The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, April 02, 1890, Image 4

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i - ui. l .-k-i ul .l.rvk-4 kU 1
in'.J ii'i in tl.e y of'nuim: an.l coufu
li lt 1 lli"k the M'iwriKt tbitiff it
Hf ,11 ill y of llwt tiny mas to anatch up
im.k biil furr-i.e hundred lillar from
I.y.r l'M'in'i UW, where bf a"
int:iMit ixvue imwy, arvl vrry it on! of
il i n it.i ". He rati iIuhu stairs
fr.-r it, ' ut by tl.e tin-. be ba l rrarheJ
t!ie ;r- t llteliill a oui dOiM.
Mr. V.UUtn l.okel at the cro!eil side
walk, ami frit that it wonM tie a hope
lew jiie to follow money whirh by that
linw es either in tue jmt ket of aome
ihcr liy, or lilj?cJ oa tl.e roof of some
Mr. l.Uon wa ?retly anuoyi-l. The
iiuiuev be a rou.'iiinij a not hi own,
bus m rnt-, an.l lie kne h would
have !.. r-.lare it. He i'id not like Ifl
!. iimney undT any lirruiuKtano",
but t lot it in tbia ectin-bfw manner,
nrnl hen be rotilj I u i i jr no artion in a
fiiiirl of law njiainrt the au.litions rob-l.-r,
ui-ire than bis equanimity could
Ji the burilest thinjf tltat eu-r hap
j.i tie l to mf!" be tried, throwing bim
w.!f ir hi arm t-hair ami glaring anfti'y
nr.iiin.i him. "It's!! that l-otifoumled
woman Sit.iioua fault! What did ahe
tut an by leaving Uith windows open,
h'i.1 it ulrunp draught tbmnph the room
A fiiii- lioiiKefceeper fbeia! Ifi not the
i.nlv ii;-.taneeof her tbotthtlnvneaa. I'll
.li-tnia lierthia eryilay. I've a preat
miii.! not !o y btr a cent of her laM
it" !.!!l
J ;.it be rememliep'il Hint Mr. m
iion tiiitfht ilrlre llmt be bad given ber
i- tMi-t orderii, wbc:i fclie i lcaiie.i bin limine
and oili.-e, on .li'sant daya. to leave the
win. load up f'T nn hour, that the fretdi
air inicht rimilate. So as no blame
could lie atthcbed to aiiytliiti)? but the
w in.l, w hi. Ii a not a recionsilile party,
the lnwyer bad to content liimaelf with i:aiii-t bin own bard luck,
in a uma.i hoiie on the very t;tkirti
of I In' towti there no ctnnililinir that
i'i riviif. It wits a tiny little plav, with
I'.oacM in front and a trelli ajraitiMt
w tin h a Ih-i Mare lial Ni! r.wc wan
t ine.1.
In the front rin:i, very bare of furni
ture, but hliitiinjt with neatness, Mn.
'raft mi Kit at her e jug niHcbine. Her
on John, a l:nl of eighteen, bad jnut ri-
n lioin hi hre:ik liist, und was blittoniinf
i lii ii' kcl U'.'ore bii'llii; the nhurp
wind which wit H-rcechiii round the
.Mi'. trull on wh! n br'v'.t, active little, hardly a.-t :i:iddle ape. She was
.,.rly divined, but iiutnislal-Hbl v a ladj.
In every line of her resolute face, in eve
ry tone of her cheerful voice you reooir
nizfnl one of those rare nature which
u put aside all rcprets, all vain repin
inpfortbe past, and throw themmdvea
bead and soul into the work of the
John w not a liHiidsonic Imy, but hie
;ice r pi','i.oiiic if the stronp, resolute
liius which marked bis mother's, and
the Paine cheerful liirht i-bone from bis
brown eyep. His fault wasthat when be
w :nted anylliiii(Z, be wanted it so pas
sionately that it pouseswd big whole he
inir. and be would sacrilii anything to
attain it,
" Whew ! How thiitwind ibv blow !''
John cried, sbiveiin. "It chills the
marrow in my iMHies to think of fucii g it
a'l the way to the wan-honie. tlhl llan-w-!!
is aiwiivs cmk in this kind of weath
er, mi. I he'll n. die me fetch and carrv
uud biKle tno around till I'm tired
Poiipb to .Imp. ih, joi needn't look
Mt ine. ni jther '.' with a iKitjfh. " Iid you
i iiT know me to shirk wotk 7 I don't
ni t to lie errand !oy or lioy of all
work in a iiHrehouse all the davs of niv
I tiope riot," she answ red, pravely.
" i'.'i:. then, don't you know, mv son, it
iewiids wry inu.-h iiniii ,ir you do
your duty aan errand Ikij- whether you
will use or not? Hard work will never
liifp you down. In fact, it is the step
ping atone by w hich all poor boyg may
John paused, with bis band on the
" I'.xen if I do v.cll, mother," be said,
mid there whs a li.sconleijted ring in bis
vo'kv, " 1 have no education but the lit
tle ou bsve tHen able to pive me. Oh,
bow J .1 long to go to school ; Tint
"lidn't st me any thing, you know,
i.H the pnhlir school here are splendid ;
but tin n we'd starve to death if I'd stop
" If I p-t the woik of Sieven'a clothing
store, which they have partly promised
in.-." Mrs, said, - yon ,an stop
wom for a year, at least, ,Tihn."
Hetivi(l hn. kissed her.
- Vou'ic a dear, pnm mother, but that
i very uncritaiii. iUnh, 1 don't thin!
I oiiijbt t.ilct you slme VourM-ll'to iU'
lor me. We won't talk of it any moie."
with a siidi. ' Maylie something may
1'irn up."
Holding bis but (irmly on his bead,
John ojiened the loor to meet such a
bl i-t tint he u'linxt sUui-red. Itad
tcvs snd ilrii-l twips were blow n in his
face, and as beraisel bis band to brush
tin-in aside, it caught a piece of paper.
Ilaii' bonded as be was, be saw the pa
(s r was tf'ccn and silky. Another glance
mid be daited to bin mother, waving bis
' Ilnirali for the glorious March w ind,"
be shots. ed. " See, mother, what it has
broupt it ! A real, true, one hundred dol
lar bill: lHik at it! !ik at iT
" Sure eiiouph, it is '." bin mother said,
examining the bill. " What a strange
thing r
"What a good thing! What grand
thing f.r us, toother !" be criel, excited
ly. " J ust as 1 w as longing for a little
money I could g.i to school, slap, bang,
it ciiii'8 in my fa: ' He iered round
the room like a crary lioy. "That means
m-IkmiI for me, don't it, mother, and you
won't have to work so very hard T"
"stop a minute, John !" Mrs. lira Ron
aid. ' I'on't you understand the money
i riot tairsT'
- Wb.e i it then, I'd like to know T
his face falling. lt yon expect to tind
an owner for money that's just blown in
your face? Now mother, that' just ri
diculous :
" We must advertise the bill, not nam
ing the amount, of course," Mrs. Grafton
sail, disrvparding John's excited pro
test. " lesiiles, here is a little private
mark on the left hand corner ol the bill !
Isik' like a star in blue ink. Your fa
ther always mailed the larpe bills that
Vnino into hi rsaisession that he might
id-utify them if lwt. This bill may hive
Is-en blow it from a railroad car in pass
ing through, and if the owner does not
claim it when advertised, after a certain
lime the money w ill be yours,"
" It's going to take money to adver
ie.,"' John aaid, sullenly, big diaap
ioiutment was too acute for him to bear
it patiently, " and I'm sure I don't know
where rVi 'rV to come from."
-It will take very little. The adver
tisement w ill lie only a few words, an.l
the, owner of the bill, if he turns up, will
refund. If he does not app?ar, we cer
tainly w ill have done our duty to try and
find him. I will write out the adver
tisement aud yof ran drop it al the
t KtR'ltoic Ure S ruaoey wsoo?Hf- j
I it idsertlMit
A t.t ay li! jin.ii- r-
Jot.n k.ruftort t. .k w iUi bint to Kit work
that day. Ho was cross and anappi-h t
the other boys. 1 1 had no laughter, no
jeN but moody, discontented manner,
as if some on bad injured him. There
was a aense of grievoua injury in bis
heart. He felt that bis mot her'a course
wis defrauding him of what was j-iMtly
bis ow n.
lie had been carefully reared, and bis
mother's teachings of honesty and integ
rity had hitherto appeared to him like
Gospel trot lis, but the mere touch of that
bank-bill bad wrought an evil change in
the boy 'a feelings. Ue wanted the mon
ey so badly that be forced himself to be
lieve that he ought to have it.
I have elluded liefare to the mora!
fault in John r.rafUm'a character, that
when he craved a thing passionately, be
seemed to lose sight of every obstacle in
the way of his possession of it. His moth
er ba-t noticed and striven against this
trail, bnt for the first time in bis young
life he had been brought lace to fat witu
a serious temptation.
As be hurried horns to his dinner lie
paired irresolutel? before the othee of
the Hkkai i) and Pngered the advertise,
mentin his pocket. His mother reiersaw
the pajier unit be brought one home,
and she would not know if the advertise
ment were inserteii or not. If it was not
no oue w ould appear to claim the money
and it would be bis. He could go to
school ; be could make a nun of him
self. He act his lips, closely toother and
hastened home. He w as so much afraid
that bis mother would question him that
he talked incessantly upon other subjects
and told in nervous manner all the lit
tle incidents of the day. He hastily
swallowed bis dinner, ana saying heas
in a great hurry, hastened out. She called
after him :
I supp ise you attended to that adver
tisement, Juhn ?"
Hegsve a forced laugh.
' Now, aren't you in a desperate hurry,
mother, to get lid of that w indfall ? It's
all right."
" Was it all right V came the question
as he struggled with the wind, which was
as strong then as it bad been in the f ire
noon. Was a lie right? What was right
about bis w hole condiM? He tried not
to think, but bent his bead and pished
bis way;;!! clouds of dust and
The half sheet of a newspajier Hew in
hisf.v-e. He ranght it, and mechanical
ly glm-ed at its columns as he ptv-d
along. One fiaragriph arrested hi at
tention. It was part of a confession of a
noted gambler and forger w ho had been
sentenced to imprisonment for life in the
j"I had a good mother," it read, " and
I was an honest bjy. lint oue day I gave
way to a small temptation and I made
up my mind that though I would do that
one wrong thing, it would be for'he last
time. That was the first downward step
and it seemed to push ine down, till I've
got to the bottom."
John dropjied the paper, and stood for
a moment breathless. He had taken the
first downward step, but it was no: too
late to retrace it- He d t.-ihed to the
HrcitAii odice, banded in the advertise
ment, and then started for the store, W
tling a'iint the wind.
" You're a disagreeable old wind, aren't
you ?" he said to himself. You've
brought me a heap if thing! this day.
First money to tempt mean! make me
crazy, and then a piece of newspaper t
light the temptation. h. you're a ipieer
w in.l, anyway '."
The very day alter t'.iis a prim, sti.T
looking gentleman knocked at the door
of Mrs. (irafton's cottage.
" I've come in answer to your adver
tisement, madam," be said, w ben he w as
admitted, " I lost some money yester
day, ami I thought Iroib your advertise
ment that you might have foimd it. Ah,
I forgot to introduce myself. My name
is I'.ldon,"
" What was the amount of your bill,
sii ?" asked the widow.
" It was one hundred dollars."
" There is a private mark on this one.
Can you identify it?"
1 think bo. I often mark large bills
that pass through my hands and
t'.iis is the mark," showing a bank-note
w ith the identical little blue star in a cor
ner. "The bill is certainly yours, sir," Mrs.
(irafton said, placing it in his hand. "It
was blown in my jn's face as he was
leaving the house."
' Where is your gon?" asked the gen
tleman. " He is at work. He ifi never at home
except for bis meals."
The lawyer's keen eyes tfiok note of
everything. This Mrs. tinttton was a
lady, but evidently a very poor one.
There was hardly s camfort in the room.
Shoo! 1 be offer her a rew ard ? What
honest people tfiey must be, in the face
of such poverty not to have taken the
j money coming to them in such a way, ,
and said nothing alsiut it. !
'-rlease tell your son, mauaiu, to cad i
a this ad lress this evening about eight '
o'cl(M:k." j
He handed bera card. j
" fly the w ay," pausing as he wasaVint
to leave, "your narnis a very familiar t
one to me. Are you relate I to Charles
(rafton, f irme'ly a commission ukt-
chant in New Orleans?'
"He was my husband," she said. He
failed in buslneand died a few months
afterward. 1 drifted h.-ve with my little
boy, because I beard thai living wss
cheaper here than it was in a southern
" Charles Or.ifton was a distant con
nection of mine," Mr. Kidon said, grasp
ing her hand warmly. " Sand your son
to me to-night. I will see you again
He saw her again to some purpose, for
Mrs. C.rafton is now installed as house
keeper of the oh! gentleman's bachelor
establish mcnt. He is giving John an
" It all came of tfiat jolly old March
wind," John says, in telling the story,
" and I don't suppose in the whole world
a w ind ever blew such good luck to any
one person."
An Englishman In the West.
He was apparently insulted when
UcMiioned about his ability to tide and
answered that he could ride any kind of
a horse. A t-leepydooking bronco was
brought out from the corrals and sad
dled. Though be appeared half-dead he
waa the w orst backer in the beard. ' 'I'.'t
lifeless," said the foreigner, when the
pony was brought to hira. The Ik.js
said the "nag" would wake op after the
first mile and the visitor got into the sad
dle. He didnt linger long. The first
buck -jump placed him on the horse'
neck, and after the second he was in the
atmosphere. He turned a double somer
sault and landed on the sharp end of a
cactus plant. When he picked himself
up one of th boys asked what he thought
of the thoroughbred now. The 'piestion
ma le the Knglishnian turn pale.
jrootJ 'oss.- he answered, "but 'elopes tooj
bloomin' 'igh.- j
It U a cold day when an Atlantiosfcam
tt treetsan icebetg.
One of K;!cian Kollar'i Sto
" Ix'ii iii 5;nti," said Magician Ktl
hr to some, friends rvcvirly, "I saw
msny things done by tne native masters
of leperdemain that cere p'etcly 'stumped'
me and some scientific gentlemen that
were w ith ne. The most wonderful per
formance were in hypnotism.
" Framjce Cowasj.-e Jeejeebhoy, a
millionaire l'arw' merchant, sen of
Framjce Cowa,jee, the founder of the
Bombay Institute of Physical Inquiry
bearing bis name, gave me his word for
this remarkable story ;
"In the north of India win ft mo'.
hypnotist who possessed the power o.
hypnotizing himself. His wif.-, who
knew bis secret, was accustomed to re
vive biui whenever he exercised this ex
ceptional power. He kiiied a man, and
"was sentenced to execution. Several
days before the lime for the execution
he hypnotized himself, pissing into a
condition which to all appearances was
death. So jierfect was the semblance
that the Knglisli government physicians
who were called in officially certified
that he was dead, and ordered his body
cremated. Hut at this point h'w w ife ap
peared. She was stricken with giicf,
moaned and wept until the hearts of the
authoriti were touched. She was per
mitted to take away the body for pri
vate cremation. Then she revivtd her
husband, and together they escaped.
VitV.'7 7iv ''!.
Showing His Sympathy.
A 14 year-i'.hl Isiy went into his moth- j J
er's presence with one eye black, bis lies
swollen, and a ragged scratch across his
check, the blood from which be bad
w iped oil on bis shirt sleeve.
' Nicoi'emus," cried thu parent, as he
sncske.l in, " have you btvn fighting
again ?"
" N'oie," be sullenly grunted.
"Then what on earth ai's your face?"
"Jim (ireen's ma's dead' be replied.
" Well, suppose she is, w hat's that got
to do w ith your bunged up face?"
" I seed Jim jest now," answered the
lioy, ' and he looked avt ful sad and sol
cmns'irne.' " Well?"
" I didn't know what ter do to make!
him bright and chipper like, an' feelii.'
so sorry for him, I jest went up an' let
him hit me a few licks."
' lid it help Iii id ?" asked the mother.
"Help him?" echoed the boy, in a
surprised tone, "course it did. lon't
you think il'd make ymtfeel goivl to bust
a fellow that way, what had litktd you
every week for a year?" .l.'in'.t (ni.i
f I'fi'w.
For tie cure of the inflammation ai d
congestion calleil "a cold in the head,"
there is more pitency in Kly's Cream
r.ihn than in anythiri); else it is pot-sible
to preM-'ribe. This preparation his for
year past beer, making a brilliant suc
cess as a remedy for cold in the head,
catarrh and bay fever. I'sed in the ini
tial stases of these complaint. Cream
Halm prevent any serious development
of the symptoms, while almost number
les cases are on record of radical cures
of c'.ironic catarrh after ail other modes
of treatment have failed.
Don't Feel Well,
And yet you are not si k enough to con
sult a doctor, or you refrain from doing
so for fear you w ill alarm yourself and
friends we will tell you just what you
need. It is Hood's Srijiai ills, which
will lift you out of thai unce.tain, un
comfortable, dangerous condition, into a
state of oid health, confidence, and
cheerfulness. You've no idea bow po
tent this peculiar medicine is in casts
like yours.
A corked bottlf thit evidently had
floated alsut two thoussnd mile, was
picked up in the river rear Toinle Cou
pee, l.i., recently. It wrs opened and
the contents found to !a slip ofpnper
Waring t'nexe words : "Thrown over at
St. 1'aul, Minn., loth of April, 1SS1), by
12. C. l.ibby. Tinder please advertise
where it was found, and what date and
much oblijre j ours truly. Send this pa
per to tiie .St. !otiis A'17111. 'die to advertise."
The paper was dry and well preserved,
and the characters not in the least de
faced. The paper was mailed to the
Interested People..
AJvertiiri; a palent medicine in the pe
culiar way in which the proprietor of Kemp's
buliuuTi, for ( ViifjiH arid oM- docs it is .11
deed womlVrfiil. He itullion.D al! drniMs
to pive those who call for it a sample Isittle
lef, that they may try it brforc purchasing. 1
The larjTe lxrtli are cents and il. We
certa'tdywouM sdvie a trial. 1: may save
you from coiisomnptimi.
The story come from Augusta, ia.,
that recently a ben bateiiel out a lot tif
chickens, but to one of them, for some
unaccountable reason, showed much
aversion, linally t'riving the l'tlle chicken
from the flock. U'lt the chick ijtiickly
found a symathetie partner in a white
puppy thst owed alWiam-e to the same
household. They e,it and play together.
When the chick irets sleepy it bop c.n
the back of the dog and dozes away with
as much conM l-'nce as if under the pro
tecting win;; of its m 'it her.
There i danirer iu impure blood. There
is safety in taking Hood's Sirjttparilla,
the grcal blood purifier. I'M doses one
A suitable place the tailor's.
the remit is a enilion. w!h IImt "corning
thro- the ryu," or not. jf,. n 1.1II ,,1
lttA. Wtf UIY. (H.nrttrit !' ..1... - or somi-thtnif. If It i-n t will; ,.r i
ik-iii litMirs It Is n itli snrnc drci.! ii' h. ihut
"liiMH.ks us off lh. traek " and " i!t..oi !.
Clls ua tor hte. W'ntn n esin-iallv l! ants,
htivt tn Utr llMjItriinT ..t inorf tvliiKiiu nti.
ulllirtioni tluin ut.'tnknid. In nil 1 v .,f
rM'r.wiSK ttonrtuir-iiown si iih:ii.mii., t.t.
iW nvw, n.Kluri iMiiiis. iw k Ikh.Iik Im- . imt.
irtion. iiiitaminiitt.kfi. ,r iiler.r,tti4i aui h(1
1'iiihI immiinriiH-s" ami " i .nktnei.,"
Ir. I-ii-rr.-i I'k.-orite inwiiiititiii coitus to
?! ri-si-tic ol v-tMiKt m. n. ..rlter
do.. It i tie ihiIv itt.'iiii-ttt'. f..r n-iMiwti. H..i.
I rdniccMs. imikT c piMilll vr (urtnlrc,
Imm tlw rtyiiiiiniiirei'M, tlmt it wtil irlii
snr;f:mioo in 'v-ry ma.-, t.r nmrwy mi.t tor
It will l- ri luciled." N-c ijur.n: i.ti 1 on tx.itii
I ej-r:gtil. IS. iy out n Ir.. V.ta As'.x.
fir- PIP RPf 'V Dtl I I.T0
will VJ I ULUL I O
reflate nul rj.-sjise the lii-er, toinac!i sni
l. "!. 'ItwT art iin l- vttrvt.iltle iui.I ier
fily One a 1Km-. toiU Ly
lrtiKi?itb. ivHla a aU
ki.jij.l u a Iji i'H 1 Uh Mrm. i?h
ml rtvw.t4Ti On. anD3 Hirf-tuit n'aifit. bile
t wy nlo fimwt nit Iwoitk-o 4 tKt iirmrht
ptuijulitt tin (jtfr.iuHl ni;uULe itw buweup,
Lreu tt lliej ory cured
f 13
Aelie thr w"ult r almisit n-erw tn those
Mho suiter from this liistrHssiiig. s.rn.laini:
lut fttfntisielv thi-lr ifustni-sf rt.w not mil
Jirm. tt til"" "tin Mif inr litem will Hwl
TIvm- litu pills ntltishl iii w innnv t Uiat
thev will mt h willing lo Jo without Ihem.
Vut alter ail sick lieti
in ttbiw of o niarr tin t?mi hrp ichrm
mnk our cr t tosl. Our ilis cure K
whfl othr r.M.
( ARTrn ' (.mix f.rvca Vuaa tiwrrwii
nmi verj- cum- to tak. or 1 wt I'iJl inAkrt
r tiH. Titiv are ntrii!y feit;M atul 1U1
riot-irrij' ir iwrrve. rt '' their (nniU' -ftHi
)iJtHi nil ivh-i tiifin. In Vint t Set-ntF;
Jivo I(r f 1 . S).l pren v. ar st iit by ui&ul.
CAsm Ki::c2rs :o.t sr icK
?5. Ersra a yes
m 1 8 1
In 'its First Stages.
'. nun1 , 4j t Ihr tfriniiHf.
VThn T Sy CrS2 I Co net mean ir'snfj to
fop t'Kin W a lime, act then bate umia ro
turn atrain. I (HAS A KAtilCAL CLilE.
I tiav e uiaue me di&euae ol
ETTS, ZPiy.-T;PSY as?
A lire-lrn? stud.". I WinRvjrr r.iy remedy t
t'oiis Ibe ort ensos. iircanso other hava
lulled no reiifioo (or not now n-coiviDir amre.
fmlbtr.nrftiratreiiiitM'aDda F i:le UonLa
ot rry Infalubuc luiirur. Ctvo Lxprcss
and i'o-t Ollioe. H 013 yon nolhiiig lor a
trial, acd it will cure you. Adure&a
H. C. ROOT, tS.C. I S3 ft,.8L ST,
JB. B.
17-T7 'Tt -" -i r -i--t Tl
lt i a i'leiifiire to 11-; to liTt ibis
season's productions, Ut-ause thev aie
the mofct tiejant and sttinfm torv for the
t,ri" we have ever seen.
Our Mail Order Ivpaitiu'-nt willt htcr-
fully submit ssm.jiies by nnii!, and your
order will be liiied ct the lowest prices
and as satisf-c'oiiiy its though voir were
here tod .) y-ir shopping in ;ter-o:i, Have
you tried i!
Sjsrcia' mention is madeof a few ittuis
only :
A very laiye Hir: merit of ol! nrol Jt;).
ported Suitinp, .'.'S lo V) inchts wide,
in htrire axsorimentsof strijies, plaids
and mixtures, at ."Ml cents. This is
the most ciTiiiirehetisiie offi rinir of
oOcirit lb-Ms Hoiwls ever made by
any riicri-srttiie houc
10;) pices 4) in It l.njioited l', -10
ct 11N.
Also. :-t :-i 'i-rits. iM'e flccntin-f'iit of a!l
woli o l inch S ,.t. i (.Wieviots.
New and s:j ijsti mtli ltijrcttic,;;5 iceh
i vt :!i., (i ,")) cci.if..
A 7'kvi.i o' tlie m-t for the
iiiom.-v i-v.-r 1.II.011I imported Tail
or S'.itii-, in Mre vatiety .f stvl-i.-'i
ftri-ti, ::s incus wide, eiejrvnt
iin.t'iT y.
At :;;t ti'iits, .".'iinrh Wool S.iltinpj, new
Mrii'i s ani phiitl.
0O1I pices exirn line .dincp, 15 cents;
1' .nt ipiality.
Anderson's (i;t'L'!i;mts. iOnnd 4"i cen?
t ha! lis I MTgtni variety in all oualities, i
1. in: niijiurteu ail-v i.Hjl gofuls al
.'i( cents.
Our lri;e Sj.rinr sntl Summer Fashion
Journal a:id Catalooue will he ready
April 1st. It costs nothing but your
name 011 a postal card to get it.
Boggs & Buhl,
;-!:., nr. in, ui, 1 tPHRAi.
blllNiil.i: Mll.ia HAY 1!:!:?.- LC.
' ' i-; prl ; to imrfnitHV ! v..
11 ytw ri t ii.t.ert!if V11 I
St'i.Oli ttl
A. H JAlCt llAK
0. ilJiriitrd yctk, Pi
M achineSrini,, .
S in plet, ln.w.1 fjern!,!.. im
... - "neesl. m.. )ii-t ;u u
w 11.1 Fi-uni. .mis ii ri' lor ib p
Threshing Engines "SSs.E '
fcw Mill", nlotii-le M hitic. l!y vw
Mtuitliiril lluj.H.rtM.!t. fiicra ! y.
A B. fARQUHMt CO. limilod!!ln. 1 Pivivki A..K!f!Tt e
tniir.1 tL,g!u. j V.,Kk, y, K I a.
A Quior (Jrvaracter,
due of t!. tlctPii'teis if ism ,
Cil..'i'da sb'Htiiine itgo. He wasal
fu nr'ersrran. known over hun Ireds i f '
itiare mili-s of mountain sod valley as ,
i. ncle ISiliy, of Juseplii'ie. Hi was a
grixz'cd giai;t, eert.iiidy one of the cool
est and atrongost men in his region, and
kpt a saloon forthe ipiieksilver ininfrs,
a post tilli'-e and a store. He was a black
smith, i school trustee, and a few things
btiib-s.njcially a wheel horse at camp
uieetings. One niibt, it is "told, four
Mexican miners in bis silicon tried to
rd the old mn. The t'sr was shut,
but be threw the foremost Mexican
through the panela into the road, and
then, putting bis arms about the three
others, shoved them en masse through
the splinters and fragments of the broken
d.r. "One or two of them Mexicans
stuck their knives into me," said l'nc!e
liilly afterward, "but I never hhowed I
was hint, and after they were throned
out thev crawled awav." In fact, one
knife-thrust went straight through bis
arm ; but on ti e other hand he crippled
most of the Mexicans for life.
Ikn't give tip. there is a cure for catarrh
ami cold in the head. Thousands testify
that Kly's Cream I'.ulm has entirely cur
ed them. It is a safe aud pleasant reme
dy. It is Applied into the nostrils. It is
notal.nuidorsnuir. 1 ten re, by cleans-
inland heulino. I'r't 7Ak:
l'ei haps the most famous of nil mata
dors, the espado primero of the w ot Id. is
l'ranciH-o Saiu-hrx. nlias Ijtart'jo. He
is probably the most daritii.', skillful bull
fialner that ever lived. His handling; of
the w iht and savage bulls of Jaranui is
tnarvelotn. lie now seldom Hppears,
flO,O.K) b.iing the price demanded and
secured in advance for each :erforiirtnee.
Consumption Curoif Curo.
To Tub KiinrR; Tina: inform j tar roa.!rr
th-it I Umvo a pomuv rumetly C r tbo UiTe-n-meJ
di' -'. By its Umely u tUtmnaiitl of h.-ipii
caite hav 1-npn perTUitotfiitiy cnml 1 b!l Ld
to neiij two Ikhi9 f my rrm"ly any f
o:ir re'UerB wno have ronnmptlno if thryUl
"ii J me ttiwir Kxtirfwn 1. O. tvMmia.
fuUy, X. JL aUJCfil, M. C. Kl I'eari Sl, N. V.
iVwn in Georgia tho Farmors Alliance
!iiih cliitms to h;ive 8o:nHhin iikt
80,0. Y) niembrv, 1h dw'af:! war fn (h
Lio irhoTH. It U 8tntel that the A-li:imp
. .
mean to put nn independent ticket of
its own iu'o the field next full and sup-
port it with all it filrenjtli. Naturally
tliii pro.-jn-ct ix one that fills the regular '
democratic leaders of the St-ite with deep
To-Nlght and To-Morrow Night,
And rai-h d;y ntid tiipht during this week
you can Kt all lni"t;isrs Kemp's liulsnni
for the Throat and Lungs, ackrow hilled to
be the most successful remedy ever sold for
the cure of Coughs, Cold", ISmncbitis,
Whooping Con!h, Aslhnia, and Constimp
tion. (iii a Ixiltle In dmi. and kerp it al
ways in the house, so you can check your
cold at once. Price ."0 cents and $t. Samplu
hottlt frt.
A man named Carpenter, w ho was in
the bustle business in New York City,
has failed. Carpenters should stick to
One Dollar Well Invested.
If you have bad breath, constipation,
pain in the small of the buck, discolored
skin, nervonsns,nr dizziness, your only
wise course is to take !)r. Iavid Kenne
dy 'a Favorite Ileiuedy, bf Uondout, X. Y.
!t will cleanse blood of all inipuiiiies
regulates the Knlneys ami Liver, and
1 tins restore n healthy glow to yonrcheek
Hyain. All drti"trjsta ; one dollar a Iwt
tle. Hard to Please.
"IsMik bore," said a subscrilier as be
walked into th ollii-e, ' I want yen to
stop my piiitt-r."
'What's the renfon ?"
"There ain't enough nes in it. Too
much opinions, and that sort of thirp."
In about half an hour another tub
sciiber made bis appearance
' I've coiicluditi to stop my jwpt r'"
said he.
' You have?"
''Yes, sir."1
"I'm tirevl of readirg about accidents
anl suicides and such thincs. V.'l at I
want is rood, 9ilid opinions."
And the editor sat down and thought
great pror.derous opinions slKtiit people
in jreneial. Mrtrhmit T.-nu ' r.
A Family Gathering.
Have you a father? Have yon a moth
er? Have you a son .r daughter, siMer
or brother who has notyettakt n Kemp's
Ealsam for the Throat and Lungs, the
guaranteed n-medy for the cure of ail
Coughs, Colds, Asthtiis, Croup, and all
Throat and Lung troubles'.' If so, why,
when a simple bottle is gladly iven to
you We by any lrtiiriit, and the large
siw costs only 50- and f I.
Battle or a Dajr With a Cobra.
A terrier dojj owned by a native iten-
tleunn residing in Lbmnedaw, while lun
ring about t(i? o npo iaj, w d artid at
by a lare cobr.i snake, which, however,
mied its aim, when the dog tixk bis
chance anil went for the nilke, sncifctl
in in petiir l:od of it by the bead, ut
once running !f honie w nh ir, pultiity
Ibeoccujiatits of the house into a terr Lie
fright. The tlojt then commenced slink
ing thj sn.tke, ibirin winch cpeiaiiot
it relcisid in bol l o ily i i-t a sceond
grip al it ; bill this tiaie il uufjrTiiiia;(dy
caught it below the h 10 1, thus giving the
snake a chanc-ti t-jgi .-e it a bite 011 Uie
lower lip. Tiiis sj inftuiated the dojr
that it tightened its grip and severed the
snake in two. The snake's bite, however,
ditl its work, for the br.ive little dog
frothed from the mouth anl died in a
few minutes.
On the Slightest Sign
f)f anythlna wmns with the Kidneys
or Madder, recourse &hmld at once be
had to Ir. Kennedy's 1'avorite l.'emeily,
of Konduut, .. Y. Neglect may lay the
fontnlHtion for painful difficulties. The
1'avorite IJemeily baa completely ctiied
cam-s of Stone in the I'.Iadder, from n hich
relief had ln-en vainly otij:ht. Where
hsro Is a ten I snr-y to Itiieumaii,; (iout
(ijieedy relief invariably follows its Use.
Birds that Speak.
The parrot is generally an p-re 1 to
have tiie inonorxdy of the Kwer of
talking among birds, but Din malter of
fact, the pirroti deci le.Hy inferior to
the itiynah. There are always examples
of these birds at tiie insect honee at the
Jiixi, and they reeut various phrusts
with preat clearnet-s of utterance.
Curiously enough, the hen has a pri ll'
voice, while the cock speaks in a cleat-,
hiuh tone like that of a child. The
mypahs can be easily provoked into
showing otTtheir power of speech, and
will trmt the visitor wilii "tiood rnorn
injr" in respinsa to his saluiations. The
niynah is a kind if starling, and tho lat
ter is well kuofrn for iu imitative powers.
Some years ago an account was publish,
ed of a "talkinjf canary," which could
articulate quite distinctly and would re
peat series of set phrase.
Somerset Lumber Yar
ViKi7iCTCni nd DtxLz. Wnoi.asALi !n ricrAii.a or
Hard and Soft Woods,
Pi! PSTvrrr n ni'i l- mvi. , .
, A Oeneral Line of all rrad of LUm sn.1
Alat, can mrulfh auyihlng in ibo Une
rriunr tn.-w Mich a
Offlco and YardOpposito S.
to Bur vut'a
32emoral Work
Munr . nut r of ana Dealor ia
FliVr H-t RirttlnAolM Wi .rC in a!! CA.ia
lis iiJU UilUJHIB Uj
AUi, Ajrut j.,r IKe H JUT!-: l:!-'j:'.V.
IVrvme in need MO.Vt.'MENT rtOKK will
find tt fi t:.. ir inl.T-t una.l at my tn,i, itm
h t.rritu.r .Uiin. ui.l .t...' ... - .j
1 ' ' r "t. (licit1. M r .iUIj-
j j.i ...j un.t.uht-i i,y iv, ,u; i .'n'hj
j , I luviio t:Vii.!i.ri n'..tit'e
I White Eronie, Or Pure Zinc M0nume.1t
liitrii.liif...! l v l:KV. V. A. 1! !..(;, n a Iiwl,!,,
Ditirovenu'it' 1:1 tii, i.:l or M.t I KKIAt. AVi
iMSSfKI i"l ((.. nd wnit'li in O".. 111.1 Ui 1
'lie l-opular Vmiinnfiit fur our Ctit.a"aMe I I'
mvu;. ii!VE ME A CU.
U. H. Downs' Vec;etc!3 Balsamic EEixi
Is a positive cure for 'ou-!im, Col.T. . 'ri Y.'l oi r ir.u'-' 'o::.l:1i. i'afcirrli. Una: sc.
ness, Ititlactira, Npittitis; IHood. i?ie!ie;ii.:;-, ArtLKt::. l.t.:i;' fever, riturisy. nm
all lsiM.scs of the, ('In s: r.:id Lntrvs. Ar. : n i:::; c .r i: Ii;l tn equal
C'c:ium;it:o:t Iuss been cmeil tin'fs without mii' 1 y it:; t!rn !y ti'C. It heals
the ul.-i rritcil K:;rf;i cK, and cures who::
coiistunt in Inn. proven its virtue:..
Sold every w here.
IUn:y, Juh:::
Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bitters are
a sure cure for C'ostivcness. I'.iliousm ss, Iivjiepsia, Iniii-.'t stion. Piseascs of the
Kitlner?, T.orpirl Liver, Ulicttmntkm. liiziue ;,. Mck Ilcuttaclie. Loss of Apin tito.
.laitntlice, Apoplexy, r.ilpit.itiim.-., Eruption-? r.n-l FVn tMcnsr. Keep the S'om
ach. Ilowebi, and Iliirostive Orjf.ns in pood v.t.t ki:;?, v..: perfect hoa'.th w ,,
bo the result. Ladies and otht-. ) nil.j. i t t i ck l-.::btchc v, i!l f::d ir'.i.f a::i
pcnn.uiciit cure by the use of these IUitrvs. Ilci'! ' t. ;.i:d mildly pnrati-
they purify the blood, l'riec ' t. per bo: t'.. J'..r s:.l,- l v dcakis in nn U
cine. Henry, Johnson i'j L-rJ, Ti j'lii toi, Curliiigtn, Yt.
Ilenry, Jojinsnn & Lord. Proprietors of
Arnica and Oi! Liniment f i if. Tie
best external remedy for l.'heuniati.siii. !Ni t:ra!i 1. ( r :.: .'-preins. Enlist s,
Bui 11s and Sea Itis, Sciatica. IUckai be. i rosteii J'eet am! Hair, and all otur rftins
and Aehcs. It is a safe. sure, and clVcctual lo 1:11. !y for 'Jails. Strains. Scnit. ln s,
Sores. Ac. on Horses. One trial v.ill prove it meiils. Ir, effects are iu niosl
cases iiistautaneous. Evei-- bort'.c n-ai ranutl to ;;ivo sali '.u iiiu Trice "0 eta.
ami -Vi cts. pfci- iK.ffio. Sold eveiyh"ry.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The Largerst and Most Complete
Wine, Liquor, and Cigar House
.VtjS". Do ,t.N !)7 FIFTH AYES IT., UTTXr.inail, 77J.V.VJ.
All OHt?i recir-tl hy mail it ot'. i,".'Mtv nr'f'.if r.'t'-'tfrm.
ft'W I HMorH. iM-ni. . .-r
tt tiffin i ff.:-3 ' 1 t-Nf " ' I- nu
JU I iii I to in mM.k l.-n-irv,
TC ill I I: Pk-I 'hjifiii-".!)!..!!!-'
Tl,!lV V I i, 1 ) rh .baare All i..e n, ...
ptrttiiiir ''ii iiwit
;i .k lit wiaM rrl ni rbr
.-,.it (ftrv- i ear t.irsifTV. Wi W:i1 A .r)V yi-
cu mahf ti.n MZt t- I a iat h It mi fbe tii'.wiin.
KiirrvlsnK-a . h-'Ir tHlr all MtH-. - pKV IH-tt lr-.
rrt ltitf- t-Kiu
and mi Ittartna? ; nl a -
l rairnit. ir n
' C ta f-fIfnur
ml !, nI in mmmt rnr rvme t h.- ff
Bon. v sh
til u. '1rn'sv , rii:.i!i O irj
LT Mlri- m, iw' i-f pb-r, ri
Ik. t
Tn tmpi rrHrHtm f OtTvr'' u..hi
mnr lotnal Kltrln.. vtll itr. vnv Ma. r Trtw.
ai-it aiomni.riM,'.
nrlt.llnliltrliiettitiw. xhi r ..,r.1'.
rr .ntt i.r m. Km. tt .m. nl
hu" rwiai ku. p. A.i.
Ihri is a. -
ft ' -
-resulrs froniVple A nMrf
cleanliness cxnvfei APQL tP
It- is a. soli d cake :3o-scoiiring soa,Q
Try 1 1- myour nexh house-clc&ning a.nd be h&ppy
Lookiaff oat over the many home, of this country, v.-o see thousand
cf women wearic- Rway their livaa in hc-jsehold drudgery that wight be
materially lcasenod by tlao uso ol a jw cakes of S APOLlO. If an hour
ia caved time o cako ia used, L' one less rvrinkU gntiun rpoa tho
faco bocauao tho toU ia lightened, sho must ba a foolish woman who
would hesitate to make the experiment, and ho a churlish husband who
would frrudje tho few cent which it costs.
Pirfcvl ivbstituia
i Cons nomu
ind TciTHima.
A Quickly Assimilated Fooi
A Fcnrecr Nuuitur
in tn. w.-.orir. D unit
ICCI-3 1 At.L CS.iMATr3.
If" '! ""- ' "rr-: Cis t
Wl.." ,v-, J'i-W;.,WO f,y ly
Dohltcr-Goadala Co.,
303TOr. MACS.
'mllldma M.-Vlnl an.tR.U'n, .Ik
of our Umineni to onJer with rvanjiiahle
Biackcu - , OUd-kizel wort.
&C. R. R. Statioa, Somerset, Pa.
-t;j.Uk.' Lit
1 Ui.ii.
r CCO M f I c'"-!
UiuiwEi-ciiT. ct-a:;.
al! other icmlir:, f.'.ii
fty-six ycais ol
i:.!d l:t (",) i' i:i the house.
o:i C: Loid, I'mj iktor.t, I'.u: K.i;;ton, Yt
Tcli-phonx No. PV?3.
p---'h'F'jtJ f e j'lXJtl- m Ui wnrl4. Ymt
: -vrvv J?,tr' rivi S''n. "wnwdhi
Tt- Ji tj (V Ja,,rh Ji ! sent m
t ZiVl- Sy'l'r J'J'' ""rtin rd r
v . iy' .J n.h W itr nn f
y in
.In N It - wifcif w.- ,-itt i.H t" thi- bt rail rtr
lrii.i nii-i tn iii iix n-1 ih !- flu'U' f; rit .. a rntr
! vulti tbr irfir ; n-.. wh'rh tloll tr -r tt'- rli tnsj,
mi ii Mt irr na..! .-i-v ;.!: t xpir . r. A f ' "f
s -. v .i i- -ti W-.k- r i - 'ai tv. firtj -Jfe
i.ii:r...i M'O - fn vr -.tI ".'U. A'fclrrW;
hilnkon t BlS, JurlNls Main.
i i:o.T. .iKAMKU. Air't.
uMl-r. Ml.P,i'S.inl. 1 ii.
Inilr iit!i'-:tl ,? th CoTcniinttit. fimre la
i rWr s i;;. i'a. mrnll.
L - 4T V" a
wrri.-i. v T a i-iija 3V.
p. ! r.rrr ir.r.
I ;"
isrt '.' t I3ti t ,:; i.v -u
iwnmH to rn-.lritl
S rccsrt ut n.ivrrtr.ii- 17
Aimrr-t u !Vii-i., -t
Stimetei Jnbiit4irri.....M ss
Somer-t lo RcctB-ftod . 1!
H.)ilHTse tt '.arrett... . Ji
SoZfiet-i lii Mf yt'tTiwile ...... Jl
Si-tocri;t U OimNerlend m
Fimennt ic, V.".hiriirfon ;;o
Hotccrct lo Enliimore
tVituer-et t rmice ,
Sumerset U riinnneoee....
otaretU)rimnllviIlo f?
Somprst to Plttllll1r 110
Tbe fr to P'uiUirtelijUia U a I, J to
York, 111.69.
W'inter Arrangement 'n srTect Jlov. 29. 'M.
SOU 1 11 -Ii G I SI) TK M. S.
JOUNrercm X KXPRKS.H-No. 91. t
Ktx-fcwi! .-. .ir a pi
kiMKILskt... .
atoj-town 6 21 in
rl.Kiv-rsvuttt.. m
lM.'thel o:i;a ro
Jttliri,-,H .;.
MAIl .o. fx
homi:c.-:i-.t Ai ;uiiM'jL.Ti;:i-.... t
ijvf. I
!taltlmiru t if! e n j
:OMKIlSKl.... ,).m
. .......iiKit f n n
tiK kwin,.! .":., p ru j
i!fiml a ru
ramenni for Suriii-rxt from tin- enst an.! v-rt
m tr.e J'ittLiirli Ihvlmu'i, t.t;; c-- at l:k-
l.wr I lrr.-.
B"tiiel n:ls a m f run Iffrlni,.!. ... j a in
llvrsvi:k' a iu I Washing!,,.. r. . a in
S:oystoKa... a in Oitin:. m
, '.-I'i a rr. p;'.i(ur;'ii L' .i m
iiWFIVCT V .-A a m i
MiJfi.rJ ' !
Pawenift-m for point eart and west t liaiij
A hock H uod.
f ir.
.... :: n p n- j V.ii km -i .
I: m
T: ju in
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V1WU VW U U I !lt,lllii. ;
uaaat-tT 4:M'i, m , l;Ii,ui.jr.- .
P.twriT.i f a-,.! u-.j , i
.!(i'. :
JKRST C7pci i B.ttitli
K-.v.M'C. J
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rasMMipcr-. !e vius :),: ;.-u-etiun
at KiHiwol i.i
t au est.
' tt 'l irn I
ix', '- Ur.'.u '
Paily. f Daily exi:,t t:!i.!.ir.
QALTIMOIIK & orno i:aii;:o. h.
riTTtliUK'iU VI YliloS.
ll ' 'l. ,v
I:1"! V. M.
a. ii e a.
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Aest N.;Wlf!!l
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irr 'Tt
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and l'ntrh
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PiWitflrfpi fm-
i-n Pltislmrtrh rt-mi-... t...
..uitaou UitMltterattdt faiatoa at K, t .m.-1.
The time given Is Lat-tern Stai.dan Time J
Mail Tm:rii ...,i,t...,-i HI fi1PiiSf
. ami irt.,n s.,iii,Ts. t at,.t .l,.n,i-t.. t, Ml 1
a:i a-un ;rai:i- t'r.-.i , h.-.ii..t.l.' :.t ..-.rj,.,', !
iiiliirMiifif, a:.d iri.n. r:..ri;u. m -:,u.-y jiiui
'uii H-na ir;u loauvi irotii .n,.iMi.y
AO Traint SI 'i,T;..r,Ti Vir TV.,,
W. f. i yv fi i:;1,
t il ts. it. -i VI. I. ,,, j
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IISI m 1
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!.m H 1 i t .; ? rH
jp .r uJmi, I Tit.. J Ctl .
fHTrNcrF, C",or'vtr'j. CEwrTFnrer;, rv
M'jftM9 G-'itk, ArNm, Wiiuitt i.iuar'1, 1 j'L'liito.
Write fur i.liMtralrU Cl-.V.- ur m.u!'-i ire
IIU Hator Mf., Jittif,nr-!'. I'a.
irtiram Men kit-j. iu o.v: iuus c. Uita pnyr
CPrjn&wM'i Cream Balm
l-'Hli-CI! li t N.i.-
1'a.n ;.-!, Alii ys I'aiii
an.J I:ir.mraa:!nn.
irca: the Sim, P.t
torc the P iir o
Tti-.! ar,J
Apaitlrle , appilc.1 tn'o .., rtirj' ar.i i
rS,u-r., fea.. ;ly HhO.. . U.,rr, n Mri
Ta IlieSOSU KMT IliniU.
Hps if L
T -i-r'
n'.'.u? or " "
do tie neatest, che.tjy.v na bci Job Trim
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RotitirT So. tmlw worn aaoomfnrtihi. .
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1KZ '-C0LCKE.?TEn- Kl'BBER rn
m!i.. a;i riir nr wrtit mVi. nf h. Bw
Vn'.l tnt tlw "(V.lrlii.-
i:. II. I i s .v i u AKT-A. I'U iMit P.j "..
C.-rt! .""ri 1 . "L ft
irf., 1 'or HoBtt, lodanrito.
v.. ! i aua.oa f pr.M.
4 1 tf
it-na.lap-.tMtolVan,., t.
inf rcMB.-M ftirV.i Ittiii
o. u ui.m. tuner. VrUr imfluo'v
fi. C. CHASE & CO.. PH1LA., pA
Oils! Oils!
Tie S' tr
ii:t ..i I.. .;,,-,..,!. .
xiuuicMie ira-ic tile ht-t.t brati.i f
Illuminating dt Lubricating Oils
Naphtha and Casoline,
; Tiiat ran m.:.- .'mm MniU-iLu. W- chaj'-og-i
euo:pa-in.a wilu erery known
( Ifyo-a wbh the am nuiforn.Iy
Satisfactory Oils
! IN T!!K-
j American ZMarkct,
j Ak frr p. Trade for 3,)irerft aid Ticinity
-- K A V.l'.KV.lT aid
t'KKA.i;; 4 Kiai.KH.
IK.-ET. Pa.
tl'KLS ALL 11SEAM:s.
3 r r n.- : r..l .!',. h... I tt-.-,l ..-, vii-n I
I- l r '...-ii;:. a: I rm !, a!i h.,i iii,' .i, ,
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'.. '.' 11.. t IU.'.) lHVl. ilii :,. . ir J!." t: , . tttt.v
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;. lie ii. :. .iniftnrly .!,.. rs,
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,, . . II!-y -i.. bn.-klin. V.
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i:;-: v , : i .-:,.r- ,.fi vi.-,,i. Kilii-r. rtva
ri'.l ,1 ! ' T: :l : '.nj rr t'l .!.! .!.!ri.. .!'IU. Vkiul-
Killer Co.
M :h Ave. v. V. i :TY.
j t CtiibliilM-d 1SI0
f,; -t.::; t :i.:.rsrnATt:ri '-.itauktb
j r t--" w" !CBi:e.: ap.'i-i.:i.n.
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tin.t 1 !:r! Ki iI.'cl.
Tt!i iiIiohp 2"0. )
urii ft.
i A. f.7t'R33CH.
I'MlM'TK-.VTd;;'-! .t)T!t'K,
I.-,:;. ..' .i t,n n,-i..y i.r,i"ir.,i. ,'..,,!. urc ,.f
i -I i i'i- Ttirk. .'. i r,V.., H.t.-Mt t '..ii!'v !'.
! .t A'it. 'i.-rrtji.Tt fi... ? f:i
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'''""'' v ,. I r-.i'i l.t lTn. .:tt- ..i. ,. tit . n'.-l ,..: -in-; (; ,.r t :(ir. 'I,i,. .v. !:;rll
.ti til!' lale rt-i.
.1. i'
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vw.n -in.
A-1 r-1 . u. -i rrt ;
; Yi'-'UM-TiaTcirs Nt'TUr;.
l-.-ialc i.r in -."T IV. ..!-'!. .!.tM.. 1,i - of i-.l'-n
i.. i -:- Tii ii. .iner-ft t .t , I'a.
J.rt:..;v(.r.,,;,Ill,.,,rn,j(j,l ai ,.tnip bar.
I'.t '- - ti n.r. .' i, i.'.m rvuri-w.! .y ;-r..)-i-r
k'.i' ! . :;. l r.-l.y it, nil t-r-
.i t:t.i, l.,H.' ... x-n.t to" n:,i',e iitirr!-.l:J'e
; i.itii-T... a.t lih.. Lavitta- cla-ini aitatiit li-
miu" -li pn it ih.-m ilitijr ani'iMitiiati"! ft
-!:;! ir.! !.l .n 1 u::r.av. the'-'lth nr m( Al"'1.
1'. :ti the r-i.i..i:i-ei.f;h. in
l..v ., .fit..
K. w. i:ik-wki . r;:;:f.Y i. '.I!
Al,.r....r .nt.!-tr4t.'.
J7,.kci:t!k.s notici: rr"!il N. HtlTt mi r. iliTpi.t ,1, !u!tr"f
.ltiri.-r T'a (. . .,mTvt 1 (. f'i.
t. .s-ii. iimry i n Invh hii havirif
'it .-u j:tH!::r.i to tin- i,ri.l. riifti.!t I.v ISn- ,f tr
yitimmv ii.i.v is It. tvl.v etvi a tn ! .-r-.r
itiiit.lrtl tr. .,j,t ..!ai trt ii'uie Itiilni-ili.ltr jai
t'li'lll, illl.l tluc i,a iliif r!niin. WL.-rtllt'-l III!
i',t ;,n-. nt thrrti .Iniv am ltentir.i'1 rur -riir-mi
lil mi Krl.lnv. April I, 1-.M, at U.i' lalf n-nli-m
nl il.-i-ajiMil.
.I'lllV '' irtJIVKB.
ffl.-t.. hxciut...-".
i.m i. ! sti:at(.)i: xotici:.
J'"'I"-'i.ll. Nllirri I ' ..' Ttv. J ;i.
nutMniv. iHt,rvi h.-rv-.v l'.v--:i tt;i!i lwTm'US
j iiiI"tt-! rn -st Hit I1 nuiSf i:iir::i-i-if !
j mm. Kifl th'hi hrtvltiic !'! HKir -t tin -''
j iri:it t'irm -luiv Kiithi i;rv Ht I f-r
in. -tt r l-tMt' Tluir'iv. Ai-rd IT, lintr
JlfhN K. "I I.
Salesmen wanted. .
!-,-! .wir mx liMnim 1 IimhK itnl ? ni
N"!rMry ti- Ir. iwt .i.H'i-i!u--. w pri-m
him-, mtv. Srriil Kn.iHr-i m UvMH.f"
hxfr 'nnii.. '.vt-kiv. n.H'i''1 ;v "
liirt iM-u l tii-M :.rTn. Mt t ui',i( frM Wfit:if'
t.l.K'. HH'W.. XnrT)itu-n, KK-iit-it"'. N V.
MIX i'Ti:.Tt .irr.s X0TICK.
KMate of Fj-h-til n Inff!l. d.T'il., I.ltf r.f A Hi'"1
Tup.. S-inrifl I !.. 1'a
IttT if a.l!!ttnrat..iiii thi alw f"'' I" n sr;ti,t. .1 t th iii..!. r-!L-t t 'I
!J..!-r :: !. r :i, i.hi-rrt.v pv'-t 1
tMrviu ln.i.'l.t.-t .H. ,m,i.,v t.i tik- i:.
at w,!TT'..n. ph.! ;!i:. l!vr,.e, il-'i
tlw will j,re.-:it I'n-ni ilmv amli. i.f.-i.:-!.'"
i-tili-inf-nt on Smttri't-v, t, ;.ih .Inv ,i 't'. ','-'
at Diy oflic lu the Uoruuifh -3.mH-vt. la
J. 1. PI
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