr. S. J. Mc
Millan s dental parlors on October 12 and
13. All defect of vision scientifically correct
d by use of spectacles. Consultation free;
only charge made is for spectacles.
Judge Connelly, presiding over the Nat a
raiiiauon Court, at Scranton Saturday it
fused citiiecship papers to s large number
of Hungarian, Polish and Italian applicants,
beeau they knew nothing of the Constitu
tion of the TniU-d State. The Jadge said :
A man who pats bis ballot into a window
a a machine, without a knowledge of what
itocsu ns Las no right to the same prir
! as an intelligent American voter, and
t&.i a nun I. at least, shall never grant the
rifha of naturalization.'
Wednesday night ended the Erst thirty of the crop year of 1 and there has
bra hand d in Dalath, Minn., in that time
a si.-ist half as much wheat as was received
d.rii.g the entire twelve months of
Tjeiires are as follows: Crop ofl-'A)-K-rneipa.
bushels; ahipmenta.
1' 1 ;j.Ti. Sepwmber, lS.'l receipts ",112,
tA tusLeis, shipments, ,3m.l:;l. This
Ejnih has been by 2.40O.0UO bushels the
ia-Twai ever kuown here in receipts of wheat.
It ha also beaten the record in shipments
by l.'.X'.(A) bushels.
aober S:h and I5:h are the dates f or th
Ui t the series of the cheap popular eicur to the Pittsburgh Exposition ria the
JSaiumote k Ohio Railroad. Following are
tii rates of fare for the round trip, which
includes admisiion to the Exposition. Tick
ets S od for five days :
Vest Salisbury
vnd Jatch
.'ist.ury Jo.
ber..n , ,L ,,, , ,
$2 90
2 50
2 01
2 40
2 70
2 45
'aswiman -
- rs.a ,., .
fie Careful of Your Eyes.
Tioci make a mistake by buying your
i-G,asa and Spectacles from traveling
cpt;cus r peddlers as yon can't return
them in ease they prove unsatisfactory. Mr.
Cattbeet, of the firm of Xeff A Casebeer, Jew
ir and lpticians, is a graduate optician
t.d Las a full set of test lenses to enable him
o itttct all defecu of viaions and acientifi
'y eorrtct them by the use of spectacles,
no cLarg tor testing eyes and in case yoa
huy a pair of glasses w will guarante them
o suit yoa or will refund your money, and
are located in Somerset permanently,
yan depend on tu making our guarantee
gou3.. W keep in stock Specudes and Ey
of all trades from 25cU. to t&.W. Give
Xmt Cmsssub,
Jewelers and Opticians, Somerset , Ta.
Save Yourself Money
w"heo j go to Pittsburgh, Pa, atop
Alienor Hotel, corner Liberty ana
ouaa streets. It is a strictly first-class iio
e! eoodacted on the European plan. Lodg
tLi Si 35, or 50 centa.
Johnstown Flooded Wire.
I Lave now is stock another lot of Johna
"n Cooded W arire at 2 eta. per pound,
Cambria link at ota. per pound.
Somerset, Pa.
Second week's court has attrscted very
few iple, jurors and witcesee ouly are la
a tendance.
John R. B-nford, of I mina. has Wn Tis
iiinirat the rwi.o, j,,.) htrr th
j j sevtral davi.
The r.frt torurt i.od Jeatea th s
nvruir,g f.jr Cumbrrland, X I, where th. y
will furuiab mn-ic duriug the Carnival.
Th sr-beme lur f jrniahiig rxrr.enet with
a watM auj-ply swms to have be ahanwoo
d by Ue (tru)ctur. It was ever thus.
ilr. W ill "fLfonI, junior nnuler of the
punishing boose of J. H. Moore A Co of
I'hi'.a.WIphia. j his vacation with
Soruerart fr.ei.da.
"harlnr Cu!brn, uirrintcndrot of the
I'av's-ElkiES dual and coke works, with
teaJ juanT at Iaia, V. Va is paying a
visit to his parents ia this place.
Rev. A. J. Beale, of South Fork, Cambria
County, was visiiing in this place for several
days during the week, lie made many
friends while be was ia charge of the Som
erset Ev. Church.
The twenty-second annual tvesion of the
Pittsburgh Synod of the Reformed Church
was in session at Latrube last week. Rev.
A. J. He!!er, of I$er!ir, was elected president
for the present year.
Somerset county laid claim to the first
maple sugar bounty. When it comes to
maple sugar Somerset is "right in it." She
can, to nse a technical term, knock the
"spbotts" right off her neighbors. Connellt
rille Cuurur.
Mrs. Belle Griffith, widow of the late Rob
ert Griffith, of Jenner township, has been
seriously sick with typhoid fever for the pest
two weeks. Her condition is now better
than it was, and there are good chances for
her recovery.
A Mrs. Foster, of McDonald, Washington
county, J?a., who had been boarding with
Harrison lterkey's family, west of town,
throughout the summer, died Sunday morn
ing, of consumption. The remains were
taken to McDonald for burial.
The following appointments for Somerset
county were made by Bishop Fowler, at the
M. E. Conference at Vnioutown, Monday
afternoon: Addiaon. G. K Cable: Berlin,
to be supplied ; Confluence and Ohio Ty'ie,
H. H. Flynn ; Meyeis-Ule, W. C. Weaver ;
Smithfieid, J. E. Iniketfe; Somerset, J. A.
Mrs. M. J. Cochrane and Mrs. A. A. San
chey, of Xew York City, were in Somerset
for a few hours Friday. The former is the
mother of Nellie B!y, the newspaper cor
respondent who made a reputation as a
globe-trotter in the interest of the New York
Wrid. Both ladi.-s are guests at Capt. John
Hite's Stoyes'.own hotel.
Among th- callers at this oSioe last week
was Alexander Hill, gas, of Allegheny town
ship. II is a member of the well-known
family wbo, for several generations, have
bwn the proprietors of " White Horse," a fa
mous oi'jertive point for summer visitors on
the Allegheny suouuiaina. Mr. Hillegas is
one of the moot enterprising farmers in the
rostma-ter Keller started Mondsy morn
ing on a tour of inspection of the postoftices
in the county north of Somerset. Post
master Zufail, of Meyersdale, and Postmaster
Mountain, of Confluence, will visit the
offices in the south of the county. The visita
are make at the request of the Postmaster
General, who is anxious that all of the minor
postmasters shall be fully qualified.
The borough authorities have contracted
with engineer Wright, who visited hGresome
time ago for the purpose of looking into the
practicability of furnishing Somerset with a
water supply, to return and makeacomplete
survey of the "Kimberly Run" territory.
When the engineer has completed his work
and furnished estimates as to cost, the ques
tion will be submitted to the taxpayers of
the borough.
T. S. Grant Kendall, of Somerset, Fa., and
Robert E. Lee reek, of Nashville, Tenn.,
both students of Washington and Lee Uni
versity, occupy the same room at Hon J. D.
Anderson's, on Main street Kendall is a
law student and a Republsean. Feck ia an
academic student and a Democrat It is said
the young men have very animated discus
si ns on politics, but with all are the best of
friends. Richmnd lvp-ilck.
A disnatch from1 Clearfield says: Ex-
s-nator William A. Wallace, who failed
about nine months ago, is getting on his feet
again. He has paid the widows and orphans
who were depositors iu bis bank dollar for
dollar, and ssys he will pay all depositors in
time. A branch road is being ruu to the
Senator's coal lands, above Houtziale, and
it is believed ths developments of the terri
tory will make a rkh man of Mr. Wallace,
A disnatch from Henderson, Ky., says :
! i a well-known fact that gambler are
among the most superstitious of men.
Charles Clay had been playing in hard luck
f.,r aomrdavs A fcw tiL'tiU auo he con
ceived the idea that if he were to open the
grave or Mrs. Henderson, wbo was recently
buried, and take from her fir.ger a gold ring
which was buried with ber, it would change
his luck. He dug up tie body and seenred
the ring, and was caught wearing it. lie was
arrested and confessed.
The first license granted by the Commis
sioner of Internal Revenue, whereby pro
ducers of maple sugar who manufacture 500
pounds or more are paid a bounty of 2 centa
per pound, was granted to David B Ash, of
Edie, thia county, last week. A note pinned
on the back of the license from the depart
ment officials at Washington called atten
tion to the fact that Ash's license bore the
distinction of being No 1 out of the many
thousands of sugar licenses that are to be
granted all over the country.
a raw was tried last week before Judge
Krebs, of Clearfield, in which John Glaub
Kmnrtt suit aeainst the road Supervisors of
Goshen township for damages for injuries
received by the plaintiff driving over an em
bankment The Court, in charging the jury
aid that the plea of poverty by it supervi
sors should not be considered, as they had
toe privilege of appealing the Ooanty Lom
;.;r,n.ra for assistance in maintaining
proper roadways, if they felt burdened by
taxation in that direction. The jury award
ed the plaintiff 1,'X.) damages.
Robbers entered C. B. Moore's store at
j;ew Lexington, last Tuesday night, by pry
..t a window, and stole a suit of clothes.
two pairs of shoes and a few other articles.
The suspected parties are two strangers woo
had been lurking around the neighborhood
t... .-.r. dava and have not been seen
since the robbery. The one man ia about
c t.t 7 inches tall, with sanuy nair ana
. mnnstache. He wore blue suit of
clothes and derby bat lte omer man ia
little taller, with black bair ana n:ac
"barnside" whiskers. He wore dark clothes
md a soft bat Look out for them.
Rev. Henry F. Wirgman, for the past yesr
pastor ol tae Jieioonisi cuun...
... . .i :r.. r hal denomina-
will leave w v"
tion. Mr. Wirgman was educated for the
.. , i ;;.tr Um concluded coople
of years ago that he would come into the
M E. Cbnrcu ana ea ior in-- -
granted his first papers- but thought that, as
j .ii .T.Tiinxiinniaad been ad-
ne nau l "-" , , , .
... . .i r;vral miniatrv. he should
milieu io ..t i -
not have to take the examinations over again
.1.. ;iin. r.f ihr if. E. Church.
to en lei iuv ....... j -
The elders were obdurate and refused to take
Wirgman unlets be took the examinations
the same as the rest of the M. E. probation
ers. The case was laid before the conference
t Cniontown last week by Elder Jones, who
l!r written him
said uiai us"
that he must either be admitted without ex
amination or he wanted fcis paper, back.
The conference voted to return Wirgman
Court Proceeding.
Com. vs. O. C. Beed, oa Information of
Ttieodort Heipie ; false pretense. Case tried.
v-rdict not guilty, but defendant to pay the
Com. va. Jacob Friedline. larceny, on in
formation of Joseph J. Miller. Case tried,
verdict u t g'lilty. by direction of the Court.
Com. va. John Kiaenhour. forgery, on io
(inuation of John H. Sheer. Defendant
pleads guilty.
Com. vx Jol'i Bailey, bigamy, on ialor
oiatiuo of Maggie Bailey. CaM tried, Terdict
Com. vs. John P-aem. A. A on infor
mation of Harries Ream. Prosecutrix not
appearing, case dismiseed at the coat of pros
ecutrix. Com. vs. Austin Critchfield, A. A B , on In
formation of F. O. Dupont Nol proa, enter
ed on payment of costs by defendant
Com. vs. George Largent and William
Ham, burglary, on information of Jamea
Cook. Ham pleads guilty to second count
Com. vs. Frank Stewart, burgiarly, on in
formation of William f iland. Defendant
pleads guilty to first and second counts In
the indictment
Com. va. Andrew Black, burglary, on in
formation of J. O. Welter. Defendant pleads
guilty to first coant in indictment.
Com. vs. William S. Shaffer. F. A B., on
information of Anna M. Spangler. Nol
pros, entered on payment of costs by defend
ant Com vs. Percy Kennel, F. 4 B., oa infor
mation of Mary Rhoads. Nol. proa, entered
on payment of cost by defendant
Com. vs. George Walker, F. & B., on in
formation of Maggie Bailey. Nol. proa, en
tered on payment of costs by defendant
Com. vs. Isaac Kepp, F. & B , on infor
mation Julian Faith. Case continued.
Com. vs. Marcellus Tressler, A. Si B.. on
information of Jon Weyand. Case settled.
Com. s. Benjamin Day, A. & on in
forrnction of Annie Devilbliss. Case tried;
verdict, defendant not guility; prosecutrix
to pay one third of costs, defendant to pay
two-thirds of costs.
Com. vs. Do oner Kreger F. fc B., on infor
mation of Almira Trimpey. Cass continued.
Com. vs. Milton Countryman, Garfield
Scott, John Finnigan, John Black and Har
ry HerBey, murder of Valentine W. KeideL
Grand Jury return not a true bill.
Com. vs. Wallace Wright, robbery ; on in
formation of Harry E. Burket. Grand Jury
return not a true hill.
Com. vs. Daniel Berkebile, A. & B , on in
formation of Charles Lohr. Case tried ; ver-
Com. vs. Annie Lohr, A. 4 B., on infor
mation of Daniel Berkebile. Case tried;
verdict, not guilty.
Com. vs. Annie S. Pritts, adultery, on in
formation of Jos. rritta. Grand Jury return
ed not a true bill.
Com. va. J. U. Brown, A. 4 B, on infor
mation of Catharine Cooper. Grand Jury
return not a true bill.
Com. vs. Johann Loboleiosky. placing ob
struction on railroad track. Grand Jury
return not a true bill.
Com. vs. A. E. Mereiosky, pointing and
shooting at another, on information of John
SiehL Case tried, verdict guilty.
Com. vs. Morris Fullerton, A. 4 B. inter
fering with an officer. Nol pros.
Com. vs. Augustus Sweise, on information
of F. E. Weiroer. Case tried ; rr-dict guilty,
Petition of citixens of Southampton town
ship for review of a public road. Wm
Baker surveyor; Unas Murray, Ephraim
Geiger, viewers,
Fctition of citizens of Somerset township,
for a bridge over Wells creek near Snyder' s
Station. Henry Raucb, surveyor ; Worth
ricking, Jerre J. Shaffer, vieweri.
Petition of citixens of Elklick and Green
ville township, for a public road from a point
at or near the house of Hiram Findlay, to a
point in public road at Maryland line near
the house of Christian Bowser. M. D.Miller,
surveyor; Jac. Zufail, John M. Olioger.
Petition of J. Rhoads for viewers to in
spect masonry of a bridge near Shanksville.
Jacob D. Swank, surveyor ; Gerge M. Neff,
Herman Slab I.
Petition of citixens of Brothers velley town
ship for, a public road from near Francis
Kneppers sugar camp to a point near resi
dence of David L. Meyers. Jacob Kim reel,
surveyor; John M.Glessner, John J. Fike,
Petition of citizens of Ogle township, for
bridge over Clear Shade where public high
way leading from Scalp Level to Pleasant
ville crosses said creek. Elwood Swank,
surveyor; Wm. Reel, Levi M. Manges, view
ers. Petition of citizens of Ogle township, for
bridge over Clear Shade, where public high
way from Rummel to New Paris crosses said
stream. Wm. M. Schrock, surveyor (Stony
creek), Wm. Maurer, Lemuel Miller, viewers.
The Umbrella Saved His Life.
The Mt Pleasant Journal is responsible for
the following story about Rev. John M.
Burnett, well known in this place. Rev.
Barnett carried an umbrella that bora the
marks of hard service. This umbrella, th
Journal says, saved the owner's life. Th
circumstances were as follows :
Last summer when be was abroad doin g
Europe '" Palestine he journeyed to
Ephcsua, one of the twelve Ionian cities of
Asia Minor, which history tells us was found
ed by the Amazons, whose legendary con
nection is with that of Diana. Wishing to
visit the ruins of of the temple dedicated to
that goddesn, the party got horses and were
about to depart, when the liveliest kind of a
time hsppened by the animals engaging in a J
The bluestocking pastor had just mount
ed when the row opened and a savage-look
ing loose horse bore down upon bint with
wide open mouth. The blood in the rever
ned gentleman's veins is of the true bios
American order that don't permit of flight
although the rider was defenseless save fir
the umbrella aforesaed. Yankee ingenuity
soon brought it into play. Never did knight
of old handle his lance with greater skill
than did my old friends his umbrella. The
first onslaught ended in the attacking party
catching the iron furrule on the right tonsil.
and first blood was allowed for the pastor,
who closed one eye for his antagonist in the
next round, and loosened a rib or two in the
third and last go by becoming the aggressor.
The badly used op animal threw up the
sponge, turned tail and disappeared in
cloud of dust toward Smyrna at the sight of
the victor dismounting and hoisting his
trusty weapon.,
New school Books for Somerset
County Schools.
All the new school books that were adopt
ed for exchange and introduction in all the
various districts in the county can be ob
tained at Fisher's Book Store, Somerset. We
have all these new books for sale at Intro
ductory prices and are authorised to receive
the old books in exchange. This applies to
readers, tpellers, grammars, geographies c
Where yoa do not have ready access to yoor
local dealers bring your old books to Fish
er's Book Store and make your exchanges.
Where you can also at the um time get ail
the other school books and school supplies
that yoa may require.
Caas. H. Fisma.
Persona attending the Pittsburgh Expo
sition and wishing to purchase merchandise,
all kinds of wearing apparel and nousenoia
goods, can save from 10 to 25 per cent, on
every dollar's worth of goods purchased by
calling at the office or tn L won axensngs.
Room 41 L Penn Building, and paying one
dollar ($1.00) for a membership card, which
entitles s member to a discount at all the
leading stores in the two cities. This eard
will save mors than double your railroad
fare, if it is only a small bill of goods.
E. F. TaosxrsoJt.
Business Manager.
Every Housewife
Should exsmins tbe andereHs Range.
Bread will raise nicer, and hex more even
ly, in the Cinderella than in any other. Sold
and recommended by
Somerset, Pa.
A Jobbery ftun to Earth.
Harry Slitmen, a prominent merchant of
Mill Vale, Westmoreland county, was arrested
Thursday, chafed with having robbed tbe
boBM of John Camahan of K 300 in cash
last August Cpoo bis arrest Stitman made
a conieasiai that be bad received money
from Jacob McNally, Carnahan's hired man,
on th day after the robbery. McNal y was
suspected from tbe first.
The robbery was committed oa tbe I3tb or
14th of last August. Camahan is an old and
wealthy bachelor farmer, the hist of several
brothers, whose cash and farms he has in
herited as they died off. He is worth about
1 150,00. Camahan bad a great distrust of
banks and kept his money and valuables se
creted in various parts of tbe house. On the
13th of last August Camahan had $18,000 in
cold gold buried in Lis cellar. In a cup
board in kis room he kept a square desk.
Tbe latter was padlocked and the key was
kept in a desk in the same room. On the
morning of August 14, Carnahan's house
maid found tbe dosk broken open and an ax
lying on tbe floor. Tbe girl was afraid to
tell ber master of it, as she thought bs would
accuse her of tbe deed.
In the evening when Camahan retired he
made the discovery of the open desk. He
found tbe key to ths tin box gone, and,
running to the cupboard, discovered the box
with the lid open and ths key beside it It
had been rifled of $6,300, which it contained
in bank cotes, but $13,000 in United StaUe
bonds had been left behind by tbe robber.
Camahan immediately notified his attor
ney, and detectives were set to work on the
case. McNally was instantly suspected and
two men were placed on the farm to ferret
out the facts. As a result of their efforts,
Sutmsn was arrested. He was sent to tbe
Greensburg jail in default of $2,000 bail.
Mr. Cam ban has thought belter of banks
since the robbery, and has unearthed bis
$ 18,000 and placed it in a bank.
Local Institutes.
Following is tbe programme of th Joint
Local Institutes consisting of Milford, and
Black townships and Rockwood, and Centre
ville boroughs, to be held at New Centreville
on Tuesday evening October 13, 1801.
Organization at 7:30 r. x.
Benefiit of Institutes Edwin E. Bach.
Co-operative Work of Directors, Parents
Teachers Dr. W. H. Gardner.
Primary Work Maud Boucher.
The Importance of Spelling Ella Werner.
Recitations by Ha. tie Will, Nannie Kim
mell and Elmer Miller.
Free Text books A. B. Barnes.
Addres by Superintendant J. M. Berkey.
Directors, citizens and all friends of edu
cation are invited to be present.
Tbe following is the programme for the
teachers' institute of Berlin and Brothers-
valley, to meet at Berlin, Saturday October
10, at $ 30 a. m.
Address Prof. C. E. Heller.
Written Work in School -W. R. Stahl.
Select Reading Miss Margary Krissinger.
Should Mental Arthmetic be taught as a
separate branch ?-L. J. Walker, C. M.
School Tactics W. H. Kretchman.
arrrattoos SESSION.
How to gain the affections of pupils
E. W. Cober.
Solo Miss Clara Monges.
Moral Instructions in school-room Rev.
A. R. Kremer.
Essay Miss Emma Hetlley.
Recitation Miss Critchfield.
What should teachers read ? N. B. Walk
Select Reading.
A eirl to do general housework. Good
wages. Apply to Mrs. J. W. Caruthers.
I nion St.
Somerset, Pa.
In Somerset county, some good butter ship
pers. Address
R. 8. McDowell,
No. 637 Penn Avenue. East Liberty.
Choatnute! Chestnuts!
We will pay the highest prices for Chest
nuts durinr the season. Brier tbem in as
early as possible, as the early nuts command
the best price. Cash or trade.
Kama 4 Putt.
.Wanted at Once.
Two dinning room girls and on Cook for
hotel. Must come well recom men!.
Wages $1.00 to $J 50 per week.
Address, American Hotel,
Cumberland, Md.
Republican Unity.
PsiLanxu-HiA, Pa., Oct 5. No better evi
dence of the harmony existing in the Repub
lican organization throughout the stats
could be desired by tbe most zealous sup
porter of Gregg and Morrison tban was
given st tbe Continental hotel this evening.
With Sute Chairman Watres under the same
roof at tbe same time were Senator Quay, C.
L. Magee of Allegheny, President Robinson
of the Republican State League of clubs, ex
Chairman Andrews and Cooper and a score
of lesser lights. Chairman Watres was busy
early in the day meeting county chairmen
from some of tbe nearby counties. He has
now met all the county chairmen and has
gotten tbe organization down to hard work
preparing to bring out a good vote on elec
tion day. Mr. Quay brought his family up
from Atlantic City and reached the hotel
shortly before 6 o'clock. Magee got in from
New York a few hours before. Tbe two
leaders had a private conference on matters
bearing on the state campaign, and each
had a talk with Watres. Magee assured the
state chairman that Western Pennsylvania
was in good shape and that Allegheny coun
ty would give the state ticket from 10,0u0
to 12,000 majorty. He said the people gen
erally look upon Gregg and Morrison as ex
cellent candidates, entitled to the loyal sup
port of every Republican. Messrs. Magee
and Andrews went west to-night Senator
Quay expects to leave for home to-morrow
lO.OOO Miners Strike.
rrrrspcBo. Oct 1. A general strike of
railroad coal miners of the Pittsburg district
was inaugurated to-day in accordance with
the action taken at yesterday's convention.
Reports have not been received from all the
mines, but it ia estimated that close on to
10,0u0 men quit work. Tney are firm for tbe
3i cent rate, and assert they will remain out
until it is conceded by sll ths operators. A
long and bitter struggle is probable.
McKInley'a Own Opinion.
Athxms. O.Oct 4. Major McKinley yes
terday addressed the lsrgest political gather
ing that has assembled hers to many years,
tharmwdheimr estimated at $10,000. His
discussion of tbe several 8uts and national
guest ions elicited great enthusiasm. In con-
aaaatlna tha Ma.or DTcdicted hi election
by a larger plurality than the Republicans
have bad in tbe Sttte for the past ten years.
FAIR LAMBERT. On September ZHh
1891. at the Reformed parsonage, Somerset,
Pa bv Rev. Hiram King, Mr. J. Harvey
Fair of Schellsburg, Pa , and Miss Celesta J
Lambert, of Shanks ville, Pa.
t 1891. at ths Reformed parsonage, Somer
set, Pa, by Rev. Hiram King, Mr. Jacob.
M. Glessner ofShanksvills. Pa-, and Miss
Maggie 8tu!iman of Downey, Pa
1 1I ai hm Reformed parsonage, Somerset,
Pa bv Rev. Hiram King, Mr. Jerry Fletch
er of Somerset, Pa, and Mary C. Miller of
Somerset, Pa.
7IGLER. WOY. October 1st 1991. by
Rev. J.J. Welch, at the horn of ths bride,
Mr. Charles Zigler and Miss Annie Woy,
both of Somerset township, Somerset county
Fair Notice.
If the rartr who broke into icy bom
Monday, September ilh, while my fam
and I were sway from borne, and stole th
from my tobhscco and two revolvers, will
aain I will give them a chew that will
them for some time. The pu'.ies are all w
known to me and I would advise that they
return the revolvers within th next lew
Moses Yodcs,
Fagh P.O. Oct. 50i, l'l.
WsnTMad at Her Party.
Wilkksbarsk, Oct 3 Miss Lizzie Costel.
lo, a young lady, gave a birthday par
ty to a number of friends last evening. Ia
the midst of the festivities she began bark
ing like a dog. A physician was called and
the lady was put to bed. She has been bark
ing all day and has hydrophobia in its worst
form. She cannot live.
Scarcity of Rain Causing- Trouble.
Sectbesvills, Oct. . Rain was never as
much in demand as it is st present in this
section. There has been but one slight
shower, in '20 days. Wells sre reported dry
in sll parts of the county. Superintendent
Porter, of the county infirmary, two miles
west of the city, is compelled to haul water
from Wills creek, a distance of five miles, to
supply tbe inmates of that institution.
Diamonds In Kentucky.
Fortsiiobth, O , Oct. 3. in expert from
the South Australian diamond fields, brought
here by a company interested in a tract of
land in Kentucky, says there is every reason
to believe it is a diamond field. The ground
appears to be tbe crater of an extinct volca
no. Over a bushel of small but exquisite
garnets were taken out in a few days' search.
One is pronounced by Cincinnati lapidaries
to be one of the finest known, end worth
Shattered Fifty Houses.
Butte, Mont, Oct. 3. An explosion of
200 pounds of dynamite in tbe Butte Copder
Mine, caused by fire, shattered fifty houses
to stoma and injured many people. Mrs.
Anna Politsch and child were seriously in
jured by the flying debris, tbe mother per
haps fatally. Mike Adams, wbo was walk
ing thirty yards away, was knocked down
and is insensible with concussion of the
brain. Tbe concussion was felt over a mile
from the scene of the explosion.
ite of Sally Smith, late of Rorkwood Bor.,
Somerset County, Pa., deo awd.
Letters of Administration eta on Ibealxnreertate
havinf been granted to tbe undersigned bv tne
nniiir aitthitritv. Dolir ia ht.ffltv irivan U all
IiennBc indebted to aaid estate to make immedi
ate payment and tbo havingclalma aroiun the
same wiil present them duly autheuuealed for
settlement on or before Saturday, the lith day of
ortober, at my ottice iu the Borough of
J. L. ft till. Adta r
c. t a. of Bally Smith, dee'd.
tate of Peter Weimer, jte of Milford Twp.,
fcomenet Co., ra , aec a.
Letters ttamecutrv Bavins been rranted to
the unden-igned. by the proper authority, on
the above estate. Dotice is hereby riv
en to all pen ons Indebted to the paid es
tate to mate iinmediaie payment, and wove nar
inr claims arainrt aid estate ill tkrent them
duly a.ilheuU'Utfd for settlement on eiaturdaof
November 21, ii. at the late resi dence y,
deceased in said township.
M. K. r.IMf.K,
nov7. Executors.
God Save the Commonwealth.
rHFRA3 In and tie an art ttt General Asapm.
bly of thelommonireallh of Pennsylvania, enti
tled " An act relating lo the elections of the Com
monwealth." tiateil the ad day of July , A. I.
1ms. i: U made the duty of lherherlfT of every
county witaia the Commonwealth to give public
notice ot me Vienerai ciecuous ;
I. ISAIAH GOOD.SherirTofUieCountv ofSora-
oret, in aid Commonwealth, do hereby make
known and give thLi public notice to the electors
of tfle county of omemt, that on the Tuelay
allowing the una 31onlay ot November, being
3rd Day of Nov. 1S91,
Between the limn of 7 o'cLm.k A. Jf. and
- oVcX; r. sr.
A fSeneral Fleetmn wfl II foe beM at thearTeral
elect 100 d'.ntricw establiehed by law in the aaid
CiHin'y, at which time thcr will vote, by liiot
or Ine several o .11 cent Hereinafter named. Tlx :
ONE rEUTC for the office of Auditor General
of the Stale of I'euaaylvania.
OVE PER IS tnr the offlce of Sute Treasurer
of the Couiiiiouweailh of fenusyWani.
TWESTV-PF.VKX perww to Mil theofnee of
to a Convention to revi-e and
air-ivl th. ontitutiuu of the Commonwealth
of PenD5) lvanla
I Each voter to vou tor not mor than eighteen
eaudklalea therefor.)
TARES PERSON3 to rill the once of Delegate!
tn a invention to revise and amend the Cuntti
tution ot the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
from the Thir.y sixth a-nalonal Uistrietof Penn
sylvania, romiMwd of the counties of Somerset,
Bediord and tutton.
i bach voter to vote for not more than two can
Idatei ineretor.
ONE PERSON for the office of Prudent Jurtee
Of the Sixteenth Judicial I'trictof Pennsylvania
eompoaed of the counties of Somerset and Bed
turd. ONE PERSON for the office of Associate Jud;e
ef the County of Homer- t.
TWO TERSOXS for Jn ry Commissioner of the
County of aomertat. each voter lo vote for one.
OX 1 PERPOX for Poor Boone Director of tbe
County of Somerset.
ONE PERSX for the office Of Coroner of the
County of -Somerset.
And FOE or AGAINST holdiaz a Convention
to Amend the Constitution.
I also hereby make known and live notice tha
the places of hoMlsff the aforesaid election in the
several wards, Ljr.Mich. distr.cts and townshijs
wiinin we couuiy oi somerset are aa loiiowa. to
The electors of the borcmsh of Salisbury to
meet at the Council Chamber In said borough.
roe electors ot tn Horvurti of K'c(uod to
meet at the council chamber In said Horouirh.
Tbe electors of the boroiurb of Meyersdale te
meet at the council chamber in said borough.
The electors of tbo towahlpof Summit to meet
at the Peek School-house In Mjd Town-hlp.
The elector ut tbe buruuxh of Wellertbnrg to
meet at the school bouse in said boron b.
The electors of tbe town.shln of lireenrille to
meet at tbe school Bouse, In Pocahontas, tn said
1 tie ens?iors or tne iownnip or ole to meet at
the school house on the road from Asht'ila to Bed
ford county, near the residence of A. hilakcr.
Tbe electors of the borou-h of Slov.iown to
meet at the house formerly occupied by Henry J.
.uiuer. in saiu ocrnua;a.
Tbe aloetors of the township of Uaemaboalmr
Xa. 1 to meet at the house ol John 11. ilite in Wne
ma honing township.
1 tie e lectors o! the township of QuemarwnitU
township No. 2 tn meet at the bouse oi l'antel
lhr, in Hooversville.
The electors of the townahlo of Alleihenv to
meat at lb house of Albert Hillegas, In aaid
Tbe electors of the borough of New Baltimore
to meet at lbs house of John P. Spicer la said bor
ough. The electors of the tnwnshln of Conemauch to
meet at the bouse of Peter Levy, in said town
ship. The electors of the township of Shad to meet
at th bous of Jaeob Helmaa, In said tow a ship
Th electors of tha townahluof Faint tn met at
th school bous erected oa tha lands of Henry
Berkey. In aaid township.
The elect of tbe townshln of Jenner to meet
at the hues formerly occupied by Tb.ia. Oalla-
gner, at jenner. Koadt, in said township.
Th elect. rs of th tuwnshlD of Jelisrsoa tn
meet at th bous of &loaoa Baker, ia aaid town-
The elector ef the borough of Jennerlown to
meet at the school house tn said borough.
Th elector of to borough of Confluence to
meet at the Council Chamber, In said bormgh.
Th electors of the horouirh and election dis
trict of Somerset township to meet at th
Court House, tn said borough.
Tbe electors of the townmu of Lincoln to meet
at the house, of Peter Mine, in said Twp.
Tb elector of the township of Black to meet at
thetaiiorsbopof Joseph W. Uemrnrlon, ill said
Th electors of the township of Milford to meet
at th old hotel formerly occupied by Richard
OaMwslL la Ueltharuborv, ta said towusnlp.
Th elector of New Centreville to meet at ths
school bouse in said borough.
Thletorof lb townahlo of Cooer Turkey.
loot to meet at th bous ol John A. Sbulla, to
said township.
1 na ictr of in townsnip of uower i uraey
foot to meet at the house ot Emanuel Firestone
a aaid Township.
Th electors of the borough of Crstns to meet
atth hoaa of J. . Miller, opposite Davis A Co
der stnr. la said borough.
Th electors of th township ef Addison to Bt
at tn a hoo! housa in Petersburg.
The elector of th township of Mid Jleereek to
meet at th bouse occupied by Jesse C Sweuaer,
In Xew Lexington.
The elector of th township of Elklick te meet
at the boo ot Lewis Kmerkk, in Weal Main bury
Klkllck Townhin
The electors of the township of Falrnope to meet
at tne boose or wen x noennan. in aaw i v-
Th electors of the borough of Cauelman to
n..t mi th. kmti. nl Vleslev ! 7 , 1 1". ' I
In with i he prevision of an Act of
ot in vieueral Assemoiy, emitted -An ac " pro
vide lor a Uosvenuou to amend tbe Constitution,
and tbe aieetion of delesatea thereto." approved
the nineteenth day of Jnne, Anno Dominion
thousand eight hundred and ninety two. tbe duly
quaiirted electors of this Commonwealth hall. at
the general election to be held oa the Tuesday
next following the first Monday of Xovember.
n.iL mt. nr aeainat boiiline a rs in ventlOO to
amend the CoDaUlulkin, and. foe member of said
emreotlo. If a wal.jrity of t!. Votes la the
t ocnmofiaaiih st.. j cn. veft-ion, ecworxi
t'w to th rer:.ialaiD !;.; pi-J In the several
s., ij.o. ,,f sa A at as te 'eaevset f.ain.1. so wit
) tio L s! ri--'d !'i IV fr a-l tt -tm
of h il. t ' ' 1 1 ".sa-'a '1 sy
k.l . I-V.M ilS' m-t ttS- l t. ' V-fK
ot Ti st at ths; general
i. in jv h-d o T''i' " si foajU'g
,tr nnst Mono ol ember tie tt. lite il j' t
osu..'osi exs lors of tti. acjoua::.'! "sC.i.ll
tv.f fur or a.'iinst let! lnrosnri4tt'j t;afn-i:d
tne 'iisi tuitoo r.ird.iig t- the H i'.
.r..v-t.;l : llo .ill.-.-.U'-tll ssiimt t l tS U a "t.
bsv. 1. if at tae aid een.-rai .c u.i to be held
as afureMltt. a maji.niy 4 lite euetci ol ;fla
t otnmooiiibliall di -lare in farorof a on-
veutioo w amend tlie lot, xil'itten. me savt coo.,
veution shall be eoaifiwl of .!riee"c- duty elect'
ed and hal! sysw-m'-' e as h r-af' ttrtni le-J.
via , At the itsnurai tif lo ht!d oa t'ltt
Tnnstay next Hulowini; the tirst Moudav of -No-veuibcT
next, there shall l ei-.-t-1 bv theonali-
het eiecUirs of this Coiamotiweajth, delegates to
a convention to revL-e inn amii-i trie Constitu
tion of this !"tate Th said convention shall eou-
tts of one hundred ami eveu;y-stvea meu: Vrs,
lo be elecwti in tne raann- r to : owteg: Twenty
seveu mcrots-rs sitai) b el.vted in the State at
large Kach voter of the S'.ate shall wits not
an..rM lhall ete:iU:eu cand .l tes and Hie tweuty
seven higrie! iu o'o jhall be declared elei led.
One hutitlred and nt.v tieiemea snail be aputr-
ttoned to and elected from '.lie. 1i:fere!.t Srn&uir'al
du.irit'U of the state, three duienatni lo tte ete
ed fitreacn henator Uierefmia: and in rhoosing
aaid dei-.rau-s, each voo-rsiiall t- er.i!tle-l to vote
for not more than two of Ibe members to be
rbuaeu from each senatorial district, and the
three candidate hlshtest in totesiiall bedeclne
etl elected, and said dviogate shall i tbe
nuali lications at preea: rrf'i.rtd lor lueintters of
the State sv-naie.
8ac 4. The following regulations thxll arpy to
the aforesaid election lone hcoi on th T'lexlay
fiilowinf the hrt Monday of Xovember neat,
and lo tne return ot ne
First. The sai l election sna'.l e held an lcon
ducted by the proper cletti.n orhcers of the sev
eral election district of the CttumouweaUh, and
shall b governed and reflated in ail reaoeeta
by the general ehx-tittui laws of the Commou-
weaitn, so lar as ir.e same oe aiiiu ante iDercto
and not iocotivistect with tbe provision of tui
(second. The tickets t be votts-1 for or again a
convention shall hereon tue tiiMde, ' For a Con
stitulioaal Ctjiiveuti'Mi," aad '"Aitainst a Consti
lutiotiat Couvention," and no other inscription
Third. The ticker, to lie votet for member at
larre shall have on the outside the words "fji-
ratea at large," aul oa the inside the names of
the canditlaien v be voted for not exceeding
bu.-btcen tu numner.
Fourth. Th ticket to be voted for district
members shall have on the outside the words,
iiistnct delegates," ami oa the inside the name
or names of the can'iids'.es voted for not exceed
iag ih proper nuiniier I'm. ted aa aforesaid, but
any ticket thai shall cotitiii a greater m. tuber of
names than the number for which 1 he voltr
shall be entitled to vo-e shall 1 rejected.
Fifth. The return Jntlgea shall nn el al the same
place anil at the fai;ie lime ti-t.l election.
ai:d shall make out the return, ttiereof of the vote
cast for tlclesratea a; lar aid tor dinnd ttelo
gates to tie member g tbe aaid oouveutuiu in th
seteral t-ouitlies of lite Coniuioiiutalth, and shall
follow the same form in inaitinout ;he:r n-luru
sa prescrileil u return Judee ia uie case ol aa
election for iovenior, fitvpt that the said rw
turux sasll be traa-iuittcd to the !ecreary of the
Commonwealth and shall b-j ad Ireasfl to that
oflicer alone.
Intake knoa-B and irve notice, as In and bv
the, l.uh 'ecti-ai of the af'trcs.i.d Act I am dirct-'t
el. 'that every peraou extstst jtii:t-- of th
litssce slut hA hoil any ulif? nr tti.iioi.timetil
of prosit tru-t under the (tovernaicist of tlie
"nited Ptale ttr of this .ia:e. orativcuv or in
corporated tiisirict, heth-r a Cfii:u:si(juel ttf-
nvr or oinera a surstnunate ouiei-r or aviil
who in or shall bv eiuiti -red uinier the Irt'L-ia-
tive, judiciary or exce.itiie tltj-artnienui of ths
State or of i.icl iii'.ed Mat.-st. of any c.iy ia
corporated dislrief : and a. so that every "memlter
tf CtH;i;res ami oi the Male l.CKlslature and of
the select or common coon, il of any city, or
coniui!s!oner of any lnetritrat-d l:striel. tA by
law lueaitaitle ot bottling or evercisiug at tae
me lime, the o1:ee or apttointmeut oi hiitje.
iti.-pet tor tir i it r k of any 4ieeti"n of this Cm.
in.maea'th. aud ti at rat lnpccti,r or iu.'ne. or
other oBicer at tinv eieetioii, siatU be eligible to
auv othce to Ite '.lien ttil ior.
Also, thai in the httirih set lemof thie Act of As-
cinfiiv euliiicu An Aci relating to exeeiiUoua,
ami for other purj". approved April Ui. iMti. it
is enacted thai tae atoresai l 14th s.tioti aiiall
not te soeoitstmed as in prevent a mliitary or bor-
ougu omtsi-r irttin serving aa jiMijre, inspcutr or
clerk of any e'-neral or speolai eieeiiou iu thia
If any pers. snail prevent or attempt to pre- i
vent any oiltcer of any election under this act 1
from hoinliur ticnMee:iin,tv use or threaten any
vittlcnce bj any saetj otht-er. h bhail interrutatir
improperly inieriere a t'.h h.m in the exeeatitta of
his duly, or shall bl.f K up the window or avenue
to any window where the aame inay be holding,
or pbali rloU'iialy di-turb lit - pt.-ax at stK'h elec
tion, or shall use or practice any intimidating
threatf. ioree or violence, with any do
ign lo influence unduly or overawe, j
ny elector, or lo preve-i: hun from Voting,
or to restrain the freed im of ch-th-e, fcuch
Berson. on conviction, shall ie fiutsd in any
sum not excee'iiru; live hundred d.tliar and be
mprisoned lor any tune not than one month
or more than twelve moiiins, a'id if it shall be
shnwu the court here the tris.1 of such ortense
sltalt be had Inat 1'ie pe.n jo;h'iHli:ig wa not a
tviicm if tne warti, itistrn l or toauMilp. Where
the said orTense'ti,aiid n-aettitled Pi
Vtrte therein, then on c.juvieitn.i he shall U' sea
U'ncetl to pty a fine ttf n-tt 1,.- taau one handre-J
nor more tlmn on thousand doilars, and be ira
prisuaeij n jt Ik&s than lx lauii'.hs or more than
two years."
As therein 'lirected. 1 a'.-o give ttifi-ial notice of
the folhiWintr provision ot ail act appntved March
:, Itiu.;. eutite-d - An act r.-vanit!'v' the m.le of
votiugat atl eiec'ttats ta tne setc-ai ouiiuea of
the tVnuuontocaKh.
Skition 1. He it enactr! I t the Senate an 1
Hi.ttse of Kepnetllall es of tne I .'Tt.ia.i iwealth
of Peiiuyn ania iu ie:ierl Arui:iii.y met. aiei il
Is hereby enm-tcl by tin? a'i:.n,rl:v of the same.
That the n'ialiiie.1 voter of ti e several I ttuiitl.t
of lt:ls I'ooitiBina'enUh at a.l e. rerai. township.
borough and snetin' e'.-ctitfi aic bertt-y hcreaf
Pr aiithoifd antl rts,ii.rtd lo vote ly t ''kets
prinusl or is nl'en. .r t sr:i .- pni.led and tartly
written, severally tlo.sii;tsl a, follows: unetiek
et shall eail.rat e lite l.a'e. it a.l ju cis tftsMirtv
Voted for. and la Lllfled OT1 I lie o:il-lle " J'ltil
c;ary";ieie tieliel esni'-a -e the Mine tf
ail state oti:e.T vitei lor ati.l l ie 1 ''Scale:'
one ticket shall e-ti -ni' t- ;'ie nnv.s t-f totiniv nf-
6ter-i votii for. In. Ui'lii.g the ortice of heiiator,
meml-er aal inemters of Ass,-mt-ly, If vo:cd for,
and tncmlit-r of t'oruTe. if vop 1 fir) and ,tsta
bt'let County one I'cwet tuiiil ciul.raee the
name of all tien-hip orhcers v!.s f. and be
laltetcd "' Toanslt'it ; tine ticket sitw I embrace
the naioe ttf all Isiptii'h ortlt crs VoUtl t'.-r aod be
laltelc'i " Bt-roiik-h." and '-at h c'.ast ahail be d.-po-ltcd
in p:irH'.c itaflot b..xc.
1 a eiveoihii'ii tiotiee of an Ai-t of Asem
bly entuletl "A further ta;.p'emelit to theae-l
regulating elections iu the i t-muionwcaltn, ap
pntveti June M:h. A. I. lss.i, wbich provides
ani'Mie o1mt il. n- a- f -lloa-s :
Any person wno hitl lumish orsnpt ly to anv
elecutr iu thL roinmouacalih at any of the polis
r certain voting ple.i'-. anv ticket fal-eiv rettre-
setttinr il lo couiaiu luti.e-s not tberettn aitall be
iltH-raetl giiltv of a niwIeTicanor, and on convic
tion shall pay a fine not exft!inj on hundred
dollars. or imprisoumeut n-tt uuit-d on year,
one or bolu, or euber, at the dt:t.-rttiou oi la
1 uis Act was also atpnveil 03 the I "th of Jnne. It n-k, s it nl.i a tui for
Any eomiBitteeor nieml-er thereitf. directiv or
la lireciiy, lo deman.1 ot any orltrer, suhvpltnau
or employee holdii.4 any jei ittic orhce or position
of htttutr, trust or proM m lass service ef the
tir from any otic-er. surKKdiiiAte (ir eispioyee tu
any t ity or co'iaty 01 it.t- .-tate. ar.y ass.,-a:u:tt or
penvntRge of any i::ey or property, or tlieir
eiUivuleut in anything of valus. with the under
sttojtiiiiv. either exprestscd or iiuplicd, iliat the
me may ttr snail be um.-1 lor anv ponm-ai pi:-
Ptea wuatevcr. Any person or terst.tis; violating
anvol the I'oreKoinj: iirtiviittitL-of this Act shall lee
held guilty ol a misdemeanor, and upon convic
tion liicreof shad bes;ite!tc--d to pay a tine not
cxceedii-i one buadrd dellar. "
Ttv Article S of tile Consti tut loll, the Qualifica
tions of electors are prescribed as follows : btc-
tverv rca'e twenty one years or atre po-
esiiiglhe folio u n'laliht'atttiQs, sQjtJI b enti
tled to '.Jto at a.1 e'.ecf.ons. First : lie
have tieen acuizeuoi trie I nited .-tales a: least
one moaih. second : lie shall have nsnletl in
the State one year tor tf. having treviousiy Itet a
a tjuallhcd eli-ctor or native l-tni coiea of the
isiate. he shall hav reninved therefrom and re
turned, then six iuoni.1--! iiauieitiaivly e.-e.sltJig
the election, ihini: 11 !iail bale resltlt! lit
he election dHutt where lie shall ort". rut vote at
least two months immediately prvceetlme the
election. Fourth: If twenty-two yenrs ol age e
upwards he shall have ttaid within tao years a
Mate or 1 ounty tax. waicti shall have beea aa-ftest-eit
at least two nataius aud jtald at least oue
monin i-eioret::e eiectntn.
ei-nos 3. hieetors shall In all eav. exeer
ftr trea tn. felony, and hrench or surely of tne
peace, lie itrivtleicetl from arres4 tiuring their ai
teUvianiv oa f lecli'tas aui jfoiuji loaui reiuruiu
Skition 11. For the purpose or voting no per
son -hail h deemed to hute gained a residence
by reasttn of the presence. tr lot'l il by reaattu of
his absence, while euiploye-1 iu tlie service.
either civil or military, of this State or of the
tinted State, nor while engaged In the naviga
tion of the watt-T-sof the Male or of the tnited
states or on tlie hirh seas, nor wmie a stcdeal of
any iusulutlou of ituruing, n. aliite kept (n.
any pour oouse or o'.iicr a-vtu:u at public uuense
nor wbxle coiiuned in pubtic prison.
The Act of AsscnihW of July 2, KM. section UT,
provides a f. . lows: - t shu;i b the duty of tun
II:s;tee.ots ao.t ;'t'tkrt 01 t lie t-ieetioii Mt i"jev tie
vote of all persons w ho tht y or any ttf them shall
kmtw or shall be proven t fore' them to have
made, or w hoare In any msntver iiiler-atei in any
bet or watrer 011 the result otaid -stcdira : ant!
on Hie renuen 01 auv ! iaiihe.1 elector, sa.-l tit-
sttectors aud rnoges tD.i.i n-ce.vo prtKtr utaisbed
the perstwi soorl--riiig to sirs has or ha no made
any such bet or as ;r, or is or la not interecsed
11 any pcr-on or erntn shall make anv net or
wager u(Kn tni" result of any el-vtmn w unin thia
CommonwcaUli. or shall ofer tn make anysti. h
bet or wager, either by vertsal pPH ianta:i there
toorbyauy prtutcl orwri.ten a ivertiserrient, or
ehallenee. t.r luvite anv perton or person 10
make stub lietor waver. 111111 cnviciion tnercif
he or they shall forfeit and pay three lime the
amount sooil'eretl Pi be itel.
If any pcrwtu aal vote al more Iran one elec
tion district or tf.herwtse fran hilcntly vote more
than oice on the same tiav. or snail rraiKinieni.y
f.tld and deliver H the iiispectortwo tickets Uv
retherwiih latent illesal'.y lo vote, or a-lvusr and
procure another to Ho so. ne or ir.ey suau on cm
v.eiion. be lined ia any som n'rt leas thaa fifty
nor more ti'.an hve hjalred dtLr anlbeltv
priaoued not Ie taan li.rve nor more than twelve
m. tn 111.
It' any narvvn rot quallm-d to vote In UiiCorn
monwealth srr,TV.r to law exi-ert artt. of qual-
lrietl citizen., shall appear a: any place of elec
tion sir we purpose ot issattijf ia-s'ets or lnauenc
Ing citizens qiialhied Pi vote, he shall on convic
tion forfeit an I par any mm ni evceedmgone
hundred dol.ars for every snvh ofea-e, and he
impristwed fer any term not exceeding twelve
I also call atfation m aectlon of article t of
the new coustitulton which pn.vida a follows :
Sktios A Any person w ho haii give or prom
e, orotlerto give, to au elet tor. any monev re
ward or other valuable eoniiieratiun ror his vote
at an election, or for wiijUoldhai the same, or
who shail give or pr-ns; l give sjra eoaidera
tlon to anv other person or party f,r ijeD elec
Utr s vote," or lor ihe w:th!w!ding there.:, or any
elet tor who shall MViv w agree 10 receive, f.r
himseif. or for anaher.any raouey, reward or oth
er valuaMe consi leralioa for his vote al an elec
tion, or (or withholding the same hau tbt re
fa-fvit bn right lo vote at ich election, and any
elector right tu vote shall lie challenged k
such cause before tteict:on o Mors shall be re
quired to swear or atflrm that tha matters of the
challenge 1 untrue before his vote ahail be re
ceived. Oivan under my band at my ofnj at Stmerset
thUTthdav of 1 h to'-.' In ths year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one and
In theooe buov red aa-l l ih year of tne Iade
peniane of to VaUed state.
SberifT OtTic. ;1SA1AU GOOD.
Soiacraet, Oct. 5, '91 i SheruT.
First Arrival Of
Fall Goodsl
DOMESTIC G00PS. Notions and
Shawb, Cloaks, Blankets, Carpet
l arns, Jtc.
We believe we Lave the Lanrest
Cheapest and BEST STOCK we
have ever had. e Lack up the
statement bj giving
Iweaaer i0. I. indieo Bine Calitmea,
Best make, warrantci Fast Colors, Jot the Low
rTlce ot j cents per yard.
LEADER Xo. 2.-5,000 yds. Merri
mac CocLeco Calico, Dark Color
ed, only 5c per yard.
2,000 Yards Fidelity Ginghams, the
best goods in the market for the
LEADER NO. 4. One lot of 4-4
Unbleached Moslina, very good
value for the money, 5c. per yd.
Good Brown and Colored Lan
ton Flannels, for 7, 8 and 10c
NELS at 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12
NELri. at 7,
8, 10 and 12c, and
Striped Outing Cloths, Amokeasr
Napkins, Mnpcd bhirtingsat 10
and 12c
LEADER NO. 6. Good 22 inch.
Guaranteed Black Silk, at 75 cts.
per yard. 24 inch Guaranteed
Black Silk, at $1. Black and
Colored Silk Mervelieu.
LEADER NO. 7. 40 and 46 inch
Black Warp Cachmeres at 90ets.
and $1.25. 4G inch BIk. Henrietta-
and Serge9 at 75c. and $1.
40-inch Black and Colored Cach
meres at 50c. Plain and Fancy
of all kinds from 5c. to $1 per yd.
Our 2oc 1 lain and Fancy Dress
Goods are Handsome. 54-inch
Broadcloths at 90ct ; 54 inch Wool
Cloths at 50cts. One lot of 36
inch Grey Mixed Cloths at 25ctJ.
Leaders in
LEADER NO.S 5-4 Table Oil
Cloth?, best makes, at 25c Lead
ers in
Mrs. A. E. Uhl.
iMwrN't stock or SI
Fall Goods !
laontlcrs from 3fo. 1 lo
My Stock is made up of
Not only 5c. Calicoes, Muslins,
Ginghams, Canton Flannels, Ac,
but an immense stock of
That it would be impossible to de
scribe. Guaranteed Black Silks,
all grades and prices. Satin Rha
dames, 75., $1, and $1.25. 40 and
. 46-inch Silk Warp
HENRIETTAS, all prices. 40 inch
CASHMERES and Serges, 50 cts.
cashmere 25c, selling elsewhere
for 30 and 35 cents. Good Cash
mere at 12 l-2c Splendid
SUITINGS, for School Dresses, 10
to 20 centa, cloth, from i5 to
85c. Ladies, Misses, and Chil
UNDERWEAR. Large New Stock
of Dress Trimmings, Stockings,
Gloves, and mitten3 for alL A
large stock of
UMBRELLAS, a complete stock of
" Ladies' Wraps, Plain, Astrakhan
and Far Trimmed, in all the new-
' est styles.
Millinery Goods
Compris all that is Stylish and
' N ew. Allheap. No one sh and
think of making their
' Purchases
Before examining my stock of Fall
Goods. It will pay. Fine and
Handsome Dresa Goods a Spe
cialty. All colors Wool, Cotton,
and Linen Carpet chain.
FOR FALL, 1891.
Our Mr. Knible has just returned from the eastern market where
he made some very important purchases of fine and and uiediutn-clasa
Dress Goods, which havo arrived and are opened up for your in.-peetion.
We have all tlie New Stylish Fabrics, and will surely promise you, if
yaa faver us with a call, a treat ia the way of exclusive stylish materials
at popular prices. Note below two of the many attractive things :
50-inch New English Suitings that
were never sold less thaa $1.50.
Oar price to open the sea?on, ia
only 85 cents. Yoa can also see
them in the window.
John P. Knable & Co.
Successors to Knable & Shuster.
35 Fifth Avenue. PITTSBURGH, PA.
B. Woald be PIead to Send Samples.
Main Street, Somerset, Pa.
ThisHodsl Drag Stcrs is Rapidly E:::r:g a Great
Favcrits Trith Pecph h Scare!: cf
Jlcdicincs, Dye Stuffs, Sponges. Trusts
Supporters, Toilet Articles,
Perfumes, &c,
Lontlier's PrescriptionsiFamily Receipts.
And a Full Line of Optical
such a large assortment all can be suited.
Always on hand. It is always
to intending purchasers, whether they buy
from us or elsewhere.
n the th dT of f trtobt?r, at th Uie
rmWuc oi (Sarah J. )lulr. in u -avrrtffk Twp.,
a :'mnu romaum. 37 trw, with 1'rmmr Dwell. uk
Hiv? and Ham thtrVon rrttnL Lant! in Roud
cniilko, with tiit orvhanl, ami ftMi wur.
mr loliiu iimrry a4i. tomiii.churvh andchi.n
boii'ie. Trrais rrxn' te.
EUly Fmn is HhuTik, late of Stortowa Br.,
Lttr-of Aiuiiii!rmtito vn ;he ali)Te ut?
hvnifT t-n rrauul w the un.lT-irntl by tbe
j'rsr autha-ntv, Di4:.e htrelT g ven lo all
T.-rva inijtil V tai'l tUW tn matt hnmetl
ate MvnifQL and xtum havinr claims a?mimtth
mnv'wit. prvMDt thrn Uuijr autintH ul fur
wmmfnt uor tieion: airua.y, me :uo aay oi
J. L. r . 'iH.
leptld. AiaaiuL-tratoT.
Estate of Jipph rhtn?nning. late of Somerset
normum. Strut--r-t la, l a, art a.
l-ttrs of utimim-traUttD on Ihe a'toTe estate
having rsspn irranu! to the untlvrsniriMl by Ihe
pntoer aoihoruy. D.mce is hemby ariven to au
jsTssHis inttfltieJio saul estate to make immedi
ate jatTmeot, and all ramstns harins; elairns to
present them duty aulnenut-ate-l fur settlemenl
ai the tvfin tT the AtlmiTii-traior m staierset Br-
otih on or alany Usee before Saturday, October
17. 1K1.
9Ppt9. Atlniit:isirator.
Eaiate of Joseph J. Savior, late of MilforJ Tsrp.,
sstmerset o., t i., ore 'L
Letters of adminisiratlou oa the abore estate
haviuf bfeti rraintil to the un4eritrriel by ihe
nnxs-r anthontv. mw t hereby aien lo ail per-
stwu lndc-btett to -a.'i estate, to maae iinme-liate
pavmeut. aoJ UxiSe havln clanits amttisi me
same st ill nresent them duly autheuttoale! far
settlement ou taTurtiay. tHtttr 17. lsji. at UM
late reaiilencc ot tleoeaxci in .m i tiwi 1 P
I Kt AS) m . SAl 1.1 K.
septO. AdnUiii"traiof.
bsiate of Maria Ktmmell. la'e of Brmnersraaey
Two., itmerel Co., Pa., t!e-a.
Tnpfst LAsLamptttanr on the abtre estate
hsiins bee trstiitil to the nntier1aT.el by the
prttper aniuority. oo.i- hereby itiven to ail
persons iti'iebwd U saitl estate lo niaie tnimell
ate paymeci. and those hsTin claims or de
mantis'avainst the same will present them duly
authenticated for Kiilemtnt on Satt'.rday. Ort.
17tb. lsfl. at tne nxaueuc) of aaa ueeuvor ui
BrolhenTailey lap.
A. li. KiJJ m r.u,
Septl. titxulor.
Estate ofSairnel mlth, late of Rorkwoo4 Bor,
Somerset I'd, Y-. tlec'd
Letter of A.lioti..strtioa .1. b. n. e. t a. havln;
been (rranted u the cnt)en.iynl by the
proper authintT, notit-e is hereby riven to all tmietae.1 to sa:.l estate to Biaae lmmetli-
ate paymeut, and th.ate harin; fUims avainst
I n same vri.l present inem tjuty u. .iw
!o seltiemeul at m oflas iu the BorouKO of
.iomerset on or betWe Saturday, the UHh day of
ln-tober, 'il. J- L .H'H. A'tn'r
septi d. Ol b- e. t. a ot saun i auitisv uec.
iboulJ ra.i a pooJ new spar?r. Ir the e
lectioa of a newspaper many consideration
should uovern. Fir:. it sbonld be one that
ntb.aartrs rt ie all the news without pre
judice. It shouM be neatly printed on (rood
paper. It snotll'l o intJT)enueiii in .o
of all that H eood, oprigbt, clean. Such a ia
The Patriot,
printed in HarrisUirg. It is under new
mar.asretner.t enlaJe!, bandsume, bold in
Ihe rin tit, fearless in denouncing wrong: is
alwavs and unswerrinifly leroocrat!c. It is
tha ont IeroocraUC new pa per at tha Slate
Capital." It makes a specialty of Department
Jsewa. It is lha only paper in Central Penu
sylyania that receives and prints full Asso
ciated rress Eeporta. obtained by it oetr its
own wires. It present) each day Special
forresrioridenoe from all points tributary to
Uarrisburg all the Harrisburg ; News. Fash
ion Notes. Uoiuebold Hints. 1'oniestic Re
cipes, Societ Uoip, Scientific, li amorous
and Political Articles, Short Stories and
Sketches. lis Market Reports are cr.mplrts
both a to Finance) and Commerce. Iu Lire
Btock Market are prepared specialy for Th
Patbjot. and have only been successfully
imitated by the other newspapers in the
State. The Saturday Sermon of Be. Dr.
Bpunreon, of London, is a great feature.
Thvi Patriot wants the rascals tnrned oat
or locked np. To this end it heartily nrjrea
tbe election of Wright and Tilden aa the
only means to slop tba plandering of tna
public treasury.
The Weekly PatriU, 9 pages, U only tl a
year. It maintains (he best features of tbe
disily, incl'Kt.cj tbe Spurgeon Sermon, yirst
lake your borne paper, then it Send tor
circulars antl sample copies (frej of ailher
daily or weekly. .
Liberal rates for carnuaiira or otherwise.
l. A. '(RX. ftsJB-ir".',
OHM . OUR Irtatiter.
Ha axainaiao. Pa,
40-inch New Black Silk Warp Lans
down, regular $1.50 quality,
are goinj to sell them to you for
Drug; Store,
Goods always on hand. From
a pleasure to display our goods
JB. Sc B,
Every kind, quality anil style at rt
ccs tLat mean a savini? to your
jocketbook on every item. I.ariro
and Kleant new Fall Assort
ments of
! Imported Dress Woolens and Do
mestic Suitings
In almost endless variety of dis
tinctirely new styles, from -4
eent3 to $2.50 per yard, with all
intermediate prices. We have
given special care and study t
Mail Order Department.
And for ten years have so extended
it that to-day we arc st riding Dry
Ooods to every County, ttatc
and Territory in America, deni-
a. . a. a 1 A
i ua-ui.inLj inai
Highest Qualities and Lowest
Brin the busine. even from re
mote parts. The fact that tlie.-e
orders come to us alo front tlie
largest commercial citie.-?, tuu.-tl e
conclusive proof that the styl.
qualities and prices we offer are
out of the ordinary, anil particu
larly favorable to the buyer.
If intere-ted in tins subject w rile
forsamplea; also for copy of our
illustrated Fashion Journal ami Cat
alogue Autumn edition ready on
September loth. Fuke.
Boggs & Buhl,
115, 117 119, nd 121 Federal Stm?t,
Vakafcls Rsd Estats !
BY VIRTTS of an ori-r of "t!c U-il mj? tf
th Orphans' I'onrt f Sonerwt l o,, P., mini t.
Be di rwcUrtl, I Wiil rxyx-v u i'tiolki' "-ate. on iiie
premises, ia Bacli Towahip, in -1 tuf.n'T, oa
at 1 uVlutrk p. m.. the toWnv-xvi V'. Pvt. -. ''
the pmnerty of Itavitl ,tlne. rtt-e l.. sn. i'f in
hiat lstpv. jmeret Tol, Pa., atlj.-ittitis taits u!
liver rrsK'hftel.1. JCU U. M.tte-f beir. i-iael
IilU, Ita.nlrl K. Iynv sntl tKhera, rtsataiuitig
acres, more ur keaa, atth a gwil
! barn thfreon crectfsl : aV.nt iM a.Tf r ?r
aod afatti 4t rns m om'ssr. Tlitra anj s-v. ral
sal on Harris u Ibe rjssnuse. A vssiii ,, . tl
pal. l trrl tbit a, oprtitsl mi :h t rra.s. s. 1 :,
waole larm i nnler!ai' wit!) Kir' -jay of a tt
quatllT. Tbe farm is w-li aaitrrvd aud a part us
UAtier goou cssiuvaliuu.
TCDHJIO One-ttt'pl ic one-
I Clrsl'lO . " iatf .i.n l..r
tha wiJow, lb inteiof hnh i f (atti n
uaais to Uut wulw atat'l at ber !! tbe prinv.
paistim Utthe heir if lavi l Watt.e, il-r .L Th
la,siK "f pun han Bvoey m 1 m ai a:intiai
pastnaola, witk intrivs!. 10 ''rill, of bai I
nn.ney u tso rssid wBfti prtit?rtT i kiuxal
(IttwoT tss,tn tftTn oa lb 1st uf April, 1.-JJ,
beo tlord wul be tleli tt-r-1 ...
ptLa. A'lauit tauauic.
papers and aiscocimue