t , Somerset Herald.1 H at Publication. DOTBlPr UfP .. .Ti'- other-' V. ... ,,11 -rMT'tir.rWSl ott l tnto sot takvoct their rOCPryJg from ertl T6 . v im bai- thB tonaar a a.' ti J lil. ' m f t Ur 'E IU -4. r oEiLrt, r. .--Tm rrr.KT.F ,t irroKNEV-AT LA v o n, Fa- 41 8osMiet.Fa. .j Jot-.- E. fiL -VmrT-er Pa --- H'c Bow. O ol Court 5 "'" . A1 1 Sor-er-et. Fw. - " J. Ogli. - ts.pr.a--T, Fa. ii:"-AEV-AT-LAW. 41 ' MmfHrt. Pa. li ' 1 " ATT"KNET-AT LAW. I.NEY-AT fjneriet..rv I v - LEAVViTF.NEYAT-LAW. , .simerset. Pa., n .otmK and a.lj.rti:in(t con- 'I r tttr- r-' ? ' f ' h I f . wi- ; H , f . : ',' '4 H. 1U rrsu I'luUNtYttAlLA. somrML r. to ti'.eir rare will be , v.. t nm-mic-d to. Och m - t... . ,.,1, r:. ATTotN tV-AT-LAW. roniers-t, r a. , - riir p; altenO- n to l,a.-ine eKtnwed . , i.-ncei a:;.l adjomiwt rouutN. AlTui-StV-ATLAW. SjmerwL P-, Mis: new. entnied w hu. car "J'l-'ii unixu rwunuea. wiui f.nmiui ' r - "v ai'-e on Aiaiu Croiw street. r l mm. ATTuii.NET-ATLAW. l-omerset, ra. . yns-i.v.a B'o. k. vp oaim. Entrance -l--rt t.'oii.vuoo made. iai -m.a-d. au.l ail vl bUMUew av ; jp'iits promi-uma. and fidtoity. . .j,,, L. C CoLBoa. jMlis.vO'LRORN. ATTKSEVij-AT-LAW. eorneraet. Fa. .j,.,, entruned to oi:r rare will be , ',.! !:'.h:ui.v attended u. Colieciioca . u u..r.i ,n.1 .toin:n cuin- J ...v.ojaid convi'vauom iJoue on rea- I St- bonierwt. Fa. I --n- tr. Feaio Affnt. C'ffice Ut MamavAk r .i ViLESTE HAY, omerset. Pa. r -r'n F.ea! Ftate. Will attend to all M.'!rwi w tare with pnjm?tuw H. niL, nometvet. Fa. WTr'T anend to all bnmneaa e titrated i ' i,.,:.tT a.iaiH-ed on eoiiei'Uona. tc Cf i tuu&u! fci'x a. HI v. K1KU. li,.:, Sl"K'?F.ON. .,.liKT. P-. r wr- ( !e r. ; .!; vf.niiv ( S.re 1:1 F.-u,ai-e .rr. .jui.r 10 i'jatodiee. a t'i 4- viT k i T. un'THO:-. M- IV . I'hi-i''' N AM' tN,ifT. Fa. ::.i.u t-.-t. next door iw Lutberau ra. .. at ..r..i-e. I?. E. S. KIMjIELL, ' -j. -..-ir.ral wrriee- to the eiU'ri y,, -v. :r. rule protean. mai.y -,r Tin tx found at hi ot ce on kiaui 6L 1 J. M. LOUT II EE, rr:' ias and svk..eos, w.l r-r"janen::T 'j. Soceret for the . .. r..-i,iiou- Oln-T ilaic atreel. iij.s.M'j:iLLEy. -. -.a: a:tetian to the preservation of i.i j. Art ri'-ai e in ned. AH -oi-a-i i attta-.OTr -e '-n Uie ,-r.M y Ai Co. nore. eorner --. auu ra:r., Arta. .lioHS BILLS, I i IVH.-T :Mt3 iu (out A leer.t EUfk .?.TiL COLLINS. 1 LfcNTI.-T. 5- 4 K-,rr ' ::'.. k n-rtaln. where he ;. , . ... ,,m imMuwi u do all ksud . a- r..i.. r-K':i:'.nu. eatmcuna. 1-::. . -. rtr: aa aiua-auuoi m jwer.eii. Aii work g'ia-'aii ureU. MERCHANT TAILOR. a;-. llt-t,.;. 'T.SFACTION GUARANTEES Somerset, Pa. LRUS K. GROVE. SOMERSET, PA. r-'-:K5, ?I.EIi,K3, CAr-RIA'jES, Si'ElN'j WA.KNS. Et"C-E WAtiONS. lusters and wEiTEiJt wore Firisiied on Short Sotlee. Hmrxg Done on Ehort Time. r K ' c V m:t of TWw47Vy wiW Wood, 'Mt hr J- mri wi. S.ihtaa'.Tallx ut.ieuil. S:1t FinlKbed. ao4 a.Tcu.d ?a..tflai'tioa. Cilj First Clis3 TTcrkasn. 'tr"r ,if Al' Kir. 'r. Vt TJne Pone ca :.'U. Fr.cw EtA-X KblX. acd Work Warranted. a4 lucre my Ptork. and Learn Pre leia a.-t and f1:ra'h Peie for Wind kean ter the place, and call la. CXETISK. GROVE. 'laat of ( oTTt Howl BOMERfET. PA fAXTED :- J?1K LUMBER, C WHITE LCMCEK '. ' ..,. r lUhimore St.. Ctimlrt nd. X I lie VOL. XXXVIII. -THE-FIRST NATIONAL BANK or Somerset, Penn'a. DEPOSITS RECEIVED IW LARGE AND SM ALL AMOUNTS. PAYABLE ON DEMAND. ACCOUHTS MERCHANTS, FARMERS. STOCA DEALERS, AJSD OTHERS SOLICITED. -DISCOUNTS DAILY. BOARD CF DIRECTORS: UK: 1 M. llirt. H. Miller, Jasii. I. Pic;b, Ohv. H. Fipmis. JoMJI II. PCOTT, (,E,i. I. StLI, 1't.en V. I'.ie-p klb. : : : Pihmpent Vli K IV.fItEST : : : C.sniHn. Va! F.STISE HaV, Tlie f.tD!n ami a.--nrU;fH rf th:s ln'i arc wor !y r.,twte-i in --Wnnx Cor Pnr;!r !r.f SH;V. Tl.p only Safe maile a!..',:T. lv Hr.rgijir.j.r.mf. Jomeisei fconlj National Bant Or SOM! TI.SIT. I 'A. Estibiishtd, !S77. Q'gvlzti is a Na!,cra:, ISSO CAPITAL $50 000. Chas. J. Harrison, IYcst W'm. D. FrcabO, 'icc Prcst. Mik'.m J. I'ritts, Cashier. Dikt.ctors: ut i rnyirr. J-rfjn Mail 1. nrr..wAHt .-ny.Wr. J'ltill jj. iiT, ribLmjew of ttii- rank wil rvvir the mt I fcnit- i-Lirc tM'i.i nwnw y r-t or weM. ca 1T KHQ tit n.t l! I :l ;1 It I . L4) lll.'.i l.t. !ont jr aini vlIiiu' ! Mf irti t.y (tc-rf Iie hitl a U-t!uttl ."aii. -s m-t fcjtnl tiiae i-l'iet-LifWip. rw!r in a.l i-tin-t f lii.- I uite4 STOP! LOOK! LISTUI EVERYONE WANTS TO KNOW WHERE TO CET THE MOST OF CF THIS WORLD'S (lOOCS FOR THE LEAST MONEY ? WE HAVE THEM :iDishes.-;"w"' WHITE, YF.I-LOW, CIA, AND KCKINiIIM WAKE, ir GREAT VARIETY. BA.'-KI, irK)KIN;-GLA.SM'F HANCING LAMP?, STAND LAMFS Larpps of a!S Dt-HTiptiorxs. Novelties and Oddities in China THE PLACE FOR FANCY k STAPLE GROCERIES IS AT TUT. STOKE K ED. B. COFFROTH, SOMERSET. FA DOWN DOWN THEY GO! TllJi: PPJCES - OX BLACK ASTRACHAN. Wit Persiana Capos! On al' s'ae.:Ulo: V.V hare njt many to V.I. no :f yot :i A BARGAIN, Cornell. '"n ladTb.iv. a PoT.:aaaorAB Afua hau t ape. :.e f niaKii.g a WISE PURCHASE. A, ti.e r.reent rV br.nM to '-t lor two or A ,breS IZ. ai lea.t. Tlwr are . .arni (.ken off. A' d a .a.w...afi.-le .. AU tb.rar.rjd -ar. ..it a.- a-a-ioi.li.ul-Prin':"" 111. and uii-e o venias m the tamcS'T. ten .tap. screen's, j Tt eo-ne d .wn in r. ' " Amrn rnm 7 frm-t wn-rrttsrTare now rtand- rnvT- " nr-w n- U. Two V, re t-u. ' l to t. tner Knr:t. y.l can -ee hen you jn.v.-. i ; VX II AAH-AVJ I FIFTH AVt. PITlSBCEOH. FA. SWEDISH 44 All-Haling Salv," . Fur. SFXUAU-.UIN THE HEAP. TAK BACK, OR FAISS IX SiUECH CHEST. WEAKSF-S- THE JOIST. t.WEUJXtif, ail RnenruAtie Pa'if. 5r Sn th.-n two ! to ihi :aj i hb L rr ! S. MAKCl'S, I ;.S.-m. Ve.. rwne St.we. mm. warh UUIl Bo NO. 39. JACOBS OE CAUTION. No ether Liniment made to resccb! ST. JACOBS OUa cojiPAKE With it. Kr. Jacoe3 0il is THE IJEST, jlxd Tail is why its crr.rj A2 PROMPT AMD PERMANENT. Chronic Cases Cured as Read ily as Slight Attacks. 1 - THE OLD ENEMY. .A It i kn.3 u tiTin :,! ib trt',, -3k juiw!w and join: Jp - Jr-. muqu, .RJI riK'UlT flit a S3 : 1 2 1 1 IDLVT I S3 1 . SnJrTiJli?, Ohio, Jnne a. 1SFS. vs taim with rb.-Tjnwtijm in IftU: r.if-fev-u t:inos i-Tr .ur n l rrut -boi. Ar T'Ctoutyrs ajsd DtuLis. XK1 CHABLES A V0GELOI CO- CaXnr.C2. Oh! My Head! S'jffcrinsr. of a New Jarse-y Senator. Dy r.er i, Siclc headnche. Teirible Thii-. There a-.-a fe thingi that I biliere ia with ail ray hearty The S)iealttr wai o-!Vnj: Al tT: Mrrrttt, Lead of tae larire fmU firm, "2 Park N". ai:d th. wne hi rr?. -I was :.-k and t.ntvd I had become fated to endure Ike TORTURE CF DYSPEPSIA and ae-ti.. of ti.e 11 Iner. A r!.UT mid to me. "Tnr If. 'trtiaedy'a Farorue Eme'ly. made at l:n'!,:t. i. V.' 1 did so. I prw better, eoiild :.. p and work with A clearer hl. and tne ;eiu?w euiur of clj akin gaee pi-e to th healthy valor ai.not:ueicg pare tiood. Ur. ke nedv',, Favorila Remedy in entitle,! to the credit uf saving 3i j li'e. I ran (ire you the aamra and addnnK of fif. p-ron who ai a. a I do. that "Faeori-.e Fniedj " bai beea to the a biewtai; in time of need. " 3ar. A. ITcra, TaiTfcin, '. V, aay. "F-a ttine I wan trou;lr4 wita vere r.ttaek- of ujuiik and Blind Sick Headache tine ?o imptire bl.l. I wa a,l-ed :rr Pr. Kr,nt'1 UTimlt Kfney. i o:o o ana i liavv t-et-n eomplt'Teir eur,Mi." It' the Vi iftirr I rer hr-l ot f..r any liorripr ,,f that rai,'n. and I have r"e-iirnt'n'It-d it to mirny wi:U like i,iirH'.. " Mr. l'.,ii-l Kltts Taii:-xj. Mm , "f rwiMiinin:d fir Kennedv' favuru: kn,.lv f,ir dv-(f(,i and i'-k rH-da',e. It e.ir",l "e " iiv-i-"-ia. t ic,Ati.-ie. .servim. uei. lie' i'.itv. Kli'iin.iii-m and the HiJ f'Ciliar to wonfn. u.ar-,b!y jurid t KEXXEDTS FA Y0RITE REM ED T. FRBTABKB iT Dr. David Kennedy. Rradout, X. T. 11 per bottle. Six for 45. Fr U dreesiiu. E BO IT PLEDGE Onrselve to kep abreast, bnt to keep the Wd ovcrul! others in eeihnjr you f Turf, AboIntrIy Psiv, tad well MAlnr- rd, Kipe biakkv ana n isrs At prices that make all other .Jealew hiu tle. Ja-t think of it : OTerhoIt fo Per Fyr, five ypHreoi'l. FuM quarta 51, or 5 10 per Joren. .Still Letter : Fine!. lioltles Wfitlmr, ten years old. Full quarts III, or 51- per Izta- Betters-.!.!! : kentnekj Kourbon, ten year ol!. Fall qtiarta Jl.l'", or 512 r dozen. Acd one of the most Ntleable Whiskeys on our list is Tub FiRr. E:nnT-YEA-Oi.n, Exroirr GlCKENHElMEB. Full qtK. 51. J10 & (ioA. Tli"rt i n-- Whiskey that hru ever been ill that has pntn in Ctvor with the public ko rnpi.Hr a. onr olrt Eioort, and the eiinple reason is that it is utterly impjrtble.ta tiupiicstte it. There will never be any let np in the purity and fine flavor in any particular of the P'Jtv California Wines we are now seiline at 50 rents per bottie. Fell qtl.rts, or 5"' per dozen. Inmakirsnp your or.!erw plen encl,Tee Fuetutlice Money Order or l'raft, or IUUter yonr order. JOS. FLEMING & SOX, WHOit-U.l AXb KETAIt DP.CGGISTS. PITTSBCKGH. PA. 41 Marke ct.. Cor. of Diamond. It is to Your Intrs t TP BIT TOt H " Drugs and Medicines! JOHN N. SNYDER. nrCCE-HK TO Biesecker & Snyder, i Koth! bat the purest and best kept in rtock. ! and w ben Impi bexme inert by i-tand-! in;r. aa certa' s of them do, we ue i at my tbera. rather Loau im- j pose on our custotnera. j You ean depend on having your FRESCFLIPTIONS k FAMILY RECEIPTS GUed wi'ii rare. Our prices are s low aa any '.her Cr -claso botiae and on nuxny articles much lower. TUe jople of thi county wm to know this, and have given us a large share of their paironajre. and we shail atiil continue t give them Uie very best pxb for their money. Po not fori-et that we noais A rjieeialtr of FITTING TRUSSES. We puaru-.tee saLbfaction. and, if you hare bad trouble in this direction, give us a eoB. SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES it preat rnrirty : 'A full set of Tert Usisea. Come in and have vour eye examined. No cL-arjre (, ,r examination, and we are eon fident -n uit yi-ti "me and eo ri. JOHN N. SNYDER. SOMERSET, PA., VfEDXEDAY, LIKE SEEKS LIKE. like seek Uii? tbc wi.lc worM otlt, Kf e arc t'xiin? fr pyes like thine ; Lip" with breMb iwr rUirer, Wii! thtT mm aix" l not tvpioe. TIiioii;i eah pre the light rT Sowcth, 1-ih1s ifta? re m-lol "hade tfc ki ; At Wt' Swt !a So KToweth : WarlcLwtf heniity urit our eye. Tn-mith: rrowix thoueht through enrtlesH ?e. Now in tf.t? mmt ajvr in the , .'. in the ninlijfht of pK-w nl Mige". Love-blown hipfr lor thee and me. Kranseiine Kn'ls Galiritl, anrient la to each nnknwn, As(x1 ovi n truih n:vN Israel, LUht into iif ht atxi lTe itt own. thrown all tii worlila and r,a.-!". I nm tnl thine and thoa art mine ; IVnth Is but th- ani that traeea The r;hof liht to lTTe' own shrine. W. B. Tuorne ia Fhiladelphir. TiajeM. THE LITTLE LIE. ev svLVAsra o.Bit, 3 a. What are yoa looking for ma'nma? ! am loukiaif for bank-not that I Icf. ou the uiantle-shelf last evenin Hjve yea jw-en anything of it !" "A wh.it? A bank-note? No, I haven't aeen such a Ihing. Where sh it?" "Here, on this eh.if. Yur father Iu.nde.1 it to oie when he first can;e in. and u. I hid no px-ki-t in ti:e lr. I Ih.-D wore 1 laid it on the shelf, thinking that wh n I si'iit up to in y i-i.tni'vr I would i-nrry it f.p. An i I remf uiVr that I mrt the t-ha.ie-Uiiip U-.jn it, K that it should Dot be Llown away. U wan rery (tranjie. I cannot think what otn have l.M'Oiue cf it. You and Ly.Ji.-i w ere here last evening 7" "Ye1, uiDuiiua." "And Albert Worthing, came in, did Lenoir "Yes: he came and stopped pciiiap haif an hoar." "And yoa saw nothing of the note?" "What was it, ruauim.t? I low big a note r "Ten doi'ars.'' "I wouldn't wotry about that." "It ia cot theks of '.en doiUr. it in :ny catelessnesu that trcui'b-A n e ; and yonr fai her wi'.i kuow that I hive l.n iarelert." "Why lo you My anything to pal aU'Utit? I wouldn't, if I woe in your pia"."' "i'-ut I mnrt to him for another ten dollars ; and he must know. I declare," earflinz ever She !?:e!f onoe mors "it ii "rre when; it could have gone t.,. Vou, of course, Faw nothing of it, Ljdur "If I Lad. dear suntie, I should have to',1 you at ottce." Well, I am sorry. And it was such a handsome bill one of the new issue. Your father said the first he had seen and kept it on purpose for roe. IJut if it is gone, why there is the end ofiL" Acd thna ppea king, Mrs. F.vans left the rootn, her daughter, Kate, and Iter niece, Lyliii iMpgood, remaining behird. '(Mi, Kate! how could yoa tell yonr mother that vow knew nothing nbout that n iteT' ' Because, 1 did not know." "Cut, Kate, it was ju.'t the same. Yon remember, when yon moved the latip and something fell from the sd.elf into the fire, that Albert sprang forward and tried to oave it, but waa too late. You know he exclaimed at the time that he believed it was a bank-note." "Ye, he thought it was. But what ha tht got to do with my knowing or bav ins peen it? 0, pshaw !" the pretty girl rieI, with a Lies of her sunny Lead, "hat's the a of he'tg scolded when there's no need ? I certainly didn't see any bank-note ; and if Albert hadn't said what he d;d, I shouldn't have known it had ever been there." "Still, dear Katie, yon deceive jour mother. You did certainly tell her a -a-" "Oh ! you mean a Cb a lie. Weli.it was a very little one, at all event? : and certainly no harm can come cf if, IT. run the r;k. And now, Lydia. let a get re:;dy fur our rid. You know Albert kid he would be here at eleven o'clock, and it wants only fifteen ruinate of the time." And the light hearted girl flow away to her chamber to i;res for her ride. Kate Kvans was eighteen years of age. a pretty, bright eyed, go, J hearted girl, volatile aad froli-oine, with leocs of life yet to learn. She wn the daughter and only child of Samuel Evan, one cf the foremost of the lawyers of '.he great city. Lvdia I!.i:uood w.'S a ronin to Kate, a daughter of Mm. Fvan older sister, two am'-twetity ; t ars of a age : a thoairbr fu, pb-ssnnt-faced wo iiH1:. en;r:ij:ed in trs-hirg: her liome nw -f t np the rier, ehe U iri- at the j.rient time on a visit to her At'r.l l-'var.s. At eleven o'clock a styLsli ta;n drew cp at tiie door of Mr. Ktan's cmfortab'e dwelling: and fr iii that carriage alight ed Al'.x rt Worthing, He was Kate's ac cepted lover; a tocrg man oftwo-and-twenty ; tail, mnscular, and perfectly pro port ioaed ; with a !Uce the very mirror of all that was good and true and generous iu man : a Lr.dnotne, honest face, lace that might lead any woman to I jve and (..trust. He had just been admitted to the tar, and thoee who knew him best f., retold for Liui a high and brilliant forensic career. Albert hol not long to w ait. They went off happily, and be sure they knew how to erjoy themselves. Later in the day Mrs. Evans was oi Iiped to confess to her husband the loss cf the bank-note and to ak for another ia its place. Samnel Evans was not a man to worry over the loss of ten dollars. Only the day before he had given tentintes that amount to a benevolent object; but he didn't like to hve money disappear in that way. He wanted to know what had become of it. A bank-note could n. A have gone off of ia own aoiorvL He went into the drawing room with hi wife, and she showed him just where she bad laid the note, and how she bad set the heavy shade-lamp upon it, so that it might not be blown away, si, had pet it there just at dusk, on the previous evening, ard the only ones who had been in the rwm since, to her know It de were Kate, and Lydia, and Albert Worth ing. b did not believe any of the ser vants conld have been in there. Nothing conid have called them or any one'of them in that direction fi e was Tery Fir. "It is very curioo veT," -!l Evais, gazitg vacantly upoa the spot EST-AJSLISEI) 1827. where the ban's-tote bad been laid. "It couM r t have moved without help." "Oif course it con'd not." "Was there a fire ia the grate last ere ingw "Yes. Yon remember, it was rather chilly, and as K&fe wanted a bit of warmth, I let J.ihn put op a fire, jost a bit. enough to !at a few hours." "June couid not hive " "O, John had built the Sre, and had been gine ball an hour ;hen I came in, and I know he did not a-orne hack, le canse he af ke.1 me if I could spare bim to p.'down town for the evening." "Well, wt-1'. if that bill should ever turn np, I tbnk I should know it. How ever, here ii another : and I ho,r e yoa will be Luorv carefat of it." On the fiowinjf day Mr. Evans took ! his wit- ti a ride U Ili-H B-i.!. Of late he hud kept n-i hint's- of hisowu. f He had H-iion to usei hor-t ... -.-id .in j that be foun I it not only cheaper, but ir , more ci?Dver.icr.t to hire, S he wect to j th.- stable wh?re. for a long time, be had : been in 5 ho habit of birirj.and ergtged j u co n-ii for i he afternoo, io be at ) door at one o'clock. j Ths team w:n promptly on time, ai d j bath K..t. and her ti.a-.in LytlLi wi-nt j down to set tnaiutuA son.:!" flxed :r: the cirriage, and t!:ty hvpeil Mse i 'uM h jve j a frivl a ti:i a" they t.:d. i-pj "Jt i ou j the previous day. I O.i the return, Mr. Evans helped hU j wiffriiiu ths coach at their dor, and haviLg se.i her safely in t'.ie hous he j resJiucd Lis seat, all lrjde b.-k to the Btabie, near ahicn resided a man w if.h whom be had oipcrtant buir.ead. At j the stable he a.ig liicd aJ went intw the i oilite to pay bis bill, Wndtricg to the clerk atweaty-doliar grecn'ta.k, Ia the change returned to hirn was a tea-dollar bill a note of the latent issue a criiip, new note, whicil . Hi started when he saw it, for hi believed tht the only note of that description yet put ia circulation in the city, Lad been given to him, two days before, by a fr.ead of his in the Treasury Department. Could tbia be toe same? "May I ask you," he aaid to the clerk, "wbtreyougot tins note?" -(.' rtahily. sir. It was given tome lost ev.-nic', by Mr. Aliwrt Worthing. I think the team for which be paid was sent to your boa. Mr. Evans ret nr. ad to Lis home in a cloud of deepertd harrowing anxiety. In bis mind there could lc no doubt i about that being ths bill w hich he had gi'.entohis wife, t'.uld it be possible that Albert bad taken it? ()! he could not Lelieve it. And yet ah! stranger 'things had Lap;ned. H cirtst think. He would not speak to h'w w ife yet. lie i wold K-e Albert 6r:i. And tie met the jonng man on the fol lowing nioruinz. lie whs not a man to beat about the tiu-h with a character like that of Albert Wortbdhx's. "Albert." saTl LtV'drAin? the yenth" asid'1 his very Lok znJ torn- gave to his audit fch'ffc an I started hi fron bis eouilibrfum ''vun were at mv Lo'..e, in the d raw i;ig-n ::, on hist M radar ev.-- j ningT j "Ye-; sir," answered Albert, tfritken I with crt ut r. ..r.! r. j "YH will e.tcueaie for asking vou j i but. did to;:, ou that occasion, in- any- j thing of a L.tnk-nole tr-,at lay up n the luant.'i si. elf '.'" Tlie j un- esiin colore.1 and LosiLit.d. lie remembered Instantly. th ati-ider.t of Kate's. lie .'.:d not wish to he x..ald not espowe l-er, if she bad noty-.-tes pcix-d herself. "Mr. Ev.tns." he returned, s.!er a troub led pnus-,"l iiop.-t think I lojked upon the shelf dtrriiig th evening. I wusthere but a short tiu.o, liavtng only callti? f r j tlie p'!rp..s of makirg arrant:onienLs fir our ride on the following day." j AlU-rt's hesitation: his nnwrnted tremor -f litid', Lad notes- atril the old j lawytr's eye ; and natural'- eitouh, be pur a very bad construction upon the ! signs. j "Then pursued Mr. Evans, with an ex- pression cf pain and distrust not to be mistaken, "yn saw nothing ( f a bank note while yon were tl.ere 1" This was coming very near to bottom, i and Albert winced, he could not. with ou. direct falsehood, declare that he saw nothing of I he kind, Irf-cansc he w;s very sure that he did see it. After a moment's hesitation, he ventured t sk, in a strangely tremulous an I unwillins man ner : "Iliveyrc spoken wilb Kite or, the su y ct, s'r?" "ilrs. Eears spuken wiih her. S!i know nothing al or.t it ncthlntf at all." tiis v.)i.-e wus Lurd and stern, and cold, j and his louk severe. I- sen''y hea.Md : "I k you Albert : Whep-.iid yoc get j thiv ?" nt tli" s;i:t:e time expo-.'. :i the fen ! d"i :' not be l-ad takca from the stable cl.ik. "f.id I evpr ha-ee it sir?" the youth asked promptly. "Mr. Warubolt'i i-Ierk.toM tre that yoa pave it to him in payment fur the team you had on Tuesday. Alrert Worth irg turncl a shade paler, and for a single instant his frame quiver ed ; but it quickly jvasrc I.snd he answer ed witber.tire self-possession: "Mr. Evans, you must excuse me. There is a reason go.! and sufficient to mvself. why I should not. at present telL, who gave me that note. I am sorry to j ref.;i vou in so simple a matter, bat I can cot do it." ! The old lawyer was ouizled. In w hat i had posed befi-re he had seen only the j icdL-atioris of guilt ; but the last answer, j and in the tone "f its giving there was j sure'v nothing .n"the euilty man. In his i Ions pr-ac'.;. at the lr he had become go thoroughly acquainted with the var- j ous aiwaifesfa'loBH of guilt and innocence j that he was not liable to be mistaken now when be saw thein. Yet he could j not putaw.'y bipsu''pic:'u.s. Why should the young t.i ;n Lav !n so startled as j hecerta'uly was when h was 5rstak-1 e,l cor.cercing the bank-note oa th shelf? Why ;f he had not seen it, or i known somc-thitig of it before? j Mr. Evaiw re:l-vteI for a It'tle time. End then, with more of pain thn of any thing else ia his volee, he said : "Albert, I wiil not pursue this thins farther at pre?eat, I will only further say j this: Until yon can come to me and j frankly explain your possession of that j bnnk-nrtfe, I raast re.juest thut yo? will j a a visit at toy hoasc. I trust yon nndr- i stand ii e. j Albert Worthing st.wi like one thuu derstruck. He did not aniers.aaJ. But 4 APRIL 2, 1890. before he eoni.l collect his: snsoaaud speak calmly, Mr. Evans had turned and left him left him with a greater suffer ing than we can tell. On thecvenin-r of that day -:?ar!y in the evening Lydia Hapood entered Kate's chamber. "Lydia, what in the matter? Yoa lock as though you had seen a ghost." I.ydia came and sat down by her con sin's side, and took her hand. "0. Kate, how shall I tell yon what has happened ? Pt yoa expect Albert to call this evening?" "Certainly. IL promised. Lydia!" with a start, at the same time catching her arm, "has an v thing happened to bite? Is he -" "Hush. Kate. It is nothing as yoi think. Listen. You remember what I j told yoa about the deception yoa prac- j ticed toward your mother concerning the i bank-not" tnat was lost from the draw- ing room shelf? Yoa called it a iitt'.e lie. f O, deiir Kate, it has borne bitter fruit j already, and it may bear fruit more and j and more bitter if yoa do not lay it with ! the rod of truth ami frank confession." j ' Lydia! what in the world do you mean? O. teil me.'" j "I wiil till you, Kate. Abmt an hour j ago your father came home, and entered j the front drawing room, where jour mother was sitting. I was in the music 1 rxuii, a&J Fccle Samuel did not see me. i O! I never saw a face more wrought npen ! witll pain and anguish than was his. 1 His w iil- saw it, and asked him w hat was ; the matter. And then it all came oir.. ! I cannot teil you all that was suid ; !':'. Kate, your dear Albert is accus-si of Lav- j itig stolen that ten dollar bank-note. ! Hush ' It is as I tell you. Your father : went to Wambold's stable to pay fur the team be had used, and in making change the clerk gave him a new ten-dollar bill, j of the latest government Issue. It was the exact counterpart of that arhich we ; saw bttrn in the grate, or it was exactly j like the note which nncle had given ; aunt, and which she had laid on the : shelf. Uncle asked the clerk where he g.'t the note, and the clerk replied that I . Ihtrt Worthing had paid it to him on j the previous evening. Is it any wonder j that your father should think strange of j the affair? But that is.net all." ! "This morning yonr father saw Albert, i and asked hitn if he saw anything of a ten-dollar bill on the drawing-room shelf last Monday evening. Albert asked, in return, if yon had been asked about it. And then, as I can make out, Albert re fused to answer him where he got the tea-dollar bill he had pai.l. to the ftable- keeper, but he would not tell. And then, j Kate, your father forbid his coming here j any more till he could explain." "t! Kite! Ktte! do yoa net see that ; Albert held his tongue for yoc.rsake,an.i J for your sake he is lutTerincr as. I venture . to stv. be has never suffered lefore ! i . i what must he think? How must he feel? i He knows Kate, he knows that you knew ail aooul tire missing bank-note, j and he knows, also, that yoa must have! to! 1 to vour mother a " I j Ol Ly lia! liju't! don't!" cried the j stricken girl. O! what shall I do? What j shall Id'.?" I "Dear c rsiu." pleaded Lydia. putting an arm ar.ind her neck nd kissing her tenderly, there is but one thing you eta do. .urviy, you know what that is." "You mean go to mamma, and and confess.'' j "Yes, and go at once. Goto father and j m-.ther both. Tbey are ia the drawicg noni at this moment. O! dear Kate, if vfi would ever know happinessagain. le brav and true trae to yourself and true to Albert. Conrag! Courage. It may Le hard; but 0! think of what must be if j y-.u .Jo not face the duty." i Kate bent her head upon her hands, j an 1 so remained, moaning in anguish i f j e;:int, for several seconds. Finally, she j cr.ise, and without a word further, left ) the chamber. Once on the way she hes- I itiitcd and stopped, but only for a mo- j merit. She sped on, and stopped not I again until she sank upon her knees !w- j fore her parents. ! "O, papa! mamma ! Ly-tia has to! 1 me all ! Albert is noble and true. I am ; a O, mamma! I told you a wicked lie! : I did know where the ten-dollar bill j went. I moved the grt-at lamp on the j eh oh and something fe!I off. -ond Aih-.-rt i sprang f.rward and tried to save It but j he could not. He told me ha thought it , was a greenback of a large dccot2ini7.''n. And to save me he has suffered. O, papa, j can vou ever forgive me? Mamma ran ; you ever trust and love me again! O! '. netcr! never! while life anit sense are mine, will I deceive you agiun !" We can easily in-agine that the parents j were not hard upon their erring child. . In fact the sufferings she had a! read v en- ' t ured were all sufficient to the end of : pnrifi.-ation, and they would not add to j them. Wtien Mr. Evans had gtvea hisdaugh- I ter his Wessingo, and his forgiving kiss, ! he pnt on his hat and went oat. Directly j to the residence of Albert Worthing he made his way ; and he had the good for- j tune of finding the young man at home, j "Albert, I wish yoa would tell me j where you got that ten-doilar biii you j give to Wambold's clerk." There was something ia the man's look ! and tone and bearing a depth of feeling : and of sympathy tt at touched the j youth'9 heart. He reilected for a brief j space, ank then answered kindiy and I Iranklr: ' "Mr. F.vans. I think yoa can appre- j ciate the situation. That ten-doi!ar bill ; wa jivTi to me by a client who had, not j an hour previously taken the poor debt- j or's oath. And yet he was entire! hon- i est. That mony was not his in any way or shape when he took the o;tth." "I'ear Ik)V if yna can fargive one who has foolishly, pe.hap8 wicke.lly though onwitting!y wrongeil oa both, I shall be the happiest man alive. But come with tne to my house and Kateshail explain." Little was said on the way. Having j reached home, the old lawyer conducted Albert atom to the drawing-room wberw his wife and daughter were sitting. And there with hot tears, and heaving soln? and upon his bosom he would have sank upon her knees at hia Li3 feet ; had he s:i5 -red it Kate confessed to her lover the sin of which she had been guilty. She told the whole story just as it was. It wa a severe lesson, and hum a, a tir.g;bat it was a source of great good. The cloud was gone, and tba suushio-j came again ; and npon th bosom of her dear lver Kate took a new departuM ia life, from the trae coarse of which, she ' feels, very sure, she will never deviate, j I I 'T A War Veteran She A recent Columbus dispatch stated that application had been mtd.- to the Adjutant ikn.-ra! Pr the dt- h .r. pa ln of John H. Summer, VS'. l ; io In fantry. The A.ljutint Oettera! V: 'ht? fir been ina'jle to tlnd t': ctl v-'' pers, audit may t thrt sr:tt m.st :e was maJe in giviu or ,' r if:.g the name. The i-t I- l'jond tii.r'" !'ul a penon aaeri ig to that de-:i;-t.. n perforuied or'u! anI vali-tt s.-r ice. :.r ing the war. avl ths jr-n iescrilwd is Mrs. J. C. B !.-. For a j ia.-'er i," a cent:jry she has concealed ttie 1 aift is only moved r. ecn.1 ttiem Dvw "bj utilinz heaitri. and t'.e ur-r.c : pension she is en.ieavori .v-to et itli the ai ! of protnirt-nt tintud Army men. Mrs. Bailey's st ry is as f-.i'os- At the bre.;kimr out of if, w.i-"he was Tlsiting fri'-.o-N at SheSi-l-l. E. ' i:..l. n-id started for her Iiouse a V. . i '.i-,r 1. i , on hearing of the tr uM'-. SVi v. a th-' owner of ensl.Inib!: j.weT'y. : ': i w teti she re-t.-h? 1 house fci t i h r t -, brothers Ukia:; cite cf it as be.; t'-iev cou'd under the c.-. t ii-ta :.----. II'. Bailer wa th-.'n year. .; a, st-l h- r brothers were youoer The family acre i-y:..:, I the I.rothers joined the t'ni i army. iir. 1"-. ey add hi.-r piiijerty, and, taking with her several !av?s, n;:,nsgvd to get ii.r.v:gh the lines an I n.-ached Wash::,,-' n. In Febrnary, ls,;g, she l.m'v th .tact ai-lo-gian.'C and ept-e-l the !,'. it.i' s-r.i -.f. her hl-erated slaves tiu i'ng th.' r to this cite. B th of her hr 'the.-s w ere kill-l rt tho-baitl ct F.irfa fVjrt House. SLe sect. .'. I t: -ir '... !'.. :-'"! had t'"ein interred at Wt.veiini Then st:e put on men's c'.i':; tt v a. at. I i.er Ulid er.iisi.si. was wij.iti'i.'u a:: identity ii-overe i ia th hospital, as soon as her wo;:ii-i uas Iwit eil niined t'i stay in tiie an-iy, ah :r. irr.fii a sol.l;r an 1 eriis! in lt: regi iient cnl went luto tae .-::ta. service. t" 1 - Kry cbanc" sue ct she drr'd men' ..'ill ir,l -arpnt o.;t. wr , ' i , s,-i-'-' ' par tii-s. Sh Toun l" I in the he,t of the exrx1 liti'T.s, :sr, ,"r i " aiain .-!i.it.-,er'i by tl reported it to O n -ra! S:.er. tan sued a:: ot.Ser f..r h -r to r. .':: tv wa t: hospital corps. She coull n--; r--t t c tett' '1 "iti the hu....'.ru:u esi.-te:.te of a h'isoitai nursv, however, ac. i wts s. on a Scout near the en nv's hn-s . She went occe too otten. art-I w.-staata prisoner by three rebels an 1 s -nt to Lio by jvrisor, where she was kept fr three months and ev'nt days. p;ti' ShHrldan eave three rebis in exci;ar"v f i' her. She was ir seven! eng tg -rii--r.ts and .is wounded tli fee times. she tl.'.aliv came back to Ws! where he aasd'.-harud f.- .iu C. ten, OllV I. Col's Cavalry, ur.der tl:e r. tri:- if. Johc Il Sur.vm"-. She frani bci i...y j dead, and h-.T taoaey gone, anil s- she ; came to Clef-land with her hushaud. She had Lven in Lie city Hut a short tin: when b'-r hcsbar.l was kiiled in an ei j.Ioston at th piwIer mills. T.. -;..!; , caused her to :-me iusare f - r a ti ue. ' and site was treat- ! at th a-yl t::i. A.ler her re.nver-- sii hve i .-'.i?: tear iu t!- ; far.iily of :in List (hevjlard phv-h-i ,-i ; i but her health is ti-.w .mp'etc'y Lr-k'-r. down, f n-1 Hi. lis., no c-.;rra;,i .n-aus -.if support. Having no rUl..! fir a p -nVs i mi h-r the general peui & ia'vs. sb k-. pt Lt-r discharge papers fcr a : years ar.d then .'..-stroyed them, aa th--y ha.! i--come a! m. xst illegible :!ir.nh ag . and r.OW she Seeks to h.av thft:: ilu; 1. ,';.'.;'!. A Hotel Cierk s Tale. "Ilu nan natcre, as n in a h'g L rather curious, n't ;t'v a X--' '! man ;!!: ied of the : iv cleri Y..-rk is h- leaned ou th counter. "Y-c ." he sl-.-wly ar.-l dry iy r; p'h-d. "For jastanci." to repoi r-r c -litir.i:; -I hav - a chan Seller w.th live h;.rn,'i in iry nwia, but three of the bem-rs ar p'.rtsrg'-d np sr.d c-.tu't l-e Ugh; !. Th. sip is ct:-ap Li t p.;:r. I ie glasi :s itil k.'-l, tha ntarb-e-top-e-l is stained with ink sr. l-g . ng louiog" is 1 rot-en. Hj.v's '.' nature ?" "My dear sir." ! replied, l it r hot.-! !,c p i" f pi;re"n- for t iii'i';'-C fe -no his w-i holing th noon tu-ii!," "I w-a ohligl put yju i.i a room vact'ed by a W-t-.f-merchant and his wit'--. II g :'.-":. k. broke the lounge and c:-.i.-ked th- g' -shebv-k .".way v. ith. h. r two t :s r..i tto rakea of line soai-. ii is re-tr.si-ble for the irk-s-oilr.s ar.d tc s. .; r- 1 two table nuf sins into his i-k k. t at. 1 carrici them o'd, an 1 she bn.ke a .joi.ar It. lei and a se.er.ty-cent pane i" g V. p!nggel 'n the burn rs b-caas- t lighted tiie whole five ar t ; .,T t . the theater. I'hiok he ca.-rii-l o.f o : of th kryo to th d ,r. an I I kr. cribheda liou'jnet bo!der fr-'-ttt the p..h-r. How's that for trr.e'hig h:ni..o !-:-tare?" The newspajr man was si!.-::? the want of an arg-jinetit, and t!i c'rrlt presently ciotin!id : "Here tre half a dos -n b;'.eg.-.i;.,.s and a score of letters from n:a t ho v. II! ,-V! aro-ini in due se.tsiu an I tn- tire f.r theui, or want them for jrar led to points in Maine or Texas, ar.d civ me my trouble fir t!e profit-. A"."! -.-rj.'js you'd lii to bay oine cf these -orthVss chct.-ks for two cc-r. on the a r, or take snm of th jet r-r "f trttrsk in the stortge nwni and setti ifir b.ii for which they ur? h-. 1 L t h. ys oh. y.s ; Tliis h.ia- ,t nat'.t e is a leg thirg. a -id the ioiig'-ryou live the Marc -.on -s ill be cocvinc.j.1 ti-.at iilt the advantage is not T.i-' yur !s;i pr;:i i.vig i e r-:ne:-i-Hr-ed as the moei .Lsa-tr j .s to th ,-.i:?.e trade that has vxtr he n ';?.iie-fc.L The grent'st depresui-.u was in ".he 1- t cat; le. In l.s the best ratt'e never wer.t lo' t r than ?'; in li:' the best caitl i f.t r. old for less 'bar --i. And this in a year whfcn there w is a heavier export tra !--than in any former year. Tc . cu p' r of range cttti.? received r-1 C:,l --..g wk less, than in 1 by .".Tit ') he...!. I lid not the receiptjof Texitns been ir.crease.I the falliag off would 1m ve been gr-iter. Of what tK doss I as "westerns " there was a falling off of lo.),-IO ; the T"S :us increttsei o'-hroO. The o itloo'i for t!iU yar is certaio'.y brighter thin :t was a vear afj, but growers ntust- not expect a gnat a-lvaiice ia pritvs, says the M jtshiua T1 f Li " n vvrroT.K xo. 2019. 1 The Ar:z;na Kicker. IVe extract tte fni'.v io frjua the Iat i-e'ie ff the .Jr.-:-;-- ,"- -. .- We have j if c! sc I a bargain with If-r.ry Shane, the seil kno- :i iTntractm and Imiider, f. r a re story addition to the rear end of cur. tin e, to be 1114 in s':;- Tills room w io 1 j-ed as gun sai:th shop under ouro-an ersonitl man ag -rttent. This w;!i -g've cs. unier rip. an ? t! e e-:;iie ry.'(. a eat weekly paper, a j. -H and book ot!'-e, gr x-et r, a le1 store, a hardware store, a butcher shop, a hoc: and shi-e store, a signal statiot end a cms!. op. Thtee yar.s ago. npnt our arrival in t'-.i town, ts slept un in a wag-op for the t'.rst three nights, ir,' t.i" ti-st money we had tiusa Lomei io!lar. Is it any a ler thi.t our moon-eyed, hirileru j iH.i, o.ule eared contemporary dow n th tet jo nr. a 111 all day an. ti.:s the . -mic a.l eight . a: .cirir,. N t M ,n ijT i-,. r':l''g s; artist an.' t-r-g.-.iver front Chi- ago will arrive ii )i: to accept ..i a j shlo:i teudetetl by the K;. k:l V.V are ti.e iret to intro ihirs r a! sr'is; .r.to Ar.onu, as w are the ii r-t to Irivi to way in all other go d thiTig- i!era!'--r aii matters of local tc.-p'.rtance. b';t M-.r. -.:ria!ly street rows a? I it.l 1 -s "f bii'. will b ilhlstr.'t-. d ia tne i.ig.ie-t style of art. U.er -by hico-airg the value of the K.cg;:a to sc.' -, r: e-s by at h.ast per cect., w hi! the : r iv ...r -r.hs. ri; ti n will lemal-i t t'-e , ! tigttr . it h :-. sn i: ip. ":'-t that every time we have I ecu ohiige i u. i.,1 ,i m-m iu ttiis n in self .1-1, ::s. ti e co.oti- r aid t.-veryb sly e!.e . iu a great hurry, and thai t. h'j.i v is t".u led ia the fucvt ii'nvrr.'tr" pi... o. Lis! we were str-x lr. w.ih tl e idea of 1- Uiog them a'l t, gether m ..-r.c .ninmon srv un l we tsjtight an 2i-r of sand lot of Colore! IlaWki.is for a ground "rk. I'Ur r.-en eye. I cotitemtH ra y v""f r. hint of wh.-t as np, and he .! b.owlng smitnd toi. b-r-l did hi ! .-'. t head lis.f; he .:'.. ho vcv. 1. and .! :r' th" thaw we ii.id th-- live t-ki .s t.iken op, re.uoe! ' w! it is a. ready knvwr, :is "th KU'i'r corral." and eaii gi a', c .iesiga.:ted with a white he; I Lsard a.t the paiu paint i i tieat'y i'!-.-.-s.ii. iu tr; spring we -iiaiJ ste that e;v ' grave ',- coveretl witt trtiiing arhut'is- that i. if arbutus wit trull ! this country. The names, as thej ;.pp-.-.r en :h l,e:i-!'-i.-ar.s. are " Mose, i e'.-. J':.:i. S.s ii, n.-d Jack." We s all pr-U.b.y a id a. c .cule more to tiie list i cf .-ra the i.h-s :' M ty. whatewr that is. r:ii:v i .h'i FMirt sE. Every no.v ..ad tii-n -nr.e one who ' ilesy'i'!' 1 ci'h ti.e ij'."; of the KicKEt h,.!-s up who a j fop..;:: to r:n as ou of tin- country hv ttaiiiishirtf a ne-' weekly in o; p. -I'l n. !! g-ie-s Mowini a.-":r.d, gi is ::l a r ?us ..n a broker l-ackci type writer, j-u'.s hi? own rnr? down for ;' ;e ' hars. an ! that's h !a.r . T It. We've avn fvecty sn.-h . as.s ii th last three years, an ' they no longe let k. '.ur hair -tau i or. er.d and chili cat.ter up aud d ivn our spiral lolamr Ttt i wetks ago tve felt it our .b.ty t-c-aiition the May.', -.1' th - town that L -.vis riding a haih L..rse, and that 1 in ist com down to a m ile or w'd taU t !! r- to ma'-te ht-n. He ca.-ried a' oi-l tg-n iiDi-.nd for three or f.U' !tj s, t.-'l-ng "cerylsfcly he had cantpe. i-:i "'ir t-a:l. but " li r.al'y g; too hue l"..rli.'ii attd i e sold ii f.-r" and got on the u-!j:.J p'- sj-t tc. -. We hear that he tl. :s ,..r: g t aar-1 ceded in raising 4 ard -.ahhsh'ng a great nes- -., r h :rv. I'.y w ay of eucouragment i? ii! add -i -ei.-ond ih-g. and we hope he M.vor all; ;-..s:i l is project for gl. t'.s w.-rtu. f-1 - fvakir.ir i-i.rti Toe the TyTark. s.'n.f"r rhiitas sawyrr, while Mayor f '."-hko-ii. 'ihs.. s.i y s a New Y'oik ''. !.- nrr, u.-tcnt. xereijuHl also the !".' s 'f i'o.ict "l.igi.-trate. A friend cf 1: s f,. Is ,lu. ti, th Sr.at." to "fjcue ir eii c! ivion a ll'.'l incident of that tii...e, whlcli i-r ngs 1: strong color- his st. rlirg ir.tegri'y ci.i k in-"new .f heart. "A case v. as tne.l h, fore him one day.'" s."Id n--inforittant. "in vhi'-h the woes ,-f.i yo-:-g .-;rl. wh , in the 'ang-:ag- of i 'Iver I,-.' !--t.::'. Lad 'st-'s-red to folly j for.-'.-..! a pron-ii'.-rt ht -t.-r. As he list- 1 .11 to the .: l.tttidi.'y sf.-ry, Sawyer'.- ! g'-f it henrt r i; . !ly warmed and bring i 'i-g h.i.S h'g th-t d-j.vn i.pj" i: l.he .'.esli j irotit of him with a r-.; tir.d. r-g w hack.' 1 he . ri:d out : ' Th infernal .-c irel 1 i'll make: ih.n marry you b-f, r rnoming.' ; "ill i .1 :;g th" .,..r waif, he sect : oct l is hailiiTs. U- ".-.h-kly 'ran in' the ris rilct'n"".?. Ii re"! h evil-doer a J .hig ! -rt ar-. -a In-ling np by ars::ring him that if i: - !' !n't u arry the girl there ', tid then be would p'.,".;4"v -en'I him! (, i : h p. niti .iry. The f-'!.-r con -en- j t' '. ar .1 lie- f.,-ure r married them j -:t i shjr. I. r. t f rg King to ; reach to ; he i'! a stern y-1 k.r.diy i:oa.i!y upon ; 'lie st'l'-e. .-.'.y of t-.eir rew relal icn.-L:p, N.-.i. ' j. ie "f it -.-.' j urued thenar- j rator :,i s ra, i ics l.ttie st-vy. ''that j the her.: :1 .tnt L.ws f the 'B i hg-T State' h:r 1 lilt.-! .r, r-l-r V! 1- o to i- r. er ora'in tti : rid I...- Magistrate anv ; a-. ,.r . aut":."rt-y . ! a'i-vr to sd.ttst the t:e that j h''i'h-.' i'hho''i t,o .1-pr.., thj- did;; br.t tiiyf,u-t-g ,upi- went forth from his j ef-'. - h.t"py .".nd ciiri-nfed. Whether ; t It?.- fv r.t:"y ,'isi-,"!-. '-! that the rep-- . "i.-r v ; , r:".r:: e,', hy .Mr. awyor was not t jrh-illy '..c.-or ling to IT .y'.e.'ati.I had it : .!,; ever, ?g. in in n:"- approved l.ga 1 : s'yle, I nver Uj.tr.: ! : bat this I , kr that 1 he Frir Fretty-uan an.i ' !.: radiant s;ou-. in ;he g 'o-i old -torr 1 l-.fc.-. they Lte-I ha py ever afterward; ; snd that in at lea-toL '.Vis. on -in hoc-e hold Senator Sawyer'a name is iuveO ..rt l honored bej-cn.i that of any olhn nun." A Great Ericlce. Tii greuV-t bridge in the worid was ors'tiei! last week. It spin th F.rtJt of i lorth In S-otian 1, Is ? J f.et long, tw-, of its sr.ars ar ea -h 171 feet, is f-.s-t ai-.'ve high w. --r, and w as ue-arly ; seven years in building, SVX) !aoore.- ; list eT .'oyd on it. It is a cantilever. Tf ',;?. towers " '-) feet high. ',iY tons of the iinest sti I w ere ise,i ia i Cynst-TJc-tlon, an I .".ViO pour. is of paint are re ju:re.I to ive it one coat. It will keep a '.ne of about 1 a) men constantly busy to keep th brl-lgej faL-tLgd. 3oi ia : t audi repaig. j ;tjl -. n Lfli -.iat.tj'. .'h x- r'Arfl !'. "tn at. 1' .'t l.tri'.,; tik ts'.!, a kiowit irtd-j.! from Kmhs -cttf .o f- act as g..v-rniiM-nt M-.mt. !!-; could speak English tlrst ra'e, an i hsv irg !iv-tl tmong tlie wh.tes for years hit-1 pic'e! up a go..J many poin'ei-s. .D los-ned among her thing that b could "put up his dukes" in first rate stvlc. Irt fact, when put against our best raan, "Joe," as the Indian was call ed, knocked him nt in ttie srvr.'h ro'ind. V.'e put Liruoiitn a few ?r t d.'lg'?f, and then waited f r the fnc: to ripen. Tr-ip were pouring in f r th" Lot 'an war, and moet of them nerc old vet. from the Arm? of the IVtoon.-. M t of rdos we-T in a ifr-at hurry t kre k over an Indian, either with fist or boliet, and tht halMoaec redskins alvr.t the fort had to battle to savst their ba--on. tne day when the sign was right, we t"-gg'd Joe out in true In llan style, guve him biw cue to how he shou'd '-t. and sent him down amom -nn-e IVucytva nia troops. They siitte-l him at ..n.-e for a sc-a'p raiser.and were hustling 1 im arosjn.t. w hen we appeared and ilie io-!--,1 filr piay. The leader of th i.usth -s a a t ig corporal of tistlc fa.oie, sad t:n i.inu'e it was proposed to get o: a m.li tween him and the In.Lan he jutpel dear off the tround and yehed : " Y!i.spec! That hits me! I've been 'aving for sn Injun. I'll give you my :.ea ! if he stands through the tirst Arrange r.entu wen .in ma t. W. ent out where th wagon nfr- packtd, ,-leure.l a s.mee, and th prin. ipais we-v -n ready. J-x- was as cah.i as a May ncrni:.g, having little to say, wl.t'-e th irporai was all "gab" and excltet'-ent. md kept calling out : " Watch liiiti. l.t'vs. and d-.n't h t h in 'un T Wo had sis ounce gloves, ars-i k Q leens.try n;-s. When J e was r.i'! y very one but the cor. r.ti oil-t -e that ne had ts-a then? ;' tiie latier -a-s m .itch a hnrry "to punch an Injun'' that tie overl a-iol par: ; -ulars. He Wei.he-t t least t.iirty pounds tlie uio.st.au,l ther a,sa grin of delight on his fate when the call ca'iie. II went into retire a kn-s-ls-out l-'ow. '".t several surprises, Hwaittl bin). II cnu'd n. ai'-r h t that ludiitn then a boy could lo.-i a wa-el ; and when t:e tirst rj'.r"l .lo-' l lis grin bad given place to a look .;f ar U.nishment. When -round second opened we give Jj tL. win's. He gave a dodge or two, fha.ed. swung 1.;a right with a -c. a-h and the corporal gave a yeii and n-i.t to earth to snore like a horse tor live nio. ute before he came to. It was as . Van t knock-out as any one ever aw. and h" iras man enough to realise it. When he could keep his feet he rein he. 1 out his hand bo J-je and said : "Ilon't set m down f, r a f ml. I ant imply fresh t-Ko fresh. This has alld ne, however, and if you'!! .-jm around 0 ti.e tent I'll divide hah and half with vou, and then give yoa a revolver whV'ti 1 cat.tured in Virginia to tarn how to get that swing with the right." A. 1". A Hunter's Paradise. The delight of the all around l.-in'r .nd sportsman is the Lone State. In uountain. plain, forest, riel i and -tream are to be found worthy ol je. ts of hi.- pur suit. Some buffalo still staik with state' y grandenr over the vast plains of n- rtii--.estHrn Texas. TLer are a s,, t h ound the bl.i. k tailed deer and e!k. The rat-dope is abundant on the western and lorthAestrn frc-ttier. Th smti.on le-.t is found in nearly aii the settled ounti.s. and are abundant in st.ar.-iy -p i'a'e-1 rf-gi,-ns. Tleynarl ha his Li r n ti.sry a brush. In the hep f- r..-t ott- ns ind thicke's the !"ar. panther, af .n.o int and wild cat -give th a-iveri-irous hunter a taste of danger. ' -n the .Lt. a near the Kio .ran,'. t:.p Mexn-an ...n r .,a:i;s wh.-n the shepherd is n t roue.d with his rill. The wolf h.ts t c-n aide .'Jf e. Thejfk rahhit C.' Ui-w-s vr the p'alns a fleet a an Arabian. ut net so lor.;- win.b-L The swamp and i.-ld rabbit and the g-ay and f x spur el. though deemed lneatli tii notice of he sp..rsa.ar, :,t!" r i the tin- fun -.ud g'Xel practice. ...i. '.- r '""-. Card of Thanks. If the proprieitr i Kemp's Balsam -hould publish a-curd tt thanks, ccn taili ng expressiocs of g-atit't-le w lii' h toti.e o him dally, t'roi.i th.-s who have leii ire! of -e er thrt at J:d h.ng trouhVs .y the use "'f Kemp'-. Ia!.-au. it won., I ill a fair--i e'. Is). Ir. How much istter o Inv ite til to call on any druggist and get a free sa-nfie bott'e. tiui' yon may -est for r.er.s-elf its p.-er. Large U.t!:.-s M'C. and -1. Crtrr.r'? W. I ox, of !:e,i-.voo.l ( 'ity. I 'ah. oas in ' is po-ees.cn one ,f the iii'-; r. r.arkahl .-t;r; utle ever found " the Pacific C'Mst. nothing mere or is than a ibwione shell, in tiie interior of winch. rjr:::!jr en.."asJ in the peirly shell s--r :ior. tiiere s-e a baby's sh.-j and st, -:rg. The siiai is fsnVet in every pa r licnlar. and the size in-Lcatew that tie owner of tLe-e pedal eoverrgs w rr a verr rotsng child. The sole of tre hi e and the t.:. liadiy worn and red from wa ter s.king, rati be plainly seenwler, the secretion has not entirely env. l,.;"t them. Sought for the last hundred years. A reme-ly for catarrh, hay fever and c-1'1 in the head found at Last in Ely's Cream Balm. Safe and piea.oii:t to Os and easi ly applied into the nostril.. It give re lief at once ar.d a thorough treatmetit positively cures. Price "'cents. Vice President .Morton L a n.,!cd bree-Ier of ' o:erney cattle. At his far .i on the Hu.Lson he hits one the line-? herds of this breed to le found in tt l"nited Statei. Many of i.isanima s hae won pr e-tat stale and ciMinty fairs. Mr. Morton is also one of the 'ilr-. tors of t! e Ameii.'iii S uthdown a.-sci.iati. n. an . r ganization that has f-jr an oi j- t the maintainirg f tiie purty and h:gh -tan-dari of line American-bred outh'l, wn shep. -.- - . A professiorai rat -a?i oe-t e-ten..:. ths numlierof rats in th I'nlted v'a'e st 5ve f. r every aian, woman and chil l ia the country. FY-r every ihi' l N -n ther are twenty-eiuht rats and each rat nr 'tght to '.- deith crl the t"j 'e an vei-age of four t n'. He M' that :f '.crT person in th hm-i st; .i:,J et out o hunt rats f,.r a nioiuil the nun! er ni l not He reduced t U than !''.- Vi'e supps that the ter.n "'oiacit n TH'ttiu'e " i only apph.ah: t..- an un grateful negro. . T'.e crti 'U is -u.i to lh r g o ?.'-a h! family. The two are hut 2'.atart rela tives, h...ever. The ootusi-e -f gi 1 doll-s is le f.tc;p;ssj. and jeweler who lave Wn converting theat into bangle- ared'.'or- It 14 the bu-'y efciffifje ?wp wo 3 ppars in a fresh soot every Jay. A