The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, December 24, 1890, Image 3

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j'ne Somerset Herald.-
- """, rKr,E C SCTLL. Editor.
riDAT -
lcemb It 1390.
v ;v ue:s v."
Starrs are filled with. Christmas fchjppers.
F.ltwr Smith, of the M -rer!e Cmtw
rii will incrow t ;-r. t.f tis papeT to an
eight page ibeet, with the oew
Second Appeal of the Nicety, for
Sw Year' resolutions.
... jt the d-wr pr"," " now the calL
T",c-t &yJ grange io Pennsylvania.
, ' k iUr the poor ou Christum Dir.
Vr , piug Store Or holiday goods.
than 91 hours long.
instrumenti at Eoyder'i drug
boJy welcome at Snyder dro
commenced la
tr,. 11 won he on
the first heet of the
H i j the best and cheapest wore in
b,,t new rd at Mrs. Kate B.
1. 5-
liti politics will soon &e demanding
, -- Ki-e B. CxTrolh's foryour hjl
lfr. bundrtd and ninety is on the
t -etch.
, - v ier Drug S-ore befure bay;ng
Jary Omm:siorerj VW and Tboror
son hare bm busily enjriofi the pvi w-k
in oiling the jury wheel with oams to be
drawn in the year I.'i'l.
The tale of the real estate of si moo Yoang,
Sate of JfTerson township, deceased, ba
been continued until Ttiursdar. Janaary
13th. See advertisement.
Saturday night th. awnings in front of
Bnyders drug ttore and Mrs. Scfcrock'
millinery store were badly wrecked by anow
failing on them from the Corsica above.
Great banks of inow piled on the rook of
boose fronting on Main itwt rendered
walking on that thoroughfare eery danger
ous to pedestrian for several days last week.
The newly elected board of eoaaty com
missioner made the following appointment!
Tuesday afternoon : Clerk. E. H. Werner ;
Attorney, H. 8. Endsley. E ; Phyahiaa,
Dr. H. S. Kimmei.
One frequently hears the remark " Tback
God I'm not a steeet car horse, " from the
lips of city people. Country people may
well thank God they are not horses where
there ia snow on the ground.
i re-i Mrs. lii
-yin bid r'i
s advertisement
bve to the out
bells will soon
;t -.
v. of Christinas
-1 ::. l-e lac i-
t .li.Yr elt are gettirs puiniets
r .-..aiinjt dutif?-
, v..auht'a ailrtisetuent of holiday
i a:t.thef eolrnnn.
it:'. A! l i'nts & Kant
. i .-:?. i- s'.reet. Johiialown, sells a
ri x d lwi-t Tj.
.. . and wr.ting UbJeta. portfo-
: ;a.i t.j s-e ihe Ueils ul by the
; Kiu:a-.-r 4 PU:' rxrj.
i, : - D-u .ore on the public uare
. w huv C'::r:s:maa present.
...v stuck of new I'lobrellas tr
.. drtj. at Mas. A.
r t
Frar.k d. Kieind.-nst. at oti :ime pr.)pr:e- I
tr of the Central Hotel, in tfcis place, spent !
Saturday and Sunday with bia olJ-tiaie j
friend M-ne Trant. Mr. K!e:"!dTtst is eo- i
giji in '. he h. rc-i basinem at irun'-urg. I
Tut county coriiiui.-.i iner h.tve tti re
cj'iestttl to provide an office f.r the I'lstrict
ALiorney. We believe other couii!" in the
atute furuista an office for their prosecuting
attorney, although this county has never
d .-r.e j.
11. 1"itl's.
-'. -love, and warranted, go to J.
asva s Hardware tore, Soaierset,
. n-i-e iarlor suits in plu.-h. from
Vi ii o Mansion IIou.1, Johns-
all of the latent
.Vrr-i-n' neikwear.
z bo old stock, at Mrs. Kte B.
;u a. r.ira; Sm reasonable price is
I'l i '.r. ;'.!. Ncit to Maniioa Hou$
via, l'a.
I t line of silk nrabrel'.as ever
: ..j !tuerwt, is to he found at Mrs.
3. " ;r.-oth -
-re on candies, oranges, etc.. to
7 .,,U who intend treating the
n. ar Ka.itner 4 Piatt's,
r i -n't you marry her ?
:-. r. down and see IVviin's line of far
Next to Mansion lion-, Johua-
k iik mu:H-rs and b'a. k siik pocket
, m ,:'! out. A full hue can be
" .Jj; Mrs". A. E. Thl's.
v, ,-C attention to M-s. A. E. I'hI's hol
iv a.iveni-iuet.t in anotiier column. It
-ihelppwin making o-it your Ibt of
Httt. Ee sure asd read it.
id n"t buy a more suitable present
brother or swettheart than one
little leather toilet bag
Pe-.-ple living on wrst Ma;n street were
sranieI by a crash at au eariy uuur Sunday
morning which cau J many of tue:u to
leap from their bvun ia alarm. A hcary
tua.-sof snow had M'r-(ied from the roof of
John H. Vhl s re-ide:ice and fell to the
street below with sufficient tone to thatt'T
the heavy stotie lrpe at the entra.'jte.
At a meeting of the borough ichool bord,
Saturday evening. Eivrard Frease. of N-w
Centre vilie, was eiected to liii ttie vacancy
among the teachers cau:sed by the resignation
of Henry Barron. Mr. Freae is reputed to
he one of the best equipped teichers in the
county. Mr. Barron resigned ia onler to
beime drputy under ihemif-riett io.k1.
The w.-ek of prayer will be observed by
the different (ieuoniiiLaUon.-i 'lrrting in a
union niticg every evening du.-itg the
week, begin tog Monday. Jan. oh. Ditpieb
church. Monday evening ; Lutheran church.
Tuesday evening; Reformed ctiurch.
Wednesday eveoinj ; Presbyterian charoJj.
Thursday evening: Metiiodi-l church, Fri
day evening; Evangelical. Saturday evening.
Hon. Lyman I. Oiibert, of Ha-eisburg,
appeared before the Pardon Board taat week
tk for acoher rehcariue inthecaxof
! th N:ce!y btnys who, it seems, have not yet
j giv up hope of having their sentence rota
; muted to life imprisonment. The applica-
tio i i based on afier-ditTe-ed evidence.
and it is promtseil that if the Board grant a
t iv.iear tig the father of the condemned men.
j will be pn-pareil with evidence to show that
J tht-ir dtath ientenoe should Wcommated.
Ai lav.ij were presented to the Board from
S. P. King and 15. F. Clevenger, corrobora
ting 'Sijaire Eiijaa P. King io hi statement
that a man resembling Bk, who ia alleged
to bare made an affidavit before th "Squire
that be k'uled old man rmbergar, had been
seen by them near King bouse on the day
tbt affidavit ia alleged to havs been made.
The alleged eocfesiicn of Beck did not car
ry any weight with it a originally laid
h?f re the B rard of Pardons, and rincs that
time the Com awn wealth have learned of
repeated attempts having been nude to bol
ster up the ensupported statement of 'Squire
Sing. Several weeks ago two residents of
Upper T-rktyfoot township presented them
selves brfjre a well-known justice of the
peace in Middiecreek township and asked
lo be qualified to a paper stating that they
had .cn a man answering the description of
Bwk on the road near 'jquir King's on
tbij Sunday thiallegel coniiessioii ia said to
to have btwa left with that gentleaian. Tne
in eiiigent justice quertiooeii the men close
ly and from the vagueness cf their answers
mo satij-hed himself that it was a put up
jiib, and, notwithstanding the assurances of
the nea li-.a: they were acting in compliance
win the request of the attorneys lor both
the C':n;mn wealth and tne iSiceiys. the dis-m-td
them, but nit until after he had giv
en thi-tu sonic wno'T-some ice in regard
to making a.ii.latii' about m altera of which
thy were 'gnur-tnt.
it is is parted that a Matcmer.t will a!o he
pte't-utcd to the Board setting forth that
htt.i; Nannie Horner, whose tstituony
aaainst the "itiy boj-s on the trial of the wa of a tij l rt'uatkib'eand dauiaiag
chararter, has siute said 'ha! the might
hve bceu tuisuken in those men," meaning
the Nicely, at the time of the murder.
Tj'Mi who b-a;d her testitiiony and remem
lr with wiiat minuteness and detail she
d -toriaed the clothing worn by the men who
ruurder?d I'tnberr, will be slow io believe
that sh- cjuid hawe been misiakeu.
Persons w ho are disp sed to argue that
Providence ever apf-fars in temporal aSai-n,
Ci'i! 1 not :is 1 a hotter iiustra.'ion than the
ciseofiha uulorttinate Nicely bi)ys. Since
the day cf titeir arrest every movement that
has been made iu their behalf and many of
tbem Lave been of a startling character has
b -en checkmated before it could be set in
ei.TiUiJB. while their repeated attempts to
es".ije have restil'ed in most dismal failures.
Ii is -ep.-eented that Mrs. Nicely, the
ajied ruottitr, is rapidly failing, and may
become insane.
Vou en.
;'or Uii-r
oi thi" d
. J. N. sr.;
t s Pnie
itma shoppers will make no miuk
to R. B. Vcughfs, where they will
le of the most complete lines of holi-
. v -His ever brought to this town.
At ?rv.ler's Drug Store you will find
i -.:er traveling toilet bag?, collar and caff
ui.. niatiicure sets, toiiet boles, all suita-
fur '.".rtitmae presents.
tir oxe. in plush, leather an 1 oiodiici
. r. Tji'et bottles in beaatiful colors and
, ; r.s. I1- -ir.s of beatitiiul ii.tle ar
- ::, six f r Christmas presents at
-. ir s .
T':" '!nsvtvar.ia state bracb of the
'trae- L-wvie. in session at Pittsbiireh,
u-jji e-1 tiio pa.-sae of a law eq'ializit'.g
'i ..a all property whether personal
r j-i -rare.
J i.n I-.r. ar.d IVr.U'n Meyer-. w!o tw-.ce
----A a.-saiiite ! Mrs. M-rketr. at Mc-'-.
. itown. were sentrnc i to eight years
. .tU each in w.e peu;te-tiarj. byJuJge
T.. : ; i'lttsourh.
'VI. l..k:ng f-T Cti-lstnias preseuts. call
' ! Kale ft. C iT.-i-lh's and see the hand--st
l.rte of jewelry ever brought to
j -rwT. K.nir. sti- k pins, bracelets, beads.
t.rna:y -tLr article", any of which will
i ::.:a:,',.. pr-r, rrt.
T'.:.. f..ry'ur ii''ral pa'ror.aae in the
r a (s r.t of tne same
l-'.c 'i.e '5re"ttt ovstcr sca-in. At our
rr.d. Uaetuent of Cook i Beerits"
w. h. run.
' Mr". A. E. I'hi's for Jersey and
". Ji-is. B'xcrrs and Pveefers Plush
i ks id lioliuans. All the new
f - ' : c '.csp. A 'ar-e variety of Mis-es
. u-en' 'A'.-ai.
Maa. A. . Uhl.
Vi.1 has rcieied a arg stock .
i K.-it Hit. and Rennet w:ih !
n a..fmerit of Tips, Fancy Fa'.k
E Vw. A:. AU cheap. A line
t a.l of Mllline'V t;ov..
Ms. A. E-I'ul.
"" V. VkrWb, wto has been unable to
iii (.'a. tice f .r the past year, ha
y niuvere-i to oive a-re ai'tively
'8 lie praitiiw of hia profession. Any
'"-i iii hi? professional service)
' at h;s crhee in Friwlens,
"-ts-ilted at tsr time.
lizes in the Sunday school :
""- 1 love my teacher's face,
tn. i love to pray !
" 1 .uve this life of grace '.
' they li niis me from thi place,
"'-st fier t.liri.sttiias Day.
y-r eg r. not claim fs for being a
' m eicrf. This was decided by the
ar-er Sessions Court in a ease
a uartv obiwted. Tae ob-
a i 'a, ie.L Lawyers are mem
'" "jet and therefcre cannot claim
"hAw Fever, ajred 7-', was burned to
k t; ( aa Creek. Tiieday night. The
- e (suu, h-ww frijoj ia-1 to Eldred
" 1''r'- Jr.r.g tiw ci,ht his house, a
ry rr-t.-i a r. cu-ht fire from
-ure ...f ,,n(j fettIf .harred
Ti:e heaviest snow storm since the a tn
ter of ls-sS commence ! on Tuesdty eveniuir.
A great deal of damage n djne to pr ' r
ty throughout the State. Alruottai) the larsre
Cities are sulfering from broeu d)wa elec
tric wires, while thousands i f iities tele
graph wire were demoi'shed by the st rm.
It will take thousands of dollars to replace
the electric, telephone and lel;rajih wins
in Pittsburgh.
Mr. John E Woods, of Jenner tnwushlp.
who started for the West ten weeks since,
returned home last evening. During his
absence he visited Indiana. Missouri, Kan
sas, and Michigan, in each of which States
he has many relatives, all of whom he re
ports are getting along well. Mr. WL"
says in Missouri he saw the la.-P's: cmp and
the best quality of apples he has ever seen.
Indeed they are so plentiful that they a-e
selling on the farms at ten and fifteen cent
a bushel. Mr. Woo.1 is much pleased with
his visit, having had pleasant weather and
been royally treattd by hi Iriends.
Since caiing hag been completed tLe dr.l!
ges steadily down in the Elk I.irk oil well.
While the corporation is clote-mouthed. cer
tain information, which we believe reliable,
has reached us. It is to the eifeci'ihut four
veins of coal have been passed through
three, five, four and eleven feet in thickness,
ortwen'y-three feet iu all, within Cot) :Vet
of the stirfare. A aee;n of magnetic ore
has ben discovered and sevcml veins of
fi djy i f a superior ijnaliiy. It is believ.
el there a-e o' her &r.-U of wl.i h the pnHUe
l.a t. k i-i le ve. bi.'. v;t.rt wi.l i" i 'n
out ir. i i l i.n- " .' t.
t V.'e d.m't believe the latest rumor about
j tlie Nicely s, and yet we are prepared to be
j lieve a sreat deal in reference to their possi
j 1. 1 'ties. The latest is that they are to be ex
! iccraiel from all blame in connection with
t.'ie rather rough and sudden taking off of
I ci J farmer "inberger. In that event, rumor
vs. they will g-) on the stage and give en-
tertaiunients by way of reiau . w'i they
:! iu't know ahjat murder, and wuat tuey do
' liiniw aliout prison life, and how easy it i
t i-K.A innocent turnkeys and jailers, with
incidental allusions to the potency of money
in getting before. Par Ion Boards. J-jhmt-ma
The Nicely hoy?, wbo cruelly murdered
old man Utnberger in Somerset county and
are now ttnder sentence of death, are not
without hope of saving their necks. They
have made another application to the Board
of Pardons, and proroee to show that they
are innocent. For the sake of their aged
and devoted parents we hope they may
prove tbeirinuoceuce, bat it is very doubt
ful KirrUU'irj Tiifjrqph.
V He. I
The Teachers' Institute lectors course
seems to grow in popularity with each suc
ceeding year a most healthy indication of
tive intellectual grltwth of the people of our
' c-.uttty and the anxiety to get first choice
I of the reserved seats appears to grow with
j the desire to hear the eminent gentlemen
who ha-.e been er.gsued to lecture. The sale
! of scans bean at the Opera House, at 9
j o'clock rsaturiay ruoniing. but eaifer patrons
' tte there lonp before that hour ; in fact,
te-i or a ileren of them hail been there since
wa e'eiixk the preceding night. It was
... . a xi.: n iriii. to stana ;n line, to-), wita snow
; i;:i-: lie- ;!, aa.l the fire teat a kindled on
i io! tcai-l.e.-s of he ! thest.-ert outside the 0;"ra House afforded
u.-. atid tli-:. a:.n-i-.l i vry iitt'e c-.tufort to those who w-re an xious
n the kectKst p ens ;re : to it at the head oi the table at the annnat
by the r-i 1 -'s i ! t ie ounty They ":-:'. cf rTa.-on." The d.-ien weary ticket
a- a g-m-l 1ok ' -. weil-Jressei.l m.d Intetii- ' iii.ysrs were reinforteil hy at least fifty men
gent body y.n:'.ir la-liev and gcotlera.-n. ' a::d ooys at Uri:ghr.' Satttrday morning,
and are a wav. pr-: r-l t. receive a.-.J -ive I and hcn the hoi ctiio wa 6. -tally opened
instruct.i.n. t.;ewk w iitiiciieoi iea-jurif i ...en- wiic l.... .!..-.-. i.i n i
not "n!y U u-ai-iev ' the -s,rti!iion .i!, i purchaser mas lircl-e-J to the purchase of
but to citizens from ali sectiousof the ouun- j sit ticket?, and half an hour after the tickets
ty who make a p"-nt of attendins the ann-i- j were r'acw! on it'e every ore ot the left side
al sessions of the institute. The Hksvld I of the haii was i!ispsed of- The right side
voices the sentiaier.t of the people of socicr i t-f the b use will be held until the opening
set in extendinit a corilal welcome to tie of Ir.sti.tite. when ail tickets not taken by
N- it
n-tti. v
'i a:ol w
" and " school masters " of teacaers m
"school marois
th cun'y. and wishing them all a p
and pnd:ahie week.
where he
The eiiitor of the Bedford Oizi'-U has been
remae-ing through the files of his paper and
giving the fruit of his res-.-arcli to h.s ra I
ers in weekly installments. In last week's
issue of the G izett we Sr. 1 an item of inter
est to Simerset couoty people, most of whom
have heard their gaiud tather's relate ina i
merabie anecdotes of Gerj. Ale I Ule. taken
from their files of March lod.
Our corfesponden t at Lancaster says : 'Al
exander Oies'arted this morning to Phila
delphia for a prvss and types w print a ps.i-'r
on ta Somerset, to b entitled ttie
fir'ie. He swearst which is no unc-imm in
thingi that it will be a simmer Ttiaf be m i l
do ail that lies in his power to knock your
oh per up. Tnat you ar d itoneil forever ss
tie prin'er of aoeptr in 3-dird. TliV HiS
ll'rrnft will come out in the sprits an 1 s'ipj
.11 h.-fore :t Ac. t.'. Who be w.ll cl !
e-lit the paper and do ti)e mechanical P'rt ..( j a : ;:.
the work I know not, for to your kii(ili- twes-
be otfered to the general pub
lic. Every person desiring to attend the
lectures will be accommodated with seats,
notwithstanding the rush for tickets. The
sa-vie rush has occurred on former occasions,
when by some stroke of genius Sup't Berkey
has managed to see that all who wanted to
gt there.
re i si-over-J in the hes after
nail immd to the rronnd.
ey Vii;, wj10 WM tn trial at
'""'"'H with bribing delegates
i'-t'h district republican con
1''i'"c'"r' "':iJn. hart been declared by
Fi..:t hn- ... w. rw,rr
r yij, wltnesees, khajer,
' - ref.ise-J to testify and
't -a ;.;v tov tine and t imprs-
aiartih IU, whentheirown
.1 hetrleu.
''' iw i -
. a tresLcJ t the iftate in-
, a .ast yar ua(T 3l weredischarg
1K T.. ...
ie-e were
ti i .
... -n:cirjrTnl sndr'Jd.e-1
vt;arrr: cf the !,.t; ta!
f ,.J ''", f"! 'His have been ad
4 '"''J ": t'-at uaralw 1.J43 died
s J. '" ''' sent out as re
ore ' i:iii'roved aad l.Tkiasun-
3; w
' went di.-i-barv
I, h-it e
Oi!e is about as St for the one at tne ot..t.r.
Dr. A. P. Brubaker, deni-m-trit..r of
physiology at JenVrsun Medica' C.llegi, and
professor at the Pntal College, waj yo-. r
day morning introduced to J Shrn stu
dents by the Dean. J. W. Holland, as tem
porary professor of materia medic and
therapeutics, sutrceeding Dr. Ba.tholow.
The lecture room was profusely decorated
with green plants and cut tiowers, aad a
mammoth basket of flowers, toget-her with
a large bouquet, each tied with the college
colors blue and black were placed in the
centre of the lecture desk. A number of th
faculty were present and j-iioed heartily in
the rousing reception Professor Brubaker re
ceived upon entering th room. The entire
class, sij hundred in number, arose and
stood an instant during the introduction by
Professor Holland.
Profeseor Brubaker will hold the position
for an indefinite period. PV-i. Lt i-jrr.
The HsaiL has been requested W ug"
to the gentlemen who will be drawn to serve
oo the nea-t grand jury the urs-?nt necessity
of recommending the building of two addi
tional tsuIis tH- the Court Hott'e. T'ue vsuit
ias it is termed; in the coramucioner's orJiire
is about as much protection against fire as a
store-box would be and is not half !a-e
enough to accorarmxiate the valuab.e r
uriis sTored in it. The only pirrwe H serres
ia a f ush';'g r om fir the com ml loners
when they wisht j pis tipir. any
qiestion. it i ( the utmost i. -;-'-ante
to the people of tiia ocu'y ttat the
public records required to he stored away in
that otS'-e be secured in a Va'j't pn-tee'ed
from fi-e-
The County T-easurer acd S ..eriil sh.juld a ra.iit connects!
Sensational Bedford Disoatchea.
Tmm tbe Beiiforct la-i'jirer.
The seiisarionai telegram sent to the Pitts-"rci'-c
''V.xifiA from Bedford on the 14th, in
refeeeucw to the i-st-, strayed, or stolen""
west-ward balbit box. is a sample of a good
deal cf the trashy stuff sent from here to the
l i. iy p itiers. The ballot box hail by miatake
beet deposited with Justice Davidson in
stead of Jus jce Frazier. Ii was sate in the
forrn'-r's c.ii.-e. The statement that "the
marl w.ii come ia for a good share of ex
iiation in the Congressional contest be-
Qnstvy and Scnil, as the latter ran tar
a' t : 1 of his ticket in tbe ward," is a fair
i -uaea of the ground ou which Oreevy
couldsu. T iie truth is, Ukiqg the corouer's
v ;te as the party wote, Mr. tscull ran one
l-hi.l hia ticket, "frurh is mighty and
vill prevail."
A New Departure-Visiter Day
Thursday was set apart as a day to rerai v
citizens and patrons at oar school and was
known as " Citizens' Day," which was soase-
thing nntisual in Vrraer school terms. A
special effort had heen put forth by Prof-
Kecdail and his efficient corps of teachers
to sectare as large attendance a possible by
having the local press call attention to It, as
well as sending out special invitations tociti-
z-ns and parents, it seemed that every
member of the school, from tbe High School
to the First Primary, were made speoial so
licitors for this public demoostratioa, as one
conld scarcely meet a boy or girt on the street
wbo did not urn you to come and see their
school ; they even demanded this public
recognition, a they bad a right to do.
To say that their brts were crowned
with success is only putting it mildly, tor
scarcely bad th 9 o'clock bell chimed her
last not until visitors began to wend their
way toward the school buildings. We bad
almost forgotten it when, aSout It o'clock,
we chanced to fall in with a dozen or more
dtizena. who Feral nded us of our duty, when
we toiret her took up our march to the old
Union school building where we were cor
dially received by teachers and pupils, who
were all as happy as they could be.
The first school visited was the " infant
room." or Firet Primary, taught by Mrs.
Connelly, who has been the teacher for
twenty years. To prove her success, we
need only refer to the long period she baa
held her position. Here we were req tested
to examine the work of the little folk.
which was neatly ut op for exhibition, and
consisted mainly of specimens of penman
ship and drawing.
The remainder of the schools in tbe build
ing we viited in order as the grades ascend,
taught reiectivelT by Misses McMilien.
Dunham, Snyder and VoueL These rooms
were beautifully decorated with flags, ever
greens, and numerous wall pictures, draw
ings by scholars, specimens of penmanship.
eta. hilst making our examination of
these and expressing our admiration for the
neat work done, our ears were g We led with
the merry songs of the children. The con
dition of these schools shows plainly that
these lady teachers are doing a grand work,
without any exception.
In the afternoon we visited the Academy
building. Although it was only 2 p. m, we
foond at least a hundred citizens in attend
ance, all delighted. We first called at school
Nia. 4. taught by Miss Hustou. Her work
proves her success. Here we found a half
hundred as happy and as bright a set of boys
and girls as can be .found anywhere in the
Commonwealth. Decorations, drawings by
scholars everywhere greeted the eye ; neatly
written manuscript work placed on the desk
we did not fail also to see. Here we imagin
ed that talent, especially for drawing beaa
tiful pictures, was being developed ; the
work of Robert Hostetlrr, Myra Parson,
Celia Snyder, and even Abram Smith, in bis
special drawing cf a Republican coon, de
serves complimenting.
In school No. 3, Miss Knepper holds tbe
reins as teacher. This is properly the second
timmmar School, the has on her roll 50
scholars. Here is where the stnieg'.e is con
stantly being waged; for it is from Miss
Knepper room that the promotions to First
Grammar up stairs must come ; and we at
once upon entering this room and examin
ing the proficiency of the work on the desks
of the scholars, and upon the black boards.
and viewing with admiration the earnestness
as well as the painstaking work of the teacher,
apprehended that she fully realized the situ
ation and was heroically leading her little
army in their charge on the stairway.
We next go to the First Grammar school,
taught by Mr. Pntts. Thi school has al
ways had a good teacher. How well it ia
being taught tills winter, no one baa a single
doubt who took in "Citizuns Day." The
school is all that any one could wish, it to
be : here we found the result of their last
regular examination ; ia manuscript, com
positions etc, all neat, clean and compre
hensive. A as wers written out in full ; and
the subjects clearly discussed ; neat drawings
everywhere in iew; children joyful and
happy. With a parting song by tbe school
we cross the hall and enter the High School
Mr. Barron has charge; and the classes are
taught respectively by the teacher in charge
and Superintendent Kendall; both are effi
cient and successful instructors. The visitors
here reached the apex of their general appre
ciation of our teachers' good work and the
admirable work our boys and girls are capa
ble of doing. In this school there are 31 schol
ars, 1 J of whom will graduate at the close of
the term, provided Done fall by the wayside,
which is not likely to occur, save by seme
providential interference, judging from the
superior excellence of the work which we
saw, and the intense enthusiasm manifested
by each member of the class. Even the
work exhibited as iiat belonging to the ju
nior class bespeaks for them s similsr and
successful ending of their common school
advantages one year hence, and that, too,
by tbe largest class in the hi&iory of the
school. Having seen ail, we were now in
vited to assemble in Room No. i to be enter
tained with some fine pieces of music
and short addresses by the directors
and citizens, which, according to a previous
announcement, were not to exceed three
minutes. F. J. Kooser, L. C. Coiborn. H. L.
Baer, M. J. Pritts, and J. H. Chi, Esqs., aad
W. H. banner and Mrs. F. J. Kooser made
brief addresses. After which all departed
for home, being thankful that we took in
Visitor's Day, and sincerely hoping; that this
new departure, of which Prof. Kendall is
the author, and for the success of which all
labored, is here to stay, and that when an
other opportunity like this is given no citi
zen will miss so grand a treat.
Sot since IAS3 has western Pennsylvania
received such s covering of snow as fell last
Wednesday and Thttr.Uy, aad it is Tery
doubtful if the snow of that year was within
four or five inches as deep as it is at present
Somerset was entirely cnt off from the ont
side world for several days. A train, made
up of a baggage ear and one passenger coach
and drawn by two locomotives, was ran
over the Somerset Cambria E. E- Wednes
day and Thursday. It required almost 2t
boar to make the round trip from Rock
wood to Johnstown, and the train men suf
fered ii-.tetwely from the coM and firing
snow. No mat was received from the East
from Tuesday an til Friday night, and
Pittsburg mails were all from eight to twelve
hoars iate.
Early Thursday morning s train on tbe
Pittsburg Diruioa of th B. A which
consisted of a baggage ear, two day coaches
and a Pullman sleeper, ran into a snow
drift between Sand Patch and Bow mans.
They lay la the drift all day and Thursday
evemicg ran- back five miles, to Giencoe,
where they procured food at a boarding
boose kept for tbe convenience of section
bands. Five locomotives were ordered to
the scene and it was only after 35 hours'
hard work that th track was cleared. One
of the thirty passengers on the train says :
We had plenty to eat, such as it was, and
we managed to live (airly welL There were
only two lathes on the sleeper.
There was a sad story in connection with
ooe little group which consisted of a mother.
daughter aboot 9 vears old and a babr.
The husband and father was in a cotnn in
the baggage car and was being brought from
Bessemer. Ala., to a point a few miles this
side of th blockade for burial. - Everyone
pitied the poor widow and everything possi
ble was done to make her comfortable. It
seemed too bad that within four or five miles
of her destination, after having traveled
continuously for nearly a week, that she
should be delayed for 3G hours. Early this
morning the general superintendent of the
road, Alfred Walter, arrived on the scene in
a special car. His car was pulled up along
side of our train, and by looking out of cur
windows we could see Mr. Walter and his
assistants eating a breakfast that seemed tor
us like a feast, after having subsisted for 24
hours on salt pork. alters-aru I
approached Mr. Walter and told him there
were several ladies on the blockaded train
who would be glad to get a civilized meal,
and he invited them into his private car and
ordered bis cook to prepare the best break
fast possible for them."
Very few farmers ventured out of doors
farther than their bams Wednesday and
Thursday, and it was iate Friday morning
before the work of "breaking roads'' was
entered upon. The snow was not less than
24 inches deep on the level fields, while
fences along the public high ways were buried
oat of sight in many places. Several farmers
hitched four horses to sleds and worked
their way into town Friday morning. The
steward at the poor house, two miles et,
was the first to arrive, and it required the
hardest kind of work oo the part of four
horses and a half dozen of bis men to come
that distance in six hours.
Everybody was shoveling snow from the
siilewalks, and fresh flakes seemed to fall
almost as fast as they could be removed.
Main street is piled full of snow from six to
eight feet deep, and those of oar citizens
who have been wishing for "a good old fash
ioned snow " are happy.
Saturday the streets of town were jammed
full of teams and more people from the
country were on the sidewalks than have
been there on a Saturday for years. Every
body seemed to have taken advantage of tbe
sleighing and had come to town to d their
holiday shopping.
Extra Hvy Stockinette Jackets, newest
'dcifs in Reefers, stylish things in Medium
Weight Newmarkets in riaan Black and
Seal Plush Jackets from np to JC5,
chotce and tvlia in des-hcr. fit elejrajiCy.
Seal Plush Sacques the very best values
ever sold, $14 up to $4.i. Pieae compare
these with anything ofTere!, and see if yon
don't save money.
Our Mock of JiOe Wraps deserve srnrra!
attention. Ladies who do not care for tight
tiuing garment sbooid ace the provision we
have made for them. Dress and comfort ia
Loose Garments specially made lo oar own
order in Plush. Beaver. Diagonal and Eilk
lined, fine imported Wool Cord. So treat
is the variety your taste can be met and x
ufied. Price from 5 to too.
New Fur Capes Frcm U to ou
New Collarettes ii 30 to 2A
New Matt in ail th faaniooabls furs
From 33c to io each.
Children's Fars, Maffi, Boss and Collar,
ettes ; bnndreos upon humireds of Mines'
and Children's Cloaks and Jackets. Also a
full line of Bovs' Clothing for School and
Dress Wear, at price lower than you gen- j
eraily pay for the same class of cooda. Boys'
Snir from SI :) np tt $11. Lare Lin New
Fall Over-fiat for Bovs 4 to li vearsr prices
2 . to li
We sti;! maintain our pre-eminence as the
Leading House iu
Ladies" ami Misses Suits.
Our large Biisioess in this tine of goods
enables us to present you with o many new
Scyies and in such variety that it is an easy
matter to get raited. Ail oar Suits are de
signed and made np under the supervision
ota first class Dress maker, and w rarely
ever make two suit alike. There is no
question that we can. and Co save you the
manufacturers' profit.
No cha-ge for necessary alterations. While
speaking of made-op uiia we are reminded
that a tew Hat or Bonnet is generally an
accompeninsert. These Hats sod Bonnets
are just alongside of th Suit hundreds of
them, ilainty little Bonnets or Hats, cf
colossal proportions, but all the embodiments
of taste aad fashion. Price the lowest.
Knable & Shuster's
Dry Goods Bulletin.
Great Preparations Belli? 2Iade for the Fall anil Yin-
Larg'3 sic
CeQifuitJ. r?j;
CLcvioti, i'C
ter Business.
is of Dress Good. SHks. DIack Goo(Ii.Fui2a?!f DLhicta
ciij-.Muilini, WLi;e Good.;, La.:c3, Lines?, Cai-ea Flitt.e-!.
arc Lcing ordered to please alL
i".i (1M lfi!.i Tir'i-'j nf Pa it j
Jersers, Seal Fliisli
Garments, Seal skin Garmcr.t3,
l. ?:Wis
aad Ciartai-a ct all
Campbell & Dick.
Also. large stocks of Hosiery, Cndervear, GIot83 nd Umbrellas.
Oar stock of American made Dres3 Goods cornea direct frorn oar cxn
mills: Yoa therefore get the benefit of first Land pricea. Oar Forcl.Ti
Goods ive get dlrectTrom the importers. We guarantee the Lowest Prieea
on all kinds of dry goods.
35 Fifth Avenue. PITTSBURGH, PA.
ESTA BL.IS 1 1 ED 1-47.
Manufacturers and Dealers in
Now is the Time
To do your purchasing for the Holidays.
Don't wait until the last moment, or yoa
may not iret what yoa want. Car stock in
all lines is complete with the latest and new
est designs, and the same will be sold at the
lowest cash price. A cne stock to select
JfT.-i i-a-rstr-r-stsrs-S. V
t -r: ' i s i - t
rv t:iliL---i-'"'(i
I Uliiiuiioii
rW fX
I ' iiV.
Any person who ever dealt at onr stora who was not fully satisfied
with onr troods and prices ? If voa do, wo -want to hear from vou. Onr
is an unusually large one. and contains something suitable for each and
everv member of the fainilv.
The largest assortment ever brought to Somerset, aud will be sold
regardless of proGt. ' . (
Candies, Fruits and Nuts.
CoPrEsV SHEET (Roy, aad U l.n.l of SHEET-METAL W.iRK. made
All iis warranted a represented, ("all an.t examia tJiem a.'i.l set pr. -r at
No. 73 Franklin St, AVor PoMajp'-e, Johnstown, Pa.
Ai Vii C'.i S:ni! Ii Cirrl its Zr.j Lir?3 zzl Varlai S:k cf
Buyer fan Find all tktj Buy 3eed ia tke Several Departments, f
satisfaction always guaranteed.
wood, morrell & co.
There is a great deal of mystery, if one is
tojndge from the amount of talk heard,
aboot the finding of a lot of bones la the
month of an abandoned coal pit on the old
Hagna farm soath of town. As sear as we
are able to learn the facts are these: Last j
Monday a port3tBan followed a rabbit into j
the abandoned bank and when a few feet !
from the entrance came across a box
about five feet long tightly nailed np. He
removed the box to the light and on open
ing it found it contained a lot of bones.
There appears to be a bone of contention
among those wbo have examined the con
tents of the box as to whether the bones are
human bones or not, and how they came to
be secreted in a coal mine is a question nunc
of them can solve.
lhousands ot pounds of eacn. liiesal.- and ltail ?peeiai l nces io j
Sunday-schools and Chnrclt Fair-.
Call and see on before making yonr Holiilay purchases.
Gifts !
Tribute of Respect.
At a re-ilar meeting of the Woman's
Horaearid Foreign Missionary Society of th
Eiar.gclfcal Lutheran Church of Somerset,
Fa., the following resolutions were adopted :
Whebkas. It has pleased God, is His all
wise providence," to remoee from our midst
our befovei sister Mrs. Curtis Kooser, who
was a mirnbT in tood and regrjlar standing
aad the second to leave our n amber to try
the realities of that unknown eternity, and
in her dat'u we have lost a faithful and coo
sis'en! member. Therefore
Ka-Jidi, That we bow in humble sabnais
ion to Cxi's providence, assured that our
!ca is her gain.
IU, leal. That we extend oar heartfelt
symphy to the bereaved family of the de
ceased, who will long miss her tender affijc
lion, wise counsel and assiduous care.
That the fjrjaing reflations bespread
on the minu'es of the Society and a copy
svut to the family.
Mas-W. K. Rrrvu,
Mes. H. C. CieaiTs,
Mas- FazASE.
Mes. Ssocii Asia,
Candy! Candy I Candy t bs, clitapet, and largest assortment,
id ee'V p-mnd strictly fresh, at prices
ithin the res)h f everybody. We took
Itii their oft in i sreiri a'e i: tie slei two of our stock of
pi'tsl'.c p -. and j cua iv. nuts, ortsvs, lemons, etc., fr the
whicil to Keep ti' i.
iLc aoat. r It is ."." v dr.i f r then th n- h.ttiday trad?, and eaa trOVr the best g-xnte
tr the tax pay -rs iii f .l that tle rc ir is at lowest priors. C'l ap.d see our stock oe-
and public patr :n which they ali have an I fore baying elsewhere.
Th. Tool. Us.d by th. Nic.Iy'a
In making their during escape for liberty,
cn the evening of Nov. Jtth, can be seen at
the Grocery and Confectionery Store of Kant
acr and Piatt, No. 2 Eaer Block, Somerset,
The npe which Pave discovered did not
reach to the ground ; they have tbe end that
was tied to the rafter in the garret of the
new jail.
They have the case knife used to take the
brick out, when the We in the will was made.
They have the saw osed to saw off the
locks oo the cells and trap door.
They have the locks that were sawed off
of the cells and trap door.
They have two brick, tbe only two that
fell outside, when the hole was made in the
wall. Pictures of the Nicely boys and a
picture of the new jail as it now stands.
Kantner ct Piatt store ia the only place
these tools, etc, can be seen, and tbe young
men have gone to a great deal of trouble in
getting the things together, and invite every
body to call and see them before tbe 5th of
January, when they will be returned to the
county officers.
Don't fail to see these and while looking at
them, glance over their stock of Candies,
Lamps, Glassware, and Staple and Fancy
Friday afternoon a young man named
Elmer Lynch was fatally shot, while out
bunting in the woods a mile and a half from
Bethel Station, on the Somerset it Cambria
Lynch and twj men, named H. II. Kess
ler and J. A. Biyer. had gone to the woods
to shoot turkeys. While Boyer was sums j
distance away from Lynch and Kessler the J
latter'sgun waa discharged and the contents !
took effect in Lynch s back. !
Kessler called for Boyer and the latter j
hastened to his companions. He fjund i
Lynch lying ou the ground and apparently ;
dying. He and Keaaier picked up the !
wounded young man and started with him j
for BctheL
On the way Lynch expressed a desire to be
taken to Borer a bouse instead of Kessler' s.
where he boarded.
Before reaching Bethel tbe young man ex
pired. Kessler stated that the shooting was pure
ly accidental. He espied a turkey in the
bushes and attempted to diachante his gun
at it. The weapon did not go off. While
he was raising it fur a second attempt it was
discharged jast as young Lynch stepped
from behind a tree and received the contents
in bis back.
Lamps, Fancy Glassware.
We have now in stock the largest line of
Lamps and Olassware in Somerset, and
more coming for tbe holiday season. Fancy
(iiasswaiT, Vase and Hanging Lamps rang
ing in price from 50cts. to JlO.oii. Call and
see our stock whether yoa wish to bay not.
K.tvrjn Jk Platt.
In addition to hit lanre stock of
I am this day,
DECEMBER 16, 1890,
Receiving seventy more of the
latest styles and designs, of all
qualities. I hare also a full line of
Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes,
SandaLj and Overshoe?,
Mens", Roys', and
Childrens Suits of
Clothing, Gloves, Mittens.
And a big variety of nice things for
Christmas Presents.
Louther's Drug
Main Street, Somerset, Pa.
This Hciel Drug Stcrs is Rapidlj 2s::nizg a Gnat
Favcritw xrith Ps:jb in Esarcli cf
JledicineSf Dye Stuffs, Sponges, Truses
Supporters, Toilet Articles,
Perfumes, &c.
Loitlier's Prescriptions i Family Beceiuts
And a Full Lfae of Optical Goods always on hasd. From
such a large assortment all can be suited.
Always on band. It is always a pleasure to display our t'Oods
to intending purchasers, whether they buy
from U3 or elsewhere.
A Merry Christmas To All.
Old and young, pocr as well as rich, we
wish a Merry Christmas.
"It is more blessed to civ than to receive,'
there tire aa we receive let as not S.r-t to
give good tltinas-spiritaal and material
more freely than, ever before.
Christmas is the chief holiday of the year,
because it is the anniversary of a day that
marked a new era in oar world.
We should celebrate with joy a day that
marked the beginning of the one perfect life,
and the one perfect example which appeared
on earth, to bring to mortals the "Tidings of
great joy."
Resist all tendencies to a'gloomyor solemn
Christmas, and let as hail the dsy with glad-
Spwciai Announcement.
We have made arrangements with Dr. B.
J. Kendall Co., publishers of "A Treatise
on the Hone and hia Diseases.'' which will
enable ail our subscribers to obtain a copy
of that valuable work rtxc by sending their
address (enclosing a two-oent stamp for
mailing same) to Dr. B. J. Kendall Co.,
Enoaburgh Falls, VL This book is now
recognised as tanlard authority npoa all
diseases of the horse, as its phenomenal sale
attests, over four million copies having been
sold in the last ten years, a sate never be
fore reached by any publ ication In the same
period of time. We feel confident that our
patrons will appreciate the work, and be
glad to avail themselves of this opportunity
of obtaining a valuable book.
It is necessary that yoa mention this pa
per in sending for tbe the Treatise." This
offer will remain open for only a short
There is no better time daring the year for
beginning a eonr;e of sf tidy in Williams A
Borers' Ejcheater business university than
on the rs jljnday in January. So many
additional pupils are expected at that timew
that new clasa will be formed in all departments.
If yon would be happy Christmas Day,
see to it that yon make some one eise happy
and yonr heart will overflow with joy.
Go to some poor family and assist them to
L enjoy a joyous day ; remember the fatherless
and motherless children, make one day in
their lives happy, and tUe joy.that will come
to yon, will be remembered far into the new
Find th flight Piaoa.
Welfley's Photograph Gallery' Good work
at fair prices ! Teachers and others attending
the Institute in want of good photographs
will do well to visit this old established gal
lery, where they can procure good ptctnres
ia all styles from tbe small mioette and
square cards to tbe fall sized ealiinet photo
graph at prices rnnning from one dollar a
dosaen and upwards ae.-ordicg to size and
quality of work.
AH the wont guaranteed to be satisfactory
Gallery on Main Crosw itreet nearly oppo
site the post ofSce. The stairway being be
tween Yougbt and CotTroth's grocery store.
W. H. Weight.
Somerset, Pa.
Sals Continued.
Owing to the very inclement weather of
Dec 17th, the sale of my personal proper ty
was continued to Friday, Dec if?, lg,.
Ji a Eotts.
For the Holidays
Wo have aa abundant stock of
Nuts, and
Supply the wants of everyone.
Tosrt TOCB
Memorial IVork
I 'x an till -rtcrer of an 4 Dealer ia
Z-jctrrn T 4 Fimthedtm kur .Vtve, ta ail .
o mi IB EMIE Willi
aw, AjrtUf.irthe 9 -II7E BROSZE:
P-rKin n need of MTlirENT WORSlir!
rlait it u tacir iurvst tu call at aiy &nt wbera
a pn,ir i mv:nii be artvea taem. aa-'i-
f ri.rn H'ltrlHUrd 1M "ry iiw, itjwi PRl'tJA
k f L'J I uiTtte spevaai auenuua to.0e
Vhite Bronze, Or Pure Zirc Monument
V Till
- a
rKlt ,-. ,
A" r
Cvor 5CO
I .-ltmri - REV. W. A. RIN;. as a IWi-i-t
I-mr-v- . i-i the MATERIAL AL
C-iNsTrtt Tfi'X. rl wr.iitri u (kstcMl lo
the fVp.iiar fsnmnent fi r our Caanita.a
maw. Ci! l a CALL.
2D C
e- X
wu-'-n he
Astonishingly Low Prices.
Call and examine before making jour f.urt:Iuv-?5 el.e'I
Jas. B. Holderbaum,
interest are kept secure.
KjTjEm A Platt.