I Stats Elections. f it FOLLOWING I A JTMJIAKT OF FT ATE I HOLDIXta EiXTnON TBI YEAR. Arkansas, J c oarr 35, elected an As oat Justice of the Scprense Cocrt. Htlaware, 19, rejected a prepoei Dn to boid a convection to revise tte oetitauon of the Slate. Iowa, Xoreniber 3, will elect Governor id otberSute Oificers and Legislature. Rentacar, Augaet 3, elected Governor nd otter Slate OSeers and Legislators ! sd voted n;on the constitution franked lythe convection which was elected npast 4, 1S J0. ! Jlaryland, ovember 3, w:.I eiectt-rOT-i -nor and other State cheers and Legis- ! itare, Tote cpon six proposed aaieBJ- lents to the Constitution of the State, "he first empowers tha Governor to dia .pprove separate item in apircprition i ilia ; the second restricts the eiempUon f corporation from taxation ; the third ; ruvides fur the uniformity of taxation ; f he fourth relates to the eiction of Gonn l f CominiaeioDers ; t&e fifth authorize I he aale of the Slates interest in ail work If internal improvement, and the sixth , mpower the Leg slature to provide for I he taxation of mortgats, if each taia- ion is imposed, in the county or city I .here the mortgaged property is sitaat X d. Massachusetts, Nov. 3, will elect Gov S -nsor and other Stite orScers and Lpf.s ". stare. ; Michigan. April 6, elected Justice of I ht Scpreaie Court and to K.-nts of ; lie fcute University. I Mississippi, Nov. 3, will elect three Railroad Comtr issuers and Legislature. Nebraska, Not. 3, will elect Associate Justice of the Supreme Court and two 5 Eegents of the Slate University. I New Jersey, Nov. 3, will elect a part of the Senate and the Assembly. ) w York, Nov. 3, will elect Governor, I lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Comptroller of Treasury, Attorney Gen i end, Engineer an i Surveyor, the Seriate the Asse;ubiy, ten Justice of the i-u- l preme Court, and a Representative to ' Congress from the Tenth district. Ohio, Nov. 3, will elect Governor and f other Sta'-e oliicers and Legis'ature, and' ( Tote upon a propu(d amendment to the f Constitution providing for uniformity of i taxation. I'ennsylvania, Nov. 3, will elect Treas- crer and Auditor General, and vote ! - whether a Constitutional Convention t shall be held and elect delegates to the ' same. j Rhode Island, April 1, voted for Gov- rnor and other State officers and elect t ed the Legislature. There i-eing no e!ec- tion of State officers bp the people, the Eepublican ccndidates were elected by i ihe Legislature. Texas, August 11, will vote cpon five : proposed amendments to the Constitu 5 tion of the Suite. The first provides for ; the registration of voters in towns of 10,000 population and ver, the second ; relate to the maintenance of the com ; xnon echools, the third fixes the maxi ; mum rate of interest at 20 per cent., and in contracts where no rate is specified at 6 per cen t, the fourth relates to local op- f tion and the fifth provides for establish ing two or more civil courts of appeal. Virginia, November 3, will elect one Lalf its Senat and iu House of Delegates. Wisconsin, April 7, elected Judge of the Supreme Court. Ta'K No Chance a. During the present betted term, surroun ded by impure water and gulject at any mo ment to epidemic, why rUk your health tout happiness, and probaVy your Efe when a simple, pleasant and most effective preventative to human aSictiac, is at your command. Phv?iciaus everywhere, and norses. will promptly assure yoa of the ad- Yantage of good, pure liquor, such as Klein's Silver Ae, or Daqaesae pure ryes, goods that are without a compeer in the mar ket, and the boet and admiration of every one tening them. Aik your drugyit or deajer for them. Tee fcilver Ape sells or 11.50 per fall quart, and the "IuTiesne for $1JP. If they do not keep it, send to the reliable wholesale liquor bouse of Max Klein, 62 Federal street, Allegheny. You f.Qd pur Gurkenheimer. Finch, Overbolt, and U:bson Eye, either at tl per quart, or six bottles for $.".':. A compiete catalogue and price list will be mailed on application. The Sly Granger. "Tickets, pleaae," sai 1 the conductor of a train on a line running eaet cat of De troit, as he entered the car. There was a veey general response in the shape of pasteboard until he came to farmer who was very earnestly lookine out of the window. Tickets, please," said the conductor. The man paid no attention. TU take your ticket, if you please." The man looked np at him. 'Han't got any," he answered slowly. "Well, the money then. Where are you gfinj V "Han't pA any money." "Well, then, what are you on here for? If I don't get either money or ticket I m art pat you off the train." "You wouldn't stop an express train jost to pnt one man off, now would yoa?' "Wouldn't I? YoaH soon see wheth er I will or net. Sow I want your ticket or the cash without any more fuse." "N'ary one." The conductor paused for a moment or two and then called the brakeman. "Now are you going to get off without fa or will we have to throw yoa off?" The man sighed and said he would go off quietly. When they got out on the platform and the conductor had his hand on the bell-rope the passenger cast bis eye over the flying landscape and said : "Ain'. there no way we can fir this cp?" "Certainly. Ticket or money." After another look the man shook his head. "Let her go, captain." The conductor pulled the rope. The air-brakes scrunched and the train came to a stop. The man stepped off, and then handing the conductor a Lit of paste board said : "I dont cheat no railway company, captain. Here ye are." "Why in thunder di.i it you give me this before? You can ride five miles further on this ticket. Step aboard live Jy, now." "Xever mind, captain. I would have to walk five miles beck if I did. I live over yonder. So long, cap." iMroU Fru Prru. To Our Subscribers. The ipecial announcement whiah appear ed in oar columns some time since, an nouncing a special arrangement with Dr. B. ) 3. Kendall Co., of Enosburgh Falls, 'L, f pcblUben of " A Treatise on the Bone and t his DiaeaMS, " whereby our subscribers were I enabled to obtain a copy of that valuable ' work free by sending their address to B. J. Kendall Co.. (and enclosing a two-cent ! stamp lor mailing same I ia renewed for a limited period. We trust all will avail them selves of the opportunity of obtaining this i valuable work. To every lorer oi the Horse it is indispensable, at it treats in a simple manner all Lbe diseases which afflict ,; this noble animal. Its phenomenal sale ? throughout the Tnited States and Canada. J make it ataadard authority. Jfoium 0,;a paper wien tending fur " Trtnine, " t Th Great White Ciar. A distressing scene, throwing frech light on the barbarous regime now pre vailing ia the Csar's doornions, was wit-onset-d a day or two ago at the Northern IUilay Station in Vienna. In a corner of the waiting room stood a group of three, a venerable old man with a white, Sowing beard, a pale-faced girl and a youth. The old man was weeping bitter ly, and presently his sobs attracted the attention of the bystanders, who inquir ed the cause of his irrief. He made no reply, but held up a letter, exclaiming as be d.d so. Toor wife: Poor child l" The letter had just been handed to him by the young man who had met him at the elation. As soon as he had recover ed his composure the following tale was elicited from him : He was a Russian Jew, named Tobias Mockier, and had been exiled like so many thousands of his co-religionists. The letter apprised him fthe death of his wife and the dangerous illness of his daughter. For more than forty years he had kept a dairy at Velikoje Selo, in the district of Kieff. His savings amounted to several thousand roubles. Abov.t three weeks ago he and twenty other inhabi tants of the same locality received orders toqait the district within twenty-four hours. The Natchalnik .or Burgomaster) was responsible for their expulsion, and carried oat his instructions with the nt- jaost rior. Monkkr obtained a brief respite to make some urgent preparations but bis invalid wife and his daughter were compelled to depart at once. They went to Calais, where they had relaiives, and they were to wait until the head of the family and his second daughter the one w ho accompanied him to Vienna should join them. Monkler gave his wife all his available funds, and wound up his affaire at Velikoje Selo as speedily as he Could. On the evening of Saturday, the 27th ultimo, he had just finished his prayers and was lighting a small oil lamp to com memorate the anniversary of his mother's death, when the Burgomaster and two genoarmes entered the house, ordering him to decamp forthwith. He entreated them to 14 him finish lighting the oil lamps. "Out with you, Jew," was the answer, "yoa Lave Uken advantage of our kindness and have remained too long already." Monkler begged for an hour longer, to get a few thing togvttier De- fure starting, but they threatened to put him in chains if he delayed a moment. Thereupon be woke up bis daughter and left the Louse with Ler. He came to Vienna, where a friend met him at the station and brought him the lettt-r containing news of his wife's death. which occurred two hours after her arri val at Calais. At the close of his narra tive the old man sorrowfully observed : Now I am alone with my two daughters. What will become of themr lie was asked if he had no eon. les,"here- Dlied. "I have one son, but he is in Si beria." The boy, a medical student, had been condemned to ten years' hard labor for a speech delivered to some of his fel low-students. Lond-jti TcUmyh. Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will sure ly do you good if you have a cough, cold, or any trouble with throat, chest or langs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Congh.9 and Colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back, sufferers from La Grippe found it jot the thing, and under its use had a speedy re covery. Try a sample bottle at our ex pese, and learn jut how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free. L'arze size 50c. aaUl. For sale at John X. Snyder's Drug Store. Seeing Things Crow. Did you ever actually see things grow? In the spring and summer days you often see a tree with buds jast ready to explode like popcorn, and, like the corn, change suddenly to mum of fluffy w kite. You walk by it and it is still corn. When you return it has popped. But did you actually ever sec the explossion,'or better yet, see the erowtn when there was no alarm to call your attention to the change? asks the New York Tributx, Well, lie down some day besides a gladi olus bed after recent rain and sunshine have made a thin crust over the earth, and when the green spears are just be ginning to posh through it, You will see some cracks in the crust, and by and by a little traydoor will begin to lift, as though some small Titan were struggling nndemeatl. Look 6harply now, for if yoa do not you may turn your wander ing eyes back to find the green laborer pushing at the door without you having seen him come. ikon he will throw back thereover on its hinges and stand there for the first time in the sunlight an inch above the ground. All t'lis may be done even in an hour. Few things grow faster than the gladiolus. How's This? We offer One Hundred Djllars reward for auy case of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hal! ? Catarrh Cure. F.J.CHENEY ACOrroj Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 13 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. Waw A- Tarx, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O., Walmsu, KissaX A Miivu, Wholesale Drugjrist, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is Uken internally, acting directly u(Kn the blood and mucous surface of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price Toe per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Doing Up Daniel. There was an empty truck backed np to the curbstone on Hester street yester day and a man by at full length on the broad of his back on the bottom boards. One could smell the whL-ky in his breath five feet away and as he siept be snored like a fog horn. I stood looking at him when a bareheaded woman came along and caught sight of the sleeper. She made a jump for the truck and at once commenced a search of his pockets. When each and every one had been turn ed wrong side out she gathered about forty cents. Her face wore a broad smile si she completed the search and jumped down beside me, and, without waiting for me to ask any questions, she said : Tbepjor man! He's got a heart like a child's:" "Who is he ?- "My own husband that I've lived with for twenty years. He was born with an innocent heart and hell never get over it.- "Where does the innocence come in ? "Why, he took away the rocking-chair an hour ago and sold it for fifty cents to go on a spree. He gets two drinks and falls asleep, and I've got forty cents of the money in my pocket The poor, dear man will wake np to find the boodle gone and to think he's had a fifty-cent drunk, and hell come home to cry and beg my pardon and promise to stay sober for a whole month. It's tjo bad to be deceiv in' a confidin' husband like Daniel, but I'm trustin' you not to say a word about it if you are here when be w akes np," .v. r. n'vHj. SEE MY SPONGE? & SISTERS ?oES?'V AS I DID rkte CRESS k:.-:-::S ACME BLACKING CNCL A MONTH: OTHER DAYS.KA5H THEM n.tAV WITH WET SPONGE LADIES, IT COSTS cent a foot to change the ppwnc of old Furniture o completely that your faustxuida will ifimk it m new. 23IK-TON g WILL DO IT ! ra WOLTT sasnOLPa. rcOxtelpbie. r Z took Cold, I took Sick. 1TOOK SC05TS E.10LS1BD ixsnr: Z take Sly Meals. Z take My Rest. A-D I A VIGOROUS ISOVGH TO TAK ANYTHING I CAX LAT MY HAJSDS OS ; f tt line fat too, roa Scott's mulsionof Pure Cod Liver Oil and HvpophosphitesoiLimeand Soda,,r OSL" CI,ID My I"i itut Consumption Birr uu.r Kt VP, AN U IS -'W PVTTING FLESH ON MY BONES AT TWI KATX OF A FOCND A DAT. I TAKE IT Jl T AS EAiO-V AS I PO MILK." SfCH TEiTIM' NV IS it 'THING W. SCOTTS EMTXSIOX IS POING WfSUU CAiiT. Take no other. THERE IS WHISKEY Which is uniform in its results, breides in everr other particaiir. Attested to oy everyone who has given it a thorough trial, and their name is legion. Tne pure 8-year old GUCKENHEIMER WHISKY Is tLe whiskey, sold only ty JOSEPH FLEMING 4 SON. " " Dnii:ii.n.. Pittsburgh, Ta. As a strcngihencr of the ziNervousI j System, with special rood effect on the res piratory and digestive organs, it is pronounced unequaled. Trice, full quarts $1, or six. for $5. We cow carry a fall and c oraplete stock of ail the leading Fine hiskies, both do mestic and foreign, giving you the oppor tunity to mcke yoar choice from the finest selection to be had in the city at the lowest wesible prices that can be made lor the quality and age of the goods. f-f Please send fr full and complete prioe list, mailed free. Jos. Fleming: & Son DRUGGISTS, CD 4 C2 Market 3L, X and 2 Market. . ST-Ladies are &peci2r Invited. HO. 88 FRASKUH STREET. JOHNSTOWN SUPPLY HOUSE JOHN H. WATERS & BR0. PLUMBERS, STZAH 1172 GAS TI77ZZS. 'We are now eeiaMii-hecl in oar new bail din, wbif fa. e can cft:y i the? brt-jTmael Ljt our bu-me. ia Western fVDtsyivuaiA. ETervthiritf penkiuinv to lii Piumbing, Steam r 1 ho-cn rmci in Uck. We iU a former? arvr -rful attention to the 1 LAM ANI HoT WATf.il HEAT1NO ba iuewH. Our farmer effort in tiiu line enbrara ome of tbe largtt buUdn ic ine county, with entire ui'-o In the hi'rPLTrEPARTMFVT we carry a fnU line of RuiN-r nl Le;n-r BciUnj?. Strtm and WatfT H, '4le. iLjtuvrn, LutM-k-atorvS-am Gftiifrc. In Pipe FlU-hi, tic Price quoted ofi application. A ; firml. (tlx- r arH Vf 1 tti' V - 1 vmwm . a 17 F i s J Tn cam iW rk ss4 h iSMav,X' jib.at "frj. F.w W 7 7 riminiMiTtsnisi trm M ' -JHir- WaajSae, 77 Mrt . in W(t m y re iM 7 T -JfJ0 m U ta "rtssiav Hi? waert m wr- r rsttsrs nknM SMtf iheaa, aw . vrfnl r'srrai tin f. JOHDSOQJ . tKtANY J Is STESii ni TZZlSll est" -.GENERATION AFTER GENERATION lnppr4 mu Sj7r, Childmt 7r It. tvery butferer Arffimax. . fc.M-r Uil-, I ..aj-rto.-. lAmeneM. f iiihw ia or UratMa. H J Jotmu or SiniM, viU amd la tJJ d AwJ-rys- rvuef and K--1t nr. Umphtat fne. K-aic efrTWr. T'- at rt K mail i- a. iOaM a CU Maa Your I Boy Wants OTLSZLTS SCHOLLSiWS, taps, ligk laaUrM, iUia, Isxiag ClsTes. Tssls. rts. fssi m mm mm . the ioni wniKsai es' SSS mm S tl ! Sc. CM IB. Mn-K Ewrss-'.TQron H nrr ia all the orld th-r.- I. but one rx. lr. Uiira' boldn palic tt rm rim in a rspnl t ot coSt vitlxiat tb kbVlmiT .f inr ttmum tik(it, acujx j ui4 itrnBt-bt cur . b-tir th itmt ia Utintm dnuur tr n aj.btkiic rc. 1 hi w o iimilkrd U b ryr.-il whohiT tkr tS MBinwrnvn. Cor.-. rurmM. -4 f ctr- MIM.MtnvrlMtr9kaJtfMl rati - m-m aaA m . mmt :mm ifi4r-k.f sw In a c a it Mn, 4 mm s H-xa srsst, ml m l aa .r ai Ct na& Ail mU aaj 1 sru CA1I V. fst-la.1 LI 4tsr. arx m. n hf. -1 a -w mIim mm mil mm mii.i it. a uU rtaf rat I K A ALLli. iia ai. Aai' it Jk E W YOUCAN FIND .3SS, rEn&lTGTOlT BROS. aa via Mama aavasruaaaa at kv4 mm V-.1 V wrm (W m, by Am Aawus in S3Q00IIMrt -a-"w arrm,,, .rr.ic vtv. mrmm mrm "It maiej me tlrfl! People u1c me is marriage a fail ure ? Of course Vaint ; s'posc I don't know rr.v bii what am I her for?" If the women only keep healthy- they keep in good spirits and cupid is in demand. Let every enfeebled woman know this there's remedy that'll cure her, the proofs positive. Here's the proof if it doesn't do you good within reasonable time, report the fact to ita makers and get voux money back without a wordbut yoa won't do it ! The remedy U Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription and it has proved itself the riht remedy ia nearly every case of female weakness. It is not a miracle. It won't cure every thing but it has done more to build np enfeebjed and broken-down wo men than any other medicine known. v i - ri,ufc- j DOSTT CKSUKFCDH, WW-FEVER; flSTKM".. ETC- CroJars Free By- ;PETER YOGEIC Sqtverset. PA; Johnstown Business Houses. LIQUORS I -FINE OLD-. WHISKIES And Imported UqtMrs sold In ball, aad by the OLD CABZSET, TOM MOOSE POsSCM J10LL0 K G VCKtSHZLMZR, FISCITB eOLDS WEDMXG. eiBsoxs xziz WHisriES. Inns HranWT. Paul DuBola Cornar. Wilbur jmueu t "Ua Blacktjrrrr Cordial." ALo, Sediord and 8otorn Pure K jt w bfaaiea, willkace. FISHER & CO., 309 Main Street, Johnstown, Pa. ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. HARRY M. BENSHOFF, MANUFACTURING STATIONER AN'D BLAXK book maker. HANNAH BLOCK, JOHNSTOWN. PA. BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. THE KEW BOOM IS THE DIBERT BUILDING, Comer Main and Franklin Sts., U:2S Mens, Womens1. A&Z. Of Best QaaUty, and at LOWEST PEICE3 can be found, in styles of all makes. I am prepared to compete with one and all dealers in the State. All I ask is a trial. SCOTT DIBERT. FIXE STOCK FARM ! Very fine Stock Farm of 600 acres located in the pardeo spot of Iowa, Marshall Coun ty. Si milt from I'nion. on the Iowa Cen tral Railroad, and Eve mile? from liirtord. on the C. fc N. W. E. R. Can reach twenty dif ferent depots by team in one days drire. The pround all tilled, so every acre can be cultivated : under a reiy high state of cul tivation. Contains four large drive wells, with wind nam pa, wbich supply an abund ance of water to every field or part of the whole farm. Buildings of the very best Fine large bouse, containing all modern improvements ; hot and cold water all through the hoaae, and a splendid large barn, granary, other buildings, etc Price only Hi per acre, f 12.MUU cash, balance to suit purchaser. 1117, Chamber of Commerce, unelitf. Chicsgo.IlL THRESHING MACHINES A SPECIALTY. Simple, Vrac Durable. Economical and Perfret tn Be. Watlei BO train ; :ieos it ready tat Market. THRESHING ENGINES k HORSE POWERS, SAW ally. MTLLS and Standard Implement (ener Bead ur IiluHraled Catalogue. A. B. FARQUHAR CO. PeoOTlvaaia aaricnltural Works, York, Pa. June, 17, M. FIDELITY TITLE AND AND TRUST COMPANY. 121 k 123 4th Ave., PITTSBURGH, AV. (Capital, $500,000 fall paid.) (Icnrea b'Uoa to Real Estate.) Authorized tn art u Executor, Admiobtrauir, iGuardiaa, Tnuue, Aaufnee, Ret vtrr, sc. DEALERS IX RELIABLE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Rents boxes in its Pnperior Vaults from Srer annum upwards. Rcceivea oVpoaiu and loans onlv on munmnx nH eoUaterala. " JOHN' . JACKSOX. PmKJenL JAM K J. Im l-JJ V. fm U H. Hi-VaY, Bee ajxi Trvas. That Settled It I as alone on the back veranda of a Georgia hotel when I heard the cook. who was cutting meat right below me. call to a bor, and as the latter arrived and asked what what was wanted, the cook said: "Julius, I want yo' to kerry dis yere note down to Mary Ann Willianie, an' gib it to her on de sly." -Doan let her fadder see it?" "No." "lvjan let her brodder Jim see it?" "No. Yo' pok' aroun' dar till nobody see you. "What's in de note?" V nebber mind daL Dafs my bii- ness. i o jess go 'long, an uoan stop on de war." 'Axin' Marry Ann to dun marry yeT" quizzed the boy. Ha! Whatyo' talkin. "bout? Boy, niriza big fuss wid yo' ifyo git too smart. "Wall I wanted to dun tole yo' som- thin'," answered Julius. "Yo' don' know nutT-a.' " "Yes, I do." "What yo' know V "I dun see Sam Flowers an' Mary Ann Williams gittin' mar'd 10 o'clock dis mawnin' by Elder Comstock !" "Sho!" "It's dun true." "Yo' seed all dat T "Sartin." "An' shes dun mar'd to Pam ?" Fur shure." Ien dat settles iL Give me back dat note. Dat was a preposishion to dat gal to dnn s:B!iate her atfexans wid de un dersigned for de term of her nateral life, but if she's had de consanguinity to pick up wid snch a niggar as dat Sam Flowers I withdraw the moshnn an' lays de sub- jick on de table. Boy, yo' git dat odder ham out of de sto' house an' doan' be all dar, neider!" X. V. Shtx. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores. Fleers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and ai! Skin Eruptions, and positive ly cures Files, or no jy required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Hen Lore. The breedicu of pot.ltry for the food market has become oua of the great in dustn!g of the country. It is increasing every year, as the commercial value of their productions becomes known. There is no risk in raising poultry comparative ly ; it is not subject to extremes, there is Utile danger of overproduction, it is nice ly balanced by division of labor and it is within the reach of the poorest house keeper. We know of no home industry that is better suited to all classes of socie ty, and can be made auxiliary to other pursuits without infringing on the time of the keeper. Now, if it pays to keep horses, cattle. sheep and swine one year with another, most assuredly it pays to keep jJ fowls, We know there were times that eggs and flesh brought low prices and scarcely paid their keepers for the food they con sumed, to say nothing of the time lots by them, but there had been a gradual change for the better, and prices have come cp in the past few years and re main so with an upward tendency, whith shows the demand is in excess of the supply. From frequent experiments it has been shown that ninety pounds of grain wi keeps hen in fair condition a year if the has her liberty ; sixty pounds of grain will keep a hen on a farm, for she can procure a large share of her food from spring till winter which would be lost to the farmer, and often young and old fowls destroy a great many bus and insects which are destructive to grain, vegetables and vines, and by this keep down their rapid increase. The sixty pounds of grain in the past three years did not av erage over fifty or sixty cents to the farm er, and we know in small fi'.ocks that good laying hens will average from eight to ten dozen eggs each besides raising a brood of chickens. The small Hock that does not make this recordannualiy wh well cared for and comfortably housed is mediocre stock. A fairly good hen will make a dollar a year profit for two years, then she wii begin to decrease in egg production and value as a table fowl. Thousands of hens make more than a dollar profit an nualiy, and thousands make less. Doubt less there are in every fleck not specially selected, some hens which do not pay for their keeping. This is the fault of the owner or attendant, who should see that such hens are consigned to the block. is the farmer's duty to keep the best of everything salable to make the most profit, and if one hen or two or a dozen in a floca lay a greater number ot eggs, ana another dozen receiving the sane kind of food, care and attention do not lay half as many eggs, it is his duty to get rid of the poor layers and breed from the good laying hens if be wants to make poultry keeping profitable. Xibraka Slate JounusL I was ro moch troubled with catarrb t seriously affected my Toioe. One bot 1c of Ely's Cream Balm did the work, and my Toica is fully restored. B. F. Leipsner, A. B., Pastor of the Olivet Bap tist Cbnrcb, Philadelphia, Pa. A Tremendous Sensation. Tbe bnrcicg of a Mississippi River Steamboat caused considerable excite ment in New Orleans. Just think of the astonishment which Lr. Lee's Liver Keg nlatorbas caused by curing Dyspepsia, Billionsness, Indigestion and Constipa tion. Don't fail to try iU Trial bottles free. When people goffer pain, they want to be cared, and qoickly, too. Nothing equals Reg Flag Oil for all pain. Price 2o cents. Trial botties free at O. VT. Benford's Drag Store. SPECTACLES AXD ErEILASHES made by Robert Bruce Wallace, (successor to tbe " Fox Optical Company," at 624 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa, are conceded the best and most comfortable. Save money by haviog blm fit your eyes. A Great Battle. Is constantly going on in the human system when you snffer with Consump tion, Coughs or Colds; they strive to ruin health and drag victims U the grave. Take timely warning and nse Pan-Tina Cough and Consumption Cure. Price 25 and oO cents. Dr. Lee's Liver Regulator is a sure cure for Dyspepsia, Billionsness, Heartburn, Indigestion, .and Jail Kidney Com plaints. Trial bottles free at G. W. Benford's Dmg Store. I have been a sufferer from catarrh for 20 years ; I found immediate rerief in the nse of Ely Cream Balm. Since using it I have not suffered a moment from headache, sore throat or kss of sleep, from which I previously suffered, caused by catarrh. I consider your Balm a val uable remedy. K. (j. Vassar, 50 Wrren St, X. Y. i HOUSEHOLD HEM EOT FOR PAIN. Far Rheumatism, Inflammations, neuralgia, Diphtheria, Sorw Throat, Toothache, Earache, Sprains, Braises, Lamtnits, Swellings, Burns, A SURE CURE fob DIARRHCEA. SUMMER COMPLAINT and FLUX. Price per tci!e. S foe t.M. roe hv vrar UroD MrniciNC Co.. Weston. W.va. ITHT X.M', FT ani. IU BPTr la Bwlidue, I'revarwl Uf Somerset Lumber Yard ELIAS CUNNINGHAM, 3f A.vrrAcraia asn Dniia ayn Waotasais axd Ksrnas or LUHBEB AND BUILDING MATERIALS. Hard and Soft Woods, OAK, POPLAR, SIEXSGS, PiCSETS, MOCU)nw:3. jji WAX. NTT. rLAJXiu, u:a, ri.un.i.u. CEZEKY YELLOW PIXE. SHIXGLfc. BOOK3 BALC5TERS, CHESTSUT. WHITE PISE. LATH, BLIXItf. SEW El TC? A General Una oi aU frrfclesoT Lumber aad ,Bui:din aiaierlal anJ SUA iag Fate kep la rtui Aiio, can fomiji annhtrg iu theUMiXmrbaiiir toornT iia rmfcir.at ia prnaii-mcM. snch as Brmi kru. tu.l otcd wurk, e:c. Offlce and Yard Opposite S.&C.R.R.St3tio u. f i fSFAVIM CUREfp: The Moat crrW! Comedy c-r-r tml, as it is ccruua ta tu ejects aad oocs &4 blkttr. Ead proof Lekiw : ncooELrs, Cor,n., Xar 4 VI Jm. B. J. ITroiii r ..: sir : I-t Su'u.-nt r I .nrr1 CurbirrirB raj hm wnta vHirt-iiTsl K rn-U, 4 spavin Care ftD-1 ll u X1 1 er suw i h .c lia-a cur;njr wvrj b:u I 'i It f5. Kv B-.jhh T h.i ljjr. wita sitv Ui.l S(avn ina: !..m H- aRii b-w to c:r It. 1 r.nti'itvn kl K- n-ji.il S;.vn cure. Ho cureU uc ii ia JU lurre fk. Vori respectrnMr. v.uxnt Wrrrca. Cnuraacs. Ohio, AprQ . !. Da. B. J. Krreitx 0.s , :- I &y l-n .'Hr;mif EfMifll Siib l ure Hint t .n ini n R th.a Trrb-f rr. O: tr.n KUit lo u . It " o Iml fmrdcr 1 t'tr kA tiw -t ti tnr tucU. otto L. EomtAS. Cirrrraisao, 3C. T, JUj Ut "i Da. B. J. KcrottJ. t o.. ... . l-r S r . 1 b D-1 fTV W'Wni yrr t pr;n Carr mtth i-rf.1 .'icc. oa a tm : j-ilji' n 1 x.-1 niM- ma wa.(m Uro witii . Kinr pv!n- Th. nare Is new rrt-! frK from iAUiriv. mri'i ti aw " tKr j-nnt. hrtiwtird-. r. H. HcK-nixa. tUflUL'S SPAK1H CURE. K03TEOK. Lm SUjr 5, "30. Dm. R X Ectttx C i-itii. It mr !ijtT Mwi-ltf my thnaifor vtir fir Kt rvta.l Sfivin 4,'urv. I hv a f"Ur vpf o.a niiy wtj;ra I i-rizeJ very hirilv. Sn ha t Tery .;t-n Vv- I tri--l eiijai iiTTr-tn klmis '-f mieio hx-h 'ti t ISO ic oi. I i-urr-fiij-il ft f-rtTM? of J-"UT k.c Di-u ftp via Cure wikKa rurri her in fur Uaj . Xjjcioa Down. $1 per hottW or rir boctk tne $X K'Adrntf fin Ha tv u oral g U tor ya,or it will be sest to it ti3!V on rweipt f r" t'Tth propria tun. PB. U. J KENDALL CO tninrsk -U1. VerMtiU Oils! Oilsl The Piandart Oil foEr. of Pitwhnrrh. P-, aukt a fpcial:T of manufactu-inc fur ta iKKntsuo trade IDd tint trvi. of Illuminating it Lubricating Oils Naphtha and Gasoline, That can be m.-lp from Pr tro1im. We challenge Cucp&ruuQ wiLii everj auowa PRODUCT OF PETROLEUM. If yon wist the newt nnifarmly Satisfactory Oils IX THE American !Market, ask for van. Trade for Somerset and Tidnitj anppileJ by COOK 4 BrrSTTo lD eptas-'99-!yr. suaiasir, ?. It is to Your Interest TO BUT Tors Drugs and Medicines cr JOHH H. SNYDEB. SCCCDOB TO Biesegker & Snyder. None but tbe purest and bert kept in stock, and when Dnijrs become inert by stand ing, as certain of them do, we de stroy ti.em, rather tban im pose on our customers. You can depend on having your PRESCRIPTIONS FAMILY RECEIPTS filled with care. Oar prices are as low as any otlier nm-claas house and on many articles much lower. Tbe peojle of this county seem to know ibis, and have gWen us a large share of their paironage, and we shall still continue to give them the very bet gools for their money. lo not foryi-t that we make a specialty of FITTIXCJ TI1USSES. We guarantee satiiCiction, and, if you have had trouble in this direction, give us a calL SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES in great variety ; A full set of Test Lenses. Come in and have your eyes examined. Ko charge for examination, and we are confident we can suit you. Come and see as. Respectfully, JOHN N. SNYDER. J7WING & GWYNNE. WHOLESALE COMMISSION VERCHAXT3, eceral rnxlore and Frnita, VeTetables and Oacic Conxienmenw arvllH'eJ Bent Prici KQ) Pmoipt KetunuouarkUie?)!. Convspoutieuoe inriteU. 2 OHIO ST, ALLEGHEXV. Pa. (Telephone XUr) 1 1 Pi ; hm.,m,rf iJLW '"--if ! k, 1W Ji -l...ru-r. M,Z " "TL ' T-.. S a atl i; 4n u uul. aua. A Panacea for titsmaf and internal use. CRAMPS. COLIC. tout aU prnnii Kaep it in th hot34 for a fc'.ns of reed. If tod no !!;rf R-r Tr two itvrrff : r.tr.i li.li! lh Vnr IP--. 1 v-hini "! ' ' H. ft mul R-faixi tlw juice i! ft r li e en-lrv tlw test uMinna T Iwrtni lmmrr .,r.C''" nun aod luv. it rai1 fc : ri. mtnoiML F-it riiiJri II him Twn-ijniil : 1-?r rl'i, in - ' It is now a Generally Con ceded Fact that a SEWING MACHINE id one of the iii'l:-pon.-i!.l'? article of the houvhoil. and every Young Lady in the civilized" wcrM Lxk forward to the time when phc vvi'l b- t!ie jo.-si--or of one. Iut wLieh of the dilferent iiiaehiiiP;? in the market will answer all of her j'urjx.05 Let is a very LVP0RTJXT QUESTION for her to decUe. Uocau-e. a ma chine i? too expensive to make feijuent changes. A Laohiae tht is Poorlv Constructed and lialde to cret out of ord-.T, is an endless annoyance ar.d vexation to its o.vner THE WH "Was awirJ'sl the 17L-st Pre3 a: 3 Ciidrrid PARIS UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION over all its competitors for s:rr;p'ii i:y and durability of constructii-n. for its l.ght and quiet runninir naht:'', fr its great variety c i usefn'. an-1 praeticabl fami:y work. This aion? shonl d con V v;nt-e anyone r.f the superiority of the W HITE Eut many valuaLle i!r.proTemen:s have been added to the ciai-bire siriv tht were held. Amonj then the lt, most convenient and prai-tioable f t of STEEL ATTACHMENTS yet inverted. Another ar-rr.rnt in its favcr is that t :i ( : i'. : j i'-n's cniy claim the-.r u.-hino TO HE AS GOOD AS THE WHITE. Ladies should cC'R!i:t rthc-r own inter ests and carefal!y etamlno TflK WH1TH before buying a SfiT2 Ma' l.ir.e. It was put on the market in i "77. hen tb mar ket wa jtlutted with ew:n Mach.ne, and it has never r-en S"i 1 except on its merit", and as a proof of its appreciation bv the public, 850,000 Have been sold to dat?. 1'erons de siring to examine or buy the mit per fect machine will do m'.l t.i ciMiirr.uni cate with the Agent for "THE WHITE" for iNjmerset County. JOS. CRIST, JEXXERS X LOADS:, pj. MISSES' AND CHILD3EKS SPECIAL OPENING TRIMMED HATS I Our Misses' and Chil drens' Hats Are pronounced hy a'.l as the IIAXDS'M-E-'T and the MOST ATTRACTIVE we hare yet shown. Cvme.ar.d bring-", your wife and children to the store of 41 FIFTH AVENTE, Pittsburgh, Pa 'Sr.(r3airAMflUCAN v. i 'Tr. u co. l nrvatfway. HOB! A Matter of Impotance to You All siiferingrom long stand'.r Cbronic'P:seaes. i:eJe of : t s Blood, Skin and Sertos, rystem, as those ealfert.jc from EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT TROUBLES. . v ff 3 J. J. M.-1-LIXX, M. O.. Sp-eJii Nt Chroic I Ji I'ia-. I T'r.-1 . r. thi. rm.zirr frfrr frvr sn-ln. th f.fTlM;',; T.' f i-t. Tlier .r 'a y j!irn w 1-K. ! tvlT.: . M. :r. -. Ocrman r.n:ii. ..: be brr Tn a.: ; Kvc r, N'? rant i'.iJit f.n U'l :n i 'rj. Ujhu aiir oi:irr !:vn:e 1. fire t: r -! r. i nth" 20 -e !:i r-l ff ?nUi-: t.::,i-iit n ..i.n.r .n :: ; , . ififu' ' krw.n la tr, ti:,tr. (rriy pvts Hut i-:. te-tBuiua; of j Cictan A n. l- ,.or : 1 -'.!':!. x-rt.y f- -Jt p...TTtji s ! I?f rr.M:'-u. p- .!. " I '.tre irti-!ner.t 1 -rt" tf'-l ;i 1 1: f r..t- I Lrrn -4iJrrin irm la-;snia .;; - l - mi '..it f rn.rr ! ! I' m- .v ti.aa irre t.tt. 1 r.c.-- :..aa i t;-;' ' , i: n "a' I u: tee 5'. - v.; n p : t t :if.i.i i.rr.t. 1 nyr.r ';:.-lrr :c- rrr W'-aJ :: . 2.. 1 , t -w .i.t. every fiur I aai aj :- r nr. C.f -! :.-rt : i;tn.. a . r-t ut -h Mi-.'r . .:!- i R-ijI t. e( i- f ;t V r E THE L.M5 WALK ; rH' ri iKi I :it. F ir .i!-! nv'.'.i.' 1 tifni iie . I n :'.j..it tv r : r-:'.vM Iiir;n . 3 - j iro.ir.rti ". - V'i . ;:.a a !:n5 1 hvc -n av- '.. put oir - tc:'-l at thr nri: r ea,t tbir b -.1 A!:. 1 trr.n TDt 1 1'. ure;.t;r-.y Ciivl u. A r a 'iu-s- r ir.i . o t.aie w '...-. i.-a W tv Mt. J. B. hK. Wisp it tFAfNi-. ArrATAKkH. I 1 svr t-.-n -.r Vr tr-atth at of rr. X ',. v a 13-1 o ii i r LW.: iil y ini.r-.i 1 - th' vk. V.fV. Ul'Vj EYE r:a or u lii L.Li. ai,J U1 ail Tt a--e as mi ai.J Ulf Jul I Wais-.t . a- . 'J 1 1 '-an - a irrr! .. u I AE.V FriV . km a IlKitW U ri. (. .. ra. catarkh. ur. ! hir v.n i:fferlr !:h Catarrh It "- me ri. Tril Mrl J-rt bat no r"i ns:r ! . I : .. an a ?:. o:..-r "v'E:r i tv... a-t f. j aiu I iav o grvatlj uaiftvid thai 1 aiww I U t eurwl aire U ..r..f r-ea!:r::t : i r...;.. " v. i , K-.Tar.a. ra. FT'' HT P I-iPT REMOVE? FR THE V 'K. pr-i jf rVi Ji Sain bare iwr.t(-t r-xb' V-vr. i !! mr n.-tr.. to-lay wi a it a;svrt nf r-::i -t f' !.! itii in i y 6ir la t.ice aul lu E -t-r cauiicr i:.aa 1 na ! .t r a; l'i:ubur. 1 can L-aw L.tata w.ta cv-;::...n an-! ; t acir tbr. ay :.-. . W K liT '--ai w lactic. i CATARKH AXft I tAFNt-s. I har row Iwn CB-Ur t-catmrM ul lr. il i ar. 1 f three Bx.ahj fi- a ba-t rt.-rh. an 1 wil Try iian! "f hri:r. tt now I aj-? rrraLy ic:njl ta every a ay aJ taa a gnai teal U -u-r. ar..i 1 am (r?:uiu( xrner mai hca jtf. H k-r. 1" :.rr .., l a.. N-tu 4. aMi liKli.lt l:a.-iif V..iir::, "i a a havr t?vd tb -i-'.I of all pbr-"iari an.l r r.r Canrt-TV I (nrm. fcrii an4 polpid Tt-a'.ii varrl a.'.tout ta uae uf a ka.:e or vauea. 5 rj. uur. r.o 'n. ?h iMi;ifrr. roall T':n.r. t.a:i.v-. Wri.. Ma'e. . nm-vre-l :Vi:t ai ;.N. irr."t'. y'n or Kr. N rafih-i Fi. ir'v.:. t;.;Urr py nl hi rt.l ao1 tv.ueij turol by acevci. EXXINnTION CONSULTATION FREE. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AUGUST 28 AND 29TH. SOMERSET HOUSE, SOMERSET, pa. IT WILL PAY YOU Tolirr.rora lemorial Work WM. F. SHAFFER, SOMEIUKT, PKX"A, Hascii rtunr of ail Lealr In i& BVt ft'w.- Vi! JAur .V. At. fa dl 0-f HUE! ill EMIiTJ W Xjo. AK3t fir tie MJtOXZE! Perwt !a of M0NTMES7 WORKr-ill tii.l 1: to th-:r .a:mr4 t ruli ai tuy ua p wnere a proper 3t.orina aiii lr isa tuc-ra. I ji 1' i.c M'. i irv:t t(w.Uu a:u:uiAn tu,u.a White Bmeie, Or Pyre Zinc Monument IntTorfarvJ by REV. W. A. RTNft. fc a I-fiW lif-.-:.-;e-i in Lae point. MATERIAL AND "t S-r.; ilI'iS. a:.J r.it h dwtitird to t t.'i Pi'p . r V : 7 fiit '- r ar Ctaaavable Cli na S-C1VE ill k CAU. W3I. F. SHAFFER. THE COMPANY STORE, At 6i Cli S:i is :rr-L-j ia GEXEEAL IEE C VXDISE. Buyer Can Find all they may Xeed la the Spreral Drpartments r CLOTHING. HATS, PRY GOODS, NOTIONS. QUEENSWARE. GROCERIES, E00TS AND SnOES, A.'L OF THE FIEiT QUALITY, AND AT REALISABLE PRICEd. SATISFACTION ALWAYS GUARANTEED. WOOD, MORRELL &, CO. SCHMIDT The Largerst Wine, Liquor, and Cigar House IN THE UNITED STATES. ESTABLISHED 1325. C3-- "W". SCHMIDT. DISTILLER AND FINE WHISKIES. IMPORTER OF .VOt 85 A5D 97 Fi-riT jrAT; PITTSECEGH, PEXXA. All irJe recriTt-d by: sil Al r A V t - V r-a VII a I II V V ! jr -rt i lilii naiiii mm iw - - il i THE POSITIVE CURE i SLY EiiUTEZHS. 4 Warrm W. L, DOUGLAS Best in rtsliri-na'T i-t w ork For CENTLEMEM. 84.00w" S3.50p,t, Sr) OR Vorfcar AiaaWBUI Sis. ;2.00 Cood'rear Saos. W. 1.. Deerln fcaa fn 2n r lrm- u fc uara aau Ut.ix aavl aU to. !.; V. I.. Pea?a 1.4S. ...-!( a,H -.VXi fM4c : 1 '. a;. , b..--li. . , a. ' fia l.?i sio lor ' A UTIO M T I'E' KF. IK I'Ktl S Wi :i..t,T- If . r-i.i tl r trmpl rra:nl? w un rv,brirti t,f a.l ht ai.-nj-i-.l war"r s'itt hi.-li -ruTt a&tj in"r:-.r r..-1v if I J , . T: i - 1L-I t.Sf. .r )- rt m r . lilr-.'.r. altn . j.'i Ta .ralrr n;a- rr TTial fm. It 1" any tf-a ov Tniirwf an-! -ir f.i-' TT re':i-y. Vr.'i can o.n.r- !n T.Mjr I-tit-w.:,r if Q-..:i n rfi'--'nT a zrratcr vaiue f' r Uie atua7 t.1AO ufi fri'-nt 'T.u t.irv. .WantrJ-4 la-al rt ia evrry rttr a4 I ttrrr-mmr 4 mr-f laftit-a. aiTpn!o lix -ra irrtfr ar .Mail, fiiiwnn n utM. wiii .aM atar tteatreo. a. preferred. H ad '.ta atbi SukI ot ttxxL VI"-' . - - - x i c r" tj.- K:7Z SkL.V M T . t vf :n 'v. Kr S.wr a t... :i .v :ri iliir r:it B'ji 1 t l 1 i vt-vf :c r...:ri'r- y i . , s. i .-it 1 ! P . T J tn.1 !: r: ; ffr. :. MCl'Un "' t 1 c.. i . : a 3. - . tr.i tenei nr-m ernr?; b '3 r..-a. ar.aa sk i c":i i imh o- . . v. f.-r " ; t ;v a?arra r. 1 1 " i- K W K U rrDrt v -TRAl-m.Nt:. Wais - .t . t-i-t . 'J 1 1 '-an a irrr .a -s A r-i::::i.TrVv - f in ver 500 I - J j j;a -ona ror Beautiful I '--. j s Fr?c List Designs. ' If ? ' i C:rcurrri. IT Sond for : y -fx K0UVNTAi. ErCsZ-: r:v.?AY, 7. Iirrs azl TirUi S".3:k ef J BUILDING. and Most Complete JOSSER CF Zllssz H.1 Ise wiil receive prmnpt attention "S oi " tofsrav.? nl 1 T I It ' ; I l 1 I R Tork. mcoM the World. mit uk 1 1 tirr at trrbrr b For LADIES. s2.50taU S rt rk tr'-i a.UU s1.75 r.r ' XISSEi FirBCVS-iYOUDfi s2 $c 5I.75 SCHOOL SH0S3. i ffa.! m TV... . - t T . . .'.. " !9W a un l u'i i i uu jmiii, i ii lu'j a ha for I.alfr arr ma' !o "Oprra-anJ "Aiaata - i t in a... -b i i . i. I,. i i to J I j f v r. u:ar uj rrlBj Iw'a . l. Ik, t -at I . w tnl-auiD L. tir!"! talk-, car-f i.: . . v. 1. l.ii- au. at to. l-"-" ;.f.in' y. -f. tv fn. wfti. a rf t-' . j" a j... -it-.-. r a" to t. u aji. 'ui j an.1 .. . .. . . M. . .. ... . . m.tf :rCvl"m - n - l. r-':t f .m t a a f-i .r ti.-- h-trj to ffi-t th y.-. ri:rvU.v-- W U I- Sh--fc wah a. :'5.r. aaj mwr mate ia ti wrtU, aa ta-aan.. n , j tawa la Ike I'. . a4 alreaT ' , anl ftv kti- nsoaiiT w r. ; aaJ aad w'-'ra V. nn nn nunr W1- onut ariw.iT au.1 ?? a aaurf . iMill.LAr. Brocaiaa. .Hfc 'J 1 Oi 0 safe ti- ai r f T- D T at it a, Kaai Bai r.t re D tha Oira tr-mi eait i of wu AO. i mater a -' H1 Boa: X.uca A.m ao'lfi roi ka m J. Ci. a1 A. w wm toha . o, t In a.-- a.: Ail 'EE CS ii Bouae. n iai: Set;..-4, A. Jf. C a a t.i frwrptl Bus til Una, i ftiiabit 1 H. -L nil Wun.ia all bu Jeri. . , aUtCBa 'THE ami..) th Tlr fair r- -jr, STII ' em 7I -roi 'i aa , aaec ere. i ' ' 5 - IP