The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, September 17, 1890, Image 3

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8t pteait.T 17,
he Somerset Herald.
GEORGE R. 8CULL, Editor.
', a .pear.
s t.rar'oJ' on Taeay.
Cooper 1 eUi,rinS 0U5'ne,s
A rew dull turns somersaults.
ILe harvest moon fu'ils Sept. 18.
t run of walertmrlons.
General an J Mr. Co ff roth are spending a
k at Cretson.
This i!)'t c!inut crop promise to be an
unusually 'arj,-e on.
benjamin F. Clark, of H.jOTcrsville, has
own granted a )oafin.
at Snyder' drag
It js the i
4 . t!.- las' 10 W P011 Ux
v .;.-! instruments
pjrs v-l "ipbl m r!rlual kth 13
Trlesof aU kind at Jolin . Snyder
i-ag store
ug store
and vioun strings at fcnyders
the barrel and sacks, at MaLlon
J. C. LowrT K-f., lt week purchased
liamlxime Howied nutre Irom Mr. C. V.
Airs. Aleck Weimer, of Gromsbarg, is
spending several weeks at the home of her
" Krotlicr Mary " in this place.
Tbe young ladies of the Friedens Mission
ary twcic.y will bold a lawn fete, Thursday,
bept. 1T.U. All are cordially invited.
A union picnic will be held in Country
man's grove, at Lavaiisville, on Saturday of
llns week by the Lutheran and Reformed
Sunday-schools and congregations.
Says the Bedford Gazrtte : A a pension-
j getter Congressman Scull is a bewildering
success. It U a coid day when a bushel of
pension isn't dumped into this district.
Broad f . Johnstown, sells a M.50
!:at ivvli
,iiR!J "
n-?.t.t.-wn J
short iu
l ve on hand a lur-e number of good
' ..'r, Prices very reaaonnble. Yard
the planing nii'X
' IIolbbook Esne. A Pabsoh.
iwrUn La? nice parl-r suits in plush, from
5 Uj:wrd. Net Man:lon
ia'e colts belonctrs to
. il out 01 r.ts staoie iu me nui-
irJ WJ bed at J T3.
Farmers ?ay thai an ear of corn never
r, tb an uneven number of rows on it.
f ,ur-'';" of this state are free from
V". i .vFrie. Mercer, Forett and Law-
1JV! ltd t.OU.HJ irawici ju?ntuic
111 l0U4Ori tut: wtK. iu
furniture at reasonable pr.ces is
r. t".s. Nt-it to Mansion House,
. I'a-
;i. i: enei ".
; Jnv. n off by Hood s Sarsairilla,
nuk the weak strong."
-,nt rs tried to escape from the
; t f w dys ago, but they stop
ont of the revolvers of the
John Aukeny, Esq., a prominent Demo
cratic jwlitician of Minnesota and post
maswrof Minneapolis under the Cleveland
aJministration, is in town on a visit to his
The regular September term of court will
convene Dext Monday. There are a number
of important criminal casea, and many that
are of no importance, down on the calendar
for trial.
.r Plant ir
, . ,r.rk near I.itiz, Uncaster county, were
k l an enpine and all killed on Satur-
,, mfTiii'g-
.jcrr in lb case of Mrs. Belle Miller,
Tuwiii'ia- charged with the murder of i.
Wild returned a ver.hct of Dot guilty
-terdiv. When the verdict was announc
'lb aiioienoe broke into wild cheers.
Tbf(,ov.'Tnment crop repoits for Scptem-."h-.-tht
the avenge lor corn is To. 1,
irsre The averagu lor ooia
Winter wheat is T5. The rye
.",sma!;d the the condition ofoals
!ieU-c't ever n jrted. Barley promise
iii: crr.p.
Win duc't y.-.n marry her?
V-en p '1"Q nJ ;t'v:i"'8 lineo''fllr-
-Jre rN(it to Matioion House, Johns-
3. I'a-
Why d7nTTyouhr,y your fr.h meats from
who- new martet is on me
Ho keers the very
ei.iw-t :
,.'cest uee
n;, a:,d sells tht-m
-i e l.
port an.i oiner msu
Ht the lowest jiossible
r.n of caW.vl f.r dcronpemmts of
(;:verlias ruined many a lint coiiUltulion
t. a ho. f-r similar trouMes, have tried
,r s Tii'.s testify to their clficary in thor
'1: remedying the malady, without in
no the fj-sttm.
Firtuers in Fayette county are alarmfd
a pec-Har disease prevailing among
. 1 1 rM. hi i t i 1 in the
. ves. ine iuv"r 13 j..... ---
. . . . r . t -
Tenine of tlie joints 01 ice lore kx,.
I hole body of the animal finally beaming
A delicacy rt-h.eJ l y many is the tomato
iit-let. wLii-h is as toilows- ieciiu
three tomatoes, cut them into slices and
r them in butter, Sliding a liuie salt and
per: beat ecfr" enough for an omelet,
it some butter in a trying pan. put iu the
.:. and at:er mixing in the tomatoes, cook
t-iain omelet.
Abram Biesecker, a well-known citizan of
Jenner township, died on Wednesday even
ing last in his T.inl year. He bad suffered
for a number of years from cancer on the
neck and which caused his dth.
Misa Sadie Loutber, who has been reading
medicine in the office of her uncle, Ir. J. M.
Loutber, the past year, left for Atlanta, Ga.,
last week, where she will fit herself for
professional nurse.
"The Trustee's sale of the real estate of
A'liert Phillippi, late of Stonycreek township
deceased, will take place on Friday, Septem
ber Ji.'di instead of September 2Mb, a was
erroneously slated in our advertising columns.
H. H. Flick, one of the most intelligent
and prominent farmers of this coun
ty, proposes entering the Lutheran ministry.
He will remove to Gettysburg short! v, where
he will prepare himself for bis "new profession.
J. V. Pattun, the newly appoinlwi General
Manager of the Pittsburg t Western Rail-,
road, assumed the duties of that position on
Monday. Alfred Walters, Oenera! Snperin-
inUimVent of the BalUmoi!: Jt Ohio system,
took charge of the PitUburg Division and
will manage it until the vacancy caused by
I'at ton's resignation is filled.
The Fi.-her-Hay wiug of 8.:nersft's small
bnt belligerent army of Ifetnorrats have
the conrage of their convictions, and great
faith in the future. The delegates-elect to
the Democratic " pow-wow " to be held at
Heading this week have all hied themselves
thither. F. B. Collins, of Berlin ; John O.
Rauch, of Jennertown ; A. L. G. Hay, of
Meyersdale and Dr. John Bills, of Somerset,
left on the noon train Monday. The Presi
dent of tlie Central Democratic Association,
Clias. It. Fisher, who is also a delegate, left
on the early train this Tuesday morning.
All good fellows and good citizens, but misguided.
Hon. J. K. McMillen and wife, of Middle
creek township, are spending a few days
with their son, Sheriff R. S. McMillan. The
Judce and bis wife have recently returned
from a two weeks' visit to friends in West
moreland county.
CLas. Rice, a former ivjnierseter and em
ploye of this office, but for the past ten years
a resident of Missouri, arrived in town Fri
day. He will remain here for some time in
the hope that invigorating air 01'nis native
mountain home will restore his declining
W:n. H. Ruppel, Exp, left for New York
state on the early train Tuesday, called
thither by a telegram saying that bis wife,
who has been fpendirg the summer at one
of the resorts in the Adirondac mountains
for the benefit of her health, is in a very
critical condition.
Geo. Boyd, the auburn haired yourg man
who formerly acted as newsboy on the Som
erset it Cambria Railroad was sentenced to
a term of one year in the penitentiary ly
Judge Johnston, at Ebensbarg, last week.
' ieorjrie was short in his accounts with the
I'nion News Company.
A difaicb front Uniontown says : Before
daylight Saturday morning two men broke
into the bouse of Mrs. Market, living at
McClellandtown. and demanded her money.
tier bouse was visited in tue same manner
few weeks ago, and the two men this
morning told her she had been talking too
much about it. On telling them she Lad no
money, they tied ber to the bed, saturated
her clothes with oil and threatened to burn
her to death if she did not reveal the place
of her money. She protested she bad none
and tlie fiends finally departed without get
ting any booty but a few articles of small
value. Mrs. Market says sha recognized the
men, but has not yet revealed their names.
Abrara Beam, Eso., celebrated his ninety-
third birthday at his home, near Sipesvilie,
on Tuesday hvt. A large number of the
venerable 'Squire's relatives and neighbors
gathered at his home to congratulate him,
and to ei press their wishes for his continued
good health and longevity. There is no res
ident in the northern section of this county
more favorably known or more highly
teemed by hundreds of acquaintances than
Mr. Beam. His stalwai't tgure is a familiar
sight on the streets cf this town, made so
from almost weekly visits, extending back
great number of years, lie nas oeen a
welcome caller at this office from time out
of date, and we indulge the bope that he
may be spared his present excellent health
and strength for many years to come.
An accident occurred at the residence of
Win. Boyt?, three miles north of this place,
about eight o'clock Monciay evening, that
will cause the eldest daughter of the family,
Miss Ids, to regret her carelessness for some
time to come. It seems that one of her little
brothers cornered a rat in one of the rooms
of the dwelling and called on his sister for a
small self-acting revolver be knew she pos
sessed, with which to despatch the rodent.
Miss Ida brought the revolver, and while
showing her brother how to use it, the
weapon was accident! y exploded, the ball
entering the young lady's leg about half
way between the hip and knee, and pasting
downward, lodged somewhere near the knee
joint. The wound is not necensarily a den-
gerous one, but may result in crippling the
young lady for life. Firearms are dangerous
under all circumstances, and more especially
in the hands of children and inexperienced
girls, and heads of families will do well to
see that they are placed beyond the reach of
Congressional and Senatorial Con
frncs. The P.ppablican Conference, for the pur
pose of nominating a candidate tor Congress
from this district meets at Ebensburg this
afternoon. The conferees from this coootjr,
Judge Georpe W. Pile, Eiias Cunningham
and Jirsiah Keller left IjX Eacusborg on the
8 o'clock tvain this morning. Owing to the
necessity of every member possible being
present during the closing sessions of Con
gress, when much important legislation de
mands their closest attention, Mr. Scull
will be unable to attend the conference in
person. ....
The Senatorial conference for the district
composed of Somerset, Bedford and Fulton
counties will convene at Bedford at eight
o'clock, this, Tuesday evening. The candi
dates are Mr. N. B. Critchfidd, of Somerset ;
Hon. Edward Aschotu, of Bedford and Hon.
W. Scott Alexander, of Fulton. Mr. Critch-
field left on the 9 10 train this morning for
Bedford aacompanied by bis three conferees,
Hon. Noah S. Miller, Dr. H. D. Moor and
Hon. P. 0. Shaver.
Important to Taxpayer.
Below will be found a copy of a section of
an act of assembly passed June 1st, 13S!,
which every taxpayer in the county should
read carefully for bis own benefit:
Sbtio 13. That the taxes imposed upon
personal property (money at interest) by the
first section of this act, shall be collected by
the several counties and cities, and on the
first Monday of September shall pay onto
the said state treasurer all sucb sum or sums
of money as may then have been collected,
and shall on the second Monday of Novem
ber immediately following in each rear
complete and pay nnto the said state treas
urer the whole amount remaining unpaid ;
and in default thereof, it shall be the duty
of the auditor general to add ten per centum
penalty to each county or city on all taxes
remaining unpaid on the second Monday of
November of each vear. which shall be
charged in the duplicate against each delin
quent taxpayer in arrears on and after said
Jenner Township Teacher.
The following is a list of teachers of Jen
ner township, as employed by the board of
directors on (Saturday, September 13,,
for the ensuing term of six months, com
raencing September 20th, with the salary at
tached :
Biestcker C. C. Schmucker, $32.
Stufft W. A. G. Lape, $:).
Stanton's Mills Don O'Connor, JO.
Thomas Dale Bertie M. O'Connor,
Pile M. L. Weighley, ..
Cover E. E. Blough, JS.
Jenner X Roads Annie Sipe, $27.
Maurer Alice Bowman, $27.
Hare L. D. Stufft, $27.
Hoffman W. I. RUbeberger, $20.
Laurel Hill-C. M. Swank, $jn.
Cooper E. E. Figge, $20.
Walter Will F. Hammer, $20.
Shunk Robert W. Lohr. $20.
Sipe John C. Dongcs, $2.5.
Whole number of applicants, 2").
Teach ft.
Public Sat.
I will oner at public sal at my residence.
' May field Farm.' near Lavanaville. Pa., all
my live stock, farming implements, and
household Rood, ou
Consisting in part of Clydesxlale mares and
colts, my herd of Holstein cattle, beaded by
registered hull, " Duke of Wren,' thirty
head Poland China bogs and pigs, two Brad
ley mowers and rake, thresher, feed mill,
wagons, buggies. Acme and Spring harrows,
sleds, harness, kettles, stoves, plows, spin
ning wheels, bureaus, tables, and household
goods in general. Eighteen colonies of bees,
honey, hives, etc., wheat, oats and corn,
sixty tons of hay, etc., etc Sale will com
mence at 9 o'clock sLarp,
H. H. Fuck.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. U.
S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 18S9.
Hore Stolen.
On Wednesday night last, two bones were
stolen from a gentleman by the name of I
Ickes, residing near Osterburg, Bedford
couoty. X reward of each is offered for
the recovery of the horses and $20 additional
for the arrest of the theif. One is a black
mare with star on face and whit hind feet.
The other Is a three year old bay colt with
front feet shod.
Teacher ' Exam naton.
Teachers' examinations will be held at the
following named places, on tb? dates named
Meyeredale, September 8th.
Salisbury, September 10th.
Ursina, September 12th.
New Centre vilte, Sptember 10th.
Stoyestown, September IStb.
Bethel, September 20th.
Somerset (special) September 27th.
J. M. Bsasxr.
County Superintendent.
Lake Herring:.
New pack and very nice. Every bucket
guaranteed and they are cheap as the cheap
est Country produce taken in exchange for
goods. Give us a call.
Y-n cannot be too particular about the
-jii-ine you use. When you need a blood
.rlher. be sure you ret Ayer's arsaparilla,
1 no other. It will mingie with, purify,
j TitaSize every drop ofbiood iu your
:r. It makes the wesk strong.
T '.'.nig evenings are fast approaching
ii parents should ! that their children
-in tii house at the proper time. It is
.t-.iu.ry, however, fir sonic yo-ingsters to
nJe the streets uatil eight and nine
i'ult. Tiie fctiret is not the plat to r-iise
'.iren. as has often been acknowledged by
.CIS who have txen obliged 10 visit their
arid in many i-is'aiioes. their daughters
1 cv.iity jail. Dm't tempt them by
ifif them the privilege ol entering the
uie at their o n -'p:iun.
Excursion to Pittsburgh.
iiie ?er-OL-I sjie1.-! txcnrsioi to tiie 1 i.ts--gh
Expiisition via the Baltimore it
0 Bi!rd w.,1 be on Thursday. Septem-
1. Ti e ti-v.a! Urn- rate of one cent per
is n!i sy will 1 charged. Tickets
11 be j'i fir t'iree days.
John R. S.-ott, Esq., has returned from a
protracted tcur in the far west. It is unnec
essary to stale to at be traveled un botn
eyes open, and comes back with a fund of
information which could not fail to interest
and enlighten lift fellow-citUeus. Why not
have him deliver a lecture ?
The use of the coal oil can in starting a
fire was the cause tf another sad accident on
Monday of last week. Miss Hat tie Milier,
of Bedford county, a well-known school
teacher was the victim. Tbe hair was burn
ed from her head and the flesh from her
arms. Sue is in a very serious condition.
We direct the attention of our readers to
the advertisement of the public sale of the
personal property of Mr. H. H. Flick, at his
well-known "Mayfiehl" farm. Mr. Flick
has been one of our foremost stock breeders
for a number of years and the cattle and
other stock he offers for sale are of the
choicest breeds. The sale will be held on
Friday, September lli.
The twenty sixth annual convention of
the Tennvlvania Statj Sabbath School As
sociation ill he held in New Castle, Law
rence county, beginning at 2 p. m., oa Tues
day, September .'i, and continuing Wednes
day and Thursday, October 1 and 2. The
preoeedings will be especially interesting to
all classes of Sunday school workers. Mr.
Wm. Reynolds has promised to be present
the entire session. Papqrs and addresses
will be given by some of the ablest Sabbath
school instructors in the State.
During one or more of the sessions the
convention will be divided into sections for
the discussion of special topics in wbicb pri
mary teachers, Bible-class teachers or super
intendents may be more directly interested.
Every county in the State is entitled to ten
delegates, and every city of 10,000 or more
inhabitants to ten additional. Delegates de
siring reduced rates on the railroads, or en
tertainment, should write as early as pos
sible to Rev. M. H. Calkins, New Castle, Fa.
The Nicely Boys In the New Jail
By Court week the new jail will be com
pleted, and the Nicely boys will be safe and
secure in the new iron cells, llns will be
the most important Court of the year. Eve
rybody will be coming to Somerset to see
the new jail, to see the Nicely boys, and to
hear the great political speeches. Then eve
ryone will want to drop into Fisher's Bock
Store to buy their School Books, and School
Supplies. Recollect, I have for sale, whole
sale and retail, the school books in adoption
in every township and borough in the coun
ty. Town and country merchants supplied
at lowest wholesale rates. Special attention
given to retail buyers.
('has. H. Ftsuca.
Somerset Clothing House.
Harej- st received the finest, most nobby
i Jtyiifh !iue of Men , Boys' and Ch.l
"ti s cvitiiing me have ever before offered,
1 at price that will please, and suit the
ws. ( s e the stc.-k and judge for
J. M. IIul.MSBt M.
Short Horns.
private sale 3 red buli calves from
''-iti..r.t!,s u';J. with PhkI (tdigrees, bred
' i.V-Ki Ar. hduke 5th, No.
""Ojion Vnie and ii.specthm of herd so--tei
Mryersdaie. Pa..
S. M. Eitwia.
itLr.ndrd thon -and cords of Chestnut,
i. aid Hemlock Bark, for which ihe
:!st cash niarket priie will lie paid.
H. G. .t P. S. Ccwr ibobak,
Somerset, I'a.
Died at the Age of 102.
Ma-y Havn.-s. probably the oldest
W of Chester nullity, and posib'y of
"Kate.ilnl iu Kennett Square, Septem
' 9- at the residence of her son-in-law,
';n Ktatin... at the age of 102 years.
Ma;ned her health and af tivity to with-
1 fr tH-U' Af h.r ..trW Kli M1
ft--:e0f It,'. ...I ...1 ...
- a.i. aim raiue iq iuis iajuui. j
b'f V"utl,. At the ap- of 100 she walked
01 Senn-tt Square to Wilmington, Del.,
ftaafe of !J mi;.:.
Jrtlce of the Peace, and Conta
bles, -
iWlet that wheu you come to Court
3 ili want to drop into Fisher's Book
. ind h:;r your supply of st.rmiKmes,
"k judgments, maTiaire certiticitcs, and
aTie?! blanks Y Kn ml llii
f abliihm..! I;:,,...- t
,rni!'- 1'i.rdun's l!i?est, ConsUhlea' Guides,
f.wr. (.ai-lf., Ur-e Official Euvel
Foutitain iVns, and anything and
" !? T'JU m:iv n-mlre in rook.
" MtiaUtionery
Cn .
H. Fi-iikh.
TheCreat Fruit Famine.
-Hiot inip,ifsihle at pre.- rst to get a
1 .A nd California are tlie only
. atid many other States from
r ci.54' er hifid la-t season, the
"n.lete failure. In both Pennsyl
""a and v - 1
r;i, . ,. " ' J-ey the promiee of winter
i c. 1 vtr known, and the great
uipa more tban a million bar-oocropwUtever.
The Meyersjale Cumtiurcinl came to us
this week a; a n restored to its fjrmer size,
an eight page paper. It is full of news and
interesting reading matter. Its editor is to
be commended for his remarkable display of
energy and push. Present indications are
that the Cuiniaerci'tl will he even a better
paptr in the future than it has been in the
past. The "old man" refuses to be downed.
Mr. Charles Mentzer, a well known citizen
of this township, and one of the most prom
inent lumbermen in the county, was strick
en with paralysis on Friday last while at
work at his mill in the vicinity of Rock
wood. He was brought to Somerset Satur
day, and rcraoved to his home three miles
eat of town, where he is lingering iu a very
critical condition. Mr. Mentzer is a very
heavy man, about fifty -e'ght years of age, .
The following about the McKinley broth
ers is from a late number of the Cleveland
Yw t "Tuough not by any m-ans a wealthy
man, as wealth is now considered Major
McKinley is by no means poor. He has
his good home, a business block in Canton,
and some other real estate. Then his brother
Abncr, has inveuled a tyte-writer telegraph
machine that is turning out a great success
and its $.",0o0.! stock is advancing in value
as the machine comes nearer perfection. If
it does prove all that is claimed for it the
McKinley family will become very rich.
George Shaver, Esq.,if Snyder's mill, in
this township, called to pay for his paper
Monday morning. He has been a constant
reader of the Hia-iLD for forty-five years,
and has resided at Snyder's for fifty years.
Mr. Sbaver is a remarkably active and well
preserved man, and expects to celebrate his
Hoth birthday on Sunday, the 2th instant,
at the residence o.' his soo-in-law, Alex.
Walker, in Stonycreek township, with
a horn he will hereafter make his home.
From all appearance Mr. Shaver bida well
to round out an even hundred years, and
the He-bald sincerely hopes that he my.
Mr. Jotiab Ppecht, the hearty, good hu
mored and robust merchant prince of Spruce
town, the village of Stoyestown, met
with an accident last Tuesday afternoon that
in all probability will render him a cripple
the reroaimler of days. Mr. Specht had
been gunniug in tbe woods some distance
fool his place of business and was returning
kome driving in a road cart, bis fowling
piece resting between his legs. A sudden
jr of the vehicle caused the gun to slip from
its position, and Mr. Specht grabbed it by the
barrel to replace it, Tbe hammer of the gun
bad caught fast to some portion of the cart
and exploded tbe weapon, its contents, pene
trating Mr. S'pecht's right arm above the
elbow and tearing the flesh and muscles en
tirely away from the bone np to the shoul
der. The horse behaved admirably, and Mr.
Secht was able to drive to his home, where
medical aid was at once summoned, and the
wound carefully dressed. Ir.J. M. Louthcr.
of this place, who has Wa ia constant oon
sultatioo with Mr. Ppecht' home physicians
since the accident occurred, think that the
arm will not . hv to be smpntated. Mr.
Speolit ia well known all over the county,
and Lis ausny frieads will be pained to learn
of his oaliforto.De.
An accident on west Main Street shortly
b fore the dinner hour Monday ,moniing
caused many good housewives to leave
tbe meal under preparation to the mercies
of a hot fire while they themselves shrieked
with paia at the fearful scene before their
eyes and which had drawn them into the
street. Mr. Ed Sufdll, of Russell Stewart's
meat market, was driving a spirited horse
down the road, hitched to a vagon, and bad
five little children riding with him. Sud
denly a burr dropped to the ground from
the front axle, and a moment afterwards one
of the wheels went spinning into the gutter
at the side of the road. Mr. Sufall was
jolted from the seat when the wagon box
dropped to one side, and, catching on the
rubber, was thrown under the wheels, one
of which passed over the lower part of bis
stomach. His little niece, a daughter of
Fi-ank Sufall, was thrown over the box onto
thesingle-tree, where she grasped the horse's
tail and held on until , hsr strength gave
way, when she dropped under the wagon,
sustaining a number of ugly cuts about her
head and body. The other children remain
ed in the wagon, holding on as best tbey
could, until the horse, now thoroughly
frightened, succeeded in releasing himself
from it, after having dragged it several
squares and upsetting it in the gutter. " For
tunately Aone of the four children who re
mained in it were injuied. Mr. Sufall was
picked up and carried to his home, where be
is suffering from internal injuries sustained.
The accident caused great exoitement in the
west ward, as may well be conjectured.
Shortly before midnight, Thursday, two
masked men entered the small but in the
rear of Josiah Brant's farm bouse, on the
hilltop south of town, and rudely seiz
ing the lane occupant, I.obengier Kimmell,
dragged him from his bed, blindfolded hira
afid tied him fast to a bed post before they
proceeded to ransack his house. Mr. Kim
mell, who is iu the neighborhood of seventy
yean of age, and not strong physically,
offered no resistance. He says that he was
aroused from bis slumbers by the breaking
open of the door, and that before he had
time to get np two men with handkerchiefs
tied over their faces, one of whom wore a
beard, took bold of him ; tbe man with the
beard held his hands, while the other tied a
sack over his bead. Then they secured his
hands and feet to a bedpost with pieces of
wire, and after taking in 6't which be
bail corn-flaled ander lib pillow," left him in
that condition. In the' course of an hour
Mr. Kimmell managed to release one of his
bands from its wire fastening, and then suc
ceeded in freeing himself entirely. He then
went to tee bouse of Henry Koontz, a few
rods distant, and after apprising him of what
bad occurred, asked Koontz to go with him
back to his house. Mr. Koontz complied
with Vis request, and found the house all
torn op and the wire coils around tbe bed
post, as Kimmell bad represented. It appears
that soAie ti b:s ago Kirameii bad purchased
the Chaflea Hoffman property In the south
of this borough, and bad only on more pay
ment to make on it. To make this final pay
ment he recently sold a horse and deposited
the proceed, ox", tb sal is bank. He
drew $130 - iu' - Thursday morning,
and that fact was evideotly known to the
bold scoundrels. There is no clue as to who
tlie robbers were, but then can be but. little
doubt that bey were persons acquainted
with the ftgwl victim."1 J : - .
After a short vacation lam again at home,
to alt wishing dental work of any kind,
which will be promptly executed.
McMiU-AH Dentist. '
Somerset, Pa.,
Devlin, the Broad street furniture man,
offers fit . piece bedroom " set, in oak or
cherry, for $22. Next to Mansion House,
Johnstown, Ta. .
Somerset Township Teacher.
Tbe .school directors of Somerset township
met last Saturday, and selected the follow
ing named teachers for the school term com
mencing Monday, September 29th :
Friederw, Advanced James Blough.
" Primary R- K. Smith.
Snyders D. L. Saylor.
Cupp J. C. Lichty.
Pleasant Hill N. N. Cupp.
Will's Church Frank U. Pritta.
Plank Road H. S. Khoada.
Hunter W. A. Saylor.
Bromm W. Tospon.
Ankeny S. E. Kimmell.
Union W. E. Barron.
Samuels Sadie E. Barron.
Lavansville, Advanced H. L. Young.
" Primary Mary Tayman.
Walker dark E. Stab!.
Husband J. F. Baker.
Maust Caiviu Bowman.
Edie H. F. Bittner.
Mountain F. D. Saylor.
Knepper A. E. Fritz.
Beulah Ed. Bittner.
Baer J. G. Em inert.
Walker Grove Martin A. Miller.
Casebeer W. R. Miller.
Shaulis J. C. Begley.
Electric Light In Somerset.
. It is not an assured fact, but it can plainly
be seen without electricity that Pritta A
Kantner's ia the place to buy your school
books and supplies. We have all the school
books used in, Somerset Borocgh and sur
rounding Townships. We carry a full line
of pens, pencils, slates, inks, tablets, letter
paper, foolscap, lcgalcap, blank books, and
everything kept in a first-class Book Store.
Also, pictures, frames, mouldings and artists
materials. To country merchants we would
aay that we have just received an invoice of
2o0,000 envelopes, and the largest line of
tablets, inks, slates and school supplies of
every description, ever brought to Somerset,
which we can furnish at city prices. Prompt
attention given to' mail orders. A
Pritts 4 Ka.vtxxk, '.
No, 3 Baer's Block, Somerset, Pa
Visitor to Pittsburgh Exposition
Can Make $5C Clear.
Last year it cost -us upwards of $2,000 to
exhibit at the opening Exposition. We
have been kept so terribly buoy this sum
mer, however, in selling our Pianos, and or
gans, and Banjos, and Mandolins, and Gui
tars, and Brass Uoms and Sheet Music, that
we actually found no time to get up an ex
hibit for this year's show. However, we
propose to give our customers the benefit of
this great saving, so that anyone who will
buy a Piano, or Organ, or aay other instru
ment during the continuance of the Fair,
will get the benefit of an extra reduction In
pric of goods of i and 10 per cent. Visitors
to the show can therefore make tome $o0
by calling on II. Kleber ft Bro's Music
Store, 500 ,Wood Street, and buying one of
their Instruments. ' KJeber's is the oldest
Music Store west of the mountains and tbe
moat reliable one too. They give a full
warrantee for 8 and 10 years, and sell on
easy time payments. Ninety persons out of
a hundred would rather trust to Mr. Kleber's
ctaiit than to run the risk, of the sharp
tricks practiced by so many music dealers.
Kleber A Bn., have kept a Music Store for
fifty years, and they had the first choice of
all the Pianos and Organs in the country,
leaving the indifferent and poor' ones to be
picked up by the other music dealers. They
re tbe soleag-nts for the famous Stein way.
Concver, Gabler, Cpera and Emerson Pi
anos, also for the wonderful Vocal ion
Church Organs, aud tbe mouse snd dust
proof Earhuff Parlor Organs. Anything ia
the (basic line which yoa easnot geX'at
Kleber's is not worth having. Don't fail to
call at Kleber's, then, 5U Wood 8t, three
doors above 5th ve, Pittsburgh, Pa." f
' Selling Like Hot Cakes., !
Mackerel and Lake Herring. We alwaj j
have a full line of Staple and Fancy Grocer
ies, Glassware, Candy, Cigars and Tobacco,
Apple Butter, Preserves, Jellies, etc Coun
try prodae taken In exchang Jbr goods.
Givsusscall. ' - '. ' '7
Kajttsis Sl
For Sale."
Two very fine Poland China boar pigs six
months old. A lso, small Poland China pigs
from different litters. - "
, O. W. Emut: '
The love feast of the Beachly church wUl
bs held at Beachdale, on Oct. 5th.
A McMBxa.
Sunday School Statistics.
It is earnestly di aired that all the Sunday
Schools of Somerset County be fully reported
in tbe coming census. If any of the schools
have not received the proper blanks they
will please advise me at once. It will nec
essarily be a loss to each denomination
whose schools are not all included in tbe re
Wm. II. RcrrcL, Somerset, Penn'a.
Fresh Salted Mackerel.
Choice No. 3, Mackerel at 3octa a dozen.
Country produce taken in exchange for
goods. Kahtseb Jfc Platt.
Robert Ray Hamilton Dead.
Hklexa. Mos., Sept. 14. Word has been
received here that Robert Ray Hamilton,
who has been in Montana on a hunting ex
pedition, has been drowned.
Mr. Hamilton was tbe great grandson of
Alexander Hamilton, tbe first Secretary of
the Treasury. He was wealthy snd was
looked upon as a social reformer until it
was learned last year that he had tied him
self to s notorious woman who had duped
him sadly. Tbe woman was Eva Steele.
Hamilton became intimate with ber and
after she had led him to believe he was tbe
father of her child, be married her. At At
lantic City last year the woman in a drunken
frenzy stabbed her nurse. Then the whole
story came out, and it was discovered that
the child was not the offspring of either
Hamilton or the woman, but was a found
ling she had purchased snd palmed off on
her dupe.
The woman was tried snd sent to a New
Jersey prison for two years. Hamilton
sued for a divorce, but tbe case has not yet
been decided. Unless Hamilton made a will
cutting her out, the woman will inherit bis
estate. In any event she is entitled to dower.
Daring the Exposition excursion rate on all the railroa-Ls to Pithsl.urch, will
induce a great many of you t visit our city. The managers of the I'ittsburgh Ex
position are making every ettort to make it interesting etitertainin? and instructive
nd in every wsy worthy of the patronage of the thouaaads who will come to see it
We mean to do oar part by having a show there. It will be principally of
CARPETS, but as this only represents one of the many departments iufour large es
tablisbment, we invite you to come and see our store-rooms on FiP.h Avenue, the
largest and finest in the city. Here yoa will see the very finest and best Dress Goods
of all kinds:. Cloaks, Wraps, and Jackets of every description, in the new Hy lea for
Fall and Winter Wear for Ladies, Misses and Children, Shawls of all kinds, and
the latest fashions in Ladies' and Misses Sails.
Our Millinery Department, with all the new and nobby styles of Hats and
Bonnets, is an exhibit worth seeing in itself.
Everthinn in the wsy of Fall Underwear, Glovqp, Hosiery and Trim minus as well,
while, in Blankets, Flannels, Comforts, Table Linens, Sheetings and Housekeeping
goods, there is piles upon pil?s of the best. You are invited to call and see our store
whether yoa desire to purchase or not. No pushing or boring to buy, and courteous
treatment and only one price.
Campbell & Dick.
Somerset Lumber Yard,
VAOTracuaxa ad Dkalzb and Wbolzsali axd Rxtailxb or
Hard and Soft "Woods,
A General Line of all grades of Lumber and .Building Material and Roofing Slate kept in stuck
Also, can furnish anything in the lice of our business to order with reasonable
Knable & Shuster's
Dry Goods Bulletin.
Great Preparations liein 3Lidc for the Fall and Win
ter llusiness.
Large stocks ofI)rc?s Goh1s. Silki, lilack GooIj. Flannel, Klankrt
ComforW, Spreads. Muslin.?, White Goo-!-!. Luces, Linens, Canton Flannels
Cheviots, itc, arc bcin? ordered to T!ea.-:e all.
We are aho layin? in complete linc of Coats, Wraps, Jackets, Shawls'
Jereeys, Seal riaslt Garments, Seal Skia Garments, aad Curtains ot all
Also, lar? stock.- of Hosiery, Underwear, Gloves and Umbrellas.
Our stock of American made Dress Goods comes direct from our o wn
mills; You therefore get the benefit of first hand prices. Our Foreign
Goods we get direct from the importers. We guarantee the Lowest Price
on all kinds of drv "roods.
r So f & Op inTD
moLLiyilUO Cil,
35 Fifth Avenue. FiTT BURCH, PA.
promptnesa, such aa Bracket, Odd sized work, etc.
Office and Yard Opposite S. &C. R. R. Station, Somerset, Pa.
Notice I
Persons having business to transact with
the Wm. S. Morgan estate or wishing to pur
chase any Woolens, Blankets or Tarns, can
see tue at the Protbonotary's office, Somer
set, Fa., on Monday and Tuesday of tbe firs
week of court.
B. 8. Fleck,
Ex'tr. Wm. S. Morgan, dee d.
Furniture I
Devlin's prices are right.
Broad St, next to Mansion House,
" Johnstown, Pa.
" Memorial Work
ManofSTturer of ana Dealer In
forfait Wort FvrHirkcdm SAort .Votk,: cS Cblor
Min nil mm mi
Alto, Agent for Ou WBITS BRONZE I
Persona in need of MONO! EXT WOREfwill
Hod it to tbelr intervxt to call at my shop where
a proper showim will be given them, tfrsati-
ilrtum Uunranleai in rrry Vatr, and PKIChS
.kx w. a invite tfpecuu aueuuou wiwe
White Bronze, Or Pure Zino Monument
Introduced by REV. W. A. RISt, as a Decided
Improvement in the point of MATERIAL ANI
f-O.NSTRreTIOtf. and which ia destined to t
I the Popular Monument for our Changeable Cli-
nate. -CIVI ME a CALL.
111 CLIXTOy S Til EFT,
At Reasoxable Rates.
Every requisite for complete
Uoiisc-furiiishiiur, in all the la
test and best styles. Any ar
ticle not in stock procured
without extra expense. Inspec
tion invited. Estimates free.
Beautiful I L 1 i f E ! Pr
Deaigns. IH If'
si- -tt-t--
Send for
o List u
Y -?:r?? '
m 3 it 2 m
iiDIy. j
I-ir,t enotTcIi to contain a nict- a-rt-mr.t
of h-j,ikM. Finished in ;ifndii
t-trie. An f'mamrit to any rfxini. 2da.!e
f oa!t antii;;;p, or Mtu t'entary iinisl..
Tli.' l.t :.t awe we can province fr a i-tt
price. The ?v right up to date. Wm
have a do .en other patterns ofthsbc.-t
makts and sty Its. tnat cannot f.ul ta
t'H-.u'o. Finislic in oak. cht-rrv and ma
il, -fsr-.y. Cut cur itx-k dtie-i net end
viiii JViok Tl':i! show a most com-
1 -,;. e ofvrvtLin l-.nsin;
! 'he firniturB bn.oir.es3. Kxteni-.n
Tab!.--, an.i l'arlor iiittg, hold
ing !..:.. Kav Citairs, Mattres-s and
.-prills, ifat l.rk. Mirrors, ('iirta:n(,
t-i;lwr.N, Chiffonipra. Wardmhei. Cb
inet. l'arlor Tabifs, llei-iininu C'ii:iir.
' i'oit-8, Oiii.-e lvks, and Oliice
BiUixiEPoji t. cox :;.
Prospecting for Silver,
BiAvta Falus, SepL IL Alexander Grove
of Leetonia, Obio, is prospecting on tbe farm
of Thomas Kenned, near tbis towu, and
has struck evidences of siirer in paying
quantities, wbicb lies in a blue gray rock on
level with the run. Tradition has it that
there ia silver and lead in the little valley.
Mr. Grove asserts positively that his uncle
when a boy got lead in its pure state some
where on tlio Bates farm, which is nearer
tbe mouth of the run. Years of search have
failed to reveal it, however.
In searching on the bill at tbe Kennedy
farm Mr. Grove came upon traces of lead
Where I be ground bad been dug Bp and fill
ed. He followed it about twenty feel, but
failed to reach the end. Tbe oldest settlers
cannot remember that the place was ever
opened. While sixty years ago it was a bar
ren part of the bill, now it is tiled with
trees and shrubery the same as the rent of
the place.
Digging down Mr. Grove came upon the
blue-gray rock, which on the surface assayed
sixteen ounces of silver to tbe ton. He is
now down five feet deeper and it is much
richer. There are also traces of bad ia tbe
rock, which is very toft when wet He
hopes by digging down further ta strike a
vein of lead or a richer find of silver. He
has been advised to follow np the old trench
which might lead to an important discovery.
Mr. Grove will start prospecting on tb
Bates farm tbis week and will dig away the
whole hillside to find the lead vein his un
cle knew of when a boy. Every day crowds
of jieople visit the place.
Wanted, Immedately !
Girls for general housework. Call or ap
ply to room 44, Park Tlace Johustown,
We have ago! loose It lasted Coffee at
23 cents a pound.
Kajtxes t Platt.
Corn and Oat.,
and mill feed always on hand, at bottom
prices at Schrock's Grocery, Flour and Feed
store. ,
HOOVER. In Black township, Sept. 10,
1300, Frederick Hoover, aged 31 years, 11
months and II days.
UH0AD3. On Sep. 10, 1S90, at the resi-
denceof Hajrli II. McCullotigh, Dawson Co.,
Nebraska, Mr. J. C. Rboads, In the 31st year
Tbe subject of tbis notice was a son of
Alexander and Catharine Rboads, of Upper
Turkeyfoot township. He had taught sev
eral terms of school and was a member of
the Church of God. at tbe Ok) Bethel, and
lived a christian life, and we trust died a
christian death. We feel oar loss, but our
loss ia his eternal gain. Tli was an exemp
lary young man, beloved by all who koew
him and in the midst of usefulness was re
moved by Him who ia too good to do wrong
and too wise to err.
Therefore we will say, th Lord baa given
and tbe Lord lias taken away. Blessed be
name of the Lord. Hoping to meet in the
Rami ruction with joy. His bereaved friends
have oar sympathy and prayers.
RrV. J. C. CV351KGHAK,
PILE KEI3ER. On Monday, September
I s ISX), by L&Eue M. Hicks, J. P, in Som
erset, Pa Franklin Pile, of Mil ford Town
ship, and Sarah E. Keiser, of Somerset
Township.' '
Bv virtue of undrv writs of Fl Fa Issued out of
the Court of Common Fle of Somerset Co.. Pa.,
to me direeted. I will eipne to public mleat
ihe Court House, in Somen, t, i'a., at 1 o clock
. m., on
FRIDA )", SEPT. 19, 1S00,
All the ri?M, title. Interest and claim of John
W. Whisler. of. in aud to the loliowing describ
ed real estate, viz:
Twoeertain lot of ground situate In the town
of Iletliel, pHintTwp. Stnnersel County, ft-, and
known on th plan of said una as Nun. 1 and :i.
Block , eon a.ninn Vi perches, and having there
on erected a larire tstry dwelling bouse
rilh itorerous : li. numi ljt story aaeuing
bonw. , ...
Tlten in exeeinton of the property or John
W. hiaier, at the suit of F. a. Rene.
All the rbiht. title, interest and claim ofVary
Voder, of. iu and to the follow lag described real
entlo. via .
A eertain tract of land situate in somernei 1 p.
Snnvmi Co Pa., adminintr lands 01 xamuei 1 . JmLhin r-imuiiwtiitin. Christian Slieker-
man, James Shatter, aud others, containing; JB
acres more or lem, having thereon erei'ted a
small dwelling house and stable, with the appurtenances.
Taken in execution as the property 01 jiary
Yodel at the suit of Joseph Zimmerman.
All the rieht. title, interest an.i claim of Wm.
It i.rirtith and Anuie A. Griffith, of. in and to
the follow injt described real estate, vis : A certain
tract of land situate lu Somerset Twp, Somerset
Co. Pa., adjoining lauds of tetcr Griffith, Gecrja
Swink an.1 Jiepu Beam, csutainine 14 acres,
more or lew. having thereon ereeted asmall frame
dwellina house, and outbuildingi, with the ap
purtenances. . .
T.k.n m mitl.m as the uropcTty or wm. IT.
firith aud Aniue A.tirilhlu, at the suit of l"iI
A Hulberu
All. the right, title, lntcretand claim of Alev
ander Shuulis, of iu and to the following describ
ed real estie. vii: A wrtaiu trai tof Uud siumte
in Ogle township. mer't County, Pa., afljoiu
ing lands of Harriwm ui.tliani. Henry toiiuk
erl and John A. Kelix, tviitaming l.i'.wres more
or less, having Ihereon erw ted a two tuvrj p.snk
dwelling hon, bank barn and oili- outtmild
inN. withib sDonrtensat. Tskea ia exeru-
Uun as the pronerty of Alexaa-tersha ilev, at the
suit of lienry nnoeuuiiu.
All the righ.t title, interest snd claim of John
C. rrtuitb. of. iu. and to a certain tract of land
.;..... in Vrth.tnniiwi townwhirx iV.meret
eountv. Pa .'wljoininflandsof Uenry Hite.Ed-
la liral, Philip Weisel. Lewi" Kng-lia and oth
ers, containing 46 acres aud :tl pen-be., more or
less having tnejeou erettel a new plank dwell
ing house, suible and other outbnil.tinjrs.
Taken In Airaiiion the property of John c,
gniith at the snitof J. H. Miller and J. K. ivess.
ler, executors of U. Miller deceased, etai.
All. the right, title, Interrst and claim of I. J.
Schrock of iu and U the tol'.owing described real
estate, vis: A certain tract of Isi.d situate in
tonevcrek UMwiisliip, Somerset Comity, Pa., ad
MMiiing lands of tieorge Kchrock. Pearson Keaoi.
Wiilism Platt. John Keiman and others, contain
ing lT.'i acre more or lew. having thereon ent t-
ed a two story and basement brick dwelling
bouse, new bank barn and other outbuildings,
with the appurtenaucea.
Taken in execution as the property or I. J.
Schrock at the suit of Ueorgc KeiU estate.
All the right, title interest and elalra of Cleonrc
W. Kiel) I, of. in and to the Joiiowing desrrlbeil
real estate, vis A certain lot of ground situate iu
Berliu Horough. Somerset Connty, P . fronting
ou tbe North on Bx-k street, aad lioundd on t be
east by aa ailsy : sooth by lot of Louise JCnssi tig
er, and west bv lands of Josiah oy, being 'si
feet wide by V feet deep having ihereoa eractet
a dwelling hattse and outbuildings.
Taken la execution a the pn((erty of George
W, R!.I, at the suit of Flora A. and J. C, Bpeieh
er, heirs of Aaron Speicber, dee'd.
All the right, title. Interest and eiaim of Ed
ward A. Kptneler and Joseph E. (.atcheil, of. in
and to to the H.liowingdesciibeU real sstate. vii:
A ewrtain tract of land situate In Stonycreek
township, Somerset eountv. Pa., adjoining Is 11. Is
of Jacob (ileasner, Aaroo Spungler. Usrriet Huy
der's heirs aad others, containing ) acres.
Taken In exeration ax the property 01 tnwaru
A. f lngier and Joseph K. faalcheU, at
of itartlu H. BaruelL
istiite of Joseph Table, dee'd., Ute of Shde
TowiiMiip, rHnerft County. V&.
Ietters of AMmiiiistnuinn on tle awive t-stntft
hannir be?n grunied the midemiriied hytliepn
per uthority, faf aef'bvsfttn to all pKr.a.H
intleUed to saM tate to Diak- irjune!iaie y
roent, and .trv-vs harine t-Iaim amin-t tbe
m will preHfni them d'lJy aiiLlieutnated ft-r
Jiett lenient on Woa!ayf the 2ih day of Sept. w,
at his late residecce.
nngr.JU. Aiiininitraurs.
ount pkocl-vmatiox.
; the suit
All persoDs purchasing at the above sale will
please take notice (hat 10 per rent, of the pur
chase money must be paid when the property
is knocked down, otherwise it will agtin
be exposed to sale at tbe ri.-k of tbe first our
ehsser. Th residue of tbe purchase unify must
be ps id on or before '17 of confirmation. Nodeed
will be acknoiAledxed auttl the purchase mouey
is paid in full.
gmairvs Ormi
Somerset, pa, Aug. :
R. 8. McUILLA V.
Wrerkas The Honorable Villiaw J H111
Presidenl Judge of the several Courts of Cuaiim u
Plems of the several counties composing ihe
Judicial Pistricl, and Justice of the Courts of yer
and Terminer and (ieneml Jsil Delivery, for the
trial of ail capital snd other onYn.lers in the slid
Iiistrl.-t. snd (.ki.ri.e W. Pn.E and ' ilivhr P. sha
vaa. Esq's . JiKbresof tire Courts of' ommon fiav
and Justices of the 'sirts of i Iyer and Terminer
and lieneral Jail lyelivi-ry for the trial of ail capi
tal and other offenders in the Osinty of merset
have lssueil their prei epts. and to me dirw-ted.
for hoi. linn a Court oi t'ommou Pleas aad lienenil
tiuarter sessions of ihe ht and tn-nerai Jail
Lieiivery. and Courts of Oyer aud Terminer at
duinerset, on
MONDAY, SEPT. 22, 1S90.
Ncnrr is hereby given to all the Justices of the
Peaie. the Coroner and Constable within the
mid Comity of Smerset, that thev he ihen and
there in their pp.per persons with tneir n.lls. rec
ords iiui.itions, examinations snd nther re
me:nrneex, toil tho-e liiiugs whi h to th-lr
office and in that behalf appertain to be dne.
and aLo thy who will prosecute against the pri
oners that are or shall he in the jail ofsmeret
Omnty, to he then and there to prueecutc against
them as shs II be just.
gherirs OOee. ) R.'s. JI( J.'II.I.EX,
eomersei, s-J7. f SheriiT.
John Henderson, Johnstown, Penn'a.
xu.anuiacturer3 ana ueaiers ia
u '
?.tf-i v j:.-: r k IiULJu
I UllliOIill!
TIN", COPPER. FIIF.-n'-TEON', rnd all kln.Is of f !.KET-HET.T. '.VAF.E3 nia!
All gxls w irra:itil as rfprcsenirl. t all snd exa nine them snd set prl.-es at
No. 73 Franklin
Xwr Po.i.,j:rp Johnstown, Pa.
St.. .
Jamcstowri Prc.-i Joo(i3.
Alorrun'H Llankct.-' r.nJ Flannr;I.-.
Kautucr's Ololiretcd K;.ittlnj Varus.
Zanesvillo Blanket.-. Skirts anu Yarn?.
Full Line of (.'tiil'.rts and tiilts. New arriving iia:!y.
ext door to
At tis Cli StsniL is Cxrfs VszZjlasp zzi VirUd Ct::k cf
Huyers Can FiuJ all tiiej may 'f?d iu the Several Departments c
clothing, iiats, phy tjood-, notion?,
quf.knsw.uii; CR0C::PaI5--S loots and seioks,
AND ALL ( F TliK HS.-T i;"A!.!TY, AND AT r.i: A.-'ONAELH rniCKJ.
. 'l- -f -r-
ArngS These big
f f now they are
r.- r vwi ftavft more inaa er.z jn
ttn Shoes, Hats,
fU Go and do li
tv v -.- -ir, s'
crowds have been at tho Pittburg Exposition,
going to KAUr MANNS' Grand Depot, where they
TTrrf) I - Kftilrvv Thus f " ! 1.' . . sfl 1
V''VJ "u:r& v'tJirt.ra Cloaks.
V- . V
a ii7rX
Hey W 0
Furnishing Gocda, etc., to pay for their traveling expenses. i Aft
kewise. A word to the wise is sufficient.
AveauB aed Smith field Street,
wans roa tassios citkqq-cz-..
NS's AB9
ilLED G2ATI1 T i T a. I
-. f-i!ce?l