The Somerset Herald KD-iVAKD SCCLL. UJitcr and Proprietor. WEDKE-DAY.. , , ,. law-Kkkrt. fct lXnU.a r-uMveJ to adjourn from Marvh "ftf, unt.l April ,ith. uf.ri UIiJ w r Ui'"1 tr:Ulls cre the moving i-ar.x-K. k i r, of PitUl.'Urfili. tie hmnni ilmlcr in CO I Ice. ijit'd in New York on Friday l-t. "Arbucklcs coffe" as knoinUiroi;"" the fonrtry. S.rie of ll:? ViVftt rn farmers are tv ir.g 'hard hi k. The f ..'.iowii.? pat!.. tio announcement is niaJe in tie ncv.e column!" of Kuiim paper : John Thorupw.u's tl-s are a'l kl but twelve." II. c nvJcli lecons'.ructkm there is in Arfcantsia u-sy l c jul.-td from the fact that the Lejr.slaturclart week csu.'siJ the jK.rtiait of T,-abir..-tun to 1 remove! from the House of l;.rire-ntative sml ha.l it n-j.Uu-ed y on.; of the traitor.Jcir lUvirt. I'.-v.J. V. W-tr.iMiAM,niier;y .ctc!e S'i;;r:nt.en.1-nt. of l'uhlic Pelt. In, died hi Lome in Lancaster ont Wednesday of last wevk. lie a widely a-:d favor a!y known a one of the leading ed'Jva t.irsof the country, and li? death will be v.tsiverfta'.ly doj.lor-d by the U-acheta of thie !SuU- snd elsewhere. Tnr.iT. if J'..'.W',:i .n the Tr-cry of tl.p rnite-1 State due IVnn; Ivai.a, nr-.l readv tj be jaid over as noon cs the 1?- i.uinrt m refco'.ution oiithonz'.i.K the .overn.-r to recci-t for it. Why don't our Iihlature act? New York and other Stall l.ove already received their share of the i.-fun:1.-d tn. Thk " tariff U'-v corti. ruin? Flip" gdes it. to i.;x rti. n to-nny, A;T;.l.!t.Hnd r..r the fi!.-t th:io in the l.ii-tory of the Vriited Mates we i:ill have free su'ar. The old i;aintie iH-tnocratic bowl cftiie UrilT'-Us. on thy poor man's bn nkfa.-d table." on no loi.frer fool the dalle -t w it ted in the rank of labor. Jvalem in aprec that there will very fbotil? b a reduction uf tv o cetiU per pound on this a'uvxJy very c heap commodity. Tke Democrats who have esbae.sted their vocabulary in denouncing the Mc Kinley bill and that its '.io i.iv. f-t.:re lie letrfv.od. are coin? to rel.-l'r-ie Jefferson's b:ri!id;iy on TLur ,k'v,the iust.; and yet .Mfem.n ti.B vijior, ;.? friend of j.ioU ctioti snd de-U-r:niiiedly oj.osed to fiee tr.uie. Mcr-ers. Ch-veiauJ, Mills and other avowed fre tradera will doubtless take oeeasion to utter uonie tender seiitiments regardir.K the R.litiral ideas and labors of the om e I're.-ident, whose memory they oroh sii to venerate. is bis l'rovidenee hjiewli Major Mc ICir.iey id bis resiucts to I n '-trader M ill. w ho is the father of the fiee trade axiom thai "you can't fell abroad unlc-s youbuv abroad." Said Mr. M. Kinlf y : "We pol l abroad last year s-.iO.tKMcOO rmre than we Umrht. In the las: tif: en yeaiw of revenue tariff, fiom IS ;" to 1:1, the talarce of tuu'.e apainst us wa i iT'.1, tiuli.iKm. From :S7(i to ll.e bnhir.iv in our favor was iJ,O'0,..-:.l.i.ut, which we Ueot at lioiueeircuiatii'3 tuH'iipc.Jr own V"5ile." It is clear enough that we can s i: abroad more than we buy abroad. 1!hi:m i.v Senator lllackhi.rn of l.i n ta;ky declared bis ojiiui in that ( irover i-nto .t Mry rvelltUChV, Ot- ause of bis views on silver. Sena!:..1 JIarris, of Tennessee, ai.'iruied the Mine thing respecting that State. Senator 'rH hinj ukq notniej H e Claimant that Miss K:ri would have none of him if he jK-rsiste.i in bis gold standard ideas. Now Senator Yoorhees has declared the Irdi &na situation to be likewise. "I aui sut-i-lied that Mr. Cleveland could not carry fndhina on bis recent anti-silver letter, tio n.attcr what m'glit be in the plat form." be is pioted as stt ir.p. What chance has even a big man like Cicve- lami wiieu en tae l'cmocratic Ica.icis fall on and aniite him ? Jiik;io from the past )M rd of iov tiior 1'iittiwon, there is no probabilitr htan apisirlionment of the State into Virutrisioual and Si.atorial districts ill le acconi;,;iBIied this scssiun. It w-iH be a mere waste cf time t.i attempt to frame biils that w ill riot meet with ex- etitive a;iroval. The fact that we must do w ithout a reapportionment during tbis administration may as well be recognized at once. Our SO.'Xk) majority in t':ie Mate, with a r"preM-n;.itijn of nearly two-Id irds in the Legislature, cannot be ejt -i itiood to ti e dictates of a weuk nority, aocidentally in power. Face the inev itable, gentleuun ! (iiv e the lovernor bills that w ill provide for in honest representation of our Ilrpubli cB miijority. Let bitn veto them, tr.d liare bne with it. Time spent in.t temit:iigto leifect bills that will meet bis apixuviii is simply time w i-!ed. Ukre is one of the finest hits of rc r.iauce developed during "our iate un I.leasantues." It is e pem in its wsy, and can hardly be daj.'icat. .1. Mary Iewey, an girl, r us le ttoJie ito IW'rJatuic Ihowuut the time when Lincoln made a call for vo'tmUcrs. Ilrow n was a triot, fu'ij of lire, love ft r the old 11 t.g. -and ail like that, you know." Ni4 even the bliss of dom.-stic VS.' could 1anip'n bis anlor. He grew rw-'.k-, b-spoii(b-j.t, melancholy, and i.t last def lorate, lie was bound to enlist, was ohined to at bon.e an .! .-.hir k bis duty when bis frieu,!s tnJ toiur.ti.ims were pwug to the front, so 1 e ulisted, donned the uniform and w ent it. to camp. He was a private iu the Tw-ntv-siith Ohio. shortly afterward a spruce young ftd low, who bailed from CU veiand, joint d i. is company. lie wasa trig, neat, dik ing youth, but it didn't take D-ujamin long to discover that the new comer was bis sweetheart, then known as Charles 1- IVwcy. The regiment iid good i,-e and in many a scrimmage the two lovers fought side by side. In one of theso engage ments Msry was sriou.slv wounded. She was taken to the hospital and IVnjamin oiiiehow eot detailed as her nnrse. Iur ir.g this trying scene her sex was un re vealed, ami w hen she recovere J she again took her place in the ranks. When the crnel war was over the two returned to their native State. Mary laid aside Ler soldier tog?, the minister was called in and a very iiiteie-ting ceremo ny wa crfaruied. Now Mary claims a tnsii:.n, not as the widow of Ilenjamia, bnt on Ler ow n ac count, and Ler wound, which perma nently disabled her, ia brought in evi dence cf ber right to some of Uncle bam s money, r-be is a verituble veteran aud wants her dues. She ciht to get liicm. j Govkbnoe Tattison- has ispued his proclamation desifcnatlng Friday, the I"th j dav of Apni, ai:d Friday, the 1st day of Miv, to be observed as Arbor days in this State, lie wy the .xf-'tcction of fcilher of th rse 'avs is left to the discretion of the jeoi'iein ;he ikrioi:s?ctioriF of theCom uonvreKitU each loca'.ity that one which is deemed to be roost favorable on account of c'imatic conditions. After referring to the ce-tnietion of the forests he adds : "It is the bounden duty of every citizen who is iaterested in toe future prosperity of the Flate to 'end his ir,2 :rnce to any and every effort that ha for its o'. ject the eacourageuient of forest culture an 1 tree planting, Dot alone u;.on our own lauds, but npan the public grounds and highways." For the first time, the industry known as ti uck has bean made a Fubject of census invet'paiion. Superintendent Fort'-rsavs: "Truck fanning, as consid ered in this report, is distinct from mar ket gardening : the former is carried on in favored localities at a distance from market, water and rail transportation being necessary, while the latter is con ducted near local markets, tbe grow er of vocables using bis own team for trans porting bis products direct to either re tailer or consumer." A summary of bis report show s the surprising fact that up wards of f!00,00,000 is invested in this truck faruiinz industry, the annual pro ducts reaching a value of 1 7fi,ol7.155 on the farms, after paying freights and com missions, realised upon 5o-,440 acres of land. There are c c.ployed in this indus try 2I0,70o men, '.'A women and 14,874 children, tided by 75,H'i3 horses and mules and f 0,9710.70 worth of imple ments. State Bureau of Agriculture. Frvni the Fneufl. A hi!' to eMabiUh a bureau of Agriculture in C!i!i;.t:l:u;i Willi our Slate tiovernment uik rn--vnieil in tha Senate by Senate by benator Cr'.u l-c'triJ from Somerset county, last week. w-h'.cb we cor.aiilt-r a move in tlie right ih- rd..n. It is true that Pennsylvania has become one of the hading manufacturing Siates of tlie Vnion, but the fact efll re tl .,t ne.r i..-rirultural intereryts are second to no other interests of the Common wealth. While our mountains are uiiuer laid w ith ricli ores and our coal rMs are practically ititxhaustibie, conditions which of themselves have given to our Stale rare advantages for the establishment and mam tenanee of tlie diversified manufacturing in- U-T its for which she is noted, the rich lime stone soil so common in all the valleys cf the State bus given her an equally high rank in ail the iutere?ts of agriculture. All that i need. A to make Pennsylvania the em.!, if not the Miporior, of any State in the sister hood with respect to tbe diversity and value of h'.rfarm products,, is to bring into this induttry the same system and care ti nt t-haracterhxs some of the other industrien to which our pe!,le ,re twrning their atten Lull. Tbe e tablishment of a Bureau of Agrieul ture will, if lue project succeed, I an im porluut st.-p iu tbis direction. Farmers have coiue to realize the necessity of more improved methods of treating their soil and a laptitip; t'ueir pnnlucts to the varying con ti lions of the markets they aim to supp.y Tl.ev are beginning to rialiae more and ti.o.-e that farmir.cisa s ienceand that he who would avoid l-.ilure and achieve success niut aiiuaint liiinsc'.f with the laws upon w hich his failure or success depends. They Intiin to fed lis ihey have never felt before, tlie neee-sity of closer together that they intv get Ltlp ficm each other's experi ence. A F'.ircsu of A.rricuHure ofganizil and ai1ii.iuit 1 tii'oii tbe pi an proposed ly S. -nalor fiiicbliei.l's bill w i!l prove a ?teat t l'-lo in this rest .I. It provides fur the i' Ctie' of a oniniif-ioner of Apricuhure vitc-ki',' iiavea practical know !edj:e if that irupo.lai.t industry, a?it whose imy it taall be to i'.thf r aud jiul-lish informut-on oa all iintti r ri Uting to the ruiti: g of live slo. k the liei.v.s to which they are subject and the mca:: cf preventing and curing the iiue. II: ia to gather statistics relating to . iMjut u, ui . i.i huiui. ,iv in i ujay oe seen the relation of their real or actual vulue to their assessed value, lie shall inquire into and make public, by reliable statistics. the rcittion that li e j lofils rtalized fjom capital invests! in hum lands bears to the profits of cipiial invited in other branches of bubine. s. He shall have cha-ge of and direct the lii.-tribution of all moneys that may htrcafter be appropriated by the Slate for ti:e improvident of public roads. We do not 1-sve time to notice all the pro visitniB of the bill, but after giving if a rare f:il examination we are BatUriei that it r.i ets a wa:.t thai is being felt more and mnre every year. There can lie no uuubt but that farmers as a class are placed at a disadvantage which others do not suffer for the reason that they do not have any regu larly organized head, authorize! by h.w, tlirouh which to work for their own spe cial interests. The establishment ofsucli a Bureau w ill atTjrd advantages for securit g legislation w hich farmers do not now pos sess, ltwommeihlaiions coming from the beu.lofsurh a dtpartaient will carry more weight and have iicn-e influence with our law making wei than the farmers of the State under pit-sent circurastanoes can hope to command. This is Mr. Crilchfield's first term is the Senate, and he is proving himself to be a true rej rise:. talive of the agricultural inlcr 'st;, not only of his own Senatorial district but of the Sute ut larjre. Let his bill for a S .l.i- fhireau cf Agriculture receive due con--si,icra;it)n and, if amendments are deemed advisable in ary way to jjerfeet the measure we have no doubt that the Senator will chierl'ully receive all suggestions of that kind msde ia the right spirit. A Great Spring to Florida via the P. R. R. By reason of the enormous popularity ac corded the Fenusylvauia Railroad's person ally conducted tours to Florida during the winter an J spring of 1!!1 the company has decided to run the sixth and last on March ?!--t. It wiil diifer ia many points from tbe ethers. Ci::g south the tourists will travel in a snecial train of I'ullraan Sleeping and Ihning cars similar in every respect to the trains used on previous excursions. The excursion tickets, which will be sold at a rate of from New York and fit! from Philadelphia, will include Pullman accom modations and meals rn rou.v on the sou h bound t-ip, and railroad trjnsjMrtaliun only on the north bound trip. They will be val id for return trip on regular trains up to May 3mh, 1H!1. Fifteen days from the date tiiey leave Jacksonville will be allowed to re-x-h Philadelphia or New York, and during those (.fcecn days they can stop olf at oiuUi desigt.aud on tbo tickets. A Tourist Agnt and Chaeron wiil ac company t! party sou'h. The unusual limit of the tickets and priv ileges accorded w ill afford an excellent op portunity of lengthy visit in the South. Downey Items. The Alliance is booming. The country schools have closed. Tresent indication are that Downey will have another store before long. Our merchant, C. F. Ijindis, is doing a thriving business. He keeps in constant supply a!l that is necessary for a country store. 1".. M. I-amlwrt is the expert shingle man ufacturer of this vicinity. He saws from ei;ht to ten thousand daily. yuihing parties have been so numerous of laic, that they have a! most become a nui sance lo ibis community. The circulars announcing the spring term of the lJeriin Norma! are out. The orps of teiichers OTisist-i of J. C. Speicher, A. J. Johnson, W. W. Cupp aud Miss Ida 1L I'lotts. Cinzw. A CASE OF CHRONIC CATARRH. Cured In tho Third Staga-tO Years a Victim of Catarrh and Perma nently Curea. TUEATMEM THAT KO.'-II NFKI NOT Of .'.!.!, Till, IS If cases like the following can he cured, certainly there is Imps for all. This patient bad been growing tturse in spite of all treat ment for teu yesr, a:ia bad reacneii terrible condition known as tbe third stage of catarrh (atrophic ratarrh.l The offensive bo oth, and dry fcab forming in the nose. crarki::g in the ears, descnoe a raml lion which ia considered by most physicians as hopeless. The is g:ven in the words oi the patient : Clixtox. Mich.. Matca 21. lSUl, Tbe Teruna WeJicine tompany, Columbus, Ohio. GriUlrinrn : I had been troubled 10 years itli chronic catarrn, gradually growing wome from year to year. I tried an the trwmupnts and remidna I heard oh wituout anv relief. My symptoms were dry scjths forming in the nose, dropping from the back part of the r.ise into the throat, sore throat, nose stopped up. offensive breath, and crack ing and roaring in the ani. 1 began to take your remedy oh the lt of November, lssn, and in twelve moalhs I was perfectly cured. awl no local t-eatment, but used only your medicine internally. I have had c return ot my catarrn, ana consiaer my sen perfectly cured. II. if. tt lUIMt. It would be difficult to describe a worse case to cure than the above. The length of time it had run. the fact that it had contin ually grow n worse, and the further fact that it had already developed the symptoms of the dry or atrophic, stnge of catarrh, combine to make this a verv remarkable cure, ijuite imjossible to be made with the ordinary treatment. This cure was effected by internal treat ment alone, and no spray, gargle, or inhal ant was used. The case began to improve as soon as the medicice was begun, and in six months every rymptura bat disappeared but the medicine w as continued for a few few months longer for fear they would re turn. This man has been exited during the past winter to the changeable climate of Michigan, 'and has not had the slighest re turn of any catarrhal symptoms. Not a month passes but that hundreds of similar cures a'e made by the internal use cf re-ru ns, unassisted by other treatment. The only r"asen that there are any failures are either because the catarrh is complicated by tome organic d'sease or the patient does not take the muiicme long enough, lue majority ef people expor t to be cured in a w eek or two of catarrh that has run ten or fifteen years. Such eeple are nearly always disaptioir.ted. IV ru-r.a will cure a reevnt case of acute catarrh in a few days or weeks. but whin the disease becomes chronic it tnkes longer. Colds, winter coughs, bronchitis, sore throat, and ph urisy art all catarrahl affec tions, and consequently are quickly curable by l'e-ru-na. Kach bottle of Pc-ru-na is ac companied by full directions for use, and is kept by most druggists. Get your druggist to older it far you, if he don not already keep it. A pamphlet on the cause and cure of all catarrhal diseases and consumption sent free to any address by the Perutia Medicine Company, Columbus, O. Mount Morlah Items. Our young banters, Henry Swank and H. Lohr, last week killed a large ctsm that had whipped every hunter's dog which follow ed bim. Ed Lohr sold his personal prcperty at pub lic sale last week, and removed his family to Johnstown James Barne'.t has rented the farm, and taken possession of it. Our people have corue to the conclusion that there is money to be made In having public sales. There will be aViut half a doz en in this community during the remainder of tbis month. Jeremiah Bitcchk-y, of the mercantile house of Buechley & IJuechl-.-y Johnstown, has sold out and returne.1 to this p!ae. Us says that ci'.y life does not agree w ith his heal'.h. Mrs. Julia Holder and Mrs. Susan Keyser have been very hi for the past month. They are both aed ladies and were not expected to recover, but we arp - u toi that both are convalescing. Several months agj Frank I.ohr purchas ed tbe farm owned by his father, Jacib Lohr, and intended to go to farming in good earnest, but has changed his mind and dis posed of his farm to a man named Shirey, of Westmoreland county. Mr. Lohr will go west. Horatio Kimmell and bis brother Joseph, are living near this place, and are keeping bachelor's hall that is, .hey are living by themselves, doing their own baking, cooking and washing, besides taking care of thtir aged father, Samuel Kimmell, whj is near ly blind, and bordering on ninety years. They have things neat, nice and corn fort ab!e and seem to be happy as any married folks could possibly be. The floods of the present w inter have dune considerable damage in this section. The water was not higher than at thetinie of the Stonycreek Hood, but actually did more damage to property here. N. B. Critchfield's saw miil dam, which has withstood ail oth er high "valors without damage, was badly tirn this time and it will cost considerhale to repair it. It was a new. strong one. having been built only about five years ago. Oix AIOAl. THE MARE CHASED THE TRAIN. Her Colt on the Cow-Catcher, and tha Equine Mother Anx iou3. Cixt i.inati, ., llarch (i. A valuable mare and colt escaped yesterday from the barnyard of Abiah Hayes, the noted ktot k raiser just as a freight train came thunder ing down toward an adjacent crossing. The coll got in the way of the train and was caught on the cow catcher, in despite of the mare's anxious neighing. The long train could not be stopped until it had run the better pa:t of a mile. Then the colt rolled oir unhurt. The mare had wildly leaped culverts and crossing fences, and was alniost up with the engine when her onharraed colt fell safely down the side of the track. Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Pr. King'r New Discovery for Consumption, IK King's Life Pills, Eucklen's Arnica Salve and K;ec tric Bitters, and have never handled reme dies that sell as w ell, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every tim, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satis factory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. J. X. Snyder Drug gist. Jeff Davis Takes Washington's Place. Little Tex s, Ark., March ,V5 The life sized portrait of Jefferson Davi, which the Clerk of the House was authorized daring the early part of tbe session to have painted, was icceived to-day and placed over the Speaker's derk. U took the place of the portrait of (ieorge Washington that had been hanging ia the ba'l for the past twenty years. Justices of the Peace, Attention I Itinn's Justice. Dtinlap's Forms, and Pur dons Digest can be bought at Fisher's Book Store at ci!y prices, w here yon cap also buy a docket and a full line of Justices' blanks, including sea'p blanks, deeds, fee bills, bonds, judgement notes, legal and fools cap paper and official sizeenveloes. Always recollect that Fither's Hook Store is head quarters for Justices' supplies. Cospel Hymns and Hymn Books. UoTjitl Hynins, all style?, bindings, and prices, by single copy or doseris or hundred, for sale at Fisher's It jok Store. Disciple, Evangelical and Lutheran Hymnals, and Sunday-ecbool and reward cards and ticket at Fisher's Baok Store. Be Sure If yon have Trade up your mind to fcuy Rood's Sarsaparilli do not be Induced to take any other. A Boston lady, whose example Is worthy Imitation, tells her experience below: la one slore w here I went to buy Hood's Rarsajcu Uhi the clerk tried to induce ma buy their own ir.strad el Hood's; he Uild me their' would last; thai C imgbt take It oa ten To Get days' trial; that it I did not like It I need not p::y anything, etc Hut he could not prevail on me to change. I told him I bad taken Hood's Sirsaparilla, knew what it was, was satisCi d w ith It, and did net wa;;t any other. When I t" ?r.n taking H rod's Barsanariila I was Jccling real njisernhio with dyspepsia, and so weak that at times I could hardly Hood's stand. I looked Ilka a person In consnrorc tien. IlooU's Sarsaparhla did me so much goid that I wonder at myself sometimes and sny friends freipienl ly speak of it WB3. Xislx A. Uorr, el Terrace Street, Boston. Sarsapariila ?o:dty!:dni-Tr!U. f 1 ; six 'or J. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD a 11., Apotlweariea, Lowell, Hun. 100 Dose3 One Dollar YOU CAN FIND p3-, t in ilT-r.ll" at th Adwviiw ll"'a el T ! REIvniTGTQl! EROS. ao will cuulj-c4 It-r MlTniMicjx mt lt-wit rutufr Famly Duty, The home c:rcle is sacred and life has few charms iudee-J 'f ftniiiy ties are burst asun der. The promotion of hp;iness and the prevention of sickness are ot prime import ance in every bonsehold. It is in tbe spring that old and younirahkearemoat susceptible to the hundreds ol d,.seass that fill the at-mo-phere we breathe and lurk in the water we drink. The timely use of a reliable stim ulant is the only way to gurd against sick ness in the home. Max Klen s "Silver Aee" and "Duquesne" brands of pure rye whisk v are recommended by physicians as the best invigerator in the world, lioib are so! 1 under a sworn guarantee of purity. ''Sil ver Age" at $1.50 per full quart bottle, and "Duquene"' at l.'. These whiskies are nse.l exclusively in the leading hospitals. which is so llicient evidence that they are tbe best obtainable. On.-kenheimer. 1-inch, Inbson ana Overboil are sold by Mr. Klein at tl per quart, or siq quarts lor s. His sioeic ol wines, brandies, etc.. is the larre-a in Penn sylvania. Hoods promptly shipped to all liarts of t'.ie Cnitej S'ates. Send for cata logue and price list, mentioningthis paper, MERUITIIE APPRAISEMENT OF- DEALERS n HESCHABLISE IN Somerset Countv, Pa. -o- TAKE NOTIE. That in pursuance . the K-veral At t al AwmMy of the e'jniiinon- wealih U) Troviiie revenue tt rr.'.-i-t the deirKinu upon the 1 rtH-urv, and lor oilier purri'Ktai, the iiiu!,.r'm. .! Ai,i,"riii-sr of Men-untile Taxw for saiil Ciiiinty has prepared alitofllie tnuies of ncitl 4 omitv aiel has iilaced ea.-h in that cla which to him appears rluht and proper. ADDItOS. Name. Trade. In un U. I Retailor Emli-ley ii son " - FrevA " " - Hook T. M " I.ittoll Jese " M i hell Charles A. Tavern Nieklo-v F.I " Kuss Kotiett E. -.Retailer BKRLIS KOROI GH, Rrothers Retailers I ooV K L " ( ".llins F. B " FliifuA.C - . Kri-iliiT Kuru... NaiiK-vi'. H " N Pael li . M J" llSoil J. I I " J. A. W. f. " l'nilonS. A. Co Bankers s-ib.-rt W A Retailer HI.AVK. Huntl Mrs. F Retailer i R i ) TIIF.R S YALLF. Y, Class. 14 M IS 11 ....7S 00 ... 7 Wl 13 12 1-' 3 1 11 11 11 W li! ..f.5C t' 14 W-Kc'iiry Ira ... ..Retailer .... Distiller u "niill, K V rtiu-nt F. A W atters ii. A. 6i Co.- 14 Twp. Twp. COXEMACGII. I? eh henrer Jacob Retai ler W alcucr Joseph Tavern coyruEscE borovgh. Blaek A. f. Retailer A; Co I, net' A. B " Ktli'Ir A: Co . JloiM.r.'iltl A C. " .. Ktr- M. A. A Bro. . - ."Siiiith Thoma.. Tavern Tissue H. B Retailer CA SSEL if A X h Oil 0 L'0 1 1. K rerar Jacob ti Son Retailers ELKI.IVK. Knrmt); F. V Tavern V u hl-tilieri; Loiiis Retailer Keitx. H.A S iaw II t " Tiiomas Annie j a ii: no rs towxsiiip. Bo-, ts J.wiali Retailer- Hoi.htzell .1. J. A Sou... " tirtiaerti. W " JE1FERS0X. 14 ..7,ri 00 1.1 14 14 11 14 '3 Sl.V) 13 14 . 575 00 14 14 It 14 Barclay J.W Rclatkr 13 je.xi:rtowx borocuii. firifliih J. J - Retailer.. JESXES, CiverJ. M Retailer liar luer I.. T " . Morgan W. S. :Ft.i " (I Connor John A " Risinxer Joho " - LOWER TVUKEYFOOT. CVWri A. J Retailer . lboii John... " - Sclialzler Joseph " LIXCOLX TOH'XtlilP. re Brothers. Retailers w'eiuier a. J " LARIMER. Boil A. O Retailer F. W Distiller .. Bnutfhir.Mi Jesse ....DIlil!er.... Durr Fred Retailer .. rihal'er'J. '.'..Z"'.Z..'. " I""...!... XILFORP. V.'alt-.rC. A Retailer MIDDLE CR El'K, Br.iEh A. H Reiailer Moor U. 11 " - MEYERZDALE R0ROVG1L 13 Twp. .Twp. 14 11 . 14 Apt-le V.'m i ouk 4 Deal Cliir-us Bank ....... Cover P J I ia c. n Mv-ly H J 1 ielnmr Driijr Co Klilieeka H. J lU'rtln A.' Farmers' FKr.eer's llardw. C... llanli'T fl. C ACo lloekiii i:rothcrs... 1'iitlv liit-lihel . lUv'w. II. fc s:,m. Jin . A- Ky'e E Kisipjiel Aihert.. . I. hit c l tiler A Collins- Morrel I. liowe Frvi & Co,. lo'iili R -inhi rt . si, er Vailiauiel f lit er Johu ( uthrie A w s!,iplev J.T Meciir'iy W. E. ACu. I ruxal C W Pin-.t A. W . Wolk O. A- Co m Youuij J. VV Retailtr 11 '.'.i ft (V Z 16l Z ji.o .. no loO ...Rancrni.. .Ke'iailer .. ..Bankers .-Retailers.. .Tavern ..... ..Retailer . Tavern .... ...Retailer" XEW BALTO. BOROlGlf. Topjier John " .. Tuj pcr Johu Distiller XEV CEXTREYILLE BOROVGH. Dull & Co Retailers Vou,iil L. .. .V0rri'iii70.V. Eliant J. Retailer levdicl. D. - Miller J. H .. " ... Mc4uile Andrew Tavern OGLE. Ream Garrett Retailer PAIXT. Rortler Wiiiel Retailer CwlerA. E m - , Ilolsoppie DsnieL... " ItfHin tiiirret ' Keiu J. J , QIFMAIIOXIXG. IS Bur. 14 13 14 1.5 I'.loiich P. J Onrk A B. ACo. ReUller. Dluaes Wm..- tieist l A Weaver....... (fpet-ht Joslah " ZZ RO( KU OOD BOROVGH. l'ker A Co..- Retailer l.'.Kil I'ltlloTipt Miil'T J. D " Z 'ZZ Mt'Klfish Brut , i ZZ1 (mull A simta. " ZZ '.Z Miviter H Volferslerirer D. II " Um kmau Mary Tavirn beck ii. W .BilUartlC Z 13 14 1.' 13 14 14 14 11. 'O I HO SALISBVKV BOROUGH. Barehm J. I Rouiter E.lleni Keese.- " - "nvP.s ' H irlliarthC. H-.. Lichiiier.Mrs.sar!Ui. ........ Waiter f- K... Vaiiej Ban Backer SHADE. Ix,hr W. E .Ketl!er l-itr John U SOI THA MPT0S. HeitUe Valentine Distiller STOSrCREZK. Ralter C. L Retailer Rrviif C A .. " 13 11 1J 14 1J Twp. IS . Twp. f.m:,: R. P ' Coleman ticorge " FliVoi sinc!er ' kl, ,r,Um W. J. SMirtr ihiniel.... - " Vi'airner I) " Topiier John Distiller SOMERSET BOROl Gil. Penfnnl G. W netaiier Drultii rnr.w " 14 14 x 14 14 14 14 14 14 II tl a 13 14 11 12 14 It 14 iok A: Heenw " t'ofiroth (X H " Kneptier A. w.. . " .. Collroth - B " (Vtfrorh Mrs. Kale B. " Kink Peter " F reuse A Kooser " A . H. t Bro ' FMier Chun. H " HoMertmum 1. B " HelllevH " Kerr Brothers " Kiic'lsr Sc Ferner .. Kauiii'.Tdi fiatt " l.fintlier.1. N " Miller J. H " Morris Brothers ' NerTiCRselteer " Psrter & Parker A. E 14 10 14 14 14 13 14 13 12 14 14 11 It 14 12 14 14 14 14 13 Shivier Franlt Seiiell P. A hhiferChanC " Sehiix-k Mrs. M. E. " SnvderJolin X. ' SVI-.rock Muhlon. ' prills Ac Kantner " Tmlvrell & Co. " l td Mrs. A. E ' Vomrht C. E Zimmerman!'. R " iiolderbaum J. M " SOMERSET. Wonrli M. W .....Retai!er Bovrufiii Wm... Cal-leJ, M " sw-hmueker C. H . " lciiuiin Joseph. " illl MIT. noV.itzel! J. J &. Sen Retailers .. J'l.?vJ. M Mc Kiuzev A. J. Co " Miller L. M ' S TO 1XS To H'.V VOS0 1 OIL Bowman Noah .......Retailer.. 13 $1.0 14 I1W 14 14 ("titter HH:niiel...-........Tftvern .... S-hlusr V. B.- Ketailer H;teJ. il ..Tavern Thomi'son Jacob & Son-... ' SWkey C. II VltSIXA BOROUGH. Altiriistit Jaines.'. Davis A Cotler Retailer... Forpier !-eroy....m...... ....- JenkinsM A , SellereR. 11 ' I'PrEll TVRKEYFOOT. Co'ler E. F Retailer Henry F- G -. .. ' ............ i:-!rhanlJ B " Kregar Jaenb & Sou- " W eimert . U " lletler S K. Distiller WELLERSBVRd B0R0VG11. Kenneil J. J Retailer Classification of Venders of chandlse. 14 14 13 13 14 Twp 14 Mer- Sale off 1,000 U!aas1t TalJ 7 00 " " 1. 10 00 " 10A) . " 12 " 11 50 lri lHL " 11 15 00 - 10 20 00 " :i,l00 n . " 25 Oil " 4o,uo u s . :io oo mwm And others, of Somerset County ! Cx F. COUNTRYMAN .Veterinary Surgeon and Auctioneer, Registered of eiabt !T ytr' Veterinsry Fraeljee and of the Ontario Veterinary COllejre, Canada, otters his services inthe pruetiee of eterinari-M'stieineaud Snrgerr. Trent diseases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep ami Suine, and performs Hunrieal 0ierallorui. Castrating ani Saying, Retlueinir of Fractures, eaiii broken hone., retiueinn ol ilerutas.kupluresi.i N EUQTOM Y is'eparaiinn of .Nervi-sl In chronic foot lameness. TE K DENOTOMY lor straighteuingeroiiked or wry tails, Ols-tnietious lo cows, Teats reniovetl eml Teal opeiieii up and bronjilit to its proper use. SCI RRHOUS or enlarged cords, tumors, blemishes, growthi, warts and windgRlls epulis i in yotiiiv: animals pcrumncntly reiuovetl. Slid joint injury and lameness, aad lameness from ringbone, siKivin, curb and splint, cured in a few weeks, and il not of long standing entirely taken away. At rot4iy of tiie Mum-I-.-s, (Sweeney t sore and weak eyes cured, dlsiemjter. lung fever, chronic eouh, heaves, colic in horses, hoven ililoat In cattle) tit)., treated Willi success. Anthrax, (black leg or bloody miirriHiil prevention and remedy. DENTISTRY ft-eeial attention given to renalring of horses teeth, wolfteeth. Aehing.spilt and iliM-u-d teeth extraetetl. hharpand uneven edgesof molars smoothed up, iuTisor teeth Uiken oil. Arc. Tbe above conditions of the teeth ot'tea catiie weeping oreloutly eyes, ipiiddingor dmjiping ol'ttssl, holding head crooked, driving on one line. imertect mastication, iudigestion, eribbing. hide bound.lossof tilth. Ac. all of hieh are removed by my method of operating on the teeth. Harm; teeth dressed for appeaiance and age. 1 can in many eases give ativieeaud prescribe without seeing the patient, or by letter, by stating general symptom anil giving sex, age, color, ami of how long standing, and what treatment, if any, has been resorted to, tie. Charges fortius, f I, invariably ta iitOtivr. 1 will go some distance for club of eight, Hidgling or Henuiaed colts or any other work that will justify. W rite me lor circulars, rates, Ac. A TT("f TOTM KKR TTCH 1 dall kinds of auctioneering. Have had six years'ex- V- J- -IW-i' JJ, JX11 periem-y, aud have listened torHimeof the tiest auetioneeni In the I". S. and Canada, and caught on to thtir best ways and methods of holding a crowd ami solie Itliii; bils. Plenty of talk, life and energy. Country and live stofvk Bales a specialty. Sobriety, pum tuality and satisfaction guaranteed. Charges beyond competition. Give me a call in this di rection. I will s:ie and make you money. I cttu be found at home, and ready to go. at all times during tbe next three months excepting oh Tuesdays and Saturdays of each week, at which times i will oe at Hendfor-J's or Snyder's Drug iftore. Somerst-t. In acu; and diseasas of eolts, and of the respiratory organs, and in paralysis, difficult parturition, lractures. uuuriea, tS'c, come at onf t.t a fwuiMM., -it-1 u ut t i. . i. i ,m uc G. F. Countryman, V. Jas. B. Holderbaum, HAS JTsT RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF THE Hench & Drumgold ALL STEEL FRAME SPRING-TOOTH HARROW w hich is a wonderful improvement hi SPRING-TOOTH HARROW. Teeth quickly adjusted by only TOOTH Ever Invented. Tlie tooth is held in position by a Ratchet, with which it can lie adjust ed so as to wear from 15 to I S inches off tbe point of the tooth, which is four or live times as much wear or service as can lie obtained from any Spriu-t-aith harrow in existence Cull and examine this Harrow, j JAMES B. HOLDERBAUM Have Your "A." SIIOWINGr Properly fitted tothe Eyes. -SO f' T. L. CASEBEER, OF THE FIRM OF NEFF & CASEBEER Has been to Cleveland, Ohio, and taken a a full cenrse of instruction under Julius Kin?. M. D.. nt.Wi r, c(.i.. J msxruction purchased a full line ofaUrtyles of SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES. -Also, a complete set of Test Lenses, to test tbe Eyes, g$ lttSjH' Give us a call. "We guarantee eatisfaction. No charge for testing eves. NEFF & CASEBEER. JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS, Somerset, Classineatlon ertarfrns. Roroiirhs " s TowcsUlpi 7,1 4 Classification of Distilleries. Cities of First. Second anil Third Claw $QP Class 1 Olh-r cities " - Township. h Billiard, Pool Table, Nine or Ten-Pin Li censes : f,:0 for first Table or Alley. $10 for each addition'U Table, Ac. TAKE NOTICE. All persons concerned in titU A ppnuaeratmt. that an Appeul wiil be helJat the Vnasiirern'oflice in !oiueret, oo the-t day of Aprii. lml, hetweew the hours of .' a. m. aud 4 p. m. when and where you can attend if you think proper. O. VT. WILLIAMSON, marit. ilercautile Appraiser. WALL PAPER Send 10 cents to our Mail Depart ment for new samples of ISM. Xice Papers for 6c Beautiful Gilt for 10c. ; Solid Gilt from 1" 3"c Fine Embossed, from 25 to 5oc a roll. J. Kerwm Miller & Co. 513 Smithfield Si. Pittsburg, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S XOTJCE Estate of Klizabeth Emigh latenf AllesrhenyTwp. Stimerset countv, pa., deeesel. trtters of Administration havinK len (rranteil bv the proper authority, 10 tbe uudersigneo. on tlie e-tte .f Marv A Rhoads late f Jetlerson townsnip, Somerset e.intv. Pa.. rt.-eeiul, notice is herebv sivei to all persons indebted tosaul es tate to make ii mediate javnient. and those hav iiiK elaimii airainst sil estate will present them dulvaulhentuated for sett lenient ami allowam-e to the uiiUersiiaied at his resilience iu stonycreek township on .Saturday, the 2nd lay of ' Msv Is 1. i M. J. r Kl I C adm2 Adminisirator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. EsUte of Henry Walter, late of Somerset Twp., Somerset county. Fa., deceased. Letters of Administration on tbe above estate havinit been ranted to the untlersjpned hy Hie proper am horliy. notice is her .'by triven to all jer rana indebted tothe said estata to make immedi ate paymeut, and those havinir claims acainw the same io present them duly authentiewteti for set- tiement on or before Saturday, the 2nd day of May, K'l- at my othee in the Bortaii;h of Som erset, Somerset Co., Pa. JAMES L. Pt'GH. msrlS. Admr.of Henry Walter, dee'd. -JgXECUTOR'S NOTICE. iuttate of Ueonre Werner, dee'd , late of Addison Twp., Somerset County, Pa.. Letters testamentary on the aliove estate hav init twen irranted to the uue'e liimed by the prop er authority, notice is hereby (riven to all persona indebted to said estate to make Immedijte pay ment and those havinir claims or demands acainst thesame will present them duly authen ticated fir settlement on Saturday. May 2. 16 '1 . to the Kxeeutor at the late residence of the said deceased where he will give his attendance for said purpose. STEPAEN McCLINTOCK. mar25. Executorr, YUPIT0R'S '0TICE. Iu the matter of the ertate of Sam'l Weinicr deceased. And now, March 7, Md, J. O. Kimmel appoint ed Auditor bv theOrphans' Court to ascertain nd vaneemeuts and make and report a distribution araoiijr tbe heirs, public notice is given that the Auditor wiilattendat his office In Homerset bor ough on Saturday, tbe lsthday of April, l":rt. to jierform tbe duty, of which all persons iutere.ste I will lake notice. J. O. KIMMEL. mari'j. Auditor. a suniiv or oent medicine on dwmi uuerui. A1 .iaress S., "ilfv P. 0. Box. 240. MAILS.) loostv.iint; onc'nut, Tbe best HOLDER Eyes Tested. SV ?' r'i'w: 1 Y "B-" SHOWING ImPrperly fitted to the eyes. HORSEMEN B. B, TIME Now to b;:v CURTAINS. ,0 PLACE. In these stores as all our importations are now on sa!e stylos and patterns are all distinctively new and values never before attained. PRICES The lowest for like qualities. AVe guar antee this or money refunded. CORRESPOND Vith our MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT in relation to this subject or any other branch of the DRY GOODS BUSINESS, and you'll soon find where one can trade to best advantage in every way. Boggs & Bulil, 115, 117119, ami 121 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY, PA. THERE IS -1 1I7IISKEY Which is uniform in its results, besides in every other particular. Al tested to by everyone who has given it a thorough trial, and their name is !ition. The pure 8 year old GUCKENHEIMER WHISKY Is the whiskey, sold only by JOSEPH FLEMING & SON, Druggist.-!, Pittsburgh, Pa. As a strengtliciier of the :::::Nervous j System,::::. with special -rood efieet on the res piratory and digestive organs, it is pronounced uneqnak'd. Price, full quarts $1, or six for $5. We now carry a full and complete stock of all the leading; Fine Whiskies, both do mestic and foreign, jrivintr yo'i the oppor tunity to make your choice from the finest selection to be had in the city at the lowest possible prices that can be made for the quality and age of the goods. JAT Please send for full and complete price list, mailed free. Jos. Fleming: & Sod, DRUGGISTS, 410 tt il.' Market :-t., 1 ant 2 Market PITTSBUESn, PA. ALadit1 pre Espccirtliy invite!. 18 SPRING 91. We are now showing tlie most complete line of DRY GOODS Ever shown in Western Pennsyl vania, consisting of Foreign and Domestic Dress Goods, and we liave a great bargain in a o(i-iiich Colored CASHMERE. Fine Triil at 1 5 cents per yard. A full line of French and German Press Goods fromofto to $1.50 a yard, in all the Latest Shades. l'rints. Muslins. OinfrhnrtM, Shirtings and White tioods' at I'opuiar Low 1'rices. TOHN STENGER, J 4.7 Mum Street, Johnstown, Pa. gHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a r rtnin writ of Vend Ex lulled out if the Court of Common l'leiis i.-f Stimerv.'t Countv, Pa., to lne ilireete.1. I will expire U public s-tle n't he Court House, in Souiersel, 1'., ut 1 o'cli ek, p. m., on SATUHDAY, APRIL 13, 1S91, Al! t'le riirht, title pileret an I ci.iira of I. B. Walrtl,tif in ml tothe followiT'j: tieerihetl reul entate. viz : A certain of !anti .sitiat(. ju .tenner tnwnhi(,, Somerset I'miiitv, P..aa)-iiiinir lalitU ef .tonus Nlowry, Widow Metfnt-.Hn. t :r ami Jol.n Cover, euntaitiiuc llfi'a e.'-res, on whieli are erei terl a l-a kSi r- lo,' bMie, latge lralUe barn, aiei otier outbuilding, with I lie appurte nances. -NOTICE.- Al! penons pun'hain(r at the ahnresnle will plea-eiuke nut lee lliat 10 vt rent, of the pur elia-i money must be paid win a the rroierty Is knoekeil don, o'.herwLte il will niti he exiKxn-il lo sale nt the risk of the first pur chaser. The residue of me purchase money must he paid un or ln-t'ore lny of contimintion. on Thursday of May Term, Iswl. No deed will lie acknowledged uutil the purchase mouey is eni I in full. SiHF.r-iFF'sOFFira 1 ISAIAH Goon. Somerset, Pa. Mar. ;",!il. Slieriff. 400 ACRES. 33TH YEAR. JANJED, To repre-ent one of tlie laruist Nunterie- in the eo'intry. We pnnrant -e) ansfaetioti to all cus K. mem. No jr viui-it evth;rienie necessary. Sal ary mI rirt-nws Inmi' start Ad, Ires, Matin ase. HMUPh. HROS. TIP .I AS. Maple Avenue Nurseries, West Chester, I". apri. DMIXLSTRATOR'S NOTICE. tetate of CIiriMlan I,. Miller, late of Jefferson towic-bip, Somerset liunty. pa. Lettersof ailiniiiistrutionon thesbnveestate hav-Inehei-n grHiitetltoiheunilersiirneiiby the pniper authority, notice is hereby given to all persons intiebteil to saiii eitate to make immediate pay ment, and those hitvini; chiiinii aeainst the same will present them duly authenticated for settle ment ou Saturday, April 11, 11, at tbe house of said deceased. (WRAP MILLER ARKAHAM M. MILLER, marl. Aduirs. of C. L. Miller, dee'd, DMIXISTRATOR'S XOTICE. Estate of J. L. Burkholdcr, late of Brothenrvalley Township, Somerset ooiitit v, Pa. Letters of Administration on the aliirre estate bavins been granted to the undersigned by the proper authority, notice is hereby riven toad person indebted to saitl estate to make immedi ate payment and thtwe haviugclaim aainst tbe same will present them duly authenticated lor settlement on Saturday, tne 16th day t May, 'SI, at t .e late residence of deeeaneti, ANDREW 1. COI.EMAV. aprl. Administrator. DMIXISTRATOR'S XOTICE. Estate of Adam T. Hnvder.late of t'pper Tnr keyfoot Twp .SVn.ierset Co.. Pa.. ,lc. - d Letter of Administration on the above estate havinit been (rrauteil to Hie nndersieneii ley the proper authority, no; ire ia herehy eiyen to all person iu,lette.1 to said estate to make immedi ate payment, ami those having claims against the aarne will present them duly authenticated for settlement on Saturday, the n;h day of Mar Isfi, at the late residence of -leeeasod. " B. F. SNYDER, aprt, Administratrix. Salesmen WOOLFS TREMENDOUS CUTS. To .-pced the parting with thi. season.-; croo k tiv c;:t t., t ,., dov a below! Tis better now to sell at than r'-.t t , The nioney-inakinjr ?eiti?on i. o'er! tf'-t.-H t-tv!,. . f-,,; To reduce tliem but one mower's work is cil-ein,. ;;,,.'.' LOW PRICE! So him wc set to work Ti- Lutt-t is v,i!;r, reap! Values wonderful beyond all. Vi'e oiu-r open Q LnulLE Ui DUU filL AT Choice of 200 All-Wool Suits, actual value n.-liiccd to i;r. N oe it suits or trousers alone you want, tho savinsr is tn inr-nl. u.-; t, active trade of the past week proves that thrifty iKoi'h' rcuii..-1 r... . They've bought magnificently ! Still tbere" ro.u and marvel.,:., for you. So come. WOOLFS', JOHNSTOWN'S Job: n Thomas & Sons JOI-IITSTO WI PA MA.MMOTII STORKS, : ; 240 to 248 Main Street, Is one of the wonders of Johnstown, with its Several I?'arimiits. n Departmeut "A" are Dry Goods In Department " U,'' Hoots ar.d ?r:oes. I, Department " A" Carpets. In Department "D," Clothing, Hats, and Furnishing onds. Department ' E," Groceries. Department " F," Fcti Fcr Gccd Goo-s, Chiap Gccds, nd S:u::nabl: C-:::; They cannot be excelled. An examination will convince the ra- " doubting Thomas " of Somerset Cou ity. JgTHEADQUARTKRS FOR CUl'XTKY l'Kul 'l.'CK. GIVEN A FINE PONY ! The TONY is 1 year old, weighs 140 pound-, and va born in Sm..r-a County, and worth $10ii. Every purchaser of a Hoy's or CLild".s Suit 'netween nov and APRIL 15TII Will be entitled to a guess ou tlie nan-iber of leans in the sealotl jar ia our window, and whosoever fraesfes the oorn'ct aniount, or nearest to it, will be entitled to our valuable pony, " LITTLK IIL'STLKIL" Vou con see him in our show window. TIIOMAS, KARR & OGILYIE. NOS. 2,71 and 2.j3 JIaiu Street, Johnstown, FOR ! Genernl HarJwaic, House F'rn.h 1 ir-v Eie-r;al Coo:"4. 83 Franklin Street, JOH1TSTOW1T. Cinderella Stoves and Ranges ! T-2v-. . ' " ' .1 , 3NDERELLA A. The best constructed Gmltinrr Stove upon the murker, an l f.!" VNTFKf f tire satisfaction. The top is nitiilf in ur iiiw, so timt it ranui.t cm. k. The Im-it piece 13 cut in two ami supported by a pool, which prevent it from ffiirpin. I' tra deep ash pit with taid ash pun. ami is so nnsirm teil that the :i!u- .at. not " mieunaertue grate, which is the chief cuuse of so many g-mes bur linir out. BRICK OR ROM LIXI.Xr;. DOVBLE LII'S AM) .7.'.V TP. ', EX MA Un':t A XI) IllV.n fiYF.XS. F.iamintheCin.lete'la "A" before purcha-ing. Manufrturc by DeHAVIN' -t 1 " Umiteil, 1'ittsimrgh. bold and guaranued by JAMES B. HOLDERBAUM, Somerset. 1 n pi.-!.- Kt.Ji1.111 HJit - ineapeNi. Kclll'l I ..1.1 111 trie llel it h.-i no It II an IKnlnint nl h...k tiirii iU 1 1. V . """o panicle is api.i to ice DOBtriU lnce, Sol, i,v mui-is , ., hv in-,1. Atlilru, L. T. lUttLTiNE. Warren. Ta. ADMINISTRATO RS XOTICE. Id th matter of the EsUte of Naner I!erMr ger, dec d late of ('oueniaiiir Twp., dee'd. tiom-rN-t ro.. K. Lett.-r of A'lmiiiitrHtiin on the alxire ette bnvinif len Krunti-.i to the nniliTsian,-.! bv the amlioriiy, noti;-e is hcrel.v alven to all person indebted to ai.l estate to iraUe in:m.-.i-ate iMiyment, and llur-ehnvlne ciai.c naint the num.. uill Tin-wltt lliu,,, Hni. ........ . ,-. ... ........ w,, u.'icilltl-Bl: KM Kettlenientou Satiinlay. Apnl 4. l:.i. at tlie late HENRY lifcKHh;''Ri;KR. F. W. BiECKEit, Attorner. ADMINISTRATOR'S XOTICE. Estate of David Bribaker. late of Somerset Two. Stimerset Co.. Fa Lettersol admiai-ratlon on above estite '.av ln been (rrante-l the u;i.l..rii:iie, bv ihe pi-..., er authority, not ice i hen-M irivn to ail in-rmn Indetited Ui said estate to niatce inmeil-late i a ment. and th haviu claims aiming t;.e same will present tbem duly auiheuticaied f,,r Kaltieirieiit on Mocd.ty Apnl Ji. Kt l-Jo .-i. i a ni., at the luu: rvMd.-n.-e or , WM. H. BRl HAKER, MICHAKL ilXr. "Pari. Aduiiui-tratoni tj. cjtj, iu o rAn IS j. $3. LEADING MERCHANTS, AWAY ! i Churns, Crocks, Tubs, rulleys, Baskets. Halters, Glass, Paints, Rope, Cuttlery, t,!i;e. Oils, Tools, Pumps, Wire, etc GO TO I Bin & WMttalmr. ,-i e-..'i.ii- 1 ATAKKH k" t E:ini.t lo ue. "7." "';... inuaiiiiuu: A cum is t-crtjiiu. t.r i-mml . , . - I TTXECUTOK S XOTICE. E-t;tte of Oark-s p. E-m-i.-h. late Townii.p. on: r-r i o , I'-i.. i-Tietti-rs tM-t:i:n,-ri''iry :ih . i'r. ii-'.'ii nTi,i..'rsii;p,-H ty l. :.' pro;.T ntih'.'-:: ahove etHt.', notu-e is' ln-rvl.y IrtieK iDil.-l.o io siii.l etale to rr.., an. payin.-nt. ami all furti.- na viuei-l.: sa'd estate to present th. m t. tl e 1 v- duly ttiitl,fiitiratt-,l (,r -t:i.-rr. -lit "ii Apr.l il .at th hou e u Martin L sai.l townhi:. J..IIV V Tut'!" MAKT1.S L. tM' i: Geo. R. Scull, Attorney. fj:-.-.1 JVV. IX ISTIl ATOtVS XOTICE. In th? niit'i'r of the Kstate of Krai, y d.-e'.t, iat of ( .m.-miiLTti T-.- . I-tu-rs ij" a.i:iutii..r-iiii.n on t ro havin b-en srrJ4iit,..,t un.I.-r: prorn-r atti-Ti'v, noti.-e is . refiy Is-r.-sisn in. 1 bled to 0-1 e-iai.- 'n -a i x pami'i:!, au.l t!..e hir.i i THAI:. Is it-nii t .un,.. r,-...i..i ,.-f .- .die j ,v t.i il :o a 1 .aire-"' m aiulieMieau-d for st-Eti-'mi-nl o:i -ir-l.iy. tin .1 c.-e.L SiidTwp. HEJ.KY UhK-SH'KR,,k'r , Adiuatratur. Fred. W. Kesecker, Attercvy. X 1