The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, March 18, 1891, Image 4

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    The Somerset Herald.
tDWARD SCrm Editor and Propriet.w.
.Vh It.
Tbs fxnjiture fur jx-nsi-.n fir the
yeir eulin June 3", a "." o!!'.'''ally
tated, amounted to f I'f.t.S'ir.."";!!. In ti e
previous yar if pai-i $s7.i4-l,r70, and
tlie pear before that fi.:N'K
Arrmcmsu to the r-ll J reparel by
Clerk MiTbenwD, l.awd on the certifi
cated inrnied to memlx-tr-elect, the nest
House of Representative ' Fifty-second
Conpresoi foot tip as fill .as :
Repuhlioaua, t
Alliarn, S
( f the Vinoerata, lC.i bad the support
of the Fanners' Alliance. In Alabama,
Arkanwi ieortfia, Keuturky, Louisiana,
Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina,
South C-arolina, Teiinevff, T.xas, and
Virginia, the deleitationR are omxn-d
of Farmers' Alliance Democrats, although
Mr. McHierson records hut ei'tit dinlinc
tive Alliance men. Ti;e meiutwrsof Ilia;
party, hoaever, claim as hijjh u twenty.
There are hut eitftit ata contested by
the Democrats in the next Howe, and
theae are (rent-rally supposed to lie insti
gnted by the hope that with the lar,re
Ix-tn.)cratic majority, Republican cou
tete r. ill I uiiHeaU-d ou ptirely parti
aim grounds. There are tan in New
York, one in r-" j : 1 1 h CVr.iiina, "tic iu Ala
l,a in h, one in California and three iU
Th war rfiui in the Iictnooratic
party between the Cleveland an! Hid
faction! hat induced the prudent men
f that faith to cunt about them for a
more atailaWe Presidential candidate.
Of course, he u.uit be a Free-trader, and
Col. William Morrison i Horizontal Mor
rison) has the call at pruvTit, Another
requisite of the coining Democratic caa
didate u that he must tie in favor of the
free coinage ot silver. Mr. Cleveland
put his foot iu it, as far as the. West and
Pouth are concerned, by his hostility to
this latter day heresy. Governor Hill,
hailing as he does from the great com
mercial centre of the country, Jaie not,
if he would, give iu his adhesion toil,
and hence the necessity of seeking foi
more available candidate. The Demo
cratic party bus a plenty cf uiea in its
ranks who are willing to subscribe to
almost any doctrine for the sake of the
nomination ; but w hilethe Lasicrn States
have given away to the demand for free
trade, they will not swallow the demand
for free silver, while the West and South
re clamorous for both. To get a candi
date who can straddle wide enough to
rover the conflicting requirements of tl e
diiTerent sections is the taging question
if the hour. The Alliance men, w ho aie
the natural allien of the Ivuimracy and
upon whom they must uuiiiiiy rely for
uccea, are rabid on the question of lo e
eider. They naturally, aud rightfully,
riispect any one hailing from the lutein
and commercial Mates, and hence w ill
rsistently insist oon a Western on.n.
Morrison is understood to possess all tl e
necessary requisites they demand iu a
candidate, and hence his star is begu iling
to Usim above the horizon.
A ! K R one of the longest contexts in
tlie history of American l'-if '!! ion, t! e
venerable John M. Palmer was last wit k
dertotl I'uited Slate Senator from tie
State of Illinois.
Some years ago Pabner was a K.'pub
Vieaa ; now he is a Democrat, with a'l
that the term implies. He is a gentle
man oi intelligence, lut in his eagern--s
to swure Ike position rendered
body and aoul to the Fanners' Alliance, bas shown himseirto I the veriest
demagogue. On the eve nf his election
lie thus placed himself upon the record :
Are you in favor of the abolition
f Uie national bank circulation ? A
1 You lielicve that all money should
be tned aud coined by the government
and all circulation controlled f,y the gov
ernment? A Yes. As 1 have stated
luring the cantass, and perhnjis t.iyou
la-fore, I at one time entertained the
vie that the Jsiwerof the goi eminent
to coin money was derived fioui the Con
ptitntim and was lia itel to the mere
rooe4ion of the precious metals into
coin ; but that in the progress of time the
jmbltc mind had reached a point that
the government was furnishing that
which served all the money.
I think I stated (hat in JK74. I ok the
rroaod that the government should fur-1
tush all that w as to lie created as money
for Kibli- purposes, "
t oniR,entnig on these declarations of
trie new Senator from the great industrial
J commercial Ktal of Illinois, the
w York 7'rcwsays:
JVnxicrata who are DemivraU la Uieir
conatitutiooal principles and IViuocraw
who are Democrats to catch votes ate
very different ja-caoiia. The f.rmer kind
f Iiemocrat knows that li. j.,,,. f )
taoney by the govern went, particularly
if k 11 all to be paper woaei', it aialis-
Holds Court in Naw Orltant.
New tBLCM, Mamb 14. Judge Lynch
held Giurt tins morning.
The city is wild with eicitenient, and
bow it will end no one can tell.
T'.e trial of the niua Sicilians, charged
with the murder of Chief Henoaesy closed
y-sterday afiernoon, when the jury brought
in a verdict ot rot guilty aa to six of the ac
cused, and failing to agree upon a verdict aa
to the oiher tonne.
Ttir verdict treated much indignation.
and the teeliug lucroatej to biUeroeM until
a late hour last night, when It wraa decided
to hold a idu meeting this morning at the
Oar statue, to take slept to remedy the
failure of justice in the case. A call was
issued, concluding with vhe words : "Come
prepared for action
Id obedience to the call a large number of
p ople awmbled at the Clay statue, and
after several brief speeches had been made
the meeting adjourned to the pariah prison,
winch waa soon surrounded by several
thousand people in a stale of wild excite
ment. Nkw Orls, March 14 Tbe scenes
about tbe Clay statue tbia morning brought
to mind forcibly and violently the peculiar
and ominous uprising of that Beptcaiber
day lti years ago.
Ten o'clock bad not yet struck, and a vast
multitude was alivady oongregated on Canal
atr.-et. almost filling up the large space from
curb to curb on each side of the Boulevard.
Just on the stroke of 10 o'clock a shout
went up from the people stationed at tbe
corner of St. Charles street, aud a number of
triitjcuiei, among whom were Mr. W. 3
Farkerson, Mr. Jobn C Wickliffe, and othets
alio siglined tnecad, came marching along
and U-Kt) walking around tbe range of the
Ciav monument.
-Fall it; ! Fall in !" was the cry from tbe
crowd which formed and went around tbe
railing several limes. "Harrah for Tarker
' Hurrah for WicklirTe !" ' et in-
i ie tiie railing and give us a speech "
Tuese and oilier cries made up a xnifuioii
of noises among which the angry tone was
sigtiitiL-aiitly predominant.
Swe inaide the railing waa occupied by
a dense crowd. "Come dow n frura thoae
sleps," was the request "and let Mr. Park
ersou and Mr. Wickliffe get there." The
crjwd obeyed with alacrity and soon the
s a-akers held their position of vantage. A
rub was made for the narrow gate, and in
a minute there stood a packed mass of bu
rn iniiy around the statue ef the immortal
Clay. The view from the altitude was im
p ising. Sot a bad word escaped tbe lips of
fie geutleuien who bad mounted thesteps.
T icy stood, motionless, surveying the surg
ing multitude from whose ranks there
gleamed faoea full of resolve and determlna
tion. There were fully 3,000 people within
earshot, and more could be seen struggling,
pushing and running here and thereon neu
tral ground. Mtreit cars were unable to pass
through, and carriages, cabs, carta, wagons
and vehicles ol all descriptions were hailed.
Mr. Parker-on spike first. He said that
once before he bsd appeared before the people
in grand mass meeting assembled to discuss
mall rs of vital interest to the community,
and again he faces the people of New Or
leans to denounce the infamous act which
was consequent upon the most revolting
crime in the criminal annais of any commu
uity. That act wss tbe finding of the jury
in the murder trial yesterday, and that crime
was, as ever-body knows, the foul assassin
a'ion;of Chief Henuesby." I desire neither
lame nor name, nor glory." said Mr, Park
erson. ' I am a plain American citizen, and
mi a irood citizen I address you to day."
After the eM9rcbes tbe indignaut crowd,
num'ieriitg about 2,000, started for the Par
ish 1'rison, which itiej- reach at 10.34 o'clock.
Alter slight resisia-tce, the jail was surround
ed, tbe citizens rushed iu and killed 11 of
ibe 1!' men w ho bad been indicted for the
a-a-Muu'i ill ot Chief Mennessy, aa follows :
Msnuel I'ulielz, Pietro Mouastro, Antonio
s ufT-di, Ji'pti ilaciieca, Antonio UarclMsa.
:iloni". IWnelio, Frank K "Uero, Jim
i'ar!io. It ivo Ueraihi, Charles T ratline and
Af er the assissins had been put to death
Mr 1'arVersoii again addressed the crowd,
u-Kiug 'hem to return to their homes or re
spective plates of business without further
Joe Mai Iw j hn4 a pistol and shot Sergt
ilerrou ill llM nel, lntliciing a slight
wound. I'olie'i a body U hanging to a lamp
post at Treme and Hian alreets ; fiagnetto's
to a tree iu front ot tbe prisson. Tbe others
were shot in tbe cells.
When the Ciiiztia Committee bsd com
pleted its work al ttie Parish Prison it dis-
Abstract of Proceedings of Direc
tors' Convention hid at Somsr
et. Tuesday and Wednwsday. .
March 10th and l!th.
About fifiy School Direlorw, representing
twenty four of the thirty-eight districti (n
the county, gathered in tbe Court House
Tuesday forenoon, to carry out the program
previously announced in tbe Hckald.
Col. D. Tutav, the retiring president,
called the meeting to order and an
organization was effected by the election ol
Dr. S-". S. Good, of Mryersdale, as President
and Dr. H. 8. Kiniiuell, of Somerset, a8ec
reiary of the conveution. After the calling
of the roll with the result as above stated,
and some general remarks by tbe president
aa to the objHs of the me-ting, tbe conven
tion adjourned to 1:30 P. M.
Tbe afternoon session opened promptly on
time and proved a very interesting one. The
msiu topic of discussion, aud the one for
which the convention was chiefly called,
was the "Text Book Q uestion." Dr. Good
explained the plan and tbe advantages of
county uniformity of text books and show
ed the degree of success already' attained in
this direction. According to this statement
ninety eight (98) changes in text books were
made in the enmity during the last three
years, and all hut ten (lt) of these were in
b: rtaony with the series recommended by
text book committee three years ago. These
chanttes affected but thirty five (3.") schools
in the segregate in the entire county. There
is now almost a complete uniformity in Hit
tory. Physiology, Grammar and Arithmetic.
Geography is largely uniform and Reading
and Spelling bat partially so. The plan has
been substantially endorsed and should be
M. J. Pritts. r.., of Somerset. J i "cussed
" Slate Uniformity and Control of Text
Books." He advocated the enactment of a
law that would provide for the publication
of text-books by the State and furnish them
to the impiis at actual cost. He showed
from statistic that school books Cost the
l!nnis of schools loo much, and that many
uf ibcrii can not aflord to pay for the necea
saiy bjoksand ronequently tbe school work
is crippled. He admitted the comparative
failure of the plan as tried by California,
but thought it might be much more success
ful in other nates.
Daniel Holaopple. of Paint district, advo
cated " Free Text Books." He showed that
free books constitute an essential feature of
free schools, arid that it is quite as proper
for a board of dir tors to (ajrebase all the
books needed by the schools from tbe district
funds as lo buy furniture or apparatus in
this way. He claimed that it gives greater
efficiency and effectiveness to the school
work when the teachet can plane into tbe
hands of each pupil jnst the books be needs,
and that it gives to the lea her tbe rigbtthat
he should always have, that of grading and
class-.fying the school aocordin to bis own
best judgement. He further stale that bis
board. (Paint ) bought Spellers. Headers and
Arithmetics last fall, and that not a citizen,
(save one.) has yet found fault with this
advanced step. The board expects to sup
ply all ihe books free at soon as practicable.
Baying the tsks direct, the board bas got
ten a special discount from wholesale rates
and has already saved more than sixty dol
lars to their distrs-t. forue of tbir books
cost less than half of the usual retail prices.
After this three sided di-cussion, a general
discussion followed. Deputy State 8upt.
Henry Houtk heii.g present, spoke briefly.
He strongly advocated free tex'-books as the
best solution of the - Text Book Question,''
and while bedid not think Slate uniformity
and control was desirable, or even practica
ble, he considered county uniformity belp
ful until the district would make the books
free. The eastern counihs already have free
books and there is not a single case on rec
oid where any district ever repudialed free
teit bo-;k after having ones started the sys
tem. Farther discu"sion largelv in favor of free
books by Rev. Bach, of 11 -ckwood; S. C.
county. No educational agency prom'ses
better things for tbe cause of educa
tion than a well regulated, well. attended.
County Directors' Aa-ociation.
The evening session was interesting and
instructive to the large audience that gath
ered at 7:30. Among the features were an
able paper on " Tbe Good Points of a Coun
try School House, " by D. Comp'on, of Elk
Lick, an el Kjiient address on " Tbe Mutual
Helpfulness of Directors, Teachers aid
Patrons," by Rev. liacb, of Rock wood, and
a most helpful and inspiring talk by Deputy
Superintendent Houck, who, by tbe way.
ha '- ikiuc of bis remarkable power to
awe ji audience iu humor or pathos. Tbe
nuny buys and girls to whom and for whom
be spoke will nut soon forget this happy
and helpful address.
Tbe pupils of the Somerset schools de
serve special mention lor the excellent mu
sic rendered lor tbe evening session, and as
will be seen by tbe resolutions adopted later
tbe directors did not forget Ibeiu. Several
of them rendered recitations in a very cred
itable manner.
The Wedneadty morning session was a
abort one, owing to tbe fact that many of
tbe directors desired tt leave on tbe early
trains. The committee on resolutions con
sisting of M. J. Pritte. Eq., K. I). Yuizy,
anl D. Comptou reported for final adoption
the resolui ous already stated in this report
and in addition the following :
Resulted, That we tender our sincere
thanks to Deputy State Supt. Henry Houck,
for bis interesting addresses and valuable aid
given u in this convention.
JfasaW, That we thank tbe teachers and
pupils of the Somerset schools for the music
and recitations so kindly furnished and
which added greatly to our evening session.
Raulttd, Tuat we recognise the interest
and seal manifested by our County Superin
tendent, J. M. Berkey, in arranging for this
convention, which we believe will prove ot
great good to the educational interests of the
In harmony with the discussion upon
county uniformity of text books, the con
vention elected a Committee of five directors,
who with the County Superintendent and
five teachers, shall constitute a text book
committee for tbe next three years. It wn
ordered that tbe teachers shall be selected by
the County Supt. wbo with them shall be
only advisory members of Ite committee.
Tbe following constitute the committee of
Dr. 8. 8. Good, of Meyersdale; I. 8. Stiy.
der, of Middle Creek; Dr. C. P. Ren hart, of
Jenner; D. Compton, of Elk lick ; J. J
Darr, of Lincoln.
The County Superintendent was elected
ex-oflicio chairman ef the j jint committee.
It is presumed that he will Select five teach
era of experience and ability wbo are most
likely to know the merits of the text hooks
and tbe needs of the schools. The commit
tee will probably meet some time in May of
this year.
ltU. It was a good and helpful meeting
and bad two hundred instead of fifty dire
tors been present, it would have been very
much more potent as a factor of educational
progress in tbe county. Rut something bas
been done, a begining has been made, and
let us hope that hence forth "The-Directors'
Asuciation of Somerset County " will gro
in its Influence and power, until every dis
trict and every school shall feel the impetus
and tbe helpfulness of its yearly meetings.
cata-rb. This suiees ilily due to tbe
(let i hat Peruna eradi.-Ktldisease from
Ibesystem, instead of leorily relieving
some disagreeable syrapv
A valuable treatise, tarrh by Dr.
H.irtnmn sent free to r- siress by The
peruna Medicine Contp, lutn'u, 0.
A Call Sent Out byieCommlttea
for a Meeting a.zcaaiar.
From the Lancaster Inqul
The committee appoedt the recent
conference in this city, iuulate a call
for a meeting for a penie organization
of the Pennsylvania GjaSociety, met
hereon Monday. The n (tee was com
posed ..f Dr. W. H Eglaa-burg; Hiram
Young. York ; Rev. eore Schiuauk,
Lebanon ; George F. B, 'ailing, and F.
R. Diff-iidertf-r, of leer. All were
present except Mr. BoeiAran exchange
of views, the following I a prepared :
To the descendants of tey German aud
Swiss settlers in Pentium:
A' a preliminary consrof descendants
of the early German aieVs setilera, he d
at Lsncaster on Febrtiaiit waa resolved
to call a meeting on Ap tUt, to oiysn
izi a Pennsylvania tia Society it is
eminently prosr ths defendants of
these pOj,le shoulil awe themselves in
memory of those who ie the wilderness
blossom as the rose," ttw to the oll-prine
of other nai tonalities ihey are not be
hind them in any of ptnhute which
go to ni'ike up the be-u-'ns of the best
Siate in the bet Goveml of the world.
Iu the art of priming, p "'aim of letters
and science, in relig- fervor, in pure
' eMtisnship, in wad in t-ae, the
IVuii-ylvania ticrmasss element bos
eq'i ,n led any othr.
li has Iss'n evere r,oognizcd by
the de-Hsn'l.iols of they American coio
nits as a mailer olil iniHirtniice to
eff s-l organizations ok'ha'racler we pro
pose tor the pnre ean hine out and
preserving all ancetrii ; for the pur
puof nriniring theis-fiihers into such
recognii'oii in the of the world, and
esp-cia"y of their nwiliiren, as ihey de
serve; fur the pnrpof developing the
frifini'y and fraternal:! that should exist
tvtween tboM-in whole, tbe same blood
Hows; tor tbe purp isfif'illi: history, now
unnoiMtil ,ir unknoiito honor; and,
very particularly, forprsee of preserv
ing to pn-onlv iIih iilihiir reconN, land
msiks and mm iri:eiiich, in another
genera'ion, will haverely disaps-ared.
The cownerHtioii or fellow citizens of
Pennsylvania is here onhally invilMl in
this nitiv-f-nient. and,' are earnestly re
q'lestet to b'lirent ie city of Lsicaler
on the l.iiti dny of J. and we sk them
to ne their inllueniissMire the presence
of all representative endants of our com
mon ancestry, that fleeting m iv prove a
great success.
banded for tbe day. A meeting will be held tricta not supplying books free.
The Fallacy of Catarrh Cures.
The fatal mistake which to many physi
cians, of all schools, make in the treatment
of cattrrb is that it is regarded as a local
disease and not a systematic disease. If the
patient baa catarrh of the nose or throat,
sprays and gargles are used ; if tbe catarrh is
in the larynx or bronchial tubes, inhalenis
are used ; if the catarrh is in the stomach,
medicine is swallowed ; if the catarrh is in
the bladder or urethra, injections are resort- I
ed to ; hoping in each case to cure this dis-
Harkley, of Meyersdale; Dr. Kahlroan, of ease by applying the niedictre to the exact
I'rsins; l. Cumpton, of Kik Lick; W. P. spot where the disease Is located.
Hay, of J-ifl-raoii; Adam i. Miller, of While it is a fact tbat sprays, inhalents,
coin; Hupt Berkey, Itev. J L. W. Seibert gargles and injections are often helpful in
and Yal Hay, K-q., and others. Jesses the treatment of a case of ca'arrh, they can
Hay, Bacb and Seiiwrt advocated State uni
After a full an.l free discussion of nearly
two hour", the following resolutions were
unanimously adopted :
Urflteil, That it is the sense of this con
vention that text books for the common
schools should be purchased by the boards
of directors and furnished to the pupils fiee.
IU t3d, That we favor a county unifi r n--
ty of text-books so far as it applies to dis
Pea I iar
Peculiar ia eomlion, proportion, and
prrpaiation of lncjnts. Hood's garsspa
rilla posses act the live value of the best
known none- II if dies of the
vegetable lIJU S kingdom In Its stremtid economy, lioud't
8.;r.:iparil!;i Is the orieillcliie of which can
tn::y be saiit, "Hue jilrcd IViscs One Dol
lar." l'cuiiar In Itsiicinal merits, Hood's
K:usaparilla uccoiiijes cures hitherto un-
w on for Sarsiarillattseii
the title of "The grit blood purifier ever
UisenvereA" Pcctil la Its "good name
at bume," there lure cf Hood's gursa
parilla sold In Ltl thai of all ether
blood purifiers, I'uLr luits phenomenal
record of ejj i sales abroad
no other rCQ 1 1 Si preparation
ever (ttn.iaed sotjildly nor held so
ste:u!f;istly the ctteuce of all classes
of people, recullarllie bialn-work which
It represents, II i Sojsaparllla Com
bines ail tlia kimil;. which modern
researches" fc-olf'11 n,ellcal
fleiM-e has I O SCI I developed,
wish many years icli'al experience Id
preparing medicine Be sure to git omy
Hood's S-saparilla
Sold hjr all dniKKtiti. Jxtor?i. Prepared only
bj C. I. IKsjD & CO., Aieeariet, lowell, Xut
100 Doses)no Dollar
The Umbergt-r Tragedy.
A Complete History cf the Umber
gr-Nicely Case to be Issued
in Book Form.
All the fc:s aud details of this, in msny
resptts the most remarkable criminal case
In tne history of Pennsylvania, are now be
ing prerej in hook form. In this graphic
and circuuisiauiinl account, there will be
given many incidents that have never yet
been published, among which will be tbe notes of the detectives employed in
working up the case. Tbe notes of Chief
(iilkinsou are peculiarly interesting in the
delineation (if circumstances occuriiig in the
early stages of ihe ca preceding the arrest
of the Nicely brothers by Constable Eaucb.
Preceedings of all the preliminary hear
ings are given ; also many remarkable oc
currences of the most thrilling character at
tending tne arrest of Hatailton and the
Nicelys. The detection and recovery of the
pocket-lsx,k of Herman Cmherger the
work of Thief Gilkinson :s given in the
tatter's own language and forms probably
the most interesting chapter in the whole
book. The trial of Joseph and David Nicely
with its nuny stirring scenes and incidents
is given unusual prominence; all the im
portant evidence on both sides is reprinted
in full from the resrt of the
of the Court, besides the-full charge of Ihe
Court, the refusal of a new trial, the sent
ence of the Court, the itpMl to the Supreme
Court of lVnn'a , etc., with full text of de
cision ol Supreme Court.
The honk will coii-ain a most life like
portrait of Herni in Uuilrgr, specially en
graved for this book and never before pub
lished. fiiecially engraved pictures of Jo
seph an.) David Nicely. Specially prepared
engraving of Constable John O. Kiuch ; also
of Deputy Sheriff M'tMillen, who so brave'y
resisted the assault of the Nicely 't on the
occasion of their fir-t es-ape Irora the Som
erset jail. A splendid engraving of Mrs.
Nancy I'tulierger, widow of Herman I'm
berer, and a very life like engraving of
Nannie Homer, the bright little witness
against the Nicelys. Also portrait! of the
prominent attorneys in the case.
An edition of three thousand copies is
now in press, over half of which are already
sold, llisik will be issued about 30 days af
ter execution aud promptly mailed to sub
scribers. Itixik will he sent post paid to any
address on receipt of 50 ceuls. Five book
forjiJOU. Address all orders to E H. Wei
ner. Somerset, Pa.
Administrator's Sale
Valuable Real Estate !
BY VTRTTK of mti orVr of pale imw
hy the OrphanV r un ofSomenrt r. Pa . ami
tihundtria.'Ut"i dircriwi a Admifii!traior ol
Hamuel s, hv.niiK, tlrft'MSfil, we will exKkHt id
potilic ouicry oti the jrreiniMat in (jueiuaUoLiing
T, fttjUKixt Co., Fa., uu
at 1 o'r'nrk p. m , the fo!1o-Inir tiewriN-i real
estate, lait tlte nirt j o! !Niruiirl -S. riwauk
CfaVstl, via: A certain 1m of Kfuund niMiate in
HtxiversvillH, VtimaiiniiMiK Iwp , HoinonM, o
fa., adjotuing o iitr Un b .?aniuel ri. bwtnk nn
the wt'st, M-mffrevk a ihe MMifh, MoTStTet A
OMmb! ia KaUrtwi (in the north, and lot IVrmerl
ownrd hy J -id tun KjlKt rs on the eaM, cotuaiuittk'
f.ue-eitfhth ot an acre utr or lew, iiaring there
on eretled a new blacksmith shop.
Ten per cnL of the pureha money to be paid
at sism as the prorrty is kncs'tcl doan. the re.
miili'UVr uf oiie-thinl on onnnnaiion ot sale ;
one tbiM in one year, and the remainingoue
thinl iu two ye.ira 'thereafter, withoiteresi.
El.17.4 SWANK.
Adunuistralurs. W. Bie-'et ker. Attorney.
to-night to consider what further
any. shall be taken. Thetfoiumiltee is com
posed of the better class of cilijteoabusiness
men who were satisfied that tbe safety of the
community demanded vigorous action.
Where, Farmer Falleu.
TorKKv Kan , Marco 10. Tbe Slate legis
lature at noon to day closed consideration of
general legislative measures, and from now
lo adjournment will consider nothing but
the appropriation bills. The intention is to
adjourn hhhIU to night, but tbe two Houses
are far aart on appropriation bills and ad
joiirnmeut will pFohabiy not be had until
to-morrow. Tbe work ol the f.egis!ature
has lieen a distinct disapp ilntmsnt to tbe
Farmers' Alliam. They came to Topeka
intt-mling to institute all sorts of reforms,
and they re'urn to their constituent with
out having aieuwplishcd any of them, or at
least s'i) of theraduial ones. The following
I ui-mmiiv championed by the Farmers' A'li
sine failed to bei oiHe laws, having ras'xived
their quietus in the eeuate; The bill to
re, luce railway fare lo 2 centa per mile ; tlie
minimum railway freight bill; the mortgage
h uid and security tax bill ; tbt waiver of
appraisement bill, and tbe bill reducing the
salarie of county and State officers.
Accused of Murder.
New CasTt-t, P., March 12. Ida Elder is
tic aud paternal, an I that the iswie of 1 in jail charged wilh the murder ofber ttep
tuoney fcr the people, orjnil inlo
uia.-y aiciat;oi.s un.lcr ceneral
lu.lir Mm ll'i Itriman in U'lmikiim in
July. lsob. She was arrested in that plate
laws, like lie national Lank ing laws, is
demwratic and uwiimlualisti ,-. It ia
enough that aucb iswiw.rf- , urrency as
the national hanks have i.uide for the
st thirty years are i;l j-.-t to g neru
tuetrt upervii,,n, in-ixsniou nd -uarsa-tee.
Thieguarante is an ewuUuJ eie
vit iu theouduessof this currency,
l.ut beyond this lioiiit the more freely
thejaople canorgai.ue national Unka
ana iewie currency the liU-r, Rational
lau.k notes, in fa.-t.are ie lnt paper
nory iu the worl i, U-iaus., the gr.l
faitb of (he government gtiaruuU their
s indii.s, while the wide distribution
! Ihe Bourta of issue is the very thing
l.eeded Ut ijisurv attpply wl.eie there ia
demand, anU iu a Uirect ratio to the de
mand, since bauking capital bears iH-b
ratio to the Ihimios. J,ioe and the
tiioctey wanted in a comuiuuity. Thus
pialrty, quantity and elasticity ir pertti t
lietriLiitiic are provides! for.
'ieiieral Palu'r. not la inga Democrat
em riucijileK, cares uolliing foi tiie iH ui--ralic
jTim-iple of the uitioual back
ing system, or for the fact thai it is the
best way to give all the people ail Ihe
tuoney needed for busui.t purjHwes. He
deiwrled Uie llep-jtilican psrty in 1S7X
lex-ause li Uimight Hie "Lilier!" craae
would sweep tbe country, and tow lie
again disregards shiii.I pi inc:jih-s Uh ause
ofa popular crare with wi.i. h heexje.-ts
to ae Ihecoutilry swept. Wc'Ik-Iicvc
lie will blunder now as he did then. ror
"'OU cau t lool ail the jsMp'e a!! ti e
time." And if such au unreliable ileina
firue must go into the S-nate, to liend
the tiex-k to every crazy brseze, we on d
rather tie were a I'emocrat than a Ilo
Kublican, for an open to sound eco
nomic principles is a loss dangeioua ene
my than trusted deceiver.
shout 7 o'cltki ljjji jevening upon informa
tion of County irctiaaivg Jarsh", just as
she steped off tbe Lake F,rie fifl on it
arrival from Pittsburgh. Sue bad rawn visit
ing in Rochester. Toe murder, It la alleged,
was committed by administering a poison,
coutuionly called Rough on Rata, during a
el;glit iiluase of tbe victim.
Ida Filler it lb (rife of Arthur F.lder. a lo
comotive engineor. to rhom she was mar
ried in I', "4 who tr;d ber eight
mixit lis later. She is a bendaotu yoman,
T2 years old, and bas always made ber home
with ber father. When called upon by a
orreapondeiit at tbe county jail to-night
she waa apparently indifferent to the
serious chsrge, but absolutely refused to talk.
The hVpoiaiis are of a highly respected fam
ily of thin county. Mrs. Rapwsa was ill
one wei- juai prior to ber death, vbicb was
supposed to be tbe result of beart d sease.
Limbless Veteran.
Tbe War Department will pay aWTi.oDU
this year to pensioners wbo are entitled to
eooiuj'.itation tor tbe loss of a limb. Oihiers
and niKi who have lost a limb or its use n
service are entitled to receive, once every
five years, an artificial limb or commutation
therefor. Tbe law was passed in 1870. Tbe
jnsiner bas now only to send bis name
and posUifiice address to tbe I lepartmetit
and bis claim is attended to without tbe ex
pense of attorney's lees or affidavits.
Tbe Sutgeon tieneral bas prepared a list
of these pensioners, from which list it ap
pears Ibat there are 14,000 entitled to com
mutation. Of Ibis number over 8,i)o0 have
actually lost limbs as fallows: 3.s,M bave
lost one arm ; l.lM one li; lJ one baud ;
7t one foot; 1 two arms; 37 two legs; 4
two bauds; In two ten ; 13 one arm and one
leg ; K oue leg and one f.sjt ; 1 both legs and
borb bands. The latter pensioner is Renja
niin Franklin, at one time in tbe 21 Minne
sota Cavalry. Tbe commutation allowed for
.Le loss of a leg it $75 ; to all other case $50.
After this seemingly satisfactory conclu
sion of the trxt-buok discussion, Hon. J. C.
Welier, Member of the Committee on Edu
cation, If. li., was introduced and gave a
full outline of the large number of educa
tional bills nnw pending before the Suite
legislature. T here are several bills on State
uniformity, publication or control of text
books, one on compulsory attendance for
children Iroiu 7 to IJ. one on district super
vision, one lo provide an office for thecoun
ty superintendent at the county seat, one to
coniieiisate directors for attending tbe tri
ennial convention to elect a county superin
tendent, also to pay expenses for attending
and holding an annual convention in each
county, one to provide for a state conven
of directors, one, (introduced by Mr. Wel
ier. j to provide for the distribution of tbe
8tatn appropriation in proportion to the
number of pupils in tl,e school instead of
the number of taiahles. Mr. U'coer read
some of tbe bills and explained others at
lengtt. The follow ing resolutions were tub
seq-ietitly adopted as expressing the sense of
tbe (hji, vvijiiou upon a few of the bills pre
SeniL'ij. !,. lwl. That we favi,r (be erwfrpent of
a 1 that w ill provide for a county conven
tion of cirator t least ot)oe a year, and
that will masa 1 -.(uau) provision for the
psymeut of the adtml expmiaus incurred by
directors in attending such convention.
limited. That we approve the bill now
before the Legislature which provide for
the distribution o the Stale appropriation
upon tbe basis of the number of pupils in
the common schools. This would give Som
erset county a much larr appropriation
than is realized under the present apportion
mentIt is, however, proportionately un
favorable tv i'tr cities auif1 large towns.
tiaftiwi. Fha we endorse the ?ill now
pending before (ha (.egilipijn: wh,ipb pro
vid for sysU'in of lotal sujrvt!tion bf the
common schools.
This bill provide for a district superin
tendent wbo shall bave chaige of not less
thao twenty nor more than seventy-five
schools. Such local supervision by an efti
cieut otljeer would doubtless be a great help
and stimulus to the schools of rural districts.
the bill as drawn, however, leave it option
al with directors to employ such a diatrkf
Raulveil, That it is the sense of tbia con
vention ibat the State appropriation to the
common schools should be increased at least
one million dollars i l.oisi.uuiti above what
is now provided, and lht such increase family physician and one other oougb rern-
stiouij oe applied largely u tne improve- I edy to no ajvantgge.
never accomplish a cure. Catarrh is a dis
ease of the system, wbich manifests itself in
some mucous membrane, oftentst of the
nose, throat, bronchial tubes or lungs, but
frequently of the stomach and bowels, and
Lgain of the urinary and sexual organs. A
persistent use of Peruna according to the
directions on the bottle will remove the
catarrhal taint from the system, after which
tbe diseased part, wherever located, will soon
recover. That this is tbe correct theory of
tbe treatment of catarrh is amply proven by
the multitude of testimonials tbat are con
stantly pouring in from all parts oi the
Catarrh in ajl stages and varieties, colds,
coughs, bronchitis, la grippe, catarrhal dys
pepsia, all yield, surely and permanently, to
tbe curative virtue of peruna.
John B. Eiali y, of llerrimac, Wia.. writes
July i IsHK ; " received in December last
one of Dr. Hart man's 'Treatise on Catarrh.'
and after a careful perusal of it I conclude!
to give bis remedy a trial, as I was afflicted
with nasal catarrh. I did so, and gained
eleven pounds in weight the first montb.
with a steady increase in health and vig r
tbat baa been permanent so far. with but
very little symptom of catarrh left, H;s
remedies are tbe only ones I have ever found
able to give me any relief."
The following cases need no comment,
save that each one was cured by taking
runa simply, without any local treatment
whatever :
Pljut, Mich.. March 3 m
I had a very hard cold ; could hardly
speak ; also la grippe. Took one bottle of
Dr. Hartruan't Peruna and put in one-half
pound of rock candy and found almost ira-
niediata rejjtif, ant was well Inside of one
Davisob, Mich My wife bat stiffen d
with eatar'b and ohronla headache. One
bottle of Peruna waa a great relief, but three
bottle ba cured ber to tbat she does ber
own work without any trouble.
T. H. 0Rim.rv.
Goodbicr, Mich. Am taking Dr. Hart
man's remedy from chronic catarrh and
rheumatism, and find it helping me more
than anything I ever tried.
Mas. Ma by A. Skklv.
pLrtt.E Searjg, Tij., F-eb. 1(5,
Permit Medicine Sirs ; bave Used
Peruna In my family first for my wife in
lung trouble. She ba been greatly hem Hied;
bas passed over the winter to far with a
great deal less trouble than for years. 1 have
also found it of great benefit in two cues of
la grippe in my family. I bave found grat
benefit myself in kidney trouble, and think
a bottle or two more will set me al) right.
P.av. J.C. lU hALu
St LPHi a Spaiaoa, T., Feb. IS, ISid.
I hereby certify tbat was cured of a very
severe cough by one bottle of Peruna after
uaving Qsea 170 prpscnptinns from my
Highest o.' all Leavening Power. TJ. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
11 a ry
Jas. B. Holclerbaum,
rloiich & Drumgokl
u wonrfnl improvement in
Tis'thnick'y adjusted by only hki-cniii!; one ntlt. The l-st
Ever Invented Tlmsith is held in position by a R:itchet. with which it can lie ndjtist
ed so as lo wc:ir from lto IS inches off the siiut of the IihiiIi, vvlii.h is fmir or live tinie
us nun li wear or serviias can I obtained fr un any sijiriug-tiioth burrow in existent e
Cull ami evatniiie this arrow,
Have our Eyes Tested.
Properly fitted b the Eyes.
ment of the aclusils by wsy of purchasing
free text-books, apparatus, etc.
One of the most important future of the
afternoon session was the adopt ion of a plan
to form a permanent " Directors' Associa
tion of Sjmerst County. " li was decided to
hold at least one meeting of the Association
each year, and a committee consisting of
Eev. Theo. ltich. Dr. W. 8. Kuhlman aud
8. C. Harkiey. was appointed lo prepare
rule and by laws for tbe reitulalion of tbe
Association, and to report at the next regu
lar meeting. It was further onie ed Ibat
the officers of tbe convention with the
iuuty Superintendent, shall constitute a
standiug executive committee to arrange for
Ibe next meeting, wlian tbe Association
shall enter upon its work as a distinct, or
ganized and permanent body, Ihe member
ship to consist al all times of tbe director
in orttoe and the directors elect.
This action by the conveution was a most
important sten. and one that Mnn., k I , ....n ., ...
- 1 -e4 uun.iiw ui we wonoertui 1 eccoss
prove of great benefit to tbe schools of tht wbich Peruna bat met ith In th.
. - - -s, VMtO V
K . McKiksxv.
Wrmi, Ark , July an, ihsii
Dr. 8. B. Hartman. Columbus. O D ar
Sir : My wile having suffered for twelve
months with what Ibe bel medical sail! in
tbe country called "Bronchitis," and, find,
ing no relief, I purchased two bottles of Pa
rana, and now tbe it nearly cured.
Jams W. Hals.
IsnxrxwntitcE, Mo., Ang. 2, lsoo.
The Peruna Medicine Co. Gentlemen : I
bad been afflicted for fourteen years with
nervous debility and chronic catarrh. 1 had
tried three of our best physicians, bul failed
to get aay relief. J bave taken five bottles
pf peruna in connection with Man-a lin,
and feel entirely well, but intend to keep
taking it for awhile. 1 know tbat Peruna
has saved my life.
Mg. Dry A. Ltvt i.
It it needles to ttiemnt to riv on!. i .
Ha lioen lo WWid Ohio, and taken a a Ml ceurse of inntrttrtion
,TA!sn, comjiltte st of Test I.nses, to test the Eyes.
Improperly fitted to the eves.
Give us a-call. We guarantee satisfaction. Xo eliarge for testin" evea.
Executors Sale
YaluaMBReal Estate.
BTVIKTrEefauthnrt'v vte1 In me by th
laM will anil ie- lament of H Morgan,
riet'sied, I will ort'-r at iMitiMc cntcry. 011 ihe
. . . jL .1. . .(.aa A.mmTL
1 1 'i, . win Kl )llii,T .-i.i... -
premises, at tViicmaliouiim Pustotliee, Somertxt
At 1 o'fl tck p. m.. shirp. th foll'winr d-tcribl
prvjwly of ti. (l.trewelr trat
" Quemahoning Woolen Mills"
pttume af iivat I. Thr mills are In fine con
dition, brin fnllr supplied with Uie latent and
t'i unpmved mnclili,e y ncwry k run a Brrt
clas Wonleo Mil; sjiltn srator power eon
nei'U'd tB'cwttli. anil ti arn iw,-r can tie sd'leil
when nerded ; hae tuela nrsi -clam lotiiiten and re
tail traoe. Adjacsiu tu itu vild se a uumlitt of
grod - ' . '
nsed for the employes, whirl) will be sold wilb
the mill, or henarate and oiMinct thsretroin, to
suit 'be convcaienceof tlie purchseer. ", - .
-AW)-' i -
At the me time and place, ton ai-rs of land, a
part t!irt; I- uiuicr a ft') tate of (Tiriiivaiinu
MDd tbe r-iitiiicttr inf-ovt-retl ith pl'ie liensiek,
oak ami cliiMiiuu inlH-r. This U onenf the timt
Irwls of tiihlr in th- inir'luTn pan of the Coun
ty. A purl ol thin trai l l underlaid llh el
n-f. n vein oft-nalKfa niTloriiislitT. Ti.Uls
a very d :S'.rable proie'ty. "11 Biut beHiid. t
will oner at ihei-aiiie lime, to be aold In bulk Ot
whole, s Una rlsin
titiiute as arirt-snil. well Mocked with a good
aioiimi nt of everythinj remit d lor the trade,
con-liinK nf Irv .oo.!. (,rocerie. Hitnlware,
jurron.irare. nn hlna Knit"- aii4 'hot-''. C.iriia.
'I in ware, etc.. etc. il-mve for said Executor lo
bid at 'Hid le ha been tiraiiled by tbe Orphaus'
Court ol wdoountf )
as TKFtMS nnnoiinced on dayofnle. For fur-
iner particular aildros or call on
Eaeentor ol Wm. S. M'-'nan, e eiwl, Qnema-
nuuini;. honitrMt t ouuly, ra.
B. B.
Ccrrespondcacs Invitd !
AVe have an Klahoihte Mail Order De
partment, eslalilitihed for the convenience
and bcuetil of our out-of town patrons
who are bxi far away to trade at the
counters in thene store. A trial order
will demonn' rale whether it is not both
a convenience and a hem tit to you.
We ia to announce an Advance Pea
ion's Sale of
n Inch India Silk, for.
27 " " ;-je.
real 8lniir!iui Cloth, and this season's
'11 inch In. lias at ?I and $1 25, light and
lurk frruunilH superior cloth and extjui
ote stvlea and pruitiri's.
"5 centH, fully oOOMyleaiu liijlitand dark
frotindu alno black pnuinds w ith color
d tikrures black with w hit.?, etc. a tnont
comprehensive oirering of this desirable
Sew Spring Woolens,
tlso now on sale in large andT elegant as
sort lilents.
Kir f ri'Lii sTitii'i.s,
tc, are some of the nuveitlia.
Early buyers will appreciate new assort
nents. Samples free, and other informa
ion cheerfull fui niched. Crresaniileiiee
& Buhl,
ll.", 117 119, and 121 Street,
Which is uniform in its results, besides in
every oilier particular. Attested to by
everyone wbo hasiven it a thorough
trial, snd their name is legion.
The pure S year old
U tiie wliirkey, sold only by
Drujrgists, rittljui-jrli, Pa. As a
strengthencr of the
::::::Nervous i i System,::::.
with eiieeial jroml efft'et on the res
piratory am) digestive oritn?, it
is pronouiici'il unoiiiialetl. Trice,
full ijiiarts ?1, or six for $5.
We now carry a full and complete stock cf
all the leadmir line Wliiskies. both do
mestic snd foreijrn. itivingyoti the oppor
tunity to make y.inr choice from the
finest selection to be had in the city
at th of.t poHfible prices tbat
can le made for the quality anil
afe uf the gois.
rOP!ese send for full an! complete price
list, mailed free.
Jos. FieiMi i Son,
410 Jt 412 Market St., 1 and 2 Market
rirrsEUEsii, pa:
a-I.alies are &peciall- Invited.
18"SPRIiN"G 1
We are now showing the most
complete line of.
Ever pliown in We.-tern Pennsyl
vania, . enni-timr of Foreign
and I'oinestic
Dress Goods,
and we have a rrent hargain in a
Sl'i-iticit Colored
Fino Trill at 15 cents per vard. A
full line of French and (Jerman
I'ess Goods frotiiilOc to $1.50
a yard, in all the
Latest Shades.
Vrint, Mns!in. (iinirsnis S''irtinj and
White GomW at Popular Low l'ricea.
4 1.7 ii iii sirei t, jobn :own, rs,
l) M I S 1 5T K A TU K NOTICE.
lunate of rhrMian I.. Miller. Istn ef Jflrauu
Uiwuhip, SianerM-t t'ountv. Pa.
Lettersoltuiiiiitrsti,iu on theabo'veesiate hsv
liurheen granti-d lotlie umtersiirnwl by the proper
autnoruy noi.Vel. heraby ven U11 pVris
liHleUe.1 to wd ei-tai to make immediate pay-
-m l;illV'.1"l,''Jv',,'R''1"ilr'H "Mtaumt Ihe same
will present them duly (iinhemi.-atcd for seule
ment nil ,-at.irday, Aoril 11, tae houw
ot aid Jtcea.v-ii.
marl. Aduirn. of u L. Miller, dee'd.
To speed the partin? with tliis sewn '. N. - .t t ri
wn lielow! 'TU letter now to sell at !. than n a t.,
The money-makinr season is oer! 1-ut still i i"n :i.v pii,
To reduce them but one mower's i- tr-ctiv. Hi
LOW TRICE I So him we s t to woik. Th- h..i w.-t
reap! Values wonderful beyond all. We oiilr c'ii
"1 L'iwi,;
Millie j,
H CHOICE OF 500 FINE $4. S5,
AT $3.
Choice of 200 All-Wool Suits, actual value $15. rei'.ufcd to $',. Ss
oc it suits or trousers alone you want, tire w'ws is tt-m-ntlf.1ls ; Tr
active trade of the past week proves that t'irilt v tM oi.le realize tl.i-;Vt ;
They've bought niaguilieently ! Still there's ro'.m and ii;:n-vc,,u
for you. So come.
John Thomas & Sons'
: :::: JMlA I IOTII S'l'OI I KS, : ::: -240
to 248 Main Street,
la one of the wonders of Johnstown, with its Several Ikt'iirlini Jj
Department u A" are Dry Goods In
Department " B," Coots and Shoes. 1
Department u A" Carpets. In
Department UD," Clothing Hats, and Furnishing poods.
Department " E," Groceries. Department " V," Feed.
For Good GcoJs, Ch-tp Gscds, and S:a:cnalls G::i,
They cannot be excelled. An examination will convince the most
" doubting Thomas " of Somerset County.
JayHEA I'Qt'A RTKRS FtlK COt'NTKY l'K i'l"t'K.
The POXY U 1 year old, wiji'lt'is 1 40 pounds, rtnj was born in Somerset
County, and worth $lno.
Every purchaser of a Coy's or CLiM's Suit between now atid
f0 TO
mm l.
General Hari.v;;e, Houm
intj and El-s-tri(?al Gooti-.
83 Franklin Street,
Cinderella Stoves and Ranees !
"V fiTir 1 . - . I:.
I thhl aimlnicteJ C ooklnit Store mm the niark.-r, an-1 f;r V R t VTf.'FT' MS''1'
tirssataifaiilon. Tt.- p is raa.l.- in four (..i.t".. so thai t mnr.,1 rrark '1 i'f t"" cn"
J)iT is cm in two a-iil support! by a fvt. whi-h p-vvii, it from w iryii 2 l! Iiasan
tra dr ah pit with haiVrl ssh pin. soil i so!rte.l lh s-hr iiiinot vxam
lata uiHlr lUr grate, which U the cbief cause ofso many i. burning out.
a.xd iuuu iirm
JAMES B. I10LDERDAUM, Somerset. Ta
f-ni i i i "'"" iniiLwliaic
iii-ao li nn, it.
Kn.-it to u.
erf ii , vriuiu. 1 ..r
- . ' .. i.
A.!.ln- K T. HmiTixK. iVurrrti. rs.
In the trsfWofth F.,e of trn,.T ifi.r.
ger, dec 1 litie of ouniiKiiK T it dw d
... '""" ritet l o,
iior.111 aomirimtrati.iii m, the shov- xtp u. .1,-r-i
.Z,? .,!,.. nun. rMiriiv.t by the i atv r-'nte.
Bri,iisiii.MeH f.MKlwute u. make tmim !
.ie psyni.'nt sml th.. havirg claims e-Hii.t the
same will v- n, ,nem rtlllv .,.,,,,
setilemeauj,, timluv. April 4. 1S..I. ,he ut"
resiUtuceof .leie .t in i,t tw.,.t, e
V. W. Biuriin. Atumiey.
E.iiatsofnavi.1 Bn.bsker. l,e of Somer t Tu.
Hmiie.iK-1 Co.. '.
Ittersof ariwintaratimi on hnv mhv hv
! been r.nte.t the n.,.riee,l hr the prop
f ' ? ?2n,y n"eret.yaivettto sll M
liwleoted ljimlM,iek,m i,v
ment. sn,l Ohm havln riitin.'. Hin- the
same will tliem ilnly s.itli.,tir.,l f,
s-stlement on Monday April jo. ( at U l.J ' 1
a. nv, at the lale reM.iepre of
MICUAEL o.h.ii
mar11 Adnui.i.tratorj
Estate n( ''h:ir K?o- ir
'I U--I1 p .".mtfrrl
ITit. T'-tMiiH-ir irv- ll.i'i:
S'lei ny t'.e pr..; is
iiiiriie iti'i.-Ml t.i, -iii.l --l,
a. rmyniri!. stii! s i t,rtir
Hi(t e i t,, pr-"il !!'
.tuly mt hni N-Hfcit fir--'
l-ri m ' illr hiitt-,- .f
... IN.
l-.-!i :
r-.y f
i :c !.r
nr'ul 1-
. I. I M
Vull. AiU.m'
IntJ.e w,t i,."!t.-- o'Krai.y
'1.M' ft !:il- .1 ' tl'.;t;i T P
l1'll.-r of a :l fl.-.'l. on '"'
hi in ' l'- 'M. ' ' ll i'i'l',TV
i;t-.-':iv. n.'t:e het'.o
.n prr
f-r -oi
ifi-i I.
:. e-ii
t ITJ.
1T1H "l UH ' I
!!.!. i-m int., I l..r .l. r
4ih t-n. m lUe U I-'.
si.l Twp.
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Will he entitled to a gue:-3 ou the iiuihUt ofl.caiis in the seJel j.trio
our window, and whosoever jrti' tlie enrrert am. unit, or ?itMre.-t to
it, w ill he eniiiled to our vaiu ihle pony, " LITTLM llCSTLIli." Yuii
con see him in our thow w indow.
XOS. 2ZI and Main Street, Johnstown,
iChiirr.s, Cnt.-ks, Tubs,
ruileys, i'.V'Av. Halters,
C.lafs, 7VAV, Rope,
Cuttkry, ,';', Oils,
Tools, 'wps, Wire. etc.
FreJ. W. a:-etkvr, Attoruey.