The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, February 05, 1890, Image 2

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    The Somerset Herald.
Ei)VARI .SCCI.K. K.iitor nd I'roj-rie-tnr.
..February .
UfH.tin, a li-l nnoliaken tjr the
The wasiti of jnuine winter pieaf
to have tjnn out ai-rt. to leuijcratic dogma it U .
" revolutionary " for the majority to rule.
pakr Rexd thick that be knowa a
Ierooorat U prent when he see4 him.
Tn TViuocratic irt of Maryland ia
t-lmoot nnanimona in favor of ballot re- j
form. Wliere i Senator Crorraan'c whip?
Has it lo4 iu lhh ?
Idaho is about to a.4- for admincion
into the I'nion, mith a conBtitution that
debars Mormons from the exercise of
sufTrag". '
The Tarnell libel nuit apainist the Lon
ln Tl,nrt has l-eu comprotuined. the
T,mn paying Mr. Tarnell f-J-VOOM and the
iv-st. of the anion. Jt ali) jays Mr.
Henry Campla-li, Mr. Piirnell'B private
ta-crelarv, j:!'i and tiie-coota in a similar
The whining IhsmocraU Du are groan
ing over the straightforward, honest jus
tice they are receiving in Congress should
urn their eyes upon the Democratic
legislature of Ohio to see a genuine
" fraud and revolution." It adds to fraud
forgery and trickery of the lowest order.
The iwue joined in the House of Iiep
resentativea is a very plain and simple
one. Speaker Meed holds that legislation
cannot be blocked indefinitely by an
endless chain of dilatory motions, and
the Democrats insist that it can. This is
the w hole matter in a nut-shell.
Tut: Republican majority in the House
of l)reM'ii!atives was increased by one,
Monday. A nother rascal was turned out.
The Smith Jackson contest was decided
by awarding the scat to Smith and on
seating Jackson, to w hom had been given
the certificate from West Virginia. The
vote stood ayes, nays none, the Dem
ocrats refunine to vote.
The people of the 1'iiited States elect
ed a lie-publican insjortiy to the Fifty
tirst Congress. Having done this;' they
eipect that wisjority to shape the legisla
tion of that Congress. The attempt of
the Ieniocratic minority to block all
legislation of which it does not approve,
is another characteristic illustration of
the Democratic t'ontempt for majority
At last the contested case of Smith
against Jackson has begun to be argued
in the House on its merits, and a vote
iion it w ill undoubtedly lie reached this
week. The evidence for Smith is so clear
that he w ill, of course, lie seated. After
thii case is decided, the other contests
should be taken up us soon as possible.
The House should consist of the men
w ho were fairly elected as Representa
tives of their districts.
The old-fashioned way of robbing a
hank was to break in at night, but the
most approved way, as practiced in New
York last week, is a great improvement
on that primitive method. Instead of
using a jimmy and the other tools of
burglary, the style now is to buy a con
trolling interest in the stock and then
pillage the vault at leisure. A week or
so ago the Sixth National of that city
was one of ttie soundest financial insti
tutions in the country, but now it is in
liquidation, having narrow ly escaped be
ing swept clean of assets.
Mux. Tkacy, wife of Secretary of Jhe
Navy Tracy, Miss Tracy, his youngest
daughter, and Josephine, a French maid,
as a result of a fire in Secretory Tracy's
house Monday morning, now lie dead.
Secretary Tracy is in a stupor, su tiering
from the effects of inhaling smoke. Mrs.
Wilmcrding, the eldest daughter of Sec
retary Tracy, is in a semi-conscious con
dition, sutlering from a sprained wrist
and soreness. Miss Wilmerdinp, 1" years
of age. Secretary Tracy's granddaughter,
is suffering from nervous prostration
and shock.
Imiston Tniirllrr: Kvery loyal heart in
this country and every jwtriotic soul that
honors the old flag as the symbol of au
thority of a great people is with Thomas
B. Keed in his noble struggle ag iinst a
new resistance to the rule of the major
ity. As Sjieaker Reed stands to-day in
the Seaker's chair to recognize a quorum
in fact w hen it aits liefore his eyes, and
so proceed to business, he is making a
reputation for statesmanship and is caus
ing to be written as history another vic
tory of loyalty over disloyalty. Success
to Speaker Red.
Ms. has achieved a triumph of
diplomacy in effecting a convention for a
new extradition treaty between her Rrit
tannic Majesty' government and that of
the I'nited States. The liayard-West
convention failed of approval ia the Sen
ate because of its last clause, w hich was
thought by many to be susceptible of in
terpretation into aconiesence in the de
mand of (ireat Rrilain fur the extradition
of erons charged political crime.
Mr. l'daine has persuaded Sir Julian
rauncefort to omit this clause and to add
others which increases the number of
extraditable crimes.
The Bayard-West convention added
only manslaughter, burglary, embezzle
ment, or larceny to the value of foO, and
"malicious injuries to property whereby
the life of any person shall be endanger
ed " to those covered by the existing
treaty. The Rlaine-Pauncefort conven
tion leaves out the last mentioned as
lieing liable to perversion for political
purposes, but retains the other three, and
add to them :
I'.mliezr.lement, larceny, obtaining
money, goods, or valuable securities by
false pretenses, or receiving property of
any kind, know ing it to have been em
beizled, stolen, or fraudulently obtained.
Fraud by a bailee, banker, agent, fac
tor, trustee or director of any company.
J'eijury or minimal ion of erjury.
Manslaughter, counterfeiting, rape, ab
duction, childstealing, kidnapping, burg
lary, house-breaking, shop-breaking, pi
racy, revolt or conspi racy to revolt against
the captains of vessels at sea, crimes
against laws for the suppression of the
slave trade.
This places twenty-four new crimes in
the extraditiou treaty, and closes Canada
as a harbor of refuge to twenty-four
clawes of American criinina's.
The treaty convention is so excellent
as to gain the praise of the generally
critical New York Tunes. Mr. Blaine has
achieved the first memorable diplomatic
- triumph gained by the I'nited States for
.maryratea.-.It j oMw-lie .doubled
that the convetiliiwk w!lUr approved by
the Senate. Jnter-Ofraa.
A Quorum Preaartt.
New York Tribune.
Speaker Reed's decision was anticipated
in remarks by TUr Tnl-xt tome time ago.
He bas found it a duly -to open hia eyes
and . for birosetf wbeiber there a quo
tum .rwnt. " Then the great Constitution
al lawyer of the Democracy lineal fcuccess
ore of those who tried to make the Condi
tion tbe left wing of I-ee'a army, went into
great pasion, and declared that the Speaker
bad no business to hare eyes.
A It fwfitrml In uarlianientary procedure
are of necessity regarded by many with some
diatrnst. bM-aiis they reverse long ewau.aiu-
ed custom!'. But the higheat law of eaeb
and every parliamentary body is tliat
ball have the right to do the business for
which It was treated. When any custom
be subversive of tbe proper
functions of the body it must in some way
b rhinnJ. no matter bow venerable u may
be. Hence it is mere wast of quote
Brk.r Kiwi himaelf. or Mr. Blaine, or
say precedent in tbe entire parliamentary
tiiatnrr of Con an, asainst tbe proposal
that a minority shall no longer be abie to
hlnrk nublic business by acting nnlawtuuy.
The true question is whether a change from
tuut ,-ntonn and nilincs bas become neces
sary in order to preserve to the House the
proper exercise of its functions.
t-oeaker llrt-d bai si'nniy applied common
sense to the question, and it i to bis credit
that Le bas been able to 00 so wuuoai car
ing fbr the fact that in the past he has werk
ed as a member under tbe rules and customs
as they stood, and bas upheld them, and has
striven to use them to tbe best advantage for
Hum with whom lie acted. He is now the
organ of the House. HU first duty is to in
sure the pror discbarge of its fuilctii'tis.
Ho baa become convinced tliat tne rules ana
customs which be supported in the past do
now threaten the usefuluees of the House
ss a lawmaking body, and that it is there
fore his duty to seek fjr some remedy. Tbe
Speaker is required to have eyes in deciding
which member is entitled to recognition, ill
counting members, and in the performance
.,r mint other official duties. He is requir
ed to enforce the law that the House may
compel the attendance ot members, mat
law is in effect violated by personal presence,
if not to be reckoned to make a quorum.
The House cannot compel a member to vote ;
tbat ia a physical impossibility. But the
law gives it the power to compel his physi
cal presence, and that implies tbe power to
take benefit in some way from that physical
Antiquity and long sanction do not make
an unlawful act more reasonable or proper.
In its spirit the refusal of present members
who vote in order to break a quorum was
always unlawful, if the past custom as to tbe
mode of reckoning a quorum was in accord
ance with law. In declaring that a Speaker
baa the power on bis own responsibility to
see w hether there is a quorum present, and
to require that fact to be recorded. Speaker
Ied bas supplied the only remedy that is
consistent with the right of tliebotly to com
pel the physical attendance of memberi.and
with tbe physical impossibility of compell
ing the members to vote when present.
A House of Misfortune.
Washington Star.
The old Seward mansion, which Secretary
B.aine bad thoroughly refitted last summer
and moved his family into it in the late fall,
bas always been looked upon as a house of
misfortune by tbe superstitious, and so
strong is the feeling in Washington against
it thai many of Mr. Blaine's friends urged
him to take some other house for his resi
dence. Mr. Blaine would not be persuaded,
though, and laughed at the idea that any
trouble should befall him in that house any
more than in any other house in Washing
ton. The house has a history so well known
and has been the seal ot so much misfortune
and trouble that a stigma of superstition is
attached to it so firmly that for many years
no one would live in it. It was in front of
this bouse that Barton Key was killed by
Sickles just as the lormer was coining out.
The elra tree is still standing where Key fell
at after being shot.
In the second slory is tbe room where the
atem-t to assassinate Secretary Seward
was made and where his son Fred was se
verely wounded in defending his father from
tbe a-oassin. Several tenants who occupied
the house after the Sewards all had some
form of misfortune, and after them came
General Belknap, who got into so much
trouble and came near being impeached
while President Grant's secretary of war.
Since then and up to a year ago the mansion
bas been occupied by the government as the
offices of the quartermaster general of the
army, and when Secretary Blaine came to
Washington last March he rented it for his
home. The house is large andcommodiou,
with green shutters and old-fashioned wind
ows, situated in a fashionable lrt of the
city and looki right outonthe White Hou.
Trie Result of Imagination.
Bedford Inquirer.
A special from this place, published in the
Philadelphia fVr. of the 23J instant, is a
remarkably fair semple. so far as reliability
is concerned, of the kind of stuff sent to the
daily press by corresiiondeiits from country
The bomb which tbe correspondent im
agined had upset the equilibrium of the
Republican leaders of Bedford, seems rather
to have unbalanced bis own mind.
Mr. Cessna has frequently declared that
he is out of politics, and when accosted on
this subject after tbe adjournment of court
on Wednesday, laughed at the idea.
The absurd part of tbe special is the charge
that Mr. Scull has joined the independent
movement in this State. Our Democratic
friends, ol which the V corretqiendent is
one. have wrung the changes on Mr. Scull's
stalwartism until it got to be a "chestnut,"
and now it seems they have determined to
try a new dodne. Being a stalwart would
not defeat him. and when the fourth day of
next November shall have yielded up its fruit
our lemocratic brethren will find the new
dode equally fruitless for them. Mr. Scull
is a faithful, earnest, and careful representa
tive, and his four years' service in the House
will only bave fitted him for a better dis
charge of tbe exacting duties of tbe position.
Tbe party in Bedford county is neither stal
wart nor inde)endent. but it is thoroughly
Republican and will never kick a faithful
Republican representative, even if it should
prefer to honor one of its own sons.
Mrs. Coppinger Dead.
WASiiisoToM, Feb. 2. Mrs. Alice Cop
pinger. tbe eldest daughter of Secretary
Blaine, who has been seriously ill for several
days past with brain fever, tbe result of an
attacc of la grippe, died at the Blaine man
sion at 5 o'clock this morning. Tbe funeral
services will take place from St. Matthew's
Church on Tuesday morning at o'clock.
The place of interment has not yet been
definitely determined upon, but it is ei peel
ed that it will be at Oak Hill Cemetery, this
city. Rev. Thomas Sherman will officiate.
Mrs. Coppinger was well and favorably
known in Washington, and her death has
caused sincere sorrow. During her early
girlhood she spent the greater portion of the
time with her parents in Washington, at
tending school in a fitful fashion, as her
health at that time was far from strong.
Two months ago. after the birth of her first
child, she became sick and had been in deli
cate health ever since.
A Wealthy Pauper.
PliiLLiesat Bo. Ta- Feb. 1. Gottlieb Mil
ler is the name of an old German gravedig
ger, who, as far back as tbe oldest inhabitant
can recollect, performed the solemn duty of
digging the graves for rbillips'ourg's dead.
He has been here long enough to carefully
cover up a whole generation in the little
cemetery in tbe center of the town. Tbe
house in which he resided with his wife was
tbe oldest in town, having been built In
U 2. Tle old couple have been taken to
tbe ioor bouse. Tbeir only home was sold
for $3 to Frank Good, who tore down the
old building. In tbe rubbish was found a
box containing a large sura of money. Tbe
Poor Board bas demanded lbs money.. - The
finder refuses to give it up.
It Is Heard In the House Once More,
Waskimctos, Jan. 2. Not since the days
of reconsinidion here such turbulent scenes
hren'witnessed iu the House as characterised
the session to-day. The old rebel yell re
sounded time and time again through tbe
great Hall of Representatives, while the most
profane epithets were oftimes fired at Speak
er Reed front the Icroocralic side.
After some preliminary business had been
transacted. Representative DaJaell, of the
Election Committee, moved fo take the case
up lor consideration. Mr. Crisp. f Georgia,
the lealerof the Iiemorrals on the coruaiit
tee, immediately raised the question of con
sideration. This called for a vote. The
Democrats refused to vote with tbe excep
tion of Buckalew, Covert, of New York,
Cowles, of North Carolina, and Rodgers. of
Arkansas. These four voted by mistake.
Tbey afterwards tried to withdraw their
votes, and although objection was raised two
of them were allowed to do so.
During tbe roll-call the Speaker kept
list of the members before him, snd checked
off the nsmes of those present snd refusing
to vote. Wben tbe call was completed and
the result was announced as ayes 161, nays.
2, the Sieakcr deliberately took up the list
from bis table and Instructed the cierk to
enter on the journal as present and refusing
to vote the names which he then proceeded
to resd off.
Immediately the whole Democratic side of
the House was on its feet shouting and yell
ing in the most excited way. As no one
could be beard above the other they joined
in one old-time rebel yell. Then their shouts
of 'Czar'' and "We dare you to do it." and
numerous other expressions which coul 1 not
be heard above the riotous din. When the
Democrats had somewhat quieted down tbe
Speaker proceeded to read tbe names, and
was vigorously applauded by the Republican
As soon as be tame to the nsme of Brack -enridge,
of Kentucky, thst gentleman
jumped to his feet and shook his fist st the
Speaker. He declared that the Sjieaker had
no right to put his name on the journal
when he had refused to vote, and that action
was revolutionary. Mr. Cooper, a new
member from Indiana, was particularly con
spicuous when bis name was read. He
jumped up. yelled and shook his fist at the
Speaker, and kept up a clatter which no
person could understand, and refused to be
quiet for seveial minutes. Mr. Outbwaite,
of Ohio, also was very conspicuous in his
protest, snd, in fact, all over the Democratic
side of the House members were on their
feet gesticulating and yelling at the Speaker.
During alt Ibis time Speaker Reed kept
cool and quiet, and replied time and again
that he was merely making a statement of
facts. When a member would denounce the
Speaker for instructing the clerk to record
him, Mr. Reed would inquire whether the
member would deny that he was preent.
and. of course, as the member could not
deny the Republicans would set up a laugh.
The Sjieaker reeaiedly informed the Demo
crats that he was proceeding in an orderly
manner, and tbst they would have opportu
nity to be heard, and that he must insist on
tbeir keeping order.
Finally he concluded his announcement,
and then stated that as he had made a ruling
it was proper t'tiat he should give reasons for
it. which he proceeded to do in a very delib
erate and convincing manner. He gave the
constitutional requirement as to the pres
ence of members, and showed clearly that it
rested with the Sjieaker to determine when s
quorum was present or not. He gave such
precedents as he had found for his action,
one of which was the ruling in a similar
cae made by Governor Hill, when presiding
officer of New York Senate. When tbe
Sieaker read Governor Hill's reason for rul
ing in this way. and his denunciation of the
refusal of members to vote as '-revolutionary."
there was a great laugh upon the Re
publican side, as this was the word which so
many Democrats had hurled at the Speaker.
When the Sneaker first began to give his
reasons, the IVmucrats were very unruly
and coestantly interjected impertinent and
insulting remarks, but later they became
quiet and allowed him to proceed in an or
derly way. When he had finished a number
of Democrats were en their feet asking recog
nition. Mr. I'ayson, of Illinois, was also on
his feet. Mr. Crisp, of Georgia, appealed
from the decision of tbe Chair. The Sieak
ertben recognized Mr. Tayson. who moved
to lay the appeal on the table and demand
ed the previous question.
At this Mr. Crisp got excited and denounc
ed the Speaker's conduct as unfair and un
manly. Mr. Butterworth msnaged to make
himself heard, and he appealed to Mr. Fay
son to withdraw his motion and to allow
the Democrats to be beard. Mr. Butter
worth was vigorously applauded on the
Democratic side, and Mr. Payson complied
and withdrew his motion. Tbe Speaker
recognized Mr. Crisp, who then proceeded to
argue at great length against the ruling
quoting Mr. Blaine and others in supjiort of
bis position.
Mr. Crisp occupied the floor for abont two
hours, after which Mr. Cannon, of Illinois,
replied, and then Mr. Carlisle, who had kept
cool through all the excitement, made a
vigorous speech from a Iemocratic point of
view. He made a thrust at Governor Hill
by declaring that the Republicans propose
to follow the very worst of Democratic pre
siding officers.
Mr. McKinley then took the floor and
moved to adjourn, which was carried.
Colored People Infuriated.
Nicholasville. Ky., Feb. 1. A mob of
infuriated colosed people to-day attempted
to deal out vengeance to one of tbeir color
for violating the graves of their dead. EJ
mund Martin, proprietor of tbe cemetery ia
a prominent and influential citizen, and is a
member of the Board of Trustees of the
town. He has been selling lots for burial
purjxiees for years.
Recently the attorneys for the Richmond
Nicholasville, Irvine & Beattyville Railroad
needed a strip of ground sixty feet wide
through the cemetery fur right of way, and
Martin sold the ground occupied by tbe re
mains of sixty dead bodies without mention
ing the fact to sny of the owners of the lots.
Martin began to remove tbe graves yesterday,
hiring a doen men to do tbe work.
Tbe news spread last night, and this morn
ing tbe workmen were met by an angry mob
of men. women and children, aud stoned
out of the cemetery. For several hours
Maitin's life seemed in imminent danger.
The stockholders of the cemeterv will hold
a meeting to-night aud discuss the matter.
Tbe attorneys forthe railroad have inci eased
heir offers to Martin that be might ap pews
tbe people, but to no purpose?
Be Sure
If yon have nude up your mind to bny
Houd's Sarsaparilla do sot be Induced to Uka
any other. X Boston lady, whose example Is
worthy Unitalon, tells her experience below:
" In one st.ire w'.icro I went to buy Hood's
Sarsarauilla the elcrs. tried to Induce me buy
their own Instead ot Iiood's; tietoldmetlielr's
would last longer; that I might take it on tea
To Get
days' trial; that If I did not like It I need not
pay an)thing, etc But he eoiUd tict prevail
on me to change, I told him I had taken
Iiood's SarsapariHa, knew what It was, was
satisfied with It, and did not waut any other.
When I began taking IlnoC's
I was feeling real nilwra'..:o w:th dvsprrwla,
and so weak that at thac I couid hardly
stand. I looked like a person In eonstrmp.
Uon. Hood's Sarsaparilla did to so much
good tbat I wonder at myself sometimes,
sad my friends frequently speak of If Mas.
Eixa A. Oopf, t Terrace Street, Bostua.
fc:d hj ail dm(rrtM, fl ilz for PI. Ttvt4 Jr
hj C. I. HOOD a eo Apotbmriw. LwU. Mm.
' 100 Doses One Dollar
hr virtue of sundry writ of FI Fs and Iv Fa
fcotied out of txnirt of Common i'lea of Stiro-i-t
Coumv. P,l rxe hi puMic naleat
l Court ll'itt, in KintTKi, l'a., l loclock y.
Bu, on
FRIDAY, FEB'Y 21, 1590,
a1ltlirnght.tltle, Intcrert snd claim of F. A.
Dumer. of. in, and to tt loliowinf doner! bed real . vis X
Ail that part of a certain ! of ground situate
in Mevaixiaie ttorough, ttomwwt County, fa.,
located on tu co.-ner of Lanre M.eet snd
Kn-et, ninna rrum the mui rae to t laufrbarty
creek, mnili.g U feet on Large BJioet, and ex
tondiug bark Month along St to Klaiigbcrty
erek. said original kit So. Xw. ol which weahnre
dcarritird to a part, having tnerooa enacted a two
auxy tram duelling home, etc, with Uh apuur
troanrea. taken In execution as the property of F. A. Do
ner, at the "ill ol Harvey H. IJorkley, Adminis
trator ef kmanuel Uchlj, doe'd.
' '-AL30-
M tbe right, title. Interest snd claim of Vfra.
X. U . Tedruw, of. Is aud to tha teUowlug doscrlb
M real esiate, vis :
A m rutin tract of land situate In Black Twp.,
Some net county, fa., adjoining lands of Harry
Brant. Uearv bi. Anthouy Shoemaker. Valen
tine Uav, aad omen, containing 177 arres snd
allowance, having thereon erected a targe two
stury dwelling boux, baru, stone spring boose,
aud other ouioutiduiin. Fruit, and an abundance
ol water are on the piemiaea, with tbe appurts
nanrea. Taken In execution as the property of Sin. X.
U. Tedrow, at the suit of G. J. Humbert.
All the right, title. Interest and elslm of Luther
A. nunth, ot. to and to the following described
real estate, via :
A certain lot of ground tituate in Meyersdale
Borvugh, Hecnerwl Ctiuuty. I'a . fronting on Cen
tre Klreet 7 feet aud running back IS) teet to lot
of N. ellcer. tbe lot being buunded aud described
a follows : beginning ata point pa t'entie street
at a. lot of Jim. 1). C Meyer, Executrix of l. U.
Meyers, deceased, thence south 7 feet ui an alley
or way, Iheuee east !) leet to lot of V.
Sllrer. tiience north 37 feei to lot of Sire. D. '.
Meyers, theure wont HO feet to Centre street, the
plat of beiriuiiiDg. raid lot being part of a lot
that Waa. Sneer purchased from Mra. f i. :. Mey
era, Kxecutnx of t. C. Meyer, dee'd., by deed
bearing date April I, (Tne alove mention
ed alley ur pawqure w ay to be the joint property
of tbtowuerof this Ita and the owner ol the lot
adjoining, by the order of Wm. Kliceri, having
thereon erected a two suiry brick, inetat-ruofed,
Bieatn -heated printing office, with lioiler, steam
lixiure. su-aui engine, steam power Adams and
other prewea, and other machinery, type. ete.
Taken in execution an the projerty of Luther
A. Mmiih, at the wit of Peter C. Meyers, one of S.
V. Meyers and W. P. Meyers, ct ai.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Len.
Ferrel, of, in and lo the following described real
euate, vis .-
A bonne and lot of emund situate In New On
treville Borough, Soinenet Countv, I'a. fronting
u Main sireet, and bounded by Main Crosat reel
on the eM. atil on the tvt u lots late ol ttie
estate of Jainea M. seutt. with the appurtenance.
Taketi in execution a the property ol lca r er-
rei, at the un ol jsmca rerrei.
All the rhtht, title, interest and claim of Jacob
It. Casrell'erry. ol, in aud to tae following de-
wnin.ii reaiuHtaie. vix :
VT - A tract of land situate in Elkliek
1,u" Towiuthip. Sornervet County. I'a.
warranted iu the name of fcn" Corey, containing
lour nuuorea ana twenty-lour acre, striet meas
ure, bounded as Iiillo" s. Tlx :
Hegmning at a black oak in the line nf land of
Chew wticox s " iveitroOlaoe. thence extend
ing south two hundred and sixty aud live i.-nths
ii.5i perehea to a aaatafraa, Iheuee easniong
laaa ol ttemey Moore two hundred anil sixty
perehea and live-tenth ( .o..i to a service, thence
north along Uudaof Howard Mareh two hundred
and sixty aud .Vio pen-he aud toerriee thence
wet aluiig land of Tbomaa Corey, Junior, two
nuntirea aua sixty iiercueaana hve-temtu (2ti0.o)
lo a biaci oak . the place of beginning.
N' A tract of land niluate in Elkliek
f Township, warranted in the name
of Martin Me)erfor ninuell aud iu tm-l for him
self and levi W,herberKcr, cannoning four
nunoreo aim iweiny-;our acres, atrict meaaore,
bounded an ftillowa;
Hcgiuuiiig at nujtiea. thence by John and Thos.
Comy, aoiiihoiiecetrreeWwt is. " vf ) three hun
dred and aixir-nve perche to a t.wt. rtotith
eighty nine degree Wei (is. sf w I tiliy-two per
clie to lynii, ieuih one ihgiee eM H. 1 W.)
fifty two perche l."i.'i iM-iehe to stone. Tiience
by Mo-e'harey, .North Ki degree Wet(N. Ss"
W.) one hundred and ninety (19o) pen-hea to
stone. North one degree Eat (S. 1 E.I lifty two
tbj) perche in port. North eighty-nine degrees
wm i 'y n . t two nuunred and nitv tnree per
che CSd) lo pent, thence by land of Martin Mey
er North one degree Kant (N. 1 K.I two hundred
and forty-two (J42I perehea to port. South sixty
three deicree Kat iS E I Iweutv-nine (."n per
ches to alone. North aeveuty-fotir e'egrees tS. 74
W.) ten perehe lo punt i-mu aixteen dejire-
tat !S. It." r. rony perche- to stnne. South ehzh
ty nine degrees tat S. sw K ) thirty-three per-
cnea to sumes. jvhiui nitieteen dertee haitia
IV F. ) twenty-seven i7i pen-he to poplar I henee
by Minion elihart' houth ten degree Vet (K. 1U
lone bundled and lortypiche to Mone,
rouin nny tieyree r-t i. rur t. nwenty ( Jin r
ehe tuuit, South eighty-nine decree Kant iS.
tm E.I one hundred and seventy four pen-he Iu
tiircu. .nrtn nxteen nil oue halt decrees l-art
I.N. HiV- K I filly one Ml perches to a cheMrmi.
North twelve and on--half degree Laat (N. t'-1
F-l two hundred and ninety (ii perche lo a
Jam, fconn eignty degree r-ai in. SU" It.) tighlv
our perche Ui place of bek-luning.
V- A tract of land situate in Adtlon
iU. . Tnwnablp. warranted in the name
of June Kiddie, containing lour hundred mid
twenty-lour acres, tn1 nieaaurv, bjunded as fol
low, vit :
Hegiuning at mnes, thence North one-hslf de
gree hart (S. " K ) two hundred and evemv
nine perehe-4 u pol, theni-e North eigiity-uiite
and oue-half degree Wert I S. siii,o W.) flve hun
dred and thlrt pert-lie" cVmi tea port. 8llh one
half dearee 4 is!. j W.) aixty-four aud Bve-
teutna in a-ioi pen-nea v pot, tnenee ny land
arrauted in the name of Vt llliani hell. Honth
eigbtr-nine aii-1 onehalf decree Eat (.
K.I three hundred and eiirhiy-lhrve iJsh perrhe
to a t. Honth one-half dt-a-reea W wt S. W )
two nunureu auo niteea (.i-M perclie lo a poal,
theiu-e hy laud warranted in the name ofjo-lah
twrey x-nith ei;hly-iiin and a half degrve East
(S. f E.) uie buiidrvt and funy-aTeu perches
to the plat of beirintimg
XJ. . A tract of land In the name of Wll-
aw. n. hainCoreyeonlaiiilngrMirhiiiidied
snd twi-niy-fHir acre. tri-t menure, aituaUl in
Elkllcs Towm-h p. boundnl a follow, rii :
Hetrlniiing at a Ijk-iih. thence ly laud of Leon
ard Man h. West Iwo hundred aud nixty and five-
tenth perche (H .VIOi to a rnrice corner of
h.tio O'lvy. tnenee by land ol Thoma. North two
hundred and txty and five-tenth perche villi
to a white oak, thence by Jwiah I'orev tt two
hundred and alxty and rive P-ntb i jko .VIOi per
che lo Mone. and thence by land of Jatne Co
rey anc Eno Mire. Mouth two hundred and ix-
ty and bve-u?uths J! - (ij pen he lo phux- of be
g'nniiig. VT- A tract nf land ti uatr In Addison
i.U. Townahip. in the name
of William liell, containing four bundreil and
tweniy liAiracrea, strict meaure, boundeil as 101
low, via :
Hekinnlng at a rot ou the lineofjame Rbldle.
theme by Joiah tUirey Houth thirty-lour degrees
reu, lone nunoren ami Mxty-mx p-r-ehestWS)
rrchi-toa pmt, Kauh nine di-gree
W(t oi. -Z3 W.i ote hnndntl pen-he to a irt.
formerly a bin-h thenee by TbouiaaCmrey North
etgh'viiliie and a half decree We-4 (V. w I
eiKlitv tierehe" loa bin-h North nine degree East
t S. E I one hundred (len-ms- lo s it, thence
by " Negro tilade " North thlrtv-finir decrees
East (N l E i one hundred and sixtr foor i-r-
rne 1 in ion-. ,orn nily-lx neirree Yiet
(. V .) two Hundred and twenty three pen h
extoatorte. thelu-e ty lands of Nancy K. Cherv
North thirtr-fiurd.irree Eat iS 'M E.I fifty I'ih
pen-be to shine. Nort'i eiifhiy-nlne and a half
degree vei i. -," n.i iwn nund-ed and lx
pen-lies to ie.1 oak. thea'-e hy John MH.1nlnrk,
Ninth forty-live degrees East f.. 4-V1 E I tlxtv-
Ihree (M) perche to a pmt. Nih forty five de
gree Wet S. VP W.i flfteen HSi perche' toa r""t
ssilh eighty-ui lie and oiie-haifh-trrer Ea-l
E ) three hundred and eighty-three iWi pen he
lo a poi. souin one-nan detm-e West (S. ', W.)
Iwo hundred and eighteen riii pen-he to a pot.
South eighlv-ntneand a half degree East 'S. mii.,
E. i twenty-uine per hi-s to place of beginning.
Mr r The nmlivided ne-foanh part in-
u- terest or share of a tract of laid In
Eiklirk Township, warranted In the name of Jo
lah Corey, containing four hnndred and Iwentv
five and a quarter acre, 4iVt) strict measure,
bounded a follow, vit :
Hvlnning at tone. thence liy land nf James
ami Kolwrl Cay, and James Chary, North KI7
ten-he MI7i pen-he lo nones, thence by James
Itiddle West owe hundred and elghty-eveti i.h7
pen-h- Ui stiHiea. llu-noe hy Wllhani Bell Hth
thirty-four deerees We it. M W one hundred
and fixty pen-he to rtrtie. Mouth nine degrees
' 18. s W.) e hundn-d perch- to a hln-h,
theuce by Thoma Corey East on hundml and
tiny-two HWl pen-he to a mst. Houth eighty lx
perche h a post, thence by Wiliiara Cor,-y East
one hundred and eight perches to stones, the place
of beginning.
V-, m The undivided one fourth part In
. teret or share in a tract of land sit
uated in Elkliek Township, containing four hun
dred and thirty-nine sere tSin and one hundred
snd lorty pen-he, strict measure, warranted in
the name of Thomas Corey, and bounded as fol
low, vir. :
Beginning at a service, thence by William Co
rey North Iwo hundred and alxly-flve and five
tenth i'J 6-ltu perches to spinas, theni-e East one
hundred and fifty-two 1.'!) perches thence
bv Josiah t'orev North elghty-lx ) per
ches to a pout. Wert one hundred and eigtilv
foar( 18s) pen-he to a bin-h. thence by Chew 'A
Wilcox - )m l ove" South aeventv-four degrees
West . 7i W.i seventy-one 171 pen-he to a
chestnut. South sixteen degrees West (S. 16 W.)
two hundred and twenty-eirht perche Pi a pon,
Bonth seventy nine degrw West IS. 7S w. i ,ne
hnmlrrd pen-he to a chestnut, Houth eighty 'eight
andone tenth is l-lti pen-he to a Mark oak, and
thenee by Eoo Ciwev eat twohnndred and lxiy
live snd live tenth t Jt j-10, pen-he to place of be
ginning. Vn O The undivided one fourth )!.ilnter
O. -t, part or share of a tract of land
sltust-d in Elkliek Township, containing four
hundred and thirty five I!'. I seres and twenty
(in torches, strict measure, warranted In the
name of James Corey, and bounded as follows -
beginning at a w hile onk. thenee by Ewai Co
rey West two hundred and twenty-four ci"4j per
ches to a pine, thenee by Thomas c-ev North
two hundred and e'ghty pen hes toa post,' thence
by Hubert Corey East tw.a hundred and ixty and
hve tenth ' Jil.VIo perche to aspnice pine, thence
hv Kalph Char -y Koutb one hundred and ninety
(1M0I s?n-h to a piatt, theivw by Elx-neser tirif
fiih Wert thirty six pen-he to a maple. South
ninety 'Mi rerchc to the place of beginning.
Jn n A tract of land airaate In Addlaoa
' u' y- Townhip warranled in the name
of Martin Meyer for himself and in trust for him
self and 1-evt WotfenTOtyer, containing Iwo
hundred and seventy-one and a hall 171 acres
and allowance hounded a follow to wit. Hegin
nlngalaptan thence Mouth thiee degree ,ik;P
E. i Iwo hundred and thirty-eight ) 2 ) perches,
thence booth eighty-nine degrees East ( s E )
tweutv -four perche lo ; Hit-, thence Nonh six
degrees West ( N. W. ) forty-three 48 ) pen-hea
Pi a post, thence North torty-two degree East
I N. i E. ) forty four perches to a spruce pine,
thence South nrty-three decrees East ( 8. S3" K.
f.irty eight perches to a birch thence Nfirth fortv
e'ght degrees East ( N. tS E. ) sixty live perehea
toa bin-h, thenee North lorty four and a half
degree West ( N. W ) one faundred and six
teen perrhe to a binJt, thenee Houth thiny de
grees West i 8. HP w. ) one hundn-d and twenty
pen-be tl'JO ) to a post, thence Houth fifty nine
and a lailf degree West ( S. f W. ) seventy
IweHl ) perehea. thence North eighty nine de
grees West ( N. Si3 W. ) forty tlx perches to a post
thence South twenty Slid a half degrees West
( a. I"V W. ) one hundred aad six perche I too )
to a chestnut, thence South aixty degrees East
(S caS5 B.)aity 160) perehea, thenee Mmith elev
en degrees East ( t. II-1 K ) fifty four and five
tenth ( iHVlOi perche thenee North eigblv lair
degrees West I N. M W . I tweulv six and live
tenth ( 2B.Vlft) perche thence Sonth six degree
W4 OS. W. I thirty ihree i St ) pert-he to stones,
thenee South twenty nine and a half degrees East,
t 8 irnS"5 ) Arty nine .is I perches, thsnee North
fifty six degrees East iX.IPt thirteen and five
tenth t IS 4-10 ) perche, seventy three ( 73 ) perch
es Pa pot. tbe plaee of beginnirg hounded bv
lamia of Meyers, Woilensperiter aud John McLin
toefc. v. Trt A t-act of land aitiuoe In Addison
ISO. IU. Town-trip. warrsnteiiuthenme
nfMsn'n Mever iiarhimseil. and hi tnii for him
self and Levi Wolen-;rrgt-r. eotitsitilng four liun-dn-i
ani live and one iiarter ( acres and
aiinuatx-e. bounded as loilotr. vis :
Beginning at Mones. thence by land ef Peter
Met ers, !outh .xtv three degree Ea-l (S. :! E )
iwo hundred etui fifty ev n perches, thence
Siaitb one degree T.-t ff. 1 W.i two hundred
and forty two -rchesi! by land of Martin Mey
ers, thence North elehtv nine degrees West i H.W
W.i two hundrel and lirirty-one i21l i percres by
land of Iwiuel Wvnd U) a pot. Ihence North
one degree bat i". I6 K.) three hundred and fif
ty lour tJMj perches lo stone, the place of be-a-'inniuc.
" it ' , . A tract of land altuste In Addlm
1L. II. Townhlp. warranted iu Hie nsme
of Martin Meyer. jr himself and in lrul or him
self and Levi Wullersperger. containing f-mr hun
dred and eight and a .juatter " I -li atra aud
allows nee. iHMinded a loliow. vis :
iter inning at a josi, tlieni-e along land nf Mar
tin Mey ers, North one degree Kat N f E.i three
hundted and any four perehea to atooes, thence
Pouth eighty two degrees W est '9. a-jo W.) eigh y
Serches 0 to tones, thenee bouih tony eight
egreea Wot (S. se W.I seventy seven perches
:77i ttistonea. thence South lorty four and .. half
dei.rea Vet (8. a,vo w.i perche. thence
North forty nineand half degree West (V
W.I sixty two perches to stones, thence North
eighty nine degree West iX. sa deg. W.i thlrty
flve perches ".;lo s post, thence along the land
of Martin Meveis Booth three deTee East (u.
E.) two hundred and forty live pen-he lo V"l,
thence South eighty nine degree West '8. SS W )
two hundred and foery seven (27) perches K)iif
the land of Issnie Weyand lo the place of ln
clnnttig, with the appurtenance.
Takeu In execution as the pnperty of .f soob R.
Oaaselberrv. at the suit of Cornelias Berkley and
fnr use of Krk-k ai Co.. imiw tlx- EP5 4t Lauriat,
Cha. 1. Harriwu in J Butan C Wltu
All the right, title. Interest and claim of H. B.
Iianie.1. of, in, aud lo the following described
real estate, vil :
A certain tract of land situate in Lower Tur
keyfoot Twp .Somerset lx. fa. adjoining land of
Noah Hcoti, J. B. Hsmed, Mrs. Mary IieH. I'pton,
and others, containing 7ii acres, more or )es,
having thereon erected a two story frame dwell
ing house, stable and other outbuildings.
Taken in execution as the pniperly of H. B.
Harried, at the suit of L. 1. Bcott's use.
All persons purchasing at the above sale will
please lake notice thai a part of the pun-hase
niouev to lie made known at ihe time cf the
sale will I; reuuin-d as soon as the pnipertv is
kms-ked down, otherwise it will again be expos
ed to sale at the risk of the first pun-baer. t he
residue of the purchase money must he pnld on
or before Thursday of the first week of February
term if Court, the time fixed by tbe Court hir se
cur ng the acknowledgment of deed, and no
deed will be acknowledged until the puichaae
money is paid iu fuU.
Sheriffs Office. R. S. McMILLEN,
Jan. . 1SU0. ( tihariir.
Wiieskas, The Honorable William J.BasrU
President Judge of the several Courts of Cotuino
Pleas of the several counties composing the li'.lh
Judicial liistrict, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer
and Tenniner and Oncral Jail Iielivery, for the
trial of all capital and other otlenders -in ttie said
District, and liEonuxAV. jn.E and olives P. Sha-
vsk, Vmi'k .Judges of the CourtsofCnimon Pleas
and Justices Ol llie courts Ol iij-er anu lenniuer
and Ueneral Jail Iielivery for the trial of all capi
tal and other offenders in ttie County of Somerset
have Issued their precepts, and to me directed,
for holding a Court of Common Pleas and (ieueral
Quarter Sessions of the Peace and (ieiicral Jail
Iielivery, and Courts of Oyer aud Terminer at
Somerset, on
MONDAY, FEB. 24, 1890.
Notice is hereby given to all the Justices of the
Peace, the Coroner and Constables withiu the
said County of Somerset, that they be then ad
there in tlie'ir proper persons with their mils, rec
ords, inquisition, examinations and other re
membrances, to do those things which to their
onire and in that behair appertain lo ne done,
aud alM they who will pnisecute against the pris
oners that are or shall lie in the tail of Somerset
Couuty, to be then and there lo prosecute against
them as snail neiusi.
Shkrikk s Uftick, 1 K. S. McMII.LF.N,
Jau. , l!MI. Sheriff.
Notice 1 hereby given to all persons concern
ed ai legatees, cn-dilors or otherwise, thai the
following a'-comil have passed regii-ter. aud that
the same will be pn-sented for confirmation and
allowance at an Orphan' Court to 1 held at
Somerset ou Wednesday. February is?) :
Account of Marganrtta McClarran and A. O.
Kimniel, AdinliitstraUH of Edward KiiuiikI de
ceased. Second and final account of IMnlel Hoffman,
one of the Executors of Jixeph Hoffman deceased.
FiiMt and final account of Wm. llauger and
Jacob J. Brant, Executors ol Henry U. loli-man,
First and final account of John TT. Pnyder, and
William statlcr. Executor of Sarah Pearson, de
ceased. Account of Phillo H. Walker, Administrator
and Trustee nf Henry Nedmw. deeeaw-d.
Fim and final sci-ount of Alexander Snyder,
Administrator of Boben 8 liner, i eceased.
Register' tlfflte. I J. P. SW ANK.
January . 11. j
Farmers' Union Association,
Somerset County, Pa.,
For the Year Ending Dec-. 31, '89,
So. of policies in f.iree II
Am'tof tn subject to assessment... t I.Ms.TW 00
Pro rata of assvam't during year.... I will.
Resources of Co. tier M. "SS tlssa n
during W S.lhi'1 -Jl ill 1.1 SH
Am't of loa during year lss.i .. 17tr M
"due liw all other exiense sir
the year, including oihccrepay
Commisshai and Exoneral'ns 4Tn $4
Am i adjusted lor hneea ia the
year lw7 . W" 00 92
Resources in excesw. .......- I 7-t; SA
RecelpU Daring tbe YcarlSSS
Rec'd on assessments...
for membership
Balance iu Treasury of IS.-....
..tiwd w
.. 17C- tr
... 6
.$fl!r2 68
Disbursements Darin;; the Year
Pah. Admrs. of the estate of Jo.
ITewler. dee'd. ain t
lor lo in the year S7 .. I 105 00
Paid Nu-holns Berkey in full ol
damage 30 is
Paid Jonas KonieshurK. iu full of
tlainage - '"I
I'd Juo. Miller. ID full of damage. 7 io
Paid Ovrnrliu linrkhol ler. in
full ofdamsge -.. S l.
Paul llltain P. Walker, In full of
Insurance - I,) oil
Paid Alex Countryman, lit full
ol Insurance -Vi5 00
Paid liavid bowman, arrears of
Insurance 1" So
Paid U. i Brubaker. Sec yssalr'y
.. .. m .. extra services Iu on
E. J. WalkiT. Tree, salaty.... an IM
Philip Hav. Hreldent's pav.. .. s oi
Paid S P. Friti, Vl-e Prels pay,... m
' din-etor for services 4- "I
" Jac Swanzendrularr, ailjust-
ing losses .-. 1 no
Paid for Issika. stare. Ac tl 4.r
nsim rent, printing. Ac. ss 'si
Alty fees Joa. Tressler suit U 3Xt S7
Balance In Treasury.. 131 SI
Kesonrces December. 31, 1SS9.
Amount in Trvanry
tUI 1
tili 10
Ouutaiutiug ou Implicates...
Total resources Decomber 31, ltsy
1743 90
) auce on Contents.
Viitniw of nollelM In foree IS"'
Am i of Ins. subject to assessment siso.Iii 50
IU'.. due Treas. at setllcmeat of '8t...S67 00
Disbursements Darin the Year 18S9.
Paid Henry O. Hay. ret policy fee... fiO
- Jno Miller, damage to carpet tc tui
" 1 1. J. Bmtsiker. H.?ev salary. 15 ll
" E. J. Walker, Treasurer's 1 SO
tag SO
Receipts Durlag tbe Year '8i.
Rec'd ft Policy Ice U 50 50
Balance due Treasurer o7 OU
PHI 1.1 V HAY, President.
In VI. J. HKl "litKKIl, Sec'v
EPH. J. WALKER, Treasurer.
Estate of Iew1s Keiser, dee'd, late of Quemahoa-
ing Twp.. Somerset County, Pa.
Letter vf Adininslration on the above est at
having been grauted to the umierahrned hy tb i
proper authoritv, notice ia hereby given loa I
person indebted to aaid estate to make immedi
ate payment, aud those having claims against
me same win present mem amy auinenucated
for settlement on or before Tuesday, the lllh
day of Man-b, is-), at the resldenceof the Admin
istrator in tluemaboning Towmhlp. l' -shavek,
an29 Administtwior.
Edtale of AmanlasGarletts, deceased, late of Elk
Lick Twp., Somerset Co. I'a.
Ix-tler of administralion having been granted
to the nniierntgned hy the proper author ty, no
tice t hereby given to all persons indebted u said
estate to make Immediate payment, and those
having claims against tbe same to present thera
duly authentibated lor settlement ..n Saturday,
the Stb day of February. at the late resi
dence of deceased. JOEL M. YTTZV,
janl-'sa Administrator.
Estate of John W. Flay, late of Jefferson Towa-
hip. Somerset Connty. Pa.
Letters of admin iviraiiim on th..lviaM(.i.l..
Ing been granted to the nndersia-nert hv tl,
authority, notice Is hereby given lo ail persona
Indebted to aaid estate to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims against the same
win preacm mem amy autnentlcated for settle
ment on or betore Friday. Feb'y It, ISiO. at the
nondence of the administrator in said tou nskiu.
PETtR r. HHAI I ia
J. H. Cbl, Att y. Adialoistrator.
Receipts and Expenditures of Somerset County, Pa., from thn First Monday of
January, 1889, to the First Monday of January, 1893.
GEORGE J. BLACK, Ees., Treasurer of Somerset County, Ta.,
in Account with tbe County of Somerset :
Taxes Received from Collectors of State and County Rates for the
. a .: - years 1885, 18S7,
Amount received. . j
Addison towxstiip. '..
jAilegneny township.
; Berlin borooga .
iBrotuersvalley tuwuship.. ..
jbiao UiwusUip
iCOUelna uH tusrasalp
Couaueucc uurui gH i
ikln-k borougn
.Oreeuvule luauship.. .......
jeUersou townatnp
'Jeuueiluwu borough
'Jeuuer lowusaip.
I Larmier Pmusuip
i Lower Turkey tool township,
jneyeisdaie borough
Mioillecreek lowuohip......
Milioru township
'New Baltimore borough.....
Morthaniplon luwusnip
, 'es Cenirevilie borough....
, Ogle low uship
i'ulilt UiwusUip
, ;tueniadmiing township
ikOeiiwi.sjd borough
, Mlistiui j buruugn
Ibhade lownsiilp.
. jSouierset botougu......
Somerset lowiuutip
, ssjtituaiupton towusnlp
Mionycreek lowusuip
I Charles VcMillea ,
Henry Oorsey
S Jauoh J. Z iro
4 A. O. KliUiuel
Alexander ouyder....
5 Isaac Yoder.
I I A. i. Burgess
hi Abraham Lowry......
Frederick Uurr
1 A. H. Kubluiaa
ll ltulus Kauch
1 John L. eipe....
U utpi Lorenis
is-O. U. Aukeny
14 Jonn C. Mostetler
lfiijere. Whipkev,
1' Alex. tl. Atarkle
i U. U. VVenier
1 H. B. Puorbaugo.
John Li. surder
si M. F. Allison
A. U. Weaver
J Juhu U. Aukeny
A. Hsriaeii
H. Kidner
si' Pearson Ling
X' lN. B. .Mcurnf
ls.J. Fox
J. H. Baker
isi naiuuel Laintssru
aljCBae. W. Pugs
S'!N. J. KreU-liuisn
Ll'. Wllluuua.
;i. J. .Miller,
Peter Kueireim
Frank &. MitclielL....
i Joun Triplelt
ojJOIIU hlltlu
i B. J. Bowniau.
eoioliver cntcimeld....
ai Isaac Yoder
.;Jo0U hiahton ........
sUerenuati J. Fulk
,h'ieuerick Uurr
-A. H. kualiuau
a H. W. atoary
1 John L hipe
Harry Huiiell
J. o. Kregsr
aoijohn Jl. ualea
n.viichael Anael .
"i W. J. hlliuuel
"ol". J.
X George ii. Klluian....
aj jisiepa .-echler
o M. K. Alllaou
Its. berkey
" Jnliu ii. Aukeny
wiAlired Kvaus
"I A. B. Newman
ML. M. Laiulsjru
Alexander Huston. .s.
- llarrwou tiohu
MjMuuou BlubauKh
" s.ilnue. Laiulwrl.
s Aaruu hUaOer
0IAarott Culier
o S. J. Bioucher
4. W. Lennait
e, Peter kneireiui..
Mtoysiow'U isirwigH
uuiunt towusaip.
( pper 'larkeyioot township.
t rstiia horuugh
Vt elleraiairg ooroilh
Addison town&aip.
Ai:li..iiv tosoihiiln.
I Benin oorotlgll
I Bt'utiiersvaliey tow nan p....
jBlack towusuip.
lOHieluaugn lowusllip
ic'ouiiuence borough
kisiick towustnp..i
ureeuvliie lowusidu..........
IJetteiaou lowusitip
Jeuueiniwn borough
Jeuner lowuslnp.. ...... ....
I Larimer lownauip
i uiwer Tutkeyloot lowusnip.
Meyersdale oorouan
tidulecreek townaiup.
Msfurd lowuauip
New Bailiiuore uorougli
.Nifiltiampuiu towusnip
New cenirevilie borough....
ugle township ,
Paml lowuauip. .............
jtueuiahuuiug lowuslnp
i.oek wood iiui otigh ..........
.balwoury iNirotigu
Mia-ie towusnip.
Somerset borough.
aomersel t'jwusiup
Sjuiiiauiplon lowuslnp
Mtonycreek towusnip
.SIoatuwu Uorifugli
NllUUllI tOWUstllp
t'pper Turkeyloot ujwusnip.
Lriua boraigh
Wehersburg isjrotigh
Total taxes
;) -
Amount of Special Tax carried 10 right
county " "
Redemption unmey on nuseated lanila, At-., see Uu loin. Ledger.
Lasit uu order Sia. ss of
t ernjr,
" for fuel and light from Prof. Case ". " "
143 A-18 bu. coal at els. per bushel " " " "
Cash on Amos Pietcuer note " "
Borrowed order iiii of 1889 " "
78 bu. coal al Jt ceuta per bushel " " " '
Cash on old ormge strucluie al nuanksville, ' "
" " uuseateu lands, e., " " "
IteileiU.tlon m mey ou O. Hiieshew lands, Ac. "
- unsealed " " ' " "
Cash fi Due of 8. P. Bweuxer, " "
" Jesse Baugnman, ' "
'' AOrahaiu .iiiuliz. " "
" Received on ileury ilouaeieil's bonds, ' " " "
lor hue of hd. Hoover, " " "
Amount Couuty tax leeeiveu on unseated lan Js for the year lw.
" .XUOOI " " "
i. Koail " i. i,.
" ol Judgment .No. 1 7a, February Tt rui,
M Jtecelveii ou tavern Licenses ,
Total amount received..-
. '
VI, '
To P.alanre due louaiy 'j'reasurer, G'-o. J. Biaek.
1 By am'L of orders from year lsl, paid, yix :
M "-- cuuul cai'riei'S
" JviS - 44 " Special election
- " " onil.c ties
44 i ouuiKMiweallh uoats....
lueciiou expenses.
I uaugiug eiec. ion place.
""- ,at. .Asaensul'a pay
" . "
Buivcy Twp. hue
.'' huad Haulage
paid fur Assessors and Assistant Assessor pat
Fs a aud cost m criminal cases
Vtewa ou roada and ifrmgcs
'1 ipatavea aaiaxy
' o-uuly .''mmisslouers saiary, via : U. Wagner
- -
ItniMinff new lrtIires
H?pir u oniies
luqUrtMatisis ucaui btstlitf...
t'ttuttuf stud Miivvntttiug :
rtl u
sal u
4j -1.1
1 u
Ml M
.' M
- UMiniiurc al
H -oril
" Muudard
" .... 'lii-.ea
Election expenses
iCepatrs to lue Vours-llouae
lo i. iMi-iuissiirtiers' Clerk A. J. Illlemau
lor Courw-rier's aalsry
.. Jandor'a wages
cousiaiiiea leea ami reiurua..
Jury-commiatHimeis aaiary
- " cieik salary
Mtatlonary and petitage
bent ul roouia fur uoeling Appeala
" hecurua
pay and mileage ol liraudJuiors
- - i rut-erae "
s.cuographeira salary
t lo itoardol Couuty Auditors at lormer setiiemruL
Attorney to Board ol County Audimrs at lormer seitiriueul.
liar Itistd damages ....
" rnel
Keeping insane at West Peuu a. uospitai
riale l.uiiali-j luui
Boarding of Jurors
l;ilti Alloruev a fees
hit tsr uses at I'euu a. belotin sicbisiL
hiaie tax on Counly lUdeiiiedueaa
Overpaid taxes
Buruu tl aoluiers
Jail Kxpeuaea
Money relunded ou unsealed lauds
AUdlliUg puohc tu-couuta
Cleauiog taillla
iiriAige luspeciiod
'leacuers couuiy Institute
saury of louuunulouer' Aiioruey
Bono rein-emed
court House axpeusea
Jail waiuuuiau
k.xpeuses at Western Peultcutiary
Fieight and espreanage
Clera al couiHttatiuu court
c-ouuuiaiioucra aaveilug exis-nsea
keiHsi aervtuta al Jail......
44 Livery Dire
Cnaiu earners
K. a. ktcauleu. Srierilf Iee
ii. J. lloruer, leea
cenitjiug m.Ht. c, J. u. tf jut, Iter ir ler
- Judg'l fcc, l. J. Huruer, r-rotny
of 8, lio l and roa.i tx p d iwjm. ail I o-itj uu u.s. U celt.
' -
4Al M
41 s
AMj as
tl u
kj a
4sl M
7 u
Hi "
ol i
JUusseliuan luud
tinier No. i lor l o IT House luud
- reaurer's I'ouiniisston uu k7t.co3.4ii at k.Si per ceitL.
of balance due uie I'ouuly iy lite '1 leasurer
lotul credits
hi '
Sl '
J. IIUIINEII, Esq., I'rothonotary etc;, of Stiuursc County,
l'uiiiinylvunia iu iiccount with the County ot Somerset.
1 To amouutof Jury fees A Hues received Items No. 1 to 43 inclusive...
k charged on County Comuusatoner'a Ledger are page
4 44 " rejei-ted Hems by Ihe County commissioners.
A in aitditiua la carrying out iotai .
tt "order .No, ul !
1 By Bill of fees due him a Prothrn tary Item N.i. I to 7s In -lusive
5 44 44 44 44 L lerk ol yuarter Neton iteina No. i toA4....
k 44 44 44 44 " 44 44 cjcr A Terminer I to 31
RS. McMILLEX, Sheriffof Somerset County, lViinsylva-
nia, in account with the County of Somerset.
1 To amount of Jury fees received see pff3 T of Bill
..-. Hem not allowed in bill
S " order No. ITS of IMsk
4 44 44 -iI 44 1
1 By Boarding, Washing A Turnkey fees ee Bill page IAI.
k Drawing Nuuuntulug Juror Ac, 44 44 4 - 3 4
5 amount ul account certiUeJ bf Prothonotary " A AS.
Indebtedness of Somerset County Pennsylvania
on the 6th day of January, A. D. 1889 :
I Amount of Orders for 114 unpaid.
I tss7 -
k lssl .
4 44 1SS .'
Bonds to the amount nf t30.Ouu.9S to tlefray the
and put upon the market, of which amount $4.Sou
We the undersigned Auditors of tbe Connty of Somerset, in the CommonwenlHi of
Pennsylvania, do certify that in pursuance
Act relating to Counties and TowusbitM.
at tbe sent of Justice in the Connty of (Somerset, oo Ihe SthMnr of J jinurr A. n H'Mt
and after being dalj sworn, did audit, settle nud adjust tbe several iccouois retitired by
agreeably to tbe several Acts of Assembly aud stiptileuients thereto, accord intr Id the IismI
of onr judgment and ability, and tbe foregoing Accounts viz :
Oeorge J. lilack. Esq.. Treiurarer of said Couuty with tbe Connty of Somerset ; .
D. J. Homer. Esq.. I'rothonotary Jfcc. of siid connty with said couuty of Somerset.
R. 8. McUillen. Est).. Sheriff of aaid Couutv. with the
all for the year ending bib. Jannary, A. D.
Somerset, from Geo. J. Black. Treasurer of
snd forty-two dollar and forty one cents.
In testimony whereof we have hereunto
ruary 18J0.
Attest :
J. A. Bain,
Von. The indebtedness of the County
been paid.
18S8 ani 1833.
Tr.'co. TajtJspec.Tsx! Stats Tax,
1S3 t
ts oo ;
ssi ;
kUi il
a4 ft
lss iui
, iU uj
S44 lai
lus H
vi SI ,
Stat t:
t ri
ti as
41S U
s ;
1 II
fcjo IAI
1 &S
; sej
. 6o
lis 1 I
48 14
ei 4
stt i;
as si!
193 i
as iu!
txi Ui
ili iil
14 63
i Ss
12 93
31 Al
a si
ti AS
a as
IBi 8S
su IT!
13 uul
luu on'
ks; 041
ti Mi
41 M
14 Mi
IT 03
s u:
S 61
1 Mi
4ij :
vm ie
i m
94 H&
ru w
B ta
4AJ so
SiS So
kill i-
III 1.1
til 14
Hi ti
'liuI iki
yuu iw
doi w
kdOS ii
14 b
llJ oil
S. SJ 4
ll'SI im
klS UO
Lsi no
;u tsi
ksue uo
oil 50
ATS ou
it i SI vtl
iiJ U6
4U4 so
in; is
is 0l
lU.4 11
1 .tOj uu
a. a no
IS uu
IU fts
S3 uoi
114 U
as UI
Tl 45
llu uu
t i uo
kJU S4
It 7o!
kf Sil
luu VII
IS 24
A 34
I si
13 AA
8k 35
Ik at
ii lk
n as
i A
1SII uu
la Si
ilk Mi
S.i i
".III sj
S-itf uu;
as uu
tw uu
50 tw
IS uo'
ltfl ul
itu u&
2IA uo
ti tsi
kou uu
v wo
114 it
la uu
m Ak
187 SO
is 51
75 DO
14k 4T
1UI 11
kTk zv
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kS kft
14S US
lis si
US ti
4 k7
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UK) 00
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kuu uul
Ii.' Tt
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li4 s.
Sou uu
;"s u
J uu
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3AU Isi
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ii UU
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9U6 i;
l.Wi 7,
ITmi 11
la uoi
SSt tTi
lil5 00
l.-Si tl
ITuu UO'
1S7 Vi
lU t.i
llsS UU
171 W
Is Ai
kA uu
3u lu
T A kt
:o U0
lu uu
t 4nlM 4k I VT21 47
4k7S 69
Hand voluiuu. . .
klk i
- -
4SIJ4 4k
i is
1 XA
4 us!
6 uu
A Ui!
4 74!
Ss Au!
its Vi'
A To
Aisl Uilj
lliv4 uu
XU I si
i I
.; 10S43 41;
f r Co.nm mwealth eo.s.
A l
1 11;
uui I
3U M
41 71,
k as.
1 M
kk uu
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4A uu
-I7 t
MuU k7
40i M
Ui tu
64A UO,
Sis uo,
; uul
- i.eo. m. a.
C. W. WliiltUUsHJD.
1117 .J
14 Al
aw ;.
4Ts Oilt
1AJ 1B-I
i 50 -
-$1.17 AO
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0 Uil
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2 4s)
114S ii
43UX 47
ku uu
IUiS 44
00 uu
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txu ui
Sl Ail
111 11
1A M
; u;
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xo mi
14 AU
S.I u
kii uu
IAU uu
lkvnsi uu
! .' 37
aVsl 1st
117 41
4k At
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tU 44
4 uu
set uu
ku uu
34s t au
laoi Si
4 Mi
Aol 4U
t.i ad
su Si
S7A3 A
lUMi 41
$ 3,3A
$ S.C M
k SU
lu uo
SU kll
611 lu
S 10-it V9
$ zst i
sa-i su,
173 M $ 10l 1st
I $ 44 nn
I 5i S4
j lOou UU
I llfiiSi
$ 1.121 to' m 40
ftul Ak,
13k U4
!$ 2513 45
$ 1 AO
lil US
I t
$ II Hi
exnenaes of hnildlnir a new J ul h i i,n i.jno.t
o has been sold.
of the 47tu Section of the Art entitled "An
c. passed the Lth day of Auril. 1SJ4. a met
18'.K) aud we find a balance due the Connie ,,f
said Connty, of Ten thousand five-hundred
set our hand and seals this 1st day of Feb-
( 8. IT. SHOBEK. fsiAL-1
- GABRIEL GOOD, seal.1
(junty Auditors.
ss ner last years settlement -)ioh7 r.a i.i.
lo? k
1.--I ki
ltM sA
IM ti
foster & ynxx,
At No. 315 Main Street,
Garnets, Oil Gils, New Dress Ms, k
Having lost our store-building and stock on Clinton Street, e
be pleased to sec our old friend-i in onr new place. We assure them ''
our prices will be the Ionvest.
Loutlier's Drug Store
Main Street, Somerset, Pa.
This'Mcdsl Drug Store
Favorits with People ia Search of
Medicines, Bye Stuffs, Sponges. Trusr
Supporters, Toilet Articles,
Perfumes, &c.
Physicians' PrescripliOBS I Family Becsiji
And a Full Line of Optical
sacn a large assortment au can oe suited.
Always on hand. It is always a pleasure to display our
to intending purchasers, whether they buy
from us or elsewhere.
Wholesale and Retail !
and MpsI t'oiiinlt-le line of 'artx-tinz- and
4'iirtain ever -t-n Writ of New Y-irK. all enlirr
ly oesr dvsiKiis simI 1-olorin.i, wtiii-ii will Le of-
lereil at lowest irn-es.
2.000 Rolls Mojuettes, from $1.10
icr van 1 up.
2,000 Roll-i Wilton Velvets. S.
4,000 Rolls Doily 13 rus so U, 90
C.0O0 Rolls of Tapestry Rrussels,
50 cts. up.
G,f00 rolls Ingrains, 2- cts. up.
Cottage, Ra ami Hemp Carpets.
Oil Cloths. I.inilleems.
I-aco and Turcoman Curtains, Up
holstery (jooiIs, iVC.
DEALERS will do well to irive
u? a call, as we wholesale all goods
at the very lowest Eastern prices,
saving considerable to them in the
matter of freight.
Edward GroGtzinger,
627 and 629
total of Henry J. Fnx tlee'd, late of Sfna-rsf-t
lwi, tfctilltTHet I.O.. 1-a.
Letter t-Lauientanr on the e.lMive etio
baviiiK Ix-en traiitel lo the uii(leri)-tiel l,v ihe
pniper authority, a.l person inil-htrl in iil es
tate are requested to inalie payiiieut. and ihK
harini claims to present them thiiv autheniica
tel for aettlemenl on Satunlav, ihe liih ditt-of
rcnniary, It ail, at lua laie remlt-nct- ol I.
JACUB tl. KIM M hi..
JanO. hxeeutor.
twate of Pr. .?. K. Miller, deoes-a-a. late of Som-
erm-l lloroiiKD, 9ouierel I onutr. Pa.
Itter leatainentarr on the estate of hr J r
Miller, laie of Hnuieraet homnuli ilee'd. havi-ii;
lieen -tranteU ui the nitrlepiianieil, notti-e L hereby
(tien to all peraon Indebted lo raid estate to
mane immediate .aymeiit. aud thou- having
claim. agninn the fame will preent them dulv
authemuated fir at-ltieinent and altouuti.- oh
Hatiirday. Wan h 1. at the resideiu-e of A. J.
t'olboru, Kmi., iu tomer-!, I'a
jaal5. txec-uinx.
Estate of Jainea Kimmell, d-e' d late of Querna-
noDiug; ip !rmert-c in, fa.
Ietter leiamelitary oh th . aUire .-iiai,. hav.
lug been grauted iu the underi--ned by thepro(
e. authority, notice t herehr tiven to n ir-
un Indebted lo nail estate lo make immediate
payment, and lhta-e bavina- claim a.'aiut Ihe
same will preaent them oalv authetiicaiel lor
ne'tlement on Satiirrfajr. the ISM dav of Kebruarv.
ifwu attiie reiKiencvorilie Executor, in Stoyea
towu BoruuiU, r a.
I'AI L B. 81 17 LAG,
. . Executor.
Scott & 0le, Attorueys.
tlateof John Weaver, dee d, late of Taint Twp.,
w-inerei K, I a.
I-ttem tJ lllmitlihtHllfin h. . V . .
haTtna leen rranU-d In the nu,1..rlt,HH K
proper authoritv, notice ia hereby (rven to ail
person Indebted to said entate lo make Iniinedi
ate payment, and thiae having claim or de
mand aealn-t the name will present them dulv
authenticated for eettl-tnen( to the undersigned
Ad-niniiratrix, at the late residence of dc-ea-e.1
In Paint Tnwsiahip. on or b.-fore Th:irwlav, the
i.-iu nay oi -aaicn, i-i
lnS. AtlmiiiUtratrii.
EMala of Joseph Itarron, dee d. late of Somerset
Twnhlp, Sotn-rvt rMinty, pa.
Letter of adinini-tration on the atmveeatate
bavintfbeen rranted to the underslne.i bv the
proper authority, notice i hereby given to all per
nio indebted lo aaid estate lo make immediate
payment and thnee haviur claim asra:ut the
aame Ut present them dale atuhemi. m.l for
aettlementon Satunlav, the Mh dav of february,
lsuu, at tbe late rcsidem-a nf drceaed.
J-"L Administrator.
is Rapidly Bsccsiag afe-!
Goods always on hand. Frr-f
i Reliable Drug Sic?:
When you nead anything in-line
Don't Fail to C'"e Me a Call. Bt
a Craduata of the Philadelphia
I am jrejiiri-il to ti 1 all I'Lysiiians'
Prescriptions and Famify M:
with safety ami aoctirncy. My line J,
is the lur-e ami bot in the Cu'in-y
P1 -!' TTivaa. Tan'l.i ?.
A Aaaalia, a a. it., i a,,. 4
This is the b??t and c!'e:i!t Snap on
market. One trial, ami you iri!! slita:
u-H- it. Remember,
3 Cakes for 25 Cts.
For a
I only ask you to try my lea'lin;: b:j.
Call ami examine my fine line "f
Holiday Goods.
VismiEs Aeway Welcome. B t:i
Ijinguafre spokm. My mutto.
" Purity and Accurae;
Kod-ici-rri lly
Charles Younc
Sucr-8Mor to C. H. Benford,
Persiana Capci
Oq all state, lo 41 We hv? tut nj:0'
so if jou want
Come toon. When a !aly b" f,' r"t"
Atra hn I ape, fiie l inakini"
As the prv-rnt stvlr i Njiiti-1 to :
vin-rMrfMl';e na: ni, Mif Pl,t
tulreti ufl. an.l a iii,i-.t-rti''' ''r4:'
the vcr artmm. vrr-ar. Ju. a
iuiaiI( in i-rii f jh f-!'
nice lor tx. eveninjf
To come down in prii-e. wt-H ;
the top .hell, where they are
ln. to lo . .. n-1"
tt -J tttle to V twori"--
tl t
Oihcr tanraiM-j
w iieu you r
HE &
There ia probably few who ,rea'.i-
moiwamiHiut ol uiotiev anmianv I--'
V. s. Trea-urv on lawh 0
ii'iuon. Are you aware that M h-',h'-Kheny,
Pa., la a larKe nKHrit-'H"" t J
Are you jted a lo nlwii- , .
btiinein trie lii iior line ' I' D', '.,,
you that Max Klein leails them - -..
llet-au.e be ha lomr Miiee '"''"'
vint-iiif the people that be fumi-n ' ',
value. He .ei: ij rear old ', ..
Uni-h, iiverholt, and HimM t ! 1,1
ix mirt n.r Vuo. Hi lver ,"i
coniuetitiiin at I 'i e h iitwrt J"4-'"'; ,
.'0 cent per tiart and unwanl.
lv i- lnr. e'-iid lor h- fr',.,..
complete eataiHe aud do not n-"
youronlerto Max Kleiu, Fe". "
gbeay, I a.