The Arab Horse. Tte controversy about the relative j talueof the Arab horse has al most as long, Ser.-!r, and to as little T,irr.w Aii that between Nominalist and Rfalrrs. However, amid the 3ut f. r ,..t..., ,,, i, tbt l! e F-6 tt"r oughbrecis now extant, either in Engincd j or in ibis country, trace cacs nithont except"11 to xe Arau 5ire lat were imported to England in the eigh teenth century. Arab blood, therefore, was the foundation of all that is excel lent in the modern horse. On the other hand, it is equally be yond dispute that no Arab hore can trot as fASt or run as tist as the best trotters or runners of Amerka and Kngland. The Orloff bones of Russia can probably oot-trot the Arabian horses, and an Eng lish race hcrse of the third class is doubt lea a match at running for the fastest Arab in the desert. It is true, also, that the Arab horses are inferior in size, sel dom exceeding Hi hamls. But in other rospecu the Arabs have vry grt-at ex cellence. They are un-iutsoionabiy more sound than other breed of horses now fitinL SDavins. curbs, ringbone and other defects being almost if not quiteJ unknown among them. No less superior is their endurance. When it comes to traveling for a whole dav.tbey wiil go faster and further than any thoroughbred. It is needless to say also that few thoroughbreds e-joai them inlauty, breeding far excessive speed having had a tendency to substitute the angular lines that are associated with a thoroughbred, in place of those beauti ful curved lines in which the courser of the desert is mouldtrd. Moreover al though the Arab be small, his weight carryiisg power is by no means small. In fact, in the moving parts, the Arab is not small but large. He is almost always what is known in horse parlance as "a big, little un and his gaits are so clastic and springy ato make him pecu larily fit for the saddle. Such is the Arab horse, and yet al though we imjiort horses by the hundred from England France, we bring al most none from Arabia. There is, how ever, just one pure-bred Arab colt in this country, the property of Mr. Randolph Huntington, of Rochester, ". Y- who has been known for many years as an enthusiastic defender of Arabian and Clay horses. This colt, Anazeh, had for its dam Naomi, an Arab mare imported to England and thence to this country. Its sire was either Leopard or Linden Tree we forget which these two Weing the Arab stallions given to Cen. Grant by the Sultan. Anaieh forms part of the stud now owned by the "Arab, Anglo-Arab and Clay Stock Farm of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island." This es tablishment belong! to a stock company organized by Mr. Huntington, and its operation m ill be watched with interest by all intelligent and unprejudiced horse men. Its aim is the ambitious one of creating a national horse founded upon Clay blood, reinforced by Arab blood. The Clay family traces to imported Grand Bashaw, and its value in a trot ting pedigree, though at one time abso lutelv denied and afterwards Rtror.elv contested, is now universally admitted. The success of the California trotting sires, Clay Filot, the Moor, Sultan and Electioneer, and of the no less famous George ilkes, has fully established the value of the Clay strain. How Some Accidents Occur. The frequency with which some un loaded guns are discharged with fatal re sults is suggestive of the suspicion that wme of the alleged deplorable accidents are the result of deep design. These peculiar accidents reminds one of a conversation that occurred between two negroes. "What has yer dropped in dat paper?" "Iat's a pistil ; one of dis heah pistils what's easy on de trier, what cocks hitselfaud shoots h itself off." "Whaffor does yer want a pistil ? Can't yer 'fend yerself wid a knife ?" The other negro, who was a very hard case, snut one eye, and with a smile that was calculated t produce a shudder, re plied: "When pistil goes off and kills man yer kin make folks believe it went of by akerdent, but ef you 6ay a knife killed man akerdentally some folks will shore Lav doubts." An Eye for Beauty. If ever a man likes to have pretty woman near him, it is when he is sick. When young man decided to go to a hospital, his greatest inducement was the hope of having one of the young and beautiful nurses he had read about in books minister to him. He imagined a eweet creature, tender and hopeful, bend ing over him, her charms enhanced by bewitching cap and apron. W hen the doctor called the following day he flund his patient restless disturb ed. The hospital seemed to have no charm for him. " Homesick, eh T' asked the doctor, as be felt his pulse. "Oh, no." " What is the trouble, then ?" " Doctor," said the young man faintly, "it's the nurse." " Oh, I see. Too rigorous. But you know that is for your own good." " It isn't that ; I expected she would be young and beautiful, but she's old enough to bi my grandmother, and as homely as a hedge fence." " All the better, said the doctor ; " yon won't fall in love w ith her." But the homely nurse scored success. A the weeks rolled on she waited upon the patient so kindly nd her service was bo faithful that he outgrew the desire for the pretty face. Another proof of the proverb, " Hand some is that handsome does," Detroit Fret Vn. Hindoo Women. Hindoo women wear very beautiful, and when wealthy, tery costly jewelry. They wear large ring in the nose, quite number on each ear, and ever so many bangle on the arms and wrists, also massive gold and silver nklets and rings on each toe. These rich ornament are ery becoming, and the women naturally think a gret deal of them. But wid ow are not Allowed ny ornaments at all, nor must they wear colors. The condition of women with living husbands, is not much better. They must never look opon the face of any other man, to that they are not allowed t? leave their homes, and these homes, even among the rich, re not pretty in the least. The small, dingy rooms have bare walls and scarcely any furniture, and look npou dreary interior yards without a ves tige of tree or flower. A God-send is Ely' Cream Balm. I Lad catarrh for three years. Two or three times a week my nose would bleed I thought the sores would never heal. Your Balm has cured me. N. A. Jack gon, Portsmouth, X. H. To persecute the unfortunate is like i A Wanderer s Lament. He was taking a pleasure trip through this couvr. and was unuvd to the ways of its citizens, which may explain his .-t;.v He met friend on the street. showed him a card and lifted hia to go , with him bi the addrew on it. ! "What's the matter?" the friend. ' -Why, this g.-(itie iiari," explained the f.rc i-oer, helped me out of veiy em barrso;n position. Yoa see, through j carelessness I got caught on a street car witanothiiig but draft in my pocket and he paid my fare, I insisted on hav ing his card, and now I'm going around to thank him agxin and pay him the money." "The nickel ?" "Certainly." "lon't do it." "But I owe it to him." "It makes no difference ; he'll be an gry" And he was. He said the stranger must have thoucht him mighty hard up or close-fisted to come chasing after him with a nickel, and heimdignantiy refused to take it. "But, sir," said the stranger with sur prise "I owe it to yoa. I don't wish to have other people ptying my street car fare." "Offer him cigar," whispered th friend. The foreigner promptly followed in structions. "Will you join me in a smoke, then?" he asked, putting away the nickel and and taking out handsome cigar case. "Whv. thank vou." was the reply, and in a few moments the three were smok ing. "Ask him to have something," sugist ed the friend a&in. Again the foreigner followed instruc tions, and they promptly adjourned to a place where something could be had. Here each inan felt it incumbent upon him to buy a "round." Then the for eigner and his friend started for the ho tel, and the former remarked after some thought : "Queer ways you have here." ' How?" asked the friend. "Why, he was too proud to accept five cents that was due him, bat he would take cigar and drink that were not. And because he did me a favor I had to take three drinks that I did not want and smoke a cigar that I was saving for after dinner. If I paid my car fare regu larly that way I'd be drunk and broke all the time." Ll.iwj'j Tr',l.u:,r. How's This? We offer One Hundred I'ollars reward for any cise of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.J. CHENEY, & CO, Frops, Toiede, hio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the lat 15 years, and be. lieve him perfectly nonorable in all busi ness transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West a Tkiax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Waldsng, Kinsas a Maevin, Wholtsale Irugjis--s, Toledo, hio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Testimo nials sent free. Frice 73 c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. rtound the Earth by Steam. This little planet is about 24 ,000 miles in circumstance, and, within score of years, we shall probably be able to make over 20,0 JO miles of the journey in a palace car. We shall start, say, from Boston, anJ follow the sun to San Francisco. There we shall be switched off on the line which will run through British Colum bia to some port in Alaska a line which even so conservative railroad man as Charles Francis Adams prophecies will be in operation before the baby w ho is now cutting his first tooth celebrates his twentr-nrst birthday. At Alaska we shall take a short trip by water and reach the eastern terminus of the Siberian rail way in a few hours. From that point we shall skirt the norther boundaries cf China and India, just graze Afghanistan, and entering Russia in Karojie, stopover at St. Petersburg for a night's rest. Then w ill come BerlinJParisand London. The Czar is pushing the Siberian Rail way with great vigor. Half the distance to the Pacific has already been covered. When paying mines are developed in Alaska, as they will be, we shall connect that Territory to the States by the con tinuous whistle of locomotives. With these two lines in operation we can do the 21,000 miles with ease and comfort, and the other 300 across the Atlantic by steamer in five days, or possibly less. This is something to look forward to. .V. Y. Htral.l. Life is Too Short, and time and money too precious to be flit tered awav in the trial of uncertain means of cure, when one is aiKicted wfta any linger ing or chronic ailment of the liver, lungs or blood. Now, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is -uch a positive remedy for all Fuch ills as to warrant its manufacturers in selling it, as they are doing, through dnig jrlsts, on condition thai if it don't do all that it is recommended to, the money paid for it wiil be promptly refunded. There are a great many blood purifiers advertised, but only ibe "Golden Medical Discovery" of Dr. Pierce could sustain itself and be sold under such trying conditions. To i-eil any ordi nary medicine under such a guarantee would bankrupt its proprietors, but with the "Golden Medical Discovery" all that is asked for it is a fair trial, and if it don't do all that it is advertised to, the manufacturers will cheerfully and promptly refund all money paid for it. By this singularly peculiar method of busine-. alike liberal to the pur chaser and exacting to the manufacturer;, the invalid can be sure of getting the value of his money, which is not true of any other medicine. All diseases arising from a torpid liver or from impure or poisoned blood, are conquered by the "Golden Medical Discov ery." Esjcial'y has it manifested its mar velou potency in curing Salt rLeum, Tetter. Eczema, Psoriasis, Impetigo, Erysipelas, and ail skin and scalp diseases, no matter of bow long standing. Scrofulous affection?., ores and swellings, as Fever-sores, White Swellings. Hip-joint Diseases and kindred ailments yield to its positive, purifying; strengthening and healing properties. Lung Scrofula (commonly known as Consumption of the Lungs) also yields to it if it be taken in time and given a fair trial. Contains no alcohol to inebriate, no syrup or sugar to ferment ad impair digestion ; aa wonderful j in its curative results aa it is peculiar in com position. Don't accept any substitute, said to be "ju-t as good," that the dealer Bisy make a larger profit. If yon would do good whenever yoa have an opportunity, you will generally very busy. Life's Mistakes. Somebody Las condensed the mistakes of life, and arrived at the conclusion that there are fourteen of them. The greatest of all mistake is to allow a simple coogh or cold to take it coarse, which always ends in death ; check it in time and save life by use of Pan-Tin Cough ud Con sumption Cure. Price 25 cents. Trial bittles free at G. W. Benford' XPjE ftore. ARE WB 'Right or IVrovg? A Shoe Pressing must restore the bril liancy cf a worn shoe, and at the fame time fracrve tit scflneii cf the leather. LADIES will the Dressing you are using do both ? Try it ! Feur a dessert spoonful cf yonr Dressing into a saucer or butter plate, set it aside fur a frw days, and it wiJ dry Vt a sabstance as hard and brittle s cm bed glaL Can su-h a i Jrcsiing be good for leather ? Wolffs ACME Blading will stand this test and dry as thin, oily Cm which is as flexible as rubber. 25 Dcllsrt wtrth of Mew Farnftvn for 25 Cents. HOWt Bf painting 2 5 7ftf reef of Old Furnrtvrt with OLrF a Randolph. 637 Kartb front 6at. Ffll.arin.F-r. Stop t-aCt-CVt Chronic Cough Now! J For If yoa do cot it my hMOBM Orfft i SCOTT'S L1ULSI Cf Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES Of tms -i . It Is a'imt as pintatls as nil Ik. Far tx?iur iti'iti other .wliel Ijiiulufctfia. wuiulttut tle&li producer. Scott's Emulsion I a There are poor Imltat ions. Gtt the grmuine.l THERE IS WHISKEY Which is uniform in its results, besides in every other particular. Attested to by everyone who has given it a thorough trial, und their name is legion. The pure S-year old GUCKENHEIMER WHISKY I- the whiskey, sold only by JOSEPH FLEMING & SON. Prujrgi?t, Pittsburgh, Pa. As a streugthencr of the . zzNervousj j System, with special ood effect on the res piratory anJ digestive organs, it is pronounced unequaled. Price, full quarts $1, or sis for f5. We now carry a fall and complete stock of ail the leading Fine Whiskies, both do mestic and foreign, pivinpyou the oppor VJiuty to tn-ite your chuice from the buret selection to be had in the city at the lowest possible prices that can be made for the quality and mjv of the goods. Fiease send for full and complete price li&t, mailed free. Jos. Fleming & Son, DRUGGISTS, 410 412 Ma iet St, 1 and 2 Market. P1TSSU232, PA. -Ldic are Especially invited. HO. 88 FRANKLIN STREET. JOHNSTOWN SUPPLY HOUSE. JOHN H. WATERS & BR0. PLUMBERS, STEAX AITD CAS nTE2S. We are now esmMi-hed in our a?w baiMlrur. wLi'b. e tan .kly fiay, the tw--JTgl for our u:iiTit in m -wru rtonyiviuiia,. Tr-:hinr pen u inn to Ui Plumbing, Steam and ittt- buv.ut cmed i n nun-k. W will, a fnrraiTly. irive cartful tent; on to the SlhAM AND HuT n ATtR HEATING bu .new. Our frmr effort in thV line Wtbrmr Pom of de btrjf-4 Imiiiars in the county, Willi rmirv wmr. In UiefFi'LY PFPARTVEN'Twe rrrr full 1tn of Kutibfr and Lrarbe-r Bcltinic, Strain aoi Waivr HtRMr, Vaive. I:ijrturR, Luiricaurs.-U&in .a:r:es. Irvn Pipe Fi.i, ttc Prk quoted on appucmuon. fir a. t Ami rp. AuMitk " i jw ifwL (nltmaivlMW!!. Hbt i . ' i wit. "T i cn i. tfe work md , rn y-t. Vi vork. m fait nv mr il tf.- n ivtr to or Cf MPDiTmii rrr a r.inw.A. O sww UbfltHnl IV A OQ HAVE C13Jro BLESSED IT Every Sufferer H.ri. rhrAf Vrta. Vrt. I v.rrb. Unwbr C1oln aorliui, ;rrkr. !mra x. Sorrnna In Bi or Umbo. Jnu or Kmn, mill ia tM old Ar.Ki,n rv.j.-f n4 soeiy cure. fmrh) EljJRa pud. i L -iOHNSOJi CO.. halui, H Your ' Boy Wants mL2Zl?? SCROLL SAWS, TT VifB Luttrti, Main, feiioz tt.TkriM- FREE tcra4e tout. THE JOHI WILI1II0I CO MtaltlMatoM. 4hitra.IB. OKryKEVVTSS T IQCOTt HABTT la all lh MorH thrrr but mn ran. Dr. llaiues' Ouliltvo MMeUc If ran I rtTM in n . 11 1. f , . A l.v. BBOdrkl 4nuKrr . an Kh.ii- rck. 1 rjBii ir Tf !"T'5r " ,h"'r rr"r "iihnt CnMt "I ,n t.-1ir -. ih'TqD t driBkinr ofthr rurwi vho hTf Ur " "7 r.iui rrt Ml'l (ran iu A!.r r.1 f.m nnrUr.. AMm In n.B.jrr. WU atMA.UK t .. 1-0 iir ktrert. liriui, (tiMtiitM, I rf .N t ofa, fur m. fci4r. lit list i lis n, l4n p m. ItUAfc i mr. U iit s t -ftva, At i bTCil pa M hi . rutin' IULII.. A-hjrM .1 r kiusus a (., rvBTiuAa, atuib. i i.. r. L .1 u. H urV. f. . . v YOU CAN FIND tlm ia ttTT-B nt ilm AdrtitBff Bureau cj rEEHINGTOlT BEOS. wb w .11 oui. ua krVMi faSj 0 jBiiiotrs ODYtt n er i - -'im. 1,- , tH J wrll atac Hift if 41 L- GeT w 'Wf Gone all the painful disorders an.l chronic weaknesses jn-tuliar to tho female sex. Thcv go, with tie use of Dr. l'icrce's favorite Prescrij tion. l'criodieal pains, weak back, bearing-down wnsations, nervous prostration, all " f eraalts eornplaints " are cured by it. It is purely vege table and j-orfectly harmless a powerful general, as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, imparting vigor and 6trength to the whola system. It eosta you nothing if it fails to give Satisfaction. It's gtuiraiitt&l to do so, in every case, or the money ia refunded. It can be guaranteed for it does it. No other medicine for women is sold on such terms. That's tho way its makers prove their faith in it. Contains no alco hol to inebriate ; no syrup or sugar to derange digestion ; a legitimate medicine, not "a leverage. Purely vegetable and perfectly harmless in any condition of the fystera. World's Dispensary Medical As sociation, Proprietors, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, T. Y. "Atsn firRF INQRD5T CCNSUMPTiOR, KHY- FEVER . ASTHMA. ETC-'. Circulars Free By PETER YOGEIi. 5qterset.Pa- Johnstown Business Houses. City Drug Store, Near Ditwrt BuiMir.g, Next is Pntcffics When in the city don't fail to ca!l and see as at oar pruruinent location, where yoa will find one of the prettiest and must attract ive f)rug Stores in JOHlsTSTOWlsT The public prononnr it a pern. We carry a full line of Pure Lrups, Medicines, Chemi cals, Toilet Articles, fcc. Phvsiciana Pre scriptions Carefully Compounded. Kpe"tfiillv Yours, CHAS. YOUNG. Johnstown. Pa. Graduate of the Phil a. College of Pharmacy. -FINE OLD.. WHISKIES And Imported Liquor cold In bait &&d by the OLD CABISET. TOM MOORE POSS CX UOLLO G VCKESEEIMER, FISCITS QQLDES WEDL'ISC. eissoxs XXXI WHISKIES, Jamett ncnne-Fy. Paul DuBoin. Cnenac, Wilbnr FutmaJi ft "twa Kiwkr-rry C'niiiii." A b-o, Bediord and Soinrnn-t Pure Kje W bbkues. FISHER & CO., 309 Main Street, Johnstown, Pa. ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. HARRY M. BEN3H0FF, MANUFACTURING STATIONER AST- BLAX BOOK MAKER. HANNAM BLOCK, JOHNSTOWN. PA. HARDWARE tmc outasaiu. Known ntoc itok or JOHH DIBERT, (DECEASED,) Is now in full blast under the charge of the undersigned. I keep in stock all articles in my line, from a needle to a Hay Fork. The finest of CUTTLERY 1 Specialty. BO TTOif PRICES R CLE THE R OOST, TO. B. DIBRT. At the old stand on Jlaln street. John-flown. Pa. THE POPULAR DRUG-STORE, Comer of Mala and Franklin Streets, Ji O: Hi N: 81 T: O: Wi 2. Pi A Is now filled with all the beet In the market, sly motto. " LOW rRICES J XD Q VICK RETURSS," Is ritf d!y adhered to, and full mt:fction rjar. anued. A full line of PARIS GREEN AND WHITE HELEBORB Always on band, CHARLES GRIFFITH. BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. THE XEW BOOM IX THE DIBERT BUILDING, Corner Main and Franklin Sts., Iswhe If t And Chil. dre. meilS, VVUIII-flS . Footwear, Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PKICES can be found. In styles of all xakes. I am prepared to compete with one and all denim in the Slat A 1! I atV . SCOTT DIBERT. ' y WarrantMf !! b-i li 1 7 v Corn liru:,! .A. B. FARQUHA3 CO. Sewp oh lAftGE lu.urrr.ATio ctaloc I LIQIIORS W Effects of Coffee. Cufiee owes its stimu!aliojt and refresh ing qualities to cofe'etne. It also contains ftuui and stiisf, fat, acids, casein and j wo1 and fibre. Like tea, it powerfully iai-reayej the respirati'in, but, nnlike it, d j not tKect its depth. P-y its use the rate of the pnls is in creased and the action of the stin di minished. It lessens the amount of blood sent to the organs of the body, dis t;nda the veins and ; contracts the capil laries, thus preventing the waste of tissue. It i a mental stirrulus of a high order, an'! one that is liable to rreat ahuse. Carried to en-ess, it produces ahnor inil jwakefulness, indigestion, acidity, heanburn, irritability of temper, tremb ling irregular pulse, a kind of intoxica t:on ending in delirium, and great injury to the spinal functions. I'nf Jrtunately, Uere are many coffee tipplers who depend upon it as a drunk ard upon bis dram. On the other hand, coffee is of sove reign eilicacy in tiding over the nerTous system in emergencies. Coffee is also, in iu place, an excellent medicine. In typhoid fever its action is frequently prompt and decisive. It is indicated in the early stages before local complications arise. Coffee dispels stupor and lethargy, is an antidote for many kinds of poison, and is valuable is spasmodic asthma whooping cough, cholera infantum and Asiatic cholera. It is also excellent as a preventive against infectious or epidemic dleaees. In districts rife with malaria and fever the drinking of hot coffee before parsing into the open air has enable persons liv ing in such places to escape contagion. Worth Its Weight In Cold. If you feel depressed, your apjx. tite is poor, and you are troubled with dizzi ness of the head, biliousness or dyspep sia, Ir. Lee's Liver Ilegulator will cure. Trial size bottles free. A well known physician in Xew York advises all bis patients that suffer with coughj and colds to use Pan-Tina Cough and Consumption Cure. Price 25 and V) cents. Trial bottles free at G. VT. Benford 's Drug Store. It was Granted. A citizen of I'.rush street was called to bis door at 10 o'clock the other evening by stranger, who inquired : I your name B T "It is." "You were down in the Buhl Block this morning?" "I was." "In coming down stairs you ran against man'.'1 "I remember now that such a tiling happened." ' Well, I am the man." -Yes." "Yoa begged my pardon." "Very likely.: ! was somewhat confused and did net reply. I have now called to say that you were ierfectly excusable, and that my pardun is granted." "Yoa vou " "Perfectly excusable don't mention it good night '." And he stalked off in the darkness the householder too mad to even rip and tear. lMrv'U Yrtr yvAt. About Spring Fever. Whc hasn't suffered from this disease? We say disease advisedly, fur such it is. It is a general relaxation of the ystem that makes the victim averse to exertion. I'd less the constitution i- kept up when tbe&e symptoms appear xme acute malady at tacks the nice: vulnerable point and life i- endanered. A uod stimulant promptly aud properly used soon tones up the weak spots. Leading physicians of tbe land in variably recommend the ce of Pure Eye Whiskey in iuch cases. Max Klein's " Sil ver Age " and " Daqaesne " Bye Whiskies are sold under a sworn guarantee of purity, ao that the consumer runs no risk" Silver Age" at $l.3o and " Duquesne " at $1.J5 per full quart bottle. Mr. Klein also keeps the largest and cheapest stock of Brandies, Wines, Ac, in Pennsylvania. Goods are sent by expns every where. Write lor Cat alogue and Price List mentioning this ia per to M. Klein. i Federal Jsreet, Alle gheny City. What Religion Isn t It isn't going to church to see what tl.e people wear, or to find fault with the preacher. It isn't running in debt for things ycu don't need, and never paying for them. It isn't giving away a great deal of money publicly, simply that the people may speak well of you. It isn't staying away from church, when you know a special collection is going to be taken. It isn't leaving one chnrch and join ing another whenever you do not like the preacher. It isn't reading so many chapters a day, or saying one prayer over and over. It isn't sitting in tbe house and solemn ly refusing to eat anything cooked on Sunday. It isn't putting all the big sound ap ples on the top of the measure, and the little and rottec ones in the bottom. It isn't telling other people what to do in prayer meeting, and letting the devil tell yoa what to do in business matters. "It isn't whipping your boy for smok ing while yoa have a cigar in your own month. It isn't tellinj the servant to say "Not at home.' Bucklen's ArnicaSalve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give jierfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Had Her There. She "There, haven't I sharpened that lead pencil right V He "Y-e-s." "And I can throw a stone straight. can't I r "Yes, my dear." "Well, then, I should like too to tell me something else a woman can't do." I only know onetbinz. my dear, and that ia to tell a conundrum without for getting either the question or the an swer." The First Step. Perhaps yon are run down can't Mt can't sleep, can't think,can't do anything to your satisfaction, and yoa wonder what ails yoa. You should heed the war ning yoa are taking the first step into nervous prostration. Yoa need a nerve tonic, and in Klectric Bitters von will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to ta normal, health v condition. Sorprisine results follow th" use of this great nerve tonic and altera. tive. Your appetite returns, good diges tion is restored, and the liver and kid neys resume healthy action.. Try a bot tle. Price 50 cents. For sale by John X. Snyder, Prifcgist. A good word L an easr obliratinn hnt not to speak ill re .aires onlr our ftilnr which costs qb nothing. Si Vr TH 1RO ATAN d'liI N GB ALSAM. uaht, Cold, Croup, Catarrh, Whooping Cough, i ! For Co HAsntneu. nfluenza. Bronchitis, 5ora i nro.x, r-iur.y, Congestion of Mo Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Asthma, Consumption, and all pulmonary affections. ATTEND TO YOUR COLD IH TML rumZoux or loi-uiiiirf wo. By W t.u.y mmrol h rradyCMM sod luid, re uJur curt ribs Wrnro,x rw.fJ-t!mi,:-V..r rn.,h 1, ub,!l).MI hv " Tf n4 no r'lf tttrr urine rw-thmb- iwmmurft boiiiotb mp-lvn. pMnrs th irnminlna iTOS: l Herb Medici ne Co.. Weston, WVa. Somerset "Lumber Yard ! ELIAS CUNNINGHAM, MAXCTAcraxa jn DxALaa aud Wmouuu isd KxiAiLia of LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS Hard and Sott Woods, OAK, POPLAR. SIDINGS, PiCKETa, 0rUirSG3, ASH, WALSTT, FXOORIXU, 8ASH, CTAJR RAILS. CHERRY. YELLOW FINK, SHISGLES. DOORd BALC8TER3, CHESTNXT. WHITE PISE, LATH, BUNDS, SEWEl P08 A General Line of all it Ji of Lumber and .BuilJln Maiertal aad Roofing Kaw kept ta oct AIM, can fun.h anrthinf In the line of oar busiaew to order with reaaonsM promj.uio. saoL a Brarkeu. Odd-csed wora. etc KLIVS ClJjSnSTINGHLAJSl, OfSce and Yard Opposite S. &C. R. R. Station, Somers et, P INI The Mart Hacrrwfil Rraardr mr dlscor trS. u U it f-rtata la Its c3xt aad doeo aot bUttr. Rel j.r f tx-!or : Rvokltt, Cooiu Say i, 9JL In . B. J. KrrALL .; Mr. -Ui H iptirif-r I i?t n nrtrrm itit' HH njrc-lri'riirl Kt-iMiull in Cure It lr;- rt j-i6 1evcr aw ... 1 ha" a ilbB emj'ty Urft. harin ul it with T rf.-ct atn-m, rur nrvrrv rhliitf 1 trfti It ra. M nvh'- rhAj a b4 wuh a .t bftlAtario tbat nuul- him Laiimv hXviaii Si-avin Can. Ho cureU Iihj w Jut tbrtf trv lourt peapectfnllr. w..ioir Wrrrra. Corxmrs, Ohio, April 4, "V Pi R J Krtri-L Co.: rvar Mr : I tt ln I!inifH!orfif KVn.lnll'j Atiavia t'un ana Klml t .d.1iihb Pw,ltra thaa evr t"f'ir. Dta lai'l to m. it wa tlte Lra( iowtlcrleeracpt ul tti t-.t bavver bnL lM-aectful:y. vim L. Eorrui C-rrrrEfi-xoo, !. T., Say , ). Pa. B J Kixmu. .... IH-.W !,r : -I hav Ufi reml hnttirtnt ynrr K.'ii,lli' spttr:n Cure with rrtn- iMi on a vaIu;iU- anl mar tli.i -a. i'in lanm with a Hi-!' STi.i In. Tht- mar w now nt:tvl frva j.-trml, '. 1L HcTtHi KENDALL'S SPAYIM CUBE. (-uia: I Kilitai U nir dntr In rn iT too my t'miik f tr Tour fr f:rii-1 m ia 1 - iut1u Cur. I hvi m f ir y.t r . nl:v mhn ti I trutJ ery hurCwv. Sf; h'ni very --rf ! ;-f - 1 tnrl ttp, in Cure Dk-n ttirv-l hr in f ur Oav 1 rt-DiAUi otir. Xajuoi Downa. Prioe 81 per bott! or ! bottlvs for $ All draf gits hare u or cab t fr ju.or it wiii b at-ntv to any Jlrw o roetpc f r-ni br thr proprie ion. 1H. tt. J. KENDUl. EsMbttrfck t .tU, Vermoiu C. C. JORDAN. JOS. KINCHMAN Jordan & Hinchman, MANUFACTURERS OF CRACKEES & CONFECTIONS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Crackers, Candie?, Nuts, Fruits, Ac 270 and 272 Main St Johnstown B. to B. CHALLIES. Iirj:or demand and more selling every day of ihce popular fabrics. Recent fortunate purchases from overloaded importers enable us to offer be?t qualities at I. W'YM I 'KI CKS than ever before known. Spe cial 31 Inch Alt Wool French Dhallies Cream grounds fand a few dark grounds) neat printings ."55c. (The .0e. quality.; All-wool French Challies 40 and 50 cents, and ihe very best quali ties, black grounds, with colored printinss, .""c. Very stylish and desirable. American Printed Challies. 4c. to 25. and all intermediate prices with stair like regularity. All best and special values, fur For Euyers of Dress Goods. 3r-inch all-wool Plaid Suiting 25 cts. (45c. the regular price.) 50 inch Cloth Suitings, mixture, 35c. 50-inch all-wool Cloth Suitiugs, (5ray, Krown and Tan mixtures, 50 and 75c. A handsome line of KN'CLISII SUITING STYLKS, Light colors, 31 inches to meas ure :, that woul.t commend iberuarives i price aa even as high as oor. :T-WRITE KORSAMrES XD A CAT ALOGUE. Boggs & Buhl, 115,117119, and 121 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY, Rl. mif .-ra.J L-n-. -0.,1 mJL J. " ' Cood Blood. Ooaa nk . ina Pt. t I icna. (iKt Una, J , i A T1IK WHITE IS KINC OF SEWIXG MACHINES. It was Cr:w2i so it t:ck s First Pr3iica at the Ci:inati Cssiessial ia 1ZZZ, at tha 5rsa: Catcst, bt n:r3 so w2 it gold" medal At the Universal Exhibition at Par- ! L, France, iii lbbO, for leini? the East Familj Seiiai HicMiib In the world. It is applauded as such by the 8 O O, O O O Sold since itj introduction in 1ST" It3 superiority i. acknowledged, though with many regret?, by thousands who Lad bought other new -SEWING! ! MACHINES::::: Kefore they had seen the merits oi the WHITE Ladies will find it greatly to their advantage to examine the merits of "THE WHITE'' before buy ing a Sewing Machine. " THE ZEST IS ALVA YS CHEAPEST" in the end. An inferior Sewing Machine is a poor investment at any price. JOS. CRIST, Of Jenner X Rfai!.. is ihe authorized azU for it in thU County. Write him. and teil biro to bring one to your ous iut exam iiiation. CURTIS K. GROVE, SOMERSET, PA. BCGGIE3, SLEIGHS, CAKKUGES, EPBJSG WAGON'S, BCCK AGON'i AXE EASTEK.V AND WESTERN WOKS FuroSahed on Short Notice. Paintng Done on Short Time. My wn-kUoiiiieont -f !VV( Smrml Wood. Conlrurti. Nt-aiiT Kiai-J. ai.J u s".ve Sauaiat tiou. Esplcy CzLj nrst -Class "Wcrknsa. Kepairi-f of XII Kinds In Mf "lne tone on tsnort Notice. iTiita AjNA, a4 All Work Warranted. Call and Examine iry Stock, and Learn PrVea. I do Wagon-work, and farnisa Seirn for Wind -ilia, Kemember t place, and call in. CURTIS K. GROVE, (KaX of Coon Bouse) soMER.srr. tx MISSES' AND CHILDRENS' SPECIAL OPENING TRIMMED HATS! Our Misses' and Chil- drens' Hats Are pronounceJ by all a the HAXSOC EST and tbe MOST ATTRACTIVE we have yet shown. Come, and bring your wife and children to the store of 0 N V. AAAIAJ j 41 FIFTU AVEXCE, Pittsburgh, Pa. HE mm "V. A pamphlet of tnforsBatloa acd v kTaraa. C'T-rrtu, A Matter of Impotance to You li audering from loEg-sUmiin? Cl,rme l:.a. I!wa of tb Clot-i. S-!n n.i y y"ttm, as !br mlTer'! fmrn " "- EYE. EAR NOSE AND THROAT TROUGLE - - J J M-U EtAS, M. P- Spetali- on Cin.'.c J M...RIT2 Sv!.M V r . -y . . , .. ... f I 4rf tlf v.-. i.r. a .i ThT wVll ibw "mmry Terr f.air we.-k. thu -u,ie r . :r. . , of imiiit the ritv. as ta-y arc the m'y pityu :a. and ;-! .-Miiitry . .. Manakins. Mottris, iaram... tie., to U'X-irai ':nr ; ,-a '.u .. '.. . ... lKTKITZ SAI.W. the zrrnt G"m:aa t:-St. w.'.l be h-r ar.d fri.ra Eve Kr Vi aut Ttinti w:tnui;t pal'! a:i.i in .1- :-. .".e u..:i : -.- . ir:ve' ni Va::. u' ML-rrs a 3.1 ar in n-l ! ru! uva m.-i,! an tmru di.tlniruljlie'i pliii3. d :t!s ai l:.e l-:iV:i; mi-i p..-a:.. n.i, . . ... - UIji!iT J. M. pavi'lin, ex-Pmudriii ttC Ls rounty W. i r;rnwt-ri A C'tiu'we.l knoan In 'lie -iHiutT, I'rvt'.y 1.. ioiiow :iii ;-. ...n.i 01 Clc'..aa A S;m. Tbr Ma..yi: , 1 aaa auSwn irratiy from Polyp's l P-.i.-. I v il :r! k-al - Bteiiu-ine rtm n.. aa;;. I rv-ad the -i ;-r.-m.-i:-..ri.rv M, a". -a.:-; 1: 1 I tr.m a trial. At thr Jam visit wto city tht y u.t--.l war cuc! a:: l ti . y !; -a-t. . no uke new man. 1 o-y did v .j.-cul and i: aud c or! l .ftl and n-v-d aie wf-I! I hav Iki-u .'i.!t-r,iiir frum ln'tDriia : .'.rp;t -:.-. i-iitj! rffrv-,-. .. on the frnrd!!ar S mrr ti-aii i!irrv ).-.i.-s 1 rj,-. !n- t'.a: 1 r;.' -dm ire than a a: tiw. aptwtiie was iai-n. 1 .-at t.' ''. Mt. -.-.! ii- ; rity, but witb..ut tne 1. ast brnctit. 1 !"' ki.-1i i:t dvr tr.e -art :ra M- ' -aj .. s v,w castle every tour ntti, and I aia n . : ai.-:i as t-i-r 1: h a::d 1.-4". . .. 4 health. - U.-C1-: Nc , MtT'ETHELAMK tVAl K W : 1 ii"! 1 K; ! iif.-. ForeiBht laotlths Ilt 1 haven 1 oetrti a r. t., a.i w . a j a.r ..1 r.-. -. . - ttvaum-tu :ih Its. Mm .e:;a A Saiti ! h-v.- e-:i ; p 1 ' -..;ea:i-t : their rh-e a-i'htslt a::r. I am "rta;n that i ii leii'.rvij - M. A.l: -.-j 1 h.,ra4.t!.., Uait u, grow sean r- a KSpr7 xyt"''' ' iV I iiave ,trn ntxlrr tivatmrot rf Fix dt -aim : . w..n'h- ' r i n-r-. and tt.iiMdcr niyseil s.-vauy iPit-r.-i'-.i : .VH-. 1 ' " a 1 ......,.... r Y'U N'. UI'V tYt -fKAi' tl! t.t.i'. On fav 1 th Tr?. M-rjelinn eiid -aim pvrirTiid a ,.e-i'i. :. ..n rr-. t ain or aaiu tuuuil, aud w day tuy v are as stai.- it a- -r t I . -. - , Lr M:.V!';1n. i' -... .. W ' ' I ha -w an-ri-C with f'ourrh f-.r ne years. Trtl . vo-s: .!.-. ! . : . . nml! i .-.rfi.:t.d l'tx iiv If.ini: a. in. u-,:. er :...( t.m :. . 1 .,.. .m: , and 1 have o irreatly unt-rove'l that 1 kuu 1 11 be -:';rei v. 11 tr.e - (rt;rs.-. r t.-( . A ' . M- fcl.Nj.h 1. y. EI'illT r"r iPI KEMOVFI- FK'iM TAZ N'.s ftp-. Mv-C.eljan jt Salm I'ae n-meVMle.KliI F".:? i'it-it ii.f iMflrii. t-i...ea. :i paia " hs ofbaal. and ::i by iu s time and ia -rv .. rv ire::.. ' : i tuit-re a: tnttburc. I tan draw tuuee brvatu w.ta e..n."t n at.-t ! a .re -.- e:, v 1.. H . Ii: . -; . . rt'.W.U tVI' PKAKSr I have now (wo cndr tr-:nient it lr. .. and fr r.s : ;. a '. t t'atarrti. and waavrry Oaril l team:?. k .-a 1 am .-.-..! ; r.rte-1 1:. . ... 1 . AU UrK Sreat 'teal better and 1 am Ket'Uir tr.-:i. r and Leaver. Hurler t o , Fa.. . t. 4. !. Sta-'kL K MtkRi Insea-eaof Wotreo rnvh as liave iir!'.d the -k:.! of a.: vhr.-, -.:. ir ! r :.-.. .... raiM-ers, I'.iiiairs, ts!-n!d aDd poiiwid gzo cured wirhtiu', uie i.- ;I u.:e or u;!-s ,, tii.jf no la:n. no danflvr. Smafi T.iiu. as. tamers. Warts. Mules, ptr . rr.i"v, ? w 'h. t s N. kr. n n mettHst - '! k.::eiy a.-. 1 r". e-, :y tr-a!"l a- I -.:.t-:y eurd L-y a Lviax. nirthtsl. Ad.lre-a all t'uiamunira'i-ns to r.x o r. tvlua. DR. H. M. TAYLOR, the ct-M-rute-l conuU:t! 'physician (,f i.rii:aa: ! hrmarr, CoiutsLmf, (..can ! e cfrt!j;t?tl at t:ic J U 'i-e, M- v.-ri ia e, Ii on Wttlnesday, June 3, ls'U, and retry four crad thv rcaf: r. EX5MINMICN AND CONSULTTK SOMERSET HOUSE. SOMERSET, pa FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. JULY 3RD AND 4TH. IT WILL PAY YOU - Memorial Work ,T f ir, or y mm a a a ' a a a mm lay SOMEKSKT, PEXVA., M anut -turer of and Dealer In &uter BVt FTtnurJttdaa 5Virt .Yir, fn J ('. V MifiELI ASS GMSITE Till AUo, Ajnior-Ju WSITE BS0SZS! Frs.l In need of MONTMENT WORKf-.v! find il to their mren-t tocaU at my shop wne-e a prof.- Jia-rvrm wi be riven taem. -jrt-rit duarajUt'd tm Eirjf aid tKl tJi E&Y L'J W. i invite special attention to,lha tAfhite Bronze, Or Pure Zinc Monument Inrmdnoed by REV. W. A. RING as a IVoi.!e.i Irr.i.TS'Tnset ;ti the pntrt if MaTKRIaL AL I'tjS-Ftl't Tl' iN. and wciieh is ti-mied to ia Ihe Popular V -miTn-rt f..r or lnaseatile C -mate. fiiVE M k CALL. W3I. F. SHAFFER THE COMPANY STOR It tis Oli S:azi. is Crrrl". i- Usj ai Varied S:::k GEKEEAL LlIl C I IVXDIS i:. Bayers C Fiud all they may ed in the St-feral Df partntpnts of CLOTHING. HATS, PRY GOODS. NOTION'S. Q UE ENS WAR E, GROCERIES, 00T AND SIInES. AXD OF THE FIR.-T QIMLITY, and AT REANA15I.K PRICKS. SATISFACTION ALWAYS GUAKANTEED. WOOD, MORRELL & CO scnmnT building: : The Largerst Wine, Liquor, and Cigar House IN THE UNITED STATES. ESTABLISHED I3J5. G-. "w. sasuvrziDT, DISTILLER AND JOSSER OF FINE WHISKIES. l:1" IMPORTER OF WINES, LIQ0URS. AND CIGARS. SOS. a5 ASD 97 FIFTH A VEXCE, PITTSBURG If, PESSA. J L-e :'.: r-.i ;.:.x;: ::e::t: 3 "i gam THE POSITIVE CURE. J ELY SCTaZKS, 64 Warren St, ew Tor-, io CU-L 1 V , L, B Best in Awnri(f niaHal for C&oibit-s. bv lite For CENTLEMEN. 85.00 4.00W:a s3.50PoUcf. Calf Shoe. Toriin Baa's Shot. so nn Commiii Sen-.'" ter ; i. r" r i' " It I tf T 'HI w f. VHirsWf ar.) - - wjrn tnm wul lrrirT . Vfe4-4 r-l rrat 1ft rrry ritr If loral wrntr -vrai -iii- . . .n rt- Pfl. La WU1 tAl xir ilra-TsT-, ftM r a f 's!: u ""si- v 4,.;-.r. .?a-s- 4-1 i i ' 4 X Ha rZE TO " T T 1 1 7 : sr 500 !-! U: SenU ,3r lutlful ! ' 1 1 v . Price Li&U signs. ; ii Circ:- v v V v and Most Complete 7: cs b.f ;j 3 a a T.. ".s.'l m.ii-r y? ths Worid. Riiurrinr hiim'I (- but For LADIES. s3.00Hi3lW S2.50B". S2.00EI- si.75 iJrn s2 sI-75 SCHOOL SHCEi .? , , . . . r . ..' ..; , ' i r..-v fn Jt-1 t.V TV 7 v tmmn ia Ibr 1". ! Jrrdr - rrt hn? r- t 't:-t t r tT. w-'ta a ifi. aal 'f '" ' .jBh SHOE it fT ir!rial ! ip