The Man With Fits. I saw a mu art so qwt?rly in front of Canal etrvet saloon that I followed him in when he finally entered.thiakim; him a. bit off in the top story. He looked around for a few seconds, and was about to sit down in a corner, when a bar-tender came ont and took him by the arm and led him to the door and gave him a kick and said : "Yon cant play that on us again, old fellow ! Here yon go, and if you ever come in here again I'll break you in two ! I followed the man down the street and asked for an explanation, and with out any display of iadiaation, he said : "Why, the chap was on to me." "He spoke about you playing him." "Yes, I was in there the other day, when I as taken with a t and fell on the floor. They gave mo a d rick to r rive me." "Then it wasn't a real fit?" "It was a good enough fit for any body?" he replied, beginning to show a little temper. "I'll get eren with that man for bouncing me out the way he didr Here's the price of a good big drink. Jow, fell me if you work the saloons with that sort of a racket?" "Well, sir, I can have a fit whenever I want to, and perhaps that's whenever I thick I can make a drink by it" "How did he tumble to your racket so fcstr "Ob, it's likely somebody put him on after I was gone. That was a solid kick be gave me." "It was that." "It jarred me to the root ef my hair, mnA I'll wake Lim sweat for it. I'm Wil li in be led out. but I won't stand r, kicks from anybody." "What can you do?" "Don't you worry f Le replied with a wink. "I know an old chap who can fall dead of heart disease and fool even the doctors for half an hour. In a day or two I'll send him around, and if you don't see him draw a crowd, and the 'police running, and the ambulance backing up to receive a corpse, then I'll agree to drink water all the rest of my days ! I'm willing to be led out by the ear, and I wight take a cuff or tw o after getting a drink, but kicks gucs sgin the grain, and and let the kickers teware !" Xac York World. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by takinf Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.J. CHENEY A CO., l'rops Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have kuown F.J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe hira perfectly honorable in all business transac tions, and financially able to carry oui any obligations made by their firm. West Tarax, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. WaLDiSu, Kins A Maeviic, Wholesale Dructfist, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly uon the blood and mucous surface of the system. Testimonials sent f PriM. 75c Der bottle. Sold by all druggists. This World. "This World is a grand old camping- eronnd. after all. Nothing more beauti ful Muild he conceived than its dome of blue star-fettered and cloud-draped : its bills and forest, now clothed in tender green, now decked in scarlet and gold and overswept by bands of bannered winds ; its vast seas mirroring the calm of infinite heaven, ci torn with the on rest of furieus storms : its rivers, unwind ing a thousand ribbons through the vales, and its rainbow sheen of blossoms veil ing in colors the delicate beauty of its dawn and the stormy splendor of its sunsets. Whatever the trouble and sor row you and I may have, let us never forget how good God was to put us into such a beautiful world, and grant so much of good along with our heritage of sor row. "After all, the place we live in, be it for a year or for a lifetime, is very much as we choose to make it If we take the lease of a palace, and persist in de filing and neglecting it, allowing ruin and decay to steal the march upon us, and sitting down by night and day un dernsath its frescoed walls, to mourn and lament its essentials that are inseparable from the cares of any household, one might as well have pre-empted a claim upon a hovel in the first place. It is the heart we carry in our breast and the spirit we evidence all about us that makes this place either a place of tor ment or a borne. Given a world so beau tiful and a few true friends, the hope of immortality and faith in a hereafter, and we are no better than ingrates if we sit down in the ashes and eat the bread of tears. For my part, there is not a day I do not thank God that I am alive in this magnificent world, and when I count over the rosary of my friends, I bfess the beneficent hand which, although it has withheld much, baa so generously re membered my needs and crowned me with more than the splendor of an earth ly queen." I bave beeu a euflerer from catarrh for 20 years ; I found immediate rerief in the use of Ely's Cream Balm. Since using it I bave not suffered a moment from headache, sore throat or loss of sleep, from w hich I previously suffered, caused by catarrh. I consider your Balm a val uable remedy. R. G. Vassar, 50 Warren St, X. Y. A Story of Rubens. In the beginning of the seventeenth century Peter Paul Rubens, whose name had not the same sound then as now, lived in Paris, at a modest inn near the palace of his patroness, Maria de Medici. Sometimes ba had bis pockets full of money and lived like a prince, but often er he was without a pfenning ; at any rate, he paid his host very irregularly or not at alL The host did not think it an honor to board this great painter, and as be had a supreme contempt for art, he often cast insults at Rubens. One day when the inkeeper was in an especially bad humor, be threatened to throw Ru bens out of the door like a tramp and without further notice. Rubens had just bad an audience at the Louvre, but did not possess a heller. What should be do ? The tavern-keeper would not reason, but wanted to see cash. Under any circumstances money must be procured. The artist took a small picture of bis own from the wall and asked in a note writtan to one of his friends 1,200 lire for It Half an hour liter the messenger re tained, saying that the gentleman would pay only 800 lire for iL Rubens was furious, threw the picture on the ground and stamped upon it while the host was still more furious, as bis hopes, through this "daub," to get money, were dispelled. He wanted to put bis guest out on the pavement im mediately, when Rubens gave his word of honor that he would pay bis debt within eight days. With this promise Rubens hurried np stairs and locked bis door. He left the room rery seldom and never without taking tbe key with him. A week later be appeared before bis host with a little Land-trunk, with these words : "I have kept my promise; upon the table in my room you will find more money than I owe you. Farewell, eir host." Then he left the inheritable house with the mien of a grand seigneur who had given rich alms. The tavern-keeper hurried up the stairs to the artist s room. The door stooa open, and the mass of money which was spread upon the table met his gaze. Fourfold Louis, double Louis, dollars and half-dollars lay there in great confusion. Naturally, the good roan thought he must quickly put his money in a safe place; but what astonishment and fury be showed w hen, upon touching a gold piece, he found that it was only painted ! That miser, the tramp, had fooled him. But his anger lessened somewhat when he 6a w on the walls the rich cloth ing thai had been left ky the painter From the aaie of this be could cover a great part of the debt. II reached for a cherry-colored velvet mantle what disapiointment ! That, too, like the other garments and the glittering gold, was only painted. The unhappy host was piltied by all bis friends w ho heard of it The story became further known, and the painter's fame grew and spread. Dia- tinguifhed people streamed to the mod est tavern to hear of Rubens' gay trick from the host himself and see the paint ed clothing the table had been put in the earret, as the owner wanted it out of his sight and many a dollar was spent in the tavern for the purpose of seeing these things. One day a rich Englishman, who doted on art, w as told of the deceptive table by the tavern-keeper. He afcked to see the table, admired it, and offered to give the host as much cash in French gold and ilver coins as was painted on the table. Of course, the host accepted and was rid of this "disagreeable" piece of furniture. I was ro much troubled w ith catarrh t seriously afferted my voice. One bot- lc of Elys (ireaui Lalm did the work. and my voice is fully restored. B. F. Leipsner, A. li., Pastor of the Olivet Bap tist Church, Philadelphia, Fa. shotgrun Shells. A practical joke was played by an ex- Con federate oliicer, Colonel Aylett, upon st'ine of his old companions in arms. He had a company of friends at his country place, near Richmond, and one evening display of iireworks was announced. Tow ard the close of the evening Colonel Aylett called me and two or three other young fellows to him and said, "I want you to help me fool some of the old sol diers, if you will." Of course w e jumped at the chance, and asked for orders. "What I mean to do," he said, is to make these veterans belive that I am shooting bombshells from my sboUun. Here are some giant firecrackers. Each of you take two of them, go down into the field yonder, spread yourselves out in a line about a hundred yards apart. and listen for the buggle. I shall aim at you in rotation, and aa soon as you see the flash of the gun, the one whose turn it is must throw a cracker into the air as high as possible, so that it will explode before reaching the ground." We slipped away in the darkness, and the gue3ts were invited out upon the lawn to seethe colonel shoot some small bombshell from bis gun. The .signal was given, and the gun was fired. In a few seconds a bright flash was seen in the air, and a loud explosion followed. The shots were repeated until six had been fired. We could hear the exclamations that followed each discharge, and in a few minutes were back again, mingling with the crowd and listening to the comments of the veterans. "It reminded them of the war," tiny said. Some of them could "distinctly trace the flight of the shell from the in stunt it left the gun nntil it exploded." We begged Colonel Aylett not to unde ceive them, but he declared that it would be wrong to leave them under a false im pression. The w hole affair showed w hat strange pranks imagination will some times piay wun sober reason. luuttn Comyin'am. The Use of Water at Meals. Opinions differ as to the effect of the free ingestion of water at meal times, but the view most generally received is prob ably that it dilutes tbe gastric juice and so retards digestion. Apart from the fact that a moderate delay in the proccts is by no means a disadvantage, as Sir William Roberts has shown in his ex planation of tbe popularity of tea and coffee, it is more than doubtful weather any such effect is in reality produced. When ingested during meals, w ater may do good by washing out the digested food and by exposing the undigested part more thoroughly to the action of the digestive ferments. Pepsin is a catalytic body and a given quantity will work almost indefi nitely, provided the peptones are remov ed as they are formed. The good effect of water drunk freely before meals has, however, another beneficial result it washes away the mucus which is secret ed by the mucus membrane during the intervals of repose, and favors peristalsis of the whole alimentary tract The membrane thus cleansed is in much bet ter condition to receive food and convert it into soluble compounds. The accu mulation of mucus is -especially well marked in the morning, when the gas tric walls are covered with a thick, tena cious layer. Food entering the stomach at this time will become covered with this tenacious coating, which for a time will protect it from the action of the gas tric fermentj, and so retards digestion. The tubular contracted stomach, with its puckered mucus lining and viscid con tents, a normal condition in the morning before breakfast, is not suitable to re ceive food. Exercise before partaking of a meal simulates the circulation of the blood and facilitates the flow of the blood through the vessels. A glass of water washes out the mucus, partially distends the stomach, wakes up peristalsis, and prepares the alimentary canal for the morning meal. Observation has shown that non-irritating liquids pass through the "tubular" stomach, and even if the food be present, thy only mix with it to a slight extent According to Dr. Leuf, who has made this subject a special study, cold water should be given to persons who bave sufficient vitality to react, and hot water to others. In chronic gastric catarrh it is extremely beneficial to drink warm or hot water before meals, and salt is said in most cases to add to the good effect produced. HritiJi Helical JouruuL Cood Looks. Good looks are more than skin deep, depending upon a healthy condition of tbe vital organs. If the liver be inactive you bave a bilious look ; if your stom ach be disordered you have a dyspeptic look, and if your kidneys be affected you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will have good looks. Electric Bitters is the great alterative and ; acta directly on those vital organs. Cures all pimple, blotche, boils, and gives a good complexion. Sold at J. X. Snyder's Drug Store sji 50 cents a bottle. Ladies Think-, then Act. That WciffsACMEBIacking 15 CHEAPER than any other dressing ii any rice, Le it $ cents, to cents, of ;5 cents, yon can convince yourself by wearing one shoe dre&scd with Acme Llackiug and the other shoe dressed with whatever bippens to be your favorite dressing. While Acme Black ing wi3 cnj'ure a twmtk Arough tnem cr rain, and can, if the shoe is soiled, be washed clean, the other dressing will not Ut a single day in wet weather. Yocr shoes will look better, last longer and be nore comfortable if (irctse J with Wolff's Acme Blacking; WOLTF aaJIDOLFH. Philadelphia' CHEATING LANKETS Nearly every pattern of fy. HorsS Blanket is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength, and while it sells for only a little less than the genu ine it isn't worth one-half as much. The fact that Horse Blankets are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and ever)' buyer should see that the A trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. Five Mils Extra Test fi Baker iHGMSE BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. 100 6A STYLES at prices to suit everybody. If you can't gel them from your dealer, write us. Ask for the V Hook. You can get it without charge. Wil. AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia. I Stop -CfcLiVt I Chronic Ggugh Now! ? For If you do nt U may I (MtM-rwf TM-uiiy ana Mal hvnm win. kucni tm iivtiiiufc iav SCOTT'S hulsioh Of rure Cod liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES Or Urn, and Scxla. It Is almost as ulntalle as milk. Far belter than othtir ao-called EuiulbJuita. A wuuJortul avail producer. Scott's Emulsion 1 ( There arc poor Imitations. Get the gruttiwu. Nnff Httl fttwwhwhwii' wink (- a, by Anmm I'afr, Avtxia. : u. and J no. IL-.m. Obt. ,a 1 to " m A VV Yrt ; rr -o arv. rrtt tm i yr A II PC H -ah.- .bor - Ja pm4 aipn y.xa. lam wit fa jmr tm i, -w or aui fi . mrMMrnxwonf ra. ailtirr nk)iuP PTrtvaf tlKM. - iVCtANY rrurni Via a r- r- r optip.aviAU 7T4ppd on Sufnrt Children Tsr Jf. Fvry Ir.vci-r -Awi i Ww a boCtk- of it in hi nu M. Every Sufferer .,7" onj Htwlarhe. IHfbtrwr1aCYmrHstarrh. Liriw-hiti, Asthma, i hoi era aiortrift, 1 iarrLta, Inrnja. 8 rvm-aw in body or Ijw'w, fctitf Joint or Mrama, will flrd in ttil oui Arujrr rvlatjf and 7" cur. PamphU't frH. KoM ev.-rv wf rr. T'n.-y X, t-t.. hy mail. tx-ttl, Your Boy Wants gt SCROLL SAWS, tlavfVTtfOlvr.a. tosrapkie Outfits. SJK lliusmuoaa. THE JOHI WILIIKOI CO.,' MtaaattlktatcBU. taica. IH. DKnrKExxrs-'iornn habit i all lliti H orlii I h.-ri' i but uu rare. lr. liai u'' OolUrn r.pecilic. It fan h eiTn in f t:pu tra or coftpr without tlw kiiuwlHjf. f llif t-M.ii iHkibM it. eflactltifa apv!r and prrniari:i t ui . h-ttir tbe fmlKBt is a EDiMlrrmte drinker ir an uk.h'tlic arnsca. NittMKir of druukartfo hp )ru curvil who haTF laam tb 4ldt-u .-peciflc in tlwir -,.-. without th-wr knowl MK. era tvlajr l-ii-v thrrquit rinnkinr ( tbHr own fi. will. K harmful fwi noulij from its Vininitrati-n. rnrw. uramt!. feu.J fltr cr. .u!ar arH fnll rtrrirular.. A i lri In r..nfMm-. buixaa tu-axmc c., lai Uaca Strart. Ciucianati U Xr1rn.l ry...Vat Mk K tta. K-lrr, ytm avt ntk- pu-fc. U.t mm raa .qukk! kow !- fiuaa (a t 1U a dmf at tit Tan,ard akor y.m fa . Bt'lJi a-at, al In sjari w BTKa. vtatj raa Cmu.rnrr pi Immu. "f a.'1 fmr tuuvar faarr m-jmrmt whi t U worls Ail im urvsl uar M k k wr fct-. atari ya. ItotMiHtB errrrTr-m-:. F.AS1I Y. M L1 IILf t.wwnl 1AKII4 ILAJtij fiitK. Adjntia1 n.WJj m CO., tvKTLaJtla, ptAUIL A AAA A A YKAKt t unfU tr, hrirty V af I I I I I I c'ln laMfjt iMtllV'-tt rmuf ttlkr 1 I I I I I I . ran md mrxtm. posi aba, M ll II I I I I ')r ta:ni. tio,wil orh tduaorio-isi. 7" WWW W u-w i ram Tf Tl i I Italian a 1ar:M tfcctr th- .ittia-.M K-aiiii.aa-rrrvtlWTlivJ li ! farvaap r f .r ti:kraa.rrCatlaa-'. pmI) atsai quwalj I r bLt,Ma a.K ITxXM aat.i -H -a S feai all a.'T taur:tt a-4 irruvi.ini ifa rfut a. rat B la'nra fcoat-. r, U- ifakiaf orrt a rirra. i It a , f V i.d 1. 1 .... rtira!ar Kttl K. A ddrra at ov-a- E (.A1.LL., liok A0. AiisBaUk, Unkmm YOU CAN FIND rVh n alia io PrrTvm'"H at A4nrpiDr hureau m aSK RE2.H1TGT01T BROS. rbo will eoairaci tur mAnnaum at Wwi niaaV Good Blood, Good Health. "teas' Saarrhar ia tha a.f. . kaswa. Iwi Tuaia. Car., hl. TUBtmnXiUIta Co., r.ttxHrgS. Fa. Take No Chancoa. 1'nriiig th prf-cnt hted term, gurroun ded by impara watr and aubjnet at any mo tnent to epidemics, why rik your health your happiness, and probably . your life wben a simp'.r. plrasani and tuost efTfotiTe pr -vpntative to homan affliction, ia at your tommuid. i'byaiciana everywhere, and nnrwaj. wi;: pre mptly aure yon of the ad vantage of gojd, put liquor, aiich as Klein's " Oliver Age," or " Lluquetne " mre rye, roods that are without a compeer in the mar ket, and tbe boast and admiration of every one testing tbem. Ask your dnigrtt or dealer for the-n. The "Silver Aee" sella krl .V per foil qnat. and the "DiHiaesne" for $125. Ii tbey do not keep it, send to the reliable wholesale liquor nooae of Max Klein, 8i Federil street, Allegheny. You t;n 1 pure Gurkenheimer, Finch, Overholt, and Oibson Kyes, either at t per quart, or six b-jl tits for oO). A complete CitaloKtie and price list will be mailed on application. 1 at W M r A LIBIMENT W Brought Isch to health sufferers from the worst forms of Skin aud Soalp Diseases. Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, and all maniier of blood -taints. It's done by Dr. Tierce's Golden Med ical Discovers-, -which purifies and enriches the ilood, and through it cleanses and renews the whole sys tem. Even Lung-scrofula (known as Pulmonary Consumption ) yields to it, if taken in time and given a fair trial. It's guaranteed to bene fit or cure, in every case, or money paid for it is refunded. Only a medicine that does what is claimed for it, could bo sold on such terms. "So other medicine, besides the "Discovery" has undertaken it. So positively certain is it in its curative effects as to varrant its makers in selling it, as they are do- inn tlirnnirli drufrfrifits. On trial -- : co ' . It's especially potent m curing Tetter, fcalt-rneum, tctema, rrvsip oia TtniV rarbunclos. Sore Eves. Goitre, or Thick Keck, and Enlarged , - i c n: Ulan da, l umora ana oweuuigs. Great Eating .Ulcers rapiJly heal . i : jja nnaer its oeuiu uiuucacts. I " . a. SGysASETf "wxnfifRPX SMUllWttL- BR0KOtrn5.crjUGhA INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, HKY- FEVER .' STKM. ETC- eulars Free By" iPETERYOGEh. Somerset. P Johnstown Business Houses. ..FINE OLD.. WHISKIES And Imported I.iqnoTS sold In bull and by the OLD CABLXET, TOM HOOKS POSSUM HOLLOW, G VCKZX1IEIXER, nycirs ooldes weddixg. 6BSJ-VS XXXX WIUSKIE3, James Hennessy. Paul rmBois. (Yth Wilbur futman s "Own Bla kihttt ( ornai.' aim, Utillunl and eomrrart lurv kye Wnlakies, wilh age. FISHER & CO., 309 Main Street, Johnstown, Pa. ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. HARRY M. BENSHOFF, MANUFACTURING STATIONER BLANK BOOK MAKEIt HANNAH BLOCK, JOHNSTOWN. PA. BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. THE NEW ROOM IX THE DIBERT BUILDING, Corner Main and Franklin Sts. Is where II kl I And rhil dreua' MCIIS, iVOmCnb i xootwear, Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES can be found, in styles of all makes. I am preiared to compete with one and all dealers in the State, All I ak is a trial. SCOTT DIBERT. FINK STOCK FARM ! Very fine Stock Farm of 0mO acres located in the gartieD apot ot lowa, JKarsliall Lonn ty. 3J milrt from In ion, on tbe Iowa Cen tral Itailmad. and five miles from Gitlord. on the C. N. W. K, It. Can reacn twenty dif ferent depots by team in one davi drive. The groan d all tilled, so every acre can be cultivated : under a veiy high state of cul tivation. Contains four large drive wells. wun wind pumps, which supply an abund ance of water to every field or part of tin whole farm. liuildings of the very beat. Fine large bouse, containing all modern improvements ; hot and cold water all through tbe bonxe, and a splendid large barn, irrnnary, other building", etc. Price only t4 5 per acre. $12,'AJ cash, balance to suit purchaser. PQOBSAUGH & COUGHENOUR 1117, Chamber of Commerce, nneSltf. Ch icsgo.Hl. THRESHING MACHINES A SPECIALTY. Simplest, Moat Purable, Economical and Perfoot In uxc. Watea no grain ; Clean it ready for Market. THRESHING ENGINES i. HORSE POWERS. SAW MILLS anl Standard Implement gener ally. Scud for Illustrated Catalogue. A. B. FARQUHAR CO. Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, York, Pa, June, 17, M. FIDELITY TITLE AND AND TRUST COMPANY. 121 & 123 4th Ave, PITTSBURGH, P.I. (Capital, $500,000 fall paid.) (Insures titles to Real Estate.) Antboriied to act as Executor, Administrator itiuardian. Trustee, Aas.gnee, Receiver, At. . DEALERS r.V "uELU BLE INVESTMENT securities: KenU boiesin lu Soperior Vaults from 5 ir annum upward. K,-cea deposiu and loan only on mortgages and approved collaterals. , iTlift- i90"- r'Jt. 11. Ml a, anii Trvas. I.IQTJQRS I What Hoard Knew About Clams Ex-(tovernor Hoard is one of the best siory tellers in the country. On the re cent trip to Galena, when the Grant monument was unveiled, his fund of stories seemed inexhaustible. One of tbem aa this: I -jras down at a little clambake in New Jersey last summer, and after din ner was called on to make a speech. I started off by saying that I bad eaten so many of their low necked clams that wasn't in the best condition to make a speech. When I used the expression low necked clams, an old chap, sitting di rectly across tbe table from me, whose neck was long enough to enable him to eat clams out of a churn, scowled at me and then said, in a stage whisper: 'Lit tle neck clams, little necks not low necks.' I raid no attention to the inter ruption and finished my speech. When dinner was over he trailed me out into the hall, and asked : " You're from Wisconsin, ain't yon T "'Yes,' I replied. " 'You don't have many clams up there, I reckon V " 'Well,' I said, 'we have some, but it's a good ways to water, and in driving them across the country their feet get sore and they don't thrive very well.' He gave me a look that was worth a dollar and a half, and in a tone of ut most disgust said ; " 'Lord ! clams ain't got no feet ." "He turned away, and approaching one of my friends, inquired: "Is that fellow Governor of Wiscon sin r " 'Yes,' said my friend. "'W-a-M,' drawled the man with a good deal of feeling, 'he may be a smart man in Wisconsin, but he's a fool on the seashore.' " Elv'a Cream Ralm worth its weich in cold as a cure for catarrh. One bottle cured nie. S. A. Lovcll, Franklin, Ven ango county, Pa. a a- a Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Iiet Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sorts, Ulcers, Salt Itheuru, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give j?rfett satisfaction or money refunded. Trice 25 cents per box. Her Apron-Strlngs. But I promised my mother I would be home at six o'clock." ii uuk uarui win j iiuui uiyiv . "It w ill make my mother worry and I shall break my word." "Ik-fore I'd be tied to a woman's apron strings !" "My mother doea't wear aprons," said the first speaker with a laugh, "except in tbe kitchen sometimes, and I don't know as I ever noticed any etringa." "You know what I mean. Can't you stay and see the game finished ?" "I could stay, but I will not. I made a promise to my mother end I am goin to keep it." "tVood boy !" said a hoarse voice jttst back of the two boys. They turned to sec an old man poorly clad and very fevble. "Abraham Lincoln once told a young man," the stranger resumed, "to cut the acquaintance of evry person that talked slightingly of his mother's apron-strings. and it is a very safe thing to do, as know from experience. It was just such talk that brought me to ruin and disgrace for I was ashamed not to do as other boys did, and when tbey made fun of mother I laughed too liod forgive me ! There came a time when it was too late" and now there were tears in the old eyes "when I would gladly have been made a prisoner, tied by these same apron-strings, in a dark room with bread and water for my fare. Always keep vour engagement with your mother. Never disappoint her if you can possibly help it, and when advised to cut loose from her apron-strings, cut the adviser and take a tighter clutch of tbe apron strings. This will bring joy and long life to your mother, the best friend you have in the world, and will insure you a noble future, for it is impossible for a good son to be a bad man. " It was an excellent sign that both bovs listened attentively and both said "Thank you" at the conclusion of the stranger' lecture, ansd they left the bal grounds together, silent and thoughtful At last the apron-string critic remarked with a deep-drawn sigh : "That old man has made nie goose flesh all over." "Oh, Dick," said his companion, "just think what lovely mothers we both have!" "Yes; and if anything were to happen to them, and we hadn't done right i ou 11 never bear apron-strings out of ray mouth again." ll'irjrr't Yvting Peo ple. Sl'ECTACLES AXn EYEGLASSES made by Kobert Bruce Wallace, (successor to the " Fox Optical Company," at t2l I'enn Avenue. Pittsburgh, Pa., are conceded the best and moat comfortable. Save money by having him fit your eyes. Why ft Is Popular. Because it has proven its absolute mer it over and over again, because it has an unequaled record of cures, because its business is conducted in a thoroughly honest manner, and because it combines economy and strength, being the only medicine of which " 100 One Dol lar" is true these strong poinU have made Hood's Sarsaparilla the most suc cessful medicine, undoubtedly, of the day. I was a sufferer from catarrh for ove fifteen years, with distressing pain over my eyes. I used Ely's Cream Balm with the most gratifying results. Am ap parently entirely cured. Z. C. Warren, Uatland, Vt. To Our Subscribers. Tbe special announcement whish appear ed in our columns some time since, an nouncing a special arrangement with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., of Enosburgh Falls, Vt, publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases, " whereby our subscribers were euabled to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address to B. J. Kendall Co., (and enclosing a two-cent stamp for mailing; same) is renewed for a limited period. We trust all will avail them selves of the opportunity of obtaining this Tiduable work. To every lover of the Horse it ia indispensable, as it treats in a simple manner all the diseases which afflict thia noble animal. Its phenomenal sale throughout the United States and Canada, make it standard authority. Mention th'u paper when tending for " IVmiae." Somerset Enterprise. The well-known and popular druggist, G. . Ben ford, has taken the agency for Lee's Liver Regulator, which he recom mends for the quick cure of dyspepsia, biliousness, liver complaint and all blood troubles. Trial bottles free. It ia a well-known fact that Pan-Tina Cough and Consumption Cure baa cured consumption and chronic coughs and colds when all else failed. Trice 25 and 50 cents. Trial bottles free. TtKe l Ula txjrrv. l ail lue vu nl-.s itmu Indigestion, and Inactivity of the Liver, rxianeya ainw ouwtu, and rtor tbe aystemu. natural aiihanuvfeor. Tbey arm PURIFY CURE Rheumatism, aaaf a Nervousness, I "f Neuralgia, (aaaafc. ait all d!rafn arbdrur from a tlor- B 11 BBant n.lltion of llio !c:cauve 1 tJ aud eicrvtnry ontaiia. Prtce per box. 3 ftr !t.X. pareabyHERB MEDICINE CO., Weston, W. Va. Somerset Lumber Yard ELIAS CUNNINGHAM, MajrcTAcrais aso DAiaa asr Whousaii axd Erraiijia or LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS, Hard and So it Woods, nir POriJtK,, ril-a.jiia, ASH, CHIRKY, YELLOW FINE, SHINaLka. )UUK3 f-HEriTS-t-T. WHITE PINE. LATU. BLISfS, XEWLL TCg A General Uneof all gra-les of Lnmber aud Also, can furnih anvthitiarin the line or our b:iiu.s do?ut u aaa"a prumptiicaa. u.-h aa Brat -kt-ut. siaed wurk. elc. ELIAS CTJINjSTSrGrHA-I, Offlco and Yard Opposite S. Tie Maws riarrranlnl Kcuraly rvrr dlsoov cml, aa It la c-tuln la lis mccu anJ doea uut blister. Bead i.n)f U loar : PivitLTS, Conn, Maj 3, tU Da. B. J. K rreiTi t'...: sin : IjtL-t .Mnnm--r I i-nril aOurbripon myfc-wa 1th rijurri'li irrnlnl Ki-mlnll Mpavln care awl It ma im-J-t 1 fieria -ftn. 1 dav.ta li-ift-tt emntv UiTTi-. h.-iTt-u ut U wun x-r i-t t.u -i--- cunurf -iry tmiiiC 1 lrn -l it ou. My tn"it( ha4 a lior. wdli awrvlia.! .S(rfiv:n thai iaH.!i li.m lunt. H- a-itt'il me bnV li cure IC. 1 rii.-oiiiit.i-t;ii.l Ki-niluH a bi.avm Cure. He cured luo Bjla lu jual Uiree eek-. Yjurs repectrul!T. HuLCOlt vrnrot. Cnurasrs, Ohio, Aprn I, IVar Mr :-I hav.- l.i-n s-lllnr of Kemlalr Siiavia Cure ami t'liiit a ouilillou rnaura tn.ia ever Iwfi ire. One luall aal.l to nie. it us Hie beaa fuwder i ever kept aul th.- U-t ae ever uactl. ilKliectfuil)'. irrro L. Bomui OrnroiasiiO, S. Y., Jlay IJ, VIl Dsl B. J. KUDU.L o.. ... r-ar sir I Lave ann-ral it!l.-nr ywir Keij.lall'a MaivlBCure ltn rf-t sucn-a, on a alualie an.l Wia-lc-l riiAre tu n a-asnaiH buna itbi Hone spavlu. Th mare i now entirely fre troia Luuen.-ianil hor mo bu h na th j it... Keicifuily, i'. H. HirrvHiiav KENDALL'S SPATffl CUBE. Hok, LtL, May 3, 90. Pit. R J. Erctau. C o-uu-i I tiuns li mr tiTirr to rn Ip too my thank for Tnir far f imM kn ta.l ej Spvln .urr. I u f.t'ur v.r tl filiv wiiit-n I i.-ruufi vry hiifrur. siw h;.i a v?r- m-wrf s.v.!J. n Ik. I tri.-'i taunt .t;lit tliflen-ui kliitis f nteiii.'tnii which oM ni (f-rfKl. I .un-hii'i a uni- t your Kc-oaii'4 bpvui Cure winct. f uni her In ft-ur Uaja. 1 rt.iiiuin j our. price $1 per bottle, op rjxbottlca for All draff, gist have It orcau art it tur ym,ir it wilt tseat to any aklrt-firtn roeipcf prW-e hw the propria tor. UU. K. J.hLN Ii 4 Ll, ., Oils! Oils! The Standard OH rmnpanr, of PltLsl crrh, Pa., maKt-a a af-mlTv of mauufHrturiuif for lh XJomesuc uaJe the fiml brands of Illuminating (St Lubricating Oils Naphtha and Gasoline, That can be made from Petroleum. We challenge comaruwa with tTtrj kuowa PRODUCT OF PETROLEUM. ITjou wliih the most uniformly Satisfactory Oils IX THE American ZMarket, ask for ours. Trade for Someraet and Ticinltj supplied bj rooK BF.KP.'T'" xr FRKAaE 4 Kiru-tR. ept2S-99-lTT. eoaiaaw. Pa. It is to Your Interest TO BUY YOrR Drugs and Medicines OF JOHH N. SIIYDEB. 8CCCaOB TO Biesegker & Snyder. None but the pnrest and brst kept in slock, and when Druiritbetome inert by stand ing, aa certain of them do, we de stroy them, rather than im pose on our customers. Yon can depend on baring yonr PRESCRIPTIONS & FAMILY RECEIPTS filled with care. Our prices are as low as any other first-class house and on many articles much lower. The people of this county seem to know this, and have given us a large share of their patronage, and we shall still continue wgive them the yery best pwds for their money. Do not forget that we mak8 a specialty of FITTIXG TRUSSES. We guarantee satisfaction, and, if you have had trouble in this direction, . giTe ns a call. SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES in great rariety; A full set of Test Lenses. Come in and have your eyes examined. So charge for examination, and we are confident we can suit yen. Come and see us. Hespertluliy, JOHN N. SNYDER. EWING & GWYNNE. WHOLESALE COMMISSIOX MEECHAKT3, ecaral Produce and Fruits, VeTetaUes and Oatue. Conaiiminenta aollcitej ru-t frint and Prompt Kcturus Uiiarauld. CorrcsiioU'lcnce iuvileo. a OHIO ST, A1J.EGHEXV, PA. (Telephone 3GLV) y7 ,,,,,,, Va. a a. 1" aa'I-'aia V.U 7 VketHit spavin cure ta, . m mm Ow iU Mi,k. , lo i. .f tllUl: A POSITIVE CURE FOR f f . 5IGK HEADACHE.. HFKit VrmnE Co. I ink- p:-:'inr m i-rrllVin trint in- 1.!witxivj y:.itta ai a; l.ivm l':ui.- ta w-at r. nirttv f.r Su k ll.-aia. tn- aiul B.lluualiw iliul I r-t ineU. T. -V. Ti Lu, Kaa. For sale bv all lJrur?ist ml Ji-altrs io meditaia, t-im unrl TlTVi;U j....-. , i.Y U.t i.iuu.1 ,BuiMin Material anl R...finfr Elate kepi la sx &C. R. R. Station, r It is now a Generally Con- j ceded Fact that a I SEWING MACHINE is one of tho iuili.-oii.-iMe3 article of tiie LouscIioM, and eviry Young Lady in the civi'i.ctl worM look forwuiil to tlie time when r-he will !. th" jis?t'or of one. 15. it -n!:i -!i ( of the di.T.-rci'.t lii".' -hiiic-j i.i i tin: market vil! a:..-er all ofli"r iurj"?c3 le.-t 'a a very IMP0HT?JXT(jUEsTI0X for her to dcei'Ie. r euu-e, a ma tl.ine is too exjit-n.-ive to make freijuent changes. A lnai liine that h Poorlv Co lis true ted and Iiahle to ;ret out of order, is an endless ai:uoa:iee and vexation to itn owner tiii: WHi Vi'as a warilv J tun a Csrtsrriil Zrj:;iti:n, mi a. ia PARIS UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION over all its comiieti'ors for simplicity and tl'iral)iiity of construction, for iu li'ht auJ q;iiet running ipulitics, for its great vanty of usi'ul and practical ile family irorli. This alone siion Id con i" vince anyone of the superiority of the W I-I ITE But many valuable improvements have lie?n added to the machine since tliow were held. Among them the lest, most convenient and practicable tit of STEEL ATTACHMENTS yet invented. Aiiotiit-r ar'tt-.-.ent in it "favor is that -::: pi'enta only clai n tiieir mai-tiinrs TO HE AS GOOD AS THE WHITE, Ladies should consider their own inter ests an.l carefdiiy examine Tlli". WIIirF. before buying a .v ir.-. Machine. Ii put on the market in H.T, when the mar ket whs pbitted with S-nins Mai hines, and it h.m sever len s-iUl exc-ept on it merits, and as a proof of its appreciation by the public, 850,000 Have been pi'I'l to date, l'ersons de siring to examine cr buy the most per fect machine ill do well to eommnni eate with the A sent for "T11K WUITt:'' for Somerset County. JOS. CRIST, jr:x.i:i:s x noAr pa. MISSES' AND CKILDHENS SPECIAL OPENING TRIMMED HATS I Our Misses' and Chil drens' Hats Are pronounced by ail as the HANDSOM EST and the MOST ATTRACTIVE we hare yet shown. Come, and brinsJ yonr wife and children to the store of 41 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburgh. Pa Jf v ACENCVJor ,1 All WAV A pamphlet of Infonatloa an1 ah. ' ra-tiC trie Otam Patanta. Cave ( liu :. aUrka, O iTr:k-hta. acar frtt.. MUKM CO. Broaatwar. HIE A Matter of Impotance to Yc AH uiT. ring from longstanding Chronic Disease. I'2.s of the rioc-!, , . System, as thoe su.ii-nr. L-um . EYE, EAR, NOSE AND 1 J VcCLLELAVM. D.. S1iW.pu ,,,.,. Tin v vu'.l vi-it liu-' country i-vi rr fn r t -f ;.i l.'ic f.1 T. t :C lllv i - M&:uj.!:i. 1. i: -i::;iu..-i, tn i;. .-- t tll,-r il;., il-v liK. M' K!T7 s T.M. zrf'. u--r- ,.: Vvc, K :r, N"-o l ' u-rfit .' ..:t i- . ,. : : ji-ve hi" V"'"':i "' '" ,r Hs-itr " -lJ "fel'-' i:.- uu'iK'y. ... . Iit;ir J. JI. Isv..j on, x I t'-i c;i;a w-.l kunw" in iv;!.'y, i:.-.'. k 1 .t.. i i a. .-':n T- V .-ir -) : lu.c!'-::j:-'i f.-n P !y-: ! S - : - . - . -V . - . a ' r ? - - - . m.i:c.ri iia ..a.a .. 1 r- .t! eie n r. - i .'..'! '. . n .1 :i.-ui a trial. A: ::..-.r !; vi-.i ! . ';: -i .-l inr.-.i in- ...:. :.-! :. x ... n.w a ri.:i. 1 ' " ' I '- : ' :;.!..; i.-relnil'.u'. .1 c.-.-.. ... .i-!ll nt'E-aiil r ii.--..-it u:t- of a!! .t:'.:; 1 ti . ti. i :: .u". r.:i tn! i Ia-i.r..E! i ; -:! ' .-:.! -htm.-.. .-, , iin liie I" rrii'T l -i-.v.-!..r n-or.-il r- y , ! 'tv i-i- a i. i ' '.;! - . . ninr.' ttia'i a I a: : a; ::'.-.!.-:.i.- -.i..-. I w ,i ;.i i'. : e-iTv, tml : liif in-t l-ln;.l. 1 j ,.i 1 uv. !.r : .-f ).;. M . . -,. Nrw i aUi everv twin awits, and t .; a . -i.- - ' ;,i ' ' : ... hrn.'.h. ' Mi - i- : .-. . t MATE THE I.A.'.: !' V.'.M K W I !'i' 1 Kt ii H Fi .1 f': rjLut Ihavi'i: 1 : t. a 'I ' -! . . r .- -. ' - ... trvati..-:.! l-r. M. -..: I ' vc a '- I- !! !' '. : i. lr .' i v. ii ti-.wl At y. 1 asi (rr'-' ii 'iu' I ;i'.i.'ij i' : tilM.. :. . . u-.Ui '. a.-ioix bvcaa to gro -r-v M.:. 1. B. !.., " F K.lti 1-. :i trp-Cfrni ni f l;r. Mii .t-l .' 'i v .-.';!.- a . rn. !' - 1 - i ... ami jijv.muI' gri-aiiy ' " "i ". ':. J"- -ll v. H i V ::.. . -l.-i N Y S r r. -TM.i ' ..:S KN On V: i:t:: rr. Mi 1 . .i a.-l -u ; . - ' ... r'V.n i,r u ill ami to-uay jay eyrare a ?t- ..- ! -n . n- 1 ... , .. , . '. r. 1 .11 fc, Ki. a. 1 o.l... iu.i c riT:::;.t. I have -i.n .if ri nsr i ' ii ' n'.i.-r!i f.r -cine '-. TS-! fc-v--rj ' !.n;.r. . ;r ..... iin-11 1 i.ii.-i :tnl I-r. M'-' Hi ''i. mi.:j. cm.i't i 1 ' f- , tii i I have -o !.' -c'.y iW'Mit i '.aa: t a.s- . i"U . -' i r..-:i :ao- .r : ": ...,; iP-iiT iv-r.ii" urv v:. kk.-m thk Pjm. V.t". t Sal w l tin i t . i .1 -1 1 i ' i! 1 1 i ii i ' it n ii-f . . : ! . a . ini!ii.r!.nl,i;i..1 i:"iin' ' li'n- v.: I .-i a f:n.:-: . - : . vi , at i-itbUirv. I cau Urna i;ae bf::: ia ivi.-. :: a'i.! t a-!'- i. v . r K i r.- I ;7 : . cvTAf:::;-: iv. :!: r"-.:-:--. 1 hart? now rn-. a tin ! r tf- .i'i'iit i i . Xf-". !i v. i .t-M 'ir t' ri.v n.." , 'Va.r'i. an-i vvrv ha: i ..1 r.-ir-.;.j. !i.'.i ! hi.l '.idi.j iXii;i,.,.i; i i.ti'-i) .... . : . :.-: i'ei.1 t. t'.-r. ai.-i 1 i -:t.ln: -tr .li,-' i..d - icl. IL. .X. .-. 1 . r t ' . I . - -i-t. ' 1 -"' a i ' lf, a-' - . f W iilia-n m h a.i tla . t :" ' - ' T !.-' ! " V' ... i i .! r- . . , . nc.-r. I -mil .-. ' ' a'-'i lH''i '" ' ..-u;it-: n a: : .: t .. ; ..! . i.r . . :r.'. :ui luc'l. tn il:i:it."i'r. S ?..'. i T: :')..: i. .n::-cr. wr. .. rva).v.; ! '- Vi'v. it n - v. m-h.!-r:..i-.-iiv-l. ri :.i-;"v .i i ! :. i- : i.t ! .1 !.. l: i:h -al. .tl'i.'i'M ai ciiiaa:u;i'. a' .n fajx ii. u. i tt::. i...i...n. EXAMINTIC:; ilND CCMSULTilTICN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AUGUST 23 AND 23T SOIERSET HOUSE. S()?I Eli SET, IT WILL PAY YOU To.Bur.Yoia 3Iemurial Work WM. F. SHAFFER, SO.MKH.-iKT. PEXVA., JIaniiO.ti.ri.-rcf an-1 lX-a:tr ia E-Uv H'ork lrn.ii - a .-hurt in -:3 ( '.-' Perxms in m-vi of SIOM'JiSST ". i.'.--v;!' ii'l it to tht ir :ni'n -t in call at r:.;- -a-:. !.- n a i r-'jit-T siiuiririK -.vni ti c:v-ti t.'iv.'n. ajr-.v. - un 6 ' -ff aa.'- 1 li A'- t ' iit.f i'lll i.i l Ai" L'j'X. 1 ?ii;-ii a::i.ta w.uo rV'hits Brorie, Or Pure Zinc Monunrj.nt by REV. W. A. P.TW. Ir ci Vit luiTTuvi nir'ii in c rMi::t i.f tA I KK! .L .vNii t iS -1 Kl C iV'S. a:, I liu h Is iit-;:!,!'i! '.l.e rJi'U:ir Mi :int f'-r o'.ir t'Laari'Ja.t-ie Cii lite. ,-CiV he A CALL. mi. F. SHAFFEII. THE COMPANY STOR Li tl3 KI Saii 13 Cirryhj itz TJ-:7 i-i 7::i S:::i : GENERiVL Mli:Xlcf-IA.XDIS Buyers I'au FiuJ all they may Need in the Seyeral IVi.irtm,nS f CLOTHING, HATS, DRV (inoDS. X()TI-- queexswarp:. GROCERIES, ROOTS and ?h AND OF THE KiT.-T t;! Al.irY, AN1 AT REASoNAULE Wit. SATISFACTION ALWAYS GUARANTEED. WOOD, WORRELL & CO -a M- U-t-M- -M S JL. z::::: The Urgsrst Wine, Liquor, and Cigar Hon: IN THE UNITED STATES. ESTABLISHED 1325. G-- "W. SCHMIDT DISTILLER AND JCDBER CF FINE WHISKIES.:::z:::z: It1:' IMPORTER OF WINES, LIQ0UR3. AND CIGARS. - SO 93 ASD 97 Fit Til A VZXl'F, PITTSBURGH, PEXXA. " All order rcceitt! byr. ail ie w:U ".-ei-ire pr. irpt a::t:..:. n " j "-J VVa.aAa 1 ar!X WrS3E " THE POSITIVE CURE. m 1 2LY 66 Warrea . finite! Bczt In uJ r.,h, . 1.1 ,ir For CENTLEMEN. SC Art GniiE OlUUHalliTd S4.00t s3.50PU"r SO CrtEltr Tll!s ai9U CiL'Shoe. SO OC Vorkiac dm aaaaa miag Shot. SO f C GxiKir Sioa. !? iJU "UlUt, MM ail aiik-alit I . Cotfl S"??. 1 ' CAUTION f ffi-R5(.r- -m ... . ... , tir- ari-i l: - r r . . TO'XT IflLUCV. V.ii, m. . 1 torr',..;nVcT".Ii,":,,, U "rr)r , J -Vf ""J". .""'i ' - "tn. THROAT TROijg 1 , - hrolc I MOR'T Stl.M I ' ' i-v.-. a--N ?h' -a : g :r .-r. i.i:-i. au-l m. t - ' ' - u.i-1 uuimc l . :t.i . , . e. t o hi -c jr-J ; ii : i. .- ' ; -r .. Ti a i.i vt !; i .-ts' ute i i'.i.." i i . :..s fv.; m .-. . --..lir-ii ..; .'elt: 9 i:::c:::j n - 1 1 .u i.0 L-a-Ma , k . t t i ;-;a , - J uIj Cver bCO Eeaut.'iLiI Des H at aT-aT M S A -a. r and Most Ccmplete ta iJaWVS V7 , CAT; '- A,'i ;A3 -. .1 New Tork. Fnce so cts.aai 23 Jj 3, V ths Vorid. H,,;, , . fl,r , Tor LAClt- S3.005JV S2.50B'V s2.00 SL75 SCHOOL S5 tv. . , , i aa.i wutu ' (" - -e, r.,r I ....lie ,-0 r-a.'. . - ' , ... ' L,-irt f i ...... . ........ v ., . . . '.nr., Ih.. fari t.H - - ' S. .a. alrcu-r -k - . . r.,v.ii ante m.v ni.i -n. ' ,- 1 . : - ; -IT. i-ts. ' s " ! Circ.- 1.' r i - ' . I-' V f ' - - J i . TP -" -. ' i-,.a-- . Sa 1