- I Making His Own Butter. A man ho rwitletin the wbort Oil City rwnilr pare haoed some oleo marrlie. He iilnt know it until he baJ eaten it. Tbat maJ him mad. Of cotmeit did. People don't like to eat butter and then Cad out it was oleomar tarine. Well, be swore be would l deceived no more ; no, never. l',t wouid wake hi own butter. He bought a cow. He rtii.kfd the cow. That U to say, Lis wife did, bat as mao and ife are one, in reality be milk ed the cow. In time cream nis on the milk. It rose in gml tiuantitie, and waa col lected by the wife-. On Saturday evening, a Uie man hj KUrting out to Ptu-i the evening, tM wife remarked : "Von must come borne early, MMto pet up in the morning and churn tne butter before piinff to church." He nid he would. He came home early in the morning. Alout two oVlmk. Ilia wife reiuarked, distinctly : "Now, air, I want you to prepare " ' Two jir hie no good." That waeuuflicient. She soon after row. He retired without the formality of re nioving bis boot. She as mad. lie was sleery. Being triad, sbecburned the butter and put it away, leaving the buttermilk in the churn. JU-ing sleepy, be did not bear her. Ik-fore leaving for church ahe wiped the outfcide of the churn, concealed the i.,,tt.r nd left the butteruiiik in the churn. She also left a note, telling biin that the churn was ail ready for him to com mence operation. He raid : Dd i! dai-her churn." It was a dasher churn. He feared his wife, an all men do, and coaimeni-ed chnrninp. He commentil at nine o'clock. At half-past nine he looked to see if it was coming. It did not appear to be. At a quarter raft ten he looked aain. liesult of inspection not encouraging. At twenty minutes of eleven, perxpir inir fm-lv. he haniiened to think of the bottle of brandy kept in the house for medical purpose. The butter was not coming neither was his wife. Hot tiie Wandr was forthcoming. He drank heavily. ' At a quarter ta twelve le gtopiel again and made another examination. liesult was to warrant another drink. He as getting mad. At half past twelve be took a lunch and continued churning. At ten minutes pat one he looked to see if his w ife w as coming. She was not nor was the butter. At half-nsst two be could stand it no longer. And therefore took another drink. Then he clrirned five minute Next he took his gun and loaded it. At twenty minutes past three he drop ped djwn completely exhausted. Ten minutes later he bad demolished the churn with a hatchet, and wasjiift going out to shoot the cow, when bis wife came in almont breathless and put bitn to bed. The Joke Turned. S irae years ago it was still the custom in France to conduct condemned crimin als tbroDgu gsping crow ds of idle specta tor to the guillotine. On one siK-h oc casion the unfortunate beard a would-be wit in the crowd remard to a companion : "Well, I'll bet that fellow don't fee! much like sneezing into the basket" The coarse tttempt at a joke stung the prisoner, and when be arrived at the scaffold he aa:d that the proceedings be staved a moment as he bad a con fession to make. "Although I denied it at my trial, I bad accomplices in the crime for which I have been sentenced, and there," point lug to the joker, "is one of them now." lireat excitenent ensued and the par ty designated was seized by the gendar mes with no gentle hands. Out of the confusion somebody managed to drag order and the wit was placed on the BcalTold beside his accuser. Such a fearful case of abject terror aa the joker presented w as never witnessed in that sombre locality. After enjoying his helpless fright for a few moments the fated convict said to the othcial in charge : '"Ha tried to make sport of my suffer ings, but the man is innocent And as soon as he seemed to be sure that it w as no laughing matter for me to be here, I was curioui to see how much such a fun ny fellow would laugh under similar circumotaiices himself." Mr. Armour and the Bootblack. A bootblack walked into the otlice of Mr. Armour. lie had none of bis outfit with him, but the bootblack w as stamped In bis face and all over biin. He went to the gate w here a guard stands between bis post and the greatest packer in the World. W'ere's de old man ?" asked the uich in. The guard told the Ikiv to get out. ' Von tell le ole man dat I want to sec him. I w ant to Bee him al.ne. I dont want to bodder you nor de ole man. But I want to see de ole man, an' I want to fcee him right off." Mr. Armour at his iWk overheard the raided rt'ipirs!. "I t that In.y come in here," be called to the young man at the irate. The urchin approached Mr. Ar mour in a bumoeKS like way. There were too preliminary compliments. "Say" spoke the urchin,"! took a nap tout dere in de aliey, and w'ile I was asleep sotiie o dera kids from the board o' trade come along and swied (stole) my kit an' I'm short. I aut ter borrar a dollar to buy me a kit an' I'll pay you la k on de 'xtallment plan. See?" Mr. Armour banded the boy two silver dollars and told him to go. But the boy banded back one of the dollars and said : "I doan' w ant but one. I'm goiu' to pay it back, and uere's no uie o' a man poin' in deefier'n bis bead. I alius keep my head above de water." The truth of the above story is vouch ed for by one who asw the scene and overheard the conversation. Vlurafo Titbuite. Vacation, when vacation time is in order, is to be used as sacredly as the time of public worship or of private de votion. If recreation lie needed, recrea te jn, one has a duty to do that, and to do only that, which will tend to refresh Lieu after the strain of his former labors, and to give him added fitness for the work that is to follow Lis vacation. Every minute of vacation time is precious and it is sin and a shame to w aste or misuse it The man best qualified to enjoy the honeymoon is the one who had all the romance kicked out of him before be rtacLed that pctiod. CARTERS drnt to a twlr- Mw ff tho svawro. auto mm immK Nanus. I ToWRim- In-4Tas HUT aun I11H. Mi. t-lc. Ac Wetwrw raaarkauie wkm lias aiioan in curuif Hwtarh. Tet Catcrta s Ijtm Urn Tvim 1 -.air yalualOe m t'.-rwtiiaurj. curu. and irUwituis thw an-yMc.i..pi.ljrh. iwraiao r-rr-.t all.!. Td-ra of tb muJnmcK Jrno. the W and mgulaM lis bowa. Xrs It tifj only cured Cho aurTi-r frm this diatrwawir Ttj hut furrunav-lT lh-ir p. "tin" doe. n- eo.1 here, and Ib-ae who oi.v Or thii will and ihe lmJ. pi'f yaloaWe tn an many wmy i that lne?i-il m he williuc to But alter mi, sua Draw ACH i. the bane of o mnr In tr-wt hee Is where e nue our (rrwa boMt. Our t-itU cure tt while c.hr d" ont. rrr Ijrii f.rvra Tiun are rei-v miall and wv etwf to tke. one -r t o iul mane m d'' Thev am rictlT TeireJjiMe and ik rnp- or Puree, hut by" llvir ntle 1ki !.!! ail wbo ime tiem. In Tiabi at o-nt; fire for $l . evemrhere. or sent by mau. ttirss kmns CO, lew jbx. b!E HS::8- SSPr!:! Chrgg.Ocugh How! Fnr If too 1o ixt It may boenmo en- I inrrtt Jititditij nti.l W Mating lUmMmt Uiero I if '.iiiuj; l.ke ISOOTT'S 1IL8I Of Pore Cod Liter Oil and HYPO PHOSPHITES or xii .e imd It I a'nifst a xil.it.-i!'!e a ml'.k. rar Iwiu-r liiitu vth'ir bo-t'iUll Emulnloos. Scott's Emulsion tTiiereareiwirliniiatloEs. Got lite grMimr. vTben T ssy Cn Idwt mean merely to nop thrm lor a lime, aou men ."' S-S r torn apain. i mui m. na-i'" .n ii ww " 1 bave made liio disease ot nrs. EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A life-louf study. I WAjniAFT my remedy to CURB toe wont cato. necMuc omen umrm l.iM l no reuon lor not nowroreivine acwre. .ml .-i . (r a treatise and a i RE liOTTLB of ci TiixiBLE KKMEor. tiire Kxprfca and J?- i IKlice. It conu yon nothing lor a CnaL and it wul cure you. Address K. . ROOT, M.C 1 83 FfjuaST. KnTOU The boy may live to be So, but the poor horse for want of a blan ket in the stable has to die at 20. FRE Get from your dealer free, tbe $ i Boole It has handsome pictures and valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a 5,'a Horse Blanket will make your horse worth more and eat less to keep warm. 5'A Five Mile 5 A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test Ask for' SO other stTles at prices to suit every body. If you can't get them from your dealer, write us. me n n n jrw ARE THE STRONGEST. NONC GCNUINC WITMOUTTHF S' LABtL Matiufi tv W. Aykts Sons. I'lii'u (lx. who Uvuii tbe Rtuious Hurse liiunU Iiek.er tiUokeU. B. B. Late Buyqrs ARE MOKE Fi 'HTL'XATE THAN USUAL THIS SEA SON. In iiinnv limn in our Dress Oiod Ik Jirtiiiei;ts we tind a surplus, p.irti u';iriy 111 SUMMER WOOLENS. This surplus rourt pn. Room is needed for Fail Goods, now arriving. A ale of Fine Imiwrted Drees Goods oveitHH 10 to J Inch p.xxls at i ceius. Very leiyr ami choi line, erery piece of wnieli i down in price Irom l il to Jl.. Surely this is reaching lied llixk. Choice line of .Vt inch Cloths, 50 cents. 3V inch Wool Suitings, 30 cents. And in the SILK DEPARTMENT. Extra quality 10 inch Black Surahs, We. J', inch iilack St) rain, 75 cents. A very larve line of Colored Regenos Silk. l'.t inr,a mle, To cents, worth intrin sically il:S't. 100 pieces Colored Armure Silks at $1. extra heavy quality, down from $1.25 and Arruures now marked $1.00 a yard. These and many other items for late buy ers to profit by in these stores. Write our Mail Order 1 Vpirtment. It of fer same advantages as are presented over the counters. Boggs & Buhl, 115,117119, und 121 Federal ftrect, ALLEGHENY, Pa. II PILLS. cLj HEAD 1 ohnstown Business Houses- GKEAT STEAVS ! rHE NICELY BOYS Ul aerei be biui. If they can bel il- Keither wiU S. -Ashbridge, Tht John-Moan Cfj.ct man, but be will atll ya Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, E'Js, Mats, Matting, Lace Curtains, and Curtain Poles, Cheaper Uian tbrj were erer hear-l of rwiore. ti ui amouuli you. CJ1 ana set tor yuuraeii. '. 131 franklin St, J. Impawn, Pa. City Drug Store, Hear Dibert Baiiding, Next to Postoffica When in the city don't fail to call and see us at our prominent location, wnere you wi.i find one ot tne iiremesi mm iu .moi-i-ie Irug Stores in JOECSTOWISr The public pronoiinoe it a pern. We carry fuil line of Pure Progs, 5! elicines. Chemi cals, Toilet Articles, Physicians I re script ions Carefully Compounded. iieapwtwiiv lours, CHAS. YtUMi. Johnstown, Pa. Graduate of the Phil a. Colicre of Pharmacy. J u i cii j, naibuta, tiuuiu, au., ecu At tbo Old Stand, in a New IitiibHnr, the UGKHARDT JEWELRY STORE IS FILKF.U WITH -XLI, Kl-NDS UJr Ornaments, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, fcc. A I-arer, Finer. Cheaix-r. more Kelia- bletK k i. nt kept in any tirstHlarw Jewclrv .Store in Western. Pennsylvania. L. W. LUCKHARDT. 59 and 01 Main Street, Johnstown, I'enn a. THE OLD RELIABLE FIRM rockier & Ltvsrgccd, Can be found at :M) Morris Street, with Complete Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, BOOTS A'D SHOES, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, ic, Which are on Sale at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. As heretofore, farmers can get Best Prices for their produce by bringing it to us. de are now showing a Fine line of French 'Zephyr Ginghams, Full Aortment ofl'laiu n1 lltmsti'.chtJl 3 to iviu'.-h EMBROIDERED FLCUXCINGS, ALL SEW KKsIOSi BCTT0X3, BICKLES, GIMI-3, FBJXtiES, LACE3, TIE?, TABI.ECOVER3. BEUSl'EADS, TOWEI, AKi llAJIAbKS, Of Newest raUerris. Chsese Cloth Ccmfcrts. John Stenger, 227 Main St., JolmstowTi, Pa. "SCHOFF'S. Prk Building, Mais Street, Opposite Alira Hall, JoluiFtowu, 3?A. SPECIAL VALUES IN LACE CURTAINS I Wilh every pair of lirtain we rive the joe fnf Id eut. ftiuirttut'-e ot:r liniui" i ut'ier thai; 1 he unme quality vnn t-e t-uirht elMi ubere. Call anl gamine quality auil prit. A cnplU' li!ieufiry U(Kx1k ml luwt'st priccn. SCH0FFS, Main street. Park Buiding opposite A'.ma Hall, Johnstown Pa, THE POPULAR DRUG-STORE, Comer of Main and Franklin Streets O: II: X- 8: Ti O: W- A In now tilled with all tbe tst In tho tnarkeL My mttto, to w rnicEs axd q vick returss U rigidly adherv-d to, and full ftatisfactiou gnar- auiora. a luiiiiiieoi PARIS GREEN AND WHITE HELEBORF. Alway on h&ud, CHARLES GRIFFITH. ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. HARRY M. BENSHOFF, MANUFACTURING STATIONER AXU BLANK IJ00K MAKEK. HANN'AM BLOCK, JOHNSTOWN. PA. HARDWARE tmc OLaaNOwru. axowM Haaowaac stoc or JOHN DIBERT, (UKCEASED,) Is now in full blast under the charge of the undersigned. I keep in stock all articles in my line, from a needle to a Hay Fork. The finest of CUTTLERY A Special!. BOTTOM rillCKS 11 VLE THE I100ST, Y1L B. DIBERT. At the old stand on ilain Hreet, Johnetown, Pa. SADDLERY AND HARNESS S. LEXIIART, JR., Successor to Sanuel Lenhart, Manufacturer aud Dealer in HAKXESS, SADDI.I2S, WHIPS. XET?, L'LAXKET?, P.0BES, Slc. 8aS Rep airing Promptly Cone. 143 Clinton St, Johnstown. YOU CAN FIND THIS PAPER u ma in rrmm-i-n at ine AiiertiiEir tturaaa of 7SS. HE1II1TGT02T- BROS. nzsi-rnjmi MR ECQiiG Wo!;rsJOIEBIacking yrtn Arc otw ptr of So ft yr. -vrwi a toMewia t Ut oeart turt ihre ointlia, Jnr faokV rrmny ywaW baaMrkio will on jn m M i2 t mho LmUiu pJ t wn.c Sfrum Tvicwc mitmrn will o-fcj Tu ot.m otnm tfimeu wlkL turt eoe4 im ON BOOT AfW SHOE HOUSE. THE NEW ROOM IX THE DIBERT BUILDING, Corner Main and Franklin Sts., Iwhere as Ur And rt.Il- lllVIIO IIUIIIUIIO if'tMilwear, OfSest Q.ulity.anJ at LOWEST PRICES can be found, in styles of all mikes. I ara prepared to compete whh one and all d alert, in the Stair. All I ak is a trial. SCOTT DIBERT. FINE OLD. WHISKIES And ImftorttKi Liquors soM In bulk aad by the OLD CAISJSET, TOM JfOOUK, POSSV31 HOLLOW, GITKESHEMEB, FIXrjrS OOLHEX WEI'DIXG, cn;so.v ? .txxx truifKiEs, Jum-s llptinewr. Paul DuIVii". CoRTiar. Wilbur liitinnn'k'-tiwa B ackliiTj-Coriii.il." Also, Bailor J acJ Suincn-t lure Kj e Wbisklee, ittl mge. FISHER & CO., 309 Main Street, Johnstown, Pa. Administrator's Sale YalnaMe Real Estate.. -.0.- "IY VirsTfE "f an onler of ale ifjtiedotit of iheiril.n txm "i ixiimToei ii, ml ut lite ilii'ierMf;i-'t .n. AlmiuistrH t..r tt ihf MHte nl 1. H. Wt lerraMTil. I will exp.rN. to iu!liMMtery.ii the premLMjo, ernet i p , froniericl lo'.iiity. J'., on ill WJ11I- FRIDAY, SETT. 19, O, at 1 o'clock 0 m.. th- Cilkiwiug d.wrlbed rml ,.r,.irtT ,if v. I1. Wrller. iler'il. vis A certain irac' uf Uixt tiluate in somewirt Ywp.,&.iner-!, Ha., .lj.miin!r 1B.1 ol m. S. Wvller. Satiinel 1 v ell.T. 1. C. ellenl. W IlHam Hanidi ami io ti. Iiiitner. miiliuuirg 2Tj aen BI..I pen ht. riavina thereon erected a t(t M..ry frame Imeilaix ll.m-e, a fr itaMe and oilier oml.uildniL'v A C'vwl nmnii.i? apr:n. land in inanleiilttvaiKHi fit'mic t!nve-foiirthol a mile fr..,i HirMtid. and three and . half mile" from fcoinenvt. t'liiiveiiieui to eliureh and whooL X lii.Alo rtutv! iimney to oe paid u soon as the proirlv tn ViMx-ked down ; oue h.iir..i ha'um-euii delivery of deed, and laiiee In o;ie rer.r fmm dale of aale, wilhonl InUTwO. One-third of Hie pur-hat miiueT after the iy ..r tn r..ma:n a lin on I he premiiH' the interest then on nu ahle annually to Ad ..-.ii... fc ;,!... ..r kirt .'-.vii'wl anl after her death t!ie prineipnl si.ia to he paid to the beirn of F. W. HlSXFtKKS. W. 8. W.KI.l.hK Atuwney. Adinimsirtor. PUBLIC SALE OF lie RealEstate. ny VIRTT'E of an order of tlieOrphan' Court Duf rVm-tei tHiiitv, ra., to me nuKiiun, there will be ai.ld at public outcry on SATURDAY, SEFT. 20, 1S90, 1 v n m tht fnil.irwir decrit-t real es tate of I.ydia HoeiivUtler. dcreaxed. eonritmgifa farm utuate In lireeuvule Township, adjoining Uiidrot Noah Lint, E K. H.rheWtler I naj ii.w.i...i... v.h WHinraman. Juhn Alliold aud others, containing 174 aere, more or lesa, wtlh a ::z::Dwelling House,: n..t- n.n mrA nihpr imnrovements tbcrron ., i.i iortaerp clear, and uuder a Rood stale ,.r ..."itiiatuiii : & aerea in mea.'.ow ; in n-ar to Kr..K .t,.pt vhml. and railroad nulion at Sand Patch. A niimler of never-failing rpringa, awl fruit orebrd on the same. TERMS OF SALE. riiie.thlrd In hand April 1, Wl. when Inn will b given. Balance in three eil annu al paymenia. without lmeret deferred pay- .... ... k, iimd nn the nremie. f 1I0. Part of hard money, 10 be paid as aoon aa the same ia struck do . . K IIOrHaTKTI KR. augl3. Administrator. ALEX. F. HAY, CATERER, Ladses' end Gentlemen's Dinina ind Lunch Rooms, 614 Penn Ave, Pittaburgh, P i fed.linp. Partiea. T-nncheon-(. Ac. tmpplied wiih everv reiurite. to any available ihhiii by railnrtKher conveya'x-e. j-eial ami prompt at teiitiun given order by uiailor teiephoiie. 8 jtiu f ERCHAJT'S HOTEb. Ill ' imaiar.u a. "i!--in"o Piit'-bnrsb will tiuit it u their in terest to top at th atiove houne. Kun ou the Ku rvitvan and AiwiWn plan. It i entirely new. iirnniiil at IK and Wa'er Aree. direet'.y or- riuiic the new R l. iK-pot. aud wlihin f air r'piarea of tbe t xpn.ition Rutldttiff. Mr. Alex. Ilim hinx n. m well and favorably known In thl ect'in of the ctinlry is the pniprleur, and any traveler who deires comfort and nmderalc charge-, ould up lucre. -aHSt VISITORS TO TIIE -PITTSBURG EXPOSITION- Will find in our exhibit a small selection of such good aa we carry, in great variety, at our store, !CO ). 4.TU AV.. HTTSUrRU, PA. JOSEPH E1CHBAM & CO., FRINTERS, BINDERS, ENGRAVERS, DEALER IN Fine and Staule fctationerv. Arli?t' Materials, atkl alley io ma. fcepU iux. C KO Ii. MITCH F.LU f aU'r ai l aw and ilieitor or Penona and Patent, ltox 25.1 w'sahinrbm. I C Clerk 10 Senate lenioii Committee for la Ft 7 yeara. If voulike promptut-ati, write nte. tt.au to give advice. S-iVrii Sotliia; On EartU Will LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! It r absolutely pare. Hlirhlr eoncent rated. In ruantity it -... m than tnlb of a ornl a day. htrirtlTanw.'.K-ltifl. PrercriEftaml ear-sail disrasM. ..k1 for youar ehkHcs. Worth aor than f kk iHia larrr can saved me ata. e-ii(i lorao i, prerent nwip," says a customer. ir yru an e u -nd us sn neftt for two S .-e II. A 1 1-4 P"in,-t en SI to txit-pAj . SK erare.rl't. "THK IlKsT KH'LTitr PSPKR," man-J-! eopr f rrw, t'oaltrr t!l!na Gl! fr with St sruu-i ur luure. 1. & J0ii3.4o at Cu, tluaUia, Maaa it br t)w ae or Yaluat U I MS Trlbutw of Respect. The Missionary Society of the Friedens l.ulbern chureb. adopted the following reso- lu i ins : WutRiAf, God in hii wisdom has seen ht to ieraoe from t 'W inc. iMrs. Pie man, a member of ibe Wornan'a Missionary 8icieiyof Friedens, who departed this life August 25, 1C9", therefore be it - IlrvAitd. That while we received tbe ssa iitelliaxi ee of her death, yet we bow in hum ble submission to tbe decree of God, wbo g'veth and taketb away. Ro-Jucd. That we tender to tbe family of our deceased sistrr our sympithy, and direct ibun lit consolation to Him wbo doetb all things well. lie J red. That by the death of sister Cole man, the society ba lost a u-teful member, wbo was always willing to do w bat she could. Lizzie Sta n l, Mai-as E It sal, Asdic Rhoads, ' Committee. Wbsbcas, It has been in accordance with Gods Divine will to remove from pur midst o-jr worthv brother Wesley Miller, there fore, be it Im-tJcctl, That in the death of Brother Miller, the cbu.vh has sustained tbe low of a protubing member. The family, a kind and loving oue, and the ommunhy a good citizen. Ravleetl, Tbat while we bow ;n humble submissions to the will of God, we sincerely mourn the loss of our departed brother. Oh wake not, sweet spirit to suffer again. he slumbers so soundly oh let him tleep. His sicknee is ended and trouble all gone, Oh, think bow be sutured and moaned with in in the long night hours as we soothed biiu in vain, till God in his mercy sent down down from above, an angel tbat whispered a message of love. CoMaimc, Forced to Leave Home. Over GO people were forced to leave their homes yesterdav to rail at their tlrogg'et's for ar trial package of Itne's Family Medicine. If your blood is bad your liver and kidneys out of order, if you are constipated and have headache, and an unsightly complexion, don't fail to call on any druggist to-day for a frtt sample of this grand remedy. The ladies praise it Everyone likes it. Large-eize package, 50 cents. Marriage Llcenaes. The following marriage license! have been iaueil since our last report : Oakley F. McKee, of V. V. and Mary A. Frederick, of Llstonburg. Pa. Harry F. OverJorf, of Westmoreland county, and Maria A. Knupp of Westmore land county. John P. Brown, of Greenville, and Aman da Murry, of Larimer. Malilon Meyers, of Milfurd, and Mary M Cable, of Shade. Augustus Lindeman and Ida M. Brant botb of Summit. K. Van Sickle and Cora Andtrson, both of I'raina. Cbas. A. Bowser, of Westmoreland coun tv and Annie E. Miller, olJennertown ship. Daniel Barron, of Milford and Clara B. Meyers of Allegheny township. DUrNKENNESS-LIQUOR HABIT-I5 LL TH WORlOl THERE U BUT ONI Cl'R, tlR. DA1NE' tioU'U Srscipic. Ii can be aiven In a cup of tea or offee witboot the knowlwlire of the pernon taklnir it effeetiim a apeedv and permanent cure, whether the pal lent i a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thouaandi of dmnkarda have boen cured who hare taken the tioiden Mpecine la their eonee without their knotted. kMlar believe they quit drinking of their ow n free will. So harmful effect reaulu from it admluMration. Cum Ruar auteed. Send for circular and full particular. A.iilrwn In eonlidecee. tioLlilL.H tu-acinc CO., 1 Kace street Cincinnati, u. A Nervy Printer Boy. Tbe boldest robberr that ever was perpe trated in Bedford was committed Saturday night between tbe hours of 12 and 1 o'clock Saturday morning Deputy Sheriff II. mitb, with his wife and their two youngest children, went to a picnic, and the weather being disagreeable they remained over night, leaving the house in charge o.'their 18 year old son, Grant, who is a printer in the Inrpt, r.r office. Abut 12:30 the boy was awakened by noise in his room, and in an instant he was covered by a revolver and a knife in the hands of two masked men, both ctpowerful build, wbo warned him not to make any noise, ssying that they wanted money would not hurt bira if he kept quiet. They then bound and gagged him and proceeded to go through the trunks in tbe room, when they then marched young Smith to an ad joining room and commanded hint to open the bureau. This be did, and as he opened the top drawer he saw by the light of the lamp which one of the robbers carried a re volver lying in the drawer, which in an in stant be had al the breast of tbe one nearest him. He fired, but the cartridge missed fire, and before be could again recock the revolver both men pounced on bim and knocked the revolver out of his hand. They now twore they would "fix" him and dragged him over to bis room and, while one covered htm with a revolver, the other went to an adjoining room and cut tbe ropes off of the bed. They '.ben tied him to the bed post, afteiward goin; from room to room upturning every trunk, bureau and cupboard tbey could find. This was ibe story told not an hour after Smith bad been rel:ased by neighbors who, seeing that a window h:td leen removed from the back part of the house, made aa investigation and found the boy almott overcome. Ask Your Friends About It. Your distressing cough can becured. W know it because Kemp's Balsam within the past few yean baa cured .so many coughs and colds in tlis community. I remarkable ale has been won entirely by its genui.ie merit. Ask some friend who has used it what bethinks of Kemp's Balsam. Then is no medicine, so pure, none so tfficlive Large bottles iOc and it at all druggists'. What He Missed. Uncle Silas Greening, vUiting hij niece in tbe city, was taken one day to see tbe chrysanthemum show. The old man is of a practical turn and seldom hesitates to speak his mind. "Well, uncle," said his niece, after their return hoinj, "how did you like the ex hibition? "Wal, to tel ye the truth, Elviry, didn't think much on'i." "Why, what was the matter with it! ' "Matter? Why, there wan't so much as a single punkin in tbe whole show Hold It to theLight. The man who tells you confidentially just w hat will cure your cold is prescrib ing Kemp's Baloam this year. In the preparation of this remarkable medicine for coughs and colds no expense is spared to combine only the best and purest in gredients. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Bal sam to the light and look through it ; no tice the bright, clear look ; then compaie with other remedies. Price 5Gc, and f 1 He Discovered Her Age. Mary Jane "What did yeh tell Silas Jones when he ast yeh fer me the other night that ye had set apart a calf fer me on my first birthday T" Her Father" I thought he'd like ten know it" Mary Jane" Well, after yeh told bim he went down teh the barnyard an count ed the rings on the ole cow's horns an' I ain't seen bim since. Chatter. Consumption Surely Cured. To Thb Eorroa: Plaaas toforra Joai raadan that I hays a poaitlra ramady fur th aboy-aamad diaesaa. By itm timaly ass I hi nada of bopalaaa caaea har born permaaaotly enntd. IshaUbaglad to ssad two butilea of my ratcedy TB.1LM to any of roar teadf ra wbo have eocaarapUoa If thay will and ma Utotr Expnas and P. a art lrasa, BcapeeS tollj, . X. 4, SL0CUS1, U. liU Iromtl S. X. I. HIFANTSfMJVALIDS. THADE " p :p-l'sof MARK. Tri)l A Matter of Importance to You ! If suffering from long standing Chronic Diseases. f y st tin, aa inoae auweriiiK irom EYE. EAR NOSE AND THROAT TROUBLES, tf " -.' I ' ;wr 7 .. - - ' Socialist on Cbroui? J. J. Mcf'I.I.Ki.A. Xotice to InvalidM : The DR MORITZ SALM, the tienuania Kye, tar, Nose and Throa lulirmary.of Colum- bus. and . Thofeleh rated SiwialM on (Tininlc P lac ae. from the DR. T. T. MCCLtiLLAJN, same leal and SurKTeal Iuatitute, CoUmbus O., and txam.nu.g aurxeon u tne ' - beat tne smrp.nsT!T HOUSE. SOTERSET, Friday AND SATURDAY. u. ItnLiM hi. n..mnus nallenta and other who are lu need ofmcdicrl treatment, an opp.u Tnu 1cu1?u.Mhn"Z whuae dut.e-attbe Institute wlli peruutouly n..a,.b- ly vWtstoyoureoaimnnii). -CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE EYE. iu...t 1.1,1. Chronic Innsmma- tionof the Uda. of the Iru of the CnorvM.1. of the n.-ilu. 1 -limine. l leeratioin,!pa.n8 of the Ud, Cancer of th- Ll.la, and Kye, Tea.s KunnlnirOver thet'beek,D-yaud Maul BlindncM. Purulent or MatleriiiK rre r.yes, wwirraw i-i..u-.....-. STPhllillc ophthalmia, ked hlou ht or Brown no'-a on tbe Kail, pblye enular Ophthalaiuui. or Milk While hiu 00 the Kye, (.Ku.nia or cupping of the Neoe, Amnrmi. lading out or Lalhe r-orea, Ketlness of Kdges of Llda Bud Kys. and all other diae uw.i to which the Eye or lt ap pendages are liable, positive and rauid cure guar anteed. . EAR TROUBLES AR E CURED Tn an astonishingly iuiek time. They will re lieve von of all roariua nii-:ny and ring-inn aouea. heaviness, itching pain, ruuuiuif o! the eir will clox) up a bole in a du:m of years' at"dlii ; will lnrt Artilieial Ear Inurn of b:s own mven tao with atouU.biuly (frati'yinK result. A WORD ABOUT CATARRH. It is in tbe nervous membrane, that wonderful cmt-tluid envelope urrouudin the deln ate '.ia aues of the air aud food paaaairea, that t'atarrh make its atrongbola. owe eMablibed, it i-at into the very viiabsand renders life a Ions drawn breath of misery and di5eae, du'.linif tbe aenae of baarina. traiumelinK the power of apeech, de stroying me facultv ot smell, tainting tue breath and killing the reli'ned pleaaurea of tte. Insidu oualy, by creeiui on from a atmple cold tn tae hewt.'it aiaulu the membmus lining and envel opes the bmies. eating through the delicate coats aud causing Inllammaiioii, sloughing and death Noth ng abort of total eradication will secure health to the patient, and ail aileviativea are simply procrastinated aufiiring, leading to a fatal termination. Ir. MeClellan haa by a treat ment, local and eonatitutional, made the cure of this dread dleae a eertaiotv, and baa never failed. Even when the dtme haul made fright ful Inroada on delicate constitutions, bea.iug. taste and smell have been recovered, and the dbwase thoroughly driven out, A LIFE OF EXPERIENCE. The Doe tors have had a whole ti e of study and experience in their profexoon, and they enjoy advantages tbat fall to the Ii of bur few. Alter attending a mil (-our in the medical eolleges aud gradualina; wlti higheat biHiora, they were not content W top there, but have ainc e attend ed other colleges and several times reviewed the whole profession ; ha.-e alo traveled extenaive ly for the puriawe of improvement, having vmited tbe bert Medical colleges, ttoopilaia, I ipenia riee. Kye. Fjir, and Lung and other medical and surgical Institutions on both comment : travel ing thousands of miles buth by land and sea : spending thousands of dollars ; improving every advantage within their couunand, and devoting the bet years of their Uvea to b-eoios THOK tH'fillLY EAM1L1AK with the profewlon in all its branches. EXAMINATION AND CONSULTATION SCHMIDT' :::nzThe Largerst Wine, Liquor, and Cigar House IN THE UNITED STATES- ESTABLISHED 1336. W. SCHMIDT, DISTILLER AND JOBBER OF FINE WHISKIES. IMPORTER OF WINES, LIQ0URS. AND CIGARS. 95 A'SD 97 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PENN" A. AU Order) Merited 6y avai or oiherwi trflf rwette prompt attenHow. "a Near PnlWaelahla. HehMl Opens riepulOth. Yearlr Kapease, SiOO. Qaarterlt rarsa'ta,S143. AitfailS and -Uaviftet vgoar ai tarn at any tiow : tl Advaacad cllnei ia tartrau hoard ..Ik lh KnaclU. Tcacaen ill men lad ertte o( uru-claa lolle. Ti" 1"'"'?V?V?7 SUSfST loom bf nom has la h stain rxtiuor nd II complwely farankad. Ground (tra arretl h ';;;,T'1 ara kwy Paixan wt- in m75trt an. trurtin. o B..ur. Cll-lrrD.rrT. tlcctncil. C,'"rT" enra rknKil o4 Chraik-il I jbontorr. CtictKril Binineu Dr"t. trttb Telon)lir. Sh"" "TTTr!": 4c., ac Mora Hilly ,:(J,rf wit inarana (haa nr nrtujr Catme-mi vhooL Mc.lia Aiiniy ia..i n "l cotnfun. ihe tr ducitia. ad the bevtmniaa. Filed price cover ery eirtnc. So c.iniiwo- I." . ' UlgMTMed taloi lent free to any addreia. SWIIHIN C SHORTU1X.E, .., A.M. Bird UauiMK). rnaar saS rteeikrwc. Media, fa Cmulan at Uua oatca. ILLS P-S00N WED. a al t m Wuoe QUICKLY MARRIED- 8 APOLIO Is one of the best known city luxuries and each time a caks is used an hour is saved. On floors, tables and painted work it acts liks a charm. Tor scouring pots, pans and metals it has no equal. If your store-keeper does not keep it you should insist upon his doing so, as it always gives satisfaction and its immense sale all over th United States makes it an almost necessary article to any well supplied store. Every thing shines after its use, and even the children delight in using it in their attempts to help around tbe house. every V A TER PRO OF COLLAR or CUFF, BE UP TO THE MARK NEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. TMC OSltT Pwfod Subtltut9 for Mothor't Milt l!Vt.U8L IS) Cuotcaa iNraaTusj MO TtCTuma. A Quid If tssJmilated Foot roa OrserTie. COMSUMPTlvCt, CONVALESCENTS. A Ptrtrecr Nutrient isi sll MfasTiaa Diseases, stcauiaca No CooaiNO. - Kstrs in Au. CuwaTis. oc"" Arm Pzzrawa ow la. sirra," maiiwt jn. ta any addwas, Dolibor-Coodalo Co., boston. Maa. Diseases of the Blood, Skin and Kervou. MOKITZ SAI.M, V, P.,1 Speeiallst on PiKases of tbe Kye, tar, No aud Throat, 1 m 1 . . 1 .7 . -,,.'., ,..m 3 well-known fVnlist. Auriat, Optician, and Principal of Institute, and late Principal ol 'the H (tHa Ne.ii- ON SEPT. 26TH AND 27TH. CHRONIC DISEASES, The Doctors treat no acute dieasci. but make an eulire speciality of chronic and Ion standing diieaMM. t'ase given up by other doctors and pronounced inctirahlethvy moctdes re U)ee.' Tbe lxa-tors hate, trea'ed over I j.Ksj eases in O:iio in tlie ia-t twelve years many of which had been fiveo upaa in urable, acme to be Hlinl. others x af. and a large uumber to be Invalids for life. But beh'dd I uo they see am. Hear, and many are -Lined ou tbe high timid to health and reeov erv every day. The Doctor arc surrounded with the largest collection of fine instruments ever Impjned Ui thin country ft examining and treating all dis eases of the Head, Kaie, rye. tar, Throat. Heart, Luugt, Stomach. Liver. Kidney. Bladder, bun. Kra.u, and Nervous System fain-en-, Tumors Pllea. Swellings Old Sores Kit. faralyui, Neu mlir.a, Kheumatism, Iirepsy, Gout, Sick Head ache. Debliitv, Depression of Spirits. lnwaKW oi' Children. Hereditary I)!seae. etc.. etc.. aud in lact, all long standing and t'hronie Diaea.-es. DISEASES OF WOMEN 9u?h ai hive batllei tbe skill of all other phy sicians and remedies, pickl? cured. 1 sneerv tum rs. fibroid aud p-ilyuoid growm cured wiin out the u of the kuif.-or caustic. No cutting, no (win. no danger. tiiuall Tuni'irs. i.'aueeri Warts. Moles, etc.. Re moved without acids, knife, pain or scar. New method. Electroysia. EPILEPSY OR FITS Scientifically treated and positively cured by a never-failing mctlnrl. RECTAL DISEASES. Thfv also make a specialty of ail forms of Rec tal Diseases, Piles internal and external, lu-h ingand Bleeding, Rectal t leers. Fissure. Kt.nula nbicb are i.rten taken for .Neivous aud Lung Iiiae, all cured If taken in time. Remember, we cure all fonnsof Plies without paiu. interrup tion or detention from businesa and without tin use ot Knife, Caustic, Ligature or lujectioo. L'ouu and be eonviucei. PRIVATE MrEASE4 Klood Poison. Venereal Taint, tileet, Strictnre, Seminal Emissions, Low of Sexual Power, Weakuess of Sexual Organs, want of desire among sexes, whether from im crudent habit of voutb or sexual habits of ma ture years, or any cause that debilitate the sex - u&l functions, speedily and permanently curea. Consultation free and stricily eonndenlial. Ab solute curta guaranteed. No risks incurred. Cor respondenee promptly answered, and medicines sent free from observation to ail paxta of tbe L'nlled States TO MIDDLK-AGED slKN'. There are many of the age from :W to tSJ wbo are troubled with fre quent evacuations of the buelder. often accom panied by burning or smarting seiuswtifns, weak ening the system in a manner tbat tbe pntieni cannot account for. On examination of the uria ary denosits a ropy soliment will be found, and sometimes some small particles of albumen will appear, or the color will ta a thin or miikish hue. again changing to a dark or torpid appearam-e. 1 here are many men wbo die uf Ihia d fliculty, Ign oranl of the cause. FREE TO ALL BUZLDESra and Most Complete ..zz: Telephone) No. 666. rliera far !!, any Cotles. Myteckatc Phr - Kl. CKeaiiMnr. Surrertar. r111"1-1. REM THAT CAN BE RELIED ON TSTot to Srllt ! JNTorfc to Plsoolop I BEARS THIS MARK. TRADE UL Mark. 3bx GOOD ENOUGH" Tmn. 313 1 GOOD f j AND GASOLINE CAN! HAsiracrvsaD a Ho IlaSeld latf Co., - Wimn,a Evert Fayily Shccld Have Cne No Dropring Oil on the Floor or Tablt Ko Faucet to Leak or pet knocked open M sraste Contents or cause Explosions. Fvm nd Can close automatics I i Air Tight Ko Leakage No Evaporatioo AKO tBSOlUTUT src. A Urtlverccl rTtsrho'd NeceeeltJ CAT,;, AiTS) CSS TS13. FonJUo Inauuicrsct ty J. B. HOI liKRBAJ M, M. WHR'H'K. KAXT.NtK ii VI. ATT, K. B- COKFKClU. KKE-V&t & KOOSEK. tuff is casta Onf ftfth j FREE asatr I m (k s-s4. I 'll fi iu avra Bf7aiftl.-l. sMM. t )Htrlt-s caff wpttiorfodirrtil tasxtmil lOUil rtOI MtB avralltT. nilwrs. Onlr Tsvssr wsss ni mass) ee Bnavk ssn s tM tb (wsn Ail vo bav W do ts r "-flA Rturi i t atwss- srisr ods) tm : Uose ro call t sei-'.6 annninr of Otis e-!sHii .ma .art af tubal H rl. SKLaluSn a-. n'r. a tHoih tsMHva al ffrnt suss. Fmtfc works ssxl cim at? rTS) USS-ai'TV sasi srarmssw w aav. tOsTf Later svtth OHf lrfjs sitsBbU Ims? o4 H mmu r sWIet !. Thss smtrsarss a wall th watrb. sr A. tb. wyfk ya to shrtw what w seud ym u noaa ww I ssMsrbocarHlU.sss aDssni .trmroa-as. whira hMkia sr er ti o sasrta, an rs-laarl- Wa twy as; Irsjat. at-. Aft if yw-ruia liaa la to ta work tor aa. vosi zmm sxl t yuan at ttm Sit, rrUJAi MaUm. AU 88 FRAKKLIN STREET. JOHNSTOWN SUPPLY HOUSE MOHNH. WATERS &BR0 PLUMBERS, sisAii gas pittzs:. We a'e now ptWi.hf(l It onr new building, whib, e fan m!v!y hay. ii. tit U-fl-arrainftd lor our bu-Mi.t-"" in Mt-urn Vcnn-ylvaiiia. E rryii,iug laTtamiiii; to tiie I'lurubing, Stfara an1 t.us ttUMii- c rrirtit in stu"tl. We will, as (wnneriv. (.ire ranful sttentiot to the PTE.M HUT WATKK H K T1N' tua- ine. 'ir fnmier ertorta in thu line eubwe aouie of the largwl i,uililiJK in the County, witi entire aurreh- In the f I'Pl'LY DKPA RT5I KNT we carry a full line of Kubber and Lrattarr BellllU. Steam and Water He, ' alvefi. Injectors. Lii'.iirators, Steam tianssa. Iron Upe Filiiug, tie. hricts quoted on application. JOHN C. FINCH. DEALER IN Golden Wedding Whiskies, 146 Water Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. OI.PEST ESTABLISHED HOCSEIS THE CITY, where nothing but fure good are put up. strictly lor laiuily and inedicuial uae. Noth ing better than troidvu Wedduuc. Sell on the ll.H.tiutknheimera, l.ray's MononKabrla Kye. ThifSe icoimI are heading brami rlrandlva of vintage of 1S7 on band. Gins. Hollaurt and 1K rotii: ; also. oid Torn. Finch'oldfn Weddina". SI for full u'.iart. 6 tor f ; Oiickenhvimer'a. tbe arm.' : Muuougsbela, l- per dozen. W lna, Id -w-r doa n, f t Iw one half dtnen. Securely box ed. AIm hare In stock, Orandtather'a Cboif-e. at U per gallon. Karrela at special rates. 4lyr. DO IOC S505T That yon are btiyirg direct from tlie 1iti"er Iien you ST.ti your enters to lr. K Lipijen ott, Ihe old fa&hioned Whiskey hotie .' Xo ettih-it p; no eoniiKinndintt. hut dirt from he I.ippimvtt 15.tiilickv,'' situated at Lippeiit-ott J'oet nffice, tireene county. Pa., trhich l.as always maintained its reputation f makintr jmn nlsnijy. Our mail ortler epartuient ives prompt ittention to all ontr-rs, and at the prices we fler O'lr rood., makes our conipetilors en- ious. We carry in stock the following well Known brands of Rye Whiskies, in quarts, gallons and barrels : Lippent ott's. Overholt's Gibson, Guckenbeimer, Mononeabela. Grays, -4c. Also a full and complete stock of Wines, Brandies, Gins, c Write for Price List andmie money. V. E. LlPr-KSCOTT, Distiller and Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 539 Smithfield si, Pittsburgh, Ta. FACTS i That I Belt the owinsr 2CMxl?a ha vrry low Two Three years old Pire Rye $2 00 r-r gallon. " M " " S : ' " .. 4ifl0 .. Knur Six r.n Fifteen Twhntr-one " .V0 " " " " " 70 " ' All from the bft known distillers. raliforniaS vear-old pure W ines, all kins at $1.50 jr salion. hine. Muel. t'laret. Hungarian, rsherry ant. ort Wine?", direr-t Importations, in liaw. Pure mnortrd Brandies, liins. at tbe luweft f gurea. ( all or, nend for spe ial priet list. Mail orilen ProniptiT attended to. No extra charge for pack ing and boxing. A. ANDRIESSEN, 72 Fjl3r.l S.raat, Al leghen j. Pa. NEW HOTEL AT CHHE1LAKD. i P. Sweitier. late ol Sand Tatchhas purchased " THE AMERICAN HOUSE," At Cumberland. Mil., and has refitted and refur-ni-bed the said hmise thnmirhoiit, and mails it a rir-t cla Hotel to a'-i-oimmtate the tray, eling public wnh irool table, and choice liquors at tbe bar. He alo has In conncctl n w-ith the Hotel a laree quantity of Hauirhnian and blweltzer pure tld Kye Vi hiaky for nale. by the barrel or gallon, at Ihe follow ing prices : Two Year old at $2 00 per gallon. Three " " f i O - Four " " " S3 00 " ' ' The price of the jne is is pnt for each gallon. The price of the WhL-key an.l Jug mosit alwava accompany the onler. wrii h will iimtre prompt attention and ahipinent. Address all orders to S. f. SWEITZER,' aprf-'SO-SO. CT MBERLAXD, ID. GEO. N.CJtAMEll.Ae't -liT. ,.M t. rieaniinl, I'a. SAW MILLS. raTCHT vaaiaaic rsiCTion o clt rcra. STEAM EXGIXE3. HAV PULSES. SHINGLE MILL3. PORTABLE GRIST MILLS, TIIRESniNG MACH1NE3 Ac. Send lor Illustrated Catalogue. jal23-lJt. A. B FARQl'HAR Co., York, Pa. Of saw V f. 1 fill Jr "j.2, 'v""' !.. !.. IB JS.fcata... aSBWsmSi rUMttSfcsB No more of this: a 1 . Rahrvr Ktom wnirm won UcomfbrCabJy rj. geaarmaj SUy ott toe teet. THE "COLCHESTEE" KCBBER fo. anake ail tttrir annaa with bel-1 of bert llnx r.htirr. ThL elinaa to tttm aauw aail pnvata a2 ruoax truia aiipoia off Call for Uw -Oolelieatpr "ADHC8IYE COUNTERS." r ' 7. . TI A SOLID EEL FEWCE! n auc or BRANDED ML or ResocNC?s, ChucmP3. CFMETimrs. F.crr AROtN3 Gare. Arbar, W iorfw Curds Trrllttsa, Hrr-priM f PLASTtCICl LATH, 1 ITH, Ac. Writs for IllajtrateJ C.;akjgTe: mailnl frtt ;lnti?al expanded metal co I 111 Water St., ntlnbtirtb. Pa. ar.lwara Haa keep lb Give name of Uua piper STILL IN BUSINESS! rY ey's Photocraph Calle My lalrons are ir.fv.ritn'il thai I am still in the And am at a!l tinifs prepare'l to take ail kiiii-s of f ictiires, from a Tic-tjpe oi tau.Brt riiotograph, To a Life-size Cravon. Tnstaiilaneotia Pro cets useJ, atnl a!! work irutranlecd to be satif factory. -5Gallery up suirs, Dtit to VocgLt's grore. Wt. H. '.V ELF LEY. PITTSBURGH NURSERIES. (EstablUbea IStOi Ol lt ET.EfSAXT ILLUSTRATED CATALOtirK for 1S.O w ill be mailsdon applicatiou. Evcnr Farmer, Cianlcner, Amati nr Of u D. r of lot should have one. Orders r flowers and Floral Emblems bare immediate attention. (Telephone SCO.) JOM R.& A. MU33 0CH, 508 SWTHFIENST. PjTTSS'J.l H PA. WM. B. SHAFER, 'P. O. BOX 14T, SOStCRSCT. P. ) Surveyor, Scrivener, Draughtsman, and Real Estate Agent I o DO YOC Wl.-JU TO BI V EL Y OR ?EI.L LANDS OR HOUSES ? Call at tliis Arroncv. fi.000 Arre? timbered and cleared hind for .-ale. in twenty odd tract.. coniitii. of ircnil.xk, Piac, White Oak. Eed Oak, Chestnut, Ash, Cherry. Poplar, Ac. mostly avai'alle to "RailrnaJ. CalU also attended to forf-urvevin. near the lines adjoining in counties. Terms on Real Estate to suit pur chasers. Office above new Postotiice, with J. A. Rerkev. Modern Science Haadl'oovaml that ail 'ca.i are csiikiI by MICROBES, Therefore m'.l Vvmnn can be m re J hr dirnT in thiw Xi. r.,b.. and m on,y t'mr.i eanhthat ill acctaiplnh ibis i'bt,ul huei J tbe i!i-nt ! WM. KADAM'S Microbe - killeR It it a Iho-oiiEh blood pnnficr. a won.lf rful s tivptK aii.l (onialnirg notiiug hatiyr, i !r fei l iy -sr. Th y rnnor vnicr ; i t .:..i. j ' r.i vnwut niuin i iMitjr-ti tn u -n..--' water iinprt-ui,alel ith pot-riul irrin i!.-t -ng icc bn li permmira and purii.n ilie Send for otr Book giving History of ML crobes tnd Ciscover) Of this Wonderful Biti ecine. Free. 7 LAiGHT STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Ask juur Druggist for it. iYTVr : it mm ttO FOB OO" CTaLOaU.NO pmcis f ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS. IND. ; W."S. BELL 431 Wood St, P:tts-1 DISLC PttcjripHiC S-W! IveCame:'. "'! M famous l'l'a ' seyrn d.Vn.nt i!'" 8f nit Sir Cauli'ic fr- DMISISTRATO'ia NOTICE. Etie of Jarvh Loh,. cc,'1 late of W Towiwhp. Soiwrvt I o.. la. , i D tteraof A'iiniiiMratuin on the above '"'j j: harin txvn irrnnu.! to the nulr-'t!l1', ? prjr aiiihir-iiv. u..t;it- ia hrt!y tn ""V 5 prHiia In.lrbtert to ai.l rotate to mkr inim"' - attf.iMrn.wnt .ml il..u.l..,-i... .j.im. .i:3l f am will prv-nt ih-ru du.v a'.lheiitu alr.l ; -tt tmrstot! SatunUy. (h i. 4. I. ' ' ! l reai-icnce oi aeceaacit, ia Jeon-r Townnir. s- H AKKY i'. I.tiaa. UAU I.tiHK . ..i..nUtratcsS. , jit-,. 1." v. ; Scyafrp.sETrJ (1$ mm m "A V St V i F V. Biksckck, Attorney. t tue3;aaiaVi.': f 3itiSSr'- r ' if