The Somerset Herald. WIDSaVDAT..- xwe. rm . re iirry : xh ir,',ent has signed the World' Fair till. The National Iiepubiicnn Committee in to rieel in Washington on the 7th of next month. Worrit v Maktek Uhumv, of the State ,ranpe, T the iratifrera want either Hastings r IVitiwin. m TK lemorratic candidaU- will likely rattle around in the late Congressman lUndall'ii chair. Tut I'an American Congresa panned out well. It iall America fora.l Ameri can!, hereafter, and reace ra-nwtua.1. Tm cE may te nothing Dew undtr the un, hut the elojement of a Huffalo man itl'i hia mother-in-law i rather out of the cniipon order of.thincw. At a meetin of the Uepublican State ( antral CotiimitU-f;.eM at Thila ielphia, Wednesday, llamsl.nrg wa agreed upon a the plare f..r holding the licpublican Mate Convention auJZlhe time named was Wc.lnc.-iav. June 2-Mh. Tiik Ilcpii!.licati of Iiedfiin. county will hold their convention on Tues day, May IT. Fifty-two i..iri.ti f,,r the ia ioiil .llii'ca to be tilled bate already announced their tan d,du"y, and their are more to follow. Si-TTiN.; the date for holding the pri mary election forward two weekaaeema to plea a majority of the candidate tiin7.i Many of them aeem anxious lliat the content, which has already be come mite animated, fhould be over as emn an pmihle "oi.onii. C'i.Aiti;s made the hull" eye 111 ring at the Americii Club dinner iu I'ittaburg, when lie said the South need--d the Australian lem of voting and American MStem of counting, llepre-iw-ntative Id(je hill proposes the one and Senator lloar'a hill the other. Si.nuxii will be twined by a long winded discussion of the tariiTbill. It v ill change no votes. lpublicens w ill vote to relorra the tariff IWtnocrats will ..pie it. They tried f-r two years to make tarifl reform and failed. I-epubli- ana ahoul.l irfect the bill as far as pos uhle and eedilr mak it a law. Tim l'hiladelphia ljv'nrr finds after a careful invent i pat ion of the gubernatoiial fituation. that of the Ki delegates tntis lar elected to the SUle Ctir.vention, Iele tnater has 4:1, Hatttings 12. Oborne r, I 'a vie 3, Stone 'S and McCormick .1. Tlie Convention will consist of ItM delegate, and the candidate who is nouiinaUd must have lit! votes. It is the common charge of the IVmo Tatic press tliat "agile pension agents" are anxious for the saage of a service tension bill. Yet one of the great argu ments for audi a bill is ttiat Bervice pen sions ill shut off pension agents. When even- old soldier's honorable discharge .ertilicate is made bis pension paper there w ill be no need of an agent to help hiin to get on the pension roll. Com. Bahox Scott sees a split in the Ilepuhliin party in l'ennsylvania large enough to allow a Iemocrat to slip into the Governor's chair. Mr. Scott is the name man who induced Mr. Cleveland to U-heve that the voters of the United States were eager to re-elect him on a free-trade plat form. As a political prophet Mr. Scott is as much of a success as he is as a humane employer of labor in his coal mines. Tiiixe will be a meeting of the sur vivors of the different regiments and bat teries, both Union and Confederate, that were engmred in the battle of Chicka tiiHiiga, on the battle field. May 21, for the punmseof locating the various o- sitions oivupied by each command in the battle. In this way will the maps be orrected. to enable the 1'ark Association to mark with a monument each position n one of the most memorable of battle iiclda. Thi manufacturers of Great Britain don't like the McKinley Tariff bill. The iniitiufacturcra of t iertnany don't bke the Mc Kinley Tariff bill. Tlie manufacturers of France don't like the McKinley Tariff bill. The angloiuauiac free traders and big headed Mugwump of the United State don't like the Tarifl bill. This fumishe four excellent reasons whv the bill should Itccouie a law. SnxnTor hi his New York Wurld interview article has this to say as to pension matter: "According to the table of mortality, the last surviving soldier of the war for the Union w ill ex pire between P.Utt and 1"'."0, but the pen non roll will rapidly diminish long be fore that time. Pensions to w idows and dei-txU'tit relative will, however, con tinue for a much longer period. Before the account i finally closed I think the government w ill have paid not leas than V4.0tki.OM.Ofi0. It is not surprising if some provision is ultimately made for pension ing the ex-Confederate mildiers should the ltemoctatic arty be restored to isiwer." Now it is William L. S-otl who wants to go to the United States Senate from Venn-ylvania to succeel Ion Cameron. What an inspiring spectacle the Democ racy would present in w ith Urover Cleveland posing as the champion of the ".leluded" working peopl and of civil wrvice reform and a pure ballot as Hgainst pluUa-racy, w ith plutocrats Brice and Scott and spoilsman and ballot ma nipulator tiorman leadit.g the Ilemocral ic oligarciiy in the Senate, while Scott's ctstl mines continue to l run on his principle of "We ran control tlie wotk tnginan only so long as he eats op to-day what he earns to-morrow." ,V. '. J'mm. Tut: ai-tion of the State Committee in fixing June 2oth as the time for holding the State Convention, has made it necca aary tar County Chairman Bicsecker to hange the date for holding the primary flection io this county to June 14th. in ttrder to obviate the necessity of holding a itfiea-ial primary for the purpose of elect ing k4egates to the State Convention. The eoUirity to make this change was one of the w ise amendments to the party rules adopted st the last primary. At a tegular jn-imary there m generally a n?tty full rote jiolled, aad by electing delegates at this time there w ill be much more of a popular exresion of the Re sjblican voters of tlieeotinty as to w horn they w itsh to represent flietn fo.tli Slate Convt-oticxi than could have been olt tained had a rpecial primary for the election of delegate been called. Tin; arrest of a pmcd aiiege-ico'iuur- fe iters at Stoycstown, Friday, was not a surpiise to many of nr jfople. For years la-k it has l-een known that conn- j terfeit silver and nickel coin leirg manufacture.! and circulated in the j northern end of the county, and it was only q'M-stion of time till the guilty parties would 1 arrested and punished. A number of the gang are still at large and it is likely that trior arrests will shortly follows One thousand nine hundred and ninety-six vessels carried grain and bread stuff from the irt of New York iu In'J to the various markets of the world. Just four of these were American and 61C. English. America carried half a million bushels and Knglaad twer.ty-hve mil lions. But whenever the United States proposes to build op s carrying trade and establish lines of vessels by the same methods England has done it. whole crowd of statesmen shout "subsidy" and the matter droi. Thi McKinley tariff bill continues to be assailed by the Democrats, but it is to be olieerved that they make no attempt to produce a better. Once they w ere wed ded to the Mills bill as a thing of perfec tion, but it has become a back number without supporters. Being dead it bas not even mourners. The McKinley bill may be amended, but it will pass essen tially as it is. There is no objection to improving it, and improved it maybe; but it w ill not be altered at the cost of protection. PtSAToa Mamkksos, Saturday last, in troduced a resolution, which was referred to the Library Committee, accepting a marble statue of General Grant, to le given to the United States by the Grand Armv of the liepnblic. Mr. Manderson, in offering the resolution, said that the statue and jiedcstal would lie placed in Statutory Hall free by the Crand Army and bee ine the property ot the United States upon its acceptance by the Library Committee. The statue was paid for by small contributions to the fund by old soldiers all over the States. The Free Traders' Despair. Bortuu Journal. It is a rather ignifiint fact that the prai rie Slate of lllinoin coutains four watch fac tories which i-nvhice 2 'hci watches a dy, or more than the output of all I'.nlatid. It is a significant fact, and a sad 1ft for those iMuocratic philosophers who have lieeii insisting that for Illinois to make watches waa flying iu the face of nature, and that the United Mates chould be the farm and per mit K:igland to remain the workshop. A Violent Hail Storm. Baltimouk, April 27. Thi city was visit ed this afternoon between 3 40 and 4 o'clock by hail of a size and destructive jsiwer never before seen in this city. The hail was not the snow-coated hail of commerce, hut was plain hard ice tmxen through and through, clear as oystal and solid as a rock. It went through tbiV panes of glass as if they were tissue iit, and the amount of damage done by it can only he figured up when all the broken ines are counted and the glass setter's bills are paid. The loss will run up into the thousands. The hail stones were like rocks, some of them ragged and sharp on tbeedgs as a steel blade. Hen's eggs were nothing to them in sir.e. Many of thera were as large as a man's fist, and as they came down tbey sounded like so many can noD ball falling on the helpless earth. The storm came from the west, local in its char acter, and swept to the east with a rattle like heavy musketry, Tightening people out of their wits, making some of the super stitious think that the diy of judgment had come and hitting those who were on the arrets many bard knocks and driving them into places of shelter. All over the city the damage was heavy, particularly in the way of broken glass. No glass thai met the full force of the hail wai strong enough to stand the force of the cobblestone-like blocks that came out of the "ky. Trees and Hills a Refnge. New Oki.eass, April 20. The great strug gle to keep t k the flood is over at Dayou Sara, a spe ial from there to-day says, and a general surrender h9 been made all along the line. The I'oinle Couee front has crev-a-eed at Preston. St. Mauriue, and yesterday the one just aliove MorpatiMi, w hich mill before many hours take away this grand levee. We have had two days of heavy rain and the situation is beyond description. The suderiug in 1'uinte Cuupee is terrible. It is reported, that people are resorting to tree (or safety. A relief boat should lie sent at once if pissible. 8kitT loads of people are .ssing through our inundated streets, seeking safety on the hills. The situation in Bayou Saia is ftighiful ; not a house in town is ahove the flood. Another break occurred last night in Poiufe Coujiee levee, and the indications are that the whole front will be submcrgid. As the critical condition of the levee has been known for some weeks, the hope is enter tained that all have, in a turaxure, prepared for the worst, and that no loss of life will result from the breaks along the front. An Old Man's Journey. McCot.NEi.Lsvn.Ui, , April 2o Harri son Warner, sged Sit years and as spry as a school boy, started from lure yesterday to accomplitdi a remarkaUe feat. He intends walking to Italiimore, MJ., a distance of over 40 miles, in Is days. He started froru the Court House steps at 3 o'clock. He in tends pushing a wheelborrnw containing all bis clothes. The harrow is painted a bright red and bears on either side tiie inscription, 'Harrison Warner aged K'l, McConnllsrille Ohio, the world-renowned pedestrian, en route for liaUiuiore, Mi." A large crowd of people gathered on the streets to give the old man a send off. A large collection was raised to help iiay bis expenses. Mr. Warner is a shoemaker by trade and lives ten miles north of here, often walking here in an hour and a half, ail kinds of weather. A Trnte bloud Burst. Gaisb-viixc, Ih . April 2i. It has been raining almost contan!iy siiac last Monday night, and at a o'ekak hut nigt a cloud burnt strui k the city, lasting four hours, deluging the town and county to tlie depth of several feet. The water ran iu great n'vrra through the streets, in many places three fret deep, A small creek left its banks and swept away numerous small dwellings. The tire alarm was sounded at 11 o'clock and the dcwrt ment and hundreds of people turned out and belied in rescuing families residing on th lowlands along the creek. The loss to prop erty will run up into the thousands. whole county is deluged and crops are cer tainly ruined. The storm was tlx heaviest ever known in this section. Large washouts have occurred on all railroads in ihi vicinity, and it will be several days before trains can run. The only life lost was that of a woman, who died in the arms of a man who was carrying ber trom her home, which waa surrounded by water several feet deep. She Waa Weary of Life. Garaxsm-t.;, P. , April 2ii.- This morn ing, about Tjt'clock, the wife of James Hnodgrass. atone time a prominent attorney in this county, was found by the lady with whom the board lying in be I utic Misci m s and af remly dead. A doctor was at once sent f jr. who pronounced it a case of poison ing, and applied the utual restoratives, but up till this evening she remains in a coma tose taie, with no hopes of her rewvery. It is not kiMia n whether it was either or morphine that she took. She has b-ea nielunriioly for some time, and al divers limes threatened to take her life. Domestic trouble i assigned as the csttte. Her bus baud was sy, but returned this evening. , j The Hpub!ican Stato CoJair.'.ttee. I The Republican Kian- lomm'tt'e met m rhiia.l Ipl.U Wei.m.s )'iv with an imuo-y large lepreseniattoii of the t omn.iiiw iu Ll tennaiHV. resolution w p-l tixng the time for the un-riirg of P.eMatr ';i vention on June 2'uli at Jl.c-ri-oi.r. The follow ing resolutions ado; d by a nsiii ote, CAprMf.s ootu.iti i United Moles he!iur; -lay, am: pntuiii the recent aliacfc i:p.n iiim y a n aaiii New York parr ' JirKilifi. That the hiate'.tii'iee of Pennsylvania tvoognize 'he liMnu con duct ol lU-pneenlailves AUcii and (loia iu the NMional House ol Jreseulauves ye-lerday. a "lore xuiplrir Hce'pHut t ;Ht m the pari l tamluig 'o r a..-ail the public and pi I vale repinalions ot the KepuOl lean National UMiiiiiil've. '1' the arirclion of J-t.ior liay as the mol pruiumeiit ohjecl iu fiif conspiracy, Uie in ragwiusaasaiiits upon his character oy lea t ing Iiemocrauc paers m New York t'lty, and liuaily, the act of launujuy t l.'nicf iu spreading "iheir kcaiidaious piibacaiious up vu the records of il.e Uuiw, !i for u.e uiip.ilitied condemnation of ail men who bate any regard lor reputation and charac ter. The people of Pennsylvania have passed upon thrse ctiaiya in 1 vti nm. iu ttiefaoe of their praa:nialidii. theygavc to beualor yoay, candidate lor btaie Tieas urer, tne maxiinnm nurjoruy, and sutise Uently, after dislingtnsueit and honored service, elected him to Hie Unlled (Slates ."Senaie with greater unanimity than ever before accompanied Ibe selection of any man for that position. The extent of his trend ing initial when, as Chairman of the. Saiio:i at Committee, lie prevented, a repetition oi the frauds whicl iu New York and li'.jk iyn icave Cleveland a false title to tin; i'r,-i-dency in ISM, and the ftiuire purpose of itie conspiracy is ao plaiu that "he who runs mav read." . llistorv is repeat'np itself iu the ha.) of the National House, w here partisan rancor once before did palpable injustice to one of the most distinguished sons of Peuusyivania in the jierson of tiwieral Cameron. Ti.e House sutm-rjuein'y expuiteed a rec ord which was tun evi.lcni-eof its former iiipisticT, and wliilethe rc-ord !" yesierday waa made against its wtl aod under Hie privilrceof a tir-t-aier from Mississippi nui a divert iireseiila'ive of Timiiiri.v, i-k tt'e l.'-prex-ntalivcs if the H ntse to s,ie that ihe character of llie Nalioiiai I'hiilr'vcn si.nll not long snll--r umlcr this or av.y oin.-r form of assailit, ahich Ihose who have now 'ep Inst inlo pul'lic view ax narlia-tiis and coti ripinitors msv belect. lUtiAvrd, That the Stale Committee con vevs lis thanks to the newpsiieib of IVnii- syivai.ia. which have. tilmne or laoim wonliy except ki wholly (ov-mn!t nan-id the publications cf ihe IViuooali'.- p.i;-ers iu New York. Neit to Ihe vole of the phonic given twice wilh unpn-islenitsi hetn-ss iu answer thfe ctiargiT, our newsimnrs r"-thvl lite public sentiment, and Ihronitii their r-fiis;; to eiicoursge any :( th methoiU "f ( c " l.iracv show the cono nipt which s'l f-l who arc- not chronic reve.ers i:s political and private w-andals. tin motion of funeral Kt-.l.r, a cnu ruitlce was apjs.iniel to inf iirtte ihe charge that drlegales lothe SiateCfiivention in K'k and Kullon counties Icid Is i u elected i contrary to the party rulm. Th- coinmitnv l comprises 'Jen. K. K-edi-r, Oiiiee'.ir Cooier. Walter I.von, John II. I.anJis, ;o ! Walter L. Jones. In K!k and Fulton couutie-i n.r yen's the county committees have beet; s- V-tin,; the delegates to the State Conven'i .ri e-iiurary to the tsarty rules, which pres.- - t f - it t ie i delegate) shall be chosen a.o r ling to the sauie methods thai the cutin'y ( and. I.t s arc nominated. The report on the subject brought in by Chairman Keederand his commilice m-im-mended that a county convention lie held in each !Clk and Fulton iu reugniiion of the party rules, and further that a uitifonu rule on the subject be adopt id. The following is the jeiori of the Sub committee : We therefore recommend that the Slate rule be fully complied with and that the county committees of Ktk and Fulton pro vide for the holding county conventions in advance of the State Convention nf this year, to the end that those conventions shull choose delegates in the mairter i" which candidates for the General Assem'ily ure nominated. The coiniiiittee lort'.er recom meuds that the Slate Convent ion give con sideration to th propriety of holding all primaries and county conventions within a given dale prior to the Mate Convention, with a view to secure uniform at.on and equal auJ ample opportunity lo oil sections in the choice of National and Male candi dates. The report of the committee was adopted Resolutions were also passed thankiiigand endorsing Chairman Andrews an. i the piny management for its excilleni services in the last campaign in Pennsj Uania. Imprisoned In A Pit. Cnr.YiNKE, Wyo., April 21 A fi-c is in progress in No. 4 mine at Spiings, Cheyenne, Wyo. It is val ned al $ ,tM,i"Ai. i, and is the I'mon Pacific lailws.i's best hit! property. Its average ou'pitt is oo I cars a day in winter, half that iiutuli-T in summer. The tire was started by the carelessness of some Chinamen who were cooking I nticli. Itstartid near the entry, thm-:,.'!i which there was continual draft, and spread rapid ly. Whiles and Chinamen swarmed Irom the inclined shaftc. but many were cut olf. At 10:30 a terrific explosion of tite damp made the earth trenitne and lousi-t:e.l coai iu other mines. In tlie confusion anscuing party was organized. Thej" hai left tiie surface but a few minutes when the thunder of a second explosion reached the ears of tlie croad at the tunnel moiiih. A wild lutnuit followed, and only subsided somen hat when one dead and a half diu.'n thsaY -d mn were brought out. Another sctirthitig npiad descended ill half an hour and brought hick in a short time four Chinamen, with infor mation that several other wer d u-1 or dy ing in the room from which their burdens were brought. The report of a third ex plosion, the loudest yet, followed the rescu ers to the surfaoe. Immen-e volleys of smoke began to issue faun the nljafi.-, di couraging the orgati'xttion of other scan li ing parties and settling the fate of lit lcsi JO or 40 men in mines mostly Chinese. Tnis mine is ojsrated through ttmneis driven into the hillside. Most of these have hre'i cluseil. The light against the lire is being made with water, but orders have liven re ceived from the suiierintendent in t heyeiiiie t lo try smothering. The mine will be closed for months. A Dozen Distinct Shocks. Ss FaAJtctsot, April 21. The eartitijnake which was felt here eaily this niorttittg waa general in this section of the Slate. Tiie shia k was very sha'p iu this city, ruit no se rious damage was done. Tiie wails of a few houses, including the United Siaies apprais er's building, in which the Federal courts are held, were crsckeij, and I here was con-! siderable alarm felt by per-ous w!io were j amused from sle-p. ' The most serious damage is reported from j Pajaro, where theraiiad hri.lge vr .sihrown two feet out of line and the approaches t ) it ilaniaged. Gas mains were ui-joii.ted at Uilroy, anJ many chimneys thrown down ill the neighborhood ol Wilsotit die.. In ! some localities as many as a doi di.dinct j lux.ks were felt. I A Ghastly Spep'.acie. I.KXtS'.ro. Mo.Apni 2o. At nom to day while the principal sire, t ot toa i wss crowded with people a man accompunitd I y a woman and two children ran. c-i great ex citement by publicly culling Ids il, r wt K'.d the veina in his wrista with , r... ir. II ; w taken to the hospital, wliera it i. h' is not fatally injured. Ti.e wouj lw .iiciiie was Pat Brenuan, and he had wa l:. J lit re from Weir Ciiy, K itiss, with his wife tu d children in search i f work. l said he could cure his stomach wbesnd i?.solvd to die rather than eridure the uct-, A Postmaster's Odd Plight. Balti moke. M l., April 2'.. I-v-'er c': V.. Thayer. pimaster of OnkUn l. Md.. w-,s held for the action of the IVted S:ats Court by Commissioner Rogers to day on the charge of withholding a letter ritteu by his 15 year-old niece, Jennie Johnson, to young Edward Maooon. Jennie is a grand Itn;rht er of Reverdy J.diiisoti and a !'.ieit;!.r of one of the mst prominent, farui.'i.n in ihe Stair. When her unHe I s letter in her handwriting and addrd to jlanwoi. trary to her parents' slshe, b turned it over to her mother. CSayton'a Assassin Known I.!TTt.K I?ock, Atk . April 2.1 Congt man I!re kiitridge stated yesterday that in hi. opinion ihe lime had arrived when the i kivcrnor f Arkansas thould remove the si-nl of secrecy thf I has guarded hi opera lions in the instil r of John M. Clayton's as-sa-nioHtmo. J''ent injuiry this sfter noon ! iose the f.ict that Coventor Edgle !its cisxver1.s within the wit few days, through private "Wides. evidence snflicient to convict the ,o wlioasraseintteil C layton Mr. U-er iiinridgr no doubt referred to thisin firniatiou in his statement yesterday. (..'overnor Kaicle has been rjuietly at work for months following np a theory regarding the te-rihie crime, and it is said that his la tiors have Ixvii amply rewardetl. Just why an arrest lias tint lieen ml is a matter at present ih1 underst! otitsiile of the Kxeru live itcpartment. It is believed, however, that the man through! to be the aisassia it under constant surveillatu. ot a political cams. It is thought that at an early period in the investigation by the committee from Con gress lijvernor Etgle will lay theevidence he has secured before the members and the arrest will probably be made then. It la claimed that the evidence will be all that is necessary ta convince the public that the as sassination wa not of a political nature. The evidence on hand, it is said, will show that the assassin believed Clayton to be K-ov-ernor Powell Clayton, and fired the shot be lieving that he was about to avenge the death of a relstive, whose life was taken in ISiiS by Clayton's militia. Governor Kig'e is at present confined to his bouse with fever, and has not bean ap proached on the matter of making public the information he has on band only through his pri ate secretary, whom he directs to night to m ike no statement whatever until at a proper time, presumably when the mat ter is placed before the investigating com luittte. Rescued 3uffrera. Kvtov U"Hr, April ' The steamer Ia cvtiih, Captain Mitchell ill -ommand, has reached heie from ihe overflowed district and put 1' or' orifri Mnpl and a large .pianlity of . The pH..pie put off were mostly negroes whofouud no difficulty iu ovii i-nipl'iy tiient. i'l'e host transported l.'iOO s"Ople to this sid, ard coitlil have brought many mere, lint the people said the river was falling and they preferred to stay and take the chances in Pointe Coujiee. A refugee wus sren on our streets to-dy ii!i a dog tied at one end of a rope and a rooste; at the other, fhis was hia only prop erly. H carried theiu alternately in his arms to give iheiu a rest. The insiple on theti-nsse Tete have de- ided to stsi.d by their home, come what t, d are raising their rl sire, er-cting pla'lor.ns for their stiw k and laying in a s.ipp'v of pri.visions for man and beast tuf Ccieni to withstand the coming siege of waters. Tney aill be practically cut off f oni i-oniiiiui'icatioii with the outer wot Id px.vpt by ti legrnph w hile the II od remains ,, . After the Gro-w Tete coutiMy p.M-s under, Ihe walera will How onwa'd Iu tliet; lifin its course, inundating large sec lions of ihe parishes of Bwrviile. Assump tion. I.ifourche, Terrelsinne, Sr. Mary and St. Mi'iii', and probahlv a portion of Iberia. It w ill lid tbeirreat basin lying between the Lafourche and Atchafalaya rivers from the U-d river to the Gulf, turning a most fertile section into a great inland sea for the time being. The floo l is one of the most disastrous In the history of the St ite, and is only exceeded by the ri ds of 18T4 and lo8-'. Not less than fiftetn parishes, or one fourth of the State, are oMected and the damage is almost i'icaltiahl. Io it is estimated that the loss was $l.i,M0O,GOO. It will probably ex cec half that amount this year. The srea artrtited wiil be almost as great, but the wa'er wi'l nt lie on the land so long. In issj ihe breaks in the levees occurred on a rising river, while th's Ji-sr the Mississippi had bciiin to fall sha'ply from Cairo to Yicks'uirg Im fjre the most disastrous crev-as-es-, those of the present week. To rtelieve Flood Sufferers. Washisotos, April, 25. A joint resoln tion wis pissed todtv In the bouse S"d senate, np" Mating $1V,001 to enalde th se-retHrv of w;ir to is-u rations for the re lief of destitute people in the oveiHowed dis trict by the Mississippi and its tributaries. Mr. Cannon of Illinois reported the resolu tion iu the house. He iirgJ the necessity of iwwdiaie f'nvernmeutal aid. The appro priation waa stilllrient to enable the secreta ry to give one ration a day for 21 days to .Ti.t'oo ople! Mr. ltland of Missouri in rjuired where ovigtess found the authority to appropriate money for the elief of the pts-p of the various Stales. Air. Cannon replied that bs found it in prpeedents and in the starving demands of S-VOtK) eop!e. The j :iiit resolution was passed, 130 t 24. The Insolence of .Tramps. C:i ihk'HsM bo. April 2'i. A gang of eieht tramps wit to the house of Samuel Leh man, a farmer living one mile north of here, early this morning' and ordered a hot break fist fr the pirtr. The men had slept In the bsrn all night. t"p-i the refusal of the wo men to erx.k a meal for them they beat Leh ma" nnd his son werelv, and trr--rixd the neighborhood. They then passed through town and broke oiien two houses south of town. The firmeea in Ihe vicinity sent to town for ns!tspce, and a tvtrty composed of ser. sral effieers sml a half dozen farmers started in piiruit. Thev csmt up with the gans; rtrar Mnnn. The tramM showed fight, and a con s'ah'.e shot one of them through the lee. Th -of them wre finally captured, and plseel in jiil hereto-nigh. The action of the trumps caused preat ex-ci-ement smote th- farmers, and threats of lynching were freely made. A Tragedy In Altoona. Ai.tooxi. April 2o At 1:23 o'clock this rrKfTiing lltnil Rittman, sgeil 3.1, forstierlv of Cleveland O.. while very rtiifh under the ipfi'tence of liquor, entered the sleeping spfimnt f Ida resideice, on Second ave mi. 1h' cifv, and railed to his wile: "Yon hsve only hs'f an honr to live" As Mrs. IVttmsn spring from her bed the drunken man polled I'm revolver and fired several -Vii at b; r as she run from the room. One j bullet shuttered a hvne in her left arm at the shoiihler and theseconil bullet entered at her bsck. passing almost through herbod's. Ri'tmsn then fired htillet into his head and fell dead. Mrs. Rittmsn will probahlv re cover. The c.riple had been married about a year. Used OH to Start the Fire. Mm. TUrner f-homing, of Ijlrimer, nsfd oil in kindling a fire yesterday. The oil ignited and communica'ed with that in the oun, causing a frightful explosion, setting tire to Mrs. Slinming's clothing and also setting ; -e to the house The womart ran for the creek, but fell exhausted on the bank terrih'y burned. The fire in the house was evinsui.'hed before much damage was'done. Mrs. Shoiuing is still living but cannot re cover. Death by Fire. BainosroaT, Conn., April 24. A fire early this morning at Shelton caused a loss of ioo.OtM and the death of Mrs. Slieer, who was ao bad'y bnrued that she died in half au hour, Several other were slightly burn wl and four families barely escaped in tbeir night clothes. The fire broke out in the Shtlion Comb Company 's faoiory, which was a wooden structure adjoining three others, all of which were destroyed. Hundreds are Homeless. Nxw Obl nxs, April 24. The Points Pleas ant levee broke to day and the Tensos Par ish is flooded. It U said that S20,0t)0.WO worth of property will be destroyed . Many families are homeless and cattle are dying from siarvs'ion and thousands have been drowned. The suffering among the people is great. COV. CAMPBELL'S PERFIDY. He Is Charged With Co-Operatlng With Republicans Three Years Ago. Cot t jsbi-s, Ohio, April 27. W. 8. CspH lcr, termer Chairman of the Republican Wate Committee, and who was summarily depcssed as State Railroad Commissioner by Governor Campbell, has been Interviewed, lie says be expected to be reorganized out of nfUce by tbe Legislature, but did not expect Campbell would come to the rescue and do that which the legislature could not accom plish. He makes sensational charges against Campbell, and says that be co-operated with the Republican State Committee thrva years ego for the defeat of Powell, Democrat for (iovernor and run him l.fiJO behind him in the Butler district. He also charges that Campbell has appointed Norton Chairman of the Democratic Committee, to raise funds and assist In foisting his coupler and patent beater on tbe railroads. The charges are re ceiving extended attention by both parties. WANTED HIS DAUGHTER. But Failed to Pull Her Out Through a Convent Gate. Pittsburg Diipatch. , YonaoiiTowit, April 27. During tbe past week Hugh Moore, a laborer, residing here, made a desperate effort to obtaiu his daugh ter Blanche, aged ID, who is in a convent in Cleveland, on Bterliug avenue. Moore and his wife, alter residing here for more than 20 years, separated eight years ago, Mrs. Moore taking the daughter Blanche to Cleveland. The father last week visited Cleveland, and after a long search found the girl in a Catho lic con rent. Ha was allowed to converse with her through a small opening in a partition, in the presence of an attendant. When the latter turned awav, for a moment Moore made a desperate rifort to pull his daughter through the opening, hut failed, and clain s that he' was forcibly ej-cled from the build ing. He asserts he will yet secure iKissce sion of her. General Benjamin F. I.utleris worth $o, OiO.'JOO and lives in a alace at Ixiwell, Mass. He makes $100,01111 a year, but would take the Pieaideucy of the United States at regu lar rates. SCROFULA It that Impurity of the blood whlcb produces unsightly lumps or swellings in the neck; which causes running sores ou tlio anus, legs, or feet; Whlcb develops ulcers tu tlie eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or deafness; which is the origin of pimples, can cerous growths, or 'humors;" which, fasten ing upon the lungs, causes consumption and death. It la the most ancient nf ail diseases, and very few persons are entirely free from it. How Can It Bo CURED By taking flood's Sarsaparilla, which, by the remarkable cures it bas accomplished, bus proven Itself to be a potent snd pocullar medicine for this disease. If you suffer from scrofula, try Hood's Sarsaparilla. "Every spring my wife and children have been troubled with scrofula, my little boy, three years old, being a terrible sufferer. Last spring he was one mass of sores from bead to feet. Wc all took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and all have been cured of the scrofula. My little boy is entirely free from sores, and all four of my children look bright and healthy. " W. B. ATncRTOX, Passaic City, N. J. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by alt drag-gluts, gl; six for 85. rreparedonly by r.L liOOU CO., Apothecaries, LoweU, Mass. 100 Doses Ono Dollar PsniM Wc Lira Eeplater. Tbe ouly sure and radical cure for CONSTIPATION. BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION. and all disorders of the Liver, has cured hundreds of people, aud U Ibe only remedy for ltite ills eaues, and in eases Id which tbe must nklllml have mtei ly tailed. Testiimmia s from hundred s of people living Id Blair Coutitr. Peiiin-vtvaoia. M manufactured by 1). T. KKTKI.N'o, VML-I.IAV-iBt Kii, FA, for the H. T. U K. Co.. and lor sale by all llruKgiiHSat W cents per bottle. None Kcniiiue uule the label sriows the In dian Arrow-head Trade Murk. 4-:'90-yr. DO Y0C KNOW That yon are buying direct from the distil'er when you send your erders to I". IC Lipjien cotl, the old fasbioued Whiskey bouse? No rectifying; no cutupiunding, but direct from the "Liprcxivrr Distili.ikt," situated at l.ippencotl Post office, lireene county. Pa., winch bas always maintained its reputation of making pure prmdioiiy. Our mail onler department gives prompt attention to all orders, and at the prices we offer our Hoods, makes our cometitors en vious. We carry in stork the following well known brands of Kye Whiskies, in quarts, irallons and barrels : h:ppencott's. t Iverholt's tiihson.Oiickenheiiner, Mononirahela, Grays, etc.. Also a full and complete stock of Wine. Brandies, Gins, Ac. M'l-ltf ttr Price Ltd and Hive money. I. H. hlHPEMCOTT, Distiller and Wholesale Ltquor Dealer, &iit Sniilhfield St , Pittsburgh, Ii. ALL STEEL FRAME SPRING-TOOTH HARROW. A WOXUERFI L IMPROVEMENT IX SpRINGTOOTH - HARROwS Teeth Quickly Adjusted by Only Loosening One NnU The Best TOOTH HOLDER EVER INVENT ED. Tlie tooth is held in position l y a ratchet, with which it can be adjust ed so as to wear from fifteen to eighteen inches off the point ot the tooth, which is four or live times as much wear or service as can be obtained from any other Spring tooth Harrow In existence, For sale by (XaS. B. HOt-PEBBAUM, Somerset, Pa. j. & jacob mmi n, PAVJDSVILLE P. O., (Someret Co., Pa., AgentM for the) THE WHITEU HOOP POLE MOWER, WHJTELY SOLID STEEL BINDER, WHITELY AND CHAMPION REPAIRS. --0 . 4Ordeis for Machinery and Repairs Left at i J. H. Miller's Hardware Store, o Somerset, P., -will be Attended to Promptly. Jfsr-A Sample Marhine is now on Eihl bition at Mr. Miller's Store. Call and see il. J. & JACOB KACFJIAX, JR., PavldsTille P. 0., Somerset, Pa. FIFTH AVENUE. PITTSBURGH, PR.. SILKS. SILKS. SILKS! Do you want any thins in Silks ? Here's the place and now's your time. ALL SILK' SURA IIS, erery desirable shade, 00c. yard. A superior quality, o?erT( different shades, 7c CHIRRED GROS CHAIN, 50c., 75c., and $1.00. KAT1N KUADAMKS, every shade, 85c. and $1 00. 1 LA 1 N' INDIAS, front 37K to $1 00. TRIXTKI) 1X1)1 AS, newest designs, 6c., nd $1.00. CLAN TARTAN SURAHS, for Miaees. $1 00 and $1.23. STRIPK AND PLAID SL'RAHS, for Mi8ses,0)c. per yard. CHOICE TRIMMINGS AND COMBINATION SILKS, in Stripes, Tlalds, Moires, Per sians and Krocaiiea, from 5oc. up. Ioyou want a nice BLACK SILK DRESS, or a few yards for nxlnft np? Allonr Blaek Silks are Kuarantetxl. If any tiling hapjiens we'll make it good. We keep all tbe favorite weaves over a dozen good ones. Prices for good wearing Iilack Silks, 75c. to $2.00 a yard. Tbe favorites ars $1 and $1.25. TRIMMING VELVETS, 40 different shades. rH'SHES, all colorsand qualities. SILK FINISHED VELVETEENS, 50c., COc , and 87lc. Through our well conducted XAIL1X0 DEPARTMENT you can get samples and ste what you want. Orders promptly tilled. NOTICE. Thoueh we have occupied this space to tell yon about SILKS, remember we have the fluent Dress Goods, Suits and Wiaps, Carpet and Curtain lepart.uenta all very complete. Come aud see u, or write for what you want. CAMPBELL & DICK. e"G00D ENOUGH" Famhi E O H ni2 X " r- w m ?? o Ss5 " r ' x 5 S " p - r. n e - ;5a 1 3 f- o g M O GOOD 1 1EN0UGH OIL AND GASOLINE CAN! MAUI FACTt tD v Tbe linlleld Manafg Co., Warren, 0. Every Faijily Should Have One N'oDroppng Oil on the Floor or Tabla No Faucet to I-eak. or grt knocked open U Waste Contents or cause Explosions. 1'umf tnd Can close automatical ly Aia No Lcehao No Evapuration ISD ABSOLUTtir tAft. A Unlvertcl Household NecesaltJ CiT.Ti 2713 633 mE2-C ForSala In S!iineret by J. B. HOF.DKKR At'M, M. WHRtV'K. KANTNKH & 1'I.Afr, K. II. CUKKKoTH, KltK.VSK & KlHtaEK. TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LAIS to the pnivision of sn Act of As"ern bly uf Heniiylvanl lireetlnn the mode of ell Inir iiiiele-i lainl- (or taxes. pnsel the t.Hlh day ol Mairb, A. ii. lM.j. ami ilieeveral opplemenu thereto, the Treasurer of Hoiuemel tiouuly hereby Kive notliT that unieM the Sehool. County and kiuul Tain, due on the fotluwina unwateit lamia are paiil before ihe day ol wle. the hil or uc.h part of nu ll iraet or parcel of Unit at will pay the taxe arid mnir, will be raid at tbe tkurt Hmue in ckimemel BonKiali. ou MONDAY, JUNE 9. 1890. For the snearagen of taxes due and costs accru ing thereou : Af'RKS TOWNSHIP. TAXES. 0 ADinSitX. 401 Ah-ott K'lwanl f 12 .W jmi rii.Trv Aaron .. i II i-iime ;i Tn-t-len. A M Jl H ml Caleb I Sin thi 14 46 12 .alliu.'hT Henry ; :l Henry helix..- SI 4.j 'ohn II J9 i III hteill'Pbllip "- 417 I'htTry .Mary K........ 14 4i 4. I lu-rry Aaroii- ... 1 "t 4no,4' t 'herrv Jerry K .. Ill 71 4:11 t'herrv 17 07 4J4 Iloml'Aiiel lii 77 4JI Huo.H'leb Iti 71 4JI H.HJ Jy 16 65 4J4 Jifhtia 16 6T 4tii) T.mi riii;i.... t:i 6-' 441 Tom Benjamin 12 :K tv'tirm k t rwlcriea s .tit White John 4 16 White tl.iine . 7J 4'l WLite A-IMlu. ft 60 : M.mrf Jiime"..- 7X1 Jul 1 iwk-r M a 40 lm Trv-lerC 3 40 4oD U Int.. t'hrioplier.. 7 15 4J4 lltd.lle James 6 S7 4.'t BH1 Wi'.liain. S 50 2V ilixtre Hiram 5 !4 ALLEUUEXi: 309 Coff.-oth & Wilmoth Y Ofi 4 ('Sffk John.... . 7 7'i 4ud'J MiiH Jo-epti 1". 4.4 4liV Amorlne Fuilip.. II -j) Mih:u11 (ieorge. . 1 ."! l. Vora.-Peter 21 16 4e''i Allies Thomas.. 'St 71 310 Tom il muel 12 MO !4- lierry Jaimn 11 3 lot KfKrin A jljlatei. i ih 40 Maine 84 It) Same ....... 6 72 L'1CA'. 102 Gebhard tit llurehley Hr. U. M..... S lots Buvchley Pel-r. 17 Acres llneehley & Hay. :niH IVnii William 4 1 , l.ufUmiw Nathau bi Kleek Jacob .... t K11116 Kraut ;Ls2 Prtise Isaac . 1 Lot Knnmell Jara? Si Meven IVter V. Miller J. H Same .. I 3 en 44 66 i) M 6 Xt bn ua 1'. U6 a m 86 10 1 00 7 12 10 76 24 73 27 00 U 17 10 Sfi 27 40 6 hi 2; 411 1 4:1 SI XI 4; l 1 Ss w ; hi m 4 3 X 3W :W4 4UII r4 41-j 41M mil 400 MM '2i an i A ii Torn l'lnah Tom Ka. hcl . Kmldy Jolni D.... Keam Jacob J minufsjohu .... Kennedy Koliert Koldy John I'. S-nht TIiiiukm B lrwla & Wolf. l ox H tVov . . Atfl.inon J ).... Bim'hlty A t.Mi HotHhue Ceorire 'aliln:l . t'al'lttrll HuUiUcL Shall John.. C'ulin Jouu ami Kat. B RO THE US I'A LIE Y. ACRKS. 41. 1 21)7 l'O 11 I.nfbaurh Nathan ., Somu A i.rmt.aio Vthl A fore.ry Hay Hlmrn t coxfli exce r.onoiv.t. I)rarJ.' Im J. A ...... ... Hav Fatrirk . McKrmmn Johu . J'almerC. W hjrar Jainea Sharp iNtvid - -. Si h.xib JoM-pli.. ainydvr i. B Troutman Wtq... Wallace W W Water I'redeikV... Calli'jrhaq Tbouiaa. .. W.J.. Bleln J. 4..j: Z. 4 . i !.. 1 a Lots 6 1 2 .1 5 1J 1 II 2 2 4 2 5 M 1 3! 2 11 4 II 1 'I 2 Itt 1 II 4 lit 2 II 1 JO 5 bl 1 ELK IKK. ACRES. 27-, '-, 'JOS 4.H 4:t JIM 4111 Jt 4i 4UU Lou. I J 1 4 a i 1 139 AIRES. 4.-.; 4 Lots Bearhy A. P Wolfcmlier:er H 4 ll. lirandmaii ( harlw ... Meyer Martin lu trust forty Jame 54. t 'orey 1 hoimtt Slar. b linr.l, ....... M.xire John lure k.uoa...... lUtl Jusrph Wuller-lienttr P J 0. t 'orey Ju.a Knorie .tjneph l4erv Hatiittfl . ltali hrr Jantb llralidlnr J. X. V. Knude James, Liu it) T. (MUttc, Tlowell Powell Wlnitert t.eM-ge A.... (tupliart Silttou. . Wolferberjer it Co Same .. Vax Lewis 0KEEXY1LI.E. 92 47 9 15 i 7S 4 :t 3 M U Ou 4 W 1 12 19 W 3 47 9R 2 Hi 3 24 1 Si 5 37 1 92 Kl ( 224 1 2S 45 2 69 ACRK9. 4UU Johnson Thomas W JEFEERSOX. Fllrk Ludwlek t.alhraitti Mary titOsOo Jame Adams Barbara Uuau William. . JEXXER Beam Ulram 21 3 100 40U 4"IU 817 1 TS t 19 17 2 22 4 7i 123 LARIMER. LOTS. 1 I.lnt fiilllan 72 I O Neal llaruvy. 61 AIRES. 1-2 Brlnham 5eonre W.. 2 16 1 Lot Hlmiuaki-r Michael 2S 1 WIlDiolh A 4i At'Rfa. 7.' W1H Woirrmbenter.... 10 2110 boa man John.. II al LOWER TURKEY WOT. 41 Artlzana Drptnlt Bauk. jr. 49 411 Jiark liwinte 2:i 42 !.';( Roddy John l . 10 no 4il Mter v. and John 2:1 Mt Forward A Htiicuii ft S4 II nirlln Isaac 2(01 Sullivan Ir lo. 1 o tsi Uiidemaii I) H.. 3 Wl M1DDLECKEEK. 2M Conner A Connelly 10 m 1-2 Not Known . .. l JHEYESSDALE HOKOIVU. LOT.J. 1 Hanllnr James 4 VI 1 Keim John :i 75 t l.indeman Holomau. 2 00 1 I't. tiiiir Heury . 7 .'o 2 Fugle Johu. 7 50 4 Hay V 8 r in 2 l.wrnjriidd Jai-ol......M u mi 1 kai'i-nsiTHfi John -j "41 1 Walker Henry L .... 2 U) I Frt 7 50 1 MU-r John ... & ml 4 Itrollier lieonri- 6 :!S 2 Keim Silaa eatate. S .'ill 2 Wfller J..nalhao 1 75 . 1 Turner John 1 75 1 Slaub William.. 1 75 XORTIIAMPTOX. ACRES. 214 Toffiwh A. II it 11 J"! Finrleka I'ha'les ; r W eld Henry T 12 74 """ Some al 67 104! Same . s hi . . Same. 11 I Hame... 1.1 In 46 Stiue 1 mo 4IO Same ... 6 6 215 Sain..... k tu 4iri Same. ....... 17 64 ;i7H Same . ja )5 2f4 Wfld it bb.Tl.lan 17 00 &A Saute 17 2fm Same 1:1 rj :V,h'i Same .. ........... 17 65 HI Same 1:, 4 1U0 . Hamrr.biK William.. 7 40 7 Wadenian Mary .. 47 65 W'ailenian Fiieellla. ...... 2 K6 210 Wieteman Ann ' 1:; H6 luo Wilt 4t Wolien.rer. .. a 60 1 28 Ceifrer iMniel 1 ,s5 OOLE, J"S .tohnon Benjamin 37 71 2t Richard Samuel 21 6 415 Wert Matthias 41 16 H f 'hrirt Hntth n v2 -M0 Jone Jamea . m m 400 Berkley Huith 1-2. 19 7 4.5S Horner Ga.le 52 SI 24i 1-2 Lllbam Jowuh 16 74 4.3! 1 2 Shaw Benjamia 29 57 4 w 1-2 Clark Jamea 14 4.W1-2 Mre Abraham 2J 67 Lt Haines Adam . 7 40 4 1-2 Kupy Jo-lah , 29 57 41-2 Apple Andrew..... .. . 2 : 400 1-1 SUiw John 27 ou 4irt 14 Weymon Hennauua 27 00 4l 1-4 Station Klehant 27 01) 4H11-4 Thoniimt William..... 27 00 402 3-4 Wert Jonn 27 14 :xrf Walker Iwl -jt 47 137 Tbornton William si 400 Swiatb" Thomaa 27 00 4i") Trirt Eliiabeth 27 IM K16 J'oor John... -j m, f 4S1 lvl Johu 29 IM 4;-'. Folk Owen 294:1 4:16 l.vle James 29 4;J 4::l lirffltl, Edward 29 (H 4: Lvb- James. . a 4: 4 -1 Folk Csleb 2v 21 4 Folk Caleb Jr. 29 4.1 4tl PrieeJolin 29 OS Imo Whitehead Jarnes . is 50 21 Ittikeep John 14-15 . 15 12 4.;s Kenioa Jaeob B 29 57 Warrick Itt.n. 2 xl 4l Barton Tturnia 14-15. 25 20 150 Horner Franklin.. 10 13 VAIXT. 404 Tillon William 3t Ot H-i Coibom A. J 5 os :! Same. j, 37 H Wenu Thomaa U 7 rw 407 Same.. 17 90 1 Lot Weaver Lydia 1 44 ROCK WOOD BOROUGH. Lota Albright George heirs 40 Sams 40 Same Hi Same ho Benf inl tie .rire 3 00 Fik Franklin a 50 Pavan Josephine. 2 70 Same , a 51 liorsllt-h Ihaar 2 51 PbiliiT4t Jaeob S 2 20 Seltrrt A W .. 1 uo Shulu lianiel..... . 1 iu Same uo Same 1 00 Same 2 00 SHADE ACRES. 22 Arkerman f?-irje. 66 42 Beoford tieorire. 3 4a 2t Berkeybile Albert...... X :it 26 Same.... 'j 1 400 Clark William 59 56 S70 Same ... 54 H5 Caoipbell Marifarel..... 3! H5 2-"7 Fiatle J",n.. 22 41 47S Intuit Jaraea u. 0:5 4i2 New bole Johu 341... s;l :I6 395 1-2 Viiilieral Samuel... 42 11 1"7 HiteahueUideoo. 15 4H I S Same 40 96 3- si Campbell Mary Jr 176 22 Lohre Franklin 166 4. tvrael Israel 51 ;g Aii'1er-wi Kainiiel . 40 51 2. Wllllama Jeosr 10 66 11 Weyaa l Iianirl Esi.... o5 175 7.1'iiMjennau Joseph... Is .'-0 w I I Frrrr SimiHi 20 39 21 Hellajamea. H ri s 12 m.aksr Ja-.,b 4r 210', i Hue-tM-w til.le.ns 17 0 4 "- 26 40 tu 1 vrr)s. Ae-- AViaadcr, 1-A. 90 1 a win f, r r mb 1 ai haiitut 1-4 4 13 1 t S 1 -ssrs. savrati 19 14 " - l h-ha IS 75 J 1-eH karlM-l 1: n l' . llilel... ;l B.5 ! I i ar.-fc xirwh 2t 17 I I " vraj I lua helra . 73 Ai'kt.4 !'. 1-nr-l.m n 12 02 ktly A Brtuhaui..,.,,. 165 . 7 aaim- 1 5-j S 1-2 Same 73 417 ( 2 Rouey j.aiea .... 27 59 82 C i,p rlainufi.. 2 10 SUBMIT. ACRES. 1-2 Swede Iron Coal Co. 7 0 320 Krelder Andrew 13 :w 402 Ztifall William 7 611 1 IxH NiKiu Hennr 1 vo 1 " liarrab tj. H j 4N UPPER TURKEYEO0T Kin K P.... ,..... 5 Kiai(i B , j 55 Miekey lkniel....,l 7H Unit. rook H L. , 1 7 Maine . M 44 5U 15 :tl II 300 ft Lots a ' " Viiintlit Jobn,. , 10 2K Odlin Mark , a 06 Culeman I loran. 41 W timer JacuU ,.w. 17 Witt II II 17 iHsan Wm. A. 1 02 Forotier LeRuy ....... 9 Wilt ii II 17 Veimer Jervmiah. 24 Hall Wm. L 1 50 URSIXA BOROUGH. 15 ACRES 1UU Lot". 1 Cobb Fry-never. 1 23 3 lln-yiin Yoiicf Ji Co. 2 21 kodilyJohuD 1195 Same 11 hs 1 Stheil Haury F 1 04 ACRES. 160 Yutzy E D 2- 0C 2 ftl Nan: SO 1 " Cnouinifhaiu W. beirs. 72 2 " I'bl Johu H 1 20 Sile to commence at 10 o'clock a. k. GEORGE J. BLACK, Treasurer f Same rat Coast, Peoa'a. Tskisraca's Drriri ) ScuueMet, Apnl S, 'W. 1 P. ". Pertoni paytrur taxes oa any of the land ZTJl.f.JVZ Dih.u"1; Zi wdU ir advertising and few, FOSTER lc DRY GOODS AMD CARPETS. At No. 315 Main Street, IN NEW BUILDING, WITH NEW Carpets, Oil Cloth New Dress Gfiofls, k LTaving lost our store-building- be pleased to see our old friends in our prices will be the lowest. " BEYER HO IT AGAIN !" Was doubtless tiie advice given to George Washington at tlie epL-iode of the Cherry Tree. " HKVIR M IT AGAIN !" Is our advice to you, if you have been paying too much for vour Furniture. " We Love to be Liberal, but I late to Lose what we Give.'' A GRAND CHANCE! For buyers to obtain Furniture of all kind-', at little more than manu facturers' prices. If yon have been passing our store without gctiingout prices, turn tin it agiiii, for you lose every time you do it, COFFROTir & CO., SOMERSET, PENN'A. Louther's Main Street, Tliis Model Drug Store is Favorito with People in Search of FRESH AMD PURE DRUGS, Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Sponges, Tmses Supporters, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, tc. THE DOCTOR GIVES PERSONAL ATTESTI0X TO THE COMPOrSDlSU 07 PIiysicians'PresGriiitions i Family Receipts 6 BEAT CARE BEIXQ TAKEX TO CUE 0SLY FRESH AXD PVRE ARTICLES SPECTACLE S, EYE-GLASSES, And a Full L?ae of Optical Goods always on hand. From such a large assortment all can be suited. THE FIHEST BBMDS OF CIGABS Always on hand. It is always a pleasure to display our oods to intending purchasers, whether they buy from us or elsewhere. J. 5V1. LOUTHER, M. D. MAIN STREET - - SOMERSET.PA. Highland Stock Farm! 11 ii a illf -' ALHAMBRA ! Bay Ho-se 1.V3 hamU h;Kh, we ght, 12JI) pounil.i, rei-on) :3i. Wired by Mi.iilletown, record H- ha- ten in ihe 2 .'til test, running tmm 2:18 tj2:3L. He wm sired hv Rysilvk-. HamhletnniKii So. 10, vim ha sireil more speed pmdncinn sons and rran I nons than any hor on the tmtin lur'-. Alhamhra's is onirht after, one rivYnfv hoiiiK sold by 11. Wilson, f Bridi?H(Hr', West Viminia, to a party in K-Mirm-lt v fir HIUtldollars. Henry Srhiii'i"fc-r. of Hitop, III., orfereij one lliou-snd dollars (,,' a ttm-e Tear old son. The ntler derlintst. I lifis. s high as -f "KKAI have Ue i made for one of hi.-i (jet. Weeipeot to put three of his et in It e 2:30 class this fill. Parties wish-on lo brvfd for Sil. or fimilv drir, i'iir to his kind ilisniiiori mi(it find his rqoals in the mum v. H la Us ure nut bait" his real value. Terms li'i.ijo. DRAFT. 1C J T ('rey ' eolor, woL'iiiujr 1.S0O. r(,t hy Invarnrie, will al-o JwIliN, stand at my farm at $10 insurance. This horse liiw a gootl reputation for hrcciliii"; tojipy, STRATH EARN, ton or over. Will stand at Mcyersdalc ami Uci lin. beinnino; April Htlt at stable of Mr. Uriel, in Meycrsilale. Scroml week at Derlin. ami alt-r-nnte week about, at $15 insurance. Parties losing colts. Jm!f price : 1 injr mart; and colt, no charge, fc'tratliearn is iiuiloiibtedly finest Chile Horse in tlio county, ami is so acknowledged by our best horsemen. J 1 1 - colts have sold for more money than any ot'ier Iraft Colts in the county Walt Ilcfili'y sold one. coming three years old. to tiie Farmers' Stock C. at Stoyestown, for $-(M). 'J'wo others, same aire, to parties in Ohio, fo; $300 each, l'eter Iuinbauld sold a jreldiii": three years old. past, for $280, tho highest price ever realized for a gelding iu the county. John Meyers, near Uerlin, bred, and has a weanling that weighs !0 jiouinls. Weanlings repeatedly sell for $100 to $11.". It only pays to breed to the best, and it is the big draft horse, weighing fifteen to eighteen hun dred, with action like a pony, that commands the big ju ices, and i brccding to this horse you get the remarkable action. To tiie breeders of Uerlin and vicinity, it seems nnnecessary to say anything. As tc the stockmen of the Meyersdule district, we can assure them that they never had a superior Clyde iu their section. I will alpo sti.nd my j Mood Clyde tiorw, piirire, bniwn in color, we'zJen? 1 Parties winhip to breed to a chea-er horse can do i at 10 tit) insurame. W'" stand as follows: First we"k, lieu-iiinins April Uh, at Berlin; sei-n I t, 'sv'"- mng April zis'. at oniernft ueelt almut lliroughont ttieiseai-on. I hi nor- wen known id Berlin a a remarkable utoi k.iretter. Hi dam, kmivn as the Ileutuiinjrer nare, weighing 1900 being by old I QUINN, and stock on Clinton Street, we world our new j.lace. We asrc'tlicm tli 't FOSTER &QUINN. 1 . " Drug Store, Somerset, Pa. Rapidly Becoming 2. Great BOSTON ! Litflit bar. l.'ij lianJ hih. 3 years o'it. will weitrh whfn fully matuivil 1 liJ Kiunds. This ii one of tlie ben brvsl colts in Amerii'i. bting brtJ like Mauil S . wliix iwinl st-imU niiMiiaIlf .l -iMi. Dnis of Man I S. ami I! i"toa "iitv h ilf brother an! sister, th"ir rmjieilive ilumi being ty OUl Boiton. T lor ouj;Iilirsi anJ never was beati-ii in s rare His son x:ii!iin jirolurel morertinmri th:in any oi(n?r horst" of hii il ly, beini; beat en by stI Miilw.iy, tmitlier anJ i i.ster in bloo'l. l'in; a sn of rton. IJi.iston ?:re bv Alliamhra. by MiiMIe town. by Iiys,lylco II im i!ei-tian. Kintt lam Miililay. by Ii lurlxin t'tiirf, he by Mam brino t'liii-f. f.inl darn b 13 Htot. riunol 2 in, Palo Altn, J1JV; these da-m having the tlioniiiuhhix) bl'd which gi'W thnm their winiilrftil a three year Ikistoii ia liruiteil to lij 111 irt-j, at $oU insurance. HORSES ! stylisli. d, active horses. riiv lioise iinporteil from j-colIamJ )iv I'o well Urol hers, ami wuL'ln a NiMir. U 0 nas refuel lor ber. I ; 1 MM J HEFFLEYi