Common Cifts. -If I cou!.l vnl. J !iuMnt rv frri;t orU." a t,?vl.!. iw i;kc in tl.e 1 an.i-ouM lx'V af.iV ciz.n tt M-.iiO i!iiin ":. li eit-iuol to him wvr'1 y of nil J ra:e. ".Jy fin,;f eare tlmnil. i i umute I take p-Dc-il in iiani. Wuiwn i thrwwm ? -I .1,n'l Inoa li -t I (no -II r,m.'' "n" etr J tn t.-u.-!.. r, r- rut; -'ri fvty trii-1 l-T h i'-.-ular ':n'ars l curse '.iid;:V"s. -I never would take i-0E, ony I thick tnskiaj pid.rre is lli aitetd thing in the -..rt io 'K I WV re foranvthios compared iti that." To-motron, 1 f n w"e drawing Made 17 a lad no-oi ler yourself." -I j(ih ynti -.-h:11, M'u-s Brown, I should Lketoee what -me oilier boy, te!ve years oi l, can d .' T. rrorro tl.- .Iran in,; were 8)iaT to Q U-rt firvgz, esprw! Lia admiration in the u:u ithoiastic manner. . "What a won ierfV. artist that loy will I envy him ; I isli I w like b3D Where i he? can't I fee him? be ex claimed in a brealu. -IVrl.aps you can if he is able to come out ; he is not very strong." I ahtraMn't care frr that if I could use a pencil as be can," -He is a lif.ks, d-'tf," coctlnaed Miw Brown. -Well, f don't think I would Oiicd that much," tvf mi Iljbcrt, with some hesita tion. ' lie is lame and some Hat dcf wrned." I tlimlJu't that ; but I could draw all the turns if tr.T hands were right I want to we liiiu. any way." "If you aiii lv in my room to-morrow at to o'i!'K-k you i-liul! we bim ; bnt you iiin.4 prouiine n jt to rj.eak till I jeak to j ou." ' I pro;i,i.--."' answered Ii.ilrt ; and then he -tit h-:ne to wonder w hy tiii j.roini-' was rojiircd. The next dy he a in the appointed pUiv at the appointed t'.uic, and icnt )v the d' of M.. Ilroan'a (ttudio was opened to admits by mhocuuie limping in. A circular cWk con-ad the figure of the new corner, hut when thin was thron off, there lie s'.-xxl, hum p-ltcked and leaning to or.e is! ie, his Lead ewro ing to ret Kjn his mit-liatf-n (.boulder, and his plain fatv relieved f-ora p-itive agliiNMi only by his fi, expressive eyes. Ko'oert tiiefj? '.auct-d at his oB rtwipht liii'l and tLen at the reduction of himwlf in the minor opposite. He would cot 1 -Kk iike th by inther.adio f.r the world. Hi? would hid (u':te out ofciirht. llenevr drea-ned the young artist was before hail until called by Mies l:ron to niiilve t'.ie acquaintance of rhi!ipiMuhlin. "KoU-rt thinks your (iif? n.ore to be de sired than any oilier," fcai I tlie lady after t!ie two lads had excha::d prtetings. "1 think the common g.fw are more to Ik? desired," replied Pitiap tally. '"HI crnld be like you, straijjbt and strong I wouldn't car if I never saw a pictuie," be added, turuiug to Kjbert. "Mother nay my p-A is whit the bird gve me to make up for taking away moch. So I try to be pJrtient and not feel bid when people look away from uie a if they couldn't bear sj M a 8i'ht. When lam woiking with my pencils and crayons I f.irjret, I am to anxious to le a great ar tibt ; but I must study a srreut many other things before that can be." "I)o you like to study V asked Ko':rt. "Not very well," wati np'.ied. "It makes my bead actie, and I p?t tired of th'mk:nj ; but 1 know I must do iL 1 think you have everything to make you happy.' Uoberttireir? felt so much pympatby for his companion that he was careful not to manifest his aversion for suci deform ity ; but when he ?nt IxMindlng down the street without a thought of fatigue, be rejoiced as nevtr before in the "com mon gifts" which had been bestowed upon him. In his short interview with I'ailip .Spau!din be had learned the reason why he could not be an artist. He had not an artist's gift, but be bad health and strength, with every seti9e full and acute. There were a thousand things w hich be could do. He could be one of the active helpers so much needed in the world, standing firm for the riht, and thus manifesting his grititude for corn in n giftr- H'. .'-S;.rii.7. The Cider was Off. As we aat around the stove the land lord broiuht in a gallon of cider will) a delicious twang to it and treated all hands. I thought it the ni.ts! I ever saw, but the man from Ohio smacked has 1 s shook his head and said : "l iiM-m't taste exactly ri-bt to me." "What:" cried the landlord, Mo you think it is adulterated V "Tast. that way." "It can't I. It was made by old TUll 3iyUr, nit hre absut two miles. Bill is inclined to lie tricky, and so I not only paid hi in an extra pric?, but watch ed the whole lusiaiw of making this larrel. I'll bet a bundred dollars be didn't put in a dr p of water." ".V ebbe not, but it is otI taste." The landlord was ne'.fled alioi.t it, and be was olferiug to make most any tort of a be", when old Bill hspiK'ned toe me in. "Here, Bill, you are just tbeiranl warned to see!" exclaimed mine host. "Here's a mm who s;vs rour eider is rH.n "Has he list his palate?" asked the man. "."omethin? wrong with the cider Borahing wrong." said the Cockeye. "Bill, didnt 1 par tou extra for this barrel?" "Yen did." "Didn't 1 s?e all the apples ground V "Voa did. ' "I'idn'l I see thechtFse made?" "Yoadid." ' "Uidu't I stand by whi'e the cider ran into the barrel, and didn't I bung it my self?" "Yoj did." "Now, then. Bill here's a lire dollar note. If you did beat me in any w ay the note is your if you'd tell me, and 111 aree not to feel ba:d aboot ii." "Honest In, u a?" "Yes, honest Iojun." Well, then Tor;, 1 toaked the apples in water orer uiht," aaid the old cider maker, as be reached out f.r the bill. "Thought as much I' chuckled the Buckeye. I've been in tiie cider business myself for f rty years, wad I know we cant be Btrwiji t save onr oerks. A very fair article, Ian J lord t cry fair, bnt a leetlc off in the taste." Chapter I : Yk, lired, no appetite. Chapters: Took Hood s Sarraparilla. Chapter: S;rvi.g.beerful, hungry. o- . ?portsnan bu'o, X-t' there any pame around We '.'" Boy ( w ith baseball crazei "la der? Well, ve jest want to comeober in Stephen ' Holly ' Melder ai see de Urasshopjters kneck d Mtiifien out of Je Katydid Club! Big game, misteT." No one was ever roriected by a far caam, bnt often driven further in lie aame way. In tociiin always be k;l nd patient k Kittle m.VER ni t I 1 Wii ii moot I tiirk FMUtiwtw .'-iieT' H trIe (nrl-o-tit to iii ( tif t"m. irh M muiLf. J -am ii, '.. Ac W lu U-r nxt , rtnutarh tt Cmr-rm rjrriJt I.mta TtiAM ar ol y rnlnn'Je m ' itMr. r. a?Ml Wfti lae tn iwiaowiK ctiJpiu lnv 1k crf-T-j-t i diwfoer ue uii-h. KfmulMe the )if and rv-i l w Lvau U tbff cured HtiAB whn i;fTT fr-m Jhi dKTiwM e.mipinl: hut ftTun-!v thr rMirrm A-m S end hTL and 'w try thrm will 4 vwmt littip pli raluahle In diwt wr that tner will m. b- il ing to do wflbont Uxm. hu: after aJ taut aead f ttw nne rt no many Ut tbat brr- H wbro w mk cr emu boast. Cx f-il curt as ( itru'ii Lm t Ijrca Fillo arewrrsTtiiuI aii.1 very ew to tai. i'octiN.im4 a d TtiT are trfi-t!e "stal'"' aoi o impe or punre, t bj ir-ot! mrtv . who law them. In iaj at 'A cent: five tor f 1 . eTBrrn bm, c arat by mail. UZ.7B X, Sew ?.' B I k. 1 LI 'Wm DOES CURE CONSUMPTION In Its First Stages. , li tur pow grt the graaiiu. J VTkifk 1 nr CTBl I ) Tt eaa Herat? to rtnp tnria lux a t:rae, and tiien hzre them ra. Uraacain. I wtaif A RADICAL Cfc& 1 bate maie tlx oi FITS, EPILEPSY or T ATT ran SICKIiESS, A l!fe-lotfr stoijr. I tctlTr my remedT t t Tat tue want case. IM-cantc otaera bavo lid u no re won lur net tow rerivmr a cure, rend al once fur a trcauue and a FREE Hon LB of my '. 'ULLIUL Kexrdt. Give tiprc and t" t OOtr.t. it cou yon boUjilj lot a ti jd, uj it out cure you. Addreaa HJ.RD0T,M.CIMfuat.ST,HrwT3EI aMiJiiBBi 'That 5 Blanket is a dandy." FREE Get from your dealer free, tie 'a Book. It bis himl-ime pictures and Tal'table Infornsati.m a!xnt horses. Two cr three ciullars fcr ill Horse Blanket will itiuke your horse worth more and eat less to keep v. a: ni. 5 A Five Tilile 5 A Bess Stable ktk fori c,. ri.: 5 A Extra Tesi 3fl ntlier Ktvlni nt tiriccs to suit ererT- body. If you can't get them from yucf dewier, write ux. ARE THE STRONGEST. MONT f.'.MIi-IE KflTHCUTTHr "I'A trt. ir t liv VVw. Av s t. I1titrd:t . v.-!n xaia tin.- latura il.c.: L'raaJ liix r Klankcta. r:E CANCER filiD TURMOR CAN BE C'JRED ' ITH OUT THE KNIFE. '. To rrimv the rainifr ha tn-n m'Uiiiu that the proi'-im liave ne-er in nine vi liiM-iiver; dut at lart Ir. 8l.iiHrt ha. tlivA-enif a remedy whieb. If a(iiil will rtioovt it iu Inm day. There are S kir,1 of ('i:-r, namir: tue Iko-e C;irr toe ypKter C:irtr. Fisnrei Deer- tn bone Oiier and the W olf Cancer, i r,re have been r-ae j-r p-..fiiiii haverid flat) ffw a filir'e reenrlitm but la kiCR CU tlicr mrnur, of no binetit-. Pt. Steinrrt h r?inord them cf Ten Year PthDiliitc. and fmm rer)U SI yean of are. in an ou lKo!l.tK' Verm are rvjoerod lo eU at hi otice a:w tae wonderfal cure he ban maile. aud whieh he ba iu aleuUol fur nfe keep. hie He bar a y-rf prmeiW. and iu Hie forvro. rank of ht rofeion. 1 he Mlnw iv.f ca.-e- are a few of tame bo bare been t ure1 bv pe : W ra. M'-Ktobti. of Woivtvllle Iw . eaaoer of the breast, : jean. Look at above cut j .uaanii. rvr-m t w c A lam Allr y l:kb Street. "ittb h l'a. taaa (or i K car on Uw '"- brean. turee yeata. . an. Arnbr. Uar,r i 5d Staad. Kextmor. In4 pniiit;-. nTul, Mr s(-ve!y, earner on wotnti. uotu'ih. n Mn Mrr-L Aileebeny City. la. Adam Hlafk, ramvron IIu MKie futiou. 14,-aver ennntr i'a. Mr. Werner eao-r.n reetn i. (... ,ib W , P;ttl-inrh. l'a. Jlrv Ar.ler. eaiiccrou iior. Fra:ikijxii Av in,. - t'ct-t.iitVt. p. jjra. r,mea. Coal MiDioe. tiidtaiia County, pa.. ibouider. ytwia, Mr. Uotb. ot :4Hh rs. aad t-enn Ave . oaa cer on cheek. ; rw. Mr. H .ni, Harg rreet, ailebeny. raneer 4t rh-rk Svrv in. sieaart! 1' '-"7" rtln.iir tmiwt'iil .rab. 2 rear. Jirs. j. m PinUjrcu nre. On-enatmra. J-a . ninior im now. 5 y-ar Wra. Rirv-non. :.i lara War Ailechene. tiiiaor,jn f.irbrd 15tn. Mr, ta, Ilit!, CM Knakes;are ctrert, t R., liiuJ-u-ih, iaiivrof bn. lira. -nana, rawer u( brewl, : rrmra. ilra Uutrr.eao eer . bw. 3 VBan. Jli. Jleandia. rawrr of wooili. er. Wr. HrMat. tinier of vomb. J J"' r"- loeant caoner of owib, yt-ar. Mr. Xnlier. l-i'er ,r wraa, J yoan. tin, KKari, eaueer of bn-aat,2 rwra. Me alH remove. iUk daneerfwa tanewnrra In tr..!0 i to 4 hi r. and bat a.. itne'u of them in hi "Jl.rr. He aiao earn i, ;t.-r and eoni,.l.,L.l. .r the ktilneya. .i aom and riiatmsatiun and all kin aiid 1kiA ilu-Mise. t Dr. . STtlXERT, srvKira avixce. PiTrBrB(.n. k. - Sead I ceB: Rap yof infcrmatloa. ACHE BLAHftETS Johnstown Business Houses G11EAT SeWSI : : : : i THE NICELY BOYS W.U Dtrer be hung, if tbey can help It. Nitb Will .-K J. S. Ashbridge, The Johtutowo Carpet man, but L will ae3 yon Canu, OilClotbs, " ' AVintlow Sliades, Htig, , . i 5 Matu, Matting, lace CorUlns, f . and Cortoin rols Cneajr than Ihey were ever beard of before." It Hi aiot!ih ) ou. call and aee for ywuneif. 5. 131 Fraaklia St, Johnatawi, Pa. City Drug Store; r D.bert SaiWing, Nejrf U Pwtotca ' When in the city don't fail to call and a. nj at oar proraiutnt location, where you will find one of tbe prettiest and most attract ive I'rug Stores in .JOECSSTOWlSr - The public pronounce it a pern. Vt carry a full l:ne of Pure rrt!frs. Jledicneit. Chemi cals, Toilet Articles, ace. I'hyiciana Pre scriptions Carefully Compounded. Respectfully Yours. CHAS. Yol'N'vJ, Johnstown, Pa. Graduate of tbe Phil'a. Collfty of Pharmacy. JfiYelry, Watctes, Ctets, b, k At the GUI Ptand, in a New Bnildicjr, the is filemj with aij. kini of Oniamt'tits. Watclics, Clock?, Silverware, tc. A Larger. Finer, fhoaucr. iuw llclia- ble Sb:k- as E'd kept ift tiny r-el:ui Jewelry Store r Western lViir.sylvanva. L. W.LUCKHARDT. 59 and r,l Main Street, Johnstowiu Penn'a. THE OLD RELIABLE FIRM Fcclrier & Lsvergocd, Can be fousd at Morria Stsuet, with CompJeteSlOtkof ': STAPLE AND FANCY GCH'tDS, , ; HOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, ic. Which are on Sale at ROCK BOTTOM TRICES. As heretofore, farmers can get Heat Prices for their produce by bringing it to us. We are now showing; a Fine line of French . Zephyr Ginghams, Full AoruncBt of Plain and Uetn-tlitched 23 to EMBROIDERED FLOUNCINGS, ALL NEW liEslGXS. BlTTOXa, BUCKLES, GIMPS. FRINGES, LACES, TIES, TABLEtXlVERS, EEISrEADS, TOWEIA ASU DAMASKS, Of Newest Pattern. Chess ' Cloth Ccafarts. John Stenger, 227 Main St., Johnstown,- Pa. SCHOFF'S. Park Building, Rail Street, Oppctda Aim Hiil, JobnaUrwn, PA. SPECIAL VALUES IN LACE CURTAINS! With Terr Tir of Onn:n we give the poles ft 15 c-nu, mid frtui'mrn- chit urtaiiw heper tbc ttitr wm quality ran te botirbt el nhere, :ail &ud examine qn&Mtr aud j'rice. A rmpltte line of l)ry GuoU at lowest pric-. SCHOFFS, Main nreet. Park Building opnoaite Alma Ball, Johnttown Pa, THE POPULAR DRUG-STORE, Corner of Vain and Franklin Streets, J: O: II; s: T; O; W- , 1': A I now fil'..-d with all tbe let IDZRTTO-S In the markeL Mr motto, " LO H" MICES AXD QI ICK KETCRXS,'' I? rijidly adhered to, and f'lM M.t)''ii'ifuar anteed. A full liiK' ef 1 PARIS CREEK AKD WHITE HELEBORE Aiwaya on band, CHARLES GRIFFITH. TO PHYSISIANS: A Ft'LL U!TE OF SURGICAL IXSTRUMESr?, TIIUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, and sumtRTnns, of every description, at HB.HEFFLEY'S; 3M Bedfivd street, Johnstown, Pa. Aintjier"Jc lastrnnienta a tpecialtr. Oaa beonleretl Uy mail. &-il-3m. AS A SURYIVOR OF THE FLOOD A. W. Blauch, 115 Morris St., Johnstown, A Wants ail hi friend to know that be baa openedAbrand new stock at - GENERAL MERCHANDISE SUCH AS Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc., Whieb he is offering at prices unexjualed by competitors. All kinds ut COUNTRY PRODUCE Taken iu exchange for (rood?. tall and get Bargains. HARDWARE tmc ol and wiu KMoara MaaDwaac sreac or (rECEASKI),) Is now in full blast under the charge of the undersigned. I keep in stock all articles in my line, from a needle to a Hay Fork. The fmest of CUTTLERY A Specialty. BOTTOM PHICES Jl CLE TIIEllOOST, W B. DIBERT. At the oid stand oa Vaio street, Jauoatown, Fa. YOUCANFIND at In rmtKw.n at IW Alvrtiar harraa a rEECTGTOlT BBSs. wwwmm m atmi lama aa a.wta JOHI tTESTO nsssntr IS Lc Jf". CWne in a the aaow. Taal f agar tfeetn af lien e( Mt. rWf.- iUkc. abM cant pinliin tatttUianktta . - VollfsflCUEBIacking at a fill f I flTHS atwlaaawd warit.Prt a vniMtmaaYainawwaBnttiaiBrT. will tH ;a bva aa aatiiy r l will abuia K, nda.!itbawoatl"taieL t IK-WON WCLFP AT aAKOOLFH. hnadalplilA. BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. TBS SEW E'XiM IS THE DIBERT BUILDING, Corner Main and Franklin Sts., Ia wbere Mens, WGmens'. Jtnd Chll Fuotwear, dreu Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST TIIICES can ba found, in stylea of aU makes. lam prepared to compete wiih one and all dealers in the S: ale. AU I atk isa trial. SCOTT DIBERT. Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers Having to jraeate my ; .tore-room in Park Row, Main Street, OPPOSITE Alma - Hall, Sooner or Later, I am Closing out , t ; ' rmy, Entire Stock of ? ' i ' Boots and Shoes : - -AT Extrtmely Low Price.". CaII aud tSee Me.- EESPECTFULLY, J. D. EDWARDS. SsRepairing a Specialty. SADDLERY AND HARNESS S. LEXJIART, JR., Successor to Samuel Lenbart, Manufacturer aud Ita!cr iu HARXRS3, SADDLE?, ' WHIPS. ' ' XETS, BLAXKET3, KOBia, ic. 9Epairing Promptly Done. 143 Clinton St, Johnstown. Doir t Forget It. A FACT THAT SHOULD SOT BE OVERLOOKED IS THE FINELY FINISHED ROOM AT THE OLD STAND, THERE 1 SOT OX EXHIBITION ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND CUEAPFSTLINES OF :MiIlinery H Goods, z: Consisting of all tbe late styles of Ladiea and Misses' BONNETS & HATS TO BE FOUND IX THE STATE. FASHIONABLE TRIMMINGS A SEGIAItTY. And at Prices to Suit Buyers. L. FOCKLER, No. 106 Franklin Street, JOHXSTOWX,-pX LIQUOES I -FINE OLD.. WHISKIES And Imported Llqunrs mid In bulk and by the special lines : OLD CABIXET. TOM MOO tit, 'POSSCM HOLLO W, C ICk'ESIIEIMER, FISCU S UOLDKS WZDDISG, GIBSOSS XXIX WHISKIES, James Henneaty. Paal TnB-il. rarnac. Wilbur , FuUnan'a "own Blarkberry Onniial." Abw, BVdlunl and ayanerwt Pure hje Whiskies, Willi age. FISHER ,& CO., 309 Maia Street, Jokatown, Pa. . ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. HARRY M. BENSHOFF, MANUFACTURING STATIONER AN"1 BLANK BOOK MAKEli. H ANN AM BLOCK, JOHNSTOWN. PA. DfTT FOhSET TO CrlaktT COBAUGH'S ! W kat He Iet Xot Keep ia Dry Goods, G110CERII3,. E00T3 . iANE SHOES, And aU other Mne of WerrnKolw, it T.ot werUi kefiina. antre reV!aitr Fanner's iee-t KaLle-i, rne u all cualuinera. PA. COBAtJCH, V - Kndoi Kern' Kernvilla ti.t'g Creek Met Creek. A waif of a loy was a stale half loaf on the street corner yesterday with the air of a sUrvelin. when a tfny dog came a'on' and erottclied ut his IVl. The hungry Isok reruainetl in the boy' eyes, but he a-lanced down at the vagabond do, aud tKiid in a friendly way : ' Wot you want? This aia'l no bone. Gitr The dot! moved offa little, and agtin it crouched and look wistfully at the food, "isiy do jer want tjia wtw nor I do?" asked the waif. "Speak, can't yer 7" The dog jrave a quick bark, and the boy threw him the rest of the loaf. "N'uff said," lie remarked, aa he watch ed him eat rawrtoasly ; "I ain't the fel ler to see a pard ia trouble." And the boy went one way and the d tg he had befriended another, both the better for the encounter. DJroti Fm P.ttt. Then the Band Played. One day Dot lng ago some friend ask ed I'r. C. G. Davis why he was obliged 10 near glasses. " Well, 111 tell you," replied the doctor, Years ago I icjured my eyesight shooting deer. I was reck oned a remarkable shot and cou'd bring down a deer aa easily at 1,500 yards rs at 20 yards. Deer hunting was my favor ite pastime, and my wonderful marks manship was a marvel to every one. Oae day I was out with a hunting party, when we came to a little knoll, or rise in the ground. About a mile away across the prairie we could see three deer drink ing at a stream. Pretty soon one of the deer left the others and came toward os. When be was atout 1,300 yards distant I took steady aim, and fired. " To my surprise, the bullet took no apparent effect, and the deer came stead ily on. At 1,000 yards I Cred upuin, wilb a like result, and, to try chagrin, I failed to biing down tbe beast at 500 yards. I fired a fourth time when the deer was lOtifeet from me, anil the animal fell in his tracks. Why didn't I hit him at yards ? Well, because I couldn't see him at that distance, I thought my eye sight was failing, and that is wby I wear glasses." It took a good hour of hard work on I'r. Davis's part to bring his friend to after this recital, and the man went away w ith a dazed, pained expres sion of countenance, while the orchestra discoursed a beautiful Scotch melody in other words, " The band played An nie ttooney.' ' We Caution all Against The m The unprecedented success and merit of Ely's Cream Iialm a real core for catarrh, bay fever and cold in the head has induced many adventurers to place catarrh medicines bearing some resem blance in appearance, style or name np on the market, in order to trade npon the reputation of Ely's Cream Ealui. I)ont 1 deceived. Bay only Ely's Cream Balm. Many in yenr immediate locality will testify in highest commend ation of iL A particle is applied into each nostril ; no pain ; agreeable to use. Price 50 cents. The Cook Withdrew. A lady living in a fashionable neigh borhood in the northern part of the city secured a new cook the other day, but the girl had cot been in tbe house an hour when she asked for an interview; and said : "Madam, I think it best for me to with draw and let you fill my place.". "Why? Why, is anything wrong?" . "Yes, yonr husband ! "But what ot him ? "It would be very embarrassing for me to continue to meet liiui," "Explain yourself." "We were once eng-.ged to be married, I found that be was unworthy of me, and so I gave him the skip." "You you did ! Now you get your bundle and go V exclaimed the indignant lady. "I simply withdraw, madam with draw for the sake of peace and hirmony. I hope your husband isa better man than when I gave him the walk. Au refoir'" Dttroii Fret Prrn. PRLSKESNES3 LIQUOR HABIT Ix IU TUB Voiui TUKB xs bit 01 ccan. Dr. IlaiXES' Goldes Srcciric. It can be siren In a cup of tea or coffee wlthou the kuowli-'.ie of the pernio taking iteSecting a peedv and iman lit cur e, whether the pi 1. a ti.i 1 1 r . rfr' n L .r ... an ' a Us .H. .1 1 . imtriw Thousands of drunkari have Wn rured who have taken tbe oohlen perific in their nortec without ineir knowledge, u-nay beiitve tnev quit dr.nkiuK of their nun free will. No harmful eflrrt renult from iui administration. Cure guar anteed. Send for circular and lull particular. A. Lire" Iu confidence. oD.s Srciric Co., lai Itace street Cinviunail, O. Not For Fishing. A citizen with a fish pole over his shoulder was going op Qass avenue, yes terday, when a stranger called out : "Ilavi any luckf Fifty feet further on a second in quired : "Are they biting now V And at the next comer a thiid stop ped him and asked : "Say, wbatll yoa . take for a ton of 'em V A fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh had their say, and the eighth bore down on him with : "I tell yon, old fellow, yoa may laugh at the idea of spitting on your bait, but it brings luck and I can prove it." "Speaking to tne?" queried the man with the pole. "Certainly." "What do yoa take me for?" "Why, you are going a fishing." "Who said so ?" "Haven't you got a fish pole T "Sappose I have ! If I saw yoa carry ing a bar of soap home would I argue that yon were going to do the family washing?" "But aren't you going a-fiihing?" "Xo, sir! This pole is to punch the sparrows' nests out of the eaves of my house. Mighty funny how many people there are in this world who are interest ed in other people's bmine. Diro'U Free Pre. Consumption purely Curod. To Tna Eiirroa: Pleaaa Inform ,tr laailmi that I kava a poaiuve ranad, fur tb above-named diaeaaa. Br ita tiaielj uaa tnooMuida of hopeleaa eaaea have bora permanantl sored. I ahal ba glad to aend two batiks of woj raanedr r&KS to any of 7 onr readers who have eoaaoaantioo If they will send me their Ernnss and P. O. address. ILeepect. foUy, . T. A. SUJCUlt. M. CL, lil Paart Sc. X. Y. She Swore Back at Him. Mrs. Binks is a pleasant, mild manner ed little woman, who is almost heart broken over tbe fact that her husband is addicted to the use of profanity. "Why don't yoa swear back at him ?" said her sister one day. "I couldn't do anything like that," said Mrs. Binks. But her sister is a woman with mnch force of character, and suc ceeded in exacting a promise that this religious method would be tried. Mr. Binks came home rather tired and in a not very amiable mood. "Well," he said, as he glanced over the table disgusteily, "if this aint the slim mest meal I ever saw, III be d d." "So ao will I, John," rejoined Mrs. Binks, meekly. More failures are to he attributed to ef" orts misdirected, than to the want of es-ortion. ' INFANTSIIiVALIDS A Matter of Importance to You ! If snfli rirp from long slamlins Thn.nir Piscasea. DLvrwies of the Blood, Skin and Xervoiu riystew, a?i l'ue nufferiiij; from EYE, EAR NOSE AND THROAT TROUBLES, .j .:..'r. J Vi-IXELAN. Iiina.c. , JI. D., s.K-eiilist oa t arunic 1 NOTICE TO ALL INVALIDS ! tat rf"lTMT7 nir The well bus, and v- T T r T T-T T ' "V- LrC I. J. 1C L4itLdLtSx , ftaiiie ieal and SurgU-al Institute, Colstnlxn. O., aad Eiaaiming Sursm kuthe hVlihruuk Sauiiariiim be at ibe SOMERSET HOUSE, SOMERSET, .. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Tins will give his numerous patient?, and others who are in need ofmed ical treatment, an opportunity to consult this diitinauL-hed physi cian, whose duties at the Institute will permit only monthly visits to your community. CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE EYE, bucii as GrannlatiU Liii., Chronic Inflam mation ol the Lids, of 1 lie Iris, of tiie Cho roid, of tiie Krliiia. Chronic t'iiera;iiii, Sa;.nn of the Lid. Cancer of the Lii and Eye. Tears Huimini? Over the Cheeky, lay and Xiuht liliudnoa, l'urti!eni or Mattering More Eyc, Oonorriieal (liihal:nia. Syph ilitic Dplithalmis. Iled kioiclMH or llrown ones on tbeliall. Phlyctenular Oihitalani;a, Ojiacitie?, or Milk White SKia on the Eyr, Oilaiicnia orcupiiir cfilie Nerve. Amur rusii', Kalline out of Ia-hIii-!", Sores, Kednesa of Ktifxa of Lids an. I Kyes, ami all oilier dia ea.xe to which the Kye or its aiilaf are liable, positive and rapid cure guaranteed. EAR TROUBLES ARE CURED In an aMotiiauingiy quick time. He will relieve yoti of all pairing hibainaiid nnuin noise", heaviness, itching pain, nimiing of tbe ear, will ( Kise up a hole in a drum u I ''. years' Manding ; will inrt Artificial Ear JJrtim of his own invention, with astonish-. ngly gratifyine result. A WORD ABOUT CATARRH. It it In tbe nervous membrane that wonderful serui-tluid envelo surrouiitiiiix the delicate tiaiiuea of the air and foor! (a.viage9, that Ca tarrh makes ita stronghold. Once establish ed it eats into the very vital, and renders life but a lon-dran bre of rutwrr and disease, dullin the rense of hearing;, "tram meling tbe jiower of speech, destroy ine the faculty of smell, tainting the breath and kill ing tbe refined pleasures of taste. Insidu oosly, by creeping on from a simple cold in the head, it assaults the memomm lining and envelopes the bones, eating throngbthe delicate coats aud tannine iurlaramation,' sloughing and death. Nothing short of to tal eradication wilt secure health to the pa tient, and all alleviatives are simply pro crasticaied sufferine. leadin? to a fatal ter mination. I'r. McCieilan has, by a treat ment local andions'.itutional, made the cure of this dresd d'sea?e a certainty, and has never failed. Even wlien the disease had made frightful inroads on delicate constitu tions, hearing, smell and taste have been re covered, aud the disease thoroughly driven out. A LIFE OF EXPERIENCE. The Doctor has had a whole lite of study and eiierience in his profession, and he en joys advantages that tall to the lot of but lew: After altenuinir a fall course in the medical ccilfes and irradnatini; with high est honors he was not content to stop there, but has since attended other colletes. and several times reviewed the wbole prufeosion: has also traveled extensively for the purpose of improvement, having visi'ed the best Medical College?, Hospitals, Dispensaries. Evr, Ear, Lro and other medical and sur gical insiiiions on both continents ; travel ing thousands of miles both by land and sea; spending thousands of dollars; improving every advantage within his command, and Ou examination; of the urinary deposits a devoting the bet years of his life to become ropy sediment will be found and sometimes THOROUGHLY FAMILIAR with his pro- small particles of albumen will appear or fession in ail its branches. the color will be a thin or niilkisti hue. GHRONIf DISFAF char,KinS to a daik or torpid appear- Urmumt, miLAiti, anre. There are many men who die it this The Doctor treats no acute diseases, but dirricnliy, ignorant of the cause. EXAMINATION AND CONSULTATION FREE TO ALL SCHMIDT zzrzzrzThe Largersi Wine, Liquor, and Cigar House IN THE UNITED STATES- ESTABLISHED 183S. C3-. "W. SCHMIDT, . DISTILLER AND J03BER OF FINE WHISKIES.z:3rr- IMPORTER OF WINES. LIQOURS. AND CIGARS. A'OS. S3 ASD 97 FIFTH AVESUE, PITTSBURGH, PEXSA. AU O"1 two a rrttre nrp, attnm. . Wear PalUaelakU. Ftekaal Oaeaa Hra. jgth. Yearly Kaaeaae, tMO. Qaarterly Pay.,S1M. tK? SWS.mIU 'fu" !5T : Ciil biwuHanoa C.i. Alruvcd (hm i. . " - taw ut wbci r'lW rwv Ih js i solid handsome caJie of scouring soap which ha,s noequd for all cleaning purposes exceph'n me laundryTo use it- is to value i- Vf mf SAPOUO do? Why it wiU clean paint, make oilcloths bright and giye the floon, taUei and shelve, a newarW iTS take the grease off the dishn and off the pots and pan Yoan kJ6 f2rkf i4- aDd thetin thing, shine brighSyS wash-basin, the bath-tab, even the greasy kitchen tink will be ?S Sana! a ne pin if yon n SAPOUa One cake will prove an wV eay SI clever housekeeper and try it S. TZS2SaSSrTR,-2SAPClI3 ENOCH tV10RCAN8 SONS CO., NEW YORK. tmi unit Pttfict Substitute for Mother's MIL nvALuaSLS ia Cwotcaa laraarrua ana TctTxmo. M Quietly Assimilated Foi rem DrtMsries, CONtUMSTIVft, COMVALCSCCNTS. A PcnrccT Nw.-fticNT to a Li. rasriao O.acaats. (ovinia NoCOOkiNO. Screw ta All Cuaaaics. SFMO r" CF vBU . vi.fa aw la. Dofiter-Goodafa Co boston. Maes. MORITZ SAt.M. M. D., Specialist on DJeae of Kye, K.r, .ok(, ihrjit ana Laojt kown Ocnlit. Aurit, Optician, and Princoil of t the tierniauia Kye, Ear, Xose and Tun lulirtnary.of diiuai- Tr.crelelirateil Si-eciiilist on Chronic fiimaw.from the Ittiiti;te, and late lrnieti of tbe Ii yri ia Mii Inii wiil AUGUST 29TH AND 30TH' makes an entire speciality of chronic and lo::g standing diseases. Cases given tip by other doctors and pronounced lncmable, he most desires to see. The Doctor has treated over 15.0t cases in Ohio in the last twelve years many of w hich had been given upas incurable, some to be Wind, others Ileal, and a lare number to be invalids tor life. Dut behold.' now tiiey feee and Hear, and many are started on the high road to health and recovery every day. The Doctor ia mrrouuiied with the larrest collection of tine instruments ever in. Kitted to this country for examining and trralini; all diseases of the Head, Face. Eye, Ear Throat, Heart, I.unf.-s, Stomach. , Liver, Kidney, liladder, Skin, ISiain and Nervous System, Cancers. Tumors. Files. Swellings. Old Sores. Fits, I'araiysis, Neurais, Kheu mutism. Dropsy. Gout, bick Headache, De bility, Depression of Spirits. Diseases ol Children. Hereditary Diseast. etc., etc., and in fact, aU long standing and Chronic Dis ease. DISEASES OF WOMEN S:ich ai have batHad the skill of all other physicians and remedies, quickly cured. Caucets, tumors, fibroid and olypoid rowih cured without tbe use of the knife or caus tics. No cutting, no pain, no danger. Small Tumors, Cancers. Warts, Moles, etc., Keoioved without acids, knife, pain or scar. New method, Eiectroysis. EPILEPSY OR FITS Scientifically treated and posi lively cured by a never failing method. RECTAL DISEASES. He also makes a speciality of all forms of Rectal Discuses, Files Internal and Exter nal, Itching and Bleeding. Kectal l icers. Fissures, Fistula which are often taken tor Nervous and Lang Diseases, all cured if taken in time. Kemember we care all forms of 1'ilea without pain, interruption or deten tion from business and without the use of Knife, Caustic, Ligature, or Injection. Come and be convinced. FR1VATE DISEASES Blood 'Poison, Venereal Taint, Gleet, Stricture. Seminal Emissions. Loss of Sexual Fower. Weakness oi Sexiti Organs, want of Ilesi re among sexes whether from imprudent habits of youth or sexual habits of mature years, or anv cause that debilitates the sexual functions, speedi ly and permanently cared. Consuitaiion free and strictly confidential. Absolute cures guaranteed. No risks incurred. Correspon dence promptly answered, and medicines sent free from observation lo all parts of the United States. TO MIDDLE-AGED MEN". There are many from t be age of 30 to W wuoare troub led with frequent evacuations of the bladder, often atajaipauied by alight burning or smarting seneation, weakening thesvstem n a manner ii patient cannot account for. BTJIH-DESTGr and Most Complete . Telephone No. 666. far oi. any Cle. rotrterhnfc Phyvcs. 0mry. s.mur. Fiactncalor "-eT """. na mi tar UK-Ui! ti.L I lp iai lru' Mf Ij. K ar Civil- e uimciv Colter rtwtf KkanL W CUM A;le .flnlk . r. cow f r t r x - GOOD EK0UGH"fMri.i 11. . fMS Or AND GASOLINE CAN! " ir rrr id a Re Me!J fianafg Co., - Wama,0. Every Family Should HateCne No Dropr ir.g Oil cn the Floor cr TaLIa No Faucet to Ifzk or get knocked open K waste Contents or cause Explosions. Fnicj and Can cloe automatically Ala TichD No Lcaltepc No E vaportttion X0 tSSOLUTELT SAFt. A Urlvrrscl t-'ruacho'd TIecwsrtJ CAT.-j l2C3 ETT! TZ5.TT,T&. Formal iiA.iiiersft by J. B. HoI.IiF.RBAr M. M. ScHP "K. KASTMLtt at 1 ! ATT. V. n t oKifcOTU, r"Kfc.tst & KXnEIL I8IL I jf. arwrraw-w- w am iMiait naiai aaaaOalMa: HMMa! milbll w r r bv A J M-raf-klaa- If al. WaV 1 imm r4 to ratlaaa Hitching piles' ytm.l.c very e1f INT. MtT uaathr iKhlac aaa ku-dfa. koals WntlM. aad la ' rtaT Ur ta- L.B. STaTSI a fto.V. PiiJ.i. i. SFfiPl DISEASES OINTMENT ED iu-el rxir "t-- r-- a. m m- Ttn ali Ai:cr aw fL ' 1 iiitg.w. 9aTli A J. PkUJakif. f. ar U-ttfiiM fer vSFREE mr itaV- nri to mtr.-fTay-e- vf wprr-oV -1 H artkiif k r 4V t" r PLC m I'-c'r. a ftbu. m.r tma wt nr lowu oacfta) Mk Kf 4 !h rtawlar- AIM' ! m rWuit. ! K JV'W r-i t (vOW WaK affhallnl cod rb" anxxoj ynm Tb EYE TaM iDlkrWiBf rBf fW U wnf i Z" Urrso W.m-.-aaj.'W ?.7r-ra. K-u-r-nt-U -. W. p.. .1. .,yr-mhmn a or n a0l U WCa aViAUair e. H-XI cftciMw Mad t . ft-.f, w:bfT -mf oar .m'rm uaaiM n MM- BWaM P1AsaTl aa 'Jx wmtco. v fre- A. -me m wtt a4 a U iaw mto rW fraoatdn U4 saf,,ran, ktwut ! bf f-u " ut f.uiDie rrie t a. -li-t. aV tor r nar star-ed, mm4 ( irr r-pd- pxy ail trrrcht. Afar yoa knn j if "v;"! Ha, wn'o wn tr mm. r " w-n trow u 3MIO rr ra- a-d .wdt Aj.i.-m, Miami Ai. &um.l C, rot-UmU. Mats. NO. 83 FRANKLIN STREET. JOHNSTOWN SUPPLY HOUSE. JOHN H. WATERS & BRO PLUMBERS, We ' now rubUihed in owr new t'liiMin. whih. e can Mifcriy hiv. w ih- Uv arrMLKtdi r trvittkiiff iMTiain.nff tne iiumbiii(. Steam ami -a tMi-ju c id sio-'k. UV will, a fv-rmerlr, give run f-.:I attention to ine. .ir ft inner frtitrM in ihn liav eniim." fmtuf :br largv., t'UJ.lijf in the cuunty, miai entire In the -I W LY I'KPARTMENT w ranr fun line of kMi.te-r uJ Jaiber bvliiii. SvfMm ami W ntfr H'lrt-, aJve. Iu)ft ton. Luff ifiattrr, -t am OmiKe. Iron Pips Fil.;i-jc, tic. Pri ta j.iotvi on ttpiua::uti. JOHN C. FINCH. DEALER IN Golden WeddLng R Y E Whiskies, 146 Water Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. OLDEST ETABI.IHED HCT'E IS TREfTTY. whirrs Boshir.if but pure rv1 are pm up, Mrictiv for rs;iiiiv and mrdu "liiai n-e. Nutit- ln iAii.'r thsn tit..Wn WVi'liriir. N-xt on tl.e . 'jii -kerhtrimrr 's, limi,giii.-ia Kre. iGtx? kkJ are braiiii-. firHn.lies i,f Tinuie-icf 18- on naud. Uin. Holland and I- ittn-: aLjk.iild Tom. Fim-h'M.o,i-n Wriii!D. SI i U.'A iiart. '. fir fi : ju srniitr'.m-r's lie nnif : Mno:.Hh;:a, S.H ir doren. Wines. a r-r down, l-.i br one hn'f lozen. .-vrnr iv Itnx- ei. Aisi auve in -i'w a, ira:ul:atli-r' Choi-, at t- per icalioa. Barrel at upetial rate. 4-JO-Ijr. DO IOC KX0VT Tiiat you are buying- direct from t'ne d:!i!!t r hen yoa send your eniers to 1". K. Lit tn- cotr. tliei.,,1 Luiii'itied Whiskey house.' No rectify-!::;;: no omiponnd-np. hut direct fr-im the ' Lippimxtt I)isT!LLaRT," situated at Lippenrult l"t c.:rii-e. fireene county. Fa., which has always maintained its reputation of makinjr jmn, jttonl'i. Our mail order iepart merit gives prompt a'ttnlion to all orders, and at the prices e oiler otir kockIs", makes our competitors en vious. We carry in siork the following well known bran'U of Rye Whiskies, in quarts, ml ions and barrels : Lippencott's, Overholt s liibson.Ctuckenheiroer, Mononeahela, tiravs. t'r. Ai.o a full and complete stock "of Wines, Brandies, Gins, 4c. ItVtfrur Price Lift and mi atouey. V. E. LirPEXcoTT, Distiller and Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 539 SraithSeld Sl, Pittsburgh, Pa, T' 1 rtrnp That I ell tl.e r AjL o a.rrriow To yvar old Pure P.T fj ro prr f;;0n. Thre " -j j,s YfUT " " " M 2 m)" Six. M 3 m Tn 4 Fifteen " XV " Twbnty-ODe " " u 7.o " All fir.m ilie N-t known iiiiU.T. f :if.imia5 Trar-oM Hire Wnu, kttii at ! 50 r ealion. hinp. M. !, laret. Hunrnnan, hrry am. on Wiiit'. d-rrft ; mronaiiori. :n Pure n. ported HranM : its. at the lcut tl(;iirr Cail or send fr nial pii't- list. 5jj orderi PromptJy attfndeti to. No extra charge lor pack ing and boxing. A. ANDRIESSEN, 72 Pjiaril S:reet, Allegheny, Pa. SEW EOTIIr AT CnMERlAND a P. Sweitier, late ot Sand Patchhaj purchased " THE AMERICAN HOUSE," At rnmNcr'.and. tt.. an1 ha rrtte1 an1 refur-ui-tK-1 the hi- tiiniKt;huii. ant it a fir-t-c-!., Hoel to aviii i.i.lie ihe trar elliig pcblir with ni Uiile, and choice liquiirs at the bar. alo ba In ror.necti'n wiih the Hotel a la nfe qiuuii.'v .f KaiiKhman an.l ,-iaeltzer l-ure lii.l Kye Y ahky for iw,e, by tl . barrel or gallun, at the loiioti nig pritxa : Two Year old at r M per gallon. Tnree ej Four "Hipj The price rif the jn is i.i eent Cr each rallon. The prii-e of the Uhkkey an.l in miirt a..v. a.-dtmrwiiir the i1er. which i;i in-ure pmirnt aiwutiou anil h;pmeut. ad1rus all orders to S. p. SWEITZER, CTMBERLAND, MO. apri -SO-CO, TKIT OF r.MJTITION. Ti Samh ViMietit, intermarried with Freeman Sanner. of Hriy p. (.. Mr-ha:l Co.. : A'ou nrr hi-r t.y Tiftiri.Hl that in Dursuanre ot a Writ of partii iu:i iiied out of rhe tft-phaiuv ( Viurt "f -i'taeret l oinitr. Pa . an-i ! tn-; lir-te.1 I will hold an ln.;iiet mi the remLea on t he rial eraie of iliiain Voochi. decea-(1, itiuite in B.afk Ti, s,mei-l ( HaiMv, ha, Ki k-l Hnmiivh. and the town .f t'awelinati, o., on FrldjiT. the Kin dar of Septein'r. Wi. when and whre rrai can aueiid if n-i think n";-r Sarsirr s orrics, 1 ' a 4 MtMiLLFX, July A Shcriit -lTr. K . ' of this:? . W WIS:-'' f- "f nhher fibnea wniem mna mBeosafbrublr aM aesrmlir slip u2 IA beu TIIE " COLCHESTER - ErBEEBfo. 4a of h! 3M ;"' Mkf AI flrVtr 9ttrm9 WltH IZC4 of Va ruA-tmr turn Mltnnf off Coll for tb -Crtrtvarr- "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." til t- . I; aret r IS 30L1D"-, THEL FEh3CE! i 7-' SfC si a : or ' c JZ;:1: EI snxETinsa hew. MR t .-r-nr-if t-i.trK.r.if; i ath. rnntK nr J -t rile fcr l lutrattrtl 0-:iak,-ic aiailrti :r? f Z.'ICAL EXPANDED METAL CO i;o Water Pllhlirrrii, Pa. .-'-. aeralu Orve aims ol p.ipr STILL IN BUSINESS : elfleys Photograph Caller A. My patrons are informed tbai 1 am t::! In tae Acl ara at ail times prepa-ed to lake all kindj of picture., from a Tin-fjpe ot fiiftiat Ph-docraph, To a t.:ft-fa? C rsron. Inantanmuja l-ro-ce-a ije"l, and a -..rk ran teed !u le ?a!i-?!j.torj-. Oailery gror. lint : If. '.Vr: Vonpl.t j .FI.KV. Vf. PITTSBURGH NURSERIES. E-tahlMicl I mo Ol R EI.E'i for 11 will ! ANT !l.!.lTr,ATEi fAT-lLfa-.r Ettt Farmer. Gardener. ArixUt tir or awavr of lot iiMiid have one. On'.er for Rower? an 1 r..ral EmhU-ms i ie hrji'-diate attention. i Telephone 2"0.) J3H?i 3. 4 A. MURDOCH, 50 S SVIThFIENST. PITTSEUr.H FA. WM. B. SHAFER, 'a. O. aOI 247, aOMCRSCT. .! Surveyor, Scrivener, Draughtsman, ind Real Estate Agent IO YCil" WIII TO BCY VX OiL iLl.L LANDS OR HOUSES ? Call at tlii? Arroncy. 6.'"0 Acrrs tiiii!x.'roil an.l dearel land In- sale, ia twenty n traits. coiiri.-t:!i of Hemlock. Pin.-. White Ouk. Kid Oak, Ah. Cherry. r(i!.ir, Ac. iuo-;Iy avai'al.Ii- t' IlailifiniJ. Cal'.i also att'-ndcl to for ?nrvcvins. near the lines a'ijoinin in cnuntit-s. Terms on Ileal K.-tate to suit jmr-eiia-crs. 03ice above new Postofiice, with J. A. Dcrkey. Modern Science Has l-ovared that all disease are Ci:it J Ij MICROBES, Ther-f ;re all d:-eafa can he rnre.l f !rr -in -hese Xi rob... and m- win n axtr eartl tnat ill arctai u-a hw i hi nt ka iu the alient is Microbe - killeR It a thomt-j:)! ) lr)d r-' a oa.l,rf!il n-!i-tHii ai! i runiainirc no dni haierr. i fecli .- -al 111-- S.CR06F. KILLER i mir-. of rfi-t; ni wat. r -intrKi.iei w nh powerfiil rinij'---n its .- uhicii tiernieaie and the i ire sytem. Send for our Bock giving K'story of Mi. crobes tnd Discovery of this Wonderful ecine. Fret. 7 LAIGHT STRcET, NEW YORK CITY. Ask your ImiggUi tar is. SENS FOR OUR CTLOGJC. PRlCCS ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS. IND. VV. S. BELL 431 Wood Sh, P.ttstM.rSh BitLta in P'wtrg'ap'-ic Sf . View car&era. I"wi.'-l-h e t auie:a. ami 'f fas-ova s MK " KTlB diTt-IVL.t MjM. ul 2 Sic. Jend t a- free. SEND YOUR JOB WORK T .hefcOMERSET HEB.4LI W do the nFfet.r hrapert and lt l.b Prin iiiB lr. th nmit.rii horeit w.iire. AGENTS WANTED HOST IISERI TERWS. t "r ilia e-l tue iilit- i.:. o. ii : -. . .a v. i at.lineil. and br-t krown Niiorrie in the. wiiT. Addia W. a; T. Dqtlth.i-ncva.Vunvi , , .. ? t '-'.3 in se-:- 8.0-rr. fTT , J. X. A.l " 1 M IO" C'i b ti lt iu 1 e. t t ii v I' t I i - dMt. Xlfaaat.t, Pa. ' r 'J. ey iiiai t naiaMawewwa'ww r 1-