TheAizona Kicker. Gowby. B:ix!-To or three eek Throckmorton, the well known male hs ker, raised great foa with us leeaase we didn t pul!i!i a-ore marJrr. anJ br.gicjs, anJ be gave us a fortnight to make a chacire of base. As we diJn't do so his ropy of the Kicker comes back to as with a great big -Refused" marked on it, and Bill is now going aroand a eerting that we are cn our last l-gs and must go under. Goodby.LUi: While we bate to lose a subscriber, we never did run to mur ders, and we are too oi.1 to begin now. We have published one eat h week es? cially for your personal delectation, and if you are rtiil!ie.i we shall have to regretfully part with yon. We owe you about twelve numbers on your year yet, and we will send them to an idiot asylum up in Iowa with your compli ments. A Siwksi Paety. Our contemporary down the street came out w ith an extra yesterday and managed to work off thir teen copies on the unsuspecting public before his bubble was pricked. His news about us, of course, and, as usual, be tarned himself inside out in his anxiety to hold us op to public ridicule and con tempt. What he made each an ado about was really only a triile, and we w ill give the facta as they occurred : We have contracted the habit of spit ting on a man's boots when standing and conversing with Li;n. It way 1 un pleasant to some i-eople, but there is no occasion for any hard feelings, as w e do it unconsciously and are always willing to apologize. We were talking with thel mayor the other evening in front of the I poe'tonice, and naturally enough spat on Lis boots. He didn't wa'.t to ask us what we meant by such conduct, but hit on the chin with his left and knocked us down. We scrambled up to pull our guu on lain, but mutual friends interfer ed and satisfactory explanations were made. We afterward drank with his honor, and he subscribed fjrto copies of The Kicker to be sent to frU-nds in the east. It was simply a misunderstanding such a one as is likely tooccur between tw o gentlemen at any moment, but of courte the oi l hyena dow n the street thought he had a jr! thing and wanted to make the most of it. It Is Tki e. We are almost daily in re ceipt of letters from the overcrowded eastern states asking. "Do you think 1 can get married if I come out there ?" These letters are written by widows, old maids, crosseyed girls and grass wives, and we w i?h to state here and now that this town olfers them greater advantages in this direction than any other in the west. Oat of a population of over 4,(0 we have only thirty-three women, and seven of them are over eighty years old. We'll Let a dollar to a cent all day long that .VO eastern females can find hus bands here in twenty -four hours. If it was known that there was a consignment on the way one-haif our population would ride fifty miles on muleback to get the first pick. Women are not asked to come out here to 1 critised and elbowed around. We don't believe there is a man in this town who wouldn't jump at the chance of offering Lis heart tea redheaded girl with a cataract in both eyes and a wart on every Cnger. We have contended all along that what this town wants most i not a boom in leal estate to benefit a few but ten car loads of woman from Boston to benefit the manv. Their influence would soon be felt here, and there would be a moral backing w hich we can never secure without their presence. We say to all inquirers : Gome right along. If you are not stopped and married before you get here, we guarantee you w ill be w ithin fifteen minutes after your arrival. A Fine b'i'wiMi.N. Two months ago when an low a man came here and bought out the Star drug stole, we asked him for an ad. He curtly informed us that ad vertising didn't pay, and he likew ise re fused to subscribe ibr the The Kicker. We have been watching the tenderfoot ever since, and when the sheriff closed him up yesterday it was no surprise to us. Without asking anybody's advice he bought a car load of Paris green to kill 'tater bugs, and had received it when he accidentally learned that the nearest 'Later vine known to our people was nine ty miles away 1 We are glad he didn't do business with us. If he had w e should have felt sorry for him and probably lent him money enough to get out of town on. M. Qiuid in (.Vi-Vwjw Tribmif. Her Resplendent Smile. A young lady in a street car caused as big a sensation as if she w ere one of the mummies in the Mining Bureau Museum that had suddenly woke npand conclud ed to inspect this progressive new metrop olis. She was a healthy, pretty, good natured girl, and her charming smile irradiated the whole car and set the people in it crazy. At first sight it looked as if the young lady had swallowed an incandescent light, for every time she opened her ruby lips her front teeth shone like the front of a Kearny street jewelry store. The passengers stand aad murmured their surprise, and the poung lady sit quietly under their ga?e and enjoyed the astonishment "I'm blessed if she ain't got false glass teeth," whispered one old lady to anoth er on the opposite side of the car. "Hang me if that woman hasn't dia monds set in her front teeth," growled a crusty old paterfamilias who had been glaring over his spectacles at the object of all the excitement from her first ap pearance in the car. The old gentleman proved to be the most critioil observer of the lot, as a Lhruiode reporter, who was an interested observer of the suene in the car, discov ered by interviewing a well-known den tist later on. "I can tell yoa all about that," said the dentist, "for it so happens I know who the young lady is. s-be belongs to a swell family on Nob Hill, and has adopt ed .the eastern fad of havir.g diamond Bettings in her teeth. "She has made a good start, for the got three in to begin with, and naturally when she opens her mouth people not initiated are astonished at the dazzling effect "The diamonds are inserted in the gold filling. They are necessarily very small, but very pure, and the dentist's bill was 2"Jj." .San t'niitcvo ChronlcU. A Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed tobrirg yoa satisfactory results, or in case of fail ure a return of purchase prise. On this spfe plan yoa can buy from our advertis ed DruggU a bottle of Dr. King's New Discoveiyfor Consumption. It is guar anteed to bring relief ia every case, when osed for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflam mation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, eic., etc It is pleasant and agreeable to tast, pefectly safe, and can almayi be depended npon. Foraaie by John X. Snyder, Druggist The weasel is the mortal enemy of mice, rats and gophers. It ia claimed that one weasel will in a short time clean a ten-acre lot of gophers. Senator Quay Interviewed. The Philadelphia In.piiier of a recent dats contains the following interview with Senator ti-iay : When the Senator was asked whether he had read the re cent address of In Jeindents he replied : Oh, yes ; I have read it, and I would just like to say, in the most emphatic manner, that, so far as it refers to me, it is false from beginning to end there is not a word of truth in the charges. I deny every charge; they are false as were those of last year. The gentlemen who signed this address are not Republicans. All of them voted for Pattison for Gov ernor, many of them voted for Cleveland for President, and yoa will find amocjj them a large number who are Free-Traders e-r whose sympathies are with Free Traders. I can stand attack coming from such Democratic sources. Why, what do they charge ? First, that there were some amendment proposed to the Ballot-Keform bill that were undesira ble, I declare most emphatically that I took no part w hatet er in the Eallot-Re-form legislation. I did not interfere in anyway. Why should I? The repub lican party is for ballot reform, and the party has kept its pledges. I did not at tempt to prevent the passage of the bill or to alter it in any way. "Again, these Democrats, calling them selves Republicans, charge the Republi can party, and incidentally me, with de feat of the Sectional -School bill, design ed to purify an 1 strengthen the public school system of Philadelphia. Why, I was ir favor of that bill. It was a good one, and had I been interfering in legis lation in any w ay I should have support ed it heartily. "And thick of connecting me in any way witk the Bar lsley business. Ii is ridiculous. Bardsley was not nominated by politicians; he was not a politician's candidate. He was thrust forward as a representative of business men. I have a slight acquaintance with the man. 1 have seen him, and that is all. I should not know him if I mc-l him on the street. I never had any dealings w ith him, I know nothing whatever of him except what I have read in the newspapers. These charges are as preposterous as they are false," "What do you think of the coming campaign" -I think that an attempt w ill be made by the Democrats to demoralize the.state election. Jt is very evident mat tney will try to drag the Bards ey lupine's in t3 politics and try to make an issue on it : they are already at work getting their sudsidiary organizations into line, or ganizations like the one which issued that address. But an issue like that must be as false a.-the charges themselves. "The Republican party and the politi cians had nothing whatever to do w ith Bardsley and his defalcation. The crime committed was committed by a man who took the oiiice to make w hat he could out of it for himself. lie did not do this w ith the aid of the Republican party or its leaders. He had no business relation w ith them. He did not do it as a politi cian or as a Republican He did it as Bardsley, and there is no political signi ficance w hatever to be attached to it," "What will the Republican State Con vention do ?" "I don't know," was the Senator's re ply. "That is a matter for the delegates to settle among themselves. If they put np a good ticket it will be elected. I am taking no hand in the canvvas, and have no mre know ledge of the situation thaa anybody else." A Misfit Marriage License. "1 got a license here day before yester day," said a man to a clerk in the vital stitistic cilice. "That docyment gave permission of the people of this sover eign state for the uniting in wedlock of Jeremiah Sassafras and Annabel Me Juakin." "Yes." "I paid fifty cents for that license in good hard cash." "Well, what of it?" "Annabel McJunkin won't have me." "That's bad. Went back on her promise did she?" "Xot exactly, sir. You see she hadn't promised to marry me." Then why did you get a license?" "It was this way. I loved her, and wanted to marry her ; and I thought if I got a license and took it to her she'd see I meant business, and would come to time," "And it didn't work." "No. sir. 1 showed her the big seal of the state, and told her that the eyes of the whole commonwealth, through the djly qualified otficers, were upon her, and that her duty w as to obey the man date of the law." "What did she say to that?" "She only laughed." "That's very sad." "Sad's no name for it, sir ; and I want to know what's to be done." "I don't see any remedy." "Isaweak girl with red hair to defy the authority of the state ?" "That's about the way of it" "Can't yoa send an officer to impress up'jnher the dignity of the common wealth, and to make her understand that the docymenU issued by this office are not to be trifled with?' "Xo." "Well, I suppose I can get my money back, can't 1 ?" "Xo." "Here's the license just as it was when I took it away from here, not a bit the worse for wear." "We can't take it back sir, or refund the fee." "And yoa can't compel the girl to mar ry me after issuing that license and charg ing me good money for it T' "Xo." "Then that settles it The government of the present day is a hollow mockery. You hear me, insolent minion of supine and powerless state .' I go, but I return ! The day of vengeance draws nigh, air. Beware ! You shall hear from me again, and w hen you hear me, tremble V And Jeremiah Sassafras was gone, WMiaw Ilmry Sirilrr in Harjxr's Bazar. Beats His Town. He had been making several inquiries of a policeman at the Erie depot in Jer sey City and all had been satisfactorily explained, when he said : "There's an awful difference between thk town and ours, I tell you .'" "How?" asked the officer. "Why, all the police force we're got is old Jerry Thomas, w ho couldn't arrest an old lame hen. If I should eo up to Jerry and ask him if he knew whether Jim Peterson had got back from Syra csue, do yoa know what he'd say ?" "I dot nof "Well, he'd pull out two revolvers, three pairs of handcuffs and a club and yell at me, Xo, nor I don't care, and yoa move along or I'll run yonjin on that old warrant for stealing two jugs of cider vinegar 1" .W York U or-i A Kansas man made a small fortune on potatoes last season. When asked how he did it, answered; "I planted them and then stayed at home and tend ed theai." VoUi'sAC M EB lacking IS WATFKFWGOf LISH. ' .QUIRED. J a LEtHE6 kO BfcUSMIftO RE.OUI Uaed b? awa. and ciulirM. BroUxr xn rat and Ik mm b. amim. WB mf bcr asd taaada I r-d. tt Of count ttr j aial aasur, tacasaa rsfa Pit4 IOC. MOTTLE 10C WOLMP a RANDOLPH. PfeUaAslpbiav Z took Cold. I took Sick, I TOOK SCOTT'S eesult: I take My Meals, I take My Rest, AND I AM VIGOROUS ENOi.CH TO TAKE ANYTHING I CAS LAY MY HANDS OS ; eel I in? fat loo, raa Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphitesof Limeand Sndiv.r cvtvairo my n'ii l'ouMnilioti but hujlt we. ur, and is now i-urriNG ) FLESH ON MY BONES I AT THE RATE OF A FOUND A DAY. I TAKE IT Jl 'ST AS EASILY AS I IK) ILK." slvh Ttsi iu.iNY is Nothing nhw. j soott's KMITSION" IS DOING WCNW.RS rm v. Take no other. THERE IS WHISKEY Which is uniform in its results, besides in every other jmcuiar. Aiieuieu to oy everyone who has given it a thorough trial, and their name is "i-giun. The pure S jwr old GUCKENHEIMER WHISKY Is the whiskey, sold only by JOSEPH FLEMING 4 SON, Drujrgirts, FiUsburgu, Fa. A3 a strengthencr of the Nervous! ! System, with Fjieeial good effect on the res piratory and digestive organ, it is pronounced unequalcd. Frice, full quarts $1, or six for $5. We now carry a full and complete stock of all the trailing fine Vi biskies, both co mesiie and foreign, giving you the oppor tunity to make yourclioire from i he finest selection to be had in the city at the lowest iosible prices that can be made for the quality and ae of the goods. i?-Please !end for full and complete price list, mailed free. Jos. Fleming & Son, DRUGGISTS, 410 & 412 Market St., 1 and 2 Jlirket piTTsrusaii, pa. AVLadic are Especially Invited. VO. 88 FRANKLIN STREET. JOHNSTOWN SUPPLY HOUSE JOHN H. WATERS &BR0. PLUMBERS, ST2A2I CAS FIT7E2S. We are now eta' li.-hed in our ttvv bniMIng, which. e cau fviy nay, it the bri -arranged toe our liiiuc?vs iu WtUTu Pennsylvania. Kverythint ierlammi! to the PiumUng, Steam and (ja- ihjiii cmed in euek. We wifl. as fonneriv. irhe careful attention to the fcTKAM AND HuT WATER HEATISH dim iiwm. tmr former crort in thin line ennrac niM t the largest building in the county, with entire suco. In the t-L Pi'LY ItKPARTMENTwe carry fall line of Kubber and Leather Belting, s-teain an l Water Hj, Valve. In)ectora. Lubricator, Steam GauKx. Iron Pipe Filling, Etc Price quoted on application. harhMmad rot Cor m. hr Ann Par. AtaU I'lM, ami Jna. Utmn. 1 rdi. ht. mm rut I NllMi miWm jl,u Mroit VI h lost rM H tat rork anl It tM i -rr irt Ke be- i f f-mmn mrr - eammr from & tm m !' a--. n - wow -i fa aVMl Mar. w. Can Work ia mmr tw tat'Nr nfcu.-tn inctf ta-a. B.llalicU A t .,!. Mlk-NTUa-I.JilM DIMEOT . 1 W- AUV O Iz 2.TISSA1 tzl C. GENERATION AFTER TTi OfN HAvxc&cD an blesses rr. . 0 Jropt4 on xmr, CAifm Zrm It. rry Ira.tJ'r naoula U a btl U It la kia auM Every Sufferer lZZhZr. was HdrK. M phtba-rt Cry, t tm rrto, iimnrhltM, A-riniA, ( tnjiri-m wwtiCL, nrran. ) a-mimm. ix rf in Un4y or Ijmra, Mtff Jotatm or Strtuiaia. will flrxl in this -Aid Aikoovrw rid and iprrf -ure. Imphir frw. hoid rrrrrwKrfv. Prt.- ' CD., h m&il. U-t (-, atXftfasl ptaid. $2. L JOU.NAU CXJ bukTUK, JUam Your Boy Wants SCROLL SAW! wi?, lag Laiteru, SUtrt, iutg ClMes.Takri FREE UaTifhK itSU. THE JO Hi WIlIiKDH CO., ttt aad IT! btata a. CaieaaaalvV ran-Kimss-iqroR haftt ts all tha M rlii there i bat oaa ran, lr. UmiDp' Ooldraj peciac It ran t- aivrn in a tnp ,t tea or cvSs wltbnat tie kaowl-lit" -f tl. li,.a t.kibftt, eoarttnga r-r ao4 vrmaaeiit cure. htbr the aatH-aliaa Bbudraudribar ur un auh.hc wreck. 1 1 i man ft f'frrJa , l-a currj vho kare takra Ua fa idru fH,fic , t(,. ir ma wfih'nr t'w'r now. !, nn t.xlay Jwlit-T il.q,,n artukiac of Ihoir n fr mill N . harnifnl effcrt nulia fmin ita VlnnnMlrati.. Cmr.- curantnsi. Mia f..r cir. ,n!aran4 full particular.. AMn In cafidence. auuaji eniiiK I ., 1m Uao stract, Ciiiciabau u a Hi All aa a.r a... kJ Sa a,' . 1-1 Ml It lUBl fkiE. Aadraaj as atr blUMM UA, rVtiTaUAO, JiUi, Kra Crai7rii.l V tArk Xm rati a la.. . LALLtV. kta ASat4B. MaUay YOU CAN FIND JSS, EEHI1TGT01T BROS. wit wiil poLUaci M mirvUMUsM at luwaat mat f-i wi 2 ' T I TLX. T frf NM. M U Wfnc ttaW bv Jlm m. Oaiata-tM.Tmy.h.l taurk f-r taav Ka-aVer, ftjm Ma m"t aa w a. act ru '-ark -ara-kir Ifcw ta aaa mm da ta ! A lav at U ran, at4 axx aa ym t tm. l"Ca rr ara. la aa- irl ol A fi O f rt A? K 1 V af I I I I I I 9yr J Mci.lKrM-i mi ntbr I I 1 I I twm4 4 rTU-.aad W W t rw Taraa Tk 1 m mmUmn a lrlBfWvf-.,,!.WrfrrcT.H K-l .laa T'llrn in time, even (Vnsumption yields t the wonderful effevts of Dr. Pierce's Golden Mctlieal Dipcnrcry. It won't make new lung l.-ut it tvill make tlist'a?d ones lie.rilthy when nothing else will. There reasou for it, too. Consamption is Luntr acrofalx For every form of scrof ula, and ail blood-taints, the "Dis covery" ia a positive cure. It's the most potent atrentrth- restorer, blood -cleanser, and flesh -builder known to medical science. For Weak Lungs, Spittinrx of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, and all lingering Coughs, it's an une qnaled remedy. It's a gtarantced one. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money back. You've everything to gain from it nothing to lose. It's especially potent in curing Tetter, Siilt-rheura, Eczema, Erysip elas, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, (ioitre, or Thick Xeck, and Enlarged Glands, Tumors and Swellings. Groat Eating Ulcers rapidly heal under its benign influence. M.ISJBEI A' eATflrVH mi It's. a- r-.. A. d f-mo-i SMELLS; WELL- srokckitis.cou&k W0P1ENT CONSUMPTIOH, K5Y-FEVER, ' flSTKMA. ETC-1 Caxutera Fre By . PETER YOGELC Somerset. PAi Johnstown Business Houses. T .FINE OLD- WHISKIES And Imported Liquoro mid In bail and by the case, r fecial liuea : OLD CABISET, TOM XWRE POSSCX BOLLO W, G UCKESIIEIXZX, FIXCITS GOLDES WEDD1SG, eiB.oy." xxxx whiskies. Junta Hennefy. Paul TuBoii,, Wilbur IMtman Own Hiackbcrnr ronllal." Abo, Betiioni and souicrart lun: Kj e Wbihkiea, with age. FISHER & CO., 309 Main Street, Johnstown, Pa. ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. HARRY M. BENSHOFF, MANUFACTURING STATIONER AND BLANK BOOK MAKER. HANNAH BLOCK, JOHNSTOWN. PA. THE POPULAR DRUG-STORE, Comer of Main and Franklin Street, J- o: Hi s; T- o: av; t, p. a. Is now filled with all the best In the market. My niotio. " LOW PRICES AXD QUICK RETCRSS? Is rigidly adherc-d to, and full satisfaction guar anteed. A full line of PARIS GREEN AND WHITE HELEBORF Always on hand. CHARLES GRIFFITH. BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. THE NEW ROOM IS THE DIBERT BUILDING, Corner Main and Franklin Sts., It where And Ch!I- drena' III CI 15, IIUIIICII5 Footwear, Of Beet Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES can be found, in styles of all makes. I am prepared to compete with c le and all dealers in the State. All I ask is a trial. SCOTT DIBERT. FINK STOC 3 FARM ! Very fine Stock Farm of HO" acre located in the garden ot of Iowa, Marshall Cotin tT, 3$ mil- from 1'nion. on the Iowa 0n tral Itailmad. and five milew from Giflord. on the C. A N. V. R. K. tan reach twenty dif ferent depots by team in one davs drive. The frroond all tilKd. ao every acre can he cultivated : under a veiy high state of nil tivation. Contains four large drive wells, with wind pumps, which supply an abund ance of water to every field or part of the woole larm. ismiciinirs ol the very best. hine larjre bouse, containine all modem improvements : hot and cold water all through the house, and a splendid larjre bam, granary, other baildinn?, tc Price only $43 ter acre. 12,' "Jit cub, balance to suit purcti. POORSAUGH & COUGHENQUR 1117, Chamber of Commerce, nne24tt Chicago.Ill. THRESHING MACHINES A SPECIALTY. Simplest, Most Durable. Economical and Perfect in uae. Waates no (rata ; C'ieana it ready Jur Market. THRESHING ENGINES & HORSE POWERS. gW vil.LSand Standard Implerot-nu gener ally. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. A. 8. FARQUHAR CO. Pennvrlrania Agriraltnral Works, York, Pa. June, 17, 1. HllVV'- !! Good Blood, Good Health. . Ti Bha4 taf W ta ta safMt Pwrisar m , rtCan HfiuU U, r.'.Utnxti. ft. 7Y V .r.ri ' I ri ri 7 s UQHORS Farm and Card9n Notes. Fetxl no musty La to yonr bore. FeJ all young animals warm food. If you want good butter, churn often. IWbevis Tbtcbergii urn desirable or namental shrub. .crape yoor fruit trees and wash them with BoapmicU. Don't cultivate so aa to disturb the roots of plants. Small fruits are as easily grown as any of the farm crops. Look out for the currant worm. Helle bore is the remedy. The doable varieties of the Deutzias are valuable lawn plant. The best fruit prows on the highest, uiriest and sunniest points. The bearing season of currants may be prolonged by a heavy mulch. The earlier the application of fertiliz ers to strawberries the better. Sow beets for succession and thin the young plants to five inches apart. Keep the heads of your fruit trees open so as to let in the air and sunshine. Corn for ensilage should have just as much care in planting and cultivating as corn planted for a grain crop. Bucklen'a ArnlcaSalve). The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give periect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. F Igs and Thistles We all hate the truth that hits us he. tween the eyes. The moment guilty humility under takes to carry a flag it kills itself. The man who tries to avoid mountains will have a very crooked road. Never put yourself in the power of a man wbo will kick a dog for fun. When a man is well satisfied with himself God is disappointed in him. Keep a close watch on the man whose w ife is afraid to ask him for nionev. If you want to live long don't try to live more than a dav at a time. The man who controls himself will also control a great many other people. God has now here promised to feed the man who Kill not take his coatofT. Education does not make the man. It brings out the gold that god pat in him. Whether for silage, or for grain and fodder, the man with clean land can grow the most corn with the least labor. Canada wood ashea are tieing spread over parts of Boston Common for the im provement of the grass. One ounce of sulphide of potash to four gallons of water will destroy all mil dens on plants if they are thoroughly sprayed with the liquid. I was ro much troubled with catarrh it seriously affected my voice. One bot tle of Ely's Greatn Balm did the work, and my voice is fully restored. B. F. Leipsner, A. B Pastor of the Olivet Bap tist Church, Philadelphia, Pa. If you would do good w henever you have an opportunity, you will generally 1 very bu.y. Glorious Record. .Since the introduction of the Famous Pan-Tina Cough and Consumption Cure in this vicinity, the death rate from Con sumption has decreased wonderfully ; it never fails to effect a cure, Price 2 cents. Try it. Trial size bottle free. Dr. Lee's Liver Regulator has more to relieve the suffering of mankind than ail other medicines ; it cures all stomach and Liver troubles. At G. W. Ben ford's Drug Store. The more a person has of inherited or natural dishonesty, the easier does he be lieve evil reports. A Kind Friend. Is what they call that Famous Remedy; Red Flag Oil, it quickly cures Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Sores, and all pain. It is good for man or beast. No other medicine has won for itself such confidence as Dr. Lee': Liver Regu lator. It is the best combination for the cure of all Kidney and Liver Complaints. Trial bottles free at G. W. Benford's Drug Store. There is no proper service of God that does not b?gin with loving and tenderly ciring for children.. Down the Tree. There were eight or ten of us on the platform of a railroad station in Tennes see waiting for the train, anl by and by some one called attention to a woman seating on a barrel and smoking a pipe with great vigor. "What big feet," said one. "How stupid she looks," added a sec ond. "Bet dollar she doesn't know A from Z:" put in a third. Haifa down people had their say, when a "native," who had been whit tling away at a shingle and sitting with his feet dangling off the platform, turned about and called to the woman : "Mary, is the shotgun in the cart ?" "Yep." "You'un tote it along yere !" "What farr "Got to shute some of these 'uns fur talk in' 'bout you ! Drap some extra buck shot in the bar'ls!" Mary didn't go, however. Six apolo gies were rendered in six seconds, and the husband accepted each and every one and said : "You'nn needn't tote that ar gun over yere. These 'una her cum down the tree!" Moltke In School. One day Moltke stopped at a board i ng school kept by a parson in a village near his Silesian country seat, and sat down to hear the teacher instruct the scholar mot young nobles preparing for the army on the wars of France and Prus sia, The clergyman being called away for a moment Moltke asked to be allow ed to take his place. Before long he ask ed one of the pupils: "Who do you think was Napoleon's best general V "My grandancle, your excellency. Mar shal Ney, prince of the Moskwa," was the answer. Turning to another boy he asked : "And who was the bravest of Prussia's generals in the same war?" "My grandunole, Marshal Prince iilucher," he said. 7 here was also a descendant of Gener al Zellen among them. When the clergyman returned Von Moltke said, with a humorous glance at hi own plain civilian's dress, "Oh, my dear Herr Pastor, you should have told me before that I was to find such famous generals represented here." He invited all the boys to visit him at Kreisau, and gave them a most hoepita- Die reception. LMrott Frtt Vrs. A HOUSEHOLD REHEOT FOR PAItt. for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Diphtheria, Sor Throat, Toothache, Earache, Inflammations, Sprains, Bruises, Lameness, Swellings, Burns, A SURE CURE roR DIARRHCEA, SUMMER COMPLAINT AND FLUX. FrWiV. it bottle. S f 9 1 Fhr auk- t all tinioo.a ajl dealers lu mvJi--uK. I'rciauwl Ur Somf.rsf.t Lumber Yard rSm AIA .sWal Ja. V mm -W. ' ELIAS CUNNINGHAM, MAKCTAcrasa jd Damn. ad Wbolxsaxs ass laraiLaa or LUMBER. AND BUILDING MATERIALS. Hard and Sort Woods, OAK. POPLAR, eiDINQfl, PICTKTS, MOC1DIXG8, ASH, WALNUT. FLOORI-Ntl, 8ASH, BTA1& KAILS, CHEREY YELLOW PISE. SHINGLES, DOOKd BALC3TCRE. CHESTXCT. WHITE PIXE. LATH, BLINDS. NEWEL F08 A General Line of all grades of Lumber and Buildhvr Material and Boofln ffiata kept in woe Offlce and Yard Opposite S. &C. R. R Station, Somers et , P 7 VKEHDAuis (TSPAVI.M CUREf Tfce MmM SariifBl UemeiT ever Uc ered. as It Is certain ia Its effocta and d. cot tiluler. Brad pruof below : Bbooklts, Couu liar 3, Da. B. J. Krnm.r. -...: Slra: l.-t fauriiuMT 1 enred aCnrbtrrioo mf twa witll vimr -,-l-:trarrl Kt-U'ill a hpavlu t'ureaiid It watt Ih- tt blevrrauw il'-fin. 1 nara dona euitv L'iftfS. tiaflim u-i It w:ia lTf.--t ami-a, euntu eary tbirirf 1 inl It on. My a-i(thar had a tKr-" witii a v . r, al s, v in thai ml Uim lai-t. He aitnl me bo'- la cunt U. i r't--nnt -Wr-1 kDlil a bv:a Cure. Ho curei tlie ftala s'jurs lespecifiilly, Wuuoit Wrma. CoLmsra, Ohio, April t, "91 Da. a J. KranaixCo.: . , . I a r hira : I hav bea sUlrcTOrf Kmln"a Bpavta I'ure aitl Kliata 4 uuilllioa PwOera Uiaa exer bef i .rf. Otia man aal.l lo It was the Puwxler I e'er kept ao.t tn t M evar uned. urro L HomaX Cmmj.i, S. Y., Mar 19, tX Da. B. J. Kexdau. to.. IVar Kir -1 Have ud aeeral hot 1 1 of jour Knua!l a Spavio Cure- tlti -rle-t aiic-tfs. no a Taluable ami U.lfl mare that waaiium- lama with a ivu si.-ivm. nar la n'.w e utlivtr rrwa Cruui laiiM-u atil h -wa at) 6at . a a th-j"int. ttntx'lluiljr, f. H. Ut'ICMlMk KENDALL'S SPAVIH CURE. Jf rok, Ljl, May 9, "90. D R J. Kornrx Cn 0-u:l tiuiik; a mr rtntr tf fnL-r too my than.. fr TiKir fr famM kr-fi'ia.U'i SpaWn Curt-. I h.Mi f-mr -r oi.i niiy wiinn 1 trttsl ery liurhiv. Shr- hl a wry " "IN'0 hnc. I tn.i auuttt fiiii 'iin-rt-ni ktDt9 tf ntiiJD whicn t1i4 no tl. I D:rrhaWHl m t-rf of ymr &.trpaJali ' Siva Cur wiiK-n i-unl totu- id f'ur UaT. i rriuasUia uur. JUSXOS OOWTJM. PHrtl perbottl, ordr boctlrtfbrtS. All drui(w gun tuv lc ur rmA tt l fur Tua,vr it will be ieoi to an j aJdrt- on rtwriptof prkt bv lrj pron tora. 1K. B. J. kODUX EMbarx Y eras at. Oils! Oils! The Mandan) Oil Companv. of Piitabanjh. Ps-, makes a aperialtv 01 mauufaftunuK for tha ilumeauc traja tbe finest brands of Illuminating & Lubricating Oils Naphtha and Gasoline, That can be made frmo Petroleum. We challenf eoropariaua iUi every kjiowa PRODUCT OF PETROLEUM. If yoa wish the mast uniformly Satisfactory Oils IN THE American Market, Ask for otira. Trade for Somerset and vicinity applied by COOK A BEKRTTH ! FKKAsE A KtH'l-KR, aeptza-V-ljT. 8onaT, Pa. It is to Your Interest TO BUT YOLTl Drugs and Medicines or JOHK N. SHYDEB. srecraaoa to Biesegker & Snyder. None bat the purest and best kept In stock, and when Drops become inert by ftand ing, as certain of theni do, we do Btrcy them, rather than im poee on oar customers. Ton can depend on having yoor PR'ECRIPTOSiFmYlEIPTS filled with care. Our prices are as low ar any other first -el&?s house and on many articles much lower. The people of this county seem to know this, and have given ns a large share of their patronage, and we shall still continue to give them the very best goods for their money. Do not forget that we make a specialty of FITTING- TRUSSES. We guarantee satisfaction, and, If yoa hart had trouble in this direction, give us a call. SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES In great variety ; A full set of Test Lenses. Come in and have your eyes examined. No charge for examination, and we are confident we can suit you. Come and sea na. Eeepectfully, JOHN N. SNYDER. J7 WING & GWYNNE. WHOLES A LB COMMISSION MERCHANTS, moral Produce and Fruit. VeTetabies and Game. Coninmenta solicited Beat Prl-ea and Pmtnpt Ketuma uuaranleed. Correspondence invited. OHIO ST, ALLEGHENY, PA. (Telephone XIV , Aiu.iA, aAua. Ilflll t fa-la-nHBnVlUrf, F -1 1 I r. I I V '"r a--6:., a, tuo .r lallllalr "- . ,u.. .im 111 U I 1 I I iat.kanaltai,,tv atliai, m.wtr4t .. . . . avmiM,, A Panacea for titerra and interna use. CRAMPS. COLIC, tmt all paw Jul afftriiuu. tttp it in tht hens for a tun mf ned. If yoo 4 no MM afU-T (Ktnat two thinla the rnfma vf a f.H. of th ulKlne. M'jni Uh? rv-!i:m:n '--tbtrd u llH-dwt from (Mn r ! 1- Ul refund Ut pne pal tut u entire ooule. HuiMmnitro.-t'M' Lihtnin Hot la th anal nn-l h- Ut lrrlB. uninT i.t-v ruuiawl l o4- 1 1 ran t '' r-' ' Your. nn.ii""i"".-' Herb Medicine Co.. Weston, W.Va. THE WHITE IS KING OF SEWING MACHINES. was Crcwai so when it tcck tie P irst Preni:in at tha Cisrlnrri Cantess!al in 1SC3. at ths Great Contest; Izi nr eo rhen it took tha GOLD MEDAL At the Universal Exhibition at Tar ii, France, ia for bein the Best Family Sewini HacMiie In the world. It is applauded as such b3r the 8 O O, O O O Sold since its introduction in 18TT Ita superiority is acknowledged, though with many regreti, by houiands who had bought other new -SEWING! ! MACHINES::::: Before they had seen the merits oi the WHITE Ladies will find it greatly to their advantage to examine the merits of -THE WHITE" before buy ing a Sewing Machine. " THE BEST IS AIWA i'S CHEAPEST" in the end. An inferior Sewing Machine h a poor investment at any price. JOS. CRIST, OfJennerX Ttads, is the authorized apent for it in this County, Write him, and tell him to bring one to your house for exam ination. CURTIS K. GROVE, SOMERSET, PA. bcggie8, blejgh3, carriages, 8pkdg wagox3, bcc k wagox3. axd eastern and westexn work rumlahed on Short Notice, Painting Done on Short Time. If y work is Bade ont jf VtnrtmgHy Srnmtrd Wood, and the b"t Inm omi Mrtl. A:iumtiay Constructeil, Seatly Fiuiahr-t. and WamuileU to five Sauafactiuo. Enpl37 Calj Tirst Cass Tcrinsa. Bcrailrirjr of AU Kinds ia My line rone on buort Notice. IV.cea RasON ABL, and All Work Wairanted. CaU and Examine my Stock, and Learn PrVeav I do Wagon-work, and furnish Helve for Wind KUiA, Remember the place, and call in. CUBTIS K. GROVE, (last of Court Hotue) SOMERSET. PA MISSES' AND CHILDBENS' SPECIAL OPENING TRIMMED HATS! Our Misses' and Chil drens Hats Are pronounced by all as tbe HANDSOM EST and the M0ST ATTRACTIVE we have yet shown. Come, and bring your wife and children to the store of & 4t FIFTH AVEXUE, PitjsburKh, Pa. . 1 ' J I I I Ci t I ia iTs J atract.J tha laaa.abuvua( Uow ttt ' vown a-aimu, T aveata. Trade I unrrmia, ml frit. mumm aa CO. -IraaO.i. -w a wfc. , HE ra A Matter, of Impotance to Yc Thi AH sufTeriogrom Imi-aiandLni Chronic' Diseases. Diseases of the EJoo-i. Sk: a arj r System, aa thos? raJeririjr from - EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT TROTJB 1 1 t 1 ' - 1 M 1 .V- ' i - i ori V J. J. McCLLELAN', M. D., SpccU!i.t ou Chruic I VOKITZ! S LM ' V P . -.-, , . ,n . nart. I il t'vr. tar. N ea.i t r '' ' TheT viit this cotirury every four wkj thu. wrin u-ir ;: , ; :., : . , of v.."!Tnig the my, a tbry are the ui:Ty f . i: i , sm::,. ati ! -wtrv -r: :n tr. "V-y u r,, , .. XAnaKiu. Mode:, i-'iarams, etc, tt Uhi.-1-aia ant! male jla-y lo a.l . a . , ' Uieir tii-w. 1R. MoKlTZ S VI X. the g-r-at Grmaa vti'.i.-t. t't V h-r ami per. Ere, hjr, N anl Thrt " i;n a:i-1 in trv tiiue j!- oiatrr . . ' r pive bia raai'Ttt ani x iters who are in iw-fl W" m'! '.r; a::!i!'.t a' '-i -,t r., iittn(cutaiic-l phrtcian, alloc- luc it-U'.u'.c ai.l p-'nu.t visly n.-.i:L..J . v. C uuni'f. Major J. M. Iavi-ison, ea-Prwidnt of t'-.e Laivrr!Tri "-MTitr Vnn! t.w.-i rUiru we.l kDirvn In :i.j t-otiuiy, irxvly tf.-.ts ine f.Uow 11.4 l.-iai:i-uiaa 1 L. e ..'j.-; Cieilan Sum. 1 hr Mil;- : I aa. 9iirter:n2 irrvat.v fmra PoStthi. a:..i Inuart P!'a. I had rrii Ua-a: -r i-, 4- . meii'ine with 110 ava:i. " I rvad the !uiv,-r.--i:,-nT oc t'r-a. Met l.n x .-al .i:. : ! ..' tbem a tnai. At ti:r it vtt to the :.: ' ;;!. iii ; .; . now like a new tran. Tb-y did ev-ryih:i. ti.ey hi'mJ and i.aU'i ae .u.-u. ; ,. . world of faai ani relieved me if all aaiu-ni.c I hae Urn iit-nnK 1'rom Ib-oiumiii .-p!,.-Ti. ar.-i rerronn r--:: . q on the !'ormTl:j for rore tNan thrte jr-nrs. I be'-tt.'u wr-:ii .nat I c-1!!.'. -i . . more than a boor at a mile . apta-tite - un-erahle. I e:it to the Mt. :!; -: .. iitv, but itr.,.i:t ne ieaat tn-nriit. 1 put my- if under th- ratv of i,rf. Mf nau - .,, New t'aalic rvery four wetka, and I a:u u a ac.i a ifr. ha f.,-rtv .. , Oeaiih. M . .!nwv. H..X It : MADE THE LAME H".LK I'!'I T Kl KiirS. For eiht month psj I haven't oert! al-ie 10 walk a i:i-;u a a r '!,'L2n. I -.-treatmem with Im. M-C!eisn failta ! n.ave lie- n ai.Ie y.z !! ;.:. ard a? t-- : . , v their vJti wi'.Biiut any. 1 aia ertaiii ,hat I II beeutj-ly Ait i."',-;i . , r .. . home dmtorf, Ua to grow vurxeand r.r. is.J. B. Im.-.,, vu;., LEAKS K.-d ANH ftTKRH I have been nn Vr treatment of Pr. iiM'i'.n A l!a two nHinth- f,,r ' a.,-'. 1..,; consider niT-arif ureatij imprwe"i far. MR. J :IHS. Pur!, !. , Vd'Si. LtliV'S KIP. -TKA..,Hi f.SKU and On May t ith tin. SM'teLan and r:m jierfcrewS a tr. . ,.n :i T.N, paiu or loaa of tiijod, and t-tly my ey are as i-Ujii .: a" ar-y ou '. i:i'i I --an a 1; U:r MAIlVfi.Yt. K i it:'.:, ; A.elCiu CATaHKiI. ' I have been 'iJTiriPeith rtarrh for aome yea;. Tnl -veri l. :..rv, h-t f.f,.v uatll I consulted I'f ! ieiian aim. Dorr ia t'ra:n lit 1 til' : .1 e 'a-: aul i have augrea-lly lmprovol vuu 1 auow 1 u "r x L wnu thf o'i'"-i''r' ii:::.-i: . a , .,,' C. .. ! kiNLl.i, E!;!!T PiflP! PEM'iVEP FK( M TH K S'"K Pra. M'l'Iiac Sulin has' r-moni k.k'.i l'o.ii i mt oi my lutnN iimI iy a r:.. 4;-4lf paiu or !taa ot tn,a.d, and 111 by far Ira tiuu- ai;-l ill a n.,.it a: .rai-i'-ry ma'ir.i r a:: 1 . lofore at Pi;tbu;;. 1 can draw naire brra'b ailh'i airi it, tnrovin mvi.... 1.. . l KLj U7 uaa -i . v 1 , 'ATARF.iI AS'I It:vKNK-. I have now been nndr treatment of lira. .M-Vle.iau nn-i iitn for iV if rr.t ml. f..r a V! Catarrh, and as ery hanl ol hanr.(, bot iio 1 am arreatiy iiuruvt-J in ever j ay aud can great i!al better, and I am tettma; ir:: r a..d heau-r., Kti'ler .. Pa.. .w-rt- 1 , ftvrti K.nn lnaeaof H.inien, such aa navr the k 1 "f all vhvi-.a:. snti n'a.f.i.t. . ci.v Canrera. Tuiuon, timnJ and polyp ;! roi:h cured v. unoui ;l:e im- ui a ko.:e r a t-t.&, ' Unar. nopain. uo danifr. Small Timor. aneera. Warts. Motes etc.. removed w'th .-it a : K kr., ;a-i ,,r sr , method Fleriroyia. Kpikpsjr a:.-t r --lent.iw a.:y twabd and aiueiy vured ! aaa'; ing method. Addre ail eommuni a::on. 10 iui t iiiuiu.iu.'.. vuiu. EXAMINATION AND FRIDAY JULY 31ST, AND SATURDAY AUG. 1ST. SOMERSET HOUSE. SOMERSET, ?. IT WILL PAY YOU to.bct Tora ITIeiiiorial Work or WM. F. SHAFFER, SOMEK3ET. rEXVA.. Mannf '.ttirer of and Lealer in Eiulrm H'.i-i PwiAt! im Siort .VaV.-. in a.7 f-V.irs aiMiE in Effiin nn Au, AgaUcr'-e M'BIJE BX0XZE! Peraons in need of MCSTMENT WOR!CTti":l find it to lhe!r interert turaii at ny hip arnere a proper ahuwmc wiil be g.veu ihcm. aT"-iria. fa. -turn Gtta"itUftd ia .'ry ( in. id Af.'iJ YEH Y LO W. 1 invite special attention lotLoa vVhite Bronze, Or Pure Zino Monument Introdoced by REV. W. A. RIS'O. as a Peci led Imemvement in the point of MATERIAL AS!) tAATRl A.TIOS, and which ia destined to the Popular Monn-nent for our Chaugvabie Cli mate. Aar-CIVE ME A CALL. WM. F. SDAFFEK. THE COMPANY STORE It A3 C.1 Znzl is Cxrrjlzz i Bayfrs Cab Fiiid all thej may 'eJ la the Several DtpartmcnLs f CLOTHING. HATS, DRV G00r. NOTION QUEENSWAEE, GROCERIES, D00TS AND Bi AXD OF THE FIRST QUALITY, AND AT REASONABLE PR RES. CSATISFACTIOX ALWAYS GUARANTEED. WOOD, MORRELL & CO. SCHMIDT TheLargerst Wine, Liquor, and Cigar Hoti: IN THE UNITED STATES. ESTABLISHED 1S3S. C3-- "W. SCHMIDT DISTILLER AND JOSSER CF FINE VVHISKlES.i::ir IMPORTER OF sit WINES. LIQ0URS. AND CIGARS. : SOS. 95 AXD 97 FIFTH AVESCE, PITTSBURGH, FEXXA. A tie Le a :U !m tire j nicn;.: :teu:!oa ila. n r as i r a THE POSITIVE CURE, f JBLT SBUTUXKS. H) Warrsa 8U,I,"Tork. W. L. Best In Awnrtfed Ik mlnl for oirror ualirv of m4 brlM-im-) lu irkiiiui:liiti mwr n't t hrr "hor r Akibti , b ihr M uiti bun-, ft i bru it In For CENTLEMEN. Eud-Seved. S4.00wlr Hind-Sewed $3.50 Police asj rrar. ati.aU Calf Shoe. Vorkiog man's Sboa. Goodwaar Sboa. s2.25 s2.00 W. I.. D.axln. Shaar. for CeBilrmpii ar. 1RV ball tU4 Atul Ultu au4 all atii.-a u t ja. V. I.. D.U. .!.ae. -..t aad S-i.Ofl Skora ror laitira ar malf tn -Oprta aa." " Coinni'io Vn.' u ; i,. :. ii-; h.uf -i-- .-x.-, t iu ' -ti-x .. i-. ... I. : k;i1i4. .i. . L.- lMlaa !.. far Ml --. u:b.1 bj.:t ! . r. ;u!ara.lirrtM ritMTinM I BKH Uf. OK r K t l. I, ri anal t.. .ar 11 aouiu u; " Macip.1 plainly "a Um- Nilt.miof a!l h;a a.lrv.-l ah..-, rwfi.r'- 1. iri ' !t- 1 ..-tv-rv. w&..a wnrT aln,( hub prtcva an-1 tnri-rr.r tr-Ir a h. - it-.i!rr atr- ir; 4. il u . .xr Dowlaa aaiiw aa-1 lh 110. ara.npl ,m th. nrr.'m. an l ,-Uim l-v.f. .ia mali. il ao. taverbr. altb lTh ! il-Mlr wiav ! v.iuf nr' fr'.-n.l. rrnr .f-.wti a a ?r -o it la a aluiv ym ow. to yimrar-lf an.! Tur ;irMlff iliinr.j fliai' uari li:u,". u ft tn , yw mottev. V-ia ran rcnm:rr n Tour if v ii r-.ifhar V' I- l'iiT..ia ; qmt. . rrpnwat a mrauir valua t tn moorj thaa isuy utu-r maai- in ia. w..n-i, a m-iaa"1 worn tbrrn will l.ifv. . mC(t . v.air4 - Isral arras la carry rlly aai taws la Ih I . !. at alrm.T Carrr..a1rarai invlft-at. - ir loral iml ranno airrrT . talc Tin nirra. b-rt ro.t ill t m rart"r.. . ailTrrttasd prfc-.. Ta lratrr Nail, imi-wi i.a-1 i-va ar il ta- a. ua,lv w,.n. ... dMinat. ti.'tim will (ib-aa. aa' atl dnurri sua asJ w a usuMr ar..n. an.l r a i, braftsred. klssesaueaaJ kJhiof fcvcL W. 1, UUI ULAS Ilraclu i .a'B. I ii SJ hi ( pap- I L ,?J - r. '. , well '-'" - :. ' ure u CONSULTATION a, a. r"r--Tfmi j p , - , FIACTiCALLT. t.iv-.'i t.' "' "T"" i.,.iHi...i t -i . r - r "'. -1 Over 500 Beautiful Designs. W i ' Price ti Circu!; UsrCj Lirja ail Varld S:::k f BUILDING. and Most Complete .. 1 U ipuu l the World. For LAD1EJ S3.00 S2.50B s2.00 sl.75 ForBOVSiW s2 sk SCHOOL SSC n-ili-13 rrzn, Tiittno an t I ' taa' aars 1 ti - ;.:,aS'l utuu lliUiw . . . DOUGLAS m SI . 1 ,.- - ya' jr. - ir