The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, March 19, 1890, Image 4

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the dust," t hia' bad
1 .
O.liii.l '
tiun ;i"r it
,-m 1'oetV
I )in'i I
iut city j
beU-e-in '..rev. rfi-iff1"'
f-t on a I'i ' t"
wn. as '
n.rin : Klxi h- '
r l, CHI) H" :
mi' ivindiruf j
!:in tiini:c,
I have-though I "'rrlvl mau
more ,it.-r-;..n j'
ae f to tr.n -'" M. Kinlefwhu
will cast shir uhiii his profession
n.i Mr. WalmeKly, prowding elder of
the Three district, nimbly pushed
tack into lit corner of the SoduasUigr,
thinking tl.t if it must lip over, s seem
ed imminent.!..--mid kT t oftl,e
mill as much as i-r-iblc, Sunday clothe
being properties difficult to replace out of
minute aary. ?rttt necessary to hi
,r.nj:li-m oner flary N-havior.
l i ill. Orv, l- l'.'"" back in Ll8
J .... tl . .L
corner, i.,l chwcd las large ,
He l'r the name of being one of tbe
atr.eW bishops ",n hi Jena'ntion""1
wa, Miir-ed to the nerves or a
t-ip-umWr. bi h w
fl! ..f .lull doc .inkr. .-arise I by the dri
.ingatorni of rain and sleet that had bid
den all t tie wrld l-etmecn Little Wk
and f r ten hoars, and be shrank
f the p.esiding elder words from
. hot iron. At Little York he had been
t.ltha--JohnlMckettM not liked t
,. Creek l--ue he a not soiii-ble
.ninth lor that l.--al-ty. anJ at 'Icose
he had hcatd that Thomas Cutter,,e knew to be a good preacher
and rising voiinc man. us not accepta
Me to Iexter l our Orners liecanse be
o.nld not play the ree.i oran and aolea.
the praises, '" th P''""'
,l,e gossip Mark McKin'.ey's wife
asthew.crst. He ha.U.en told every
where that -he danced an incredible
P.t,.,v als.ut a r..i...sters ife. I--P
Corv had never aeen any one dance, but
he U-lioved it a horrible ts-r.'o-n ance,
ami his soul shivered.
- I am afrai.l if all I have Wn t .Id is
tru-. it will 1 a bal rase of disci, line,"
he said, gln.imi'c, and feeling that be
wai.aiiiT.Tinu' from a port of intellectual
neuralgia, "il-weecr, l here may be a
- I don't 1-li. ve that otn 1." aai'l Mr.
WVunslev. witha'nidi-tiveMiapof bia
lean jaw a". " I have beard the Hlory from
,TNon wii.ih.iw her, and I hope
V. U
w iil not fiip'-h.
! faithful in the fif
teenth century. I'.idcr Waln.sley w. ui.i
l,ave given himself to the fireforcon-w.iHtM-e"eske,with
almost the aatlffaction
bewnnhi have felt .in burning or Fawing
auiimlpr a aiiuier w
faith he did not
approve of.
We n iM cut to ttie line,, ev. ry time. Hem use a person
is in a prominent j-witioii is no pl.-a for
inen y ; m i' her isjeuth and mere fl. J-hly
Mrs. McKinley young, then ?"
" Yen. I should say she is too young
for the jai .111011."
The Hit-hops lii twitched under his
thick be.r . It was an old fafhiom d j
suee, a-l s ung over tbe rivers of mud
nd rJukIi that gullied (he road in a way
that gave him deadly qualms- good
dealtoenduriatieitly in brother Walm
pjev's ii.nipsny.
"The young people of the Three Mile
.tistrh-t do not need to 1 egiwd on to
worldlinefw, went on Mr. Valmuley.
"Suppose all our preachers wives
.lance 1?"
Th bi'lo shook his bead as if lie
gave up that conundrum. " Io you mean
to tell ," be arid, after a little, "that
Mrs. McKinley has attended a ublic
" 1 I can't say exactly as to that," and
Mr. Walinrdcy pi.lle.1 at the i-arroty stub
ble on bis i-harp chin ; " but I under
stand somettiing to ITcct from Mrs.
Stevens, w ho told me he saw her ; she
ai.l, ' r.p.ilier Walmeiey. she dan. ed as
ifheha l done it f ra living.' "
' Mrs. Stevens was then at the ball ?"
" Wiiv, I suppose n, fir t-be's an old
church niei!.U-r. Ofcmne the matter
must I sifted."
A .Min the r.islmp c'i.-ed liis eyes, and
. r..liv. Lis imiliei)ce for Mrs. Mc
Kinley "a condemnation, Mi. Walmsley
bummed, tiood camp-meeting tunes
they were, like " I'm going home to die
no more," aud " I'm bound for the king
dom " ; but the J'ishop disliked hum
ming w ith all buzzing noises, and he took
the only way to stop it by asking why
Mr. Walms'.ey had not attended to Mrs.
M Kinley's car himself.
Klder Wahnsley tnrned a dusky red.
"M. Kinhy is a cihar man. with a
most unsanctitied at tini!s," be
said. "He is cipable of tcllini! me to
mind niv own business, anil I know it."
The presiding elder felt be bad stated a
damaging fa.-U ' I did sn ak a word to
her about her spimrvl when I saw her in
a scarlet dress fit for the woman of Baby
lon. I told hr that such a dress, and
curled hair, and gold ornaments are con
trary to scripture, and. sir, she told ine
Kbe thought I was mistaken, and so long
as the nipples put on red leaves in
the fall, she should nlinue to have a
red gown."
Officiary the Bishop held that pasters'
wives should da all in tb -ir power to in
sist their husbands in their peculiar
work ; but this dreary -Uy was the anni
v -rssry . f the death of Mary. "little Mary'
lie called her in bis thoughts, his fin-t
wife. Only a year had she stayed with
trim on earth, but after thirty years, she
w as Milt in the centre of his heart. Mary
had worn flowers on her bonnet, to the
astonishment of the church and presid
ingelder. Somehow it was difficult for
him to think of Mrs. McKinley with suf
ficient severity, so he temporized. " I
think," he said, that she was probably
brought up in the world, or in a church
with laxer views. We must not forget
"There's such a thing as too much
charity," liegan Mr. 'Wahusley, but just
then the stage lurched t.rsard at an an
gle of forty-five degrees and a deluge of
mud covered the windows. Then it
lurched backward, at d as it rose out of
this new slough a dinner bell clanged
somea here, the driver shouted 'whoa!'
in a tremendous voice, and some one
opened the door w ith all the clatter pos
sible, while h shouted 'Mi-neeto!' with
the vim of a brsk man who knows thtre
111 deaf old lady in his car.
Mr. Wahnsley drew np his cramped
le. Minetto was hia appointment. " It
wi!l I a bad case," I.e whispered, in
adieu :" bat my prayers wi',1 be with brother."
During the dreary ten miles 'hat fol
lowed. Bishop Cory's though's were busy
with tbe p&t. He might never have
been a bishop had Mary lived, he told
himself, w ith great yearning to the radi
ant figure glowing in his memory. Miry
bad not pleased Mirvthon. hia first par
ish. He had resented the sympathy
nhown hiiu by certain of bis members
w hen she lay in her coffin with her baby
on her breast. To be made a bishop was
a great honor, but it w as also great re
sponsibility, and w hen he clicpbed out of
the stage at Sodas, he wished himself
afe at home in the city of G.irland.
A little woman in a rubber cWk, and
carrying an umbrella ao vast it oeenied a
if .he mo W blown away if -he rlmi?
Jong to its expanaiva protection, lmmed
op to him, crying :
-lathis IhMiop dry? Mark in at a
.a II 1
f.nerlfihe-.!itniiel. when use i'!nT
... 1.11 ir nsi tM tron
ntr..Ti. o.. ... .
u.n of tiie uaii-reoa
old ho!e. ? Oh. I ranno let y,.u. I' '
the :j " a on pu p.
Mr. K; . wnior trorte- 'l tbe - ,
d,i.chun l., Ki. 1 ...1- of t!'- ra - i:"l"- . I''-1
.nt u.. n .11 in- ii-lr.c!, .1 1 0. 1J ,
., .: .. il. Kihon bospitali- 1 eJ-
we aiauuM " ,
ty, a ru.wt unu'iuil condeacenaion for
bim ; but tbe foctor allowed himself to
be led away by little Mr. McKinley and
put all the power of hia mind to study
ing the wind, that he might ao hold the
umbrella that the aleet would not drive
in upon her. He re-ollerteU that at his
laat viait to Sodua he had been ira.ittei
to el-p in -the old hotel," and had pass
ed the nighta in combat with natuele
Bleep dirfurbers. It warmed hia heart to
1. n kindlv welc-omed after hu Ion? ride,
and far the moment he forgot that he
. that inaUnt making 'diwipline more
dilbcult to rdminiater, if thia bright little
woman deserved it How much ahe
madebim think of biaown Mary! She,
too. would have taken trouble for an el
derlv guest, and would have one forth
to meet him, anl she would not have
been solemn, or aaid a word about bis
being a bishop.
"Hovou begin to frel at Home 1 ac
asked, after a long five minut, during
which he noticed that the little woman
literal! buns noon his aru), trying to
take lon Btejai to keep up with him, aud
that her Urge brown eye were very
' h, it is home wherever Mark is, but
this village i not New York. Hon't tell
but I dou't like it. It is poky without
I misstl'ie girls dreadfully, and
she gave a little sigh.
" But are there no girls in Sodus?"
"Nat the sort I have known. They
geerti to think a greut deal of fashion here
and are always talking about Using over
their dresses, and they take it for granted
that I know all about dressmaking, be
cause I came from New York. It is tire
some ; but I have done nothing but
grumble, and you will think I am not
happy, but I am."
-1 am giad of that I suppose you
make a itood many visits?"
" Yes. The country ople have no
idea t f the value of time, and they come
for us at nine o'clock. The rides are f. ar
fn: .11 the winter, and in the farmhouses
they have wood stoves. You know boa j
hot your face gets and bow co.a jour
toes and back are, trying to warm your
self at them. They do not have lunch,
and dinner is at three, just about tlie
time you have a headache well establish
ed. When it grows dark they get out
the Bi'.le and Mark reads a psalm, and
we sing the doxoiogy. O 1, it is very droll,
and Mrs. McKinley chuckled.
' It seems to me it may be wearisome,"
said the Bishop, slackening his pace. He
had detected his companion was skip
ping to keep up with him. "It must
waste a great deal of time for your hus
band." "Oli, it is in tbe wav of business for
him," said Mrs. McKinley, blithely. " It
is my time that is wasted. 1 take my
sketching thimrs along and get some de
lightful bits sometimes. Oiuntry chil
dren are as sweet as apple blossoms, gen
erally." The next moment the Bishop found
i.i,.oiir in a bright little room, all a
twinkle w ith shining dishes and silver.
A slim, verv black sen ing maid was in
attendance, and there were other Blight
indiciUma that "Brother" "McKinley
enjoyed a degree of fine comroit in hit.
home not usual to the preachers iu cmj
The Bishop was a philosopher by tem
rr. and never hid the possible pleasures
of to-day beneath to-mot row's troubles.
He allow ed himself to have a delightful
evening ; but w hen the morning sun
shone across his fui-e, he remembered
with a par.g that before he set out for
New Canaan, be must say something to
bis charming hostess about the duties of
h-r sphere, and might have to proceed
to severer measures,
"I'm glad you've come," said Mr. Biggs
when he had reached the meeting house,
and there were a few minu'es which
could be ued for whispering. " Ojr min
ister's w ifj is wall "
" Wall, she hain't done soma things,
an' ahe h is done others," said Mr. Riggs
in a tone which conveyed a great deal of
blame. " She has her friends, but I ain't
one of 'e:n. I don't believe in min
ister's wives ash utt in' 'ems. Ives up an'
a-sendin' niggers to the doors a -savin'
they has to be excus-d, like they were
empres-es of France."
Mr. Rig' for some unknown reason
scorned the French.
"An' I don't believe in their flavin'
jinkin' tunes, either, nor dancin'. Yes,
sir. She's lien a dancin'. They say she's
dreadful good hearted, hutl tell 'em liein'
good-hearted never got noliody inter th'
kingdom"; and Mr. Ii'gi!S caught at a
small, withered, flat faced woman who
was passing, and loudly whispe-vd in
her ear that she must tell the Bishop
how she saw the minister's wife danc
ing. Mrs. Stevens' ns was broken. Her
eyes were larje watery, and light blue.
She had a self sat i.-tied smile and an unc
tuous voice that made tiie Bishop crinee
when she bade hi n irood morning. "I
saw her,'' she said. " I never liked her.
She ain't my kind of a worn in. Some
thing ought to be done."
Tuere was pleasure in her monotonous
tone. The Bishop turned away rather
The communion and lovefeast of the
d ty was long remembered by the majori
ty of the Sodus church. The feeling of
the Bishop was contagious. Every heart,
even those too much of the time aban
doned to small evil feelings, was uplifted
npon the w ings of the Bishop's prayers.
He liesonght Heaven for an outponring
of the Divine Spirit, and it came. Each
one grew tender toward all the rest of
th world.
On Monday his hostess was not at the
breakfast table to greet the Bishop. " She
has headaches which take alt of her
strength," explained the young husband.
She is very nervoos. and I suppose her
work tells upon her at times.'
" Her work ?' echoed the Bishop.
"Yes, her-art work. I thought you
knew she designs for a publishing firm in
New York," and he produced a fortfolio.
" Some of her work is lovely. I feel very
proud sometimes. She is most unusual
w ife for a poor preacher.
The Bishop tnrned over the water col
or drawings in silence. He was not wise
in such matters, but he was aare the de
signs were good. Again the memory of
Mary rose before him. How very differ
ent she was from the majestic person w ho
now bore his name, and whose genius
for orginiution was so wonderful that it
cret!y reconciled him to long absences
fron home. Mary would never have
bsen a success as a pastor's w ife, and she
was, ye, he admitted it, very like this
bright spirit w hom lie had been exhort
ed to discipline.
" She is a musician, too," went on the
husband, full of his wife's perfections,
and noting the Bishop's gentle look. " I
ihink the hat a beautiful touch. I
ho iJ IK rblo jky for you
this evening"
Tne Uishoji p. nt th tlfiy goinii about
the vicinity of KKiiia to v.riou statior a
at which brother McKinley preached at
staled intervals, and was tuld aixiut Mr.
M K liVy'o lan.-ing until h w tire.J.
hi . .i -'uf.e b-.- .Im.e to queli
h-i.- -- 1 c ei; t. rei.-t, an. I 'aS
v. o..t ?d King would hare
ieu 4 j.i.i.iug" tunc wtien he return
But it was not a commonplace meas
ure such as the Bishop bad learcea to
distinguish as a danca tune.
"Hike that," he said, begging her to
.. . 1 1 e . -.1.
continue. "That souaas very oiu-ianu-
ijned, like the tunes my father w histled
w hen he trotted lue to sleep fifty-four or
five years ajo."
" it is from one of John Sebastian
Bach's dance suites," eaid Mrs. McKin
ley, her face lighting up. I am always
pleased w hen people like Bach. When
they do not, I think it is my playing."
Tbe Bishop had never heard of John Se
bist'ian, and "s he dropped into an easy
chair, be thought: "How subtly the
Devil lays hia temptation nets " (he in
voluntarily kept time with his head.)
" That music somehow affects my nerves.
" We learned to dance tbe minuet at
school," went on Mrs. McKinley, her Au
gers tripping over the ky. 1 wish I
knew how to dance the gavote. A fchool
mate from New Orleans taught me a very
old jig. It is the prettiest thing ; you
ought to see it."
" I should like to," said the Bishop, his
face very grave.
" I'll do it in a moment," cried bis
hostess, gsyly.
" Papa used to like it, and you are so
like him" her voice broke. "I quite
forget you are a Bishop."
" Are von sure vou want to see that
jig?" she asked, a moment later, and
springing up.
"If you can dance it alone, and are
well enougn, ram me iiisnup, nt""s
1 that he was going to see something like
the spectacle which cost tbe head of John
the Baptist.
Mrs. McKinley pushed back the chairs.
" Sit over there in the corner," she com
manded. The Bishop w as tempted to beg
her to pull down the shades, bu he re
strained himself, reflecting that the ad
would tell her he was ashamed of him
self, yet bow could he reprimand th 8
sinner of whose sin he nad no notion ?
She touched the piano lightly, and
p. . . 1 ...
then singing in a son voice, wpiu
w icked jig. What a pretty sight she was.
Her walking skirt j'it gave a glimpie of
her little feet. She waved one hiid,
then the other, then she dropped them
at her side with the perfection of gnee.
She was like a dainty little fairy.
"I hope you like it," she said, when
she had seated herself. "It is very old-
fashioned, and is French. And will you
believe it. that iii has irotten me into
trouble. I believe I will tell you. You
wi'l not mind hiaiirg my trials, and this
is funnv."
" I shall Is- clad to bear about it," re
plied the Bishop, settling himself com
fortably. "It was last Christmas. Y'.v.i see we
cannot decline invitations like other peo
ple, and we had to g and spend the day
at the Stevens farm. Mark had to go
with Mr. Stevens to see a sick man, and
fron ten o'clock till twelve I bad to sit
with Mrs. Stevens who is as deif as a
jKist and takes piles and piles of snuff
though her nose is broken, and Her
mother, Mrs. Harmon, w ho is also deaf
when she anti to be, and Mrs. Betts,
the judge's w ife, and Mrs. Steven's sister,
Oh, you cant think w hat it is like to have
people ask yon all sorts of impertinent
.juestions, as what your fathers business
was, and what be died of, and how old
vou are, and if yonr mother was married
the second time." The Bishop laughed
grimly, and the little woman knew she
had bis svinimthv. "And when they
nnt ask me ouestions. their talked
alout people they knew. It was a hate
ful way to spend ( hr's:uia, and when
Mark caine, I slipped away to the kilch
en w here the children were cracking but
ternuts. After a little, they took me out
to the hay barn to see the c ilU ; in the
house we w re in the way of the dining
cetting, and I sat down on a bashel bask
etand told them stories. Boor things
they had never heard any regular ones
before. When I came to the adventures
of Prince RumplestitesUin, and where
he danced for his supier, they asked me
bow he di.' it, and being cold and lone
some, up I jumped and danced that jig.
I w as just in the midst of it w hen Mrs.
Stevens came to call me to dinner. You
should have seen her face! And when I
had seated myself at tbe table, she said
in her exasperating voice, 'I found Mrs.
McKinley dancing. 1 hope my children
a ill never liave to see the like again. "
"I tried to make the rest understand
that 1 had been doing Prince Rumple
stiteskin, but you know how explana
tions go. It was no use, I was in bad
odor. And that jig has grow n like Jo
nah's gourd, till a certain set I
suppose I am thought to be an ex-opera
dancer. It w as funny at the time. They
glowered at me and I glowered at the
oyster pie, which, let me tell jou in this
locality is just a lot of fishy dough."
The Bishop laughed, but the tears were
nut far away. Iu spite of his eminent
practical ability, he was imnginative. He
knew that was a sad and dull Christmas
to this little woman, just as it would
have been to his dear dead Mary.
"Of course I could not do anything
about it," went on Mrs. McKinley.
" The more you talk alsiut things the
worse they grow, and I had done noth
ing to apologizj for. I hojie you won't
mind my sa ing it, but I think getting
nsed to lieing a pastor's wife is going to
be a severe discipline to me.
"Well, brother, 1 trust you have atten
ded to that trouble at fvjdua," said Klder
Walms'ey the next week when he join
ed the Bishop at New Canaan.
" I have."
" What did you do ?"
" Nothing."
"Nothing !"' echoed the presiding el
der with indignant surprise. .
"Just nothing. There was nothing of
the story. Something can coma of noth
ing, when the basis of the nothing is
gossip, and I fear, brother Walaisley,
that the tongues in my diocese are a fcr
greater danger to The Cause, than are tl e
dancing feet." A. '. Iml-in.LnU
Interested People.
Advertising a paient melicin in the pe
culiar w ay in which the proprietor of K. nip's
Balsam, for Coughs and Gilds does it is n
rteed wonderful. He authorii all .Iniifyisls
to give those who call for it a sample bottle
r'rre, that they may try it U fire purchasing.
The Inrge bottles are 50 cents and $1. We
certainlywould adi e a trial. It may save
you from cunsontuplion.
A Rhode Island husband shot his first
and second wives for burglars, but when
he poped over his third people l-egan
to say tnere was something oier r aliout
it. and be was locked up on a -harg of
murder. Wife-killing can be overdone
as well as oth -r tumgs. Aro.7 F er
No game law that mt kuow of app'ies
offict banting.
I I kit
Sick nJe)'iuiri tvUerp ail th irmioww inci
dmt U a bilnsia to- el tti vttll. K-h M
IiizxiiHW. Nail-. iiwii-. lustres afur
valine. isn ' U- Si.l. e ttu-ir .'t
rtaiusrkUe autves. hn Iks-ii l"vn iu curing
nnulwiw. yet Camts I.rrn. Lira Tli-ia
are oull vl'i-l In r.mstipat'0". iirln
and rtTUn(r Oil nno
tiarr also convrt ail fiU-mWr .4 th aiomaoh,
numulau. tiie low ud reguWa U bowel.
A.ii It tMy only cureu
Ath ttw-T would h almort pnwlm to ihom
who suffer from thi dirfrwsinr complaint:
Init rort.iiwtrlir their K.lii J'"1
hera. and llne who try lh.-m will find
theaa-lnUe is'iH valiiall in many way Uat
Ihey will n be wiliir.g to do wiihout Ibeiii.
But alter ail uca urea
b the bane of so many lives that Ivre Is where
we make por pvat boart. Our biua euro ft
while other), do ik.
CiB-ncK's I.tttlk UvEt Tius are verr small
and very evsr to ik. hw or two pula i"'
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not rripeor pursre, hut hy Iheir (tw.lle action
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tlvv 1jt $1. Sold ewrvwhere, or sent by iuau.
blEL fcall&a MB
Of Pure Cod
Liver Oil and
of Lime and
l.hjrsiciau.- bocau" boih tod I.irr il
11 i.J tin m an ott ? ti iii'M nro t!0 1'".' iK4
ia a tnitidi-iyul I tcsh I'tv-wrr. It tx lite
Scrofula, bronchitis, STastiag1 Dis- j
cases, tiJircalc Coughs aud Colds, j
As for tout a Eiaui!.)n ana io nuumc
Hti aMnnf I Tnt I t
A H avrifrtii. Ifl-
n.arhi; ..rf Dt
7r (oirtd lu conn an
tfM . a. W 4 1
briif nkrritsw
r4 iaH vrey .UM-- V
Tr tmwl' nrir""fi f ' !wiTKlt"(i Otwtm ' nrj
Df iftl'tnaa tntlfi.. W1 fr or f T-tN-r. Ss1'
Ithfwitt Rtnrwt.F'w.i'',t-Sw H(.j- Krrirrf-i.aa
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"How fat Id get if I had one."
FTZZ Cct from your dealer free, the
Sa1" '.. It has hiindsonie pictures mil
ViibriMu in.rnii;:li"iTi ::h-!!t hfr-.
Tivn or thnv dullsiri for :i 5 a Uorc
Rhinket will inake your horse worth more
and cat les t ke-p wartn.
5;A Five $i!e
5A Eoss Stable
5A Electric
Ask for '
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SO styles i;t prici-s to unit every
IkvIw 1 f yoii ran't fc t t'icni froin your
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Wnn-'M bv Ww. f! sox.i. flillirt-i . who
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Kanufastartrs zr.i Wholesale .
Dealers ia
Liii n""lVaj3 i
TThe-n I tv? Cms I Co not mean reertiy to
(top tnrm tut a lime., aol then havs them ro
(urn aeain. I mean A IiALKUJU Ciiil
1 have mauo the flirnwn ot
FITS, EPTTiI'.rS'sr cr
Alife-kmg ttaif. I VTjjtaAirt tafnme&v tv
I'oaa tbe wont cnao. jutbupc other bare
lulled aoreaaoa tor not cow receiving arm-e.
bend at once lor a trtsuc and a t r mis
ot ar Ixriu.tSLB Hmmrdt. C.c Expiua
and fot Office. It costs yon nothing im a
trial, and U will cure you. A&lro&s
H.C-ROOT.M.O, IG3Pt.jt.ST,Krjrc:.
Eniate of t.e-ii Reiser, dee d, lute iif Q'letnahcti
Utg Twr- S.miersi't Onin'y, fa.
Iettcn. of Aipinstrautoi on the aloT est at i
havii ( been rninted to tiie unrtemitrned Ly th
proper a;ith.iritv, tioti-e ! f.wetiy irivtn loa 1
penm inrteliied to mid car.te to mute Cnmeiii
at .aynieiil. and lhoe bavin? etairr.n an iinl
the Mtnte riil j.renl ihem du'y ai'ihemit-air-l
for .tiieme-it oq or hcfor Turoiar, the lltii
day ot Mrh. lii. at lhenideiot-ol the admiu
Utratur Ui Qucoiahouinir T"ii(hlrt.
uUVtH P. snVF.R,
Jn3 AduitnittiT'or.
Gems of Thought.
P.-lf (Mis is the secret of siv.res.'.
Manners are the !::ip.ny ways of doirg
; :!h mean jop!e and you think
lif- is menu.
Wrife it on y. t'r V-.-irS ih t every ds
- t!:- i -I diiv.
L'f is not short b:i' thht there i
y tin.' f-r court, sy.
He has not learned th J- sson of lif-
who iks not ever i!y surmoiint a fear.
Chutacter is higher than intellect. A
gr. at soul will Ihj strong o live, as well
m to think.
Retaliutiin is I ke the storm which
sweeps through fie lerest ni Phiruci;o...
Kindness is like the combined influence
oftbe sun anl the run of the clomi,
which germinates seed and upholds
their lea v. s, (lowers and .iwlors.
To lie well in the rpiiet routine of
life, to fill a little sptiee localise (i-sl wills
it. to g on cheerfully with a !etty round
of little ihities and bttie avocilions, t
smile for tbe joy of others when the heart
is aching who does this his works will
follow hiui.
Consumption Curely Cured.
To Tu Ej:ron:-riwe toform yonr roadera
thxt 1 taava a poaitive remedy tor the abore Mmed
di .rvu. B- IU timely two tbonnuds ot hopelow
cmc hare been psrcunenUy cured. I .nail be glad
to tavi two botiioa of my remedy FREE lo any ot
vo-j realt'iw wbo bare coiwomrton if they will
ien.1 me tbrbf Kipiea. and P. O. a.idrea. llwptct
ftilly. X.A.BL0CUM.M.C,18lPeaH8t.,JI.Y.
A Scotch Judge.
1 of the Scottish bench wus
George .Ferguson, Lord lljrmsnd.a per
ainair.! "till rffi!iemberel in Kdinbu'g
lie was an able lawyer and a worthy
man. Two young gentlemen, friend,
went together to the theatre in Glasgow.
suptie. I at the lodgings of one them, and
passed a whole summer night over their
punch. In the morning a kindly wrangle
broke out on their separating, when by
some n shncs, is" net scci.Unt, one of
them was stab! vl, not violently, but in
so vital a part that he died on the spot.
The survivor was tried in Kdin'ourg. and
was convicted of culpable homiekk'. 1'
was one of the sa l cases w here the legal
g'lilt was greater than the moral ; ami
very properly, be was sentenced only t
a short imprisonment. lyird Ilcrmano,
ho felt that discredit 1 a 1 tieen brouhi
n the caue of drinlting, had no sympa
thy with the tenilerm-ssof bis teinperatf
brethren, and wad vehement fortntuspor
"U'e are told," l.e exclaimed, "tnat
ihere was no umliee, 'bat the pris
oner tnnst have len in li.mor! In lii
uir! Why, be was drunk ! And yet le
murdered the very mm who hud ben
drinkinsr with bim! They ha.l been
carousing the whole night ; and yet he
stablied him! after drinking a who'e
bottle of rum with l.iin ! Good 1 l ;
'aards, if he w ill do this w hen ht'sdrui.k
what will h? do when he's sober?''
His love of children was warm-hei rled
and unalTe!'ted. II. lways treated then'
seriotn'y, ex:u-tly, as if they were grown
up. Few old men's speeches ar.; more
amiable than his, alxmt hisgnind nephew
who happened to be his ( miner in a
mitch uf bom Is: "No wonder that the
little f.-liow an I I are stich frit nds ; there
are jut seventy yeats between us.'' He
waseiehty; the boy ten. Rut when
Uiy happened to be a sailor be was irre
sistible to tiie old judge.
A little English midshipman, beit's
vi'.k'titly attacked by a na:' h hifvcV hid
n tireenock, .lt-f. t"h"t hi::i-lf with hi
d.rk. and by an unf.irtunate, if not acci
d. ntd', thrust, killed the assailant. lie
was tried for this at Ghissii-iw, an-l h''
he ','ood luck to have Lr.i.I llinci nd ft.i
his ju.l e, Cr nojillgrt ever fought i
more gallant battle for a prisoner. The
boy appealed a' the bar in his uniform.
Ivord llerinand fust ri fiisi.l "to try a
chil.l." After this wa driven out oi him,
the indictment, w'lh-b descnl-d them
currence and stid that the prisoner had
slain the decease 1 "wickedlv and felon-I
iotHly"' was rea.l ; and Lord Hermand
then raid : "We'l, m jocng friend, lb s
is nit truo, is it ? Are you guilty or n t
guilty r "Not guilty, my lord." Th
lie sworn y u're not. In spite of all his
exertions bisyoung friend was convict
ed o' ca pable hemu ide, for which l e
was setiieneted to a few dajs imprint n
nijnt. To Night and To -Morrow Night,
And eailideyand nivht rlurirg this week
yon ran set at all dmcaists Kemp's r.alam
for the Throat and I.u"g. acknowlciUwl to
be the most iccesful remedy ev.-r sold fin
the cure nf rough's. Cold". Rronchitii'.
Whoop'np Couch. Avthtin, and ronsnfiii.
lion. Cet a bottle to ihni. and keep it al
ways in the hoiiw, o you csn che. k you'
cold at once. Piice SO cents and $1. Sample
bottle free.
Scotch Sensa In Prayer Meet
An old Scotch tij in is said to have rifen
in prayer Hireling one niyht and Hpr.. os
of nothing delivered hinnelf of the fol-
lowinst remarks: "There are thrcethinjr'j
I never could q'lite understand. First,
why boys will throw stick i at ercen ap
pies when, if Ihey waited, the upple?
would riin and drop oiT. Secondly, I
never could epd'e comprehend why men war to kill each other when if they
remained .piietly at hom, they would
die a natural death in "'awl time. Third
ly, anil most important of all, I do not
see hy the men chase around nfter the
women since, if they sat still, the women
would run around after them."
"f'tnn'linir. with rclucfnnt fert.
Where tlie hrook anil river mcrt.
Vomunhood an.1 cluidhood'
a type of thoawnds of younir irtriii who
re niM-rjripr f nim tlM chirsuli s.iiirc of their
xiet.-n as th.y cni.-r utnin til. ir t.vns.'
N it mis, exit:iti iiTita!k". wtlrri'd by
trtniHTe. nnkium-ulile f..r within them,
eneh a myrtery unto l-rif, our nrl mill
tiie trn-ii-n-st inn. ih. mK.r iornir, jnti'nt
opjiL-lit. and the aiit of lr. Pw-rm- 8 Kavuriti'
J'li-si-nption, to safely carry litem thrcitiirb
tliiH criri.-;.! rtcnixi. "dnriny wiitch, in
tniinv lii-. ains, ni-e mvn the v.-ai of dif-TnTiji,-
fonu1 t ni4i?e8 peeulinr to tlm
f.-maie box. lint this boon to wommiliir.d
will prevent nil ucli diaeascs. or cure them
it they have already seied n victim. Woman
w it Li iKrF.'if.'t.) her liimily. and to iH-r
aocwl Ftntioii. to be well nnd gtronfr. It
hrr then no? neijiect th. j.ure iii.ansof cure.
" Fnvorite Prrseript ion " is a lesntintate medi
cine, carefully conipnunde1 hy im experienced
end -.kilKul phy-i iii, and ad.i'(it-d towoman'a
di ii'-nu- niiini7ntion. It in purelv v-.m-tHhle
in iw eouiMition and perfectly herrnh-fia
nt ira i-fTits in any c.niiition of the Mptem.
h'dd by firuicgiers; $U0, or 511 bottiia for
fopyriifht. I'lSS, t.y "or.i.D's Dts. Man. Ars-.
reamlito find ceanae the liver, rtomach and
bowels. Thev are purely vctrtnlio nnd per
fectly hannlefi?. One a ixwe. bold by
irusgats. Si cents a rial.
I? 0 0 D
omerset Lumber Yard
Hard and Soft Woods,
A General ttneofsll rrte of Lnmber auft RniMInr Material and Rixiiine Slate kept In itock
AL10, can forniah anythicg in the Una of our bostacss to order with reasonable
protuii-.ness, aucb as BrarketA, Od-nized work, etc.
elias cxiisrisnaiiAM,
OQce and Yard Opposite S. &C. R. R. Station, Somerset, Pa.
to tv voca
. 80MKB8KT, PKNX'A..
Mauu.'nomreT of aud Dealer in
im Work F-triMiedm Shirt KMict, la -lU Co,'ort
mm m mm m
ALn, And f'ir the WHITE BEOSZE!
Persons ir. nee-1 of MONUMENT WOKKfwII!
limi it to ttivir interest 10 rail at my nlioi. nbcre
a )iroier utiovving will be 1,'ivuii thm. w.suAe
j'tuutn j irulU"-l 11 Krerf t'lff, ami i?tfc.1
i EKt' LOW. I niviie tiiwciul ai'.eutiun
A'hits Bronze, Or Pure Zinc Monument
'ntrodneetl tr REV. W. A. RIN'I, a Iieoi.tcl
Improvement in the point of MATERIAL AM"
-iNSTKl C'l (UN. ai.4 which in .ieslutoi u l
the Popular Mmi.mient for our t'haUL-eabK Cli
mate. -GIVE H A CALL.
1. H. Downs' Vegetable Ba.scrr.!c Elixir
Is a r-ositivo euro for t'ottlis, Ci M., Croup, Wlioeipinr-Coit!;!i, Cutarrli. Iloaise
nc:8. Inilucnzs, Spitting BUxmI, Kronchitls. Artliwa. l.ur.g Fever, I'k'urisy, and
all diseases i.f the Throat, Chest ami I.unc-s. As txpeertoraiit it has i:o equal.
Consumption has been cured timcn without t:umiei ly its timely use. It heals
the ulcerated surfaces., and cures when all other rcmedu-s fall. Fifry-slx years of
constant uso has proven its virtues. Uvcrv family chould l.irp it iu the house.
Sold every w here.
Ileniy, Johnson
Dr. Baxter's &r drake Bitters
a suro cure for Costiveness, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Diseases of the
Kidneys, Torpid Liver, I!hcumaiis.m, Dizziness, JmcIc Headache, Loss of Appetite.
Jaundice, Apoplexy, Palpitations, Eruptions and Skin Diseases. Keep the Stc:'i
acli. Dowels, and Difrostivo Organs in pood working order, and perfect health w;il
lie the result. Ladies and others ruhject lo Sick Headache v.i'.liind relief and
permanent cure ly the use of these Hitters, tein tonic at d mildly purL'iitie
ihey purify the blood. Price 25 cts. per bottle. For sale 1 y all dcaleis in n; o
cine. Ileniy, Johnson & Lord, 1'ie'iirietors, Burlington, Yt.
Ilenry, Johnson tz Lord, Proprieto'.-s of
Arnica and Oil Liniment w Man ami reast
Iiest extemil remedy for Rheumatism, Xeuralpa, Cramps, Sprains. Mruisca,
Hums .-.nd .Scalds, Sciatica. Dackai ho, Froste-d Feet and Knrs, ami all otnr Pains
and Aches. It is a safe, sure, and effectual liemcily far Galls, Strains, Scratches.
v)rcs, Ac, on Horses. Ouo trial will provo its merits. It effects are in mwl
:ves instantaneous. Every bottle warranted to give satisfaction. Price 25 cts.
nel 50 cts. jr bottle. Sold everywhere.
r.:::: :::::::::::z The Largerst and Most Complete '.;:::::::::::r.::r;
Wine, Liquor, and Cigar House
AU (W(T rrfiil lg mnil nf o(VrviV e-.7I Trrnr nr'rmjit nltmtirm. ft
1 r-ontl" a (ire oe'eve nine
I ip erini. f.-mi-iieit in a
liee And tootd'oike ea-e of
) r.old biie-k h'uui. Priee ?'.;
ORCAN, 'h . tanlrt on th- Ky
I U're vfuj-m ai137 MrftuHr.
I ler, for eti iinaera, when or
I r iieeooni, irucr'y of r
2233 I a hiring.
Th Macon and Hamlin
" Jrinerr." inven-td n1 Ht
rnterl by M-on H Hftin'.in in
iHHi, U uhcI in Uif Man A,
HumHn r-Uno-t. pxrlu-ivflt
Knurkhte r-finnt of ton
and ihf otmnMJ i-ph itv to
infl in tun. eliamcUTixe
thentr instruments.
Poputar Style Organs at $22, $22.50, $60, $73
$36 tod b
Orratw and Tianoa nld for Cah, Kav Vavmenti",
divi-K. and Kentea. Onalogues free.
hz more wornwl-hc briht-er!
Busy wives who use SAP0LI0
never seem t"0 row old.Try a. c&ke
A complete TTrcck of domestic Lappine-s has oftea resultod frcm
badly washed t3islic3. 'rem ea usicle.ia iitcieu, or from trifles which,
seeded lirjht ts air. Eut by these tLias a ciaa cftaa jairea of Ilia
wifa'a devotion to icr family, and charges her -arid general toglect
wben ho od3 her ccrslo:s ia these particulars. Kany a heme otsres
a lnra part cf its thrifty neatec8 and its ccnscr-cct happ-ncsa to
(SrGrocers often anbktltato r&cnprr ccods for SAPOLiO, to iccko a
itit?r profit. Rrad back sacb article, anU Insist $u bavin; Jast wbat
you rdcreC"i
tmc onvt
Perfect Substitute
for Mother's Milk.
A Quietly Assimilated Food
roa Drnr-rmcs,
im ALU Wastimo Oicia.
Brointo NO COORINtt.
e.r-n tnrfxxr hnek. TeCAl:
vCMU An fxmnvo or Is.
Ajm." mailed y uonyaiUnaa,
Doliber-Goodaia Co.,
Over COO
Sond for
Price Llot C
VANurf-T.-Frt y
ji2.iDt.zyh.. co;i:i.
i Lo.d, I'ropricto.s, iluilinton, Vt.
: ::::
Telephone No. 6'3C
orn iiw
nlH Vii.-h
Iwmtrh in lh wnruL Prtri
WUD oot.D kuntmr
liloth l-tir curl rem Mirt,
with wtrlci and ratn nf
Vyr! rlu-. Oil PtK?ltft
frrr. lor' ith nr kirr
crtn ran ri wr r
tV wstrh. ffrrt'. Ail W..I von
rbt to tn hctw wtMt r pm4 ttr who cmli mif
in TMluiblr ttir 9. wrhirrt hrU lor vr wntt mir-mnM,
M thm w ar tinati. WptTiiH Mif. Trrirht, Mr. After
ni kn-rw nil. (f wwtM litt fo JT" i work 1r m. ea
an tram WO' 1-t wk unrl upward. AMn,
( I EO. X. OU A M KU, A c't.
"H-lyr. Mt.PIeaant. 1 u
InUy authorial by the Gorernincnt.
fWor K)nrk.MoniejMei. M.
Offtee b
L l
"J I
( -mm
i" - . .
rtsTANf e ai r.vr.r..
!Hn Fare,
a,mv.PV4 tn Sitorwowt. I-"
HmffM to P-TfT'lie - '7 2"
Ptnuirwl w Ett'.el . ' 70
ftwnet to J.jhntown... M 1 10
(Vrtneiw-t to Rf-kTfm.1 - 9
Somerw to Garrett .....-.. 1. "
8orceret to revrti.le . 'it W
Srmfnfl to ("umberlaiK!... ."' 100
S-inieivt to Wa- hliipon.... - S0 16
8immMto Daltimnre t.... 7 jO
Somerset to t'r:n - - " W
Somrrwt t)J'oiiiiuenee . M 90
Somerset to Con nelleville 52 1 0
SomerKt to PhtstwrKh HO
The fare to Philadelphia 1 ft.M. aart to New
York, U.9.
Winter Arranflemnt in aCTeel Ko. 29.
soinu-Loi sn tiia iss.
EXrR?S-Xo 91. t
A Tim.
iohiustown. 7:25
P.ivkworxl ... 5.-!C a m
SHMKKSKT... ;. -V. a ro
Stoy.-town Jl am
HuovrsMiie., t.,a a m
Bethel .:til m
No. t
Baltimore 8:00 a m
Plttj.b'.irHh i:'iP a in
H(M-kwuul 5:J" p m
l:lu,rrl. i:H a m
.SOMEkdr.r...- 6 m
Passenger!, fur Somerset from the east and et
on tbe Flfjtburh iiivii-ion, cliauue can ai Kix k
dhnown..M a rn
Bethl :isam
Hournrilie. s.;ll a m
w.viit..wn S:4jam
RINlEkfcl :ib a m
MUford SI M a ci
Rockwtxxt 910 a ir
ct:rulierUnd l:;n
Wu-hinxioii nil) am
inluiii.'ic 0 a in
Puisbursb. IxJ p w
Pnencen for polut etxt and weM change car
at Kockwuud.
Rockwtt 4 p m
I'nm.iertan.i 7.1M p IB
lutburi:u h.u'J p m
W a.-.lniii.ii r ili p m
baiiinmre. p n.
Johnstown S:0l p m
Be-thel ;i:o.J pm
Hoovervilie. .t:. p m
tHoyntown 4W p m
tiuMKKXKT - 4:J1 p 111
Pnneneen fjr oist s:i,
K r'l.i it." n ta
Ir.tirt I Arrtrrt .
JoMERarr OTp m i Rockwood li:j7 p c-
Paiffeni;ers leavini; on this 'ruin can make eon
Declion a; fctuckwuud a UU niiit Exprowi
eafct and aeht.
Dai!-, t Daily exc.i Sunt" ay.
r. :h .t
Trains Lenxe ti'dtn, Ex. Xr.S. Erprrvi.
Htthnivh fp m. e a. M. l':.'i t M.
Braddwk l:i " "
Ac.,.rt j.i ' " . .....
Wei Newum 'J;. " In. i '
ilnid For. I S:J) " "
(oDiielLsviile ;;:.;" " '.: " lt:iu "
OI 10 Pvle 4:15 " l"::vl " )! :4-
I'oiiHuearc h-(7 " l1::: " V.'Di. II.
Crsina 4.IL- w
a M:.inaa 6:u. ' '
K.kvood 'i:).' " ll.n ' lii "
-e't V " )!:H "
Salikbury June 5 4i " V o
Meyersuale ".4j " li '! " : -
Kwm...ts ;,..) " II:.".? p. m
Sand faieh L:M " Uru'i " l j'i -
SnuthumptoD H " li-J.I " lY
Hyndiuun " !i!I7 " '.
"limltrland 7 li". " " IM'i "
WaAhiiiKion i ..I " 7: 0 "
Baluiaortinrrivej . " 8..0 "
A rrivs.
J.ihnUwu.... 1 JC p
i'iltuburifh :'yA a m
KoekwotKl ll..ii a in
-omerset 11 :.". a ni
tovhtown 1:J6 p iu
lover:ivilie l:..7 u in
ilethel p iu
Passenger from Pitutinrsh ebanee cars for
uoiiiuou Ida DiiuierH;t A ( auil.rm at Kinkwood.
(The lime given is EH.-tm -laLiiard Time.
Mail Trains connect at !ni IhnhI wiih train
nnd fnj.n S'invTei aid J trutoM n, ai Hvnd
mm with trains u aim fn m Bedl'tini. at liarretl
wirh trn to and tr.iiii i'riin. at Salii-bu. t June-
tioa witii train 10 aud from adbbury.
All Train Stnpur PatKngm where Time it Otrcn.
W. M. CI.EMKXT?, Ytnuser-
e it.vs. o. -i i u. i in. ims
- - x
r2'-i:5? 5 i :
T -r - - -1
. . i" - - - w :
z :.--'-- " 1
.5 -i J 3 j
Valuable ' Real Estate,
VIHTt'Eofan i.rder lued cit of the Or-
u.i.ier.iiriie.1 ijin-.'ie.i, he will e.vfe to puMic
W uu ine preni'e-, at the iaie roidvnee of beu
i tmill Mult, dec M. ou
S. t Tl RD. I V, M. I R II L'J, 1 son,
1 lo'cT.K-k P. M.. the follow?; difcri!.! real
estate of wiid d.-e'd. viz :
A certain irn. t of land -iiuule in tenner tuw'n--hip,
Hoiwr-ct enmity, I'a.. aCj..icii:- land 01
Jouathan hhuuk. lienrv Kline, l-vi rnediine.
and tier. and lyinit s t'ie piii.lie ;d lend
111K fn.pi tnv Joiiiiiow n un 1 N.ineret tnrtiihe
lo;he bedford and Piicdiu-a turup-ke, I'.Kiiaiii
uin awl aere, iroru or lew. of n hich hi neres
ue eleamt and 111 a emKl Kme ot enltivaiiou,
and ihe remainder lieiuir well tlini.rred.
Having thereon ereel-.l a two -tory lecdwrll h.'ii..-, wiih a new one sli.ry plank addition
fiK-a kit.-n.-n. a lre two i-torv plank earpeMer
bop. a bli.iksmiih fhoj., Ptni.!.., n.m-.-.
.rranarj'. end other oi!ltmidnt:,. Tiiere in a
'e aniie peach, puar, and ehcrry on.han! t.u
Tell pit cent, of ihe pnrehaw
money 10 lie paid e..w n on
'ay 01 mile, ami the remainder w ot.e-thiril .n
n.e lt NoveinU r, r'.io. uli ini. r. trom 1 April
:'M: one-third (after the pa mem of del.m to
remain a Hen 011 the pi-emi-en. tne iU'ereM liiereoi
Uite paid ariiimlly to June Siut'.t. widow, dtirinir hie. andat her death l ie mii.I prineinai aum
0 t paid to tlie hein. and leiral reprew utanves
I ald decedent : the remainder of mid pureliae
uoney U ir paylik- In two eHl paTiiieum. te.e
Ine 1 April. iMd and the other due f April, l-'.rj,
ith ItiUrresl on dilent d payuieiita from 1 April!
Feb Kin Adin'r of Beiijamin tulit, ilec'd
Cream Balm
Ocan--ca the Naa
Pawagei., Allays Pain
and InS -munition,
HeaU the SoreB, Re
Moren the Sen?es of
Tafte and n:L
AriaitHlo ia aputh-d into e.k .o a
Teebie. Price etnis at dmeetv(, py 'm.:
-eritered. 60c ELY Kan m - ' 5Li'
, - 3 4" Z-3 V k
?M3tm:?;-M lit? S
WrEviRjpa jr
i'"'-1 "-T" ; ; , .... rf
t itzrivJ
im'-' - w. f . . u. fr. I
(hevers or
ViLL S00J FljO JhjT Ij
e7epv dl Jg STAMOED L!E
ABO'E cJj.
J0. FIHZER A BROS..Loaisi1!Ie.Kj.
Rublier Sh"e nnle worn nnvnfortal.Ir tizi
U1 often Blip ..ft the feet. Turenieu; i
th evil the f
of?r a shoe with the Inside of the bel lined
ruoljer. Thiaclinsrs to the shoe aud prrfm'.t
the huhlier from alippme off. i
Call for tbe "f olrhnter" f
and you can walk, run or jump ia them, f
IW wr f
lap(rni-d. iml tn mtvitUrr 4
toon rttf-oi iBNrt Ht.
(tbpf. Onl tbo(M-
U m mt am r vfkt r
tb Ail om Jaartd. f
thnaW wrw .xll oni n-.e'.- f
j -- avnauid rim fV 4
n Phi a aUfVrTttrM-tf
hor lh" mll wl !W t.
a.Krt the iif rwrt of it baiK " ""
AuiirrM, u- ia.-
13. SZ B.
is usw all 1::.
It w a great pleasure to 11s to off r'.
-'ason'ti prod net ions, Ikk-uuk ther I
the most elegant and sal p-factory for
prices we have ever seen.
Our Mail Order Department aillih t
fully submit samples liy mail, and i
order ill be filled at the lowest pr jr
and a saticfaetorily xs tli'iuli joa nf
here to do yoursh.ijping iu penon. lii
you tried it?
Special niention Ls madeof a few it t
only :
A very 'arse RSHeirtnieut of all wool $
ported Suitings, :W to 40 inches 11 1
in large assoitmeritaof .-dripes, f.i
and mixtures, at "0 cents. It.
the most e-.nii rehensive otrerii.5
VI e'ent lrrsH ever made
any mercantile house-. f
NX) pieces 40 inch Jmported I'Uid-.f
cvnti. f
Nho, ni "h) cents, large asseirtmert off
woll fiO inch Scol.-h t'heviols.
New and stylish I'l.ith Iiiurctles,Si:l
es wiiie, at ."mi cents. J
A ""i-cetit nlferinn the most for I
money ever offered Iuipnrtl 1
or Millings, in lurije variety of 4
isd stripes, :iS inches wide, iei'
qilsliiv. i
At i! cents, oii-inch Wool Suiting, t
stripes and plaids.
500 pieces exira nne sutines, " c
'Si cent .piality.
A n.lerM.n's lunolmins Jilnn.I 4o oer
Challis largest variety in all U' f
tip to the imported all-wnoi g"
50 cents.
Our iriw M.rinff and Summer Fa--
-lournal and Catalogue wiii
April 1st. It cists nothing h"1 :
name on a postal card to get it
Bopars & Bull
pi'.. 117, US, 121, FEDKRA. STREE
FtablNbed l40
for lat will he maiiadc-a ai piiriiion.
Every Furmcr, Card.ntr, Amat.-i:rorof
a lot should have one.
Orders for fiower. and Fioral Exbo
Immediste attention.
(Telephone 230.)
To tlie S051i:UIT IIEi1
We do the neatw-t. ehear ft nd be
so m
VewrYnrk ' rins.
agin the rmin ly whfiift not."
rf p .7.1 j