A Polite Highwayman. .e mo,iern luftayraan ixu'l un ind his Imsim-," MiJ " o5J lrkV k he looked op from an account of ..K-intr-hcldBp." bruUl pMri!y bo." ,voo n ant lira te Uke off his hat lie toi vou?" he was a.ked. "Po vant him to l your pardon V j no You quit understand me. A an admiwr of 1'aul Clifford. l.ut j-r a man's nerve, or mar hie beau- WLv bit hiin on the head .bag 'or Bcarebim to death by jump .iit at biin from an alley? held up.oce in away tbat I n-1 No Ton, no -ri us eliito avBtfin and no aflWled ,tv. I've x-n iu a pood niny dii oo.intr.rti and beard or rvad ol an l.fl.ffitrti.oJNl.t ft tbequot ilUK'l k trmuaaclion 01 imnsn ; re wit tbout any nunecewary vnn- mt nd metotl.e man alio got s, romri '"''Jm unwinB aloi ' "trt ,j f me, quietly hunin.iti a tune. Aa.sn-tke.-piBB'11 the shadow of the lings and he aWtdoiug anything that was Busi'icioug. He was juirt .wring along with hie anna folded on br.'at. I was walking fatsr, sol to overtake and pas him. 1 P""4 on the loft-that is, I Htarted to pass on that side. When I got even with i lie said : J hav r iaBfiid quietly and didn't even ; me. None of this absurd courtesy nothing sensational in it Of course ,ked toward him and I saw the tip . revolver noting on the crook e-f bis P;i,(,w, His arms were still folded, 1 had an idea that bis rijrht band on the other end of the revolver. .1 ust take it easy, he added. , v, I sauntered along w ith him, and is auction transferred my watch money to bis pocket. Then he said : on and don't look bai k. And I went on and didn't look back. I have always tonsidf red him a man ,,v.,iid do a'iob with neatness and HU h. and without unnecessary trou and excitement. That wouldn't have a man with heart disease. had catarrh of the beau and throat live ve.am. I use.1 Ely s Cream IWra i ii. o f.mt niili('.ion I was re- .ed. Tlie wnse of smell, which bad a l,t as restored after uhing one le I have found ti Ialui the only .sfaotory remedy for Catarrh, and it . effected a cure in my case, ver, Waverly, X. Y. H. L. Alaska a Good Bargain. When Secretary Seward negotiated Mi-eaty with Kuwia by which we ac red Alaska, there were many who be- w l the I uited states were throwing kv JTifioxl of good money for which i roiwr equivalent would ever be real d. Alaska was rvpirded as r. region of triers and inacces-ible mountain .iges. with some fish not worth catch- and a little timber that would not y the cost of marketing. That its pos ion earned with it some strategic val- deemed probable, but there were w who believed that the bargain was a ...1 one from a cuniary point of view. A recent census bulletin, tiowever, dis is this illusion completely. Tne sbip ent of fur seal skins since lGT.Ue year hi. h Alaska was acquired, ha&reach 1 i:;n,mH),iHiO and other furs, rlO,0K),CKK) t..ul fur output of f4",0ti,000. The sal ,on and cod fisheries have urtted $4,000, t ; making the total prodtut of the ei ritory in the Zi years .Y;,tH,0ti0 ; not had return on the original investment. Whatever may befall the seal fisheries le income from the saiuion and cod hheries is certaia to be more in tbe fu ":re than in the past. The rivers fairly warm with salmon, and now that tbe ilunhia river and its attributaries are eeoiuing depleted the canneries areinov ug to Alaska. The cod fisheries of the av i lie coast are only in their infaa-y n 1 they are known to I very valuable .bout t700,0W annually is taken frojn lie gold mines, an output that is certain increase with the decline of the gold 'eponit in California, There is a vast xtent of gold producing territory in Alas- ; awaiting develojmenL If Secretary -ward ere alive now he Would not be tiled upon to apologize for the purchase f Alaska. I'laltnMilila Titnr. Allow me to add my tribute to the effi-M-y of Kly's Cream llalm. I was miffer- Ing'l e:ni from a severe attack of influenza knd rrh, and was induced to try your ledy. The result was marvelous. I o.ild hardly articulate and in less than . enty-four hours the catarrhal symp toiiiKand my hoaraeneas disappeared and I was able to sing a heavy role in Grand i iera, w ith voice unimpaired. I strongly r.-oouimend it to all singers. W'ai. 11. Hamilton, leading basso of the l". P. Hess ' irund Opera Company. Force of Habit. Mr. llootmaker How do yon like liv tig on the top floor ? Isn't it tiresome ? Mr. Hettinge Wringe No ; not at all I usually ride up in the elevator and u aik down. Mr. Hook maker There must be a race trark on the roof. l'wl. Good Looks. liood looks are more than skin deep, lqiendiiig upon a healthy condition of the vital organs. If the Liver be inact ive, vou have a Millions look, if your xUmiach be disordered you have a Dys- H'ptic look, and if your Kidneys be af fected you have a pinched look. Secure pxtd health and you will have good looks. Klectric Bitters is the great alter Htive and Tonic, and acta directly on these vital organs. Cures rimples, Boils, T'.lotcbes, and gives a good and healthy -. implex ion. Sold at J. N. Snyder's Pmg Store, Sonr erset, Ta. A Neat Turn. At five 'clock yesterday afternoon vag stopped a citizen in front of the City Hall and anied him for a dime to get a bite to eat. "Look here, my man," sharply replied the other, "on Wednesday you hit me for a dime, on Thursday I gave you another, and now vou have tlie cheek to demand a third." "Is that r " f course it's so, and I think it's piling it on most too thick." "Then you are the man I struck Wed desday over on the corner V "I am." "And now I ve tackled you for tbe third time?" "That's it" "Well, old man, I beg your .pardon That's too much gall even or me, and my excuse is that yoa have improved so much in your looks that I didn t recog nize you." , He was handed a quarter. The longest suit of Lt.iT in the world is perha;s that which grows on the head of Miw Aseiisth Philpo'.t, of (iainesvil'.e. Tel.. hers trailing four feet on the gronu w ben she stands, measuring in all 10 feet inches. He Was Near Sighted. ilany are the social drawbacks attend ant on nearsightedness. There is pitb ablyno person thus afllicted who has not at some time cot bis bwt friends and killed possibly acquaintanceship by failing to recognize Borne one to whom he has been recently introduced. . A very nervous and sensitive gentle man, who can literally see little more than"ar. inch before his nose," says he has far loss to regret from his failure to salute acquaintances than from his at temps at atonement after inevitable mis takes. Tbe history of one morning' blunders may BuHice ta show tbe disa bilities under which he struggles. on the war down town he met his sis ter, who at once sto) id him exclaim- v,i- llenrr Gilbert, how could yoofailto recognlu. Mrs. Miles? "oo have just parsed her, ond 1 puppose sbe didn't lw because there wasn't even a j ft elearn of reoopmUon on your h dear! have 1 actually roaue sucu ' . li 1 T ablan.U-r . said poor uenry, au.i particularly anxious tole on good terms with her husband. But they're new comers in town, how could I be expected to know her, w hen I've only Been her twice?" "On the other hand, she can t be ex pected to make allowance lor you, nc knowing you are near sighted," said his sister, severely. "Now, Hemy, do keep a lookout for tople, and try not to make any more mistakes for twenty-four boors." , Henry went on his way w ith a heavy heart, but when be entered ahorse car that noon, it was with a tlinil oi eiauou that he saw Mrs Miles established in one comer. To gain a seat beside her, and begin ingratiating overtures, was the work of an instant "Good morning," said tbe repentant one, taking off his hat with more than ordinary defei-ence. "What a lovely davl I'm sure vou ve been shopping. Th lady only looked it nira, Dumer silence hardly surprised ber companion, so absorbed was he in hie zealous effort. "I.adies are auoh privileged beings, he went on." "Think bow cliarmmg ii is to go about buying silts and ribbons, instead of sitting all day in a stuHy otuce like us humdrum men." The ladv moved as far from Jim ts convenience would admit, but still she did not Meak. "I saw your husband this morning volunteered Mr. Gilbert. "I have no husband," she announced, coldly. He looked her full in the face. "Rlessme!" gasped he, "I believe you are not Mrs. Miles, after all 1" "I certainly am not." Mr. Gilbert apologized and left the car at the next corner. There, face to faee, he met a lady who looked so familiar that, in pure despair, be took off his hat to her, only to be reonitted by a Burpris ed and distant bow. IITl. t B.aB t mis al-A i M lT"a Tl tA Vl "evidently I didn't know her, and she thinks I meant to be impertinent." He rushed on to seek the shelter of his own walls, and as he entered the gate, a lady passed by on the other side of the street. "1 declare, Henry, it's to bad!" called his siter, before he reached the piazza w here she was sitting, "you have actual ly cut Mrs. Miles again ! There she goes down tbe street, and you had all th chance in the world to bow, or even run over to ber and apologia." "Susan," said Mr. Gilliert, tram-fixing her w ith a desperate glance, "never dare to mention Mr. Miles' name to me Again !" Ytmtiit Coinjtaitiinu .Catarrh Can't be Cured with Local Applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in orUerto cure it vou have to take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall s Catarrh Cure is no quack medicine. It was pre scribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular j prescription. It is composed of tbe best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combina tion of the two "ingredients is what pro duces such wonderful result in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J.CHENKY & CO., Prop's., Toledo, O. Cads. Some women were talking the other day about cads, and they said that while the snob may be found among women, tbe cad is essentially masculine, lie is prevalent at times. He comes up like the weeds and tbe spring freckles, and with a little care he can be extinguished almost as easily. He spends bis time in thinking what rude things he can sa or do. Of course, he does not think they are rude ; he thinks they arc clever. He has an idea that people who keep quiet don't know anything. In this he is frequently mistaken. He does not believe that any woman can see him and cot love him ; this is often an error on bis part He is satisfi ed that after seeing hira Trovidence con cluded to make the world, and yet Provi dence js not given to making mistakes. He occupies three scats in a street car, audibly damns the conductor, smirks at any woman w ho may be decently dress ed, and believes that he is accepted as a man of the world. He is, but not of the world that he would wish to belong to. He tells women it was a pity he didn't know them younger, so that he might have trained iiiem ; if he had, they would have occupied cells in the House of De tention. He has induced some girl to marry him and be announces boldly that it is a good thing on both sides. Some people doubt this. He has tbe latest thing in carriages, in trousers and in waistcoats, but somehow, while he gets his hats from a London batter, and Toole makes his coals, brains don't seem to accumulate under "the only bat a gentleman could possibly wear." Re has one fully developed idea, and that is that he is a gentleman. He never was more mistaken in his life. He never got close enough to a gentle man to catch good manners, nor to a man to be well kicked. He is a blot on the face of tbe nni verse, lrt's sponge him oat. Bab, in rhiladel pbia Times. Somerfiet Enterprise. The well-known and popular druggist, G. W. Benford, baa taken tbe agency for Dr. ljee'a Liver Regulator, which he rec ommends fiH- tbe quick cure of Iyspep aia, Biliouanesa, Liver Com plaint and all Blood Troubles. Trial Bottles free. It ia a well-known fact that Tan-Tina Cough and Consumption Cure haa cured Consumption and Chronic Coughs and Colds when all others failed. Trice 2 5 and U) C9 it. : Trial bottles free at G. V. Benford'a Drug Store. " Ypiu-Aon " is the name given by Micbiganders lo the Yusilantic and Ann Arbor Kiectric Railway, to save time. J rSwA ( J atd- 2ET ' J T.I.H. gnat r?i'l WoIfrsACMEBIacKing m mn on pair ml Bhcwa k yr. "lit 16 c...t. r " iJr . vvn i in aho tttt.r py rik-BoQ. . WST.!"!..!:'-"""" rW m,u. ti Ciis o Ciw" ' ULTi Tiwc : alu mm Ci. BrT tltM. WOiJT RANDOLPH. Phlllllll. 1 X took Cold, X took Sick, ." TOOK result: I take My Meals, I take My Rest, AND ! AM VIGOPOI S ENOVGH TO TAK ANYTHING I CAM LAY MY HANPS ON mulsion of Pure Cod : Liver Oil and HvpophosphitesofLimeand C0d NOT ONLY Cl RED M7 fciit Cemnmplion bit blilt ME IT, AND JS NOW PUTTING FLESH ON MY BONES AT THE SAT OP A TOl'ND A DAY. I T AKX IT JUST AS EASILY AS I I0 MILK. - . ... v.mnvn KEV. tVCH TE511MOM " - I fc.-OTT S EMI I SION IS IKUSU WONLEkS DAILY. JAKE NO oi mux. j THERE IS d WHISKE Y Which is uniform in its results, besides in everv other particular. Attested to by everyone who has given it a thorough trial, and their name is legion. The pure 8-year old GUCKENHEIMER WHISKY Is tlie whiskey, sold only by JOSEPH FLEMING 4 SON, Druggists, Pittsburgh, Y. As a strcngthener of the ::iNervousj I System:. with ppecialgood effect on the res piratory and digestive organs, n is p ronouncea uneiiuaica. i rice, full quarts fl, or six for $5. We now carry a full and complete stock of ail tne leading ein ui!k. mestic and fon'ign. flying you m upuur- tunitv to maRe your cuoiob iroiu un finest selection lo. be hmi in the city at the lowwt possible price that can be made for tbe quality and 4 age of the goods. ST-riease send for full and complete price list, mailed free. Jos. Fleming & Son, DRUGGISTS, 410 A 412 Market., land 2 Market. PITTSS72C-S, PA. awLadiei are Especial'T invliid. MISSES' AND CHILDBENS' SPECIAL OPENING OF HATS I Our Misses' and Chil- drens' Hats Are pronounced by all as the HAN'PSOM- K3T and th MOST ATTRACTIVE i i we have yet shown. Come, and bring your wife and children to the store of & 41 FIFTH AVEXCF, Pittsburgh, Ta. FARMERS, TAKK NOTICE. I have Wied the !are WKTvhou of fter Fink. ll tbe li. & V. lXTx. in t.-wierjei. inr n vcr. Aio. rrm al Knin n1 (Vietnam. There 1 will kwp oo hniid during Hie aeaoon. for drli rtry ami pAhmineut luall poibUeet gmdof FERTILIZERS manufactured by tha wall known Susquehanna Fertilizer Co., . - - - i orcantmi, Baltlmeia. lid. I have fnit5 yeai among you, w bile these Rood have bet a used 1 SOMERSET COUNTY for Teara. having been introduced by Hon. Oi y. Shaver. Owhik to the lare number of nf i p(nD-v horn 1 thank heartily, iny agenui ? and mviwlt may b unabi to eall to see yon all personally.' aol lake advaniaxeol your eai-ellent pa-er trall atienttt to tbe merits of our Pertiliieni. and bee leava to ay 8. B Voder. tf lugu.Sonienct t:ounty. pa . and myne elf. Lave ao- f tfall ero'f j twittistjLud. f mpelilkHu. f licited order fur tlie 'yo n IrtJa. not ing the strong coinpeiu Peter Fink, of Somerset, who resides near thf- pot, is aetiiue as delivery axeut hr me. By i dressing or eaUing on him, yon ran learn f pricea. We can re-hip to auy local pointy SlIORTNOTICK, 1 I: but would prrfrr at 11 timw to hsTe roitf eri ef&r in advim i immrdiate waulx amc-Cu-a.t. a it tuM us U srt-'tour Hooff you in betic-r mwhuniritl ion'l!iUm brbalfoirthe HuAqUfhaun Fori. I if VERY RESPKCTFrU a. J. Iw:)si:ej Your Boy VVnts Owr Hlstr4 prw CI Wf tataloim su.v taiga, Kapc Lutentm Ufa. Uun$ Civrt.Tae!. Mm- wm r"" 1 4X21 t the m mum co. HE WARD flJTKMA. ETC- i em.lar Free Qr ' ;PETER YOGEL; Somerset. Ffc Johnstown jusiness Houses.- City Drug Store, Near Dilwrt Bulldfnj, Nt to Pottoffct, When ic tlie city don't fiiil to call and see ns at our j romineiit location, wliere you wui find one of the prettiest and most attract ive Drug Stores in jomsrsTOWisr Th r.nWip Tirononnce it a Efttl, We carry , full 1 ne of Pure lruK. Medicines, Chemi cals. Tilet Articles. Ao. Hiysicians scriptions Carefully Compounded. Ewpectrully Yours, CHAS. YOirNO, Johnstown, Pa. Graduate of tbe I'hil a. College of rharmacr, kXQTOBS ! -FINE CLD-. V H I S K I E S And IciporteJ l.iiUor w.M la lul and by tbe OLD CABISET, TOJf MOORS POSSUM HOLLO IT, O UCKESUEI MER, GIBXrS XXXX TBISK1ES, Jures Itennwy. Puttols. Crwnac, bur Bedford and Somerwt Hurt Kye Whkkiw, with i FISHER & COj 309 Main Street, Johnstown P. ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING ' A SPECIALTY. HARRY M. BENSHJFF, MANUFACTURING STAWNER f AND BLANK BOOK MAKER. HANNAM BL.QtK, JOHNSTOWtf. PA. -i HARDWARE THE OLD ND WILL KNOW MHWI STORI Ot HE OLD ND WILL TOHI (PECEASEry Is now in full blast unier the charge of the under dgned. I keep in stock all artpes in my line, from a neede to a Hay Fork. Tlu fircst of CUTTLfiRY A Specialty BO TTOU PRICES R UL1?IIE ROOST, W3L 13. D BRT. At the old stand on Slain streel Johurtown, Pa. THE POP -AR DRUG-SIORE, Owner of Main and Fra:in Streeta, J- O; li; N". s; t- o: v; jm, a ' I now filk-d with ajthe best In the market, f motto, J - LO W PRICES ASD QlCk RETIRES, Is rigidly adhered to. and mill-faction ruax- auieeu. a i ilQv of PARIS GREEK AliD ' '1TE HELEBQRB Aiwaya o-Jhwid, CHARLESCRIFFITH BOOT AW S 0E HOUSE. TIB KEW RfM IS THE DIBERT ElIILDING, Corner ilaln aifl Franklin Sts., I. where Bono limonel A"l"" drena llbllO, l.viiiMij ruuiww, Of Best Qality.anJat LOWEST PRICES can be Stnd, in st lea of all makes. I am pre re to comte with one and all deal in the Stie. All I a.k is a trial. SCOTT pjGBEET If, 88 F FAN KLIN STREET. J0MKT0WK SUPPLY HOUSE. J0N H. WATERS &BR0. PLUMBERS, TEAM AND GAS TITTZ23. rn.Tr now tablihed In onr new bulldlne. wth, we can Mfely nav, to the bwt-arraiigvd fur onulnen in Western Pennsylvania. , erything pertaining to the Plumbing, Steam mn r.tu tHUiriM f rrlfMl in tllm'k. , e trill, as frrmerly, a-lve earefnl attention to f 8TKAM AND HOT WATf.K HEAilX Dua f. Our former effort in this line enbrar-e. ie of the largest buildings in the county, wiih Aire suroesK n the SfPI'LT DEPARTMKVTwe earry a full ii of Rubber hi ater H. Valv LUKen. Iron PiJ' plivation. of Rubber and Leather Bfltlm.'. Mteam ana i alves. inieciors, l.ni.riauirH,Ni-ajn J-ij Filiiug, tic. Pricea quoted on morU hrT aa. r Asm l'e, Anatitw cut. Ot Imi nn lUtng w well, w ttj icmrh. Ton i-antK tbs rk aMvd lira t IsonM, vt air. I'.rrm b- i ix I!CrSlI mi 11'. LiiTXL at. . GENERATION AFTER GENERATION Ttroipr on Mr, ilre JUmw Jt. Ierj Timnsler stouuhi ban a bod 1 ol a Hi tits Mirhel Every Sufferer L"" oot Raadivelss. rMstirlMrla. Orortn. rrrh. bronchlt Is. AAhma.( uolers iortn.1, niarrtwea. lAmelsnM S.reess itt bocir or limt 8ur JotMS or Strains, wiii B'd la titls o.4 anndvoe relirf sn4 tmt .rty cur. Pamr-hle, five, fiold evrrrwhere. Prtl f. ., hj mail, i buttles. luisraas isK, at. i. a. JOU.Sou OJ ifcatva, aUasT TI I --.ili , Li-'. ' !13S Washing Out the Stomach. Turing the part year several physicians in New York have tried, with gratifying invent, a novel treatment for dyspepsia and cancer of the stomach by washing out that organ. The process is very sim ple and not dangerous. A long flexible pipe is parsed down the throat nntil one is in tlie Btomach. Tbe upper end han a funnel attached, into which hot water is poured nntil the stomach is filled. Tbe weight of the water in the pipe and fun nel gives a hydraulic pressure sufficient to distend the stomach. The pipe has an aperture big enough to hold a lead pen- til. After the stomach has been ailed, the funnel end of the pipe is turned down until it ik lower tlmn the tiottoni of the sWimitch, and the stomach is emptied through a siphon. The proves may be repeated several times. The re snlt is that the undigested fxd and niucus are washed out, and the hot water closes the blood vewels and reduces in flammation. The relief U immediate. The dwspeptic may have Ji'.s stomach washed'otit before a meal, so that be can take a hmh start. After trie lapse of a sutlicittit time for ordinary digestion, the stotnafti uiav be washed out wain. This proccis has been in use at the Now York llosp.tal, we are informed, for some time. Scientific American. i , . IFamly Duty, home circle is sacred and life has few chants indued if family ties) are burst soun der. The promotion or bappinesa and tne pre'tnlion of sickness are of prime import- anff in every Ijousetiold. It is in the m nni; thaold and young alike are most susceptible, to lie hundreds of diseases that till tbe at miljihere we breatbe and lurk in the ater woirink. Tbetimelf u of a pliable Jtim- iilint is tbe only way to gurd against i.it-k-nu iu the home. Max K leu's "SJver Am" and " liuouwie ' brands of pure ry! whisky are recommended by phy6iciara as tie bent iungeraior in tbe world. Uoir. in hid under a sworn iruaranteeof imrity. "Sil- r Age" at $1 per full quart tottle, and 'fluuiiene'' at $1.25. These whifkie are ed exclusively in the leadine hospital's. f Uich is sotlicient evidence that they am tbe -si obtainable. I (iu.-kenlieimer. Finch. Gibson .and Overholt are sold by Mr. Klein at per ouart. or sm ouorU. for ho. His stock ut iwines, oranilies, etc., is tne larpest in rem svlvania. Goods pnimptly sliippel to all iarts of tbe tinned States. Send for cata logue and price list, mentioning this pap, He Stood the Test Bravely. A Woodward avenue dentist received a call the other rnoring from a couple whom he foon had reason to believe were lovera. The girl had an aching tooth, and as they entered the office, the young man said : "'ow. riarline, the worst is over. Just take a seat, and it will be out in a niin nte." "Oh ! I daren't," she gaspe-l. "But it really don't hurt you any, you know." "But I'm afraid it will." "It can't. I'd have one pulled in minute if it ached." "I don't believe it.". "Oh, yes, I would. "Has she got a bad tooth? asked the dentist. "Yes, sir ; it has ached for a week and I've just succeeded in getting her down here. Come, darling, have it out "Oh ! I can't" "But you must "I can't stand the hurt" "Hurt 1 Now, then, I'll have one pulled just to show you that it doesn't hurt." He took a seat, leaned back and open ed his month, and the dentist seemed to be selecting a tooth to seize with his forceps, when the girl protested : "Hold on ! The test is sufficient He has proved his devotion. Get out Harry and I'll have it pulled." She took the chair, had the tooth drawn without a groan, and as she went out she was saying to the yonng man "Now I can believe you when yon de clare that you would die for me." And yet every tooth in his head was false. Detroit Free Pre. The proprietor sof Ely's Cream Balm do not claim it to be a cure-all, but a , remedy for catarrh, colds in the head and hay fever. It is not a liquid or snuff, is easily applied into the nostrils. It gives relief at once. Price 50c. The Way to Sell a Horse. Tostmaster Saxton of Chicago tells a story of a well known horee fancier and a granger who had a couple of fire horses lo sell. This rustic, mho lives in an ad joining county in Indiana, came to town with a letter of introduction to this con noisseur, who has an irresistible liking for fine horse flesh and the money to gratify it. The writer of the letter of in troduction specially urged the city friend to take a more than passing interest ir the man from the coontry. The farmer drove his horses to the gentleman's residence and gave him the letter. "Are your horeea blooded ?" "Yes they come of fair stock." "Can they make good time?" "Yes, pretty fair time." "What do yon ask for them ?" "Oh, I think that J00 or $400 will about suit me, because I am deucedly hard up just now." "My friend," said the city man. "I've just bought a pair of horses or I would take those off your hands, but let me say to you that you don't know how to sell your team. You ought to ask at least $1500 as a beginner, blow about their wonderful speed and brag about their bearing and pedigree. I know a man who wants to buy a team, but you must not approach him as you did me. He will never take your horses.- If you are stiff in your price and do some brag ging I think I can find you a customer. Drive past my office on La Salle street at 10 o'clock in the morning two or three times and come in when I shake my handkerchief. In the morning the granger did as be was directed, the handkerchief was shaken and he was beckoned to come in. In the office was the man be bad met the night before and his friend. "That's a fine team you are driving; is it for sale?" "Well.Idunno?" "Have they a pedigree?" "You bet they have. It's as long as the pedigree of Queen Victoria." To they hold their heads high ?" "Why, half the time they are half way in the clouds." "Can they make good time ?" "Greased lightning ain't a circum stance." "What do you ask for them V "Fifteen hundred dollars and not a continental cent less." "Well," said the man to whom the letter of introduction was presented the night before. "I'm looking for just such a team. Tbe price suits me. Come to my office across tlie way, and I'll give you a check and take t'se horses." The farmer was almost paralysed, because be thought that $t0 or f 700 would be the outside figure. And he wen, home to Lake county setisfied that "those fallows op in Chicago are smarter'n chain lightning." Bucklen's ArnlcaSalve. The Best 8alve in tbe world for Cuts Bruiwa. Sores, I'lcers, Salt Ehearn, Fever Sorvs, Tetter, Chaprwd Han Jo, Cliilbiains Corna, and all Skin Kruptiotia, and piiiv ly cure l'il, or no pay rtquirid. It l guar.mteed to give perfi-ct satisfaction money rtfuiidod., Pr:Lij cents i-er bus For sale by John N". Snyder, Druggist. - A HOUSEHOLD BEMEDf FOR PMH. r. Rhaumatlam. s Inflammatioiia, Nauralsia, Srralna, Bruises, Lamenoss, Swslllngs, Burns, Diphtheria, ) Sore Throat, Toothache, Earacha, A SURE CURE for D ARRHCEA, SUMMER COMPLAINT and FLUX. Prs,a.V. perbottK S for t.M. Your,. H. B W.U-..N -m,wr. W.Va. For sale by all lm.ntrsm ami UrDB MEDICINE CO.. WCStOH, W.Va. Oaaivra iu aulK-uio. l'n iuwl uy " Somerset Lumber .Yard ELIAS CUNNINGHAM, MAKcraccaia aso DsLa iD WaoLssaii ikd Rrrin.il or LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS. Hard and Soft Woods. PICKETS, WALM.T, ruwa''t ' ' CHERBY YELLOW HN'K, SHINGLES. DOOE8 BALC8TER8, rHPSTXTT WHITE PIKK. LATH. BLINDS, NEWEl A General Un.of all grade, of Lumber and ;BuilIin Material and Roofing Ba kepttn rtoca Xlte. can furnish anytning in tne line oi our ""'"-J"" ' promi.iut-J. tach aa Brackets, M-alxed work, etc Office and Yard Opposite S. &C. The Moat Surressfal Besaedr ereT Ucot red, aa It Is certain In lta ettocta and does no blister. Brad proof below : TtaooaxTH, Conn, May 10. Dn. B. J. KrxDiut. Co.: Mm: ljwt Sumnu-rl nre4 anrhnpon myhnrsrt with yourlel-rA!Kl Kendall's bpavu. Care and It was th. Iesr. lob I evpr saw dime. 1 havea doaett empty hotitea. bavin usrd ltwlth perfret soc-tna. curing rvorr thin 1 trl.l It on. My ncwhls.rhad a nor, will, avorybart Kjiavtn that made him lam. Ht askiHl me how to cure It. I vconiiwuded K'-ndail's Spavin Cure, lie cured the Spavin In Jut tlirve Htx-k. ... iours reapectftiMy. Wobcorr Wrrre. Coucxbts, Ohio, April 4, 10, !. n. J. Kixr.it I. Co.: , Di-ar Hrs:-I hav. been sHllmr mora c Kendall's Si.avin Cure and Fliul'a Comtulon fow.lers than ever rx-fure. Ono man said to me. It was the Ilmm Powder i ever kept and tiiu ! tie ever used. IiMli;tfully, OTTO L. HOTOUt, CirrrrraiSXK), K. T., May 19, "W. Da. B. J. Kenuu. 'o-. . ,... Ix.ar sirs: I have nsM soversl botM?sor yrmr KiM.-J.iirs Spavin Cure with xTfect suotvss, oa a TtuunUe an 1 IIkIi.I mare lliat wasyuite Lime wit b a Hone Spavin. Th- marw la now entirely frew txviu laUM!Uw au.l shnws uo baa:A flicjHnt. Kepully, V. H. BuTCBOLt, KEKDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. MoKBoa, La., May &, Da. P. J. Kkspi.i. Co, ui-i.u: 1 think It mr duty to render Ton my thanks for vour f.ur f.imcd Ketidairs Spavin Cure. I h-l a fi.ur vtair old nily which I prised very higl.lv. hh- hi.l a very severe swollen te. I tried about eight different kln.la of medlcime which did no k.svJ- I purchased a hottle or your Kc-ndaU a Spavin Cure which mred her in four days. 1 remain yours, . Muuox DowrirS. Price St per bottle, or six bottles for $.". All drag, frlsts have I tor can et it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by tlie proprie tors. PH. H. J. KENDALL f'O., Eaosbai-Kh t-alia. V eraseaU C. C. JORDAN. JOS. HINCHMAN Jordan & Hinchman, MANUFACTURERS OF CRACKERS & WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Crackers, Candies, Nuts, Fruits, tc. 270 and 272 Main St Johnstown B. te B. CHALLIES. Larger demand and more selling every day of these popular fabrics. Recent fortunate purchases lrom overloaded importers enable us to offer best qualities at LOWER PRI CES than ever before known. r-pe- cial 31 Inch All Wool French Dhallies Cream grounds (and a few dark grounds) neat printings 3oc. (The ."0c. quality.) All-wool French Challics 40 and 50 ccnt3, and the very best quali ties, black grounds, with colored printings, o'ic. Very stylish and desirable. American Printed Challies. 4c to 25, and all intermediate prices with stair-like regularity. All best and special values, lor For Buyers of Dress Goods. 3G-inch all-wool Flaid Suiting 25 cts. (45c. the regular price.) 50- inch Cloth Suitings, mixture, 35c. 50-inch all-wool Cloth Suitings, Gray, Rrown and Tan mixtures, 50 and i.c. A handsome line 01 EN'ttLISlI SUITING STYLES, Light colors, 3C inches to meas- nre 3e, that would commend themselves if rrke as even as bigh as 50c. fl-WRITE F0RSAMPE3 AXD A CAT ALCXil'K. Boggs & Buhl, .a 115, 11119, and 121 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY, PA. W fjntisafc -vrifiiHr. tr jaw. No rik. T' cnu 4o yvur (v iM:.B.nii,, rr at I jina lm 10 Iht- wurk. 1 ltt t tniiwifirwknl.nd Mnir wwntlrrful enr.mm turvvrr WMlwr. BmsU r nallillja; f,nn flat 10 M wsr rrk mini Of strut, tnd a1ir rtr-r litis rif-nc3. V ran ftuwi-k yov imm rm-bU-vwHUwl t-fc j. Utrh. Xo mme tm fa .UIi; her, fmlt tatWauiwi tlUlk 'I K I E CO., AlWlolA, aU&K. 1V Good Blood, Good Boalth. Th Blood arrhir is las safsst Parrlsr sTsr j . ssowa. usss cuir. vnrss Botu. rlmrl, . Tm; I icsa. uisoa Hsda, aaa all kaal f Blood. boU st Uruiuts. 1 Til tiHtn Utlit'M Co., rittrtsrii. ft. 1 SPAVIN CURE$ , XaS.' A Punacta for uternal and interna! uu. CRAMPS. COLIC. ond all vninut affection. ' tep H in tf housa for a tint of need. If rmi feet no relief aHer wing two think, the n.nteaa irf a ls4lleof thm nilK-l:ie, ivl'ira lie- leiumninK ,ne. third to Ih dealer from hnm you htniclil It, anil ht wuln'nindtheprlcUBiilforlbeoUreJ. TIkhR MmnciKv..V.)ir Llnlitnlng Hot Dro Is the ts-st ninli.-lne fur IHiu-rliiea. r-iinimer r.imiilahiK ramiaiHttMlc.' ltcaotbb: lll reifcve In to .,i,,..ii l.-nrelillilren H haa no equal I f"r Hux 11 Is . i-. - MOULDINOB, PCS R. R. Station, Somers et, ,V THE ITE IS KING OF SEWING MACHINES. It was Crowned so when it tock the First Premium at the Cincinnati Centennial in 1SS3, at the Great Contest, but more so when it took the GOLD MEDAL At the Universal Exhibition at Tar- is, France, Li 1889, for being the lest Famflv km Made In the world. It is applaudei - as such by the 8 0 0,000 Sold since its introduction in 187 It3 superiority is acknowledged, though with many regrets, by thousands who had bought other new -SEWING; i MACHINES:: Before they had seen the merits oi the WHITE Ladies will find it greatly to their advantage to examine the merits of "THE WHITE" before buy ing a Sewing Machine. " THE REST IS AIWA YS CHEAPEST" in the end. An inferior Sewing Machine ti a poor investment at any price. JOS. CRIST Of Jenner X Roads, is the authorized apent for it in this County, Write mm, and tell liim to bring one to your house for exam mat ion. CURTIS K. GROVE, SOMERSET, PA. BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, CARRIAGES, SPRING WAGONS, - BUCK WAG0N8. AND EASTERN AND WESTERN WORK furnished on Short Notice. Fainting Done on Short Time. Uj work If made ont t VuwmtMly Seatxmrd Wood, aula un 0M trvn ana r.rn. nuosuuill&irr Constructed, Neatly Finished, and Warranted to give SaUtfaetion. (.-.- Employ Onlj First-Cla3 Workmen. Repalrlnr of All Kinds In Mr Line Done on tOiort Notice. Pricea REASONABLE, and All Work Warranted. Call and Examine my Stock, and Leam Prtcea- I do Wagon-work, and furnish Selves for Wind Km. Remember the place, and call In. CURTIS K. GROVE, (East of Court Bouse) SOMERSET. PA FrnbrEeTsiess Cera flair, Corn lrupper and uiimi izr Ditrihnt.rr in tite I world, fieai fa Catatgitu .A. B. FARQUHAft CO. YOKK, PA. Send poh Laroc Iu.ustratco Catalogue. m rAlilliTtfcH LIQUID CLUES. INKS AND BLUINCS, Best In the World. Feb'y ll-3m. l as . - 1 P,n'9 Trde v-a 7. tnt jrt. aarmm mvmm . CO,, Hew Y'mrk. all the Wirlt tht-rt i but uite cur( ir. Hminea -V.oldeii .Specific. It run h riviM in arapttf tra or roftw without tb kiwwlelti ( the prr-u t.iktngH, efteciiDg nd pMrmaamt euro, win-thr tb itirBt i Bodermt Urmkor r an uiiMtclie wreck. ThoiwMida of druDkvrda ban rurwi who hart takfn tb GolUea .swciflc In thir roiT without tlir koL am Hna today blive ili-y quit drinkinr nf th.i omm f Dr will. N hannfal effrct rtnltt frcm it Vtminirrnt.on. run irurantrvi,. rni fur elr jfliirni full rrtu-nUr. AMrf tn eooAdfnr sftuuiu Mivino l-w iUco btroot. Cinaunau U $3000 Imp la HMiriswt Om Ititsktiun orrwulo I, ttn emu read and wrii. nt v ho, nrfiatnit'lka,wUl wtri iiultMUiotv linsar (a sara Tlissa Tm m. ii J ! laUttjr HttlllsrMt tf-mm ffcT lratl. I dkn but n mirlirT irotn Mid dittriM fitutilT. 1 IriBrfjr-UEirtat imJ ywrtdtl wit npinymtmt m li"ir no nd MOI. I U. 1-nltj.ftrtlratan K U F.. Alr. t ii.il(i1lmy,.i.Y 'k ir u. kctu-i fnm nmf mvt nmkt mwh.Uul rt tmmrm, yooak-ktj Iww (or.r Hun fr ! a au ttvr atari, ami bm yuo f m. Huih met, in nji . ii, mi MMt ,t nc all ur tim.'ir .uarv twMrtit. t, t Uf work. All la m-w. 4intt jy M kft fmr war, y fl Mart J ju. 'ft-tnUlili v arrrrirna;. f A 611 T. rtfLU IL kar-' A Kl H LLAltM HkFT.. Adrha t on,. HAW VO., IHILaJH, lAUk. WH KsVi A Matter of Impotence to You! If suffering from o.Chron ki J S bytilum. as EYE. EAR NOSE AND J. J. McCIXELAN, M. Speelalht oa Chroic j '" " ' ' ' - l oi nt af. .-- r.u'i mnrs i. rotintrr every f.mr weeks, thus mv,g iii.-ir ti-m- the tmiil.l. . tbTr ar7the mly phvsii-lu ami .inii. in thi mtry !... rramlllW ilWt. an.t make plain to ail afihcu-l ihe cause iTiev ii!Titt Oil rf vlt.riinr th fttV. tut their ciiHviirt DK. WKniAlsM. ;":i""r-rBd in Ere. TAT, n'i iuc r7:" . ..r giv dm panenw m ir-aw- , . - - , . ,,r UIJLKI - " " niunnr- - B n-M.r th c!iolr.n.rt,nmr ves iv. his naiietiw ana , ,h i.iktltnUi uiil wruiil only mouilily viits lo yoiir n. Cltllan & Salm. The M!or "y ,. tIlwarl P1U. I tried lo. al treatment and mn. h I ww fierir,g greatly from T?r7n t Drs. Mcflelaao A r-lia and I r.m.-lle.l u, r e medicine wHlindavaiL l'Alf.e.?i..w wiare.1 .-iirt-d. ami Ihey dw-hartfed me. If,,-! nowtM .nw mX Tbiy did ev.tm.K tbty WC'iVav?n"nfnrl" on ut lormer uisea "" - . - - - - ; - - more than a noiir ai a "- . i"iT"'-. r.ieliie was iniM-ralile. city, but without tne , 'jr.,'.'"" New fastle every lour wew. health. , T i v wit . K,,h.t.11rhawirtbernaMetoalkwiio..ma.air..fc-nit.h.-. P'ir'iitrrtm.ntln Foreicht month? past in"'""". , ... ....i.n.i at Hie nut visit rm i.. treatmeut with lira. Jl.-Ue Ian a ..-aim i n.;s i'jM mnhMmf.J - uuiu.uii a - IIK4KNFSS I h. hren nnder trratnient or irs. b,s . . . .... ,i and consider myself greatly 1"') ? r. , L v-k nrs frfnellan and ?a!m pcrformel a rne oreratlcn on my errs wtthit On May Drs lrl.an sdu any one's, awl 1 .-a-u ea Kretdeal tart- nor low of blood, and UMJay n.yejesrea j A K V K V K, R.k Point, Lawience Co., Pa. pain Kst. PlTtmiH. CATARRH. I have been anfferln with Catarrh for som. EHIHT POLIP! REMOVEP FROM TUB NoSK. ... .. i .,-.4.Uh( Pnjit.iotit of mv IHStril-i UMltlT D McClellan 4 Salm have removed eiKM of blood and to by far less time and in a more satl.-iaeiory maniwr than I had done bere a draw more breath with Y$?tf: ain or loss i lore at Pittsburg. I have now been under treatment of Dr.. MrClellan ni.d .-aim f.-three mouths f a bad rassof Catarrh 7nd IasVrry hard of briiiK. lxrt now I am freatly improved in every way and can hear a great deal letter, .n 1 am rttn. r stronger and heaver. KAm IZt"-l omwn. . "eh have bVffled the skill of all physician, and remedies. Mtiiekly cured. Caiicert TmnorX rioroid and polypoid growths cured Uhoiii tne ue of a knife or eaualiea. o .ut- UMtaartiuSw Warts, Moles, etc., removal without acids knile, pain or scar. N,w metht -Flectrnvsi. Epilepsy and Fits scientifically treated and positively cured by a never fan in method. Addrew all couuiiuiii. aUooa to boi Columbus, Ohio. EXSMINATION AND CONSULTATION FREE TO ALL SOMERSET HOUSE, SOMERSET, pa, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. JULY 3RD AND 4TH. IT WILL PAY YOU ttItjr Toca Hemorial Work WM. F. SHAFFER, SOMERSET, PEXN'A., Manafs otnrer of and Dealer in Eastern Work Furnuhtdo Short Kotiee,tn all CWorl (so. Agent for the WHITE BROXZEl Persons in need of MONUMENT WORKfwiU find it to their interest to call at my shop where a proper showing will be given them. nfSUi fartum Owmmtrtd in Eirry fuse, oud yRH ES YER LO W. I invite special attention toilhe Whits Bronze, Or Pure Zino Monument Introduced by REV. W. A. RIN;, as a Decided Improvement in the point of MATKRIAL ANL CUSSTKrcTION, and wiilch is destined to b. the Popular Mnnument for our Changeable Cli mate. -GlVE HE k CALL. WM. F. S1IAFFER. THE At tlx Oli Stnl. is Carrying its Usually Larga asd Varied Stock of GrELSTEHAX. MEECHAXDISE. Bjjers Can Fiud all they maj ed in the Scleral Departments, ot CLOTHING, IIATS, DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, AND ALL OF THE FIRST QUALITY, AND AT RKASOXABLE PRICES. (SATISFACTION ALWAYS GUARANTEED. WOOD, MORRELL & CO. SCHMIDT :z The Largerst Wine, Liquor, and Cigar House IN THE UNITED STATES. ESTABLISHED 1335. DISTILLER FINE WHISKIES. IMPORTER OF wines; liqours. and cigars. NOS. 95 ASD 97 FIFTH ATESVE, PITTSBURGH, PENS' A. All orderi received by mall oarwls -- ,-,n,-. attention A THE POSITIVE CURE. I E.Y BiiOTHKRS, M Warraa W. L DOUGLAS S3,E! SHOE Best in the Vor.d. AwnnlrH the Hirclnl for sotx-rlor qanlitv nf mnrrrlnl aud ur,,l,, ,-,,, , i -orkHinuhip r ntlirr shoe rxbibiln. llir Hun. hascll barilnhlr Mi . caauicn Asfo:ialiau, Uatou, U). For CENTLEMEN. 5.00 Hand-Ss-rel. fl il ff Baod'Stved kJJ Walt Sboe. 83.50 s2.50 Toliet and Farmar. Extra Tahu Calf Shoe. 8n Workine- a.91 1 man's Shoe. 8 2.00 Goodwaar Shot ina; nail mile auu w Wtbs, and all slj ksut toe. in etv'ta. W. I,. Doualas a.1.04, 9-1.3A an Coomoatos, Islaa.Iuii'ilV'l'aTal. t?; .1 C n a CAUTION ! ?hR,KHP 1?rn- ' ewwtheameW.I-noroLA atamrd plainly rmthhotv.m of all his a.lvnl wWvli, ihirJ whf h pni-r" jrearr aaiost hmh prhwa and Inferior .sls. If , j,i,r i,-w,io iTl'sS.. s lhwi . L. Dooulas" nam an.l th i.rlc stamn 1 nn ih,. horror .,,.1 "l -T.L" iw,jt1'kJ jrearr against aluh prfcies and Inferior .sls. If n mrw j,)rr wtMi,.,,to , bwalaa' nanw an.l tfi i;r1e stam,, I nn Ih,. Iv.rfoin an.l . I; LT WT. h It la duty ron o I" T.,nr-lf an ; v.v.r familv .iunn ih. s.-.rj -" K, t the wst f"T ymt money. Yoa can t.ta.m'. In t nr f..-wmnr ro,, n,-h w I. liiclns sEws. whl, tu ": ' q'v-.t.,n. reprp.nt a greater value tor tbe aion.r ti,a! '.J LSI. rTv..- .L 5'?? -.?VC...i. . wM" ui.f "in. aiiDftwrn id unjrr mar iv mnr nimi worn thn will testify. ' -Wanted -A lo-al aatat ia erery rlty It Ireral MirHIwi aaPllt cannys) sm.It n22 -To lil? rJr.Jli"i- VfA . 5TJ, ?'' ? d"lred- Brelerred, aiasci an aaa fclaa ot heel. THROAT TROUBLES mm? mm tf - - . . . s : jf MORITZ SAl.M. M, !., Ppr!ftl!rt on Pivasts of th; a.v. r-r, aui innmi. tx-nWt. will be bore And prrfterm ftll nrt'mriont on Hi- le time timn tiy caUkT li iuvj or-n;it.c. ThW w:U neiu-ai ireaiinrui n iiiM.ni.imj w 'miuiv u; . - Lnwrwe Tounty w I'ounty isi iirowrrs Ariaiinn. ani a th. Sowing WMim. niomai oi i:.e aniiuy oi inn. 3ic- Wcd and ireated meooun sly. lu.y did D... general nerv-sprlraHondn.l., I w,.nt lo Un: Mi. uai Hospital, in Nw Y.rk ,m,li r ihe ar of l.ra. Mo i.-llau riahn. who i ",1 , ,v.-r. hale and h-artv : .timiis all d-fi f " M..ir fi. tiiKHs.. Ih.xliil. Newcastle, Ha. If- WI'IHOIS CW T il KH. u J- AUlMmlrn tll,.r ,r,-.tra.-ot of . - MM.J.B. Ehv. Wampum. F. AVDCATARIIH, . b i. i ... r. .. m i. mi.nt hv rur Ca tsrrh anrl I V ft- "'""J 'V.." , j... , . LI " V.YE STRAK.HTfcNE L. year Tried yeral d'irtorj. t, Tried svverai aH-t'ir, out no (totm resiiitt the last fir nu'ntin atmenl wiil ine en-ittt Kl.NI.EY. M'S-arla. Pa. roiifiout oi my iiow-riis m""'; ' without alroont nr t.2i ENDORSED ET saESTET3AS BETTE2iSD GEEAPE2THA3 FSACTICALLY MS ANY STONE. Serial for Over 500 Beautiful Designs. Price List 4 Circulars. i MONUMENTAL BRONZE COMPANY, &iGEFGI. COM II. 4 Hi Iw li m f h s Vj . -a if COMPANY STORE BUILDING. and Most Complete -:zz AND JOBBER OF Telaphona No - . ce. isS?rAK'lVft 8t,Nw York. Price M eta. For LADIES. s3.00HaaJs.-.i s2.50B,,tD S2.00EltraTaIu. KISSES. For BQVS'A YOUTH'S. s2 $c sl.75 SCHOOL SHOES, t rnrM" lto.vi iz i Wi:.? y.mtii s ll to U 1-4 also h.lt i w .... a Arafrirtfl - i . . . . ' and town tho r. H. a at already ai too. ! ro n, w A a, . trnrr recl"!s on-J imrswin nata sire nuallr worn, mvie a la usunllr worn, and it a n or J i,.. It W. L.. UUlbLAS JJrocktaa. Maaa.